#since he's more likely to go silent rather than express it
clemencetaught · 1 year
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@uroborosymphony sent in: #15 for Patrick, the victor || when the unspoken is named ( things you said prompt. )
15. things you said with rage between your teeth
"You can hear it too, can’t you?” It’s a rhetorical question, seeing that they’re the only ones in the room, this minimalist styled sitting room decorated with accents of black and gold. A room that the president has oh so generously decorated with them in mind. If not for the accents, Patrick imagines this would be a room that fit in the president’s own mansion.
A room that, if Patrick had any say in it, would burn down never see the inside of again.
He doesn’t remove his coat or deposit it on the rack as he usually does. But he does take a seat next to her on the couch. Deva is only a few inches away from him and perhaps in another life, the distance would make him wilt for fear of pressing on unspoken boundaries. However, he pays little regard if only because they have known each other for years on end and when they have watched the same spectacle, when they have served the pigs that revel in their suffering, when they have endured it all for years on end, an issue of decorum becomes miniscule.
“They’re not happy. The Districts.”
They never have been, the murmurs of disgruntlement having always been there for as long as he could remember. How those murmurs have always grown a tad louder when the reaping came around, followed by the mandatory viewings.
( Or maybe they’ve always been loud to begin with, only muted like a television with its sound turned to zero. Only muted by the propaganda and the soundproof walls the Capitol throws over them. Or even bitten back, tongue bitten. )
This year however.  With the announcement of the condition of the Third Quarter Quell, they’re no longer murmurs of dissatisfaction. No, it’s grown into something louder, stronger.
Something like screaming.
Not even the walls can keep them out.
“As a reminder to the districts that their rebellion has robbed their children of  a future, for this Quarter Quell, the male and female tributes shall be reaped from the existing pool of twelve years old.”
“I take it that One and Two aren’t happy about this either?” He can’t imagine they are; for even if they pride themselves on participation in the Capitol’s gleeful slaughterhouse, they would not dream of sending out A CHILD sorely untrained to represent them.
District Three for sure, isn’t. He’s seen it for himself too- the uprisings in factories all throughout District Three accompanied by the public whippings, the censorship of radio stations, and the taser sessions for those refuse to show up for work. And if he hasn’t seen it himself, then Hyuk would make sure he knew, most likely being one of the many of instigate much of the dissent.
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“I’ve been thinking.” The words come out clipped. “All these years, we’ve been slaves to his whims if only to keep the ones we love safe. He tells us if we do as he says, he won’t hurt them, he’ll let them live another day…but that’s a lie, isn’t it?” He leans forward, mouth covered by clasped hands. “He was never planning on keeping them safe. He’ll dangle their lives to wring us of all our use and once we have nothing left to give, he’ll throw them away along with us just like he has with everyone else. We’re not any better than the other victors; we’re just pawns to his board. And now because of our complacency, the children will pay the price to give our president his checkmate.” His hands tighten. “…I’m sick of it. I’m tired of being someone else’s chess piece.”
Eyes turn to her. They’re burning. “…What are your thoughts on playing A NEW GAME in the Capitol this year?”
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cinnamon girl // theodore nott x fem reader
"violet blue green red to keep me at arms length dont work"
playlist : cinnamon girl - lana del rey
summary : everyone knows you have a crush on theo , even he knows! so when you randomly start avoiding him one day , theodore cant help but go crazy.
sunshine reader , y/n used , hufflepuff reader
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"theo!" you called out happily , running to the boys side and catching his wrist to stop his strides down the corridor, "hi, ive been meaning to talk to you!".
he looked at you , seeming displeased and just grunted in response , turning away and not even looking at your smiling face that admired him so softly.
"so you have a match on saturday and i was just wondering wether i should support you or hufflepuff? i always try and do my best in encouraging you but when youre against my house it becomes difficult-"
"i dont care do whatever." he said simply , finally turning to look back at you with an annoyed face.
your expression dropped for a split second , a moment so small it was hardly detectable but for that single second your smile dropped completely. and theo noticed. he thought that was probably the first time in your whole life youve stopped smiling. and the first time youve dropped your delicate hold on his wrist.
but you quickly regained composure , smiling up at him although not as sweetly as before , it almost seemed strained this time , "right , thats fine. ill just see what i can do closer to the time. bye theodore"
theodore. ouch. theo watched as you walked away silently , not turning back at all. he tried not to read too much into you , he didnt want to think he cared enough to, but hearing you call him by his full name and not theo? he hated to admit it stung a little more than he thought it would.
"hey!" you said enthusiatically as you sat down besides your close friend hannah , she looked up from the desk and greeted you back.
usually in charms you found yourself sat besides her , talking all lesson or admiring theodore , but you could help but avoid his side of the room like its the plague.
the plague being the pretty ravenclaw girl that for some reason was sat next to him as they discussed something civilly. usually theo sat with mattheo or alone since mattheo wasnt regularly spotted in charms , so to see him sat next to a girl youve never seen him with? you felt your heart shatter right onto the ground around you.
"y/n? are you listening?" hannah tried to ask you until she followed where you stared and saw theodore with the ravenclaw , "oh".
you nodded besides her , forcing a tight smile onto your lips and finally dragging your eyes from them , "its fine , everyone knows he doesnt like me back, i guess i was just in denial about it."
hannah saddened at the forced laugh that you let out , pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back , "he was never good enough for you anyways. youre a whole galaxy and theodore nott is the moon , nothing compared to you."
"i love the moon," you said softly as your eyes began to well up with tears.
hannah pulled back and scanned the room before grabbing your hand , "professor flitwick isnt here yet , leave now and if he asks ill say you were sick. go to our dorms and ill get snacks from the kitchen and we can stay in tonight , sound good?"
you smiled happily at her , "thank you hannah"
she returned the smile with a light nod before handing you your bag and shooing you away , watching as you left the classroom hastily.
failing to feel theos eyes that burned into your fleeting figure.
the next few days were odd for theodore nott. something felt missing but he couldnt quite place his finger on it...
that was until he made eye contact with you in the hall and watched in suprise as you looked away and practically sprinted down the corridor , rather than coming up to him with a bright small and a new topic to rant about.
and he didnt like it. not one bit.
for the rest of the week he picked up on the things that you did - or didnt do.
how your smile would drop when you made eye contact with theodore. how youd talk happily to lorenzo and then make an excuse to leave as soon as theo tried to join the coversation. how you stopped sitting next to him in potions and instead sat with hermione , chatting away to her and not noticing the glare theodore sent towards the both of you.
but the one thing that pushed him over the edge was when he flew out onto the quidditch pitch and immediately searched for you in the stands , only to spot you waving at diggory , wearing his jersey?!
theodore had never felt jealous before -lies- but in that moment he held onto his broom a lot harder than before , his whole body felt hotter and his eyes glared holes into cedric diggorys back.
lets just say that throughout the match he made sure to shove diggory with every chance he got , eventhough none of it was necessary as they had completely different roles in the game.
"nott get off diggorys fucking broom and do your job!" adrian shouted at him from across the pitch , making theodore roll his eyes before giving cedric a last shove and flying away.
from the stands you watched theodore in confusion ,along with the rest of the audience , staring as he yet again flew in the path of cedric and shoved him to the side before contiuing to chase the hufflepuff chaser.
"it seems like nott is more concered in giving the golden boy diggory a good push rather than actually fulfilling his job , typical slytherins playing dirty in my opinion-" lees comentating was cut off by professor mcgonagall clearing her throat , "sorry professor."
the match had ended and purely because of the rest of the slytherin team , they won , however the poor performance of theodore threw the whole teams goal points off.
"what the fuck is wrong with you theodore!?" draco shouted as the team entered the changing tents , "if i hadnt gotten that golden snitch we wouldve lost AND been the comedic relief of all the other houses!"
theodore let out a heavy sigh before sitting down on one of the benches with his head in his hands , pulling his hair aggresively, "shove off malfoy im not in the mood".
"all this because of some hufflepuff mudblood wearing diggorys jersey-" draco started again , before being pushing harshly by a now infuriated theodore.
"the FUCK did you say malfoy?!" theo screamed in his face , being pulled away by lorenzo who tried to calm the situation.
"guys we won and thats all that matters!" enzo tried to reason with the furious boys.
"barley , berkshire! theo over here nearly fucked everything up because of childish jealousy!" draco shouted back , venom dripping off his words.
"who said i was fucking jealous?" theo shouted back as majority of the team turned to him with disbelief.
"you nearly dropped the quaffle twice because you were too busy figuring out how you could shove cedric on the way to the goalhoops-" mattheo started before being cut off by the curtain of the tent being pulled back.
revealing a girl covered in bright yellow , covering her eyes and trying to walk into the tent without falling, "c-can i look?".
the whole tent gaped in shock before lorenzo finally spoke up , "yeah..yeah you can look y/n dont worry."
you quickly uncovered your eyes and blinked as they adjusted to the light , looking at the scene before you which showed theodore being held back from draco by lorenzo and a disapproving mattheo stood in front of the lockers.
"theodore what are you-" you started before being cut off by the boy shaking his head rapidly.
"stop - stop calling me theodore i cant stand when you call me that."
you stared in suprise as theodore shrugged off lorenzos hands and walked over to you, this was possibly the most emotion the boy had shown to you.
"oh uh right sorry , i just wanted to say well done for the match. i was rooting for hufflepuff but there isnt any other team that deserve it more than you guys!" you smiled awkwardly as the team thanked you a short silence following , "anyways , theres a certain hufflepuff thats a bit gutted about his loss so im gonna-"
"diggory?" theo asked with a sour tone as he stepped closer to you , not breaking eye contact.
"yeah , hes upset but i said if he lost id make him a crochet blanket to make him feel better so-"
"but you only make me crochet things." theodore said coldly as you stuttered again , unfamiliar with this behaviour from theo.
"ha , yeah i do but um , i didnt think you liked them so i thought id just put my efforts elsewhere!" you laughed awkwardly.
"the blanket you made him's on his bed , he takes it home aswell because he cant sleep without it-" mattheos teasing was cut off by a sharp glare from theo.
"shut up riddle!" theo seethed before turning back to you.
"no dont be embarassed theo - its nice to know you love it!" you said , finally regaining a comfort in theos presence at this news.
"i love you." he stated simply as the whole room fell into a dead silence.
your mouth hung wide open , as did his teamates before they were ushered out of the room by enzo , your moment with theo requiring the upmost privacy.
"you- you what?!" you asked in pure shock as the final player exited the tent.
"i love you," theo stated again as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"but- but you like hate me , you dont even reply when i talk or smile at me-" you ranted.
"youre right, i hate you. i hate how you love me more than anyone else has before you... i hate your hair and your perfect smile.... and i despise how you make me feel," he stepped so close that your bodies touched and his hand rested on your cheek firmly , "but theres a very thin line between love and hate."
you gaped up at him in suprise , "theo-"
he quickly took a step back and walked to his locker , pulling out a top, more specifically his jersey that he now handed to you.
"take that god awful jersey off i dont think i can handle looking at it for one more second" he said bitterly , staring down at the yellow top you wore with distaste.
"i love you too." you said , still frozen in place and staring up at him.
"i think everyone knows that princess." he said with a laugh , the first laugh youd heard from him in a long time.
a blush spread to your cheeks , both at his words and the addictive sound of his soft chuckle.
"why have you always ignored me if you love me?" you asked still being slightly unpleased with his random confession.
his smile dropped as he frowned and looked at you sympathetically , "i just thought you were doing it all for fun , maybe to mock me or something. i tried to shut out the fact i like you and it clearly didnt work , i was just ...scared." he confessed in a moment of complete vunerability.
you admired him with care and empathy as he spoke from his heart so purely , before your face cracked into a teasing smile , "you know i wasnt actually rooting for hufflepuff?"
he smirked wrapping arms around your waist and pulling you in closer ,"oh really?"
you nodded and pulled the braid in your hair over your shoulder , to reveal the dark green bow that wrapped around the end of it.
theodore grinned upon seeing this as you both giggled , a sweet first kiss following the heart to heart.
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Double Trouble
Yandere twins x childhood friend gn reader
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Michael and Mica were polar opposites in personality despite their eerily similar appearance. Michael was soft spoken and kind while Mica was loud and boisterous. It wasn’t uncommon for Mica to be on your left and Michael to be on your right. They’ve always been your friends for as long as you could remember…
As the three of you got older, they became clingier. They were always at your house whether it was to walk to school with you or to complete homework, they were there. And it became much worse when you mentioned having a crush.
“I have a crush on Darren. I think he’s cute…” you had said on the first Tuesday of your senior year in college.
“Darren? The really quiet guy?” Mica furrowed his brow. “If you like quiet guys, don’t you think Michael is a better fit? Look at him?”
Mica squished Michael’s cheeks together and directed his face at you. A bright cherry blush on Michael’s face as he averted his gaze from you. “Isn’t Michael rather handsome too?”
You chuckled as you helped Michael out of Mica’s grips. “I never said Michael was ugly, you two have always been my friends… wouldn’t it be weird to only date one brother?” You brought up which made the twins become silent.
“Ah… I didn’t think about that.” Mica whispered, his eyes filled with stars. “So would you date both of us then?”
You quirked a brow. “Both of you?” Mica nodded his head while Michael blushed even more.
“Hmm… probably just one of you.”
