#since one of rex's main color is blue
cessmaga · 29 days
time traveler: *kicks a rock
the timeline:
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yeah new hairstyle change(?), rex with that hairstyle fits my art style better and much easier to draw
ayo new benrex au!?!? generator ben and rex 10 au???
It just randomly popped into my mind and I have to draw it right away lol
and brainstorming whose character would switch who, and I think I would draw them too, also change some backstories too, idk it's really fun
I was thinking gwen and caesar, noah and kevin, six and max and I'm pretty hesitant to switch bobo and rook, cuz I wanted them to stay the same
maybe some of the cast are staying the same
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strawberryfloofs · 4 months
Lights Out (CG Sun and Moon x Little Reader) (part 1/3)
You didn’t really know how you got to this point, but eventually you made it to Superstar Daycare all by yourself, even with your baby brain! The colorful slide welcomed you with big letters as you decided to slide down, giggling as you landed in the ballpit and a certain sun-themed animatronic jumped off his stage! “New friend! Hello there! What are you doing here? It’s been so long since we’ve seen a new kiddo!” Sundrop picked you up, tilting his head with joy as he walked through the ballpit and onto the daycare’s floor. “Sunny!” You babbled, knowing his name since there was no way you’d miss it with all the posters outside the daycare. I mean c’mon! He’s the main star, literally. “Yes! That’s me, Sundrop! Gosh you’re so smart~ Ooh- Do you like glitter glue?!” The sun-themed animatronic beamed. You nodded lots, glitter glue was soooo pretty! Sundrop was ecstatic to hear that, so he quickly put you on your feet and gave you the task of picking from one of 4 seats to sit in at the arts and crafts table he set up. You glanced at them all, noting how there was a yellow, blue, pink, and green option- but you ended up choosing to sit at the pink one. You glanced around to see where Sunny went, but you couldn’t spot him at all. Maybe he went to get the glitter glue and other arts stuffs? The table you were sitting at was pretty empty after all, other than a couple pieces of paper and crayons, nothing was there. Suddenly, bells could be heard and you looked up to see the sun-themed animatronic skipping towards you, with a clear bin in his hands that held all types of glitters, glues, googly eyes, and everything you could ask for! “Superstar~ I’m back!” He sang, setting the bin on the table, and then kneeling next to you, “Okay! Let’s try to make a dinosaur! It can be any type you’d like, a T-Rex, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, whatever you’d like!” “And thennnn, we’ll make the outline of glitter glue, color it in, and put some googly eyes on it! Doesn’t that sound like SOO much fun friend?!” The animatronic had so much energy that it was making you both excited and giggle! “Otaysss! I doeses!” You reply, quickly starting to make a brachiosaurus outline with glitter glue. You were successful, but when you were done, you had a lot left over and was kinda curious if it would taste as good as it looked… So you put a big glob on your hand and brought it towards your mouth… But you felt metallic fingers wrap around your arm and pull it away, followed by a sigh, “Sunbeam, you can’t eat the glitter glue! It’s not edible!” He explained, his voice getting a little high-pitched. Upset with his response, you decided you’d reply with a simple, “otay!” and when he let your arm back down, you tried to bring it to your mouth again, but this time faster! Stll, you were unsuccessful and you could hear Sundrop make confused sounds and groan, which made you giggle! “Okay, we’re learning a new word today! Indigestion-” The sun-themed animatronic spoke slowly, starting with a kind tone before changing to a quicker, more annoyed one, “That’s how you get it!” He pulled a napkin out of…somewhere, you weren’t quite sure, maybe it just appeared out of nowhere! But he cleant the glue off your hand and pushed the glitter glue away from you, handing you some crayons to color your dino in wit, which you happily did so! Picking out and using the prettiest colors for your dino, you finished it and he glued on the googly eyes for you, saying you lost glue privileges today. You looked at your now, finished dinosaur and decided to name them…Zoey and that you’d show Zoey to Sundrop! “Sunny! Dis Zoey da dino!” You held it up in his face, happily kicking your legs out of excitement. He tilted his head multiple times before grabbing it, “Ho Ho! This is amazing superstar! I am so proud of what you made!” His praise made you all warm, fuzzy, and happy inside, so you happily clapped and smiled.
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(tumblr has a word limit so check part 2)
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grapefacegrfa · 2 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Trailer Animalities
Mortal Kombat isn't my current hyperfixation (at least not the main one), but that new trailer has me super hype for September. I know my usual content is fan art, but when I saw the animalities, I started thinking. We saw Mileena's is a Praying Mantis, but what about the other animals we saw in the trailers? Whose are those?
TW: Some of the images past the Quan Chi section have blood. I tried my best to avoid gore as much as I could, but I couldn't do so with the Wolf or Pufferfish animalities. I apologize. :(
Also, before you read the rest, please note that I'm not at all an expert on the franchise. It's one of my special interests, but I don't know everything. Additionally, this is more of a ramble post, but I did do my research. I'm merely speculating here. If your thoughts are different, please feel free to let me know what you think! I wanna hear what other people have to say too! :D
Since I'm doing these in the order as we see them in the trailer, let's start off with the hyena. My first thought was Havik, and that was before I even decided to look at it closer. Mainly because hyenas are known to be skilled opportunistic scavengers (they aren't just scavengers though), and I thought it fit with Havik because, while I don't know that much about the character, I feel like his characterization kind of fits with the hyena. Hyenas can symbolize cleverness, but they also symbolize greed, stupidity and viciousness. That was my first thought. Then I watched the trailer again to look at the hyena a second time and that's when it became obvious.
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Notice it?
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Similar, if not exactly the same, facial disfigurement. I'm fairly certain the hyena is Havik's animality. Moving on to the next one, we have the hippo.
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I think this is Geras. My first thought was because of the glowing blue eyes, which makes sense as Geras is the only character on the MK1 roster with glowing blue eyes specifically and I'm pretty sure real life hippos don't have glowing eyes (/lh /s). Not only that, but even the saliva resembling sand (or maybe it is just straight up sand; it was hard for me to tell) and the odd looking veins (I think??) on the side of the head with a pattern resembling the face plate looking things on Geras's body and the color resembling his tattoos.
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Hippos are symbols of great skills in problem-solving, confidence, self-reliance, and strength. Also, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was a symbol of power and fertility. Not only that, but the hippopotamus is said to have the strongest bite of all land animals at about 8,130 Newtons per square inch. They are herbivores, but if disturbed by humans, they can be very dangerous and cause fatal injuries (according to ifaw.org). Next is one that's honestly given quite a bit of trouble.
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A gorilla. I'm having trouble figuring out who this might be. My first thought was Shao Kahn given that the fatality is done brutally with just the gorilla's hands. Gorillas are stronger than 10 or more adult humans combined. They're also known for being incredibly destructive and ferocious in fights. Their behavior and strength lead me to believe this is Shao Kahn's animality, but I'm not entirely sure because this could also apply to Reiko? Kind of??
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While there was an animality involving a large primate in MK3, that one belonged to Reptile. It's possible that the gorilla animality could belong to Reptile again, but I highly doubt it. It doesn't fit Syzoth's character. Plus, if all the past animalities were the same in the new game, that would mean Scorpion's is a penguin again and, while that could be cool as a reference and for comedy, I don't think the devs would do that.
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Then we have a fossilized T-Rex. Now, there has been a T-Rex animality before in MK3, but that one belonged to Stryker (if you ask me, it should've been a pig /lh /hj).
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However, given it's a T-Rex's skeleton being manipulated here, I believe it's Quan Chi's because. Well. Necromancy.
Next image contains blood. I couldn't avoid it. :(
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This one's Kenshi's. I don't have a doubt about it.
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While Kenshi didn't debut until Deadly Alliance and didn't have an animality but Nightwolf did, whose was a wolf, the addition of the transparent wolf resembling the appearance of Kenshi's ancestors gives it away.
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Do I even need to say anything here?
No, but I will anyway.
This is obviously Scorpion's animality. In MK3, this one actually belonged to Sheeva and Scorpion's was a penguin, but given they made Reptile's a chimpanzee in that game, I suppose that isn't too surprising. As for why Scorpion's was a penguin, I'm not sure.
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It was most likely for comedic effect because you wouldn't expect Scorpion's animality to be a small creature associated with freezing temperatures. Thankfully, this was changed in the next game because Scorpion's animality is a scorpion in MK4.
