wienerbarnes · 5 years
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 687
Warnings: Fluff
Prompt: “I do care.” (will be bolded)
A/N: soooooo.. this is my first fic. like ever. like EVER. i’ve always read fics and stuff but never really written anything of my own UNTIL NOW. so. yea. i figured i’d play it safe and join a writing challenge for my first fic! this oneshot was written for @sincerelymlg‘s writing challenge! go check them out and check out all the other stuff submitted for her challenge! anywayssssssss oneshot under the cut ;) enjoy!
“I do care. Of course I care! How could you say that?!” “Four seasons! Four seasons, Bucky! You watched four entire seasons of OUR show WITHOUT ME! How could you tell me you care after doing something like THAT?!” “It was an accident!” “How do you watch four whole seasons by ACCIDENT?!”
He thought you were gonna cry. He really did. He didn’t think you would react this way; that it would be such a big deal. But he’s quickly learned that yes. It IS a VERY big deal.
It all started when he let a slight spoiler slip. Small kisses shared on the couch in between whispered details about your days. You brought up a simple thought you had about the show and, in response, he let it slip. He doesn’t even remember what it is that he said, but seeing the confusion in your face morph into anger when the words came out of his mouth, he immediately realized that he, in fact, did NOT remember the episode he left off with you and that he, in fact, was completely and utterly FUCKED. You bombarded him with question after question. ‘Where did you hear that?’ and “Is that theory from online?” and “Bucky, that better just be a dumb theory that your dumb eyes read on your dumb phone.” He felt like a kid being scolded by his mother for pulling on his sister’s pigtails. He felt like he got caught by his father breaking a vase when he knew he wasn’t supposed to be playing catch with Steve inside the house. He felt like a dog being reprimanded by his owner for shitting on the carpet. He knew he looked just as guilty.
He watches his lover pace back and forth across their living room, circle around the coffee table once or twice, even wandering in and out of other rooms, all while quietly mumbling to the air. ‘How could he DO that?’ and ‘I’m the one who introduced him to the show in the first place and THIS is the thanks I get?’ and ‘Where did he even find the time to watch four entire seasons without me?’
He doesn’t dare laugh no matter how amusing it is. The little pout of your plump lips. the slight twitch in your eyebrow. Tips of your ears slightly reddening from annoyance. It almost makes him want to make you angry all the time. But he’s not THAT stupid either.
He creeps up behind you at the kitchen counter where you shuffle and reshuffle through the mail and snakes his arms around your waist, peppering kisses up along your neck and ear, tongue poking through every once in a while and leaving a wet trail on your skin.
“I’m sorry, doll.” He whispers, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “No, you’re not. You suck.” You respond, still upset at your boyfriend, but resolve slowly cracking. “I do suck, baby. I’m sorry.” His arms tighten slightly around your waist. “Yeah. In fact, I’m gonna watch a show without YOU now. That’ll teach you to betray me like that.” Goosebumps pop up across your skin from his presence behind you. “Go for it, love, I don’t know much about any of the kinds of shows that are out there nowadays anyway.” His arm reaches up to brush your hair out of the way to pepper more kisses on your skin but you stop him. “Babe!”
You turn around, cold look in your eyes and lips pouted, and he couldn’t help but smile.
‘Damn him.’ you thought. Here you are trying to be mad at him and here he is giving you literal heart eyes. You knew you weren’t going to stay mad for long. Bucky senses your internal battle with yourself and leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“I’m sorry, dollface.” he whispers, warm breath fanning against your lips. “I guess it’s alright. At least you didn’t watch any of our other shows without me.” you reply, smiling up at him. “Well…” Bucky says, slowly unraveling his arms from around you. “Bucky!”
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littlemarvelfics · 5 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: about 1,800
Warnings: mentions (not graphic) domestic abuse, general punchy violence
A/N: This was a request and also it got tied into two challenges @barnesrogersvstheworld’s with “Are you out of your mind?” and @sincerelymlg’s with “Hush, I’m trying to kiss you.”  Both of them are bolded. Somehow, I wrote the softest paragraph ever and then I lost my damn mind and it got angsty and weird because that’s who I am. @caramara3, I’m sorry this took so long but I hope I still did the request justice! To all the other requests, (eight of you), I have them and I’m working on them. School is out for me and hopefully I’ll be writing a lot more until it picks back up. Anyway! Enjoy!
Steve was woken up as the sun came pouring through the window. His bed was warmer than usual, warmer than it should be and it's all because of you. You and your warmth, both physical and metaphorical make waking up just a little less dreadful. He looked over at you, your hair splayed everywhere, face buried in his pillow. You’re naked from the previous night's activities, your bare back facing him and he doesn't want to wake you up but God, it's impossible not to touch you every moment of every day. He gently runs his fingers down your spine, stopping at your waist where the bedsheet had settled. You groan and shift as he repeats the action, giggling when he dips to kiss your shoulder, his beard tickling you. 
"Good morning beautiful," he mummers as he continues to run his fingers up and down your spine. 
"Mornin' Cap," you sigh, relishing in the way his skin feels against yours. "That's nice, I like the way you touch me." 
Steve hums in acknowledgment, waiting for you to open your eyes and explain yourself finally. It's another moment before you do, breathing deeply as you finally look into his blue eyes. 
"It's nice, gentle… still not used to it, I guess." 
You don't have to say anything else, Steve knows what you're talking about, or rather who. An ex-boyfriend who used to hit you, an ex-boyfriend that Steve promised to beat the shit out of if you ever saw him again. You hadn't told him everything about the relationship, but it was enough. When you started dating Steve, the smallest touch would make you flinch. It was something Steve noticed quickly but didn't comment on- he wasn't going to push you. 
Eventually, you told him. You were staying at Steve's, his arm around your waist as you slept soundly until you weren't anymore, you were clawing at his arm and kicking your legs back, whimpering and crying out until Steve woke you up. The two of you spent the rest of the night sitting up in his bed while you told your story. 
That was nearly three months ago. It hadn't been easy getting to this point, a point where both of you could sleep soundly wrapped around each other. There were still times when you panicked, if Steve touched you when you weren't expecting it, you would yelp and jump away, but things were getting better. 
You looked over at Steve, realizing he was deep in thought. You took your finger and traced it along his clenched jaw. 
"Hey," you whispered. "What's running around that pretty little head of yours?" 
"I hate that he did that to you. That he made someone touching you without malice a rare occasion. I hate it," Steve seethed. 
"I do too," you said, flipping over and situating yourself practically on top of him. "But I can't change it, neither can you. I'm just happy I'm here, with you, in your bed." 
Steve looked over at you, taking in your bedhead and the mascara that had flaked off onto your cheekbones from the night before and kissed your nose. 
"Me too," he mumbled. "We should have a lazy day." 
"Agreed. Isn't everyone going to the bar tonight?" you questioned, recalling that Steve had mentioned it the night before. 
"We should go," you said with a giggle. 
"Or we could stay here. Right here, in this bed. Very naked, in this bed," Steve countered. 
"Nope, we're going out Rogers. If you're lucky, I'll let you buy me a drink." 
After hours at home, snuggling and generally being lazy, you convinced Steve to go out. The two of you walked into the bar, hand in hand, as Steve looked around for his friends. You hadn't spent much time with his fellow Avengers, but you always felt comfortable with them when you did. Steve found them and led you over to them, only dropping your hand to give Bucky a quick hug. You quickly spotted Wanda and shuffled over to her, giving her a hug when you reached her. The two of you sat and chatted for a bit before she excused herself to run to the bathroom. You looked around the bar for a moment before Steve caught your attention, placing your preferred drink in front of you. 
"Hey sweetheart," he murmured, leaning in towards you. "You having a good time?" 
You nodded and kissed him quickly, reassuring him that you were comfortable. 
"Hey, Steve!" Sam called out. 
Steve looked over at you, regret written on his face before you shooed him off. His kissed you once again, tucking your hair behind your ear as he did, and then nodded to Wanda as she approached you once again. 
You and Wanda talked some more, and once your drinks were empty, you offered to go get refills for the two of you. You walked up to the bar, leaning across it to tell the bartender your order. 
"Hey, baby." 
The voice sent chills down your spine. You slowly turned around and faced the man who had spoken, your ex. 
"What are you doing here?" you asked. 
He just shrugged in response before letting his eyes fall to your chest. 
"Looks like you're taking care of yourself. Why don't we get out of here?" he said, taking your wrist in his hand. 
You pulled your wrist free and quickly pushed passed him as he began laughing. While making your way through the crowd back over to Steve, you couldn't help the tears that started to fill your eyes. You walked up to Steve, who was deep in conversation with Bucky before you gripped his shoulder, causing him to turn around. He smiled at you before he realized how upset you were. 
"What's wrong?" he asked urgently, putting his hands on your arms protectively. "Are you okay?" 
You shook your head and sniffled. 
"Can we go home? Please?" 
You could see the concern on both Bucky and Steve's faces, and you looked down at the ground, feeling embarrassed that you were causing a scene. Steve quickly took your hand and kept you close to him, saying something to Bucky before guiding you to the door. 
"Leaving so soon, baby?" your ex said from behind you. 
You froze and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
"You know, it was pretty shitty of you, leaving me like that. Just a note on the table? I think you owe me an apology," he said with a smirk. 
"She doesn't owe you anything," Steve said firmly, turning to face your ex while keeping you behind him protectively. 
"Got yourself a nice little guard dog now?" he teased. 
"Leave," Steve said. "Leave her alone." 
"So this is the guy, huh?" your ex questioned, getting closer to you and Steve. "He taking care of you like I did? Keeping you in your place?" 
Before you could ask Steve to leave again, he was pulling away from you, taking a few steps towards your ex before swinging at him. Steve's right fist connecting with his face, a sickening crack echoing through the bar. Bucky leaped forward, pulling Steve back. 
"He's not worth it!" Bucky yelled. "Go, take your girl home. We'll take care of this mess." 
Steve started to argue, but Bucky cut him off again. 
"Go before you have to explain to the cops why Captain America is getting in bar fights. Take her home," he said, gesturing to you with a smile. "Get outta here." 
Steve nodded and looked to you, offering you his hand and leading you out of the bar. It didn't take long for your fear to give way to fury. Why did Steve start something? You knew your ex, the reason he hit you was that he could never handle himself in an actual fight. He may be a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them. He knew he was outnumbered and by the Avengers no less. He would have walked away, or you could have left. 