Since you had said those words, you noticed a change in your friends. The twins were now always in a silent battle for your undivided attention on one of them.
They followed you to around to each of your college classes, both eager to be by your side. Mica babbled your ear off while Michael firmly held your hand. His cheeks aflame and his palms sweaty.
“You really think you could choose one of us? Isn’t two better than one?” Michael asked you with a smirk. “You wouldn’t want to break one of our hearts would you?”
It was so odd to be badgered by Michael every single day without fail. The blonde would constantly pick on you to pick one of them while Mica would hold onto you like a lifeline. The quiet male consistently reminded you of his presence as well.
It was at a college party filled with one too many cheap beers that you found yourself sprawled out with the two of them on either side of you. You were no doubt in their dorm room, whisked away in your tipsy state by Michael. Mica sat in front of you on his knees while Michael held your body from behind.
Mica’s lips were pressed firmly on the side of your neck while Michael’s hands slipped under your shirt. Your body felt as if it was burning from their fervent attention.
“How about we help you see things our way? We can make you feel good…” Michael chuckled at your dazed expression.
You sighed. It’s not like you really had an option at this point. These two weren’t going to leave you be until you accepted them both.
You helped Michael slip your shirt over your head as you grabbed Mica’s blonde curls to pull him into a kiss. If this was the way it was going to be, you might as well have your cake and eat it too.
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abbyfmc · 2 months
[The Mute Concubine]
Yandere Emperor x Female Reader: Warning: There are mentions of kidnapping, stalking, obsessive and yandere behaviors which are NOT recommended to practice in real life. Postscript: The text dividers are NOT mine, so I give credits to their respective creators.
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Many years ago, Emperor Ivan ruled Zealia with a heavy hand. He had a young appearance that can be attractive to anyone who didn't know him (and even a little to those who do). He lived in his luxurious palace with his multiple wives; a group of beautiful women who had had some children for him.
Anyone would think that he had everything and couldn't want anything more, and that's what Ivan thought a long time ago despite the monotony of his life. He had a lot of money; total and absolute control over the laws of each kingdom and tribe at his disposal; beautiful women and children; good food, clothing and medicine as well as medical care.
But no, it wasn't like that. Ivan was infatuated with something again; Something was pulling him out of his dream, or rather…someone. That someone was a beautiful young woman whom he had seen during his most recent trip.
She was quite a beautiful and delicate girl, even more so than a common courtesan or prostitute. She had a face that was difficult to forget, and a smile that easily dazzled or moved anyone. She was hired to make Ivan happy during those nights of his stay, but the next morning she disappeared. He not only slept with her, but they also played board games, showing that she was quite good at these since she beat him in the vast majority of the games, which were very silent but interesting. This made him feel more interested in researching her; However, he could not find her anywhere after her return to his palace.
The emperor did not stop thinking about her, reaching the point of dreaming about her day and night. He wanted to go out to find her, but he feared for her own reputation as her ruler. While thinking, he came up with the idea of ​​calling all the girls in his town who had the same physical characteristics as the mysterious girl who now lived in his heart.
All the girls from the town summoned to the palace, introducing themselves one by one only to be instantly rejected by Ivan. He was already starting to get bored after the long day, but he didn't want to give up. From one moment to the next, his trusted butler approaches him and says:
-Your majesty, we have found the girl you were looking for, but there is a problem…- The emperor was interested. His beloved…was she seriously here?, he couldn't believe it; he had to see it himself.
-Let her in, I want to see her.- The emperor firmly ordered. The butler made a gesture and the guards showed the girl in, and the emperor could not believe… that she was the courtesan from that time!, only dressed in a more formal or refined way. The courtesan knelt and bowed, but without saying a single word, which seemed strange to Ivan.
-So… aren't you going to tell me your name?- She was about to take out what appears to be a piece of paper from her sleeve, and just then the emperor's butler interrupts.
-Your majesty, I have tried to ask her name before, but the owner of the courtesan house told me that she is (Y/n) (Y/ln), and that she is… mute.- Ivan was surprised. He now understood why she never talked to him; She was not with bad intentions, because of bad education or because she didn't want to, but because of something that she didn't ask for at birth.
-So that was it. I like it, that awakens an aura of mystery in you that I love so much.- Ivan took her hands and carefully lifted her up. He looked at how embarrassed she was a moment ago, changing that expression to one of surprise.
From that moment on, Ivan made the mute courtesan start living in the palace with him, which made everyone look contemptuously at (Y/n), because she was a courtesan or prostitute and besides, she couldn't even speak; apart from the fact that they envied her a lot for her beauty.
This caused (Y/n) to be forced to use the emperor's hands to defend herself, in exchange for giving herself to him, a man she pretends to love in order to survive in her new environment. She cannot speak and that is true, but she has to communicate with the help of signs, servants, letters, facial expressions and even paintings. Iván loved this girl, because he was not only captivated by her mystery and high genius for board games, but also by her ability to draw and paint.
Ivan, on the other hand, was still obsessed with (Y/n). He loved spending time with her, whether sleeping with her, playing super difficult but entertaining board games, feeling like he had never felt with any of the women in her harem. For him, she is different.
She was… his mute concubine.
-The End.
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luveline · 10 months
anything bombshell reader I would adore!!!
Oh my god, Spencer thinks desperately, could she give me a break? 
You waltz into the conference room wearing a smile (your smile, as heartbreakingly perfect as always) and a motorcycle jacket buttoned to the chin. There's something about it. Spencer doesn't know what it is, just that it makes you even more attractive than usual. He toys with the word sexy, and sure, you are when you want to be, but he thinks about it long and hard. You're a fucking bombshell, and you're going to kill him one day. 
“What's with the outfit?” Morgan asks immediately. 
“You can't wear that to the precinct,” Hotch says, though he sounds curious rather than annoyed. 
“You called us in unexpectedly,” you defend, holding up two perfect hands. Calluses from shooting practice line the palm of your dominant hand and you've a cut down the side of the other, and they're still perfect. Everything about you compliments everything else. “I was out.” 
“What, on your motorcycle?” JJ asks. 
“Your motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“I didn't know you had a motorcycle,” Garcia says.
“You're ganging up on me. Spencer, honey, would you save me?” you ask, though the tone you use doesn't express much urgency as you unzip your thick jacket and toss it aside, its logos and sponsorships crumpling over the back of your chair. “You're the only one who looks pleased to see me.” 
“I am pleased to see you,” he says honestly. 
You don't make it to cases every time; you're on a different type of leasing, you always say. He doesn't have the subtlety to pretend he isn't happy you're here. You flirt with him, sure, and he enjoys it even while being out of his depths, but he likes you. You're fun and smart and good to be around. You listen. 
“They couldn't keep me away from you if they tried,” you say, head dipped gently to one side, smile far from teasing.. 
“Since when do you ride a motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“If we could get back to the case at hand,” Hotch says, and for a moment everyone looks rightly chastised, until he adds, “we can discuss Y/N's choices afterwards.” 
What's worse than your jacket is the quickness of your brain, the connections you make, your endless suggestions. You're so good at your job it makes Spencer feel funny. Rossi, who'd been mostly silent during the exchange, sends Spencer a pitying look. 
When the case has been introduced and everyone sent to make preparations for another trip, you and Spencer remain in the conference room. You, because your go bag is already here and you don't have much to do, and Spencer, because you're here.
“Do you really have a motorcycle?” 
You tap your nose. “Need to know, babe.” 
“I sort of do need to know. If you have a motorcycle, I should probably be spending more time worrying about you.”
“Well, it's not mine.” 
He feels a crushing wave of rejection descend on him. “Right,” he says. He knew this would happen. He knew you were just being nice—
“I'm borrowing it from a friend. Mostly to see if I still knew how.” You put your chin in your hand, smiling knowingly. “Who's did you think it was, Dr. Reid?” 
“Don't do that,” he says. 
“Or what?” You ease up anyhow. “If you don't like being flirted with, Spence, I won't do it.” 
“I didn't say that, just don't– don't look at me like that.” 
You sigh morosely, but your dramatics are unconvincing, and a smile plays on your painted lips. “Alright, I won't. But it's how you were looking at me, you realise? How's that fair?” 
Spencer is about to say you know how, but do you really? Why is it fair for him to ogle you (albeit without meaning to) when you walk in, but when you make your soft googly eyes at him, he tells you to stop? Maybe because his are real, and yours are… questionable in authenticity. 
You're smart enough to see that debate before it forms. “I have less choice over it all than you think, you know?” you ask, softer than before. 
“I know,” he says. He doesn't, obviously, because the idea that you flirt with him accidentally is hard to accept, because who is Spencer to you? Your nerdy, socially clueless coworker who very clearly has a crush on you. Why would you like that? So he doesn't know about that, but he knows about having little choice in the manner; he sees you and he trips over himself trying to get you to see him. 
“I say it every time, but I've missed you, handsome. How have you been?” you ask. 
Spencer forgets the depth of his crush in the face of a friend. “I'm good, I've been reading all this Russian existentialist literature–” 
“Yeah? Anything good?” 
Spencer beams. “Actually, yeah. There's this one writer, you've probably read him already, Dostoevsky…”
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inkspiredwriting · 1 month
A/N: four stages of breakup, I'm currently in stage two: Anger xD. A sweet story with a sweet five who loves y/n more than anything? At the moment I just don't see it. That's why I don't post any of my stories, but rather write new stories where Five is an asshole. That doesn't mean that I'll never post sweet five x Y/N stories again, it just means that I'm still angry at the moment, and in order to be able to write again, it helps me to let my anger out
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 episode 5-6, angst
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The world had barely spun for a few hours since Five and Lila had vanished, but when Five and Lila finally returned, Y/N knew something was wrong. she stood in the doorway, watching Five and Lila enter the living room, their faces marked with weariness, their eyes carrying the weight of experiences that no one else could understand. The moment Five met her gaze, Y/N felt her heart clench. Something was wrong. There was a distance in his eyes, a hesitation in his movements that hadn't been there before. This was not the same man she had fallen in love with, the man who had fought tooth and nail to survive countless apocalypses, who had faced the end of the world and returned to her every single time. This man was different—distant, almost as if a part of him had never truly come back.
Lila stood beside him, her presence like a shadow that Y/N couldn’t shake. she had always known Lila was fierce, cunning, and strong, but now she could see something more—a bond between Lila and Five that hadn't been there before. It was in the way they stood, too close, the way they glanced at each other as if sharing secrets. It made Y/N’s stomach churn with a sickening sense of betrayal.
She knew something had changed, something that would shatter her world.
It wasn’t long before she couldn’t stand it any longer. “Five…” Y/N’s voice wavered as she stepped forward, searching his face for any sign of the man she loved. But he looked away, his jaw tightening as if he couldn’t bear to meet her eyes.
the tension in the air was palpable. Diego stood beside Lila, their three children clinging to their mother, oblivious to the storm brewing beneath the surface.
Y/N felt the tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she held them back. She couldn’t fall apart. Not yet.
“What happened?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Five’s silence was deafening, and when he finally spoke, his words cut through her like a knife. “We were gone for seven years, Y/N. Seven years in a timeline we couldn’t escape.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, the blood rushing in her ears. “I know it was hard, but you made it back. You’re here now. We can fix this, Five. We can go back to how it was.”
Five shook his head, the pain in his eyes unbearable to witness. “It’s not that simple. Things changed… I changed. I didn’t want this to happen, but…I fell in love with Lila.”
Time seemed to stop. The world around Y/N blurred, and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart shattering into a million pieces. She stared at Five, her mind refusing to comprehend the words that had just come out of his mouth. Lila? Lila, who was married to Diego, who had three children with him?
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face, her vision narrowing as the weight of his confession settled on her shoulders. She wanted to scream, to hit him, to do anything to make the pain go away, but all she could do was stand there, trembling with fury and betrayal.
"You bastard," she whispered, her voice low and deadly. "You absolute bastard."
Five recoiled as if she had slapped him, but she didn’t care. The anger was boiling over now, a volcano ready to erupt. The room was deadly silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Everyone was staring at them now, the shock evident on their faces. Diego’s expression was unreadable, his eyes fixed on Lila, who looked like she wanted to disappear into the floor.
"You want to know what kind of man you are, Five?" Y/N spat, her voice shaking with fury as she faced him and the others. "You’re an asshole. An ungrateful, selfish asshole who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants long enough to remember the woman he was supposed to love!"
The room fell into stunned silence, everyone staring at Y/N with wide eyes. Five opened his mouth to speak, but Y/N cut him off.
“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, after everything we’ve fought for, you go and…fall in love with someone else? And not just anyone, but Lila? Diego’s wife? The mother of his children? I would rather sleep with a mannequin than ever fall in love with someone else, but I guess that’s the difference between us, isn’t it?"
Five flinched, but he didn’t back down. “I never meant for this to happen, Y/N. We were stuck there for seven years. We didn’t think we’d ever make it back.”
“So you gave up?” Y/N’s voice was rising now, the anger bubbling over. “You just gave up on us, on me? You preferred to think about having sex with Lila instead of finding a way back to me? The old Five never gave up. He never would’ve stopped fighting to get back to the people he loved. But you…you’re not him anymore, are you?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She turned her gaze to Lila, her voice dripping with venom. “And you…you disgust me. How could you do this to Diego? To your children? You betrayed them. You betrayed all of us.”
