#since i don’t know which AU name to go with yet
34saveme34 · 13 hours
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Imperfect Integrity 3/5 for Ties AU (check out my fic tag to see the others if you didn't catch up yet!)
this is quite marware fic
some silly warnings: self harm, blood, emotional so fucking emotional, gay, there's gay sex mentions (NOT CLICKBAIT), 4 being an asshole
20k words, so far the longest thing I had ever written, if I keep this up, which I'll probably will, the Ties AU at the end might turn out to be like, 100k words overall or so but that's just an estimate
also as an aside, for the next part you will need to watch Meta runners to understand the stuff in it, otherwise it won't make sense. so if like you want to watch in like. Idk when I'll be able to write AND finish it but it'll probably take a while until I get there.
now when I don't feel exhausted, I'll start working on the Magical AU ep 1 and probably like try to remember worldbuilding stuff I forgot to write down like an idiot
anyways, enjoy!
It had been a while since Mr Puzzles was cleared of the dredged piece. It really cleared his mind, even more overtime. Although, with no money, he didn’t quite know what to do. As he walked around the city, trying to jog his mind, to give him something to work with, he spotted one of his rivals. Or well…. to him more of an ex rival. They locked eyes, Puzzles wasn’t sure how they were feeling. Staring at him with such a mysterious expression, veiled by maybe his still foggy mind or he just forgot how to understand people.
“Puzzles…?” he could hear them speak. Puzzles suddenly straightened himself up as he was caught off guard. Maybe he even stared, how embarrassing!
“Y-.. Yes! It is… I…” he chuckled awkwardly.
“You’re… not here to scheme again, are you?”
“Hm? Oh… I kind of stopped that. Especially with my old studio smashed to the ground” he might’ve sounded a bit too devastated, something he didn’t mean to be in front of someone like this, someone who knew what he was before way too well and felt it on their skin. Even if they never exactly fully met face to face, especially not in such a casual way as now.
“Yeah, I’ve heard about it! I didn’t want to believe it. I mean, someone like you, losing your… your…”
“My everything? Yes, indeed… Is that all you want?”
“Uhm… I don’t know. I never quite got close to talking to you. You were always so…intimidating”
“Yeah I- I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t quite myself, to say the least”
They looked at him shocked.
“You- You’re saying sorry? Huh… You really changed.”
“For the better I think” Puzzles smiled fondly, one man crossing his mind.
“Heh… Well, I’m sure. So, what will you do now?”
“Well, I kind of don’t have anywhere to go and I’m out of a job”
They didn’t reply for a while, seemingly thinking something over.
“Hey… c’mere, maybe I can offer you something good”
“Oh? Sure” Puzzles took a seat in front of them.
Only now did he fully get a good look at them. They were in a white sundress, had green eyes and gray long hair, let loose draping their face a bit, one of their eyes barely visible. He was kind of used to seeing them in suits and other formal clothing from pictures so it was an interesting change. He really needed that sort of casual vibe right now.
“So… You may have been a boss before but… what do you say to working for me? I know you’re qualified so we don’t even have to bother with that nonsense” they smiled. They were serious about their offer. If Puzzles still had a jaw, it would’ve dropped. He still clearly looked shocked though.
“What? You’re a great catch when it comes to this industry. It’s even YOU doing me a favour. And don’t worry, I’d pay you accordingly too, you can name your price”
“Well… I’d like it if it was fair to the others as well. I don’t want to be paid that much more compared to other workers”
“So a little bit more?”
“Sure but- what position do you have?”
“Oh just- whatever”
“Whatever you can take when you come to it”
“So… An… Everchanging position?”
“Well… considering you’re really skilled in all fields of movie making, I feel I would stifle your potential if I forced you into a single position”
“You flatter me”
They laughed.
“You earned it, Mr Puzzles. Even though you were a vindictive… ahem asshole, it’s hard to deny that you always were an extremely talented person”
“Hm… heh” he chuckled “Well, sure, I’ll take it. Let’s just make it official at some point” Puzzles added almost awkwardly. The offer did find him pretty suddenly so he might have rushed into it. Then again, he didn’t see anything bad to it. Though it’ll definitely make headlines that he’s working for a rival of his. There will probably be rumors about it. He didn’t care though, since he would still get to do what he always loved doing.
Just as his now soon to be boss was handing him a business card, he heard wild yelling. Not just any yelling, it was his name being yelled. And it was rapidly getting closer. As he turned to the source of the noise, said source tackled him.
“Mario needs you!!” Mario yelled, as the source of the sudden noise as he was sort of straddling Puzzles with how he knocked him over.
“Uhm…?” his soon to be boss looked over at the 2 and thought for a bit. Then they laughed “Well, alright, here” they gave him their business card “Just call me when you’re not busy being tackled by men” they winked then left. 
Puzzles felt a little hot as he got up, then ripped Mario off of himself as well, considering how he was latched onto him. Puzzles, being tackled by men? No! That never happened before. Mario tackling him down was an exception. And it didn’t mean anything more than that. He just… needed him for whatever reason.
“Mario needs you!!!” Mario repeated himself, looking up at Puzzles with his big blue eyes. God, maybe he will do whatever he wants! Who said that.
“What do you need me for?” he sighed, giving in, asking him as he crouched down to his level. 
“For research. For SMG1 and SMG2”
“Uhuuuh. And why exactly?”
“Our link.” Mario said as if Puzzles was already well versed in Cosmology lore.
“Our what now?”
“The thing I did for you to not die. Though it was on accident… Mario will do lotta accidents but he didn’t think he could do such a big one!”
Mario almost looked proud of himself.
“Hm… Well” Puzzles smiled at Mario, with such a disgustingly sweet smile, it couldn’t be more genuine “I’m glad you did, you really saved me. I would still be lost if it wasn’t for you”
Mario seemed to be lost looking at Puzzles’s screen. Almost as if he froze. It took a good few seconds for him to respond.
“S… So!! Mario needs you!! Right now!!” Mario picked up Puzzles and started running with him at a speed Puzzles didn’t think was possible for the avatar to achieve. He… truly had some wonderful tricks up his sleeves. And didn’t it just make him more endearing? Who said that. 
Mario ran with him to 1 and 2’s place, not stopping even for a moment before getting there. Almost like he was doing everything in himself to focus only on going and nothing else around him. 
They arrived and Mario quickly dropped Puzzles down once he entered 1 and 2’s home.
“There you 2 are!” 2 cheered.
“So, we can start, yes?” 1 chimed in too.
“What will this be for anyways?” Puzzles asked, still sort of confused with the situation.
“You see, Mr Puzzles, what you have with Mario is really special.”
Puzzles tried very hard to not interpret that in a different way than it was meant to. No way anyways! Mario was not his type. He wasn’t even sure if he would even like anyone though. He never really had people like that in his life. At all honestly.
“Special how exactly?”
“Well… uh, exposition time I guess! 2, get the exposition powerpoint!” 
2 brought out a projector, 1 pulled down a white projector background out of nowhere. Puzzles was a little impressed by how well the meme guardians were prepared for this kind of thing. Kind of made him think about the ways he thought of handling stuff before he went really crazy… Good times.
“So you see, I, SMG1, as well as SMG2, we are meme guardians, and also partners. As in cosmically linked. You see, this was something that was inherent to us since we started existing.”
2 flipped to an image of the 2, with their hands linked, in the process of transmuting a meme.
“Started existing? Cosmically linked?” Puzzles was trying to keep up.
“Yes, we are ageless in a sense. Maybe… Immortal is more correct? And yes, cosmically linked. Sort of like being soulmates. It’s so we can share our power and make each other stronger as well. While we can work on our own as well, working together almost always brings better results. Like what you see on the slide, this is us transmuting memes! The same is true for SMG3 and SMG4 as well. Now… You 2”
he sighed.
“I… I don’t really know to be fair” he admitted.
Silence filled the room. Puzzles was thinking how to react.
‘“Well uh… that’s why I’m here, right? So you can figure it out” Puzzles tried to be optimistic for 1 and 2.
“Right!” 2 chimed in. 1 was starting to feel better about it now.
“Yeah, I guess so”
“Should I bring the memes, 1?”
“Just what I was thinking! Almost like you read my mind”
2 giggled before leaving to get the memes.
“What do you need the memes for?” Puzzles asked.
“You see… I was wondering if your weirdly created link can also manipulate memes or not. Considering Mario is literally the avatar of this world- Oh yeah, Mario being the avatar means if he gets killed the whole world goes to ruin. He’s like the heart of this universe. Oh yeah, we come from a different universe, it’s just since we… lost our avatar, it went to ruin, it became uninhabitable. Dwelling on the past so much is no good though ahah.”
Puzzles was just nodding along.
“Say uh… I’ve been thinking… I remember when SMG3 and SMG4 mended their severed ties… although in a pretty dreamlike way, considering I wasn’t fully there but- they had their literal physical ties well- located differently”
“Physical ties?” 1 looked at him curiously “Why didn’t they mention this to me or 2” Puzzles could almost imagine the kind of talking to 3 and 4 will get about this… Ah, well, not his problem.
2 came back with the memes.
“I was just mentioning it” Puzzles started again, slowly to make sure he had 1’s attention again “Because their ties were on their hands, while with Mario, he does have it on his hands, I actually have it right by my collarbone”
“Oooh, the same place Mario grabbed with all his will to make sure you don’t die!” Mario added with a cheery tone, as if it wasn’t traumatic at all.
“E-... Ah, exactly, Mario” Puzzles sighed.
“Hm” 1 immediately grabbed a few notes to scribble on “I wonder if their locations being different could affect anything in this… even the fact that neither of you are meme guardians!”
he still seemed to be a bit frustrated with this whole thing. Puzzles kind of felt bad.
“It’s my fault, I’m sorry” he spoke quietly but everyone looked at him. 1 panicked a bit.
“Oh no no no, I’m so glad to know this is actually possible! I’ve never seen anything like this! I’m just frustrated because it’s hard to figure out!” 
Puzzles showed a weak smile.
“Besides, it’s also Mario’s fault” Mario chimed in as he stood closer to Puzzles, as if he was trying to comfort him.
They got to a few tests after finally everyone was okay. They came to a few conclusions: The power of the link can be measured physically, however it is more chaotic than the average guardian link, thus it is more unstable. It cannot affect memes, however it has the potential to be more powerful than that. Though that was just a theory from 1 based on how it managed to save Puzzles from going back. However he did note the shared pain being so intense must have something to do with it. 
As they were leaving, Mario didn’t seem to leave his side.
“What?” Puzzles looked at him.
Mario seemed to struggle before finally spitting out something that had been on his rather empty, echoey mind of his. 
“Mario was thinking if you want to live with him!! Considering that he knows you don’t have anywhere else to go right now!!” 
Puzzles was taken aback. He chuckled, his face feeling a bit hot, hot enough that Mario noticed.
“Heh, uhm well, didn’t know you took such a liking to me, Mario” it almost felt like Puzzles was teasing Mario, even though it wasn’t his intention at all. He just wanted to stop feeling like a shaking leaf over kindness.
More concerning, Mario seemed to stop, again, that frozen face of his. Puzzles was scared he hurt him, immediately trying to make it right.
“I mean! That you feel sorry enough for me! I mean uhm, you must not be inviting just any homeless person to live with you!” if he could sweat right now…
Mario slowly regained the composure he seemingly lost.
“Hey now, I do like you a little bit” Mario said cheerfully as he went to lead the way to his and Luigi’s house.
Likes him a little bit? Oh those words were like flints trying to spark something and slowly causing a fire inside his head, making him even more stupid about this whole situation… Oh, it must be the link! There wasn’t anything weird to be explained here, he was just feeling this way because of their link and nothing else. Especially since it happened so recently too! Who knows, it could be actively lying to him about his feelings!
They went inside the house, Luigi greeted him. 
“Mario did say you had nowhere else to go so I agreed that you could live here until you figure something out!” 
“Thank you, it really does mean a lot to me, more than anything” Puzzles sounded so awfully grateful practically on his knees but that could’ve been because he was so god damn tall, it had both brothers ever so lightly flustered. Just a tiny bit but enough to where Puzzles was starting to notice it.
“Oh, of course! It’s the best we can do, it really isn’t much!” Luigi was the more awkward one while Mario just laughed then stared in front of himself. It was almost like he was asserting dominance with just his gaze. Puzzles once again felt awkward.
“Oh, did I mess up… This social interacting thing really isn’t my strong suit right now-”
“Oh, you’re fine, really! Just never had someone so grateful for hospitality is all” Luigi finally sounded fine again “Besides, you can always really thank us by helping around. Mario is like a tornado of messes anyways and I wouldn’t mind help with that”
“Hey! I’m not that bad” Mario defended himself.
“Heh, what, bro? You want to look good in front of your new friend?”
Oh, it rang so many times in Puzzles’s head. It should have settled in at this point but hearing it like this what did it. Sometimes he still thought he was living in that total loneliness he used to be in before. He smiled. He smiled so much, if he could he would’ve cried.
“I’m your friend?” he sounded like he was genuinely crying.
The 2 brothers looked at him.
“Of course! You’re our friend!”
“Mario thinks you’re pretty cool”
He grabbed both in a tight hug before setting them down again and leaving immediately to a different room. He didn’t even know the layout but he sure was going. At least he was exploring on his own! Oh, he was feeling like a dumbass then. He seemed to stop in what was possibly Mario’s room, considering how messy it looked. But it did smell like him so it was definitely his room. His smell had such a comforting effect on Puzzles, probably due to the fact that the link they newly formed was having undeniably strange effects on him that can’t be attributed to anything else. Nothing else at all. Besides he could NEVER be into fat italians. Just a combo he always found unappealing. So why would he EVER find that type of man interesting or worth his time now? Not even character development could ever do that to him! Just a forceful cosmic link that makes you believe untrue and super false things!
Mario opened the door to see Puzzles on his bed. It was kind of silly, considering he was not even close to being able to fit on the bed. He was just way too tall and lanky to fit on there right. It made Mario chuckle which made Puzzles notice him. They stared at each other for a bit, before Puzzles got up.
“I got in your bed- that wasn’t my intention”
“Mhmmm… It also doesn’t seem big enough for you…”
“Huh? Yea I- How did I not realise that” Puzzles laughed awkwardly as he decided to just plop down on the ground instead.
“It’s okay, Mario understands. Puzzles man only recently became normal”
Puzzles nodded, not knowing what else he could add to this. He didn’t want to run his mouth and say something stupid again. Was he always this much of an idiot? He could barely remember at this point.
Mario could easily notice the frown forming on Puzzles’s screen, which only served to concern him. He sat beside him.
“You good?” 
“Oh I… Well, would you really want to listen? I think it’s just a bunch of nonsense but-”
“Yes, Mario will hear you out. You think he doesn’t think about a bunch of nonsense? You underestimate him”
Puzzles chuckled.
“Well alright… I’m just feeling really stressed… about life in general I think. Since it moved on without me- I can’t exactly resume from where I left off. And my head feels weird in general. Sometimes just… feeling like doing things without thinking or something…”
“HmmmMMmmMMMMMmMM” Mario made loud thinking noises.
“Oh? Do you have an idea on what it could be?”
“No…. although….”
“SMG4 noted before that I acted pretty weird lately”
“Oh huh?”
“In his words ‘Why did you just suggest something good to my videos that wasn’t a meme?’ “
Well this puzzled the Puzzle. 
“What did you suggest?”
“Don’t remember” Mario looked aside for a moment then he seemed to become rather content about himself.
“This is weird… We should talk about it with SMG4 sometime…”
“Mmmm… wait!!” Mario suddenly got up and ran to a calendar “We’ll have vacation soon!!”
“V… Vacation?”
“Yeah! SMG4 said we all deserve one good break!!”
“Huh! So um… I won’t see you for a bit?”
“No way!”
Mario furrowed his brows before he grabbed his phone and went outside. Was interesting seeing Mario act this way… not just stubborn but so… He didn’t even know how to put it into words.
As he sat there, beside Mario’s bed, his mind started to wander, listening to the silence better and the noises hidden in it… The analogue clock that was hung on the wall dominated it although he could hear other things. Like the wind outside. Steps sounding across the halls outside. Even the light hum of his screen finding him. It was rather peaceful, it let him think. He still needed to think about a lot. Or maybe just not think at all. The idea seemed rather attractive. Even though he now cringed as he remembered how tightly he hugged the 2 brothers before running off like a mindless idiot. Good thing Mario didn’t seem to question it. Maybe he should look at things in a similar way! Do first, question why later. Or never, preferably. What could possibly go wrong?
As he was deep in his thoughts, what stirred him from his daydreaming was yelling outside. He now knew it to be Mario, it was rather well… fitting to him. No one else could yell the same way as Mario does. What an odd thing to note for Puzzles…He chose not to think about it though. Just appreciate Mario’s unique nature without further thought. 
A few minutes later, Mario came back with a big smile on his face.
“Mario convinced SMG4 to let you come with us!!” he cheered, hugging Puzzles.
The affection still felt weird, he was still battling feelings. He was sort of relieved when Mario let go of him but he still wished it back so dearly. It was probably one of those things where he couldn’t turn off his brain no matter how much he wanted to.
“You should keep hugs to a minimum, Mario” he commented.
“Awww, you don’t like hugs?” he sounded a bit sad “Really funny how you hugged us so tight before… Mario don’t get it” he looked genuinely stumped.
“I don’t know! I do but I don’t. Just- Just keep them short… please?”
“Okie-dokie!!” Mario smiled “Hmmm… what should you pack for vacation….”
“I kind of don’t have anything” he laughed awkwardly.
“Uhuh… Not even a phone?”
“MmmmMMMMMMMMmmmmMMMMmmmmmm damn”
“Am I not enough by myself”
“I’m gonna ask Luigi if we can get you stuff, can’t just let you come with us with zero planning. That could generate issues we could combat right now instead of leaving it for later”
Mario left. His tone was different from usual. This man was LEADING and with GRACE at that. Puzzles felt starstruck. What the fuck? Sure, Mario had his moments acting a bit outside of who he is but this was so much more. He talked like… Like how he would. Eh, it’s probably nothing!
Luigi got dragged into the room.
“Mario brought Luigi here for you”
“Sorry” Puzzles already felt the apology escaping him. He didn’t think much about it right now afterall. He didn’t think anything. He definitely wasn’t thinking. Why would he be thinking right now? Don’t be silly! He was definitely not thinking and thinking till the end of the Earth! Only the old Puzzles would think about how much of a burden he felt like as soon as he was himself again. The new Puzzles would definitely not feel like he was worth nothing or even less, or that he didn’t deserve to be forgiven even if he was kind of brainwashed.
He was definitely not thinking about any of that. He would never. End of it.
“Hey, it’s okay!” Luigi tried to reassure Puzzles “You do need some things. I heard we’re going to the nearby beach so you need at least some kind of beach clothes. Can…. Can you even go in water?”
“Everything except my head”
“Then yeah! We need swimwear for you. And we need to go shopping anyways!”
“Are you sure?” Puzzles still tried to be nice but was trying to hide so hard that he wasn’t feeling okay mentally.
“Of course! We need spaghetti for Mario anyways so I wanted to go shopping! And maybe… I know where we could get you swimwear”
“Alright” Puzzles got up, hitting his head “Sorry, I’m so tall”
Luigi giggled.
“Well, sadly that’s one thing we can’t fix”
“I think I’ll get used to it”
“Hmm…” Mario thought out loud “Maybe you can squish the spiders up there for Mario”
“Sure thing, Mario” Puzzles smiled at him before turning away, not entertaining anything in himself. Such a stupid idea to overthink such a simple thing anyways. It did freeze Mario though, especially because of the way Puzzles would say his name. Maybe he was a little unwell about Puzzles. Even Luigi noticed the tension between the 2 but decided to brush it off.
“C’mon, guys! We gotta finish while it’s still bright outside!” He left the room, the other 2 soon followed. 
Mario was oddly quiet during the shopping trip until they went to a shop that seemed to be holding just- an abhorrent amount of swimwear of all sorts. Even styles Puzzles never saw before. He was a bit overwhelmed by the selection, although less and less as he reminded himself that about 90% of the stuff sold here won’t fit him considering how god damn tall he was. They went inside, looking around. The shopkeeper, a rather old lady, came out and immediately led the 3 men to the taller section. Now there Puzzles had the chance of finding something good!
They looked around, Puzzles started to feel rather picky. He didn’t know exactly what to go for. 
“Stumped?” Luigi looked up at Puzzles as he seemed to be struggling.
“I don’t know what I exactly want”
“Aren’t bikinis hot right now?” Mario chimed in “Mario was also thinking about getting some”
Puzzles flushed red.
“Me? Showing skin? Don’t be ridiculous!” Puzzles seemed rather defensive. And utterly embarrassed. 
“Mario! Don’t just say things without thinking!” 
“But I’m Mario” 
“You embarrassed him!”
The 2 brothers went onto arguing about boundaries while Puzzles searched further. In the end he found one of those one piece swimsuits that reach from elbow to knee and seemed satisfied with that. It was probably his best choice. Luigi bought it for him. After that they also got him some clothes so he could change later. Once again something that was hard to find at first but since their wonderful world was very diverse even without Puzzles’s amazing lankiness, they found clothes that fit him.
“I’ll pay it back though!” Puzzles said “Write it up somewhere and I’ll totally have it covered as soon as I start working again!”
“Okay okay!” Luigi tried to calm Puzzles down “This won’t drive me broke! If buying Mario a yacht’s worth of spaghetti each month doesn’t then nothing will”
“Oh that sounds like soooo much spaghetti” Mario salivated at the thought.
“Don’t entertain that idea!”
Puzzles laughed at the two.
“Alright but still write it down somewhere. I don’t want to use you too much”
Luigi nodded.
They got home. Luigi went to unload all the groceries while Puzzles got dragged to Mario’s room by Mario himself. He seemed to be going toddler tantrum mode by how tired the day had gotten him or maybe he was just upset he wouldn’t get a yacht’s worth of spaghetti. Even then, his grip on Puzzles was stronger than what should have been possible. 
Mario laid Puzzles down with ease and laid beside him with not much afterthought. He fell asleep fast and even then clung onto Puzzles pretty strongly. He could not escape. 
He couldn’t help it, he let his mind race. He didn’t know how he exactly felt about Mario but he really might make him act up at this rate and he wasn’t kidding. He was being so cute through all of this and at the swimwear shop what kind of sounded like flirting. It definitely wasn’t though! He doubted that Mario would pull out actual flirting just like that. Nobody ever made him feel this way and it was super infuriating for him.
He kind of ended up riling himself up as he angrily stared at Mario. That anger slowly slipped away. He couldn’t stay mad at him. He hadn’t known him for that long anyways, he could always just be feeling this way because experiences in general felt new to him. He just- won’t fully entertain this crazy shit right now but try his best to give himself space to process his feelings. Even if it might throw off the people around him. Even if it could cause him to be a  burden… He stopped at that. He also didn’t want to feel like dead weight around the crew. Especially as he imagined how god awfully awkward he’ll feel around everyone when they go on that vacation. This was gonna be really hard on him, even if he realised he needed space for his big feelings. He yawned. He felt tired too. He pulled the blanket off of the bed and tried his best to cover himself and Mario as well. Kind of weird, but they managed to fall asleep on the floor together. 
The 2 slept soundly together, as they tangled up more while sleeping. Considering how neither was a light sleeper, Luigi had an interesting sight to greet him when he went to Mario to tell him that breakfast was ready.
He giggled at the sight and even took a picture. That’ll be something he can tease Mario about later. He left the room quietly with an evil grin plastered on his face.
It took a while until Mario stirred. Even he was surprised that he was held so closely by Puzzles. And just how warm he was. And wasn’t nearly as hard as he thought he would be, considering his body was made of wires and cables. He actually felt really comfortable. Maybe a bit too comfortable. He still couldn’t quite understand what was going on in his brain. He just let the thoughts run across him as if his mind was a waterfall and these thoughts were feeble, unfit fish that are defenseless against the power of a waterfall. Just like how his thoughts were defenseless at Mario’s mind becoming so empty they become nothing as well. Though that just left him confused. He didn’t know if this was okay but hey! It was probably nothing. It’ll just solve itself in some roundabout way like how things usually just go off in a chain reaction around him. He was sort of used to things happening to him and around him. Just like when his Mighty Italian suffered at the merciless door’s slammige. Although he was panicked, things happening around him kind of solved it. Just like how a good but silly plot demands it. This time should be no different. Since there was a good and engaging start to this and it had slowly been ramping up, it should reach a satisfying conclusion. It was only fair, to make a story that could leave a mark on people… What… What were these thoughts? Even Mario himself was stumped at his thoughts. Maybe it was because he just woke up but he wasn’t exactly the type to have discussions like this inside his head for fun. He preferred his mind to have as much of a reverb as St. Stephen’s Basilica no less and with the most disgustingly awful sound system set up, so bad any words spoken are drenched in noise, losing clarity. Honestly, maybe even more. Make his mind as echoey as a hollow Earth would be and record it with an xbox type headset.
He looked up to Puzzles, discarding his thoughts as he observed Puzzles’s softly humming screen engulfed in static. It was rather mesmerising. He squirmed until he freed his hands and reached up to feel his screen. Even his screen was sort of warm, although harder than his body, there was still something startlingly alive about it. He became a little obsessed with it. And it seemed Puzzles chose the worst possible time to wake up.
Mario hesitantly pulled away his hands from Puzzles’s screen. 
“Hmmm?” Puzzles didn’t speak yet, just humming softly as he woke up.
“Good morning, TV man” Mario defaulted to being sort of polite. It seemed he couldn’t fully discard those thoughts now! Unfortunate. Suffer my gay wrath, Mario.
“Morning, Mario…” he yawned “How’d you sleep”
“Pretty good… you’re comfy” he giggled as he cuddled closer to Puzzles. To his dismay. Puzzles sat up. He whined. Puzzles pulled Mario off of him. 
“Physical affection time is over now” Puzzles said, rather dryly. 
Mario looked at him, with waves of sadness, waves that washed away in his blue eyes that got so big, pleading, looking at Puzzles just to give him one more second of physical closeness. Puzzles strongly averted his gaze. Although now he won’t be able to get those puppy eyes out of his mind. 
He stood up, this time more careful to not hit his head in the ceiling. 
Mario decided to brush it off. Though, once again, he couldn’t quite discard it all until he thought about breakfast.
“Oh, Mario’s gonna have breakfast” and there he went.
Puzzles sighed. Even yesterday, Mario got to him quite a lot but he didn’t have the heart to push him away. Especially not after what he ended up thinking about after Mario fell asleep. Although, based on how it all went down, it might not be the last time that Mario would fall asleep latched onto him. And he was a bit worried about the fact that it didn’t bother him. Though maybe it was better for him to get used to it. He knew he had to make some odd sacrifices to make his life work again. Or more like start working for the first time ever. 
He left to see Mario destroying breakfast. It was as if they made mukbang but violent. He already saw what Luigi meant by Mario being something to deal with. Luigi looked at him, they shared a look. He sat down with the brothers to eat with them. Although he didn’t need a lot to sustain himself, he still needed a bit. And as he did, the 2 brothers looked at him. Puzzles felt embarrassed.
“What?” he already tried to defend himself “can’t a man have his breakfast?”
“TV eats…. pretty cool” Mario was maybe a bit too joyful about Puzzles being able to eat.
“I just didn’t think about it before but it makes sense! Sorry if we caused you to feel bad”
Puzzles sighed.
“Thank you, apology accepted… I just don’t want to be seen as a freak is all…”
“Of course, it’s understandable”
“Mario will fight the haters for you” and he sounded serious about it too.
Puzzles was clearly flattered, maybe a bit flustered. Luigi looked between the 2. Puzzles looked at him. Luigi gave him a look that could only be described as having the vibe of ‘Idk what’s going on with you 2 but I’m not gonna get tangled in your problem’. Puzzles felt defeated.
“Say… When exactly is the vacation?” Puzzles changed the subject.
“This weekend”
“Oh huh! 2 more days then… At least I have time to attend to… actually getting a job”
“TV already getting a new job?”
“Yes, Mario” he said “Actually you interrupted me in the middle of it when I was asked to join my ex rival’s studio. Which is why I would’ve needed the- Wait we actually really did forget about getting me a phone” Puzzles stared off “How will I call them now?”
“You can use our land line!” 
“Oh, thank you! Maybe next time we go we can actually get me one”
“Sure thing, Puzzles! Let's hope we don’t forget next time”
He got up and left, forcing the conversation to end. Mario watched him closely then stared at where he saw Puzzles leave.
Luigi took his phone out with the picture he took of the 2.
Mario noticed the motion under his face, looking down. He took a bit as he realised what he was looking at. He slowly flushed red. Luigi grinned at the reaction.
“I see you slept well” he teased Mario.
Mario couldn’t react as he turned away from Luigi, trying to hide his face. His ears being so red were giving away his thoughts though.
“Oh, dear god, you’re THAT smitten” Luigi laughed, now feeling a bit bad. Mario would usually try to throw hands at this point.
He looked back at him with the most genuine shock in his eyes.
“Smitten??!” he said with so much disbelief, he genuinely didn’t think about it that way.
Luigi stared at him.
“You didn’t think about that at all?”
“No!!! Mario is too stupid for stuff like that!” he seemed rather panicked now.
“Oh, bro” Luigi now just fully felt bad, as he wrapped an arm around his brother, trying to comfort him “I get that it can be hard to deal with these feelings-”
“Mario thought he could only love spaghetti” he started sobbing. Luigi looked unamused.
“...Just know I’m here to listen if you wanna talk about it, okay?” 
Mario nodded then hugged him. Good grief, he didn’t think he would need this so suddenly, just like this. He didn’t even know he could develop feelings in such an embarrassing way. He wasn’t the cool and easygoing Mario anymore, he was stupid and scared now. Sure, he could be scared but it wasn't exactly usual for him to feel this anxious. Not even Peach could make him feel that way while she was around and he still sort of liked her. He never felt like he’s fumbling a bad bitch or something, especially because that fumbling was part of their relationship in a way. However here he felt so much more, being scared he couldn’t be enough for the man he happened to fall for a little bit. Maybe it’ll just pass! That was an on and off thing with a certain someone who wasn’t Peach. And he even grew pretty casual about it too! But this… Mario was fucked. As in utterly, deeply and strongly fucked.
He sighed which drew attention from his brother.
“Mario thinks it’ll pass. Just very intense right now. Way too intense” by the end it sounded like he was whining. 
Luigi chuckled and patted his back.
“If that makes it easier to sleep at night”
Puzzles took a while, it felt like time stopped. But he came back afterall. Why did Mario feel he was gone forever? He wouldn’t leave… would he? When… When he is able to make good money he probably will.
Mario stayed oddly quiet while Luigi and Puzzles were discussing something entirely unimportant to him. It was all just noise. His head never felt so full, it felt suffocating. Uncomfortably so. So many things he had been through yet this broke him in a way he didn’t know could happen to him. He quietly got up and got himself more spaghetti to occupy himself with something. Luigi didn’t say a thing, just glanced at him. Puzzles was none the wiser about the fact that Mario wasn’t just having seconds, he was actively coping with eating. 
The day passed by. Puzzles had the job now, he would start as soon as he got back from the vacation they so suddenly invited him to. More like Mario invited him. From what little he could guess from what he saw and heard, SMG4 really didn’t like him. Not that he had a problem with that, he had every right to. He just knew it could easily make things awkward. Especially because he didn’t know what to expect. Hell, what if he ruins the whole outing? Just making it awful for everyone around…. It truly scared him. In these times, he was weirdly glad he had Mario sometimes latching onto him in his koala kind of manner. Though he did draw the line at his screen being used to watch stuff. Sure, he had so much love for television himself and all- but that was his face! And his face is there to be a face, not to just be your usual household equipment. Mario did try every so often though until he seemed to reach a breaking point with it. He was REALLY bored but he also didn’t want to bother Puzzles into… maybe even hating him. The thought sent a chill down his spine.
Mario was struggling, oscillating between being beside Puzzles or not. He finally put his foot down, abruptly leaving. Puzzles was sure puzzled by this. Staring a hole into the door, as if the door did something to him. He realised what he was doing was dumb as hell as he pushed himself up from the floor and left the room. No one was inside so he left the house to look around. He found Luigi tending to their garden in the back. It was small but really pristine and well-kept. He did know it was a passion of his so it didn’t surprise him but he thought it would be bigger.
“Anything wrong?” he must have stared because this was a question he got from Luigi.
“Oh no, not really! I was just- looking around is all. And it felt a little lonely inside.” 
Luigi hummed.
“If you want to know, Mario left to SMG4”
“Ah! I see! Not… Not that I asked it but thank you”
“Sure” Luigi said with sarcasm which Puzzles did not pick up on at all.
For a while he didn’t do much until he had quite the grand idea. He looked around the house on his own, searching for stuff to aid his idea. On his quest for a pen or pencil and paper, he found personal stuff which he didn’t mean to. Like pictures and notes about adventures they both had. He sighed, happy that they both had such an eventful life, but also feeling jealous for the very same reason. He wished that were him. He shook his head, though he couldn’t help but wonder about all those adventures as they slowly seeped into his idea, tainting it so so sweetly. And it showed. His idea wasn’t only his anymore. But he did like it. 
He started to sketch out concept shots for it as well, full of drama and plans for all sorts of lighting, camera angles, scenery, the practical effects, even ending up pondering about the sound effects, the kind of music he’d use. It’s almost like his love for filmmaking never left him.
By the time Mario got back from an adventure with SMG4 which he induced by causing problems, as he tends to from time to time, he found his room covered in a lot of doodles, with Puzzles being in the middle of it. He looked like he was consumed by it but didn’t seem bothered by it. Grinning happily and without care in his metaphorical black hole of passion. Mario found the smile rather contagious. He couldn’t help but stare at everything, taking in so much detail. Usually his head would explode over such actions, especially because there were words he had to read, or refuse to take in information but today seemed different. He took it with open arms, just like the man in the middle of this beautiful mess.
Their eyes met, shared a few moments of eye contact. The realness of it all, it was sickening and weird. Mario wished some really bad things while being so deeply enamored. Made him wish he never existed. 
Puzzles on the other hand was more confused although flustered. He didn’t think about it too much before but Mario’s opinion on him might have mattered more to him than he let on.
The stare off ended as Puzzles awkwardly spoke up.
“Uhh- hey, Mario! Are you interested in my work?”
Mario took a bit.
“Mario doesn’t know what you’re making but it looks cool”
“Oh they are just plans for scenes I was thinking about! You see, my plans are always all over the place but they always come together in the end!”
“Hmmmmmm….” Mario thought strongly “Like a puzzle”
Puzzles got flustered at the comment as it hit him. He felt stupid for not realising it sooner. He didn’t even choose it because of that, even though this was right there to justify it.
“Oh, dear, aren’t you so smart!” he laughed, slowly letting the awkwardness pass him by. 
Mario shook his head.
“Barely if ever”
“Exceptions exist just for that you know”
“Uh- Guess so? Wouldn’t know”
“Say… would you like to listen to me talk about all this?” he gestured at all his notes and sketches.
Mario thought for a bit then answered rather unusually. 
“Sure, yeah” he sat down beside Puzzles as he started going over the intricacies of building up his perfect scenes. Even having them connect so well, although a full script or story was currently not finished, they were genuinely falling into place. Such an impossible feat, working like that. No wonder he was considered a catch if he can do things like that. And Mario ate it all up. Nodding along to his words whenever he looked for validation to continue, without even thinking much about it. It just all came so unsettlingly natural. 
It felt like so much time had passed when Luigi knocked on their door and opened it, seeing Mario leaning on Puzzles while Puzzles was full of excitement talking.
Luigi giggled at the sight which alerted the 2. Although both were flustered Mario was the one who had it worse. 
“Just wanted ask you 2 if you want dinner” Luigi said as he put a hand on his hip, teasing them.
“Oh hmm dinner haha!!” Mario spoke nervously as he got up fast and ran for the kitchen. Puzzles rolled his eyes, looking a little disappointed.
“I see you’ve been working on stuff” Luigi said, pointing at all the stuff scattered on the floor.
“I’ll clean up!”
“Of course!” Luigi giggled “That’s not why I mentioned it”
“It’s just great to see you have fun! Now come and eat, you probably didn’t eat all day and that’s not good”
Puzzles got up with a smile on his face. He really was having fun. Especially… when Mario joined. Although that thought was quite complex for him and one that made his head hurt, he still couldn’t wipe off the grin he got going on. He felt almost controlled by it. Not in a bad way, just in the way that he couldn’t hide his happiness at all.
They all sat down. Mario devoured food like a bottomless pit while the other 2 ate a normal amount. Mario eating was a bit too loud this time to make casual talk. The way he sounded, he might as well be choking on pasta at the rate he was taking it in his mouth, making sure he had a good mouthful. And this made him messy as all hell as well, if the absolutely disgusting noises he made weren’t enough. Luigi sometimes glanced at his brother, concerned. He did that enough for Puzzles to notice as well. 
As soon as they finished, Luigi grabbed Mario without a word, dragging him to shower. Mario was screaming about not wanting to shower. Puzzles just watched, awkwardly waving him goodbye, as if out of solidarity. And it was but Puzzles was scared if it looked like he was mocking Mario for getting forced to shower. 
He sat there awkwardly for a bit before he decided to go back to Mario’s room. He tidied up his notes and put them neatly together in a way he knew he could use it again. Order was important to him, sometimes the only thing soothing his anxieties.
He sat down on the floor, then slowly flopped over. His ever so crazy creativity going so fast before drowned out his sleepiness but now it came out full force. He thought over the day as he closed his eyes, noting his thoughts one by one. Being invited to hang out with people who he hurt before. He was scared of how that could go. He would understand if they threw him out immediately after seeing him. Hell, maybe it would be a mistake to take him at all! Even when not possessed, he was still a nuisance, not ready for the world at all. And he felt like the world wasn’t ready for him either. Maybe he’ll just choose to stay away from the others and not talk to anyone! Maybe they would even be glad. Yes. Of course. What else would be a better choice than shutting the hell up as soon as he is around people who could easily make him feel awful even just with a slightly negative glance. He would crumble if he even uttered a word. 
The door to the room opened momentarily shaking Puzzles out of his thoughts. Then fully as he saw that Mario was wearing pink pajamas with a mushroom pattern. The mushrooms had faces and looked like they were ripped from some kind of obscure children’s show. Both the top and bottom had mushrooms. What made it actually kind of funny was the miserable face Mario held. Puzzles chuckled at the sight, he found it way too silly like this.
“You like Mario’s drip?”
“Sure do” Puzzles chuckled again “It fits you well”
Mario rolled his eyes.
“What do you know, Puzzles!” He was clearly playing it up dramatically, and he was failing at even acting like it. He was grinning so much. 
Puzzles yawned.
“Well, I know the day had been long”
Mario stepped rather close to Puzzles, clearly expecting something.
Puzzles looked at him, knowing exactly what he wanted. They hadn’t spent too much time together yet but reading Mario was quickly becoming easy for him. He sighed as he got up.
“Okay, but I’m gonna shower first”
Mario sat down, looking up at him with big puppy eyes.
Puzzles groaned at the sight, was it convincing? Absolutely. Was he gonna practice self control for the sake of not only himself but his hygiene? Also yes.
“After I shower I’m yours all night just stop making that face”
Mario nodded. Puzzles left.
Mario was left to his now mildly filled head. It was bouncing thoughts so awfully. He wished he could think about pasta forever but sadly that wasn’t possible for him. Even before, but now even less. It felt like his head from comfortable silence went to experience white noise. Ever so constant, out of nowhere too. He couldn’t say he fully hated it though. Every once in a while, he just wanted to embrace it so strongly, with his whole body, just the amount of passion he felt even just the thought of expressing it shook him sober. Sober on the idea that he genuinely gained feelings for someone like Puzzles. He didn’t like feeling this aware.
Puzzles came back, Mario’s cloud of soberness immediately dissipated into a different world as he latched onto Puzzles. Puzzles felt a little hot over it. At least he could blame it on the hot shower he took.
“Not wasting a single moment, huh?” he teased Mario, kind of half intentionally. Lot of mixed feelings about it but he didn’t want it to end. It was actually kind of nice.And being sleepy did make him clingier as well.
Puzzles chuckled as he held Mario in his arms while he laid down.
“Say…” Mario started, looking up at Puzzles.
“Would you like to come over tomorrow to SMG4’s as well?”
“I- I’m not sure he would like that”
“C’mon! I’ll convince him”
“I- I don’t even know what I would say when I’m there. Doesn't everyone else in your friend group hate me? I did bad things so it would be only fair”
“Times are changing, TV man!” Mario playfully booped Puzzles.
“Are you sure?”
“It would also be good to test the grounds before the vacation”
“Test the grounds, huh? I’ll say… I like the way you think”
Mario seemed to freeze. 
“You good, Mario?”
“You got Mario confused… what thinking did he do?”
Puzzles was looking at him, kind of confused but more disappointed.
“C’mon, Mario, I know those braincells of yours can work out some beautiful things. I’ve seen it”
Mario blushed at the compliment but played it off.
“But Mario got no braincells, only himself! That was all Mario original”
Puzzles couldn’t help it, he laughed at the silly joke.
“You know what, just for that, I’ll go with you tomorrow, just make sure you help out if things get bad”
“Yay! Mario will be your cool white knight”
Puzzles couldn’t help the smile that was growing on his screen just thinking about that.
“Alright. Now sleep”
They slowly fell asleep, in such a sure place. Sure as in right. Might be just the weird feelings in them but it felt like their bond strengthened. Maybe they could even take over the world with what they got. God damn it, good for them! Good for them.
The next morning rose, along with Puzzles first this time. He wanted to get Mario off of himself so he could dress up, considering he was in his pajamas. He actually didn’t like loose fitting clothing like this too much on himself. Sure, they were more comfortable to sleep in but that didn’t mean he would like them.
But by GOD, he didn’t have the heart to wake Mario like this. He could imagine the expression he would pull on him if he tried. And that expression is deeply dangerous!
So all he could do was lie there, taking it as if it was a punishment. He wasn’t necessarily that miserable though.
After a while of lying there, he made up his mind. He REALLY wanted to get dressed. And of course, he was right. He got the most sad puppy look of Mario.
“Please just let me dress up”
Mario whined but let go of Puzzles, letting him grab his stuff and then leave to dress in the bathroom.
Mario was looking at the door until Puzzles appeared again. Lucky for himself, he was too sleepy yet to have further thought. All he knew was that he was already missing the warmth. As soon as he was back, Puzzles opened his arms for Mario to come back to.
It wasn’t exactly the same but it still satiated him.
“You know, I never would’ve guessed you would be clingy” Puzzles noted casually while getting his notes out of where he put them to make sure they still made sense. 
“Oh, Mario’s been this way… he would often sleep at SMG4’s for this reason”
“You… would cuddle SMG4?”
“Yes. Anything wrong with it?”
“No, I was just cur-”
“Maybe jealous?”
Puzzles lit red at the accusation.
“I’m not jealous! Don’t be ridiculous!” 
Mario laughed. 
“Mario believes you”
“Thank you”
Puzzles went back to sorting his notes again, although still a bit bothered.  The more he thought about it, he DID feel a bit jealous. And he felt so stupid for it. He shouldn’t even have the audacity to feel that way. 
Mario clinging onto him did sooth the silly thoughts he didn’t want to have. 
Mario let his grip loosen as he turned to the notes. He was looking at them pretty intently.
Puzzles noticed as well.
“Anything wrong, Mario?”
“Just…. this” he pointed at one of the notes which was detailing a character of the movie Puzzles was working on. It was the protagonist.
“You were saying this character doesn’t have a motive to do things he does yet”
“Yeah?” Puzzles was puzzled by the verbose thoughts from Mario but listened nonetheless.
“A great motivation would be love. For this character” he pointed at another character, it was actually the secondary protagonist “You said you want this character to be more goofy but I think it would make it interesting if these 2 had something more going on. Especially because you could also show a motive for the murder in act 3. Maybe just make that character a little worse and there!”
Puzzles was staring at Mario. Oh, his mind was full of so many thoughts. And he looked so…. Uhuh, Puzzles, what were you thinking there? 
“That… Actually works pretty well. Hell, it could even work as a twist at the end! So unexpected that the comedic character could end up as the motivator. That they were… always meant to be lovers”
“Even better” Mario laughed “Better write it down”
Puzzles hummed.
“Now Mario’s gonna get breakfast”
“Have a great feast” Puzzles teased Mario.
“Mmmmm feast” Mario walked out with a silly smile on his face, thinking about how big a feast can get. Since this was about Mario, probably very big.
Puzzles looked over his notes and corrected over with the new detail where he saw fit. With a few corrections, the story really felt more whole now. Something about the fact that Mario helped him with it also made him love it more. He wondered if he was supposed to feel bad about that. He and Mario didn’t know each other for too long yet so… would it be… would it be bad to say…
Puzzles shook his head as he clumsily reassembled his notes and hastily put them away as he went outside. Why was this so hard to think about?
He left the room to see Mario indeed finished his feast at this point. He was actually lying down on the floor at this point.
Puzzles looked down at Mario confused.
“Mario’s coping” he said weakly.
Puzzles chuckled, smiling down at him.
They gazed into each other’s eyes until Luigi disturbed them. 
“Puzzles, I have a lot of work around here, can you help? I’d ask Mario but I don’t know-”
“Mario was planning to go to SMG4! WITH Mr Puzzles too!”
Luigi sighed.
“Can you help me with this at least?” Luigi almost pleaded to Puzzles.
“But of course”
“Hmph” Mario stumped off, making sure he’s very far from housework.
“He can be quite a handful sometimes” Luigi sighed again.
“But of course” Puzzles said, chuckling.
Luigi watched him catiously, while still cleaning another dirty plate left by Mario’s Mario-sized feast.
“You like him a lot, huh?”
Puzzles seemed to go into deep thought as he thought over that. 
“I guess so… in some ways”
“Some ways?” Luigi seemed puzzled by the Puzzle himself.
“I… do like spending time with him. He can be nice… my opinion can always change though! I could always… end up hating him”
“Hey I get that. Having any kind of relation with Mario isn’t exactly the easiest thing. He IS hard to handle and can be awful to handle- he can do awful things, sometimes even just to spite you. But when he doesn’t do that I do think he’s worth it. I wouldn’t have anyone else as my brother”
“That’s sweet, Luigi… I just don’t know if I’ll last beside him…”
“It’s just- maybe I… I don’t know…” Puzzles got rather quiet by the end.
“If you’re scared Mario doesn’t like you, I can assure you he does. He doesn’t exactly latch onto people just like that”
Puzzles felt his screen heat up over the mention of the clinginess Mario could prosper in.
“Is that all?”
“No… It’s very hard to get back to- everything. And I- never had a real friend before. Even before the- possession, I didn’t focus on it as much as I should have”
“Well… then you just have to be patient. I think you know things will be hard and that shouldn’t stop you”
“Right…. thanks, Luigi”
“I’m also uh…. I also wanna ask for advice. Because I was convinced to tag along with Mario to SMG4’s and I…”
“You’re scared the crew is gonna hate you?”
“I get that, I’d be scared if I were you too. Some of them can be hard headed. But they can be really kind too. If you just act like yourself I think you should be fine”
“Yeah. They might make fun of you but they do that to each other all the time. You should’ve seen how SMG3 and SMG4 were before- But they still all love each other, so who's to say they couldn’t love you too?”
“Mhmm… Yea, you’re making a lot of sense”
“I know. I’m sure you’ll do fine. With Mario as well”
“Thank you, Luigi. Now I’ll feel forever indebted to you”
“Oh you” 
After they finished with the dishes, Puzzles went to get Mario so they could go to SMG4’s. 
He wasn’t in his room.
“Mario?” he called out for him “There aren’t more dishes left, we can go”
No answer.
Panic set.
It’ll be okay! It’ll be so. Fine.
“Mario, please?”
He waited in the room.
“This isn’t the time for games, please”
He paced in the room before leaving the room. He went to Luigi.
“I can’t find him”
“Mario? Hmm” 
Luigi went to the front door. He opened it. He took a big breath in. Puzzles watched in anticipation. 
“MAAARIIIOOOOOOOOOO” he shouted, he sounded amplified,, Puzzles swore he could feel the vibrations of his voice. It must carry far if it was this loud for him. How the hell did he do that? Some kind of Mario brothers gimmick or something? He wasn’t sure.
A worried Mario showed up, seemingly coming from the road he’d take to SMG4’s. Even though he was nervous, Puzzles’s heart sank. Did he not want to bring him along? Maybe he really was a burden.
“Mario! You left Puzzles here!”
Mario froze.
Puzzles didn’t say a word.
Mario collected his thoughts.
“Sorry- You still want to come?”
“Sure” Puzzles said, sounding rather defeated.
The 2 set off, Luigi could finally relax while 2 were to fight off tension.
They were silent for a while then, Puzzles not even looking Mario’s way.
“Hey… I’m sorry if I upset you. I… didn’t mean to just- ran after my empty head-”
“I thought you didn’t wanna bring me”
“What?? Why else would Mario ask you??”
“I… I don’t know, to take pity on me?”
“Mario doesn’t take pity”
“But.. you took me in as well-”
“Because Mario finds you cool!”
Puzzles felt himself getting hotter over the compliment.
“You think so?”
“Of course!”
“Well, I… I think you’re cool too” Puzzles chuckled with a lovestruck expression. 
Mario never felt so in love. Damn it.
He jumped up and hugged Puzzles, which halted him as he didn’t want to fall over. He stood for a bit before Mario spoke up, looking up at Puzzles with big puppy eyes.
“Can Mario stay here?”
Puzzles chuckled, trying to stifle his embarrassment with little success.
“Sure, but we’ll keep going”
“Good with Mario”
Puzzles went on, with Mario wrapped on him. He held him with one arm while letting the other relax by his side, following the rhythm of his stride as he followed the path to SMG4’s.
By the time they got there, both got rather used to the contact. It was hard to deny it was rather comfortable.
He saw some of the crew outside, seemingly discussing something. It was Meggy, SMG3 and SMG4, with Eggdog and Beeg there. They noticed the 2. 4 immediately went back to the discussion while the other 2 waved at them. He waved back awkwardly.
“We’re here?” Mario asked.
“We sure are… Do you want to get off?”
“Well, if Mario needs to…” Mario reluctantly loosened his grip on Puzzles, landing on his feet without trouble.
 Mario walked ahead and Puzzles followed behind, still an air of awkwardness with him. The glance 4 took at him alone brought back all the anxiety he was feeling before. 
“Hey you 2!” Meggy greeted the 2. 
“Didn’t know Puzzles was coming today as well, good to see you though” 3 said, while carefully looking to 4 too. He knew something was going on with him. Puzzles understood what he was getting.
“Hi” 4 said as he turned around, only one glance at Puzzles then looking at Mario. Even that single glance burned him.
“Mario, remember when we were talking about an event idea for 3’s café?”
They started talking about something Puzzles couldn’t contribute to. So he just stood there awkwardly. Not wanting to go anywhere because he didn’t want to leave Mario’s side but also wanted to leave so badly because he was feeling so awkward. And it definitely didn’t help that he was also really tall compared to the others. Really made him feel like he was never meant to fit in. He wished he could sink into the floor until he felt someone poke him on his forearm. He turned around to see Tari.
“Hi” she said, with a look of understanding. 
“Hey?” he wasn’t sure how to respond.
“You weren’t here before so I was wondering how good you are at games!” she said, already dragging him along. 
“Oh! Sure!” 
Mario looked at him.
“Okay! Happy gaming for you!”
Tari brought Puzzles inside, letting him take a seat on the couch in the gaming room.
“Okay… Puzzles” she looked at him with certain firmness, a sort of care “You looked like a shaking leaf. Sorry if I- appeared suddenly, I just wanted to help you out. You don’t need to game if you don’t want to”
“Uh- Thanks, Tari. I want to try at least. Just be gentle heh” he chuckled.
“But only this time”
Tari brought up Smash and showed Puzzles the controls and showed off stuff in game as well. Letting him get used to it, he didn’t play super awful. He didn’t win a single time but he did put up a good fight. 
“Sorry, Puzzles” Tari was feeling bad “It’s really hard to turn my gamer brain off. You could try fighting against a bot?”
“A bot?”
“Yeah. It’s a player controlled by the game”
“Sounds good”
They played for a while until Meggy appeared there too.
“Gaming going well?” she asked as she sat beside Tari.
“Sure is” Puzzles smiled “I didn’t know games could be so much fun”
“And this is only one! We have quite a few more here. I also have other games I sometimes bring over” Tari cheered.
“By the way” Meggy spoke more quietly “Sorry I couldn’t help you out, Puzzles. I wanted to but the talk of the café event was pretty important too.
“No worries. What’s it gonna be?”
“We’re still in the idea phase. Maid event came up but 3 shot it down”
“Maids, huh? I’d prefer butler” Tari said.
“To dress as one or to be served by one?” Meggy asked.
“Both” Tari giggled.
“Well, now I want to be a butler for it. Maybe I’ll mention that to 3.
“Oh, yeah, how did you manage to get away?”
Meggy took a bit to reply.
“Well… 4 wanted to talk to Mario privately”
Both girls hummed while Puzzles froze.
“Oh, I hope it’s nothing bad”
It was something bad, Mario could feel as he followed 4, rather quietly. It felt like if he tried anything he would be killed on sight.
“So” 4 sat down on his bed, patting the spot beside him for Mario to sit down. Mario hesitated but sat down.
“Did Mario do something wrong?”
“I’ll decide that when I know more. You are pretty clingy with him, huh?”
Mario turned red. Not only did this feel like an interrogation, it was also about his maybe-kinda-probably crush.
“Guess so” he looked away.
“Did he do something to you? Hurt you? Manipulate you? Why are you letting him live with you?”