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Plus, the way the animality ends is similar, with the giant scorpion stabbing the opponent with its stinger.
Next image has blood too. Sorry. :(
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The last one we see aside from Mileena's, which we know because we see her transform into a Praying Mantis in the trailer, is a pufferfish. Specifically a purple one. This is Rain's. Not only because it's an aquatic creature, but the color matches Rain's attire.
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In MK3, Rain's animality was an elephant, which was most likely also for comedic effect, but it could've also possibly been because, with enough pressure and concentration, water could be strong enough to cut through skin. Pressure washers have this capability since their force is usually around 1600psi, yet it only takes about 100psi to puncture human skin. Of course, cutting skin off is different from simply blowing it off of someone's body, but while the water could easily cut through fat, muscle, and tissue, I'm pretty sure most pressure washers aren't able to cut through bone. That doesn't mean water couldn't do that, but the fact that the elephant blows the opponent's skin off rather than simply piercing right through their body is kind of similar to how much damage pressure washers could do. I don't know, I'm probably looking too much into it because MK3 had some goofy animalities and Rain himself as a character is inspired by the song "Purple Rain" by Prince, so maybe I'm just taking it too seriously.
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Anyway, back to the pufferfish situation. The pufferfish is often seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience. However, it also has negative connotations, as people who are associated with these animals tend to overestimate their abilities or talents. They may have a knack for making their voice heard and getting their message across, even if they have to project a prickly persona (meaning they lose their temper and/or get frustrated easily) in order to do it (according to whatismyspiritanimal.com). I think the negative qualities suit Rain. He's known to be obsessively ambitious and, from my observations, rather prideful, even in MK1.
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And that wraps up my analysis! I spent over 2 hours on this post, but I love doing research of my special interests, and getting to do that for some cool animals and the Mortal Kombat series was super fun! Again, feel free to correct me and/or share your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you consider reblogging if you did. ^^ /nf
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phelia · 5 days
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
sure ! these are some random facts that I took out from my (private and spoilery) character descriptions.
let me know if you want to know anything else !
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well, let’s address the elephant in the room. yes, D’s character is based on the harry styles (it was rather obvious by now lol). however, they are pretty different:
they do not come from a boy band, but an actual band.
they were the main singer, but really wanted to be the guitarist.
they hated being as famous as they were, but at the same time, they didn’t want the band to end—they had a love-hate relationship with it.
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S is probably the most mysterious character of them all. even more than M is. they won’t be as easygoing as the others, buuuut they are your roommate, so you will definitely have to be careful around them.
before going to Palm Tree, S actually was studying astronomy at university.
they have always loved the stars and planets, and actually believed that the ‘multiple universes theory’ is true and the galaxy is the answer to it.
as it said on their character description, they hate the beach. but that’s not entirely true. they hate the beach… while it’s daytime.
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my fellow south american from my frenemy country. not many things are known about them, as they are a pretty reserved (and dangerous) person.
M’s actual sentence is unknown since they are always making trouble around Palm Tree—so, it always becomes longer and longer.
they loved football (soccer) when they lived in Argentina and often went to matches.
oh, and they’re the leader of the Underground Mafia— The Agency’s feared enemy.
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probably my favorite route of them all. F is the most beautiful, kind and gentle person, like, ever. they don’t deserve to be at Palm Tree… or do they?
F worked as an assistant veterinarian before coming to Palm Tree.
their favorite animal is actually the T-Rex and will fight you if you believe it isn’t an actual animal.
they are a redhead, their favorite color is orange and their favorite fictional character is ron weasley because they relate to him in more than one way—weird
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an actual fan favorite in the previous version, Officer Rodríguez is a simp. he loves the mc, regardless of how they treat him (but don’t be a fool, treat him nicely from time to time or he will start losing feelings)
even if he goes by ‘officer’, he is actually not one anymore. he works for The Agency now.
he wears navy blue suits now, not the police uniform.
he is very, very, very strong, but he’s actually scared of using it. he hates hurting other people and actually acts like a golden retriever with a rottweiler’s strength.
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animation-is-my-jam · 2 months
Hey ! I meant to send this a long time ago when you were taking asks, but I left for vacation so i never got to. I watched Wordgirl again recently and I have been obsessed with Becky and Tobey !! I saw that you have older versions of them and that's my favorite part of the Ship you made(I love domestic AUS)
How would you imagine a Becky and Tobey wedding? Who do you think they would invite? The best man? Maid of honor?
Where would they get married? Who would be crying the most? Lol (sorry if thats a lot of questions)
Ah, thank you, that's sweet!! (I live for post-canon Tobecky dynamics, too) And don't worry. Yeah, I'm incredibly busy now, but I'll still take asks. And this one is a very good one, Thanks!!
How would I imagine their wedding?
Besides some ideas of what they would wear/outfits (that I've drawn before, but I might redesign again, ha). I actually haven't given it much thought beyond some things I think would occur. And I'm mostly talking about my future AU versions of Tobecky and characters since that's literally my staple canon here, but that can generally apply to my perspective Tobecky since future au is literally just a time skip story.
So basic ideas. I think they would have two different areas for their wedding. One is inside for it being private with family and another outside for the public or general invited guest. I mostly say this because I think it was a compromise of Tobey and Becky wanting a more occasional smaller wedding versus their family urging for a bigger event. And also for Wordgirl/Lexiconian related reasons. As I think by this point, all her closest friends and family would know her identity and would probably like some Lexiconian traditions applied to the marriage (at this point, she's been wanting to connect to her original planet, but not by much). But where would they actually get married at?
I know it's a bit of a joke to say the city's library, but I think that would be cute since they have a lot of memories with the location. Where they could ask in a favor for miss Dewey and the city to rent out the space and make room enough for a small venue and get legally married. And the bigger outdoor wedding could be in the park or a rented garden venue.
The main colors would be white, gold, blue, and scarlet. (Becky wanted some green in there, but the planner refused--saying the greenery of the plants and outdoors would be fine enough). I have no idea what the dress code or coloring would be on the guest outfits/groom mates. But I could see the bridesmaids having golden/yellow dresses.
Maid of honor for Becky...like if it isn't Violet, then what are we doing!! So yes, of course it's Violet.
For Tobey's best man...I know some would say its Scoops, or Two-brains, or Rex (depends on who they would see as Tobey's best male-adjacent friend), but what if I totally go in the bold direction of saying TJ. And yes--it's mostly because in Future AU, I'm the only one who plays with the idea of TJ and Tobey's brotherly-in-law dynamic to the point where they do see each other as close friends despite how opposite they are and how often they get into conflict. And I could definitely see Tobey only asking TJ to be the bestman for the sake of Tobey not wanting to give Scoops the satisfaction of admitting he's his best male friend, LJDJSSJ (I really gotta make that dynamic/relationship chart).
On who would they invite? Besides already the close friends and family attending (like the Botsfords, Mrs. McCallister (+other family), Violet, Scoops, Rex, Rose, Victoria, Johnson, Bob, and Ect). I think for the public wedding they would extend it to the villains. Becky would be a bit conflicted on it, but hey--if they're all at her wedding, then she can make sure they don't commit a crime during her special day. And idk maybe besides DTB, it wouldn't be strange to only have them invited under the guise of Tobey doing the inviting because of his former status/relationship with them. Like the villains being at the wedding would mostly be a Becky idea (bc wahh I'm still a sucker for her and them getting along 🥹, even if they don't know she's Wordgirl). Other than the villains...idk like the recurring characters that we see? Maybe the groceries store clerk, exposition guy, Tubing, Reginald (I mean, they are going to use his jewelry for the rings). Aside from Tubing, they weren't personally invited, but eh, Becky is happy enough to let them be there.
Other details: Who would do the catering? Well, not wanting there to be a war. Tobey and Becky probably just let both Butcher and Chuck do it. Mostly to help with Bob's appetite. And the baker and candlestick maker provide the cake.
Who would be the wedding planner? I would most definitely say Violet, but she's more of the designer than the planner. So...idk maybe Becky? Who would try to be organized and cautious to the point of a breakdown from the stress? Yeah, so it's her. Becky definitely will need all the reassurance in the world to get through the wedding. I don't think the whole event will go perfectly, when do they for their family? But stuff will work out in the end, and Becky's going get her dream wedding. (Even if Granny May was trying to steal the wedding gifts/lh)
Who would be crying the most? The easiest answer in my life, of course it would be Tim. I can imagine him also being in charge of the recording, but he's so filled up with tears that he didn't do a good job at it, lol. And, of course, he couldn't stop wailing when they exchanged vows.
