#since I couldn't get myself to just hold up a camera in their faces rather than joining in on the clapping
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tyttetardis · 5 months ago
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Finally managed to record a bit of David at curtain call 😍
Brilliant seeing this incredible production once again - and getting to see what's different and what isn't 🥹🥰
(Please don't repost ☺️)
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nevereverthem · 11 months ago
Imagine after sending Ms. Cuddles away that Bonnie developed insomnia which eventually led to Kai becoming Mr. Cuddles 🥰
Given the moment this happens, I couldn't get myself to make her lose sleep and end up in Kai's arms as if they didn't mutually stabbed each other not so long ago. Since I kind of try to stick to how the character was written.... before the merge, he doesn't show much empathetic pretty feelings.
So here's my version, with a little twist.
PS : I intended it to be quite short but got carried away. I ended up talking about numerous things before getting to the point, but I hope you'll still enjoy the story.
May 10th 1994, prison world.
An eclipse. Kai Parker. Bonnie Bennett.
She was chanting a spell that would bring them back to their world.... It stopped abruptly. She's lost her magic. In fact, she's just put her magic in her beloved Miss Cuddles, sending the teddy bear to the 2010's.
Kai's cry resonated through the cave. He walk-rushed right to Bonnie.
_ Where's the stupid bear ?
_ Oh, it's gone. I guess we're stuck here. Forever.
She holds his gaze, whispering.
_ Sorry.
He inhales loudly, an incredulous laugh escaping his mouth.
_ Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie.... You'll regret this.
His psycho smile's been replaced by a menacing expression.
_ I don't think so.
She seems confident, despite being aware of the fact she's locked herself up with a killer. She couldn't let him out of this prison, in the present, murdering more members of his family.
_ You lost your powers. You've doomed us to be stuck here for damn eternity ! You think you had it bad during four months ? Try eighteen years. Alone. 'Cause, I suppose you don't fancy a truce with the enemy around a nice diner.
_ I'd rather die starved and dehydrated under the burning sun than spend one more day with you around.
He huffs in response.
_ Right.... You'll want me back. Somehow. When you've gone insane from the loneliness. No sounds at all, except from yours. Tired of your own voice, you'd rather punch your face than to hear one more syllable come out of your mouth. When you're on the verge of suicide, with no escape from your own mind.... When all of your being craves the only thing left, human company....
He slides a hand in his pocket, pulling out his pager.
_ Beep me ! 555hikai. I'll come and watch the show.
The last thing Bonnie sees is Kai's sadistic grin growing on his face. Then she turns her back, determined to get as far away from him as possible.
The witch spends several more months in this prison world, going through the routine she had with Damon, now on her own. It seems like Kai didn't bother following her to haunt her days. She's stopped being useful to him after all.
At first she's holding on, hoping Damon got the teddy bear. Her friends will find a way, they'll come and get her out of here. She's counting on them, as they counted on her so many times. She concentrates her thoughts on happy memories with her friends. She counts the days to keep tract of the real time. When supposed-Christmas season comes, she even decorates a tree with garlands and christmas bulbs. Shortly after, she's hit by a wave of angry desperation and burns the tree. Who does she fake happiness for ?
A few more months later, it all becomes unbearable. It's her birthday. She's still in that hellhole. Alone. She's read every book she could find, searched every mystical object. Nothing. No way out. She's been stuck in this place for nearly a year now and she's had enough.
In a last celebration, she finally decides to open the bottle of bourbon Damon and her had made a pact on. After drinking three quarter of the bottle, she walks to the garage, closing the outside door. She starts the car so the carbon monoxide begins filling the room. Then, she slumps down the floor, back against the vehicle.
A camera in hands, she presses the recording button and starts talking.
_ I'm Bonnie Bennett, locked in a time loop in 1994. Elena, Damon, whoever.... Hi. If you find that video, it means you've managed your way in. It means you didnt give up on me....
Tears start gathering in her eyes.
_ I miss you. I miss you so much.... I miss saying hi to strangers, ordering diner in a restaurant, laughing with my friends. Every day with no one to talk to. Going weeks without speaking. The loneliness....
She bumps her head onto the car behind, crying....
_ I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... I can't.... I promise I tried....
Her sobbing turns into a cough.
_ You know, Kai told me I wouldn't last long. I almost miss him.
She chuckles at her own statement, tears running down her cheeks.
_ You hear that Damon ? I miss that sociopathic murderer. Not that I'd ever forgive his manipulation, the arrow shoot, the chasing, the manhandling.... but I'd settle for a talk. He's the only human left here, wherever he might be. It'd be a hell of a last talk but...
She pauses a second, pondering.
_ I can't let him win. I'm stronger. I know I am.
She immediately stops the video, forcing her body to rise. She stumbles. The gaz has filled her lungs, making her weak. She can't stop coughing, vision blurred. She falls to the floor, desperate to crawl outside....
Suddenly, she hears a door slam open, someone walking in her direction.... Kai !
She makes an effort to look up at him.
He's standing right beside the switch of the garage's door, holding an oxygen mask before his face. He seems.... pained ?
_ You didn't beep me.
Right before she falls into unconsciousness, the door opens, filling the room with fresh air. The last thing she sees is an arm lifting her up the floor and an oxygen mask crashing on her face.
It's strange in here. All's kinda blurry, green-ish. She doesn't recognise the place she's in.
Two children appear in front of her, coming in her direction. Before she can realise, they both pass through her body before running away.
She's a ghost. Great ! She exhales in exasperation.
She hears knocking behind her. Turning around, she sees a woman opening a door.
_ Malachai ?
Mala.... Kai ?
Bonnie urges to the room. Nobody can see her anyway. She's faced with an unexpected picture.