“Mario just… wanted to be kind”
“That can’t be it. You can tell me if he tried to threaten you”
“But he didn’t! He’s actually really nice”
4 didn’t seem satisfied with the answer.
“He must have gotten to you badly”
“Oh, awfully” Mario flushed at the thought. 
4 wasn’t happy.
“You like him or something??” he asked, anger dripping out of his words.
The longer Mario didn’t reply the more sure 4 was.
“I can’t believe you. We don’t even know if we can REALLY trust him!”
“You’re not even giving him a chance!”
���You wouldn’t either if you knew what I went through because of him!”
“You would if you knew what happened in the void!”
“Shut up! He probably manipulated you then as well!”
“Why are you so insistent? Are you jealous or something?!”
“I just want to protect you” 4 sighed, lowering his voice “You’re important to me, Mario. You’re my best friend”
Mario didn’t know how to reply as he left the room, tears falling from his eyes.
“Wait!” 4 ran after him.
The 3 in the gaming room heard Mario leave. Puzzles felt it in his soul. He was terribly sad. And scared. 
“We have to check on him. He’s doing awful” Puzzles said.
The 2 girls followed him. They went to Mario outside but 4 was still trying to catch him.
“It’s gonna be worse if he betrays you when you like him” 4 shouted after Mario. He didn’t realise the other 3 were there.
Meggy ran up beside 4, grabbing him by the shoulder with force.
“You’re just making him more upset! This won’t make anything better!!”
“But what if he tries something?? He can’t-”
“Yeah, what if I try something?” Puzzles spoke up, while looking down. He wasn’t being silly, he felt scared. 
“It’s like he’s confessing to a crime right now!! Can he really be trusted??”
“Is it too far-fetched to say someone could redeem himself? Or did you never actually trust SMG3?” Mario spoke up, rather angry at 4. Throwing words he might not mean later but he was so angry. It engulfed him and Puzzles too. Puzzles could feel it burn, he was so mad. 
“That’s fucking different!” 4 lunged at him after prolonged silence. 
“And how so?? Do you have proof??” 
“Why would you say something like this about someone like him??”
“Because you speak like that about Puzzles”
“Because- UGH” 4 gave up as he walked away, leaving without another word. His aura somehow seemed to remain though as the 4 of them couldn’t say a word for a while now.
Mario was the first one to do anything, he walked up to Puzzles and held one of his hands in his.
“I trust you, don’t worry” he looked up at him, showing a hopeful smile. Puzzles smiled back.
“Thank you. At least someone… believes that”
“Hey, we believe in you too!” Tari said.
“Yeah! We’re here for you, Puzzles. Even if you did bad things in the past”
“I guess… SMG4 just doesn’t forgive. But honestly I get it. I did awful things. Then again I helped him get with SMG3-” he joked lightly. Mario chuckled at it.
“In a weird way, yeah” Meggy and Tari chuckled too.
Puzzles was glad his silly moment was a hit with the crowd. Good grade for socialisation. 
“But back to it. You’re right… it seems he doesn’t forgive easily. I’m sorry if this made things hard for you” Meggy apologised for 4. 
“You don’t need to be sorry!” Puzzles reassured her “I just hope he’ll be able to calm down. I… I don’t hate him”
“Puzzles is right, we can’t apologise for someone else. 4 will have to do that himself” Tari reassured Meggy, who earned a smile in return.
“By the way, we could go back to gaming” Puzzles suggested.
“Let’s go gaming!!” Mario cheered.
The 4 went back inside to keep playing fun games.
4 paced in his room, starting to doubt stuff. He swore he was right, he was so sure he was right. This man, he knew, he had wicked plans. Wicked plans to ruin people. He almost ruined SMG3, his world, he almost ruined his world for good. It made him so angry. The idea that he could lose his best friend that… that monster. It made him so angry. He wanted nothing more than to cut him out of their life. He wished he didn’t exist at all. So nobody would’ve gotten hurt by his schemes, let that be trauma from being killed several times, risk of losing your privacy, losing oneself to perfection, losing oneself to self loathing and the idea that you’re not enough. He had an impressive collection of things he had done and he didn’t understand how anyone could trust him. How Mario seemed to adore him so much…
Did… Did Mario fall in love with Puzzles?
No… No way. He would act differently about that. He was just… Maybe Mario is playing 4D chess with Puzzles. Sure.
Stop lying to yourself, SMG4. You know very well that you are just trying to make yourself feel better because you can’t cope with the things that happened to you. You’re lashing out because you feel alienated. But you don’t know that. You can’t put it into words. All you know is that you hate Puzzles.
You hate him so much.
He paced around a little more. It was so unfair. Why did it only have to be him?
He left the castle, walking. Just walking. Somehow ending up right back in the café.
“Hey, where were you bl- Oh my god” 3 reacted accordingly to how 4 looked. He looked so messed up.
3 dragged him away to fix him up as much as he could.
“You can’t be serious” 3 whined.
“It’s not fair” it was all 4 could say.
“What’s not fair? I’ll listen” 3 said, cupping 4’s face. But instead of saying anything he burst into tears. 
3 hugged 4, not really caring much about someone screaming outside to order.
“There there…I’m guessing this is about Mr Puzzles”
“Yeah…” 4 said, kind of ashamed in a way. It was hard to deal with the fact that no one else seemed to care.
“You know… I don’t like him too much either but… I don’t really want to concentrate on it. I’d rather give him space to improve than to… push him into new villainy.”
“But… He could take Mario from us… What would I…. Would I be a good friend if I lost him just like that, because I let things happen?”
“Blue, you’re making things worse right now… I bet Mario isn’t happy about this either. And he can fend for himself. Don’t take the guardian part of your name this seriously”
“But I… 3…” 4 seemed to press on.
3 hugged him tighter.
“I’m hugging the worry out of you, 4”
4 chuckled.
“You’re being so silly right now”
“And you’re smiling about it. It’s working.”
“You know you could… do something else to get the worry out of me…”
3 was staring at 4. 4 was staring at 3 with an emotion he identified way too quickly.
“Shush… Don’t tempt me right now. After work you can”
3 gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Too bad! Now work, slave” he said jokingly as he then left outside to finally take the yelling costumer’s order.
4 sighed, getting himself together. He couldn’t fail 3. He already did bad enough today.
The day went by rather decently. Even if the feelings didn’t leave. They festered in their minds. Almost unkillable. With so much guilt. Rage. Anxiety. Love. So much.
Hard to bear. Too hard.
The night grew closer. Mario excused himself for a walk from gaming. 
It felt like he was in a bubble. The world felt unreal around him. So many things happening. Weighing on him. He didn’t want any of this. He wondered if he deserved it anyways. Pain. Pain. Pain. Love. Pain. Guilt. Pain. Sadness. Love. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
He ran and ran until he felt his soul reach back to Earth. He looked around, it was dark. Just a dark night. It was comforting. He sat down in the grass looking up at the sky. Being alone was like medicine. Sure, he enjoyed his time playing with his friends as well. Especially with Puzzles. He actually managed to beat Mario in smash because he got distracted with him. He may have a competitive heart but it’s also really stupid. Nevertheless, the grin and cheer of Puzzles made it feel like Mario won instead. Won guilt.
Was it his fault that SMG4 was acting that way? How could he ever make sure this didn’t happen again? He cared so much about him. He wanted to make things better for him so badly. 
Puzzles. He… 
He couldn’t ever hurt him. Even if he was forced, he’d fail to. 
So there’s only one person he could actually hurt.
He went back inside. The thought not leaving his mind. 
But he pretended. He pretended he was fine. But it was eating him up.
There was only one person he could actually hurt. For the benefit of his best friend.
And nobody noticed a thing. 
He went back home with Puzzles.  Nobody noticed.
He got home and had a shower. And still, nobody noticed. 
He told Puzzles he’d be back after a midnight snack. He still didn’t seem to notice.
Mario left the room. With steps that felt heavy but were lighter than a feather. He didn’t need Luigi to know. He took all sharp utensils out of the drawers. cutting himself in the process. It hurt.
But it didn’t do a thing. It was like the scene changed and his hands weren’t even hurt now. As pristine as ever. he bashed his hands on as many sharp edges as possible. Hoping for something to stick but nothing. It was like the world was against him hurting himself.
He cursed to himself as he tried again and again. While his hands didn’t retain even a sign of hurt, his blood still remained. Odd. He did feel a bit light headed. He tried to stab himself as well, in as many places as he could think of but it all yielded the same result of nothing truly sticking. But that might have been from him concentrating so hard on hurting himself. To get him out of this hell he put himself into. He made a big mistake. If only he waited enough inside that void for the meme guardians to save him. If only he didn’t feel a sort of kinship. If only he didn’t start liking Puzzles. If only it was so easy to cut him out of his life. If it was only so easy to make SMG4 happy. If it was only so easy for Mario to be happy. To not worry. To not feel guilty. To not feel like the cause of everything bad happening.
He felt frustrated, not knowing what he could use.
Puzzles appeared, soft light coming from his room as Puzzles seemed to turn on a smaller one. It gave him a glow. Like a saviour.
“Mario? What are you doing?” Puzzles asked, trying to keep back just how worried he was.
Mario didn’t react.
If only he didn’t take out the piece. If only he didn’t feel bad for it.
The piece…
The piece. 
Mario, without a word, bolted for the door, leaving in record speed. Puzzles went after him.
He ran after him as much as he could. But he couldn’t keep up.
He cried, holding it right at the scar. The ties. It hurt. It hurt from the pain Mario felt.
Puzzles locked eyes with the ground, concentrating. The energy, he felt it connecting the 2 of them. He searched in it. A blinding power. 
And he concentrated on it further. He wanted this to be over so badly it brought physical results.
He stopped Mario in his tracks. With only his mind. He finally managed to catch up and catch Mario in his arms.
Puzzles felt warm and comforting. The light was still strong but slowly dimmed as Puzzles held Mario in his arms.
They didn’t need to speak a word. Mario tightly hugged back, crying into Puzzles’s shoulder. 
They were there for a while. 
Just in each other’s arms, settled in silence. They understood. As much they could.
Mario’s sniffles slowly calmed down. Puzzles got up, with his arms still wrapped around Mario as he began to walk back right to their room.
Even the walk was silent but both sure were thinking. Especially as they passed by the painful red reminder. Puzzles felt like he got there too late. That he should’ve listened to the signs earlier. At least he still caught Mario from doing something bad. 
They got in their room. Puzzles settled down.
“Listen…” Puzzles started carefully “You don’t need to explain yourself if you don’t want to. That’s fine. I know you’re going through a lot I can feel it and I’m sorry… I wish I could help you more. You… helped me and… here I am… making life hell for you…”
Mario grabbed Puzzles’s head. He had a rather firm grip. They were looking at each other.
Puzzles still had that guilty look.
“I’m really sorry, Mario I-”
But before he could say another word, Mario pressed a kiss on Puzzles’s screen, immediately shutting him up. 
“You’re so much, Puzzles”
Puzzles didn’t even know what to say, his screen was just increasingly heating up. In fact he was way too hot. Mario took his hand away from his face as even through his gloves he could feel the heat becoming too hot.
“Ouch, you could fry an egg on your face” Mario tried to joke. 
Puzzles seemed frozen until he slammed Mario down and held him. He held him so hard. Something about that just made him open up more than anything else. He felt like his soul was ripped open and it felt better than anything he ever felt. 
Mario felt a bit helpless under the weight of Puzzles. Not that he minded. It was actually kind of comfortable. 
Mario wondered what SMG4 would think.
And just as that thought crossed his mind, Puzzles rose up, straddling Mario, face to face.
“What are you thinking?” Puzzles asked, a sort of carefulness carrying in his tone. Showing how cautious he was but especially just how much he cared.
Mario felt hot himself, which was obvious as Puzzles screen wasn’t exactly dim enough to hide that.
“I want you”
That stopped both. Now you’ve done it!
The 2 just stared at each other.
“I need you” Puzzles one upped the other, leaning a little closer. 
This felt like a dream.
Mario pulled Puzzles’s head down enough to press another kiss on it. 
How could this feel so natural? Brain in havoc.
As another kiss. Another move. The comfortable pressure. A bite.
A bite?
A bite into the neck. But a gentle one at Puzzles’s neck, which slowly intensified. It was like Mario knew exactly how to get to him. It felt like this could escalate further before Puzzles stopped Mario from another silly little move up his sleeve.
“We should sleep…” he said.
“But…” Mario looked at him with the biggest eyes.
“No buts” he sounded a little cranky.
“I love you”
Oh. Oh alright. That really did it. Well, no stopping now!
They slept in for quite a bit. Sure wonder why.
Luigi decided not to bother them, considering some… things he heard in the night while passing by to go to the bathroom. Better not to bother them.
They took a while to wake up but first Mario did. At least he got time to admire Puzzles in a different way… At least as much as he could from where he was, locked in the hold of him. Honestly, he looked a bit more freaky in the light seeping in but that honestly just made Mario adore him more. With a body that looked so machine yet bore scars that felt like flesh. Maybe part of the reason he didn’t want to show skin. He didn’t know something like that was possible. Adoring Puzzles even more, especially so openly. I mean after what happened… would be a little concerning if he wasn’t… Or at least confusing.
While he could admire Puzzles till the heat death of the universe, Puzzles stirred at some point too.
“Morning, Mar” he said, still kinda sleepy.
“Mar? I like that” 
“Mhmm…” Puzzles cleared his screen a bit, as if to wash the sleepiness away. As he took in his surroundings more, he felt the heat… his fans could barely keep up.
“I-I thought I dreamed that” 
“I’m happy you didn’t”
“Yeah….… me too… sure did feel like a dream too… I… felt like I wasn’t fully… in control? I don’t know”
Mario grinned.
“That’s one way to describe wanting Mario so badly”
Puzzles blushed.
“You’ve no shame!”
Mario laughed at the response.
“You’re not wrong”
Puzzles got up and started dressing up. Mario couldn’t resist looking. Even doing the fuckboy expression, biting his lip.
But when Puzzles looked at him he looked away, as if he was innocent. They continued this until Puzzles looked at Mario rather annoyed and half dressed.
“I know you’re staring at me! You don’t need to”
Mario looked down, a lovestruck grin on his face.
“Mario can’t help it. You’re nice to look at”
“Am… Am I?”
“Yeah” Mario trailed off, slowly caressing Puzzles’s calf that was closer to him
He almost gave in again. 
“No! We have to prepare! We have a whole trip to go on!”
“Buuut Mario loves youuu!!”
“Not gonna work this time. Love you too though”
Puzzles seemed to be able to finally get dressed while Mario was melting on the floor. Melting with love. That’s all that was in his head. Nothing else right now. If only that could last forever.
Mario got up, grabbing stuff to dress up as well.
Puzzles was staring at his back.
“Ayo? And you shame Mario for staring?”
Puzzles brushed it off, reaching to a spot on Mario’s back. It looked burnt but in technicolour. It stung, pain coursing through Mario’s body.
“Does this hurt?”
Mario cried out as he fell over but it was too comical to take it seriously.
“Oh I’m sorry, dear! I didn’t know I ended up hurting you!”
“It’s fine!! Mario’s fine!” he got up “Mario will just..- continue on without a shirt for now”
“Yeah, I’m really sorry though. I didn’t mean to hurt you at all” he cupped Mario’s face in his hands. Mario leaned into it.
“You’re really affectionate with Mario now” he grinned so hard about it, even Puzzles couldn’t interpret this in a negative way. If he did, he’d have to be an idiot for that. And one bigger than Mario at that.
“Is that a problem? I’ll stop” he grinned, teasing Mario as he took his hands back.
Mario huffed in response.
“Mario loves affection… Mario loves you” the shyness compared to his previous behaviour- the difference was staggering! Puzzles found him adorable either way. Oh, wasn’t he such a weird combination of lovestarved and a hopeless romantic for this silly italian? Maybe it’s not exactly like in TV but he would lie if he said he wasn’t happy. He hoped nothing would come between them. He really did hope.
Maybe a tiny bit of worry in the back of his mind. Just the sliver of a chance that something could go terribly wrong. 
“Well, time to pack” Puzzles got up after thinking for a while. Mario looked at him like he was expecting something.
“What?” he asked.
“You forgot to say it back…”
Puzzles sighed and raised Mario up in the air by his armpits.
“I love you too, silly man”
The new name Mario got for himself visibly flustered him. Though that quickly turned into joy.
“Mario IS silly!! The silliest!!”
“And do you know what silliest men do?”
“Love their TV men?”
Puzzles chuckled.
“Maybe. But packing for vacation first and foremost”
Mario sighed.
Puzzles put him down.
Puzzles started to pack for himself, taking his sweet time making sure his stuff is as compact and perfectly packed as possible. So good in fact that Tetris players would be jealous of his skills. He laughed at his little joke in his head. He was SO smart. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Maybe what they did yesterday- really eased him up. Which was a good thing. He was kind of happy to have Mario, whatever that meant for the both of them.
As he finished, he noticed Mario struggling with it. He seemed to panic. 
“Dear, are you not good at packing?” Puzzles sat beside him, looking to see he indeed had quite the mess in his suitcase.
“Luigi usually does it for Mario” Mario said, feeling a little ashamed.
“Hey, I’ll help you! I’ve already done mine”
And so Puzzles basically packed for Mario as well. Just as neatly as for himself. Mario watched each hand movement and gesture Puzzles did, like a cat trying to calculate when to pounce.
Mario grew impatient and reached out quickly, grabbing Puzzles’s hand.
Puzzles wasn’t sure how to react for a second. This wasn’t anything strange from Mario to him but he did catch him off guard. 
“Mar, dear… we can hold hands later”
Mario looked at him like a sad wet puppy. Puzzles sighed and grabbed him, placing in his lap. Mario gratefully took it as his rightful place, while Puzzles continued packing with some trouble while trying to inquire what else Mario needed. Who knew a man in his lap could be so distracting. He wasn’t sure if he was fully comfortable but it was also way too nice. He liked the closeness and all. But the weight felt strange and alien to him still. He didn’t know before how he exactly imagined cuddling but the weight was definitely something to him. Just a constant reminder of a presence to him. He was used to feeling lonely. Just because he was brainwashed it didn’t mean he forgot about that. So this presence… In general, as it had been in these past few days, the moment Mario took that piece out of him as well. He swore he felt this all was meant to happen when all that went down. He may have gone a bit crazy but… can you REALLY blame him?
They got done, they went out, seeing Luigi had packed everything else they needed for the somewhat short trip. He stared at the other 2, knowing, especially at Mario, considering he didn’t have a shirt on.
“Mario, do you plan to dress up?”
“Mario’s back really hurts, he can’t” he whined.
“It can’t be that bad- OH MY GOD” Luigi freaked out when he saw it “how did this happen??”
“I… I can’t recall right now…. could’ve been anything” Puzzles said, with little confidence. He didn’t lie but he wasn’t actually trying to be sincere either.
“I’ll see what I can do for your back” Luigi took Mario to the bathroom. Puzzles watched helplessly. He didn’t exactly want to get involved, as much as this was his fault.
He felt bad about it, awful even. He let one person get close to him and it felt like he already ruined it. Maybe now Mario is really only with him out of pity. Who would want to be around someone who hurt them? Especially at such a vulnerable time. He didn’t want the thought to fester. He really didn’t want to. But it did, like a virus, he could feel it in all that was left of his nervous system.
He wondered if he even deserved Mario in the first place. Or if he maybe only brought Mario suffering. And he still felt out of place. How could he fit into a tight knit group of friends anyways? 
And just as he got so deep, the brothers made it back, Mario looking grumpy with a shirt on while Luigi felt a little tired.
“Alright, let’s get going to SMG4’s, we’ll be late at this rate” Luigi said.
Puzzles carried the heaviest suitcases because he was actually the strongest of the 3 but also he just really wanted to occupy himself. And so he was quiet. And he didn’t say a thing about it but Mario noticed. And he didn’t like the silence coming from Puzzles. He wasn’t a therapist or anything but it didn’t exactly feel pleasant or nice. But he brushed it off for now. He just hoped he could make Puzzles feel better in some way or another. Probably in a way that doesn’t end up with him getting more toxic goop on himself that made his skin burn. He didn’t realise it yesterday but Puzzles felt… acidic? Weird stuff.
After a walk that felt longer than it should, they got to the crew. Everyone seemed ready and  were waiting for them. Nobody really felt negative outwardly about this except for 4. Though, he seemed to hold back, with 3 close to him. Puzzles felt this wasn’t going to be the easiest time. 
They got into a bus they rented for this. At least Puzzles was told it was rented but who knows with these guys. Not that he was really that against a bit of crime but he would rather be aware if he was made an accomplice in something like that.
What made him think that was the fact that there was a driver inside but they didn’t look very happy about having to do this. In fact, they looked rather scared. Puzzles decided to push the thought aside as he ascended on the bus the best he could with his tall build.
He sat beside Mario, Luigi went to talk with the others. Puzzles sat by the window. Due to the length of his legs, he actually took up 2 seats and Mario was kind of sitting on his leg. Not that he needed to, there would’ve been space for him elsewhere. But it seemed Mario was visibly very stubborn about sitting with Puzzles. 4 was increasingly bothered by this. 3 grew tired of this at this point, talking with Meggy and Tari instead. 
It was quite the long trip, it was a few hours. It was long with the emotions it had to drag with itself. It felt like it was anchoring time down, intentionally making it harder for time to go on.
But they got there, relatively in good spirit. 4 was really bringing it down. In his obsession to protect Mario he didn’t even notice it was affecting the others as well. In fact, most of the trip, 3 was quietly talking about how annoying he was right now to Meggy and Tari. Listing the ways he had to pander to at least somewhat calm him down which soon stopped working. Though, he tried to be cool about it because he was worried too. He didn’t hate 4 for this, he knew it must be harder for him. But this was beginning to become a lot for him. As much as he loved him, with his whole heart, his mental state kind of reminded him of the perfect incident. It really scared him. Especially because what if something similar happened to him like then. With someone evil enough to take advantage of the situation. And make their life hell.
Regardless, they were there now, packing out to a rather large apartment type of building by the beach. It had enough rooms to house everyone. Luigi kindly asked to be in a different room from Mario and Puzzles, which left the crew questioning for a second. Regardless, he somehow ended up with Saiko and Melony.
They took out the guest bed for him. He put his stuff down neatly.
“So, how come you didn’t want to stay with Mario this time?” Saiko asked, suspicious of this. Melony was sitting on the bed while sorting out her suitcase to take her laptop out she brought for the trip. She was listening though.
“Ah well…” Luigi sighed, a bit annoyed.
“It can’t be that bad” 
“I’m pretty sure they had sex yesterday night”
That shocked both girls, even Melony looked up from the stuff she pulled up to sift through. She recently got into hacktivism to pass the time so it was related to that. Some kind of an article from someone she looked up to.
“Are- Are you sure??”
“Yeah. I kind of- heard them. I OBVIOUSLY didn’t want to” he sighed again. It wasn’t the fact that he found it weird or bad but it was still kind of mind boggling to think about. Especially because just before Mario was crying to him about crushing on Puzzles and now this? Things moved fast with these 2.
“Huh…” Saiko thought for a bit “I see it honestly”
“Mario did have that kind of glow to him” Melony commented which made both look at her weird.
“Nah, he actually burned his back with- whatever comes out of Puzzles’s screen. I don’t know how they did that and why but I don’t need to know”
“BURNED??” both girls yelled in unison. 
“Yeah. I actually had to treat it for him today so he could wear a shirt at least while we get here. It looked pretty rough”
“Mario and the things he gets into I swear” Saiko didn’t know whether to laugh or feel annoyed. Maybe a bit of both if she had to be honest.
“I just hope SMG4 doesn’t freak out too much if hears about this” Luigi thought out loud, concerned. Even scared for his brother.
“Why would he? It’s kind of none of his business” Melony said.
“He really seems to hate Puzzles. I don’t really get it but…”
“I’ve noticed” Saiko was annoyed too “Look, I get it, he was bad but there was a reason for that. Besides, he IS dating SMG3, he’s so unreasonable”
“I have a feeling he just wants to protect Mario but… I’m thinking he might have been doing the opposite…”
The 2 looked at him, at the brink of the worry rising in them. 
“Go on” Saiko said finally.
“I uh… woke up to a pool of blood in the kitchen. I don’t know how it got there… it… could be Mario’s…And there was no sign of struggle. Nothing knocked over or anything, just a single misplaced knife and a pool of blood… it led me to believe that he… he…”
They were looking at him shocked. Luigi finally broke down. The 2 girls scrambled to comfort him, Melony as much as she could with her laptop in her lap. They were just hoping the worst wouldn’t happen. Hopefully.
After a bit of time passed, they heard knocking at their door.
Turns out it was 4, he was gathering everyone to come down. 
The 3 tagged along, following him along with the others.
A big part of the crew was there, with the Mario brothers, the meme guardians, all 4, Melony, Saiko and Puzzles of course. Meggy and Tari decided to stay in their rooms for a bit. The bus driver seemed to vanish for some reason. As they went out they noticed Boopkins was already in there with Bob who had a bright pink donut pattern floaty. He also had those gaudy kind of sunglasses that were gold so it kind of balanced out.
Saiko slowly entered the water, helping Melony out while Mario quickly charged in the water, splashing people on the way. 4 ran after him, yelling about manners. There was something unsettling about his tone of voice but he didn’t say anything wrong. Yet it remained eerie regardless. Puzzles also silently wondered when 4 would mention Mario’s back. He was surprised he didn’t, maybe it was the reason his tone of voice felt so unsettling. Like he was expecting him to lash out again. BUT he knew 4 saw it, he saw that he saw it. And it was terrifying.
1 and 2 set up chairs and parasols so they could enjoy the beach without too much sun. They were also seemingly discussing important meme guardian business as they usually would. 
Puzzles decided to stay back, quietly, sitting just barely in the water. He didn’t want to interfere with 4 and Mario. His reaction to Mario’s back was already scary enough for him. Not even a word, just looking at him so deeply judgmentally. The thoughts reemerged, the idea that he really didn’t deserve any respect. That he deserved a life meant for loneliness and nothing else. Just like how he was before. It would probably be easier. If only Mario let him die instead, he wouldn’t need to be such a black sheep within such great people. He could have moved on from a painful life. He could’ve ended it there. it could’ve been so good.
“Oi, you don’t want to come in deeper?” 3 asked Puzzles, which shook him out of the awful thoughts.
“No… Don’t want to disturb Mar and SMG4 having fun. I think they deserve it”
3 sighed.
“You’re selfless for being lonely for so long. I would be so much more jealous”
“You obviously love him, no? I know the signs. Way too well”
Puzzles heated up at how easy he was to read.
“Oh dear… I didn’t know it was that obvious”
“So then? Don’t you just… want him by your side?”
“I… I don’t know if I deserve him” he got rather quiet.
“Blue is a dumbass, don’t let him tear you down”
“But is he really? I.. even hurt Mario”
“Hurt him?”
“Uh… Not important how”
3 stared at Puzzles. Puzzles stared back.
“Oh-.. kay but… really. I don’t get you”
“I made life harder for him. He had… an episode of sorts yesterday. He doesn’t take SMG4’s behavior well and it feels like it’s my fault… I mean if I was just… dead… he wouldn’t”
“Y’know, 4 and I cause each other problems all the time.”
“I think this is different”
“I used to try to terrorise him. We were some… awful people to each other. Worse than what you are for Mario. And we still got here. You know how?”
“Love prevails… as much as I hated to admit it before”
“You think so?”
“Definitely. And because of you and that shitty piece of that damned box, I learned it very intimately”
“Sorry about that..”
“Thank you”
“You what now?”
“It might sound messed up but I needed that I think… We both needed it. I never realised before how stubborn 4 was actually about me. I never would’ve figured out if it didn’t get so bad. We might still be here, not dating but still painfully pining if it wasn’t for you”
“I assume you’re joking”
“No. We were a hopeless case” 3 laughed.
Puzzles reacted with chuckling as well.
“Well, I just hope I can somehow… convince 4 that I’m good enough for Mario”
“Way better way to think. I’m going in now, good luck”
3 left in, jumping on 4 and pushing him in the water with a swift and calculated move. Puzzles chuckled at the sight, especially as then they begin to playfully fight. 4 was way less freaky with a smile on his face, having fun. He almost wished that could be a sight that would look at him that way. Just a sliver of acceptance for him. 
He looked up at the sky, thinking stuff through. So many things he wanted to do. And number 1 on his list was to make 4 like him, whatever it would take. He felt like he was trying to achieve the approval of a protective father. While no, it was just his dear’s bestie.
He wondered how he could even do that. It definitely wouldn’t be him trying to show off with his skills. 4 would think he was shallow and maybe even think he was planning something worse secretly. If he poured his heart out, 4 probably wouldn’t listen either. Maybe Mario could put in a good word for him? Or the others, as much as they can. Convincing 4 that he wasn’t evil anymore was way more trouble than what his ideas could change. He sighed.
He suddenly jerked up at the sensation of someone poking his shoulder several times. It was Mario.
“What’s up, Mario?”
“You were sitting here, alone”
“I didn’t want to disturb your time with SMG4”
“Mario has space for everyone”
“SMG4 is questionable in that regard”
Mario could only sigh in response as he leaned onto Puzzles’s shoulder.
They spent time silently, it was maybe a bit too silent for Mario. It looked like he was out of energy.
“Say…” Puzzles started awkwardly after a while.
“How’s… your back”
“It was totally worth it”
“That’s- That’s NOT what I asked”
“But that’s what Mario cares about”
“YOU… You’re so shameless” Puzzles couldn’t help but smile.
“Maybe. But you love Mario either way”
“I sure do”
They stayed in comfortable silence. 
Meggy and Tari finally arrived as well. Meggy had her hands behind her back, nothing suspicious. The grin on her face was definitely not suspicious as well.
She looked around, looking for the right victim to strike. She spotted the one least suspecting it: Bob, looking half asleep on his silly floaty. She aimed with precision champions would get jealous about. She then shot, water sprung out of her gun, hitting Bob just right, knocking off his glasses.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR??” he shouted, looking around for  the culprit.
Meggy and Tari were loudly laughing about this so it didn’t take a lot  for Bob to see them. 
“What, Bob? can’t handle a bit of water, eh?”
Bob didn’t reply verbally, instead he pulled out his mega deluxe golden water guns that matched his sunglasses he was so painfully separated from.
And from here, a war began as others brought out their guns too.
Puzzles panicked as he quickly got up and ran away, while Mario sadly got caught in the fight, he had no choice but to join in.
He found a place to hide, he was out of view by this large rock.
He sat down and tried his best to calm down. His circuits could’ve gotten damaged there badly. He didn’t want to think of the nightmare that would be fixing that kind of damage. He had to once and he still wasn’t sure if he fully recovered from it.
He just sat there, in the sand, still feeling the water dripping down on his lower limbs. The sand sticking to him felt uncomfortable but he could manage. 
He sighed, laying against the rock. His mind felt a little empty. He didn’t exactly expect to be left alone like this. Maybe it was just his brain playing tricks on him but he felt uneasy for some reason.
That reason turned out to come realy quick by. SMG4. Just the 2 of them. 
“AH!!” Puzzles got surprised by 4’s presence as he stared him down as he was good for nothing.
“I’ve got a few words for you” he said, it seemed he wouldn’t waste his time with useless small talk.
“Yeah?” Puzzles was scared.
“The bruise on his back was you, wasn’t it? What did you do to him?”
“I uh…” Puzzles got quickly nervous “You don’t need to know that”
One of 4’s eyes twitched. He was NOT happy.
“If I find out you’re controlling him this way, you’re dead”
“I’m not! I promise. I care about him too, okay? He hadn’t been doing well”
“Like I’d believe you. If you really aren’t controlling him you would tell how he got the bruise”
“I said you don’t want to know”
“It was clearly you”
“Yeah, but you don’t need to know how”
“What could be worse than fucking mind control goop??”
“...Acidic…” Puzzles turned away, honestly thinking about it just made him heat up all over again.
“Acidic??” 4 was unsure what to think. He was trying to be mad but he was more lost on where this was going.
“And it… got on his back on accident… I didn’t mean to, we… got carried away” Puzzles tried to leave out the most important part.
“C…Carried away? With… WIth what?” 4 was left confused as he was trying to figure it out. But Puzzles wasn’t replying anymore, instead strongly trying to avoid eye contact with 4.
“Did…” it clicked for him “Holy fuck, Mr Puzzles, did you fuck my best friend??”
Puzzles grew visibly more nervous.
4 was left more confused if anything.
“I-  I don’t know what you’re planning with… all this you’re doing but you’ll NEVER convince me”
“I get that…”
“Blah blah I can’t hear your pitiful acting” 4 left, not listening to Puzzles’s words which actually were as sincere as they get.
“It’s okay…” Puzzles got up “I just wish you didn’t ruin stuff this way for other people” he said that last part under his breath, which 4 luckily didn’t end up hearing.
“You know, I really don’t get your deal” 4 said.
“I have no deal. I just wanna live again”
“That’s what they all say”
“Didn’t SMG3 have a similar thing”
“Unlike you, he wasn’t a parasite on other people”
“I… was invited”
“Maybe if you had a spine you would have declined”
“Maybe… It would be easier for you, would’t it? For the both of you. If I were just… out of the picture”
4 didn’t say anything. When it was said outloud like this it felt… different.
Puzzles continued.
“I want you to get one single thing through your head if it won’t be anything else” Puzzles said, glaring at 4 “You can believe I’m still a villain all you want, you can believe I want to hurt people all you want. But if you do this to the detriment of Mario’s mental health and constantly try to infantilize him with trying to ‘’’’’’’care’’’’’’’’’’’ for him, thinking you know so much better than everyone else, just know you’re annoying everyone else in the process. And hurting Mario more than you’ll ever realise.”
And with that, he left 4 dumbfounded. He wasn’t even sure how to react. This GUY trying to lecture him?? What the fuck did he know about life anyways??
He stomped off, far away from everyone as he went back inside. He didn’t want to see anyone then. He needed to see some funny memes. If they could even help him at this point.
Mario noticed this. He felt awful again. Even Puzzles joining back didn’t quite help.
Especially because 4 seemed to have left for good. The silence he left felt louder than anything.
“Dear, are you okay?” Puzzles finally asked him.
Mario couldn’t verbally respond without crying so he just shook his head.
“If… you’re worried about SMG4… I kind of talked to him.”
“Wh… What did you say to him?” Mario asked, though he did tear up in the process.
“Just… something he really needed to hear. A piece of my mind”
“You shouldn’t hurt him… he doesn’t deserve that”
“He WAS hurting you, no?” Puzzles grew a bit frustrated and spoke a bit louder, gaining their friends’ audience.
“Is this about 4?” 3 asked, stepping into it.
“I just.. I told him that he’s hurting Mario with his bullshit.”
“It’s- not-” 
“Yeah, it’s so easy to see! Mario looks miserable ever since 4 started being overprotective” Meggy chimed in.
Mario felt uneasy.
“Yeah, you guys are right, even I’m upset about it” Luigi joined in after listening for a bit “I’m WELL aware”
“Please just-”
“I’m so sad he’s been causing so much trouble! If only we could all just get along” 
“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP” Mario broke, scaring everyone.
“Oh, dear…? Are you…”
“You guys are being so mean about Mario’s BEST friend. Sure, he is an asshole but he’s MARIO’S asshole” he got up and left the group, aiming to search for 4, leaving everyone there stunned. Puzzles felt bad.
“I… really thought I was doing the right thing” Puzzles felt guilt wash him over.
“You tried” 3  pat him on his back.
“I just feel like I can’t make things right. Like things won’t ever be perfect”
“Well, with people like us around, it won’t be” 3 tried to be reassuring “but we can try to make it work, you know, love prevails”
“Aww, 3, didn’t know you were giving away advice like this now” Meggy giggled.
3 tried to shush her.
Puzzles smiled at the interaction.
“Is it bad if I need time to  figure out how I can make it work?”
“We’ll be here for you either way” Tari said, stepping beside him.
“Exactly! Cuz what else are friends for?” Luigi joined in.
“Aww you guys” Puzzles could melt “I’ll… really try my best!”
And he got wrapped in a brief group hug. Damn, did it feel nice to have friends!
Meanwhile, Mario was banging on SMG4’s room to no avail, screaming, crying for him to open up. 
“Please….. SMG4…….. This can’t go on… I know Puzzles was a bit mean to you but…. just please talk to me”
“Whatever you want to say you can say without opening the door” 4 said, quietly. It was hard to read his tone.
“I know you’re scared of Mario being tricked into an awful thing but he promises he’s not! If Mr Puzzles wasn’t actually nice he wouldn’t like him as much as he does! Mario knows you want to protect him but still- You shouldn’t feel so much burden over that! Mario doesn’t need you to worry” he was practically crying. He just wanted things to be okay so badly.
He sniffled there for a while.
“Hope you at least tried to understand me” he said, as if hope left him.
And then the world turned awfully quiet for 4. He thought for a while it was nothing. But that nothing really felt like something. As in that something bad could happen, and it could happen right under his nose without him doing anything. 
The anxiety rising in him after a few minutes got the best of him. He finally unlocked the door, even the unlocking felt painfully heavy and slow. He had not time for this shit.
“Mario?” he looked around, seeing no sight of the italian. He grew more worried as he called out again, receiving no response.
He went around in the rooms. He went to check all of them, he was in none of them. Although, something caught his eye about 1 and 2’s room. Something very important. But he wouldn’t go that far… right? Right? 
Okay, now he was REALLY worried as he barged out the door with force that could’ve broken it if it didn’t open so easily as he tried to find any clues where Mario could have gone. This was BAD.
Puzzles could feel it too. He excused himself as he went looking for Mario himself.
As he did, he found 4 first instead.
Puzzles glared at 4. 4 glared at Puzzles.
Time seemed to stop.
After glaring enough both sighed. Which made them look at each other with judgement all over again.
“We should stop this” Puzzles said, begrudgingly. He was holding it back but damn 4 didn’t do much to show he’s good to be around.
“You’re right” 4 sighed, defeated.
“Let’s just… try and find Mario”
The 2 went on silently, which was the most peaceful they had been around each other.
“You know…” 4 started.
“This isn’t the time”
“I’m just worried over what he might be doing”
“He’s hurt, I know that”
“Duh, idiot”
Puzzles rolled his eyes.
“What do YOU know anyways?”
“He took the godbox piece”
“He did WHAT????”
“I… I noticed it wasn’t in SMG1 and 2’s room anywhere when I looked around to try and find him.”
“Oh my god…”
“Yeah I… god I feel so bad…”
“That’s the first step”
“YOU’ve got nerve”
“SMG4… I get it, you’re jealous, he told me he’d go over to sleep and even cuddle you. I’m… not trying to steal him away”
4 blushed at the mention of it.
“Me? Jealous? No… No I…”
“He IS your best friend so of course you care a lot. I… don’t blame you but you did go too far”
“... I just… can’t help being anxious I guess? It feels like anything can be out to get us at this point…”
“Look… SMG4. I’ll promise you something. I’ll let SMG1 and 2 do all the things and tests to confirm I have no ill will anymore, no godbox manipulation. Don’t you know how it feels? You… become… something else…”
“It’s… scary…”
“I’m sorry if I scared you too”
“Yeah…though, how do you know the fact that the godbox manipulated us before?”
“Sometimes… it’d whisper things. The piece had a faint voice”
“A… A voice??”
“Of course… It would tell me what to do and manipulate my senses to think I’m doing the right thing. It would also tell me some information I could use to my advantage. And sometimes it would utter words I couldn’t connect anywhere. Sometimes I wonder if… the piece itself went insane…”
“That’s… scary I’m… I’m sorry. For… everything these past few days I guess”
“I’ll only accept if you accept me too”
4 stared at Puzzles.
“Maybe after we save Mario from doing something stupid”
They walked for a while. The quiet wasn’t so uncomfortably tense anymore. Puzzles found 4 a lot more likable when he wasn’t swearing at him and staring daggers into him. As they walked they spotted Mario at a cliff, his back turned to them. His arms in front of him, holding the piece. He seemed lost in it.
“Mario!!” Puzzles shouted for him as he and 4 got closer and sped up.
Mario turned a bit too fast, slipping off the edge.
Puzzles and 4 jumped after him with not much thinking. Puzzles caught both of them, utilising his long arms. 4 was too busy fearing death to actually object against it. None of them wanted to die, so badly too. Like a sense of determination crossing across them like electricity, light engulfed all 3 of them, slowly slowing their fall and making them land safely. Though, they barely realised that with how bright and strong the light was. Puzzles noted it was stronger than when he kept Mario back last time. But it felt similar.
As they finally came back to their senses from such an adrenaline inducing fall, 4 picked Mario up, cheering he was saved. But Puzzles did too. And he was taller so with that 4 came too. 4 didn’t mind it much but it did feel weird being lifted up like this. While Mario was SO confused.
“I’m so glad we managed to save you” Puzzles expressed his happiness with words.
“Mario thought he’d die for good”
“Did you want to?” 4 asked.
Mario lowered his head, not answering. But then for a different reason as he looked in his hands, seeing what the piece had become. It went form the pit of darkness it had, turning blindingly bright but still somehow safe to look at. It also seemed to constantly shift in shape. The other 2 looked at it too, just as confused.
“Did we… do this?” Puzzles asked.
“Guess so” 4 replied.
Mario looked at one of them then the other.
“You 2 are not trying to kill each other anymore?”
“We… talked” 4 said “I’m sorry for how I acted, Mario… I really am”
“Mario knows”
“I’m also sorry. Lashing out wasn’t exactly the… best choice I made today”
“You both need therapy”
The 2 laughed.
“We’ll make it work. Somehow” Puzzles reassured Mario, finally putting both of them down.
“And we need to show 1 and 2 what happened to the piece. I don’t know whether they’ll be super excited about it or if they’ll be bummed out they can’t examine it further”
“Probably a bit of both”
“Mario’s…” Mario spoke up, changing the subject “MARIO’S SO HAPPY HIS FAVOURITE PEOPLE ARE GETTING ALONG” he was jumping with joy. It only just fully settled in then.
That was when the others got there.
“You guys are okay??” Meggy was running in the front.
“We were so worried!” Boopkins ran ahead, although he was trying to catch his breath.
“Sure are but” 4 pointed at the piece that changed in Mario’s hands. 
Everyone was shocked, 1 and 2 were in fact so shocked they both fell over. There was a lot to tell and the crew was sure shocked, especially at the fact that 4 and Puzzles talked it out. The piece went back to its rightful place and then they could finally have the few days they’d spend there be chiller. There were still problems but it wasn’t anything the crew couldn’t bear. One could say that they weren’t perfect but they still found integrity.
For now. You know the saying, nothing lasts forever! However for now, things are okay, which was what really mattered.
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
Some tidbits or lore you want to share for this AU?
Alright, wasn't expecting to be asked right now, but I can give some tibits about my AU, which I'm calling Music Dragons and Deities AU (MDD!AU? MDAD!AU? I'll figure it out) (Maybe even Dragons and Deities AU, have it be the DAD!AU…I’ll make a poll for that later)
So as the name implies, the ones that I’ve mentioned, there is a heavy emphasis on multiple gods, goddesses and higher beings; deities being top of the top. Any magical powers, chaos, different timelines–all of that comes from these guys
How the magic and powers are given to the humans on Earth, it varies from deity to deity (using deity as a general term for every gods, goddess, and higher being; higher deities are the top of the top as mentioned before)
Because there are so many deities overseeing this Earth, there are lots of different titles that are up for grabs, but they are mostly focused on concepts. For example, there is a god and a goddess that are known as The God and Goddess of Childhood. They are not to be confused with the Goddess of Childbirth, who is said to oversee the many births of children, and who decides whether one or the other should be gifted a power or not. (She is not the one who chooses if a newborn dies after birth, that’s up to The Higher Being of Misfortune, and The Higher Being of Fortune; they have a very big rivalry in the deity world)
Many of Earth–D’s (my earth in this AU) humans are polytheists, meaning they worship more than one deity. Some are hardcore monotheists, only worshiping one deity only. There are usually some conflicts over this, since most polytheists are not too religious but still pray to some deities for good luck, health and fortune. Most of the humans on Earth-D don’t worship any deities at all, so they wouldn’t consider themselves religious.
Moving on from the source of all magic and chaos, I’ll speak a bit on my version of the Toppats Clan. I’ll do another post on the other factions, as while they do have an important role, they aren’t as prominent as the Toppats
The Toppat Clan have different divisions aside from the Airship Division and Space Division (the one that deals with the rocket): There is also the Underwater Division (searching for treasure in the ocean), City Division (multiple hideouts in populated and rich cities), Underground Division (searching for either priceless gems or powerful artifacts; the first division that Dusty created), Transportation Division (Macbeth is part of this division), Communication Division (Burt is part of this division; this division focuses on creating and maintaining a secret communication network for all Toppats), The Financial Division (focuses on distributing wealth in each division and to every Toppat member; basically makes the paychecks), and lastly, the Supernatural Division (focuses on all things not normal such as ghosts, magic, spirits, etc. This division is in the middle of negotiating a partnership with The CCC; The Witch is part of this division)
There could be more divisions to the Toppat Clan, but they would be smaller and not significant enough to have a recognizable Division Leader. For example, there is The Culinary Division. While important to the clan, this is a necessity to keep the clan going and does not merit one major leader for it. This division would have multiple heads overseeing this division, as every headquarter around the world have their own needs.
Although nine major divisions are listed, the Airship and Space Division are counted as one and headed by Reginald Copperbottom, who is also the leader of the whole Toppat Clan. Overall, there are eight division leaders for the major divisions, and they come to the Airship every month to discuss how they are doing. If they can’t make it in person, then they do a conference call instead.
A Toppat can be part of one division, but can also work in another division if they are needed. An example would be The Witch. Originally hired for the Supernatural Division, she was sent to the Airship Division to oversee the influx of Toppats with powers joining that division.
I have yet to come up with names for all the division leaders, but some people might recall Captain Oasis by name in one of my fics. She is the Division Leader of the Underwater Division, and Shelly’s boss. While Captain Oasis’s Toppats report to her, she reports to Reginald about anything that goes wrong in her division.
And that’s that for now. Like I mentioned earlier, I’ll make a poll at some point to see which AU name I should go for. Dragons are important creatures in my AU, as most of them are part of the Deities, but they have been “dying” out by the time my AU starts. There are very few numbers on Earth-D, so they are in hiding unless they are needed.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I’ll get to them at some point, I swear haha.
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starlooove · 8 days
Making my vs siblings? More likely than u think
#my mv is a nomad and my fv is a streetkid#as of now since I’m playing fv rn I’m gonna go from hee pov#the backstory would change a bit if it was mv yknow the vibes#basically twins separated at birth cliche i know#fv stayed in nc mv went with other parent out of city#parental death and info drop (on the death bed! the parents suck :(#makes fv go out. she tells everyone she’s going to Atlanta bc there’s stigma behind nomads#or Atlanta is the start of the search whatever#actually finds mv relatively quickl#Bc - this is where timeline and events would shift if it was from m vs perspective - the bakkers just broke up!#parent either died or joined snake nation idc. prolly died. maybe died in the process. whatever.#anyways v is radioing out to anybody bc his car broke down and he already pissed of the sheriff. he got enough juice to GET to the tower but#now hes stranded in this white ass town help.#Uhm how does v know this is her brother??? uhm. whatever. maybe she doesn’t and just decides to help who cares. maybe she thinks he can help#maybe he name drops bakkers as a last ditch effort or smth#anyways she goes to help they see eachother and it’s like that Tinkerbell scene#the two years in Atlanta are actually two years fucking around and causing trouble with her twin#but mv longs to be apart of a bigger family again and fv is dropping hints about going home :(#mv gets picked up by the aldecados (yeah! yes!) and fv goes back to nc. they promise to keep in touch.#like genuinely teary ass reunion. I usually have all my vs do suicide endings but they’d prolly both pick nomad life w/ the other in this au#unless….smth….unfortunate. were to happen to their dear sibling :(#Uhm anyways yeah.#also they’re both gay and mv is transmasc whilst fv is nb#the v is. I don’t have names for them yet so I’ll say coincidence but I don’t want it to be. they both have v names but going by v was a#coincidence? OH lmao their parents called them v shorthand they thought it was cute growing up when they met eachother they realized they#prolly didn’t care to remember which twin they had (yeah they’re that type of bad)#Uhm. last thing the way the playthroughs are going they have distinct personalities and merc styles I’ll make false promises to get into#but all that really matters is post heist fv drops off the face of the earth and avoids mv bc she can’t give him a family just to rip it#away like this but for mv the second he wakes up at Vic’s he calls her sobbing and wailing into the phone#when it’s mv he goes ‘why can’t u be nicer :/‘ when it’s fv she punches Johnny back ok that’s all
0 notes
lovegasmic · 23 days
─── . satoru , suguru , sukuna , kento, toji x f!reader
꒰ request : jjk men noticing you during a night out ꒱
꒰ fluff : curseless au ◞ maybe ooc Satoru and Suguru◞ mentions of reader drinking ◞ suggestive and a bit of touching w Toji ꒱ ★ taglist
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࣪ ִֶָ☾.  SATORU
it’s even a little bit funny the way Satoru eyes you up and down, casually sipping on a non alcoholic beverage while fixing his sunglasses, not subtle in the slightest, there is to add, not as if he actually tried.
an elbow straight into Suguru’s waist and the dark haired man groans, “fucker...”
“look at that girl over there” Satoru, again, does nothing to be subtle, motioning towards you standing at the bar with a friend.
“the one you’ve been ogling at while I talk?”
“isn’t she so pretty?”
it’s like talking to a damn wall.
“i’m going to talk to her”
yet Suguru raises a brow as if the sudden approach was not a good idea, “you sure man, she looks kinda busy with her fri—”
and he’s gone, walking with confidence and a smirk to mask the actual nervousness rushing through the white haired’s body.
“hey” is the first thing he says, elbow propped up on the bar next to you, “can I get you a drink?” eyes drop to the glass on your hand, “... another?”
that did not start well, but your smile makes up for the embarrassment, “sure” you say finally, after a second of knowing glances towards your friend, which didn’t go unnoticed by Satoru, so by reflex, the cocky smirk is back.
he orders a drink, asking for your order or perhaps if you’re feeling adventurous, “and while we’re at it... can I have your name?”
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࣪ ִֶָ☾. SUGURU
“the trick is to aim for the head” Suguru casually blurts out. mansplaining? nah, he’s genuinely trying to help after watching you struggle in the claw machine for quite some time now, having come up next to you with soft, light steps that did not break your previous concentration.
the truth is, Suguru was looking at you earlier, something about your determination made him prop his cheek on a hand and look at you, entertained by your groans and complaints whenever the plushie you were trying to get just slipped past the cough, broken claw.
“this game is broken either way” you huff a laugh, turning to stare at the eyes of the stranger man, with a soft gaze and gentle smile, “wanna give it a try?”
“only if you tell me your name first” so that’s how he does it. you thought to yourself, offering a chuckle and your name before he nodded his head, “i’m Suguru”
then he’s gently moving you around, with a hand on your lower back so you’re switching positions, sliding a coin into the slot and getting into position.
it was truly not as if he tried to impress you, he did not, but... maybe... just maybe he did, pulling out all his highschool knowledge learnt from his best friends, and avoiding the part where they all shook the machine when didn’t get a prize.
“is that the one you want?” he really did not need to ask since he already saw you struggle to get it, but still waits for your affirmation before proceeding.
“you really are a magician or something” you chuckle, gripping the plushie Suguru just got for you, “thank you”
“no need to thank me... why don’t you... just give me your phone number?”
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࣪ ִֶָ☾.  SUKUNA
approaching you? pfft no. the... tv screen was more visible from the spot Sukuna currently sat at the sports bar, an important match was happening so the bar was crowded, and oh, coincidentally, he chose a table coincidentally closer to where you sat with other people.
when the night started, Sukuna was focused on the game, until of course, you arrived, and his heart skipped a beat.
“that guy is so into you” one of your friends giggles next to your ear, eyeing at Sukuna while you roll your eyes.
“where did you get that from?” it was obvious the man was not interested, with a lazy position, arms draped over the backrest of the booth and a leg crossed, so uninterested.
“he’s totally into you, I can sense this kind of thing, plus, he stared at you when you went to the bathroom”
that... was true, Sukuna couldn’t help and let his eyes drift from the screen and towards you, checking you out in a way that was apparently not too subtle.
but he was not desperate, he was not the one to approach first, girls fell for him, girls wanted his attention, girls that weren’t as half as pretty as you.
“fuck” he grumbles, annoyed by his own feelings while suddenly and quite unexpectedly standing up to go to the toilet, only for you to land face first into his chest as you were about to leave.
“oh, god, i’m so sorry!" you gasp, noticing the stain of food on his shirt from where your leftovers package smashed into him. and Sukuna should be mad, really, but it was so cute how you rambled apologies and clumsily wiped the stain with napkins.
“i didn’t mean it, i—”
“it was quite expensive”
...huh?, “huh?”
“the shirt” he mutters, the previous stoic expression turning into a devilish smirk, Sukuna was an idiot, watching the color drain from your face, “you better pay it back”
“i... i can tr—”
“do you have somewhere to go after this?”
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࣪ ִֶָ☾.  KENTO
for the blonde, there was no better way than destressing after a long day at work, then getting drinks.
hopefully without his annoying white haired coworker getting on his nerves.
he often does not care about his surroundings, that’s how he is, quietly taking his own drinks without minding everyone, until you arrive.
you look troubled, it’s been a while since you got in and sat at a table in the back, are you sad? lost? did your friends cancel on you? or are you just awfully early to meet someone?
doesn’t matter, but Kento is unable to keep his eyes off you.
he’s being nice, alright? “can I sit with you?” somehow getting up from his seat and coming to you, his smile is kind and points at the now empty table he was previously at, “i came alone, might as well have some company” he says, holding back the need to say ‘pretty company’
“of course” you know he means no harm, sitting quite far in a still polite distance while clearing his throat and engaging in small talk.
without realising the hours pass, between friendly chatter and introductions exchanged, leaving the bar with a promise of a future date.
