#since im kinda trying to write a story for my ocs
pika-blur · 2 years
every year my art gets sexier and sexier
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Has anyone gotten into trouble for playing pranks on the older bots like Ironhide or Kup?
Illusion- The big kids are always so mean! They pranked my cre-a-tors, it wasnt very nice!
Sunstreaker- In my defense, Illy, your creators are super easy to prank.
Illusion- They are not! Stop being mean to them!
Sunstreaker- It's not like we target them specifically. We prank several of the other older bots.
Illusion- >:[
Sunstreaker- Please don't cry, if i make you cry, Ultra Magnus will put me in the brig again!
Illusion- I wont scream if you tell evyone on the blog all the bots youve pranked.
Sunstreaker- All of them? It's a very long list. Should i start from back on cybertron, or just since we got to earth, or just this month?
Illusion- The long-est.
Sunstreaker- Illy! sweety!! Illusion!!! That would literally take days!
Illusion- *taking a deep breath to scream*
Sunstreaker- Stop stop! How about the ones i remember right this moment?
Illusion- ...
Sunstreaker- Please, and then I'll carry you to Rung's office so you can get some sweets!
Illusion- Deal.
Sunstreaker- Awesome! So... In no particular order. Mirage and Hound, i got them both a few days ago with a glitter bomb. I wasn't caught. Prowl has his suspicions though.
Theres Windblade, I hid her swords, Arcee said she'd tell on me if i didn't put them back, so I did. Chromia, Sides and i got her before we left on our mission! We put mercury in her energon, she thought the energon had gone bad somehow.
Illusion- But mercury is so tasty though!
Sunstreaker- Not when its mixed with energon, though. It has a small chemical reaction, makes it taste really bitter. Wheeljack's classes can be really fun sometimes.
We also pranked Jazz, but he pranked us back.
Illusion- How?
Sunstreaker- Well, we took all his aux cables and hid them, but he somehow knew it was us, so he took all of my paints and my brother's tools from our room. Made me remember why we never prank him. He's special ops, he basically knows everything that happens on this ship.
We also learned our lesson with Blaster. I think those two work together. We payed Rewind and Eject to fill Blaster's chest with petroleum jelly while he recharged. Turns out, they took our money, reported back to Blaster, and he payed them double to cover our beds with the same petroleum jelly we gave them. That was a couple months ago, before Sides and I left on our mission.
Illusion- So you came back and your beds were sticky?
Sunstreaker- Petroleum jelly isnt sticky, its... You know the oil you have to use for your joints? To help them not hurt as much?
Illusion- Yeah.
Sunstreaker- Like that, but thicker.
Illusion- Oh. Ew. Is that evyone you re-mem-ber?
Sunstreaker- uhhhh... yeah, those are the ones we've pranked recently. Sides and I sometimes pull pranks on our own, so he might have done some that i don't know about.
Illusion- I don't care, as long as he left my cre-a-tors alone.
Sunstreaker- Nah, i think he targets the commanding officers more than anything.
Illision- Oh. Can we go to doc Rung now?
Sunstreaker- Yeah, of course! Do you want to walk, or should i carry you?
Illusion- Carry me please.
Sunstreaker- Up you go!
*end transmission*
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sensenotsense · 1 year
My two hobbies I could spend forever typing/writing/talking about is my ocs and crochet lmao. If I'm not thinking of my ocs I'm probs thinking of my crochet projects. Once I start OC posting like I do with crochet it's over and the dash will be full of walls of text
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
Hey Guys, remember that Halsin one shot I wrote?
I've been thinking of...putting Halsin and The Fox (yet to be named) into my Violet Thread of Fate series, since people have been enjoying the little OC vibes I've given Elinna and The Fox.
Will also allow for a party to form, which will be v cool.
but idk--want to know what you guys think because I wanna make sure people will like it. I could also just keep things kinda episodic for Halsin and Fox, continue making little one shots for it.
I'm sorry if these constant interest checks are annoying.
Going to tag the tag list from the halsin oneshot and for VTF since you guys are the ones I'm primarily writing for!! (aside from me lol.) What do you think? Merge the stories together so they're all in the same "party?" or keep it separate?
