#since the precure fandom is so big and there are already a lot on here specifically for mofurella from cinderpoll
fairytale-poll · 3 months
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Princess Tutu (2002 - 2003) is based off the Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake; Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (2003 - 2004) is based off the Little Mermaid; A New Magical Tale! Mofuderella is the Star!? (An episode of Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure) is based off Cinderella.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Princess Tutu (2002 - 2003):
This show is PHENOMENAL. Starts as a fairy tale show, slowly starts to discuss fate vs free will and the archetypes that fairy tale characters have to play and what would happen if they could fight the narrative. Also has one of the most perfect endings to Duck's arc that any protagonist could ever have.
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (2003 - 2004):
I love my magical girls
A New Magical Tale! Mofuderella is the Star!?:
I love that transgender teddy bear so much
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pigtailpoll · 1 year
I really like the way you seeded this bracket so far. I mean at first i thought all the precure characters would sweep but apparently others do stand a chance. Are you going to do any other polls after this?
AH thanka you ajdjkckdkda !! im actually really surprised too , im not tht familiar w precure but i know it has a lot of different serieses and a huge fanbase plus i got SO many pretty cure submissions it was insane sjkdkqhfksijekcka . but even tho they arent sweeping i still think they can win , miyuki and ruru are currently in tha leads as i type this !! and theyve already been winning rounds , i thought xinyan would win because im moar familiar with genshin than precure i guess , but miyuki won that poll !! :D
i tried my best but im not familiar with most of the contestants actually !! so i kind of just had to guess ?? educated guesses , i mean . liek " oh genshin is a big fandom , ill put this genshin character against someone else whos from a big fandom , liek pokemon or something " you know ? actually in tha next round ( round 7 ) i feel liek one part of tha bracket is kind of unfair , but who knows , maybe theyll surprise me too . unfortunately theyre not all perfectly evenly matched so there are some weak spots here and there where im liek , well , i gotta put them SOMEWHERE BQJDJCKCKCKA even if it feels a little unfair . but again , i could be surprised !! i never expected gosalyn to maek it that far , for example , and shes in tha finals for round 5 now !! i didnt realize how popular she was since i dont know anything about her !! you gotta beleive in yrself 2 achieve in urself ♡
as for othar polls : yes , i am !! this is honestly a lot of work , especially in tha sorting through submissions stage , but its still also really fun . im already planning on doing a braids poll after this , because tha definition of pigtails does include braids , but for tha sake of narrowing things down this bracket is only including regular / non-braided pigtails . im also thinking of doing some other kinds after that , liek i wanted ta do a fictional fictional character poll , and i wanted to do a sibling one as well cause i know SO many sibling characters but i saw someone was already doing one liek that ajdjxkka !! maybe some tiem in tha future wen its been long enough that im not stepping on any toes , i mean itll be after tha braid one at least cause i already said id do that one
idk how to end this answer !! thanks for asking , hope you have a great day , bye !! :D 💖🌈🍀
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Precure Series: What Little I Know And How I May Approach Them
Futari Wa & Max Heart: The originals. Protagonists invented the concept of handholding, but ironically suffer an eternal torment of Unresolved Sexual Tension. (Given how this is the place where everything started, I definitely want to watch and liveblog it at some point, but I think I'll also hold off from doing that for now, until I've seen a couple of the other series first for context.)
Splash Star: The first attempt at something not directly related to the first two series; made some improvements, but also didn't really differentiate itself that much? Different protagonists with similar designs, anyway, and similarly trapped in relationship limbo. (I feel like it's probably best saved for after I finish Futari Wa, but I don't know that I'll liveblog it unless people really want me to at that point.)
Yes! 5 & GoGo: The other series to get a sequel. First to have a bigger team, but also apparently made some big blunders? At least, at the time it apparently didn't fare well. (If I do watch it, it'll probably be way down the line. I do want to give it an honest shot eventually, but it also sounds like there are a lot of better alternatives to look at beforehand.)
Fresh: Pretty fun so far, and apparently gets ridiculously great later on. Love/Cure Peach is best Cure. (Watching it right now, obviously. Honestly been having a hard time working on the catchup coverage because I want to keep going with new episodes already!)
Heartcatch: Apparently one of the darker if not darkest series, but also really really good. However, it also seems to unfairly overshadow Fresh, being the common series to recommend to newcomers. (It's probably one I'll watch sooner, and liveblog since it's one of the more popular ones, but I think I'll give some space between Fresh and this so my pro-Fresh bias doesn't impact this in a negative way.)
Suite: Apparently borrows concepts from both Fresh and Heartcatch and tries to mix them, with the end result being very YMMV? Also, the name makes me think of hotels, so maybe that's a thing? Idunno. (Probably one to check out, but not until after both Fresh and Heartcatch, and I don't know that I'll liveblog it.)
Smile/Glitter Force: Sounds like it's a considerably sillier series than most of the others, in a good way. Reasonably popular, and the red and green team members get shipped a lot maybe? (I'll check it out sooner rather than later, but I think I'll not liveblog it, saving it for if I want a cheerful break from whatever other series I am covering here at the time.)
DokiDoki/Glitter Force DokiDoki: Now from what I've heard, this one sounds controversial. I don't even know any plot details or any reasons why, just that some friends have described it as trash to be avoided at all costs, while others love it and consider it their favorite. (I'm kind of reluctant to touch this one as a result, to be honest; I'm kind of over fandom debating nowadays. Still, maaaaybe someday?)
Happiness Charge: A cryptid. I don't know too much of detail about most of the other series, but at least I've seen them mentioned a fair amount here and there. Happiness Charge, though, not nearly as much. I'm not sure if I should take that as a bad sign or not. (Curiosity, though, is a powerful thing. Maybe I'll check it out soonish, and try liveblogging it just so there's some content for it out there.)
Go! Princess: The first of the strongly-themed seasons, (depending on if there's any weight to my guess about Suite) this one involving Princesses. Duh. May also have some slight connections to Fresh? (It sounds like it's a pretty strong season, so I want to check it out soon! Not sure if I'll liveblog it or not, though.)
Maho Girls: Witch/Magic themed, of course, with maaaaybe a Hogwarts equivalent being involved? Dunno much about this one, and it sounds pretty aggressively 'alright.' (Think I'll put this one off, and won't liveblog it.)
KiraKira a la Mode: Bakery themed, or the characters are running a bakery in addition to being Cures, or something along those lines? Also, catgirls. Sounds like it's pretty strong overall, and has the show's first properly canonically aknowledged gay couple, but also had some minor controversial elements? (Still, one I kinda want to see sooner, will probably liveblog.)
Huggto: Current series. I know the theme this time is career day; the protagonist is a cheerleader, one of the other girls is a flight attendant. Also, there's a french Android side-character that everyone loves, and then some recent arguments over a male Cure. (Think I'll wait on this one until it's less recent and hopefully I'll have forgotten any major spoilers I may have seen, but it's also one I kinda look forward to.)
Star Twinkle: The new series! Nothing known but the title. Probably going to have a space theme. Some people are declaring it a Sailor Moon knockoff, but eh. All in all, it seems exciting! (As I said above, curiosity is a powerful thing, and as I said before, I want to cover this as it releases. Harder to get spoiled that way, at any rate!)
So basically for now I'll stick with Fresh (and Star Twinkle when it starts) and then probably go after Princess and/or KiraKira after that, depending on what I'm in the mood for at that point. After those, well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
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