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࣪ ִֶָ☾.  TOJI
“did you see the hunk standing at the back?” you and your friend giggle, not so subtly stealing glances at Toji, whose casual pose leaning against a wall and hand holding some cheap beer was enough to make most people at the bar swoon.
“you should talk to him” your friend wiggles her brows playfully, “he’s so your type”
“he’s hot, but kinda looks like a criminal...”
“you love that, don’t you?” and ouch, she was right.
and said comment did not go unnoticed by Toji, who was far but not too much as not to hear your giggling, truth is he was eyeing you for a while, eyes on how your outfit showed your body, and how he wished to come a bit closer and smell what perfume you used.
Toji has never been a man to mince his words, gulping down the rest of his beer and walking to you with a smirk and a brief flirty lick of his teeth as soon as your friend rushed to give you some privacy while still remaining within an earshot.
“have some business with me, doll?” and oh, that should not have been so hot, making you squirm and face heat from being caught.
“i um, no ...?”
“you and your friend have been looking at me for a while” she’s quick to flee after hearing that, not waiting to see how Toji’s hand casually rests on your waist, subtly and almost unnoticeable tugging you closer.
“i’d offer to get you a drink but I think you had enough” liar, he just didn’t have money, “so why don’t we get some fresh air instead?” and you fall for it, squirming and nodding at the promise of what would happen later, or perhaps, at the alley next to the bar.
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celestie0 · 12 days
gojo satoru x reader | oneshot angst [18+]
title. let me be free of you
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He would live in this lifetime of hell over and over again if it meant that in some other one, there exists a world where he never hurts you.
ᰔ pairing. friends to strangers au - best friend!gojo x reader (f)
ᰔ summary. gojo satoru, your love of a lifetime, tells you he’s engaged to another woman. inspired by the novel & netflix series “one day” created by david nicholls
ᰔ warnings/tags. 18+, fem!reader, angst, mentions of sex/explicit content, coming of age themes, reader & gojo are in their 30s, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of alcohol, cheating, lots of mutual pining & longing, bittersweet ending
ᰔ word count. 4.8k
a/n. hellooo! i've had this finished in my wips folder for a long time but never got around to posting it sooo just wanted to let it see the light of day haha. hope you enjoyyy <33
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“I’m engaged.”
The words leave Gojo’s lips as much less of a confession and more like a blabber, like a toddler desperate to keep conversation going in the face of a disinterested adult. Wasn’t how he expected to share the news of a lifetime to the love of his lifetime, but he hopes it breaks your heart to hear it. 
He watches your eyebrows flatten from the crease that was bothering them before, and then slowly raise into soft arches above your eyes–those damn beautiful eyes that, even when they twinkle with hurt, still make his heart skip a beat in his chest.
He recalls for a moment the night the two of you met, drunk and dizzy from drinking out of a shared bottle of Prosecco, which only had half of the liquor left in it to start when he had first found it bleeding out to dry on the grassy lawn at the front of your university. It was graduation night, the last day to celebrate finishing four years of hell, and he had nothing to his name other than a rolled up diploma shoved in the pocket of his suit pants and the charm left in the youth of his smile. He wanted to spend the night with Aiko Rei, which was not a unique desire as most men on campus did, and he had a fair shot of getting into bed with her just like all those times before. But instead he was sitting at the top of a staircase inside the campus’s English literature building, making history in the crisp year of 1986 by being the first man of the robust age of twenty-three to pass up sex with the school’s lady heartthrob for–well, conversation with a sort of ditsy girl that he just met a half hour ago.
“What do you plan to do with your life?” he heard you ask him, a hard enough question to stomach when one is sober, and an impossible question to stomach when one is already trying not to puke flat Prosecco.
“Pardon?” he asked, in hopes to dissuade you from the question. In hopes that you’d get the hint. But you don’t. And he’d soon learn throughout the years of your friendship to come that you never did.
“Your life!” you exclaim, “we’re graduates now! What do you want to do with it?” You pat harshly at his thigh, closer to his groin than to his pocket, most likely because you’re tipsy too, but he realizes you’re referring to the rolled up paper protruding at the pocket. 
Truthfully, Gojo had never thought much about what he wanted to do after graduation. Hell, he didn’t even think he’d make it this far. Not once since he got here, not once since he flunked out of first-year history, not once since his father passed away during his third-year final examinations, and most certainly not after he got caught having “unethical affairs” with his communications professor just two months ago. And yet the esteemed board of scholars decided he was fit for a diploma anyway, and now he’s answering to, effectively, a stranger what he plans to do with said piece of paper.
“I don’t know,” he says to you, “I’ll do whatever.” 
Gojo Satoru could get by with doing whatever. He was good at everything he did. But his teachers and mentors and his own father would always warn him– son, it’s better to be an expert at one than a half-assed show-off in all. Well, they wouldn’t use the expletives, but that’s what it had sounded like in his head.
His dad would’ve liked you. He was always telling him to find a girl that challenges him, asks him the right questions, and pushes him to become a better man, the kind of woman his mother was to his father. Much opposed to the airheaded girls of Gojo’s college campus he would sneak into the house and forget to shoo off before sunrise, an occurrence that happened enough times for the respect in his father’s eyes to dwindle with each woman he’d watch his son dispel from their residence. Until eventually, Gojo started paying rent as punishment.
So, twenty-three year old Gojo, what do you plan to do with your life? Or do you have no idea of anything that extends beyond where you are right now, sitting across this strange girl you’ve just met on the death of your educational youth, at the top of a stairwell lined with passed out, drunk newly grads at nearly 4 in the morning? Right now, he’s eyeing the hem of your dress, the way it’s ridden up slightly but the mesh overskirt still tickles the skin of your thigh. He’s certainly able to picture what’s beyond that fabric, and maybe imagine the color of your panties, but what’s to come for his life? No. As previously mentioned, he never thought he’d get this far.
Gojo is thirty-four now, eleven years since that night the two of you met. And he sits next to you on a garden bench under a pitch black sky with stars speckled across, but only dimly visible. 
It’s been years since he’s seen you. You two had a “falling out” at the cusp of thirty, almost a decade of friendship fizzled away, because of his selfish actions. He couldn’t let you go, but he couldn’t want you the way you wanted him either. He didn’t feel like he deserved to have you. You were too good for him, and he knew it. So he wasted a decade chasing after other women, and in return, he lost the one he knew he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with.
It’s the night of your college roommate‘s wedding, all gathered here today to celebrate their love, and he knew he’d run into you here. You were the bride’s maiden of honor, and you looked beautiful. With your hair half tied up, a pretty clip twinkling with every movement of your head, and with strands falling down over the smooth curve of your neck, bare skin of your chest tightly covered by the nude fabric of your dress. He was fully lusting after you, and he has been all night, the picture of beauty and grace, and it was wrong. Because, again, he’s–
“You’re engaged?” you finally break through his thoughts, break through the trance that he was lost in by the sea of your eyes. Forever pulling him in like you were a wicked siren for his soul, when all you’ve ever wanted from him was his love.
He shifts a little, the thick fabric of his navy blue suit stretching with the movement as he fidgets with his hands in his lap. He’s sitting close to you, his shoulder brushing against yours, the contrast of his broad masculinity so evident against the feminine curve of your bare arm, the thin strap holding up your dress threatening to fall down the hill. His thumb twitches, because he wants to pull it back up into place for you like a gentleman, but he’s not sure if that’s what his hand would actually do. Because all he really wants to do is peel the dress off of you. 
“Yes,” he says, still tantalized by the glow of your skin under pale moonlight, “engaged.”
“To be married?”
“Well, what other kind of engaged is there?”
“You’re not allowed to get married.”
He snorts. “Says who?”
“Says me!” you exclaim, sitting up straighter, "I turn my back for one moment, and you've gone an got engaged? You're awful!" The strap of your dress falls down over your shoulder, his eyes immediately darting to it. He sees you pull the strap up back into place, and a flit of his eyes to your face reveals to him the slight dusting of an embarrassed pink to your cheeks. 
There’s a silence that settles between the two of you. Distant commotion is heard, likely from the wedding venue as people engage in reception activities and dances and cheers, while the two of you remain in this garden escape, the wall of primly trimmed bushes sheltering you two from having to pretend to be people you’re not amongst a crowd.
“Aiko…” he hears you say beside him, and although the name of the woman that has rolled off your tongue is the name of the woman he’s supposed to love, it only makes him feel sick to his stomach to hear you say her name. “She seems lovely.”
“She is,” is all he can manage to say. And he also knows this seemingly lovely woman is probably drunk off her face back at the reception hall, giggling at all the men that approach her from the sight of her flushed face, and he should feel some sort of jealousy or possessiveness over that, but he can’t seem to muster any. Unlike the grit he had to his jaw an hour ago when he saw you dancing with a man he heard you introduce to your friends as just an “old friend” of yours from college. He felt more anger in that moment than he’d ever felt watching his soon-to-be-wife getting talked up to by the sleazy men twice her age. 
“She must be very rich,” you say. “She looks it.”
“Oh. Yeah. Her family’s very well off,” Gojo says.
“So will you become rich too?” you ask him, “when you marry her.”
His eyes flit to the sky briefly. “Doubt it.”
“How come?”
“The old man doesn’t like me very much. I imagine he’ll cut ties after the wedding.”
“Her father?”
“And why is that?”
“Well. I guess it’s not every father’s dream to find out his prim and proper daughter’s been knocked up by the good-for-nothing boyfriend he’s been threatening her to say good riddance to for months now.”
The silence finds the two of you again, but this time haunting and gutting. That was a blabber, if anything. So nonchalantly said, with no emotion or spirit, to the one person in this world who he’s always felt like he can be himself around.
“She’s pregnant?” you say beside him, voice breaking slightly at the end, and he can’t bear to look at you for some reason. Some sort of admission of guilt, but what for? What exactly was he repenting for?
He lets out a small laugh, like the absurdity of the situation finds him all the same. “Yeah.” 
“That–” you start, stiff next to him, before he feels the tension relax but only rigidly, “that’s wonderful, Satoru. I’m–...I’m really happy for you.” You turn your torso to wrap your arms around him, and his lips brush the sweet skin on your forehead as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He wraps one arm around you, a sort of friendly hug as he rubs the skin of your arm soothingly, and his heart aches from the emptiness when you release him. 
“Wow…” you say, looking up at him with pretty eyes, eyelashes fluttering as you blink rapidly to process the information, and he wonders if you really are happy for him. He doesn’t want you to be. He wants you to be furious, to tell him off for getting another woman pregnant after leading you on for so many years, maybe he wants you to slap him, or grab him by the collar of his shirt and shake him until all he sees is a million of you through dizzy vision like some paradise. He wants you to be mad, because it’d mean that you still care. It’d mean that you still think there’s something here to salvage between the two of you. 
But he’s engaged. And he’s having a baby. What was more final than that?
“So…are you marrying her because of–”
“The wedding is in four weeks,” he cuts you off, but he knows the statement answers your question regardless.
He leans off to the side a little to reach into the pocket of his suit pants, and he pulls out what is now a slightly bent envelope and he hands it to you. You take it from him gently, holding it weakly like it was something beyond you. Like something distant and foreign and strange. When all it was, is a wedding invitation. 
“Listen…” he starts.
He sees your eyes dazed as you stare at the lettering on the outside of the envelope.
“We’ve been friends for a long time, y/n. And I know the last time we saw each other was–” Hostile. Angry. Disappointing. Ended with you cussing him out on the street and then saying you never want to see him again. “...not ideal, but I still care a lot about you, and, uh, so, it would mean a lot to me if you came to the wedding.” For fucks sake, even on the brink of losing you forever, he still can’t find the right words to say. “Aiko, she–” He tastes bitter in his mouth, “well, I’ve told her a lot about you, and she’d really love it if you came as well.”
You’re silent as you gently peel back the opening of the letter and then pull out the small card stock invitation. The gold printed letters shine as you inspect it, fingers tracing the patterns of words that profess the Rei family’s intent to wed their daughter to Gojo Satoru. Your Gojo Satoru. Your best friend in this whole wide world. He watches your eyes carefully, but he can’t discern what he finds in them.
“Gojo Satoru…” you drone off, “to be wed. And to be a father.” Years of late night talks of the future, of kids and Christmas and love, with reality seemingly sly on the horizon only to have crept up so abruptly. It was pinched between your fingers right now. That reality.
His shoulders sulk slightly. And when you look up at him again, there’s a sheen of tears in your eyes.
“I can’t come to this,” you whisper, “and you know that, Satoru.”
His heart breaks. A physical pain that twists in his chest so tight at just the sight of seeing you sad. Sad again over the actions of his own. They say you always hurt the one you love, and he had always wondered what sort of evil person would do such a thing, only to find out he’s only ever hurt you this entire time. 
He should’ve kissed you that night the two of you met at graduation. Should’ve shut you up and all your existential questions by pinning you to a wall and pressing his lips against yours. He should’ve taken you to bed and fucked you, and then held you in his arms until you woke up in the morning. Should’ve listened to you talk his ear off about how he’s just like all the other guys, who pretend to care, but only want to have sex and then never to speak to the girl ever again. And he should’ve laid there in bed, nose nuzzled in your hair, taking all the scolding despite having no intent to ever leave you.
Instead, he wasted so much time. Sure, he had your friendship. His best friend for years, but the two of you could’ve been something more. Could’ve spent the years together, instead of writing stained letters or leaving messages on answering machines while the two of you were miles away. He could’ve been waking up with you every morning with the scent of your shampoo on his sheets, instead of clinging to pillows in foreign motel rooms. He could’ve been engaged to you, and he could be whispering sweet nothings in your ear of how much he wishes the baby will have your eyes. 
But his thoughts are lost in fantasy. He is what he’s done, nothing more and nothing less. His eyes fall to your lap, the invitation still held loosely in your hand, and then a droplet of water falls onto it.
“I–” you stutter, wiping at the tears spilling down your cheeks with a hesitant swipe of your hand, “I need to go.”
You stand up off the bench and he quickly stands up with you, grabbing your wrist to keep you here with him, and you halt but only with you facing away from him. He yanks at your wrist harshly, pulling you into him so his chest is flush to your back, his arms wrapping strongly around you and his nose nuzzling into your hair, breathing you in greedily like it’s the last time he’ll ever get the chance.
“Satoru–” you gasp, your hands immediately grabbing at his forearms that are tightly crossed across your collarbone. “What are you doing–” 
“Say it,” he whispers, gruff and impatient, “tell me to do it, and I will.”
“T-Tell you to do what?” you stutter, struggling a little in his hold but he only holds you tighter.
“Tell me to leave her, and I will,” he says, his lips brushing at your ear now, the scent of your perfume maddening to his senses, and one of his hands slowly trails down and the knuckle of his thumb presses into the softness of your breast.
You squirm, a small and soft moan leaving your lips.
“T–” you breathe in harshly, “this is wrong.” 
“I don’t care,” he growls, arms sliding lower to hold you under your breasts, so tightly that your heels lift off the ground. “Just say the word, and I’ll leave everything behind for you. I promise,” he breathes in deep, the desperation making his head hazy, “that I’ll do things right this time. Just you and me–” 
“You’re going to be a father,” you remind him, and he shuts his eyes closed tightly, the responsibility of the word bearing on his shoulders but his desire for you overshadows every shred of sense or dignity or integrity he has left in him, because he felt like he was losing his mind after wanting you for years just to never have you. 
He turns you around in his hold so that you face him, and he crashes his lips to yours, muffling the surprised mmf! that dies in your throat in surprise as his hands hold your waist, relishing in the feeling of satin fabric pulled taut over your curves.
Forbidden, yet a taste that he’ll risk because there was no curse that was worse than the fate of having to pine after you for years.
But it was all fantasy, this moment in his head, where he takes you on the freshly cut grass of this garden. 
Something that only briefly flashes through his mind as his warm hand wraps around your wrist, from where he was still seated on the stone bench, and not on his feet holding you like he dreamed for. Like he longed for.
He feels the weight of his arm so heavily, as if it weren’t his own, and he slowly lets go of your wrist.
When he looks up at you, there’s longing in your eyes. A hurt that he didn’t even know he was capable of causing, just for him to realize that you’ve always looked at him that way, and he’s never been keen enough to know it until now. He grew up too late. He took too long.
His phone starts buzzing in his pocket, and he reaches in for it, then flips it open and sees his soon-to-be-wife’s name on it. He feels nothing at the sight.
“Hello?” he speaks into the device when he holds it to his ear, and he sees you take a couple steps away, rubbing anxiously at your elbow as you pretend to busy yourself with the study of the lamp. “Yes, I’ll be there soon. I, uh, I’m just with a friend. A couple of friends, actually. We’re having drinks by the pond. Mhm. Yes. I will. Okay, see you soon. I—…I love you too. Bye.” And then he snaps the phone shut. 
“Heading back?” he hears you ask.
He stands. “I’ve got to.”
You two walk down the shrubbery of the garden that was arranged like a maze, him a few paces behind you, and he watches the delicate line of your posture as your hand brushes against the green walls of foliage that encase the two of you, the feeling of wanting to touch you and hold you almost suffocating. 
“Hey,” he calls out to you, and he shoves his hands in his suit pockets. You turn around immediately to face him, like his voice was permission to do so.
“Yes?” you ask.
He blinks up at the starry sky, and then looks at you again. The soft cast of distant warm lighting falls over your face, making you appear like a renaissance painting, similar to those that you would point out to him at museums when you two would see each other on holiday back in your early twenties. He could never understand the charm of those paintings, no matter how many times you tried to explain it to him, but seeing you in this light right now, he finally understands the beauty that you saw. 
“I’m, uh,” he rubs at the back of his neck, and then scoffs out a small laugh, “I’m a little drunk right now, but–” He stops himself. What was he trying to say? And was it of conscious mind? “I just need to tell you that…I really regret…not speaking to you. I mean, for letting the silence drag on for years. You’re my–...my best friend. We’re a pair, you know? The two of us. For years, people would ask me where you were. And why they haven’t seen us together at all recently. And it was hard to admit that we hadn’t spoken in years.”
You take the smallest of steps towards him, and look up at him with empty eyes. 
“What I’m trying to say is, is that, well,” he finds himself tripping over his words, “I miss you. And I miss our friendship. And–...I miss having you around.” He glances down at his shoes, polished and reflecting off the moonlight directly above him. He rocks back and forth on his heels ever so slightly. “I know you said that I piss you off to lengths unimaginable to my tiny pea-sized brain, but I can’t help myself, y/n,” he admits, “I think you and I, we’re just meant to always be. In some how, or some way…”
You purse your lips together, gaze shifting lower to eye at the silk of his tie. 
“Can we be friends again?” he asks, the words feeling juvenile on his tongue. Like whispered apologies between children on a playground after shoving one another onto wooden chips, except the wounds he’s left on you run much deeper than a superficial scrape. 
You blink slowly, tilting your head up at him. “Friends?”
You wipe your palm off on the satin of your dress. “I missed you too, you know.”
His eyes widened slightly.
Your hand finds its way up your arm, until you weakly cup your elbow with your palm and look off to the side, avoiding eye contact with him. “There were so many years where I thought that there was something between us. And maybe I was foolish for thinking that way, that you would ever see me that way–”
“y/n,” he tries to interrupt you. 
“But…the pain of not having you the way I wanted to was much less worse than the pain of not having you at all,” you say, your gaze finally shifting towards him. “But, the thing is, I needed to feel that pain to get over you. I had to.”
His heart stills at those words.
You glance down at the ground now. “I missed being able to tell you things. To laugh, and cry, and argue. I miss humbling your stupid ego. I miss being able to call you at any time, knowing you’d pick up when I needed you.”
His heart aches so much he wants to reach into his chest and hold it.
“The thing is,” you continue, “you would’ve been the first person I would’ve run to to tell them that I lost my best friend.” There were tears shining in your eyes. “But what could I do when you were the one that I had lost? Who could I have turned to then?”
He lets out a shaky breath, and in a swift motion, his arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you to him in an embrace.
You’re stiff in his hold, mechanical and rigid, so contrary to the soft tears you leave behind on the fabric of his sleeve, but slowly and surely, you warm and thaw. Your hands slide up past his shoulders, linking behind his neck. And his head drops to the curve of your neck, swaying you with him slowly as if it were a first dance.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, “for hurting you.”
You breathe out slowly. “Just let me go, Satoru. Let me be free. Let me be free of you.”
He feels the air knock out of his lungs, and the two of you slowly pull your heads away from the embrace to look at one another, although your hands still find a place on his shoulders, and he still holds you close to him by a delicate hold of your waist. 
He wonders if in another life, you two were happy. He wonders if he could ever take back all the decisions he made, and start all over again. On that day the two of you met on that staircase in the west wing of the literature building, he would make a different choice. If he could, he would live in this lifetime of hell over and over again if it meant that in some other one, there exists a world where he never hurts you. 
“It’s time for me to go,” you whisper, eyes darting across the features of his face, studying them but with a familiarity that only you know, because you held his entire life in your palm. Your gaze meets his again, faces just inches apart, and the sweet curl of your eyelashes makes him weak in the knees. “It’s time.”
He nods slowly, his own eyes studying your face as well, except it looks foreign to him now. 
It’s all been said and done. There was nothing he could do to right the wrongs, or undo all the pain. He was to be a father now, and his duties were now towards his wife and unborn child. And no longer to the woman he holds in his arms, one he’s sure he will never stop loving for as long as he lives. 
It’s a sweet moment, the two of you gazing at one another. You look so pretty from this angle, looking up at him with the smallest tilt to your head and round searching eyes. His head subconsciously dips down towards yours in the second that he glances at your lips, but he stops himself. And when you make no move to create distance, he finds himself closing it again, until his lips brush against yours ever so softly. And then he captures them in a kiss, firm and unmistaken, finding solace in the way your lips move against his too, unsure yet passionately at the same time. Your fingers ever so slightly dig into his shoulders while his thumbs soothe at the skin of your waist, the two of you savoring the last moments of a kiss that’ll be the sweetest one you’ll ever know.
You pull away first, a small puff of air leaving your lips as you glance downwards. He rests his forehead against yours, never once looking away from your face. And you both breathe slowly, the soul of the chaste kiss entirely vanishing into the air along with all the hope that the two of you had left to make anything of the way you feel about one another. It was a kiss that almost disqualified any level of sin or guilt or wrong, because it was like one you two owed each other, after years of familiarity and longing. It was the goodbye that the two of you deserved.
His hands slowly let go of your waist, and he takes a step back away from you, softly clearing his throat. The distance feels like a galaxy away, and he briefly runs his thumb along his bottom lip, because the ghostly feeling of your lips on his still remains. 
“Shall we head back?” you ask him, prim and proper in posture and eyes widened in a formal gaze.
His lips are parted, and he finds that he’s panting slightly. And then he slowly nods his head. “Yes.”
[the end] 
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a/n. i am sooooo freaking obsessed w "one day" by david nicholls and really wanted to write something inspired by it!! the book literally ripped my heart out and stomped on it like there were so many scenes where i just longingly stared out the window because of how shattering it was but dear god i really enjoyed it, and the show was also so dfkjhsfkhs i had sm feels watching it. so yea this was fun to write!! i hope you enjoyedd n thanks so much for reading :)
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oddinary4bts · 8 months
To Give a Helping Hand | jjk
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☆summary: when Jungkook comes home from the gym, he goes feral thinking about you.
☆pairing: idol!Jungkook x female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI)
☆genre: smut, idol!au
☆warnings: unedited, curses, explicit content: masturbation. that's it, that's the whole thing. Cumshot on his hand tattoos. Jungkook is hella horny for reader and jerks off thinking about her - fantasies of oral sex (male and female receiving), of unprotected sex, of rough sex, of hickeys and marking (scratches on the back), of shower sex, of spanking, of choking, of creampies, of clit play, of fingering and squirting. Multiple orgasms, lowkey pain kink and praise kink (let me know if I forgot something)
☆word count: 1.8k (I think it's the shortest thing I've ever written on here lmao)
☆a/n: pure unedited sins bc mr jeon jungkook makes me horny despite being in the army. hope this doesn't disappoint lmaooo thank you to @wintaerbaer for her help with the banner (it would have been a horrible mess without your guidance) and for encouraging me to write this!! love you Ari <3333
You’re driving him insane.
You. Are. Driving. Him. Insane.
Every time Jungkook sees you at the gym, he goes insane. Completely, utterly, insane. He thinks there has to be a better word in the dictionary to describe what you do to him but, alas, he can’t find it.
So insane it is, and he tries to live up to the name.
He’s been home for five minutes, and he’s already in his bed, dick so hard he thinks it’ll explode. Because of course you had to be doing squats today, in those way too tight biker shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. Your thick ass, stretching the fabric so much he thinks he spied a thong underneath…
Jungkook grunts, hiding his eyes behind his arm, trying to erase the picture from his mind. But he can’t. You’re everywhere – behind his closed eyelids, or a ghost in his room when he opens his eyes again.
It’s been that way since the very first day he saw you at the gym. Jungkook caught sight of you and immediately had a boner, which hadn’t happened to him since he was a teenager. He’s a grown man, for fuck’s sake, yet the sight of you turns him on far more than anything ever has.
You’re just… perfect. Too hot, your body perfectly sculpted by the hours you spend at the gym every week. Jungkook dreams of dragging his hands, his tongue, on every inch of your body. Of caressing your hard-earned muscles, of gripping the meat of your ass…
Of grinding into you and hearing the little breathy moans he’s sure that you make in the thralls of passion.
If he’s honest, he would have fucked you that first time. Would have approached you and charmed you, seduced you until he’d have you writhing under his body. But one look – one damn look – at your keychain, and he knew you were off limits.
The bright pink Kooky plushie hanging from the keychain was a firm reminder that he cannot approach you, ever. Indeed, he doesn’t mix pleasure with work, which is starting to prove increasingly hard as he gets more famous, and as his fans grow way too numerous.
As his fans, as you pretend that you don’t recognize him when you go to the gym, even though he catches you looking at him all the time. Yet he can’t approach you, won’t approach you, ever. But nothing stops him from exploring his dirty little fantasies, whenever he wraps his hand around his cock…
Jungkook grunts, and he decides to take manners into his own hands, literally. He wishes it’d be your hand, gripping his cock once he’s pushed his shorts and underwear down. Wishes you’d hold him tight as you’d jerk him off slowly, eyes never leaving his.
He imagines you taking him in your mouth. Your plump lips, wrapping around the tip of his cock, sucking once as he’d fist your hair, restraining himself from thrusting in your mouth. Or maybe you’d give him the go to fuck your mouth, to unleash himself on you…
Jungkook moans, and he jerks himself off, slowly. Eyes closed as he imagines everything he wants you to do to him, everything he wants to do to you. His hand is not nearly enough to pleasure him, not when he’s been craving you the way that he has…
But it’ll make do.
Spitting in his other hand, Jungkook holds his dick up to rub the natural lube on the head of his cock. He winces – he’s already so damn sensitive… Probably because he’s sported a semi since he saw you at the gym.
Who gave you the right to go to the gym in those shorts, with only a sports bra to pair with them? You looked devilish, downright sinful, and you’ve dragged him to hell.
Once his dick is lubed up, glistening in the dim light from the hallway because he sure as hell didn’t have time to turn the lights on in his room, Jungkook strokes himself, slowly. Tattooed fingers firmly wrapped around his cock, just the way he likes it – right under the tip, hard enough to hurt just a little bit.
Hard enough to make him wish he was fucking your tight pussy instead. He imagines the drag of your walls on his dick, on his veins and on the ridge of his tip. He imagines your breasts bouncing up and down as you’d ride him, and then your face, contorted in pleasure, as he’d jackhammer into you.
He’s had noise complaints from his neighbours once, because of the loud singing he does once in a while, when he goes live for his fans. Right now, he wishes he’d get a noise complaint because they’d hear him fucking you good, fucking you until you’d crumble into ecstasy.
He picks up the pace on his dick, free hand grabbing at the white sheet of his bed. Would you be the type to moan unabashedly loud? To say his name when you come, when your walls flutter on his dick?
The thought makes his dick twitch in his hand, and Jungkook grunts again, curses underneath his breath. He doesn’t even know your name, but he sure as hell knows he’d come with your name a litany on his lips, a sinful melody he’d sing just for you to hear.
Would you drag your nails on his back, marking him so that the world knows you’re his? Would you suck on his neck, leave hickeys behind that he’d have to hide under foundation? Would you beg for him, or would you be a brat?
He wants you to be a brat. He wants to have to put you back into your place, to spank your ass and choke you until all you know is his name. He’d be feral with you – he’s feral just thinking about you. And maybe one day he’ll betray his number one rule, maybe one day he’ll fuck you into the night, hear you cry with pleasure as he’d pump his load inside of you…
His imagination is running wild, and his pace on his dick is relentless, unforgiving. His bicep burns already, even though he’s barely started. Or maybe he’s just too lost in his fantasies, losing track of time. But he doesn’t care – he’d lose track of time fucking you, too.
“Fuck,” he moans, eyes closed tightly, eyebrows bunched together as if in pain. But he’s not hurting – he feels way too good, the pleasure running through his blood a symphony every cell inside of him is addicted to.
You’re just too beautiful to him. He’d fucking crawl on his knees for you, or maybe he’d make you crawl. He’d force you to crawl, to beg for him, to…
Jungkook grunts loudly, his orgasm hitting so hard it feels like a trainwreck. He doesn’t slow down his pace on his dick right away, letting his cum spurt out and drip on his fingers, on the back of his hand. He doesn’t even care if he makes a mess – he’s lost to his pleasure, and he doesn’t want to come back to sanity. He wants to stay insane, and so he drags his orgasm out, milks it out of himself.
And he comes a lot, painting his whole fucking hand white. He’d think it to be disgusting, but when he looks down at his hand, fuzzy from his blissed-out pupils, he sees that he’s covered his tattoos with cum. His army tattoo – the closest he’ll get to come on you. He curses at the sight, hates that it’s turning him on again and that his dick twitches, begging for more. But all he does is watch the cum – it covers the three first letters, but it’s slowly dripping towards the y, and soon the whole tattoo will be covered, like he fucking wishes your pussy would be covered with his cum, dripping with it. He’d finger you with it.
Fucking hell.
Jungkook gives in to the unrelenting desire once he’s in the shower, trying to clean himself. A single thought of your thick ass and the stretched fabric of your biker shorts sends him back to square one, and he jerks himself off again, fast and hard, his free hand leaning on the wall. He’s quick to shift and put his forearm against the wall instead, hiding his face in his arm. And then he imagines fucking you in this shower, taking you from behind as your ass cheeks shake from his ministrations. He imagines you trying to find purchase on the wall, your hands slipping until he pulls you back into his chest. He’d hold you tight, wrap a hand around your neck, and he’d find your clit with his other hand.
He’d make you come so fucking hard. All night long. He doesn’t think he’d let you even fucking walk out of his apartment. He’d fuck you seven days a week, wouldn’t even leave his bed.
This time, his release hits differently, not as strong. It still fills his blood with ecstasy, and his head swims as he watches his cum go down the drain. His hand, his tattoos, are mostly clean this time around, and he imagines them covered in your cum instead. In your sleek juices as he’d finger you, making you squirt everywhere…
He curses loudly, turning the shower to cold, immediately wincing as the water hits his back. But it’s the only way he thinks he’ll manage to chase his arousal away. Hell, he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his fucking evening masturbating. Though it’d be worth it, and he’s fully aware that he’d be able to. He’d just need to think of you, and he’d be ready to go again.
But when he steps out of the shower, he decides otherwise. He decides to go live – are you watching him, from wherever it is that you live in this city? Do you know that you make him insane, so, so insane that he just came twice to the thought of you?
He smirks, watching the comments coming in even though he hasn’t said anything yet. They fly too fast for him to be able to read anything, but he knows.
He knows that you’re there, on the other side of the screen, watching him as he watches you. Where else would you be?
And he knows damn well that next time he’ll see you, he’ll talk to you. Fuck the rules, fuck the fact that you’re his fan. He needs to fuck you, to know what your pussy taste like and how you sound when you come.
So next time he sees you, instead of jerking himself off alone, Jungkook knows he’ll ask you to give a helping hand.
Welcome to the land of sinning lmao hope you enjoyed this short ride! Let me know what you thought - it always motivates me to write more stuff like this ;)
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
i love your hybrid au sm! the way you characterise each animal to suit not only it’s species, but the characters itself is so creative and nothing short of genius! so it got me thinking, how would you imagine the bnha characters as mythical creatures and monsters ??? ( eg. vampires, wendigos, harpies, werewolves ) etc.
Katsuki, Tomura, Hawks, Deku, Shoto, Dabi
TW: implied noncon, yandere, the supernatural?
gn reader
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Shigaraki Tomura Ghost
You’ve moved into his old room, and though you furnish it a bit differently than he did when he was still alive, you’ve placed the bed in the exact same spot. It’s been all dust and dead moths up until now, it almost feels like he’s alive again as he sleeps next to your warm body.
It’s only small things in the beginning. Underwear that goes missing, unexplainable handprints on the foggy shower doors, your duvet on the floor even though you’ve never been one to kick it off in your sleep.
You’ve never been one to believe in the paranormal either, but something convinces you to search up the history of the house. You find out a boy had murdered his entire family here—parents, grandparents, his sister—and that the boy himself was never found.
Obviously, you shut your laptop with a bang and try and will it away from your mind. It happened years and years ago—whoever that boy was, he was long since dead. But the more it starts sinking in that you’re not alone, the more your belief feeds him—makes him feel real again, as though you’re slowly bringing him back to life.
Sometimes, you spot him in the mirror of your vanity, but when you twist around, there’s no one there. But you feel him—the gust of cold breath giving you goosebumps, the weight of hands and a chest pressing against yours at night, and the brush of coarse fingertips touching you in places—places that have you moaning his dead name.
Bakugou Katsuki Demonic spirit
He enjoys large houses—preferably something with a bit of history. But every now and again, some moronic humans decide it’s time to wreck the old and build something new—which means he’s often on the move.
He doesn’t mind living alone in his new house until you move in. He’s a little mad at you at first—he thinks you’re one of those wreckers, what with your renovations and whatnot—but then he understands that you’re preserving, not destroying. Apparently, the Gothic manor is your ancestral home built by one of your great-grandparents seven generations back in the 18th century—seems you were the only descendant who felt it was worthwhile to keep. 
He wouldn’t normally stay when someone else moved in—he’d often use his demonic means and scare them on their way. But with you, he settles for dwelling in the shadows, in the many dark rooms you haven’t found a use for yet. But when night comes, and you turn off the lights and go to bed, he can't help but end up in your room—watching you sleep, oh-so-peacefully and blissfully unaware of his presence. But he won’t do anything to you even though he could, even though you make it so easy—he’s grateful to you, his little housemate.
Your bedroom becomes awfully hot at night—you can’t explain it. Nor can you explain why the wind howling through the house sounds more like the groaning breaths of a beast. All you know is that your bed feels heavier than it should if you were the only one in it—and that you don’t dare twist around to see what it is sleeping next to you because whatever it might be, you don’t think it’s human.
You know it isn’t human. It’s too big to be, and its hands are too warm and too rough—and its claws too sharp where they rake into your skin and tuck you close to a chest that feels as though engulfs you. You don’t think it has a heart, only a stomach—and it sounds hungry.
You read up on sleep paralysis demons, and it brings you peace of mind, but only until night comes and you go to bed in wait. It’s the first time he talks to you. His laugh is like rusted clockwork, and his voice is like raked coals—hot and scratchy against your ear as he tells you how your human ways of rationalizing the things you don’t understand are cute and amusing.
Keigo Takami - Hawks Guardian Angel
Being a guardian angel has always been a fun hobby of his ever since the creation—he’s found it to be a nice break from all the other angelic duties he has bearing down his wings. Of course, it’s always sad when your human dies, but luckily, there’s always another one not far behind to steal your halo all over again.
You’re his most recent. He watches over you any minute he can spare, chuckling over all your silly human antics. And though he’s had plenty of humans before you in the long history of man and God, he can’t help but confess you’re his favorite so far. You’re just so cute with your big, adorable eyes and pretty smile.
He begins taking greater pride in his responsibility of being your guardian. He used to see it as but a menial little task he could take to when feeling up for a laugh, but something about you makes him want to watch over you every single second of every day.
And so he does—he has the feathers to spare, especially for something so important. But soon, simply watching over you doesn’t feel like enough anymore.
He knows it’s wrong—so very wrong—so much so he’s afraid he’ll be cast out if anyone were to find out. It’s not right for angels to feel amorous for humans—most would call it deviant and demonic. But he can’t help himself—watching you in your vulnerable state while you undress, bathe, and sleep.
Still, it doesn’t feel like enough.
Maybe he’ll come to visit you one of these days.
Midoriya Izuku - Deku Hybrid between fae and troll
He protects the forest and nurses all sick and wounded animals back to health, writing down the condition of trees and brushes in his notebook as he wanders for hours until he falls asleep in a moss bed beneath the stars. And though he knows his responsibility is purely to the forest, he can’t help but feel inclined to keep an eye on the little human who lives just beyond it. You’re just so cute with the way you walk the forest and sing songs you think no one hears—wearing your human clothing and living in your human abode behind walls and a door. He just finds it absolutely fascinating. 
Sometimes, you feel like there’s something following you when you walk about the forest next to your house. You’ll turn around to see a cluster of rocks and greenery you could have sworn weren’t there when you walked by—you look away before allowing yourself to think the pile looks an awfully lot similar to a larger human’s huddled form. But sometimes you hear it—the sound of stone scraping methodically, as though walking. You don’t humor the thought until you start finding his footprints outside your house, on the path to the forest—feet thrice the size of your own and sunken as though made by something very heavy.
Your legs go out from beneath you once you first see him—not like those times you’d turned around only for him to pretend to be part of the earth—this time, he’s pretending to be more like you, and it only makes it all that much worse. He’s bigger than a bear, grey-skinned with flecks that remind you of freckles and hair like fresh moss sprouts. His eyes are as green as the fox-fire fungi when night falls—glowing with nocturnal light. When you try to run, he follows suit, making the ground shake so bad it knocks you over. 
He carries you into the mountain where he lives and keeps you there from then on. After all, the part of him that’s fae has considered you his pet from the moment you took a bite of your first forest fruit. It was his gift to you whether you knew it or not, and now you’ll belong to him forever.
Todoroki Shoto Vampire
It’s an awfully boring world. Not much to do when you feel you’ve done it all twice over. The taste of blood has become stale no matter how many different types he drowns himself in at night. Sometimes, he humors the thought of setting his manor ablaze if only to watch the fire roar until the sun rears the top of the roof and finally puts him to eternal rest. But he’s been thinking about it for two or more centuries already, and he’s beginning to doubt his nerve.
Dead things can’t make vows, so he must go on as he decided to when he was still alive—that’s the curse—only another person can break it.
You seem doable enough when you stride into his manor with your little sharpened sticks and silver daggers. It’s been a while since a hunter has graced his presence. The scent of holy water makes him lick his fangs, and the nearly irresistible urge to drink you dry almost has him pouncing on you—but he knows it would be but a fleeting high unworth it in the end when he’d have to live another millennium without the warmth of the sun or another soul.
He drops down before you with grace. You have the tip of your silver dagger pointed up under his chin in the same second but get stunted by his pale porcelain face, showing no signs of aggression and rather riddled with a bleak sort of melancholy you’re not used to seeing on the godless creatures.
He simply stands there, straight-spined and high-headed, with his hands folded behind his back as though showing you respect—and then, unprompted and to your great surprise, asks if you would please make it quick and put him out of his misery.
Todoroki Touya - Dabi Hyrbid between incubi and vampire
He preys in nightclubs on those who have that mischievous glint in their eyes in dire hope their lust can match his. Every day, it’s a dozen new—he can never seem to find the right one—always starving and never sated no matter how much he gorges himself, always thirsting, always dying for more. 
Until you.
You’re but a dainty wallflower who doesn’t want to be there, but you have this scent about you—garden-fresh, like something he’s never smelled before, and his tongue yearns for a taste. He knows what it is once he gets closer to you—the opposite of sin of all things, it’s innocence, and oh, how he craves to devour it whole.
His silver tongue has had so much practice that using it on your gullible ears makes him all but drool, asking you if you’d like some fresh air. You nod your head, big eyes looking at him as though he were some sort of saint for offering. He laps it up—it’s all he can do to pace himself. But when he has you alone, it’s all over for you.
He’s going to corrupt every last piece of you until that once peachy keen taste of innocence has become an ever sweeter taste of syrupy sin. He’s going to make you exactly like him—and your tall fall from grace will leave you blasphemous and beautiful.
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Troublemaker - C.SC
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🚨Who: Choi Seungcheol (Seventeen) x female reader 🚨What: Gang au, smut, gang boss Seungcheol, gang member reader, angst, humour(low key crackish) and some fluff to top it all off. 🚨Wordcount: 15.9k 🚨Warnings: Do not take anything I write about police/law seriously, I don’t know shit about anything, okay. Reader is unhinged and shameless(and emotionally incompetent). Gang typical stuff; violence, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, theft etc. Handcuffs. Profanity. Degrading names. Unprotected sex, hair pulling, oral(both), multiple sex scenes/positions, breeding kink, choking, multiple orgasms, clit slapping, marking and potentially other fun things I’m likely forgetting about.
Summary: You're known for being able to get your hands on anything you want; drugs, weapons, money, cars. Except your boss, he's always been a little out of your reach, until the day you have him handcuffed in the backseat.
Minors do NOT interact, which means reblogging and/or commenting on this story. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in their bio.
-2024 Masterlist-
A/N- the image of Seungcheol on his knees with his hands behind his head getting arrested popped into my head and spawned this and i am not okay This story well and truly ran away from me, I cannot be held accountable for this shitshow. I planned a quick lil smut thing and then the fluff and angst appeared and here we are.
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It's a beautiful sight to pull up to; the Choi Seungcheol on his knees, thick thighs spread wide with his fingers lacing together behind his head, biceps bulging in his plain white t-shirt. The same Choi Seungcheol who for the past four years has been running the most cunning, slippery gang that has graced the city in decades. 
Local law enforcement has been trying to get their mitts on him since before he even started the gang, but Seungcheol is smart, he's always made sure to keep his hands squeaky clean. 
Which is why when you heard the news come through on your police scanner that he's been spotted with some real nasty fuckers and this is the chance to get him cuffed, you wanted to get there asap to witness and join the scene.
Who wouldn't want to have the pleasure of slapping some cuffs on Choi Seungcheol and shove him around a little, afterall?
"What did you get him for?" You ask as you approach the scene with nothing but confidence, thumbs hooked into your belt casually. 
Seungcheol glances over at you and his jaw tightens with how hard he clenches his teeth; he takes you in from head to toe, dressed in uniform so crisp it's like you've just pulled it on. You have. He doesn't look impressed.
"Probable cause," the young, over-eager cop getting ready to handcuff Seungcheol informs, sounding almost proud while his partner keeps his gun pointed firmly at Seungcheol's head. 
Seungcheol isn't stupid, reckless at times, yeah; he's been known to get pretty injured and take some big risks with his own body in order to get what he wants, but even he wouldn't risk making a move in front of a trigger-happy rookie-cop.
"Oh, you fucking idiots," you laugh, walking over to snatch the cuffs into your own hold.
"What the fuck?" The younger cop baulks dumbstruck. "Who the fuck are you to just-" 
"You really think you're going to get brownie points with the Captain by brining him Choi Seungcheol with no solid fucking cause? You think you can just put the guy in cuffs and the rest will follow? You're fucking stupid, kid," 
"But we caught him," 
"Yeah and you know what his legal team is like? You're fucking lucky I turned up,"
"Because I'm willing to take him off your hands and deal with it myself. I've had my eye on Choi for fucking years, boys; I've got quite the file on him. What have you got?" 
Admittedly, you take a hell of a lot of joy in grabbing Seungcheol's right forearm to force it down and around to his lower back where you can secure the cuff around his wrist. He grunts at the unexpected force yet doesn't fight you, just clenches his jaw tighter. 
"That's a good boy," you whisper into his ear while the two cops exchange lost, almost torn expressions as they attempt to silently communicate with one another what to do.
Clearly, they don't want to just hand the man over to you but you're right; they don't have shit on Seungcheol and it would only cause them a lot of hassle to arrest him. He's too smart to talk, even in holding and would just stare darkly at them, not moving a muscle until he's released. It happened before, once, over a year ago and his legal team tore apart the station so thoroughly that the cops who arrested him had to resign and get minimum wage jobs despite being the best the precinct had to offer. 
Once you've got Seungcheol securely in the cuffs, you grab his bicep and appreciatively squeeze it as you tug on him to signal him up. You have to bite back your pleased grin at the powerful man listening to your silent orders and obediently getting up. He glares at you over his shoulder.
"You boys better get back to your patrol before you get demoted," you warn, shoving Seungcheol towards your car. He stumbles a little and glares at you again but you ignore it to reach past him and open the back door. 
Seungcheol swears and mutters under his breath when you roughly push his head down and urge him into the back of the car. He almost falls flat on his face onto the cheap imitation-leather seats. You shut the door before his colourful language cussing you out, spills out any further. 
"What?" You ask the two young men still watching you dumbly. "I know, my ass looks great in these," you smirk smugly to yourself and smack your own ass making both men jump at the loud, sudden sound. 
"Yeah," the younger agrees mindlessly, eyes now glued to your ass as you open the driver's door. 
"Idiot," his partner hisses, backhanding him. "Don't fucking agree, now she's gonna report you for sexual harrassment!" 
"She started it!" 
While the pair are arguing, you take the chance to climb into your car and drive off with a pleased little cackle at causing the most chaos you could with so little to work with.
At the end of the street, Seungcheol kicks the back of your seat. You don't need to look at him to know he's glaring at you, you can feel the burn of his gaze on the side of your face. You love it.
"Now now, Mr Choi, please respect my car," he kicks the seat again making you snicker. "So ungrateful, I just saved you from being locked in an interrogation room for 24 hours. You'd think you'd be at least a little appreciative." 
"Like fuck am I," he grunts and shuffles closer to the criss cross of bars separating the two halves of the car. "Didn't have to be so fucking rough, you bitch." You lift your eyes to the rearview mirror to meet his gaze and grin smugly at him before returning your gaze to the road in front of you. "Sick fuck, you get off on it, don't you?" 
"Damn right," you confirm shamelessly with an almost twisted smirk. "Big boss man on his knees for ickle ol' me. Gets me all warm and tingly, Cheolie." 
"How many times have I got to tell you not to fucking call me that?" He's too close to the front seats to kick them again but he does knee the back of yours where his legs are spread as wide as possible in his pale ripped jeans to allow him so close. 
Fuck, you wish you could see his thighs right now. You quickly look over at him to test your range of sight but the fucking seats are in the way. Dammit. 
You sigh and turn back to the road forlornly. "Well, maybe if you ever punish me like you claim you will and then never stick to it, I might learn my lesson."
"You'd fucking like it," he grumbles. You just grin. Yeah, you definitely would. "Pull over and uncuff me." 
"I'm warning you, little one," 
"Pretty sure I'm the one in charge here," you chirp, unaffected by his low, warning tone. Though a second later you're choking on a laugh when his body jerks forward due to you suddenly breaking to join the queue of traffic at a red light. Seungcheol's forehead slams into the grate making him swear harshly. "Oops," you offer with false innocence and a big grin.
"You fucking-" he starts harshly, only to cut off when you pull away rapidly at the green light, sending him toppling back in the seats and cutting off with a surprised sound. You don't stop yourself from laughing that time.
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"Now, here's what's gonna happen, Cheolie," you declare when you turn around in your seat to look at where the big gang boss is sitting quietly in the back seat, hands still cuffed behind him between his thick body and the backrest. His thick legs spread with his slouched position. 
Man, he's so fucking thick. You know it's true all over his body. You've conveniently walked in on him fucking enough people to know that the man's blessed with a diabolically thick cock too. 
Not forgetting the memorable time he didn't notice your very obvious spy camera in his bedroom for a full two months. For two glorious months you got to watch him wrap a hand around his cock and cum over his chest in live action and automatically recorded for your rewatch pleasure. 
You've never been more glad that he has a strict policy of not taking anyone to his home to fuck, you quite enjoyed his solo sessions and still watch them regularly. 
In fact, you had been watching one while spread over your own bed when the scanner had caught your attention. You didn't even have the chance to clean up, your thighs are still sticky. But that could also just be from having Seungcheol in handcuffs.
"You happened to interrupt my favourite hobby by almost getting arrested and making me come to your rescue." 
"If you say you were watching those fucking videos again-" he starts.
"I wouldn't have to if you didn't increase your security and make it harder for me to put up new cameras." 
"I did that so I don't have your perverted ass watching me in my private spaces!" He barks. "I swear, one day I'm going to actually choke you," 
"Do it," the sparkle in your eyes makes Seungcheol groan in frustration and tip his head back, eyes closing as he prays to a god he doesn't believe in for strength to handle you and your endless depravities. "Question," 
"What?" He sighs and lifts his head to look at you resignedly. After knowing you for so many years, he knows it's just easier to play along unless he wants to deal with you badgering him for the rest of the day. 
"Would you use your hands to choke me?" 
"What else?" 
"Your thighs-" 
"Shut up," he groans and pushes himself further upright. "Can you go a single day without making a remark about my thighs?" 
"No. Can you crush my head between them like you did that watermelon?" 
"I should've never done that. I thought playing along would make you shut the fuck up asking but no, you're even worse." 
"I appreciate art and those thighs, Choi Seungcheol are pure fucking art." 
"We have very different definitions of art," he deadpans. 
"Yes, I know," you roll your eyes. "You like silicone and spray tan," 
"Do I?" He raises an amused eyebrow at you when you look at him suspiciously.
"Every woman I've seen you fuck are more silicone than my dildo collection." 
"Not gonna comment on the collection," he mutters, looking more like he's convincing himself that his curiosity at how extensive your collection may be is not worth actually engaging you in a discussion about your sex life, which he knows heavily involves masturbating to those videos of him masturbating. 
"Do you want to see?" You offer brightly. "I have one that I think could compare to your cock," your gaze drops down to his crotch where there's an obvious bulge that you know is him flaccid. "Maybe..." you suck on your bottom lip thoughtfully as your mind runs wild with memories of the sight of his cock peeking through his fist as he chases his high. Or wrapped in rubber as he bent another woman with fake tits over his desk, or face first against a too-rough wall to take what he wants. 
You really don't know how he can claim to not have a type when you truly have only seen him actually having sex with one type of woman. You've seen him seduce and hit on a wide range of people, not even just women, but that's always to get his way and he doesn't fuck them, even if he does sometimes make out with them just to win them over.
"Stop thinking about my cock," Seungcheol deadpans, snapping you back to reality and looking up at him, though your gaze darts back down realising there's a change in the bulge. "Don't-"
"Are you getting hard?!" You gasp, shuffling onto your knees excitedly and gripping the grate. 
"Liar," you grin, eyes sparkling. 
Seungcheol knows he's done for now; for years you've been trying to fuck him and now, now he's actually lost his usual firm grip on his own libido and let you see that he's not actually turned off by you in any way. 
"So, what's going to happen, Cheolie-" he swears at you, head tipping back to stare up at the ceiling. Of course, you ignore the interruption. "Seeing as you ruined my me-time, I'm going to come back there-" 
"And uncuff me." 
"No, silly boy," you giggle. "And ride your giant cock." 
Seungcheol curses under his breath and swallows before lifting his head to look at you.
For a few moments, you both just stare at each other. You, in wait for permission, because although you do a lot of questionable shit you'd never physically force yourself on anyone, and Seungcheol, clearly in thought.
"Get back here," he decides in a low, rough tone that makes your lower stomach twist and squeeze with genuine aroused excitement. 
"Fuck yeah," you exhale, climbing out of the car where minutes ago you parked in one of the many empty warehouses belongings to Seungcheol’s gang. 
Seungcheol watches through the window as you make short work of kicking off your shoes and removing your trousers and panties. He tries to look at you properly but that stupid fucking police uniform shirt you're wearing hangs to the top of your thighs and makes it so that he can't see shit. Not even once you've got the back door open and crawl into the backseat. 
"You got a condom?" He asks, letting out a harsh exhale when you start to palm at his cock without warning. 
"Nope," You shrug carelessly and use your free hand to open his belt before working on the button and zipper. "Got a problem with that?" 
"Fucking you raw?" You hum in confirmation and reluctantly let go of his cock so that you can yank down his jeans and boxers. Seungcheol helpfully lifts his hips off of the seat, leaning back onto his shoulders against the backrest for balance to let you get the clothing down to his knees and reveal his rapidly-hardening cock to your greedy gaze. "You may be fucking psychotic at the best of the times and fucking weirdly obsessed with me-" 
"Hey," you complain, pouting at him offendedly.
"Are you really pouting at me for calling you psychotic?" He deadpans in disbelief. He's called you worse before, much worse and you usually just giggle and act like he's given you a giant compliment. 
"What? No," you scoff and move over to straddle his thighs. "It's you saying weirdly obsessed as if you're not the single hottest person I've ever met. How dare you?"
Seungcheol licks his lips and looks down to watch at what he thought was you making a move to ride his cock like you said you would. But no, you adjust your position at the last second and sit right on his left thigh. 