A little boy's sitting on his bed, brow furrowed, a sad expression on his face.
_ You hate me !
_ No, no my love, I don't hate you.
That's his mother.
_ I already told you. It's safer that way.
_ I just wanna play with my sister.
_ You can't. We don't want you to harm her.
She's stern but soft at the same time. The boy's pleading.
_ I won't ! Please !
_ Malachai, no.
He starts sobbing, tears threatening to run down his face.
He extends his arms, reaching for a hug. The woman cries in pain. It's only a second, but it's enough to hurt her. The moment he hears her pain, young Kai removes his hands, horrified.
_ Mom ?
_ It's okay.
It's faint, but she smiles at him.
Loud stomps are heard in the stairs, the face of a man appearing in the door frame. His father.
The man doesn't say anything. He comes inside the room, wraps his arms around his wife, and carries her outside.
Just before he leaves, he glares at his son, a warning look on his face. Then, he closes the door, the lock clicks. The boy's alone.
He freezes a moment, holding back his tears.
Bonnie stays there, observing him. She can't recognise the emotionless murderer she knows in that little boy standing here, petrified from his own action.
Her train of thoughts is interrupted by shouting coming from downstairs. Little Kai slowly walks to the door, putting his head on the wood, an attempt at eavesdropping. The witch imitates him.
_ See what he did to you ?
_ He didn't mean to.
_ Of course ! Like he didn't mean to siphon his sister last week !
_ He just wanted to play....
_ We almost lost her ! That power, that thing, it kills people ! It's an abomination !
_ I know !.... But he's still our son.
The boy can't hold back anymore, he breaks down, falling to his knees by the door. A flow of tears escapes his eyes, running down to his neck, staining his shirt.
_ Kai....
Bonnie raises a hand, reaching for his cheek. Her hand disappears the moment she touches his skin, sinking through his body. She can't touch anything. Despite facing the man he became, manipulative and vengeful, she can't help but want to wipe away the tears of his younger self....
All of a sudden, the image of the boy fades. It's replaced by short fragments of discussions, people....
She sees it all pass before her eyes. The family reject, locked in his room countless times. The accidental siphonings. The pain. The addiction. The help he never get, learning by himself. Hurt turning into rage. Emotions buried away. Finally d-day. Merge refused. The snap. The killings. The banishment. Flashes of his months trying to find a way out of the prison world. His desperation. The moments he broke everything around him, punching his reflection in the mirror.... Then, all his attempted suicides. As she had just tried. The thing is, he succeeded. He actually did die. Each time. Coming back to life. Each time. Trying to kill himself for years. She saw all those times, all the suicides. Stabbing himself with a knife, throwing himself off a cliff, painkillers overdose, numerous unknown needle injections, shooting an arrow at himself, cutting his arms open with a kitchen knife, car crash, real guillotine in a museum.... She felt them all. She felt them in her body. Excruciating pain, vengeance desire, hurt, rage, fellings, despair.... Then nothing. Void. Just that feeling. They're going to suffer as much as I did.
Bonnie snaps awake, gasping, jerking in a sitting position. She's panting, trying to catch her own breath.
She looks around. It's the Salvatore house. She's sitting on the couch next to the fireplace. She's actually sitting across someone's lap....
_ Kai !
Eyes wide, she abruptly pushes herself off of him, hands on his chest. Parts of the nightmare she just had make their way through her mind. She freezes, still too stunned to move away. Kai has an arm lazily rested around her waist, a blanket covering them both.
The man hears someone calling his name through his sleep. His eyelids open, watery from a troubled nap. He notices the eyes piercing through his own.
_ Hi ! Awake ?
The witch seems disoriented, wearing a traumatized look on her face. Kai's voice sounds too casual for the position they're in.
_ Oh, yeah, hum.... When I carried you out of the garage and took you here, you started to get all sweaty and cold. The fire and the blanket didn't help. So I figured.... the whole 'body heat' thing.... Well.
Bonnie doesn't respond. She doesn't move either. Kai waves a hand before her face. She doesn't even flinch. Given her lack of responsiveness, the man extends a leg in an attempt at walking away.
She stops him. A hand on his shoulder.
_ That was yours, right ?
The man gives her a confused look.
_ What ?
_ The nightmare... It was yours.
Now, that's his mouth whose's shut.
_ Kai ? Is this all true ? Or did you manage to feed me false visions ?
His expression's petrified, angry-sad-ish ?
_ How ? You don't have your magic back. I would have felt it. How did you-
_ I take that as a yes.
She doesn't know how it happened, how it's even possible. She must have felt him in her sleep and got into his head. She's not supposed to have her magic back. She's doesn't. But she somehow was able to get through him. All of him.
It surely doesn't feel like he's down to have that conversation. And she clearly needs time to process all she's just witnessed in her sleep. But there's one thing bugging her now. It just popped in her head. She was able to get inside his mind because she's here, alive, thanks to him....
_ How did you know I was in the garage ?
The question is enough to get the man out of his thoughts. He's expression's back to 'normal'.
_ I was watching over you.
_ You were... how ? There's nothing here you can get magic from.
A guilty smile grows on his face.
_ Hiding in a house doesn't require a cloaking spell.
The witch's dumbfounded, her mouth opening in an 'o'. She's also kind of impressed by his discreteness, and a tiny bit scared.
_ Stalker much ?
He fake-gasps, being falsy offended.
_ That stalker just saved your life !
_ Why ? You couldn't just 'enjoy the show' ?
Her quoting him after all these months sort of gives him an ego boost.
_ First, you didn't beep me, meaning you didn't know I was there, so that's no fun. Secondly, dying on your birthday ? Even I know it's pathetic. And exhaust poisoning.... Seriously ?
