#since the next chapter(s) is jumping ahead a couple months so we can start the Preggo!Rhaena storyline
an-abyss-of-stars · 2 years
He Saw Her At Daybreak: UPDATE
Headcannoning dresses for Rhaena to wear that would absolutely drive Aemond mad 🤣🤣
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How do I get away with incorporating these? No idea, we'll figure it out 😂😂 I feel like one of these dresses could absolutely be a creative interpretation of a wedding gown (The Seven's wedding, the Valyrian one we'll keep with the traditional look).
Also also, this CHAPTER!! Y'ALL ASKED FOR A MONSTER CHAPTER and it's gonna be a monster chapter cause I'm currently at 11K words and you should know I'm not even halfway done 🤣🤣
Worst case scenario, I'm going to write the whole thing out, and maybe split it in two, BUT I'll post both chapters back to back. So in essence it's still one massive content dump 😂✨
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purifycantyouhelpme · 2 years
November Rain | Izzy Stradlin x Fem! Reader
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Word count: 1135
A/N: I'm finally done with this fanfiction. I can finally post the first chapter of the Duff Mckagan x reader story.
Summary: You and Izzy decided to walk together in the rain. This takes place in the early 90s. This is all in Izzy's point of view.
November 13th, 1993, 7:00 PM
It was night time, I was wearing a white, large sized jacket with a hoodie since I was pretty windy outside and I was wearing a gray backpack. I was at the liquor store, buying some snacks for when I get home. I would shop at that store that (Y/N) works at but it was about to close.
I gave the cashier about five bucks.
"Have a good day!" The cashier said.
"You too." I said back to cashier.
I walked out of the store with the bag of my snacks in my right hand. Suddenly, I felt it sprinkling on my shoulder. That's odd. Right I was about to look up, it started to rain. Thank god, I was still standing under the roof of the liquor store. It was raining pretty hard. The wind was blowing pretty hard to the point where the leaves were coming off the trees.
Thank God, I saw the weather on the weather channel and brought an umbrella just in case. The umbrella was in my backpack. I took my backpack off, open it and grabbed my black umbrella. I took it out, opened it and put it over my head.
I looked to my right and I saw (Y/N) walking from a block away. She was still wearing her work clothes. I'm guessing she didn't get any extra clothes. Is she coming this way?
She was walking while talking to someone. She and her friend stopped in front of the liquor store. I was staring at her. Does she know I'm there? "I'll see you tomorrow, Rebecca." (Y/N) waved at her coworker who was walking to her home. (Y/N) was just standing there all by herself.
"Hey (Y/N)." I said to her. I walked up to her, away from the rooftop. I was standing next to her with the umbrella still over my head. "H-Hi Izzy." She said. Her arms were crossed because it was cold. I checked her out, just to see that she doesn't have an umbrella or a jacket on. "Where's your jacket?" I asked her as I pointed at her.
"I forgot my jacket and umbrella at home." She told me. Well, that was obvious. "I didn't know it was going to rain later." She place her hand on her cheek and started going up and down. She felt pretty embarrassed. "You can stand under my umbrella." I said. She walked to me so that she can stand under my umbrella. She was next to me, under my umbrella. "Where is your house?" I asked her.
"It's a couple of blocks away." She said. "Just keep on walking straight." She added on. "Okay." I looked away from her and I look straight ahead.
We both started walking straight. She was on the side of me, walking with me. We were walking for a minute or two and it was getting tired of hearing the wind blowing in the distance, the t leaves in the trees rustling, and the rain pouring. Maybe I should make conversation with her. "So how was your shift?" I asked her.
"It was awful as usual." She said in an angry tone. "I had to deal with a lot of angry customers--" Before she was about to finish her sentence, she jumped into a big puddle. I stopped walking as soon the water hit me. I looked down to see that the water did indeed get me. The water splashed all over my pants and shoes and it also splashed on (Y/N)'s clothes but she didn't mind. "Now my pants and shoes are wet. Thanks (Y/N)." I groaned. She laughed a little. We started to walk again. "Like I was saying, I had to deal with alot of angry customers. There was this girl that kept on yelling at me because I told her that her card declined." She was looking at me. I looked at her back.
"Then she told me that she could get the turkey for free because it's Thanksgiving month." She was getting angrier. "Then she demanded me to speak to the manager, it was very aggravating." She facepalm in anger. "I know, people suck." I agreed with her. People are assholes sometimes.
I reached in my bag and I grab a Snickers bars. I put the candy bar in her face and said, "Do you want a snack?" She looked at me confused.
"I'm not in the mood for candy." She declined. I'm kinda glad that she said no because I wanted the Snickers bar. I opened the Snickers bar and took a bite out of it. It was delicious.
I took a small bag of Tortilla chips out of the bag and tried to hand it to (Y/N). She turned her head a little to looked at the bag. "How about some chips?" I asked with my mouth still feel of Snickers. "Ok." She grab the chips out of my hand and open the bag. She was eating the chips but she was eating the chips with her mouth open. I later swallowed the food. "You chew so loud." I pointed out. I could barely hear myself talk, that's how loud she was chewing. "Sorry, I haven't ate anything all day." She said, she continue to eat the chips with her mouth open. There was crumbs all over her work clothes.
Minutes later, we were still walking. A few seconds, (Y/N) stopped in front of a white house with a grey roof. She stopped walking so I figured I stopped too. I look at the house a little more. It was an apartment complex house with one grey door. It was pretty big apartment. It had a porch light, a welcome mat, and a garden in the front yard.
"So, I guess this is where you live." I said as I stopped looking at the apartment. "Thanks for walking me here, Izzy. I appreciate it." She thanked me. She looked at me and smiled
"No problem." I smiled back slightly.
She kissed me on the cheek. I started to blush a little. I put my hand on my cheek where she kissed me at and rub it a little.
"Bye Izzy." She walked up the little steps to her door. Going through her purse, she found her house keys and unlocked the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess." I smiled at me. She has such a pretty smile.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I waved at her with my left hand. She went inside her house and shut the door. Now, it's time to walk back home.
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ca-8 · 4 years
(Heartbreak From War)
(Fusionfall X Reader) Chapter One
    Sobbing. That was what (Y/N) heard in the darkness. Everything on her body stung and ached terribly, so she couldn't move. All she could do was listen to the cries.
    "She can't be dead!" a male voice shouted.
    "(Y/n)...sweetie, please wake up..." a female voice whispered closely.
    "Where are the paramedics?!" another female voice shouted in the distance. (Y/n) became more conscious as these familiar voices continued to shout and weep.
    'Huh...what's going...on...?' her mind mumbled. A sudden dryness entered her throat, and a blinding light drove out the darkness.
    (Y/n) gasped as she shot awake on her bed. She whipped her head around only to see that she was in her room. She turned her head towards the window to her left, and she was greeted by the moon dominating the night sky. The young woman looked over to her alarm clock, which read three o' nine.
    (Y/n) laid back down on her bed. Her (E/C) eyes stared up at the ceiling, pondering about her dream before sighing when she realized fully what it was. 'That happened four years ago. I should have gotten over it by now,' she thought. Her eyes wandered to the right side of the room when they caught sight of a (F/C) necklace on her nightstand.
    Inside of the glass case, the necklace glittered under the moonlight. Small four (F/C) gems were lined up on one chain, while the biggest spot for a missing (F/C) gem hung below them in the middle, separating the smaller ones into twos. The main spot for the larger missing gem hung like a teardrop as if it was the symbol of (Y/n)'s life: beautiful, mysterious, and despairing.
    (Y/n) sighed and turned her body towards the window. The stars that partnered the moon were glimmering over the black and white CN sign. (Y/n)'s small town was beside the logo, so her house had a perfect view of it. Slowly, (Y/n)'s lips curled into a smile.
    'I shouldn't be stuck in the past. I'm visiting someone who I haven't seen in a while today! Who knows when he's going to disappear again? And I have to meet Dexter at his lab for a surprise...Gosh, I haven't seen him in months...And Frankie asked me to come in Foster's Home...Wonder what that's all about...And Ben asked me to hang out with him and Gwen...And Blossom...' Before she knew it, (Y/n) drifted back into a peaceful sleep.
~That morning~
    Seven o'clock. The time when the sun was starting to peek over the hills that surrounded CN City. Sunlight bathed the town, and shined through the windows of the suburban houses and large buildings to awake the citizens. Past the suburbs and into the hills was a small isolated town where the sunlight hit its next house. In that house contained a not-so-human girl that once saved the planet: (Y/n) (L/n), the teenage deity.
    As the sunlight warmed her (S/C) skin, (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open. She raised up on her bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then put on a bright smile. 'Hate getting up this early, but it's going to be worth it!' she thought, then jumped out of bed.
     "First I have to drop off the cupcakes at the Powerpuff Girls' formal..." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she got out her clothes from her closet. Once she put them on her bed, she grabbed her phone from her nightstand. With one push of a button, her phone came to life, and it displayed a message from five minutes ago.
    Ben: Good morning, beautiful~
    (Y/n) blushed and rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. Ever since the nineteen-year-old broke up with his girlfriend, Julie, he's been hitting on the superpowered woman. She hasn't really caught any feelings for him, but she thought his actions were cute! And she was sure Ben felt the same way. After giggling at the winky face sent after and replaying with a 'Morning, Tennyson', the nineteen-year-old put down her phone and put her attention on her necklace.
    Her smile slowly diminished. Subconsciously, she made her fingers lift the glass cage and graze over the gems. The same gems that saved numerous lives countless times. The same gems that turned her into unstoppable beings. The same gems that couldn't save her father-
    (Y/n) shook her head to get rid of an unpleasant memory. When her phone buzzed again, she forced her attention back to it. It was Ben again.
    Ben: You know where to meet up, right? Do I need to send you directions?
    (Y/n) snickered and began typing.
    Me: I know where to go! We're meeting up at the Townsville Park.
    Ben: Aaahn! Wrong!
    Confusion was written on her face.
    Ben: Haha, just kidding. Yeah, you're right.
    Me: Oh my gosh, Ben... See you there.
    (Y/n) smiled to herself as she headed towards the bathroom.
    About fifteen minutes later, (Y/n) was staring at herself dressed up in her bathroom mirror. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair was in her favorite signature style, she wore her favorite (S/F/C) shirt with the same-colored leggings and a (F/C) skirt, and a pair of (F/C) boots. To put a finishing touch, (Y/n) walked back to her room and put on the necklace. Instantly, energy surged through her body, and (Y/n) took in a deep breath as her powers settled in. Seconds later, a (F/C) light swirled around her irises before settling inside them, and her eyes returned to their (E/C) color. A confident smile was placed on her lips, and she headed downstairs.
    "Okay, green hockey cupcakes, puck fudge, chocolate chess queen cake, sugar cat cookies, blueberry puppy cake, strawberry pie in the shape of a book...Jeez, what was their theme again?" (Y/n) said as she set the containers of each dessert on the kitchen islands. She remembered when she agreed to do some of the baking for the Pokey Oats University formal to get some stress off of the girls' backs, but had forgotten again.
    Then it hit her: the deal was that Blossom, the head of the Honors Society, was originally going to host the event. However, since Buttercup and Bubbles thought it was unfair for Blossom to take the lead, the entire Powerpuff Girl Trio decided to do a theme of their interests. Buttercup represented the sports teams, Bubbles represented the local Townsville animal shelter she volunteered at, and Blossom represented the intelligence of the University.
    (Y/n) giggled to herself. "Those girls can never agree on one thing, huh? Now how am I going to carry these all the way to the University?" Her hand held her chin, and after a moment of thinking, an idea popped into her mind.
Her finger touched the gem to the far left of her necklace, and a (F/C) light surrounded her. (Y/n)'s original eye color turned back into (F/C) as (Y/n)'s body was lifted off the ground. Her hair extended to her feet as strands of (H/C) hair transformed into (S/F/C) colored ones, and it went back into her (but flashier) signature style. Her (F/C) skirt and (S/F/C) fused into a (F/C) dress with tiny (S/F/C) gems covering the bottom. (Y/n)'s necklace floated from her neck and onto the top of her head, forming a light (F/C) glowing halo. Finally, (F/C) wings sprouted from her back, and the light around her disappeared as she floated gracefully back onto the ground.
(Y/n) smirked. 'Angel Form. A little over the top for bringing sweets to a college, but hey, why not?' She held up her hands and an (F/C) glow outlined them. At the same time, another (F/C) glow outlined the sweets and they floated up in the air. "Alright, let's get going," (Y/n) said.
    She exited the front door and locked it behind her. With the desserts floating by her side, (Y/n) pushed herself up in the air and soared into the cloudless sky. 'Besides, I might run into some trouble while I'm out. It would be nice to get a little work out in the morning!'
    It was a perfect day in the heart of CN City. Humans and creatures of all kind roamed the streets as they went along with the day. Up in the sky, (Y/n) smiled down at the serene town. A couple people looked up and waved at the demi-goddess, which she returned. Once (Y/n) flew past the heart of the city, she saw the university up ahead, and she knew she was in Townsville at that point.
    The college grew larger in her view. She swung around the building and saw a separate one at the back. Her wings hung straight beside her, and (Y/n) slowly landed in front of the smaller building. Her feet gracefully touched the ground, and she walked through the opened doors.
    Immediately, she saw the honors society president in the middle of the gym. "Stephanie, go ahead and put the banner above the stage. Hannah, go check on Brian and Rosie to see if they got the balloons ready," Blossom ordered. (Y/n) grinned and approached her. "Hey, Red," she greeted.
    Blossom tensed up and turned to her with a pink tint on her cheeks. When she knew it was her friend, she immediately relaxed, but the pink tint didn't go away. "I told you not to call me that," she said, smiling. "Would you rather want me to call you Shortcake?" (Y/n) responded. Blossom's blush went deeper as she pouted and said, "Nevermind... Hey guys! Come get the desserts and store them in the refrigerators in the back, please."
    (Y/n) waved at the cakes, and they floated and rested into a couple of the students' arms. "Everything looks amazing, Blossom!" she complimented, observing the decorated gymnasium. "Thanks! We still have a few things to do, but the place should be ready for tomorrow night," Blossom informed. "Did you have to go in Angel Form just for this?"
    "No, but it was the first thing that came to mind." (Y/n) held onto her halo. After a small flash surrounded her body, she was back to her human self. "Hey, thanks, (Y/n). The desserts look awesome," Blossom said, her pink eyes softening.
    "No problem, Red," (Y/n) said. "I know how you are when you're stressed." The girls laughed.
   "So how are you and Dexter doing?" (Y/n) asked.
    Blossom's smile faltered. "Uh, fine!"
    (Y/n)'s smile faded completely as she raised an eyebrow. "I can tell something's wrong," she said. She knew that the nineteen-year-olds didn't really have a chance to interact as a couple much lately, but something else was off.
Blossom's eyes widened and she held up her hands. "N-No! Everything's cool!" she laughed. (Y/n) looked at her suspiciously and was about to press her again until a high voice called her name.
    "(Y/n)!!" Bubbles yelled, hugging the woman from behind. "AH! H-Hi, Bubbles," (Y/n) giggled, turning around to wrap her arms around the Pokey Oats cheer captain. She opened her blue eyes and gave her the kindest smile she's ever seen. "Did you bring them yet?!" she asked, bouncing. The purple octopus in her arms stared at (Y/n) with an empty smile.
    "Yep! Just like you asked," (Y/n) responded, pointing to the students who were hurrying to the back of the gym once they saw Bubbles. She squealed and ran over to them. "Ah! Bubbles, don't eat them yet!" Blossom scolded as she ran after her sister. (Y/n) laughed at her trying to hold her sister down, but as soon as she felt an unknown presence fly past her, her laughing ceased.
    She turned around, but all she saw were students carrying party objects and decorating the gym. "Hmm..." she mumbled, and her eyes widened when she sensed someone speeding right towards her. In the nick of time, (Y/n) ducked, and she only felt fabric just barely graze the back of her neck.
    (Y/n) stood up and almost put her hand on her necklace until she saw Buttercup rubbing her head and growling. At that moment, (Y/n) relaxed and smirked. "Hey, Buttercup," she said. The leader of the Pokey Oats hockey team looked up and scowled.
    "Don't look at me like that! The only reason you were able to dodge me was because of your stupid necklace," she snapped. (Y/n) looked down to see that one of the gems on her necklace was glowing. "Fair point," she said, snickering. Though, when she saw a red gash on Buttercup's forehead, her stomach dropped.
    "Oh my gosh!" (Y/n) said, running up to her. "Here." She kneeled down in front of her, and one of her hands held onto one of the gems while the other one hovered over her wound. "Hey, what're you-?" Buttercup started, but was cut off by (Y/n)'s hand glowing (F/C). The wound was then covered with an (F/C) coating and it closed up within a matter of seconds.
    (Y/N) grinned in relief. "You're so reckless," she acknowledged. A deep red hue covered Buttercup's pale cheeks, and she pouted while averting her green eyes. "Buttercup! What did I say about speeding inside the gym?" Blossom exclaimed. Her sister huffed as she got up and stomped off.
    "I'm so sorry about her, (Y/n). Ever since the hockey team has been threatened to shut down, she's been a little on edge," Blossom apologized. "It's no problem, really! I can take her," (Y/n) assured. Bubbles walked up to the duo while staring at Buttercup. "What's the deal with you guys anyway?" the blonde asked.
    "Buttercup wants to 'take me down', as she said in her own words. She thinks if she beats me, she'll be one of the strongest people on Earth, or something like that. I'm suprised she hasn't told you," (Y/n) explained. The two sisters exchanged confused glances.
    "THE STRONGEST!" Buttercup shouted, turning back to the trio. The girls laughed until (Y/n)'s phone buzzed. "What's wrong?" Blossom questioned. (Y/n) pulled out her phone from her pocket and saw that it was a reminder to meet with Dexter. "Crap! I forgot I had to meet Dexter at his lab. Sorry girls, I have to go."
    Bubbles whined as Blossom looked away with dejection in her eyes. (Y/n)'s eyes softened when they landed on her, and she put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll tell him you miss him," she reassured. Blossom smiled wearily, but her eyes still held sorrow.
    "And I'll miss you!" Bubbles whimpered, wrapping her arms around (Y/n) again. She smiled and ruffled her blonde hair. "I'll be back for the formal, silly," she said. Bubbles looked up at her and smiled, then flew off from the ground and to the stage. (Y/n) examined the area and saw a scowling Buttercup leaning against the wall.
    "Can't wait to see your outfit for tomorrow night," she commented. She whirled her head towards her and glared. "I'm not wearing a dress if that's what you're thinking!" she claimed, then zoomed off.
    (Y/n) laughed to herself and turned to Blossom. "Later, Red," she said, and after receiving a wave, she exited the gym.
    'Good thing the college isn't too far from Tech Square,' (Y/n) thought as she walked through the bustling city. Flying cars soared through the sky while colossal buildings towered the area. (Y/n) breathed in the clean urban air (thanks to a large air purifier that Dexter built a while ago), and a calming breeze flowed through her (H/L) hair. Apart from the blood-red factory building that was coming up in view, the city was as calm as ever.
    Soon, (Y/n) was in front of DexLabs. Its blue and white structure overlooked (Y/n)'s the small figure but in a comforting way. The teenager smiled as she thought of the times when the building used to be a normal house, and she and her friends would come to sleepover and look at all the inventions Dexter has made. However, thanks to them growing up, and the growing success of DexLabs, those times turned into distant memories.
    Those memories soon turned into reminders of Dexter's sister, Dee Dee. (Y/n) giggling at the times where she would constantly break his inventions, and while he was harshly scolding his sister, the younger version of (Y/n) would be laughing in the background. She remembered the day where Dee Dee had to go off to college, which was on the other side of CN City. She remembered how Dexter constantly asked her, Ben, and the PPG to come over so he wouldn't be lonely, even if he refused to admit it. She remembered how even after all that, Dexter became more reclusive and buried himself in his work instead of talking to any of his friends.
    Her smile faded. 'I'm glad that he asked me to come in today. I hope he isn't too overwhelmed with all this work,' (Y/n) thought, walking up to the glass door. She observed the many robots swarming around the place. The only thing that made her worried was that no human employees were around anywhere. 'He's getting so used to artificial life. I hope he takes a break from work and works on his human relationships.'
    Before (Y/n) walked into the building, she turned to the factory that was across Dexlabs. She held in the urge to roll her eyes at the dramatic scene: Rain clouds producing lighting, the glowing 'menacing' red lava mixed with the black paint, and the depressing background it was put in. (Y/n) stuck her tongue out at the place and went inside Dexlabs, secretly wondering what the factories' CEO was doing. 'Probably fawning over his Dee Dee shrine again.'
    "Greetings, (Y/n)." That robotic voice made (Y/n) jump and spin around. She laughed nervously at the sight of Computress, Dexter's assistant, staring at her with blank green eyes. "H-Hello, Computress," (Y/n) greeted.
    "It is nice to see you again," Computress started, smiling. "Dexter has requested your presence."
    "I'm aware of that," (Y/n) politely informed. "Do you know where he is?"
    "He is on level thirty. He will be delighted to see you."
    "Oh, really?"
    "Yes. He has been thrilled while waiting for your particular visit."
    (Y/N) beamed. "Thank you, Computress." The robotic assistant nodded and walked off. (Y/n) turned and headed towards the elevator at the end of the main room.
    She stepped in and pressed one of the buttons for level thirty. As the doors closed and the elevator lifted (Y/n) took a deep breath. 'When I see him, I'm going to give him a hug so bone-crushing so he'll feel how much I've missed him,' she planned. 'Then I'll beg him to come outside. Then I'll just drag him to the dreaded sunlight.'
    The elevator stopped and the doors opened. (Y/n)'s eyes widened at the sight of millions of machines stacked upon each other. The lights on the ceiling were mostly covered by the complex inventions, so any light barely made its way into the room. (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed angrily. 'He's been working like this for the past few months?! Ugh, I'm totally taking him home with me. He can't live like this.'
    (Y/n) traveled through the piles of impossibly possible machines. In the distance, she could see a bright light in the middle of the dull room, and she sped up. Walking around another stack, her eyes lit up when she saw the sight of her genius friend sitting at a desk piled with numerous amounts of papers.
    (Y/n) internally squealed, but instead of running up to Dexter and tackling him with a hug, she tiptoed her way up to him. On the way, she heard him mumbling something about new inventions and deadlines, and her happiness died a little inside. She stopped right behind him and leaned into his ear, thankful that he didn't notice her yet. "Hey, Einstein," she whispered.
    "GAH!" Dexter jumped up from his seat and pulled a weapon out of his lab coat, then aimed it at (Y/n). She didn't faze and only smirked deviously, watching as he caught his breath and took in who scared him. Slowly, he put the weapon down as his blue eyes softened, and he grinned at her.
    "Normally, I would have blasted your head off for doing such a malevolent act, but since I have not seen you in a while, I'll make an exception," he explained in his famous accent. (Y/n) giggled and embraced Dexter in that bone-crushing hug she planned for him. His small grin transformed into a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around her. A comforting silence was hanging in the air while they secretly recalled pleasant memories.
    (Y/n) tried to pull herself out of the hug, but the redhead's grip kept her in his embrace. "You missed me that much, dude?" she chuckled. He opened his eyes and quickly let go of her, blushing. "U-Uh! Don't get the wrong idea!" he shouted. (Y/n) laughed and ruffled his hair, but stopped when she got a good look at his face.
    Dark bags were under his eyes and the light blue in his eyes had almost turned grey. A couple of scratches covered his cheeks while a crack sat in the corner of the left lens of his glasses, and his lab coat was covered in dirt. Her eyes narrowed and Dexter noticed. "What's wrong?" he asked.
    "You," she said, and Dexter flinched, looking offended. "Have you been getting any sleep lately?" she asked.
    "Um, well..." he dragged on, and her eyes glared daggers into his soul. "Look, I'm sorry if my appearance worries you, (Y/n), but deadlines have been piling up on me," he explained, sitting back down at his desk.
    "Why don't you get Computress and your robot workers to help you with all this?" she said.
    "They do, but there are countless inventions that still need to be worked on. And those inventions are to be handled by me. No other robot or person can handle that job."
    (Y/n)'s eyes softened, and she approached him and wrapped her arms around him while putting her head on his shoulder. "I'm worried about you, Dexter," she confessed.
    Dexter tensed, and she could have seorn she saw his cheeks heat up. "(Y/n), I wanted this. The world needs me, and if this state and dependence on coffee is my price for it, then so be it." He yawned at the end of his sentence.
    (Y/N) sighed and turned Dexter around so he could face her. Her hands gripped onto his shoulders as she explained, "The world also needs you to be healthy. Sooner or later, you're going to collapse if you keep this up." Dexter frowned, averting his eyes from hers. (Y/n) wanted to smack him, but she held in the urges and gave him a smile. "Come on, a small break wouldn't hurt. You said you had a surprise for me, didn't you?"
    Dexter's eyes lit up. "Oh, of course! Follow me." The scientist got up and led the teenager to the other side of his lab. (Y/n) beamed with happiness and caught up with him. "I've been feeling guilty about missing your last birthday..." Dexter started.
    (Y/n) patted his back. "Worry about yourself first, dummy." Dexter let out a weak chuckle. "I will get to that. But I wanted to make up for it." As he finished, they approached a giant tube with (F/C) liquid inside of it. (Y/n)'s eyes glimmered with curiosity, and she gazed back at Dexter, who had a light pink tint dusted on his pale cheeks along with a shy smile. He went up to the tube and pressed the big red button beside it. A small hole opened at the bottom and sucked the liquid out, leaving a floating ring with an (F/C) gem that shined brighter than any star (Y/n) has ever seen.
    "Woah..." she uttered. Dexter observed her face as if he was trying to gain as much pride as he could. "I have noticed that you have a fondness for jewelry, so I decided to craft a small gift using platinum that little gem you like."