You stopped on the sidewalk, and Steve turned to face you. 
"Are you okay?" he asked. 
"Are you out of your mind?!" you yelled. 
"What? What are you talking about?" 
"Why did you hit him?! What good was going to come from that?" 
"Hey," he said, pulling you closer to him. "I-" 
"I mean, you're a grown ass man, right? Children look up to you! You can't just hit people in bars!" you rambled, cutting him off. 
"I know that," he said. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have hit him. Call me old fashioned, but when someone talks about your girl like that, they get what's coming to them. Especially with the way he's treated you before!" 
“I don’t need you to take care of me. I left him all by myself, didn’t I? I don’t need you to walk around punching people for me.”
“I know, I know that. I’m sorry.”
You tried to glare at him, but the admiration in his eyes wore you down quickly. 
“It was pretty satisfying though,” you admitted.
Steve met your eyes and smiled. 
“No more punching though. I’ve had enough of that for a lifetime,” you said.
“Deal,” Steve said seriously. 
"I'm still mad at you," you mumbled. 
Steve looked at you and raised an eyebrow. 
"Okay, maybe not mad," you sighed. "I'm…" 
"Beautiful? Amazing? Hilarious? Perfect?" he said with a smirk. 
You rolled your eyes and continued ranting, even though Steve had pulled you into his arms. 
"'Talks about your girl like that'," you repeated, mocking his earlier statement. "What is this 1942?" 
Steve kissed your cheek, but you just carried on. 
"Next thing I know you'll be telling Bucky' keep ya mitts off my girl!' and taking the old jalopy out for a spin," you said in an exaggerated New York accent. 
"Hush, I'm trying to kiss you," he said with a chuckle. 
You looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He leaned in a kissed you, cupping your face gently as you leaned your body into his. 
"This is the Steve Rogers I love," you said, pulling away from him. "The one that's gentle with his girl." 
He kissed you gently once again before taking your hand and continuing your walk down the street. 
"Should I be telling Bucky to keep his mitts off my girl?" he questioned. 
"Nah, you're the only one with your mitts on me," you said with a grin. “I have an idea though.” 
“You usually do,” Steve said with a grin. 
“Tomorrow, we have a productive day and a punch-free date night.” 
“I’ll agree to the punch-free night, I give no promises for the productive day,” he said with a smirk. 
“Deal,” you said, leaning into Steve’s side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. 
“Deal,” Steve repeated, kissing the top of your head.
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xuxibelle · 5 years
Beauty & the Beast
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Pairing: Caulm Hood x Reader
Word count: 4,060
Warnings: tiny bit of angst if you squint, fluff, mild cursing
Requested: No. This was for @bringmethehorizonandpizza’s writing challenge where I had the prompt “Today has been absolutely terrible.”/“will my hug make it alright?” & @sincerelymlg’s writing challenge where I had the Beauty & the Beast AU. I didn’t do the “typical” fairytale with this AU. I took the thing where Calum doesn’t believe in love anymore and spun that in a modern twist on the AU. I hope it fits for you. 
A/N: In this AU 5SOS are not famous. They do still play music though. Also, this is my first Calum fic, so bare with me lol
Summary: Y/N always has a book in her hand wherever she goes. One day she meets this guy and she can’t get him out of her head. She keeps running into him… They become very quick friends and she learns about his past and the fact that he doesn’t believe in love anymore.
You loved the time you spent at your favorite coffee shop, especially on your days off when you could bring the current book you were reading and spend even more time there. You had your favorite soft chair in a back corner where you could curl your legs underneath you and relax while you read and still be able to watch out the window if you wanted to take a break from reading for a bit. This day was no different, you were curled up in your chair with your book in your lap and a cup of warm hot chocolate beside you while you watched it pouring rain out the window. Once your cup was empty, you went to get a refill.
“Can you make this one to go please?” you asked the barista sweetly as you placed your order. You went to grab your book and jacket while they made your order. After you grab your cup, you begin to make your way towards the door. You grab your umbrella from the stand near the door and turn to make your way out the door. Your foot slips as you turn and you begin to fall, but you never hit the floor as you feel a strong arm wrapping around you causing you to look up.
“Whoa, you okay?” a deep voice asks as he helps you stand up and get your balance back.
“Y-yea, thanks,” you say as you look up to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes looking down at you. You brush your hands against the hem of your shirt, smoothing it out while steadying your nerves. “Sorry to bump into you, slipped on the wet floor. I’m a little accident prone,” you laugh as you feel your face flush slightly.
“‘S alright. As long as you’re okay,” he tells you with a smile. Biting your lip as you watch the dimples appear on his face, you nod your head and thank him again before you walk out the door. Over the next couple of days, you couldn’t stop thinking about those eyes… Monday it rained again so on Tuesday, you decided to take your lunch to the park across the road from your work. You spread your blanket out and sat out in the sun as you eat your lunch and read your book. You were so entranced in your book you didn’t notice the dog running towards you until he jumped in your lap.
“Well, hey there buddy…” you laughed as you pet the little guy curling up on your lap. He smiled up at you when you began scratching behind his ears. “Where’d you come from, huh? I’m sure someone is looking for you,” you tell him as you look around.
“Duke!” you hear a familiar voice yelling as you look around to find the source of the sound. You see the guy you literally ran into at the coffee shop run around the trees to your left and stop in front of you when he saw Duke sitting on your lap.
“I’m guessing he’s yours?” you ask. He nods as he tries to catch his breath quickly.
“I’m sorry he bothered you,” he tells you as he walks over and tries to get Duke from your lap. Duke first growls and then barks at him, moving closer to you. A shocked expression on both your faces, you look up to meet those eyes you haven’t been able to forget. “He’s never done that….”
“Well… he looks like he’s pretty comfortable,” you laugh as you bite your lip. “You can join me for a bit, if you like… if you’re not busy,” you offer.
“Thank you,” he laughs as he sits beside you on your blanket. “I really am sorry… He doesn’t usually run off like that,” he explains.
“It’s okay, really… I love dogs,” you tell him with a smile as you continue to pet the content pup on your lap. “So… I know his name is Duke… and this is the second time I’ve run into you, so I think it’s only fair I know your name,” you tell him. He raises his eyebrows at you.
“Is that so?” he jokes with you. You nod confidently with a smile. “I don’t know your name either, you know,” he says as he leans back on his hands.
“Y/N,” you tell him quietly.
“Well, Y/N, I’m Calum. It’s nice to officially meet you,” he tells you as he holds out his hand to you.
“You too,” you half laugh as you shake his hand. You and Calum sit and talk for the next little while before you realize it’s time for you to go back to work. “Well, it’s been nice talking to you and Duke, but my lunch hour is up. I gotta get back to work,” you tell Calum as you hand Duke over to him. “By buddy,” you say as you scratch Duke’s head.
“Oh, you work near here?” he asks.
“Yea, just over there,” you say as you point at your building.
“Maybe we’ll see you again. This is Duke’s favorite park,” he smiles at you.
“Maybe you will,” you say as you both stand up. You grab your blanket and begin walking back to your building as Calum and Duke began to walk in the other direction. Wednesday, you didn’t have enough time to leave the building for lunch, so you had it delivered to you and worked while you ate. Thursday, you went back to the park for lunch and sat in the same spot, but to your dismay you didn’t see Calum or Duke. Friday was your half-day, so after lunch when you left work you decided to stop by your favorite bookstore and get a new book since you finished your current one the day before. You had two books in your hand when you heard the bell over the door ring, announcing someone else had entered the store. You peeked around the end of the aisle you were on to see Calum walk in and look around. “Really?” you ask as you walk up behind him. “You… in here?” you ask making him laugh as he hangs his head, biting his lip as he turns to face you.
“Yes, I read… but if you must know… I’m shopping for a gift. It’s a friend’s birthday soon,” he explains.
“Mmhmm… sure,” you say as you cross your arms.
“You don’t believe me?” he asks.
“I’m not sure if I should,” you tell him, making him laugh again as he shakes his head. You joke with him a little more as he continues to look for the gift he wants and goes to purchase it. You decide to get both books in your hand so that you have one for later as well.
“So, since we seem to keep running into each other… what do you say to hanging out sometime? Duke misses you,” he tells you, this time making you laugh.
“And I absolutely miss him,” you tell him with a smile. You and Calum exchange numbers with a promise to text later and meet up the next day at the park. You go to the park about an hour before you’re supposed to meet Calum so you can have time to read for a bit before he and Duke get there. You’re lost in your story once again when Duke bounces up and jumps in your lap. “Duke! I missed you buddy,” you say excitedly as you pick up the happy dog, kissing his head and scratching behind his ears.
“Damn… I just don’t exist when he’s here, do I?” you hear Calum say as he sits beside you two.
“Nope… not really,” you laugh.
“Geez… thanks,” he laughs.
“You’re quite welcome,” you say with a wide smile. You sit and play with Duke for a while as you and Calum talk.
“Why do you always have a book with you?” Calum asks you after a while. You sigh as you look from your book to Calum with a smile.
“It’s… like an escape… my own personal escape from this world… especially when things get too rough,” you explain as he nods his head.
“Interesting… Sounds like me and my music,” he tells you. After that day, you and Calum begin hanging out more and more. Eventually he introduces you to his closest friends and they immediately love you. The more time you spend with them, the more you think you might actually like Calum… and that worries you. He’s quickly become your best friend… and you don’t want to jeopardize that in any way, especially if he doesn’t feel the same. Since he told you about his past and that he doesn’t believe in love anymore, you push your feelings to the back of your mind and keep them hidden. Or so you thought… You were at the guys’ place one day, just hanging out. They had decided to cook out on the grill that day and lounge around the pool and invited you over.
“Hey, Y/N… Mind helping me inside for a minute?” Ashton asks you. You nod as you walk inside behind him.
“What’s up?” you ask as you walk into the kitchen.
“Can you help me wash and cut up these veggies?” he asks you with a smile.
“Sure,” you smile back before you pick up some of the veggies and wash them before you hand them to Ash to cut. You continue washing more as he continues talking.
“Why don’t you talk to Cal?” he asks you. You turn your head as you give him a confused look.
“I do,” you laugh. “We talk every day.”