_ You tried it too. I saw it.
How does she.... Right, 'the nightmare'.
_ For the record, it wasn't on my first attempt.
They suddenly both fall silent. His smile fades, her expression darkens. Even though they're discussing the situation, the touchy subject of suicide affects them both too much to keep arguing.
Also, Kai doesn't know how much she saw and he's certainly not letting himself be vulnerable by slipping out information she doesn't already have.
Despite being physically close at this moment and having an oddly casual conversation with him, Bonnie is far from feeling safe. She wraps her arms around herself.
_ Are you here to kill me ?
Kai chuckles, brows furrowed, mocking her.
_ After I stopped you from doing it yourself ? That would be so evil !.... I like the way you think.
His amused grin reappear on his face. The familiarity of his expression nears reassurance. He adds.
_ I'm not here to kill you. I weirdly got used to 'not harming you'.
She huffs in response, eyeing him incredulously.
_ That's progress.
He can look as sincere as he wants, the witch isn't fooled by his words.
_ You wanted to stay close in case I ever happen to find a way out, am I right ?
_ Guilty ! But I got myself useful. I stopped you from.... You know.
Here we go again... She shakes her head, pushing the thought away.
_ Why ? We have no way out. I'm not getting my magic back.
He shrugs, terrifyingly soft in his words.
_ I still want the company.
_ The company ?
Now she's mad.
_ You shot me with and arrow !
_ You killed me with a pickaxe.
_ You murdered your siblings !
_ You....
He stops. He doesn't feel any remorse, he believes they deserved it. But he can't deny what he's done, nor can he form any excuse she would accept.
_ You know you wouldn't have popped out again like me, right ?
Change of subject ? She wants to argue and force him to explain himself, somehow. That's when she remembers the dream, the memories.... She gives in, answering the question.
_ That was the whole point....
_ Don't do that again. Please.
_ You're concerned about me now ?
He exhales, a stupid look back on his face.
_ Look, I was kinda hoping you would get up and walk out by yourself. You were about to, but then you tripped and that was it.... I couldn't let you die. I mean, if I can't get out of here, I'd rather not lose my main entertainment.
She rolls her eyes at the ceiling. That sounds more like him.
After so much unusual conversation, the witch's mouth feels dry, eyes tired, a crushing headache making its appearance. She closes her eyes, hand on her forehead. Kai notices her discomfort.
_ Hangover ?
_ Ya think ?
He nods in understanding.
_ You drank more than half the bottle of bourbon. By the way, what's their thing with bourbon ? That's, ugh !
He wears a disgusted expression, making a giggle escape from the witch's lips.
_ At least, that knocked me out. I haven't had a good night's sleep for ages.
_ I know.
His statement came out a bit too fast. He's nowhere near shy of a person but the lack of restraint in his talk leaves him with an apologetic look.
_ Did you watch me sleep ?
The accusing tone in her voice is flagrant.
_ Oh, no. Please !.... Okay once ! I was intrigued.
He is unbelievable. She's not surprised, but she'd hopped to have a little intimacy. She doesn't want to think about what else he might have seen. She's not going to ask. Ever.
She blinks a couple of times, trying to block any invasive thought about a certain man spying on a naked Bennett witch....
_ Miss Cuddles.
_ What ?
_ I've had trouble sleeping since I don't have her with me....
_ Whose fault is that ?
He's the one accusing this time.
_ I had my reasons.
Silence. He doesn't bother. The witch's mouth opens wide, letting out a loud yawn.
_ Tired ?
She only nods, slowly shifting towards the man, putting her head back on his chest.
Kai flinches at her movements.
_ What are you doing ?
_ Getting back to sleep.
_ On me ?
_ Yep.
Direct answer, as if there was no problem with that. The man frowns in confusion.
_ I may be a sociopathic murderer, Bon....
She notices him quoting what she's said recording her video a few hours ago.
_ ....but I'm clever enough to know I'm the last person you'd like to willingly cuddle with.
She steps back, looking straight in his eyes.
_ You're right. You're a bad person craving for touch, and I'm desperate. Win-win.
Her blunt logic hits something inside of him.
_ You think that low of me ?
_ Didn't show me much better.
_ Fair enough.
In a silent agreement, she places her head back on his chest, Kai's arms wrapped around her waist in a shy embrace.
_ And from what I've seen, I'm not the only one who could use a hug.
He wants to argue, but then remembers.... She knows. She saw him. Little Kai. 'Right where it hurts', he thinks.
_ Does that mean I've become your new teddy bear ? Am I the brand new Mister Cuddles ?
His voice sounds so excited it's endearing. Bonnie looks up at him. He winks, offering her a stupid grin, which hides much more. She has proof now.
_ Shut up.
She lowers her head, eyes closed.
_ If you promise not to invade my head again.
_ I'll try.
It may be a mistake, a bold move, a dumb experience, call this what you want, but she needs it. Wether it'd be a friend, a complete stranger, or an enemy.... She needs it. Human touch. She's got no magic to be sucked. It's 'safe'. For now....
A few minutes later, she's already fallen asleep.
Kai's watching her, sleeping in his arms, chest heaving at each intake of breath. He thinks about planting a kiss on top of her head, but it's not worth the risk. He doesn't remember the last time he got to hold someone, or the last time someone volunteered to hold him. He's thrown his feelings away a long time ago, but he would be lying if he'd say this didn't make his heart beat faster....
The End.
Words : 3k ~ how on earth ? When I said I got carried away. 🙄
That took fricking long to write !!
I don't even know if it actually respects the request. >< Sorry ?