    She was about to approach the machine until Dexter predicted her actions. He gently put the ring in his gloved hand and proceeded towards (Y/n). She gasped softly when he carefully grabbed her hand and held it up to put the ring on her ring finger. At that point, (Y/n)'s (S/C) cheeks were the same color as Dexter's hair. She wanted to suppress her fluttering heart, but her feelings were too strong to be put down. She looked into his eyes; they were exhausted, but still held warmth. His lips were the same. "There's one more thing," he said. With her hand still in his palm, he pressed the gem, and it flipped up to reveal a picture of her and him alone together with happiness on their younger faces.
    Tears pricked her eyes and (Y/n) used her other hand to cover her mouth. "Dexter..." she managed to say after a few moments. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done to me. Thank you so much." She lightly pulled her hand away and held it in her chest, looking away.
    Dexter's smile dissolved. "Something's wrong, isn't there?" he predicted. (Y/n)'s turned back towards him. "No, I-...I just thought..." Her fluttering heart started to crack. "I just thought this would be something you'd do for Blossom..."
    The redhead's hand went by his side. The warmth in his eyes transformed back into dullness while a frown held onto his lips. "We broke up," he admitted.
    (Y/n)'s eyes widened with shock. "What? When? What happened?" She started following him when he began walking back to his desk.
    "A few weeks ago. It started out fine until we began fighting. Then there were the silent treatments and the making-ups, and back to fighting...It got out of hand, and that was when we stopped talking to each other entirely." He came to a halt at his desk with his back facing her. (Y/n) stopped and held a saddened look in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said, deciding whether or not to hug him again. Though, when he turned around, he made the decision for her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
    "Don't apologize. I believe we have made the right decision. We don't love each other like we used to," he mumbled in her ear. (Y/n) put her arms around his waist. "You guys are still friends, though, right?"
    Dexter pulled away and smiled. "Of course." The two pulled away slightly but didn't break apart. Dexter looked as if he wanted to say something else, which sparked (Y/n)'s interest. "Something's wrong, isn't there?" she repeated what he said earlier, smirking. This time, Dexter didn't laugh. (Y/n) put a hand on his strangely warm cheek and brought his attention over to her.
    "You can tell me." He was hypnotized by her stare for a moment before he shut his eyes tightly. "(Y-Y/n), I r-"
    The duo yelped and whirled around to see Computress. "Computress, I'm the middle of something!" Dexter barked. "You are required to attend a meeting in fifteen minutes," she continued. Dexter glanced at (Y/n) before turning back to his robot assistant.
    "Whatever happened to you attending the meetings for me?" he inquired. "Professor Utonium wishes to meet you in person."
    Dexter fell silent. "Professeor Utonium?" (Y/n) asked. "I work with him," Dexter responded. (Y/n) felt her shoulders slump, but she remembered her meeting with Ben. She walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
    "We can finish talking later. I'm sure this is important, and you need to shower. Seriously."
    Dexter snickered. "I'll see you later, (Y/n)," he said, turning to her. (Y/n) responded with a "Bye Dexter," and walked out of the lab, hearing a defeated sigh behind her.
    As soon as (Y/n) entered the Townsville park, people were running past her with fear on their faces. "What the heck?" she mumbled, then ran deeper into the park. When she set foot in the heart of the small forest, she stopped once her eyes laid on Ben in his human form in front of a giant green monster.
    Its slime dripped on his green jacket, but Ben was too focused on hitting his Omnitrix. (Y/n) heart pounded in panic. "Ben! What are you doing?!" (Y/n) yelled. "My Omnitrix! I-It's not working!" he shouted. The slime monster continued to emerge from the trees, its red eyes glaring down at him. (Y/n) could see the trees sticking to the monster.
    'I gotta help him!' (Y/n) declared. She gripped onto her necklace and felt herself float off the ground. With (F/C) light taking over her body, her normal outfit transformed into a tight (F/C) jumpsuit with (S/F/C) colored streaks down her thighs and across her chest. Her body disappeared, and her invisible self flew right into the monster. 'Ew...' she thought but kept her composure. Once she was in the middle of its body, she held her breath and held onto her necklace again.
    The light covered her once more, and she felt her ears turning pointier while feeling her clothes becoming looser. With her hair transforming into a long thin braid, her eyes glowed their signature color. (Y/n) held up her hands and quickly created a forcefield around the smaller version of her body, and she enlarged that shield to blow up the monster to bits.
    Free from the inside of the monster, (Y/n) breathed in the fresh air and gently floated back onto the ground. She opened her eyes and grimaced at the sight of slime all over her simple (F/C) dress. Ben held a dumbfounded face the whole time, but when her glowing eyes spotted him, he gave her a charming grin. "Did I ever tell you looked incredibly cute in your elf form?" he asked playfully.
    (Y/n) scoffed. "Tennyson. Nice to see you and your..." She hesitated when she focused on his superpowered watch. "...malfunctioning Omnitrix." The grin Ben held turned into a frown once he laid eyes on his weapon. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Something's been going on with my Omnitrix lately. I haven't been able to summon any alien forms. It's like its energy is just...gone."
    Just when (Y/n) was about to respond, two of her other friends came running towards them. "Sorry we're late," Gwen said, catching her breath. Kevin approached Ben and looked over his shoulder. "So your Omnitrix isn't working, huh?" he said.
Ben turned to him and shook his head.
    "Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?" he asked. They all looked at him as if he just said that superpowers were a myth. "...(Y/N), can you please help us?" Gwen asked.
    "What do you need help with?" (Y/N) responded.
    "We need you to tap into Ben's Omnitrix to see what's going on."
(Y/n) gasped softly. "What? I-I mean, I could, but what about you, Gwen? Can't you use your spellbook to do that?"
Gwen sighed and took the purple and gold spellbook out of her backpack. She lightly grazed her fingertips and said, "I can't." (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "What? What happened?"
    "I don't know! My magic has been weakening for the past couple of weeks, and now I can hardly do anything. A lot of my spells have been unsuccessful, including the ability to magically communicate. And it's not only us. We've heard that most of the imaginary friends back at Foster's home came down with a mysterious illness." She put the book back in her bag and approached (Y/n). "(Y/n), please. If your magic hasn't been affected like this, we need your help."
    (Y/n) hesitated, but comforted her friends with a smile. "Why should I refuse? I'm more than happy to help."
Gwen let out a sigh of relief. "What about you, Kevin?" (Y/n) asked, turning to the dark brunet. "Have your powers been weird lately?"
    "I can still turn into any object I touch, but it seems to be getting more difficult."
    "Hmm..." (Y/n) walked up to Ben and touched the Omnitrix with her fingertips. She took in the silence around as she breathed in, letting all of her thoughts and emotions melt away. She tilted her head back, feeling her braid flow in the wind, and took in one last deep breath before her vision turned white.
    "GAH!" (Y/n) yelled, jumping back. The others flinched as the girl caught her breath. Her heart raced inside of her as if it was about to burst out of her chest. Her face was covered in sweat, and her hand quickly held onto her necklace to turn back into human form.
    "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Ben said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I..." (Y/n) started. "I saw static..."
The trio went silent before Gwen spoke up. "What do you mean by that?"
    "I mean I saw literal static. And there was screaming too..." Ben's face was covered in horror. "Ben, who did you fight before your Omnitrix became like this?" (Y/n) asked, looking up at him.
    "Nobody. This monster was the only enemy I saw within the past few weeks." Gwen and Kevin looked around at the leftover green slime as if they had just noticed they were there.
    Once (Y/n) retreated back to her original form, she spotted a familiar symbol on the ground. A giant red M with little black spikes on the side reminded her of an annoying brat accompanied by a weirdly hypnotizing laugh. "Mandark..." she mumbled.
    "Maybe he has something to do with this," Gwen guessed, narrowing her green eyes. "Then let's get this prick and earn some answers!" Kevin declared, then ran towards the direction of Tech Square. "I'll check in with Nigel and Jack to see if they're alright, and see if Jack knows anything too. I'll head over to Foster's Home too. That's probably why they needed me..." (Y/n) said, mumbling the last part.
    Gwen nodded and headed after Kevin. Ben started to run after them but turned back to (Y/n). "Hey, (Y/n)?" he said. She turned around and saw him with a bashful grin. "Thanks for the information. Maybe we should-"
    "Ben!" Gwen grabbed his wrist and forcefully pulled him in her direction. "Not now!" she yelled, and they disappeared behind the trees. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion, but shrugged it off and headed towards the Numbuh One's house.
    "Nigel!" (Y/n) yelled as she ran up to the treehouse. She knew that she didn't have time, but memories of her and the KND flashed in her mind.
    The sleepovers with the smell of hot chocolate and junk food. The presentations of weird but fun weapons to use against despicable adults. The immature nonstop laughter from when they teased Numbuh Four for liking a girl. (Y/n) was friends with the KND, so much so that they were like the siblings she never had. These memories made the worry within her fade.
    But as she rang the doorbell to Nigel Uno's house, she recalled another memory. It was Nigel the week before his thirteenth birthday. He was raging towards the other kids about how he didn't want to grow up and leave the KND. Numbuh Three hundred sixty-two and a couple of other kids were trying to calm him down, but it only intensified his frustration. (Y/n) heard it all from Numbuh five. When she went to visit him afterward, it was the first time she ever saw him crying.
    The rest of his team had their memories wiped willingly. Some broke down, but they did it together. After that, they were just regular teenagers. (Y/n) had to get to know them all over again.
    At the time he was finally thirteen and was about to get his memory wiped, he gave into the memory. However, when (Y/N) came to visit him again, he told her his entire plan of going with the Teens Next Door. Ever since then, he's been going on secret missions by himself trying to get his friends back.
    "(Y/n)?" Nigel Uno asked while waving a hand in her face, snapping (Y/n) out of her trance. "Ah! Hey Nigel!" (Y/n) yelled, trying to seem cool by leaning her arm against the doorframe.
    Her friend's grin was filled with chaff. "So I'm guessing you didn't hear a word I said."
    Her cool composure disappeared. "Uh..." she trailed off with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. Nigel chuckled and gently held onto her hand. "Come on. I need to show you something," he said, pulling her into his house.
    "The T.N.D. and I have been getting recent reports of strange occurrences around the city," he informed as they got to his backyard and into the treehouse.
    "And these reports were...?" (Y/n) asked, trying to ignore the dull emptiness of the treehouse. It was upsetting without the rest of Nigel's team with him: The studious Numbuh Two, the high-spirited Numbuh Three, the courageous Numbuh Four, and the feisty Numbuh Five. They were still there, but at the same time, they weren't.
    "Any sort of technology has been malfunctioning. When it was fixed, they were only able to work for a certain amount of time. It seems that the less advanced it is, the more defective it will be." They approached a room with a large screen above a display of buttons.
    "My computer has only had minor issues, but I managed to track the bigger problems." Nigel pushed up his sunglasses and pressed a few buttons, and presented before (Y/n) was a map with red and orange dots covering most of it.
    "These dots represent the malfunctions. The orange ones represent the minor issues, and even over some people, who I assume have those magic powers. The red ones are a bit more interesting."
    "What do you mean?" (Y/n) questioned.
    "These reports have been saying that through static, there have been strange faces appearing and disappearing. All of them aren't clear, but some have said they've managed to see some sort of small monster with red eyes. A few people even said they've been hearing screaming too."
    A feeling of dread took over (Y/n). "H-Holy..." she stuttered. The eighteen-year-old examined her reaction before he continued. "Just yesterday, orange dots appeared over Mandark Industries."
    "Mandark? Then Dexter would be at risk too! And if that happens..."
    "Then all our technology might collapse, and people who possess any sort of power will lose every ounce."
    Nigel looked as if he wanted to point out something else, but he kept quiet. However, (Y/n) already knew what it was as she glanced down at her necklace with concern. "What could be causing this?" she wondered.
    "We don't know, but whatever it is, we need some sort of protection against it. Have you ever experienced anything weird with your power within the past few weeks?"
    (Y/n) looked down at her necklace again. She gazed deep into it and sensed for any imperfections, but it looked the same as ever. "No, my powers have been working just fine."
    "Hmm...Okay, I need you to report this to Dexter. I already got the news about Ben and Foster's Home, so we'll need to keep an eye on them. I'm going to check in with the KND bases on other planets to see if they're still running fine."
    "KND bases? But you aren't-"
    "I know. Even so, I made a voice changer so my voice can sound like their new leader, Numbuh Three hundred sixty-three."
    (Y/n) opened her mouth until she recalled the old supreme leader of the KND, Numbuh Three Hundred Sixty-Two, having her memory wiped a few months after Nigel. She began walking out of the room but was stopped by the former Numbuh One. "Hey, be careful out there, (Y/n). We don't know what to expect." She turned to him and gave him her famous confident expression.
    "You know I'm always careful, chief." She winked at him, and he made a 'tch' sound accompanied by a smile. "No you're not," he said, snickering. (Y/n) giggled and walked out of the treehouse.
    Once she reached the outside, that smile was wiped off of her face. She made the mistake of looking up at the sky when she saw something abnormal in the corner of her eye. When she did, her eyes went small at the sight of a small green dot.
    (Y/n) shook her head and opened her eyes again. It was still there. She rubbed her eyes and looked back up. It was still there. (Y/n) felt the dread inside of her becoming bigger and bigger, and she soon found herself running towards Tech Square, unaware of one of the brightly glowing gems on her necklace. She didn't know what that green dot was, but her instincts told her that it was far from good.
    "Ahem, Saturnbase? This is Numbuh three hundred sixty-three, come in, Saturnbase," Nigel said into the radio in a high pitched female voice. No reply. Sweat dripped down his face as he pressed another button.
    "Jupitarbase? Is anybody there?". Nobody answered. "Plutobase! If anyone's there, please respond!" Silence.
    Nigel stepped and watched the screen show three separate information boxes. All of them had the name of the KND bases, and what caused him to have a pang of distress was the name 'offline' under all of them. 'Something's not good...I need to warn them!'
    He quickly ran out of the room, not caring about the consequences if he showed up to the KND moonbase. As he headed towards the underground where his old rocketship, the screens behind him turned to static. And within that static was a green blob begging for help.
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
So Far Away: Chapter 3/?
Summary:  Bucky Barnes doing what he does best. Saving. Loving. In this particular case, the object of both is you. (Bonus: Bucky Barnes happy, healing, doing really well!) Chapter 1. Chapter 2. 
Chapter 3:  Bridging scene, tbh. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, F.R.I.D.A.Y. Additional tags: mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame didn’t happen, Stark Tower still exists),  possible future smut (who knows, not me), she/her pronouns, more tags/characters to be added with future chapters, hero Bucky Barnes, canon typical violence, warzone/disaster zone setting, Alpine the cat Warnings: possible triggers for anxiety, PTSD, grief
Tag list (open): @animegirlgeeky @bubbabarnes @browngirlmagic @lookalivefrosty @aynaraxas @vibraniumwitch @the--sad--hatter
PLEASE READ:  Hey. So, basically I'm stuck with where this story is going. I have one scene in my head that's kinda like, a few months ahead of where the characters are now. I can probably use that scene in a different fic. If you like this story and want it to be updated, please please please comment with suggestions/ideas. I need so much inspiration for it right now. I love you! Thank you!
EDIT: Accidentally had all the Y/N replaced with my name because of the Chrome extension. Hopefully fixed, but if you see Rhiannon pop up, please let me know so I can edit. Embarrassing lol.
So Far Away Chapter 3/?
Bucky had left you in the bathroom, shower running and a change of clothes on the vanity. Your mind had split in two, and the smart and self-aware part was floating somewhere above your body, watching you not move an inch. The other part was trapped, frozen.
On the other side of the door Bucky was deciding what to do. He knew you'd not stepped under the water. He could translate human sounds, human movement.
"Y/N?" F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice spoke to you. "Sergeant Barnes has asked if you require assistance,"
"Bucky," you whispered.
"Yes, Bucky," she confirmed, then waited. She waited some more, then disappeared back into the building.
There was a small knock on the door and it opened slightly. "I'm coming in," Bucky warned.
When you were exactly where and how he'd left you, he sighed and moved to turn the shower off.
"I can-" you tried, but stopped when you realised you had nothing to say. Not really.
"It's okay, Y/N. I know you need sleep, but you'll feel a whole lot better waking up clean… So, let's try this instead, huh?"
You watched Bucky fill the enormously large bath tub with water. It took a couple minutes, and he remained silent. While it was comfortable, you felt useless and that was negating any comfort. You mustered all your energy and managed to pull off your jacket. It dropped to the floor with an anticlimactic noiselessness. The out-of-body part of you could feel the tears sliding down your face. The other part could not.
When the taps had been turned off and the water ready, Bucky stood. "I can get someone else?" he offered. At the confusion on your face, he clarified, "A woman…"
You shook your head. The mere thought of having to interact with someone else was exhausting.
Bucky nodded, understanding how you were felt better than you did. "S'okay. Here. I'll just… help… and when you're ready to be alone, just… let me know."
But the thing was, and you both knew it, that you wouldn't ask him to leave. You let him slowly undress you, help you into the bath and sit. It wasn't romantic and it wasn't making your toes tingle and mind drift. It was clinical and clean.
Bucky sat on the bathroom floor, his back leaning on the bath facing away from you. He planned on staying there for as long as it took for you to begin to move, to pull the washcloth into the water and clean yourself. He would have waited all night, but when the water started to cool and you watched goosebumps rise along your arms, both halves of yourself were pushed back together.
"Bucky," you said when you were ready. "I can… I can get out by myself,"
"Alright. I'll wait outside for you," he replied gently, getting up and graciously walking from the room without looking at your shivering body.
The clothes he had left were very expensive Stark branded pyjamas. They were warm and soft, and made you want to cry again. You tried your best to avoid the mirror's reflection as you got dressed and left the bathroom.
Bucky was leaning against the wall opposite the door when you emerged.
"Bed," he said, holding out a hand.
You took it and let him pull you along, into a room with a sweeping view of New York sleeping while DC was burning.
"In," Bucky ordered, pulling the sheets back, helping you climb in.
He tucked you in like a mother would, kissed your forehead before moving away. Kneeling next to the bed, he watched you for a second. Your eyes closed and you melted into the bed. Maybe you were already asleep.
"Thank you for finding me," you mumbled out. Not asleep then.
"Thanks for waiting."
Bucky sat beside the bed until your breathing regulated.
Out in the dark living space of his suite, he phoned Steve.
"You sound tired," Bucky greeted, worried.
"You know me, Buck."
Yeah, he knew Steve. He'd die of exhaustion before stepping off the battlefield or leaving anyone stranded.
"I know you ain't useful to anyone half dead. You need to get some sleep,"
"I will," Steve replied.
"I'll call Sam,"
"I'll sleep!"
There was a pause in the conversation then.
Steve stared slowly. "What are you gonna do with her?" Bucky thought about it for a moment. Steve continued, "She's got a life… Had a life, at least. We can fix her broken bones but… We're not really equipped to help her if, you know,"
"I know,"
"We barely keep ourselves together," Steve added.
"Yeah, I know… Look, I don't know what I'm doing. She's just- I don't know. I can help her. I did help her. She's-" All the things you were rattled off in a list in Bucky's head; he hadn't realised the list was so long.
"It's alright," Steve said. "Anyway, Sam will be back there tomorrow night. Wanda and I are gonna stick around, see if we can help find anyone under the rubble. Tie up some loose ends. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon, Steve,"
"Love you," Steve said, mostly out of habit.
"Love you too. Get some rest, punk."
Steve laughed as he hung up.
Maybe he was right, Bucky thought. Maybe you'd wake up more hurt than he knew. More hurt than he could heal. But, Steve was definitely wrong about one thing. They weren't just barely keeping themselves together. They didn't exist in lonely isolation, drowning in their grief and trauma. They had each other and what that meant, what that did for each of the Avengers was insurmountable.
So, Bucky would be that for you. If your life in DC was still there, he'd help you find it. If it wasn't, he would be your shelter and he would give you everything you needed to rebuild.
And, he told himself, he would do all of that while not thinking about your beautiful softness all the goddamn time. He'd not think about you thinking about him as a hero, as someone truly good.
Bucky sunk deeper into the couch he was sitting on, covered his face with his hands and groaned.
Like he had been trained as an emotional support pet, Bucky's cat emerged from the darkness. Alpine crossed the room gracefully and jumped to sit beside Bucky. Every time Bucky pat Alpine, he was always struck at how fluffy the cat had grown since becoming Bucky's.
"Alpine, man… Gotta stop bringing home strays, huh?"
Bucky chuckled to himself, thought about how outraged Alpine would be if he understood Bucky. He nudged at Bucky's hands happily, though, demanding more pats.
"Alright, fluff. Let's get you some food. Come on."
Chapter 4. 
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thesvenqueen · 4 years
Jurassic Park
Rating: T (may change, who knows) Pairing: Kristanna Also on AO3
Previous Chapters ( One   Two )
Note(s): a brachiosaurus are the long neck dinosaurs, or long necks, that everyone knows and loves. But our couple are scientists and they're not gonna call em long necks, they're gonna be specific because SCIENCE lolalso, seeing as Anna would get her doctorate before she married Kristoff (only by a few months), I had her be referred to as Dr. Arendelle. Plus, it's out of respect on her & Kristoff too by letting them both have the honor of doctor behind their name that they both worked real hard for; their family name. And for my sake, two Dr. Bjorgman's would be so damn confusing lets be honest lol
{Chapter 3}
Anna smiled to herself, tapping her fingers on the outside of the Jeep door as they drove along the dirt path.
She had known from the moment she walked up, arm looped with Sven’s that Kristoff was incredibly jealous. He was never good at hiding his emotions, and Anna had seen the jealousy written on his face, had felt it radiating off of him from the moment she had introduced Sven. It was laughable really, Sven was completely harmless.
Sven was a big flirt sure, thinking of himself as some smooth operator when Anna knew from experience he was not near as good as he thought. Had played witness to a few incidents that proved it too. It didn’t matter to Kristoff though, apparently, only taking the ‘angel’ comment to immediately despise Sven.
Which, in hindsight, wasn’t really fair to Sven as he did deserve a chance. Then again, he wasn’t helping his case with all the casual flirty comments and snarky remarks either.
Anna couldn’t recall if she’d ever mentioned her friendship with Sven, not really thinking of a time it could’ve come about.
There was the wedding, but that had been a small affair. Seeing as she really hadn’t spoken to Sven in years, he hadn’t crossed her mind. She had seen his name come up in the news, had heard Kristoff mentioning one of the stories too. A fight if Anna remembered correctly which was so like Sven.
Even then, she hadn’t said a word about their friendship and Anna felt bad.
Well, only a little.
It was quiet now, thankfully, she knew Kristoff could only handle so much right now. The tension in his jaw during the helicopter flight to the island said so. She glanced back at him, smiling sweetly, to see the tension still sitting strongly.
Kristoff smirked at her, gripping the handle tighter as they hit another bump.
“Jesus Christ.” Sven muttered, “Did they not think about paved roads?”
Even behind his sunglasses, Anna could tell Kristoff was rolling his eyes as he looked back out the window.
Anna giggled then, not able to hold it in any longer and turned back to look out her own window.
It was always so much fun to make Kristoff squirm, and this was no exception.
She leaned her head slightly, closing her eyes and letting the breeze from the car ride cool her off from the intense heat and humidity. She never was one for an island life but she couldn’t lie when she found it rather appealing.
Driving on an island, shorts all year round, in an open topped jeep, Kristoff grinning from ear to ear as he drove, his skin tan enough to bring out the freckles on his face. They’d explore every bit of the island they could, all the beaches and mountain areas. Maybe they’d have a little place on the beach, far enough away from everyone that they could see the stars at night. Then their kids could....
Instinctively she bit her lip.
From the beginning, from the few conversations they had had, Anna knew Kristoff wasn’t big on the idea of kids. His past was to blame, she knew that but it still hurt nonetheless to think he was so against the whole aspect. It hadn’t been in her plans either, she never dreamed she’d one day want that kinda life. Now, more than anything she wanted it, to be Mom to kids, their kids.
Kristoff hadn’t exactly said no yesterday and she knew him well enough to know he had more to say on the issue. If not for Dr. Hammond’s arrival, there was a good chance they could’ve come to a decision right there on the site.
Either way, there was more to be said but for now, as she opened her eyes to watch the trees go by, she was going to enjoy this while she could.
As they drove, Anna saw something that caught her eye. For a moment, she thought she had just been mistaken but no, there it was again.
How was that possible?
Confused, she saw another low lying branch up ahead. Taking her chance, Anna stood just enough to stretch her arm high above the car and rip a leaf from the branch.
“What are you doing?” Kristoff asked but Anna ignored him.
She sat down and stared at the leaf in her hand, not noticing the Jeep slowing and coming to a stop.
The leaf was massive, bigger than her head but that’s not what caught her attention.
She’d seen this plant, knew it like the back of her hand as she had studied the fossil of it for years.
One that was supposed to be completely extinct.
Had been for millions of years.
There was no way in hell she was holding it right now, alive and thriving, in her hands.
But the more she studied it, the more she realized it to be true.
“This doesn’t make any sense.” Anna murmured, hearing someone shift in the back of the jeep as she flipped the leaf in her hand, “This plant shouldn’t even be here. Kristoff, this species has been extinct for hundreds of millions of years. I don’t--”
A hand grabbed her head and forced it to turn left.
“Hey, what are you--” She said, ready to retort but the words died on her lips.
Anna blinked.
Then blinked again.
With a start, she jumped to stand in her seat, ripping her sunglasses off as her mouth gaped in absolute shock.
There, not even a couple yards away, strolling through the trees was a brachiosaurus. A large, grey, long necked brachiosaur.
For a moment, Anna couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe. All she could do was just stare at what was before her.
A dinosaur.
A real life, breathing, living, dinosaur.
How? How the hell was this even possible?
She watched as it slowly made its way through the trees, grabbing leaves here and there as it passed through. It was so close, just up the hill now and without hesitation, Anna jumped from the jeep.
She didn’t take her eyes off of it, staring as she came around the car slowly, leaning her head back as far as she could to see as much of it as possible.
There was a sound next to her, and she didn’t have to look to know that Kristoff had joined her outside the jeep, both now walking towards the massive creature.
“I know.”
“That’s--” he said, pointing, looking at Anna, “that’s a dinosaur.”
Anna huffed a laugh, tears in her eyes, “It is.”