@itty-bitty-dancer @thoughts-of-bear @tryingtowritestuff24 @drabblesandimagines @soupaisu @ladyoakenshield157 @ladytesla @incrediblethirst @baldurs-gate-simp @themidnighttiger @rayskittles33 @hippiewrites @whisperingwillowxox @ethereal-sk1es @cosywinterevenings @themartiansdaughter @brain-has-left @any59 @madwomansapologist @midnightmoonytales @unaliveoni @im-just-a-simp-le-whore @kellerybird @tiedyedghoulette @jenn-duncan @thelittledoe @esotericeribos @robingreysantos @erwinmybeloved @itdobe-foggy @witchywannabe3263 @kaimxri @cryingoverpixelsetc @theoriginalannoyingbird @softvampirewhump @horizonstridee @thoughts-of-bearr @mymybirdiee @tiedyedghoulettee @madwomansapologistt @hijirikawww @tryingtowritestuff244 @laserlopee @auroraesmeraldarosee @puckprimrosee @dont-try-pesticidee @cherifrotteng @circusofthelastdayss  @nourangull @crucibelle @fan-aaa-tic
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cloudysunflowr · 25 days
Hello! Sorry if this has already been asked, but for the Deity AU: What's the storyline? Like when do certain things (that you are comfortable with sharing) transpire? I'm kinda new, so I'm just trying to find out what I can to catch up to everyone else who has been here. But besides that, I hope you have a wonderfully lovely day/night! :] (Also, I love your art and au's, there so fun!)
Hi hi!
Their story is mainly left untold— Like— I like to draw them for comfort and fun and dont really plan to write it out? Like— as in fully.
I do have a story with an ending tho and its mainly dealing with Wally and my oc Aiden.
Ill put it here since like I said I dont really plan to write it fully. Also their playlist which is where the story goes chronologically! :oD
The playlist
Ok oof-
Here goes—
So like… spoilers ig????
Aiden is the son of a chief/king? He wants to grow up and be as revered as his father. His friend of childhood is from a rival place and his name is Dante.
Aiden is trans and his dad doesnt really have faith but thanks to his mom and Frank (who he meets as a kid) he gets trained up and finally accepted in to the army.
Aiden and Dante find out their homes are at war and are like “nooo dont fight haha” and their parents are like “yea? Political marriage” and theyre like “shit”
So they become engaged, Dante has a small crush on Aiden so hes not that mad, Aiden doesnt want it. Their parents still plan to fight but in a backstab way.
Dad needs a right hand man, doesnt choose Aiden, chooses his rival but soon to be best friend (I dont have a name yet for them).
They go to war, Aidens dad tells him “lol go kill Dante while I kill the dad” Aiden gets told by deity same thing. To kill Dante or blood will be shed from his home. Aiden is about to, cant go through with it. Dante doesnt know.
They still win the battle, marriage is obviously called off. Aidens dad gets help from a witch to head home while Aiden meets Barnaby and gets help handling the witch (her name is Willow).
Dad and Frank get into an argument lmao. Frank is like “I pseudo raised your kid” and dad is like “nuh uh” dad does NOT know hes arguing with a deity. Aiden adult at this point.
Aiden meets Wally. Wally meets his parents and they bond a bit before he leaves after I think a week? Month? Dont remember. Aiden is big sad, bro misses him even tho he almost killed him.
Mom proud of the warrior Aiden became.
Another battle at war. Aiden is finally given the chance to lead a team. Blinds Dantes brother who is a tyrant. Frank and Aiden argue about leaving the guy alive.
Aiden meets Cloud god (lmao)
Dantes dad kills Aidens dad. Best friend saves the remaining crew by getting them tf out of there. They also found out Dantes brother was also killed but Aiden doesnt know if that was his fault.
Aiden meets Mathew after going through Eddies sacred lands or spirits and memory. Finds out mom died too. Aiden says fuck it Im going to be brutal with everyone.
Kills Dantes dad.
Taking care of Camila , his lil sis, and meets Wally again. Lovey lovey again.
Frank is like “bro nah thats a god youre a mortal” Aiden is like “you right” and tries to break up with Wally but Wally is like “Wait no, fuck the rules” and Aiden is like “…touché”
Aiden proposes, they marry
Maybe a kid? Debating.
Dante has a kid.
Dante sends assassins, Aiden kills them. Brutal with his opponents. Sacrifices his men. Goes through mutiny. Howdy like “lol death to your crew”. Best friend dies but also finds out that friend is who killed Dantes blinded brother which led to Aidens dads death.
Aiden tries to break off with Wally again because of everything hes been through he doesnt want that for Wally. Wally is like “Calm down—“
Lovey lovey
Dante has a dream of killing Aiden. Gets his crew for a strike.
Kills Aiden. Aiden says goodbye to his sister as shes taken away to safety as his home burns.
Wally grieving when he finds out
Kills Dante
Camila (adult now) comes back and calms Wally down. Befriends him.
Camila dies of old age.
Wally is learning to deal with grief.
Meets Aiden again as reincarnation.
Continues to love him through reincarnation and reincarnation.
Eventually gives up his divinity to live as mortal with Aiden.