Lila’s face paled, her mouth opening and closing as if she wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come. Diego stood beside her, his expression still unreadable, but Y/N could see the hurt in his eyes, the pain he was trying so hard to hide.
Y/N couldn’t take it anymore. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the house, the door slamming shut behind her. The moment she was outside, the tears she had been holding back finally broke free, streaming down her face as she collapsed onto the cold ground.
She wrapped her arms around herself, sobbing uncontrollably, the pain too much to bear. She had lost him. The man she had loved more than anything, the man she had waited for, had hoped for, had fought for…he was gone. And in his place was someone she didn’t recognize, someone who had betrayed her in the worst possible way.
Y/N had no idea how long she sat there, crying until there were no tears left to cry.. She felt completely and utterly alone, as if the world had turned its back on her.
But then she heard footsteps approaching, and she looked up to see Diego standing beside her. His face was filled with sorrow, his eyes red and puffy, but there was a softness in his expression that offered a small comfort.
“Y/N…” Diego’s voice was gentle as he sat down beside her. He didn’t say anything for a while, just sat there in silence, letting her cry. When she finally managed to calm down enough to speak, her voice was hoarse, broken.
“I don’t understand, Diego. I don’t understand how this happened. How could he fall in love with her? After everything we’ve been through, how could he just…forget about me?”
Diego sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t know, Y/N. I really don’t. Lila and I…we had our problems. I wasn’t always the best husband, and I know why things went wrong between us. But you and Five…you two were perfect together. You were the strongest team I’ve ever seen. I don’t understand how he could do this.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath, the pain still raw and aching in her chest. “I thought we had something special. I thought he loved me more than anything.”
“He did, Y/N. I know he did,” Diego said softly. “I think…I think being stuck there for so long messed with his head. It changed him in ways we can’t understand. But that doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
Y/N sniffled, wiping at her eyes. “I don’t know how to move on from this, Diego. I don’t know how to live in a world where Five isn’t…mine.”
Diego put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Y/N leaned into him, grateful for the comfort even as the pain tore at her heart. She felt Diego’s chest heave as he spoke, his voice thick with emotion.
“You’re strong, Y/N. Stronger than anyone I know. You’ll get through this, I promise. And I’ll be here for you, whatever you need.”
Y/N nodded, though the pain still felt unbearable. She clung to Diego, letting the tears flow freely again, her heart breaking with every sob. She had lost the man she loved, the man she thought would be by her side forever. And now, she had to find a way to pick up the pieces and move on, even if it felt impossible.
As the day wore on, the two of them sat together, their grief shared and understood. And while Y/N knew the road ahead would be difficult, she also knew she wasn’t alone. She had her family, her strength, and the hope that someday, the pain would lessen, and she would find a way to heal.
But for now, all she could do was cry and try to make sense of the shattered pieces of her heart.
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sttoru · 1 year
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༄ sypnosis. you’re giving your boyfriend the silent treatment and he doesn’t have a clue why. thus he decides to find out in a rather special way.
༄ note. uhhh.. satoru’s been on my mind since forever and the fic ideas just keep coming so heres another one.
༄ tags. satoru x reader. female reader. just pure, tooth rotting fluff. satoru loves u sm. nicknames such as ‘sweets, babe(-y).’
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“satoru. i’m counting to three.”
you stand in front of your boyfriend, hands on your hips and a frown on your face; satoru had taken your phone from you and is now holding it up out of reach.
“woah, ‘m so scared.” satoru mocks with a grin like the absolute menace he is, whistling a tune as he waits for you to do something about it.
you stood no chance since that man was above 6’3. that’s exactly what annoyed you most about the situation.
the reason he grabbed your phone from you was because you had given him the silent treatment ever since the early morning. for no apparent reason— or at least— one that satoru himself couldn’t figure out.
“satoru.” you sigh, clearly trying not to lose your temper with the guy.
“you have to tell me why you’re not talkin’ to me first.” the white-haired man shrugs nonchalantly, waving your phone back and forth in the air above.
you click your tongue and grab a pillow before throwing it at your boyfriend.
to your surprise, he lets the object hit him. it doesn’t faze him after all— he’s still steadily keeping your phone up with one hand.
satoru shakes his head and lets out a deep, over exaggerated sigh, “i would’ve given it back a looong time ago if you weren’t just so stubborn.”
that was a lie. he wouldn’t have.
the way satoru stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding up your phone way above his head, pissed you off so much more than you thought.
especially due to that little sly smirk that lingered on his face the entire time he taunted you.
“you’re extremely annoying.” you scoff.
after avoiding any close contact with your boyfriend for the entire day, you finally decide to get as close to him as possible. this was done with only one goal in mind: getting your phone back.
suddenly, you were lifted up and pinned down on the nearby couch— satoru hovering right on top of you while pinning both of your wrists above your head using one hand.
he had waited patiently for you to get close to him like that so he could pull such a cheap trick.
“now,” satoru starts, looking straight into your eyes as his warm breath slightly hits your face in the current state of close proximity, “tell me, baby.”
a second huff escapes your lips and you roll your eyes, “no can do.”
“aww— well, guess you left me no choice.” satoru sighs, his expression changing into a serious one.
he retreats from above you ever so slightly. you couldn’t see his eyes since his bangs covered them for the most part, though you could sense a certain shift in his aura.
“you have yourself to blame for this.”
his tone sounded like he wasn’t playing around either.
you were a second too late to react before satoru did. his hands moved at the speed of the light— landing right beneath your shirt. your eyes widened as you realised what he was doing;
satoru was going to torture the information out of you. with non-stop tickles.
“hey! s-stop!” you try to keep your expression stoic and devoid of emotion, but fail miserably at that task the moment you felt him tickling you.
“hmm? can’t hear ya.” satoru teases while his fingers kept moving quickly and repeatedly over the exposed skin under your shirt.
“you!” you try to warn the white-haired man seriously, though you burst into a fit of laughter instead.
satoru’s face lights up the moment he hears the sweet sound of your laughter. he’s grinning from ear to ear like he’s just won the best prize there was, “my baby’s so pretty when she’s smiling like this.”
neither his affectionate words nor his loving gaze had been noticed by you. the only thing you were capable of doing was laugh and try to get his hands off you.
“satoru! i swear—”
it’s like both of you were in your own worlds, focused on two entirely different things: you were trying so hard to stop your boyfriend from tickling you while he was lost in your beauty beneath him.
“tha’s not my name,” satoru pouted, increasing the intensity of his tickles.
he didn’t like it whenever you’d purposely avoid referring to him with affectionate nicknames.
you did that whenever you were upset with him and that’s why he always tries his best to not get on your nerves (keyword: tries. satoru somehow always manages to annoy you, though sometimes it’s on purpose since your reactions were adorable).
“i can’t anymore!” there’s tears welling up in your eyes due to you laughing and giggling non-stop. your stomach was also reaching its limit.
“i’ll stop if you say it,” satoru chuckles along, his blue eyes staring at you over the rims of his pitch-black lenses, “say ‘pleaaase, baby.’”
his fingers continued to ruthlessly tickle your sides while you tried to escape his grasp.
“c’mon, i know you can do it.” your boyfriend adds with a small smirk on his face.
“no way!” you shake your head while giggling uncontrollably. even in this state, you were somehow holding onto that avoidant attitude of yours.
“that’s no good, sweets.”
satoru decided to use his trump card: tickling your armpits. he’ll have you begging him to stop in no time.
as expected, you squeal and squirm around underneath the snowy-haired male, your breathing unstable due to the amount of laughter leaving your lips.
“w-wait—,” you manage to get out between giggles, “please, baby, i give up!”
satoru was content with your answer and rested his hands on either side of your body.
“wasn’t that hard, ey?”
you could see that victorious expression on his face which beamed of confidence. it made you roll your eyes.
“shut up.” you breathe out deeply as you try to regain your composure.
satoru’s thumb gently brushed your tears of joy away while he looked down at you fondly. you looked extremely precious like that; teary eyed, hair messy and a slight pout on your lips.
he doesn’t want this moment to end.
and thus he starts to act dumb.
“hmm.. what did i say again just now?” satoru scratches his head with his index finger like he was thinking deeply about something.
“nu-uh. don’t you dare.” you knew that whenever satoru feigned innocence in situations like these, chaos was going to unfold a moment later.
“that i’d stop if you said ple— eh, whatever. i don’t remember.”
satoru shrugs, that fake innocent expression turning into a mischievous one in under a split second.
before you could escape, satoru started to tickle you again. you really should’ve expected him to pull another cheap trick like that; it’s the gojo satoru after all.
“you just wait, satoru, i swear i’ll kick your ass!”
“i’d like to see you try, babe.”
your laughter fills satoru’s ears once more and it’s then that he realises for the umpteenth time how grateful he is.
he’s indebted to the heavens for granting him the chance to live at the same time as you.
at this point, satoru wasn’t even concentrated on getting information out of you. seeing you all giggly and happy like this was enough for him.
he didn’t want to pressure you too much into telling him your reason for the silent treatment earlier.
he’ll find out one way or another. just like he usually does.
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adispit · 22 days
a short drabble of a sickly (?) master and you, his beloved bodyguard
bttm male reader, feminisation, age gap of 10 years, dubcon, cream pie, overstimulation
note: this is unedited and I’m so tired so uhhh enjoy
He has been pampered since young due to his constant bouts of illnesses, hence his parents, both successful CEOs of a huge corporation hired you when you were 20 to take care of their precious heir who was barely 10.
You just turned 20 back then, desperately looking for a job after your military service and thankfully they hired you! You were rather huge, having gained quite some muscle and beefed up during your time in the army,,,,
When you first saw his sniffling and fragile form in bed, you felt your heart melt! So adorable, you simply just had to protect him! Always catering to his whims whenever he pouts, those big, sparkling eyes turning you soft…Soon, you were more than his bodyguard, always picking him up from school, cooking for him and taking care of his every need.
When he turned 20 and took over his family's business, you were so proud of him. Watching him slowly grow up from a small and frail boy to a capable man, you swore he could almost make you swoon! Unfortunately you were in your thirties now and this job was rather taxing and laborious on you…you were no longer youthful anymore, so you decided to resign and go work a bakery you had been eyeing for quite some time.
He was furious. Demanding that you never leave him no matter what, calling you his "wife"? What was that all about? You had never seen him so angry, absolutely seething with fury…Stuttering out your apology and blabbering, you tried to explain and quickly leave…not before he grabbed onto you with almost inhumane strength.
His grip almost bruisingly tight as he shot you with a gaze that almost seemed to devour you on the spot. Although you towered over him, he seemed to overpower you! Pulling you to a bed in his office, wait, when had been there? He crouches on his knees on the floor, pouting and begging for you to not leave, his eyes shining with a sheen of unshed tears.
Maybe you should stay- No. You had to be firm! He was an adult now and didn't need your protection, you tried to patiently explain. You see him silently shaking as tears run down his face and on cue, your heart softens and you pull him into a hug, trying to comfort him. He chokes out a sob and asks if you could at least let him do one final thing before you leave and you nod. One last time anyway, right?
The waterworks stop suddenly and immediately you’re flipped on your back, the world whirling around you disorientedly. He has an almost feral grin on his face, muttering darkly to himself that you weren’t allowed to leave him as he tears your clothes apart. Confused, you blink at him as he fondles your flaccid cock. You did agree to one last thing…but this was so embarrassing! You were a virgin…never really having done anything sexual since the past few years were spent on taking care of him.
Hot breath brushing against your sensitive tip, you feel blood rush down to your cock as it stiffens up, erect. His pretty face adorned in an amused smile, when had he become so beautiful? Before you can even comprehend what happened, he swallows your member in one gulp. A ragged keen leaves your throat as you involuntarily buck your hips up into his warm mouth. His tongue experimentally swiping over the length as you feel him sucking with a force that leaves your knees weak. You come undone strangled moan, your ropey cum splattering all over his face.
Shame immediately paints your face as you immediately rush to wipe his face, flushing at the obscene sight of his expression. When had he learnt this!? He says nothing, pushing you down against the bed as he peers down at your naked body like a man starved. His warm hands come and fondle your chest, satisfied sighs leaving him as he teases and pulls at your nipples, making you shiver. He calls your pecs, “tits”. An address that leaves you both embarrassed and highly aroused. You try to correct him but only to be cut off by the circular motion of his fingers at your rim.
They push inside immediately, coated with a cold substance, most likely lube. It’s an invasive feeling almost, as his fingers prod inside, unpleasant but full. Suddenly, stars flash before your eyes as your breathing quickens and a tight knot forms in your stomach. His eyes narrow into slits as he relentlessly pushes and pokes at your prostrate, leaving you breathless. Another orgasm overtakes you again as you’re left reeling and trying to collect yourself as you pant wetly. It should be enough for him right? However the telltale bulge that grinds against your twitching hole says no.
He strips, his body pale from staying inside all day long and a lean but muscular physique from both your workout sessions together at the gym. You catch yourself staring a tad bit too long, his body like the starry night, dotted with stars that are his freckles against the canvas that is his naked form. Noticing your piercing stare, he lets out an amused huff, asking if he looks good. You don’t respond, attention now drawn to the pretty cock that lies stiff against his stomach, slightly curving to the right and you swear you see a freckle mischievously peeking out.