Speaking of the vows. You better believe that Tobey probably would say a lot, but he managed to make it as brief as he could, while Becky will pull up a 20-page essay from out of where and start reading out loud. (Many are almost asleep when she's done with it) (Not Tobey though, he's just not trying to kiss her immediately when she's reading through).
And last thing. The person who would officiate? There were many contenders on the list... I would have said someone like Professor Tubing, or Leslie, or Beau Handsome, or the exposition guy. You know people who would just totally randomly have an officiant license. Another idea is Bob, but nobody besides Becky would understand him, and he's out there putting his heart out in a speech.
But I thought about it and just went with the idea of them getting ordained by one of Tobey's robot, probably made specifically for it. I say that because Tobey has to have at least one robot doing something significant in the ceremony, but also, it would be the ultimate call back to his drawing.
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That's all I think for now about their wedding. Maybe one day, I'll go into it deeper on another post. Thank you for the ask!
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glittergelpensherlock · 2 months
How I would rewrite the new installation of Descendants:
Rise of Red wasn't terrible so no hate, but this is something I’ve been planing since the first movie came out. This series has been a favorite of mine for ages and this is how I imagined the series continuing.
Princess Ace and Prince Jack Hearts: twins, daughter and son of the queen of hearts, have one older sister Rose, and three little siblings, Scarlett, Rex and Queenie (also twins)
Prince Edmund of Andalasia : son of Edward and Nancy from Enchanted, has a little sister Danielle, he gives fairy tale princess low key
Princess Bernadette of the Clan DunBroch: daughter of Merida
Other characters:
Adrien Bonfamille: grandson of Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, owner of Marie and her kittens: Collette, Baptiste and Pierre, he's gonna be the main side character
Ryder Fitzherbert: son of Rapunzel and Eugene
Ginny: daughter of Giselle and Robert
Winter White: daughter of snow white
son of Hans
hatter kid
something from Sofia the first, that show is kinda a banger
Robin hood kid maybe?
Rose Hearts
Scarlett Hearts
Winter White
son of Hans (or Frollo?)
Recurring Characters:
magic mirror
the witch from brave
Evie and Doug (love them)
the white rabbit
blue caterpillar
for each costume, I would incorporate key elements from the stories of each characters parents, as well as allowing for personal style
the fits will NOT just be the main colors of their parents, though they will have the main color pallets, they will not be confined to two or three colors
i would experiment with patterns and fabrics to fit the style of each character
obviously the fits are kind of out of this world, but the cool aesthetics will not just be for the vks, but for the auradon kids as well
Story line:
wonderland people will actually be crazy, very 2010 alice core, I really just like the insane vibes
I would like to bring in the magic used in Brave, I think that could be very interesting for a story line
wonderland chaos could be spread
I would also love to explore the magic of snow white and the evil queen
the ONLY active love story would be between Bernadette and Jack, I feel like I just want one and their my ocs
magic mirror playing a major role
maybe a slight hint of romance between Adrien and hatters kid, left for the audience to determine, not in your face but there?
jabberwocky moment!!!
someone has to get turned into a bear
semi book accurate isle exploration
definitely quirky and dark when pertaining to wonderland, creepy and catchy
song birds for Edmund and Winter
sentimental songs not just for one character!
mirror song for sure
hearts kids harmony sing off
so many dance battles (I love choreo)
rotten to the core (wonderland version) (idk why they don't bring this song back more often its the og)
definitely a song about going crazy
lighthearted whimsical but with dark lyrics for spell casting via Winter
hans/or frollo kid rap verse? (harry in wmn core)
need a song when someone gets a makeover, idk who yet but Adrien has to sing it
Lmk what y'all think and what else I should add. Might make this a series if I feel like going deeper into the lore of my head canons and such. :)
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strawbs-screaming · 11 months
punch out boxers and what i think they had as a childhood stuffie + some extra guests
As a break from that one Forbidden™ post, heres something fluffy, sorry if the translations suck im using a translator
Glass Joe - a cat plushie with dark blue button eyes, lovingly named "Jojo" after himself, think of a calico cat for its pattern and its built like a teddy bear except for its head & tail
Von Kaiser - a teddy bear, creatively named "Bär" (means bear in german, i know how creative this is) suprisingly squeaky clean with a few stitches and a eye missing
Disco Kid - a koala named "Mr. Dance" that he regularly gave concerts to along with dance performances and talked to a lot, a bit pink since he accidentally messed up while washing it but still loved nonetheless, mr dance is a real one
King Hippo - a hippo plushie made from rags with souless button eyes he made a crown for, he got the name inspo from his plushie since it was named "King hippo", he jokingly refers to himself as "King hippo the second" if anyone knows about the original hippo
Piston Hondo - a frog plushie that is also suprisingly clean with a copy of his headband on it with a red belt, smells like mint for some reason named "マスターフロッグ" (master frog)
Bear Hugger - a stuffed salmon plushie handmade by a friend, smells like death and has a bite taken from it because he bit it while dreaming & ate a chunk from it
Great Tiger - a tiger plushie with sunglasses named "awesome man" (i couldnt find a proper translator and google translate sucks so im writing it in english) that smells like his dads perfume with a few cuts & a eye holding on for dear life, he performed magic tricks for it and made it have drama with his clones
Don Flamenco - a flamingo plushie with a red scarf around its neck, patched up with colorful fabrics, named it after himself, its eyes also happen to be missing, he argued with it constantly and fought it for no reason
Aran Ryan - a giraffe plushie named "spots" that has seen some stuff, half of its face missing, constantly wet (think of that webkinz plushie post) probably moldy with thousands of stitches & patches that smells like spoiled milk
Soda Popinski - a husky plushie with blue beady eyes, somehow in one piece except for one eye gone & sewn up nicely, named "Охотник" (Hunter) that smells like your grandmas house, lovingly hugged and tucked in along with him
Bald Bull - a sheep plushie, somewhat yellowish fur & glittery eyes named "kuzucuk" (no exact translation for this, kuzu means sheep and -cuk and most verbs similiar to it is usually added to mean little, either in a rude way or a cute way) that is always really warm and smells like cinnamon, he has sobbed into that plushie right after decking it in the face many times
Super Macho Man - a dino plushie (specifically a t-rex) named "Chompers" that has a few bitemarks on it and reeks of glue, he made it act out godzilla
Mr Sandman - a squirrel plushie named "Ms. Walnut" that has a portion of its tail missing and has one button eye and another stitched up eye, he always talked to it for advice and apologized to it after he punched it from anger, he always imagined Ms. Walnut's voice as a posh british lady when he made it speak
Doc Louis - a crocodile plushie named "Pickle" that reeks of pickles somehow, tail sewn in a half-assed way, always rko'd for some reason
Little Mac - a polar bear plushie, gifted to him from doc when he was first adopted named "tiny mac" stitched up lovingly, he still has it and is not ashamed, not one bit (me too bestie, shout out to that one pikachu plushie i bought with my own money at a bazaar and still hug every night)
Carmen - clown plushie with a dress very similiar to hers named "Señorita Payasa" (Miss Clown), the reason she has a polka dress is because of her and was the main reason she loves clowns
Narcis Prince - a horse plushie named "horsey" that is loved very much, always accompanied him with his imaginary tea parties, sewn up in the stomach nicely (he secretly still has it and still loves it very much shh shut up)
Gabby Jay - a handmade doll of him by his grandma, called "Gabs" for short, always held it close to his heart and sprayed his perfume on it, no injuries (unlike gabby jay himself LMAOO) , no dirt, and no trauma, beloved
Pizza Pasta - a flour bag with eyes drawn on, stuffed with fluff (with no flour thankfully) named "L'uomo della farina" (flour man) with a lot of patches, bitten very often
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ruvviks · 1 month
caleb 1 & 2, christian 4 & 5, glory 7 & 8, jackie 14 & 15 aaaand rex 17 & 18. <3
team alpha asks!