"You're so fucking wet," he comments, voice thick with arousal and awe. His mouth drops open a little when you drag your slick pussy over his thigh and smear wetness over bare skin. "Fuck," 
"This is what you do to me, Cheolie," you complain and wrap your hand around his cock roughly. He groans and tips his head forward, thunking his forehead on your shoulder as you jerk him in time with the drag of your pussy up and down his thigh while he tenses it to make his muscles bulge and give you something firmer to grind your clit down on. 
It feels better than you could’ve imagined and you’ve fantasised about riding Seungcheol’s beefy thighs more times than you can count.
"You're so fucking shameless," he grunts after a moment of just watching your movements. You're torturing him with the too-rough, slow pull of your palm against his cock, never close enough to the top to catch any of the precum that's starting to dribble down the side. 
"For you, not anyone else," 
"You're going to give me a giant head," 
"It'll match your cock." 
Seungcheol huffs a laugh and lifts his head to look at you. "You gonna sit on it then?" 
"I'd love to, but you didn't actually say you're okay with not using a condom. I know you always do with those women." 
"You're not them," it's perhaps the softest fucking thing Seungcheol has ever said to you. Your movements slow to a stop as you stare at him in surprise. "I trust you with every fucking aspect of the gang, trust you to back me up more than I do anyone else. You think I'd put my life in your hands and not the health of my dick?" He scoffs. "I trust you to not do this if you have anything you could pass on and I know I sure as fuck don't." 
"And what if you knock me up?" Seungcheol raises his eyebrows at you bewilderedly, barely even noticing that you've stopped grinding on his thigh and have moved over to hover over his cock. "What?" 
Seungcheol opens his mouth to respond but you decide to drop down onto his cock, letting his thick length split you open harshly as you both moan at the sudden friction. "Fuck!" He exclaims, head tipped back and eyes screwed shut. "You-you fucking idiot," he lifts his head to look at you. "You didn't even take it slow! You could get fucking hurt!" 
"Good, I like it," you smirk, proud of yourself for getting the usually so put-together man so worked up. There's something beautifully wild in his dark eyes and a pretty pink smeared over his cheeks. 
You really wish you hadn’t left your phone in your trousers, you’d love to take a photo of him right now. You’d put it as your lock screen and he’d probably threaten to beat your ass if you don’t remove it, yet he never follows through with his threats to you.
"You're fucking crazy," 
"Yep." You grin and grind down against him, breath catching as his cock presses against multiple sensitive spots inside you that has you repeating the swirl of your hips again and again and again.
"Fu-fuck, just ride me, shit," he groans, trying to urge you to bounce by thrusting his hips up against you. 
"Don't you like this?" You pout at him, faux-offended and keep at it. You know he likes it. It's clear by the tightness of his expression; the pleasure is clear in his furrowed brows and tense jaw, shoulders pressed back against the seat and biceps bulging as he tries to free himself from the cuffs. 
You really hope he doesn't break them, you really fucking like him like this. Then again, the thought of Seungcheol using his stupidly beefy arms to break free from his binds so that he can grab your hips and force you to take the pummelling of his giant dick against your pussy walls, well that's a real fucking nice thought. 
It makes you clench down on him and he moans, head tipping back and showing you the unblemished expanse of his throat. You wonder if he'd let you bite him. 
"Can I bite you?" You ask, falling still. 
"What the fuck?" He looks at you as if you're insane. Which, not exactly a new expression on the man when he's faced with you. But this time he looks utterly offended too. 
"Is that a no?" You pout.
"I don't give a fuck, just keep going!" He demands, looking crazed. 
"Can I kiss you too?" Seungcheol rolls his eyes and instead of verbally responding he tilts forward to crash his lips to yours, desperation urging him to kiss you in such a filthy way that your pussy throbs. 
"Bounce," he growls against your lips before letting out a string of almost whispered praise when you obey and start to lift and drop yourself, finally riding his cock like both of you have been wanting for admittedly, longer than he's been in cuffs.
To your surprise, Seungcheol keeps kissing you and chases your lips every time you lean back or turn your head for breath, or just because you think he probably wants to stop and focus on your pussy dragging up and down his cock, soaking him with every wet smack of your thighs against his. 
"Che-cheol," you pant out, knotting your fingers in his head to force him back and allow you to actually breathe. He moans deeply and his eyes roll back. Very interesting reaction indeed. 
You never took Seungcheol to like having his hair pulled, but the filthy moans he lets out every time you experimentally tighten or yank on the strands now you've got the idea in your head, tell you that the man really fucking likes it. Not even mentioning how he fucks up into you harder every time too. 
"Good boy," you compliment breathlessly, looking down at his cock sliding into you as you pretty much just hover over him now, more interested in finding out what makes him tick and turns him on than actually riding him. Not that you need to when he's doing a good enough job fucking you even with his arms restrained. 
You just know he'd ruin you if he had full use of his body. He'd ruin you and you'd thank him for it and ask to repeat it every fucking day. He could break your hips and you'd thank him. 
"Oh, fuck I-I'm gonna cum," he warns making your eyes widen in alarm.
Seungcheol opens his eyes to look at you with equally as wide eyes yet doesn't stop fucking into you. "The fuck you mean no?" 
"You can't cum yet! I'm not done!" 
"I'm gonna-" 
"Fuck," his eyes roll back and he lets out a string of porn-worthy moans as he jerks up into you a few times harshly while filling you with cum. 
You can only gawp at him in disbelief, one hand still in his hair and the other braced on his heaving chest. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" You exclaim, slapping his chest as he slouches against the seat while trying to catch his breath back. "You useless man!" You pinch his nipple where it's pressing against his t-shirt making him yelp and shoot his eyes open to look at you.
"What the fuck?" 
"What kind of a gang boss are you, huh?" You berate, climbing off of him and wincing at the feel of his softening cock slipping out of you, trailing cum with it. You don't even care that it's getting all over him and the seats as you move. "To bust in minutes, you that pussy whipped, Choi Seungcheol?" You tut and shove him down on the seats. 
"Ow, you fucking-" he cuts off, awkwardly wriggling to get on his back instead of laying painfully on his right shoulder. "I'm gonna beat your ass as soon as these cuffs are off, bitch," he warns, watching you with dark eyes, half warning, half aroused, as you clamber over his body. 
"Ooh, call me more names, my likey," you wiggle your eyebrows at him as you plant your knees either side of his face. 
It visibly takes everything in Seungcheol to keep his eyes on your face and not look at your pussy that's inches from his face and dripping cum down your slick inner-thighs. "You're clinically fucking insane, aren't you?" 
"I work for you, comes with the job," you coo, leaning over to plant your left hand on the door above his head to get your balance, your right hand knotting into his hair making him let out a groan that travels through your body as your pussy meets his parted lips. "Now, make me cum like a good boy, Cheolie," 
To your utter delight, the words are barely out of your mouth before Seungcheol's tongue is dragging through your folds, uncaring that he's swallowing down his own cum as he enthusiastically starts to eat you out like a man starved.
Honestly, you've never seen Seungcheol do this. You've never known if he's the type of man to eat pussy and if so, if he does it as a means to get his dick wet or because he actually enjoys it. But now? Now you fucking know. 
Seungcheol is making more noise than you are as he greedily laps and sucks at your pussy, alternating between thrusting his tongue into your hole and suckling on your clit. You swear, the man is determined to suck your soul out through your clit, he's not gentle about it at all but you can't lie, you really fucking enjoy the rough, messy actions.
"T-that's it," you encourage when his tongue is back inside of you as deep as he can get it to lick at your inner walls greedily, nose grinding against your clit with every movement of his head and his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 
His face is buried so deep between your thighs that you're positive he can't breathe but even when you loosen your hold on his hair and stop moving your hips against his face to let him have space, he dives in even deeper somehow. 
The pure unfiltered enthusiasm he devours your pussy with sends you hurtling to a powerful orgasm that takes you a bit by surprise when he gets a little too into it and his teeth drag over your skin. You didn't know you like that, but now you certainly do as you shudder and gasp over him, fingers tightening in his hair and letting the vibration of his groans and moans help ride you through as you smother him in your pussy. 
Your legs feel like jelly when you shakily clamber off of his face and drop to sit on his still exposed thighs. His cock is making a valiant effort to get hard again. It's very distracting but you're both breathing too hard and trying to remember how to get air into your lungs to even consider going for round two. Well, mostly. 
"Please tell me you have a key for these," Seungcheol says once he's caught his breath a few minutes later, still laid back with his eyes closed. 
"No," you snigger at the pissed off look he gives you as he lifts his head enough to look at you. "Since when have I needed keys to open locks?" 
"Good point," he drops back down, though immediately lifts his head again when you dance your fingers teasingly over his semi-erect dick. "Don't." 
"Why not?" You pout and wrap your hand around his cock, thumbing at the head a little harshly but he clearly likes it judging by the way he gets harder in your hold and hisses, hips pushing up automatically to encourage you.
"Because I'll fucking dislocate my shoulders," he points out, trying to roll his shoulders but not really doing a good job thanks to his forced position. "And I can't hold you down and fuck you if my arms don't fucking work, can I?" 
"You actually want to do that?" 
"Always have," he shrugs and slumps in relief when you let go of him and shuffle back. 
"No, you've never wanted to fuck me." You frown confusedly at him as he sits up with a few little grunts from the effort and release of pressure against his arms from being laid on them. 
"I've always wanted to fuck your insane ass, which I guess makes me insane too. I know you're into some fucked up shit, I've seen the porn you watch." 
"Don't kinkshame me," 
"Don't fucking use my computer to watch porn then!" 
"But your office chair is big enough that I can spread my legs comfortably on to touch myself." 
"You've masturbated in my office chair?" He deadpans, looking unimpressed. Yet when you nod in confirmation, you notice the flicker of arousal in his gaze. "Great, now I'm going to be thinking about that when I'm supposed to be working." 
"You can always call me and I'll happily sit under your desk with your cock in my mouth, keep it warm and ready to sit on when you're done working." 
"This is why I never fucking let you know." He shuffles towards the still open door, making you back out until you're standing on still slightly trembling legs. "Knew I'd never be able to stop once I had you." Seungcheol gets out of the car and turns his back to you. "Get these off me so I can bend you over and fuck you until you can't walk." 
"Don't need to tell me twice," you quickly grab your lock-picking set from your trouser pocket before kneeling down behind Seungcheol to unpick the cuffs. 
It takes you longer than it should to pick the lock because you're very distracted by his bare, plump ass right in front of your face. As soon as he moves his hands to roll his shoulders and rub his red-raw wrists, you lean forward and bite his asscheek.
"What the fuck?!" He shrieks, jolting away and turning to face you with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Did you just bite my ass?" 
"Yes," your confirmation is utterly shameless as you stare up at him from still on your knees. 
Seungcheol stares back at you for a moment, before sliding his hand into your hair and tugging you forward, smirking as your mouth opens wide to accept his cock without question or complaint. 
"Good girl," he breathes out as you immediately start to suck and lick at him, humming and making appreciative noises at having his cock in your mouth finally. It's only taken five years.
Though Seungcheol doesn't let you enjoy him as thoroughly as you'd like. As soon as his tip touches your throat at your attempt to start deepthroating him, he pulls you off and yanks you up. 
You're not given time to even complain or whine, or beg for his cock back, before he's got you with your hands on the roof of the car and chest bowing into the open doorway so that he can grind his cock against your still sopping wet pussy. 
"You never explained the knocked up comment," he informs as he crowds up against your back, one big hand holding your wrists by the edge of the roof and the other gripping your hip tight. 
"You said about me getting you knocked up." 
"We both got done, on the same fucking day, remember? We’re medically infertile," He nips at your earlobe on the harder side and grins smugly when your breath catches and you press back against his cock. 
"Never heard of a breeding kink, Cheolie?" 
"Huh, you're into that?" 
"I'm into anything if it's you." 
He pauses his movements, lips parted against your ear for a few seconds before he suddenly lets go of your hip and pulls his own back to grab his cock and lead it to your entrance. He feeds it into you just far enough that he can let go and take your hip back into his hold before he thrusts forward, burying his cock into you in one quick, hard thrust. It jolts you forward and makes you moan loudly.
"Gonna fill you up every fucking day, baby," he promises, sounding far more affected than he did moments ago. "Gonna fill you with my cum until it sticks. Gonna breed you so fucking good, yeah?" 
"Fuck, yeah, yeah, fuck me full, Cheolie," you agree, nodding madly and arching your back to push back against him while widening your stance to get him deeper, even if it means you have to push up onto your tiptoes to account for the height difference. 
"That's my good fucking girl," he approves, pushing your shirt up and holding it at your waist to give him full view of your ass as he begins to fuck into you harshly. 
Honestly, you have no idea if you're truly alone in the warehouse, you know that various gang members use the warehouses for meets and their own trysts but you do not give a single flying fuck. 
You moan loud and shameless as Seungcheol fucks all thoughts from your head. He clearly doesn't care if anyone hears either, he moans and grunts without care, growling dirty words at you that you can barely babble a response at with the quickly growing pleasure in your body. 
“Never letting anyone touch this pussy again,” he declares in amongst his moans and panting, not slowing down once in his determination to ruin you. “You’re mine, understand?” 
You nod rapidly but can’t answer as that ball of pleasure in your belly clenches so tightly at his possessive words. As soon as his palm comes down on your ass with the intention of prompting you to verbally respond, that ball bursts; sending pleasure through your whole body and making your consistent moans turn higher in pitch, babbling his name repeatedly as your pussy convulses around his still-pistoning cock.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, fucking into you a few more times before he slows to a gradual stop. You can feel that he’s still hard within you and whine a little, pushing your hips back against him to try and get him back to work. “You’re shaking,” he points out, pulling out and carefully helping you down onto flat feet, taking some pressure off of your thighs. You melt back against him when he winds his arms around your waist supportively and kisses your head. 
The two of you remain like that for a few minutes as you catch your breath back and your body stops shaking like a fucking leaf. 
“You okay?” He asks softly, lips trailing over your cheek and temple. It’s much too tender. You like it, yeah, but you hadn’t been prepared for the care he’s giving you. 
He has always cussed at you and called you names with disturbed expressions. You’ve never cared about that, the names and harsh words have truly never bothered you and amused you more than anything. Seungcheol has never actually hurt you even when he’s slapped you away from him or thrown items at you, he has always purposely near-missed you. His aim is too good to unintentionally miss you all the time.
But this, the fingers trailing over you mindlessly, the lips brushing against your skin and the words spoken in a fond voice you’ve never fucking heard the man use, well that’s a lot to take in.
“No,” you reply.
“Oh, what can I do? Did I hurt-” 
“You can go back to fucking me,” 
“You’re still shaking,” 
“That’s because you were doing a good job! Gold star Seungcheol!” 
“What happened to Cheolie?” 
“You don’t even fucking like it!” You groan and wriggle out of his arms with every intention of pushing him away and getting your clothes back on but he pulls you right back in, chest to chest and looks at you so devastatingly fucking adoringly your breath catches in your throat in a giant ball of what the fuck Choi Seungcheol.
“I like it,” he murmurs. “I like it because it’s you. I just…couldn’t let you know that.” 
“And now you can? You fucked me and now suddenly everything changes?” 
“You wanted things to be the same?” He frowns, hurt trickling onto his expression as his arms fall away from you. 
“I thought it was just sex,” you admit.
“Right,” he scoffs, yanking his boxers and jeans up as he steps away from you, dick sadly deflated despite being hard and pressed against your ass a minute ago. “See this is why I never fucking wanted this!” He exclaims, turning angry now as he reaches down to grab your panties and trousers to toss at you harshly. You wince when the police-issue gun and holster smack into your ribs. 
Seungcheol pauses for a split second noticing that he hurt you but then he carries on, throwing your boots at you next. You don’t even bother trying to catch them and let them collide painfully with your thighs then topple down, the hard edges of the soles sending pain through the tops of your feet.
“Why are you just fucking standing there?!” He snaps, stalking over to yank the items from your hands and get to his knees to roughly force your feet into the trousers and panties at once. 
“Shut the fuck up,” he snaps. For the first time, you listen to him.
A few minutes later, you’re in the passenger seat of the car as Seungcheol drives recklessly through the back streets. You don’t even have it in you to tell him to slow down because you both would get arrested and you don’t think even his lawyers could talk him out of getting locked up for driving a fake police car with fake licence plates and over the speed limits without either of you wearing seat belts.
He drives to a side street behind his apartment building and doesn’t even put the car in park, just stops it and gets out, slamming the door behind him before storming off. You take it for the harsh dismissal it is and climb over the centre console to get into the drivers’ seat to head off.
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For the first time in years, you don’t see Seungcheol for days. You don’t think it’s wise to test him right now. You still don’t think he’d hurt you, but you think your presence would hurt him and you don’t want that. 
Despite what Seungcheol obviously thinks, and with good reason too because you didn’t say anything otherwise, you do care about the man. A hell of a fucking lot. 
It wasn’t instant, there wasn’t a moment where your eyes locked across the table on that set-up blind-date between you that was really both of your little groups of criminals and deviants trying to get information on the other group. You had both clocked each other and although it could’ve gone badly, Seungcheol had asked you to team up on a job and the gang was born shortly after.
Your connection was about work from day one, but spending time with the man even when he told you to fuck off when you would jokingly hit on him, it kind of really gave you a giant fucking weak spot in the shape of his stupid, charming face. 
The relentless flirting and sexual remarks, although they are all genuine, became your way to hide the truth of your feelings. Lean into lust to hide the love. It just seems that it worked too fucking well. 
You had honestly forgotten that the flutter in your stomach when your eyes meet Seungcheol’s isn’t all lust; that it isn’t just horny little demons running rampant and trying to tell you to get his cock in you, but butterflies too. Excited, pretty little butterflies flapping their wings and trying to lift you up into the clouds to where you and Seungcheol can skip merrily through the meadows together hand in hand like that scene in Shrek before the villagers chased the ogres down with pitchforks. 
But that isn’t realistic. You can’t skip hand in hand through a meadow, mostly because Seungcheol has damaged his knees from throwing himself around too much to skip anywhere, though it would be funny to watch his hobbling attempt. 
Well, at least up until a few days ago you thought it wasn’t realistic. You didn’t think Seungcheol had anything but a respect for you as one of his gang members and a good fucking one too. He often turns to you to get shit done when others have failed or if it’s too risky, too important to send others in, you’re the one he goes to. You thought that’s all your relationship equates to.
But apparently, you haven’t paid enough attention to Seungcheol to have missed the man apparently having some kind of feelings for you. 
You’re not going to assume he’s in love with you, it’s now obvious to you that he holds some kind of candle for you, but you’re not naive or hopeless enough to assume his tender touches that turned to hurt anger, to be love.
Choi Seungcheol likes you. Romantically. Sexually too. That part was great, top marks. Gold star indeed. If that’s all it had been, you’re pretty sure you’d have been spread over his desk every day since or tucked under it like you offered to cockwarm him with your mouth. That would’ve been great.
But nope, feelings. And not the touching each other up kind of ones.
All in all, it’s a giant fucking shitshow and not in the way you purposely orchestrate for your own twisted amusement. You hope things will fix themselves shortly because you don’t know how much more of this you can handle. But honestly, you really don’t think they will.
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“So,” Minghao starts as he invites himself to join you in the car you’ve borrowed for the fun of it. You look at him with noodles hanging out of your mouth and wide eyes. “What the fuck did you do to piss Seungcheol off so much?” 
“Me?” You garble around your food still hanging out of your mouth and pointing at your own chest. The look the man gives you is utterly disgusted and it makes you snigger before you actually chew and swallow your food. “Why do you assume I did something to piss him off?” 
“Maybe the fact you haven’t been around in a week and every time I’ve suggested he asks for your help like we need, he pretends to have never heard of you while breaking yet another fucking pen in his fist.”
“Sounds like you need to stop getting cheap pens,” you mutter, reaching for your drink in the cup holder but he takes it. 
You watch as Minghao noisily slurps up the liquid through the straw, defiantly holding eye contact with you. But then he gags and quickly puts the cup in your awaiting hand so that he can turn, open the car door and spit the drink out onto the parking lot of the restaurant you’re parked in to enjoy your lunch. 
“What the fuck is in that?!” He shrieks when he’s done sputtering, turning to look at you with wide eyes behind his wire-framed glasses. 
“That is not coke,” 
“Both kinds, and mint schnapps,” 
“I fucking hate you.” 
“Valid.” You nod and slurp at your unholy concoction. 
It wasn’t even your choice, you accidentally dropped a badly sealed baggie of the white powder into your cup when you tipped the contents of the hip flask from the glovebox into the cup. You had assumed it was whiskey or vodka or something normal, not fucking mint schnapps of all things. That’s what you get for tipping out the contents of a stolen hip flask from a stolen car into your drink without at least giving it a cursory sniff-test first. 
Minghao watches you with something like fear on his features as you don’t even flinch at the truly disgusting flavour that coats your tongue. You’ve had worse things in your mouth, you can say that much. 
Mostly thanks to Soonyoung’s own habit of shoving any food and drink into his mouth to consume like some kind of tastebud-less heathen. There’s probably a reason you’ve been friends for so long. One that doesn’t involve a bloodpact you made as idiot children that you’re both too stubborn to turn your back on first.
“So, what did you do? Ask to put something questionable in his ass?” Minghao soldiers on as he steals the unopened chocolate bar from the dashboard to open and bite into, looking very relieved at having the haunting taste of your drink covered by the sweet on his tongue. “Ask him to put something questionable in your ass?” 
“No,” you scoff, poking at your noodles with your chopsticks.
Minghao pauses in his rapid chewing to watch you consideringly. He’s never seen you like this, like you have actual human emotions beside lust and maniacal joy at making others suffer in various ways borne of your chaotic ideas. 
“It’s serious,” he realises in a mutter. You shrug and give up with your lunch, suddenly not hungry for it and pass it over to him so that you can start the car up. “What happened?” 
“What’s the job?” You ask as you drive out of the lot in a way that closes the car door he hadn’t fully closed. The slam of the door makes Minghao jolt, he had forgotten it was even open and rolls his eyes a little at you not asking him to shut it before driving off. 
“He’s dealing with it,” 
“That’s stupid if you think I should be doing it.” 
“Yeah, well, according to him, you don’t exist so he’s the best chance.” 
“If you wanted to send me in, that means it requires a delicate touch-” 
“You set a warehouse on fire last month, that’s not a delicate touch.” 
“That wasn’t for a job, that was for fun, leave me alone.” 
“You…whatever. He can handle the job, it’s just a different direction than you’d take.” 
“Has he gone in fists swinging?” 
“No. He’s seducing someone for information.” 
“Ah, dick swinging,” you mutter, feeling a sourness in your chest and rising up your throat. You’ve not felt this before when you’ve heard of Seungcheol seducing someone to get the job done. 
You haven’t even felt it when you’ve literally walked in on him balls-deep in some woman over his desk; you would just stand there until he noticed you, then annoy him by dragging out whatever it was you turned up for. It was all fun and games. This burning tickling your throat isn’t.
Jealousy is not something you’re familiar with and you immediately decide you hate it.
“You know he doesn’t…” he trails off, expression twisting as he recalls something based on his expression. “Well, usually he doesn’t fuck his marks but-” 
“What?!” You exclaim, slamming on the breaks and looking at Minghao with crazed eyes. 
Minghao yells which only grows when a car audibly swerves behind you to not rear-end you. “Fucking drive you idiot!” 
“He’s fucked the mark?” You ask, voice eerily level in a way that makes Minghao look at you and swallow thickly. 
For the first time, Minghao is genuinely scared of you. He knows you are an unhinged, unrelenting mess at the best of times and in a way, you do always scare him because he never knows what you’re going to do. You could easily hurt him or anyone but you haven’t, you’re usually too busy making sexual remarks to Seungcheol, or someone about Seungcheol, loudly enough that the man himself can clearly hear. 
And Minghao knows you’re a competent fighter, he’s seen proof of it but he’s never seen you fight yourself. He’s never seen you look so serious and pissed before either.
The carnage he’s seen the after effects of, the destruction you’ve caused, yet you’ve always had a grin on your face afterwards as if you’ve just been to an amusement park and had the time of your life splattered with blood. He knows how much damage you can cause in a good mood. So Minghao is genuinely terrified of what hell you can create when you’re in a foul mood, and right now? He thinks you would burn the world down and anyone who gets in your way.
“He-he hasn’t but he said he will if he needs to.” 
“Where is he?” 
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The apartment you let yourself into is familiar and really not where you expected to end up when Minghao had given you his phone to let you use the app he and Seungcheol use to track each other. You hadn’t known about this app and you can only assume Seungcheol had made sure you didn’t know so that you couldn’t use it to stalk him. Which…valid worry. You definitely would’ve stalked him.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You demand as you step into the living room and find Seungcheol slouched on the couch with a glass of whiskey in one hand, the bottle in the other and balanced on his thick thigh. 
“This is my home,” he points out. “The fuck are you doing here?” 
“Where is she?” You ask, peering around before inviting yourself to walk through the apartment, slamming open doors to rooms as you go in search of the woman Seungcheol was seducing for information. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He retorts, following after you once he’s put the glass and bottle down on the coffee table. “Who?” 
“The mark, Hao said you were planning to fuck her for information.” 
“And you thought I’d bring her here?” 
“Well how the fuck should I know?!” You turn to face him. “You don’t fuck your marks, Seungcheol! But you were going to, or have…” You eye him over, black shirt unbuttoned to his chest tucked into black trousers that show off his thick thighs and plump ass. Trousers you’ve told him you hold he never stops wearing, and then he promptly did stop to your disappointment. At least you thought he had. 
“I didn’t,” he replies, shoving his hands into his pockets after they twitch at his sides.
“No?” You lift your gaze up to meet his eyes, or at least try to but he’s pointedly looking at the wall beside your left shoulder. “Did you get what you needed without fucking her?” 
“No,” he admits and tenses his jaw a few times.
“Then what?” 
“I don’t want to fuck her! I thought I could do it but I can’t.” He huffs and turns to storm back to the living room. Of course, you follow and watch as he downs the contents of his glass before pouring out more. 
“Why did you suddenly think you could when you’ve never wanted to fuck for a job? You said that to me before, that you don’t ever want to fuck for work.” 
“Because…it doesn’t fucking matter,”
“Obviously it does.” You walk over and take the glass from him after he’s swallowed down the contents again. “This isn’t you, Seungcheol. I’m the one who drinks at 1pm, not you.” 
“Well maybe I should be allowed to be the fucked up asshole for once, huh?” He stares down at you darkly. “Why are you allowed to be a fuck up and I can’t?” 
“Because you’re better than me, you always have been.” You pick up the bottle and turn to take it to the kitchen. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologises as he follows you. “I don’t mean that, you’re not a fuck up.” 
“I am, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it, Seungcheol so-” 
“Please stop calling me that,” he breathes out. 
You finish putting the lid on the bottle and put it in the liquor cabinet before putting the dirty glass in the dishwasher, and then you turn to look at him while leaning back against the counter behind you with your arms crossed loosely over your chest. 
He looks…sad. You hate it.
“That’s your name, that’s what everyone calls you. That’s what you’ve been trying to get me to call you for years.” 
“And you never fucking listened. Can’t…can’t we go back to that?” 
“I don’t know, can we?” 
Seungcheol does nothing but look at you for what feels like more than enough time for him to come to a definite answer hours ago. But he just keeps looking at you with those giant sad fucking eyes and his fingers gripping the edge of the island counter in front of him as if he needs to hold on to something and what he wants to hold isn’t in reach. 
“I can try,” he offers. “Can you?” 
“I’m not the one who has been denying the other’s existence,” 
“You’re not the one who got their heart broken,” he retorts sharply before taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes. A clear sign of trying to calm himself. “No, I can’t, I can’t do this,” he decides, opening his eyes to land them back on you. “You need to leave.” 
“For how long?” 
“This is my apartment-” 
“That’s not what I meant,” you uncross your arms and walk the few steps to the island in front of you, on Seungcheol’s adjacent right and close enough that either of you could easily reach out and touch. Neither of you do. “I’ll leave your apartment, I won’t argue about leaving now. But I need to know if this is the end of everything, Seungcheol. The past five years of working together, does it end now?” 
“Is that all you care about? The fucking gang? Not our relationship? But the fucking gang?” 
“That is our relationship,” you give him a bewildered look. “Before last week there’s never been anything but the gang.” 
“You’re serious,” he mutters in disbelief. 
“Well, yeah,”
“Get out.” 
“That doesn’t answer-” 
“Are you seriously that fucking stupid?!” He snaps, poking his own head. “You got nothing going on up here past work, huh?” 
You just stare at him, not sure how to respond because admittedly, the things he’s been saying to you today have been hurting. Five years of insults and degrading names hasn’t once bothered you. But he’s never said hurtful things like this before.
“How Soonyoung has put up with you for so fucking long is beyond me.” He scoffs and steps back, away from you with a nasty expression on his face, eyes dark and cold in a way he has never looked at you. “He must be as fucking stupid as you.” 
“Don’t you dare talk about him like that,” you warn, your own expression turning hard in defence of your best friend. “Say whatever you want about me but do not say a bad word against him.” 
“Why not? Hurt your feelings?” He taunts. “Didn’t know you have those. Sure fucking fooled me.” 
“Of course I have feelings, you dick, some of us just know how to keep them to ourselves and not let them rule our mouths.” 
“Well you’ve kept yours really fucking close, great fucking job there. Gold fucking star. You’ve kept to yourself so much nobody knows shit about how you feel. I thought I did but obviously I was fucking wrong.” He turns to walk off yet turns back around and stalks right back to lean his palms on the counter and stare intently at you. “Just tell me this, did I ever mean fucking anything to you? Did you ever even think of me as a friend? I thought you did but you’ve dismissed this so fucking easily, you’re so fucking willing to walk away and only ask about the gang that I’m pretty sure I’ve been a naive fucking idiot this whole time.” 
“Friends?” You mumble in surprise because honestly, you’ve never thought of Seungcheol as your friend. You’ve never tried to name what he is to you but you’re not sure you could if you tried. 
Soonyoung is your friend, even Minghao you’d consider a friend. But Seungcheol? Perhaps at one point you could’ve thought of him in such a way but now you’ve been pushing down your true feelings for him for so long that you don’t even know how to classify him. Friend doesn’t feel right. 
“Yes, friends, you know, people you like being around, people you can talk to about stuff other than work, get a drink with and have fun with.” 
“Have we ever done any of that?” You genuinely wonder quietly. 
You watch as the realisation dawns on Seungcheol and his anger melts into something pained. “No,” he admits quietly. “We haven’t.”
“Well, I guess there’s the answer,” you mumble, chest aching at what you know this means. That you and Seungcheol have never truly had a relationship of any kind outside of work. You’ve never realised that before, never before had to consider what that means. You wish you had, maybe then things now would be different.
“Right,” he huffs a humourless laugh as he backs up, eyes looking anywhere but you even as he turns. “Show yourself out and don’t…don’t come back.” 
You can’t be certain, he talks too quietly and moves out of the kitchen and down the hall too quickly, but you think you catch the glint of tears on his cheeks.
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Weeks pass as you go about your life, as you try to make a new life without Seungcheol or his gang playing such a pivotal part in it. You listened to his wishes, you left and didn’t return, you deleted his number and told Minghao it’s probably wise if he tells everyone that you’ve left the gang and won’t return; and then you deleted and blocked all of their numbers too once they started calling and texting to ask what the fuck happened.
Soonyoung didn’t know what happened at first, but he loyally left the gang too and then you both decided to just get new numbers to avoid the hassle of blocking everyone you’ve ever known in relation to the gang.
And then they started to turn up at your apartments so you packed up and left the city and Soonyoung still didn’t ask what happened. 
Of course, you did tell him though. You told him everything that happened with you and Seungcheol and had to talk Soonyoung down from driving back to the city to try and beat up Seungcheol for the things he said to you in his apartment. 
Try being the keyword, because although Soonyoung is more than a competent fighter and plenty strong enough, one of Seungcheol’s biceps is likely bigger than Soonyoung’s head. 
But Soonyoung did calm enough to slap you around the head and call you an idiot for not telling Seungcheol the truth about your feelings when the man was clearly trying to start a relationship with you after fucking you dumb. You argue that the man had just fucked you dumb so your brain wasn’t working. Soonyoung said your brain doesn’t work full stop. Which…is kind of valid, at least where human relationships are involved.
And that leads us to your new life with your best friend in another town a two hour drive from the city and where Soonyoung has already made friends with a man who it took Soonyoung a worryingly long time to realise is a hooker. 
You quite like his new friend and like to play bodyguard with Soonyoung when Junhui dresses up in expensive clothes to bag expensive clients his pimp sends him to meet. Junhui loves it too; having the two of you dressed up in suits and following behind him to keep him safe. He doesn’t even mind that you both stay at the edge of the room when he gets to work.
“This guy is a friend of Jeonghan’s,” Junhui explains from the backseat of the fancy car you can proudly say you didn’t even steal. Soonyoung stole it. You’re so proud of him. 
“Which is why daddy Hannie is joining,” Soonyoung hums in understanding, nodding his head and almost hitting a lamppost before swerving at the last second after peering over the top of his dark sunglasses. 
“Remove the fucking glasses, Soonyoung,” Jeonghan, Junhui’s pimp, sighs from Junhui’s right with both hands gripping the leather seats under him. Which is very understandable. “And please stop lying to me that you have your driver’s licence.”
“Told you it’s obvious,” you mutter to your best friend who slaps your tit as he childishly mocks you. So you backhand him in the dick making him groan and double over, one hand over his crotch and his other arm hugging the steering wheel he’s leaning his chest against while biting the top of it in pain. 
Junhui sniggers at the antics between you and your best friend, as amused as he ever is by you two. While Jeonghan, not for the first time, wonders what kind of circus Junhui found the pair of you in and if they’d take you back.
“So, what’s the deal with this dude?” You ask a few minutes later when Soonyoung parks over three spaces in the hotel parking lot and Junhui cheers at Soonyoung remembering to apply the breaks in time for once. 
“He’s an old friend in town for business and wants to sweeten the guy he’s meeting tonight, so he asked me to bring my best.” Jeonghan replies while checking he has everything in his pockets by patting his clothing down thoroughly. 
“Aw, Junnie, you’re daddy’s best,” Soonyoung coos, grinning over at Junhui who preens proudly. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to call me daddy, Soonyoung. I said that to her, not you.” The pimp points out as you all get out of the car. 
“What’s hers is mine and mine is hers,” your best friend replies airily. 
“You’re married?” 
“What? Ew, gross, no,” Soonyoung retches and then stumbles when you shove him. He collides with the wall of the hotel making you snort a laugh, until he turns and you notice his glasses are broken and can see his unimpressed glare through the missing section of the lens. “I just got these!” He exclaims, taking off the sunglasses and tosses them into the bushes. 
“I’ll get you another pair,” 
“Better do. I want Gucci ones,” 
“I’ll see what I can do,” 
When Jeonghan looks over at the pair of you in the elevator up to the penthouse suite, he has to do a double take at the Gucci sunglasses perched on Soonyoung’s nose. “Where did you get those?” Soonyoung points at you. Jeonghan gives you a flat look. “Well?” 
“They were just sitting there,” you shrug. 
You stare back at Jeonghan, making your expression innocent knowing how much Jeonghan hates it when you pickpocket people for the fun of it. “Some guy’s head,” 
“You stole sunglasses while someone was wearing them?” 
“It was really impressive,” Soonyoung nods, entirely missing the point of Jeonghan’s gawping. “Jun’s really good at distracting, they make a good team.” 
“You fucking helped?” Jeonghan gawps at Junhui who just smiles sweetly at his pimp. “I’m banning you from hanging out with them.” 
“You’re my daddy not my father,” Junhui scoffs. 
Jeonghan clearly wants to argue more but the ding echoes in the metal box signalling you’ve arrived at the suite, so he just takes a breath and schools his expression in an impressively short time while the doors open. 
Then you four step out into the little lobby before the suite entrance doors and you swear, recognising the suited men standing guard outside of the suite. 
“Oh, fuck,” Soonyoung whispers. 
“You assholes!” One of the men exclaims, stalking over to flying-kick Soonyoung in the back of his thigh. “You fucking ghosted us!” 
“Ow, ow, Kwan, stop it!” Soonyoung cries out, trying to stop Seungkwan’s furious kicks and slaps. “I need my legs to protect my slut!” 
“Hey!” Junhui exclaims and slaps Soonyoung too. “I am not yours.” 
“Ow, attack her!” Soonyoung tries to shove Seungkwan over to you but he takes one look at you and shrinks back before going back to hitting Soonyoung while hissing that you scare him too much to try to hit. 
“Were you part of the gang?” Jeonghan asks, looking at you. 
“You could say that,” you murmur and look over to the grand double doors then back to him. “You’re meeting Seungcheol?” 
“We shouldn’t be there, me especially.” 
“Do you owe him money?” 
“No, nothing like that we just…aren’t on good terms, I guess you could say.” 
“Yeah, what happened anyway?” Seungkwan wonders, suddenly at your side and linking his arm with yours. “What’s the gossip?” 
“I assume you enjoy having the use of your hands,” you speak, raising an eyebrow at Seungkwan who backs away with his hands held up in surrender. “Good boy.” 
“How much issue would it cause to take you in there?” Jeonghan asks, looking between you, Soonyoung, Junhui and his watch then the doors and back again.
“Oh, a shit ton,” Soonyoung answers with a hum. “We moved two hours away for a reason,” he face falls and he looks at you with a sad pout. “Do we have to move again now that they know where we live?” 
“No!” Junhui whines, wrapping his arms around you. “You have to stay. You’re my bodyguards! I feel so much safer with you watching over me and I like having you watch too!” 
“You can discuss this later, we need to meet Seungcheol before he gets sulky at us for being late,” Jeonghan sighs, tugging Junhui to his side. “You two wait out here. I’ll have to discuss this with Seungcheol to see if he will be against you doing what I fucking pay you for.” 
“You pay us?” Soonyoung mutters confusedly while you just nod at Jeonghan in agreement so he and Junhui go into the room. “He pays us?” 
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It all goes a lot better than you expect. You don’t even need to be in the same room as Seungcheol and, in fact, you don’t even see him until 3 am the next morning when you’re pulling him off of the man he was supposed to be making a business contract with but apparently, Seungcheol found it necessary to beat the shit out of him in the hotel lobby.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You ask once you’ve got Seungcheol outside and around the side of the building. He’s seething, blood smeared over his hands and splattered on his face. “You were supposed to be making an ally and I thought it was going well! What the fuck happened?!” 
“You! It’s always fucking you!” Seungcheol turns to you and puts a hand on your upper chest to roughly pin you against the wall. You let him. “It was going well until he fucking- why are you even here? You’re not a bodyguard!” 
“Yes I am,” you frown. “I’m here to keep Junhui safe and I’m good at it.” 
“Not in the eyes of assholes like that. You’re just more eye candy bastards like him think they can have. “
“Is that why you beat the shit out of him and ruined the past hours of work? Because he said some remarks about me?” You scoff. “I can handle that, Seungcheol, I-” You cut off when his hand is suddenly at your throat. He’s not squeezing or applying any pressure but it’s a solid warning that he could. 
You should probably be scared, but you’re not, even if the man looks utterly psychotic with blood smeared over him and wide eyes staring down at you. It’s probably really fucked up how hot you find it. 
“Don’t fucking call me that,” he growls, crowding you further against the wall, getting so close that his thick thigh slots between yours and his left forearm leans on the wall above your head. “What’s my name?” You raise your eyebrow. “Well?” 
“Seungcheol,” your defiant response has his fingers curling around your throat and starting to cut off your air flow. It just makes your excitement grow and show in the sparkle of your eyes. 
“Try that again,” he warns in a murmur, moving even closer and pressing his thigh up against your crotch. “Go on,” 
“Bitch,” and then he’s kissing you with the same desperation he first kissed you. His hold is firm around your throat and his thigh is already rubbing against you in a way that has you grinding down while gripping his waist in one hand and hip in the other over those fucking trousers that drive you insane. Well, more insane than you already are where Choi Seungcheol is involved.
“Uh,” of course, of fucking course it’s Soonyoung who interrupts you, making you both look at him with matching pissed off expressions. “We should go, that dude is getting taken to the hospital and the hotel is willing to look the other way thanks to Hannie, provided we all leave and you never show your face again here. Hannie and Jun have already gone.” 
“She’s coming with me,” Seungcheol informs. “You go.” 
“Can’t. Daddy’s banned me from driving,” 
“Then fucking walk, Soonyoung.”
“We live so far away,” Soonyoung whines. 
“I’m going to break his face if he doesn’t leave right fucking now,” Seungcheol warns as he looks at you. 
“Just drive, daddy’s gone,” you point out with a shrug. 
“Good point.” Soonyoung nods then turns and walks off just like that without another word or complaint. 
You hope he won’t crash on the way home or forget that he’s driving a stolen car meaning that he shouldn’t take it to your shared apartment. But you can never be too sure with Soonyoung. Oh well, he already knows you won’t visit him in jail, just like he wouldn’t you. Your bloodpact never said anything about prison after all. 
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“This is stupid,” Minghao mutters, glancing over to where Seungcheol has a possessive arm around you in the lift of the hotel they’re staying in for the night, a much less fancy one than the meeting happened in. “You told her to leave and now you’ve fucking glued yourself to her and lost a lucrative deal to defend her honour or some bullshit.” 
“Did I ask for your opinion?” Seungcheol retorts, giving Minghao a look that his right hand just rolls his eyes at.
“Whatever, just don’t expect me to walk on eggshells around you anymore. You’re hurting yourself here and you know it.” 
“I’m the one who’s going to get choked,” you point out earning a disgusted look from Minghao. “What? I know you’re into choking, don’t look at me like that.” 
“How do you know what he’s into?” Seungcheol asks, looking between you. 
“How do you not know?” You scoff, looking at Seungcheol as if he’s the weird one. 
“Because I’ve never had sex with him,” 
“Neither have I.”
“Or watched him have sex,” 
“I haven’t…okay once or twice…maybe thrice…” Your expression twists thoughtfully as you try to recall every instance where you’ve watched Minghao have sex, intentionally or not. 
“What the fuck?!” Seungcheol glares at Minghao who holds up his hands placatingly.
“She’s a voyeur and I’m an exhibitionist, it just made sense when it happened. She usually walked in anyway. You know she has no sense of personal boundaries and invites herself wherever the fuck she wants to go.” 
“You should’ve stopped!” 
“You never did,” you point out and push away from the wall when the doors open and let the three of you enter the corridor. “You never stopped when I walked in on you.” 
“That’s different.” 
“How? Sex is sex.” 
“And I’m leaving, quickly,” Minghao informs and all but runs down the hallway ahead of you two to get to his room. 
Seungcheol doesn’t say anything until you’re both in his hotel room en suite and he’s leaning back against the sink counter while you clean his split knuckles for him. “Is sex really just sex to you?” 
“What else would it be?” 
“It means nothing?” 
“Is it supposed to?” You raise an eyebrow at him when you lift your head to meet his gaze. He’s got that sad puppy look again that twists your heart painfully. “Don’t look at me like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like…” you sigh and focus back on his hand. “Why did you kiss me, Seungcheol?” 
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t want you to leave.” 
“And that means choking and kissing me?” 
“That’s what you want from me, right? Sex? Just meaningless fucking.” 
“Oh.” You don’t need to be looking at Seungcheol to know his expression has fallen further into depths that would drag painful claws across your pitiful little heart if you witness it. “You don’t want me anymore?” 
“I didn’t say that,” 
“Then what are you saying? I don’t know how to fucking read you, you know? I need you to talk to me. Every time I try to have an honest fucking conversation with you about this you just stare at me and break my heart without even saying a word, at least have the fucking balls to do it verbally this time.” 
“I don’t want to hurt you, it hurts me too, seeing you with that fucking kicked puppy dog look.” You give up cleaning his hand and toss the blood stained cloth into the sink to step back with your hands on your hips. “And I don’t say anything because I don’t know what to say. I’m fucking…emotionally incompetent!” 
“I don’t know, that’s what Soonyoung called me when I explained all this to him.” 
“Emotionally incompetent?” You nod. “Why did he call you that? I mean, he’s probably right but he’s usually the first to defend you, so for him to call you that means you fucked up.” 
“I hurt you, of course I fucked up.” 
“Not returning my feelings doesn’t mean-” 
“Cheol,” he immediately cuts off, eyes rounding out at the nickname you haven’t called him in so long. Granted, you haven’t seen him to call him anything in so long but the point still stands. “When did I actually say I don’t have feelings for you?” 
“You said we’re not even friends.” 
“We’re not, we might’ve been at one point years ago but…I can’t think of you like that. You…” you sigh and drop your arms to your sides. “You mean too much to me. I don’t know how to put any of it into words and I was too shocked that day at the warehouse to say anything. And then you got pissed off and threw shit at me and I just didn’t know how to navigate that. It was a lot.” 
“You didn’t even show your face after,” he pretty much whispers, hands gripping the counter either side of his hips to try and ground himself. It reminds you of the day in his kitchen, the last day you saw him, when he was holding the island so tightly to stop himself from reaching for you. “You could’ve come to me and explained and then we could’ve…things would be different.” 
“I thought giving you space would be best. I didn’t want to make you worse. I thought that space would help but Hao found me and said you were denying my fucking existance and planning to fuck a mark and obviously you weren’t any better with the space.” 
“I was a fucking wreck. I can’t do this, I can’t not have you there turning up to make remarks about my thighs or ass or whatever. I need you there by my side so come back, please.” 
“Just like that? I come back and things go back to how they were?” 
“No. You come back and we figure out what works for us.” 
“Sex works great, that was good.”
He chuckles and nods a little in agreement. “It was and I’d really fucking love to do that more, I’m sure you’ve probably got an endless list of fucked up shit you want to do to me.” 
“Oh, hell yeah I do,” you confirm, eyes widening as you think of your endless fantasies involving the man in front of you. “How do you feel about taxidermy?” 
“We’re not involving taxidermy into our sex life, no fucking way,” he replies firmly. “That’s a hard fucking no, you keep that in your freaky head.” 
“Noted. What about anal?” 
“You went from taxidermy to anal how exactly?” 
Seungcheol tries not to laugh but breaks into an amused smile and motions for you to get closer. “You’re seriously insane, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, we discovered this years ago, Cheolie,” 
“Mm,” he slides his hands onto your hips as he smiles at you in a soft kind of way that makes your heart race. 
“Cheol?” He hums. “Is…I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you for years.” 
Seungcheol’s eyes widen in surprise before they soften back out and he takes a gentle hold of your face and presses a sweet, lingering kiss to your lips. “I love you too,” 
“Oh, really?” He nods and you grin happily at him. “That’s cool. We should get married or something.” 
“Fucking hell, you can’t just spring that on me,” he groans, hiding his blushing face into your neck as his arms wind around your waist to hold you close.
“But we’re in love, we love each other, why should we wait?” You’re genuinely confused and it makes him chuckle a little. “I’m serious, Cheol! Why should we wait to get married if that’s what’s going to happen anyway?”
“Alright, baby, let’s get married,” he agrees, straightening up, beaming at you so happily that you can’t help but smile back at him. “We’ll start arranging it as soon as we’re home, hm? But for now-” 
“Sex, lots of sex,” you finish for him. 
“I was going to say let’s sleep but you’re right, who even needs sleep?” He hoists you up with a cheeky grin while you giggle and wrap your arms and legs around him to make it easier for him to take you into the bedroom. 
“You didn’t answer me about anal,” 
“I don’t have anal lube, babe,” he chuckles, laying you down onto the bed and climbing between your thighs while removing his shirt.
“I don’t have a dildo or strap either,” you pout at the reminder.
“Wait, you meant my ass?” 
“Yeah, I really want to fuck your ass, it’s made to be fucked.” 
“Uh, I’ll consider it.” 
“Okay.” You reach out to pull him back down and slot your lips together shortly. “Now, you owe me,” 
“What, why?” 
“You said you were going to fuck me until I can’t walk and that never happened.” 
“Because you let me think you don’t want me for more than just sex!” 
“All I’m hearing is excuses and not enough action to put your cock in me,” 
“Yeah yeah, get naked.” He slaps your thigh a few times in encouragement while leaning back on his knees to unbuckle his belt. 
You make zero effort to move at all, except to prop yourself up on your elbows and watch intently as he slowly unbuttons his belt.
“Are you seriously just going to watch me strip?” He asks while teasingly dragging his fingers along his skin along the edge of his waistband with a cocky smirk once his belt is open.
“Dance for me, pretty boy,”
Seungcheol puts his hands on his hips and waits until you’ve dragged your gaze up from staring at the outline of his cock, over his bare torso and to his face. He’s raising an eyebrow at you. “Did you just call me pretty boy?” 
“Fucking crazy,” he huffs a short laugh.
“Hey!” You lean up just enough to slap his thigh scoldingly then sit up so that you can grope at his thighs with both hands while he just watches with an amused, fond little smile at your utterly shameless actions. “You are pretty, my pretty boy,” 
“Mm, I can accept that,” he agrees, holding your jaw with one hand firmly to tilt you up as he leans in to brush his lips over yours teasingly. “So long as I’m your pretty boy, I don’t mind being called that. So long as I’m yours, you can call me anything.” 
“Okay, sugarplum.” You cackle at the world-weary sigh that Seungcheol lets out against your lips before he leans back to look at you unimpressed. “What’s the matter, pookie?” 
“Why did you have to ruin the mood?” 
“I ruined the mood?” You smirk and slide one hand up his thigh to grip his cock firmly, making him hiss through his teeth at the sudden, tight pressure. “Feels like you’re still in the mood to me, pretty boy.” 
“I really must be insane,” 
“We match well then, huh?” 
“Mm,” he leans down to kiss you shortly. “Good thing we’re never having kids, they’d be sectioned before they reach adulthood.” 
“Our neighbours would hate us,” 
“They would,” he chuckles. “We’ll find somewhere new to live together once we’re married, away from noisy ass neighbours, and with a garden so I can fuck you outside and see how gorgeous you’ll look with the sun shining on you when you’re covered in my cum.” 
“There’s a park down the road,” 
“No,” he scoffs and shoves you back to make you lay down before his hands move to roughly yank his belt free. “You’re mine, I’m not letting anyone else see you like that.” 
“Even knowing they can look but not touch?” 
“Maybe once I’ve covered you in marks and made up for the past five years of not being able to fuck you.” 
“Sounds like a party,” you grin, and then wiggle excitedly as he taps the folded middle of his leather belt against your inner thigh. “That’d leave pretty marks.” 
“Mm, it would, you need to be naked for that though, baby,”
“You need to dance for me first,” you remind matter-of-factly before lacing your fingers together behind your head comfortably. 
“You really want me to dance for you?” 
“I’ve dreamed about you giving me a strip tease, don’t kill my boner, Cheolie.” 
“You’re going to kill my boner if you keep saying shit like this.” 
“Guess we need to invest in some gags,” 
“Guess we do,” he murmurs and licks his lips automatically at the thought of your lips stretched around a gag and drool running down your chin as you moan for him. “I’ll give you a strip tease another day, I need to fuck you too much.” 
“I promise, baby,” 
“Okay.” You sit up and get to work, quickly stripping off your clothes so Seungcheol climbs off of the bed to force his fitted trousers off of his body along with his boxers.
When he kneels back on the bed naked, he finds you already laid there utterly nude with legs spread in wait for him to join you.
“How the fuck did you strip so fast?” He gawps, running his hands reverently over your thighs as he settles between them on his knees. 
“Years of practise,” 
“Had to be prepared for the day you give in to my seduction.” 
“Well…good job,” he leans down over you, hands propping himself on the mattress so that he can kiss you. 
“Thank you,” you preen and run your hands up his sides to take the chance to touch as much of his strong torso as you can for the first time. You can’t fucking wait to spend the rest of your life touching him up. It’s going to be great. “Now, cock please,” 
Seungcheol chokes on a short laugh at your words. “Good use of manners, sweetheart,” 
“I thought so too. Definitely deserves a reward,” 
“Mm,” he shuffles down a little so that he can wrap his full lips around your left nipple and suck harshly, intent on starting his plan to cover you in hickies and hand prints to mark his property. 
“That’ll work,” you mutter, lacing fingers in his hair to encourage his mouth against your breast. “Not cock but it’ll do for now.” 
“Shut up,” he laughs against your skin. 
“Make me,” 
“You like it,” 
“I do,” he sighs before moving one hand over your chest and throat until he can press against your parted lips. There’s no resistance at all, your jaw dropping enough to allow his middle and ring finger to slide into your mouth. “Good fucking girl,” Seungcheol praises in a low, rough voice as you instantly start to suck at his fingers, swirling your tongue around and between them with happy little moans. 
Seungcheol keeps his mouth against your body, sucking and biting violent looking marks into your skin until he’s satisfied with his artwork. He moves down, dragging the fingers from your mouth as he does, smearing your own saliva in a trail all the way until he’s laid on his stomach between your thighs and attaching his mouth to your clit in the same moment he pushes those two wet fingers into you. 
“Cheol,” you breathe out, pushing down against his fingers so that he doesn’t even dare think of waiting. He hums against your clit, making your thighs tighten momentarily before he starts to work his fingers in rapid movements that make your eyes flutter and fingers grip at him. 
As your nails drag over his shoulder lightly, Seungcheol moans and arches up towards your hand, urging you on, encouraging you to grasp at him. Dig your nails in until he hisses and fucks his fingers into you harder and faster. 
“H-how much can you take?” He asks, leaning up on his free hand, mouth and chin smeared with your arousal. 
“Anything,” you promise, feeling as desperate as the wild darkness in his eyes tells you he feels. 
Seungcheol nods and pulls his fingers from you as he moves up onto his knees. He doesn’t even ask you to move, just grabs you and manhandles you onto your front, chest against the mattress and hips up just enough to give him a better angle to begin sliding his thick cock into you. 
Maybe you hadn’t been quite as ready as you could’ve been. As you perhaps should’ve been. It’s been a while since you put anything but your fingers in your pussy for a quick session since moving away from the city.