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celestie0 · 4 months
i've always wondered have you ever given the y/n in your fics a personality description? like everything about her just ties the whole story together yet the reader can actually, embody her in some way?? that's one of the things that makes your writing so enjoyable to read and i've always wondered if you see yourself in her when u write ;
IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT i hope u know what i mean 💔💔
love u loads btw you're like my comfort writer as we speak
GASP i have neverrr actually, i dont think i’ve formally sat down n really given any of my characters personality descriptions i just kinda have a vibe of them in my head haha but this has intrigued me 🤔 I KINDA WANNA MAKE EM NOW!!! (i hope this is what u mean by character descriptions btw hahah)
kickoff reader.
i think she is a little self conscious at times, easily affected by things going on in her life, definitely tries to bite off more than she can chew, and she’s an anxious avoidant until she can’t take it anymore and becomes overtly confrontational instead alskdjdh i think this can be seen in the way she confesses to gojo, in her interactions w kai, and then also her turning down the newsletter job before she realized it was actually a good opportunity, etc etc. when i write for her, i kinda wanna give the vibe of tired college student that has a lot going on in her head n in her heart, but she’s slowly starting to learn to live again and is looking forward to life after college (aka me all of my senior year loool) i think she has a pretty neutral personality overall :0
in holy matriphony reader.
omg i haven’t written much for ihm reader yet but i already ADORE her so so so much based on what i’ve got planned for the series, and i think i understand her the most of the oc’s i’ve made. she is someone that gets crazy tunnel vision, can only really focus on one thing at a time, often neglects her other responsibilities if it means getting The Main One done, she is hella jaded because of all the financial stress, work stress and caretaking stress which means she doesn’t have much of a filter anymore, she’s very cynical and pessimistic and easily irritated and prideful BUT…..deep down she’s a huge softie and is actually very self aware of her flaws n just really wants to get better but she just can’t find a moment to breathe…im gonna enjoy writing for her bc i think she’ll come off irrational and a bit over the top at times, but in those soft moments, she’ll be very down to earth :)
in another life reader.
aww i haven’t had too much written for ial reader yet, but in my head i picture her as a veeeery soft spoken, sweet natured woman in her older age (she’s engaged to nanami, who i imagine has mellowed her out in comparison to when she dated bad boy choso lol), idk i think she’s kind of basic 😭 not that that’s a bad thing at all, i kinda wanted that dynamic of crazy rock star lifestyle choso mixed w simple lifestyle reader (for when they meet again later in life). when she was younger, she was highly impressionable, often thought she was more mature than she actually was, n loves veeeerryy deeply, so much so to where old scars hurt even after years and years. i think she always tries to do the right thing, but bc of her conflicting emotions, she has the capacity to cause a lot of hurt
AHH idk this is just the vibe i get from them or try to encapsulate while i write them, and i also totally think readers can have diff interpretations of them than me and still be accurate about it (idk as the author i don’t feel like i even know everything ab my own stories sldkdjdh at times i feel some of my readers know more than me haha)
i think kickoff reader is the most confusing in my head, but i like it that way because i suppose she’s the youngest and she’s in college and it makes sense for her since she’s figuring herself out
i definitely do see myself in all of them!! i have certain attributes i share n some that i don’t. for example i don’t think i’m as brave as kickoff reader (to pursue passions or confess to a boy so brazenly or slap tf outta someone at a bar LOL) and i don’t think i’m as crass or no-filter as ihm reader for example, but i definitely relate to certain aspects like the tunnel vision, anxious avoidance, and stuff like that!! but i still try to make them their own characters i suppose, but it really depends on how i want their personalities to mesh w the love interest as well
GOSH THIS IS A LONG FUCKIN ANSWER MY BAD i was just so intrigued by this ask xD i’m soooo sososoossooo happy to be your comfort writer and that you enjoy my works 🥺💕you guys keep my passion alive n i’m always so grateful for you all <33 have a wonderful day/night!! 🧚‍♀️✨ilyy
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kosmicdream · 7 months
the way i think of the "3 arcs" in ffak (i am not sure i will end up with 3, btw, its possible i might cut one in half or something else..) is basically that.. arc 1 was the unplanned improv adventure that developed everything, taught me how to draw comics, write a story, ect. arc 2 is the ~actual~ story that i "originally intended" to tell with FFAK (although a lot of that is also in ARC3 too), before it was made into this big sprawling story - and has developed all this time and taken me years to write and prepare for. so im excited and interested in reactions to that. and arc 3, well, arc 3 is something else entirely, but i don't want to say too much about it yet.. it is weird to have the entire story written out though. it feels both big and so small vrs the days id spend building up more and more for the world. i don't think about it like that anymore, even though i think about it a lot every day still. I feel pretty satisfied with how the first chapter of this arc has gone and I hope the next four of this arc will also go well too. yes, im only planning this arc for five chapters. can i do it? idk. it wont be a big deal if it needs more. in a weird way, it means more to me to finish the 2nd arc than the entire story as i've waited so many years to draw the scenes in it. its kinda amazing how long it takes just to develop a story, and in a way 10 years does not seem that long at all. before FFAK, i basically gave up my dream of making comics/writing because of how "disorganized" and crazy my ideas felt.. it has always been the story that FFAK was kind of something i threw myself into, but since it worked at all i was not going to ever let go of it. Still haven't.. yet. But i feel ready to let go when its time. Now, I feel like the work of making a comic its not all that hard even if it is very tedious. sure id love to draw and write better, but that feeling will always be there. I am just grateful to see the ideas come out at all feels a lot better than being creatively constipated and feeling miserable about it, like its bad to have "too big" of plans and be "too ambitious" like its a negative thing, cuz it might not be achievable - what? i love to try. just a sad place to be as an artist, to shame yourself for your own natural creativity and curiosity and pity yourself for not being good enough to make a fool of yourself for trying. pride is such a stupid thing to stop yourself from drawing your own ocs LOL. either way, id rather have it out than just have them sit inside and not ever be shared or seen for myself. every time i think i could have done something better, in the end i just feel relief i managed the miracle of making it at all. its weird to think that i can see an end to this story too and im still getting used to that feeling. i can see all the stories i want to get to beyond it, but Im patient and i know they can wait. i am going to really enjoy my time with it while its all still here. Just felt like sharing some of my feelings as this chapter gets closer to its end and i finish the first step of this new adventure of FFAK!