1) What’s their closet like? Do they have a lot of clothes or just a few staples?
caleb is a little business boy and his closet would be super organized but also it is literally just various shades of black and gray. all his suits are neatly lined up and there's a few piles of plain shirts, the most color he has at his disposal would be a dark red or blue or green. even his socks are boring :/ but at least he has the personality and the autistic whimsy to make up for it
2) Do they carry a water bottle? Does it have stickers on it?
caleb does carry a water bottle around but it's also a plain and boring one, one of those silver bottles that can also keep something warm in it if necessary. he has only one sticker on it and that's a little name tag so people know it's his bottle because he forgets it EVERYWHERE. people know that he's back from a field mission because his water bottle just keeps mysteriously popping up in seemingly random locations
4) Who do they main in mario kart?
christian has always and will always main yoshi. it's kind of a tradition at this point and if others don't let her pick yoshi she will become even more annoying in-game than she already is
5) What is the most used app in their phone?
christian would honestly rarely use their phone! they mostly use a computer at work or their own laptop because they prefer to look at a bigger screen :] when they Are using their phone it's usually to chat with friends, so whichever chat app would be most common in this universe (i say, as if it's not MY universe) would be the most used one :]
7) Would they enjoy being famous?
glory would NOT enjoy being famous at all. she joined CALAMITY to vanish entirely if anything, and she's living her best life like this. has never liked being in the spotlight and would hate to be put back into it after all the trouble she went through to basically disappear
8) What is their favorite piece of clothing they own?
glory has a very cool dark green mechanic jumpsuit with a bunch of patches on it and she loves it to bits! doesn't wear it in the hangar anymore since it's one of her favorite pieces nowadays and she doesn't wanna risk tearing it or getting it too dirty, but she will often wear it when not on duty :]
14) What is something ridiculous they’d impulse buy?
jackie would impulse buy anything if he's in the right mood for it honestly. it doesn't take much to convince him to buy something because he loves gathering random items to fill his room with :] he does have a lot of random "useful" kitchen supplies that he's never really used because turns out he doesn't actually know how to use them or they're just useless plastic things that don't really do anything LMAO
15) What does their desk space look like? Is it messy or organized?
oh it's a mess. jackie has entirely too many things and he leaves everything anywhere because it's an organized mess and moving anything out of sight will cause it to vanish from existence in his brain. and also nobody else is allowed to touch anything
17) Do they talk to themselves when they’re alone? When they’re with others?
rex doesn't say a lot unprompted to begin with, so he wouldn't talk to himself a lot. he Will however sometimes say something randomly out loud out of nowhere which always startles those around him which ALSO startles him in return because he wasn't expecting anyone to hear him
18) What do they want more than anything in the world?
honestly? rex really just wants to kiss caleb even if it's just once. he loves that man so fucking much and would die and kill and live for him all at once but like. well. they're both difficult and it will take a very long time for either of them to even admit their feelings to themselves so it's gonna take a while before he gets his kiss :(
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Hey I saw you were looking for questions about your Wtd aus? Well i couldn't pick one so here's a question for all of them!
Hazelnut tree: What's the alison in this au like? I would love to see his dynamic with more characters and we know he ends up with hazel. I wonder what his rule following personality would look like next to winnies moral roulette wheel.
Scaly secrets: You said some of the cast were dragons? Which ones!? And what colors. Are they all the same kinda dragon or different styles?
Cryptic Dreams: Is everyone a cryptid or are some of them hunters? What are some ways they avoid the hunters using their cryptid abblites?
Superhero: what are their powers? Understandable if you haven't got that all figured out yet. Superheroes are hard. So i'm also going to ask are they all heroes or are some of them villains and vigilantes. 
Post cannon au: Who shares rooms? How many bunk beds? Or do they all get their own room?
Mixed marriages: Where did you get the idea for the kingdom names you wrote about in the snippet you posted?
Robotic fantasy (I LOVE EXTRA ANGST): I noticed we are in a lot of the same fandoms so what other fandoms exactly are being thrown into the mix here? And what's your favorite duo of a WTD character partnered with a non WTD character?
I'm sorry if it's a lot of questions I have a lot to ask! Hearing about cool stuff like this always inspires me! Gets me thinking you know? They just all sound so cool! Hope you don't mind the length!
Salty I am so fucking happy you don't even know, this is my favorite ask ever I couldn't even imagine this!!!!!! I don't mind the length the length lets me ramble about my ideas which I need to do!!!!!!
Hazelnut tree: Allison would probably secretly tag along with Hazel and Night Light, and therefore ends up talking to the whole little group that's building. Allison would hate Winnie before his redemption due to helping Litho so much. After Win's redemption though? They'd probably get along relatively well, helped by the fact that I'm pretty sure their related, and at the very least they are in HNT.
Scaly Secrets: Currently the dragons consist of; Sara, Wiatt, Carly, Mike, The Triplets, and Winnie! Sara is dark pink, Wiatt is blue, Carly is light pink, Mike is orange, the Triplets are their respective animatron main colors, and Winnie is purple. Kept the color choices simple. Currently I don't have any great ideas on designs/abilities for the dragons, but I'm working on it! (They're all technically dragon shifters btw)
Cryptic Dreams: The cryptids are all the animatronic possessers (minus Eric who has a different deal going on) and Sara and the Twins. The main plot revolves around Wiatt, Damian, Celio, and Oliver thinking all tge cryptids have been taken by cryptids since they don't know they are the cryptids. So they team up with actual cryptid hunters to find them. Carly is also in the team to try and keep everyone from finding out about the cryptids while also stopping them from getting hurt. They use their abilities in a lot of ways, mainly to trap the hunters.
Superheros: Decided to answer both at once with a list, not everyone had powers decided on yet. A lot of them use the animatronic names as alter egos, and those who don't have. Kinda bad names lol.
Heros: Starlight (Lewis)* [????? And Specialized Telekinesis], Glory (Alyssa) [Water Manipulation and Siren Song], Rex (Mike), Ribbon Dancer (Ribbion Dancer)
Vigilantes: ???? (Wiatt) [Tech Manipulation], Detective (Damian) [Power Sight], The Triplets (The Triplets), Cheer (Carly) [Super Speed]
Villains: Shadina (Sara) [Shadow Powers and Specilized Telekinesis], Tela (Oliver)* [Tech Manipulation and Specilized Telekinesis], Winnie (Carlos/Winnie), Litho (Litho) [Shadow Powers], Lolli (Liz)*, Pop (Ben)*
(*depends on where in the plot they are)
Post Canon: As a general rule, all couples and young siblings share a room. So we got:
Eric(/Ribbion Dancer technically)
Celio (maybe, idk if they're gonna live with everyone else)
Fun fact, the house they live in is the mansion Wiatt was implied to have lived in during highschool!
Mixed Marriages: The kingdom names cam from me translating a word relating to the character who's a royal in that kingdom into Spanish and Russian before mushing them together and making it look and sound like a kingdom name.
Robotic Fantasy: Pretty much all of them. We got:
FNAF SB in general
MCYT in general
Maybe some of my oc's???
Personally I like Lewis, Moon, and Pearl's dynamic. They go through some shit together.
Also!!! Bonus new AU:
Mcyt (mainly empires) and Wtdw popstar AU has been circling in my head recently, so add it to tge list of AU's
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viofitz · 9 months
Hasbro Marvel Legends Custom: Rex Charger and Electro-Charger (Review)
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Rex Charger is the alternative energy specialist of the team. Along with John Thunder, he's one of the two new Centurions featured on the episode "Firecracker". He is a playboy man of wealth, a millionaire who earned his reputation as the best Alternative Energy scientist of Iceland, while Electro-Charger is Rex Charger's basic Assault Weapon System (AWS). Its major feature is a missile-launching backpack that can fire a Nighthawk missile in any direction. Its also includes a photon laser blaster, two quantum thrusters. They're one of the unreleased toys from the second year of the Centurions toy line by Kenner but, it was featured in later episodes of the TV series. In this review, the toy is a custom from a random figure of Hasbro Marvel Legends toyline. Using Mr. Fantastic (Skrull wave) head sculpt (HS) and DeadPool X-Force body. The figure was customized by Ruby Farisyi so, this figure is not an official release. The boxart is merely a photoshop work, I used to do this in all of my Centurions reviews in my wordpress blog.
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Rex Charger comes with his main figure along with his basic AWS called Electro-Charger. It has backpack with missile launcher, nighthawk missile, photon laser blaster, 2 quantum thrusters and a helmet.