It’s thin, not particularly girthy but yours pale in comparison to his in length. You almost forget the boy you raised is now going to fuck you when he grabs your waist, snapping you from your train of thought before thrusting into your waiting hole in one go. You barely register the thin ropes of cum that immediately splatters onto your abdomen as he begins to snap his hips against yours. Loud slaps of skin against yours is accompanied by your hoarse cries and momentary sobs as he mercilessly pounds your prostrate over and over again.
Your walls clench around the burning cock that seems to sear his shape into your hole with his repeated thrusts. Your cum is almost water now with your mouth agape as you wheeze at the tandem of his length driving into you. You’re barely conscious, the burn of the pleasure seems almost discernible as you cry for him to stop. He doesn’t. Hot cum taints your insides as he continues to thrust into you, fatigue no where to be seen, his pace never stuttering.
Soon, you’re just staring at the ceiling with glassy eyes as a momentary twitch or squeal is incited as a response from you from the constant stimulation. You’re gonna die! You cry out in a rare moment of clearheaded despair. He stops and pulls you into a sweaty embrace as you feel hot tears slide down your tear-stricken face. You feel him crying too. Shouldn’t you be crying?! He asks again if you’re going to leave him. Exhausted and out of your mind, you make a mistake you will regret. You nod. His lips pull into a delighted smile and you fall into the welcome embrace of sleep, last thing you hear is the promise that you can’t run anymore. Oh boy.
note: this is my basic indulgence of the trope pretty top x buff bigger bottom 😰 let me know if I should make this into a fic
reblogs are appreciated!!! ^^/
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yorsgirl · 5 months
Fuck you . Gladly
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Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The embers of your jealousy is fanned when girls forget that your boyfriend is not available. The only problem – silent treatment is your go-to reaction. Good for Sukuna, he knows how to make you talk.
Tropes: Established relationship, smut
Warnings: Explicit smut, fingering, fellatio, spanking, degradation+praise, choking, rough/angry sex, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms(female), mentions of smoking and cheating, no curse AU, college boy!Sukuna, kinda toxic relationship, strong language, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n.
Word count - 3.8k
A/N: nope, sorry, this isn't the Sukuna fic whose sneak peek was posted a few days ago. That's a long one so it's taking time, instead I am feeding you this. Enjoy :)
Divider credits - @cafekitsune
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Jealousy is a ugly thing.
From childhood, you were taught to always be poised and content with whatever you have. Limited resources, not the best outfit or not your desired commodities. Accepting and being satisfied with it was the norm.
Your mother said the same, "Jealousy is a ugly thing." When you admitted to be jealous over a certain classmate whose grades were higher than yours. I saw her cheating in the exam hall, words were on the tip of your lips but you resorted to keep the dirty secret to yourself.
Heard the same from your friend, "No need to be jealous, its the worst of emotions." When you fumed over how you can't go to a particular excursion (blame your strict parents) while she gets to go.
Jealousy is a ugly thing. Be content with whatever you have, even if it's not the best.
Oh- but fuck off to that age old quote that was thrown down your ears.
You get it. You really do, be glad with whatever you have and shit! And you are. You really are. But how could jealousy not play when others try to put their filthy hands on what is rightfully yours?
In this case, your boyfriend – Ryomen Sukuna.
You aren't particularly insecure about your relationship with him. Contray, you do trust him a whole lot and his mannerisms to the opposite gender doesn't defy your view of him. However, problems arise when a dumb bitch forgets that your boyfriend is not out in the market for her to rub herself.
Take yesterday for example – it wasn't long after Sukuna's practice match while you watched him from the bleachers. Silently, gushing to yourself of how gorgeous your boyfriend looked with the sweat dripping down his hair and forehead, the perspiration glistening on his skin and over his well sculpted abs when he pulled his jersey up to wipe his face, once his eyes landed on you– fuck it!
Ah– sorry, that went off topic... so where it was? Oh yeah!
Not long after his practice match did you watch that bitch Yorozu, literally jump out of the bleachers and run into his arms like she is his damn girlfriend. (She isn't). While you quietly, revelled over the fact when Sukuna without a bit of damn respect shoved her away, you couldn't shake out the fangs of malice growing inside you.
That brings you here, leaning back on the headboard of your bed with your phone clasped firmly in your hand, you scrolled through instagram. A rather pathetic attempt at ignoring Sukuna, who tried to strike up a conversation with you but you remained nonchalant.
"How long will you keep up that attitude?" Sukuna questions, leaning on the wall to your shared bedroom, a bored expression laces his features.
You don't answer, you don't even make the effort to look at him. It was perhaps, good time to just break your resolve for you've been giving him the cold shoulder since yesterday. Honestly, you don't even know why he's on the receiving end of your wrath. Sure, you are mad, but you are more mad over that wretched bitch than your boyfriend. But as you share no relation with her, its him who's suffering.
"Jesus Christ," Sukuna murmurs to himself, rolling his eyes as he steps up and sits in front of you.
He calls your name. You don't answer. He calls it again–his tone harsher. Your response is silence.
The next thing you know, your phone is harshly snatched away from your grip.
"What the fuck?!" You curse aloud, fire burning in your irises as you glare at him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"
He scoffs, "So now you talk."
You try to reach for your phone but his counter is putting it away with a hand extended out. "Give that back."
He grips your right wrist in a tight hold, not enough to hurt you, just to keep you in place.
"What the fuck do you want?" You ask, the attempt at pulling your hand away proves futile when he tightens his hold.
"For you to stop acting like a brat."
"Acting like a brat?" You could only scowl. "I was silent the whole time. Is breathing illegal for you, now?"
His carmine irises blaze with annoyance as he retorts back, "You know damn well, I am not talking about that."
"I don't." You had always been bad at lying.
"Fuck yeah, you do."
You don't respond to that, trying to reach for your phone which he is doing a damn good job at keeping away. "Sukuna," Warning drips from your lowered tone, "I am not in the mood. Give my phone back, now."
"Yeah?" A humourless chuckle leaves his lips, "You're not getting it tonight, deal with it." You grit your teeth, trying to keep in the bubbling anger which would flow out any second but sure the God's hate you cause Sukuna's next words crumbles every bit of your self-control.
"Besides... why do you need it anyway? What?" He raised an eyebrow. "Texting some bastard while you I am in your no communication zone."
That's it. The fucking audacity.
Cheating. Something you can never speak or joke about, and he knows it still the God damn audacity to spit shit in front of you as if you're the one whose locker would be filled with love notes on valentine's day.
"You fucking asshole," You stand up, pulling your wrist away from his grip. Rage pours tumbles out of the dam, pouring through your every vein, every bone, every pore. "You have the fucking audacity to accuse me of cheating when you're the one smooching of other girls."
There's bad move. Then there's the worst fucking move of all.
This was the latter.
Sukuna rose up instantly, his gift of height gave him the upper hand to easily glare down at you. "The hell did you just say?" His tone turned a note low, the deep raves of his voice enough to warn of the impending danger.
Did that scare you? Maybe. Were you going to back down and say sorry? Abso-fucking-lutely not.
You scoffed, folding your hands over your chest, "Oh, you heard me." It was entertainment. Pure entertainment. Watching him riled up over a simple accusation. Hell, you'd pay to witness it again and again. "Do I have to say it again to your face, cheater?"
If he's so much offended to be labelled as a cheater then he shouldn't have brought up the topic in the first place. It doesn't make sense on what type of logic, you're backing yourself up but if rationality worked in cases of fueling rage and huge egos then there'd be no wars in the first place.
His response could only be grasping you by the throat, firmly as he roughly pushed you back on the wall. "I am the cheater? I've been nothing but loyal to you."
"The last time Yorozu–"
"She was clinging to me and I pushed her off, what more do you want?"
Nothing, I am just fucking jealous. That's what, you should be saying but you don't cause- cause you just can't.  You grit your teeth and resort to profanity, "Fuck you, nonetheless."
"You stupid bitch," His grip around your throat tightens and that's when you're finally aware of your position. With your back pressed against the wall and his calloused hand grazing over the pulse point of your throat–this situation could not be more intimate.
You are hit with his cologne mixed with the musky smell of cigarette which, you assume, he had smoked before coming to you. A heat burns in your core as you notice the intricacies of tattoos that marks his visage; each one luring you to trace your fingertips over them.
You're still antsy and a flurry of provocative insults are resting on the tip of your tongue which would be spit out any second but- but what could be the better time for your estrogen levels to rise?
It's not long after that you mutter a curse under your breath, your fingers find their way to his collar; a second later–you are locking lips with him.
Sukuna's initial shock of the situation is evident as his lips doesn't move against yours. Yet, he indulges soon, his eyes flutter shut when he responds with equal fervour and fire. He tilts your head back, his tongue lapping over your bottom lip and a sigh escapes him when you give him access. His free hand find their way over to your hair, tangling his fingers through your strands as he tugs them back – deepening the kiss.
You groan against his lips at the surprise pull. His tongue prods inside your mouth, engaging in a harmonious dance with yours – swirling and lapping with it. His hold on your throat was tight, cutting off your air supply while his mouth moved against yours in a rhythm. Allowance of breath was gratified once he felt your mouth tighten against his. You gasped and panted for air, his hold on your throat loosening just a bit. When you looked up, a suggestive smirk was plastered against his lips and damn– wasn't that just irksome.
Sukuna pulls you closer, nibbling on your earlobe which incites a rather sinful moan from your mouth. "All that attitude and you wanted this. Should have just said so, princess." It's almost mocking on how he used the nickname.
"Fuck you."
Said so, his mouth again presses over yours, harder than the previous time. The passionate liplock lights the fire in both of you as Sukuna's hands glide down from your hair. Caressing the curves and contours of your body before finally resting on the plump flesh of your ass. He squeezes your buttocks while trailing feather-light kisses down your jaw and lips.
"Use your words from next time, princess."
Fuck it. Fuck him. He is smirking. You can't see it but damn, isn't it palpable? Your eyes are shut tight as his hand moves from your buttocks to your thighs and upto your thong. "Fucking soaked," He hisses under his breath, feeling the large wet splotch that has settled over your the fabric.
"Ngh– Sukuna," A breathy moan slips past you as he palms you over the garment, tracing the outline of your clit and entrance. His attempt at teasing you is working dangerously well and you have to restrain yourself from giving into this wanton pleasure. You grip onto his biceps, nails digging into the muscles from over his shirt. "Stop fu-fucking teas–ing me."
"Am I teasing you? Mhm nah, I don't think so." His heated breath falls hot over your neck as he licks a line over the curve of it. "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"
You don't answer, silently scowling at him but that's his cue to slide your thong aside and caress the skin over your needy pussy. He knows what you want. And he knows only he can give it you. But he won't. Not until you say it. And you won't say it cause you're damn stubborn and you've got to show him that you're still mad which is proving difficult under his skillful ministration.
Well, that isn't a bother to him, you can stay with your resolve all you want while he enjoys playing with you.
"F-Fuck it– Sukuna–," You whine, pushing your hips towards his fingers to just receive an inch of stimulation but that's fruitless. The attempt at clamping your legs shut is the worst play you could make as Sukuna harshly slaps your pussy.
"Keep those legs spread like a good whore."
You hate him. You really do. You hate him for the certain joy of degradation mixed with praise – one, only he can evoke from you. The phrase had a electricity shoot to your cunt causing it to throb as a sheen of sweat formed over your forehead.
The grip over your resolve breaks and you find yourself speaking before you can even think, "Fuck– Sukuna, need you, ngh– now."
"Now, that's like a good little slut." Sukuna doesn't need to be told twice before two of his digits delves inside your aching cunt while the rough pad of his thumb presses over your clit.
You throw your head back at the needed stimulation and courtesy to Sukuna's hand tangled in your hair–shielding your scalp from hitting the wall. The flurry of curses and moans leaving your lips could have been recorded. His fingers move in and out of your cunt in a fast pace while your pussy sucks them in. He hits your g-spot and that has your eyes rolling back in your head. The squelching noises from your pussy and your breathy loud whimpers reverbrates through each and every corner of your room. He draws circles over your clit, scissoring his finger in a V, stretching you out.
"Eyes on me, princess," He murmurs in your ear and you comply soon after. Gazing in his crimson eyes darkened with lust, a shiver runs down your spine as your legs tremble while he fingerfucks you like playing the keys to a piano. "Watch the only man who can make you cum like this."
It's possessive and diabolical. He has no right to act such when you aren't even the one who's going around entertaining the opposite gender. But you don't have any bit of resilence left in you to tell him to fuck off. Besides with the amount of strings he's pulling, its only a second later that you spasm and milk around his digits.
Sukuna pulls out his fingers from your hole, gazing at the slick and fluid running down them with amusement flickering over his irises. Yet, he pushes them to your mouth, pulling down your lower lip. "Clean up your mess, brat."
You keep your eyes on him, taking the same fingers which was in your cunt, in your mouth as you lick them clean.
"Yeah? Like that? It's yours, princess." You hum in response. Your brain is still hung up on the earlier scenario, and even though getting off on his fingers did relieve your frustration. You're still not satisfied. Nay, you aren't letting him off the hook that easily. That's when a rather vile idea conjures up in your brain, a smirk escapes your lips.
"Hm, whatcha smiling about?"
You could only laugh, "Ah– you'll know." It's in a second that it happens – the tables turn. It's now Sukuna with his back resting against the wall while you smirk up at him. Your hand slid down to his sweatpants and damn– his clothed bulge could only compare to the actual thing. You kneel down before him, a mischievous glint shadowing your eyes. "Let me return the favour."