His face broke into the biggest smile Anna had ever seen. She laughed again, giggling in excitement as she came up to Kristoff and grabbed his hand.
There stood one of the many creatures Anna had been obsessed with since she was a child; one her and Kristoff had only dreamed about. Instead of a drawing, a fossil or even a digital rendering however, it was alive and breathing.
Alive, breathing and eating the leaves from the tops of the trees.
They were beside it now, still a few paces away but close enough that Anna had to lean her head back completely to see it.
She watched, speechless as the creature continued to eat completely unaware.
“The movement,” Kristoff murmured, standing in front of her.
“The agility, you were right.” Anna said, smiling so big her cheeks hurt as she grabbed his bicep with her free hand.
“They can get rid of the rule books, they were...they were totally wrong. It’s not a cold-blooded creature, it’s completely warm blooded.”
“And it doesn’t live in a swamp.”
“The neck, it’s what? Twenty-five, thirty feet long?” Kristoff said, looking down to Anna.
“Thirty.” Dr. Hammond answered as he came up behind them.
Kristoff gaped at him, then looked at Anna and she could see the tears in his eyes.
It was a dream, there was no way it was real.
Sudden movement caught their attention, and Anna looked to see the brachiosaur stand up on its hind legs, reaching ever higher to get one branch that had been just out of reach.
It stood there for a moment, ripping the leaves off of the branch then came back down to all fours with a solid thud; one that shook Anna to her bones.
Anna felt Kristoff squeeze her hand, and looked back to him. He was still looking up at the dinosaur, eyes wide like a little kid on Christmas morning.
“How fast are they?” Anna asked, and she saw Kristoff huff a laugh.
"Always the curious one." He murmured and Anna nudged him with her hip.
“Well,” Dr. Hammond began, “We clocked the T-rex at thirty-two miles per hour.”
“Wait, what?!" Anna whipped around then, her own eyes wide now. “A T-rex. You….you have a T-rex?” She asked, astonished.
“Uh huh.” Dr. Hammond said, a proud smile on his face.
“Oh my god. Kristoff, they have a T-rex.” She said, turning back to Kristoff who looked at her with confusion and shock, “An actual T-rex!” She couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, letting them fall freely.
“Holy shit.” Kristoff said, and his legs gave out. He hit the ground, hard. His face was ghostly white, his eyes so wide in shock.
“Kristoff.” Anna said, kneeling beside him. “Honey, just breathe, ok? Head between your knees.” She placed a hand on his cheek, brushing his hair back from his face with the other.
“Is this a dream?” He whispered to her, placing his hand over hers.
Anna smiled, huffing a laugh as more tears fell, and shook her head.
“Oh no, it’s real. They’re all real.” Dr. Hammond said, catching their attention, a large grin on his face, “Dr. Bjorgman, my dear Dr. Arendelle, welcome to Jurassic Park.” He turned then, facing away from them. They followed his gaze and Anna gasped.
There, just below the hill was a valley and within it were several more dinosaurs. One herd sat along a watering hole while another, a herd of brachiosaurus, were wading through the watering hole itself.
It was a site to behold, one that brought more tears to Anna’s eyes.
Somehow someway, the creatures, the dinosaurs, ones that Anna had cherished her whole life were alive. They were real and here right in front of her.
Who knew what other species were here on the island, what others that Anna had looked over countless times in books that were now breathing once again. The possibilities were endless, but she still wondered
“How?” Kristoff asked, beating Anna to the punch.
She looked up to Dr. Hammond as he turned back to them, a sparkle in his eyes, “I’ll show you.”
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romewritingshop · 4 years
Wake up Parker! - Chapter 7: This is the one!
Relationship: Peter Parker x Tall Older Reader (Peter is 22 and Reader is 26/27)
Warnings: None
Word Count Total: 1802 (This Chapter)
Summary: Peter Parker is a student in the city of Brooklyn. He’s lazy, spoilt and he procrastinates a lot. He meets a woman named (Y/N), She’s recently moved to Brooklyn for an independent life. Something Peter is fascinated by. Over the course of a few months, Peter needs to realise that he has to grow up and become responsible for his life.
Tagged: @bggerbtch​
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(Y/N) took a glance at the address she noted at the back of a McDonald’s receipt. Sure enough this was the place as she glanced up at the red maple coloured building. It looked pretty and was tall. The street was nice as well as she watched a group of kids play basketball and a couple walking their dog. The sun gave a bright yellow glow to the trees and (Y/N) was liking the place so far.
“So this is where Peter Quill sent you.”
(Y/N) jumped and noticed Peter standing to her left, dressed in a black t-shirt with a Rick and Morty imprint on the front. Rucksack on his back and dark black jeans. How the hell did he sneak up on her like that?
“Oh my god! Peter! What are you doing here?”
“Me? I'm ... stalking you.”
(Y/N) shook her head and shoved Peter.
“Shut up! It’s not funny.”
“I called Quill and he told me you'd be here. So I thought I'd come and help you.”
“Nice. Well it’s good to have a second opinion on things. Shall we?”
Peter and (Y/N) stepped through the dark door and trudged up to the third floor, where Peter Quill mentioned that a ‘Natasha’ had the keys to the empty apartment. (Y/N) looked nice in blue jeans and a grey sweater. Peter grimaced at the dull colours of the corridors. The blue had dark splotches of black and it was messy. It smelt and looked like someone was murdered.
“Maybe we should try someplace else (Y/N). I don’t think this has been cleaned in years.”
“I think it gives character and age to the building. Don’t judge it too harshly. We haven’t even seen the apartment yet.”
They managed to reach the third floor and both of them huffed. (Y/N) felt a little burn and knew she needed to be fit and healthy to go up and down these stairs if this was going to be the place she would live in.
“This building doesn't have a lift! You really want to drag yourself up and down these stairs everytime you go to work!”
“It’ll motivate me to be fit.” They stood in the corridor of the floor, glancing between two doors. Number 10 and 12. “Well there’s number 12. That’s the apartment, we’re meant to see. But I don’t see a 'Natasha' here. I can't climb up and down knocking on every door.”
She noticed Peter smirking smugly. Probably laughing at her dilemma.
“What’s funny? Why don’t you do it?”
“Number 10. Natasha Romanoff lives in apartment 10.”
Peter and (Y/N) turn to the stairs behind them and notice a brown haired girl sitting on the ascending stairs. Dressed in a pink full sleeved shirt and denim skirt, brown boots and pink hairband. She had a bright gleam on her face at the prospects of new people. She jumped up and went over to number 10, knocking on the door.
“You've come to see the apartment, haven't you? Just one minute.”
Peter and (Y/N) smile as the girl knocks a third time around. At that moment the door opens, and it feels like a scene from a movie. A woman with vibrant red hair steps out and the window blows the hair delicately. She’s dressed in a silk black negligee and a long red dressing gown. She was obviously Natasha as Peter’s jaw dropped at the sight of her. (Y/N) stifled a smug grin at Peter’s reaction and the little girl had a bright smile at seeing her best friend. Natasha notices the girl and ties her red gown up.
“Hey Cassie, it's you. What’s the news?”
“Got a couple of chumps that want to see the apartment.”
(Y/N) giggled at Cassie and Peter frowned a little. Peter was no chump. He brought the bag strap a little close to his chest. Natasha turned her glance to Peter and (Y/N), straightening her posture at the sight of Peter. He was cute.
“Intel’s a little off, Agent Lang. They’re no chumps.” Natasha stepped up to the duo and held out her hand to shake. “Hi, I’m Natasha. I hear you’ve come to see the apartment.”
Peter raised his hand to shake Natasha's.
"Hi. I'm Peter Parker. It's my friend, (Y/N), who's here to see the apartment."
Natasha turns to (Y/N) and shakes her hand as well.
Natasha sighs at Peter dreamily and saunters into her apartment. She comes across as an ethereal being. She saunters! (Y/N) and Peter watch as she disappears and reappears with keys in her hand. Tossing them towards Peter before standing out in the doorway with Cassie.
"Anyways, I should warn you. The apartment's really dirty. It's been a year since someone's stayed there."
"Yeah! Especially since Mr. Murdock went blind."
(Y/N) and Peter's eyes widened and Natasha lightly slapped Cassie's shoulder.
"Cassie! One of the neighbours, Matt Murdock had an accident recently so he's moved to the ground floor. That's why here's been zero maintenance. But, see for yourself. Any questions, ask Cassie."
Natasha and Cassie's face scrunch up slightly at the voice of a male. (Y/N) and Peter turned to see a brown haired man in dark trousers and black t-shirt trudge down the stairs.
"Cassie, there you are - Oh. Hi."
The man notices (Y/N) and Peter and shakes their hand, introducing himself.
"I'm Scott Lang. Cassie's father. I guess you're here to see number 12."
(Y/N) gives a nod.
 "That I am."
"Nice, I would love to stay and chat but Cassie has homework to do. Come on, Peanut."
Cassie's face dropped as she dragged herself up the stairs. Scott sent a quick greeting to Natasha and followed Cassie up the stairs. Natasha explained about Scott to (Y/N) and Peter.
"Scott lives at number 14, above me. He's nice, most of the time. He recently got laid off his job so he's a little tense. Normally he would have stayed and chatted ages with you. Anyways, go ahead and have a look at the apartment. If you need anything, feel free to knock on my door."
(Y/N) gave a nod and smile and went to the door, to unlock it. The neighbours seemed lovely and (Y/N) was starting to feel like this was the place she wanted to live in. Peter was a little put off by the various characters in the building.
The both of them stepped into the apartment and Natasha was right about it being dirty. There were cobwebs and dirt marks on the walls. It was bare except for the open joint kitchen. There were two doors on the left as (Y/N) stepped into the first door on the left. It was an empty room with a dusty window. It was cosy. The next room was a small bathroom. A bathtub and shower combo which is great for (Y/N). On some days she can take a nice long bath and busy days will be hot showers.
Peter was looking around at the small dirty apartment. How could anyone stand to live here? Morgan’s room was way better than this apartment. This independence thing was starting to sound like a mistake. (Y/N) was liking what she was seeing so far. Loving! She stepped out of the bathroom and saw the open kitchen. Stepping towards it and examining it. The oven looked like it still works and (Y/N) tested the water by the sink. There’s hot and cold water. She stepped to the fire escape window and opened it. Stepping onto the fire escape and enjoying the cool breeze.
(Y/N) could imagine herself stepping out here every morning with her tea. Watching the neighbours walk by and the kids playing together. Her heart has settled for this place. This is where she wants to stay. (Y/N) snapped out of her day dream when Peter started complaining.
“(Y/N)! I don’t think you should stay here. It's like a haunted house here. Let's go. This place is a dump!”
She came away from the fire escape and stood in the middle of the room.
“Peter. You're going to think that I'm crazy.”
Peter watched (Y/N)’s face and immediately his eyes widened. (Y/N) was not serious. The look on Peter’s face said it for (Y/N). She gleamed and was about to strut over to Natasha’s apartment. Peter caught her wrist and pulled her back into the room.
“Are you serious (Y/N)?”
“Absolutely. I actually like this apartment.”
“That's impossible! It's filthy.”
“So we'll clean it.”
“You know, Morgan’s room is bigger than this.”
“Well, good for Morgan. I'm taking this flat.”
Peter kept trying to make excuses on the flat being unacceptable but (Y/N) was having none of it. She has decided. (Y/N) pulls her wrist away from Peter and steps out the door, heading upstairs. Peter follows after her.
“Where are you going? Natsha’s apartment was that way.”
“I want to check out my building's terrace.”
“Your building? You haven’t even seen the other apartments yet!”
“I really don’t care, Pete because this is where I want to live.”
They go up the stairs and reach a small door. Pushing it open and (Y/N) steps out onto the roof. Peter calls out and they both stand in front of each other. Peter is looking up at (Y/N) to ensure he has her full attention.
“(Y/N). Are you really sure you wanna live here? If it's about money, maybe I can help you. I'll ask Mr. Stark for some.”
(Y/N) shook her head and ruffled Peter’s hair.
“Peter, it sounds like a nice offer but I don’t need it. My job will hopefully be enough to help me survive plus I’ve got some savings.”
She turns left and her eye catches the view. Peter keeps going on about the apartment being wrong for her.
“God! You're so stubborn! Listen, I don't think this area's very safe. Why don't I do some research and send you an email? Look, you're not from here, you don't -”
(Y/N) grabbed Peter’s chin and moved his face to what she was seeing. His rant disappeared as his eyes were drawn to the wide view of the sea and Manhattan. It was gorgeous. Just like the view at the Empire Fulton Park. The buildings sparkled against the yellow sun and the sea danced calmly. This was an aesthetic. The both of them walked a little distance away from the edge. Peter knew that (Y/N) had to take this apartment. 
“Pete, do you really want to help me? Help me turn this 'dump ' into a home?”
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holidaywishes · 4 years
It Had To Be You XXXVIII
Chapter Thirty Eight: Sad Song
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  Summary: Fast forward six months and the new Preseason is just about to start. After a rough playoff loss, Tyler wants this season to be better and he has some ideas on how to make everything go smoothly.
  Warning: I guess because this song is so cheesy and sweet, there’s going to be a lot of fluff in this chapter, this one’s also got a few time jumps as well.
  Author’s Note: I don’t really know where I’m going with this series anymore. I think I’m trying to stretch it out to 50 chapters but it all depends on how I’m feeling obviously. Just know that I have a thing with odd numbers. That is to say, I will only end on an even number or a multiple of 5 (45, 50, 55, etc.) But this one will be another short chapter (and I’ll admit this is really not my favourite) but I’ll probably put two out back to back since I have something in my head and I’m literally not doing anything else, so why not? Anyway, I hope you like whatever comes from the rest of this series, ENJOY!
  P.S. This chapter took a little longer than I thought it would but I have some clearer ideas of what the next like four-ish chapters are going to be so that’s exciting.
  P.P.S. I wanted to update the timeline because this chapter has a lot of time jumps as did the last chapter. So here’s a quick recap of the whole series:
  Part I: September 2013
  Part II: November 2013
  Part III: January 2015
  Parts IV and V: May-June 2015
  Part VI: June 2015/January 2016
  Part VII: January 2016/June 2016/November 2016
  Part VIII: November 2016
  Part IX: December 2016
  Part X: January 2017
  Part XI: February-August 2017
  Part XII: September-November 2017
  Part XIII: mid-November-December 2017
  Part XIV: January-February 2018
  Part XV: March-April 2018
  Part XVI: April-June 2018
  Part XVII: July 2018
  Part XVIII: July-November 2018
  Parts XIX, XX and XXI: December 2018
  Parts XXII: December-January 2019
  Part XXIII, XXIV, XXV and XXVI: January 2019
  Part XXVII: late January-March 2019
  Parts XXVIII and XXIX: March 2019
  Part XXX: late-March/April-May 2019
  Part XXXI: May-November 2019
  Part XXXII: January 2020
  Part XXXIII: late January 2020
  Parts XXXIV and XXXV: August 2020
  Part XXXVI: October-Early November 2020
  Part XXXVII: March 2021
  Part XXXVIII (this chapter): July/September 2021/January 2022 (yup I did that)
  Song Credit: Sad Song -- We the Kings & Elena Coats
  the other masterlist
  After the whole quarantine last year, and the season being cancelled, Tyler wanted the next to be better but after being knocked out in the first round he wasn’t in the best mood for a few months. He spent every waking minute training during the summer, except for his seemingly annual trip to the Bahama’s with the guys.
  “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” he asked when you said you’d stay behind and watch the dogs
  “I’ve gotta work,” you replied, pushing yourself up to wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his, “plus, I think you need some time with your boys to let loose. As long as you don’t let loose too much...”
  “Don’t worry, babe,” he replied, pecking your lips between words, “we’ll really just be playing a lot of golf. You know how it goes..” You sent him off with one last kiss and sent him an ‘I love you’ text before he got on the plane. You felt completely secure with Tyler lately but maybe that had to do with the fact that two of you had survived four months in self-isolation together. Whatever it was, you weren’t nervous about spending a week away from each other.
  Tyler’s week away proved to be just what he needed to get his spirits up but as soon as he was back in Dallas, the two of you decided to head up to Brampton to see his family but it was over just as quickly as it began and it was time for the preseason to start. It was a pretty easy start to the season with the Stars winning 7 of their 8 preseason games which left Tyler with a huge grin on his face and he told you he was very positive for the rest of the city.
  “I have a good feeling about this season, you know?” he said, rinsing the dishes as you washed down the counter, “I feel like this could be our year.”
  “I think you guys are looking good out there but--” Tyler put his finger in front of your mouth to stop you from continuing
  “Don’t jinx it. We’re looking good and we’ll continue to look good because we’re in this for the long run.” He said, raising his eyebrows intensely so you got his point and you just smiled before nodding and walking away. You were happy he was so confident about the season especially after everything that happened and seeing him so excited made you excited for the season.
  “Hey, Ty,” you called from the couch, “you’re turning 30 in January. How do you want to celebrate?”
  “That’s a while from now, I haven’t thought about it..”
  “Well think about it!” you laughed, “I know the season will be like in ‘full swing’ or whatever, but maybe we can do something during Bye Week? It’s a big year you know?”
  “Yeah, another year older..” he sighed and slumped next to you on the couch, “I’m getting to be an oldie. I’ll be vintage soon...”
  “Oh stop,” you nudged, “vintage? I have a hard time thinking you’ll ever be vintage. It’s just a birthday. If you don’t want to celebrate it, we don’t have to. But I’ll have you know, men get sexier as they age.” you said, moving towards him to kiss his neck, “It’s actually very annoying.” He kissed you back
  “I’ll think about it,” he smiled and you tucked yourself into his side, “but for right now, let’s figure out something to watch.” As the two of you settled in and started some action movie you were sure you wouldn’t pay attention to, you caught yourself looking up at Tyler for the billionth time, “what?” he laughed
  “What?” you responded
  “I can feel you staring at me,” he continued, still not returning your gaze, “do I have something on my face?”
  “No,” you smiled, “I just like looking at you.” When he finally looked at you, your stomach filled with butterflies and you felt the need to bury your head in his chest; looking back up at him just in time to see his smile stretch across his face.
  “I like looking at you too.” He said, leaning his head down to capture your lips in a soft kiss. You reveled in it for a minute before finally saying anything
  “I’ll never get tired of that” you giggled and he smiled against your lips before continuing to kiss you.
Tyler’s P.O.V
  You hated that you couldn’t be with (Y/N) and the dogs on your birthday again this year, especially because things seemed to be going so well, so you figured out a way for her to be with you in
  “Boston?” she said, a hint of confusion in her voice over the phone
  “That’s where we’ll be on my birthday,” you replied, “there are some great spots though.”
  “I went once,” she said, nonchalantly, “it was beautiful. But I mean.. Bruins fans run rampant” she laughed and you knew then that she would meet you there.
  “So you’ll be there?” you asked
  “If I get to see you, I’ll be wherever you ask.” You could hear her smile over the phone and your smile grew in return
  “Good,” you laughed, “I’ll see you in a couple days. Love you”
  “Love you, too.” You ended the call only to turn around to your teammates waiting to chirp you
  “Ooooh, Tyler and (Y/N) sittin’ in a tree,” they started, “k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marr--”
  “Alright, alright. That’s enough guys.” They laughed and you smiled as you found your way back to your seat beside Rads and Jamie.
  “She’s coming to spend your birthday with you? That’s sweet” Jamie said
  “Well...” you hesitated, “I’m thinking of proposing to her!”
  “On your birthday?” Jamie asked and Rads gave you a sideways glance
  “Yeah...” you answered, “I mean we’ll already be out to dinner and I love her, so..”
  “You think you’re ready?” Rads asked and you took a second to answer
  “What if she says no? Then your birthday is like forever tainted by that” Jamie challenged
  “It’s still my birthday, it won’t be tainted. Forever.”
  “She’s a great girl and you seem really happy with her,” Rads interrupted, “I like her and I like her for you. But just make sure, if you feel weird about it, don’t do it.” You took a second to think about what he was saying but you couldn’t stop thinking about how she’d be in that moment and what the rest of your life would look like with her.
 “Thanks Rads,” you finally said, “it’s alright though. I want her in my lie forever. I can’t imagine a day without her there.”
  You showed up at the Boston airport and waited for instructions from Tyler when he sent you a text with directions to his hotel
  “Am I suppose to get my own room or find my way to yours?” you replied as you got into the cab and told the driver the address
  “Don’t worry, I got you a room but it’s close to mine” he said
  “Sounds good, it’s under my name?”
  “Yes. I’m heading to practice, so I won’t be there when you check in but I’ll call you when I’m out. I made reservations at 6 so you’ll have to be ready”
  “What kind of place is it? What if I didn’t pack anything fancy?”
  “I have something for you. I’m always prepared”
  “Well you’re lucky. I figured you might do something like this so I brought a dress”
  “Thinking ahead, I like it” he joked and you rolled your eyes
  “I have to or you’ll get me something wayyyy too revealing”
  “The amount of revealing it would be is debatable.” You let him go after that by sending him an eye roll GIF and he sent back a laughing emoji. A couple hours later, you started getting ready for whatever Tyler had planned, deciding whether you should curl or straighten your hair when he called you
  “Hey babe,” he said happily, “you almost ready? I’m just about to jump in the shower so I wanted to check in”
  “I’m almost ready. I’ll be ready by the time you’re out of the shower so I could meet you in yo-”
  “NO” he blurted out, “I want to pick you up.”
  “Fine,” you laughed, “I’ll be ready soon. Go take your shower, I love you.”
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  You finished getting ready, making sure to do a quick pep talk to yourself in the mirror.
  “You got this dude. You love her, she loves you.” You smiled and made sure you had everything you needed, careful not to forget the ring, and headed over to (Y/N)’s room.
  “Just a second!” she called after you knocked on her door, fidgeting with your suit jacket while you waited. When she opened the door, your mouth dropped at the sight of her in a beautiful blue dress and she smiled before spinning around for you to get a complete look at the outfit, “what do you think?”
  “You look.. stunning,” you smiled, “guess it’s a good thing I didn’t pack anything for you isn’t it?” She smiled to herself, shaking her head as she grabbed her purse. The two of you laughed and she took your hand as the two of you headed to the car.
  “What do you have planned?” she asked as she put on some music
  “A nice dinner, I’ll take you to some of my favourite places in the city,” you said, intertwining your fingers with hers to kiss the back of her head, “nothing too crazy.” She smiled at you and tried, the whole way to the restaurant, to guess where you were taking her or what you were planning. You pulled up in front of the restaurant and a valet opened her door
 “Oooh,” you smiled as you heard her speak to the valet, “isn’t this fancy?” You met her on the sidewalk, thanking the valet and tipping him before taking (Y/N)’s hand to go inside. When she sat down, she browsed the menu and you tried not to give away how nervous you were about what you had planned for later in the night.
  “Anything look good?” you asked about the menu
  “Still looking..” she smiled. You ordered her favourite drink when the server came by to grab your orders, “ahh I get it” she said as the server left
  “What?” you said suddenly
  “You’re trying to be ‘the big man’ tonight. Coming to a fancy restaurant with valets, ordering my favourite drink,” she smiled and you let out a sigh, “who you trynna impress, Seguin?”
  “Only you,” you answered, “always you.” The rest of the meal was filled with smiles from both of you; you watched as her eyes lit up when she talked about her job, her smile shine when you talked about how you felt about the team and the way the season was going and listened to her laugh that you couldn’t imagine not hearing everyday. You kept Rads’ words in the back of your head though, ‘just make sure, if you feel weird about it, don’t do it.’
  “Would you like a dessert menu?” the server asked when he noticed there was a break in the conversation. You were prepared for her to say no, or to defer to you, but instead she said yes and that was the moment you knew she was comfortable with you. It was a small moment, a small thing, but it made everything so much clearer. You paid the bill and thanked the staff, guiding (Y/N) out to the car by placing your hand on the small of her back. You took her to the aquarium and watched her eyes follow the fish and tried to catch her as she chased the manta rays before eventually stopping in front of the shark tank.
  “We may be slightly overdressed for this place” you laughed, noticing the stares the two of you were getting
  “Do you ever wonder what they’re thinking?” she said, completely ignoring your statement
  “What?” you asked
  “Like are they sad? Do they know where they are? Do they wonder where their friends are? Or their families? Do they like it here? Are they happy?” You smiled at her thought process, “did you know that Sharks adapt to fit their environment? So like if there was a Great White Shark here, it would only grow to fit comfortably in the tank but in the ocean it would grow much bigger. That’s why you hear of like 30ft sharks.” She finished, eyebrows raised when she looked at you and you smiled while your eyes danced between hers.
  “Is any of that actually true?” you asked and she smiled at you
  “I don’t know,” she confessed, “it could be. It sounds like it should be, doesn’t it?” She grabbed your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours and continued walking, “and,” she added, “who cares if we’re overdressed.” She winked at you, as if to say ‘I’m always paying attention,’ and you shared the smile that she gave you. There was one last place you wanted to go before it got dark and it was the perfect spot for the proposal. A park with a beautiful river running through and a clear view of the Boston skyline. Sure, it was public but it wasn’t overly crowded so it had just enough of people for (Y/N) to have at least one picture of the proposal without feeling overwhelmed.
  “Wow, Ty,” she said lightly, “this place is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.” She smiled at you and, with her hair blowing in the wind and the sun beginning to set, you knew it was the perfect time.
  “(Y/N),” Tyler said when your back was turned, “I need to get this out so don’t say anything until I’m finished okay?” You giggled at his statement but slowly turned around to face him, surprised when you saw him on one knee
  “Ty, what are you doing?” you said
  “I love you,” he started and your eyes grew wide, “ When we first met, I was so focused on being the best for Dallas, to start fresh after Boston, that you were just some girl. I didn’t think of you really that way, until I saw you with James; I just wanted to see you happy because you deserved that, I just hated that it had to be with him. But now here we are, having chosen each other after all the crap we’ve been through. Together and apart. I know we’ve had some rough times but you’ve always been the person I want to be with. The one I want to wake up next to. Every time we’re apart, whether I’m on the road or your visiting Chris in Calgary, I feel like I’m missing something because I am. You. You’re my favourite part of me and I can’t imagine a day without you. (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?” You stood in front of Tyler for a few minutes, in a state of shock that left you silent when you noticed a few people start to huddle around you and Tyler, who hadn’t moved at all
  “Yes” you whispered, a smile starting to grow on your face
  “What?” he said jokingly, a smile dancing on his lips
  “Of course I’ll marry you!” you exclaimed and he slid the ring on your finger before picking you up and kissing you, you breaking the kiss only to laugh at the round of applause the two of you got. He put you down and waved to the crowd as you buried yourself in his chest out of embarrassment.