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Rex Charger is depicted to be a American man with a fine and slight muscular body proportions. He dons red and pale green exoframe suit but, in this figure he was painted lemon yellow. His exoframe suit is capable to combine with 2 Assault Weapon Systems called Electro Charger and Gattling Guard. His body was originally from ML Deadpool X-Force version, Deadpool body appeared to be muscular just a typical fictional American super heroes. I've always not fond with this kind of body proportions... I'm just glad the custom exoframe suit hides those steroids....
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His HS was originally came from Mr. Fantastic which was customized and repainted to have Rex's facial features such as classic mullet haircut, contented goatee beard and blue eyes. Comparing to the cartoon counterpart, Rex Charger has dark blonde colored hair while Ruby painted his hair into redhead but, other than that Mr. Fantastic HS actually quite spot on for Rex. Rex Charger's face is seemingly based from Chuck Norris back in 1980s.
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Rex's helmet was also added with clear colored visor like my custom Jake Rockwell's Fire Force, the color Ruby did for the helmet follows the Kenner toyline color which the helmet appears to be dominantly light color while the red mostly on the trims. Coming from Kenner, this is a bit inconsistent because in the cartoon, his helmet is dominantly red.
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His articulations works like ML and Lightning Collection (LC) figures but, due to his full armor exoframe epoclay material several articulations were limited. He got movable head. He can still stretch and bend his waist a little from his ab-crunch but, in his exoframe clay almost blocking the whole mobility. His elbow articulations are very limited due to his armoric exoframe suit. He got rotatable 360 degrees lower torso but, limited due to his rear lower armor. Leg articulations works the same and originally there’s cut on his lower leg but, it was completely blocked from his exoframe suit. Although, I'm also thankful Ruby made the exoframe suit hides most of the visible pins on his original deadpool body.
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Electro-Charger consisted 5 parts that must be combined to Rex's body but, in total it has 7 parts including the helmet. Despite, the large backpack Rex can still stands well without the need of base display. Like the helmet, this AWS design as well as the color follows the Kenner toy line. In the cartoon counterpart, aside the helmet color Electro-Charger has it's own design and color such as his backpack is orange while his photon laser blasters 2 quantum thrusters are blue and also, Rex's gloves are red. Frankly, I prefer the Kenner toy line color better since it matches better to his exoframe suit.
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I can also make my own combination (minus helmet) without Rex's body to recreate the offline mode like but, since the actual Kenner toyline remains unreleased; what's worse the offline mode was almost never seen in the cartoon so, no one really knows how Electro-Charger offline mode looks. However, in episode 55 (To Dare Dominion), there’s a scene where the Centurions AWS turned into somekind of robotic creatures due to the alternate reality that Doc Terror created, during this scene Rex's basic AWS is transformed into somekind of robotic anglerfish like.
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This custom is a perfect conversion compared to my 3 Centurions figures that I reviewed from my old blogs, Rex Charger came out to be perfect made and plays solid. Although, the paintapp is still one of the main problem which they still chipped in certain articulation demonstration but, it's much improved compared to the previous 3. Ruby really done his best on this, and you can check the trio reviews in here.
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Thank youu for reading😁🙏🏻
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clonefandomevents · 2 years
501'st Bingo Rules and Rewards!
There aren’t really a lot of rules, just like the Bad Batch Bingo. Just two major big ones that are necessary for your work to be part of the Bingo.
It must be centered around a member of the 501'st. Rex, Jesse, Kix, Fives, Echo, Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, Appo or any other named 501'st trooper. 501st OC clones are also welcome, as long as they are one of the boys in blue! Since they are members of the 501st, Anakin and Ahsoka are also acceptiable, but since this is a clone centric event we do ask that at least one of the vod'e are also a main character. As long as one of them is the focal point of the creation, then it qualifies! All ships, other characters including OC’s and scenarios are welcome as long as it is 501st focused. 
Respect other people’s creations! Because this is open to all ships and characters, it is only plausible that someone’s creation wont be to your liking. If it is brought to our attention that anyone participating in the Bingo is harassing other participants for what they are creating, then they will likely be barred from continuing to participate. This event is designed to give love to the 501st and built up the community, and we can’t do that if we are attacking each other. 
The most important thing is to have fun! We want everyone to enjoy the event 
Currently, we have no set end timeline for the Bingo. It will run for as long as people wish to play! With the open ended timeline, we wanted to set incentives for completing bingos! There are three levels of rewards. 
 Bingo Line: If you complete a straight line, vertical, horizontal or diagonal, you will be able to request either an icon/header or a gif! 
An X, a Square or an Aurebesh 5 (Top row, the third row and the bottom row with one connecting the third and bottom), you will be able to request either a short fic (500-1000 words) or a sketch to flat color art.
If you complete a blackout, you can request either both a short fic and sketch art, or a longer fic (up to 5000 words) or fully shaded and complete art.
Please note that both mods are participating in other fandom events and do have real life obligations as well. The Rewards may not always be able to be instantaneous, but we will do our best to get them finished within a reasonable amount of time of you completing a bingo.
Posting will be really simple! If you post on Ao3, be sure to add it to the Collection, ‘501st Bingo 23’. If you post on Tumblr, tag us at clonefandomevents and tag your post with #501stbingo23. If you plan on posting somewhere else, please let us know so that we see what you have created! 
We will have the bingo card request form up soon! Meant to have it done by today, but those real life obligations got in the way. It will be soon though, as we can’t wait to see what you all have in mind to create! 
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Here is an example of the aurebesh 5!
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desertsquiet · 2 years
31 Days Music Challenge
Day 9: 3 favorite songs from The Nashville Session
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I need to do a disclaimer for this album. First, though it’s technically not his 7th studio album, it should have been. Second, I like it a lot more than the actual 7th studio album (Flyin’ Shoes), so this is the one I’m going with. Third, more than ever it’s important to specify that I’m often going by my favorite version of some of these songs, because I have a few songs on here I am completely insane about but I might slightly prefer another version and that’s why they didn’t make my top 3.
1) Buckskin Stallion Blues: let me tell you, listening to this song while the plane was taking off and the sun was setting was one of the most incredible, unforgettable listening experiences of my life. Really the closest thing there could ever be to actually “sail into the light of day”. Even when your feet are touching the ground, Buckskin Stallion Blues transports you up in the air, perhaps to another dimension made of light and color. It feels like flying with your mind through impossibly evocative imagery, so beautiful that it leaves me speechless every single time. One thing I can’t stop thinking about since someone from a podcast I was listening to pointed it out, is the fact that in the first verse he says “Now she’s gone and I can’t believe it/So I don’t think about her anymore” and then proceeds to spend the rest of the song contraddicting that statement. As love and longing are turned into vivid brush strokes of poetry, we are all the better for it.
2) Pueblo Waltz: I could never thank this lost album enough, because the first time I heard the version from Flyin’ Shoes, I did not care for this song at all. This one right here is a very different matter. Much faster in pace, the vocals are much more inspired (and without that weird echo) and the phrasing in a lot of lines flows a lot better. You get more of a feel of the “waltz” the title suggests, I love the little piano licks and the way the strings and background female vocals really open up the sound, as they do for many of the tracks on this album. As far as little things he does here I’m definitely not very normal about, there are two main ones: the mention of his two best friends by name because if you don’t want literal you can go listen to someone else (“maybe we’ll move to Tennessee/See Susanna and Guy”); and then, as a cinephile, my heart can’t help skipping a bit when he says “Tomorrow’s another day”. I mean come on, does it get any more Southern than Townes quoting Gone with the Wind?
3) Rex’s Blues: this is so freaking hard. I literally had at least 3 or 4 other songs all competing for this last spot pretty much on the same level. While thankfully there are plenty of wonderful live versions of Rex’s Blues as well, this might be my very favorite. There’s just something about the way this album is performed and arranged that almost always works to perfection in my mind. What to say about the song itself, it’s just amazing. Every verse, every line, is perfection. Like always, he says it all and does it so brilliantly and with such economy of words that he leaves you wondering how the hell is he even doing it.