You hook your thumb and pointer finger in his waistband, pulling down his briefs. His cock springs out, smacking against his abdomen and for a second, its like you get a brain freeze. Rock hard, and the veins are protruding out of the shaft. It isn't the first time, you've seen it but each time you do, realization hits of how huge it is.
"Less staring, more sucking, princess." Sukuna says from above, threading his fingers through your hair.
"Oh no, just admiring a work of art," You reply with a sickeningly sweet smile. It isn't a lie but it's sure a push to his ego. You look up at him, holding the base of his cock as you swirl your tongue over his mushroom tip.
"Fuck," He mutters to himself, head tipping back when your warm mouth latches over his hardened shaft. He pushes himself onto your moist mouth, hitting the back of your throat as you almost gag on his cock. You compose yourself soon, looking up at him as you bob your head up and down on his thick, veiny shaft.
Sukuna's grip on your hair doesn't falter, instead tightens as he establishes his hold while tangling his finger through your strands. You assume he likes it (and why wouldn't he? Only you can give him a head like this) from the way noises leaves his mouth as you take him in as much as you can. Your hand glides over the remnants of his dick, stroking and pressing on it.
"God yeah– fuck... j-just like that– ngh."
Your name rolls out of his mouth sinfully causing your cunt to suck on air. Drool runs down your chin to your jaw as you lap your tongue over his shaft – swirling and drawing over the bulging veins. You feel him twitch in your mouth and you know he's close. He knows, he's close as he heaves in a ragged breath.
Good. You were just waiting for that.
You detach your mouth from his cock with a pop, standing up as you press your lips to his for a brief second. A smirk played at your lips, "Now, wasn't that nice?"
"What the fuck?!" Sukuna growls at you, dumbfounded at the wave of pleasure that would've washed over him if not for you.
"Pay back, darling." You grin, pressing a kiss to cheek which only infuriates him more.
It isn't a second later that you are roughly thrown on your bed as Sukuna hovers over you, pulling your skirt up and ripping out your thong. You don't have the time to complain when he pushes his cock inside your throbbing cunt, hitting right at your g-spot on the very first stroke.
"God, Suku– ah–" A harsh slap is delivered to your ass, you hiss in pain as Sukuna picks up the pace. Pulling out his cock just to the tip before shoving the whole girth in–stretching and filling you up to the brim.
"Sluts don't get to speak," Another smack lands on your ass cheek, harder than the previous. It would sure leave a mark but he could care less. He swipes at your hardened bud, pinching it as you cry out in pain. "Yeah, like that– scream like the dumb bitch you are."
You are panting, trying to breath but his hand is clamped around your throat like a collar–pressing down your wind pipe. "Gnhh– Su-Suku' ahh– too m-much."
"Too bad, you're taking it." His hands find their way under your thighs, pushing them up until your knees are pressed up beside your face. He folds you in a mating press, reaching spots in you which you didn't know existed. "That's the thanks I got for making you cum. Brat's like you need to be punished." Said so, he reaches under your shirt, squeezing and kneading your breasts while he tweaks over your nipples.
You fist the sheets, eyes rolling back, you are almost on the verge of seeing stars before your eyes. His strokes has your legs tremble but he holds you tightly in his grasp, pinching and tugging on your erected buds. You swallow a deep breath feeling yourself clamp around his cock, you're close–too close and his swipes inside your pussy does not make this situation better. "Sh-shit, ahh– g-gonna ngh– cum."
"Oh yeah, so soon?" He pinches your clit elliciting a scream from you. "Like that, don't ya? Nasty little bitch, cum."
You suck him in, feeling yourself come undone under him. But– uh oh...
Sukuna is far from done.
You don't have the time to catch your breath, before he flips your position; you're straddling his lap with his dick still stuck in your cunt. "Wait– what the–"
"We are far from over," He whispers near your ear. "I still haven't cum, slut." He leans back on the bedframe, squeezing your ass cheek with a lopsided smirk stuck on his face. "Go on, take responsibility of your own actions. Or..." He stretches out the word, looking down on you. "Can you not?"
Did he really...? Was that really a challenge thrown your way?
If he thinks your estrogen levels aren't enough to keep up with his testosterone then he's damn wrong. You snickered, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, digging your nails into his flesh–he grunts out in pain. Your knees are aside his hips as you push yourself down on his cock. "You should know better than asking me if I can go on."
"Hm, prove it then."
Damn bastard... he's toying with you, provoking you with words and damn! It's working well. Like a moth to a flame, you are playing into his whims and you're damn sure, he's laughing his ass off inside his mind.
"Fuck off," You curse at him, pulling yourself up before sitting back on his member.
"Gosh– shit," Sukuna grabs your hips, groaning at the way your warm walls feel around his dick. Hooking his hand under your top, he tugs on it and you oblige, putting your hands up as the garment is thrown off your body. He doesn't waste a second before delving in to bite and suck on the flesh of your neck while fondling your breasts.
The only sound that reverberated through the room were your wanton moans mixed with his groans as your name was chanted like a mantra. Your butt slapped against his lap as you bounced on him, your mouth parted as a trail of drool ran down your chin.
It's the same dance, you've danced with him countless times. The flicker of flame that burnt could only be fuelled by your combined desires. Each kiss, each bite, each stroke giving rise to the allure of just one more. Once again.
You felt Sukuna's cock twitch inside your sore cunt–burning and ravished from taking him in so long. Your pleasure was coming in soon. And at the last second, Sukuna's mouth met yours in a salacious, deep kiss–resulting you to moan in his mouth as his seeds paint your walls white. You come simultaneously, ragged breath of relief erupting from you.
Both of you part, as you stay still over him, catching your breath. You look into his eyes; he's staring right back. Huffs and pants could be the means of communication and even though your room is air-conditioned, a thin layer of sweat covers the both of you.
For a second, there is a amalgam of emotions that flicker in his gaze alone. They disappear before you can name them yet- you believe there was a hint of tenderness to them.
"I hate you," The words flow out of you yet you don't know, why they don't have the same sharp tone as always.
"I hate you," You repeat again.
A smug smirk plasters over his lips as he clicks his tongue, "Right? Who was riding that dick–"
"Shut up."
Yes, you do hate him the most.
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ode2rin · 9 months
all my flaws
pairing. itoshi rin x gn!reader
genre. post-argument fluff | suggestive themes | established relationship | new boyfriend!rin 
content/warnings. 2k+ wc | characters are in their 20s ! | pro-athlete!rin | making out | narration heavy! | profanity | minimal proofread (me and my word vomit) | it’s like a new installment of this rin
in which: people say new relationships supposedly need a breakthrough fight to level up, but rin swears he would rather go through hell than do this again.
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Your first fight as a couple freaked Rin out, even though he appeared stoic during the argument.
In the heat of the moment, Rin abruptly left your apartment, not uttering a word. Instead, he left you with a lingering glance filled with apathy—a look he'd never cast upon you before. His eyes turned void once again, when you were just getting used to it being bright and free.
What began as a simple disagreement, like any other couple's quarrel, escalated into rhetorical questions, accusing tones, and suddenly, it was him against you.
Silently, he rose from his seat, walked to the door, and vanished like a shadow that had never existed. To Rin, it felt like the right thing to do. You can't leave him if he does it first, he convinced himself. A twisted logic, fueled by emotions creeping from his past.
Yet apparently, his logic seems to be in total shambles when mixed and driven by emotions concerning you, because ten minutes later down the road, he wanted nothing more but to turn the car around.
Even so, in Rin’s true self-sabotaging fashion, he refrained. Because he’s awful, selfish, and couldn’t even fix insignificant arguments like a normal person would. Convinced of his own flaws, he believed you shouldn’t be with him— shouldn’t give him that chance after all.
The next thing he knew, the ten minutes he could’ve made to retreat back and apologize turned into 27 hours and 48 minutes of misery, spent in non-speaking terms with you.
It sucks. Everything sucks.
That night, he slept in his own bed. The next day, the in denial and emotionally constipated side of him made himself believe that the expensive yet seemingly useless mattress felt responsible for the raging tension in his shoulders and back. Of course it wasn't because of the absence of your messages or the unfamiliarity of his own bed. Of course, it’s the bed’s fault.
Life isn’t what it used to be. The sun didn't shine properly if it didn't come through the window of your room he spent the night in, his usual protein drink tasted like absolute shit because you didn’t make it for him, and not to mention the lack of cuddles before he gets up in the morning— it was bound to be the worst day of his life ever since you happened.
To make things even worse, he’s disassociating in practice, even missing a goal making everyone stop in their tracks. It was an unusual sight, Itoshi Rin doesn’t miss, after all. 
He was acting so gloomy that Bachira even pointed out how there’s a storm cloud looming over his head. A statement that earned a curt ‘fuck off, bobcut’ from the striker.
Meanwhile, Isagi took a more rational approach of expressing his concern toward his friend’s atypical behavior by taking out his phone and sending you a message.
Isagi: Did something happen between you and Rin? He's being tenfold more insufferable. [1:13 pm] Isagi: Please do something about this. - Chigiri [1:15 pm]
On the receiving end of these messages, you couldn't help but admit to yourself that you felt a peculiar sense of relief, knowing Rin was grappling with the same turmoil after he left.
You'd had your share of arguments before—petty disagreements that were easier to fix due to forced proximity. It was simpler when you were obligated to walk together on the way home from school; otherwise, he would stand in the same spot outside your classroom if you decided to be petty and ignore him. Annoyed but still caring, he insisted on confirming you got home safely, reasoning that your houses were next to each other.
Rin was still hard-headed, much like all these years. A testament to this was his silence over the past 24 hours.
Reading Isagi’s text messages once more, you let out a sigh and made up your mind – you will force him to fix things with you. You will express your displeasure at his abrupt departure, insist he not repeat it if he wants to do this right with you, and convey that it should always be the two of you against any problem.
It might be a blow to your pride to give in first, but it is what the two of you needed. It is what he needed. 
It just happened that you loved that man enough to provide what he needed, despite all flaws.
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A day of missing you must have driven him to hallucinate, Rin concludes. You, perched on his couch, delicately peeling oranges and chuckling at a whimsical show on the screen, are just a hallucination.
“You’re home.”
And would you look at that, hallucinations even speak.
From your vantage point, Rin looks like he's seen a ghost greeting him with his unblinking teal orbs and brows slightly arching upwards. You notice the subtle tightening of his grip on the strap of his gym bag as he takes measured steps towards you, as though cautiously approaching a dream he fears might dissipate.
“Rin?” you whisper in confusion. It was meek, barely a whisper of his name, yet it was all that he needed to close the gap between you in mere seconds.
You gape at him from how determined his strides were. Surprise is instantly replaced by warmth as your lover basically throws himself over you for a well-sought embrace the moment you're within his arms’ reach.
You’re real, and you’re here.
And he can’t even begin to tell you how much tension finally left his body with that realization.
“I thought…” he trails off, burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
As shallow as one might say, each passing hour of being away from you has fully convinced Rin that it might have been the end to what the two of you had.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” you whisper softly in his ear, your fingers finding solace in the familiar texture of Rin’s hair, tenderly tracing paths down to his nape. Rin responds with a gentle kiss along the side of your neck, a silent affirmation of his gratitude for the comforting gesture.
Unspoken sentiments hang in the air, but neither of you feels the need to verbalize them just yet. The minutes stretch, and you both savor each other’s warmth that has been sorely missed.
As minutes gracefully slipped away, you initiated the release from his embrace, much to his chagrin. Rin openly displayed his disapproval by gently yet firmly wrapping his arms around you. But you were resolute in your purpose and slightly pushed him back.
“Have you eaten?” you ask, holding his face to look at you.
“I’ll make you some food, then. Stay here.”
Before your intentions could take you to the kitchen, Rin pulled you back making you fall back to his lap. “don’t want you to go,” he confessed.
“But dinner–”
“No? You don’t want to eat?”
“No,” he firmly replied, “Later. I want to hold you first.”
You didn’t respond to Rin, and just took it upon yourself to make yourself more accessible for him to hold by facing him while still seated in his lap. The shift in position sent a shiver of anticipation through both of you, and Rin, consumed by the moment, reveled in the exquisite sensation of your body pressed closely against his.
Slowly, his fingers reached the side of your jaw, tracing and guiding you closer to meet him halfway. With closed eyes, you felt his lips approaching, delicately and purposefully, until his lips were a breath away from yours. The distance between your lips diminished as Rin closed in, capturing your mouth in a sweet, lingering surrender. 
Rin’s strong hands explored every inch of you it could reach. You felt his touch on your neck, shoulders, down to your thighs. The teasing fingers paid extra attention to your waist, their grip subtly teasing the hem of your shirt. You melt into him more when you feel said teasing hands slide inside.
He was everywhere— your mind, your body, your very soul. Rin had them well occupied with all of him.
A soft gasp escapes you when he nips the familiar spot on your neck just below your ear, each kiss that follows tracing a path to your collarbones. Another gasp, louder this time, as Rin gently sucked the skin beneath your collarbones, mending the sweet sting with his feather-light kisses.
It was getting harder to think when a feeling of desire ran from your chest down toward your inner thigh from how impossibly hot Rin’s lips were consuming you.
And just when you thought he had had enough of you, Rin’s hand once again cradled your jaw, guiding your gaze to meet his. Shivers danced down your spine as you absorbed the sight of his half-lidded, glossy teal eyes.