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weeping-statue · 6 days
I was wondering if I could request Andrew Kreiss and platonic Plain Doll (bb) with a GN!reader whos kind of like a grandpa?
Like, the best way I can explain them is that reader has an old soul and always gives candy to everyone who does a good deed, and reader is always telling old stories and repeats the same ones over and over again.
Like it’s to the point where (in the case of IDV) everyone calls them grandpa and if both IDV and bb they always look out for everyone and they try to keep everyone safe and make them feel accepted?
Sorry if this makes so sense chat💔 please and thank you!
Don’t worry lovely anon I got u ❤︎ I kinda only did Andrew, which im so sorry for, cause I kinda dunno how to write for plain doll😞 also I made two separate ones, romantic and platonic!
A/N: I’m sad to say that this is a tad self indulgent because I am the epitome of grandpa, like I’m too old for this body and my bones constantly feel like they’re a 90yr olds😔 also this is not proof read because I am tired as always 😞
Andrew Kreiss with an old spirit reader!
Cut for length ❤︎————————————————
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First let’s just say, the name calling is insane.
Like your labeled grandpa, no matter your gender.
Survivors passing you by be like, “Sup gramps, got any candy?” Or “Yo! Grandpa! Take your meds today?”
The survivors like to hear your story’s, well most, but sometimes when you can’t remember that you’ve already told them, they’ll gently (as can be) be like “We know, you’ve told this one twenty times.” And you’d be like “I did? When?!”
Your bones constantly ache and your back and knees are always sore (I relate) so running away from hunters suck, and so does having to run around the manor with others. Which is why your best friend Andrew makes sure you’re not injuring yourself. Constantly lurking behind you, in a mood. Mumbling about how he’s “Like your nurse.” But he secretly cares, well -ish.
He’ll nag you about your meds (if you take them) and reminds you before you start another tangent about the same story.
He definitely doesn’t enjoy the teasing, at least he can handle some of it. But not too much or he’ll get grumpy for the rest of the day.
All in all tho, he means well and will take care of you if you take care of him. He especially likes the little salted caramel candy’s you have. The old people kind.
He will do all of this but more lovingly. Gently reminding you to take your meds instead of being up your ass about it. He’d listen to your story’s even if you do repeat them. Sometimes they get on his nerves if he’s in a mood but overall wants to hear your voice because it soothes him.
Will help you stock up on candy ❤︎
Definitely rubs your knees or back if their sore ❤︎
He still follows you around but he’s a lot more happier about it ❤︎
He likes calling you “My grandpa” as a joke (act how you will with this one)
Forehead kisses when you remember to do stuff but only in semi-public since he’s sort of shy with the pda. But he’ll squeeze your hand to let you know he’s proud of you or if you did good ❤︎
Holds your hand 24/7 if you’ll let him (mainly because he’s worried you’ll get lost) ❤︎
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That’s all because i don’t want it to get too oc and just slander my beautiful boy😔
I’ll try to post the rest out but I’m rlly tired so take these headcanons 😞. ———————————————————————-
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dragonairice · 7 months
LOWKEY BEEN INSPIRED BY @not-sure-what-im-feeling s AWESOME OCS AND LORE (Go check them out)
And it inspired me to talk about MY ocs :D
I mention in passing that I am in fact writing a novel, but I try to avoid saying too much to prevent spoilers buuuuut I think I can keep it vague enough while still rambling <3
The novel (technically a novella) is called 'The Shadow Walker' and here's a draft of a blurb:
With no friends, an absent mom, an abusive dad, and a shadow that inexplicably went missing; Nicholas Walker is convinced his life couldn’t possibly get any worse. But everything changes when he meets something (or someone) who may or may not want him dead.