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Fanmade Secret Lairs for Magic the Gathering
Star Wars (Prequel Era) This Secret Lair would focus on the Prequel era of Star Wars, and thus the main types of cards would be Sieges, Vehicles, Droids, and Clones. This set would have a total of 10 legendary creatures, five for the Republic, five for the Separatists. The Republic’s legendary creatures would be: Ashoka Tano, Plo-Koon, Captain Rex, Commander Wolfee, and ARC Trooper Fives. The Separatists' legendary creatures would be: Assajj Ventress, Savage Oppress, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Grievous. Lands would be as follows: White-Naboo, Green-Kashyyyk, Red-Mustafar, Blue-Kamino, Black-Dathomir
Team Fortress 2 This Secret Lair would focus mainly on the Red Team Mercenaries, and have a total of 9 legendary creatures. The legendary creatures are as follows: Heavy, Medic, Soldier, Scout, Demoman, Spy, Engineer, Spy, and Pyro. There’d be some Artifacts and Spells, one for each Merc. The lands would be various maps in TF2.
The Owl House This Secret Lair would mainly focus on the Wild Witches/Allies, while having some of the Emperor ‘s Coven included. There’d be a total of six legendary creatures. The legendary creatures would be as follows: Eda Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Lilith Clawthorne, Amity Blight, Emperor Belos, and The Titan. The creatures involved would mainly be Witches (ex: Abomination Witch, Plant Witch, Illusion Witch, etc etc). The lands would be from around the Boiling Isles, while having two Legendary Lands (The Owl House, and Belos’s Castle). 
Undertale This Secret Lair would focus on the various Monsters in Undertale. There’d be five Legendary Creatures and five enchantments. The legendary creatures would be as follows: Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Papyrus, and Sans. The Enchantments would be focusing mainly on their abilities (Green magic, Determination Experiments, Fire Magic/Trident, Puzzle Making, Gaster Blaster) The lands would be Pixel Art inspired from the actual game.
FNaF This Secret Lair would mainly focus on one character from one of every main line game (1,2,3,4,SL,PS,HW,SB) The characters would be as follows: Freddy Fazbear, The Puppet, Springtrap, Nightmare Fredbear, Ballora, Scrapbaby, Grim Foxy, and Roxanne Wolf. The lands would be as follows: WHITE(FNaF 1 Stage), BLUE(Sister Location Boiler Room), RED(Grim Foxy’s Maze), GREEN(Monty’s Mini Golf), BLACK(FNaF 3 Office)
BatIM/DR The Secret Lair would have 4 Legendary Creatures focusing on the two protagonists and two main antagonists, whilst having a variety of creatures, lands, and other spells. The legendary creatures would be: Audrey Drew, Henry Stein, Bendy, and Wilson. The creatures would be various enemies found in both games (Lost Ones, Searchers, Spider Queens, etc etc). Lands would be various locations in the studio. Since they all look the same via color and tone, I have no ideas lol.
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss This Secret Lair would only have two Legendary Creatures alongside their respective decks. The two Legendary Creatures will be Charlie Morningstar and Blitzo. The decks would have various creatures and spells that fit their respective shows. The lands would be in the style of playing cards with various characters being artfully displayed: WHITE(Angel Dust), BLUE(Moxxie), RED(Alastor), GREEN(Stolas), BLACK(Loona)
Wings of Fire This Secret Lair would have five legendary creatures and five spells in correspondence with them. The Legendary creatures would be: Clay, Glory, Moon, Leaf, and Darkstalker. The lands would be as follows: BLUE(Icewing palace), GREEN (Rainwing Village), WHITE (Mudwing Mudpits), RED (Skywing palace), BLACK (Nightwing Volcano home)
Warriors This Secret Lair would have a legendary creature for every clan (including Star Clan). The legendary creatures would be: Firestar, Tigerstar, Tallstar, Crookedstar, Leafstar,  and Bluestar. The lands would be as follows: BLUE (Riverclan), WHITE (Windclan), BLACK (Shadowclan), GREEN (Skyclan), RED (Thunderclan)
Riordianverse This Secret Lair would follow four legendary creatures, each with five spells/creatures related to them. The legendary creatures would be: Percy Jackson, Jason, Grace, Sadie Kane, and Magnus Chase. Percy would have spells/creatures related to Greek Mythology, Jason would have Roman, Sadie would have Egyptian, and Magnus would have Norse. The lands would be artistic styles matching the art of the four mythologies.
Horror Figures This Secret Lair would focus on various horror characters in film. It would have various Legendary Creatures alongside five spells. The Legendary creatures would be: Xenomorph, Jason Vorhees, Micheal Myers, Freddy Kruger, Pennywise, Chucky, Billy the Puppet, and Ghostface. The lands in this Lair would be inspired by the gorey scenes these films provide. SO… WHITE(Broken Bones), RED (Meat Hooks), BLACK (Graveyard), GREEN (Acid/Melting), BLUE (Watery Grave)
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morbid-mary · 2 years
Thank You for Your Service
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Chapter 1
Author’s Note: This is purely self indulgent. I haven’t written anything in well over a year and I know my writing isn’t the best since I’m out of practice, but this fic still makes me happy. I hope someone appreciates it. I just really think the clone troopers deserve all the love and appreciation the galaxy can offer; especially Captain Rex. 
Editing Notice: If you missed my ‘Heads Up!’ post, I am turning Little!Y/n into an OC. From now on Little!Y/n will be known as Makéa Valo. I have edited chapter 1 and chapter 2 because of this. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to pm me or send me an ask!
Pairings: Captain Rex x OC Warnings: None
Next Chapter
It was an exciting morning for the 501st. The local school near the GAR base had invited their students to make a card and prepare a gift for the clone troopers. Each class was assigned a battalion and the children got to choose their trooper they wanted to give back to. All the cards and gifts have just arrived on base and the men are overwhelmed with anticipation. 
Captain Rex watches as his brothers CT numbers are called, receiving their packages from the delivery man, and enjoying their smiling faces. Rex couldn’t help the excitement rising in his chest. He patiently waits for his turn to be called up. Rex watches as the cart quickly empties and that’s when he realizes his CT number wasn’t going to be called. He didn’t get a gift.
Rex stood by General Skywalker and Commander Tano outside the ship. They were about to leave for their next mission and were waiting for the last few troopers to board so they could leave. Anakin and Ahsoka were discussing the mission with great anticipation, but Rex wasn’t really listening to them. He lets out a sigh, watching is brothers rush around the main hanger, talking about the gifts they received as they make last minute preparations before boarding.
Rex thought back to this morning, remembering how Fives nearly cried when he read the note attached to his gift. He was given a little action figure for good luck and to keep him safe. Echo sat on his bunk reading his letter over and over, cuddling the big pink stuffed bunny a little girl sent him to help him sleep at night. Hardcase was over the moon about the package full of snacks he was sent. 
The captain snaps to attention, finding Ahsoka eyeing him.
“Yes, sir” he answers.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“I’m perfectly fine, sir,” he reassures her.
Ahsoka frowns a little, but accepts his answer. “Should we get going?”
“Not quite yet!” a familiar voice calls.
The three of them turn and find Senator Amidala approaching with one of her attendee's and a little girl.
Rex frowns, wondering what this was about and why the senator brought a child into the hangar.
“Good morning Senator,” Skywalker greets with a smile. “Come to with us luck on our mission?”
“Not quite,” She smiles at Anakin and continues, “We’re here to see your captain.”
Rex removes his helmet, glancing at Anakin. 
“May we have a moment?” Padme asks.
“Of course,” Anakin nods, before ushering Ahsoka onto the ship.
“I apologize for holding you from your duties Captain, but we had to catch you before your battalion departed,” Padme says.
“It’s not a problem, ma’am,” He assures, glancing at the little girl holding onto Padme’s skirt. “What can I do for you?”
“This is Makéa,” Padme rests her hand on the little girl’s shoulder, gently guiding her forward. “She’s part of the class that made gifts for your men and she insisted on giving you your gift in person.”
“My gift?” Rex asks.
“Of course. You didn’t think we’d forget you did you?” Padme says.
Rex blinks at Padme before quickly shifting his gaze to the little girl before him. Rex’s heart tightens in his chest, looking at the adorable blue dress she’s wearing, the blue shoes, and the little blue bows holding her hair out of his face. She’s wearing his battalion’s color. She dressed up just to see him. 
“Hi,” She says, smiling sweetly up at him. 
Rex couldn’t help mirroring her smile, “Hello Makéa.”
Padme waves over her attendee who hands Makéa the colorful bag.
The bag was half the size of little Makéa. Rex was already overwhelmed by her coming to see him in person, but the size of the gift bag was making him anxious. He kneels down in front of her, setting his helmet on the ground as she sets it down in front of her.