“I need you, baby,” he breathed, “please.”
It seemed as though there was a lot to make up for in the past twenty-four hours that he couldn't hold you.
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You stirred from your sleep to the sensation of lingering kisses scattered from your forehead down to your jaw.
Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you found your lover gazing at you with those bright and free teal eyes, and you swore you never had a better way to start the day than this.
A smile graced your lips as you prepared to reciprocate the affection, intending to reach for him and plant a kiss on his jaw. However, your gesture was momentarily halted by his unexpected outburst.
“I love you.”
Professing to you used to terrify Rin – it used to knock all the air from his lungs and make the room seem so small. Now, with a few years ahead to gather enough backbone to escape the misery of pining, professing to you— loving you, felt as easy and natural as breathing.
And he hoped, with every beat of his heart against yours, that he would be breathing just fine in the many years to come.
“I love you,” he tells you again. Just for good measure, to ensure you heard him right, and just to make sure you know he does love you.
You heard him well. His words were clear enough, and the rapid beating of his heart against yours was loud enough to attest.
“Say it back, please,” he pleaded against the soft skin of your neck.
“I love you, Rin.”
He offered no verbal response, but a palpable sigh of relief emanated from him. For a man of few words, he sure does need a lot to feel better.
His warm breath lingered on your skin as a brief silence enveloped you both. Then, with a deliberate yet gentle gesture, he gathered both your arms, placing them above his shoulders, and pulled you closer by your thigh, guiding it above his own.
He loved holding you this way. He wasn’t a big believer, but he wondered if this, right here, was the closest he would ever come to heaven.
“But we have to unlearn those bad habits, Rin,” you asserted, your voice carrying a firm resolve, “No more leaving. We will sit through it, and we will talk, baby.”
Rin’s arms around your waist tightened, as if silently acknowledging your words. You knew he was listening— Rin could be hard headed and all, but he always listened. To you, and only you, that is. 
Minutes passed in silent communion, the world outside fading away as you and Rin held each other. Eventually, drowsiness began to cast its gentle veil over your senses. You couldn't tell if Rin had fallen asleep because his face was buried in the curve of your neck, hiding away in your scent. Yet, the soft and steady rhythm of his breath made you think so.
As you closed your eyes, allowing the realm of dreams to envelop you, Rin’s voice, muffled and quiet, broke the silence.
“Are we going to be fine?”
Barely audible, his question carried a hint of hesitation. And perhaps, if you listen a little closer, you could almost hear the 11-year-old Rin behind his lucid words.
Lucky for him, you had known that little boy throughout your life, enough to love him just as he needed, despite all flaws.
“We will be.”
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note. hi, my life ain't life-ing lately soooo here !! i hope all of you are fine and having a blast. but if you aren’t, i’m sending you all of my love. we’ll have better days ahead, trust 🤞🏻
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logansdoll · 2 months
ivy, l. howlett (2)
you try to get to know your mystery man a little better... but big brother is always watching.
CW: canon typical violence, gore, guns, mutation, profanity, innuendos, mature themes, mentions of sex, y/n is very poison ivy-esque, jean grey exists but is not present, etc.
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"I think you'll be comfortable here," you assured, turning on the bedside light as you tossed a few spare blankets on the foot of Logan's bed.
"Where is your room?" he asked, innocently, his hands resting behind his back.
You raised a brow, but brushed off your slight surprise, turning on another lamp.
"Down the hall," you answered, honestly. "But I spend most of my time in the greenhouse."
He let out a soft chuckle, glancing at you out the corner of his eye as he opened the closet doors, inspecting it.
"Is that your gift? You got a green thumb?" he taunted, turning to face you.
"I'm a chlorokinetic," you corrected, unamused. "I can control plants."
"Really? What kinds of plants?" he gasped, falsely.
Instantly, the fern in the corner of the room extended and slammed the closet door shut, Logan watching with intrigue as it slowly receded back into the pot.
"I also have some communicative ability," you walked over to his bedside, sitting down on the edge and mindlessly adjusting the pillows. "It varies based on the species, but the professor is teaching me to develop it."
"I'm sure he is," he nodded, slowly stalking closer until he stood right before you, forcing you to look up at him.
God, your eyes...
The intensity of their warm brown sent a tender buzz through his chest.
"So say what that fern thinks about me."
"I'd rather not," you smirked, resting your hands on the bed as you leaned back. "He's not the nicest, and I'd hate for your feelings to be hurt."
"C'mon," he egged, his voice lowering to a deep whisper, sending shivers down your spine. "You afraid he might like me more than you?"
"I doubt it."
He raised a brow, silently asking again—and the look likely would've left you weak in the knees if you were standing.
With a playful sigh, you caved, turning to Ferdinand to hear what he had to say, letting out a quiet snicker at his colorful language before turning back to Logan.
"You look like dive-bar frequenting lumberjack, with a weird ass haircut and a shitty beard," you relayed, verbatim. "He's still going, of course, but I think you get the gist."
For the first time since you met him, Logan let out a genuine laugh, tickled by the gusto of the houseplant.
"That's—" "Ahem," a familiar voice cleared his throat, forcing you both to turn your attention to the door.
"Scott," you greeted with a sigh, slowly standing up from the bed.
You didn't need telepathy to figure out he was a little more than pissed...
You'd gone against a direct order, and were caught in the act.
'Rookie mistake...'
 Turning back to the lumberjack, you glanced at him with a knowing look, giving him a soft pat on the shoulder, "Good night, Logan," you wished, stepping past him and exiting the room.
Though not without giving Scott a sharp, sideways glare.
But he paid it no mind, instead focusing his attention on the stranger in the room.
"You gonna tell me to stay away from your girl?" Logan cocked brow.
"My girl is away on business," Scott corrected, resting his arms behind his back.
"Hmm. Well, then, I guess you've got nothing to worry about, do ya, Cyclops?" Logan smirked, strolling toward the man.
"Yeah, it must just burn you up that a boy like me saved your life, huh?"
Logan's amusement died fast, along with his playful expression.
But Scott pressed right on, pleased to see he struck a nerve, and hoping to strike another.
"She is entirely out of your league," he stated, seriously. "So do yourself a favor and don't even bother."
And with that he shut the door, leaving Logan to steam on the other side.
'Don't even bother, my ass...'
Scott might've been right about you being out of his league—you were a gorgeous, intelligent woman with a sense of humor, who probably wouldn't give him the time of day in any other instance—but Logan liked a challenge.
And he'd be damned if he let some pretty boy tell him who he could and couldn't pursue.
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"You went against a direct order—" "We were just talking, Scott," you rolled your eyes, watering Monique, your huge Monstera Deliciosa.
She was nestled nicely in the corner—perfect for indirect natural light—blending seamlessly with the countless array of other plants.
In fact, your room looked more akin to a forest than anything, green seeming to sprout from every nook and cranny, even the canopy of your bed covered in ivy and varying species of flowers.
"It looked a little more than that from where I was standing."
"Even if we weren't, that's none of your business," you scoffed, moving on to the palms. "You're not my keeper."
"But I am your leader," he corrected, firmly. "When I tell you something, I expect you to listen. Logan is bad news, and I'm not gonna let you get roped up in his mess."
"He's a chronic amnesiac with an attitude problem," you turned to him, incredulously, crossing your arms over your chest. "I assure you, I can handle him."
"It's not a matter of handling. I don't want him trying anything with you."
You and Scott, along with Ororo and Jean, had known each other since you were kids under the professor's tutelage, and with you as the youngest of the group—though not much younger than them—Scott assumed the role of an older brother.
And throughout your childhood, especially in your teens, he chased away any boy that seemed to take even the slightest liking to you.
A habit he held on to well into your twenties, and a habit that you appreciated just about as much as you did back then.
Which was not at all.
"Scott, with all due respect, I am a grown woman. And this beat the boys away routine you got going on is getting seriously old," you warned, seriously.
"I don't want to see you get hurt," he pressed on, not letting up, "And trust me, I know guys like Logan, and they only bring pain and heartbreak."
"That is exactly what you said about that boy from Louisiana," you pointed an accusatory finger at him. "I think his name was Rodney or Rudy or something..."
"'Cause he was exactly the same!" Scott scoffed, disbelieving of your inability to see the patterns. "I hate to break it to ya, (n/n), but you have terrible taste in men."
"Excuse me?!"
But before you could fire back with a retort, a roar suddenly echoed throughout the house, along with a scream of terror.
Instinctively, you reached out to all the plants in the house, finding its source almost instantly.
"Logan," you realized, eyes wide as you raced out of the room, Scott right behind you.
Running out into the hall, you looked both ways, freshly awakened kids sticking their heads out their rooms to see the commotion.
"Somebody help!" Logan shouted, voice laced with panic.
You didn't have time to worry about them.
Quickly, you sprinted down the hall, the two of you barging into his room, only to find Rogue standing there, touching his cheek and seemingly draining his life force.
It looked like he'd stabbed her with his claws, and she was taking his power to close the wound.
'Holy shit...'
Scott cut on the lights just as Ororo joined you, the girl finally letting Logan go, the poor man dropping to the ground like dead weight, seizing.
"It was an accident," Rogue turned to Ororo, guiltily, before running out the room.
You swiftly moved to Logan's side, dropping to your knees to help, "Scott, grab me a pillow," you ordered, leaving no room for argument.
He quickly moved to grab one, you using your powers to grow Ferdinand much larger and stronger, before wrapping his fronds around Logan's body to act as restraints.
'This should keep him front hurting himself.'
"Pillow," Scott nodded, handing it to you.
You took it gratefully, carefully lifting Logan's head and placing it down on top.
"He'll have to ride it out. But with his healing factor I'm not too worried," you assured, brushing a loose strand of hair out his face.
With that out the way, Ororo turned to the crowd of children gathered at the door, scolding.
"Off to bed. All of you. There's nothing to see here," she ushered them away, exiting the room.
Now just you and Scott, you let out a sigh, standing up and running a hand through your hair.
You could practically feel Scott's I told you so look burning through his glasses.
"Shut up."
"I told you... bad news."
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nadvs · 3 months
  🐚 ⊹ ❀ ︵ ∘  too familiar ⟢
pairing rafe cameron x kook! female reader
summary you and rafe make up after your first big fight.
this is a blurb in the home before dark universe, inspired by this ask!
You stare up at Rafe, your expression a mixture of hurt and frustration.
You’d had a nice day. You went out on his boat into the gentle waves. You shared laughs and kisses. But now, you’re at a party, standing opposite each other by the wall, tension thick between you.
You arrived with him about an hour ago and kissed his cheek before telling you were going to find your friends. You spent some time with them and just found him in the crowd again.
When you greeted him with a smile, his eyes flitted away.
“What’s wrong?” you say.
Rafe takes a deep breath, his jaw tensing.
“Nothing,” he lies. You’re the only person in this world who he tries to keep his anger from. He’d rather you never be the target of any of his rage.
Unconvinced, you cross your arms and tilt your head. His cold demeanor is reminding you of all the countless times he brushed you off before you got together. You thought you’d moved past it, but right now, it hurts a bit too much to be fully healed.
“Is it because I went to hang out with my friends?” you ask.
“Nah,” he mumbles carelessly, eyes still off of you.
“What?” he says sharply.
“What is it?” you urge.
“We came together,” he snaps, an edge to his tone.
You waver. He hardly ever talks like this with you. You’ve seen him cross with other people plenty of times, but not with you. You’re supposed to be his soft spot, but right now, you feel like just another person who pissed him off.
After almost half a year of being together, you’ve had a few minor arguments. But this is starting to feel like the worst one you’ve had since you started dating.
“We did,” you say, defensive. “Does that mean I can’t hang out with my friends for a little?”
“A little,” he repeats with a scoff. You were with them for nearly an hour. He thought he’d be spending the night with you, but you couldn’t wait to leave his side as soon as you arrived.
Rafe has been needy at times, but it never bothered you. Because he’s never made you feel like you can’t have a life outside of him. He’s never been controlling like this.
“We were together all day,” you say. His face flashes with hurt before anger writes itself into his features again.
“Got it,” Rafe mutters. He takes a long drag from his beer, turning away, acting like you’re not even standing there.
“Really?” you sigh.
He refuses to yell at you, to erupt the way his body always pushes him to. His only other option when he’s this angry is to avoid the problem.
He stays silent and you look up at him incredulously, your chest tightening with rejection and the awful, sinking, familiar feeling of someone who’s supposed to love you trying to have power over you. Trying to make you feel guilty for having friends.
Your ex did this to you all the time. And Rafe knows that.
“I won’t be controlled,” you say, voice shaky.
Rafe’s body flushes with anxiety and he turns to look at you, but you’re already walking away.
He should follow you. He should tell you that that’s not what he was trying to do. But this last minute of conversation stung him so harshly that he wouldn’t even know how to say it.
Your friends ask you why you’re so quiet minutes after you find them again. Eventually, you ask one of them for a ride, since Rafe drove and you’d rather not talk to him right now.
As the night goes on, Rafe’s friends give him shit about how he seems more pissed off than usual. Finally, he’s had enough and has to find you.
He’s searching through the crowds and when he can’t spot you, he pulls out his phone to text you.
You’re just settling into bed when your phone buzzes on your nightstand.