(Not the best but again it;s a draft)
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He's 12 years old and a selective mute and my scrungliest little blorbo who experiences the horrors™. He doesn't have any friends, is neglected by his parents, and all in all has a bad time before the book starts :(
The only source of healthy food in the house (he borrows money from his dad and goes to the store alone) but is severely malnourished from eating nothing more than reheated takeout his dad left in the fridge. Nick doesn't talk verbally unless it's to his dad (out of necessity) and otherwise converses in ASL (which I'm learning for this book <3). Loves pretty buildings and stargazing, has a dream of visiting things like Notre Dame and the colloseum some day and is fascinated by architecture. I just realised that this kid would adore Minecraft but anyway after things get better for him he's given Lego models of like the eiffel tower and he loves them :)
Gonna stop before I spend the entire post talking about my boy and move onto
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You know that thing that's like, "Not a bad person, just a bad parent"? Yeah. That's her. She ran away from her abusive boyfriend and left Nick behind out of fear, since she didn't know if she could survive by herself, much less with a child in tow. She ends up leaving with her best friend and they travel around the world a lot for their job. They're a musician who plays back up for bands in different places and Rachel ends up learning to play some stuff too after watching them for so long. The two end up dating at some point and they've been together ever since. Rachel still sends Nicholas a postcard every time she travels to a new place, but she doesn't have the courage to actually see him in person yet. Also fun fact. She's descended from a woman who was killed for being a 'witch' during the salem trials. This is relevant to the story :3
Do I have to talk about his dad??? Ughhhhh fine
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This is Gregory Walker. I hate him. bye.
Not but fr, he's a terrible father. Works at a convenience store and his co-workers fear him. Lives off of take-out and instant ramen, never checks on his son. Spends all his money gambling and buying alchohol. Literally would not notice if he missed an entire month of his life (*cough* foreshadowing *cough*)
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Lexi is a single mom who grew up kinda spoiled and is still figuring out how to raise a kid. Her parents are kinda helpful about it but also she doesn't want to raise Chelsea how she was raised so hgjhrj. Chelsea was orignally planned to be autistic since this entire book is a transparent cover for neurodivergent rep but the version of her in my head is so very ADHD instead. They only show up near the end of the book so I'm still experimenting with them a bit but Lexi is a huge book worm and Chelsea loves unicorns, like, I mean in the 'mythology is cool way' not the 'stereotypical girl behaviour' way. She does love pink things and sparkles though
(It's a sentient shadow, that's- do you get the pun in the name- there's three references in it-)
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idol-ffxiv · 10 months
I figured I should introduce my self here sooo hi all I'm Seraph im part of a system im 26 and I go by He/They pronouns. I've been playing ffxiv since 2020 and run a few FCs on the Crystal DC but my main character and main FC are on Zalera. If you want to add any of my characters as friends or just want to chat feel free to message me I always respond to messages so feel free to reach out! Mostly in ffxiv I fish, RP and mess around with housing but my true love is gposing my OCs! Speaking of OC's ill make them their own pages sometime and update this post at a later date with more characters but ill put some info below the cut!
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Meet Suzu! She's a young Au ra woman with a mysterious past who claims she came to La Noscea looking for her cartographer father. Since coming to the seaside region this little bookworm has built up quite the life for herself and is currently the headmaster at the prestigious Rose Academy.
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Meet Osamu! He is Suzus brother and was also the villain in her story but after losing everything family included he started to long for the life he could have had if things were different from the start now hes off looking for his sister to try and set things right.
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Meet Y'neli! She's the youngest of three and never far from one of her sisters. There's something otherworldly about her and she lives her life like everyday is her last. She's charming and flirty and always ends up with a crowd around her! She spends her days playing and writing music this world has never heard before.
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Meet Hideki! He's a performer and has recently been passed down and made the leader of the Hikaru Performance Troupe. Following in his late mothers footsteps he is the star of Hikaru and has the attitude to match. Hes flirty and kinda rude but he's an alright guy deep down!
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Meet Rhea! Rhea is a young dancer and seamstress form Thavnair who was one of the first entertainers Hideki scouted to be a part of Hikaru Performance Troupe. Now a dancer and costume designer for Hikaru Rhea loves to bring touches of Thavnair wherever the troupe preforms.
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Meet T'wryn! Shes a street rat from Limsa who longs to see the world like the adventurers and sailors she meets on the ships shes so fascinated with. When the opportunity arose to join Hikaru as an acrobat she jumped at the chance and now she gets to make her own stories in the locations she's dreamt of for so long.
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Meet Chika! She was a young farmer who dreamed of a bigger life. When she was recommended for a bartending job at a famous theater her whole world changed and now shes getting a taste for the nightlife she always dreamed of.
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kinitopet-mp4 · 4 months
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You can call me Rat or Venus! Im a minor, have a bf, and you can use any pronouns but I would prefer they/them. I write fanfics, make art, and overall have fun! I ADORE YouTubers like penguinz0, degenerocity, Layze, Sunnyv2, and more. I'm love indie games as well and indie music like cave town, Melanie Martinez, rio Romeo, and Madilyn Mei!