Next time, say it if you want me to change Kai's personality a bit. If you want him to have more feelings than in the actual TV show, especially before the merge.
Don't hesitate to tell me your impressions.
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
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drvirgus · 1 year ago
The life you dreamed of
Description: Y/n a K-pop Idol of the 5-Member Group Moonlight. But what happens when she falls in Love? How exactly is her life as an Idol and why did she become one?
Idol! Yeji X Idol! Reader
Warnings: Mention of Bullying and Suicide, curse words
Chapter 6:
Yeji POV
Weeks had passed since our time in Japan with the rest of Itzy. During this period, Y/n and I had grown closer, forging a bond that felt stronger and more stable, at least from my perspective. What the 21-year-old Y/n didn't know, however, was that my feelings toward her were quite different. Every now and then, fleeting thoughts crossed my mind about how cute Y/n was, but I couldn't muster the courage to go beyond that.
There were simply too many other things demanding my attention. Itzy had made a comeback, and our schedule was packed with concerts, events, and commitments. I convinced myself that I didn't have the time to dwell on my feelings for Y/n. Yet, her smile remained a constant presence in my thoughts.
Things took an unexpected turn when I found myself standing before Moonbyul from Mamamoo. We were collaborating to promote the songs "Cake" and "Dang Dang." Moonbyul caught me off guard by asking for my number and extending her hand. I couldn't help but laugh nervously as I shook her hand, feeling that Y/n would kill me if she ever saw this video.
After the promotion, when the camera was off, Moonbyul and I had some time to talk. She invited me for coffee, and we sat down together.
Moonbyul had her phone in her hand, which piqued my curiosity. "Is that Solar-sunbaenim?" I asked, causing her to look up. Y/n had never stopped talking about Mamamoo, and she was convinced that Moonbyul and Solar were in a relationship. That's probably why I asked about Solar.
Moonbyul smiled and placed her phone, face down, on the table. She took a sip of her coffee, and I followed suit. I blushed when I realized Moonbyul hadn't answered my question. "Sorry. Y/n is a fan of yours, and she's convinced that you two... you know," I explained, feeling my cheeks grow even rosier.
Moonbyul observed me with a softened expression. "Y/n?" she asked, causing me to blush even more. My smile grew broader, and I nodded vigorously. "Yes, Y/n from Moonlight," I replied, my excitement evident. Moonbyul's chuckle made me blush even deeper, and she leaned in slightly, saying, "Solar and I are together."
Those words left me breathless, and I blushed even deeper. Moonbyul giggled at my reaction. "Your girlfriend has good taste," she added, making me turn an even darker shade of red. Embarrassed, I lowered my shoulders and tried to hide my reaction. My heart raced, and I bit my lip. "M-My girlfriend?" I stammered, looking at Moonbyul.
Moonbyul laughed heartily, revealing her teeth in a wide grin. "I get it, Yeji-ah," Moonbyul said, making me laugh as well. I shook my head in disbelief and raised my hands defensively. "We're not together. She likes Ryujin, my member," I explained with a sigh, feeling relieved.
Suddenly, my phone vibrated, and I apologized as I checked my messages. A smile spread across my face as I saw a message from my crush. I clicked on the message, which led me to our chat. I immediately noticed a sticker with my own face on it, and I looked rather annoyed.
Y/n (10:13): Traitor!
My eyes widened, and I cast a quick look around. They narrowed when I spotted Yuna, holding a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. Returning my attention to my phone, another message popped up.
Y/n (10:14): 😭😠😠😤😭😭🫨🫨
Y/n (10:14): Traitor!!!
I huffed, and Moonbyul smiled faintly. "Y/n?" Moonbyul inquired, and my eyes widened once again. Moonbyul chuckled softly. "You're pretty obvious. Just don't let your fans find out," Moonbyul sighed. My brow furrowed as I glanced at Moonbyul, almost forgetting about the messages.
"After all, we're still in Korea," the older woman explained, and I nodded knowingly. I looked back down at my phone as another message arrived. Moonbyul also glanced at her phone now, her curiosity evident in her eyes. "Jealous?" Moonbyul asked, prompting me to laugh.
"Yes, but of me," I replied. "If she could, I think she'd come here just to meet you," I added with a light laugh.
Y/n (10:16): Whoa... Now she's even ghosting me😶😶🫡
Y/n (10:16): 🖕🖕🖕🖕
Y/n (10:18): Do you know the song F.F.F by Bebe Rexha?🫥
Baffled by the last message, I opened my phone's web browser and entered the song's name in the search bar. A moment later, I burst into laughter. Moonbyul, witnessing all of this, joined in the laughter. My face lit up, making Moonbyul smile gently. "She has a sense of humor," the older woman remarked, earning a nod from me.
My thoughts and words increasingly centered around Y/n, even without my conscious awareness. I couldn't stop talking about her. Moonbyul listened intently. It wasn't often that she was asked about love. However, she had been in the same position as me before and could speak from experience.
at least i hoped so....
"People... I'm really bored," I sighed as I glanced at my phone. I had started a live stream a few minutes ago, at least doing something to pass the time. I sighed once more, "Yeji is cheating on me right now, and the rest of Itzy is busy. Haewon, Yuna, and Hanni are who knows where, and Yunjin is at the gym," I said, rolling my eyes.
"What should we do now?" I asked as I stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. My eyes also scanned the numerous comments that were spreading like wildfire in my live stream.
DanceMachineK: Y/n, you're our entertainment even when you're bored! 😂❤️
EXOticFanatic: Tell us a funny story, Y/n!
yejinniiii: How about a sneak peek of your day? Show us around!