Did you leave
You look at Rafe’s message, chest heavy. You never thought he’d make you feel this way, like you need space from him.
You know he needs the reassurance that you’re alright. He’s nothing if not protective.
You reply: yes. i’m home safe. good night
Soon after, he texts: Can we talk?
You stare at your screen until it goes black.
You need to remind yourself that this is Rafe, who looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. Rafe, who makes you feel like nothing can hurt you every time he holds you.
And even though part of you want to go to sleep so you don’t have to feel the hurt, you relent, because a bigger part of you wants to be on good terms with your boyfriend.
You reply: ok.
Rafe texts you when he’s in front of your gate. You step out into the warm night. It’s nearly one a.m. and your parents are asleep, so you quietly rush out of your house and see his SUV at the end of your driveway.
You realize he went home to swap out his motorcycle he drove to the party, likely so you’d have a place to sit and talk. He does little thoughtful things like this and it already softens the frustration you’re feeling from him.
The soft car light pools over the interior when you open the passenger door, casting shadows over the planes of his face. You settle in the cushioned seat, shutting the door as quietly as you can, and clasp your hands in your lap.
“Hey,” Rafe says. He stares at you, watches the light fade to black over your sorrowful expression.
It’s awkward. New. Standing on shaky ground together like this. Since you became a couple, you haven’t shared a moment like this.
He turns his key, shutting off the idling engine, stillness between you.
“You think I’d do that?” he finally mumbles. Your eyes start to slowly focus in the dark.
“What?” you ask.
Rafe stares ahead. You study his strong profile in the darkness. His Adam’s apple bobs with his hard swallow.
“Try to control you,” he says.
“It felt like it,” you say. “It was like you were mad at me for having friends. Like I’m not allowed to see them.”
“No,” he mutters. He pinches the bridge of his nose. It hurts that you’d think of him ever doing that to you. “I wouldn’t…”
He grips the bottom of steering wheel, even though he’s not going anywhere.
The pained expression on his face is enough to tell you that he didn’t intend to make you feel like that.
You’re both aware of the harsh implication. You don’t have to say it out loud. You’re comparing him to your ex. He knows it.
“Okay,” you whisper softly. “Okay.”
“Why’d you have to say it like that?” he says with a hint of a whine. “Like spending all day with me was so fucking bad?”
It opened a gash in him, being made to feel like he’s a chore to the person he loves most.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you say.
“I’m sorry, alright?” Rafe says, eyes finally on you. “I know it’s - it sounds stupid, but you’re the only person I can…”
His lips screw up. You know it’s what he does every time he’s trying not to cry.
“The only person I like myself with,” he admits. “I just wanted to hang out with you and the minute we got there…”
He dips his head and you tilt yours, trying to meet his eyes again. Maybe you did leave him abruptly after you arrived at the party. But he didn’t have to be so cold to you.
“I get it,” you say. “Sorry. I wish you just told me then. I can’t take it when you ignore me. It makes me feel like… before.”
Rafe’s brows pinch together. Before. When he avoided you every chance he got, shot down your every attempt at speaking to him. He didn’t think of it that way.
“I’m sorry,” he grumbles. “I’m sorry. Don’t be mad at me. I can’t have you mad at me. I swear, I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking that you can’t have friends.”
You nod. You know he finds solace in you. You’re home to him. You can take that he gets clingy sometimes. It was the fear of him trying to have some authority over you that made you so upset.
When you place your soft palm on the back of his hand, he flips it to squeeze yours. His head is still hanging, but slowly, he leans over the console and kisses your forehead.
He keeps his lips there through a few breaths, then pulls back, shifting to rest his cheek against your temple.
“Don’t be mad at me,” he rasps. “I’m sorry.”
You nod, smelling his aftershave, feeling his warm skin.
“I’m not mad,” you say. You raise your hand to rest it against his cheek, stroking with your thumb. “It’s okay. I understand.”
“Can we just sit here?” Rafe asks. The thought of you getting out of the car and leaving him digs a hole into his chest. He can’t believe how hard it is for him to be away from you. How scared he is of you abandoning him.
“Yes,” you say. “I love spending time with you, okay? Don’t ever think I don’t.”
He nods, his hair brushing against you as it hangs down his forehead. Your words bring warmth to him in a way nothing else can.
You shut your eyes as he shifts to nuzzle into your neck, his breaths hot. You run your hand over the back of his neck with languid strokes, feeling his soft hair on your fingers.
“I love you,” he says, muffled.
“I love you, too,” you say.
Moments like these, you realize just how sad and vulnerable Rafe really is. Beneath his anger is a man who just wants one thing: to be loved. And you know you’ll spend forever giving it to him.
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blueberryxbloom · 4 months
♡ 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 ♡
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You found solace in a small cabin at the edge of the forest, living surrounded only by nature and its inhabitants, such as fox beastman, orcs, and fairies. Despite the occasional demands for the crops you grow from these beings whose territory you resided in, you never object. After all, it's akin to paying protection money to school bullies. However, one creature stands out from the rest, a fairy boy no bigger than your hand, who is constantly eating all your crops without your permission and tugging and pulling on your clothes.
Frustrating as it is, communication with him is impossible since he produces only the sound of tinkling bells from his tiny mouth. Not being able to understand his language makes it difficult to decipher his intentions. You could only relay on his expressions, which usually seems angry or frustrated. You come to the conclusion that he probably doesn't like you and wants you to leave the forest, but you couldn't be farther from the truth.
The fairy is actually in love with you, more obsess actually. Unknownly, you have been labeled as 'romantic human-creature' among the fairies for your previous behavior toward the little one.
The day you met him, you offered him a four leaf clover, thinking he would appreciate the lucky symbol and its connection to nature and perhaps even bless your crops in return. However, he interpreted your gesture as a romantic advance, taking it as a sign that you were trying to court him upon your first meeting. Amused by the situation, he accepted the clover and subsequently shared the story with his friends, finding it humorous that a silly human-creature had attempted to win his favor.
From that moment on, whenever you encountered the little fairy, you would offer him small flowers, silently hoping for a blessing for your crops. However, rather than securing a blessing for your harvest, you found yourself facing a fairy whose face continued to turn increasingly rosy every time you gave him a flower. How odd.
Eventually, your attempts at securing a blessing for your crops led you to go the extra mile and made him a little flower crown. He was already smitten, but that little flower crown was the nail in the coffin that sealed his affection for you.
The fairy, overwhelmed with emotion, had reached the state of intense blushing, now resembling a ripe tomato. Despite never receiving a blessing for your crops, you possessed something even more precious, the heart of shy and flustered fairy.
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angel5ofp0rn · 4 months
♡ part nine ♡
ExHusband!Price x f!reader
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You and John have been pretty distant during the past two months, basically just coparenting in the same house.
You decided that depending on how this goes, how John and his ex wife interact, how the kids all get along, that's how you’ll decide the next step for the two of to get back together.
On the train from London to Bath, John holds your youngest in his lap and listen to her ooh's and ah's about being in a new country.
Meanwhile, you listen to every little question your oldest asks you about the new country, about the plane ride, about why everyone here “talks like daddy”.
After a while the train finally arrives at the station. John takes the lead out the door, carrying your oldest on his back as you carry the youngest on your hip.
The two of you are pretty silent, only talking to the children rather than each other.
The kids go crazy, suddenly getting a burst of energy as they explore the rental John booked for this trip.
They’re clearly more interested in the temporary house than anything else.
"So," you look at John as the kids giggle and wrestle on the floor. "When do we meet them?"
John takes a deep breath before he speaks. "Tomorrow morning. I thought the four of us could get breakfast and then head out to Nadia's house." He speaks carefully as if he’s trying not to say something that might upset you.
You just nod, turning your attention back to the kids.
He doesn’t say it, but he’s just as nervous as you. He doesn’t know what it’ll be like tomorrow, if the kids will all get along, if you and his other ex-wife will get along.
The kids definitely don’t sense any tension, that's for sure.
You and John tucked the kids into bed in the larger room of the house, letting them share the king bed. It’s just John and you in the second room, separate beds, as had become the norm for the two of you.
John's quiet in his bed simply staring at the ceiling, his mind filled with thoughts of the following day.
"John..?" You sit up in your bed and look over at him.
John turns his head, a tiny bit surprised to see that you're still awake. He just gives you a small smile.
"Can't sleep?"
You shake your head. You’d been trying to sleep for the last two hours but the anxiety isn't letting you.
"Yeah... Neither can I..." John rubs his face and lets out a small sigh. He lifts his covers. "C'mon, love."
You should put your foot down or tell him off... But you don’t.
He has you. Divorce, secret family and all.
You slowly get out of your bed and crawl into his, instantly cuddling up to his warm body.
John wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. He closes his eyes, savoring this moment with you.
You're in his arms, and although things between you two are still tense, you're at least here with each other.
Things are okay as long as you two are together, he thinks to himself before slowly starting to drift off to sleep.
After breakfast the four of you head off. You have John park your rental car down the block hoping that the fresh air would help calm your nerves…
Or maybe you were just stalling.
John's leading the way, carrying your youngest in one arm and holding the oldest’s hand with the other.
The kids are both pretty excited to meet Theo. They took the news that their father has another child very well… That wasn’t surprising, as they're just kids and don't fully understand.
You, on the other hand, are a nervous wreck. You thought of what would happen if Nadia hates you, since John meeting you made him leave her, or what if Theo wants nothing to do with your kids, his half-siblings.
What if Nadia and John still have feelings for each other?
John looks over at you, noticing the slight panic and anxiety on your face even though you're trying to hide it from the kids. He keeps his expression calm, even when his heart feels like it's pounding out of his chest.
He knows you're going to have questions and feelings about this no matter what, but he just hopes the two of you can get through his visit with his other family without any more damage.
The four of you continue walking, the house that Nadia and Theo live in coming into full view. John's grip on your oldest’s hand tightens slightly, you could notice. He lets go of the five-year-old’s hand once you're all at the front door and he rings the doorbell.
After a moment Nadia stands in the doorway, her blonde hair pulled back in a claw clip, a small smile on her face...
Damn it, she's gorgeous.
She's older than you, John's age, with these gorgeous green eyes and the prettiest long eyelashes and full lips… She even has the cutest dimples in her cheeks.
You felt like couldn't even blame John if he decided today that he wants to go back to her.
John didn't really think much about Nadia's appearance. To him she was just an old flame of the past. She was beautiful, sure, but he had moved on years ago.
She was just his son’s mother.
But, seeing how you looked at her caused John a bit of pain. He knew it was bothering you. He wanted to assure you that there was nothing to worry about between the two of them, but he didn’t have a chance to do so just yet.
Instead, John smiles a bit as he starts to introduce you all.
"Nadia... Uh, this is Gabriel, my son.” Your oldest, just excited to see his older brother soon, waves a bit, "and this is Linnie, my little girl.” Your youngest, feeling shy around the stranger, buries her face into John’s chest.
John then gestures to you, turning his head towards you then glances back over at Nadia. "And this is Y/N... My, erm..."
"Ex-wife." You offer, blushing a bit. No need to complicate it. "It's really nice to meet you, Nadia. Thank you for letting us all be here."
Nadia smiles, genuinely. "Of course. I'm glad this is all finally happening. Come in, come in. Tea's on."
You follow behind John as we walk into Nadia's house, holding Gabriel's hand tightly.
John walks in with you and the kids, a lot of nervous energy still adiating from him. You sit at the table with everyone, holding your youngest in your lap now as your oldest sits between John and yourself.
"Where's my brother?" Your oldest whispers to John as Nadia sets tea in front of John and you, then herself as she sits across.
John looks down at your son and smiles, his nervousness temporarily gone when asked about Theo. "I'm sure he'll be out of his room in a moment."
Nadia just seems to be staring at John for a moment, her expression hard to read, before she smiles and gestures to the children. "These two are adorable."
"Thank you,” you laugh a bit. "They're a couple of little monkeys."
Nadia laughs as well, finding your description of your children funny. She takes a drink of her tea as she sets her cup down on the table. "They're beautiful. They really look like Theo when he was their ages."
As if on cue, Theo walks into the dining room.
Of course he’s gorgeous.
He looks like ten year old John.
He see's his dad and immediately runs up to him and hugs him tightly. You watch as John smiles widely, hugging his oldest son tightly.
Your oldest, upon seeing that John is now hugging his big brother, starts to get excited. He hops out of his seat and goes running towards Theo as well.
“Big brother!" The five year old’s arms immediately wrap around Theo and hugs him tightly as well. Theo hugs him back, unfazed, as if he's know him his entire life instead of this being their first time meeting.
"Oh my God…” You smile, the sight warming my heart.
Nadia seems to be having a similar reaction to you, grinning broadly as the two boys hug each other. She turns to look at your daughter for a moment, who just watches intently, taking in the sight of her brothers. She seems excited too, wiggling around in your lap to see them better.
"Do you want to meet Theo as well, little one?" Nadia asked her gently.
Your youngest nods shyly.
You put her on her feet, and the oldest child kneels down, anticipating a hug from the toddler.
Instead, the little one runs to Nadia and climbs into her lap for a hug instead. You and John both laugh, surprised by this.
Nadia smiles and wraps her arms around Linnie, hugging her tightly. Her embrace is comforting and reassuring to the bashful little one.
"It's nice to meet you, Theo." You finally smile at John and Nadia's son. "I'm Y/N."