“No,” he laughs back. “I mean about how you feel.” Your eyes go wide as you look at him.
“I thought I was hiding it well… Is it that obvious?” you ask worried. He shakes his head no with a small laugh.
“No, I’m just really good at reading people,” he tells you with a wink. “You should tell him.” You shake your head no.
“Not a good idea, Ash,” you tell him.
“Why not,” he asks you.
“Because!” you say excitedly. “You know Cal... “ you say as you turn to look out the patio door to make sure no one was coming inside to hear any of your conversation. “You know how he feels about love and all that… I can’t risk losing my best friend,” you tell him as you feel a tear come to your eye. You raise your hand and wipe it away before it has the chance to fall.
“How long have you known each other now?” he asks you. You stop your chopping as you think for a second and look at Ashton briefly.
“Almost a year,” you say quietly.
“Y/N…” Ashton starts as you hold your hand up.
“No, Ash… It’s not happening,” you tell him. “I just ...can’t.”
“Okay,” he sighs as he holds his hands up in defeat. “If you ever want to talk about it, just know you can come to me and I won’t say anything to him unless you ask me to.” You slightly nod your head as you continue chopping the veggies in front of you. The rest of the day goes smoothly to your surprise, with Ashton keeping his word and not mentioning anything to anyone. Over the next couple weeks, you go about things as normal and keep your feelings hidden. One Friday when you get home after your half day at work, Calum texts you and asks if he can come over.
Y/N: Of course. You know you can always come over whenever. I just got home. I’ll be here all night. No plans to go anywhere. You want take out? I’m ordering.
Calum: That would be amazing... Thank you.
Y/N: Sure thing
Calum: It might be a couple hours before I get there. We’re still working on a couple things. I’ll text you when I’m leaving.
Y/N: Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.
Calum: You’re the best
You set your phone on the coffee table as you head to the kitchen to grab a snack to hold you over until Calum texts you back so you can order some real food. You didn’t want to eat without him, but you didn’t want his food to get cold either. Relaxing on the couch with the snacks you grabbed from the kitchen, you turned Netflix on and pulled up one of your favorite shows since you weren’t sure how long he would be. After about 2 ½ episodes, your phone chimes with a text notification .You pick it up from the table to see it’s Calum.
Calum: Leaving now. Be there in 20.
Y/N: Don’t rush. Drive safe. Door’s open.
You pick up the take out menu from the table and immediately call the chinese restaurant down the block to place your order. You were brought out of your concentration on your show by your door opening and Calum walking in.
“That was a little faster than I expected,” you tell him.
“I couldn’t take it anymore,” he tells you with a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Today has been absolutely terrible…” he tells you shaking his head as he walks towards the living room.
“Will my hug make it alright?” you ask him.
“Not completely, but it will definitely help,” he says with a small smile. You stand up from your cozy spot on the couch and pulled him into a tight hug, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wind around your waist. As you stood there with your arms around Calum and rubbing gently up and down his back, you felt Calum take a deep breath and let it out slowly. What you couldn’t see was the confused look on his face. He had a feeling in his stomach that he’d been fighting for a while now every time he was around you. He was having a hard time dealing with it and he wasn’t absolutely sure if it was what he was thinking it was, he didn’t want to say anything until he was sure… He squeezed you a little tighter and pulled back from the hug to press a soft kiss to your forehead like he always did when he was telling you goodbye.
“Thank you,” he says quietly just before the knock on the door. “Sit, I’ll get it.”
“No, Cal… You don’t,” you begin.
“Hush,” he interrupts you as he begins to walk to your door, opening it to reveal the delivery guy with the food you ordered. Pulling out his wallet, he paid the man before closing the door and walking back to the couch to join you.  
“This is amazing… Thank you again,” he says quietly as you both begin to eat.
“Don’t thank me. I should be thanking you. You’re the one that paid for it,” you laugh making him smile.
“Yea but it was your idea and you ordered everything,” he explains. You shrugged your shoulders. You back out of your show on Netflix and hand Calum the remote as he looks at you funnily.
“What?” you ask with a laugh.
“Nothing,” he says as he takes the remote and goes back into your show and continues the episode you were on, making you smile to yourself. You spend the next couple hours watching Netflix and talking with Calum before he decides he needs to get home and check on Duke. You wake up the next morning to a text from Calum received at 3:47AM. You roll your eyes as you giggle before you open it.
Calum: I know you’re not awake, but when you read this, text me
You roll your eyes again as you shake your head before you reply.
Y/N: God… do you ever sleep?
Calum: haha… funny
Y/N: So what’s up that you felt like you needed to text me at half past 3 in the morning?
Calum: We should talk
Your heart dropped when you read his last message. Had Ashton said something on accident? On purpose? Did you do something to make him realize you had feelings for him?
Y/N: Sure, you wanna come over or you want me to come there, or what?
Calum: Actually, I thought maybe we could meet? At the pier? Say...12?
Y/N: I’ll be there :)
You tossed your phone the bed and groaned. Feelings of paranoia and anxiety were flowing through your mind. Picking your phone back up you decided to text Ashton.
Y/N: Hey, you didn’t say anything, did you?
Ash: Nope. Why, what’s up?
Y/N: He just said “We should talk” and asked me to meet him later… Do you know what’s going on?
Y/N: Ash…?
Y/N: You know something, don’t you?
Ash: I do… but I’ve been sworn to secrecy just as I was with you, so you know I’m not gonna tell you. I promise, it’s not bad… Just go… Meet him. You’ll thank me later, love ;)
You groaned again as you threw your phone back on the bed. Glancing at the clock, you realized you had a few hours to spare and you knew it was going to be torture. When it was finally time to meet him, you drove to the pier and parked your car before you walked out to where you saw him sitting near the end.
“Hey,” you say quietly as you walk up behind him. He turns around slowly and smiled at you.
“Hey,” she smiles back before standing to hug you. “Come sit.” You listen and sit beside him, looking out over the ocean with a sigh.
“So, what’s up?” you ask as you glance at him from the side of your eye. He turns slightly towards you, resting his arm behind you on the back of the bench as you turn your head towards him.
“How long have we been friends?” Calum asks you.
“Just about a year,” you tell him.
“It’ll be a year next week,” he smiles at you.
“You remember that?” you say quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you look down at your lap.
“I do… You almost fell in that coffee shop. It was raining. You had just grabbed your umbrella and were about to leave,” he laughs, making you smile.
“You caught me,” you say quietly as he nods.
“I’d never seen anyone like you,” Calum tells you. You furrow your brows in confusion as you look up at him.
“Wh-what?” you ask. “What do you mean?”
“Well…” he says as he takes a breath. “Y/N…” he takes your hand in his as you look down at your hands together and back up at him. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen…” You feel the air rush out of your lungs. Was he really telling you this? What you’ve been wanting to hear for so long? Calum? Your best friend? Couldn’t be happening… could it? You blink a few times before you say something.
“You sure you have the right person?” you say making him laugh.
“I absolutely have the right person,” he says confidently as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and you feel your heart speed up. “I… didn’t realize. In the beginning… I didn’t realize that what I was feeling was this… That day that I came over after I had that bad day and you got the take out… When you hugged me, that was when I realized, like for absolute sure, something was going on with me… That night, I went to Ash’s and talked to him,” he said as he looked at you and you bite your lip.
“Did he say something to you about me?” you ask.
“He said a lot about you, actually,” he laughed. “You’ll have to be more specific.
“About anything I’ve said to him,” you explain.
“No, we only talked about how I felt. He never said you had talked to him about anything,” Calum reassured you as you let out a relieved breath of air. “Can I ask why?” You nod your head.
“The day we grilled out, Ash asked me to help him in the kitchen. He confronted me... and said I-i should just talk... to you. I told h-him I couldn’t risk telling y-you anything… I didn’t w-want to lose m-my best friend,” you say as you feel the tears begin to line your eyes.
“Hey… it’s ok. You know you can talk to me. I’m not going anywhere,” Calum tells you quietly as he reaches up to wipe the tears away before they have a chance to fall. You take a breath before you continue.
“I asked him if it was that obvious because I had always tried so, so hard to keep my feeling hidden,” you say as you look up at him.
“Your feelings?” he asks with a smile as you nod your head.
“Ash told me it wasn’t obvious, he said he was just good at reading people. He tried again to get me to tell you but I wouldn’t give in… I was too scared of losing you,” you confess.
“Why would you have lost me?” he asks you.
“Because… I figured with you not believing in love anymore… If I had told you, I figured you would get upset and maybe tell me I was stupid or ridiculous or something… Tell me you never wanted to see me again… Or you couldn’t deal with it,” you explain as he nods his head in understanding.
“I would never call you stupid, for one,” he laughs making you giggle. “How long?”
“Couple months after we met,” you say quietly as you look at your lap. You feel his finger rest under your chin as he turns your head so you meet his eyes with yours.
“We’ve been friends nearly a year… You’ve had feelings for me for that long and kept quiet about it because of that?” he asked you quietly. You shyly nod your head. “I’m having trouble understanding,” he half laughs as he leans his forehead against yours and you sigh quietly.
“With everything you had been through… I thought… there was no way… How was I gonna be the one to change it? I’m… nobody… just me…” you explain as a tear escapes your eye. He quickly reaches up to wipe it away as he leans back.
“You’re not nobody… You’re my best friend… You’re the most amazing, beautiful girl I’ve ever met! I don’t know how you did it… but you’ve changed something in me… and… I don’t want that to stop,” he says as he takes your face in his hands. Leaning forward slowly, he presses his lips to yours in a sweet, soft kiss before he pulls back and looks at you. “I don’t deserve you.”
“You do,” you tell him quickly. “You deserve so much more,” you say quietly, pressing your lips to his as you wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles against your lips as he wraps his arms around your waist and begins to move his lips against yours. You match his movements as you slip one hand up into his dark curls, trying to pull him closer. Pulling back slightly from the kiss, he leans his forehead against yours to catch his breath.
“Say you’ll be mine,” he whispers against your lips with a smile. You slightly nod your head.
“Always,” you say returning his smile.
“Fucking finally…” he breathes in relief. “My phone has been vibrating the entire time we’ve been here and I know it’s Ashton…”
“Let’s take a picture to send to him so he’ll leave us alone,” you laugh. Calum wraps his arm around your shoulder as you cuddle up close to his side and lean your head on his shoulder and look up at him as he looks down at you, foreheads touching. He snaps a quick picture and sends it to Ashton with the caption ‘Leave us alone!” You wait for a response but you never get one. Half an hour later, you’re inside a restaurant near the pier when you tell Calum to check his phone again.