KpopObsession: Don't worry, we're here to keep you company! 😊
SUNny: Can you sing a little for us?
sonny: Y/n, spill some tea! Any juicy gossip to share?
texasch: Let's play a quick game or trivia!
19)girl: Ask us questions, we'll keep you entertained!
itzuy: A little dance break, perhaps? 🕺💃
saboonse: We love your live streams, Y/n! Keep 'em coming!🥰🥰🥰
Humming, I glanced at the comments. "Sorry, there's no gossip here. How about a funny story? Alright, I'll tell you about the time I got lost during a music show," I said, chuckling. I settled into my gaming chair and propped my phone against the screen. I was wearing AirPods so that the viewers could hear me better.
No manager was around at the moment, which gave me the freedom to speak openly. Of course, I had to be careful not to say anything wrong.
"So, we were all at a music show, and honestly, I can't even remember which one it was. You all probably know how bad my sense of direction is. Well, I needed to use the restroom, so I ended up losing my members," I said, smiling. I gestured with my arms as I continued, "I got so lost within that venue that my members were searching for me like crazy. They found me in the dressing room of Ji-eun—oh, oops, I mean IU-sunbaenim," I said, laughing lightly.
"I had lain down on the couch there, and since I had been gaming all night before that, I fell asleep. IU-sunbaenim eventually woke me up and helped me find my members," I shared, smiling at the camera. "But, wow, when I tell it now, it doesn't sound as funny anymore... Sorry, folks," I added, feeling a bit embarrassed.
DanceMachineK: Haha, that's a hilarious story, Y/n! 😂 IU-sunbaenim must have been surprised to find you in her dressing room!
UniverseDreamer: Don't worry, Y/n! It's still funny hearing you tell it! 😄
Tboi: Your sense of direction might be bad, but your storytelling is on point! 👌
iloveYn: I can't believe you fell asleep in IU-sunbaenim's dressing room! 😂 What's your favorite IU song?
jiiin: You're such a gamer, Y/n! What games have you been playing lately?"
spongabub: I'm loving this live! Your stories are the best, Y/n! 🥰
berree: Do you have any embarrassing moments on stage you can share? 😳
1833: Y/n, you're so cute even when you're embarrassed! 😊
I chuckled slightly, "Thank you. I really love you all, Sunny," I said with a smile. I made some random mouth movements, "Oh, by the way, I've seen what Haewon does in her lives on YouTube. Why is she so funny? Especially how well she imitates her voice cracks?" I asked, laughing lightly. I licked my lips.
I grabbed my phone, "Let's cook something. I'm kinda craving pancakes, guys," I said as I made my way to the kitchen. "I'm basically a zero in cooking, so call the fire department if it starts to burn," I joked as I placed my phone on the kitchen counter.
I started tying my relatively short hair into a very short ponytail, reminiscent of Eren Yeager, an anime character. Shortly after, I prepared the batter and had to stir it multiple times. However, the kitchen already looked like a mess as I accidentally spilled flour and it scattered across the kitchen counter.
StarlightVibes: Pancakes sound amazing! I'm sure they'll turn out great. 😄🥞
KPOPFever21: Haha, don't worry, we won't call the fire department... probably. 😉 Can't wait to see your pancake skills!
BlackPinkInYourArea: hilarious! Haewon's voice cracks are legendary, though. 😂
"Cooking with Y/n is the content we all needed today! 🙌
MoonlightMelody: Eren Jäger hair vibes! Love it. 💇‍♂️
UniverseDreamer: This kitchen adventure is already epic. Can't wait to see the flour disaster unfold. 😂
My phone lit up, and I looked at the message that had been sent to me. There was a bit of flour on my nose since I had scratched it earlier, not realizing I had flour on my hands. I smiled and immediately shared with the camera, "Look who's watching my live, Yeji."
I chuckled and continued, "Yeji, are you done for the day already? As you can see, I'm making some pancakes. Come over," I said with a slight grin and waved at the camera. But then, I shook my head. "Actually, no. I'm still mad at you, you traitor," I added, laughing slightly as I pointed my index finger at the camera.
StarryNightSkye: Haha, the pancake queen is back! 🥞
PancakeLover92: Yeji, you better make up for being a traitor! 😆
FitnessFanatic99: Those pancakes look amazing! Can we have a virtual taste? 😋
ArtisticSoul22: Y/n, you're so cute even with flour on your nose! 😄❤️
TravelingNomad23: Yeji, join Y/n for some pancake therapy! 🥞😁
BookwormReader56: Can you share your pancake recipe with us, Y/n?
Itzy.all.in.us: I'm coming over, Y/n
I saw the comment and immediately smiled. I continued talking to my fans and cleaned up the kitchen a bit in the meantime. I didn't want Yunjin to get mad at me if she saw this mess. There was a knock on the door, so I grabbed my phone and headed over to open it.
I smiled as I looked at Yeji, who was already looking at me. I turned the camera around, and Yeji rested her cheek against mine, smiling at the camera. "Hey, Sunny," she said as she waved to the camera. I chuckled and let her inside. Together, we made our way to the kitchen.
"You still have flour on your nose," Yeji commented with a light laugh as she gently wiped the flour off my nose. "So, let's finally cook and eat," Yeji said as she tied her hair into a ponytail. I laughed as I placed my phone back on the counter. Yeji took charge of making the pancakes, while I simply stood by and watched.