Fandoms I write for:
The Stanley parable- Both narrator and Stanley but I prefer narrator since he has more character
Ramshackle-The main three only, sorry (I haven’t watched the pilot yet so bare with me)
Undertale-Everyone except frisk and chara, I’ll only write platonically since I don’t age up characters
LMK-Nezha might have limits since I’m not really sure if he’s a minor or not but please tell me if he is!
The manadela catalogue-I do not support Alex kister because he has done some pretty bad things so I’ve heard but I do love TMC and will write for anyone! (Again I kinda forgot a lot about it so be patient with me)
TADC-Except Kaufmo since we don’t know anything about him and Gummigoo might be hard to write for
Hazbin hotel-Everyone
Helluva boss-Everyone and Millie and Moxxie stay together even if you want them separated
FNAF-Everyone except the animatronics since I count them as children and I won’t write for them besides platonically for obvious reasons
Things I will write:
X readers (please specify gender or I’ll make the reader gender neutral and some personality would be appreciated)
Gore (with limits but not that many)
Poly ships (Might need a little help tho)
Things I MIGHT write:
Really long fanfics. Unless I’m in the mood but probably not and I don’t usually write really long x readers, I usually write long stories of my OCs tho if you’re interested
Oneshots, for the same reason above
Things I will NOT write:
Smut (I’m a minor but maybe when I turn 18?)
Underage x adult
Teacher x student (i know some of yall are sobbing rn)
And other obvious things but please ask me if I’m comfortable writing something and if I’m not I don’t have to accept the request, I will try to compromise but will decline the second you become rude
And that’s pretty much it! Also please be polite in your requests, hate, threats, homophobia, racism and stuff like that will be blocked
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sinswithpleasure · 5 months
hai sins :hugg:
kariselle super duper hot, im actually jealous how u were able to set that up so well and casually, makes me think abt how I do my own worldbuilding like maybe in Minecraft terms turning down my render distance(?????) to just the characters and less to the environment
sisterly bonding also cool, named reader is something id love to try out. I haven't done threesome yet and I will be taking notes :DDDD in particular im interested in how you wrote in such a way that didn't take long, I didn't think abt it a lot before I started but after I did I've been avoiding threesome bc I felt they had to be long like 5k+ and have all the moving parts when you could just,,, do that which is awesome
tuesdays with you again named reader and this time fem, it's another thing I have an aversion to bc im not well into the intricacies of the female experience but reading eunbi I had to stop and think if it really really warranted that much special attention. the cut was also perfect tho that wasn't too hard to do in hindsight, just makes me wonder abt how I do my own cuts since im kinda insecure that I do them so often sakfjflshshdkf
this maybe wasn't the sort of feedback u were looking for lmao sorry but ily sins go to sleep :DDDD
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hi box!!
okay let's dissect this part by part.
Kariselle exists because I work with characters, yes. I think the world around the characters can only be built when you have a grasp of what you want these two, three, four people to do with each other. It's the wrestling philosophy—I'm the booker of the show, and it's a sex show. I want the audience to see these two people fuck. These two really complement each other in some shape or form (character trait, like, for example, in To-Do List, Minju's naughty, and OC's corruptible and a bit of a pushover). Now, I have the complentary traits, and I can start selling the reason why they fuck: Is Minju exploring? Is she a known pervert? Is OC just a horndog? What does Minju want out of this? What does OC want out of this? Why do they have to fuck? I think this is an effective way to start a draft—knowing your characters first, and making a world around them.
For Sisterly Bonding, a threesome does not have to be complicated. You can actually just start with the sex scene, and sprinkle details in later. Writing does not have to be a linear process—this is something I need to learn myself too. You can absolutely just cut the story short, and sprinkle details of it into the smut instead. However, remember that Sisterly Bonding is Chapter 1 of a series, and not a standalone, so I do have wiggle room to spread my worldbuilding out, which results in what is posted.
For Tuesdays With You—I'm not familiar with that experience at all either. I'm absolutely shooting from the hip, but I've also tried to really make it as realistic as I can imagine or know through research. I'm pretty sure there's a girl out there who's read my work and went "this is bullshit" and left, but I don't think I'll ever know, unless they use this AMA to really tell me "haha ur shit" or something idk. I think I'm doing okay though, based on the comments on AO3.
Your cuts are fine, from what I remember. Don't worry about it.