  “I love you”
  “I love you too,” you said, tucking yourself into his side while the two of you continued to walk through the park, “I can’t believe you actually proposed.”
  “Why?” he asked, in fake shock
  “I don’t know.. I guess I just never thought you were the marrying kind” you admitted
  “I wasn’t,” he said, kissing the top of your head, “until you.”
  “Well, happy birthday Mr. Seguin” you joked
  “Thank you,” he replied, “and thank you for saying ‘yes’ on my birthday. The guys were convinced that if you said no it would’ve tainted the day forever”
  “I’m surprised you did it on your birthday. I mean, the guys are right. It’s a risk.” You laughed and he shrugged his shoulders
  “It was worth it.”
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ronninoir · 5 years
Can I Steal You for a Second? CH3
Summary: Adrien is forced to participate in a new dating show, but becomes more excited when Ladybug says she’ll participate as her civilian self.  AKA: AU where Adrien doesn’t know Marinette, the superheroes are 22 and Gabriel is mean and ruthless but not Hawkmoth. 
Read on AO3
Chapter 3
That night, Marinette was so excited she transformed and was at their meeting place 15 minutes before patrol was to start. She was too giddy to sit and instead spent those minutes running laps around the neighboring rooftops and trying to decide how to break the news to Chat.
 By the time he showed up, Ladybug had come up with the perfect way to tell him, even if it would be better if they had paper. Maybe they could swing by Agreste Mansion to grab some before they started. When she turned to face Chat, her cheeks were bright red and she was slightly out of breath from her laps around the rooftops.
 “Good evening milady, been waiting long for me? Or did you just get here too?” Chat said with his normal coy smile and a wink, taking in her slight pant and her colored face. Her insides melted and she suddenly forgot how to talk. It was different knowing that Adrien was beneath that mask and that she was going to be able to openly fight for him in two weeks. Just thinking of all of the coy things she could say to make him embarrassed and all of the hints she can give about her identity without making it too obvious got her excited about the show all over again.
His expression began to turn to worry when she didn’t respond and she quickly snapped herself back to the present. “Oh, I’ve been here for a bit, but I needed to run some energy out so I took a couple laps around the neighboring rooftops while I was waiting.”
 “Oh! Why’d you get here so early?”
 “I just couldn’t sit in my room any longer,” Ladybug replied, trying to make her voice sound more bitter than excited. Her plan had included not letting Chat onto the good news just yet.
 Chat nodded understandingly. She had been miserable all week waiting for the TV station to call her and Chat was VERY AWARE of her moods this week. He tried to make different jokes about it to make it all less miserable, but he quickly learned that Ladybug’s sense of humor didn’t cover jokes about mood swings.
 “Still no word from the station?” Chat asked hesitantly. He had never seemed to be afraid of Ladybug, but this week he had been walking on egg shells.
 “No, not yet,” Ladybug said, ducking her head, so he couldn’t see the small smile she wore. “How about we play a game to distract me?” She tried to make it sound like an innocent suggestion, and she hoped her excitement for what was to come couldn’t be heard.
 “I would love to milady, but don’t we have to patrol?” Chat looked at her curiously. Normally she was all about patrol first and play later. Thankfully, the game she came up with worked included patrolling, so he wouldn’t think too much of her choice.
 “The game that I have in mind allows us to patrol and play. You in?” The smile she shot Chat was playful and teasing. She knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
 “Oh I’m in.” He announced while readying his baton for take-off.
 “Great! We just have to make one little stop first.”
 A couple of minutes later, they were sitting on top of Agreste Mansion. Chat had a piece of paper and a pen and no idea what was happening.
 “So, the moral of this game is to figure out what word I’m thinking of using letters from the places that we go to. The word is 10 letters long, so first, I need you to mark 10 spaces next to each other on the paper.” Chat did as he was instructed. “Great. Now, remember, the first letter of the place we go to is going to fill in one of those blanks. By the end, you’ll have the word.”
 Chat raised his hand like he was in school. “Are the places and letters going to be in order?”
 Ladybug laughed a little at how seriously he was taking this. She had to give him credit though, he was dedicated. “Yes, kitty, the places and letters are going to be in order.”
 “So, all I have to do to win is figure out what the word is, right? It’s like a scavenger hunt with spelling.”
 “Right! Are you ready?”
 Chat took the time to place the paper and pen inside one of his numerous pockets—she was still very bitter that her suit didn’t have any pockets—before he nodded.
 “Perfect, then follow me.” Ladybug said with a flourish of her yo-yo. She threw it out to where it landed on a nearby billboard and jumped. The exhilaration that comes with every jump came and she truly was able to enjoy being Ladybug. When there was an akuma to fight or she was rushing home before her time went out, she forgot how exciting it could be to jump off a building with only her yo-yo to keep her aloft.
 Quickly, she landed on top of the roof of Françoise Dupont High School. Once Chat joined her, she looked at him expectantly.
 “So, we’ve landed at a high school. But that’s not fair! There are 3 words here. Collège, Françoise, and Dupont. Which one is it?”
 He put on a little pout that was absolutely adorable and she couldn’t contain her giggle, “That’s all part of the game.”
 He quickly pulled out his paper and began to write “C, F, or D” under the first line. While watching him do so, she piped up, “You’ll know for sure which one it is before the end, I promise.”
 He huffed a little at that and murmured an “I better,” before putting the paper and pen in their designated pocket.
 The next stop was the Obélisque de Louxor. Chat just knew it as the “really tall statue at the Place de la Concorde” so he had to do some investigative digging on the plaque for the name. After grumbling about the 2 possible letters, he put the supplies away and followed Ladybug to the next destination.
 This one was easier, or at least in Chat’s eyes. “Notre-Dame is hyphenated, so the letter has to be the ‘N!’” He whooped triumphantly and placed the “N” on the third slot. “And if the third letter is an “N” that means that the second letter has to be a vowel, so “O” must be the correct answer for that one!” He looked very proud when he glanced over to Ladybug for approval. She couldn’t help but smile back as she nodded. “Great! So we have ‘CON,’ ‘FON’ or ‘DON.’” He scrunched up his face as he thought about possible words, but clearly came up empty when he shrugged his shoulders and gestured for them to move on.
 The next stop was at the Trocadéro and then they jumped the river to the Eiffel Tower. That allowed Chat to eliminate the “F” and “D” as the first letter. “You’re making this too easy, Bug! I’ve already got half of the word, and I’m totally going to win!” He paused for a moment before turning to look at her. “What do I get if I win?
 She gave him a sly smile and said in a sweet voice, “I’ll tell you when you figure it out.” He frowned at that, but was easily distracted when their next stop was to the Seine.
 “So, I have C-O-N-T-E (or possibly another T) and an S. That means it has to be the ‘E’ from ‘Eiffel,’ not the ‘T’ from ‘Tower.’ It can’t be contest, that’s too short of a word. Hmmm.” Chat paused in concentration and scrunched up his face as he was thinking. Finally, he sighed and said, “Okay, give me the next one.”
 The duo flew off to stop number 7, Montparnasse Tower. There, Chat groaned loudly as he discovered that part of the word was indeed “CONTEST.”
 “Is it just one word, or is there a space I’m missing here?” Chat gave Ladybug a hard look. “How come I feel that you are leaving important information out? That would be cheating, you know.” He said while crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a very disapproving look.
 Ladybug laughed as she said, “How can I cheat if I created the game? Although I will tell you, the word you’re figuring out is part of a phrase. It reads, ‘I am a blank.’ You’re finding the blank.”
 “Well, that would have been nice to know before-hand,” Chat grumbled as he stood up and put the paper and pen away.
 “Oh, but watching you struggle has been so much more fun,” Ladybug replied with a flick of his bell. He gave her a small glare in return that just made her laugh. There wasn’t much malice behind his glare and he ended up chuckling too. “You ready, Chaton, or are you going to pout all night before the game is even done?”
 Chat bowed slightly, ushering Ladybug to jump off of the roof first. She stepped up and flew across the city quickly, towards their next destination. She had a feeling Chat would guess the word, and the meaning behind the word, once they made it to this destination.
 As soon as his feet touched the top of the Arc de Triumphe, Chat had his pen and paper out. He went ahead and filled in the “A” as, “Another ‘T’ just wouldn’t make sense.” Quickly, he began trying out different kinds of words and Ladybug could almost see his brain beginning to work it out.
 She held her breath and nervously had her lip between her teeth. What if he was upset? What if he refused to talk to her now that she was a contestant because he didn’t want to “give her an advantage?” She had already cleared Sunday nights off with the producers—after a hasty email sent as a reply to her packing list, since she was so in shock with the phone call she had forgotten to mention it. She was going to be able to patrol with him then, what if he told her that he couldn’t patrol with her anymore? What would she do if she couldn’t have some decent alone time with him outside of the show for the next couple of months?
 Chat’s gasp quickly brought Ladybug out of her spiraling thoughts and forced her to focus on the present. “You... you’re going to be a contestant?” He asked breathlessly. The look on his face was a mixture of pure happiness and shock.
 She gave him a slight nod and a curtsy and said, “So happy to finally meet, my bachelor,” before he tackled her in a hug.
 “I’m so excited you’re going to be there,” he whispered into her hair.
 “Me too.”
 The next day, Alya reacted exactly as Marinette thought that she would. Her ears were still ringing with Alya’s screams as she was hastily writing down all of the things Alya demanded that she do before she went on the show.
 “I’m going to let you slide on the hair dye part of it, since I honestly don’t think your hair would change colors very well, but we need to get a haircut for sure. We also need to handle these nails and work on your eyebrows. I would also consider getting an eyelash perm before you left so you don’t have to worry about having straight-as-a-board eyelashes. Lastly—”
 “I’m sorry, an eyelash perm? Where in the world have you heard of that before?” Marinette was laughing at the idea of someone getting chemicals on their eyelashes in order to make them constantly curled for a while.
 “I read about it during my research,” Alya said, trying to brush it off.
 “What research?”
 “You know... the research. For the article. About the thing.” One look at Marinette’s face and Alya cracked. “Okay, fine. The research I did to find out what my best friend needed to do once she got cast on the show. I looked up what all of the American contestants do last week since I knew you were going to make it and I wanted to be prepared.” Alya smiled sheepishly at Marinette and then was engulfed in a hug.
 “What did I do to deserve a best friend like you?”
 Alya made all of the appointments for Marinette that week,—even one for an eyelash perm, that Marinette begrudgingly went to— helped her sort through her closet and her make-up and her hair products for just the right stuff to bring and even helped her stuff all of it into the two suitcases she was allowed to bring with her.
 “How do the girls normally do this? And normally they have to bring their own clothes?” Alya said as she wrestled with Suitcase #1. Marinette had been working on Suitcase #2 for about 5 minutes before she finally got it zipped. “Here, hold down this side and I’ll zip up the other.”
 Marinette did as she was told and had a moment to admire her freshly done nails. Her hair and skin had never looked better before and she was starting to feel nervous about meeting the other girls officially. And honestly, she was starting to get nervous about how the other girls would act around Adrien specifically. Marinette hoped that she would be able to stay true to herself and not become some pawn in the show that acted differently in front of the cameras.
 “Got it!” Alya announced proudly. She sat down exhaustedly on Marinette’s chaise and turned to look around the room. It seemed a little empty now that everything was packed in the two suitcases before them. “I can’t believe you’re going to be gone for like 3 months.”
 “Alya, you’ve known for 2 weeks now.” Marinette moved towards Alya and joined her on the chaise.
 “I know, I know. It just finally feels real. Like before with all of the appointments and hair/make-up experiments and other fun things, it felt like a game or a story. Now that you’re leaving tomorrow...” Her voice trailed off and Marinette leaned over to give Alya a hug.
 “I’ll make you a promise. No matter what happens on the show, I’ll write to you weekly, detailing everything. You’ll know everything before everyone else does, you just can’t tell anyone or write me back.” Normally, the contestants aren’t allowed to have paper or anything like that, but Marinette had gotten special permission to have her sketch book, solely because the show was being financed by Gabriel. Whether she wrote letters with her sketch book and mailed them on Sunday’s during patrols, well... what the producers didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
 “I’m listening,” Alya egged, making Marinette giggle.
 “And I promise that no matter what happens, you’ll always be my best friend. And that if I win, you’ll get all of the credit for the work you’ve put into me these past two weeks.”
 “Now that sounds like a deal.”
 Alya ended staying the night with Marinette so she could send her off and say proper goodbyes the next morning. Sabine woke Marinette up with enough time to feed her, double check the packing list, and fuss over her appearance like the mom she was. By the time the limo had arrived, the four of them had gathered in the bakery for final hugs.
 “The best way to make friends is through their stomachs,” Tom had said while passing Marinette a box of pastries for the people at the staging center. He gave her a big hug and held on for a while, though Marinette wasn’t complaining.
 Sabine gave her a similar hug, but whispered in her ear while doing so, “Just remember that even when it feels like you’re alone, you never are. Be aware of your actions and don’t let the producers push you to be someone you are not.” Sabine’s voice caught as she squeezed Marinette a little harder and continued on, “Stay true to yourself and come home as our Marinette, not someone who has been tainted by the show.” When Marinette let go, she had tears in her eyes. How her Maman always knew what was bothering Marinette, she’d never know, but her words were welcome.
 Alya’s hug wasn’t as long, as the girls had their moment the night before. After a quick hug and a whispered, “Bring home the gold,” that left Marinette laughing, she grabbed her suitcases, her box of pastries and her purse with Tikki in it and headed outside. The limo driver helped her place her bags in the trunk and she offered him a pastry before they headed out. Since Marinette was the only contestant from Paris, she would arrive alone. That meant that she would spend the 20-minute drive trying not to freak out over everything that could happen next.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for updates!
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The Road Trip - Chapter 5
pairings: logicality (platonic or romantic, depending on how you view it) words: 2602 chapter warnings: arguments, alcohol consumption, crying, implied case of cheating on an s/o (mentioned briefly), debating life/death, complex moral dilemmas, talking about a parent's implied death chapter summary: in which logan is, at the end of it all, just afraid.
< previous chapter << first chapter
[read on ao3]
*credit to art in this chapter goes to @lemonyellowlogic​ ✨*
“Three hundred thousand dollars.”
Logan averted his glance to the floor. That would hardly be enough, he couldn’t help but think. 
“Mr. Owens, I feel as though I do not need to remind you that bribery in the Clinic is highly illegal–”
“Then just hear him out!” the woman cried, clinging onto her fiancée’s arm. “He started his company from the ground up– he dropped out of school so he could pursue this dream–”
“And he’s had plenty of time to do so,” Logan cut her off. “Mr. Owens, you have led a very fruitful life. And it has been approximately three years, seven months, and twenty eight days since your mandatory appointment. You had no complaints then; why would you be unsatisfied now?”
“Because I have so much more to do!” the man cried. “I– I have to get married. I have to have a child, I have to see them grow–”
“I apologize, Mr. Owens.” Logan forced his stare back at his computer, now mentally resorting to the scripted response. “But I cannot make time for those who aren’t happy with the time they have already spent.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Now if we are done here–”
He didn’t get to finish. The woman burst into tears, bolting out of the room. 
As she left, the man glared at Logan. 
“I have done nothing to deserve this,” he hissed. “How could you be so heartless ?”
A pause. Logan continued looking down at his records.
“Are you familiar with a...Samantha Willicks?”
The man’s eyes widened. 
“Because I could refresh your memory,” Logan cut him off. “See, you have partaken in an affair with Ms. Willicks for two years despite your engagement with Ms. Berks, your fiancée.”
A beat of silence. 
“How did you–”
“If you are not going to spend your time with the one who gives you theirs,” Logan finished coldly, “do you really deserve more time?”
The man stared at Logan for a few moments; either perplexed or infuriated. Logan pushed up his glasses. 
“If you truly believe you are worthy of more, you can make an Appeal. But I would recommend against it; might as well make the most of your time with the people you love.”
Logan could almost hear the man’s words in his dark stare.
The silence crept across the floor like a dull fog, only broken when the man growled,
“You’re a monster .”
And then he left in tears, leaving the door swinging open behind him. He heard the couple’s frantic footsteps grow more and more distant, until he heard nothing at all. 
He sighed as he sat at his desk, completely still; looking down at Mr. Owens’ records on his clipboard. 
A monster.
Logan winced at the word, but thought about the woman who had left his office. 
They all say the same thing.
...But his mother would have called him a hero. 
He stood up from his desk as soon as the clock read 6:00 pm. He took off his white coat and hung it over his chair, then grabbed his bag as he walked towards the door. 
When he locked up and began to walk out the back, he took a small glance over his shoulder.
There was a man standing near his door with his hands curled up at his sides. Logan watched as the man held his hands up in front of him, noticing a slight tremble in them. 
It was all too familiar. 
A hero. He thought about what the word meant as he walked away, murmuring his farewells to a fellow colleague who passed him. He overheard her begin speaking to someone about the Renewal Program—one of many recovery groups in the area that helped those with unfortunate times—and he heard two pairs of footsteps walk away towards the entrance. 
He snuck a glance behind him once more, watching the man stiffly walk beside her. 
A hero.
Logan sighed as he kept walking; if only it didn’t feel like the other one.
The first hour or so was quiet, much to Logan’s despair.
Patton didn’t speak a word to him when the man left. All he did was walk back to the car and slipped into the driver’s seat, despite Logan’s quiet protests. After that, Logan decided that perhaps it would be best to just sit in the silence for a little while.
Patton, surprisingly enough, was the first to speak up.
“What else did you lie to me about.” His voice, however small, was cold enough to break the silence, and then some. 
Logan’s heart ached at the impact. He straightened up in his seat. 
“None of your ‘logical approach’ bullshit, okay?” His words held a bitter edge, and the curse just sounded wrong rolling off his tongue. “Just answer me.”
A pause. Logan averted his glance to the floor, staring at his shoes. 
“What I told you about my mother,” he finally said. “I told you that I never understood how she could have given up the life she chose; how she could abandon such a gift.”
Patton’s shoulders tensed up. “God, just forget I asked.”
“No, Patton, please.” He lifted his head to look at Patton, whose stare was fixed at the road ahead of them. “Just...listen to me.”
 Patton fell quiet, which Logan took as a hesitant agreement.
“I used to be furious with her,” Logan explained. “Illogically so, in hindsight. I was upset that she left my father and I, and that she gave up on a gift that would have allowed her to pursue knowledge. ”
Patton’s hands gripped the wheel even tighter. Logan closed his eyes. 
“But truthfully, I was just fixated on the idea that she could have figured it all out. And I was so focused on that idea that I couldn’t see how much that choice made her suffer.” Logan rubbed the bridge of his nose, as if trying to block the sudden memory of her in his mind. “She was so smart and so full of life–  life she could have spent doing good things.”
“What she did was wrong, ” Patton hissed. “All of it.” 
And then, more hesitantly, he added, “What you’re doing is wrong.”
“It is not a polarized situation, Patton,” Logan said through gritted teeth, pushing his frustration down. “I...I understand that now.”
“It seems pretty black and white to me, Logan.” His voice sounded so suffocating, so cold; like it could freeze the air around him. “I thought you and I were on the same sinking boat. And I jumped with you.” 
A scoff. 
“Now I am figuring out– not even from you– that you are the only part of my life that I’m allowed to hate. And I let you lie to me.” 
“Did you even think I deserved more time?!” Patton cut him off. “Did any of this mean anything to you? Was I just some experiment you could learn so much from?”
Logan could feel the poison drip from his words. “I–”
“Were you even my friend?!”
A pause. Logan felt as if the ceiling of the car was about to crush him. 
In a smaller, more quiet voice, Patton added, “Or was that a lie too?”
Logan’s heart broke. 
“Patton,” he finally said, turning to look at him. “You...you are my best friend.”
Patton said nothing. 
“I made my choice because I wanted to prove my mother wrong,” Logan continued quietly. “I thought she was giving up too soon — that she was too weak to see it through. But after meeting you, I realized that she just wanted to be human .”
He sighed, trying to keep his voice levelled. 
“I know now the things she was trying to run away from. She was trying to run away from people like you; people she made suffer for little to no reason. And when I met you...I didn’t want to run.” 
Logan looked back down. “So to go back to your previous question...yes. I lied about having a week and I lied about not understanding my mother’s motivations. Because the reality is that I understand everything. ”
He took a deep breath. 
“And I’m afraid. ”
It was quiet again for another two hours.
Logan ate dinner alone that night. And while he knew that the diner next to their motel didn’t look all too appealing, nor was 2 AM a very appropriate time for dinner, he at least hoped that Patton wouldn’t care.
But Patton had walked into their room without saying a word. And every step he took away from him simply reminded Logan that soon enough, Patton was just going to be gone .
And so, he ate dinner alone.
When he returned to their motel, Patton was nowhere to be found; despite it being so late. Logan sighed, throwing his key card on a nearby table and rolling into bed. 
He stared at the ceiling, feeling his chest rise and fall slowly. 
How he ended up here, he was never really going to know. 
Similar to where all his thoughts end up, his mind drifted to the Clinic. To his colleagues, it had been mere days since he showed up at work. To him, it felt like it was an eternity ago.
He knew that he was getting closer to the limit of “sick days” a Doctor could take before...well, who-knows-what happened. He shuddered just thinking about it. 
Then, he thought about his mother. 
He thought about how she was crying the entire way to his grandmother’s house, and he thought about all the things she frantically told him as she left. 
“You’re so good.”
“Be different.”
“ Stay alive.”
Stay alive. Logan wiped furiously at the sudden tears rolling down his cheeks. 
And then, a new voice:
“Do you think you can have both a satisfying life, and a satisfying end?”
He finally sat up, adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat. He looked over at the time. 2:34 AM. 
And Patton was still missing.
He mustered up the courage to dial his phone number, but was immediately met with his voicemail. He sighed; his phone must have been turned off. 
He looked around the room, searching for anything that could indicate where Patton could have gone. 
As he stood up, his eyes fell on the mini fridge tucked underneath a desk. 
It was cracked slightly open. 
It only took about ten minutes of wandering for Logan to find Patton. 
He sat on top of a hill right behind the motel, sitting beside two bottles of beer and staring up at the starry sky. He had his knees propped up close to his chest, a notebook resting on them. 
Upon moving a bit closer, he saw Patton furiously scratching lines into his notebook before taking a sip from one of the beer bottles.
He approached Patton at the top of the hill, trying not to look down to see if Patton noticed him walking up beside him. 
As he did, he couldn’t help but stare at the sky, which was filled with an unimaginable amount of stars. If he squinted, he could fool himself into seeing constellations; the way he did as a child.
A few quiet moments passed before Logan eventually looked down at Patton; who, if he had noticed Logan, wasn’t looking at him anymore. Instead, his focus remained fixed on his notebook, scribbling a few lines before erasing them. Then, a sip of his drink. Then repeat. 
“May I sit?” Logan finally asked.
Patton looked up at him. A beat of silence passed. Patton then wordlessly nodded, forcing his stare back down at the paper in front of him before they could truly make eye contact.
When Logan sat down, Patton held up an unopened bottle to him. Logan smiled softly and nodded, taking it gratefully. He took one long sip before exhaling, tilting his head back up to face the sky. 
“Did you have dinner?” he asked quietly. Patton stared at him, then took another drink. Logan rolled his eyes.
“I know, I know.” To his surprise, Patton giggled. Hearing noise from him sounded so foreign all of the sudden. “I’ll get a sufficient amoun’ of nutrition. Or whatever.”
“Or whatever,” Logan echoed dully, leaning back on his hands to stare at the stars above them. 
“It’s a beautiful night,” he murmured absentmindedly.
“Mhm.” Scribble, scribble, scribble. Logan couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Patton’s notebook. 
“May I ask what you are writing?”
Suddenly, Patton snapped the notebook shut, holding it to his chest defensively. Logan frowned. 
“I apologize. I did not mean to be so intrusive.”
“S’fine.” Patton sat the notebook beside him. “I’m writing songs.”
“Yeah.” Patton wrapped his arms around his knees. “Well, writing a son g . I haven’t thought of anything good yet.”
“Ah, I see.” Logan fixed himself into a criss-cross sitting position, drumming his fingers against his knee. “I’m sure you will think of something soon. You are a brilliant musician, after all.”
They sat in silence for a little more until Logan couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m sorry, Patton.”
Patton’s shoulders tensed up immediately. 
“I know I have been saying many things that could justify what I have done,” he continued, “but in the end...what I did was unjustifiable.” 
Patton scoffed, but judging by the way he was tapping on the glass of the bottle, Logan assumed his words at least made an impact. He sighed. 
“This whole trip, you have shared with me your fears and trepidations towards the life you lived, and everything that may come after. And Patton, all you have proven to me is that there will never be enough time in the world worthy of your life.”
Patton’s breath hitched. Logan turned his head slightly and caught a glimpse of tears rolling down Patton’s cheeks, as well as a tremble that ran through his entire body. Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I understand that our paths will never meet again after this,” Logan finally said. “But before this all ends, I want you to know that I truly valued the time I got to spend with you. You...you showed me that there is a lot more to life than what it is offered to me. And I will never forget that.”
Silence. It lasted so long that Logan felt like he spent a minute too long talking to a wall. 
Eventually, Logan swallowed his pride and sat in the silence, taking a drink every now and then. The bitter taste kept him awake and hopeful.
The stars, surprisingly enough, stood still in their place; even if it felt like hours passed them by. They shone brightly, ever so present in the sky. Logan couldn’t help but wonder, despite his firm belief that death was the last thing humans experienced, if Patton would someday find his home between stars similar to the ones he found himself under tonight. One could only hope. 