@ShipperSupreme: Y/n and Yeji, whipping up love and pancakes in the kitchen! 🥞❤️ #Ynji
@CulinaryCupid: Sparks flying in the kitchen as Y/n and Yeji cook up some romance! 💘 #Ynji
@RyujinLover: Sorry, Ryujin, but Y/n and Yeji's cooking chemistry is undeniable! 😄 #Ynji
@YunjinAdmirer: While some ship Yunjin with Y/n, I'm here for the adorable #Ynji cooking moments! 😍
@PancakePassion: Y/n x Yeji forever! Their cooking partnership is goals! 🥞💕 #Ynji
@LoveIntheKitchen: Team #Ynji or Team #Ryeji? Either way, Y/n and Yeji's culinary adventures are heartwarming! ❤️👩‍❤️‍👩
@CouplesWhoCook: Y/n and Yeji, the dynamic duo that has us shipping all kinds of pairings! 😂❤️
@YunjinFanatic: Y/n and Yunjin would be cute, but #Ynji's cooking camaraderie is hard to resist! 🍳💖
@KitchenLoveStories: Cooking up both delicious food and love! Y/n and Yeji, you've won our hearts! 💑🍽️
@ShippersUnite: Let's sail the ships together, but Y/n and Yeji are giving us major couple vibes today! 😊💘 #Ynji
Smiling, we also bid farewell to my and Yeji's fans. The live stream was eventually ended, and my phone powered off.
Yeji and I, of course, indulged in the pancakes while we cozily watched a movie on the couch. Yeji lay on the couch and insisted on cuddling. At first, I resisted, but as time passed, I began to relax. Eventually, I even enjoyed feeling her arms around me.
It was... nice
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sidhewrites · 2 years ago
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three chapters in three days. Don't ask me how but it happened. Tag list is getting slightly longer, so I'm moving it to the bottom of the post now :)
Some of this chapter taken from the previous version of this project, but most of it is new.
Project Info
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
So I’m in the graveyard.
I’m not proud.
For the record, I did finish my ice cream first.
I hide my hair under a hood, more to keep it protected from any potential rain than to hide. I don't exactly stand out in a college town like this, with plenty of other young people of varying genders, sexualities, and hair styles. But it does help me hide a little better as I duck behind an eroded old headstone to spy.
If the team notices me, they don’t care. There’s seven people in all. Lourdes and Mick are the most recognizable as the hosts, but I can guess at everyone else's roles the director, their manager, the camera operator, the gaffer, and the sound technician. They argue about shooting schedules and locations, and whether this headstone is more photogenic than that one. Because, you know, carved rocks are really important for setting the mood.
The sound tech splits off, holding the boom mic this way and that with a furrowed brow. After a few minutes, she returns to the team with her concerns. “Do you think the rain will come back tonight? I’m not sure how clear our sound will turn out if it does.”
“You think we’ll lose the vocals in the background noise?”
I suppress a groan, and mutter, “Literally all your vocals are background noise.” It's so easy to influence how you hear the sound just by putting a subtitle underneath. Humans search for patterns in everything, from rock formations that look like faces, to random sounds that maybe kind of a tiny bit sound like someone whispering.
A voice hissed into my ear, cold breath on my skin: "Lies."
I yelped and fell over in my scramble to escape. "Jesus shit!"
A young woman sat next to me, laughing delicately. "Sorry, sorry. You looked so focused just then, I couldn't pass up the opportunity."
I don't know how she snuck up on me with a wardrobe like that. She's not just goth, but Gothic, with full Victorian regalia. Her dress had poofy sleeves and a bustle and everything, not to mention the black veil over her long, startlingly pale face made all the paler when compared to her dark hair. It felt like she could have chosen something slightly more practical to wear when kneeling in the mud to scare innocent people who absolutely weren't planning sabotage, but she also looked really good in the getup, so who am I to judge?
Okay, yeah, that was kind of funny. Despite the residual terror, I laughed as my pulse slowly returned to normal. "Okay, yeah, fair. That's fair."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm only 80% sure you didn't scare me to death."
She nodded, and looked back over to the group, who miraculously didn't seem to care about the fact that I'd screamed just a minute ago. Granted, we're far from the only people in the graveyard, but I'm still counting myself as lucky. I got comfortable and looked over as well. The team was still discussing the pros and cons of trying to catch any background vocals, and I scoffed.
"I can't imagine they really believe that stuff.
They hear a shoe scuffing and think it’s some long-dead spirit saying, get out.”
The woman shrugs. Her long face makes a delicate, benevolent expression, and I really have to admire her dedication to the goth aesthetic. “Maybe the shoe wants them to get out.”
I snort. “Maybe.”
“They do look rather serious about it all, don’t they?”
“Serious?” I peek over the headstone again to see the camera crew discussing angles. “I guess so, yeah. They’re probably behind schedule since they're still location scouting. According to their social media, this video's supposed to go out in a week."
“Hm?” I glance over to see her looking at me. Even her eyes are dark, and I resist the urge to make comparisons to pools of water. There’s nothing poetic about two girls kneeling in the dirt behind a headstone at dusk. 
"They're making a video, you say?"
"Yep. It's the Haunted Archivists. I think they just reached two million subscribers last month."
"Ah! That makes sense." I glance over just in time to see a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Since they're already behind schedule, I think we ought to help them along, don't you think?"
"What do you mean?"
It's hard not to melt under her smile. "It's like you said. They hear a shoe scuffing and think it's a spirit trying to communicate."
It's even harder not to swoon at the idea of someone just as ready to sabotage these people as I am. I think I do a pretty good job sounding very calm and collected as I answer, "Sounds like they plan to start filming tonight."
Sure enough, the script supervisor or director or manager or whatever is hammering in the fact that call time was 10 pm, no exceptions.
"Shall we assume that's a call time for us as well?" she asks.
“You read my mind. Oh -- my name is Kaz, by the way.”