“Nothing,” he tells you.
“Well, now I guess we know how to get him to shut up,” you laugh.
Wasn’t sure who to tag, so if you don’t want to be, just let me know lol I won’t be offended
@nerdraging4point0  @summernykole  @sunshine112  @empressdreams  @justasmisunderstoodasloki @bisexual-sk8r @devildisguiseasangel @fanficparker @hollandsosterfield @marvelownsmyentireass @aspiringwildfire @fucking5sos @harrystylescuredmydepression @twilightparker @steviesbell @bearsbeetsbarnes @hollandroos @starksparker @tomhollanders2013 @h-osterfield @justkeepdreaminganddreaming @sweetlysilent @avenirectioner @writing-reigns @writinglionqueen @wheres-mccall @uglypastels @wazzupmrstark @eurynome827 @cchellacat @lisinfleur @honestsycrets @fortheloveofjbbarnes @ivaraddict @dangerousvikings @tephi101 @yanii-the-hippie @thejemersoninferno
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friday-ocean · 5 years
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Summary: It is a hot summer night at the compound. Even though the air conditioner is working all day long, two people can’t find any rest. Maybe staying the night together can help?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Reader
Warning: Angst, a little fluff, smut (French-kissing, petting, vaginal sex, outside)
For @sincerelymlg Writing Challenge!
There’s no denying it: Climate change is real. It is happening right now. The sun is burning on the asphalt. No thunderstorm is in sight to wash the heat from the air (Thor has been absent for weeks). Even the wind doesn’t move a single leaf, just as it doesn’t cool the sweat on the overheated skin.
Thank God the air conditioner works in the compound. It blows cool, refreshing air into the rooms all day and at night. No one really goes out the door voluntarily at these temperatures.
Bucky must admit that he is grateful for this 21st century technology. Finally, something useful and useful.
Yet Bucky can’t fall asleep that night. Again, and again he throws himself back and forth on his big bed, remodels his pillow and crumples up the light duvet. Nothing helps. Peaceful dreams, or at least a few hours of calming sleep, are not to be expected. His senses seem to be electrified.
The tall man sighs and gets up from his bed. He puts on the grey sweatpants and the white shirt that he had carelessly thrown on the floor that evening. The shirt is simple and not very stylish. But over its broad shoulders and trained belly, it traces every perfectly formed muscle in detail.
Avoiding every sound, Bucky sneaks into the big kitchen with the adjoining living room. Maybe a cool glass of water would calm his heated senses? The door opens and he stops abruptly. Colorful images flicker away on the large flat screen. A reality show, cartoon, news, weather, back to the news, comedy show. The television keeps changing programmers, but Bucky can’t see anyone sitting on the big sofa who’s even beginning to be interested. Does the TV want to have some fun? Or is F.R.I.D.A.Y. bored?
Bucky circles the huge sofa to get his hands on the remote when he suddenly registers a movement in his field of vision.
Comfortably lying on the sofa, you have the remote in your hand and switch through the channels.
Grinning broadly, you raise your head a little: “Good evening. Can’t you sleep either?”
Irritated, Bucky looks at you. Since you joined the team just over half a year ago, you haven’t had much to do with each other. You both aren’t shy people, but the team is big and so far, you just haven’t found any common topics to talk about.
Bucky just nods and keeps looking at the TV.
Sighing, you rise: “I feel the same way. I miss the heat, the smell of dry earth and chirping crickets…”
Bucky nods again, what could he possibly say? He grew up in New York City. In summer, the asphalt glowed to the melting point and the water became scarce.
Suddenly your face lights up. A wonderful idea shoots through your head. “Wait here. Come right back,” you still say and have already disappeared from the room.
Surprised, Bucky looks after you. What has got into you, please?
After only a short moment you come back again, with your big tactical backpack on your shoulder. Only now does Bucky notice your outfit: a black shirt with the word “KISS” (is that an invitation?) written on it in colorful letters and a very short, very tight jeans shorts that so beautifully emphasizes your legs and buttocks.
Jesus, it should be forbidden to squeeze such legs into long jeans.
“Follow me unobtrusively,” you say to Bucky as you walk past him to the exit. Bucky can only nod again. He is the deadliest assassin that modern world history has ever experienced. You don’t get this title if you constantly stumble over your own feet.
But when Bucky follows you out of the compound, he really must be careful not to keep his eyes on your sweet ass all the time.
Without saying another word, you lead Bucky between the main building and the big Heli hall. The whole arsenal lies quietly there. Not even guards can be seen, but that wasn’t to be expected with the area-wide surveillance by cameras either. You’ve quickly reached the edge of the small forest that surrounds the entire area of the compound. The grass gets higher and higher and the spicy scent of unknown flowers and trees mixes with the hot air.
The tall grass gently strokes past your bare legs and slowly your eyes get used to the meager light that the crescent moon spreads. In a small clearing you stop and put your backpack on the ground. Curiously, Bucky watches you pull out a large blanket from the dark backpack and spread it out on the ground.
Encouragingly, you look at Bucky and say “Sit down” before putting your arm back in your pocket. Bucky doesn’t follow your instructions but continues to watch as you push two cans out of the depth of the bag. Satisfied, you push one of the cans into Bucky’s hand and then drop down onto the ceiling.
The can in Bucky’s hand is cool and damp. A thick lettering is emblazoned on the pink can and Bucky reads “Coca-Cola Cherry”.
With a hiss you open the can and take a big stroke. Finally, Bucky sits next to you and follows your example. Carefully he puts the can on his dark red lips. He had already drunk coke with Steve in the 1940s. But Cola and Cherry? A hardly imaginable mixture.
The first drops wet his tongue and Bucky swallows in surprise. The drink is cool and clearly reminiscent of the classic cola but was sweeter in a special way. One or two more sips and Bucky almost emptied the can completely.
Giggling, you watch Bucky’s face lighten on the first sip. His passion for sweet things had not escaped in recent weeks.
With a sigh you stretch your limbs and drop back onto the ceiling. Above you the big, cloudless sky spreads out with its innumerable number of glittering stars. Every now and then it cracks in the darkness and in the distance, you can hear the chirping of the crickets.
Without being asked, Bucky lies down next to you and looks up at the sky. Your arms almost touch, but this unusual closeness doesn’t seem to bother any of you. Again, and again a fresh, pleasant breeze sweeps over you. None of you say a word and finally Bucky has the feeling that his restless nerves are slowly calming down.
It was hard to tell how much time passed when you two lay so next to each other. But soon Bucky notices that you’ve turned your head and are no longer looking up at the sky, but at his side profile. And there’s a lot to see: the soft, long hair, the austere forehead under which the narrow eyebrow winds its way. But the most fascinating thing is his sharp, strong cheekbone.
First Bucky wants to pretend as if he simply doesn’t notice your constant gaze. But the longer you stare at him, the more restless he becomes again.
“If you have something to say, spit it out,” he says a little more unkindly than intended.
At first you don’t want to answer Bucky, nervously you bite the inside of your cheek. “Am I very strange,” it suddenly bursts out of you.
Surprised Bucky turns his head and fixes you with his bright eyes: “Please what?
"Am I very strange? Am I crazy?”, with big eyes you stare at the man. “I had a wonderful childhood, a loving family and friends, the chance of a career in finance or as a teacher and yet I became an agent. Travel all over the world, risk my life for goals unknown to me and have a sealed file on my missions!
Your voice gets shriller and shriller and real panic rises in you. "And the worst thing is that I don’t even have a guilty conscience! I want more and more, more and more missions! Put my life on the line and face every challenge I can”.
The last part of your panicked speech Bucky can only hear muffled. In total desperation, you put your hands on your face to hide your heated face and the first tears from him. Every breath rattle in your lungs, breathing begins to hurt slowly.
Carefully Bucky turns to his side and rests on his arm, his face above yours.
“You are neither strange nor strange,” says Bucky. His voice sounds like always, firm and proud. But in his voice an undertone resonates that is completely unknown to you: friendly and almost gentle.
Gradually you pull your hands away from your face. Finally, your face is free and although tears glisten in the corner of your eye, you are smiling.
“Really?”, you ask, a little unsettled.
“Really,” he confirms.
Leaning on your elbow, you straighten up - so far that your faces almost touch each other. Your warm breath mixes, your lips only millimeters apart. These wonderful, full lips… Greedily you overcome the tiny distance, put your lips on his. Gently your tongue glides over his lips. Finally, you feel Bucky open his lips and his tongue meet yours. Your tongues dance with each other, feel each other. Boldly you put your hands against his upper body and push Bucky away from you. At first Bucky thinks he’ll be rejected by you. How crazy would that be? First you kiss him and then you know him off?
But you keep pushing him until he sits up straight again. Boldly you sit on his lap, press your lips back on his, as if you had never interrupted the kiss. Bucky’s hands wander up your bare legs, one warm and rough, the other cool and smooth. Arrived at your hip, they stay there. Breathing heavily, interrupt the kiss and pull your shirt out of the shorts before pulling it completely over your head.
Bucky’s gaze wanders from your face down to your upper body. Under the colorful ‘Kiss’ lettering, your perfect naked breasts had been hiding the entire time. The fresh night air tickled your sensitive skin, your nipples gradually getting hard. His gaze continues to rest on your breasts and his big hands on your hips. What could he do? Your breasts look so soft and tender, your skin shines bright. In your equipment you defy all dangers, be it adverse weather conditions or flying bullets. But so completely naked and without any protection a breeze is enough to make you shiver. What scars would you bear if he touched you?
As if you could anticipate his thoughts, you take his metal hand and lead it to your chest, place his palm on your bosom. The cold of his hand on your heated skin makes you shudder pleasantly, but Bucky interprets this completely wrong. He quickly wants to pull his hand away from you, but you push it back again. Your hand lying on his, you start massaging your chest. Fluttering, you close your eyelids, lips slightly open, you surrender completely to his touch.
The sight of your total devotion makes Bucky forget any doubt. His other hand wanders at your hip up to your chest, but instead of enclosing it again, his thumb circles around the hard bud, pinching briefly. You draw in the air sharply, push yourself closer to him. Your lips look for his, but instead of devoting themselves to him for a long time, you stroke along his sharp jaw, down to his neck. Lusting, you place your warm lips slightly open on his neck, sucking on the soft skin.