“I forgive you.”
Patton’s words froze the air around them. Logan hesitantly looked over at Patton to see that his head was tilted upwards, towards the sky. He noticed the tears still rolling down his cheeks. 
“Patton, are you–”
“It was kind of messed up,” Patton blurted out. “You...you know that, right?” 
Logan winced. “I do.”
“Then I forgive you.” This time, it came out as a choked laugh. “I don’t think I could not forgive you.”
“I...I don’t understand.” 
“You showed me a lot too,” he explained, his voice cracking ever so slightly. “I have spent all my life wishing that I could just...not know anything – to the point where I resented people who were just fine with knowing everything.” 
He sighed, his lip grazing the top of his beer bottle. 
“But you...you showed me how knowing doesn’t have to hurt. And you helped me know my worth,” Patton whispered, turning his head to face Logan. “I could have had any amount of time and I still would’ve thought that I didn’t do enough. But just listening to what you told me...I think I can die feeling completely satisfied knowing that someone thought otherwise.”
Patton moved closer to Logan, resting his head on his shoulder. 
“To be honest, you could have been anyone with any amount of time,” Patton finally said. “I will always be thankful that I met you .”
For a brief moment, Logan found himself speechless. He slowly set his hand in the grass. 
“Patton, I…” He sighed, looking at Patton. “You’re simply remarkable,” he said instead.
There was a twinkle in Patton’s eyes when he spoke. He gently placed his hand in the patch of grass beside Logan’s. “You are too.” 
Logan smiled at Patton, a rush of relief spreading throughout his entire being when Patton did the same. 
“Could I ask you something?” 
“Of course.” 
Patton averted his glance to the ground. 
“That man back at the canyon,” he finally said. “What was he talking about?”
Logan paused, hesitance creeping back in. He could feel the whole story on the tip of his tongue, but knew that he risked compromising Patton’s trust once more if he confessed. 
But Patton’s wide eyes held a special kind of reassurance that couldn’t be ignored. Logan averted his glance to the ground.
“Early in my career, I was put in charge of a...special kind of appointment,” Logan said, choosing his words carefully. “My patient was Virgil Casey; seven years old, and son of Mr. Janus Casey — who you have unfortunately met.”
“ Seven?” Patton breathed out. 
“He was extremely ill,” Logan explained remorsefully. “Eventually, he was forced to take the Clinic test early to see if there was anything peculiar going on.”
Logan closed his eyes, as if he could painfully remember what it felt like to say the words out loud.
“They gave him a week.”
“Holy crap …” Patton nervously took a drink as Logan solemnly nodded. 
“Mr. Casey wanted me to go ahead and make Virgil a Doctor,” he continued quietly. “Of course, no one has tried to administrate the Procedure on someone that young — it would have been unethical science to even make an attempt.” 
Logan absentmindedly spun the neck of his bottle in circles. 
“Beyond that...it just seemed wrong,” he said. “Sure, testing the Procedure on Virgil could have paved the way to new research on the subject of immortality; if he had survived, then who is to say a baby couldn’t?”
He could feel Patton tug at the grass between his fingers and sighed.
“But...well, I was young. And I swore that I’d go into this job with some morals,” he said. “I knew I wasn’t any God. It wasn’t up to me to decide that.”
Patton stayed quiet. 
“Mr. Casey, as evident by our encounter with him, was furious,” Logan said with a slight chuckle. “Which...confused me, in all honesty. Or perhaps, ‘surprised’ would be the correct verb in this case.”
“It did?”
“It’s just that he...he never followed up on the matter. He made no Appeal, he didn’t go to another Doctor. And Virgil...well, there were reports that he died quietly on the day he was expected to.”
Logan shook his head, staring up at the stars and hoped. 
“I thought that I was giving both of them a second chance by sparing Virgil of this kind of life,” Logan murmured. “I thought sacrificing knowledge would be worth keeping this man with his son– not some vessel of who he used to be. It was something I knew this child deserved; to spend his final moments authentically with someone who loves him.” 
A deep breath. 
“So when I found out I was wrong...I vowed never to make that same mistake.”
“Oh my God,” Patton whispered. “That’s...that’s so awful. ”
Logan nodded. “But as mentioned earlier, that must have changed given our interaction today. Perhaps with time, Mr. Casey accepted what happened and became infuriated. I am not sure. But there is not much of a happy ending regardless, I’m afraid.”
(The word echoed in his head again. Afraid. )
“Hi Afraid,” Patton suddenly blurted out. “I’m Patton.”
A pause. 
Logan opened his eyes to look at Patton and, to his own surprise, laughed. He wasn’t sure if they were both too intoxicated to make much sense; or if Patton, in his inebriated state, suddenly understood him so much more clearly.
“Yes, it would appear so that I am.” He lowered his head to rest lightly on Patton’s, which was now softly tucked between his head and his shoulder. “I suppose I haven’t been doing a good job concealing it, huh?”
“You just say it a lot,” Patton said lightly. He paused, and Logan could feel him scrunch up for a bit before asking, “What are you afraid of?” 
Logan inhaled deeply. The question had never felt so daunting. 
“I’m afraid of dying,” he finally admitted. “I know I am a Doctor and I can never die. But it’s the only phenomenon I don’t know. And similar to my mother, I threw my life away so I could maybe figure it out, but I couldn’t.”
He stared up at the sky above them.
“It’s a very human thing to live in fear,” Logan hummed. “And I have been so busy trying to figure out how to eradicate that fear that I’m afraid I lost my chance at...at life. ”
Logan laughed quietly, though it was now stained with a choked sob.
“You can’t take death out of humanity; it’s part of being alive”, Patton said, lifting his head to look at Logan as he spoke. “None of this would have ever happened without it.”
Patton then giggled quietly. Logan frowned. For a split second, it almost felt like he was laughing at him ; at how he cried for mourning the life he killed.
But Patton simply sat up and raised his glass to Logan.
“So, to death!”
A pause. 
Logan broke into more tearful laughter. He clinked his beer bottle against Patton’s and took a sip. 
The two sat back, falling quiet for what seemed like hours as they stared at the endless amount of stars; which were slowly fading out as the late night became an early day. 
“You know,” Patton said quietly as the navy blue sky began to warm up, “I don’t think your mum was running away from anything.”
“I think she was just taking a trip,” Patton murmured, finally reaching over to intertwine his finger’s with Logan’s, “and she took her humanity back with her.”
Logan’s breath hitched at how warm the thought was.
Logan then squeezed Patton’s hand softly, and hoped a little more.
“Hey Logan?”
“You said humans can’t see all the colours of a sunset, right?”
“You are correct.”
“Does that mean that when we die, we’ll be able to see everything we’ve been missing out on?”
“...I suppose we’ll just have to wait and find out.”
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next chapter >
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lordsister · 5 years
Whole New World (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader) Part 2
A/N: I feel pretty good about this chapter. Hope it didn't disappoint after so many months of waiting!^^; I love you all!
I do not own My Hero Academia, any of its characters, or the picture.
Reader's quirk: Dragon (can transform into a dragon at will)
My ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lordsister (if you can, please donate and help me pay for university textbooks! thank you!)
Link to part 1: https://lordsister.tumblr.com/post/180245300844/whole-new-world-kirishima-eijirou-x-reader
"I would say you're crazy, but this is just the kind of thing you would do," Tsukauchi chuckled, fiddling with the hat in his hands as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of Toshinori's desk. "So? How's she doing so far?"
"There haven't been any incidents, but it's only been three days since she entered the class. A lot could happen and we still need to be careful." Resting his elbows on his desk, Toshinori placed his chin in his interlaced fingers, brow furrowed in thought.
"Has she shown signs of getting close to any of the other students?"
"No, but that isn't surprising. You can't suddenly force her to socialize and make friends after ten years of being nothing more than a mindless tool to be used. What matters is that she hasn't shown the least bit of aggression towards anyone." Leaning back in his chair, Toshinori's expression lightened. "She has so much potential, I can't help wanting to rush things, but I know that would only end in disaster."
Tsukauchi hummed, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he looked down to regard his dress shoes. "I believe what's key in this situation is that you apply pressure, but gently. Coax her along, but not too softly."
"Like shaping a diamond. Time and pressure."
"Precisely. All we can hope for is that your diamond doesn't crack before it reaches its true form and for both of your sakes I hope this works."
"Hmm? What does that mean?"
"If this doesn't work and something happens...I'm not sure if the authorities will stand for simple arrest and isolation."
Silence pervaded the room for a few seconds as Toshinori's gaze became serious once more. "Tsukauchi."
"I fully believe young (y/n) has the potential to become one of the greatest heroes this world has ever seen. Her past does not define her, but I need to consider all possible outcomes of this arrangement. As much as I would like to believe that this will definitely work, I've learned the hard way that nothing is definite in this world. Even the slightest chance that something could go wrong needs to be treated as significant in this case and I've already promised Nezu that I would take full responsibility if that were to happen."
Tsukauchi snorted. "I still think it's a miracle you got Nezu to agree in the first place, especially considering the slandering U.A.'s reputation is currently receiving, but I think there's more to what you're telling me right now, isn't there?"
"Yes. If the chance that (y/n)'s darkness runs too deep prevails...I will personally see to it that she doesn't suffer anymore."
The two men stared at each other for a long while, the atmosphere of the room turning heavy with the implication of those few words. It had always been clear that your life hung in the balance of Toshinori's gamble, but now it seemed much more tangible, more desperate, more essential that the blonde hero succeed.
The tension broke as Tsukauchi blinked and leaned back in his seat, a smile sliding into place across his features. "Sorry to cast a dark note on your progress, Toshinori. I'm glad I'll be able to bring back good news in my report." Standing, Tsukauchi put on his hat and walked to the door, casting his old friend a smile before he left. "Mind if I see her before I go?"
"Go ahead, but knock and announce yourself first before you go in. Wait for her to open the door."
"Got it. Keep at it, Toshinori."
The door shut with a soft click and the top hero blew out a long breath, standing from his chair and moving to stand before the floor to ceiling window. "I'll do my best, until the bitter end."
Reaching up, the detective rapped on your door a couple of times before stating, "Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa from the police force. May I come in?" Looking around the hallway, he noticed cameras blinking red lights in the corners but no guards. Your door didn't seem to be locked either. After a few seconds of listening and hearing no movement behind your door, Tsukauchi wondered if you would open up or were even there at all, but his heart jumped to his throat when it opened silently and he came face to face with a dragon.
Despite everything he'd heard about your progress and lack of aggression, he couldn't help the tensing of his muscles as he subconsciously prepared himself to face a dangerous criminal as he had so many times before. But what he saw as the door opened wasn't what he expected at all.
The first thing he noticed was that you were clean, your hair untangled and shiny and your horns filed down from the splintered, jagged edges he'd noted when he'd interrogated you. The second thing he noticed was the new color to your skin and the appearance of more flesh on your bones, a definite improvement from the sickly pallor and scrawny figure he'd seen before. Regular meals must not have been a privilege during your time being raised by villains. Whereas you looked like a broken, mistreated doll before, you now looked more alive. The only thing that was missing was the spark of life in your eyes.
"Good afternoon," you spoke, surprising Tsukauchi even further. He'd been told that you'd started to speak, but to hear it for himself was jolting nonetheless.
"H-Hello, (y/n). I'm pleased to hear that your doing well." Daring to draw his eyes from yours for a second, he glanced over your shoulder and into your room. He caught sight of plain, comfortable furnishings and what looked like textbooks and notebooks spread out over a desk against one wall. "Am I interrupting anything?"
He should have visited you again earlier. This was marked improvement from what he'd seen the night of the U.S.J. incident. "O-Oh. Is that so? Well do you mind if I ask you a few questions pertaining to your entry into the hero course here at U.A.?"
Stepping aside without a word, you allowed him in. Briefly, Tsukauchi wondered if this was a bad idea, wandering into the unpredictable dragon's den alone, but he was moving forward before he could second guess himself. Hopefully he wouldn't leave as a pile of ash.
The room was larger than he first thought, another door in the wall leading to what he guessed was a bathroom and a small kitchen tucked away in the corner. Tsukauchi tried to appear relaxed despite the burning feeling of your cat-like eyes on him, settling into one of the few chairs in the room. He expected you to sit down as well, but you didn't move from where you stood near the door, motionless and expressionless, studying him. For some reason, Tsukauchi knew that the next move he made would define how well this visit went as well as how cooperative you would be in the future.
Looking around, his gaze fell on one of your open textbooks. There was an open notebook beside it with more notes scrawled in it than any of the others laying on the table. A subject you liked perhaps? "I notice you're studying biology. Do you enjoy it?"
"Yes. I believe it's my favorite subject so far."
"Then you're enjoying classes here?"
You were silent for a couple of heartbeats, your head slowly cocking to the side. "I believe I am. I don't think I dislike it."
"That's good." The quiet weight he'd felt under your gaze lifted as you blinked. It seemed he'd passed whatever test had just presented itself. Gesturing to the chair across from him, Tsukauchi said, "Please, sit. My questions won't take long." You did as he asked, moving soundlessly. "Have you made any attempts to escape this place?"
"No. Not since the first few days I was here."
"Have you been contacted in any way by your former employers?"
"Do you believe you will be contacted?"
"No. I'm of no use to them anymore."
Tsukauchi lifted an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?" You were still plenty powerful and dangerous.
"Once an operative is captured by heroes, they're considered dead by their employers. The risk simply isn't worth trying to get them back."
He'd have to write that down in his report later. "I hope you won't be offended by my next question, but the safety of the students and faculty at this school is paramount."
No response from you.
"Have you ever felt the urge to hurt anyone at this facility?"
"There are still many things I don't understand about this situation and why I'm still here, but I have no desire to harm anyone. I have been treated fairly by everyone I've encountered and am grateful for it."
"Is that so? I heard a few of your classmates were less than welcoming." The detective winced internally as the insensitive question slipped out without him thinking it through, but you answered in measure.
"Even that is fair considering the lives I almost took."
Tsukauchi's eyes widened in curiosity. There was nothing mindless about the creature before him. He couldn't imagine what had been done to you to stamp out your free will and conscience, but it appeared that those two very human traits had survived the ten year ordeal you'd been put through and were emerging once more.
"That's all for today, then." Rising to his feet, Tsukauchi made his way to the door, offering you a warm smile. "Thank you for your cooperation, (y/n)."
You nodded.
"Well then." With a tip of his hat, he left. Tsukauchi couldn't help but smile hopefully, excitedly as he walked back down the hall. He'd thought Toshinori was crazy for trying to rehabilitate you, but based on what he'd just seen it might actually work. Either way he was rooting for you now.
"Bakugou, no! Don't try it!" Kirishima insisted, grabbing his friend's arm in a useless attempt to stop him.
"I'm just gonna ask the new girl some questions. What's wrong with that?" The look on his face was too hostile for simple questions as he stomped in the direction of your seat.
"Leave my sweet (y/n) alone, Bakugou!" Mina squealed, wrapping her arms around your neck from behind and hugging you close. You just sat in your seat through all of this, scanning the contents of the make-up assignment in front of you. Though you had passed the entrance exams with relative ease, the faculty had decided to put you on a different assignment schedule in order to catch you up to the rest of the class, giving you extra homework that you didn't seem to mind.
"Sweet? Do you remember what she did at U.S.J.? She isn't sweet at all! She's a killer!"
"Bakugou Katsuki, don't you dare touch her. Don't doubt that I will put you in detention and send you to talk to Principal Nezu," Aizawa warned harshly as he trudged into the classroom, a deep-set glare on his features. "If you set her off, it's on my head. Remember that."
Bakugou stopped in his tracks but continued to level a crimson glare at you. "Lizard," Bakugou spat. "I don't care if you dress like us and take classes with us. What I saw at U.S.J. can't be undone in a few months! You're still a villain at heart!"
Your eyes shifted to look at Bakugou directly and Kirishima felt the blonde's arm stiffen under his hand just the slightest as if preparing for a fight, but you still didn't respond. Instead, you gently undid Mina's hold, rose, and walked out of the room, removing yourself from the situation.
"That's right, she better run," Bakugou muttered, but Kirishima wasn't listening, red eyes trailing after you as you disappeared.
"That wasn't manly, Bakugou," he murmured distractedly. No one else had seen it, your demeanor as cool and emotionless as ever, but for just a moment, too quick to really be sure of, he thought he'd seen a deep, bottomless sadness in your eyes. His body moved before he'd fully decided to follow you.
"Huh? What the hell are you- where are you going?" Kirishima heard Bakugou call after him, but was too preoccupied with finding you. How had you managed to disappear from the hallway so quickly? He didn't miss the meaningful look in Aizawa's eyes as he'd passed the older man, telling him to go find you quickly before anything could happen. It seemed you were still an unpredictable factor.
After a few minutes of searching the halls for you, he caught a glimpse of color out of the corner of his vision and, turning to the windows, found you sitting in the grass observing the patches of flowers around you as they swayed in the breeze. As he watched, you reached out and ever so gently brushed your fingertips against the petals of a bright red flower and an unexpected heat flared in his cheeks. You just looked so...cute.
Realizing he was being creepy watching you like this, he shook his head and rushed to the stairs, taking the steps two at a time going down before bursting through the door and out into the sunlight. Now he could blame the heat in his cheeks on the short run if you asked. You looked up at the noise, but didn't startle, regarding him curiously. Why hadn't he thought of something to say on the way here?
"H-Hi, (y/n). I just wanted to tell you not to listen to what Bakugou says. He's really rough and abrasive on the outside, but he's really a good person," he managed to say, but you didn't respond, in fact you weren't even looking at him anymore, your eyes tilted downwards. Kirishima followed your expressionless gaze to the ground where he had accidentally crushed a bunch of daisies underfoot. "Oh, my bad!" Jumping back, he thought he saw your shoulders slump just a little in relief, but that could've been his imagination. Even so, he came out here to learn more about you, not make you hate him by stepping on the flowers you'd been admiring.
Wait, flowers...that's it!
Crouching down, Kirishima picked a few of the colorful blossoms and got to work weaving them together, aware but unbothered by your unrelenting gaze on him. He hadn't done this since he was a kid, but his fingers remembered what to do as he laced delicate stems one by one into a large loop. Shuffling over, he offered it to you tentatively. "Here. For you."
You blinked at it, but moved to accept it anyway. Your fingers brushed his as you took the flower crown and a jolt went through him, making him jump a little. "What is this?"
He didn't know if you felt that tingle too, but Kirishima decided to put it to the side. For now. "It's a flower crown. As an apology for stepping on your flowers."
"You don't need to apologize to me. The flowers will grow back."
"But you looked like you were really enjoying looking at them."
You tilted your head to the side. "I was enjoying looking at them?"
"Well, yeah? I think so."
You looked at the flower crown in your hands curiously. "What do I do with this?"
"You wear it. Here let me show you." Taking it from your hands, Kirishima nestled it in your hair, your horns poking up from the flowers in a way he thought suited you. "There. Do you like it?"
You didn't answer but asked, "Why are you getting so close to me?"
Moving back, he held his hands before him apologetically, saying, "Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable."
Your brows furrowed, the confusion on your face the most emotion he'd seen from you yet. "No, that's not what I meant." Reaching up, you brushed your fingers over the flower crown. "I tried to hurt you and your friends. Many of your classmates seem uncomfortable around me as well. That's why I left when Bakugou tried to approach me."
"You left because you thought you were making everyone else uncomfortable?"
"Of course."
"Yeah, but that's in the past now, isn't it?" he said, smiling as he plopped down in the grass beside you. Your eyes widened just the slightest but Kirishima didn't see it, looking at a patch of small, pink flowers next to his hand. "And besides, you don't seem like a bad person."
The next few moments passed in silence, but comfortable silence, your hand remaining on the flower crown atop your head as you gazed at Kirishima. Something fluttered in your chest, your heart beating, making itself known to you, reminding you of something you had long forgotten.
Neither you nor he knew how your eyes looked in that moment. For the first time in ten years, they were soft and alive. The moment passed as Kirishima stood and brushed the grass off his uniform pants and your emotionless mask fell back into place.
"We should go, but I would really like to hang out sometime. I enjoyed making you a flower crown."
Rising to your feet as well, you nodded at him, one hand over your chest, where your heart lay. "Yes. Thank you for it. I'll take good care of it."
"Not to worry! If it gets beat up, I'll just make you another!"
With a last toothy smile in your direction he turned to the doors, aware of you following a little ways behind him. He was happy to have learned something new about you- how considerate you were of those around you- and he'd gotten the opportunity to see you act human for a precious second. Looking at the hand that had touched yours, only one thought filled his mind.
You felt as delicate as the flowers he'd woven together so carefully for you. Not at all like a villain.
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pennys-th0ughts · 5 years
Loser... 🥀
Neibolt Street 🏡 (Chapter 2)
After a long time living in the same town, that night became in a peculiar experience I would hardly forget. Liz and I took the first train to Derry at midnight wearing our outfits and carrying only a small bag of clothes. The night was pleasant and the sky was starry and clear. Summer nights were slowly leaving making way to cooler ones and bearable days, hot season was coming to its end and Liz and I would need to find some where to protect ourselves from the future cold.
Liz was sleeping using my legs as a pillow whilst I was resting against a feed bale using my bag of clothes also as a pillow. The train was at its full capacity and there was no room in the passengers wagons so we had to travel in the freight car until we could get to our destination. I woke up in the middle of the night with a start feeling a little disoriented and thirsty. I placed Liz's head in a comfortable position and got up to stretch my legs for a moment and drink some water. After having a couple of sips I began pacing from one corner of the wagon to another trying to remember the awkward dream I just had but most parts of it were blurry. Getting the pieces back together of a dream was usually not difficult for me but this time I couldn’t even remember, the only thing I was aware of was the feeling it left in me that was still making me shiver and those bright lights​...
I was adrift in my thoughts when a hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. Liz was standing behind me with a soft smile and an inquiring look in her face. She was trying so hard to figure me out that sometimes I kept asking myself if I was worthy enough to be with her and her seemingly endless patience and understanding. She had become in my calm when tempestuous thoughts threatened to take away my inner peace. We had shared so much in so little time that thinking of spending the rest of my life with her and the time we still had ahead of us often took my sleep away at night. I grabbed Liz by the waist and hugged her gently whilst we were watching the moving night landscape.
Morning light and the first rays of sun began caressing our skin with its warm fingers and the distant chirping was far but still charming. We arrived to Derry nearly at noon and it seemed it would be another hot day. Liz and I took the chance to change our clothes to more fresh ones while we were still on the train to avoid the blazing air bursts. It was mandatory in order to remain healthy, otherwise fever and dizziness would surely affect us. We got out of the wagon and made our way to the nearest motel; we would wait there and begin looking for a job next day. If we wanted to get our lives back on track we would have to start covering the primary holes in the walls​ of our existence, but for now we would enjoy the rest of the day and rest. It had been a long night and Liz and I were starving, exhausted and full of dirt so we paid a room at the Holiday Inn motel, left our belongings and went straight to the diner.
Being low-key and not drawing much attention to us was our best choice for now until local people get used to our faces, we didn’t want to be spotted by unwanted eyes. Fortunately, before leaving the circus, we managed to gather some money to endure the hard times lying ahead of us. Liz had many qualities and she wouldn’t reject any opportunity for she was clever, dynamic and gentle and I could bet she would do anything to get us through any situation and so would I. Curiously in the diner we were about to have lunch there was a job notice stuck to the door, the owner was needing a new waitress since the one working there was expecting family and it was a wonderful opportunity for Liz. Once we finished eating she approached to the counter and asked to speak with the owner of the place. A few minutes later an elderly man came out from the kitchen’s door, he seemed to be in his mid-sixties, white hair covered most part of his head and beard and his expression was serene. I watched them talk all the way and the man’s manners were extremely polite, he kept his distance from my wife and that gave me some confidence about her working here. Once they finished they both shook hands and Liz made his way to the table.
– I got the job, my love – she gave me the good news with a wide smile on her face-. I'm taking the night shift for now until the owner figure out the new schedule.
– ¡Congratulations, sweetheart! – I kissed her knuckles and proposed a toast to celebrate.
We got to the motel with our bellies full and feeling less tired but the need of taking a shower was imperative so we headed to the bathroom taking our clothes off on our way. Liz opened the hot water tap; we waited a little and got under the shower. The sensation of the warm water crashing against our bodies was instantly pleasant and, above all, relaxing. I took a piece of cloth Liz used to use in her baths and began rubbing her shoulders slowly and following the vertical lines of her back. A soft moan came out of her mouth that let me know she was enjoying the moment as much I was and that was the encouragement I needed to go further. I pressed her against the wall and made her mine until both got satisfied.
The nap that followed repaired my energies completely making me feel like a new man and optimistic so I took advantage of that and decided it was now my turn to go out and find something to do for living since Liz had already taken the initiative. I had already set myself the goal of getting a job that very same day or the next day at most. Liz got dressed, brushed her long hair and put a discrete makeup whilst I got ready to go out with her and take a different path and acknowledge the new town we decided to live in. I would go and pick her up by the end of her shift so she didn’t have to make her way back to the motel on her own so late at night.
I decided to take the main street and walk until its end and then take another street and so on. Having an afternoon stroll wouldn’t be bad idea and would speed things up in matter of job so I kept walking. After half an hour wandering I stopped in front of an old house for sale, it was a little spoiled but it had its charms. I was feeling confident enough so I decided to have some words with one of the neighbors. I knocked at the door and some minutes later an old lady showed up carrying a small Pomeranian dog in her arms. I introduced myself and told her about the house I just saw.
– ¡Oh yes! – She exclaimed with what seemed to be a mixture of enthusiasm and upset.
– ¿What can you tell me about that house, Mrs. Marsh?
I asked her all I wanted to know about the property whilst we were drinking a refreshing lemonade she just had made and kindly offered me when I sat down on her sofa. The lady was very kind and attentive. Before having a sit I walked around the living room looking at all her family portraits. She apparently came to town when the house in question wasn’t built yet, what was in fact the reason why she would get so upset every time she would have to talk about it. After a fire that burned said house to the ground, the people that kept on building in that place would start suspecting that the ground was cursed since every time a construction ended something bad would happen. Fortunately I wasn’t the kind of man who based his life on superstitions and Liz based her beliefs that as long you put love in everything you would do, then the outcome will surely worth any kind of sacrifice, so it would be easy to do something about that house.