“Kaz, lovely! And you can call me Lucy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh -- you, too? You, too.” I’m not going to ask her out for coffee. I’m not. I broke up with Josie two weeks ago. Instead of saying what my brain wants to say, I manage to shrug. “I have an EMF emitter at my apartment, and probably some other tools too, if you really want to mess with them.” The emitter was Josie's. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Our schedules didn't line up for the next few days, and, even if they did, she wasn't texting me back about coming to pick up her stuff.
Lucy looks thrilled. She claps a hand over her heart and shakes her head. “Oh, we would be so wicked, wouldn’t we? Good young ladies wouldn’t dare do such things to those just trying to make entertaining documentaries, I’m sure.”
“I’m sure!”
“I hope they won't be too disappointed with a few whispered words. Most people like to see the ghosts limned in the moonlight, pale specters against the dark trees. Shall we reconvene once the moon is up?”
I stammer, realizing I’ve been staring, and nod. “Right. Yeah -- yeah, let’s do that. I’ll go get the EMF emitter and stuff. You want me to bring you a coffee?”
“Fantastic!” Lucy beams, first at me, and then out at the team once more. “I’m quite alright without one, but I’ll haunt you if you don’t come back.”
“Promise?” I say before thinking.
“I swear it on my grave.” She pats the headstone in front of us, solemn as can be, and giggles.
She’s so goth. It’s so cute, I can’t stand it. I hope she haunts me forever.
tag list:
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trueshellz · 3 years ago
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Day 19: Kuroo + dirty talk
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Previous day | MASTERLIST | Next day
Warnings: female reader, phone sex, dirty talk, masturbation (f and m solo), pet names (kitten, pretty girl, baby)
Summary: The long distance relationship struggles are real...
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A small jump as your phone rang, the noise way too loud in your empty apartment, especially since your animated and chatty boyfriend was away with the team he was managing. Glancing down at the phone as seeing his cute face on the caller ID as you picked it up, climbing on the bed just as he picked up, his voice echoing down the line.
"Hi, kitten."
"Hey Tetsu... how was the flight? Have you eaten?"
Small conversation at first, yes he had eaten, no he was not sharing a room with Bokuto, yes the flight was OK and no he hadn't forgotten to iron his shirt. You could hear the faint noise in the background, Bokuto and Hinata shouting over a match of some sort while Atsumu cheered them on, you couldn't hear Sakusa or Oliver but imagined them both glaring at their loud teammates. Kuroo's laugh echoing as he left the room, Shugo shouting in the background at the team, the voices getting quieter as you heard the door click on the other end of the phone.
"You should have stayed with your friends."
"I'd rather hear your pretty voice, kitten."
You could feel your skin heat, shuffling down under the covers as you heard him chuckle. A beep in your ear as he switched his video on, the sign for you to do the same. His chiseled body on screen, tight abs and sharp v-line leading down to, what you knew to be, a long cock. His hair messy as usual, black hair tousled as he taken off his shirt and threw it on the bed. You watched him lay on the bed and sling an arm over his head, biceps tightening as he did so.
"I still can't get used to this..."
Another chuckle, lower this time as he sent you a wink. "It's ok. Just do what you're comfortable with, ok?" Seeing you nod, he smiled again before you saw his hand disappear, a hum as you imagined his hand over his dick.
Taking a deep breath, you slipped your hand into your sleeping shorts, fingers meeting your slick folds as your legs flopped open. This happened all the time, you were embarassed at first even though you were the one who had suggested this, remembering how excited you were until you got to the deed.
"You wet already?" You nodded. "Good girl. You look so pretty baby, I miss ya so much. Fuck, baby. You got me so hard ya know that? Just have to hear you voice and literally can't stop myself, 'ts why I had to excuse myself earlier. Can't be sitting there with a hard on in front of my friends, can I?"
You huffed a laugh, remembering the last time you turned the camera on to show him your new lingerie set. A yelp leaving his mouth as he cut the phone, apologising via message and calling you later when he was alone. A groan making you smile, Kuroo had his head dropped back as he stroked himself, a small sheen of sweat on his chest as it heaved.
"Fuck, baby. You touching that little clit for me? Hmm? Bet you're so wet too, huh? Imagining your sweet pussy around my dick as you ride me, tits bouncing so pretty for me. Don't hold back, kitten. You know I love the pretty sounds you make, goes straight to my dick."
Biting your lip, you let yourself sink into the moment and talk back to him, seeing a small grin on his face as you told him how wet you were and how much you missed his fingers inside you. Yours couldn't reach deep enough like his did, back arching as you imagined his long fingers curling inside you as he finger fucked you. Forcing your eyes open as you heard him cum, a low groan from his mouth as white ropes spurted on his chest and stomach. The image making your pussy clench as you remembered how he looked over you, the same face as he held himself inside and filled you up.
"C'mon, pretty girl. Let me hear those pretty moans for me ok? Wanna hear you fall apart for me, kitten."
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missmorosis · 4 years ago
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finding their s/o asleep
-> feat. bokuto and oikawa
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genre: fluff!
word count: 650~
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would go to sleep with you!!
"Y/NNNNN!" Bokuto cheered before opening the door. He tossed the snacks he had brought onto the carpeted floor, and opened his arms for a hug, thinking you would come running towards him. He was eager to see you again, especially since he had spent the entire day without you.
Oh shoot, you were asleep. His arms fell back down to his sides, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to talk to you. This disappointment quickly morphed into happiness at how cute you were.
Bokuto couldn't help but smile at the sight of you snuggled up on the couch, your arm hanging around lazily. Your lips were parted slightly, and he had to resist the urge to give you a kiss right then and there.
From the looks of it, you were waiting for him to come back from practice, but failed to stay awake, which was something that happened often. He didn't blame you though: it was always late when he came home, and even though he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, he knew you would be tired.