“You didn’t have to do all this,” Rex says, glancing up at Padme.
“But I wanted to meet you,” Makéa says.
His heart squeezes in his chest again. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t get over how intentional this little girl is being. Why would she want to meet him? Why didn’t she send her gift in with the other students? He’s just one clone out of thousands. He didn’t deserve this kind of special treatment.
“You’re not going to get in trouble for this are you?” She asks.
“Don’t worry about me,” He says.
“Go on, show the captain what you brought him,” Padme says, encouraging Makéa to proceed. 
Makéa smiles brightly and reaches into the gift bag. “I brought you my favorite blanky-” she pulls out a folded white blanket with little teddy bears all over it and hands it to him. “-when you get scared or sad just wrap blanky around you and he’ll make you feel better.’ 
Rex stares at Makéa with wide eyes as he gently takes the soft blanket. He didn’t know what to say.
“Blanky's special that way, so if you take care of him, he’ll take care of you.”
“Y-yes ma’am,” he manages.
Makéa smiles and reaches back into the bag. She pulls out a small brown box and hands it to him. “I made you a bracelet.”
Rex takes the box, noticing the nervousness in her voice. He opens it, finding a white and blue beaded bracelet and lifts it out of the box. He carefully turns it over in his hands, finding words spelled out with the small beads in Aurebesh. One side of the bracelet read, ‘BE SAFE’ and the opposite side, ‘I LOVE YOU’.
Rex’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Makéa can I ask you why you added ‘I LOVE YOU’?”
“Because I love you,” she says softly.
“Why?” Rex asks without thinking.
“Because! Because- You- You’re out there in space every day fighting scary droids and bad guys to keep me and so many other people safe from all the bad people! I get to go play with friends, and- and have ice cream, and go to school, and go to bed comfy at night and not be scared something’s going to get me because you- you’re out there fighting! You’re a hero and I love you.”
Rex stares at the little girl before him, who’s twisting the bow on the front of her dress. He’s completely mystified. He never would’ve imagined that him and his brothers would come to means something to people. But to be thought of as heroes? He almost doesn’t want to believe her. It’s too much. She gave him such precious gifts; her favorite blanket to keep him steady, and a bracelet she made for him with two heartfelt messages on it. He’s absolutely blown away.
“Do you not like it?” Makéa asks, her voice a nervous little chirp.
Rex reaches forward, gently gripping her shoulder. “This is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given, ad’ika.” 
Makéa meets his gaze and smiles brightly, “Really?”
Rex smiles back, “Really.” 
“Do you think it’ll fit?” she asks.
“Let’s find out.” 
Rex slips the bracelet onto his wrist. It sits comfortably between the plastoid armor fitted to the back of his gloved hand and his forearm. He flexes his wrist to make sure it doesn’t pinch between the armor or restrict his movement and surprisingly, it doesn’t.
“It fits perfectly,” he says.
“Will you wear it?”
Rex smiles softly at her, “Always.”
Makéa rushes forward and wraps her arms around the captain’s neck, hugging him tightly. Rex tenses, hesitating as his heart pounds in his chest before wrapping his arms around the little girl. He pulls her small form flush against his armored chest and cradles the back of her head. He’s never felt so appreciated by anyone in his life.
“Thank you for your service Mister Rex,” Makéa whispers and kisses his cheek.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Here’s part 2 of my headcanons of the Bad Batch meeting a female Jedi. In part 1, I imagined a female jedi padawan around 15yrs. Part 2 is if the Batch met a female Jedi youngling. Padawans are young jedi that have been assigned a master and are working towards becoming a knight. A jedi youngling is a just that, a young jedi who has yet to become a padawan. Padawans are usually older children/teenagers while the younglings are baby-child age.
Warnings—not a fic, part 2/2, headcanons, contains personal opinions, talk of mental illness and spoilers for Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Obi-Wan.
About my fem Jedi youngling:
—Around 5 or so
—She’d be at the Temple when O66 happens
—Honestly I see her O66 moment a lot like Reva’s from Obi-Wan
—Unlike Reva, my fem youngling doesn’t see Anakin. All she sees are clones in blue and white armor shooting jedi
—Droids help her escape once the master and rest of the younglings are killed (like the droids in CW finale helping Rex and Ahsoka)
—Strong with the Force but has mental breakdowns causing the Force to become unstable during episodes
—Everyone is overprotective af of her
—They all go feral if something/someone hurts her
—Including Omega
—Do not mess with feral Omega
I think the most likely time the Batch would run into a youngling would be in ep10 on Ord Mantell. My HC is that because Omega has to stay behind at Cid’s, she meets the youngling first when she tries stealing from Cid, who catches the youngling.
—Would be confused at first, thinking Omega made a new friend
—Omega tells him about her new friend and her situation
—He’d be more concerned than conflicted
—Because my fem youngling wouldn’t have a lightsaber, Hunter identifies her as a jedi based on her brown and tan jedi robes
—Immediately recognizes the description of O66
—Dad-mode activates immediately
—Main-Dad TM
—Protective af (stated above)
—Would put off training for as long as possible and be completely optional (he’d like to keep her out of danger for as long as possible)
—Folds immediately when buying things for the youngling (like Obiwan and Leia lol)
—He’d definitely be the one to punish since the others cannot
—It hurts him of course, but he knows it has to be done
—Def would be the one to ask Hunter ‘Are you sure about this?’
—Not that he would turn away a small child, but Tech is the most realistic out of the group
—Is the Teacher-Dad
—He would definitely start putting things the youngling likes in his utility belt like Mantell Mix, bandaids and stickers or something
—Would be the ‘go ask Hunter’ kind of dad lol
—Once Force abilities show/become powerful, he’d definitely be interested since the Batch aren’t assigned a jedi general and don’t work with Jedi often. Master Shaak Ti is really the only jedi the Batch are familiar and comfortable with (aside from Bilaba and Kanan pre-O66, excluding Omega)
—Youngling definitely tries on Tech’s goggles and pretends to be him
—Gives best advice for the situation (it may not be what the youngling wants to hear, but it would help her regardless)
—Gets hurt? No prob—Tech is on it with every possible first aid supplies
—Tech would also definitely say ‘if Hunter says no, it means no’
—Talks about O66 only if the youngling brings it up. No one talks about it because of the trauma
—Recognizes mental breakdowns and explains when Hunter or the others worries about the youngling
—Definitely Older Brother TM
—But because of how tiny and small the fem youngling is, he is afraid of being too rough with her.
—He thinks she’s really fragile, but once she leaps into Wrecker for a hug, he realizes that’s not true, she’s just young, and small lol
—Definitely shows her Lula and has playtime with Hoppy (youngling’s stuffy)
—Cannot punish. Physically cannot.
—Hunter: Wrecker, she drew all over your armor-
—Wrecker, covered in pink, blue and green color: Yeah…
—Hunter: So? Tell her to stop.
—Wrecker: Let her draw on you guys so we’ll match.
—Hunter: *sighs and shakes his head knowing full well that this will continue*
—Shares his Mantell Mix after every mission (since the youngling got sick eating a whole carton herself, but still wanted to be part of the tradition)
—Has to hide all of his explosives because the fem youngling is so curious about them and Hunter caught her once playing with a deactivated detonation switch.
—One of his favorite things is to watch Omega teach the youngling something he taught her, be it something on the Marauder or something about explosives. He loves watching the 2 together
—Best listener out of the Batch, so if the youngling is upset, she knows she can go to Wrecker and he’ll just listen if need be. The others are nice but always try to help by offering advice.
—Would definitely disobey to please the youngling
—Youngling: Wrecker, can I train with Omega today?
—Wrecker, weighing his options: Uh-I don’t know kid-
—Youngling: Pleeeeease Wrecker? *puppy eyes*
—Wrecker, knowing he cannot resist: Ok, but it’ll be our secret ok?
—Hunter, in the background but within earshot sighs tiredly
—Definitely the mom lol
—Would immediately understand any nightmares from experiencing O66
—He’d be awkward at first but the youngling easily attaches to him, reminding him of Commander Tano
—They’d share stories and experiences with the Jedi.
—Nightmares are constant for both of them and become midnight cuddle buddies
—Always makes sure she eats
—Can’t discipline, so mostly nags lol
—Echo: It’s cold out, be sure to wear a coat-
—Youngling: I know Echo-
—Echo: And a scarf-
—Youngling: Ok-
—Echo: And a hat that covers your ears too-
—Hunter: Just go.