Living with your nosey ass best friend doesn’t give you the freedom to get your toys out as he seems to have the uncanny ability of popping up and making a big deal out of it. Lots of screaming and acting like he’s been visually assaulted. You do the same to him. Your relationship is full of a lot of love and mutual, mature respect, clearly.
It’s a tight fit and Seungcheol grips your hips tight as he painstakingly splits you open with his mouth parted and eyebrows furrowed as if in pain. Not that you can see. Or have the mental capacity to do anything but grip the pillow and almost suffocate yourself in it with the way you press your open mouth against the material. 
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight,” he pants when he stops before he’s even buried his entire length in you. “Baby, I don’t-I don’t know if this is a good idea, fuck,” 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you warn, turning your head to glare over your shoulder at him while reaching back to grab his ass and stop him from pulling out like he starts to. 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” 
“Then I’ll do it,” you huff and push yourself up onto your hands. Admittedly, shaky hands but you’re too focused on your task to care. Too stubborn and desperate to get obliterated by his cock. 
“Shut the fuck up, Choi Seungchol,” you demand, pushing yourself back harsh enough that he flails and drops down onto his haunches as he swears, hands still gripping you though. His mouth says one thing and his body another. 
It’s a task getting your body upright until you’re on your knees, hands free to hold onto his forearm and thigh but when you do, you only take a moment to stop the spinning of your mind before you start to bounce on his cock. 
“Fuck,” he groans, spreading his thighs a little wider and rolling his hips in time with your bouncing. He’s not thrusting but his minute movements help to open you up a little more with every slap of your skin against his. 
This position isn’t very practical for you, not with Seungcheol. Not when it makes his cock feel even bigger than it actually is and your whole body trembles as it presses and drags against your walls in ways that feel like utter sin. You’re dripping all over him, ruining the bed and you don’t even care. Neither does he. 
“Your turn,” you murmur, falling still on his lap as you lean back against his chest to catch your breath at least a little and give your burning thighs a break. It’s a lot more work to ride him like that than you expected. You’ll have to take up a new workout routine so that you can do it for longer next time. You’re determined.
Seungcheol takes the moment of calm stillness to brush his lips over your shoulder and let his hands explore over your chest and spread-thighs. 
One of his hands trails between your legs to feel at where your pussy is spread around his cock. He makes a low, pleased sound before abruptly rubbing quick harsh circles over your clit. You shriek in surprise, body tensing at the sudden attack and nails digging into the skin of his thighs under your own.
“You gotta cum first,” he informs, stopping his circles for only a second to bring his hand back then down, landing a firm slap to your clit and making your body jerk as you moan brokenly. “That’s my dirty girl, fucking knew you’d like this,” his tone is nothing but aroused and approving as he slaps your clit again while holding you in place with his other arm wrapped securely around your waist with his hand on your chest. “You’re gonna cum like this, understand?” 
“I said, do you understand?” Another slap, this one harsher in a toe-curling way, before he drags his palm and fingers over your clit in a way that could be considered almost soothing if he wasn’t pressing as firmly as he is. 
“Fuck, y-yeah. Don’t stop.” You agree, nodding where your head is tilted back against his shoulder. “But,” 
“What?” You don’t answer verbally and instead grip his left wrist to pull his hand up from your chest and to your throat. “I fucking love you,” he declares before squeezing your throat at the same time as he sucks on the side of your neck to create a new claim, his right hand moving to slap your clit in rapid succession. 
It’s only a few seconds of the combination, the intense pleasure from all melding together and sending a sharp orgasm through your body. Your body moves naturally as if trying to fight it and get away as you gasp for air you can’t get yet. Your nails drag deep red marks over his skin that only encourages him to fuck up into your convulsing walls. 
“Good, good,” he breathes against your neck and drops his palm from your throat back to your chest, both so that you can breathe clearly and so that he can hold you to him. He doesn’t stop playing with your clit though, his hips humping up into you and barely moving his cock but it’s still almost too much stimulation. 
The first orgasm is barely even over before another rocks through your body. 
This time, Seungcheol removes his hand from your clit, giving you some respite and murmurs praise against your shoulder the entire time it takes you to come down from the combination of both climaxes.
“You okay?” He asks gently when you turn your head to blink your eyes open and peer at him. You hum and nod, giving him a dopey, sated smile that makes him laugh. “Can you take more?” 
“Whatever you’ve got,” comes your confident response. 
“That’s my girl,” he smirks, looking nothing but proud of you and your pussy for being able to handle his thick cock. You’d puff like a peacock if, you know, you weren’t human.
Seungcheol takes a moment to just kiss you, lips and tongue meeting languidly as best as you both can considering the angle. You personally think it works very well and you’d give you both top marks.
And then he pushes you down against the mattress, one hand on the back of your neck to keep your cheek smushed against the pillow and his other hand holding your hip firmly to fuck into you in a brutal manner.
The headboard knocks harshly against the wall with every powerful stroke of his hips. The back of your thighs and ass are already starting to sting with the strength of his thrusts. His fingers bruise marks into your hip and neck as he hold you securely in place and forces you to just fucking take it. 
And you’re in heaven.
If you weren’t in love with the man before, you sure as fuck are now.
Nobody has ever fucked you like this. Nobody has handled you so well in every way. And you just know with everything in you that nobody else ever will. 
You’re definitely gonna marry the fuck out of Choi Seungcheol.
It doesn’t last much longer really, not that you can really blame Seungcheol considering he sat there and felt your pussy squeeze and cream over his cock twice already; and now he’s battering your walls so perfectly in a way that borders on pain in the most delicious of ways so you’re squeezing him all over again in minutes and almost screaming into the pillow as he forces another strong climax from your body.
You don’t even have the mental clarity to realise he’s stopped, his hips juddering against you as he cums as deep in you as possible with a string of low, rough moans with your name sprinkled in. 
“Oh, fuck,” you grunt when he lowers your hips to the mattress without pulling out just so that he can almost flatten you under his own body weight. You know he’s not entirely laid on you, you can feel the bulge of his biceps against your upper arms as he holds himself up just enough to not squish you.
“Shut up, you said you can take anything I give you,” he reminds in between pressing sweet, lingering kisses to your neck. 
“Meant your giant cock, not giant ass.” 
“You love my giant ass.”
“Mm. So, can I peg you?” 
“Can’t we just enjoy the post-sex bliss without you ruining it?” 
“No.” You wiggle your ass making him groan and then bite your shoulder in retaliation. 
“Don’t get me hard again, I’ll pass out if we go again before I sleep.” 
“That’s not a problem, unless you squish me, or go soft.” 
“Are you implying you’d carry on fucking even if I pass out?” 
“What? Because you wimp out, I have to suffer?” You scoff and wiggle again. “Got a problem with me using your body when you’re unconscious?” 
Seungcheol is silent for a moment in thought. “Just don’t stick anything in my ass.” 
“Mm, I can accept that. I want you to be awake when I ruin you anyway.” 
“I really don’t know what I’ve got myself into with you, do I?” 
“Nope.” You grin over your shoulder at him. “You said you’ll marry me, you’re stuck with me forever.” 
“I think I’m okay with that,” there’s a smile on his face as he moves off of you so that he can turn you enough to comfortably kiss you in a way that feels something like a promise. 
A promise to be okay with your endless depravities. A promise to marry you as soon as possible and buy a house together. A promise to spend the rest of his life loving you, his utterly bat-shit crazy troublemaker.
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Don’t forget to reblog if you liked to help spread the story and let others read it too! And don't be shy to leave comments or send an ask so I can see your thoughts 🥺 💖
Permanent taglist: @okiedokrie @variety-is-the-joy-of-life
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dollyyun · 5 months
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑.𝟐
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SYNOPSIS: For some reason, Park Sunghoon utterly despises you ─ how you are the literal definition of a good girl who avoids all sorts of troubles, how you remain loyal and abide by the rules, how you dress modestly, the fact that you're best friends with the popular girls who are his kind of girls, the way your eyes sparkle with fascination, and the dimples on your cheeks whenever you smile or laugh ─ you are every bit of a girl he has no desire to fuck. However, being naturally competitive even against his best friends, he is determined to be the one to break you, poison you with his corruptive ways, and change you for the worse.
PAIRING: park sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), college au, semi-adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WORD COUNT: 26.5k+
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, smoking, alcohol consumption, mention of substances abuse, mild bullying, assault, humiliation, profanities, manipulation, possible violence, tsundere!hoon, smut.
PLAYLIST: Six Feet Under - The Weeknd, Heartless - The Weeknd, Reminder - The Weeknd, Lost in the Fire - The Weeknd, get him back! - Olivia Rodrigo, think later - Tate Mcrae, Swim - Chase Atlantic, Devillish - Chase Atlantic, Soaked - Shy Smith, Swimming Pools - Lloyd, Where Them Girls At - David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj, Agora Hills - Doja Cat.
-smut warnings under cut-
smut warnings: unprotected sex (no!), pool sex, shower sex, rough-hate sex, meandom!hoon, slight voyeurism, degradation, name calling (slut, bitch, princess), cock-warming, oral, blowjob, handjob, lots of manhandling, hair pulling, choking, 'sir' kink, spitting kink, spanking, markings(hoon has a biting kink), corruption kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, crying, just pure filth, threesome with jakehoon.
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Karina offered you a ride with her Range Rover vehicle, along with Winter, Kazuha, and Rei, which you gladly accepted since you would be more comfortable being in the same space as the ones you trusted enough to know about the exact truth of what happened.
The journey to the resort chalet took about an hour and a half since the entirety of the resort world is located on the outskirts of the town, which is also nearby the seaside. Thankfully, the ride wasn’t as dull as you thought it would be. The jovial ambience was infused by laughter, chatter, and even carpool karaoke.
Warmth spreads across your chest while the smile persists on your radiant face. You can’t remember the last time you ever had fun like this, or maybe you haven’t.
“We’re here!” Rei announces gleefully in the backseat whereas you are the passenger princess.
You divert your attention to the window, and you are awestruck by the mere yet remarkable sight of the resort’s entrance as Karina continues to accelerate forward to find the parking lot.
The commotion in the backseat fades out as you decide to bask in silence in an attempt to recharge your social battery to the fullest. Your phone vibrates in your hand, prompting you to glance down to check the newest notification from a certain someone that has you rolling your eyes at.
SUNGHOON: Where are you?
Even through his text, you can discern how demanding he is, eliciting an inaudible sigh from you.
Y/N: Just arrived. Karina is still searching for the parking lot. SUNGHOON: Tell her ass to drive fast Y/N: The more reason I should tell her to take her sweet time. SUNGHOON: You think you’re being cute, don’t you, princess? Just wait until you get here Y/N: On second thought, I’m going to stick around with my friends so you won’t get to me. SUNGHOON: You know you’re not being cute right now Y/N: You’re so annoying. I didn’t claim to be cute. SUNGHOON: Lose the attitude, princess Y/N: And what are you going to do about it if I don’t? SUNGHOON: I’ll fuck the attitude out of you, so don’t test me. Y/N: Whatever. You’re all talk but no action.
You stare at your screen, waiting for his reply, but to your surprise, he doesn’t, bringing a frown to your lips.
Speaking of Sunghoon, you surprisingly managed to hide it with a concealer, thanks to Karina, who freaked out at first but soon came to your rescue. Thankfully, Karina didn’t push you into the details after you briefly explained that you were caught up in the spur of the moment with him.
A part of you feels guilty for not telling her the whole truth, but you don’t want to worry her more than she already is. You have been made well aware by Karina that she doesn’t want to baby you anymore, but her word of advice is for you to be careful.
Just as you have finally arrived at the parking lot, your mind quickly drifts to the conversation you had with Karina in your dorm.
“Since we’re on the topic of Park Sunghoon, you should know that he can be a beast in bed.” Karina’s statement throws you off guard just as you are about to make your way to her bathroom to change into the cute white floral dress. “I heard some things from the girls he slept with in the past. Kind of scared me, not gonna lie.”
You really don’t want to know any details entailing Sunghoon’s lifestyle pertaining to sex, but curiosity is gnawing at you. “Why did it scare you?” You ask tentatively.
“Well, for starters, he’s downright mean, and he’s rough, as in, really rough to the point where he can make you cry real bad, like full on sobbing.” Karina rolls her eyes before resuming to apply the lip gloss to her lips in the vanity mirror. “According to those girls, he lacked basic decency and didn’t bother to provide some aftercare after the mind-blowing sex.”
“Oh….” Is all you can afford to utter. It’s not as if you are looking forward to sleeping with him anytime soon, right? Right…???
Karina continues, almost as if she is expressing her disapproval in the way she speaks, “Just like the other leaders, he has some questionable kinks. Oh! And he’s nasty. Sex with him is painful, but it is the kind of pain you’ll grow to crave, and to me personally, it’s not my type of sex─”
“Okay, okay, I really didn’t need to know all the details!” You cut her off in a ramble, your cheeks flushing pink while something stirs in your core.
“I’m just being a good friend to give you some heads up if you do have plans to sleep with him.” Karina states bluntly before pausing, followed by a loud gasp as she turns around to look at you with a grin, and the expression on her face is as though she has formulated a diabolical plan. “I have a brilliant idea! Why don’t you use Sunghoon for your revenge?”
“Are you crazy?” You give her a bewildered stare. “Have you forgotten that Sunghoon is best friends with Jaeyun?”
“For that very reason, my girl, is exactly why you should use Sunghoon!” Karina beams. “Think about it. If you use any other guys, Jake probably wouldn’t be entirely deterred, but if he sees you with Sunghoon or his other best friends, trust me when I say that your revenge will definitely affect him greatly.”
You begin to contemplate, humming. “You do have a point, but why are you oddly happy about this?” You ask, giving her an odd stare.
“Duhh, it’s because I hate all of the knights. They are all different, but still the same kind of crazy. Plus, I dated one, so I know what it's like.” Karina scoffs lightly. “So you using Sunghoon for your sweet revenge is a stepping stone to breaking the friendship bond between them.”
“It’s kind of risky. I mean, what if Sunghoon gets the hint that I’m using him solely to make Jaeyun jealous? Surely, Sunghoon won’t hesitate to inform Jaeyun of my petty revenge, and subsequently, I’ll be made fun of.” You murmur.
“It won’t hurt to try. Plus, with your angelic face, I doubt that Sunghoon would suspect anything unless you gave away the hint.”
Karina’s suggestion does sound enticing, and you are considering it at this very moment as you finally step foot into the chalet zone with your friends flanking you.
The sky is now painted in a beautiful purple-blue hue, as the sun is making its descent. As you and your friends venture further, your eyes sparkle with wonderment. The ambience throughout the long array of chalets is teeming vibrantly with buoyancy that is accompanied by distinct chatter, hilarity, and blasting upbeat music that reverberates nearly throughout the resort.
“Welcome, ladies!” Yeonjun’s amiable greeting draws your attention to him. He is clad in a beach-fit consisting of a pair of shorts and a loose polo shirt that displays the tattoos inked on his chest.
“Great party, Choi!” Kazuha commends him, smiling at him. 
You can see it in his eyes that Kazuha’s mere compliment elevates his pride. Yeonjun grins lazily. “If you think this is great, wait till y’all join the others by the pool.” His eyes trail to your face, and you see a flicker of surprise in his gaze. “Y/N! Not that you’re not welcomed here since you’re a senior as well, but I definitely didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Yeonjun.” You greet him politely with a small smile despite your distaste for him after knowing the reason behind Yunjin’s constant heartbreak because of him.
Yeonjun shoots you a friendly wink. “Hope you’ll enjoy what we have to offer. Oh, and if any of you ladies want to stay for a night or two, you are very welcome to do so! It’s all on the house!”
“Thanks, Yeonjun! You’re the best!” Rei chimes with a grin before Yeonjun gets distracted by the calling of his best friends from afar and drifts away from you.
“It’s a pity that he’s the same jerk as the other knights.” Karina mutters under her breath to you. “He’s one of the few who throws an amazing party.”
You hum in return, a little preoccupied with your eyes searching for a certain someone clad in leather over the sea of students in your line of sight. They are scattered everywhere. You admit that you are flabbergasted by the excessive skin revealed by most, as the ladies are in bikinis while the guys are in swim trunks. 
But since this is a pool party, no one seems to be bothered by it, so you know for yourself that you need to grow accustomed to it.
“Food! We need food!” Rei and Kazuha exclaim before they dash off together hand-in-hand, leaving the three of you behind.
“Girl! You need to come with me! I got the details.” Giselle appears out of nowhere, her statement is directed at Winter as she holds her arm. Giselle looks at you briefly in shock before greeting you with a wink and proceeding to drag Winter with her.
“I’m gonna stick to you.” You loop your arm around Karina’s. The latter merely chuckles before both of you proceed to venture further.
As you follow Karina without uttering a word as she is busily greeting the students she recognises, you feel a pair of heated eyes drilling into your figure. At first, you shake away the feeling and tell yourself in your head that you’re probably just imagining things since you feel a tad paranoid about bumping into Jake or even Sunghoon.
But the longer you ignore it, the more you feel unsettled. It is as though somewhere, an unknown predator is watching you keenly and waiting for the right moment to pounce.
By now, your arm around Karina’s loosens while she is conversing with her friend, before you unlock your arm off of hers. With a frown tugging at your lips, your eyes begin to scan your surroundings, and when you do, you spot a familiar figure clad in denims whose face is staring at you, causing your heart to pound harder against your chest.
There is Jake, being surrounded by his fellow knights. He maintains eye contact with you, and even if he’s far from where you’re at, you can feel the electricity between the two of you. You notice the way his eyes rake all over your figure while he raises the red cup to his smirking lips before drinking the content.
You look away from him, unable to maintain eye contact with him any longer, or else you’ll burst. Warmth weaves across your cheeks as it turns pink. You hate how he never fails to look attractive, but the heartbreak from him remains fresh in your mind.
A profound sentiment fuels your determination to execute your sweet revenge against Jake, and so you begin your search for a specific person as you clutch the strap of your tote bag that bears necessity and extra undergarments.
Navigating your way through the crowd, you look down at your phone screen and send him a text.
Y/N: I’m here. Where are you? SUNGHOON: Turn around, princess.
You halt your steps, and that is when you finally feel a presence looming from behind you. As you slowly turn around, your eyes meet his steely ones. A cold smile touches his lips, giving you the bad chills.
You have an inkling that he may or may not have been pissed off by your texts earlier. You swallow down a bundle of nerves. “Sunghoon─”
Without a word, Sunghoon latches his hand around your wrist before pulling you with him, further from the main scene, where he guides you into one of the chalets. With the door slamming shut loudly behind you, you flinch as you stare at the back of his head, to which you can’t help but admire the butterfly tattoo inked on his nape.
As you walk past one of the rooms, you manage to catch a glimpse of Heeseung inside, who is quick enough to make eye contact with you that the intensity of his gaze alone is enough to steal your breath. You don’t miss the way his eyebrow arches inquisitively upon seeing you getting dragged by Sunghoon.
By the time Sunghoon brings you into one of the rooms, you have no idea whether your heart is beating fast out of fear or excitement, awaiting what is next.
“Are you mad at me?” You break the ice as soon as he releases your wrist. Getting annoyed by the weight of your tote bag, you decide to place it on the table behind you.
Sunghoon turns around, allowing you to discern the emotions exuding from him. “Am I mad? I don’t know, princess. Do I look like I’m mad?” He asks with a sardonic smile.
His eyes rake all over you, and he swears he can feel his dick twitching under these layers of clothing. You look gorgeous yet at the same time cute, all dolled up in a white floral print dress that reaches way above your plush thighs. You are still wearing the satin piece that you tied your hair with into a delicate bow, but this time, he finds it endearing instead.
A newfound wave of possessiveness washes over him like a tidal wave as he clenches his jaw at the thought of other guys feasting their eyes on you.
“Um…maybe?” You answer meekly as you shuffle your feet uncomfortably, feeling conscious of the smouldering intensity of his gaze on your body.
Sunghoon scoffs out a chuckle. “You know, princess, you’re different compared to when you texted me. You’re feisty through texts, but now?” He cocks his head to one side. The mockery is glaring on his face while a small smirk touches his lips. “You look pathetically weak.”
You frown at the insult. “That’s not very nice, considering that I did end up searching for you after my arrival.”
“If you haven’t already known, I don’t do nice.” Sunghoon says coldly before he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his legs outstretched and spread leisurely. His head is tilted while his gaze on you remains invasive, as though he is undressing you.
His tongue peeks from his mouth as he licks his lips. “Get down on your knees, princess.”
His husky, erotic voice nearly knocks the breath out of you while your eyes widen in disbelief at his command. “W-Why?” Your voice shakes, mirroring your inner turmoil.
“I said get down on your fucking knees.”
Not wanting to piss him off more than he already looks, you do as you were told, slowly getting down on your knees. The cold, marbled flooring in contact with your knees sends shivers through your body.
Sunghoon displays his contentment, smirking down at you while the familiar cruelty in his dark gaze causes your inner turmoil to tenfold. “Now, crawl to me.”
This time, your eyes widen like sockets, refusing to believe the words left in his mouth. “What?” You remain unmoving as every fibre in your body goes frozen.
“Crawl to me.” He commands calmly this time, but you are no fool to interpret that his calmness doesn’t mirror the explicable storms in his hauntingly beautiful eyes.
Out of fear for him, you suppress your dignity, placing both of your palms on the cold, marbled floor. You lower your gaze as you advance forward rather slowly while you bite down your bottom lip to refrain from leaking the tears at the corner of your eyes.
“Eyes on me when you crawl to me.” His stern voice elicits a silent whimper from you before you reluctantly raise your head to meet his callous gaze.
The utter humiliation colours your cheeks as you continue to crawl to him while his cold smirk remains on his countenance, blatantly displaying his satisfaction in seeing you being so pathetic yet compliant.
His gaze lowers to your chest, where he can catch a glimpse of the plumpness of your breasts, which are supported by your bikini top. You notice that, and it only brings more humiliation to you.
Once you reach directly in front of him, he leans forward to grab your chin firmly and tilt your head up. “Can you recall what you texted me earlier? Something about me being all talk but no action?" His smirk widens upon seeing the panic in your eyes. “Don’t worry, princess. I won’t be fucking you, but rather, I’m gonna teach you lesson one, and by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be an expert.”
“Lesson one?” You mumble, frowning in confusion, yet at the same time, you feel a strange anticipation.
“Lesson one: How to suck a dick. Gotta get you to become the perfect cockslut just for me.” His chuckles sound degrading, and instead of hating it, you find yourself getting oddly excited by his degradation. “Have you ever sucked a dick?”
“N-No.” You become flustered by the usage of his dirty talking, yet your core is stirring with the familiar arousal. 
“Of course, you haven’t. You’re a fucking saint.” He says in utter disgust, releasing your chin roughly, but you remain in eye contact with him, as though you are hypnotised. “Unzip my pants.”
And you do, but you are rather flimsy with your hands, eliciting another chuckle from him as he finds you surprisingly adorable, especially the glinting anticipation in your eyes. Once you finally unfasten his pants, you proceed to pull them down, where your eyes widen at how conspicuous the outline of his cock beneath the material of the briefs is, and you can discern how hard he actually is. 
“Go on. Pull it down.” He says, slightly breathless with keen anticipation at the thought of being the first guy to be sucked and deepthroated by the renowned Crescents’ good girl.
With trembling hands, you begin to pull down his black briefs, and at once, you are met by the sight of his cock. You can’t help but marvel at how thick he is, even thicker than Jake’s, and you fear you can’t handle him.
“Grab it.” He instructs, and with hesitation, you grab his length, which feels warm beneath your touch. “Now pump it.”
Despite your low confidence, you begin pumping his length while your eyes are fixated on his engorging, nearly red tip. Your mouth goes watery as your mind begins to fantasise about taking and swallowing him whole.
“Don’t bother being gentle.” He says, his chest heaving as he refrains himself from going out all hard on you, knowing that you won’t be able to handle him as a whole. “Use your thumb to rub the tip as well.”
While still pumping him, you use the other hand to rub his tip, and when your thumb makes a tentative rub, a low yet attractive groan emits from him, which fuels your determination to get him to cum as you resume your administration.
The softness of your hands on his dick feels so innocent, while he finds your visible determination adorable. He begins to grow addicted to your touch, wanting more than just your hands.
“Kiss the tip, princess.” 
You look at him as he gives you an encouraging nod before you lean forward to kiss the tip. Once your soft lips come into contact with his tip, he clenches his jaw, feeling good just from your kiss. A shiver runs down your spine as you kiss his warm yet sticky tip that has been gradually leaking with his precum.
“Lick it.”
Like a good student heeding her professor’s instruction, you stick out your tongue before licking the tip, and when you do, you nearly moan out at how sensational he feels on your tongue. The precum from his tip doesn’t even deter you from licking him again.
“Now put my dick into your mouth.” He instructs huskily, his voice laden with lust. The palpable tension in the room has your pulse going erratic.
You halt your administration, and yearning to please him, you grab his length again to aim it at your parted mouth. Sunghoon groans lowly just by the mere sensation of your tongue and the roof of your mouth enveloping the head.
“Take my dick deeper.” He tells you, prompting you to take him deeper slowly while you struggle with the girth of his cock. You stop to take a short breather, but Sunghoon raises his eyebrow at you. “Go on. I don’t want to see you stop until you take me deeper into your throat.”
A whimper is stuck in your throat, but nonetheless, you resume. Sunghoon sighs as his patience is running thin at how slow you are. Without any leniency, he leans forward to grab a fist of your hair and pulls you towards him, causing your eyes to widen at the abrupt roughness as he gags you.
You make a choking noise as the head is now hitting the back of your throat. Your hands latch on his thighs, clawing at him as you struggle to take his length.
“Stop panicking. You’ll only make it worse.” He grumbles, still gripping your hair. “Slack your jaw, princess.”
Trying to regulate your uneven breathing and emotions, you proceed to slack your jaw, now accommodating his girth without much struggle.
“Now bob your head and deepthroat me.” A smirk touches his lips as he releases your hair.
Despite your jaw already aching from the weight of his cock in your mouth, you do as he told you to, bobbing your head with the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat every so often, which has you making a choking noise.
Tears prickle in your eyes as you continue to take him deeper while his callous eyes gleam with cruel fascination, admiring how pathetically helpless you look in taking his thick cock yet so beautifully kneeling in front of him.
“I don’t want to see you stop until I cum in your throat, understood?” His stern voice has you nodding your head frantically and gagging once more, and you swear you can feel your throat bulging.
Sunghoon throws his head to the back at how sensational your mouth and throat feel, moaning deeply, which evokes familiar arousal from you and also elevates your confidence.
Sunghoon returns his hungry gaze to your face once more, his tongue grazing across his bottom lip while the tip of his lips turns into a smirk. “That’s it. You’re doing so good, my perfect little cockslut.” He croons to you, his fingers brushing your tear-stained cheek.
The moan from your throat sends vibrations to his cock, amplifying the pleasure before his impending orgasm comes knocking on the door. 
“I knew it. Beneath your pristine Catholic good girl facade is a hungry cockslut just like any other girl.” He says harshly while more tears stream down your cheeks. He grunts out a moan as he fucks into your mouth, causing you to gag again.
Your hands claw at his thighs, denoting that you need some respite, but he simply raises his eyebrow while mockery is painted all over his face. “Nah, I don’t think so. You’re not done until you swallow every drop of my cum.”
You manage to whimper through your stuffed mouth. With your jaw aching tremendously, that serves as motivation for you to draw out his orgasm quickly.
Sunghoon heaves a sigh of pleasure while a tinge of surprise spreads in his chest when your tongue swirls around the tip deliciously. He watches with ladened, lusty eyes as you get immersed in it. The sight is rather enthralling.
“Yeah? You love my cock, princess?” He rasps, leaning his body forward to caress the back of your head. You moan in response, sending another vibration through his cock, to which he swallows a moan. “I know you do. You always need to be mouth-stuffed with my cock, don’t you?”
All of his dirty talking goes straight to the heat of your cunt, eliciting another moan from the back of your throat. You are itching to attend to your neglected clit, but you know you need to focus solely on his pleasure.
The corner of your mouth is nearly drooling with your spit, while your aching jaw is begging for mercy and the crystalline tears are staining your cheeks. He bucks his hips once more, and this time, his hand grips a fist of your hair, forcing you deeper before he finally comes undone.
A guttural moan emitting from him rings through your ears as he holds you completely still, tugging the roots of your hair painfully while you gladly swallow every drop. Instead of being revolted, you find yourself getting addicted to the taste of his cum.
Once he releases your hair, you take this as a signal to remove his now-softened cock from your mouth, your lips glistening with your saliva while you regulate your erratic breathing.
Sunghoon releases a sigh of contentment, with his chest heaving up and down. He hates to admit it, but for someone with zero blowjob experience, you did amazing — better than he expected.
His dark eyes meet your dazed ones before casting you a charming smirk. “Good job, princess. You passed with flying colours.”
You don’t respond, as you remain speechless by what happened. The rational part of you is greatly disappointed in you for succumbing to the sin once more, but another part of you is brimming with satisfaction that you manage to impress the guy who hates you.
You blink your eyes after being pulled away from the state of dazed by the sound of shuffling, prompting you to look at Sunghoon in front of you as he zips up his pants. With an arched eyebrow at you, he pats his thigh, beckoning you to sit. “Come here, princess.”
You don’t want to, especially since you’re afraid that he might make a nasty remark about how weighty you are. But his dark eyes penetrate into yours so intensely that you find yourself complying.
Your movements are tentative, he can see it. Patience running thin and in dire need to feel your body on him, once you rise from the ground, he grabs your hand and tugs you towards him before turning you around and forcing you to sit with your bums hitting his thighs.
You hold your breath momentarily, waiting for him to make a snide remark. But what he does next throws you off guard. His palms are placed on top of your thighs, and the heat of his touch sends shivers through you while his chest is pressed against your back, allowing you to feel his heart pounding.
“Aren’t I heavy for you?” You ask shakily as your pulses drum violently in your ears. His body heat and his touch on your thighs are making your head dizzy.
“You’re lightweight, princess.” Sunghoon says in a murmur, his fingers stroking your thighs, enjoying how you feel on top of him.
“Liar.” You can’t help but scoff lightly.
“Like I said before, princess, I’m a man of my words.” Sunghoon drawls his words before he decides to cave into his temptation, brushing your hair to the side for him to get better access to your neck.
Your pretty, dainty neck is one of the things he has been fantasising about. He desires to leave more of his marks on your skin and to proudly display them for any guys who glance in your way, and his raging lust intensifies as he recalls how good your throat looked bulging when you deepthroated him earlier. He desires to use you as his cocksleeve.
His warm lips on your skin send the familiar sensation through your body as you gasp softly. “Why exactly are we in this room?” You manage to ask in between shaky breaths. Goosebumps arise on your skin as he drags the tip of his nose on the curve of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent that he wants to bask in.
“Because I wanted us to be here,” He says in a lull. “And I want to have you all to myself before I let you go and have fun.”
“You’ll let me go?” The flicker of hope that is apparent in your tone sounds adorable to him, eliciting a breathy chuckle from him.
“Don’t be too happy now, princess. After you had your fun, you’re all mine for the taking.” He presses one last kiss on your neck before whispering, “Turn around for me.”
You do as he told, with his assistance as well, and your dress is hiked up way above by the time you face him. Your eyes settle on his face, admiring how beautifully sculpted every feature of his is and the beauty marks embellished on some parts of his face.
“Where is my mark?” Sunghoon frowns, shattering your trance. His fingers brush against your skin, where the concealed hickey is.
“Concealer.” You tell him shortly, shivering every once in a while as he continues to stroke your skin. “I didn’t want any of my friends to find out about it.”
Sunghoon kisses the back of his mouth, annoyed, but with your doe eyes staring at him, he resigns. “Fine, but I’m not letting your earlier attitude pass.”
“W-Wait! Sunghoon!” Panic settles in your chest as soon as he leans down to kiss your neck on the other side, afraid that he will leave marks. “I have something important to tell you!”
But your body betrays you as it succumbs to the pleasure he is giving you simply by kissing and nipping your neck. You arch your back while tilting your head to the perfect angle for him to administer his kisses comfortably on your skin.
Sunghoon hums attractively in response, but he doesn’t relent. “What is so important other than leaving another of my marks on you?”
“It’s about Jaeyun.”
Sunghoon ceases whatever he is doing. Oddly, the name of his best friend coming from your mouth evokes a newfound emotion in him, and he doesn’t like it.
“What about him?” He asks in a grunt, his arm around your waist tightening.
“He did something.” You start off, unsure if you’re going in the right direction.
Sunghoon scoffs out a chuckle. “And so I’ve been told.”
Your eyes widen as you stare at him, baffled. “So you knew about the whole thing?”
“Not exactly.” Sunghoon says, now intrigued by this, while his amorous thoughts about you remain lingering in his head. “He told me that he used some girl to make you jealous, but he didn’t go into details when I pressed on.”
Of course, Sunghoon is technically lying since he has already put the pieces together. From his understanding, Jake used Hana to make you jealous because Jake couldn’t handle the fact that Sunghoon and the other two would soon be coming after you. In simple words, Jake is bitter and jealous; at least that’s what Sunghoon thinks.
But Sunghoon still can’t comprehend why Jake chose such a method that is similar to when the latter ghosted them without any explanation.
“It was stupid. I was stupid.” You have no idea why, but instinctively, you lower your guards. By now, you are perched comfortably on his lap while your fingers are mindlessly drawing circles on his back, sending him unfamiliar shivers. “I thought I meant something to him. I thought he meant what he said about me being his girl.”
Naturally, you expect Sunghoon to offer you words of consolation, but instead, cold chuckles emit from him while the familiar cruelty gleams in his eyes. “Oh, princess, were you that desperate for attention and affection from Jake?”
Your eyes turn crestfallen with glistening tears, while your heart stings from his derogatory words. “I-I wasn’t─”
“Awww, princess’s a crybaby.” Sunghoon kisses the back of his mouth, his stroking fingers on your cheek feel sneering. “You’re so fucking pathetic, really, and dumb.”
“Why are you being so mean to me?” You ask weakly, your quivering lips jutting into a pout, which catches his attention, and he wants nothing more than to kiss and bite them.
“Because I like seeing you cry.” He admits with a sly grin smearing his lips as he gazes deeply into your eyes. “I like making you cry.”
“You’re─” You smack your lips shut together as hesitation pulls you away from saying things that might lead to consequences.
Sunghoon raises an inquisitive eyebrow at you while his grip on your waist tightens, and you can detect the danger just by his mere touch. “I’m what?” His tone denotes a warning.
You shake your head in refusal, subconsciously biting down your bottom lip at the dark intensity in his gaze. His eyes zero in on your pink, luscious lips that looked swollen earlier from the blowjob.
“Don’t do that.” His fingers grip your chin, his thumb moving to your bottom lip and slowly tugging it down, causing you to release from biting it. “Only I get to bite them.” He murmurs as his thumb brushes your moist lip sensually. “Come on. Tell me what you were about to say.”
Gazing into his dark eyes with lidded eyes, your breaths turn shallow while his thumb remains on your bottom lip. “You’re crazy.” You manage to utter, but your voice sounds foreignly thick, laden with lust as the palpable tension in the air becomes unbearable.
“Because I like making you cry?” His tone mirrors yours as he leans forward to close the gap between your bodies, enjoying the way your breasts are pressed against his chest.
“Yes.” You unintentionally pout again, and it seems as though you are whining your discontentment to him and sulking with the way you are now.
“Oh, princess,” He sighs leisurely, his thumb making its ascent to wipe the tears from your cheek. “How could I not make you cry? Especially when you look pretty like this.”
Your breath hitches in your throat while something fluttery brushes against your beating heart. “You think I’m pretty?”
The lazy smile on his lips with his fang-like teeth peeking is enough to bring butterflies into your tummy. “So, so pretty.”
“But I thought you hated me.” You mumble, ignoring the way your cheeks flare diffidently.
“I still do.”
“Well, I don’t like you either.” Your voice wavers, but the sudden realisation of what you intended to tell him dawns on you. “Listen, I know that you hate me, but I need your help.”
“My help? Pray tell, what─”
“I want to use you to get back Jaeyun.” You cut him off, surprising yourself with the firm resolution in your tone. Even Sunghoon seems to be so too. “I want to make him jealous as revenge.”
“You? And revenge?” The incredulity gleams in his eyes with a smirk tugging at his lips. “My, my. I never would have thought that the angel would act in retaliation for revenge.”
“Just for tonight.” You tell him, your voice softening with a plea. “Please?”
“Do you even realise who you are asking for help?” He smirks, the scintilla of danger in his eyes dancing delightfully. “I admire your audacity, princess.”
You huff out annoyedly. “If you don’t want to, then I’ll just find another guy to help me─”
“Don’t you fucking dare, or I swear that guy won’t live to see the next sunrise.” He nearly growls out his warning, and just by his tone and his dark gaze, you know that he will do it.
It’s baffling to you because you swear you notice the visible jealousy in the expression on his face alone. But why would he be when he had declared his hatred for you?
“I’ll help you.” Sunghoon affirms, leaning down to your neck to place a sensual kiss on your pulse. “Just don’t find any other guy to make Jaeyun jealous.”
“Thank you.” You sigh in relief, but tenses slightly when you feel him smirking on your neck.
“Remember, princess, that you owe me back.”
“What do you want?” You ask, frowning as he pulls away from you to meet your curious eyes.
“I’ll tell you only after we manage to make Jake jealous.”
Just as you are about to speak, you hear a knock on the door, causing your body to go frigid, and you don’t even have time to move away from Sunghoon when the door swings open to reveal Heeseung.
Your widened eyes meet his indifferent ones at the side, and it confounds you when he doesn’t seem the slightest bothered by you being perched in an intimate position on top of his best friend.
“The knights have been told to gather by the pool.” Heeseung tells Sunghoon in a monotone manner while maintaining eye contact with you.
A firm squeeze on your ass cheek shifts your attention from Heeseung to Sunghoon, and that is when embarrassment hits you at the fact that Heeseung’s gaze remains on the two of you. You notice that Sunghoon seems laid-back and still has that cold smirk on his lips before you instinctively bury your head into his chest in an attempt to hide your flustered face that feels warm.
“You can go ahead. I’ll be right there in a while.” Sunghoon tells him, with his hand remaining on your bum, to give it another squeeze.
You hear the door closing as well as Sunghoon’s hot breath fanning on your earlobe. “I’ll get going first, but as for your revenge, I guess we’ll have to wait until we’re in Jake’s line of sight.”
“I want to make him really jealous.” You murmur to him as your finger draws a circle on his clad-leathered shoulder.
Sunghoon chuckles lethally softly next to your ear. “Trust me, princess, once he sees us, he’ll be more than just jealous.”
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“Come on, Y/N!” Karina’s voice can be heard from the outside, as does the knock on the door, while you remain petrified and rooted to the toilet tiles, your widened eyes staring at your reflection in the mirror.
“Yeah! I’m sure you look just as gorgeous as you normally are!” Winter’s words don’t even flatter you in the slightest. "Y/N, babe, we’ll be missing out on the first rave at this rate!”
Your eyes do a quick scan of your stark appearance, which renders you speechless. Although you don’t look as bad as you initially thought, you still feel extremely conscious of the lack of layers on your whole body.
The top bikini just fits your breasts nicely with the conspicuous cleavage, but what makes you greatly insecure is the plumpness of your bums, which not even the bottom bikini can cover wholly.
With a sigh, you reluctantly decide to make an exit out of the bathroom. When you pull the door open, you are taken aback to see more familiar faces huddling with their eager eyes on you. Still feeling self-conscious, your arms latch around your body in an attempt to cover yourself.
“Don’t cover your gorgeous body!” Chaewon steps forward to force your arms apart, to which you finally allow them to drop to the sides. At once, collective gasps emit from your beautiful friends in different bikini designs.
“Baby girl! You look drop-dead gorgeous!” Giselle gushes over you before the compliments from the rest of your friends go shooting like bullets at you, causing your cheeks to turn pink as they flare with shyness.
“I swear, you’re going to be leaving this party with more than one number.” Liz shoots you a suggestive wink, earning some choruses of agreement from the others.
Surprisingly, most of them seem to be accepting of the fact that you are bolder than you used to be. As your eyes sweep over to them, there is a hollow in your heart when you notice two missing faces. Yunjin and Wonyoung.
“Come on!” With gleeful chuckles, Chaewon latches her hand on yours before practically dragging you out of the chalet, with the rest eagerly trailing along.
As soon as you step outside, the night has long since made its ascent, leaving only the luminous moonlight hanging in the dark sky. You have no idea where the girls are leading you, but you find yourself enjoying and vibing to the blasting music, smiling softly.
You begin to draw attention from some of the students in your passing vicinity, but you don’t allow their stares to get to you. You even hear whistles that denote vulgarity from some of the guys as Chaewon continues to drag you with her, but you simply dismiss them.
Soon, you have arrived at the boisterous scenery of a group of knights in one of the pools, with other guests gathered to watch the said knights engage in an activity of water volleyball.
Your steps slow down as your eyes sparkle in awe at how vibrant the atmosphere is teeming, with the purple-red LEDs luminescent by the pool and illuminating their faces. The rowdy commotion brings your attention to the knights in the pool, and your eyes instantly latch onto a familiar face with the tattoo inked on the side of his neck.
Your heart flutters at the sight of Heeseung, in his athletic element, as he throws the volleyball in the air before serving expertly. Your eyes rake all over his fine glory, taken aback by how toned his physique actually is beneath the layers of his clothes. As your eyes return to his face, heat weaves across your cheeks at how attractive he looks with his damp hair and the smirk on his lips as he counters the other team’s attack.
“Here.” Chaewon pulls your attention away from him, prompting you to look down at the red cup in her grasp.
“Thanks.” You say awkwardly, accepting the drink from her despite your hesitancy.
“Let’s have a toast!” Liz has all your friends, including you, huddled in a circle. She raises her red cup with a grin on her vibrant face. “To Y/N!”
“Wait, why?” You ask, confusion plastered on your face.
“Just, you know,” Liz shrugs her shoulders. “because you’re finally out of your shell.”
“To Y/N Kang!” Giselle initiates the toast before the other girls rejoice, followed by you.
You can’t dismiss the uneasiness that gnaws at your tummy as you watch them drink. What Liz said earlier bothers you because you have no idea whether to take her words as a bad or good thing. It is also as if she, and most probably the rest of the girls, are more than glad about the new you, and you can’t help but feel that they like you more than before.
You shake your head before deciding to drown this feeling by drinking the liquor, which tasted gassy yet sharp, but the flavour is addictive, leaving you wanting more of it despite the small voice in your head berating you for behaving improperly once again.
Moments have passed, and you find yourself in an effervescent element, vibing to the music as you dance silly with your friends. Maybe the vodka sodas you drank earlier have begun intoxicating your whole senses, but you feel like a whole different person.
“The first rave!” Winter and the others are brimming with excitement as they proceed to make their way to the pool where the knights were playing water volleyball earlier. You follow suit, filled with an adrenaline rush as soon as you land in the pool with a splash.
Just like the rest by the pool, you get lost in the abysmal of the vibrant raving with blasting music reverberating throughout, feeling utterly euphoric. With a lopsided smile at Kazuha, who winks at you before resuming to vibe and dance with a guy, you feel your back hitting someone’s bare chest from behind.
Before you can turn around, the person behind you grips your arm, locking you in place. You feel his hot breath fanning the shell of your earlobe.
“As much as I love to see you like this, have you forgotten your revenge?” Sunghoon whispers lowly to you before you look over your shoulder to meet his eyes.
“Oh, yeah.” You mumble distraughtly, eliciting a scoff from him.
Your eyes trail to the front, and just like that, you spot Jake from a distance. You do a quick scan of his appearance, to which your eyes feast upon the display of his bicep muscles as he is adorning a black singlet that looks taut on his body.
But a frown touches your lips as you see him conversing and flirting, as evident by his sultry gaze and stupid, charming grin on his face, with two girls. The jealousy you thought you had subdued ignites into large flames.
You hate that he looks way too good, and you hate it even more that his attention is not on you.
Your eyes twitch as one of the girls is touching his chest with her fingers grazing his toned muscle, while he doesn’t seem the slightest bothered by this as he continues to converse coquettishly with them.
The sudden wave pool nearly sends you tumbling to the back, but Sunghoon holds you steady with his hands gripping your shoulders, prompting you to divert your attention to him briefly.
“He’s right there, princess.” Sunghoon points out the obvious, his steely eyes penetrate into yours while your skin tingles beneath his touch. “How do you want to get his attention?”
“I don’t know.” You mumble with your crestfallen eyes lowering, completely disheartened, but Sunghoon is not having any of that as he grabs you by the chin to force you to look at him.
“Come on, princess. Don’t be such a weakling. This is the exact reason why you’re an easy target for anyone, because you’re allowing yourself to be a pushover.”
You are uncertain whether to regard his words as another of his insults or as emboldening your spirits. You open your mouth to speak, but he appears to be distracted as he shifts his attention to the side.
When Sunghoon’s eyes flicker towards his best friend, their eyes instantly meet. A devious grin smears across Sunghoon’s lips, whereas Jake simply raises his eyebrow at him while trying his utmost to ignore the sight of you in a cute bikini that displays every curve you have been gatekeeping.
Little did you know that Jake had been having a raging hard-on the moment he spotted you walking into the venue earlier.
“He’s watching us right now.” Sunghoon murmurs, the smirk remaining on his lips as he tears his gaze off of Jake’s penetrating eyes. Sunghoon looks down at you and gives you a subtle nod, giving you a hint that you can grasp.
On the other hand, Jake watches with a clenched jaw as Sunghoon has his hands now roaming all over your body, occasionally groping your ass cheeks while you don’t seem the slightest bothered, given how you are gazing into Sunghoon’s dark eyes with a sultry smile spreading across your luscious lips.
The familiar sense of jealousy lurks within Jake dangerously, but this time, it is so profound that he desires to rip Sunghoon’s hands from touching your body that he once touched, bit, kissed, and fucked. He ignores the two ladies who have been vying for his attention since the moment he stared at the two of you.
Jake knows he shouldn’t be feeling this ridiculous jealousy, especially when he knows that Sunghoon and his other two best friends will soon get to you like the way he did, but fuck, he has never seen you gazing at him the way you do to Sunghoon right now.
Sunghoon shouldn’t be enjoying this, but he does. His dark gaze remains on your sultry countenance, drinking in how sinfully beautiful you look under these purple fluorescences ─ your hair is entirely drenched with some of the strands sticking to your forehead and cheeks, your naturally long wet eyelashes fluttering every now and then to meet his ravenous gaze, the dimples prominent on your cheeks as you smile.
Sunghoon can feel his dick twitching again while his hands on your bare waist tighten. Fuck, you look truly exquisite.
The revenge against Jake remains in your mind, but at the same time, you get lost in the euphoric ecstasy as the reverberating music and the alcohol in your system have influenced you, while there is a blissful sway each time you groove to the beat, causing the water to ripple around you.
“You’re enjoying making him jealous, aren’t you?” Sunghoon adorns an attractive smirk, with his teeth peeking from his lips and his hands remaining latched onto your body.
“I am.” The sound of your giggles goes straight to his dick. Your arms are now draped lazily over his bare shoulders, humming to the music with your head tilted attractively to the side of his eyes. “I hope it’s working.”
“I hope so too.” Sunghoon grins as he grabs your chin to tilt it up before he leans down to give you a kiss on the throat. You gasp at the sensation of his warm lips kissing your skin sensually before licking and nipping it deliciously. You can feel your knees going weak, but thankfully, you’re in the pool, or else you’ll probably fall.
Sunghoon doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon while you continue to move to the music before you decide to turn your head to the side, giving him better access to administer his kisses and licks on your neck with his arm locked around your waist and the other holding your drenched hair to the back.
Your heart pounds harder against your chest as soon as you lock eyes with Jake’s. Your eyes widen slightly to see how his penetrating, dark gaze is drilling into you with his chiselled jaw clenched. You watch as his hand slowly crushes the red cup while you admire how attractive the veins protruding from his arm look.
But a moving figure captures your attention, pulling your attention from Jake, and for a fleeting moment, your eyes meet Heeseung's, to which your pulse begins to drum loudly in your ears at the intensity of his dark gaze alone, but there is a smirk unfurling on his pink lips.
Maybe you are a slut on the inside, because why are you enjoying the fact that two hot men are watching you being blatantly intimate with their best friend?
“Y/N! You’ve got to try this out─” Giselle’s voice snaps you out of the trance, prompting you to shove Sunghoon away from you, but his deep grunt against your neck sends you shivers while his arm tightens around you. “Woah, am I interrupting something?”
You look over at Giselle, noticing the suggestive smirk on her face as her eyes dart between the two of you. “Guys, there are many available chalets for you to do the deed, ya know?”
“Fuck off, Giselle.” Sunghoon grumbles to her, holding you possessively close and making you feel suffocated.
“Nu-uh, I’m here for my friend, and I’m not leaving without her.” Giselle remains adamant, eliciting a pissed-off cuss from Sunghoon before he eventually withdraws from you. With his arm loosening around you, Giselle wastes no time latching her hand on your arm. “Fun floats, Y/N! You’re gonna love them!” She squeals, not even bothered by the fact that she found you with Sunghoon.
“Oh, uh─” Uncertain to leave, your eyes shift to Sunghoon, whose cold facade returns as he looks away from you before heading in the opposite direction.
You ignore the tinge of disappointment in your chest before forcing yourself to smile as Giselle begins to ramble excitedly to you about what happened during the first rave.
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The rest of the night passes by quicker than you like, but nevertheless, the night remains young and wild with the constant ebullience teeming in the atmosphere that is also accompanied by the distinctive chatters, blasting music, and the pervading whiff of strong alcoholic odour due to the massive game of beer pong that is ongoing in the background as you navigate your way around the resort.
Your face contorts into a grimace as there is a growing headache forming while you try your utmost not to stumble or bump into anyone. You silently berate yourself for drinking more than one cup of vodka.
Earlier, Giselle brought you to where your other friends were found, by the centre of the pool, where most of the guests were gathered to enjoy a frivolous game of floats. You had fun, especially when you got a sparkly pink flamingo float, which you rode and even engaged in a playful race with your girls. You took some moments of respite, indulging your temptation to drink another cup of vodka and another before resuming.
You recall the adrenaline rush you experienced, and you had no idea whether it was the effect of alcohol or simply that you were having genuine fun, getting utterly intoxicated by the environment that enshrouded your rational side.
You survey your surroundings, trying to search for a certain someone. By now, you have grown accustomed to the sight of people making out lewdly in the open, smoking, and even ingesting substances that will render them on a delirious high.
Still, your nose scrunches up as whiffs of cigarette smoke hit you before you resume your search. Not long after, you have reached the secluded area, where a few familiar faces greet you. Your body goes frigid, and by the time their gazes land on you, you know it’s too late to back out.
Where you are has a pool that is relatively small, and the lights in the area are rather dim, leaving only the blue luminous pool light to illuminate their faces, allowing you to decipher their predatory gazes on you.
Not only is the area being loitered by the four knights’ leaders, but there are a few of their members as well. The air looks hazy, which stems from the burning cigarette sticks in their grasps.
“Hey, babygirl.” Jay greets you in an attractive drawl, to which your cheeks flush pink despite the wariness on your face. “Came here to join us?”
The distaste is visible in your gaze, looking down at his tattooed arm as he offers you a cigarette stick rolled between his fingers. Your eyes trail to the person next to him, who is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, and your heart stings at Jake’s cold penetrating eyes, and yet you don’t miss the way his eyes rake all over your body.
“Come on, Y/N.” Jay heaves a sigh, remaining seated on the bench. “Since you’re here, you might as well join us for a smoke or two.” He shoots you a wicked grin. "I'll teach you how to smoke."
“No, thank you.” You reject him politely with a terse smile before your eyes shift to Heeseung, who is seated next to Jay with his legs spread leisurely. His sultry gaze causes your breath to hitch in your throat before he takes a long drag of smoke from the burning cigarette stick in his grasp.
But it is rather odd. The predatory gazes from other knights are obvious, but they don’t make any approach to you, almost as though they had been warned not to. 
You look away from them before your attention is now on a certain someone you had been searching for earlier in the pool by the ledge, smoking with two knight members as he seems to be in a conversation with them.
Ignoring the three leaders’ gazes on you, you proceed to make your way to Sunghoon, despite the nervousness that seems to be coiling in your tummy.
Upon noticing your shadowy figure on the wall, Sunghoon turns his head to look at you. His face remains devoid of emotion before looking away from you to speak to the two knights. You see the way they look at you briefly before they proceed to emerge from the pool, leaving only Sunghoon to dominate the entire pool.
Taking another drag of his cigarette, his thick eyebrow arches at you as he blows out a puff of grey smoke. “Come in here, princess.” He says to you, his dark gaze seems welcoming, but you know for yourself that you ought to be wary of him.
Swallowing harshly, you heed his words, standing by the edge of the pool and crouching down with one palm on the pool’s ledge to support yourself as your legs dip into the cold chlorine water before submerging your whole body inside.
Tip-toeing, you remain afloat as the height of the water hits above your chest. Despite the fact that the others remain loitering around, the air is laden with tension between you and him, which is palpable to you while he maintains unwavering eye contact with you as he takes one last drag of his cigarette.
A familiar arousal stirs within you at how attractive he looks, even though you hate it whenever someone smokes. Tossing the shortened yet burned-out stick behind him, he takes you by surprise as he advances fluidly towards you. The water ripples violently from how fast he moves. All the while, your heart is pounding in anticipation.
The closer he gets, the more you become sobered up. You don’t even have time to register anything in your muddling brain when his hands reach for your arms to pull you to him.