Although you’re both still wearing your pants, you can feel Bucky’s erection pressing against your shame. Desiring, you let your hips circle against him, eliciting a moan. His big hands glide from your breasts to your back, one down to your ass. In a quick, smooth movement, Bucky lifts you up, puts you on the blanket and positions you between your legs. He lowers his head and surrounds your nipple with his full lips. Sighing comfortably, you lay your head down on the blanket, your fingers stroking over wide shoulders, up and down his biceps.
Bucky loosens his lips from your nipple, but only to stand up briefly and pull his white shirt over his head. You admire his upper body. Of course, you had already seen him in various situations upper body free, but so far only at a distance. Now you really had the opportunity to see every defined muscle. Your gaze gets stuck on the waistband of his jogging pants, which sits deep on his hip bone, only a little deeper a not to be overlooked bump.
You eagerly stretch out your hands, pull down the waistband of the sweatpants together with the boxer shorts underneath. The boxer shorts had already drawn everything exactly what they hid inside. Still, the sight of his half erect limb created even more moisture between your legs. You moisten your lips, bend forward and kiss the tip of his best piece. Bucky immediately grabs the back of your head with his metallic hand and ruffles your hair. You open your lips, take the tip into your warm mouth, play around with your tongue. Its own salty taste floats on your tongue, sucking it even deeper into you. Bucky escapes a deep groan. Your warm, wet mouth enchants him, makes him swell even more.
His lips form a silent curse, he can no longer hold back. He releases his grip on the back of your head, withdraws from your mouth. Almost disappointed you look at him with your big eyes. Your disappointment doesn’t last long, however, Bucky cleverly opens your shorts and realizes again that you really had no interest in any kind of underwear. The shorts land behind you in the grass, all your clothes are scattered around you.
Bucky strokes his hand from your belly further and further down until he reaches your lower lips, puts his index finger between them, divides them and strokes up to your sensitive pearl. With a moan you press your hip against his hand. But he pulls his hand back, leads his wet fingers to his mouth. His tongue surrounds his fingers, licking your juice. Swallowing hard you watch him; his tongue promises pure ecstasy.
Again, he bends over you, presses his lips on yours, your tongues dance together. You put your hands in his neck, pull him on you. His hip lies on yours, eagerly you open your legs further. With one arm Bucky supports himself, while with the other he embraces his limb. Carefully he presses his tip against your entrance and in one movement he penetrates you. Groaning, you throw your head into the neck, it divides your inside, stretches you to the extreme.
Your tightness that embraces Bucky allows him to pause for a moment, giving you the opportunity to get used to his greatness.
In a smooth movement, Bucky withdraws from you, only to immediately push back into you. His tempo is steady and with every thrust he touches the one sweet spot that will delight you.
In your abdomen, an ever-increasing tension is forming, demanding you to push your lap against each of Bucky’s bumps.
“Buck…,” you whimper, unable to do more.
Bucky understands you; your moaning is the most beautiful melody in his ears. He, too, feels his tension increase more and more, his blasts get wilder. Another, deep blow and your tension discharges, with a moan your inner Bucky surround. The sudden contraction around his tail also leads to Bucky’s salvation. With his eyes closed, he traces every single twitch of your muscles as you suck every single drop out of him before he withdraws completely from you.
Breathing heavily, you lie next to each other on the ceiling. Naked, satisfied and exhausted. Each one of you is following your own thoughts, but the silence between you is not unpleasant. On the contrary, Bucky finally feels an inner peace ascend within him that he has been searching for all night.
“I should have tried Cherry-Cola earlier…” Bucky expresses his thoughts.
Giggling, you lie down on Bucky’s upper body and with a wink you say: “I always have a supply hidden in the fridge. You can help yourself as often as you want.”
The next morning
The wake-up call from F.R.I.D.A.Y. came way too early. Didn’t you just fall into bed two hours ago? Although you must admit to yourself that it was the two best hours of sleep you’ve had in weeks.
Freshly showered you enter the conference room first. Some assistant had already distributed information material and broadly grabs one to wait for the arrival of the others. The rest of the team follows you in the next few minutes, but you only lift your head when a can of Cherry Coke is placed right next to your arm.
Irritated, you raise your gaze. Who dared plunder your personal supply? Your gaze meets Bucky’s ice-blue eyes, who has taken a seat next to you. With his crooked grin he takes the can back, leads it to his lips and drinks a deep sip. When he puts the can down again, a drop of the sweet liquid glitters on his dark lips. His tongue tip shoots out and licks the glittering liquid from his lower lip. How hypnotized you stare at Bucky, heat spreading from your center to your entire body.
Who just turned the thermostat?
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spiderboysparker · 5 years
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait (Soulmate AU)
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Soulmate AU)
Warnings- Injuries, Scars, and maybe some slightly implied torture? Some Avengers: Endgame spoilers (I know the spoilers aren’t really a big deal anymore, but just in case) 
I’m also kinda pretending that Civil War didn’t happen and that everything is fine and that they all live in the compound together. It’s fanfiction. Just don’t think into it too much.
Summary- After the war, being in the ice, and being Hydra’s puppet, Bucky loses hope of finding his soulmate. He’s sure that after being in the ice she had died before he could have met her. But then he is surprised to find out that there is still hope. 
(Apparently, Bucky is physically 30 so let’s say the reader is 27)
Word Count- 1,012
A/N- This is for @sincerelymlg‘s writing challenge! I saw that the Soulmate AU was open and got this idea!! This is a Soulmate AU where any scars or marks one person gets also appears on their soulmate’s body. 
Also, I’m sorry for how trashy this is, it seemed like such a better idea in my head.
Also, if you liked it, please reblog and leave feedback! Requests and Taglist open!
As Bucky was growing up, he heard all about soulmates. His parents were soulmates, and they told him about how everyone has a person that they are meant to meet and be with for the rest of their lives. They told him that any scars or marks he gets on his body will also show up on his soulmate’s body and vice versa. 
Bucky waited for some marks to show up; a scar, a drawing, a message to him, anything, any kind of sign that he had a soulmate somewhere out there. He watched silently over the years as people around him noticed marks and scars appearing on their skin and people met their soulmates. 
Even his best friend Steve Rogers had signs of having a soulmate. Bucky tried not to complain, he tried to believe that he’d meet his soulmate one day, or at least see a sign. But it was killing him on the inside. Watching everyone around him become happy, finding someone they love so much. 
He talked to Steve about it sometimes, and Steve tried to comfort him and reassure him, “You’ll find him or her someday. Everyone has a soulmate.” Bucky gave Steve a small smile and nodded, but how could he believe that when there has been no sign at all, out of how long he’s lived. 
When World War 2 happened, Bucky decided to enlist. He wanted to do something good for people, he wanted to serve his country. He became Sergeant Barnes and fought in the war. After being captured by Hydra and then rescued by Steve, who was now taller and wasn’t a scrawny twig anymore, he found out that Steve had found his soulmate; Peggy Carter.
Bucky was happy for his friend, he was happy that his friend had found his other half. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t feel a twinge of jealousy and hopelessness in his heart. 
When Bucky is more himself again, after he was no longer The Winter Soldier and the triggers were erased from his mind, he still doesn’t understand why he didn’t have a soulmate. Steve was in the ice too, and he had met Peggy during the War. So Bucky just figures that his soulmate must have been alive before him being in the ice and that he lost his chance. He just doesn’t understand why there were no signs. 
Steve talks everyone into letting Bucky live in the compound with them and assures everyone that Bucky isn’t dangerous anymore. Over time he becomes one of them, he’s another part of their big family and an Avenger. 
The latest mission that they’ve been working on, they’re still trying to find out the details. Hydra has been kidnapping people who have worked for Stark Industries in the past to get the Avenger’s attention. They haven’t figured out where Hydra’s current base is, so they are still trying to find out by the little clues left behind. 
One day when Bucky gets up in the morning and goes into his bathroom, he notices scars all over his body that weren’t there the night before. They’re all over his arm and face, as if his soulmate was being tortured overnight. The first thing Bucky thinks to do is go to Steve. 
Bucky rushes to Steve’s room, pounding on his bedroom door. “Steve, you up?” 
The door opens and Steve’s eyes widen at the sight of all the scars. “Buck, what the hell happened?” 
Bucky looks just as confused “I don’t know. I woke up and saw these scars. Steve, that means my soulmate is alive!” 
Steve grimaces “Yeah, but that also means that your soulmate is hurt.” 
The happiness Bucky was just feeling dims. “Do you think she’s one of the ones kidnapped by Hydra?” 
His friend just shrugs “I don’t know. We’ll just have to figure that out when we go on the mission.”
As they try and find more clues, Bucky is anxious. As time goes on, more scars appear on his body, and he doesn’t think there could be any other reason for the scars other than being tortured by Hydra. 
When they finally find the location, Bucky feels relief that they can go save the people kidnapped by Hydra, and hopefully his soulmate.
After the team finished defeating the Hydra agents, they start getting the captured people out into safety. As some of them are blocking the small doorway, all of them trying to get out at once, there’s one woman in the corner who catches Bucky’s eye. She looks to have the same scars Bucky has woken up with, but what really gives it away is the scarring on her left shoulder. It looks exactly like the scarring Bucky has where his shoulder meets his metal arm. 
Instead of rushing to get out like everyone else, she’s staring at back at Bucky. He moves towards her. “What’s your name?” 
“I’m (Y/n)” She says, and she looks at him, as if she also knows that they are soulmates, despite all of Bucky’s gear covering his skin. 
“How long have you had those scars on your left shoulder?” Bucky asks quietly, unaware that they’re the only two left in the room. 
She glances at her shoulder “I’ve had them since I was born. Do you have them too?” 
Bucky nods “Yeah, I got them in an accident.” Bucky looks around “We should probably go.” 
(Y/n) nods and Bucky leads her out. 
Her and Bucky go on date and get to know each other. Bucky tells her about everything that’s happened, and she tells him about the life she’s lived so far. 
Bucky realizes that the reason he never had a soulmate before becoming a supersoldier is because he was meant to live with his soulmate after everything that happened. 