I thanked Mrs. Marsh for the hospitality, and before I could leave her house, she stopped me at the front door holding me softly by my forearm.
– Be careful, Mr. Gray – she warned me and let go of my arm-. The foundations of that place my not be good to build or live there for a reason…
I nodded in silence but with a cordial smile and left. I passed by the property once more and pictured a wonderful house, simple but cozy with a front garden, some sunflowers in it and a not so tall tree to sit under its shadow during the hot days of summer. I started my way back to pick up Liz from the diner since it was surely about to close. I speeded up the pace the last couple of blocks to get there just in time she was getting out. Once she saw me she waved her hand in the air with a big smile and walked towards me. I greeted her with a kiss and gently pinched her cheek as I always did; we hold hands and made our way to the motel. As we headed back I revealed to Liz my thoughts about owning that house at almost the end of the Neibolt street. She showed a great predisposition and excitement to the idea and couldn’t stop talking about it until we got to the motel and went to bed.
A month later…
Hard work, a few bruises and some tears of joy followed before we could finish refurbishing the future place we were about to live in. The house looked splendid and all our efforts worth it. Liz was more than satisfied with the results in the garden and several plants were giving their first flowers despite autumn was getting close. I got a low labor season and getting a job was giving me hard time but despite a few setbacks and being bumping from one job to another, I finally managed to get one at the local fair for a whole season. Liz jumped with joy when she knew I will have a stable work at the fair and congratulated me preparing a rich dinner that night.
Halloween was coming and the preparations were keeping everyone in town hectic as if the town itself was one big anthill. People were coming and going taking with them paper bags full of groceries, ornaments and pumpkins. Every single store was ornamented with orange, yellow and red lights; witches and bats card board figures were hanging everywhere and some carved pumpkins with evil faces were already meddling on the way on the sidewalks​.
– This is amazing – Liz couldn’t keep at bay her admiration for such creative season of the year. She was holding my arm and squeezing it from time to time as if she were a little child about to get her new present.
I proposed to take a walk in the park and maybe sit in one of the benches to have some fresh air. She happily accepted, we turned back in the next corner and headed there. While walking our way back to the main park some little kids passed us by, some of them laughing and some others encouraging the current race. Liz put her head on my shoulder whilst watching the children get lost among other pedestrians. In that moment I knew what she was trying to tell me without using words and the thought made me smile.
Once we could find an empty bench and take a sit, Liz grabbed my hand in the way that could only mean one thing. It didn’t take me long to figure her out and how she liked to express the important things she often had in mind. I took a deep breath and listened to her carefully. She revealed me what she was longing and the idea of starting a family was something I hadn’t ruled out since I also wanted to experience that whilst I was still young and strong. Liz made a pause and I took the chance to step in to express what I was also feeling. Her sparkling eyes, despite the sun was already long gone, were the reason my heart would always melt. It was an unknown territory but we would get through it together. The statue of a lumberjack with an ax on his right shoulder and his friendly smile standing in front of us became the only witness of a new phase in our lives.
Back at home I was preparing dinner and Liz was in the backyard sitting on the edge of the old well. She used to like to spend some moments there, surrounded by the sounds of the crickets and the nature. Every time she came inside the house she often brought some new ideas and this time she brought more than ideas. We had dinner, drank some red wine and stayed for some minutes staring at each other in silence, then she grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom. I was more than sure she would definitely take the best of me that night.
To be continued…
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Image: Jeffrey Everett
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 108
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Garlic Junior Saga!     No last-episode-recap this time.    It’s a brand new arc, and we’re gonna jump right into it.   
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And we start with our first three civilian casualties.    Garlic Junior doesn’t waste any time.   He’s only got nine episodes to work with here.
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I never really caught on to why Garlic and his henchmen were killing these people, probably because Funimation didn’t seem to get it either.    In the dub, the frightened humans are like “We didn’t do anything!”  and the bad guys are like “We never said you did!”    The implication is that they just felt like killing some random people.  
But this time around, I’ve seen Dead Zone recently enough that I finally recognize the scenery.   This is the ruins of Garlic Junior’s castle from his movie.    The throne, the big tree, and the fruit he’s eating are all from Dead Zone. 
So I guess the people they just killed were squatters?  I’m kind of surprised that regular people just stumbled across Garlic Junior’s fantabulous evil stronghold one day.    I don’t blame them for wanting to move in, though.    That place looks awesome.   I’m pretty sure it’s a long drive to the store, though.
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Also, the narrator helpfully informs us that it’s been about ten months since Goku defeated Frieza.    The Dragon Ball Wiki says that this happened on Christmas Eve, which would put the Garlic Junior Saga somewhere in mid October, I guess.   Perfect for Halloween.
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And here’s a nice shot of Goku’s house.    Wow, he lives right on the edge of a cliff, huh?   
All right, we got a lot to cover, so I’m putting it behind a cut.  
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I was a filthy casual when DBZ first aired on Toonami in the late 90′s.   Consequently, I didn’t see the Garlic Junior Episodes until January 1, 2001, when Toonami ran the episodes as a marathon for New Year’s Day.   I always assumed that they had purposely held back those episodes just for this occasion, because in 1999-2000 I only knew the Frieza saga had ended and the Trunks/Androids/Cell stuff had begun.   Much later, I found out that the Garlic Junior episodes had been aired on Toonami in order.    I probably just missed the entire thing because I wasn’t paying that much attention to the show.  
So for me, I kind of have a soft spot for this arc, because with the way I first viewed it, it felt like a hidden stash of “secret” episodes, telling a side-story of what happened while Goku was away.    This has alaways been my approach with writing fanfiction.    I prefer to find a lull in the canon story and write a side-story set during that.   That’s basically what Katsuyuki Sumisawa did with this arc, although he was just creating filler episodes to allow the manga to pull further ahead of the anime.   
To give you an idea of the real-world motives behind this arc, Episode 108 aired in Japan on September 18, 1991.   A few days later, Chapter 342 of the manga was published, which featured Goku getting beaten by Android 19, which roughly corresponds with Episode 128.   Now that may seem like a pretty safe cushion, but remember that more than half of the twenty episodes in between are filler.   
108-117: Garlic Junior Saga
118: Mostly filler featuring Gohan and Mr. Shu
119-123: Adapts the Trunks chapters from the manga, mostly.
124: The Z-Warriors training
125: The Driver’s Ed Episode.
126-128: Mostly adapts the early Androids chapters, featuring Marron.
If not for all those filler scenes, the Goku vs. 19 fight would probably end up airing only four or five weeks after it saw print.   Thanks to the Garlic Junior Saga, Toei managed to push it all the way out into February of 1992.  
I’m not sure how things got to that point.   I suppose Toei was struggling with adapting the later portions of the Frieza battle, since there wasn’t a lot of room for filler scenes.    To be sure, they stretched it out as much as they could, but probably not as much as they would have liked.    The Saiyan and Namek arcs made it a lot easier to add filler, because they had longer time frames and more characters in play.     The whole Frieza battle takes place in maybe under an hour’s time, with the climax featuring two guys fighting alone for less than five minutes.    Toei managed to stretch that into six episodes, but they probably needed sixteen to facilitate their production schedule.
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And that’s where the Garlic Junior Saga comes in.    This is the first story arc to be all-filler, and so it’s far and away the longest stretch of filler episodes.   You can skip it and not miss a thing.   Indeed, Dragon Ball Kai does exactly that.   I dig that, because a lot of younger fans got into the show by watching Kai, and for them, the Garlic Junior arc is a hidden stash of secret episodes, just like it was for me eighteen years ago.   Are they any good?   Ehhhh, not really.  I like ‘em though. 
I’m not sure why they went with the plot they did.    My guess is that they went to Katsuyuki Sumisawa and told him to write a ten episode filler arc.    Well, who are they gonna fight?    Toriyama clearly had other plans for Frieza and Vegeta, and they were the two main villains.   The Androids were off-limits because they hadn’t been introduced yet.  Piccolo’s a good guy, Tien’s a good guy, Pilaf is a joke, and all the other villains are dead.   
I suppose they might have decided to invent a new character to be the villain, except they already had with the DBZ movies.  By this point, you had five: Garlic, Dr. Wheelo, Turles, Lord Slug, and Cooler.  The middle three on that list were killed pretty convincingly in their movies.  Maybe Cooler might have been up for consideration, since he ended up returning in Movie 6, but Cooler would be a little too much for the good guys without Goku to back them up.  
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So that leaves Garlic Junior, the one bad guy that never got killed, because he wished for immortality.  
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There’s two problems with bringing back Garlic, though.  First, his movie never fit into continuity in the first place.   Dead Zone features Goku and Piccolo teaming up to rescue Gohan, as a sort of alternate version of the Raditz episodes of DBZ.    So it doesn’t really make much sense as an even that takes place concurrent with the Raditz adventure.   In both stories, Goku acts like joining forces with Piccolo is unprecedented.    Dead Zone can’t have taken place after the Raditz episodes, because they end with Goku getting killed.   They can’t take place before the Raditz episodes because none of Goku’s friends are supposed to know about Goku’s son until Episode 2. 
Katsuyuki Sumisawa’s answer to that is to sort of handwave it and hope no one looks at these episodes too closely (ha!).   Basically, Garlic jumps from the movie to the anime like it’s no big deal, and all of the other characters remember him and the stuff he did.    As long as no one brings up Raditz, it works, and let’s face it, Raditz has been long-forgotten by this point.  
If you’re a hardcore continuity nerd like me, it’s probably easier to think of the Garlic Junior Saga as a made-for-TV movie sequel to “Dead Zone”.   Call it Movie 5.5: Dead Zone II.   Or you can do like me and try to pretend that some alternate version of Movie 1 fits into canon as a prequel to DBZ.   But that probably doesn’t work well either.  
The second problem is that Garlic only survived his first appearance because he was trapped in the Dead Zone, supposedly forever.   The whole point of the movie’s conclusion was that Garlic managed to become immortal, only to end up trapped in place where death was the only escape.    So how did he get out?  Well, we’ll cover that in a later episode. 
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So let me get on with recapping the episode properly.   Krillin goes to meet Gohan and he’s dressed in fancy clothes and he has a swank car.
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He’s also got a girlfriend.  For some reason he leaves her in the car while he goes to talk to Gohan, and then when Gohan asks him to join him for a swim, he starts stripping down like it’s no big deal.  
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His whole purpose for this trip is to invite Gohan over to Kame House for a get-together.   Apparently the gang hasn’t met since they wished Tien and Chiaotzu back to life.   Also not appearing in this episode: Tien and Chiaotzu.   Of course, Gohan has to ask his mother first, because he’s babby.  
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Gohan finally realizes after they leave that Marron is Krillin’s girlfriend, and he gets all excited for Goku coming back to find out about this.   Then we see a cloud that looks just like Goku.   Drink it in, because this is the most we’ll see of Goku for the next several episodes.
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Meanwhile, Kami pays a visit to Piccolo and offers to install Piccolo as the new Kami.   This makes absolutely no sense to me.    Even if Piccolo were a worthy successor (he was a villain less than two years ago), he can only live as long as Kami, because when one of them dies the other dies too.    So the only way this works is if Kami’s planning to retire and Piccolo can find another successor before Kami dies of old age.   
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Piccolo angrily refuses the offer, and warns Kami to pay attention to his job, since the Demon Clan has been becoming more active lately.    In the dub, Piccolo warns of “disturbing images” in his meditations, which he suspects may be insights into the future.  I find this a little easier to swallow than “The Demon Clan has been becoming more active lately.”   How does Piccolo even know this?
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While Kami is away, Garlic Junior invades the Lookout and captures Mr. Popo.    He introduces his new henchmen as the “demonic Four Monarchs”.   The dub calls them the “Spice Boys”, because they wrote the dub in 1999 and the Spice Girls were a thing, you see.   And their leader is named “Spice”, so that kind of works.  
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At Kame House, the gang meets Marron, although they really don’t find out much about her except that she’s a huge ditz.  
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When Krillin is reluctant to call them a full-on couple, she starts flirting with Yamcha instead.   Geez.
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Master Roshi wants to touch Marron’s boobs.    What pisses me off about Roshi is how he will absolutely be that direct about it, but first he has to set it up with this long build up before he does the line.    As if there could be any other punchline.  
Roshi: Hmmmm..... Krillin, I’m being very serious right now.   Very serious.
Krllin: Okay.    I ought to know better, but I’m listening.  
Roshi: ......................................................................................................
It’s not even funny when Bulma hits him, because I’ve seen it so many times.   Of course she hit him.  
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Anyway, Gohan’s not there because his mom won’t let him go.    Can you really blame her?   Roshi’s literally being a jackass right now.   Besides, the last time she let Gohan go to Kame House, Goku got killed and she didn’t see him again for a year.     This is what they call in parenting circles a “no-brainer.”
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Meanwhile, Kami finally gets back to the Lookout, and the bad guys capture him too.  
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Garlic hates Kami, but he won’t kill him just yet because he plans to use the Dragon Balls...
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... to revive Garlic Senior, who was Kami’s old enemy from long ago.    I’ll touch on this later, because this post is pretty long already, but mostly I want to point this out because I always thought reviving Senior was a dub-ism.    Surely, I thought, Toei understood the rule that you can’t wish people back after they’ve been dead for over a year.  Then Resurrection F came out and I realized that this rule probably never really existed.   Kami told King Kai in the Frieza Saga that Shenron could only revive Frieza’s victims going back one year, but apparently for resurrecting a single individual it’s not as big a deal.  
Of course, Garlic Senior’s been dead for a long time, I think.  Maybe it really is impossible for Shenron, and Kami is just keeping that to himself, since it’s the only thing keeping him alive right now.
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Meanwhile, Gohan sneaks out of the house with Icarus, aka Haiya Dragon.  Yeah, so Icarus is a character from Movies 3, 4, and 5, who has never appeared in the anime until now.  I guess Toei figured they were already using movie characters, so one more wouldn’t hurt.   It’d be kind of neat if Garlic had recruited some disfigured henchmen from some of the other movies.   Dr. Cohin, Neiz, and some of Turles’ guys were probably still in somewhat decent condition.    Garlic could have turned them into demonic monsters or something.
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Back on the Lookout, Garlic has declared himself the new Kami, and he leads his team inside to rummage through Kami’s attic.   There, he finds his father’s secret weapon, which was confiscated by Kami a long time ago.   
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In the dub, they call it the Black Water Mist.   I never quite understood the name, since calling it “water” and “mist” seems redundant.    Turns out, this was an embellishment on the Japanese name, which is literally just “Aquamist”.    Not a translation.     Garlic’s voice actor says “Akua Misuto”.   I’m guessing Funi just added “Black” to it so there’d be an extra syllable to support the lip flaps.    That, or they recognized that “Aquamist” and “Water Mist” are stupid names for an evil potion.
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Also, it’s black, so why not call it the Black Water Mist.    I think “Black Mist” would be more direct, but I do like the way “Black Water Mist” sounds.     Anyway, the deal with this stuff is that it turns people into demons when they breathe it.     Well, the word “demon” gets stretched pretty thin in Dragon Ball, but we’ll cover that later.   Suffiice to say, the BWM will turn everyone evil, which works pretty well for Garlic Junior’s scheme to conquer the world.    It kind of makes me wonder why Kami held on to the bottle all this time.   Maybe there just wasn’t a safe way to dispose of it.   
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I love the visuals of this episode.   The Garlic Junior Saga isn’t exactly Shakespeare, but it does offer some high-quality cartoonish supervillainy.   Garlic stormed the Lookout, deposed Kami, and now he’s dumped Evil Gas all over the world.    Big shots like King Piccolo, Frieza, and Vegeta would talk a lot about what they would do in the future, but Garlic’s already doing it.    He wished for immortality in his first appearance, and now it’s his second appearance he’s already conquered the world.   To be sure, his evil scheme really kind of goes downhill from this point, but the sheer amibition on this guy is a think to behold.   We don’t get to see just how his new world order was supposed to look, but we do get a bigger taste of it than most of the other villains ever did.   Just look at all that Bad Guy Juice just spilling off the Lookout.    The Lookout, that was once the vaguard for peace on Earth.   
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Meanwhile, the good guys are all.. having a party, completely unaware that anything is wrong.   Oh, and Bulma’s red pants are back.   Enjoy it while it lasts, Bulma.   Enjoy it while it lasts. 
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avatoh · 5 years
Struck By a Golden Arrow: Chapter 8!
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Summary: Belle finds a stray lizard in her library and decides to keep it as a pet. Unfortunately, it turns out that the creature is actually Mr. Gold, thought to be dead many years ago, trapped in a lizard form.
Chapter 8 Summary: Belle runs into someone from her past. Belle and Lizard!Gold develop a method of communication. 
Read Chapter on A03:
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Belle had been waiting outside the pawnshop for a good fifteen minutes for Gold to emerge. She was beginning to get worried. He had told her that the process of changing back into a lizard from a human was rather quick, but it would take a few minutes for him to fully adjust to his reptile form again. It was so incredibly cold outside and she just wanted to get warm as soon as possible.
“Belle?” came a voice to the left of her. She turned to find her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Gaston, standing beside her. “What are you doing here, babe?”
“Just...breathing, I mean, getting a breath of fresh air. It’s such a clear and nice night tonight,” she said quickly. They currently weren't seeing each other but he still always managed to call her babe.
“Nice? It’s cold, that’s what it is,” Gaston huffed, rubbing at his muscly arms under his thin sports jacket. “Aren’t you dying out here?”
“I’m...managing,” Belle said, taking out her phone as a que for him to leave. She stayed on her device for a few seconds before glancing up now and then to see if Gaston was still there.
He was.
“Belle, I can’t let you stay out here like this. You’ll catch your death.”
“I’m fine,” she said again. “I’ll see you later, okay,” she spoke curtly.
Gaston narrowed his eyes. “Alright. Text me when you’re warm,” he said.
The oaf glanced over his shoulder, still checking on her, as he stalked down the street, making Belle flush with anger. She had told herself that the last time she saw him was the absolute last time that they would be together. Her pride would not let herself go crawling back to him; she would not give him the satisfaction. He was truly a bad person for her to be with. They’d been together over the span of 6 years. Even the first time she went out with him, she knew that he wasn’t right for her, yet they persisted to date.  Back then she was new in town and needed connections and companions. But what they had wasn’t great. They had some serious problems to deal with. They broke up after a long 20 months. Four months later, they hooked up again after Gaston had gone through another break-up. He had told Belle he loved her still that night and they had another month of happiness before they couldn't stand being together again.
God, he was so insensitive and uncouth. Now, Belle could hardly look at him. During the month they had gotten together, after he had “broken up” with his girlfriend, Gaston had apparently still been sleeping with that second girl, cheating on Belle.
Belle had suspected he had even cheated on her when they were first together after that incident due to some things he said after she confronted him. When Belle began dating again, it was confirmed by her new partner that Gaston was indeed a serial cheater all along and that all the men in town knew it. He often bragged about it, several times, it seemed.
Before long, Belle had broken up with that man as well. It had indeed been awhile since Belle had been with someone at this point; she was lonely. Couples seemed to surround her everywhere, kissing, hugging, and comforting one another. She really hated to be alone.
With Gaston, at least she could pretend to be loved. But she couldn't go back now; he really was a terrible person. It was nearing two years now since she left him for good and they were both getting antsy.
Gaston had finally disappeared from sight and it had been more than 20 alarming minutes now since she had left Gold in the shop. The cold was making her shake now, Gaston was right: she should get inside soon.
Belle sat down against the side of the building, her breath visible in the cold air. Right when she was set upon going inside, she saw a little gold lizard dart from the crack in the wall and stop right in front of her. It was getting to the point where she thought he had been lying about it all. The transformation, the magic, all of it. Her heart quickened as as she saw him emerge.
“Gold?” She spoke out loud to the lizard. She felt so incredibly stupid talking to the little creature. The lizard’s head bobbed up and down as if it was nodding. “Is this really you?” The lizard walked in a circle and then stopped in front of her and nodded again. “It really is you!” Belle said out-loud, gasping a little. She held out her hand, her heart rapidly jumping in her chest, and the lizard, Mr. Gold climbed upon it. Part of her wanted to squirm from the little pitter-patter of his reptilious feet but she managed to remain calm. It was a weird feeling. “Let’s get you to the library,” she told the lizard.
The two of them returned to Belle’s home and she placed him on the counter of her kitchen, happy to be warm again. “How are you feeling Mr. Gold?” she asked him.
He tilted his head and body back and forth.
“You can understand me completely,” she said. Gold tilted his head again and blinked at her. “You do. Good!” Belle exclaimed, overjoyed. “Oh my gosh.” A brilliant thought popped into her head. “Hold on there!” Belle rushed to her living room and grabbed a pen and stray paper to draw a set of letters as well as the words “yes” and “no” on the page and brought it back to him.
Gold took a look at the board. It looked like a homemade ouija board. Quickly, Gold scurried over to the ‘yes’ and then spelled out ”T-H-A-N-K  Y-O-U”. This is what he needed! He could communicate as a lizard now!
“I’m going to be keeping you in here for the next month, as we agreed, so we can figure your curse out, but you need to remember that you are welcome to come and go as you please. I made an open enclosure for you if you want to stay here in my home. There's also the enclosure down stairs that’s still there if you want to ever visit your grandson or hang out there with me during the day.”
“Yes.” Then “S-O-N,” he wanted to be downstairs to see his son.
Belle somewhat frowned. “You really miss your him, don’t you?”
“Perhaps next month we can just show him, just like you showed me?”
Gold shook his head. “ No. N-O-T.  Y-E-T.”
“Okay. We’ll talk about that later. When It’s easier for you to talk, that is.”
Lizard Gold seemed pleased at that sentiment. Belle adjusted her stance, ending the conversation. “Well, I’m going to make myself some dinner now to help warm up. I’m hungry. Do you need anything else before I do that?”
“I was thinking about making stir-fry…” she spoke out loud, looking over to him, wondering if he was going to stay by her for the rest of the night or if he wanted to do his own thing. They hadn’t really discussed any of this part ahead of time. Gold didn’t move from the counter, so Belle took that as a sign to proceed to work on her meal with him there.
Oh! How Gold wished he could talk and eat with Belle. She would never know this, but being a lizard was so incredibly lonely. Human interactions as simple as having a meal together were out of the question for him. Of course he had wanted to eat and spend time with her if she was offering it! Once Belle was finished making her meal, she got out a plate and served herself. “I know some people think it’s messy, but I usually eat in the living room with the TV on when I’m by myself.”
Gold nodded and Belle put out a hand for him to climb on as they went into the other room. She placed him and his ouija board on the coffee table in front of her as well as a few raw greens for him to eat as she began eating her own dinner.
He could cry right then and there, if only he could cry as a lizard.
Belle turned on the T.V. “Do you have a preference? You haven’t seen T.V in years, huh? I was thinking about maybe news, but that can be a bit depressing sometimes. We could also watch a fun show, if you’d like? What do you think?”
He couldn’t think of anything he wanted to watch. All his shows were either ended or no longer aired. “N-E-W-S,” he indicated with the board. Belle didn’t particularly enjoy watching the news, but she’d indulge him with the world events and info he needed to catch up on. After the news ended, jeopardy started. Belle left it on that as the host began to asked the contestants questions from all categories. Belle noticed Gold was scurrying across the board. He was answering the questions!
“Oh, “ Belle remarked. “You like Jeopardy?”
“I do too! Let’s see how fast you are at running because I’m going to shout out some answers too!”
The pop-culture questions had Gold at a loss, but he crushed all of the other categories. He was actually having fun with another human being! His heart was actually racing after the episode and it wasn’t from all his running. At some point, Belle had fallen asleep on the couch with the T.V. on. The news came on again. What he was seeing frightened him. What had the world come to?
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faefictions · 6 years
Spilt Kernels
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Prompt: “Don’t make me fall in love again.”
Summary: Peter breaks up with the reader to protect her from his secret life, breaking both of their hearts in the process.