A gasp leaves your lips, surprised by the sense of urgency emanating under his touch. His hand latches onto your nape while the other encases your waist securely as he moves you until your spine hits the hard edge of the concrete.
“Sunghoon.” You gasp again as soon as his lips latch on your skin, with his hand on your nape, forcing you to arch your neck, and you do.
“That’s our cue, guys!” One of the knights announces loudly, eliciting chuckles and grumbles from the rest.
Your cheeks are reddened as they proceed to make their departure from the area, and you so badly want to wallow in embarrassment when crude remarks are thrown at Sunghoon and you by his fellow knights.
“Lucky bastard!” “Good luck, Y/N!” “Wreck her pussy good, man!”
A small scowl etches on your face at the last remark.
“Come on.” You hear Heeseung’s distinct voice at the side, and from your peripheral vision, you spot how Jake is standing frozen in his spot, whereas Jay walks past him without looking back at the two of you. Heeseung grabs Jake’s arm firmly before they eventually leave.
Butterflies swarm in your tummy the longer Sunghoon continues kissing and licking your neck before he lowers his head down to the expanse of your chest. “Where’s that necklace of yours?” He asks in a murmur, getting immersed in the act.
“I kept them in my bag.” You say quietly, getting dizzy by how good his lips feel on your skin. “It’s unbecoming for me to be wearing it, for obvious reasons.” You whisper and swallow down a familiar lump in your throat.
Sunghoon’s cold chuckles fill your ears as he withdraws from you. A lazy smirk spreads across his glistening lips. “Glad that you’re self-aware.”
You don’t respond, distracting yourself by enjoying his body pressing against yours while the water ripples around you gently. You heave a sigh. “I think we managed to convince him─”
“Shhhh.” He leans down next to your head before planting a sensual kiss on your temple, his breath tickling your skin. “Not yet, princess.”
The goosebumps from the cold temperature and his arm around your waist compels you to wrap your legs around his bare waist and snuggle into him, rendering him shocked by how comfortable you are being cosy with him while maintaining a stoic expression.
“Is he still watching us?” You ask softly next to his ear. Your hands have grown accustomed to the heat of his skin beneath your touch as you decide to loosen your grip on his broadened shoulders.
“Yeah.” His hot breath hits the shell of your earlobe, while his deep voice stirs something within you. You can discern the smugness just by his tone alone, prompting you to tilt your head to the side and stare at his face. Though he has a cocky grin smearing his lips, your heart flutters once more at how stunning he looks up close.
Sunghoon has been maintaining eye contact with Jake from afar, and he can’t deny the fact that he finds pure entertainment in the glaring jealousy of his best friend, despite the fact that they share the same goal.
The cocky grin on his lips persists as he breaks eye contact with Jake to stare into your eyes. They sparkle beautifully under these dim lights around you. “Should we piss him off more?” He suggests slyly, knowing that Jake is still watching the two of you intently being all cosy in the pool.
“I don’t know.” Your soft voice is accompanied by hesitation as you lower your gaze while you absentmindedly fiddle with the strands at the back of his hair.
“You told me that you wanted revenge, right?” Sunghoon grips your chin firmly, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “This is your chance, princess. Show him that you don’t need him when you have me to keep you satisfied.”
Although you know he doesn’t mean his words, your cheeks are emblazoned with pink, flustered by his statement. Upon seeing the effect he has on you, a newfound desire ignites within him, admiring how gorgeous you look under this luminescence surrounded by the pool, especially the way your doe eyes are giving him a reason to imagine how good you would look as they leak tears when he fucks your throat.
Just as you are about to respond, your eyes widen at the sensation of his cock directly beneath you as you remain seated on top of him, eliciting a small gasp from you.
You waver as his dark eyes penetrate into yours. You can clearly see the emotions swimming in his hauntingly beautiful eyes that seem to be devouring you whole at any moment in time.
Your lips quiver as you begin to speak, “Sunghoon─”
The escalation is hard for you to grasp. One moment you’re in heated eye contact with the guy who completely hates your guts, and the next, his hand latches on your nape to pull you roughly into him as his lips slam against yours.
The taste of a cigarette remains fresh on his lips, but you find yourself deepening the kiss. He takes you by surprise when he nips at your bottom lip.
With your parted lips leaving a startled gasp, Sunghoon grasps the opportunity to poke his tongue into your hot cavern and begin to explore every inch of you. Your eyes flutter closed, surrendering yourself to him. You reciprocate his kiss with equal fervour, moaning hotly into his mouth as his tongue meshes against yours.
You taste exactly what he imagined ─ sweet, innocent, and addictive to the point where one taste is not enough for him. Oh, he simply can't wait until he is done bringing corruption upon you.
Sunghoon’s kisses feel similar to how Jake kissed you, but there is a slight difference. Sunghoon kisses you like he’s fucking you. He’s kissing you as though to give you a sense of what to expect next.
Yes, he has every intention to fuck you and intoxicate you in ways that you’ll be crawling back for more.
With his hand placed protectively on your back while the other is gripping your ass cheek, he begins to move you around to give Jake a better view of you engaging in a lewd lip-lock with him. The water around you ripples violently from the sense of urgency in the way Sunghoon is migrating you before he decides to settle on the pool’s ledge and brings you to sit on his lap, where the water length is below your waistline.
You mewl into the wet kiss as he squeezes the flesh of your bum hard while his chest rumbles in satisfaction at the sound emitting from you that also shoots directly to his now-hardened cock.
Your hands press onto his bare, toned chest, pushing him as you attempt to break the kiss, needing air, but he faintly growls in return, sending vibrations to your swollen lips. His hand latches on your nape once more while his other arm around your waist tightens, locking you in place.
“Sunghoon─ wait!” You finally manage to break the lip lock and gasp for air, your chest heaving up and down while forbidden desires fog in your head. Your eyes briefly shift to where Jake was last seen, and he has long since disappeared from sight. “I think that’s enough.”
What Sunghoon does next takes you by great surprise. Given how you were a little distracted earlier searching for Jake, Sunghoon has adjusted his shorts and lowered them for his hardened cock to be let free from the confines.
“What are you doing?!” You accidentally release a shriek at the moment he easily lifts you up with one hand on your waist while the other multitasks by pushing aside your dusty pink underwear for easy access.
“Since you used me for your own gain, it’s fair that I do the same.” He says in a grunt as he aims his cock directly at where your hole is that it heats in anticipation despite your action in protest as you attempt to push him away in the chest.
“Sunghoon─” An airy moan leaves your swollen lips as soon as he presses your body down on him, leaving you no choice but to allow yourself to sink onto his dick despite the abrupt breach into the entry that has you whimpering in pain.
“Fuck, how are you still tight even after letting Jake use you?” He hisses lowly at the sensation of your velvety walls enveloping him while your face contorts into a painful pleasure with a broken gasp emitting from you.
“The others might see us.” You manage to utter in a whimper, staring at his face with glistening eyes. Despite your walls hugging him snugly, you still feel the pain of having to adjust to his girth.
You were right. He is thicker than Jake.
The familiarity of wickedness glints in his eye. “That’s the thrilling part, princess.”
A fallen teardrop slides down your cheek as you weakly protest. “But─”
“Shhhh.” Sunghoon’s palm covers your mouth, muffling your whimpers that sound surprisingly adorable to him. The corners of his lips tip up a smirk, his fang-like teeth peeking. “You’re gonna sit on my lap and cockwarm me like a good girl until I say we’re done, understood?”
A shiver runs down your spine upon detecting the danger lurking, which belies his tone as well as the way he is gazing at you. Feeling fearful of him, you hesitantly acquiesce with a head nod, and at the same time, your walls are squeezing around him upon hearing the familiar rowdy commotion, including the jovial laughter belonging to your friends.
Sunghoon’s smirk deepens as he feels it, trying his utmost not to thrust his dick into you. “You fucking like the idea of anyone stumbling upon us with my dick into your sweet cunt, don’t ya, princess?”
“No.” You answer feebly as you shake your head, your glistening eyes remain imploring him while your clenched fists rest on his toned chest. 
“No?” Sunghoon’s cold chuckles belie the degradation that has your walls squeezing around him once more. You gasp in shock at the moment he grabs a fist of your hair and pulls it to the back, forcing you to look up at the sky.
Your heart pounds harder against your chest as soon as his lips come into contact with your throat before biting down on the skin almost painfully, which has you swallowing down a painful whimper.
Shivers run down your spine as he drags the tip of his nose upward on your throat, inhaling your scent, until he finally reaches your ear, licking the shell sensually. “You can’t fool me, princess. Whatever you say doesn’t match the way your cunt feels about my dick.” He whispers darkly in your ear, his hand tugging at your hair hard while your scalp is begging for mercy.
“Hoonie, please.” You utter weakly, your voice comes out shaky, and you’re uncertain whether you’re needy or simply fearful of anyone — most of all your friends — stumbling upon both of you.
Something foreign stirs within him at the nickname that left your mouth. He quickly disregards it before leaning his back against the tiles and pulling you to him, resulting in you falling forward while you gasp at the dragging sensation of his cock against your walls.
“Keep your mouth shut, and don’t you dare fuck yourself on my dick yet, or I swear you won’t be allowed to cum.” He warns you, smirking as he gets aroused by the sight of you in tears. His fingers stroke your cheek delicately before he cradles the cusp of your jaw. “Understood?”
“Yes.” You murmur weakly, desperate to feel some friction.
His eyebrow is raised. “Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.” You whisper as the word itself automatically comes to mind, earning yourself another sinister grin from him.
Sunghoon leans back leisurely, his smirk widening at the sight of your desperation and neediness written all over your pretty features. He is surprised at himself for self-restraint in thrusting his cock into your pulsating cunt since he is not a man of patience. It is highly due to the fact that he relishes the tears leaking from your eyes right now, loving that you needed to be fucked by him.
Oh, you will get it, alright.
You don’t know how long you’ve been cockwarming him, but long enough to feel your pussy dripping and your walls clenching around him every once in a while. It simply baffles you that Sunghoon has more self-restraint than you expected.
“Sunghoon.” You begin to whine, jutting your lips into a pout. You push your chest slightly outward with your back arched in an attempt to entice him with your plump breasts, and you swear your nipples are hardened by the warm sensation of his thickness filling you.
A muscle pulses in his jaw while his callous eyes remain on your face, preventing himself from indulging you. “I told you to keep your mouth shut, did I not?”
“Please.” Your voice comes out in a slur as you intentionally clench your walls around his cock, and you can feel him twitching.
You have no idea what possesses you, but you daringly lean your body forward until your breasts are pressed against his toned chest, inching your face closer to his where a whiff of cigarette scent hits you.
Fluttering your eyelashes cunningly while your doe eyes remain feigning innocence, you bite down your bottom lip sensually, attempting to entice him with your allure.
“Please fuck me, Hoonie.” Your soft voice comes out in a breathless moan, yet it is laden with lust.
Inwardly, you cringe at yourself. You hope that your attempt at flirting works on him.
Little do you know, that was his last straw.
Time goes still for a fleeting moment as you get lost in the depths of his dark eyes that swim with inexplicable whirlpools of emotions. The placement of his hands on your waist snaps you out of the trance, and before you can even utter a word, he lifts you up just slightly before pressing you down on his length hard, eliciting a loud, startled gasp from you.
Your mouth parts open at the impact while your walls pulsate in anticipation, despite still having a hard time adjusting to his girth. You can feel him so deeply, and that’s just a single thrust.
“Sunghoon─” A loud moan tears from your throat as soon as he repeats the previous action again, adding more touch as he bucks his hips up into you, allowing you to feel him deeply as the tip nearly hits your cervix while your tits jiggle from the impact.
“You wanted to get fucked, right?” Sunghoon asks rhetorically in between bated breaths. The corner of his pink lips lifts into a smirk, while wickedness glints in his eyes amidst the carnal lust. “You’ll get fucked, alright, and I’ll be the one to fuck you dumb.” He snarls coldly before lifting you and pressing you down on him again.
Another moan leaves your lips before he grabs you by the nape to pull you towards him, connecting his lips with yours, teeth clashing and tongues meshing. The pace he sets is hard and slow, yet each thrust and bounce feels more impactful than the previous, more deeper, as though he is trying to attain something in the wet wonders of your delicious cavity.
More moans spill from your lips as you bounce on his cock, causing your tits to jiggle and look enticing to his eyes before he gropes one flesh and squeezes it painfully, relishing the plumpness of your breast. His other hand remains on your waist to lift and pull you down with ease.
“Say my name, princess.” Sunghoon grits his teeth as the sound of your pretty moans sounds heavenly to his ears and goes straight to his raging cock.
“S-Sunghoon.” You stutter in a moan, your mind is filled with Sunghoon and his cock, which is stuffing your cavity full.
His ravenous eyes flicker down at your swollen lips before he leans forward to capture them in a searing kiss, swallowing each of your moans. “Again.” He murmurs wetly against your lips.
“Hoonie!” You moan out loud, your eyes rolling, and your back goes arching as your arms that are looped around his neck pull him closer to you when he bucks his hips up, feeling the tip hitting your cervix.
His cock twitches inside of you, loving how his name sounds coming from your pretty lips. His arms slither around your waist to pull you impossibly closer until your chests touch, changing the pace as he goes fast and hard.
You bite down your bottom lip, wanting to tone down your moans a notch. His eyes darken at the sight, while something so primal surfaces within him upon seeing how sinful yet angelic you look right now.
Grabbing your chin harshly, his thumb is placed below your bottom lip to pull down the skin, forcing your teeth to release it before he kisses you again, but this time, it feels unforgiving, his tongue meshing against yours, and it is a kiss that has you moaning hotly into his mouth until you swear you feel your drools from the corner of your lips.
You whimper as soon as his teeth bite down your bottom lip harshly, not letting go as he nips and suckles it until it draws blood. But instead of being afraid, your arousal becomes tenfold as the metallic taste reaches your tongue.
The aquatic waves dance around your bodies, with how vigorously he is fucking into you, how he’s kissing and biting your lips, and even exchanging saliva. It feels nasty, yet you want more.
You pull away from the breathtaking kiss that has you gasping for air while Sunghoon marvels at how fucking alluring your swollen lips are, which look ruined and smeared with your blood by how hard he bit you. A satisfied smirk draws on his lips.
“Tell me that you love it.” He commands in a husky voice, holding you by the waist to help you as he sees how evident your lack of stamina is.
“I love it.” You whimper, nearly falling into him because of how exhausted you already are, but he holds you steady with firm eyes.
“Tell me that you love my cock.” He breathes out, grunting out a pleasurable moan as your walls clench around him for the ninth time. “Tell me that you love being my dumb cockslut.”
“I love your cock!” You moan out loud, unable to silence yourself. Your hands grip his broad shoulders tightly, with your nails sinking into his skin as he delivers another shallow thrust that has you throwing your head to the back, allowing his eyes to feast on your neck, which the concealer has long since washed away, now revealing his mark from yesterday.
“And?” He asks in a growl, leaning down with the tip of his nose grazing against your throat before biting down on your skin without any leniency.
You relentlessly bounce and rut your hips against him, your clit deliciously rubbing against his pelvis, which amplifies your impending orgasm. Your back is arched, with your chest occasionally hitting his underjaw.
Upon hearing no coherent response from you, he growls against your skin once more before moving to where his prominent mark is and biting it down threateningly. Pain shoots in your neck at how unforgiving he is while biting your skin and fucking into you.
“And?” He repeats again, and this time, his word manages to register into your brain, which lacks coherence.
“I─” Your breath catches in your throat. “I love being your dumb cockslut.”
“That’s fucking right.” He grunts, grabbing a fist of your drenched hair to tug it, forcing you to look at him with lidded eyes. “You’re my personal slut. Only I get to fuck you like this.”
“Yes.” You gasp, regaining a short period of vitality, which you grasp to fuck yourself onto his dick as the water around you splashes.
His grip tightens on your hair as your scalp begs for mercy. “Yes what?” 
“Yes sir!” Your moans sound like a broken record as tears leak from your eyes. Still in delirium, your impending orgasm comes knocking on the door violently, and the knot in your stomach becomes unbearable.
“Don’t cum.” He grits his teeth, his eyes darkening as he feels your walls pulsating unrelentingly. “Don’t you dare fucking cum.”
But you don’t listen to him.
With one last broken moan, you finally come from your delirious high with your body jolting in pleasure and your hips rutting against him, making a mess all over his cock. Your chest heaves up and down as you pant heavily, still moving your hips back and forth, calming down from your high.
Your body goes limp as you allow yourself to rest your chin on his shoulder, with your cheek in contact with the side of his neck. Your heavy panting turns to a whimper while you shiver from his fingers stroking your back, which feel deceptive.
Sunghoon hums, kissing your ear before whispering darkly, “You came without my permission, princess.” He pauses, removing his still-hardened cock from your cunt and eliciting a whimper from you. He wraps your legs around his waist while still buried in your cunt before carrying you with his hands, supporting your derrerié, and proceeding to leave the pool.
Instinctively, your arms loop around his neck while your body shivers from the cold temperature. “Where are you bringing me?” You ask in a slur while the delirious haze remains in your mind.
Sunghoon doesn’t respond, his mind is occupied by the thought of you, you, and your pussy which feels like his new heaven. With a kick to the backdoor of the chalet, he proceeds to enter, where the lights are dim and, thankfully, his best friends are still partying.
Your eyelids feel heavy as the exertion from the fucking finally dawns on you, but the moment your back hits the mattress, you snap your eyes wide open and realise that you are back in the room where you delivered your first blowjob to him.
“Hoonie?” Confusion laces in your tone while your voice comes out weak. You hear shufflings before a pair of hands grab you by the ankle and pull you roughly, eliciting a startled gasp from you.
“Here is what’s gonna happen.” His deep voice ignites the familiar arousal in your core as he hooks his fingers around the string of your bottom bikini before pulling them down in a rush. “I’m going to fuck you for as long as I want, and you’re going to cum again and again.”
“Hoonie, please.” You plead for leniency as he manhandles you, turning you around with your stomach flat on the drenched mattress. But your quivering cunt betrays you as soon as he spreads your legs. “No.” You whimper out as you shake your head while tears prick your eyes.
You yelp out as he lands a hard smack on your ass cheek. “I told you before, didn’t I?” His derogatory chuckles go straight to your cunt before he spanks your ass again, again, and again, until the tears finally spill from your eyes. “That you’ll be doing a lot of begging.”
With another spank, he grabs his hardened dick before aligning it with your hole. Upon hearing your pathetic whimpers, he scoffs before ramming into your hole without any warning.
“I fucking hate you.” He growls, gripping the flesh of your thighs. “You think you’re all pure and saint, but look at you.” He spanks your ass again. “A dirty fucking slut who needs to be stuffed with my cock every time.”
You cry out in both pain and pleasure as he continues to deliver hard yet deliberate thrusts that nearly have you seeing stars, your body jolting forward and by the impact while the sound of skin slapping from his thighs to your bums echoes loudly throughout his room.
“Please, please, please!” You plead out as your fingers claw at the bedsheets, coherency leaving you once more to which you have no idea why or what you are pleading him for.
You feel him leaning down from behind before grabbing a fistful of your dampened hair and pulling it to the back, forcing your back to arch prettily in his ravenous eyes. His hot breath hits your skin as he begins to speak to your ear, “Only disobedient sluts like you don’t deserve to be shown mercy.”
You moan out in between broken sobs, which he relishes while your walls clench hard around his shaft upon the degradation. You hate that you love how mean he is to you, and you hate yourself for wanting more.
He chuckles darkly, his hand making its descent to your neck to grab it threateningly, blocking your airways, which has your heart pumping in panic while you frantically claw at the wrinkled bed sheets.
“I knew you were a slut.” He spits, the hatred in his tone is palpable, which matches how he is fucking into you from the back. “Deep down, you love it when I’m mean to you.”
“Sunghoon!” You utter his name in staggering breaths, feeling his fingers tighten around your neck while your eyes roll to the back at the familiar pleasure with which you find yourself meeting his thrust voluntarily.
“Oh? The slut is enjoying this.” Sunghoon breathes out, his orgasm is impending, but he knows he can’t cum yet unless you’re looking at him. He unsheathes his cock from your gaping hole, and upon hearing your whimper, he spanks your ass again before turning you around.
His tongue slides across his bottom lip as his eyes rake all over your glory. The crystalline tears stain your cheeks while your swollen red lips jut in a pout as you weep silently from the orgasm that was ripped from you.
Spreading your flexible legs, he grabs his cock and aims it into your hole before ramming into you once more, causing your jaw to slacken as your walls have yet to grow accustomed to his size.
“Hoonie.” You whisper weakly, staring into his wicked gaze through teary eyes. Your heart flutters when he presses a deep kiss on your forehead while his hard, deep thrusts remain constant.
“Don’t worry, princess. I’m going to make you cum until you can’t take it.” He croons to you, his fingers stroking your cheek delicately before going down to grip your chin. “Open your mouth.”
Not wanting to face his wrath, your quivering lips slowly part open, and he wastes no time in spitting into your mouth, eliciting a moan from you. “Now swallow.”
You close your mouth, your throat bobbing up and down as you swallow his thick spit. Oh, it’s fucking nasty, but you love it.
“Good fucking girl.” He whispers amorously, his lips unfurling a smirk before pressing his lips against yours in a searing kiss while he maintains the tandem of his vigorous thrusts into your pulsating cunt.
The familiar knot is in your tummy while your walls clench around him hard. “Fuck, that’s it. Squeeze my cock just like that.” His deep moan has you clenching again while his cock twitches inside of you. “I’m gonna cum inside you, princess.”
With one last thrust, his hips smack against yours painfully as he finally comes undone. Grunts of pleasurable moans emit from him while you marvel at how attractive he looks ─ with the sweat dripping down his jaw to his neck and the rose tattoo at the side of his hip, his toned muscles look more prominent than earlier.
Your walls clench around him again upon seeing how handsome he looks. Your hips buck up as you grind on his pelvis, wanting to attain your orgasm as it is peaking. When your fingers lower to rub your clit in a circle, his smirk widens at this before he resumes to thrust into you.
The squelching sound from you as his cum gush from your pussy as he fucks into you sounds utterly obscene, but it adds fuel to your arousal.
Sunghoon watches in admiration and lust as you arch your back with your neck bared in his eyes, moaning loudly as you come undone for the second time, your body in a seizure-like motion while he holds and rubs your trembling thighs.
Sunghoon leans into you to give a kiss to your throat while you moan weakly in response, but you manage to find energy as your fingers make their ascent to his dampened hair, tugging at the roots occasionally at the sensation of his cock dragging against your walls as he thrusts into your pliant body.
“We’re not done yet, princess.” He murmurs, peppering kisses and licks on your neck before moving upward to claim your lips, not having enough of you.
As he forces you to open your mouth for him to spit into your cavern again, you know that you are too far gone, succumbing to the pure ecstasy of him fucking into you like it’s the first time as you become pliant for him.
“One more. You can take it.” He grunts against your willowy moist lips, reinserting his cock into your sopping cunt as his hips snap harshly against yours after he comes undone on your tummy messily while your eyelids are becoming droopy, teetering by the immense painful pleasure he is giving you.
You have no idea how long he has been fucking into you, but as your orgasm comes crashing down violently as your body convulses with sobs spilling from your lips, you realise that one more is never enough.
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Earlier, you woke up to an empty bed with no sight of Sunghoon, but the familiar scent of his strong cologne attested to his presence in the room not too long ago. The disappointment that dawned on you waned when you spotted birth control pills along with a bottle of mineral water on the nightstand, and you swore you felt something move within you towards the guy who hates you.
Presently, you are attempting to make your escape from the very chalet where Sunghoon and his best friends temporarily reside. Keyword, attempting. Your legs are still incredibly sore from the aftermath, while every inch of your body aches tremendously with each step you take towards the familiar backdoor when Sunghoon brought you into their chalet last night.
You recall seeing the mark you concealed yesterday, which looked glaringly red with a faint tooth bite mark when you stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror. The mortification splashed onto you when you saw two more similar marks on your neck, each mark is a testament to Sunghoon’s proprietary claim over you, reminding you that you belong to him even if you hate him.
As soon as you push the door open, the warm crisp of afternoon air greets your skin, while the distinct smell of chlorine and the rowdy commotion from the bunch of knights draw your attention to the swimming pool just nearby, where you are standing outside of the chalet.
Your cheeks paint a delicate pink at the realisation that they are in the very pool where Sunghoon fucked you last night. Clearing your throat as you clutch the strap of your tote bag slinging over your shoulder, you resume your journey to search for your friends, if they are still here.
It appears that your movement captures unwanted attention from the unfavourable bunch, especially in the way you walk with an obvious struggle. You become flustered when those knights peer at you with suggestive smirks and winks, while some of them catcalling you with jeering remarks. There is no doubt that your loudness could be heard last night.
Ignoring them, you continue to advance with the intention of disappearing from their sight. Your stomach grumbles on cue just as the delectable smell coming from the barbeques pervades your senses. You turn to the right corner and halt your steps at the sight of familiar faces.
Yeonjun is helping out Jay with the food while Heeseung and Jake are seated with unfamiliar ladies and guys. You tear your gaze off of them as soon as one of the girls touches Jake’s shoulder. It seems that no one realises your presence yet, so you proceed to head in the other direction with the intention to continue your search despite your grumbling stomach.
But you bump into a solid chest, and the familiar cologne is enough for you to know who the person is.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sunghoon asks gruffly, his hands are gripping your tensed shoulders tight, prompting you to glance at him.
Your heart flutters familiarly as your eyes are drinking in his attractiveness, clad in a white tee that looks taut on his body with a black leather jacket hugging him. His hair looks wavy and completely tousled, and you are tempted to adjust his hair neatly. Nevertheless, he looks good, along with a touch of him adorning the familiar browline glasses.
“I’m going to find my friends and get one of them to bring me back to the dorm.” You answer his question tentatively, hating how his steely gaze is colder than yesterday’s.
Sunghoon makes a ‘tsk’ sound that you frown at. “And you didn’t even think to wait for me in the room for me to fetch you?”
“You didn’t even specify anything! You just left me alone in the room! So how was I even supposed to know?” You accidentally raise the volume of your voice, drawing attention from some, including Jake’s. Your cheeks are reddened by the unwanted attention once more and by your foreign resentment towards Sunghoon.
You look away from Sunghoon’s inexplicable dark gaze, expecting him to retaliate or worse, but instead, his warm touch startles you as he drags you with him to where Yeonjun can be seen serving grilled sausages and other varieties of barbecued food to the others amiably.
“Y/N! Glad to see you’re still here.” Yeonjun greets you warmly with a foxy grin that you can’t help but reciprocate with a small smile.
Your breath hitches in your chest when Sunghoon places his hand on your lower back, prompting you to look at him standing next to you, whose face remains devoid of any traces of warmth.
“Some food for the lady here.” Sunghoon tells Yeonjun, to which the latter raises an inquisitive brow at the two of you upon noticing the close proximity.
“Coming right up!” Yeonjun says enthusiastically before grabbing a paper plate at the side and proceeding to fill it with varieties of the grilled food.
“What are you doing?” You ask Sunghoon in a terse whisper. “I told you that I was going to find my friends.”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Sunghoon scoffs coldly, not meeting your eyes, as he grabs the filled plate from Yeonjun before his firm hand on your back guides you to one of the vacant single seats.
You give him a bewildered stare just as he gives you the plate, which you hold keenly while your starving stomach is gnawing at you to shove the food into your mouth. “I don’t understand you, Sunghoon.” You murmur, defeated.
Sunghoon takes a seat, his steely eyes meeting yours with a single eyebrow arched at you and his hand patting on his thigh. “Sit.”
You hold back a remark as you comply, not wanting to aggravate the situation with the indescribable tension between the two of you. Despite your worry about crushing him with your weight, you reluctantly lower yourself to sit on his thighs. Your pulse drums in your ear as his arms slither around your waist to lock you in place, preventing you from any potential escape.
You remain frozen on top of him, feeling his hot breath hitting the back of your ear. “Eat.” His soft tone throws you off guard.
“Tell me why you are doing this first.” Your adamance elicits another ‘tsk’ from him.
“I don’t want you to walk around the resort with an empty stomach.” He caves in, but his tone remains impassive. “You’ll only be a bother if you faint out of nowhere from starvation.”
A frown touches your lips while your mind is in a state of confusion. “So you care about me?” The question accidentally slips past your lips.
His cold chuckles send shivers down your spine. “I don’t give a damn about you, princess.” His lips are brushing against your earlobe. “I hate you, or have you forgotten?”
It feels like a needle has pierced into your heart. With a shaky breath, you mutter, “But if you declared so, then why─”
You gasp softly as soon as his teeth nip at your earlobe while his arms tighten around your waist. “So many questions.” He tuts, lowering his head to bury his nose at the side of your exposed neck to inhale your natural sweet scent that is mixed with his familiar shower gel, to which his chest rumbles with approval as he hums.
“As I said before, you’re mine.” His soft tone feels deceptive, as do the kisses he trails wetly on your skin before his warm lips touch your bare shoulder, murmuring, “Which makes you my responsibility. Remember princess,”
He pauses, raising his head to whisper in your ear with a cold snarl that sends you shivers. “You’re mine to touch, mine to kiss, and mine to fuck, and you’ll take whatever I give you like an obedient slut you are.”
The degradation ignites the arousal that stirs in your core as you feel breathless. You shiver again as he places one last kiss on your pulse.
“Now, eat.”
You don’t need to be told for another time as you proceed to dig in grilled food that tastes delectable, all the while you remain seated on his thighs with his arms around your waist before unlocking them to touch, rub, and squeeze your plush thighs. At first, your body tenses at this, but soon, you have grown accustomed to his touch and perched comfortably on top of him.
You blush while maintaining your calmness when two of the knights make an approach and engage in a conversation with Sunghoon, and the fact that Sunghoon remains cool and impassive while his hands are on your thighs and waist as he converses with them completely baffles you.
“I’m done.” You tell him, showing him your empty plate, and when you take a glance at him, your cheeks flare lightly at the smirk on his lips.
“Good girl.” His palm squeezes your plumpness once more. “Do you want more?”
You immediately shake your head before giving him a nervous smile. “No, thank you. I’d like to resume searching for my friends now.”
You blink your eyes at him, confused. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I’m not letting you go.” He states flatly.
“But I want to go back to my dorm.” You murmur, your pink lips jutting to a pout, and he wants nothing more than to kiss you until you are left breathless.
“I’ll send you back.” He pats your thigh, signalling you to stand, and you do. “Don’t forget to drink some water and wash your hands.”
Genuinely, you are completely baffled at yourself for wanting to heed his instructions despite a part of you wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. But eventually, you heed anyway.
As you quench your thirst with cold ice water, you feel a pair of eyes staring heatedly at your face, prompting you to turn your head to meet Jake’s eyes. You clench your jaw as the unpleasant memory of his abrupt coldness towards you replays in your mind, your hands slowly crushing the red cup. The corner of his lips seems to be lifting a subtle smile, but you roll your eyes at him before throwing the cup into the rubbish bin.
Your eyes catch sight of Sunghoon, who is holding two black helmets in his grasp while seeming to finish off the conversation with some guy before meeting your eyes and giving you a head nod. You quickly make your way towards him.
“What do you like?” Sunghoon asks as you fall in the same steps as him, following him to where he is guiding you to the parking lot.
You clutch on the strap of your tote bag, which almost slides off your shoulder. “Why?” You ask, bewildered by his behaviour once again.
“Just tell me what you like.” He grumbles, shoving his hand into the pocket of his pants.
You frown, but nonetheless, you tell him anyway. “I like reading books─” 
You are cut off by his scoff. “Nerd.” He mumbles.
You make a face at him before continuing on. “As I was saying, I like reading books, the smell of books, food, cats, strawberries─ oh! and I also like to travel!” You answer rather enthusiastically, momentarily forgetting that the guy next to you despises you. 
"You like to travel?" Interest furrows his eyebrows. "Have you ever been abroad?"
"No, but I plan to." You say, a hopeful glint in your eye. "I've always wanted to go to Milan."
Sunghoon seems to be ruminating about something before he shakes his head lightly at the thought. “And I’m guessing that your favourite colours are white and pink.” He says in a monotone manner, his face remaining impassive while his mind is jotting down every single thing you listed off.
“How did you know?” You ask, subconsciously touching your satin pink piece, which is knotted into a bow as it ties your hair into a half-up-do. 
“Because you always wear white and pink on most days.” His cold scoff doesn’t even deter you from feeling something warm in your tummy. “What are your dislikes?”
“You.” You answer with zero hesitation, despite your voice wavering lightly. As you look around you, you notice that you have reached the parking lot.
Sunghoon only smirks lazily at you in response as he gives you the extra helmet, which you accept. “I hate you too, princess.”
“I never said I hated you.” You retort while busily wearing the helmet, your eyes glistening as you recall the bittersweet memory of Jake assisting you with his helmet.
“I just don’t like you. There’s a difference. Besides, you’re always mean to me.” You mumble, the helmet is now secured on you as you stare at him wearing it with ease before he pulls down the visor, obscuring his face wholly.
“Wait.” He removes his black leather jacket, and foam forms in your mouth as you salivate at the sight of his prominent bicep muscles, with the short sleeves looking taunt against them.
As he closes the gap between the two of you, your breath goes hitching in your throat with your heart pounding against your chest, watching behind your visor as he leans down with both arms around you to wrap his jacket around your waist, with the jacket’s back covering your revealing thighs by how short your white dress is.
“You’re all good?” His voice sounds deep with his head adorned with a helmet, sending flutters to your heart, and you blush when he pats your head gently before he begins to check how secure your helmet is and tightens the jacket around your waist.
Once you nod your head in response and attempt to climb on his sleek black bike, he takes you by surprise yet again, placing both hands on your waist from behind before assisting you in mounting his rather large bike. Surprisingly, you manage to balance yourself as he proceeds to mount next with less effort.
“Hold on to me.” He says as soon as he starts the ignition, you immediately latch your arms around his waist.
Though there is a niggling fear in you at the fact that you are riding a motorcycle once more, you feel oddly safe, especially when he touches your clasped hands as though he is making certain that you are holding on to him securely.
With the abrupt blaring engine that startles you, he proceeds to drive away from the parking lot, and once you two reach the main road, he wastes no time in speeding off, whereas you have no notion of what awaits you next.
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His fingers intertwined with yours, holding your hand firmly as if he were wary of you fleeing him. Your eyes twitch at the giggles from the girls walking past the two of you as they are blatantly whispering and admiring at the sight of Sunghoon, whose face is stoic.
You look at him with a frown, wondering if he heard them or not, but the look on his face tells you that he doesn't, when in actuality he can’t be bothered. You sigh inaudibly, knowing that you can’t blame those girls since Sunghoon is undoubtedly attractive.
It isn’t long until you finally arrive at the very place you have been wanting to go, but you don’t have the opportunity since it’s miles away from campus, and you can’t even ask your girls to drive you since you know that they’re busy at times.
On the other hand, Sunghoon watches you, faltering at the sight of your beautiful eyes sparkling with the beaming lights in the establishment reflecting them as you look at your surroundings, your pink lips unfurling a soft smile that has his throat bobbing up and down as he swallows.
You look so innocent, so fucking pure — nothing in comparison to how you looked last night.
But the smile on your lips drops as you look at him, puzzled. “Why did you bring me here?”
“You said you liked books, right?” He raises his eyebrow at you. “Here we are, princess. Pick any books you like. I’ll be paying.”
This time, there are butterflies fluttering annoyingly in your tummy. Your eyes widen as you stare at him in incredulity. “Are you joking?”
“Do I look like I’m laughing?” He deadpans.
“But why???” You are rendered speechless, truly, while your lips remain parted.
“When I said that you’re my responsibility, I meant that.” He murmurs, pulling you closer to him as he tugs at your hand. Gazing deeply into your eyes, his other hand reaches up to grip your chin, his thumb moving to brush your bottom lip sensually. “And that includes catering to whatever you want or need. Now, no more questions from you.”
Sunghoon releases you while you are already missing the warmth of his hand on yours. He shoves both hands into his pockets before gesturing his head to you to proceed. “Go on, princess. Grab the basket and pick any books you like.”
Of course, you hesitate since you hate it whenever someone spends their money on you, making you feel guilty, but the look in his dark gaze compels you to turn around to grab a grey basket before inviting yourself to venture into the wonders of the massive premium book store while he trails behind you leisurely, enjoying how there is a discernible bouncing excitement with each step you take, which brings a smirk to his lips.
Sunghoon has no idea why he is even doing this, even after railing you last night to the point where you cried relentlessly. As a matter of fact, he has never spent his money on the girls he's been with before.
So why, what, and how the fuck did you manage to get him to do this?
Long minutes have passed since you’ve begun your avid search for the books that you have long since noted to buy once you receive your next allowance from your father. The content smile remains on your face while your keen eyes are scanning the books arrayed on the fourth shelf, your fingertips trailing and brushing the spines in a delicate manner that captivates his attention.
On the other hand, boredom strikes Sunghoon to the point where he feels restless, needing to head outside for a stick or two, but he doesn’t want to leave your side, not even a second. Plus, the serenity emanating from you enthrals him with his eyes remaining glued to your face. It’s like he is utterly hypnotised, especially when you look at him with a gentle smile, the dimples appearing on your cheeks, as you show him the books of your liking from time to time.
“It’s a series?” Your soft voice draws his attention to you. With his arms folded across his chest as he leans sideways against the shelf, his sharp eyes fall to your heavenly side profile, noticing the small pout on your luscious lips and the glinting disappointment in your eyes as you look down at the book in your hand.
Sunghoon leans away from the shelf and tucks his hand in his pocket, sauntering towards you. “What’s wrong?”
The moment you look at him, he has had to suck in a sharp breath subtly at your pretty doe eyes, which does something to him. You show him the book in your hand. “I wanted this, but it turns out that it’s actually a series consisting of four books.”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “So buy all of it, then.” He states the obvious.
You shake your head in response. “This is the first book in the series. The others have yet to be released.” A sigh leaves your lips as you stare at the book in your grasp. “I guess I’ll just buy this next time.”
“Why?” He asks, frowning.
“Just because.” You shrug your shoulders. “I hate waiting patiently for the other books in the series to be published after reading the first book. So I’d rather wait for all to be completed, and then I’ll read.”
“What’s this about anyway?” He snatches the book from your hand, drawing a disbelieving gasp from you.
With a petty huff, you explain shortly. “It’s about romance. A billionaire in a contractual marriage with his personal assistant.”
“So you’re into that type of shit, huh?” He scoffs, flipping through the pages uninterestedly, but then a smirk touches his lips as his eyes flicker to yours. “Does it have, what do you call that, smut?”
To his surprise, your rosy cheeks deepen while you avoid his gaze. “Yes.” You answer meekly.
Scoffing again with the smirk persisting on his lips, he closes the book with one hand before lowering it, now stepping closer to you. “Naughty girl. It turns out that the renowned Catholic girl is not as innocent as everyone thinks.” He drawls out, enjoying how you look flustered under his teasing gaze. 
You back away from him, staggering as his domineering aura feels suffocating. Your back hits the shelf behind you while your breath catches in your throat at the close proximity between you and him as he stands directly in front of you.
“I don’t read smuts.” You attempt to assert, but you deflate as his dark eyes penetrate into yours and his smirk taunts you. You swallow harshly. “I-I skipped those parts. I’m only in it for the actual plot.” You whisper, your eyes lowering to stare at his lips.
“Uhuh.” He isn’t convinced, but nonetheless, he actually doesn’t give a fuck about it. What matters to him is that you look so fucking pretty being shy and nervous because of him.
Sunghoon forces you to look back into his eyes as he grips your chin firmly. The book has fallen from his grasp, landing on the carpeted floor with a thud. “Just buy the book. I’ll pre-order the other books in the series for you.”
You don’t even have the chance to protest when he kisses you, igniting the familiar electrifying spark in you, and you gasp as he nips your bottom lip rather gently this time, your lips parting open for him to welcome his wet muscle to invade your cavern.
The butterflies intensify in your tummy as he holds your waist, pinning you against the shelf while your hands slither upward on his chest, relishing how toned he feels beneath the thin material of his shirt before wrapping your arms around his neck. You nearly breathe out a moan into his hot mouth, tongues meshing wetly, before resuming the kiss. 
But your eyes snap open at the sound of chuckles and commotion by the shelf behind where you two are, prompting you to pull away from the addictive kiss.
“We’re in public.” You murmur to him, yet you still hold him close to you. Leaning down to your neck, he presses a soft, gentle kiss at where one of his marks is, eliciting a gasp from you while your core begins to heat up at the sensation of his wet muscle licking your hickey. “Hoonie.”
He groans lowly at the familiar nickname on your pretty lips in a whine, his hands squeezing your waist while his dick twitches, yearning to hear you moaning his name again. He withdraws from you, smirking at the glinting lust in your pretty eyes.
“Are you done picking out the books you like?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You answer breathlessly from the short yet fervent lip lock.
“Good.” He leans down to kiss you, but you press your index finger against his chasing lips.
“Not here. Anyone might see us.” You whisper frantically as he lowers your finger.
His dark eyes glint wickedly. “We’ll be giving them a free show, then.”
He slams his lips against yours, swallowing your gasp, before he finally has you melting against him with the searing kiss, his arm encasing your waist possessively while the other is placed on the shelf next to your head.
The sound of your wet lips smacking against each other is conspicuous to your ears, igniting the familiar arousal that prompts you to raise your knee and slide up against the side of his leg before locking your leg around his.
Your heart flutters as he chuckles into the kiss. “Eager are we now, princess?” He murmurs breathily, enjoying how your hands are frantically roaming all over his chest before they move to his neck to pull him down, deepening the kiss.
The both of you continue to make out like two hormonal teenagers in the middle of the bookstore, and you have no idea how long it lasts until he finally withdraws from you, panting slightly as his tongue slides across his bottom lip.
His dark eyes drink in your dazed state, admiring how your luscious lips look swollen from the aftermath, with heavy pants leaving them. With a smirk on his lips, he grabs the book from the floor to arrange it back on the shelf before taking out a new one. He moves to the side to place the book in and grabs the heavy basket that feels lightweight to him before extending his hand towards you.
You gladly accept his hand, his fingers instantly intertwining with yours, before you two advance forward, leaving only the ambience from your making-out session teeming in the air.
“Thank you.” You say quietly, your small smile of gratitude casts at him. “How could I ever repay you?”
“You don’t have to─” He pauses as something comes to mind. He shoots you a suggestive smirk. “Meet me at the palace tomorrow. I’ll text you the time.”
Least to say that you are already looking forward to tomorrow.
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You hear them, figuratively, your angels chastising you for your recent misconduct in breaching the ethics you should have retained. The sensible part of you has been reeling in immense guilt, pleading with you to seek forgiveness again, but the other part of you feels malignly anew, beguiling you into committing sins and coaxing your penitence with the assurance of being pardoned over and over.
It is cliché, but your mind is in a waging war by the light and darkness within you, leaving you to grapple with whatever is left of your sanity with each step you stride towards him as he stands by the familiar entrance with his arms crossed over his chest as he leans sideways against the door, his pink lips that have been in your mind unfurl a soft smirk while his eyes drink you in, darkening by each passing second.
 Earlier today, you decided to skip two classes, which weren’t mandatory and unlike you, but you didn’t care enough. You called Winter and Karina over, the two girls whom you trusted enough to help beautify you. Winter had no notion and simply assumed that you found another guy to move on from Jake, whereas Karina grasped quickly and seemed rather excited for you since she was the only one who knew about you and Sunghoon.
You feel bolder, and you love the overall look they provided you with their assistance. The black fishnet tights reach at your waistline, and with the black straps around your waist that are visible since you are wearing a graphic white crop top and paired it up with a tight dark chequered skirt, the length reaches way above your thigh area. Your brunette waves have been styled in your wonted coiffure with a white satin piece.
The look in his eyes elevates your self-confidence and gives you a sense of satisfaction at the display of his frontage, which seems rather pleased. Of course, you had to dress up all prettily for him since he had specifically requested you to. After all, you’re his slut.
Once you are in his reach, he pulls you inside in a haste, eliciting giggles from you that sound melodious instead of irksome, which he used to find so.
Sunghoon presses his index fingers against your smiling lips, the mischief dancing in his eyes while the smirk persists on his lips. “You have to be quiet, princess. Jake’s upstairs.” He whispers, and this time, hints of devilry meld with mischief. "We wouldn't want him to get all jealous now, do we? Or do you actually want that?”
“Maybe.” You shrug your shoulders, but the thought of making Jake jealous is enticing to you. “I don’t care about him anymore.” Yet, your declaration isn’t parallel to the unspoken feelings that remain lurking in you.
Sure, you still feel resentment and bitterness towards him, but you can never look past the fact that you still like him, and it is beyond anything platonic. At the same time, you yearn for and crave Sunghoon and his dark allure, which intoxicates you into wanting more as he proceeds to guide you to the second floor.
“Where are we going?” You ask in a hushed tone, enjoying the warmth of his palm on yours.
“We’re going to watch a movie first.” He tells you. “Then I’m going to show you the library.”
Your face beams with dimples on your cheeks. “There’s a library here?”
“Yeah, but most of the shelves are empty since no one really uses the library anymore.” He clears his throat, seeming to be avoiding your gaze. “Don’t worry. I called the book delivery service, and they’ll be coming here tomorrow to replenish those shelves with the latest published books.”
There it goes again — the fluttery feeling in you that makes your cheeks turn rosier. “You did that for me?”
“Of course. How else will I get you to come here often?” He says cockily, causing you to roll your eyes at him, but the soft smile curving at your lips betrays you.
 Soon, you and Sunghoon have settled in the familiar cinema, and a wave of nostalgia hits you like a whiplash, painfully reminding you of a certain memory of you and Jake.
Upon seeing your glossy eyes, Sunghoon, who is seated closely next to you, frowns at this. He tightens your intertwined hands, bringing your attention to his stern face. “What’s wrong?”
You adorn a lopsided smile while forcing yourself to bury that memory in the wreckage of your mind. “Nothing. I just feel a little cold.”
“Come here, princess.” He instructs sternly, to which you obediently comply, rising from the couch to perch on his thighs, and this time, you feel comfortable enough that even his hardness on your bum doesn’t even bother you.
The movie is now playing, an action genre that captures your interest, but soon it wanes as you get distracted by the heat of his touch, his palms on your thighs, holding you possessively even when no one is around. Your eyes flicker down, admiring the veins protruding from his hands attractively and the black rings adorning his fingers.
Indulging your curiosity, you decide to play with his slender fingers, touching and fiddling with them. This draws his attention from the massive screen to you.
“What are you doing?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow when you look over your shoulder with a sheepish smile.
“I’m bored, Hoonie.” You have long since caught on to the fact that he appears heavily affected whenever you call him by that. You smile inwardly upon seeing his nose flaring. With a beguiling pout as you tilt your body to face him better, you lean forward to fiddle with the strings of his grey hoodie. “Can we do something else?”
You are certain that he will be swayed by your attempt at flirting once again, but to your disappointment, he simply smirks and pats your waist. “Focus on the movie, princess, or I won’t be showing you the library.”
Huffing out pettily, you return to your original position, purposefully wiggling your ass against his hardened dick that already feels painful, resulting in him gritting his teeth with his jaw clenched as he retains decorum.
Sure, you look absolutely fuckable, but he isn’t about to indulge you so soon.
You force yourself to watch the boring movie with your arms crossed below your chest, feeling annoyed and hotly bothered by the heat in your core that decides to stir at the wrong time.
Feeling a little defiant, you intentionally move and fidget on top of him once more, but as soon as you feel his hands squeezing the flesh of your thighs, a concoction of trepidation and excitement evokes in you.
His bated breaths hit your earlobe. “Don’t fucking move.” He warns you harshly as you bite down on your bottom lip.
“I wasn’t.” Your lie sounds so innocent coming from your lips, and you proceed to make the slightest move that feels impactful on his now-raging cock beneath the confines of his garments.
“You think you’re being fucking cute, yeah?” His soft whisper sounds deadly, while the smile on your lips seems to be widening.
“No.” You drawl, your mischief only adding fuel to his anger and libido.
“Yeah, you’re so gonna get it, princess.” He squeezes your thigh once more. “Now focus on the fucking movie.”
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The shower head has been running idly, allowing the hot steam to create a mist that occupies every space in the spacious bathroom. The red LED fluorescence in the bathroom is a reflection of the blasphemous deed you are presently engaging in with him, of your own accord.
The sound of skins slapping against each other bounces off these tiles while each pretty moan from your swollen, bruised lips amplifies his primal desire for you, his eyes darkening at the beautiful sight of your moist back in a perfect arch as he continues to pound into you from the back without any ounce of mercy.
Your palms desperately hold onto the tempered glass to keep your upper body from falling due to his unyielding thrusts. Your walls pulsate with each thrust he delivers, mixing with both pain and pleasure from his girth that feels full inside of you, yet you don’t stop fucking back on him.
“Fuck yeah.” His husky, attractive voice goes straight to your cunt as your walls clench around him, and your body jolts in surprise as he spanks your ass for another time. “You riled me up on purpose, didn’t you? Fucking slut.” He spits, spanking you again and eliciting another moan from you.
“Hoonie.” You moan out again, whimpering as he spanks you again. Your ass feels sore from getting spanked earlier on his bed before he brought you here. “H-Hurts.”
“Yeah? That fucking hurts?” He says harshly in between bated breaths. He rubs your sore ass deceptively before landing another smack, this time bringing tears to your eyes. “That’s how it felt when you wiggled and moved your cute ass on my dick earlier.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You plead, your hanging boobs are starting to hurt from jiggling by how hard he is fucking into you, while the slicks of your arousal can be heard obscenely with each hard yet deliberate thrust he delivers. Soon, your orgasm is impending.
“Apologise all you want, because I’m not going to stop fucking this sweet pussy.” He snarls coldly while a sob leaves your lips, feeling his fingers tangled in your drenched hair before pulling your head to the back and forcing your body to flush against him.
“You’re so fucking wet.” He breathes out harshly, kissing your cheek. “All wet for my cock, dirty fucking slut.”
His fingers rub the hard nub, stimulating the bundle of nerves, and his other hand is palming and gripping your tits roughly, occasionally tweaking and pinching your hardened nipple, amplifying your pleasure.
Your eyes roll to the back, getting lost in the delirium with more moans tumbling past your lips, and you hear his harsh pants from his lips next to your ear. His dirty talk arouses you even more.
“Pissed me off again like that, and this is what happens.” He grunts, relishing the sound of your pretty cries and moans that only fuel him. “Rutting on me like a bitch in heat.” He lands a sharp smack on your reddened ass. “You wanna get fucked so bad, yeah? Now you’re gonna get fucked dumb.”
“Sunghoon!” You scream his name, your body convulsing while your knees buckle underneath you. Your orgasm comes crashing down violently on you as you cum hard all over his cock, your body convulsing.
“Yeah, make a fucking mess all over me just like that.” He doesn’t relent, continuously fucking into your sopping cunt as overstimulation dawns on you while his fingers remain flickering and rubbing your clit. His moan arouses you once more. “I’m gonna cum in this pussy.”
With one last thrust, he goes still, holding you tightly close to him while your cunt milks his cock with your walls pulsating. He groans at the delicious sensation of your cunt before placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. “Fucking pussy made perfect for me, yeah?” He whispers amorously, trailing his kisses on your shoulder blade before unsheathing his cock from your gaping hole.
Sunghoon forces you to bend down, with your hands automatically planting onto the tempered glass and his legs forcing yours apart. Crouching down, both of his hands spread your ass cheeks, and another groan emits from him at the sight of your cum and his mixed together as they slowly leak from your folds.
Your eyes are becoming droopy, but as soon as you feel the sensation of him spitting onto your cunt, your eyes widen before a breathy moan leaves your lips as he plunges two fingers into your leaking hole.
 “Hoonie.” You whimper, feeling utterly overstimulated, but your body betrays you as you fuck yourself onto his fingers with an arched back.
With a smirk on his lips, he withdraws his fingers from you, causing you to sob out in frustration. “Get on your knees, princess.”
Despite your aching body, you eagerly heed his command, your knees in contact with the toilet tiles, while your eyes feast at the sight of his nearly erect cock in front of you.
“Go on. Suck me good like the cockslut you are.” He orders mockingly, and wanting to please him, you grab his length, recalling lesson one and applying it.
Sunghoon throws his head to the back with his hand on your head to control your movement as you take him deep in your mouth until the tip hits the back of your throat. “That’s it. Take me like the hungry slut you are.” He spits at you while you moan in response, sending vibrations to his cock. 
Your knees are starting to feel sore, and your jaw is starting to hurt from his girth with your spits drooling down to your chin, but you are determined to get him to cum. His grunts, moans, and dirty talk all go straight to your sopping cunt, spurring you to rub your clit with your fingers.
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” He announces, his jaw clenching while his dark eyes meet yours as you look up at him with fluttery eyelashes, taking him deeper and struggling to breathe. He grips your hair tight, practically using your mouth as if it’s your pussy and fucks into you, causing your nose to hit his pelvis. “Fucking take it and swallow my cum.” He releases a guttural growl before holding your head still as he finally cums into your throat.
You swallow his cum as though you have been deprived of it, earning yourself a satisfied smirk from him. You withdraw from him, gasping loudly with your chest heaving up and down. Everything hurts, yet your mind remains in bliss with the smell of soap and sex teeming in the bathroom.
Sunghoon grabs you by the arm before you can allow yourself to lie on the toilet tiles. You don’t even have the time to marvel at his strength for being able to carry and handle you with ease as he pins you against the tempered glass facing him.
“Hoonie─” You are silenced by his lips on yours, sealing you in a searing kiss with his wet muscle exploring your cavern, tasting himself. You moan into his mouth, your hands on his abdominal muscles to feel them before migrating them to his biceps.