At first, Bucky is confused about why Steve met his soulmate before being in the ice if he didn’t have as much time with her, but then after defeating Thanos while Steve returns the infinity stones, he lives the life with Peggy that he always wanted. 
Taglist: @lamptracker
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
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My first writing challenge? MY FiRsT writing challenge! Ok! This is to celebrate me passing all of my classes, becoming financially independent (according to the government), and most importantly THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER!
You don’t have to be following me, but it would be nice!
Must reblog this post to spread the word!
Two people per prompt
All fics will be reblogged and added to a masterlist
No minimum word count or maximum word count
Want to use this as the beginning of a series? SURE GO AHEAD! Just make sure to tag me in all chapters and use the tag!
Can be Reader Insert, OC, or character x character
Can be any character/person! I read mostly Marvel/Star Wars, but I don’t want to limit those that are participating. 
No matter who you write it will be added to the masterlist.
No pedophilia/MAP/older and younger character dynamics
No incest 
No smut for any characters under 18
Include a warnings section and list any/all warnings
Send me an ASK with the character and prompt you want.
Use the tag #sincerelymlgwc
If I don’t reblog/add it to the masterlist within a week send me an ask and I will try and get that figured out.
Deadline is July 14, but if you need more time let me know. 
Dialogue Prompts:
“I guess being angry was/is just easier than being sad.” (1/2) @one-muggle-girl w/Bucky Barnes
“It was supposed to be simple.” (2/2) @notimetoblog w/Bucky Barnes, @holy-captain w/Steve Rogers
“Hush, I’m trying to kiss you.” (2/2) @underoossss w/Peter Parker, @littlemarvelfics w/Steve Rogers
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“If you have something to say, spit it out.” (1/2) @friday-ocean w/Bucky Barnes
“I’m allowed to be angry.” (1/2) @lxnarholland w/Steve Rogers
“Just hold me.” (2/2) @kentuckybarnes w/Bucky Barnes, @littledarlinwrites​ / @littledarlinhavefaithinme w/ Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock
“I do care.” (2/2) @wienerbarnes w/Bucky Barnes, @afterglowparker w/Peter Parker
“Just let me show you how I feel.”
“That should probably shock me, but honestly it doesn’t.” (2/2) @sgtjbuccky-main w/Bucky Barnes, @tbetz0341 w/Clint Barton, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone w/Bucky Barnes
AU/Trope Prompts:
Soulmates (1/2) @spiderboysparker w/Bucky Barnes
Fake Dating/Secret Relationship (2/2) @softhairbarnes w/Stephen Strange, @agentpegcxrter w/Bucky Barnes
Roommates (1/2) @spiderboytotherescue w/Peter Parker
Mob (1/2) @docharleythegeekqueen w/Bucky Barnes
King/Queen of Hell (1/2) @southsideavalon w/Tom Holland
Enemies to Lovers
Coffee Shop
Supernatural (not the show)
Greek Stories:
Orpheus and Eurydice (2/2) @galaxy-parker w/Peter Parker, @serpienten w/ Bucky Barnes
Hades and Persephone (2/2) @peachy-parkers w/Tom Holland, @honeyjotunheim w/Bucky Barnes
Icarus (1/2) @spiderrpcrker w/Natasha Romanoff
Pandora’s Box
Trojan War (1/2) @lexiamarv w/Steve Rogers
Fairy Tales:
Cinderella (2/2) @thestorydetective w/Peter Parker, @dutchiewhotriestowrite w/Bucky Barnes
Beauty and the Beast (2/2) @grandmascottlang w/Bucky Barnes, @calum-hoodwinked-me w/??
Rapunzel (1/2) @quxntumvandyne w/Scott Lang,
Sleeping Beauty
The Little Mermaid (1/2) @reyisqueen-imagines w/Stephen Strange
Tagging for awareness:
@upsidedownparker @grandmascottlang @underoossss @lovely-haley @tbetz0341 @hazhasmycoffee @jaamesbbarnes @spiderboytotherescue @madmadmilk @aunty-peggy @agentpegcxrter @evanstarff @gab-spidey @h-osterfield @holland-ish @notimetoblog @peachy-parkers
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retrobhaddie · 5 years
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A/n: This is for a writing challenge from @sincerelymlg
wordcount: 2.4 k
summary: Y/n is a servant for her stepmother but one ball changes it.
warnings: abusing, death, toxic family, chasings, angst, fluff
Y/n wakes up by the singing of the birds. “Oh why did you have to wake me up I was having such a lovely dream” she sighed. She used to have wonderful life before her father died and she was left in the hands of her step-mother. That god awful person made y/n her servant and made her work day in and day out.
“I can’t tell you my dream though, because a wish won’t come true when you tell it and a dream is a wish your heart makes” she sings.
Y/n gets dressed in her knee-length dress brown dress and a white ripped apron. she slips on her brown ballerinas. “I hope my wish will come one day” she ties her y/h/c with a blue lint.
“Let’s get to work before the others wake up” she strokes one of the birds before descending the stairs to the stables. Y/n feeds the cat, collect the eggs, cleans the stables and walks the dog.
“Y/n! Come here this instant” y/n’s stepmother shouted from her bedroom. “I’m coming mother” y/n quickly obliged afraid of what would happen if she didn’t.
Y/n hurried up the steps trying to make as little sound as possible, if lady Tremaine would even hear a soft squeak out of her she would have to do even more chores.
“You called me mother” y/n walked in the room. “I heard about the joke you played on your sisters, placing a mouse in you sisters breakfast. Unacceptable” she scolded y/n. “I’m sorry mother. It won’t happen again” y/n lowered her head. “No it won’t but as punishment you will have to scrub every floor until I can see my reflection in it, dust the cabins and clean the silverware” lady Tremaine ordered. “Yes mother”
Y/n walked back down and started to work. The list seemed endless. “I’m almost done” y/n mutters to herself. She looked up and saw that the hall she had cleaned filled with dust. “Oh no” she sighs. Just then the doorbell rang.
“Hello good sir, how may I help you” y/n greated the man. “Hello I’ve come to bring this letter from the king” the man handed the letter with the red stamp on it. “I must be going now, have a nice day” the postman left and y/n closed the grand doors.
“I have to bring this to mother. Maybe Drizella would stop singing as well” y/n said hopeful, she would do anything to stop the screeching her mother calls singing.
“Mother I am sorry to disturb you, but this just came in” y/n shows her the letter. “That is no reason to intrude our lesson” lady Tremaine barks. “It’s from the palace mother” y/n explained, the eyes of both Drizella and Anastasia shot up. “Were you talking about the prince? Give me that” Anastasia snatched the paper out of y/n’s hands. “Let me see” Drizella took it away from her sister and they began bickering about it. “Girls girls calm down” lady Tremaine tried to calm them down. “Hand it over” she ordered to her two daughters. “Yes mother” they said in union.
“Oh my-” y/n’s stepmother placed her hand over her mouth. “What is it mother?” the twins scurried around her to see what caused this reaction. “All women who are possible brides in this kingdom are invited” lady Tremaine reads the delicate paper. “That means I get to go as well” y/n beams.
“It was in the invitation, all women. That includes myself mother” y/n says happy. “Well I guess it does, you can go if you finish your chores”
“Thank you mother, thank you” Y/n walks away to her room, where her friends, the animals were. “Oh I get to go to the ball, I just need a dress” y/n twirls around in her room and opens a box. In it is a stuffy old gown. “I know it is not perfect but it’s all I have” she sighs.
“Y/n! Come here!” Anastasia shouts from her room. “I guess this can wait” y/n glances one last time to the dress before going to her step-sister’s room.
“Hello Anastasia” she opens the door to the big room of her entitled sister. “Y/n I need you to wash and iron my dress immediately” Anastasia throws her ginormous dress on the so called servant. “Of course” y/n turns around to start her task before she hears one last thing from her step-sister, “And hurry up will you”
Y/n finishes cleaning the dress and brings it back to Anastasia, she sighs to herself as she has a whole list of chores to do before she’s ready. She still has to dust the cabins and polish the silverware. “I will never be ready for the ball, I guess I can’t go then”
She continues doing her jobs, when she finished them all the carriage is at the front door. “Your transportation is ready” y/n says to lady Tremaine. “But you aren’t ready” she replies with a smug tone. “I’ve finished my chores, but I don’t have a dress so I can’t go”
“How sad, now go dear” y/n slumps up the staircase to her room, she’s ready to fall in her bed and sleep maybe cry a little. The sight she sees when she opens the door was a complete shock to her as a beautiful pink ball gown lays on her bed. “Oh my- it’s beautiful thank you so much” she thanks the mice and birds in her room.
“It was no problem” Jaq says. “Put it on y/n” all the animals say in unison. “I will” y/n grabs the gown and slips it over her head. She closes the zipper and slips in her heels. She tops everything off with a pearl necklace. “Thank you everyone, now I have a ball to attend” y/n runs down the stairs to the main hall where fortunately her step-family still was. “Wait I’m ready” she shouts as she hurries further down.
“What a beautiful dress” lady Tremaine looks at her her eyes linger on the necklace. She gently grabs it with her hands. “Thank you” y/n says hesitant, unsure of what her step-mother’s intentions are. “Drizella don’t you think her her dress is amazing”
“No I don’t- Wait! That’s my necklace you thieve” Drizella snatches the pearls from her neck making them fall everywhere. “That is my fabric” Anastasia joins in and together they rip y/n’s dress in pieces.
“Please stop- please” y/n pleads but to avail her entire dress is torn. “Looks like you can’t join anyhow” lady Tremaine snickers. Y/n burst out in tears and she runs away to the garden. It was her only safe haven in this house, the only place she isn’t hunted with jobs that make her stomach turn.
She falls down with her head on a bench as she continues to cry. The animals walk near her to see what is going and their hearts break at the sight of the broken girl. An older woman appears out of thin air on the bench, she pats y/n’s head. “There there it will work out” she comforts her.
“Don’t worry my dear child, I’m your fairy godmother and I’m here to help you” she explains. “Now where did I leave my wand” she searches in her garment, “oh there it is” she holds her hand up and a wand materialises in her hand. Y/n stares in shock at the white stick. “Now you can’t go to a ball without a carriage right? Well bibbidi bobbidi boo” the godmother points at a pumpkin with her wand and it turns into the most beautiful carriage seen to men.It is white golden accents and a pink interior.