Sex in the Box,
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loafymeat · 7 months
pinned post (yayyy)
Hello im LoafyMeat but can call me Loafy and i post about my most recent interest and maybe a random thing from time to time
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This is my sona, he is in 3d, i used him in non-fandom drawings
These are the tags i use:
#my art :I recommend checking this one out since my blog is a mess
#duskwell : a hollow knight ttrpg with mausritter mechanics
#oc :just a easy way to find the OClist, no nned to check this one atm
TF2 and Gmod: these are the ones im play atm, since i knew about TF2 i wanted to play and now that i can(with the lowest resolution posible) is so fun and i dont have to stress about winning (like in OW2) and Gmod is such a wonder to explore community maps and try things from the workshop
Online Games i play
Fortnite: right now im not playing that much, but at some point i will play for like 4 seasons and then leave it again
Minecraft: an amazing game that i cant enjoy because i know to much, i will love to forget everything about minecraft and start again a world with the scare and wonder of a new player
Roblox and Ponytown: in these two game i do exactly the same, i join a server, i walk around and interact with people with the least speaking just movement like jumping on their head or hide behind them, i dont play Roblox because i dont have a lot of customization, but i sometimes play Ponytown almost always when im to bored to see more YT videos and to tired to make anything creative
Frostbitter: a Minecraft server with mods that i will be doing, is kinda of a big idea so is going to take a while (also im open to anyone who want to help me)
Here are some projects
Duskwell: a ttrpg based in the world of hollow knight, nothing serius just to play with my friends a more easy ttrpg with a world that we already know (working on it)
List of OC's: im making the list, is a little hard to write down some character cuse they may be a little edgy in the way i explain them, but it doent matter, i will updating the list with more OC that i recall in the moment and, if i have corage, put more details of their story
Starburn: a project of @bagf1sh that i just did some 3d models of some starships :P, go check her out, she may have another project
this pinned post will change over time when I know how to organize it better
Future projects
Insects ttrpg: my own ttrpg without the need of using other people lore, right now its just an idea and i want to work on it when i finish duskwell
I won't leave this world without screaming and scratching
Old descriptions
I would have thrive here when i was little, but it doesn't matter, that little kid still within me, i just need to stop thinking too much and just LIVE
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knightzp · 9 months
omg can I hear about your ocs im curious
!!!!! yes of course!!
(im warning you this is gonna be Long bc i cant summarize things aldksk)
okay so first theres zayu. shes actually my dnd character and basically her whole story can be summarized in: shes a demon too good and pure for this world. she is such a lovely person an absolute sweetheart who is always very kind and whose mission in life is just having a humble life trying to help others in need as much as she can. but yeah you read it right. she Is a demon so the people from her homeplace didnt like her personality at all and they ended up kicking her out from hell. however some people thought that was a weak punishment and are now after her to make her pay for her "crimes" (the crime in question being a too good person yeah) so zayu is now travelling around around the world enjoying her life as she had never been able to do before and always moving from place to place to avoid the other demons that are chasing her. also this isnt really relevant to her story but i have to say she is very ourple (light purple skin and dark purple hair 💜)
the other characters i mentioned on that post are from an original story i began writing quite a few years ago and that i never finished..... i havent touched it in soooo long but its the only one og story ive started that i really want to finish some day. it takes place in a medieval royalty fantasy setting where theres a continent with many kingdoms. the main characters are from two of these kingdoms which have quite a close relationship
one of the kingdoms has 3 princes: auron (oldest), crysta (middle) and davel (youngest). given their birth order, auron is the heir of the kingdom so was taught mainly politics and necessary knowledge to rule the kingdom as the next king. crysta was raised to be a leader in the army forces so she is now the captain of the royal knights. and davel being the third child and since his siblings already learnt the main disciplines he was taught how to use magic, which is an ancient power that is quickly disappearing nowadays so there arent many people who can cast magic in this universe
on the other kingdom we have a pair of twins: alrick and lavianna (also shortened as lav or lavi) as the prince and princess. alrick was born first so he has always spent most of his time studying and preparing to be the next king while lavianna has had an easier and less busy life in this aspect
as i said both kingdoms have a very close relationship so both families meet up a lot. davel and lav have been best friends since their early childhood and being both the youngest from their families they had a lot of time to play and spend together. both are easygoing and they have the same age and kinda similar personalities (davel is charismatic and adventurous but also lazy when it comes to his studies and lavi is cheerful active and innovative) so they get along very very well. so well that their parents got the wrong idea and used their good relationship to engage them together in an arranged marriage against their will wanting to strengthen even more the alliance between their kingdoms. none of them like each other romantically but even if theyre shocked at first they let things be bc they arrive to the conclusion they prefer to be married to their best friend than have their parents arrange another marriage with an stranger instead
however! there is someone who isnt quite happy with this announcement and thats alrick. he hasnt had as much time to spend with davel in his life as his sister and he is also much more reserved as a person than her but truth is he is jealous. jealous of davel for all the freedom he has (contrary to him who has many responsibilities) and jealous of lavi for being able to spend so much time with davel and for being now engaged with him. bc alrick has a huge crush in davel but no one knows, not davel (who is very dense to these things (actually arospec coded)) nor lavianna (she is a bit suspicious but doesnt know anything for sure)
as for crysta she has a really close relationship with her brother davel and loves to tease him a lot but she isnt that much close with the others. she is a really cool butch lesbian knight who really worries a lot abt her people and has a soft spot for davel and will do anything to help him in any situation
auron isnt very relevant to the story but well. he is already married and just had a child too and is like the perfect prince son soon to be king
and now to end im gonna just to tell you a bit abt the plot. the thing is that one night alrick wakes up and discovers that everyone in his castle has been petrified. the castle workers his parents even lavianna. all of them except for him. so he does the only thing he can think of and rushes to the neightbour kingdom to ask for help. there, davel crysta and their family talk abt what happened and thought abt a way to reverse what seems to be a magical spell that has petrified the people in the castle and the three of them part on a journey to find more answers and a way to reverse the spell
and well thats more or less it!!!