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 1,989
The first day he saw her was the first day of his Freshman year of high school. She sat in the back of the class, where most of the people Peter dreaded seeing sat, but she was different. He just caught a glance of her that first day, but he would never forget it. He instantly fell for her. It took him exactly 73 days to talk to her, he had counted. Their teacher had paired them up for a reading assignment. They were both shy, so they sat in silence for the first ten minutes of the assignment. The girl was wearing a Star Wars shirt, so Peter decided to compliment her on it. It took him another 2 minutes to psych himself up enough to get out an “I like you shirt”. Her face turned bright red as she quietly thanked him. They read their assigned chapter next to each other in silence, and filled out the correlating worksheet alone. When the bell rang Peter blurted out an apology. “Sorry I’m so shy. I hope you did well on the worksheet.” The girl smiled and showed him her finished work. “Piece of cake,” she replied with a smile, before grabbing her backpack and turning in the worksheet on their teacher’s desk. Peter hadn’t even finished half of the sheet. He was too distracted by the beautiful girl that was sitting next to him the entire period. The girls name was y/n and she had captured Peter’s heart entirely. Peter and y/n became best friends. They would have movie marathons with Ned on weekends and would all discuss the nerdiest of topics for hours on end. The three of them got close during their Freshman year and became inseparable. Over the summer, Peter started to grow distant from them. He would still text and they would see him occasionally, but it started to take a toll on the groups friendship. After y/n got a job, they all stopped seeing each other for the summer. When they came back for Sophomore year, y/n heard from Ned that Peter had gotten an internship with Stark Industries. She was impressed but a little disappointed that she didn’t hear it from him. When she confronted him about it, he apologized for not telling her. “I just wasn’t treating it like a big deal. I was worried we weren’t friends anymore though. We didn’t talk all summer. I kinda thought you didn’t want to talk to me anymore,” he had said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. He looked at the floor and wouldn’t make eye contact with y/n. If he had looked up, he would’ve seen a shocked face. “Peter, of course we’re still friends. You just dropped of the face of the earth and I got busy with my job. That doesn’t mean I don’t still love you… and Ned.” She was blushing now. Peters face turned a brighter shade after hearing her utter the word “love” in reference to him. “Well I have to get to chemistry. I’ll catch you later Parker,” she said before rushing in the opposite direction. Her face burned red for another half hour. She had just accidentally admitted she loved her best friend. That wasn’t a word she used lightly and Peter knew that. She had hoped that by throwing Ned’s name in there that he would be thrown off. Weeks later Peter and y/n were in Peter’s apartment. Aunt May was out of town for the week and the three friends were going to have a movie marathon and sleepover. Ned was taking forever to get there though so the two of them sat on Peter’s couch flipping through channels. Y/n was laying with her feet next to Peter and her head on the head rest opposite from him. She had a bowl of popcorn on her stomach and was throwing it in her own mouth, piece by piece. She was missing more that not, but boredom was getting the best of her. Little did she know that Peter was a nervous wreck sitting right next to her. He had asked Ned to show up an hour late so he could talk to y/n. “I swear to God, if you chicken out I am going to tell her,” Ned had said when Peter had told him his plan. He sat next to her, pressing the button on the remote over and over again, not really watching the t.v., it was more of a nervous habit at this point. The second he stopped pressing that button, he had to start talking. He took a deep breath and put the remote on the arm rest. “Hey y/n?” he whispered. He could take down criminals, but he couldn’t ask his best friend a simple question. “Hmm,” she hummed, too distracted by her game with the popcorn kernels to properly respond. He chuckled at her, which made his heart beat a little slower. She had a calming effect on him, and he had the same one on her. “I need to talk to you,” he said, a little louder. “Shoot, Parker,” she replied, still fixated on the kernels she was throwing in the air, moving her head from side to side trying to catch them. Peter looked straight ahead, if he looked at her again, he would laugh and lose focus. “So I’ve been thinking about this for a while, like a long time actually. Like basically since we met. And I don’t want to weird you out or anything so please just answer truthfully and don’t feel any pressure please,” he began. He looked back at the girl next to him and smiled before closing his eyes and taking another deep breath. “Y/n, would you maybe consider being my girlfriend,” he rushed out. He had practiced it in the mirror for an hour before she had arrived, but he still didn’t feel like he had gotten it right. He heard a sudden cough and a crash next to him and opened his eyes to see the popcorn bowl on the ground, kernels spilt everywhere. Y/n was sitting up choking on the last piece she had succsefuly caught right as Peter had asked his question. He moved closer to her and hit her back a few times, trying his best to help her, although his heart was still beating faster than it had ever before. The piece had dislodged from y/n’s throat and she took a deep breath. She looked straight into Peter’s eyes and smiled. She quickly fell onto him, simultaneously embracing him and wrapping her entire upper body around him. “Of course Peter,” she replied, hiding her blushing face in his chest. He instantly hugged her back, a grin spreading over his face as his heart started to slow again. That was when Ned walked in. He saw the two hugging and started to smile just as big as they were. “I TOLD YOU PETER,” he exclaimed, before rushing over to them and joining the hug, happier than ever for his two best friends. Peter and y/n dated for 2 months before he could work up the courage to kiss her. Ned was home sick, so they were outside alone for lunch that day. Y/n had finished her apple, the last thing on her tray, when she noticed that Peter hadn’t touched anything on his tray next to hers. “You feeling alright Parker? I swear to God if you’re sick too, I am putting you in quarantine and sitting on the other end of this table,” she had joked. He was focused on the table in front of him and he didn’t seem to hear her. She waved her hand in front of her face and repeated his name before he looked at her. He looked deep into her eyes, then down at her mouth, before he gently supper her face and pulled their faces closer to each other before their lips met. When they pulled away a few seconds later, they were both smiling and blushing like crazy. That was both of their first kisses. A few months later things changed. Peter stopped texting as often. He seemed spaced during school, and he stopped hanging around Ned and y/n as much. It was just like the summer prior, but y/n had a bad feeling about it this time. He hadn’t asked to see her in a couple weeks when she decided to confront him. She went over to his house one night. She knew that May always had dinner on the table at 6:30, so she went over at 6. She knew he would be home and she also wouldn’t piss May off by showing up during dinner. When Peter answered the door, his confused expression just fueled y/n’s rage even more. “What are you doing here? Is everything ok?” he asked, a little panicked. It wasn’t like her to show up unannounced. “We need to talk,” She replied without meeting his gaze. He pulled her into the apartment and told May that they would be in his room. He left the door cracked so they could have some privacy, but May would burst in if he closed it. “What’s up?” he asked, moving closer the girl sitting on his bed. She had her hands in her lap and her gaze hadn’t raised from the floor. “What’s going on with you Peter? You haven’t texted me all week. You’ve barely said a word to me at school. You haven’t spent any time with me either. So what is it? Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I need to know?” she rambled, doing her best to hold back her tears. He sighed as he sat next to her. He had been dreading this for weeks but he knew what he had to do. Someone was after him, or rather his alter ego, and if anyone found out about her she would be in danger. As much as he loved her, if that love meant putting her in danger, he couldn’t allow himself to put her in that situation. “I just didn’t know how to say this,” he started. And that was when her first tear fell, but she did her best to keep quiet. “I think it’s time we break up.” he finished. He always rambled when he was nervous, but this was different. He couldn’t let any of his emotions fall out of his mouth. He couldn’t let her know his reasons. So he did his best to keep it short. “Why?” she choked out. He couldn’t stand to hear her upset, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. “I can’t explain it, I just don’t think we should be together,” he replied, his eyes fixated on the floor. Y/n jumped up from the bed and rushed to the door on the other side of the room, but Peter caught her arm before she could leave. “I’m sorry. I don’t want hurt you ba… y/n,” he said, almost calling her baby. “I’m still here for you. We can still do movie marathons and have our daily lunch rants. I still care…” “No,” she quietly cut him off, but her voice was harsh. She jerked her arm away from him as she met his pleading eyes. “Don’t make me fall in love again,” she pleaded, taking a step towards the door. “Y-you love me?” he asked, his voice breaking as a tear threatened to fall. “Loved,” she replied. He hand was on the door knob and before he could reply she was out of the door and out of the apartment.
A/N:This is my first post and my first fic on Tumblr! Please let me know if you like it. My requests are open if you would like me to write anything for you :) 
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Kai Parker x Reader word count: 3 499    |  reading time: 13 minutes warning: possible triggers / mentions of violence summary: Reader and Kai are x-boyfriend/girlfriend, but they still care and love each other very very much. A few months pass and despite their break up they are still close and in the meantime Reader starts a new relationship.    |   (kind of) based on the song ‘Loca’ by Maite Perroni ft Cali & El Dandee note: this is the imagine i was telling you about; hope you like it and… there is an idea for a second chapter, only it might be a bit before i post it – there is this roughly 8k reader!dom smut i’m working on…have to finish it first. 😈 *gif by me ________________________________________
Kai hid in the shadows, watching her walk home. Almost five months since their break up and even though she had someone else in her life, he kept watching over her even without her knowledge. Though these past few weeks he could tell something was off about her her, that’s how well he knew her. All the little things no one would notice – he did. Like how she jumped up when someone touched her, the way sadness and pain flashed in her eyes even though she put on the best performance of her life trying to hide it. He could tell the difference between the way she smiled when it was just the two of them and the way she smiled around her friends and her new boyfriend… and knew her smile during the last one as fake as they come. He missed seeing her eyes light up when she laughed, hearing her laugh and making jokes. Neither of those things seemed to happen and the only times she even remotely approached her old self was when it was just the two of them.
Y/N stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, glanced around and then up at the sky before running her fingers through her hair and continuing on her way. A few steps ahead she turned around the corner and Kai whooshed himself towards her, not wanting to leave her out of his sight for a second. They were broken up and he cared about her more than he ever did. More importantly, he wanted her back but didn’t know how to tell her or if even after him breaking up with her, she’d even want him back. Sure, they were friends and that was more than he could’ve hoped for knowing how after a break up people usually just drift apart, but he wanted it all. He wanted things to go back to the way they were when he could hold her hand, cuddle with her and not have to feel guilty about it because there was someone else in her life. He wanted to be with her the way they used to be – to feel her snuggle closer to him while they slept, to be able to wake up next to her… not on a mat next to her bed because he didn’t want to risk himself cross a line.
Her hand reached inside her bag, pulling out the keys as she climbed up the stairs to her porch but just as she was about to unlock the door, her hand stopped hovering over the key in the lock.
    “You don’t have to hide in the shadows if you are going to walk me home every night.” she said quietly. “You can walk me home, side by side… not trailing me ten steps behind.”
   “It’s actually five. Ten is way too far, Speedy.” he said, standing right behind her. “I didn’t want your b-boyfriend or friends to see me. I can’t tell who would be more upset –”
Y/N’s lips curled up, her head turning to the side. “You have magic. Cloak yourself and no one would ever know if you are that worried.”
    “Duhh –“ he laughed for a second. “Why are you walking home alone at night? Mystic Falls isn’t a safe place, you know. There are at least 5 dangerous heretics running around –“
    “And the most dangerous one is trailing me.” she said quietly, feeling his breath on her neck. Instantly her heart rate increased ten times. “Should I run away screaming right now or would you like to come in for a bit?”
    “Only if there are pork rinds.” a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Or maybe chocolate cupcakes?”
    “No.” she said quietly, “But we can make some. If you want.”
Kai spun her around and pushed her up against the door, his hand braced next to her head. There it was again – the way she flinched for a split second when his hand touched the door. “Only if you wear an apron.”
    “I always wear –“
   “Just an apron.” he almost whispered, his eyes darting between his lips and her eyes. Y/N swallowed, opening and closing her mouth for a second. His fingertips brushed against her cheek, gently trailing her lips later on. “There I go again, don’t I? I keep forgetting we –“
    “Makes two of us.” she said quietly, her hand reaching behind her back to open the door. “C-come on in.”
Kai took a slight step back, watching her go in, and followed her inside. To say that they had a history would be an understatement. Despite their break up and her trying to move on with someone new, for her it was still only Kai. Going to sleep every night, waking up in the morning… the thought of him was always there and sometimes so was he. Only no matter how many close they got to kissing and sleeping in the same bed, ever since she started dating her new boyfriend, neither of them dared cross the line. Some days it was like neither of them had gotten the memo they had broken up and Kai kept acting like the over protective boyfriend he no longer was. A part of her felt guilty about it, the other rejoiced every single time because her heart and soul still recognized Kai ass someone who’d keep her safe and protect her no matter what. Her entire self recognized him as her other half. And he was, he was always going to be. That’s how your first love works – you never forget or truly move on, no matter how it ended.
   “Why were you crying at the Grill?” he asked, watching her take off her jacket. “Did something happen?”
Something flashed in her eyes for a second and he knew the smile on her face a moment later was fake. “What? No, I – I don’t cry in public. There was something in my eye… and John was… running a little late.”
    “Seriously?” he studied her face. “That’s what you are going with? I was there –“
    “Of course you were.” she smiled to herself. “Where else would you be?“
    “You weren’t picking up your phone. I was worried and with a good reason. Y/N, he is – he never even kissed you hello. What kind of a boyfriend doesn’t kiss his girl ‘hello’?” he glanced at his shoes as if the answer would magically pop up there. If only there was another answer, he thought, taking a step closer. Keeping things a secret from her was never easy, not only that but he hated keeping things from her because she never kept anything from him. Though something told him she already knew what he was about to say. “And then when he touched you, you nearly jumped up to the ceiling.”
    “H-he just took me by surprise that’s all.” she hugged her body, glancing everywhere but at him while she played with the necklace he had given her for their first month-aversary. It seemed no matter what, she held onto it. “I was thinking about someon—something.”
    “You know, don’t you?” he said quietly, taking a step closer. “You know he is cheating on you. I can see it in your eyes. He doesn’t love you and he never will. Why haven’t you broken up with him yet?”
    “It’s – it’s complicated.”
    “No, its not.” he stated, brushing his palm against her cheek. “This is hurting you, I can see it. Why are you pretending it’s not happening?”
    “I’m not.”
    “Y/N –“ he said serious, “We weren’t just each other’s firsts. I am not just your ex, I am your best friend and I know there is no such thing as ‘complicated’ for you. You can handle anything, deal with anything. You never shy away from sharing your opinion and you always do the right thing. You… you are the strongest person I know –” he said softly, watching her lips curl up a little. A long moment passed before he realized there was something else, something he somehow had missed. “What aren’t you telling me? Why – why are you so jumpy?”
Y/N blinked fast a couple of times. “Everything is fine. I um –“
    “I know you well enough to know you are lying without listening to your heartbeat. Tell me.”
    “There is nothing to tell.” she felt his thumb wipe away a tear from her cheek. Instantly she pulled away before another tear rolled down and he noticed something.   “Make yourself at home. I’ll go change –“
Y/N walked right past him and ran up the stairs to her bedroom so fast if he didn’t knew otherwise, he’d assume she was a vampire. He stared after her, took off his jacket, left it on the couch. Running away from him or a conversation was a new thing with her too and he couldn’t understand the reason why. Every time they even looked at each other her heart would skip more than one beat right before starting to race faster than a Formula 1 champion’s car. Then all of the sudden she’d jump off the couch or hop off her chair in the kitchen to go somewhere and come back as if nothing had happened…
     “Ohkay. I’ll be here... waiting" he called out..
Looking around the room he could still see the dent she had made when she had thrown that statue at his head during one of their fights. His lips curled up into a small smile while his fingertips traced the almost Y shaped mark on the wall. He loved when they fought, the fire burning in her eyes which wasn’t being fueled by anger but desire for him. He loved it even more like when she started punching in his chest, he grips her wrists and kisses her until she melts completely in his arms and then they get lost into each other afterwards. He missed those moments and loved her so much it physically hurt to be away from her sometimes. What wouldn’t he give to turn back time and fix what he had done. When they had broken up it had been because he had wanted to protect her from himself, thinking one day without realizing he’d lose his temper and hurt her. At the time it had made more sense to him to let her go for her own good, but then again ‘for her own good’ he kept finding an excuse to be around her. And she kept letting him. Five months had passed since that night and what they had seemed to only get stronger…
     “How could I have been so stupid to let you go?” he said quietly, glancing at his shoes and then at the stairs. As if being pulled like a magnet towards her he climbed up the stairs, his soft steps barely audible as he got closer to her bedroom noticing the light seeping from the open ajar door. He stopped right outside, hesitating for a moment before he took a peek even though he knew he shouldn’t. There she was, her locks falling around her shoulders while she stared at her reflection in the mirror, pulling her shirt up a little to look at something. Something purple/blueish caught his attention and he pushed the door fully open . “What’s that? Are those bruises?!”
Y/N pulled her shirt down, tucked in her necklace and took a step away from him. “What?”
Kai tilted his head and sighed, taking a step towards her. Y/N backed away from him but that didn’t stop him from taking another step closer without taking his eyes off hers for a moment. Her gaze kept drifting around the room looking for a way out and she dashed right under his arm only to have him grab her by the waist a moment later. A quiet groan of pain escaped her lips and she pushed his hands away from her.
    “Y/N –“
    “C-chocolate cupcakes? Th-that’s what we are making right?” she forced a smile, heading towards the door which magically closed right under her nose. “Kai –“
   “No, no. Don’t Kai me.” he took a step towards her and lifted her shirt up. His gaze drifted from her stomach to her abdomen and towards her eyes. “What’s this?”
   “Nothing. I… went out with the bike the other day.” she shook her head, trying to open the door. “A tree stood in my way.”
   “A tree stood in your way?” he said in disbelief. “So tell me, how haven’t I seen you out with your bike since August?”
    “I went out at night—“ she started knowing fully well her lies weren’t going anywhere. Not with him anyways. A blink of an eye later he had her hands pinned over her head and his fingertips brushed up her skin, pulling her t-shirt up. Y/N winced a little feeling even the slightest pressure applied onto the sore spot. “Don’t—“
Kai’s eyes met with hers, or at least tried to. Her eyes kept drifting everywhere but he didn’t want to force her to look at him. “S-sorry, I –“ he let go, taking a slight step back. “You and I have had some quite dangerous falls off the bed, slams against the walls, the stairs while –”
    “I haven’t slept with him–” she said quietly. “—if that’s what you are thinking.”
A weight lifted off Kai’s chest he didn’t even knew was there. Though something else weighted down on him even more. If those weren’t that kind of bruises, then how had they appeared on her body and how hadn’t he noticed them before. Why would she hide them? “You are going to tell me what he did right now, or I am going to rip his head off without asking questions.”
Y/N wiped her nose with the back of her hand, looking nervously around the room. Tears threatened to start falling down her cheeks at any moment and as much as she wanted to keep it together, it just wasn’t possible. This wasn’t just anyone standing before her. This was Kai, the first boy she had ever liked, the first boy her lips had ever kissed… They were friends before being lovers and their friendship was stronger than anyone had expected because despite their break up, they remained just as close. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, just like there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. “He didn’t mean to –“
   “Didn’t mean to what?”
   “He – w-we were having a disagreement about something. I tried to get away. H-he slapped me and I –“ she closed her eyes. “I – I fell down the stairs.”
   “You mean he pushed you?!” Kai said angrily, taking a step away from her. “Was that the only time?” he insisted. Y/N fell silent, a tear rolling down her cheek. He instinctively reached to wipe away the tear and that’s when he noticed it – the purple/blue-ish color of her skin under her make up. It was already faded but still there. He knew her so well, knew something was wrong but how hadn’t he figured out what was really happening sooner? “Y/N, no. Cheating on you is one thing but this? No. No, you two are done.”
Y/N stared at him in disbelief. “Excuse me? You and I are best friends but you don’t to get to make that choice again without asking me how I feel first!”
   “Y-you love him? Is that why you –“
   “I don’t know what I feel! And neither does he, if you ask me. He’s still new at the whole ‘dating’ thing –“
    “I was new at the whole emotion’s thing. You made me feel everything for the first time. You made me fall in love with you starting the day we met…” his eyes met with his. “I know I broke your heart, but I never laid a finger on you. I wouldn’t let a hair fall out of your head –“
     “Kai, this is really hard –“
     “I know it is.” he brushed his thumb against her cheek. “Just t-tell me what I can do to fix this. Let me fix this… us –“
     “He said he’ll never do that again. Th-that he’ll change –“
     “People don’t change.” he muttered, noticing her curious look. “No, no. Him and I – we are nothing alike.”
     “Never said you were. And… I am as crazy about you as I was when we were together.” she watched him smile, knowing by the look in his eyes he felt the exact same way. “What you and I have is so much more than what he and I could ever have. And if I could go back I— “she sighed, knowing his smile would fade just as quickly in a few moments.  “He um… he is planning a weekend getaway as an apology. His family has a cabin –“
     “Kai –“
     “No. You are not going.” he said serious, standing right before her. “Don’t look at me with those eyes. They don’t work on me when it comes to your safety. Why do you think I let you go in the first place? It’s because I didn’t want to risk hurting you in any way –”
Her lips curled up into a faint smile as she got up and wrapped her arms around him. “You and your weird logic. Breaking my heart so you don’t hurt me. I should want you as far away from me as possible.Hate you even –”
Kai’s arms wrapped around her, his lips placed a soft kiss on her forehead before resting his chin on her forehead. “Why don’t you?  Hate me, I mean. I hurt you… and you are still here in – in my arms. Doesn’t make sense.”
Y/N pulled away from, his fingertips brushed against her cheek and gently tucked in a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Love like theirs didn’t just die because they weren’t together. If something, the distance seemed to make it even stronger.  “That’s just the thing. I care and love you so much that I’d let you  rip my heart out, stomp on it; shatter it and me to pieces and… I will still love you. I’ll love you and that won’t ever change no matter what happens because you… you are seared on my heart forever.”
     “Y-you still love me?” 
     “I never stopped. Not even for a second.” she gazed into his eyes for a long moment and took a shallow breath. “Now… we are making you special chocolate cupcakes right?” she took a step towards the door but he gripped her wrist.  “Wha—“ she started to say when he grabbed her, spun her around and backed her against the bed until both of them fell on the mattress. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling up his shirt while his lips almost touched the skin on her neck and his breath tickled her skin. “Kai, no. We can’t –“
Kai’s hand slid between their bodies but instead of going down south, it slid up under her shirt all the while his forehead rested on hers, their gazes locked on each other. “You can try and stop me from healing your heart after I broke it; try and stop me from kissing you… But you can’t stop me from healing those bruises.”
  “This is Hell.” she whispered, feeling a familiar warmth spread through her body.
    “What?” he asked confused. “W-what’s Hell?”
    “You.” she said quietly. “Us… being here like that and not being here like that. I just – I can’t.” she pushed him off her. Kai gripped her wrist. “Kai –“
   “I still care about you.” he said quietly. “Y/N, I am still in love with you and now that I know you still are still in love with me I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back. I want this. I want you. I need you in my life. I want to fall asleep by your side and wake up next to you for the rest of eternity… or at least Damon rips my heart out for linking Elena to Bonnie.”
   “I want that too –“ she said quietly. “—the being with you part, not the other one. I’d die if that happens but –“
   “But what?” he pulled her onto his lap. “Are you afraid he’d hurt you if you try to break up with him? Is that it?” Y/N stayed silent. “You have me – a dangerous bulletproof vampire/witch hybrid. I’d never let him lay a finger on you ever again. I’ll kill him before I let this happen.”
Y/N’s lips curled up into a slight smile. “I’d never ask you to do that.”
   “I know.” he said quietly, his eyes drifting between her eyes and her lips. “Doesn’t mean I won’t.  Just promise me, you won’t go on that trip.”
   “I promise.”
________________________________________ MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17 MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17
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wowiejimin · 7 years
Safe - Chapter 8
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this is probably one of the most longest chapters ive ever published oml but im pretty proUD OF IT EVEN THO ITS PRETTY BORING AT FIRSTTEETEE
if any of you guys are having trouble finding the updates to this fic, here are some options :)
you can either search up “wowiejimin safe fic” and once you do, all the chapters including the chapter list should be there~
“wowiejimin safe fic” is also a hashtag that i include in my tags so if you’re willing to follow it, you’ll be able to see all of the chapters and updates on your TL :D
another way is to put my post  notifications on if you follow me but i also do have the chapterlist in my description on my profile (it’s always updated) so feel free to do so~
i also update every week :)
Pairing: Gang Member!Jimin x Poor Heart!Genius!Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Lots of Action, Humor, Fluff, & Smut (In the Future)
Length: 6.2k
Warnings: Swearing, SOOOO MUCH (SEXUAL? IDK) TENSION OML, flufffflyllylyy stuff
Members Included: All of BTS, other KPop groups in the future
Previous Chapter Chapter List Next Chapter
In his world, being a part of a mafia gang, known as Bangtan Boys, is a bit terrifying. They were truly a filthy rich and powerful group that everyone feared. 22-year old Jimin was described as the stealthiest and most skilled member of Bangtan, playing an important part in their group. Whereas for 20-year-old (Y/N), a genius with a weak heart is suffering inside the cruel world as she is experimented on on the daily basis. Jimin finds himself protecting a gifted girl whose memory can hold numerous things in a blink of an eye. Jimin finds an interest in her, visioning that she may be a valuable asset to their group. Jimin has never paid attention to girls. However, that started to change when he met her.
The following day, (Y/N) took a seat next to Jimin, like always. She looked around the room to meet eye contact with the rest of the boys. 
After explaining about the plan with Jimin and (Y/N), it was time to tell the others about it. 
Namjoon was the only one standing up, looking over at his members before clearing his throat. “As you all know, (Y/N) has obtained the special documents Yoongi hyung needed and it was a success.” Namjoon smiled at (Y/N), “However, those documents contained (Y/N)’s files as Banjo hired a member of the Golden Flies to do the job to terminate her files.”
(Y/N) let out a distressed breathe, not believing that Banjo went this far in order to bring her back to the lab. “Although, Yoongi recovered them, allowing (Y/N) to be safe from them.” He says as the boys let out sighs of relief, “For now.” Namjoon says and Taehyung frowned, “What if we want (Y/N) to be safe forever?” He pouted, “I don’t want (Y/N) to go away!” Taehyung cried.
(Y/N) sadly smiled at him, “I’m sure we all want (Y/N) to stay with us and to be safe too.” Jimin says and Jin nodded, “Indeed we do.” He says, “Right, but how?” Hoseok asked.
Yoongi smirked, “As you know, Banjo is a bad man, as well as Mr Han. The two have been working for years before meeting (Y/N). During those years, they’ve been committing corrupt deals with others and recorded a list of each and every one of them on a disc.” Yoongi says and looked over at his members, “With this disc, we can either threaten and blackmail them,” Yoongi says before looking at (Y/N), “Or we expose it, thus destroying everything that they have.” Yoongi explained and Jin hummed.
“Blackmailing seems a bit uneasy, although it may work, considering of how much data is written on there.” Jin thought as Jungkook crossed his arms, “How about both?” All the members looked at the young member with playful glares as Jungkook grinned, “What? Why not?”
Namjoon sighed and lightly chuckled at Jungkook’s suggestion, “Although we do have the power to do so, I don’t think that would be necessary.” He says before clapping his hands, pointing them towards (Y/N), “Since (Y/N) has known the two longer than we have, she’s one step closer to finding that disc.” He says and smiled. Jimin then cleared his throat, "And because (Y/N) knows the two better than we do and being our tactician, she’ll be planning this mission.“ 
(Y/N) nodded in agreement, "There may be a few bumps on the road. These two are no joke, they’re loaded with men and power as much as we are. However, with precise planning, I’m sure we can find this disc and get the job done easily.” (Y/N) smiled shyly. The members let out smiles and cheers, “I hope this works, (Y/N).” Yoongi says with a smile, the first ever smile (Y/N) had seen coming from Yoongi. Taehyung’s tail wagged, “I really really don’t want (Y/N)-ah to go, I’ll do anything in the world to keep her on our side!" 
The members chuckled as (Y/N) smiled widely, agreeing with Taehyung, "I don’t ever want to go back at that place, and I’m also willing to do everything to stay with all of you.” She says shyly, a hint of blush on her cheeks. The members looked at her with adored expressions before agreeing with her.