“And you need horses of course”, she continues to sing bibbidi bobbidi boo, “and lackey ohh and coachman of course. Now now my child you can go” she ushers y/n to the carriage. “Oh thank you so much but I can’t go with my dress in pieces” y/n explains. “Oh golly now, let’s get you fixed up, bibbidi bobbidi boo” after the fairy godmother says her spell, magic starts surrounding y/n’s body. She twirls around a few times before the white light is gone.
A blue ball gown is around her. It is tight around the body but ends in a big skirt. “This is perfect thank you, thank you three thousand times.” y/n sits in her ride. “It’s no problem dear, but remember when the clock hand points to twelve o’clock exactly, the magic will fall and everything is back to the way it used to be.” the godmother explains one last time before y/n is taken to the castle. The ride is surprisingly short and y/n soon finds herself at the red staircase to the ballroom. The sight is marvelous from the large curtains hanging to the side to the marble floor. Everything takes y/n breaths away as she stares around in wonder. A tap on the shoulder shakes her from her thought and before her is a man around her age. “Hello ma’am” he kisses the back of her hand, “may I have this dance” he bows to the girl. “I would love to” y/n giggles like a schoolgirl. He grabs her by the waist and together they sway over the dance floor in perfect harmony. All the people around them stare in shock at the girl nobody seems to know even the king himself had no clue.
Together they dance out of the room to the royal gardens, the big curtains close behind them to stop any curious guest to waltz in their special moment. “The moon is so enchanting” y/n says as she looks up dreamily. “It is” the prince glances at the mystery girl next to him. “I want to show you something” he takes her hand into his hand leads her to a pond.
“Why did you brought me here?” y/n asks. “Well I hoped that we could-” his sentence is cut off by the ringing of the bells. “Oh no is it that late?” y/n looks with horror to the clock. “It’s only twelve o’clock” Bucky tries to calm her. “I’m sorry I have to go” y/n stands up.
“I haven’t seen the prince yet”
“Don’t you know that”
Y/n doesn’t give him time to let him finish his sentence as she rushes out of the garden to the exit. The prince, of who she was oblivious of his identity and the duke. “I have to go” she says to herself, as she rushes down the stairs a single one of her glass slippers slip of her feet. She goes to grab it back but even more people are following her now. She discards the shoe and runs further towards her carriage. They leave in a hurry and followed by multiple knights. The clock continues to tick and all the transformed animals and plants turn back to the previous state, including y/n’s dress. The only thing that reminds her that this night is in fact real is the single glass slipper on her foot.
The day go by as usual now, y/n wakes up and starts her chores. That is until y/n overhears a conversation between lady Tremaine and her daughters. “The duke is coming today to find the person who danced with the prince. You two still have a chance all you have to do is fit the slipper she lost at the party and you’ll wed the prince”
The tray of food y/n carries slips out of her hands. “The prince” y/n whispers to herself. “We need to get ready” Drizella and Anastasia say at the same time they throw all kind of clothes in y/n’s hands, but she just keeps staring in a faze not hearing the incoherent words that the sisters say. “Oh yeah we’ve to get ready” y/n drops all the clothes and dances to her room. However, the moment she steps in the door closes behind and her a click shows y/n that it’s locked. “No please don’t do this” she shouts towards whoever locked it. “Please” her voice is much softer now and a muffled sob escapes her lips.
The sob turned into more crying and y/n thinks back to the time she was crying on the bench. That day her fairy godmother showed, but y/n knows that this is different she won’t get out of the room, she’s stuck like she will always be. She lets herself swallow in self pity for a while. “Y/n y/n” a petit voice says, y/n looks down and the key of her door lays in front of her. “Thank you so much” she says as she turns the doorknob. It felt like she has been running down stairs a lot these last days but she could handle one more time of she would get to marry her love.
She sees that the duke is just about to leave, “wait sir, can I fit it?” she asks him just in time. The two men from the king’s house look in shock as y/n elegantly descends the steps further. “Of course you can” the duke smiles at her, he grabs her hand and leads her to a chair to sit on. The smaller servant goes to grab the slipper but in his haste he trips and th glass shoe falls and it shatters when it touches the ground.
“No! The king will kill me if he sees this” the duke weeps. “I might have something that will help” y/n goes to grab the hand. “No nothing could help” the duke doesn’t even look up. “Oh but I have the other slipper” y/n shows it to him. The duke looks like his eyes could pop out of it’s sockets. “Well let’s do this” he slides on the slipper to show it’s a perfect fit. “I’m so glad I finally found you” the duke says, he escorts y/n to the carriage and her new life as the queen.
taglist: @luckysam78 @mega-trash-cringe
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honeyjotunheim-blog · 5 years
always. (bucky barnes)
summary: my rendition of hades and persephone’s love story - and not just the abduction and the pomegranate seeds. (hades and persephone AU)
pairing: fem!reader x bucky barnes
warning/s: maybe a swear word somewhere we’ll see
a/n: hello it’s bernie!!!! congrats to my dear @sincerelymlg for passing her exams and for having the ability to be excited about the season of summer (i wish i could be the same, but summer’s just......not it sis) i’m sorry that this is like 500 years late tumblr mobile won’t let me edit this and post so yes again i’m sorry!!
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“I’m sorry that I have to take you down here.”
You looked around, astonished at how cold his kingdom felt. You expected the Underworld to be dark and scorching with heat. But it’s always nighttime in his realm, where the moon shone over his kingdom, a calming sight after death. 
And you doubted that he would want his three-headed guard dog to endure the heat outside the gates. Despite his dark and intimidating get-up, you knew he wasn’t that cruel.
“My father gave you the blessing to marry me. I am in no place to complain about that,” you replied. 
Hades turned around, and you began staring at him, taking his appearance in. He had the same striking blue eyes like your father. 
Nobody in Greece ever said that he, your father Zeus, and your uncle Poseidon looked alike. Hades had long black hair, the split ends just hanging just below his chin. He had a sharp jawline and a permanent scowl on his face. Your father Zeus had grey hair and a grey beard with a mouth that never seemed to turn into a frown, while your uncle Poseidon had long blonde hair with a long blonde beard to match and a lot of tribal tattoos on his body. 
But what made the three of them their father’s sons were that they inherited their father’s eyes, which have been said were blue. 
Hades, in turn, stared at you. He was aware that, of course, you were Demeter’s daughter. It wasn’t much of a surprise that you looked as beautiful as she was, a single pale rose in a bush full of prickly thorns. It also wasn’t much of a surprise when she gave you the same powers as she was born with. 
So in each step you took, a patch of fresh green grass grew out of the barren ground. His kingdom was too dead to let anything live. Too dark for anything in the mortal realm to flourish in. Hades was greatly impressed at how your immense power could come pouring out in any kind of crevice of the earth you could be in. But you were too busy staring at him to notice that you’ve done the seemingly impossible.
“Hold on, dear Persephone,” he told you. You stopped walking, looking at Hades cautiously with wide eyes. His frown turned into an amused smile, a smile rarer than any kind of jewel. He chuckled to himself.
“This place is as dead as the people Thanatos brings to me,” he said. “How in the world did you manage to do that?” 
You looked down at your feet and saw a flower bush slowly sprouting out of the ground. The flowers turned from white roses to bright red peonies as it continued growing. You stared, astonished at what you just did.
“I - I don’t know.” you breathed in, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. 
Hades chuckled again. “It doesn’t matter, love. I like it.” he said. He held out his hand for you to take. You hesitantly held it and you both resumed walking.
Hades has noticed that you’ve been quiet ever since you started staying in his kingdom. 
You stayed in the drawing room most days, staring out the window even though there isn’t much to look at. Sometimes you’d walk around the halls looking for something to do. You weren’t allowed out of the Underworld due to security reasons, and you understood that. But Hades could see that you were bored out of your mind just staying in his kingdom with nothing to do.
What’s there better to do in the Underworld? Hades doesn’t do a lot than just work and mope before you came. Now he’s just realizing how much of a bad host he was being. 
So he tried to stay by your side and keep you company. He tried to strike up conversations and keep you entertained. But he could still sense that you were lonely, even with him right beside you.
Now you were back in the drawing room just after eating breakfast with him in his grand dining room, sitting in front of a window and staring at Underworld’s permanent night sky. You had a cup of tea in your hands but Hades doubted you took even half a sip of it. It was probably going cold now. 
“Persephone?” He approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. You didn’t respond, but you thankfully didn’t shake off his hand on you. “I’m worried that you might not be enjoying your stay here,” he said. 
You still didn’t respond. 
Hades hesitated, but he pulled another chair next to you. As he sat down, he nearly jumped out of his skin when you rested your head against his shoulder. 
“Persephone?” he asked, face and ears heating up. 
“Just stay with me,” you whispered. 
Hades was debating if what you just said had a double meaning, but he obeyed. He stayed with you in that drawing room, your head on his shoulder, watching the stars twinkle for the two of you.
“Am I allowed to call you my husband now or do I have to wait after the wedding ceremony to formally call you my husband?”
Hades choked on his tea at your question. That was the last thing he expected you to say. You literally could’ve said anything else and he would’ve been fine, but this? He wasn’t ready. 
You immediately reached over to him in concern. “Are you okay?” you frantically asked him, hand holding his shoulder. “Yes, I’m - I’m perfect,” Hades grunted, his face heating up in embarrassment. He summoned a handkerchief out of thin air and hastily dabbed at the tea stains of his dark suit. 
“Was it...was it something that I said?” you asked shyly. 
“No, petal,” he quickly assured you. He put the handkerchief away and turned to you with a red face and red ears. He hesitated over what he should say to you. “I was just - just caught off guard at your question.” He chuckled to himself.
You both stayed at a high balcony of Hades’s castle that overlooked the entirety of the Underworld. The moon was full and the stars were somehow brighter than the ones in the mortal realm. You sat alongside each other; you busying yourself with making plants grow out of nowhere and Hades enjoying a cup of tea.
Over the course of the past few months, you both learned to enjoy each other’s company. Hades, who had been alone for most of his days in the Underworld and usually liked his conversations short and direct to the point, learned to listen to what you have to say. 
He loved to hear you talk about your joys, your fears, your frustrations, your ideas, anything that was on your mind. It could be from laughing at a weird-looking flower that you found this one time to telling him how frustrated you felt whenever you argued with your mother. It could also be from wondering if there was an afterlife for gods to wondering if bugs could be turned into full humans.  