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the-ultimate-wish · 2 months
I have an important announcement to make. Shadow the Hedgehog is a—
I'm just kidding. The actual announcement is that this story, this universe- dubbed The Ultimate Wish- is now officially
5 years old
Which is crazy because it doesn't feel like it. But I've been conceptualizing and writing ideas for it for 5 years (and 1 month) now. It was kinda crazy how I just decided to check my notes and look at my starting date.
Anyways, my ocs have obviously been around for MUCH longer; since Undertale days. And I wrote their final Undertale story (linked here). I then made them fandomless because I still had more to tell. I had some loose ideas, I was drawing and writing with merged ideas of their old selves with their newer selves. I've scrapped characters (sorry Everard), redesigned some, began to build this world off of an RP event and now, as im planning to rewrite/draw the comic, Im now more confident in the new stories I want to tell of these kiddos. I'm going to keeping growing their world; my passion project. And who knows if it'll ever get big, but I'll be damned if I ever give up on it again. Especially when I have a vision of where I want it to go: all the way to the end of some characters' very long lives.
So! I think a blog name change is in order. My blog name of 8 years: we-all-fall-underground. o7 No longer will we all fall down. I will also need to update some blog info and appearance. I'll keep my unrelated ocs up, as I may repurpose them soon. I'll try to keep a tag list of all characters with their own tags: the main group will have first and last name, side characters will have a tag of correlation, etc.
There's still Artfight going on, so I'll have to save drawing new references for way after. But I hope I can keep this energy going for some time. ヽ⁠(⁠。⁠◕⁠o⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 8 months
Out of curiosity may I ask for your thoughts on hazbin hotel? I’m not the biggest fan of it. I do like nifty and sir pentious though.
Also I enjoy your murder drones art. I love the way you draw uzi :)
Ehhh, the relationship with me and how i feel about about HH is a long one, considering ive been following viv since her deviantart days lol. well i wasn't ever that much of a fan, mostly cuz ive never been too into that stretchy cartoonish artstyle she used to use for her comic "Zoophobia" buuuuut i had to hand it to her- she def managed to accomplish something a lot of us wish we could do with our world buildings huh? so ill give her that much lmao. but I'm gonna say that i haven't watched the show YET.
tho as far as controversies surrounding her uh... religion imagery goes- even as someone whos been brought up as a religious muslim- i don't really care tbh. you need to have a certain level of capacity for satire like this and if you don't, its really not for you //shrug. mostly to say you need to really know your own rights and wrongs to not be affected by a cartoon made by people who have their own beliefs yknow?
but as far as the story has gone so far in Helluva boss im not really.... ANYWAY- its fiction, and i don't have to like EVERY aspect of it, i don't think the writing is GREAT i don't think its AWFUL- currently I'm in a very big MEH area towards it lmao-
but i can say for certain that i absolutely LOVE the songs and adore them- especially thankful of having found one of my favorite artists eVER through HH- "SILVA HOUND"- there is almost no work that he has put up that i don't go crazy over- when the beat drops i feel my soul ascend yall don't understand 😭 <33333333
and well finally the art i guess? i like it, not bad, kinda tired seeing so many people trying to imitate it to a tee- i agree that imitation is the highest form of flattery lmao but it gets old when everyone's trying to be similar yknow? but character-design-wise, again, i feel like the character designs are amazing? but.... misplaced i guess.... we all know that these characters are vivzies old ocs, but lore wise- none of the characters look like what they are supposed to be... like we all know the issue with Beelzebub, sigh, that was weird for my eyes to behold as someone who remembers queen bee from zoophobia- and im not even sure if Vaggie is a moth anymore considering her uh... new backstory??? was she even a human at some point anymore? is Adam a human? are half of the heaven population wearing masks? why do they look like characters from monsters inc. that got a yassified by James Charles?? im... so confused lmao. why do angels have horns and hell sinners have wings?? looking at husker- skipping the Alastor controversies- yada yada yada- is Charlie supposed to be a goat when neither of her parents are- yeah okay im tired never mind.
short version: its interesting on the eyes, confusing to the brain XD
overall my final comment is: its fun as long as you don't take it religiously serious ;p
and thank you so muchhh :D
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