—Is the most understanding of PTSD/trauma and talks the youngling through any episodes she experiences
—Youngling, sobbing: The others—..they…they were killed-
—Echo: Sshh, sshhh, it’s ok. You’re not there anymore…that time has passed. You’re with us now, safe.
—Youngling: I..I saw them…the clones with blue paint on their armor-
—Echo, knowing full well that it’s his former battalion, the 501st: I know…but they’re gone now. We’re here for you. I’m here for you, ok?
—Youngling sniffles and nods, wiping her eyes before snuggling into Echo’s chest as he sits up in the co-pilot seat
—Omega’s never had a sister, much less a younger sister
—She’d be excited to have a sister
—Youngling becomes extremely attached to Omega and will go to her first for any problems
—Omega becomes overprotective and very Older Sister TM
—Omega would push it sometimes, ex: not letting the youngling leave ship when refueling, so Hunter would have to get Omega to back off.
—Both share a fear of abandonment so Omega completely understands and gives advice
—She’s also a good listener like Wrecker
—Any time the youngling gets hurt, Omega is always there to comfort her while Tech cleans up wounds.
—And god forbid someone actually hurt her.
—Omega will immediately go into protect-mode, drawing her electrobow
—Youngling: Omega!
—Omega: Drop!
—Youngling drops down while being held and Omega takes the shot, shooting the captor in the chest
—Youngling runs and jumps into Omega’s arms.
—Omega: Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!
—Youngling shakes her head, crying into Omega’s clothes, gripping her tightly.
—Omega: C’mon, let’s get back to the others
—Definitely loves to carry the youngling around. It reminds Omega of seeing the Batch when they were toddlers and interacting with them.
—Youngling: I love you ‘mega
—Omega smiles: I love you too adi’ka
Crosshair (I will always include Cross cuz he is always a brother)
—This man
—He’d try his very best to keep up a reserved, severe and harsh persona around the youngling, but would absolutely fail
—Youngling would def worm her way into his heart lol
—Omega is a bit different with Crosshair. He’s able to keep up the facade with her, but not with such a very young child (my HC is Crosshair is weak for little kids. In BB they show a group of cadets leaving and I really hope Crosshair meets them)
—Crosshair would definitely teach her swear words
—And how to cheat at holochess
—Threatens anyone that makes her cry
—If the youngling has a nightmare, Crosshair would listen but tell her that dreams aren’t real.
—She covers Cross’s stuff in stickers all the time to ‘cheer him up’ lol
—His rifle, helmet, equipment case..all of it in bright cute stickers
—Hunter, after finding Crosshair’s rifle leaning against a corner: Cross, your rifle-
—Crosshair nods, eyes shut in his chair: What about it?
—Hunter: Have you seen it lately?
—Crosshair opens his eyes and turns to Hunter before his eyes widen in shock
—There’s almost no black of the barrel showing as it’s covered almost completely with stickers. The handle and trigger aren’t covered but the long barrel is.
—Crosshair examines it.
—Hunter: You left your weapon out where a 5yr old could get to it??
—Crosshair: It’s not loaded and the safety’s on.
—Hunter: And the stickers?
—Crosshair: Don’t mess with them. You’ll upset the kid.
—Hunter smiles, making Crosshair sigh and roll his eyes
So yeah, I think those are my main thoughts on a female Jedi youngling joining the Batch. I prefer a youngling personally (cuz I can’t write teenagers lol) and use this mostly for self-insert/OC fanfics I write for myself/I’m too scared to post haha. I also really like the idea of Omega stepping up into an ‘older sister’ role and feel it suits her character since they’ve already made Omega more mature and capable. I’ve talked about BB and it’s strengths and weaknesses before here if you’d like to know more of my thoughts on the show. I think the BB is ok. It’s not fantastic but it’s not bad either but I think I enjoy it more as a fanfic writer with the ability to make AU’s and change things about the characters. I’d love to talk about BB (or anything SW) with anyone interested because I feel on Tumblr, I see a lot of people praise the show (and that’s fine, everyone likes different things) but I’ve also seen people point out things about the show that I think should be talked about more.
Readers who’ve made it through this whole post, thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed my fem jedi HC part 2/2
I’ll be back with fics really soon :)
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redchu12 · 3 years
Some spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicals 2 btw.
Rex is offered a question by The Architect, one night when he is sleeping. It's not the true Architect but rather a fragment of his soul and power that remains to question Rex.
The Architect asks Rex that if he would be willing to save everyone who died. Even the Torna memeber who perished during Rex's journey. He asks that if Rex would be willing to be forgotten.
For everyone who died, Torna, Vandham, Haze, to come back? For them to be able to live again? Rex was willing. He would do whatever was needed for them to get another chance. Rex is also told by doing this choice Pneuma would get to travel the world with her sisters, Pyra and Mythra.
The Architect tells Rex that everyone who has ever known him would forget him if he does this. That all that Rex has fought for, love, friends, a home, would be gone. Rex would have to start over in a world where everything happened the same but with no deaths and no Rex.
The world is still saved and becomes one main land. Pyra would awake on her own and go to lead the party that would save the world.
Rex would still have his memories and remember how it would have happened but he would have to go on without his friends.
Rex accepts and the world changes.
Rex, instead of being a celebrated hero and renowned scavenger, is now just an unknown teenager who has to restart his whole life.
And so boy meets life alone.
So Rex restarts his life. He becomes a scavenger again and manages to go up the ranks once more. He goes from Bronze all the way up to Diamond in 6 months. He had nothing better to do so why not.
Rex also hunts down bounties in his spare time. He is willing to do anything as long as he doesn't have to go back to his empty house at The Leftherian Archipelago. He auctually gets some renown from being so affective as a bounty hunter. He has been called by different kingdoms to help with things they don't want their army to be involved in.
Rex barely caught a glimpse of Morag once while being contracted by the country of Mor Ardain. He left feeling sad and went to take out his frustration on some poor monsters. What Rex didn't know was that Morag saw him too and for some reason her heart hurt when she saw him.
What The Architect didn't tell Rex was that there was a chance that people could regain their memories if they spend enough time around him. The stronger the bond, the less time is needed around Rex to remember him.
Another thing Rex wasn't told about was that he would come back a little different. Instead of a crystal on his chest he instead has a green glowing tattoo that glows brighter if he gets near Pyra, Mythra, or Pneuma. The tattoo looks like the crystal that used to sit on his chest.
Instead of having a Blade, Rex uses a good quality Greatsword as his main weapon.
Since Rex is a scavenger he now has a boat to take him out to the sea to go diving. When he is on land he gets around on a white motorcycle that has dark blue that fades to turquoise dragon decals on the sides of it. This is in honor of Azurda. He also has a white helmet that has a dragon head in the same style and colors on it.
Rex is now a couple years older and has a different outfit. He now wears a white jacket with blue lines going down the arms and sides. Under the jacket he has a blue shirt on. For pants Rex wears a pair of black pants. He also wears a pair of combat boots too. His shirt is usually able to hide his tattoo but it can glow through it.
When he is salvaging or hunting bounties Rex wears an armored blue jacket and an armored black shirt. He wears his regular blank pants and boots but he puts some leg armor on his pants.
The three Aegis sisters cores are different than other Blades. In their cores an x shape is darkened. It only starts to glow and fill in when they encounter Rex.
Eventually when they meet Rex again for some reason the Aegis sisters all seem irritated at the greatsword that Rex has on his back. When they get their memories back they all take great pleasure in destroying it.
I imagine how the stories starts is that a Rex is it a market looking around he accidently bumps into Mythra. She scoffs at him and asks Rex to apologize. Rex looks down at the floor and says sorry while trying to leave. Mythra for some reason glares at the sword of his back and then asks if she's seen him before. Rex says no and goes to get on his motorcycle. Mythra stops him before he leaves and asks for his name. Rex tells her that he's nobody and then drives off.
Mythra huffs and turns to go back into the market when she notices that the very center of the gray x on her core has been filled up a little bit. She immediately goes home to tell her sisters that she thinks she found their driver, or at least someone who knows whats up with their cores.
Rex after driving away looks down at his chest to see his tattoo glowing brightly before fading back to a non glowing color that seemed a bit brighter than before.
When Rex's friends remember, not if, they will find him, and they will hug him.
I bet him always getting away would be funny to see too.
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