He was just extremely glad that you were opening up to him.
And you, who was used to be around loud, talkative, lively gods like Hermes and your mother, learned to appreciate Hades’s silence. He’s made an effort to stay by your side and listen to you ramble on and on about the things you never got the chance to say. 
He never judged you for those (sometimes) nasty things that you say. He encouraged you to keep finding joy in every little thing you find, he sympathized with you on your frustrations and your fears, he listened to your ideas (even the weird ones). 
You were more than happy to have met someone as understanding as him.
“Well,” you trailed off, clearing your throat awkwardly, “am I? Allowed to call you my...husband?”
Hades took a moment to answer you. He debated whether or not he should start getting cocky and just straight out demand you to call him that, or just giving you a proper answer. 
“Well, that depends on - on you, petal.” Hades stuttered, clearing his throat as well. “If - if you’d like to call me your husband now, I - I - I wouldn’t m - mind. I - if you’d like to call me your husband after the wedding ceremony, I - I still wouldn’t mind!”
Gods, he was a mess. He has never felt this flustered in his life before. Your question was driving him insane. He didn’t want to offend you in any way, so he just hoped you weren’t too worked up about his answer. 
But when he turned to you and you had on that oh so sweet smile you gave him countless times already, his nerves began to settle down a little. What was he so worried about? You weren’t a stranger to weird replies, as you weren’t a stranger to weird stories and ideas. But he still can’t help that maybe you’re weirded out by him already.
“Hmm,” you began, rubbing your chin. “I guess I’ll start calling you my husband now, then.”
Hades could feel his heart rising up to his throat. He could actually feel tears starting to brim at his eyes. He didn’t think he’d be this happy about hearing your response. He didn’t think he’d be able to hear you refer to him as your husband. 
Hades tries not to think about having to finally call you his wife.
“O - okay, whatever you like, petal.” he choked out. He cleared his throat again and adjusted the collar of his shirt, trying to keep his tears at bay. 
Calm down, Hades! he screamed at himself in his head. 
“Only if you start calling me your wife.” you teased.
Hades felt his soul leave his body.
It was your wedding day.
Throughout the day of getting ready, Hades was a giant bundle of nerves. No matter how many times his brothers tried to calm him down, he was still shaking in his suit. It didn’t fully register to him the night before the wedding that he was about to get married until he woke up in a cold sweat sometime during the night.
Standing opposite each other, you were wearing the most gorgeous wedding dress he’s ever seen. Hades couldn’t help but cry a little. He even had to hold in a sob as you both exchanged vows to one another. You cracked a smile at him to calm him down. 
“You’re okay,” you whispered to him as he took a deep breath in. “you’re going to be okay.” you reassured. Hades nodded furiously, starting to believe your soothing words himself.
The wedding ceremony was quicker than Hades expected. You and Hades sat in his dark chariot parading around his kingdom, as tradition. The other Olympians threw flower petals at the both of you while cheering the both of you on, wishing you both a successful and abundant marriage.
You giggled as the petals landed on your palms. You looked over to him with a beautiful, contagious smile, then began blowing the petals onto his face. Hades scrunched up his nose, but he laughed for the first time during the event. 
The reception party was... just phenomenally insane. Athena, Dionysus, Apollo, and Aphrodite coordinated the entire thing and it somehow worked well for their favor. Dionysus was in charge of the booze and the food, Apollo was in charge of the music, and Aphrodite was the charming host. Why they all worked out was because you asked Athena to put them together for this one event. It was mind-blowing how you knew just who to call for when in need of party assistance.
Hades had to suffer through hearing Poseidon make his best man speech about how he was so proud of Hades for choosing the most perfect bride. (And how he was sorry for puking on him during one of Dionysus’s parties.) Hades also had to suffer through having to hear Zeus spontaneously belt out a song for his dear daughter while looking like he was 30 seconds away from passing out drunk. 
But what made it all bearable for him was how your eyes lit up every time you laughed, how your touches feel against his skin, just how you looked tonight with your gown and your happiness. He couldn’t believe that he was eternally bound to you. He couldn’t believe that his soul finally found someone equal to him.
He couldn’t believe he finally found someone to love. 
After the reception party has (finally) ended and all of the guests have returned back to Olympus, Hades whisked you away into an empty hallway for another little slow dance. You were laughing at his joke about Zeus probably vomited on his way back as you both swayed back and forth to nothing. 
“Dionysus really knows how to mix his drinks,” Hades said. “It’s said that if a mortal drank a drink that was personally made by him, they’d be drunk for months. Sometimes even years.”
“Really?” you asked, astonished. Hades grinned. “No, I’m just joking. He just makes really good booze.” 
You playfully slapped his shoulder and he laughed. “I’m sorry, my Queen. You’re just so easy to fool.” he teased you, making you pout adorably. “You’re so mean to me.” you scolded. 
Hades chuckled once more before placing a kiss on your forehead and pulling you closer to him. He felt you relax under his touch and he relaxed under yours as well. The permanent moonlight of his realm streamed through the windows, illuminating the dark hallway as you both swayed along to the silence. You both couldn’t think of a better place to be in at this moment. It felt like home just staying in each other’s arms.
Hades looked down at you, staring into your eyes that were filled with so much adoration. He felt like he was slowly melting under your loving gaze; he’s never felt so much emotion through just one look. It was driving him insane - you were driving him insane. And it felt fantastic being with you at this moment.
“What is it, petal?”
It took you a moment to reply, but Hades already knew what you were going to say. But then maybe he was wrong - maybe that look told him something else, but he’ll understand it anyway because he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him and -
“I love you.”
Hades stopped breathing for a moment. 
He was expecting it. He really was, but his own doubt liked to wash over him like Poseidon’s strong waves. There were certain things about him that made him quite the unlikable god, but there was hope in him that someone had the guts to give him the time of day. 
Useless hope, he liked to call it. 
He had useless hope that someone was going to come up to him, willingly, and tell him that they admire him. Tell him that they at least found him a decent god to work with. Tell him that his work helped balance the world. But nobody ever told him those things; nobody said their favorite god was Hades. Nobody in their right mind worshiped him and gave him sacrifices. What’s the point in expecting people to give you the respect a regular Olympian god would get? 
And now, he was holding you close to him in his arms, your three mind-blowing words hanging in the cold, night air. His hope never wavered, but it significantly became less and less over the years of his existence. He was ashamed that he even doubted himself; he was a god, a god who was worthy of someone’s praise and worship. 
A god who was worthy of your love.
So Hades tilted your head up to him and smiled, widely.
“I love you, too.”
unofficial taglist:
@thejamesoldier @redgillan @the-canary @papi-chulo-bucky @shurisneakers @sincerelymlg @buckyywiththegoodhair @buckyofthemyscira @buckychrist @fvckingavengers @samingtonwilson @theassetseyeliner @221bshrlocked
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
#sincerelymlgwc masterlist
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Thank you all for participating in my first ever writing challenge! I will add every fic that is submitted here! I encourage you to read and reblog the fics listed!
May the force be with you and thanks for your wonderful words!
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Clint Barton: Patchwork Confessions || @tbetz0341  Her bedside manners are impeccable, maybe that’s why he ends up at her apartment window. Maybe it’s just her.
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Bucky Barnes: Spoiled || @wienerbarnes  Prompt: “I do care!”
Saturday || @kentuckybarnes  An earlier wake-up call on the weekend than Bucky would like - but who’s he to complain, with all his favorite girls to spend the day with?
Cinderella || @retrobhaddie  Y/n is a servant for her stepmother but one ball changes it.
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait || @spiderboysparker After the war, being in the ice, and being Hydra’s puppet, Bucky loses hope of finding his soulmate. He’s sure that after being in the ice she had died before he could have met her. But then he is surprised to find out that there is still hope. 
Summer Mental Breakdown || @friday-ocean It is a hot summer night at the compound. Even though the air conditioner is working all day long, two people can’t find any rest. Maybe staying the night together can help? 18+ ONLY
Always || @honeyjotunheim my rendition of hades and persephone’s love story - and not just the abduction and the pomegranate seeds. (hades and persephone AU)
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Steve Rogers: Defend || @littlemarvelfics  Prompt: “Hush, I’m trying to kiss you.” 
Just Peachy || @holy-captain Steve struggles to assemble a crib from Ikea while reader struggles with her intense cravings.
2 Years || @lxnarholland Steve appears at readers apartment after 2 years.
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Stephen Strange: Can You Keep A Secret || @softhairbarnes  You aren’t ready for others to know about your relationship with Stephen Strange.
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Peter Parker: Ella || @thestorydetective Moodboard
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Calum Hood: Beauty and the Beast || @calum-hoodwinked-me  Y/N always has a book in her hand wherever she goes. One day she meets this guy and she can’t get him out of her head. She keeps running into him… They become very quick friends and she learns about his past and the fact that he doesn’t believe in love anymore.
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
Hi! Can I enter your challenge with “Hush, I’m trying to kiss you.” And Steve? I’ll be posting from littlemarvelfics! :)
YES! It’s yours!
Join my writing challenge!
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
hey! can i get Orpheus and Eurydice for the writing challenge please?
OF COURSE! Who will you be writing it with?
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
Hey could I do the cinderella fairytale with Bucky Barnes x reader if that's still open?
Have fun! It’s yours!
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Join my writing challenge!
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
Hi! Can I please have dialogue #10 with Bucky pleaseeeeee? ❤❤❤❤
Yeah! Technically this prompt had been filled already, but I’ll make an exception for that many e’s and hearts!
Join my writing challenge!
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
hi my love! can i join your writing challenge? can i take “I’m allowed to be angry.” with steve rogers x reader please?x
It’s yours! Have fun!
Join my writing challenge!
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
Hi! I sent an ask a couple days go but idk if it went through. If it did and this is a repeat my bad! But could enter your challenge with dialogue number 4 with Loki? I'd post it on my side blog: sidehowriting
HELLO! My first confirmed Tumblr message that got eaten.
I didn’t get it, thank you for resubmitting it! Of course! Have fun!
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
Hi! I’d love to have the Rapunzel prompt with Scott Lang! I love writing challenges and this one will be so much fun!
I’m excited because you're excited!
Join my writing challenge!
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