You feel his hands on your waist before moving down to your ass cheeks. “Jump.” He murmurs against your lips, and you comply, jumping as he assists you in wrapping your legs around his waist.
He continues to make out with you, exchanging saliva and moaning wetly into the kiss, biting down on your bruised lips for another time before pulling away from you to trail his kisses down your neck, licking the marks he left on your skin before creating a new one on your shoulder blade.
Your neck is arched, moaning at the pleasure before you feel the head of his cock sliding up and down on your wet folds. You whimper as he slowly thrusts into you, your walls having to accommodate his girth despite being fucked earlier.
“Sunghoon!” You yelp out in pain as soon as he bites down on your shoulder so hard that you swear he’s drawing blood. He ignores you, kissing and licking the fresh bruise on your shoulder while thrusting into you slowly.
The slickness from your cums serves as a lubricant for him, allowing him to fuck into you deliciously.
“Hoonie.” You moan, pulling him by the nape to kiss him while he allows you. “Feel so good.” You slur against his lips, your nails on his back raking up and down, sending shivers down his spine.
“Yeah? I’m fucking you good, princess?” He grins as the wickedness in his dark gaze arouses fear and anticipation in you.
 “So, so good.” You blabber out, moaning brokenly at the abrupt, harsh, yet deliberate thrust from him, causing your body to jolt up and your tits to jiggle.
“Want more?” He asks sinisterly, fucking into you at a vigorous pace. “Want me to make you feel good till it fucking hurts, princess?”
“Yes!” Your head hits the tempered glass behind you, your nails raking on his back frantically, and that will undoubtedly leave marks, sobbing at the painful pleasure he is giving you.
The familiar knot twists in your tummy as your orgasm is impending once more. He leans down to suckle your nipple harshly before releasing it to press a kiss on your neck, nipping on the skin and panting harshly against your neck.
“You’re mine, princess,” His dark tone belies a promise. “and I’m going to make sure you’ll remember that by the time I’m done with you.”
Oh, not for a second did you ever doubt him.
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The smell of tobacco pervades his room as soon as you step out of the bathroom, to which your nose automatically scrunches up in disgust at the unpleasant smell that you have yet to get accustomed to.
You are dressed in your previous attire, including the fishnet tights. With each movement you make, a series of winces leave your lips with tremendous aches everywhere, but you are able to withstand the pain better than the first time.
Your eyes shift to the figure seated by the window sill, who is only adorning his sweatpants, leaving his upper body in its fine glory that has your mouth salivating and your eyes to feast upon his toned muscles.
Your eyes trail to each of his tattoos ─ the rose tattoo on his hip and the butterfly tattoo on his nape, as his side profile is adjacently facing you while he appears to be gazing out to the window.
He takes a long drag of his burning cigarette stick before blowing the smoke out leisurely. “Do you have genuine feelings for Jake?” He asks without sparing a glance at you.
You notice the way his jaw clenches afterwards, and you know that you have to be careful when choosing your next words. “Does it matter?” You scoff lightly but still remain rooted in your spot. “He has other girls to keep him occupied anyway.”
Sunghoon turns his head to meet your eyes, and he maintains eye contact as he takes another drag of his stick and blows it out. “Come here, princess.” His hand flicks downward, beckoning for you to head over to him despite your aching legs, which are such a hindrance to allowing you to walk properly.
You sit politely on your knees in front of him, allowing yourself to fold your arms on the bench he is sitting on and rest your chin on top of your arms. With your curious eyes watching him as he throws his burnt-out stick outside of the window, you await his next move.
With a lazy grin smearing his cheek, he grabs the cigarette box at the side before taking out a stick. “Wanna try smoking?” 
 “N-No.” You answer, flustered by his suggestion.
 “Awww, it won’t hurt to try one.” He kisses the back of his mouth, his fingers stroking your head like a mockery, and tenderly cradles your cheek, leaving you no choice but to part open your lips as he slowly pushes the stick to your mouth.
With your doe eyes staring into his eyes, his dick twitches slightly beneath his sweatpants. Uneasiness coils in your tummy as he lights up the end of the stick with the lighter. Naturally, you inhale the substance, but the smoke hits the back of your throat unpleasantly, your fingers taking out the stick before you cough out the smoke.
“Ew.” Your face contorts into disgust before you give it to him. “I don’t like it.”
“That’s because you don’t know how to smoke.” Sunghoon scoffs, taking the stick from you. “I’ll teach you one day.”
Before you can protest, knocking on his door startles you, prompting you to look at him questionably, whereas he seems confused as well. “Can you get it for me, princess?” His politeness surprises you, and you heed his words as you rise from the floor.
With shaky legs, you quickly compose yourself before making your way towards the door, inwardly grumbling at how massive his room is just to get to the door, which takes you probably two to three minutes.
With your hand gripping the handle, you slowly push it down and open, revealing the very person you don’t want to see. 
“Hey, man, I’m here for my mask─” As soon as Jake looks up from his phone, his eyes meet yours, both reflecting similar sentiments, yet your faces remain impassive.
His eyes do a quick scan of your appearance, marvelling at how gorgeous your new look is, and the fishnet tights adorning your smooth legs go straight to his cock as it twitches. As he returns his gaze to your face, that is when he notices the display of fresh hickeys on your neckline.
His nose flares while he clenches his fist at the side, refraining himself from acting upon violence towards his best friend since, after all, their goals are aligned. But still, that doesn’t make it any less hard on him, especially when he has been yearning for you and needs you in ways that only you can satisfy him.
“What do you want?” Sunghoon asks, his footsteps approaching from behind you, and when you feel his hand on your ass, your breath hitches in your throat, especially when you notice Jake’s dark eyes on Sunghoon’s hand.
“I’m here for my mask, since you said that it has been adjusted.” Jake says coldly.
 Sunghoon is not in the slightest bothered by his best friend’s sudden hostility, knowing that the latter won’t be able to stay mad at him any longer. “Right, come on in.” He shoots Jake a grin before looking at you and placing a kiss on your cheek. “Now, princess, treat our guest nicely while I retrieve his mask.”
You ignore Jake’s burning stare on your face as you give Sunghoon a nervous smile. “Okay.”
Sunghoon releases you, allowing you to step aside for Jake to enter. “I’ll be right back.” He informs the both of you before exiting his room.
Awkward silence envelopes you and Jake. You look away from him as you lean your ass against the edge of the table at the side, feigning to be occupied by inspecting your nails.
“Y/N.” Jake breaks the ice after a couple of beats.
“Jake.” You greet him curtly, still refusing to look into the eyes of the guy whose lips were on some girl.
“Having fun fucking around with my best friend?” The sarcasm in his tone ignites a fire within you, while the apparent jealousy goes unnoticed by you.
“What I do is not in any of your business.” You take yourself by surprise with how cold and snarky you sound. Your glaring eyes meet his steely ones.
“It is when Sunghoon is my best friend.” Jake grits his teeth, now stalking towards you like a predator about to pounce on his prey. “Tell me, did he fuck you any better?”
Your nose flares with anger while you ignore the palpable tension that feels thick in the air. The urge to piss him off is so strong that you even find yourself smirking lightly. “As a matter of fact, yes. He fucked me so good, even better than you ever did.”
“Don’t lie to me, lovely.” He warns in a husky voice that makes your heart go fluttering, and the close proximity between the two of you causes you to deflate.
Jake sees the flicker of hurt in your eyes. “Don’t call me that.” Your lips quiver, and the weak tone in your voice betrays the fierce facade you put up.
Your heart nearly lurches in your chest when his fingers stroke your cheek tenderly, and his eyes soften as he gazes into your glossy ones. “But I want to, because you’re my lovely, aren’t you?” 
 “Am I?” A humourless laugh emits from you, your eyes blurring with each blink while your chest starts to feel constricted. “I mean, you clearly told me that I wasn’t anything special to you.”
You cut him off sharply, pouring out your pent-up emotions on him. “I hate you! I hate you for making me special like I’m your only girl when you had another!” You lean away from the table, now glaring heatedly into his eyes through your tears. “I was more mad that you ghosted me after making me feel attached to you! Leaving me to wonder what I did wrong!”
“Y/N, love─”
 “What did you say to me the other day? That I was delusional?” You release a derisive laugh, holding back a sob. “You’re right. I was freaking delusional for thinking that I was your girl. The worst part is the fact that I actually liked you!”
By now, you are going hysteric, not knowing how to regulate your emotions that are going haywire at the moment. With clenched fists, you punch his solid chest, which doesn't have any effect on him.
“Come on! Insult me like you did!” You grit your teeth, tears streaming down your cheeks as you continue your assault. “I hate you! You’re even meaner than Hoonie! I hate it even more that I still like you!”
Your chest heaves up and down as you breathe heavily, ceasing your assault on him. Whatever happened has just taken a toll on you. You accept defeat as Jake holds both your fists.
“Do you mean it?” He asks lowly, moving closer to you while holding your hands close to his chest. “That you still like me?”
You sniffle before scoffing out. “Why does it matter to you? You have other girls─”
“But they’re not you.” He cuts you off, with a tinge of softness in his tone. His hand goes to cradle your damp cheek, gazing deeply into your eyes. “I admit that I’m not perfect, and I’m fucked up in ways that you wouldn’t understand, but even after all of that, my heart remains beating for you.”
A whimper leaves your lips as you recall. “But you kissed that girl─”
“Fuck, I know, love, and I shouldn’t have done that when my heart only yearns for you.” His husky voice feels distracting, pulling you out of the sadness. As you blink your eyes, you can see the emotions swimming in the depths of his eyes — a concoction of adoration, lust, and danger.
“Let me prove it to you.” He says softly before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him while his hand cradles your jaw, tilting your head up to place a kiss on your awaiting lips.
Never mind the fact that Sunghoon has tasted and kissed you, because what matters is that you’re here, real, in his arms. The sensation of your willowy lips feels familiar, almost like home. He tilts his head to the perfect angle, deepening the kiss that has you melting against him.
Jake kissing you feels wholly different than the last time he kissed you. This kiss feels more intimate with a heavy touch of gentleness, and yet you can sense his urgency by the movement of his lips alone.
No, you should not be caving in, you should not be falling for him again, and yet…..
Upon hearing footsteps, your eyes widen before you force yourself to break the kiss and step away from him. You miss the glinting disappointment in his eyes as you look at Sunghoon, who has entered the room.
 “Here.” Sunghoon says to Jake, passing him the familiar-looking mask that has your eyes widening.
Not only is the red mask that you once saw in Jake’s room in his possession, but the silver mask Sunghoon is holding looks exactly the same as one of your predators’. By now, your inner turmoil feels endless while your heart pounds harder against your chest.
You should not have ignored your gut feeling the moment you saw Jake’s red mask. As they converse with each other, you can hear your pulse drumming in your ear while dread crawls onto your skin at the realisation that you have been fucking around with two of your predators from Devil’s Night.
 The loudness of your silence draws their attention to you, and they notice the panic and fear storming in your eyes. There is no doubt that the other two are Heeseung and Jay.
 “Are you okay?” Jake asks, his hand instinctively reaching for your arm, but when you feel his touch, you flinch and back away, bringing a frown to his lips.
“Of course she’s not. You did kiss her.” Sunghoon chuckles coldly, meeting Jake’s surprised eyes. “Oh yeah, I know what you did when I was gone. As expected from a sly bastard like you.”
Jake scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Fuck off. She kissed me back anyway.”
“I-I have to go.” You stammer, your head feels lightheaded, and you want nothing more than to cower from your two predators.
Just as you walk past Sunghoon, he grabs your arm firmly and arches his eyebrow at you. “I don’t think so, princess. Plus, we haven’t had our fun yet.”
 “Let me go.” You attempt to jerk your arm from his tight grip, but it is futile. “I’m not kidding, Sunghoon.”
“Neither am I.” Your heart pumps harder at the callous smile he adorns, while he takes notice of the way your eyes flicker with fear as you look at his mask. He brings it up, surprised to see you flinch. “Why are you afraid of a mere mask, princess?”
“You’re one of them.” Your voice shakes with palpable fear, but you smack your lips shut together quickly as soon as you realise that you were not meant to say them out loud.
Sunghoon scans you briefly before realisation hits him, and his lips unfurl a smirk. “Ah, so the sweet angel finally put the pieces together.”
“What?” Jake asks, approaching the two of you, which only leaves you recoiling from him. “Lovely, what’s wrong? You know that I would never hurt you.”
“Don’t you realise it yet, Jake?” Sunghoon’s annoyed sigh denotes impatience. “She finally knows who we are and who we were on Devil’s Night.”
When you meet Jake’s eyes for a fleeting moment, the trepidation coursing through your veins intensifies at the wickedness glinting in his eyes, which reflects the same as Sunghoon’s. It’s like something has possessed him, making him an entirely different person.
Acting on your instinct as your body goes into fight-or-flight mode, exactly like on Devil’s Night, a fleeting nostalgia hits you as you turn around and latch your hand on the door handle, but Sunghoon’s palm on the door above your head intercepts your escape. You try to push down the handle and pull the door, but his strength outweighs yours.
“Trying to escape from us again, angel? Have you forgotten what happened on that same night?” Sunghoon’s tone drips with a mockery menace, and your fear for your two predators becomes tenfold as you recall. Your body is now trembling while tears prick in your eyes.
“Come on, sweet angel. Don’t be afraid of us.” Jake’s attractive lull can be heard from behind, and it does nothing to ease the foreboding tension.
Sunghoon grabs your arm tight, forcing you to turn around, and when you do, a bloodthirsty, carnal desire lurks in the depths of his hauntingly beautiful eyes. “Angel should be afraid. You’ve seen what we are capable of.” 
“Let me go, please.” You remain persistent, imploring them with your glistening eyes, and yet, amidst the trepidation, there is a whirlpool of lustful desire and excitement within you. 
“Don’t you get it, princess? You’re mine, now,” Sunghoon’s fingers grip your chin tight to force you to look at Jake’s predatory gaze as he leans down to the side of your face to kiss your cheek sensually. “and you’re his. There has been no escape from us since the moment you showed up on Devil’s Night.”
As soon as Sunghoon trails his kisses down to your neck, stopping at where your erratic pulse is, you fear he might sink his teeth into your skin just like he always does. You see the way Jake’s eyes darken with jealousy and carnal lust upon seeing Sunghoon assault your neck with his lips.
“Unless you want to get on our bad side, then I suggest you take what we give you.” Sunghoon snarls against your throat, evoking more fear and a familiar arousal in your core.
 “Move.” Jake’s demand prompts Sunghoon to move aside, and when your sheeny eyes meet Jake’s, he wastes no time having you in possession, his arms around your bare waist and his fingers tug at the string of your fishnet, smirking down at you. “You wore this for me, didn’t you, angel?”
You don’t respond, remaining numb as your voice decides to disappear. Jake cradles your cheek, forcing you to tilt your head up as he leans in, his nose brushing against yours while his hot breath fans above your lips. “Jump and wrap your legs around my waist.”
Although his soft tone should be a balm to your ongoing consternation, there is a hint of darkness, and you know you should heed his command, and you do. With your arms hooked around his neck, you marvel at how he is carrying you with one hand supporting your derrière effortlessly while the other is occupied with his red mask.
Jake migrates over to Sunghoon’s bed and settles down, with you remaining on top of him. With your faltering gaze, his lips curve into a smirk, one hand holding your lower back while the other reaches up to caress your cheek. “You’re going to feel good, angel.”
Your lips are quivering while your mind is in a state of chaos, wanting and not wanting to be stuffed full since the prior fucking with Sunghoon has rendered you exhausted. 
“But I’m sore.” You whisper weakly, and you hear Jake kissing the back of his mouth as he continues to stroke your cheek.
“You can take it.” Jake croons to you, bringing more tears to collect on the rims of your eyes. He leans in to kiss you sweetly, distracting you as he adjusts to lower his pants, letting his raging hard-on be free from the confines. “You’re our good girl, yeah?” He rasps against your lips before withdrawing from you to lay you down on the mattress.
Your heart races in anticipation as he lowers himself, hiking your skirt up. A startled gasp leaves your mouth, completely thrown off guard, when he tears the fishnet tights at your lower region. “Jaeyun!” You whine, and you know that you’re going to get an earful from Winter.
“It was in the way, lovely.” His growl goes straight to your pulsating cunt. Your body jolts as soon as you feel the head of his cock tapping heavily on your already sensitive clit, causing your breath to hitch.
A whimper catches in the back of your throat as soon as he breaches your entry, and your walls instantly envelope his cock. He grits his teeth, relishing in the way your walls are hugging him as though they had missed him. “I fucking miss this pussy.” He grunts out before slowly thrusting in and out, sending your head spinning by how instantly good he is making you feel.
“Jaeyun.” You moan out, bringing a fist to cover your mouth, but Jake pulls it away from you before his hand goes underneath your body to raise you, changing position so you can feel him deeper as you perch on top of him.
Your pretty moans go straight to Jake and Sunghoon’s cock while the latter remains watching you pick up the pace to fuck yourself onto Jake like a desperate, hungry little slut as he takes a drag of his smoke. He hates to admit it, as jealousy is brimming in him, but fucking hell, this looks better than any pornography he watched.
“Jaeyun, I’m gonna cum.” You announce to him, your back is arched with your head thrown to the back, bouncing and fucking yourself onto him as your hands grip his shoulders tight.
Jake occasionally bucks his hips up to assist you, but it looks like he doesn’t need to do all of the job, smirking as he gazes at you at the pure bliss etched on your pretty features. Flickering his eyes at your parted lips, he pulls you by the nape to kiss you.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much.” He says in between kisses while something warm fills your chest.
“I've missed you too, Jaeyun.” You whimper, your thighs are quivering, and the knot in your tummy becomes unbearable. “Please let me cum.”
“Go ahead, angel. Cum all over me.” You mewl into the kiss, melting at how sweet and gentle he is with you before you finally come undone at the same time he does, as evident by the hot moan he emits into your parted lips.
Jake doesn’t stop kissing you, getting addicted to your willowy lips and your taste while his arms slither around your waist to pull you impossibly closer.
From behind, you feel a menacing presence, and before you know it, fingers tangle in your hair before forcing you to break the lip lock with Jake. 
“Have you forgotten about me, princess?” Sunghoon sneers down at you as you are forced to look up at him, your scalp burning from how tight he is gripping your hair.
“N-No.” You try your utmost to answer sincerely, and it is true. All the while, fucking Jake, the thought of Sunghoon watching you was incredibly hot.
“Good to know. Now, open your mouth.” He commands lowly, and when you slowly part your lips open, he leans down to spit into your hot cavern, eliciting a moan from you before he swallows your moan, kissing you hard.
Jake’s cock twitches inside of you as he watches Sunghoon’s hand gripping your neck from behind while he kisses you. Biting down his bottom lip, he makes a tentative thrust into you, and he hears another moan that sounds muffled in the back of your throat.
As soon as Sunghoon breaks the lip lock, you whimper in disappointment while Jake continues to fuck into you with his hands on your waist, but the words leaving Sunghoon’s mouth cause your walls to clench around Jake.
“Fuck her in a reverse cowgirl. Want her to fuck my dick with her mouth.”
Jake ceases his movement and places a gentle kiss on your swollen lips before lifting you up, assisting you in the change of position. You slowly sink yourself onto Jake's cock with a breathy moan, feeling his girth stuffing you to the fullest.
Excitement gleams in your eyes while your mouth salivates at the sight of Sunghoon’s erect cock in front of you. Like the good girl you are, you begin your administration by grabbing his warm cock before licking the tip, which elicits a low cuss from Sunghoon. Getting impatient, he shoves his whole girth into your mouth, forcing your jaw to go slacken before he decides to use your mouth as he pleases.
Tears are streaming down your face at the euphoric pain and pleasure from your two predators that you were supposed to flee. Sunghoon’s derogatory, harsh tone and Jake’s sweet, gentle tone as they dirty talk to you while fucking into your holes send you into a state of pure bliss.
“I’m gonna cum.” Sunghoon announces, snarling down at you as he grips your hair. “You better swallow every drop.”
“I’m cumming too, angel.” Jake says breathless next to your ear, tilting his head to kiss away your tears.
A collective guttural moan emits from the two hot men before filling your holes with their cum. Sunghoon withdraws from you, allowing you to regulate your breathing before moaning weakly as you come undone all over Jake for the second time.
“That’s a good girl.” Jake whispers in a lull as your body convulses uncontrollably, his arms hugging your waist and his fingers stroking the skin in an attempt to soothe you from the aftermath.
Jake slowly lifts you up from him, settling you on the bed, and you don’t hesitate to allow your body to fall on the bouncy mattress, the exertion from all the events today dawning on your body as you pant heavily.
You feel the bed dipping before a hand stroke and cradle your head, prompting you to raise your head lazily and stare into Sunghoon’s eyes. “Stay for the night, princess.”
You can only afford to hum your answer. You allow Sunghoon to manhandle you once more as your body raises vertically, now clad back in his sweatpants. Leaning his back against the headboard, he brings you to him, settling you on top of him.
“You did so well, princess.” Sunghoon whispers amorously, leaning towards your face. “You’re going to be so fucking good for us.”
You flutter your eyes closed as soon as his warm lips envelope yours, kissing you sweetly this time. The taste of his cigarette smell is evident on your lips, but you deepen the kiss instead of backing away in disgust. You feel a presence behind you, and your brunette waves are pushed aside for Jake to kiss your neck.
“Our sweet angel.” Jake purrs against your skin while you remain in a lip lock with Sunghoon. “Just for us.”
You mewl into the kiss in response, and your heart goes fluttering as they continue to kiss you. You feel fingers gripping your chin and forcing you away from Sunghoon before Jake devours your lips with your head turned sideways. Sunghoon grasps the chance to kiss your tainted neck, biting and licking your skin.
As your two predators continue to make out with you and gradually turn messy, you know that you’ll be wanting back for more, even if it means repressing the light in you in a cage while the darkness in you feels so sinister, luring you further into getting lost in this intoxicating abysmal.
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When the next day arrived, you woke up to your phone vibrating with an incoming call from Wonyoung, but you ignored her and the spam messages from your other friends. What matters to you is that you’re still in Jake and Sunghoon’s possession.
“Hoonie!” You whine as soon as Sunghoon smears the whip cream on your lips. Presently, you are in the sumptuous kitchen with him and Jake, just them idling around and sticking to you as though you are a magnet, impossible for them to stray from you any longer, whereas you want to indulge your craving for strawberries with whip cream. Jake’s white tee you adorned looks big on you with the length reaching your knees.
“Jaeyun, look at him.” You complain to Jake, who has been grinning ear-to-ear at how adorable you look with the whip cream now smeared on your faces.
“I’m looking.” Jake teases you, nodding his head with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Aww, don’t sulk, princess.” Sunghoon coos, his lips curving into a smirk as he closes the gap between the two of you. “I’ll wipe them off for you.”
You know that he is up to no good with that devilish smirk on his handsome face, but you don’t complain much anyway as he grabs your chin and presses his lips on yours, his tongue licking the whip cream on your lips before poking into your mouth.
Just as you two are about to get engrossed in the kissing, the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen prompts you to pull away from Sunghoon’s chasing lips. You turn around to reach for the tissue to wipe away the excessive whip cream on your face before you tense at his voice.
“What the fuck did you guys do to my kitchen?” The annoyance laces in Jay’s husky voice cause the familiar dread to crawl onto your skin.
“Don’t be dramatic. We didn’t even make any mess.” Jake scoffs, leaning away from the countertop. “And for your information, it’s not your kitchen.”
“Yeah, but who did most of the cooking?” Jay shoots him a scowl before his eyes trail to you, who is facing Sunghoon as he assists in wiping the cream off your face while you stare at him with a sulky pout, but the playfulness dances delightfully in your sparkly eyes.
“The cooker that we hired, duh.” Jake retorts, oblivious to the way Jay is staring at you. Jay clenches a fist as soon as he spots visible hickeys on your pretty neckline.
“I want to wash my face.” You tell Sunghoon, your hand finds its way to grab his hand, but as soon as you make your first step, you tenses up at Jay’s voice.
“So you’re a regular here now, baby?” Jay smirks, wanting to evoke some reaction from you while the memory of your body on his remains fresh, and he yearns to touch you like he did on Devil’s Night.
But to his surprise and disappointment, you cast him a blank stare, as though he is a mere stranger to you. The emotions in your eyes are inexplicable before you look away from him and proceed to tug Sunghoon with you as you two depart from the kitchen. Sunghoon manages to shoot Jay a smug smile fleetingly.
“Looks like you need to try harder, man.” Jake chuckles, patting Jay’s tensed shoulder before leaving the kitchen.
A muscle pulses in Jay’s jaw, and the anger he has been keeping at bay surfaces. No fucking way. Did you just ignore him? After you had danced intimately with him on Devil’s Night and taunted him with your alluring, blissful sway?
Storms rage in his dark eyes while his jaw remains locked. There is no fucking way you’re going to continue disregarding his domineering existence, and he’ll simply have to prove your resistance to ignoring him wrong.
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TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908 @sousydive @pinkkami @skzenhalove @caravm @shinrjj @loljaeyunz @star4rin @darkjongsung @mlywon @yorukoshii @nshmrarki @lol6sposts @lilyuwon @enha-crumbs @slut4hee @capri-cuntz @kaykay11sworld @firesunflames @notevenheretbh1 @parksunghoonsgf @luvkpopp @superbbananananana @eastleighsblog @in-somnias-world @nyxtwixx
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melancholy-of-nadia · 2 months
infatuation (m) | myg
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title: infatuation pairing: yoongi x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; agust d universe (AgustDverse based in Haegeum) ; gang leader / mafia AU summary:  Living with fragmented and blurry memories has lead you to live under the roof of Bangkok's biggest secret crime boss, Agust D, as his bodyguard. Though, being confined to the mansion most of the time has made you feel isolated, craving freedom and answers. When he decides to take you out to dinner for the first time, the atmosphere is charged with tension and suspicion. You're not the only one who's patience is wearing thin, however, instead, it's discovering this man's infatuation with you that will lead you to change your mind. warnings:  weapon mention (katana), reader has minor amnesia, back and forth arguing, murder mention, deep fish imagery/analogy, haegeum!suga mention, dominant haegeum! agust d, making out, penthouse s*x, f*ngering, cl*t stimulation, orgasm denial, choking, power imbalance, bl*w job, bre*st play, spiting, deep throating, pet names, agust d praises you by calling you "good girl", unprotected s*x, lowkey breeding k*nk, choking, possessiveness, multiple orgasms, uh i think that's it!... yandere? haegeum!agust d maybe note: it's been a year since i uploaded my first fic in this universe i call the AgustDverse. Also the first fic that got me into writing bts fics! I've been requested to continue this universe by my dear friend @daegudrama. I don't know if it'll ever become an actual cohesive series, but if you guys like it, let me know! also this is veerrrryyyyy much unedited im sorry i will edit later word count: 6.0k drop date: August 6th, 2024 7:30pm PST mood playlist | ao3 link – –
You never thought you'd find yourself in this situation—nestled within the mansion walls of a mafia boss masquerading as a police detective. 
Known as Agust D. 
How did you get here? It's a question that continuously echoes through your mind like a constant drumbeat. 
It’s not an easy question to answer. It’s actually pretty complicated. Time travel? A quantum jump? You don’t know whatever scientific phenomenon this is. 
But for your own sanity, you decided not to dwell too much on it, especially when the present demands your full attention.
Agust has let you live here under the guise of acting as his bodyguard, which is perhaps the strangest thing you've ever done. You had no prior guarding experience, but the katana sword that hangs by your side now tells otherwise. This item is a constant reminder of your supposed purpose here: to protect the mansion, to protect Agust D. But deep down, you know there's more to this arrangement than meets the eye.
Tonight, however, is different. Agust D, the enigmatic master of this mansion, has extended an invitation—an invitation to dine at an upscale Chinese restaurant. It's a rare opportunity to step beyond the confines of these walls, to breathe in the outside world, if only for a fleeting moment.
As you stand before the full-length mirror in your room, you can't help but feel a surge of apprehension. The maids have stated that Agust D insisted you wear a black satin dress he selected for the occasion—a garment that feels foreign against your skin, yet somehow fitting for the night. You’re too used to wearing a collared white button-up and a plaid skirt for most of the time while you’re at the mansion. You don’t know how long you’d been wearing that, but definitely longer than a young girl who’s in prep school.
Adjusting the delicate fabric, you take in your reflection, the unfamiliarity of the attire almost unnerving. 
A knock at the door interrupts your contemplation, and without waiting for a response, Agust D enters, his presence commanding the room. Dressed in a tailored black suit that exudes power and authority, he regards you with a scrutinizing gaze.
"You look stunning," he remarks, a hint of satisfaction tugging at the corners of his lips. "Are you ready to go?"
With a half nod, you follow him down the stairs and out of the mansion, the cool night air wrapping around you like a shroud of secrecy. Then you hop into the black sports car, which Yoongi decides to drive this time instead of his chauffeur.
The journey to the restaurant is silent, punctuated only by the quiet sounds of the piano music playing, which came from connecting Agust D’s phone to the car’s aux.
He really does love Ryuichi Sakamoto’s music, you comment internally to yourself.
When you arrive at the restaurant, you're met with the grandeur of an upscale Chinese eatery perched on the top floor of a hotel building. The space is a harmonious blend of modern elegance and traditional opulence. As you step inside, the ambient chatter of elite people and the soft clinking of cutlery fill the air, creating a lively yet refined atmosphere that contrasts sharply with the muted silence of the mansion.
The restaurant’s interior is a feast for the senses. Rich, dark wood paneling lines the walls, accented by gold and red details that evoke a sense of luxury. Elegant lanterns hang from the ceiling, their warm, golden light casting a gentle glow across the room. The tables are adorned with crisp white linens, polished silverware, and delicate porcelain dishes, each piece carefully chosen to complement the sophisticated ambiance.
The scent of Chinese cuisine mingles with the faint aroma of incense, creating an inviting and tantalizing atmosphere. The restaurant's design features intricate latticework and traditional Chinese artwork, adding a touch of cultural authenticity to the modern setting. Plush, comfortable chairs surround each table, offering a sense of intimacy and relaxation.
As the restaurant host takes note of Agust D standing beside you, there’s a brief moment of panic in his eyes. He quickly ushers you both to a secluded corner of the establishment, a private nook separated from the rest of the dining area by elegant silk drapes. This area, though separated, still enjoys a view of the city skyline through large, floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a breathtaking panorama of the illuminated city below. 
You are seated across from Agust, but there’s still a subtle awkward atmosphere surrounding the both of you when he orders and after the food arrives. 
For a moment, the clinking of silverware against porcelain fills the silence before Agust D finally speaks.
"Do you still not remember anything?" 
You hesitate, uncertainty flickering in the depths of your eyes about how to respond to him. "Bits and pieces," you admit, your gaze lingering on the dimly lit surroundings. "But nothing concrete. It's like trying to grasp at shadows."
His expression remains impassive, but you catch a fleeting glimpse of something else—something akin to regret, perhaps, or even longing. "It will come back to you," he says, his tone softer than before. "With time."
You only nod, going back to eating one of the xiaolongbao at the center of the table.
The air between you and Agust D grows heavier once again with unspoken words. You don’t like the silence. As someone who is very self-aware of their self, you feel compelled to break the silence to not be stuck in your head. 
"Agust D," you begin tentatively, the name feeling foreign on your tongue yet strangely familiar. You don’t refer to him by name often, as you opt for ‘sir’ or the occasional ‘Hyungnim’. "Why did you bring me here tonight? You never do this sort of thing…"
He regards you with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. "Well, you've been cooped up in that mansion for so long," he replies cryptically, his gaze piercing through the facade you've carefully constructed. “Thought it would be good to treat you for your work.”
"But why now?" you press, unable to suppress the curiosity gnawing at your insides. "And wearing this?" You refer to the short piece of black fabric covering you.
Agust D's lips quirk up in a wry smile, though there's no warmth in it. "Maybe I wanted to see how you'd be like out… not on duty," he muses, his eyes never leaving yours. "Or perhaps I simply wanted company for the evening."
Company, huh? From the outside, it looks like you’re on a date. You wouldn’t doubt the restaurant staff is already gossiping from behind the curtains partitioning you from the rest of the world.
You can't help but feel a sense of unease at his words, a nagging suspicion that there's more to his motives than meets the eye. "Is that really all?" you press, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Or is there something else you're not telling me?"
For a moment, Agust D's mask slips, revealing a flicker of vulnerability beneath the facade of indifference. "There's always more to say," he murmurs, his gaze turning distant as if lost in memories you can't access. "But some things are better left unsaid."
What does he even mean by that? You feel like every time you speak even a bit casually to this man, you only end up more confused and maybe even a bit more scared.
"Agust D," you venture cautiously, "...are you still looking for Suga?"
At the mention of the name, a shadow passes over Agust D's features, his expression hardening into a mask of resolve. "Suga," he repeats, the name dripping with bitterness and contempt. "Of course I’m looking for him. That man is nothing but trouble. I need to get rid of him."
You can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the man whose name hangs between you like a specter, a reminder of the past you can't quite grasp. "But why? Why do you hate him so much?" you ask softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Agust D's eyes darken with a mix of anger and regret, a storm raging beneath the surface. "He’s got my face and that in itself is a danger to all of us," he admits, his voice raw with emotion. "He could also be the answer to everything I've lost, but it’s better if that answer is never revealed."
The words hang heavy in the air from a confession laden with pain. And as you gaze into the depths of Agust D's eyes, you realize that beneath the cold exterior lies a man haunted by his past—a man who, like you, is searching for answers, but afraid to confront them. You want to pry into what he means, but you’re scared that he may act aggressively. So instead you change the topic.
"Don’t you know his whereabouts though?" you inquire softly, your voice laced with concern.
Agust D's gaze meets yours. "I do," he confirms, his voice low and measured. "He’s in Chinatown. Living in an apartment at the end of Weng Nakorn Kasem. But I can’t act on impulse. I’m too heavily involved in the Asia Pacific Police Union, and that already involves too many variables, too many unknowns."
A sense of foreboding settles over you as you listen to his words, the weight of his burdens pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. "What do you mean?" you press, your voice barely a whisper.
Agust D sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I can't move against him yet," he admits, his tone laced with resignation. "Not until I know how many people are on my side. There are spies within the organization. If I act too quickly, I could end up getting myself killed…"
The gravity of his words hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the fragile truce that exists between you. And yet, despite the dangers that lurk in the darkness, you can't help but feel a flicker of hope. If you help him in capturing Suga, then maybe you’ll be able to piece your own puzzle together.
But would that even be a good idea?
"Agust D," you say softly, smiling gently at him, "you know you don't have to face this alone. Whatever happens, I'll stand by your side. Not like I have much of a choice anyway." Your words trail off at the end. He doesn’t comment on it though.
For a moment, there's a vulnerability in Agust D's gaze, a fleeting glimpse of the man beneath the mask. He reaches out to take your hand, his expression softening ever so slightly at your words. "Thanks," he murmurs, his voice a whisper in the dimly lit restaurant.
“It’s my job after all.”
After finishing dinner, the two of you begin to walk out of the restaurant, entering a long hallway that leads to large red sliding doors that exit.  Your eyes drift toward the grand wall aquarium positioned near the exit, its towering glass panels reflecting the soft glow of the overhead lights.
The aquarium is a masterpiece of design, housing a diverse array of aquatic life within its transparent confines. Colorful coral reefs sway gently in the water, their vibrant hues casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow across the sandy substrate below.
But amidst the bustling underwater ecosystem, your gaze fixates on a lone goldfish, its sleek form gliding gracefully through the water. Its vibrant orange scales shimmer in the ambient light, a stark contrast to the subdued colors of its surroundings.
A pang of concern tugs at your heart as you watch the solitary fish navigate its artificial habitat. Don't goldfish typically reside in tranquil ponds, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature? Is it even safe for them to be confined within the confines of this glass enclosure?
Lost in thought, you fail to notice Agust D's departure until you feel a gentle tug on your arm. Startled, you turn to find him regarding you with a curious expression, his gaze flickering between you and the aquarium.
"What's on your mind?" he asks softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You tear your gaze away from the mesmerizing display before you, your thoughts still lingering on the lone koi fish. "I was just...thinking about that fish," you admit, gesturing toward the aquarium.
“The goldfish?”
“Mhm,” As you stand there, watching the solitary koi fish swim about, a wistful sigh escapes your lips. "I wish I were a fish sometimes," you murmur.
As funny as your sentence sounds, you thought the older man would laugh at you for making a comment like that. However, Agust D's gaze flickers at you, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. 
"Why's that?" he asks, his voice soft with intrigue.
You pause, contemplating your answer as you watch the graceful movements of the fish. "Uh, well they seem so free," you explain, your voice tinged with longing. “They get to go wherever they want. move through life with such ease in the water, not burdened by the weight of the world.”
As you continue to watch the fish, a sense of yearning wells up within you—a desire to shed the constraints of your human existence. "Sometimes," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper, "I wish I could trade places with that fish just so I could be able to live freely, to live without my own burdens."
Agust D nods in understanding, a silent reassurance amid your musings. "But you know, even fish have their own struggles. I mean, look at it, it’s trapped in this Chinese restaurant’s aquarium as entertainment for guests, fighting to survive in a place it doesn’t belong,”
He’s right. But you hate the fact that he’s right.
“That still doesn’t change what I said. Plus, I don't want to be that fish.” you interject, your voice laced with a hint of sadness. "Slowly destroyed by its surroundings… not belonging there."
Agust D's brow furrows in contemplation, his gaze returning to the small goldfish. "So what are you trying to say?" 
"I don't want to feel like that," you admit. "Trapped in a world that doesn't feel like home, constantly struggling to find where I belong!"
And you hate it because that is exactly how you’ve been feeling right now. You’re living with a man several years older than you, who is probably the most dangerous man in Thailand, maybe even all of Asia. And you have no idea why you stuck here with him, but where could you really go? Where are you actually from? Where is home?
Agust D's expression hardens slightly, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "Life isn't always about feeling at home," he counters. "Sometimes it's about surviving where you are and making the best of it."
No! He doesn’t get it.
You feel a flicker of irritation at his words, your emotions bubbling just beneath the surface. "That's easy for you to say," you retort, tone sharp. "You're not the one who's been confined to that mansion, to these guarding duties, waiting for memories to come back."
His eyes narrow slightly, a spark of challenge igniting in them. "You think I don't have my own battles?" he snaps back. "I'm out there every day, dealing with threats you can't even imagine."
"At least you have control over these things. You have the entirety of this city wrapped around your finger," you snap, the words spilling out before you can stop them. "At least you know who you are and what you're fighting for!”
The tension between you two shifts. Agust D steps closer, his presence looming, but you refuse to back down, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve.
Inside, you're a storm of emotions—anger, confusion, and a touch of desperation. How can he be so dense and unreadable, yet so annoyingly calm? It's like talking to a brick wall sometimes. Every word you say seems to bounce off him while his expression remaining infuriatingly stoic. You want to scream, to make him understand just how much this is tearing you apart, but he stands there, unmoved, as if your turmoil is nothing more than a slight breeze in his world.
“Agust, you–”
"Fuck…you're so hot when you're upset, doll," he murmurs, interrupting you with a low growl that sends a shiver down your spine. Before you can react, he grabs your arm, pulling you toward the exit.
"Hey!" you protest, your frustration mingling with a surge of adrenaline. But Agust D doesn't relent, his grip firm as he guides you out of the restaurant and into the elevator.
As the elevator doors slide shut, sealing you both inside the confined space, the tension between you reaches a boiling point. "What are you doing?" you demand, your voice a mix of anger and confusion.
Instead of answering, Agust D pushes you against the wall, his lips crashing down on yours with a fierce intensity. Your initial resistance melts away as the kiss deepens, the heat between you igniting into a blazing inferno powered by unknown frustrations beneath the surface.
You pull back just enough to catch your breath, your chest heaving as you glare at him. "You can't just—" you start, but he silences you with another kiss, his hands roaming possessively over your body.
"I can and I will," he murmurs against your lips, his voice a husky whisper. "Because right now, all I can think about is you."
Your frustration mingles with a heady mix of desire, the lines between anger and passion blurring as you give in to the moment. As the elevator ascends, the world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you.
When the elevator dings softly, signaling its arrival on your floor, you find yourselves in a private hallway in the hotel building, the opulent surroundings a stark contrast to the intensity of your kiss. Agust D pulls back, his eyes dark with desire and determination.
"We're not done talking," he says, his voice a low rumble that sends a thrill through you. "But right now, I need you."
Your eyes are left wide open, feeling hormones coursing through you.
This can’t be happening. Is this all a dream? Yes, this has to be. And what’s with the scenario? Are you that sexually frustrated? You admit you’ve never done this sort of thing and have only spent your free time reading erotica for entertainment. 
But to dream about fucking the very man keeping you captive within his mansion and living as a bodyguard. There has got to be something wrong with you. Maybe you’re experiencing Stockholm syndrome? But you’ve not once felt emotionally attached to this man.
Though there have been times you’ve looked at him and thought about how beautiful he looked.
Maybe you’ll go along with this. Everything else be damned, for now.
“Show me then,” You word out, which only fires him up more.
Agust D’s grip on your arm is firm but not painful as he leads you down the luxurious hallway to a penthouse suite, the plush carpet muffling your footsteps. Your thoughts are a chaotic jumble, torn between the logical part of your brain screaming at you to stop and the primal part urging you to give in.
As soon as the door to a suite clicks shut behind you, he’s on you again, pushed against a wall, his lips claiming yours with a hunger that leaves you breathless. You respond in kind, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. Every touch, every kiss feels electric, igniting a fire within you that you didn’t know existed.
In the back of your mind, you know this is wrong. You know you should be resisting, should be fighting against the pull he has on you. But right now, in this moment, all you can think about is the way his hands feel on your skin, the way his lips move against yours, the way his presence consumes you.
He pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, his breath hot against your lips. “You’re mine,” he murmurs, showcasing his possessive nature. “I refuse to let you go.”
His hands start to inch up under your dress until he reaches your core and starts flicking at your clit. You gasp, the sensation sending shockwaves through your body. He watches your reaction with a smirk, clearly enjoying the effect he has on you.
“Is this what you wanted?” he whispers, his voice low and teasing. “To feel me, to know that you’re mine?”
You can barely form a coherent thought, let alone a response. All you can do is nod, your body arching toward his touch, craving more.
“Good,” he says, his fingers moving with a deft precision that has you teetering on the edge. “Because I’m not stopping until you know that you belong to me.”
He continues his ministrations, his touch driving you wild with need. The logical part of your brain has long since surrendered, leaving only the raw, primal desire that burns within you.
His fingers slide below your black lace underwear until he inserts them inside you with a sly grin. You can't help but moan at the invasion, your body trembling with anticipation. He moves them in and out, hitting just the right spot, causing you to writhe beneath him.
"This is what you get," he growls, his voice low and commanding. "For. every. time. you. talked. back. to. me. today." He growls, punctuating every word with a thrust inside your pussy.
“F-Fuck A-Agust!” And holy shit does it feel so good.
As lust starts to fog your mind and the air fills with moans, you don't know what's happening to you. But you don't care. The fire inside you is burning brighter by the second, and you can't get enough of the man who's taken control of your body and mind at this moment
Yoongi places his thumb on your nub and plays with it, squishing it in circular motions, then using his finger to rub it a little faster then slowing down only to fasten the pace again. You felt a very familiar feeling boiling up in your lower belly threatening to unleash itself.
“I’m not gonna let you reach your high yet.” 
Suddenly, he removes all his fingers from you and you whimper immediately, the absence of his touch leaving you desperate for more.
Yoongi bites down against his lips, eyes quickly traveling from your face and down your body, “Huh…W-Wait..P-Please…” You pant heavily, trying to rub your thighs together to pick back up the pace that was headed toward your release
“I thought you wanted to leave me, doll?” He leans in closer, chuckling in your face, and you shake your head. At this moment, you realize that he’s hard under his dress pants. “Are you sure? I don’t give orgasms to people that won’t obey me.”
“I-I’ll prove it to you!” You drop to your knees quickly, placing your hands on both of his sides. “Oh? And how will you do that?” He gives you a curious look, already knowing what to expect from your sudden submissive behavior. While he spoke, you unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling it down along with his boxers to reveal his cock.
“Oh fuck…” You let out in the smallest whisper. He wasn’t long per se, but more than average. But the girth… holy shit. Will it even fit in any of your holes? And the way his precum is already pearling on his tip just from what you two did earlier? You swallow nervously, but you’re not one to back away from a challenge. “Like this.” 
You hold his cock gently from the base, proceeding to gather spit from your mouth and letting it drop on it. You proceed to move your hand, spreading his precum and your saliva on his dick, managing to get a good slide and starting to move your hand quicker. You looked up innocently, already noticing a flicker of Agust’s facade fade as he felt himself slipping away in pleasure. In his mind, he was tempted to say fuck it all and let himself fuck against your hand, but he knew better than just to let himself become an animal. After the prep, you part your mouth and slowly take him in, the stretch already starting to hurt your jaw from his wide size. In the meantime, you just suck around his head and use your hand to deliver pleasure to the rest of his shaft, earning deep-sounding curses and moans while your tongue swirled around him. 
His eyes are glued to you, watching you work his cock with your kitten-like licks. Though, this isn’t enough for him. He wants to thrust up down your throat so bad and fuck you until your voice was sore. He wants to see how much you’re willing to take in that small mouth of yours.
And that’s exactly what he does. He places his hand on your head, giving you small pats and rubs disguised as encouragement for your efforts. Then his hand starts inching towards the back of your head until he suddenly grabs a handful of your hair and forcibly pushes his dick further until your smacked against his pelvis.
“Seems like you still need practice. Don’t worry, I’ll train you,” he murmurs, his grip tightening on your hair as he begins to thrust into your mouth. The tip hits the back of your throat and you gag reflexively, but he doesn't let up, pushing deeper with each thrust. Your eyes start to water, now holding onto his sides for dear life, but you force yourself to take it, willing your throat to open up and accommodate his girth. His palm comes up to your cheek to rub your cheek, feeling himself on the other side enter in and out of you.
He grunts with each deep thrust, his hips pistoning in and out of your mouth as you struggle to keep up with his rhythm. You feel like you're choking, but you don't want to disappoint him and prevent you from reaching your orgasm after. However, it doesn’t take long for him to come undone, swallowing saliva and cum down your throat. He removes himself and you begin to cough erratically. You have never deep-throated before, so it’s a miracle you didn’t throw up or die from this. It’s definitely not as easy as porn makes it seem. You’ve been lied to by the media! “Haah… Holy shit…” You groan, trying to catch your breath and stabilize your heart rate.
“You alright?” He questions, voice tinged with slight worry as he fixes his pants and underwear back up and leans down towards your face. “I lost myself for a bit…”
“It’s okay–” You pause, shocked for a moment to hear your voice sound hoarse. Despite that, Agust chuckles, using his palm once again to rub against your cheek to comfort you, smiling softly. “Good girl. Now you’ll get your reward.” With this, he guides you to the master bedroom, his grip on your arms firm yet careful, leading you through the opulent suite. The room is a testament to luxury, with rich, dark wood furniture that you knew Agust requested in the hotels he invests in and soft, ambient lighting that casts a warm glow over everything. The large windows offer a stunning view of the Bangkok city skyline, but your focus is solely on him.
He pushes you gently onto the king-sized bed, the plush mattress sinking beneath your weight. The silk sheets feel cool against your skin, starkly contrasting the heat building between you. Agust D stands over you, his eyes dark with desire, a predator savoring his prey.
He slowly removes his jacket, his movements deliberate, his eyes never leaving yours. You watch, your breath hitching as he unbuttons his suit vest, followed by his shirt, revealing his semi-muscular and beefy figure beneath. You’ve never seen him like this before, as he’s a very reserved man when it comes to his body. But each inch of exposed skin sends a fresh wave of anticipation through you.
“You’ve been so good,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky. “Now, let me take care of you.”
He climbs onto the bed, sitting between your legs where his hands start trailing up your thighs, pushing the hem of your dress higher. His touch is electrifying, each caress igniting a fire in your core. He leans down, his lips ghosting over your skin, leaving a trail of burning kisses from your collarbone to your ear.
His breath is hot against your ear as he whispers, “Tell me you want this.”
“I want this,” you breathe, your voice trembling with need.
“Good,” he says, his lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Because once I start, I won’t be able to get enough of you.”
His hands are everywhere, exploring, teasing, and driving you to the brink of madness. He slips the dress off your shoulders, letting it fall away completely, leaving your body exposed and vulnerable beneath him. His eyes rake over your body, a dark hunger in his gaze.
“So fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. “My doll.”
He lowers himself, his mouth finding your breast, sucking and nibbling until you’re arching into him, your fingers tangled in his slick black hair. He trails kisses down your stomach, his hands gripping your hips as he positions himself between your legs.
You gasp as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, his breath hot against your skin. “Ready for your reward?” he asks, his voice a seductive whisper.
“Mm..” You only make a sound and nod due to the lust clouding your mind. How do you say words? Do words matter?
He pinches your clit slightly which makes you jump and arc your body a little.
“Words, doll.”
“Y-Yes!” you manage to finally speak out, your body wiggling around close to his face eager for him to move. 
He doesn’t hesitate after your verbal consent, his tongue flicking out to taste you from your clit down to your entrance, drawing a cry of pleasure from your lips. He works you expertly, starting with his tongue sucking against your clit, then eating you out in your entrance. 
And holy fuck does he have you wrapped around his finger with these ministrations. You had heard rumors of him being good at oral sex from the women at the events you would accompany him to, but fuck, the actual thing doesn’t compare to their mere descriptions.
His tongue soon returns to nibble and suck at your aching bud, with his fingers replacing his place inside you. And before you know it, you’re lost in the sensation again, body jerking as every nerve ending is set aflame as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.
And Agust D knows it, smirking against your pussy as he feels you tighten against his fingers. “Come for me,” he growls against your skin, his voice a command that you can’t resist.
With a final, shuddering gasp, you fall apart, the pleasure crashing over you in waves. He holds you through it, his hands and mouth coaxing every last bit of ecstasy from your body until you’re left trembling and spent beneath him.
He pulls back, his eyes dark with satisfaction as he watches you recover. “Such a fucking good girl,” he murmurs, his voice filled with pride. “But we’re not done.” 
He stands up and swiftly pulls down his pants and boxers, revealing his cock, red and eager. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight, your mind racing.
Oh? Is he going to put it in?!
“Huh? W-Wait you–”
Before you can finish speaking, he puts your legs on his shoulder and aligns himself to your entrance, his eyes locking with yours. The heat and intensity of his gaze make your heart race.
“You’re on birth control, correct?”
You’d be surprised that he knows this fact, but he does look over your medical records after all. You’d also question the ethics of this, but not now.
“Then we can go all out,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. “And I’ll show you that you’re truly mine.”
He pushes into you, his cock stretching and filling you completely.
“F-Fuck!” You gasp, the sensation is overwhelming, fueled with pleasure and pain that leaves you breathless. He pauses movements for a moment, allowing you to adjust, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
Your eyes close as you try to focus on relaxing your body.
“Look at me,” he commands suddenly, his voice low and firm as he holds your chin. “I want to see your face when I take you.”
“Y-Yes, sir!” You meet his gaze, your eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. There’s a primal hunger in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine.
He begins to move, his thrusts slow and deliberate at first, each one sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You cling to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you try to keep up with the intensity of his pace. The feeling of him inside you is overwhelming and does not compare to his or your own fingers pleasuring you.
“Do you feel that?” he asks, his voice a rough whisper. “Do you feel how your pussy is being molded by my cock?”
“Y-Yes!” you manage to gasp, your voice trembling. “I feel it!”
“Good,” he says, his thrusts becoming faster, more intense. “Because you won’t ever be able to be pleased by another cock as long as I live,”
His movements are relentless, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. The room is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, the slap of skin against skin, and the ragged gasps and moans that escape your lips. 
As your eyes meet his, he suddenly wraps his hand around your neck, applying just enough pressure to make you gasp. His grip is firm but not painful, sending a rush of adrenaline and arousal coursing through your veins.
“Doll, you like being choked while I fuck you? Having you wrapped around my fingers now.”
“F-Feels so mmh good!” You mumble, your breath hitching as his grip tightens slightly, the sensation heightening the pleasure coursing through your body.
You never thought you’d be so turned on by choking. You don’t know if it’s you getting high off the lack of oxygen and feeling pleasure, or giving up your life’s control to this man before you that has your toes curling.
The pleasure builds up to an unbearable peak once more, but this time, you know that he is feeling the same thing too. His thrusts become harder, more forceful, each one sending shockwaves through your body. His hand on your neck adds an edge to the sensation od dominance and possessiveness that leaves you breathless.
“Come for me, doll,” he growls, his voice a command that you can’t ignore. “I want to feel you come around me as I do at the same time.”
With a final, shuddering cry, your orgasm crashes down, your body convulsing in pleasure. He follows you soon after, his grip on your hips tightening as he spills into you, his own release mingling with yours. The intensity of the moment leaves you both breathless, clinging to each other as the aftershocks of pleasure ripple through your bodies.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes dark and satisfied as he looks down at you with a smile that exposes his gums. He lays down next to you and pulls you into his arms, his lips finding yours in a tender, possessive kiss. 
“You’re mine,” he whispers against your lips, the words a promise and a declaration.
“You’re mine,” he repeats. “I’ll never let you leave.”
At that moment, as you lie there in his arms, you realize that maybe, just maybe, you don’t want him to. The world outside may be complicated and uncertain, but here, with him, everything feels right.
This is your home.
All you want is for this man to be infatuated with you for the rest of your life.
This is how things should be. Right?
– tbc?