Theo's smile grows as he sees you, his bright blue eyes studying you carefully almost like he's trying to memorize your appearance. "It's nice to meet you, too.”
"Can we play?!" Your oldest asked John’s oldest, then looked back to John for permission as well.
John nods quickly, giving him permission to play with his older brother. Nadia, meanwhile, just smiles and nods as well. "Theo has loads of Legos in his room. Go ahead. Get to know one another as well."
Your oldest smiles widely before following his “new” big brother to his room. Linnie just clings to Nadia's chest, looking between the two of you, trying to take everything in.
"I might just keep this little one." Nadia teased, hugging her a bit closer.
You can't help but smile. This isn't at all how you thought this would go.
It's so much better.
The boys are now playing in the room, building Legos and just enjoying each other's company. Your daughter seems content to be with Nadia, who's holding her in her lap, stroking her hair softly with her fingers and talking quietly with her.
You feel John take your hand under the table, squeezing it a bit as he sips his tea.
John leans in closely, whispering to you as Nadia speaks with your youngest. "Everything's goin’ well... right?"
You nod with a small smile, then sip at your tea as well. You watch as Nadia gets your little one to open up a bit, getting her to talk and giggle.
It only takes a few minutes before Nadia convinces the two year old to go into Theo's room and play with her big brothers, and to get to know Theo a bit. Now it's just her, John and you at the table.
John looks around and seems to sigh in relief, leaning back in his seat as he continues to squeeze your hand.
Nadia and you finally get a chance to have a proper conversation as the two of you continue to talk and sip on your tea.
Everything has gone so smoothly; especially now when Gabriel and Linnie seem to have just bonded with Theo like the three have known each other for years rather than just having met today.
John sighs a bit, smiling over at Nadia and you as she holds a conversation with you, seeming more than happy that things are working out.
For the first time in a long time, today he feels at ease, like everything's going just like it's supposed to go.
After spending the entire day together, You decide it's time to get the kiddos back to the rental and get them into bed.
John helps Nadia with the dishes after dinner while you help the kids clean up Theo's room after playing.
You and John finish bathing the children after their long day and tuck them into the king bed once again.
John follows you into the other bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he goes over and sits on the edge of his bed. He just takes a deep breath in there, sighing as he rubs his face.
Today went well, sure. But that doesn’t exactly change anything between the two of you just yet.
You sit on John's lap, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist. It was just natural.
John just exhales. Your warmth against his chest helped him to feel at ease for a moment.
"Nadia is gorgeous." You sigh. "You didn't tell me that part."
John chuckles softly. "Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
"How can I not be?"
John rubs his thumb over the top of your thigh. "She's my past, love... We don't have... We've never had what you and I have."
You look at him, meeting his eyes. You try to find even a tiny hint of dishonestly.
That makes the next part harder.
“I don’t understand how you could have done that to them.” You start slowly. “The man I married isn’t a man that would just abandon his family for some random girl at a bar.”
You could feel John tense at your words. You stand up off of his lap now, pacing the room a bit.
“I didn’t abandon them-“
“You left your wife and child in a different country. What would you call that?” You retort.
“You don’t understand how things were between Nadia and I before I met you.” John insists. “It’s not like I left a happy marriage.”
“You still left your child.” You shake your head. “If you visit fucking Italy right now and meet a younger woman, would you leave Gabe and Linnie back in the states and only see them once a month? I always thought, ‘maybe John and I aren’t a good match, but at least he’s a good dad’… But I don’t know if I believe that anymore.”
“I’m a damn good dad. To all of them.” John defends himself through gritted teeth.
“You’ve been lying to my kids their whole lives!”
“Your kids?” John quirked an eyebrow at that.
“My kids.” You double down, arms crossed.
“I don’t wanna fight.” John sighs finally, rubbing his eyes. “Can we talk about this in the morning?”
“Fine.” You exit the room, going back to where the kids slept, leaving John alone.
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loveydovey-leviathan · 11 months
(for your recent post)
hmmm how about mal and reader were having an argument or sumn then he's like " hmph let's not talk to each other for now >:( " so you grant him some space/or silent treatment and mal is like dramatically waiting for u to talk to him for HOURS in his room just brooding there and when he realize you're still ignoring him, he's like a pathetic sad wet cat needy for ur attention now bcs he couldn't stand being apart from u.
im sorry for the basic ass idea lol 😭 im just a sucker for silent treatment scenarios like this
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malleus x gn! reader
a/n: written as romantic -> FOAMING AT THE MOUTH, IM A SUCKER FOR THESE TOO 😔😔 hope i did this justice
one of the many things malleus adores about you is your stubbornness. the way you don't back down against what you think is wrong is something that will always set him ablaze with admiration for you.
though he doesn't quite like it when that pride is directed at him.
he's realizing this now when scornful words are spat between the two of you in the living room of ramshackle. clouds and lighting are beginning to gather as a response to his irritation and annoyance. he doesn't even know what this silly argument was even about or why it started in the first place, and unfortunately, malleus can be just as stubborn as can be.
"since you insist on being childish, i think it's best for us to not talk for a while," he isn't even looking at you as he says this, so when he disappears into pretty green firelights, he misses the hurt expression on your face as he leaves.
this is stupid, you think, but you bite your lip in worry as you walk upstairs and lay in bed, grim beside you snoring away. you said things you didn't mean so perhaps it's best to give him space, though how long that will go on is unknown to you since your lovely dragon is a fae with a rather skewed perception of time... whatever, he knows where to find you as soon as he decides he's comfortable enough to talk this out.
unbeknownst to you, malleus is now brooding in his room, lying face down on his pillow. the clouds around nrc have gotten worse, static brushing against the air as he waits for a phone call from you. preferably a sincere apology since he obviously deserves it after the things you've said.
well, he supposes it wasn't entirely your fault. he uttered words all to anger you as you did him, though none of them were true. you weren't childish, the opposite in fact-- having to take care of that first-year duo and that cat you're always hanging out with, taking precious time away when you could be stroking his hair and kissing his hands and petting his horns. as you do.
that's another thing he likes about you. even if you don't spend as much time together as he'd like, what you do to him is more than enough to compensate. you know he likes being kissed on the neck, you know he loves it when you take of his gloves and hold his hands, you know he loves when you lightly blow on his ear. you always look so happy when you do it too-- like seeing him smile makes you-
wait, isn't he supposed to be angry at you? he humphs and pouts when he realizes you still haven't called. he turns his head, eyebrows crossed and he stares at the phone on his desk. the only reason he learned how to use a phone was so you could contact him and send him texts and "memes" like you do with the rest of your friends.
he considers going to you himself but immediately shoves the idea away. he's still mad at you after all.
the clouds start pouring rain.
it isn't even the raging, storming kind-- the ones with howling winds and thunderous claps of lightning that illuminate the very sky. it's sad and cold that heavily drops on your already straining roof. your dampened mood worsens and you decide to get out of bed and make a hot drink to help you sleep.
you briefly glance at the alarm on your bedside table and see that it's 2:31 a.m., way too early to do anything at all.
just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear 3 heavy knocks at the front door. any normal person would panic and call a friend for help, but your friends ace are usually the ones getting kicked out, so you figure something similar happened.
imagine your surprise when you see your boyfriend in all his 202 cm glory. his hair sticks to his face in an unfairly handsome way considering he's absolutely soaked, and somehow the look accentuates the pretty green hue of his eyes that have only ever looked at you like you were everything and more, even when he's angry at you.
...did he walk here?
you continue staring at him for a while and your realize that while your lover is incredibly beautiful- so much so the word beautiful could never begin to describe him- he is also very. pathetic. if only people knew how much of a wet cat he was. he even bumps his nose against yours as an act of affection sometimes.
and that fact is ever prominent right now. his arms are crosses and his lips are jutted in a cute pout, refusing to say a word.
you don't know what to do exactly, considering there isn't a manual for 'what to do when your draconic boyfriend stands outside your front door in the soaking rain while he remains completely silent', so you slowly turn and walk through ramshackle's living room and into your dainty little kitchen.
heavy footsteps follow close behind you, followed by a light thud of a closing door and the muffling of the rain. malleus continues to follow you when you boil enough water for two, when you take out your tea bags (gifted by kalim) and seep it into the water. you take the occasional glance here and there, wondering if you should speak before ultimately deciding against it. maybe he doesn't want to talk right now.
he sits closely next to you- so close your knees touch when you rest yourself on one of the seats against the table. your fingertips briefly touch when you pass him the newly brewed tea and it's almost like he wants to reach out to hold your hand, but he pulls away at the last second.
from there, you sit in silence. the heat of the mug spreads from your cold fingertips and you warm up as you drink your tea. already, your becoming tired. you look at mal once more and he still has that adorable pout on his face, but his eyebrows aren't as furrowed as before. usually, you'd gladly offer a cuddle during a rainy night, but tonight's been strange.
so when you try to leave your seat, a hand suddenly stops you. it's the first time he's looked you in the eyes the entire night and good god it's cute, lame and pitiful all at the same time. truly, a stray kitty in a box out in the rain begging for attention. his eyes look up at you in the saddest way possible and you swear you see a wet sheen-- and that damn pout that's going to be the fucking death of you one day is still there.
"i'm sorry," he mutters, and he shifts from one hand holding yours to two. "i can't stand being apart from you." the apology is blunt, honest and sincere, just like him.
you gently lift the hand he wasn't holding to his cheek and he nuzzles into it, closing his eyes as he enjoys your petting. something deep rumbles in his chest and you realize he's purring again.
"m' sorry too, mal. shouldn't have said what i said."
almost immediately, the heavy rain lessens before quickly coming to a stop. there's a smile on his face and the all-too-familiar, tell-tale blush on his cheeks. you place your finger under his chin and tilt his head before kissing him softly. he's dormant and still, like he's afraid of breaking this moment, but he tightens his grip on your hand like he's afraid you'll leave.
malleus chases your lips in hopes for more when you pull away all too soon. he's staring at you with a look as sweet and delicate as spun sugar.
"let's go to bed, mal."
he chuckles like he always does. "if you insist, my love." like he wasn't waiting, hoping you ask him.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 months
idk if you know that burrito blanket meme but perhaps a request for cold weather and toasty blankets?? wrapping up mikey in a blanket like a burrito and fucking him that way so he cant get away or move his limbs??
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Author's Note: I think I know exactly what you're talking about, anon. Or maybe it's a similar meme lol. The one I saw goes like: "Sad sushi -> roll sushi in blanket -> place sushi roll on couch -> dick that sushi nice and hard! -> happy lil sushi roll!"
Pairings: Mikey x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Mikey, bondage technically LOL, creampie, whiny/childish Mikey
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“Y/n it's sooo cooold!!” Mikey groaned for what seemed like the millionth time today. He did this every single time you had to stop cuddling. Bathroom break? Mikey complains. Go grab a snack/drink? Mikey whines. Fetch another blanket since it's “freezing”? Mikey holds onto your arm so that you can't walk away
“C'mon, cuddle with me!”
You pinched the bridge of your nose before turning around to face him again. “Mikey I need to pee. It only takes me like, two minutes. Not even.”
“What if I freeze to death before you get back!” Ok now he is really being dramatic...
“You're not gonna freeze, Mikey. I'll be right back.” As you shut the door to the bathroom you could hear the exaggerated moans and groans of your partner. Whining into the couch cushion like a child. If he was really so cold, then you'll find a way to keep him nice and toasty
As soon as you finish up in the bathroom, you dash over to the closet and pull out another blanket, bringing it back to the living room in a huff. Mikey looks up at you with outstretched arms, silently begging for more cuddles. Instead you make him stand up so that you can wrap the blanket around him — effectively turning your boyfriend into a warm burrito
“Heeeyy!! Y/n, how am I supposed to cuddle with you now?” He whined, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Your response was pushing his fluffy self back onto the couch, pulling his pants and underwear down in one swift motion
“Y-y/n—?!” Mikey gulped, getting pulled by his thighs so that his legs now rested on either side of your waist
A glare silenced the boy rather quickly. Shrinking down in his little cocoon while you explained, “If you wanna be whiny I'm going to fuck you until you're too stupid to speak, understand?” You said with no real malice, simply a warning for Mikey not to push your buttons too much
Mikey whimpered but nodded nonetheless. Watching as you spit on your cock and stroked yourself a little. He knew exactly what was coming next— a familiar pang of pain hit his nerves when you pressed the tip of your dick inside of him. Pushing past the rim a little at a time
Another glob of spit fell onto his entrance and your tip, acting as shoddy lube. The burning stretch caused Mikey to wince, scrunching his face up as you filled him halfway. You shushed him, gently caressing his tensed thighs and petting his hair as you allowed him to adjust some more
Shallow thrusts helped him get used to your size, eventually leading into full on slamming into Mikey's hole like he was nothing more than a fleshlight. Deep and hard. Using his current burrito state as a means to dick him down as hard as you could; surely bruising his poor thighs
“Fffuck– Gonna cum, Mikey—!! ” You groaned, an iron grip around his little legs. “Gonna fill you with somethin' nice and warm, babe~ ” Gazing down at your baby boy's fucked out expression is what tipped you over the edge — cumming with a choked moan
When you eventually pulled out, some of your cum dribbled out and down Mikey's ass, eliciting adorable sounds from him. Maybe while he's stuck like this you'll fill him a little more? Keep him warm and cozy with your cum bloating his tummy
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