Jimin stared at (Y/N) with a faint smile. (Y/N) shared a few laughs with the members before looking back at Jimin, who was already staring at her with loving adoring eyes, same as the others. (Y/N) smiled at him as the other members continued to talk. “I hope this works.” She says, “I wish to stay with all, with you, forever.” She says as Jimin sent her a smile.
“Me too.” He says, brushing a stray hair away from her face, smiling even more at the sight of her flushed cheeks.
“Because wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be there for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks. I want and will be there for you forever.“
It’s been three weeks since the whole mission with Dongmin as it was back to training for (Y/N) after she fully healed. Bangtan decided to lay low for awhile especially since the death of Kim Hyunwook. Whereas for Dongmin, he was taken to their HQ was imprisoned, with a necessary amount of care, ordered by (Y/N), as his fate was later decided.
Not only that, after all those weeks of training, Jimin claimed that (Y/N) was ready to pursue real missions along with the others. 
But here they were, after a morning jog with Taehyung around the neighbourhood and gun practice in the hills with Jungkook, (Y/N) stood in the ring with Jimin.
Today, Jimin decided with all the training he has done with (Y/N), he was able to work on her speed and agility. After a few rounds of Jimin moving around a landing a couple of punches on (Y/N), she finally got the hang of it and even got to beat Jimin at his own game. 
Jimin swung his strong leg over, however, (Y/N) quickly ducked and landed another punch on his shoulder, causing Jimin to lose balance. Seeing this as an opportunity, (Y/N) swung her fist at him, knocking him down to the mat. 
Jimin grunted as tumbled to the ground, “Oof.” He winced slightly. 
(Y/N) smiled widely, jumping a bit a few times as she cheered proudly. Jimin smirked up at her, watching her awkwardly dance around over her victory. (Y/N) noticed his stare and stopped, blushing slightly as she smiled shyly. Jimin chuckled, he thought it was cute and to say that he was proud was an understatement. 
“My third win in a row!” She says in triumph as Jimin shrugged, getting up from the mat. “What can I say, I’ve gone soft on you.” He says and got out of the ring, (Y/N) following. 
“I think that’s enough training, (Y/N). You did well today.” He confessed as (Y/N) let out a content sigh as she took a swing from her water bottle. “I think you’re ready for the real stuff.” He says as he also takes a swing of water. 
(Y/N) puts down her bottle and looked at the older boy, “Real stuff?” She asked as he nodded, “Yeah, the real stuff.” He smirked at her as he motioned her to follow him. After packing their things, they made their way up to their room. 
As they walked up the stairs, Hoseok smiled at them as he went walked down the marble steps, “Done training?” He asked as (Y/N) nodded with a mixture of a confused and happy smile, “Yeah, Jimin says I’m ready for the real stuff.” She looked over at him and Hoseok looked at her with his gold irises gleaming. He sent her a slight smirk, “Oh I see,” He says as he continued to walk down the steps, “Well, whatever it is, good luck~” And with that, he went straight to the kitchen. 
Jimin hummed and walked into his room. He then took his shirt off, slightly surprising (Y/N) with the sudden action. “Go ahead and get ready. We’re going to the HQ, I want to show you something.” He says and grabbed a towel from the washroom and a set of clothes, “I’ll be showering in Jungkook’s washroom so you can do your thing in here.” He sent her a smile before walking out.
(Y/N) nodded at him before walking into the washroom, stripping down her clothes before entering the shower. 
It’s been almost a month since (Y/N) has been in the HQ, last time being when she first met Jimin. (Y/N) wondered what Jimin had to show her, but whatever it was, it must be important. Especially if it was located at the HQ itself. 
After showering, she put on clothes that fitted into the smart casual category; a simple white-button down blouse tucked into a black bandage skirt. After brushing and drying her hair, she walked out to find Jimin sitting on their bed, wearing a black button down shirt along with black jeans. 
He smiled up at her as he ran a hand through his damp dark hair. “Alright, let’s go.”
The two made their way to Jimin’s car and out of the Bangtan residence grounds. 
On their way there, (Y/N) turned to Jimin, “So what is this thing you’re gonna show me?” She asked and Jimin hummed, “Now that,” He turned to her, face inches apart as he smiled at her, “Is a surprise.” He says as (Y/N) huffed with a smile, leaning back to her seat. 
After a few minutes, Jimin drove into the underground parking lot, just beneath their building. Jimin then parked in his usual spot, in front of the elevator. Jimin quickly got out, opening the door for (Y/N). She quietly thanked him as they walked into the elevator, Jimin pressing the button that led them to the floor where his office sat. 
Instead of walking towards his office, Jimin led (Y/N) to a set of double doors. (Y/N) looked at him confusingly, “Did you move office rooms?” She asked as Jimin chuckled, shaking his head. 
Placing a hand on her shoulder, he pointed at the plated tag that was set on the doors. 
Kim (Y/N), Bangtan Tactician, it read.
Namjoon decided to have (Y/N) take his last name as she didn’t really remember her real surname, despite the fact that she had a superior memory. Jimin protested, thinking that (Y/N) should take his surname but Namjoon refused, saying something about "Wait till the right moment until she’ll have yours”, leaving Jimin quite confused and upset but nonetheless, he was happy for (Y/N).
(Y/N)’s lips twitched up slightly before smiling widely up at Jimin. “Really?” She asked excitedly. Jimin smiled warmly at her, “Well, go on.” Jimin nodded his head at the door. 
(Y/N) looked at the plated tag before placing her hand on the knob, opening slowly. She took a deep breath as she looked around in her new office. 
A desk placed in the back with a window placed on the right-hand side of the desk and another behind it. A shelf of books and drawers on the left-hand side and a small counter with a coffee maker and microwave. By the windows set two couches and a coffee table, giving off a perfect view of Seoul when relaxing. 
(Y/N) smiled as she walked around and turned to Jimin, “This is all mine?” She asked and Jimin nodded, “Yep, and if you want, we can have renovations in here to set it to your liking.” He says as she shook her head, “N-No, that won’t be necessary, it’s perfect the way it is,” She says and looks at him.
“Thank you.” She says, giving him a light side hug shyly and Jimin shrugged, laughing nervously as he ran a hand through his hair out of habit, placing a hand on her shoulder as a way of hugging back.
“No problem. I just kinda came up with the idea of giving you an office to yourself. Every one of us has one, so might as well give you one too, especially because you’re the one who will be planning our missions.” Jimin says and takes a seat on the couch. (Y/N) follows and turned to him. 
“So this is where I’ll be doing my role, as well as planning this big mission, hm?” Jimin nodded, “Correct.” He says and looked over at her, brushing a stray hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear, seems to be his favourite gesture of affection when it came to (Y/N). (Y/N)’s eyes slightly widen at his sudden gesture. Jimin seemed to be shocked as well and quickly recovered and leaned back on the couch smoothly. 
“A-Anyway…” He stammered, “Valentine’s Day is coming up soon,“ He started, looking at her with a nervous look, "I don’t think we have any other plans for that night so…” He trailed off as (Y/N) felt her breath hitch for a moment, knowing where this was going.
“I was thinking that we can go into the city and eat dinner ourselves,” Jimin says, a shy smile present on his face with pink cheeks. (Y/N) felt her lips twitch up a bit, her entire body heating up. “Just us—?”
Jimin nodded, “Mhm, just us two. I made a reservation for two at the finest restaurant in all of Seoul.” Jimin says quickly with a shy smile.  
“So, you up for it?” He asked with a charming smile. Jimin felt his adrenaline running fast, clearly nervous yet excited about the plan for the loving holiday. 
(Y/N) thought about it as she didn’t have much of a choice. Jimin had already made reservations at the restaurant as she just couldn’t say no to him, he has done so much for her for the past month and she couldn’t be more thankful for him.
Not only that, it didn’t matter to (Y/N) if she had no other choice, she truly wanted to go out with Jimin more than anything. She found Jimin as the most trusting, generous and kind person she has ever met and wanted to continue to show him her gratefulness. 
She nodded eagerly, smiling up at him quite widely and shyly, “I would love to, Jimin,” She says and scoots a bit closer to him, “Of course I’ll come!” She breaks into a grin, showing off her pearly whites and her sweet smile. Jimin felt his stomach twist in knots as his lips twitched upwards at (Y/N)’s adorable expression.
Jimin grinned, smiling widely as he leaned in closer to her face, “Great, Valentine’s Day it is, just us two.” He says and (Y/N) nodded, a warm smile present on her face.
“Just us two.”
After asking (Y/N) about the whole dinner, Namjoon called Jimin out of the room, telling him that he had work to do. (Y/N), however, took her time to look around her office once more. She truly loved the feeling it gave her, an almost comfy feeling as if she was at home. Home, She thought, thinking about her mother and then to Bangtan. 
She shook her head at the thought before setting down on her office chair, noticing a MacBook displayed in the centre of the desk. She smiled, noticing it looked much like Jimin’s, except it was a new one. She opened it, seeing that Yoongi must’ve set it up for her.
“Wow…” She whispered in amazement, feeling its smooth surface.
“Maybe I should start planning.” She mumbled to herself before doing a little research, finding a file that Yoongi included in her laptop, having her free to use if it helped with planning the big mission. 
After a few minutes that turned into hours, (Y/N) wrote down numerous things such as locations and people that may or may not connect to either Banjo or Mr Han, giving her a better chance into getting her hands on that one disc.
She then came across a photo of a man, a photo taken with Mr Han. The two were smiling, hands clasped together. (Y/N) tilted her head slightly, analyzing the photo. There was a handwritten note on the side, Mr Han, Weis Minjae, 2012, it read. She hummed in curiosity as scrolled through more photos, seeing that this Weis Minjae appeared in more photos the farther she went through the file. He was a rather middle-aged looking man, just like Mr Han. There was also another man shown in the picture, however, there was no name. (Y/N) bit her lip, writing down about his appearance, thinking that it may be useful for later use.
She then came across a photo with Weis Minjae with Mr Han pointing at the man with a gun, almost looking like he was threatening him.
Widening her eyes, her curiosity grew more until her office door opened, revealing Jungkook. The two youngest members send each other smiles, “What’s up Gukkie?” (Y/N) asked and Jungkook walked over to where she sat, sitting down on one of the chairs placed in front of her desk.
“We’re going to some party tonight for some business shit.” Jungkook shrugged as (Y/N) hummed with a nod, “Oh okay, are we all going?” She asked as Jungkook nodded, “Yeah, so Jin hyung sent me here to tell you. Apparently, we have to wear something fancy.” Jungkook grumbled, leaning back in the chair, looking around, “You’re office is nice.” He says quietly as (Y/N) thanked him before turning her laptop towards him, pointing at the Weis Minjae man, “Do you recognize this man? Or this one?” She asked, pointing at the two men as Jungkook leaned forward, examining the photo before shaking his head.
“Nuh uh, why, do you know him?” He asked as (Y/N) sighed, shaking her head, “N-No I don’t… Although, I feel like he can be a part of all this if you know what I mean…” She trailed off, looking at the photo before looking at Jungkook. Jungkook gave her a soft look, “Well, don’t worry noona, we’ll get through this. Maybe Namjoon or Yoongi hyung has an idea about him, who knows? It doesn’t hurt to ask.” Jungkook smiled, causing (Y/N)’s expression to break into a small smile as well, agreeing with him.
“Yeah, you’re right, I should.” She says as Jungkook examined the photo once more, furrowing his brow, “Wait…” He mumbled, “I know that guy.” He says, referring to the unknown man in the photo. 
(Y/N) stood up, “You do?” She questioned as Jungkook nodded, getting up as well, “Y-Yeah… He’s a technician,” He says, “He used to work for GOT7 before they cut ties with him.” Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, “Do you know why they stopped working with him?" 
"He started working for that Han guy.”
Jungkook sighed, “And you never know, may he has some connections with that Weis guy too.” (Y/N) looked down at the photo before sighing, closing the screen. “I suppose that’s true,” She says before bringing her laptop into her arms, “Thank you anyway, Gukkie.”
“No problem.” He says as they both start to walk out of her office, “We should get going. Jin hyung wants us all to get ready early so we can leave early.” Jungkook scoffed before grinning, “But knowing Jin hyung, he likes to go into parties late just so everyone catches a glimpse of him once he enters the doors.” Saying this left (Y/N) in giggles.
While Jimin took a shower, (Y/N) took her time to put on her makeup. If she was being honest, it was her first time applying makeup on but after watching a few tutorials, she was able to pull through the struggle amazingly. After applying matte lipstick, a pretty rosy oak colour, she took one good look at herself, softly smiling at her appearance. She ran a hand through her hair which was now curled.
She unplugged her phone from its charger, sliding the device in her purse before walking over to the dress that was laid out on her shared bed. It fitted their theme for tonight, just simple black. It was a pretty black midi dress that was designed to be seen as a long sleeve, an asymmetric dress that had ruched sides from the waist down. Simple but pretty, She thought before stripping off the clothes she was wearing and quickly slipped on the dress before Jimin or any of the other members could walk in. 
Just after slipping on the dress, the washroom door opens. Jimin walked out of the steamy room, wrapping a towel around his neck, dabbing his face with it. Once he notices (Y/N), who was sitting on their bed, his lips curve into a small smile, “(Y/N).”
The small girl looked up, flicking her eyes over to Jimin, “Hey, Jimin.” She says, placing her hands on her lap, “How was your shower?” She asked, slightly cringing at herself as to why she would ask that. “Good,” He says, “To be honest, I thought I would be the first to get ready but here you are, looking like God’s gift from heaven.”
(Y/N)’s breath hitched which led up to her lightly coughing, feeling all the oxygen in her body leave, “W-What did you just say?”
Jimin, clearly unfazed by her question, walked over to his dresser, grabbing his favourite cologne in hands, spritzing a bit on high points. (Y/N) watched Jimin, seeing that he wore a dark grey long sleeve under a black blazer along with black slacks. Jimin then quickly walked over to his closet, grabbing black dress shoes before walking over to their bed, taking a seat as he slipped them on. Seeing that he started to put his shoes on, (Y/N) slipped on her four-inch heels.
Once Jimin was done, he got up, “Shall we go?” He asked and (Y/N) nodded, “Y-Yeah, I’m ready.” She says as Jimin helped her out of the bed, (Y/N) slightly wobbling but she managed. She stood up in front of him as Jimin scanned her hair, to her face, and to her body that fits perfectly in her dress, “Damn, (Y/N),” He quietly groaned, his hand on her waist never leaving, “So fucking beautiful.” He says, leaning down and closer to her face. (Y/N) lightly gasped at how fast he leaned in, her lips parted slightly. 
(Y/N) takes a shaky breath, replaying Jimin’s words over and over in her head. Although it’s only been a bit over a month since (Y/N) has known and lived with Bangtan, it only took her about a week since she has realized that she may caught feelings for the man in front of her. Although she was new to this, she couldn’t help but not deny these feelings.
Who was she kidding, she liked him. He was caring, bold, undeniably adorable and so much more to her. The way he challenges her and others through his words and actions to the way he truly showed how much he cared for her, she loved every single bit.
And with Jimin complimenting her like this, she couldn’t help but feel weak in the knees, not wanting to feel or look vulnerable in front of his eyes.
Jimin licked his lips, staring into her eyes and (Y/N) did the same, blushing deeply when their noses meet. “I want to remember you like this.” He whispered as (Y/N) let out a sigh, “Y-You don’t mean that…” She mumbled shyly, looking away with an awkward smile. Jimin clenched his jaw, his brows slightly furrowed as he brought her chin into his fingers, “What makes you think I don’t?”
Before (Y/N) could answer, their bedroom door opened. Jimin let out a sigh, giving (Y/N) a soft smile before gently letting go of her chin, his hand leaving her waist. (Y/N) gave out a shy smile before looking over at who came in, seeing Hoseok and Taehyung.
Hoseok was smirking whereas Taehyung had his mouth slightly gaped before closing his mouth. The two were both wearing something similar to Jimin’s. Taehyung had his silver hair slightly wavy, almost a messy look yet very fresh looking with his ears flickering every now and then under his headband. With Hoseok, his blonde hair middle-parted, revealing his glorious forehead. For a cyborg, he was handsome as hell.
But here they were, staring at (Y/N) and Jimin with shocked yet teasing expressions, “Ready to go?” Hoseok asked as (Y/N) nodded, “Yes, we are.” She says, looking at Jimin, who was only looking at her. Jimin nodded, “Yeah, let’s go.” He says as (Y/N) nodded, walking out the door with Hoseok.
Jimin watched (Y/N)’s figure as she walked out, sighing as he wished the two boys weren’t there to ruin the moment. Taehyung then walked up to him, a smirk already present on his face. “The tension in here is fucking intense. I feel it.” He says and Jimin hummed in annoyance, already knowing what was bound to happen with Taehyung’s constant teasing. 
“Let’s go.” Is all Jimin says as Taehyung giggled, skipping out of the door with Jimin.
“Wow, (Y/N), you look absolutely beautiful.” Namjoon smiled at her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Thank you.” She says with a smile as Jin agreed before looking at the rest of his members, “Aren’t I beautiful too, boys?” He asked as none of the answered. Jin scoffed, “What kind of children did I raise…” Jin muttered to himself as he motioned all of them to follow him.
“Our limousine is waiting out there for us,” Yoongi says as they all walk towards the front door. 
(Y/N) had to admit, every one of the members looked incredibly handsome tonight, especially with the dark clothes that they wore that went well with their neatly styled hair.
The eight climbed into the vehicle as (Y/N) plopped down between Yoongi and Jimin. “Who’s party are we attending?” Jimin asked and Jin hummed, “GOT7’s.” He answers and (Y/N) tilted her head, “I’m sure you’ll meet them tonight, (Y/N).” Yoongi says, “They’re really good people.” Namjoon nodded, “Yes, they really are as we will be attending a business meeting as the rest of you are partying.” He chuckled.
“Business about what?” Jungkook asked, “We’re asking them if they’re willing to take part of (Y/N)’s big mission.”
(Y/N) felt her lips curve into a smile, “Really?” She asked and Hoseok nodded, “Yes, they already knew about your situation even before we met you.” Namjoon then looked at (Y/N), “Once I mentioned about the mission, they immediately accepted. They found you a very interesting person and they can’t wait to meet you tonight.”
“I wonder how Jackson and BamBam are going to react when they see (Y/N),” Taehyung says with a giggle. Jimin sighed, “Oh fuck, once Jackson’s eyes land on (Y/N),” Jungkook says and Jimin grumbled, “I mean, who wouldn’t though.” Taehyung says. Before Jimin could playfully glare at Taehyung, (Y/N) gasps quietly in awe, looking out the window.
The mansion’s exterior was absolutely beautiful. (Y/N) thought that there must be amazing views in each room. “Wow…” (Y/N) says in awe, “This home looks like it was built inspired by monuments.” She says, causing for the boys chuckle at her. There were fountains, gardens, and so much more.
The vehicle stopped right where the entrance was. Jimin got out quickly, having his hand out, reaching for (Y/N). She grabbed his hand, thanking him as she carefully got out of the care with Jimin’s help. Jimin gave her a soft look as they both walked up the front stairs. 
There were two guards standing by the entrance as one of them held out their hands, “Invitations?” He asked as Namjoon nodded, handing him eight tickets as the guard looked at every one of them before handing it back to Namjoon, “Go right on ahead.” He says.
Namjoon led them as they all entered the GOT7 residence. Although the party had just started, there were many people already. However, inside was beautiful as it was outside. It amazed her as the foyer was lit brightly with the gigantic diamond chandelier that was centred between the two grand staircases. The room across the foyer was slightly dimmed, lights flashing like some sort of sophisticated club along with an open bar. 
“A dance floor?” Jungkook asked excitedly as Taehyung jumped, “Alcohol! Let’s go Kookie!” And with that, the two young boys left the group, leaving the rest chuckling with their behaviour. “Well, Jin and Yoongi hyung and I will be attending the business meeting now. Go on and fun you guys.” Namjoon says with a smile, mainly looking at (Y/N). “Make some friends, okay, (Y/N)?” Jin says as they walk away.
Hoseok chuckled before placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder, “I’ll be in the billiard room, Minhyuk and Jooheon are meeting me there. Let loose guys~!” And with that, Hoseok left without giving (Y/N) a chance to talk. (Y/N) smiled sheepishly, looking around as she spotted Jimin, who was simply smirking at her. “Wanna have a drink?” He asked as (Y/N) hesitated before nodding, “S-Sure!” Although (Y/N) hasn’t tasted alcohol once in her life, she was excited to taste her first drink, especially by sharing the moment with Jimin
Walking into the dance room, there were many men and women either talking, dancing, drinking, or doing all three. (Y/N) watched with curiosity, watching a group of women take down shots like a piece of cake, it truly amazed her. The two made their way to the bar as Jimin swiftly asked for to drinks from the bartender before turning to (Y/N).
Although the lights in the room we pretty dim, Jimin could see every one of (Y/N)’s features as clearly as he could in the daylight. He noticed the way that some parts of her hair seemed to shine in the soft illumination from the bar light as he observed with interest, a quickening feeling sensation in his chest at the way she smiled so brightly and sweetly that the corners of his own lips automatically curve upward at the sight of her dimples.
“You’re beautiful,” He blurted out. (Y/N) blinked several times as she lightly gasped for air, shocked at his words once again. She cleared her throat, “T-Thank you.” She says the bartender finally materializes their drink. 
Jimin hands her the shot of whiskey as he had a shot of his own. “This is your first time tasting alcohol, right?” He asked as (Y/N) nodded excitedly, “Yeah, it is. Will it taste bad?” She asked and Jimin chuckled, “That’s for you to judge.” He says before clinking his glass with hers, “To your first shot.” He says before connecting the glass shot to his lips, quickly downing the shot within seconds.
(Y/N) watched him, tilting the glass over her lips, drinking it until the last drop. She set the small glass on the counter rather roughly as Jimin watched her every move at her expression. He laughed at (Y/N)’s disgusted expression, “How was it?” He asked, a few laughs coming out every now and then. (Y/N) let out little grumbles before weakly smiling at him, “I-I-It… Was okay… Kinda worse than I thought to be honest.” She sighed as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
Suddenly, the DJ at the front of the room started to spin to another tune, slower this time than the other upbeat songs. He taps on the mic, “Let’s take this slow.” He says as most people started to pair up, dancing slowly to the music, “This is all for the lovebirds. Enjoy everyone~”
(Y/N) watched everyone sway softly to the music, pretty surprised at how fast everyone transitioned to the music. She then turned to Jimin who was looking quite uncertain as he leaned closer, looking as if he wasn’t sure about something.
“Hey.” He mumbled, “Hey…?” She says but sounding more like a question, a bit uncertain with Jimin’s expression. She stepped back but he moves closer.
“(Y/N)… Dance with me,” He says with an unreadable expression on his face.        
She stared at him dumbfoundedly, fiddling with her fingers, “Dance? I-I’ve never danced before so I’m not really good at this sort of thing…” She says, clearly embarrassed. Jimin shook his head, “Well, that’s not stopping me from wanting to dance with you still.” He says, making a bold move as he held her hand softly.
“And besides, I used to dance when I was younger,” He says, looking away embarrassingly before looking back at her, “I can teach you.” He says. (Y/N) was in awe, “Really? You mean it? You really want to dance with me?” She asked and he nodded his head eagerly yet smoothly, “Yeah.” He says softly before dragging her to the dance floor, his hand still holding hers.
The two navigate their way through the dancing people until Jimin found an empty spot.
Jimin slowly closes the remaining distance between them, placing his hands on her hips, (Y/N) lightly twitching at the contact. “Now, you put your arms around my neck.” He instructed, smiling warmly as she does exactly what he says. Once she placed warms around his neck, he inhaled deeply at the contact. However, this only made Jimin move closer, pressing his body against hers as they sway to the slow and steady rhythm. (Y/N) couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he stared into her eyes.
(Y/N) was mesmerized just from his eyes alone as he beckoned her to stay with him. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers, truly an affectionate gesture that (Y/N) wished to capture forever.
(Y/N) held in a breath as Jimin suddenly buries his nose in the crook of her neck, causing for (Y/N) lose her breath once more at the contact. Noticing that she wasn’t doing much, she placed a hand on his cheek, smiling softly as she laid her head on his, her cheek meeting contact with his.
“J-Jimin,” She breathes, almost sounding like a mixture of a moan and a whimper. “(Y/N),” Jimin murmured, inhaling her aroma, peaches and chocolate.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” Jimin says truthfully. (Y/N) didn’t, not knowing that Jimin was lost with her and did not ever want to get out of the beautiful madness. (Y/N) hummed in acknowledgement, “And you have no idea how you make me feel…” She mumbled.
If (Y/N) was being honest, the only thing holding her back was about her whole situation, from Mr Han to Banjo, the lab to the big mission. Although (Y/N) was going to try her best, as well with the other members, she couldn’t help but have that one thought, thinking that this plan wasn’t going to work. And once this mission happens, she wouldn’t know if she would make it out with Bangtan or with Mr Han in the end.
Sensing that (Y/N) was being overwhelmed with emotions, Jimin slides his arm around her waist, pulling her closer as he pressed his forehead against hers once more. “Hey,” He says in a soft tone, “It’ll be okay, we’ll make sure that everything will go alright, and I’ll be damn sure that they do. And believe me when I say this, but I will pay for what he did to you and your mother.” He promised.
“I-I know,” She sighed, “And I will make sure your first is the last thing Banjo sees.” She says and Jimin chuckled at slightly dark humour.
And I’ll make sure that you’ll be standing by my side, no matter what.
WELL DAMN. so much tension in this, i rlly dont know it just kinda came out & i rlly felt like i had to be rlly descriptive about their feelings more so ye, here it is, i hoped yall enjoyed it although it was pretty boring omg i was cringing but itll all be worth in the end
and what i mean by worth it in the end, i mean like uuuuuuh there are some um foreshadow (?) or like hints for future chapters ?!?!
okay im done, LOL its 3 in the morning, i was playing superstar bts all day rather than typing this up omg
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