✨ let me know ur thoughts! how are you feeling?! ✉️
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sanesuki · 2 months
Morning Routine
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Slightly Aged Up AU | From being childhood friends to being third years in UA High School… she never would’ve expected her life would revolve around waking up next to Katsuki Bakugo. The boy she’s known since she was small. Yet here she is, next to an unexpectedly soft boy whose goal is now, not only to be the number one hero. But to be her hero.
(Additional extra funny scene at the end including Bakusquad + Todoroki)
No Manga Spoilers :)
Katsuki Bakugo X Y/N
Word Count : 1.9k (extra scene is another 1.9k)
Incase you don’t know what this term means :
Y/N = Your Name
“What are you smiling at?” He grumbles, turning to face you as you laid on his dorm bed, his fingers brushing your arm. He knew he wasn't supposed to be there with you, he was supposed to be training with the idiots in the ‘Bakusquad’ — instead, he chose to be with you. He often trained alone but now the morons wanted to tag along, mainly just trying to have him buy them ice cream after their jog. He was supposed to meet them an hour ago.
Katsuki Bakugo actually ignored his morning training for some girl. What has the world come to.
Her gentle eyes meet those gorgeous pools of red. Pure red. Like gemstones. Oh how she loved his eyes, “I’m just happy” she says in a mumble followed shortly by a soft hum. She won’t ever get over waking up with him in the mornings. Sneaking into his dorm late at night despite it being against the rules.
His bed was different then hers. Warmer. Inviting. Or maybe it was him. Whenever she tries snuggling against his chest, he sighs and holds her. In the beginning he protested, spouting off about how he’s not the mushy type. As time went on, he never won that argument. So eventually, he gave up and ended up holding her every time she came over and slid into his bed. It developed into a habit.
Now he can’t seem to let her go, his personal pillow. While he’s her personal heater. His quirk makes his body warmer than others.
“Whatever” he sighed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he practically pulled you on top of him. On top of his body as she’s sprawled over him. His fingers tracing along your skin in gentle circles.
“They’re gonna be wondering where I was, y’know..” he mumbled, burying his face into your neck and breathing in the scent of your shampoo. Her scent mixed in with the scent of his body wash. To which she used to shower last night.
“They’ll live… it’s not a crime for you to miss a morning jog” she says as she peppers gentle kisses on his cheeks. If she did this months ago he would be awkwardly stiff as she showered him with physical affection. Now being 3rd years in UA, he’s accepted her gentle touches.
“Mm, maybe not, but it certainly does raise some eyebrows,” he mumbled, his head tilting to catch your lips on his. He leaned up to kiss you properly, his hand gripping your hip to keep you in place. He had a point — the last thing the two of you needed right now was people getting suspicious of whatever was going on between you two.
But she can't help but be a bit selfish, wanting him for herself. How can she help it when he’s so perfect?
Her eyes flutter close as his lips meet hers. He’s such a feisty person, yet his touches are always so gentle. The two started dating at the beginning of their second year at UA.
After the war, everything changed. Y/N and Bakugo have known eachother since they were little yet this romance between them has only ever developed since they entered UA. She got a front row seat at how he slowly changed for the better. How he genuinely tried getting past his own insecurities yet staying true to himself. He was still the little grumpy boy she always knew yet this version of him has learned to accept his shortcomings and evolve from them.
After some time Y/N started developing a small crush on the boy. Though she pushed it down. It seemed his goal of becoming the number one hero was his main priority. No room for any distractions like romance. Despite that, the impending war changed everything. She seeked him out before they left to the frontlines, and told him to be safe. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire as she looked at him. Originally she planned to confess. But him being Bakugo he cut her off unknowingly.
“Oi, what are you stuttering about? Spit it out dumbass” he huffed out getting slightly annoyed by her sudden nervous expression.
“K-Kacchan I just… um….” her heart thumped loud in her ears as she looked at his eyes. So red and pretty. She took a deep breath and was about to go for it when-
“Everyone go with your groups and get ready! We’re about to start!”
Y/N quickly looks at Bakugo about to say something when he looks down at her and rolls his eyes, “tell me after we win this, stupid. Now cmon we’re on the same team with the nerd.”
Back then he didn’t realize what he felt for her was different from the others. Katsuki Bakugo was never meant to fall in love. He didn’t see the deal of romance. His goal was to be the number one hero. That’s all he dreamed of…. right?
So when he saw Y/N, get hit by one of Shigarakis' attacks. Causing her to fall down on the ground with a loud thud, blood soaking her hero outfit from her abdomen. Best Jeanist quickly tries to stop the bleeding as she struggles to keep her eyes open. He almost felt like everything went into slow motion.
“She’s out of commission! No way she’ll stand up anymore…” Best Jeanist says out loud to those around with sorrow in his voice.
Memories of her and him playing together at the playground flooded his mind. Them two in middle school when she defended Deku from his bullying. The betrayal he left that day. The two had a falling out until they entered UA. Her presence since they were little was always strong. Slowly he accepted her back into his life as time went on in their first year of UA. Still extra harsh to her compared to the others but she seemed to be used to it. Towards the start of winter, his demeanor with her slowly softened. Progressing into occasional headpats and pinching of her cheeks.
As she fell unconscious on the battlefield, that’s when he knew. He cared for her more than the others. That being the number one hero would be for nothing, if he didn’t have her by his side. That’s what fueled him to keep fighting til the end.
After the war ended, Y/N and Katsuki stumbled upon each other in the empty hallway of the hospital. It was late at night, neither able to sleep apparently. They walked together to the hospital gardens under the big Sakura tree surrounded by tall hedges. The moonlight peeking between the shuffling leaves. That’s when she finally confessed to him. Went on about how much she wants to stay by his side. She started nervously babbling nonsense, her fingers fidgety and her eyes darting to the floor. He rolled his eyes and leaned down, hooking a finger under her chin to make her look up at him. Shutting her up with a gentle kiss on the lips. Since that day, they’ve been together ever since.
She smiles as the blonde barely pulls his lips away from her, giving her a quick final peck then letting his head fall back against the pillow. Still holding her close to his chest. Out of curiosity, she looks at the clock on his nightstand. Seeing the red bright digits read 8:30 AM, displayed on the alarm clock. Realization dawns upon her and she quickly looks down at Bakugo. Whose eyes are still roaming across her facial features.
“Katsuki it’s 8:30!” she states quickly like it’s a life or death situation. “We have to go down and have breakfast!”
“And I should care because….?” he replies back with his usual gruff expression.
“Oh cmon there’s pancakes and if we don’t get down there then Kirishima and the others are bound to finish them!!!!”
Bakugo groaned again, burying his face into the crook of your neck. “God damn it,” he mumbled, still not wanting to move. “M’tired from last night and I wanna stay in bed.”
“Cmon cmon get up! Say do you have any of my clothes from last time I slept over? I would go to my room but Mina might spot me” she smiles looking down at him.
“Yeah, might be in that dresser,” he said, gesturing to the top drawer in the dresser next to the mirror. “You always leave something behind when you stay over so that drawer is where I put all of the stuff you left overtime. I also bought you some stuff you may need if you're ever here and need something. It’s your drawer from now on.”
“Ah I see, my own little space in your room…” she says with a brighter expression. She would be lying if she didn’t say that made her heart clench with joy. She looks in it and spots the organized little sections. Some old clothes she’s left behind that are neatly folded along with occasional jewelry she left here by accident. He even put some of her makeup in here that she forgot to take with her back to her room. Y/N feels a warm sensation fill her body when she sees some hygiene products he must’ve bought. Some tampons and pads. Ibuprofen. A heating pad.
She smiles to herself thinking about him going out of his way to get her menstrual products just in case she ever needed them. Despite his tough exterior, he never judged her for these things.
God she loves him.
Despite not wanting to get out of bed, Bakugo laid there and watched you change with a smile on her face. His eyes roamed over your body, taking in the sight of you. His eyes traced your figure, even though he’d seen your body plenty of times before. There’s never a day he gets bored from watching you.
She spots him from the mirror and smiles softly “you're staring…” she says in a gentle mumble.
“How can I not, you're my girlfriend” He says straight faced in response with his gruff voice, sitting up and leaning against the pillows. “C’mere for a second.”
She hums in response and finishes changing, “what is it?” she says as she walks over.
He grabbed your hand, pulling you closer until you were in between his legs. He grabbed the edge of your shirt, pulling you closer and resting his forehead against your chest. “Just let me have a few more minutes, before we have to get up and deal with those idiots.”
She smiles at his words and wraps her arms around him.
He grumbles into your chest. “Hate that we gotta hide this from the others, pisses me off.” He pulled you down to sit in his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist. Staying in that position for a few minutes til Y/N spoke up, “c'mon we have to go ‘suki.”
“Fine,” he groaned, his hands moving to rest on your hips. “You get going first, I’ll wait five minutes and then follow after you.”
She smiles and nods, unable to stop admiring his face. He’s so pretty. She sighs and pecks his lips, unable to resist, “I love you.”
It took him a moment but… “Love you, too” he hummed, his hand snaking up the back of your neck and into your hair, holding you close for another kiss. “Now get going before I’m tempted to keep you here all day.”
She giggles and is on her feet as she exits his room. Before she decides to stay in bed with him after all.
Y/N is not usually a morning person but maybe she is now.
Bakugo let out a sigh, reluctantly pulling himself out of bed. He opened the nightstand drawer, grabbing some fresh boxers and a pair of jeans, along with a clean shirt. After changing into them, he grabbed a brush and ran it through his hair, trying to tame some of the bedhead.
Once he was good enough, he left his dorm and began walking down to the dining hall of the dorms.
“About time you decided to show up,” Sero snickers at Bakugo, as he rolled his eyes already annoyed. “You didn’t show up for the morning jog! And now you're late for breakfast? How long does it take for one person to get ready?”
Kirishima chimed in with a remark of his own. “Maybe he was too busy sleeping in!! Even bakubro has those days it seems” he said, snickering.
“More like too lazy to get out of bed if you ask me!” Kirishima added with a laugh.
“I was not you idiots!” Bakugo grumbled in reply, looking slightly annoyed. He sat down in the seat beside Y/N, his arm brushing against your thigh under the table. To which she just smiles silently eating her pancakes.
As they all ate their breakfast, a couple of the guys continued to take this opportunity to tease Bakugo about being late as he’s always been an early bird.
After some time Y/N stands up intending to go to the kitchen to get some pastries that Sato made last night. “Hey, does anyone want any pastries?” She says out loud as she looks at the group.
The guys all nodded in response, as you walk to the kitchen, Bakugo watches you leave before shifting his gaze to the group. His eyes snap towards Kirishima as it looked like he was going to help you, “it’s so unmanly to have Y/N bring everything over I’ll go help-“
“I’ll go,” Bakugo says as he interrupts kirishima. Already on his feet getting up from his seat.
“Wow, so manly bakubro!” Kirishima says as he sheds fake tears and wipes them away like a proud dad. Sero and Kaminari couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.
“Shut it shitty hair! Only because Y/N is a klutz and will trip before she makes it back to the table with the pastries…” he huffs out, turning away to walk to the kitchen.
Once he was in the kitchen he looked over to you, Y/N grabbed a plate and started thinking about which pastries they'd like. Katsuki stepped closer behind you, his chest pressing against your back. He spoke gruff as always next to your ear, his breath warm against your skin, “They all like dark chocolate so just get them those.”
“Someone will see if you're standing so close,” she warns him softly as she starts putting chocolate pastries on the plate with a smile.
“Let them see…” he mumbled against your skin, moving his head down to the nape of your neck.
Y/N notices some avocado and shrimp on the cutting board, “oh looks like someone was going to make a shrimp mocktail of some sort” she comments as she keeps grabbing pastries. Bakugo hummed in acknowledgment but he was a bit distracted.
He could still smell his body wash on her, making him think of last night's activities. He couldn’t resist and placed a kiss against the side, his hands coming around you to cage you in. His voice was low, in an almost whisper “Oi after school-“
*The door creaks open*
Bakugos eyes narrow a bit, as he glances over at where Todoroki was walking in the kitchen towards them.
“Damn it… why does Icy-hot have such bad timing?” he grumbled, reluctantly slipping his hands off your hips and taking a small step back.
“Good Morning Todoroki!” Y/N says with a gentle smile. To which Todoroki gave a small “morning Y/N”. He looked between the two of you with a hint of curiosity, noticing Bakugo standing a bit too close, his hands shoved in his pockets. Before he could question, however, the other three idiots came into the kitchen.
“Found you guys!!” Kaminari yelled extremely loud, practically bouncing over to the counter.
“Wah-“ Y/N says, jumping a bit and stumbling with the plate at the sudden noise.
“Oi-“ Bakugo immediately moved behind you to catch you, hands grabbing your hips to steady you.
“Careful-“ he huffed, holding you steady. Giving a death glare to Kaminari which almost made him pee his pants right then and there.
“Ah thank you Kat- Kacchan” she quickly corrects herself, reminded that they’re not alone, she looks up at him smiling. Bakugo simply grunts and looks away to not cause suspicion.
Kaminari spoke up as he looked at Bakugo, who still had his hands on your hips. “I see that you’ve… taken an interest in helping Y/N with the desserts, Bakugo..” he coos and teases.
The guys all notice Bakugo being a bit too close to you. Both of you suddenly back away from one another.
“What was that all about..?” Todoroki comments, eyeing you both carefully like he’s studying the two.
“Uh it’s because…” her mind quickly goes into overdrive and she yells out the first thing she thought of before they catch on “Ew do you guys smell that?! Kaminari farted!”
Everyone looks at Kaminari, who looks completely appalled by the accusation. “Wha- hey!! I didn’t fart!!”
Bakugo wants to roll his eyes at her lame excuse but holds back. He lazily points at the wall “Oi what’s that over there?”
The group all looks over at where he’s pointing but sees nothing. “Huh? What do you mean bakugo?” Sero says confused and looking for something that’s not there.
“Right there you idiots! It’s a roach!” Bakugo says, trying to distract them.
Sero and Kirishima screech in disgust and hide behind Todoroki. “A roach?! Where?!” Kirishima says panicked. Sero groans and holds onto Todorokis sleeve “that’s so gross dude!’
Todoroki, being stoic as ever, goes to the wall to investigate, “I’ll check it out..” he says monotone as usual.
“Wow Todoroki is so manly!” Kirishima says looking at Todoroki with sparkles in his eyes like he’s a superhero.
“No kidding!” Sero says as he and Kirishima cheer for Todoroki from afar.
Meanwhile Kaminari stays in place being a scaredy cat, “no way I’m going over there! I hate bugs!”
“There’s no roach Bakugo…. Maybe you're seeing things” Todoroki said calmly, inspecting every nook and cranny.
Y/N sees the shrimp from earlier on the cutting board and takes it suddenly getting an idea, she starts waving it around quickly near kaminaris back. Then quickly draping a nearby towel over the cutting board.
“Hah?! I know what I saw half and half!” Bakugo says grumbling trying to play it cool. As they’re all distracted looking at the corner for the bug, Bakugo uses this opportunity to use his quirk to cause a mini explosion to happen near Kaminaris rear. The sound caught everyone’s attention and they looked at kaminaris direction.
The guys are about to question what that noise was when they gasp, suddenly assaulted by the stench of something odd like smoke and shrimp mixed together.
“Ugh- who the hell let loose in here!?” Kirishima groaned, covering his nose.
Todoroki covers his nose silently, obviously in distress from the scent.
“Ugh what was that!” Y/N adds on trying to act oblivious as she fake gags to play it off.
“It’s coming from Kaminari!” Sero gags and waves his hand around to get rid of the smell.
Bakugo lets out a scoff, trying to hold back a smirk. “Of course it is. Only he would stink up the whole damn kitchen like this!”
“What?! It wasn’t me!” Kaminari yells out, waving his hands around trying to deny the claims.
Everyone was gagging at the stench, looking at Kaminari with disgust. Todoroki tried to look unaffected but he coughed softly, he tried to make Kaminari feel better. In a stoic voice he says “It’s okay kaminari…. it’s normal-“
“What on earth did you eat last night to produce something so foul!!” Sero interjects whining.
“It wasn’t me!” Kaminari tries to defend himself.
“Ugh it’s in the air! C'mon let’s get back to the dining room” Kirishima says, covering his nose.
The guys and Y/N are all quick to agree, not wanting to inhale the stench. All of them hurry away, leaving a sputtering Kaminari behind as he insists that he didn’t pass gas. The group sits back down at the table, still complaining about the bad stench. Bakugo, however, gives you a subtle look as everyone is distracted. He silently mouths “good one”, his voice inaudible, with a smirk on his face. Y/N bites back her tongue to suppress a laugh that wanted to escape her lips so bad.
Kirishima sighs, still trying to get the stench out of his nose. “Seriously, I can’t believe one of us can produce something so bad. It’s like a skunk took up residence at the table.”
As Kaminari returns to the table with a pout, Sero gives him a deadpan look. “Please. Spare us the pouting. That stench was you and you know it.”
Kaminari huffs and slumps down in his chair. “Damnit..! Why are you all pinning this on me!? I already told you that I didn’t fart!!”
Kirishima tries to pat his head in a comforting manner. “C’mon, Kaminari, who else could that possibly be coming from? It smelled like something died inside you…!”
Todoroki looked at Kaminari giving him a genuine concerned look which made Bakugo want to laugh so hard he had to look away. “Kaminari….. I suggest you go see a doctor. It's for your own good. I could give you an appointment with my private doctor” he says in a stoic manner. Kirishima and Sero gave Kaminari an encouraging slap on the back.
“Yeah man…. I think that’s for the best” Sero says, giving Kaminari a loopy grin. Kirishima is still whining, “I can still smell it…..”
Kaminari whines and shoos them all away “it wasn’t me I swear-“
“It was dunce face, end of story. Now all of you eat your pastries, we got class soon," Bakugo says grumbling. He glances at Y/N and gives her a subtle nod of the head. To which Y/N smiles and looks at Kaminari who’s still babbling to defend himself.
Mina comes down all smiles as she waves to the small group and heads to the kitchen “Morning Guys! Sheesh I’m hungry-“
“Don’t go in there!!!!!!” Kirishima and Sero yell out to Mina dramatically.
“What in the world are you two on about this time..” Mina shakes her head thinking their pulling one of their shenanigans again. She goes to open the door but pauses when Todoroki puts his hand on Mina’s shoulder to stop her. Giving her a stoic but concerned look and simply shaking his head no.
Mina looks bewildered and takes a look at everyone at the table. Who all look like they’ve been through a war, “what in the world happened in the kitchen?!”
“Dunce Face farted and if you go in there it’s a death wish” Bakugo grunts out all serious and playing into the lie.
“Dude……” Mina looks at Kaminari and shakes her head in disapproval.
Kaminari whines loudly “IT WASN’T MEEEEEEE!”
Y/N couldn’t hold it in and bursted out laughing, the others started laughing alongside her. All the while Kaminari went all day trying to convince everyone he wasn’t the one guilty.
A typical day at UA……. is certainly something.
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ynsvnte · 5 months
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Our world collided ! — Nishimura Riki
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Genre: fluff, angst-ish.. Drabble, opposites attract, friends to lovers, childhood best friends, high school au
wc: 1.2k+ (1238)
warnings: kissing (like once), pet names (pretty girl), jealousy
pairing: emo!niki x coquette!reader
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“Okay that’s enough” Niki says while pushing your hands off his hair.
“What—no I’m not even close to being done..!?” You complained, hoping he’ll let you continue to let you play with his hair. The current situation being that Niki’s hair being into pigtails along with some of your hair bows attached. You thought it was cute..while he thought the opposite. “It’s hurting my scalp, take these off me now..” he demanded.. you noticed the slight pout only his face. Making you chuckle.
“I’d rather not..” you say, squishing his cheeks. He rolls his eyes before grabbing a hold of your wrist and pulling it away from him.. “I warned you..” That’s all you heard until you felt the wall against your back.. you close your eyes at the impact until a few seconds past and you open them seeing Niki infront of you kneeling down to reach your height.. your heart sped up from him being this close..
“Umm…” you say hoping he would (not) back away. Niki gets closer noses barely centimeters from touching each other.. you breathe hitched. Niki notices this, smirking.. you could feel your face getting hot. You felt like he was going to kiss you.. that’s until he pulls his face away from yours.. laughing at your reaction.. “Why so shy..hmm?” He asked while smirking.. you glare up at him, clearly embarrassed.
But that won’t stop him from teasing you. “I’m not shy..just..surprised..” You said your gaze softened..you glance up, he’s staring at you.. you look away before walking away from him..disappointed.. Niki sighs at the sight of you walking away.. “Did I really make her upset?” He asks himself, wondering.
The school day was near the end.. you looked up the clock.. 15 more minutes left and then you can leave. You’re lucky this time you don’t have class with Niki. As you only have 2 with him and lunch period. You got distracted, letting time fly by quickly. You check the clock again..so so so close only 2 minutes.. you just go ahead and start packing up your things..within those 2 minutes the bell finally rings dismissing all the students for the day. You past students trying to avoid bumping into Niki ever since what happened earlier. You really had your hopes up, expecting him to like you after all these years of being friends and yet…nothing. You quickly pick up your pace and walk out the gate.. you usually walk home with Niki as your both next door neighbors having your moms be best friends back in their days. You don’t see him anywhere, not bothering to wait too..you just start walking home..alone which is rare.
You’ve made it home taking off your shoes and tossing them out of your way. You set your bag down. Walking to your room. Opening the door you rush towards your bed, jumping onto it. Letting the cool sheets hit your face. Your aching body feels better when the feeling of your bed hits it. You rest a bit before leaving your room seeing what’s there to eat. While you wait for your mom to come home.. you find some kind of chips and decide to snack on it.
You make your way over to the living room..you can see through the sheer curtain.. something catches your eye.. two figures walking.. side by side. You walk a little bit closer seeing its Niki.. and another girl.. you don’t know her..never seen her either.. you frown at the sight in front of you.. “that should be me” you thought.. you noticed he still had the bows you used on him from earlier.. clipped to his bag. You take one more look before you see them both entering his house.. you just too push whatever just happened out of your mind.
Hours later..you couldn’t stop thinking about Niki with another girl aside from you? You knew he was earlier scared by girls no matter who it was except for you of course.. the unknown girl left about an hour ago you look out your bedroom window seeing the light in Niki’s on. You see the cup and strings from your window from the outside.. that’s how you and Niki used to communicate.. you resist using it.. thinking it seems foolish.. but you decided to anyway.. you open up your window.. a gust of wind blowing your hair out of your face.
You pick up the cup.. tapping into it 2 times remembering the code you both set up a long time ago. You weren’t expecting him to answer.. a few moments of silence passed you debated to go back inside or try again, before tapping your finger twice again.. you hear his window open up.. you look up seeing him.. in a basic black tee.. yet he looked so good. Moonlight shining his skin.. giving it a youthful look. Niki was in the same daze as you admiring your face.. doe eyes.. staring straight right at him.. plump lips he wishes to one day kiss. Niki slowly picks up the cup speaking into it.
“Need something..?” He says, your throat goes dry.. it’s like you never talked to him before. You clear your throat.. “Umm—can I get my hair bows back..I’m using it for tomorrow..” you made that up..it was the only believable one to get an excuse to talk to him.. “oh I don’t know if I can throw it at you..” “no I mean can I come over just for a bit..” you say.
You can see his reaction slightly confused but agreed anyway. You take a short trip to his house..going through the back door like it was your own home. You go up to his room. You knock before he opens the door for you. Niki is met with you and your hello kitty pajamas.. and hair in 2 braids decorated with bows. “Hi..” you said slowly.. Niki moves aside allowing you to enter. You keep your gaze low, but from a far you can see your bows.. you quickly grabbed it.. “That’s all?” Niki asks..
“Yes..wait actually yea.. no I mean no….i still have something to ask” Niki close the door, sitting down on his bed.. “yeah?” You get embarrassed to ask this but you continue on.. “Umm..I was wondering who that girl was..that you know you were walking with earlier..” you said avoiding his gaze completely. You hear him chuckle lightly.. “that..oh well..she just wanted to hang out..knowing her intentions..but don’t worry I don’t like her..” “why would I be worried if she likes you or—“ Your voice slowly fades away when you realize Niki's face is close up to yours. “There’s no denying it..I can see right through you..” you knew you were already blushing by now. “Not that I would want you to deny it..because..I so happen to feel the same..” he added smiling at you. You never see him smile. Always having a blank face for most part. Niki holds your jaw bringing your face closer to his before colliding your lips together. Lips against lips. His soft lips against yours. The kiss was tender..slow.. moments later he pulls away.. “Now pretty girl, care to cuddle..” he offered, holding his arms out.. you smiled at him.. “Of course”
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Author’s note: get a little inspiration from the book I’m reading rn which is if he had been with me RAHH 🦅 back with my writing haven’t written for Niki in so long along with sunoo WHICH I NEED TO DO ASAP! Crazy how this was in my drabbels for 2 days while my hee one is a month and it’s not coming out anytime soon 🙄💀
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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jihyoruri · 2 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 YOU’RE NO GOOD FOR ME (but baby i want you) huh yunjin x reader
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↳ warnings idol au/band au, oc band, chaewon is stressed, yunjin doesn’t listen and is down bad, swearing
paranoia has been the name that yunjin and probably everyone else in the world have has been hearing since the band’s teaser photos were dropped.
it’s not everyday that a band makes it big in the kpop scene especially internationally as well, most people don’t pay much attention to them, paranoia sm entertainments first ever band definitely had everyone’s attention.
the band has been on billboards everywhere in korea, their music playing in every store, it’s not everyday you see a band with such various sounds of music get this much attention, but yunjin was loving it.
the band intrigued her, there were three of them two boys one girl, the girl intrigued her the most, how does she survive with living with two boys? how did she deal with the press? how was she so talented? how was she so talented does she like girls?
yeah maybe she has a little crush on the lead singer of paranoia, but it was never gonna happen…
that was until she found out she was chaewon’s childhood friend.
“you’re friends with paranoia’s totally not super hot lead singer?!” yunjin exclaims, “and you didn’t tell me?!”
“her name is yn.” chaewon states as she puts milk into her cereal, “and why is it such a big deal?”
“because she’s cool and you can introduce me to her.” yunjin said in a duh tone. “she’s also hot.”
“you stay away from yn.” chaewon says pointing her spoon at yunjin, “and I mean it stay away from her.”
“what,” yunjin whined, “you’re no fun, don’t you want me to be in love to be happy.” she exits the kitchen and walks past sakura, “tell chaewon unnie that I deserve to be in love.”
“what’s that about love?” chaewon turns to see sakura walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes tiredly.
“yunjin wants me to introduce her to yn.” she sighs, “never gonna happen.”
“did you seriously just ask me why?” chaewon asks dramatically, “yunjin doesn’t take relationships seriously and we already know about yn, that’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
sakura nods understandingly, “yeah, they’d destroy each other.”
“exactly and I will do everything in my power to make such they don’t cross paths.”
chaewon’s plans definitely did not go as planned.
she tensely watched as yunjin looked at the other side of the room where paranoia stood, yn standing between her two other band members as they listened to their manager give them a lecture about goofing around.
the band and the girl group were invited to a event and the huge difference between their behaviours were very apparent, one group had media and behaviour training the other obviously didn’t.
yunjin couldn’t help but smile as she watched the trio barely pay attention to their manager’s words making him manager even more annoyed, obviously fed up with dumb, dumber and dumbest he walked off and sat with the rest of the managers.
yunjin wonders how it feels to be them, they’re so carefree when it comes to their music and behaviours yet are still so successful and loved, they’re not held up to the standard that her and her group are held up to, if she acted how those three acted she’d definitely be blacklisted.
that would actually be a great conversation starter…
yunjin moves from where she’s standing to make her way to the band, more preferably yn but is stopped by chaewon’s hand, “no.”
“I’m just gonna say hi.” yunjin says brushing off the leaders hand, “I’m not going to do anything bad trust me.” and with that she heads to the trio.
“this girl…” sakura puts her hand on chaewon’s shoulder, “hey, calm down, maybe she really is just saying hi.”
yeah right…
as yunjin makes her way to the band, she can overhear their conversation, which makes sense cause they’re definitely the loudest in the room.
“he’s definitely on his last straw.” one of the guys known as wonbin says laughing, “his face was so red.”
“I actually thought this morning was his last straw, when jay blew up the toilet,” yn says hitting jaehyun’s stomach who shoots her a dirty look.
“in my defence, I swear the people at the restaurant put laxatives in my pasta,”
yunjin scrunch’s up her face in disgust but makes her way closer to the band anyway, she was starting to feel a little nervous but she didn’t want to give chaewon the satisfaction of her turning around.
when she stands in front of them wonbin is the first to look at her, while yn and jaehyun’s had their faces in jaehyun’s phone.
“uh hello?” he says causing the other two to look up.
“hey, I just wanted to say I’m like such a big fan of your music, it’s crazy how popular you guys got in such a short amount of time.” yunjin says her heart racing as yn’s eyes scan her.
“I would say like your music too, but I don’t listen to lesserafim,” jaehyun says shamelessly causing yn to hit his stomach again and wonbin reaches over to hit the back of his head both of them hitting him at the same time.
“ow! what the fuck, you guys so are abusive.” he whines.
“you open your mouth and stupid comes out.” yn shakes her head before giving yunjin a nod of acknowledgement, “what he meant to say is thank you.” she gives yunjin a charming smile which makes yunjin just want to melt into a puddle, “chaewon unnie has mentioned you a couple of times, it’s nice to meet you.”
“no problem, I actually saw your manager chew you guys out, it must be fun to be so carefree.” she says watching as yn adjusts her baggy jeans, the band were the only people at this event not dressed formally which made them stand out.
her eyes focus on the tattoos on yn’s hands and can’t help but open her mouth, “is that real.”
“yeah it’s real.” yn says, “and yeah he’s always on us, it’s honestly like our daily ritual to piss him off.”
yunjin couldn’t help but laugh at the girls words not even paying attention to the two boys who definitely caught on the why yunjin is actually talking to them, giving each other a look above yn’s head.
there’s silence and yunjin is starting to take in how awkward this is getting, “well, it was nice to meet you guys I’m gonna go get a drink, you guys should come.” she says to them but her focus was on yn.
“we’re good.” wonbin says, “but yn was talking about being thirsty so…” he pushes the shorter girl towards yunjin, almost making her trip on her big platforms.
“trying to get rid of me?” yn teases, “don’t go making out when I’m gone.” she says walking away with yunjin who can’t help but giggle like a school girl at every word yn says.
“I like hot chicks!”
“that’s what they all say!”
they walk over to the table with has the drinks, yunjin picks up a water passing yn one as well, she watches as yn leans against the wall beside the table opening the water bottle.
“so…” yunjin trails off, “how’s life of fame treating you? it must be crazy, you debuted what like three months ago and I can’t escape your faces on the streets.” she jokes mentally patting herself on the back when yn laughs at her words.
“it’s been fun honestly,” yn says tucking some of her hair back revealing yet another tattoo on her back which spells out paranoia in hangul, “experiencing having a fanbase is the most fun, it’s crazy seeing that much people love you.”
“lots of fangirls for you huh?”
“boys actually.”
yunjin eyes open in surprise, “that’s a shocker.”
yn adjusts the ring on fingers and looks up at yunjin, “how so?”
instead of answering yn’s question her eyes trail down to the tatted hand and then her neck, “how many tats do you have?”
“only three.” yn says taking a sip of her water.
“where’s the third one?”
“most people find out about it on the third date.” yn responds teasingly raising a brow at yunjin who feels her face heat up slightly.
“oh really?” the taller girl asks, “lucky aren’t they?”
“I like to think so.”
yunjin chuckles, she’s never met someone who can talk to her like how she talks to them, “will I be lucky like them?”
“you’re quite forward aren’t you?”
“I like to talk.” yunjin shrugs.
“let’s see if you can talk when I’m done with you.” yn says before laughing at the look of yunjin’s face, “I’m joking, chaewon unnie told me to stay away from you.”
yunjin opens her mouth to protest, but is cut off by yn patting her shoulder, “thanks for the drink.” and with that she walks back over to band members.
“what?” asks before following chaewon’s eyes that are looking at a breathless yunjin and a yn walking away from her, obviously in a completely different place from where the band was meaning they went off alone with each other.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 6 months
Weekly Recap | March 18th-24th 2024
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It's a long one today folks! I hope you enjoy! :) If you know anyone who's not tagged, don't hesitate to let me know!
idk 'bout you but I can't wait for the final part of the premiere on Thursday!!! 😃
anything that is beautiful, people want to break. by dylaesthetics (Post-Coma, Trans Buck | 3K | Teen): Buck has never meant to keep it a secret from the one-eighteen. Hell, he trusts them with much more gritty, uncomfortable stuff than that. It’s more like… It hasn’t come up. There’s been no reason for it to come up. But then he gets struck by lightning and the mix-up with his medical records happens. A nurse he hasn’t seen yet barges into Buck’s hospital room, with his entire family in it, blood and found alike, and stares at him for one dumbfounded moment before blurting out a name he hasn’t been addressed by in well over eight years. 
not flesh and blood but the heart by Jinko / @jinkohhh (Post-S6, Getting Together | 10K | Explicit): Five times people assumed Chris was Buck's son + one time Eddie confirmed it.
🔥 don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (S7 Spec, Bachelor Party, Pretend Relationship | 14K | Teen): or, chris wants dating advice and it turns out taking your best friend on a pretend date to practice being as romantic as possible is not a good idea in theory or in practice, considering the pesky being-in-unrequited-love of it all
A Little Bit of the Bubbly by Jinko/ @jinkohhh (Post-S6, PWP, Getting Together | 7K | Explicit): Since turning 30, Buck's relationship with champagne has changed. It also manages to change his relationship with Eddie.
washed away (but not) by Jinko / @jinkohhh (S7 Spec | 3K | Teen): “Well, this is awkward.” Every part of Buck wanted to tell Chim to go fuck himself, but he couldn’t, so he didn’t. Nothing made a situation more awkward than pointing out the awkwardness of it. “So which one of you two made the deathbed love confession?” Ravi laughed, and frankly, Ravi could go fuck himself, too. The both of them could go fuck themselves because both Chimney and Ravi were correct.
i like the way you scratch my itch by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (BTHB: Hives | 3K | Teen): Buck’s big blue eyes sparkle. “You’re so cute, did you know that?” he asks, leaning close enough Eddie can count the small red-brown-orange freckles all across his nose. “Even when you’re red from poison ivy.” Red. Red from the poison ivy. Yeah, yep, that’s exactly what he’s so red for. Absolutely.
meet you in the middle. by dylaesthetics (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): OR buck and eddie get their shit together during a regular friday movie night at the diaz house.
🔥 Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Hades/Persephone AU | 45K | Explicit): Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Mythological AU, BDSM | 80K | Explicit): When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
and check out the amazing podfic!! 🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea)/ @rhea314
hold tight, you’re slowly coming back to life by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie runs into Natalia at the grocery store. He learns something about her and Buck’s breakup that gives him the final push to take care of his own complicated love life.
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 21K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
Touch Me and I'll Scream by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Unhealthy Coping Mecanisms, Established Buddie | 5K | Mature): At his low, Buck uses rough sex as a way of self harm.
in another life by bellabrady (Coma AU | 2K | Not Rated): Or: Buck's in a coma and dreams of a life where Daniel never died and he never became a firefighter.
Locations by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Vomiting, Drowning | 4K | General): In which Buck drowns.
I was born to take care of you by Beulaugh/ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Buck has a revelation at work and then promptly falls on his face. Eddie Diaz's ass: 1, Evan Buckley: 0
hold the silence. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6 | 3K | Teen): OR while looking for clothes to donate, Buck stumbles upon the shirt he was wearing when Eddie got shot.
Tomorrow we can drive around this town by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (S7 Spec, Drunk Eddie | 4K | Mature): If Eddie had been sober, he would have realized it wasn't something to be happy about. But drunk as he was, it had the blood singing in his veins, because Buck was going home with him, not Tommy. Tommy could go fuck himself – or you know, anyone else who was willing, but not Evan Buckley. Because Eddie was a pathetic, sloppy drunk and his best friend had a responsibility to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or drown himself in the bathroom sink.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz/ @tizniz (S7 Spec, Cruise Ship Emergency | 14K | General): God, he hopes Buck got out. That he isn’t trying to get to Eddie. That he gets to go home. And not just because Christopher needs him, although he does since Eddie is fairly certain he’s not making it home this time. He doesn’t let himself dwell too long on that thought. No, Eddie wants Buck to go home because he deserves it. Because Buck deserves to live. Because Eddie needs him to live.
you've got game by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (S7E01 Coda, Established Buddie | 1K | General): a silly little late night conversation about chris being a 'ladies man'
take this life and make it yours (take this heart and let it love again) by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 31K | Mature): Before he could second guess it, he’d dialled Eddie’s number and listened to it ring in his ear. As soon as he heard the click of the connection, he said, “Eddie, what the hell, man?” “I meant what I said. I don’t know who you think you are, but call this number again and I will contact the police.” . . . or, the one where Buck finally figures out he's in love with Eddie, only for things to not go as planned. At first.
if i bleed, you'll be the last to know by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (S7, Hurt Buck | 6K | Teen): buck gets stabbed while out on a run and then... doesn't tell anyone about it. eddie loses his shit when he finds out, they have a moment in the kitchen and they kiss.... not necessarily in that order.
Baby, take me by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): “Same thing,” Eddie nuzzled him, stubble scratching even more as he moved his face. When he stopped nuzzling, he pulled back far enough that he could see Buck’s face. “I said stop thinking.” “Kinda hard to turn my brain off.” “Pretty sure I turned it off just fine last night,” Eddie said with a smirk that went straight to Buck’s cock, already half hard just from the way Eddie’s stubble is dragging across his skin. “Is that how I get you to stop thinking?”
when you call me yours by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Established Buddie, Proposal | 5K | General): Buck starts calling Eddie his husband. Only problem...they're not engaged. aka the 5 times Buck refers to Eddie as his husband and the 1 time Eddie makes it true.
just lay back in my arms for one more night by diazbegins/ @evanbegins (Established Buddie, Fluff | 2K | Teen): Buck loves Eddie as he naps.
Brat Burrito by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Established Buddie | 1K | General): Just a cute Buddie moment about breakfast burritos.
it's a sliding into home kind of day by devirnis/ @devirnis (PWP | 3K | Explicit): Eddie’s eyes still don’t leave the television. Frowning to himself, Buck cranes his neck to get a look at what could possibly be more important than him coming home after covering a tragically Eddie-less shift. A baseball game evidently is the answer.
your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (New Years Eve, Getting Together | 8K | Teen): aka, Eddie's in love with Buck and he doesn't know how to tell him, until there's a miscommunication and fate (well, Hen) intervenes.
Loose Threads by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Secret Relationship | 3K | Explicit): New to dating and keeping it quiet, Buck and Eddie get a little carried away on a slower shift at the firehouse. But when the alarm eventually sounds, a spur of the moment mistake leaves them a little mixed up.
Married Life by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew)/ @911onabc (S5, Getting Together | 2K | General): Taylor films Buck for a TikTok challenge, and Buck finds out he would much rather be his best friend’s husband than his girlfriend’s.
A Seal By Any Other Name (Would Still Be My Best Friend) by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Post-Tsunami | 5K | General): Evan "Buck" Buckley is a collection of oddities. But they're just what makes Buck Buck and Eddie loves him for them. Eddie had thought that after their years of friendship (and maybe something more) that nothing Buck could do would surprise him anymore. But there is one oddity that Eddie never saw coming. “How about you start with why there was a seal in my bathtub and now there’s just you in my bathtub.” (Part 1 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
Just Add Water by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Tsunami | 3K | General): There may be more to Buck than meets the eye. But he's still only human(ish) and getting stuck in a natural disaster with his best friend's son is still all sorts of terrifying. A small hysterical part of his brain thinks about how ironic it would be if this was how he died. Him, a mythical aquatic creature, drowning. The universe would surely laugh and the long line of Buckley ancestors would turn in their graves. (Part 2 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
you can be my daddy (come on, you know you like) by bigfootsmom (Getting Together, Daddy Kink | 4K | Mature): Buck has a teeny tiny problem. One, he's in love with his best friend. Two, he wants to call said best friend Daddy.
It's the softness that breaks you by bigfootsmom (BDSM, Hurt/Comfort | 6K | Explicit): Or the one where Buck has more issues with intimacy than he had originally thought.
lay your love on me by bigfootsmom (PWP, Getting Together | 3K Explicit): Buck never thought the words he said to Eddie in the kitchen would ever come back to haunt him like this. Honestly, he’s not complaining.
you made me feel (i've got nothing to hide) by bigfootsmom (Virgin!Buck, Established Buddie, PWP | 8K | Explicit): Buck has a secret: Contrary to popular belief, Evan "Buck" Buckley is actually a virgin.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 22/? | 162K | Explicit | ❗️Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 122/? | 374K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
I Miss You, I’m Sorry || Tom Blyth x Singer!Reader
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Summary: In which after your break up with Tom, you write a song about him and fans start to speculate that it is about the two of you.
Warning: swearing, kinda toxic Tom?
Wc: 1,123
A/n: someone asked if I would do a Sabrina Carpenter x Tom fic but I thought I’d do it with Gracie Abrams instead bc I absolutely love her <3 (I don’t mention Gracie, it’s still an x reader)
Tom Blyth x singer!reader au masterlist
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Divider by @pommecita
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Do you remember happy together? I do, don't you?
You squeal in excitement. You had just dropped your first ever album. “I’m so proud of you, my darling,” Tom hugs you tightly as he kisses your hair. “Thank you,” You says against his ear.
That night, the two of you stayed home, ordered pizza and drank wine in each other’s arms. Tom was so incredibly proud of you, he knew the hardships you faced that year when composing the songs and everything else that was going on in life.
You felt so blessed to have had Tom by your side during the particularly rough year. “I love you,” You whisper, your breathe fanning Tom’s neck as he pulls you closer to him. “I love you more,” He whispered back as you smiled.
Then all of a sudden, you're sick to your stomach, Is that still true?
Tom felt sick in the stomach knowing what he had done. It was a simple drunken mistake that he could never forgive himself. He cheated on you. He could never forget how he absolutely shattered your pure heart, all because of his drunken actions.
You said, "Forever, " in the end I fought it, Please be honest, are we better for it?
“I will forever love you, y/n.” He says against your lips before kissing you. You melt into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as you bring him closer to you.
“You said you’d love me forever Tom- I-I don’t understand why’d you would do this-“ You furrow your eyebrows as tears had blurred up your vision. “I’m so sorry y/n, please-“ He tries to say as his hand touches your arm but you pull away from him, too hurt, too broken.
Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called and said, "I miss you", I caught it
You pick at your fingernails as your leg bounces up and down. You were sat at your desk, alone in the house. It had been a month since you broke up with Tom. And you couldn’t help but think about him every single day.
He was your everything. You couldn’t just get him out of your head that quickly. You flinch at the sound of your phone going off, buzzing on the table as you turn your phone over revealing his name on the caller id.
You stare at it for a few seconds, contemplating. “Hello?” Your voice was quiet as you hear a silence on the other end. “Tom? Are you there-“ “I miss you,” You hear him say, his voice just as shaky as yours; you bite your trembling lip, trying so hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out.
Good to each other, give it the summer, I knew you too
Little did you know that that summer was going to be your last one spent with Tom. He hadn’t told you that he had cheated on you yet, but you felt a shift.
You felt a change that you tried to ignore the best you could until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
But I only saw you once in December. I'm still confused.
You saw him once in December. That was all. You didn’t know why he was ignoring you and being so distant.
You said, "Forever, " and I almost bought it. I miss fightin' in your old apartment
“Forever.” What a fucking lie. “Why are you being so fucking distant towards me!” You yell, walking into his apartment as he slams the door behind him. “I’m not! I’ve been busy with my own fucking life y/n” He screams back as you both stare at each other.
“You could still try and make an effort Tom! I’m your girlfriend!” You storm up to him, finger pointing at him as he shoves your hand away from him, walking away without saying a word. “Don’t walk away from me-“ You shout as you follow him upstairs, “I don’t want to talk right now,” He seethes, slamming his bedroom door on your face.
You stand there as you scoff. You lift your hand up to knock but figured it would be no use, so, you walked back downstairs, grabbed your things and left.
Breakin' dishes when you're disappointed, I still love you, I promise
“Why-Why couldn’t you just tell me y/n,” He pulls at his hairs as you sat on the couch, knees to your chin as you look down on the ground. “I didn’t know how to,” You say quietly, not sure if he heard you.
“Y/n,” He sternly says as you look meet his angry eyes, “I said, I didn’t know how to tell you-“ smash. You flinch, gasping at the noise of mug smashing into little bits. Tears started flowing down your cheeks as you bury your head in your arms, sobbing.
Tom breathes heavily as he realises what he’s done. “Fuck,” He walks to you on the couch, his hand softly touching your hair as he listens to you sob. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry y/n,” He whispers he sits beside you, placing a gentle kiss on your arm.
“Please forgive me, darling,” He cooed. His anger got the better of him. You look at him, teary eyed. He wore an apologetic look on his face as you cry even harder, sitting on his lap as he hugs you tight, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
Nothin' happened in the way I wanted. Every corner of this house is haunted
You stand in the living room of your house. Eyes puffy from crying, and a bag in hand with your things that you collected from Tom’s place. Looking around the place gave you flashbacks of you and Tom.
You got this house soon after you started dating Tom nearly 4 years ago now. There were so many memories made here and you couldn’t stop thinking about them.
And I know you said that we're not talkin', But I miss you, I'm sorry
You felt somewhat guilty for missing him. After all, he was the one who cheated on you. Tom told you it would be better to go our seperate ways and limit interactions with each other as much as possible.
It still hurt. Waking up and knowing your relationship with Tom ended. The one person you could confide to was no longer there for you. The one person who knew how to cheer you up after a rough day wasn’t by your side anymore.
The one person who would travel with you around the world for concerts, and if he couldn’t, he would make sure to face time you every day no matter how early or late it was for him.
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miyaagis · 7 months
you know you like little girls
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choso never expected that an older man's experience and charisma could easily outshine him [ part one ]
+ pairing. geto s. / fem!reader
+ warnings. implied incest, age gap (geto is in his mid 30s, reader in her 20s), modern au, MDNI 18+
+ a/n. happy valentine's day babiessss, sending y'all love and smooches, mwahhh !
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the winter breeze grazes your cheeks, and it's as if they're set in a permanent smile thanks to your best friends’ efforts to cheer you up. your heart is tender and slowly healing, and it’s all thanks to them and their dad, ever since they took you in the warmth of their home almost a week ago.
“dad wants us home now, nanako. are you buying that scarf or not?”
it’s not unusual for the twins to bicker over the smallest things, so with a barely amused chuckle you allow your gaze to wander around, the content smile returning as you take in the pink sky.
it's only a second-long, though, but your eyes must have been searching for him unconsciously. it's only a second-long, and yet it's enough to shatter your mood and heart.
choso’s lips meet her forehead in a tender kiss as they wait to cross the street, their hands intertwined like two lovers that refuse to let go of one another. it hurts so badly, but what hurts the most is the stern glare he fixes you when his dark eyes spot you. suddenly, the weather feels so, so warm compared to the coldness directed at you from his gaze alone.
your smile’s gone, and the flame of hope inside your heart flickers.
“scoot over!”
nanako fixes you a nasty, yet playful glare, clearly refusing to give up her seat in the middle of suguru’s bed. you can’t blame her. his bed is comfy, and she gets to drown in the soft pillows settled at the center of the cloud-like mattress. you glance at mimiko and she avoids eye-contact. with a sigh, you settle on the right side of the bed, watching the girls scroll down trying to pick a movie.
the entire room smells like suguru, and it seems your heart isn’t strong enough to handle it. it all gets worse when he comes in holding a tray of drinks and popcorn, his kind smile and gentle voice easily flustering you. it always has. it’s even worse when he mutters your name as if it were the most precious thing he’s ever uttered out loud.
“sorry, sweetheart. this is my side of the bed.”
the statement shouldn’t put ideas in your mind; there’s nothing remotely explicit about it per se. and yet there is. like a secret that should only be shared and known between lovers.
there’s mirth and obvious playfulness in his eyes, his head tilting slightly to the side as he waits for you to make room for his considerably bulkier frame. with nowhere else to go, you squish your side against nanako who only whines in protest while suguru sits on the other end, sandwiching you between him and his daughter.
“s-sorry,” your hands start to sweat, and you suddenly feel overwhelmed by his presence so close to you. even more when his lips lean closer to your ear.
“hm? i don’t mind,“ the drawl of his voice is a mere whisper, his lips tugging into a fond smile as he grips your bare thigh with a gentle hold. “popcorn?”
suguru spends the whole movie with his hand under the blanket, drawing lazy circles on your skin and pretending he doesn’t feel the heat emanating from between your legs.
it should be a crime how fast he found what you liked. where you enjoyed being kissed the most and which pet names had your heart clenching before beating faster. he discovered things about your body that not even you were aware of.
“my little girl,” his breath fans against your throat, large hands traveling all over your body before stopping at the back of your thighs to jerk you further under his frame, “so, so pretty.”
gentle touches and sweet kisses drown you. he’s everywhere: stroking your hair, caressing your skin, murmuring praises against your lips. it’s overwhelming and calming at the same time, even when his breaths grow labored and his touch harsher.
his name leaves your lips in a shaky exhale, and he’s immediately cradling your face between his hands, searching for whatever it is that ails you through his eyes.
“yes, sweet girl?
how fortunate is it that the twins aren't home. what would they think if they saw how you melt under their father’s touch? would they hate you? i mean, at first all you wanted to do was spend time with him as he watched his favorite show in the living room, it’s not your fault he threw your legs over his lap.
perhaps if they saw how soft his kisses were each time he wished you sweet dreams, or the comforting things he murmured in your ear as you told him how your brother broke your heart by playing favorites; they’d come around.
everyone knows suguru is sweet like that.
no words are needed for what you’re struggling to say, the need for him is obvious, and he chuckles while discarding each piece of clothing, covering the now exposed skin with kisses and gentle nibbles until he’s between your thighs.
“pretty little pussy,” his voice is smooth, tender; full of care and love as he nips at your puffy clit while you whimper, “i love how you moan for me.”
through heavy lids, you admire how handsome he looks with his hair down and lips wet with your juices. the drag of his tongue across your folds is enough to make your toes curl and hands grip his hair, sensing the faint outline of his smile on your wetness.
“and so, so wet…”
a gasp escapes your lips when his finger slides in, his lips around your clit as he massages your walls slowly. it takes him around an hour to let your pussy go, addicted to it and already planning when he’ll get to have a taste again.
“now,” suguru catches your attention over the loud chatter at the restaurant, the girls squint their eyes, already suspicious. “i know i’m just your old man, and you’re probably fed up with me and my constant protectiveness,” at the lack of denial from their part causes him to squint his eyes back at them, “but i expect you to find a decent man that’ll spoil you like you girls deserve. understood?”
his hand squeezes your thigh under the table, and it feels as if the words were being directed at you.
once the pink-colored boxes are handed out to the twins, their eyes brighten up. rushed squeals of ‘thank you’s’ take over the table, while you giggle at the enthusiasm. the excitement over the expensive gifts is enough to distract both girls from noticing the small box being placed in front of you.
“happy valentine’s day, princess.”
his pretty eyes are crinkled as he smiles at you, his hand resting on your lower back in a comforting way while you slowly unwrap his gift.
glimmering silver stares back at you, the heart-shaped pendant big enough to catch the eye of anyone who pays attention, but also discreet enough to not seem tasteless.
it’s perfect.
everything suguru does or says, even the way he walks and breathes it’s perfect. he’s perfect to the point that he knows exactly what to do when the happiness is taken from you with a single text from him.
cho <3: this has dragged out for too long. i want you home now.
the mood is ruined, you're on the verge of tears, and suguru wants nothing more than to take that burden away from your pretty little mind. 
“i don't wanna go back… it’s not fair!”
your hiccups break his heart and he’s quick to hold you close to his chest, rubbing soothing circles and whispering sweet nothings as he signals the girls to get in the car.
it all goes in a blur, you’re no longer at the restaurant, but instead, the twins are waving you goodbye and giving you a worried look as they get inside the house, the car speeding away as suguru drives the familiar path to your home. 
before you can dwell on it, cold and dark eyes stare back at you. suddenly, you’re back to square one, and you don’t like it one bit.
choso can’t say he’s happy to see suguru, of all men, next to you. his mind is suddenly filled with questions: why were you dressed up? that necklace, he had never seen it before, who gave it to you?
“go to your room.”
like magic, the hot tears are back and suguru decides it’s enough. his frame shields you from choso’s gaze and the simmering anger is quickly brought up to a boil.
“i said, go to your–”
“she’s moving in with me,” suguru sounds so different. gone is the sweet and gentle man, only to be replaced by a curt and scary version of him, “permanently.”
choso sees red, pushing suguru back while ordering you one more time to go to your room. suguru only smirks when you hide your face against his arm.
“sweetheart, why don't you go wait in the car for me? we’ll go home soon.” 
and to choso’s surprise, you comply.
suguru smirks even more, watching the grief in choso’s face as he sees you walk away from him and ignoring his cries for you.
about time.
“you know…” he starts, enjoying thoroughly the despair swirling in the younger man’s eyes, ”i always doubted your capability to take care of your siblings, especially her,” suguru’s head tilts back, pointing at you sitting in his car, “i’d have to stop myself from coming here and bringing her home, to make sure she had everything she wanted… every need taken care of…”
suguru is met with silence from choso’s part—defeat—and he can’t help but chuckle. he was always bound to win your sweet little heart, it was a fact.
after all, how can an inexperienced young man compare to a real man like him.
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