A solution... he could just join in on your sleep!
Excitedly bringing over your blankets from your bedroom, he made sure there was more than enough fluffy pillows for the both of you before sneaking in next to you. He tried to be as silent and still as possible so he wouldn't wake you up.
The couch definitely wasn't big enough to hold both of you, so half of his body hung off the edge. He didn't mind, though. He slipped his arm under your head and smiled at how cute you looked. He fell asleep to the sound of your steady breaths.
You woke up on the couch, confused why you were on the couch rather than your bed. You turned to get up, but almost tripped at the sight of Bokuto sleeping on the floor beneath you, mumbling something in his sleep.
His mutters sounded suspiciously like "I love you, Y/N," and you laughed. He unconsciously gravitated towards you and your touch, and you smiled at the thought.
"I love you too, Kou."
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accidentally would wake you up while taking pictures of you JAJAJ
Oikawa's keys jingled as they unlocked your front door. He was coming home after a long, exhausting volleyball practice, and all he wanted to do was jump into your arms as he talked about his day.
"Baby, I'm home!" he sang, waiting for your smile to greet him.
No response.
"Hello?" He threw his keys onto the counter closest to him, kicked off his shoes, and went to go look for where you were.
Slowly peeking into your shared bedroom as he flicked the light on, he smiled when he spotted you, fast asleep on your desk. You were laying your head on your forearm, and your hair was flowing freely around you.
Quickly turning the light back off so you would continue to sleep, he tiptoed his way over to you. It seemed you were still doing some assignments from school, with your laptop still running and your papers messily scattered across your desk.
"We can't have you sleeping on something other than a bed..." he mumbled to himself, shaking his head. The position you were in couldn't be comfortable.
Moving slow as to not wake you, he quietly lifted you up bridal-style from your chair, and moved you to your bed. He pulled the covers over you and smiled. Wow, you were adorable.
He really couldn't resist snapping a quick picture of your relaxed, carefree-looking face. He pulled out his phone and opened up the camera.
Clicking on the button to take a picture, he cursed when it activated the flash due to how dark it was in the room. He should have turned it off of automatic, but he totally forgot.
Even worse: the flash was aimed at your eyes, because he had been taking a picture of your face. The bright light caused you to stir awake, mumbling something incoherently in frustration.
"Shh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," he said, and you sighed.
"G'night, then." You pulled the blanket higher so it would go up to your chin, and Oikawa kissed your forehead gingerly.
"Good night, Y/N."
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taglist!! (send an ask!) @floralkawa @ray-ofmoonlight
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o-pandora-o · 4 years ago
Baker MC: April Fool's Special
Baker MC strikes again! Fooling the Demon Brothers in April Fool's by their realistic cake. How would they react?
Note: I would like to apologize beforehand, some of the brothers turned out to be boring rather than funny. I will try to edit this when I have the time.
[No image was available for this]
Background: You planned this with the Anti-Lucifer squad. You hid all his pen in his room leaving a suspicious "pen" that looks like the pen he usually use. Satan put a powerful spell on the pen, removing its sweet scent to avoid the suspicion. You put a hidden camera to see his reaction.
Luci daddy came home tired from all the things he'd done in RAD.
He still have some paper works to finish, he put the paper works in the table and sat on his chair.
Ya'll saw him eyeing the "pen"
He picked up the pen and was gonna start writing until he glared at the camera and crushed the pen.
It was a chocolate and strawberry cake
He licked the strawberry (the filling of the pen) that splattered near his mouth, made a grin, glared at the camera and said "Run."
You all ran for your lives, spreading inside the House of Lamentation
Did you succeed in running : Nope
Did you three hang from the ceiling: Yes
Ya'll saw him smirk and laugh like a madman afterwards
Lucifer took a picture of you three hanging from the ceiling and sent it in the group with Diavolo.
Ofc ya'll didn't knew, you were hanging from the ceiling
Levi made it a meme and posted it on Devilgram AND gave Lucifer and Diavolo a printed copy
April Fool's to you
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Credits to: The BakeKing
It was your turn in making dinner and Mammon kept bugging you if he can help.
"No Mammon" you kept on saying but he was still bugging you.
You weren't really mad at Mammon (honestly you thought it's funny), but to make things interesting...
"I SAID NO MAMMON" you shouted at him.
"LOOK WHERE YER CUTTING HU--AAAAHHHH!!!" You cut your hand and blood was running.
"MCCCCCCCC YOUR HAND" yes I can see Mammon He screamed loud enough that it can be heard at Diavolo's castle.
Glad you two are alone in the House of Lamentation though
You were wearing a long sleeved jacket and the "cake" was your hand; it was like a lava cake, instead of chocolate it was darkened and smoothened strawberry puree.
You glared at him and blamed him
Poor boi was crying, kept apologizing, and saying the lines of "I'm sorry", "I'm so dead", and "Let's take ya to the hospital".
He shitted on his pants and kept panicking poor boi
It was hilarious tho
He was crying and you couldn't hide the laughter
"Oi! Did someone hit ya in the head? WHY ARE YA LAUGHING YER HAND WAS CU-" and he he saw that the interior of the so called "hand" was made out of strawberry and strawberry puree.
"April Fool's Mammon!" you told him as you finally reveal your real hand.
"MC! Why did ya prank me?! It wasn't a good prank! I thought you-" You shushed him while you gave him a small bag of grimm.
"Is it for me? Are ya sure ya ain't pranking me this time?"
"Yeah, now buy what you want to buy, I will just go to my room for a while" you replied.
Cue you teleporting
It was a bag full of gold-coated chocolate that looks (and is heavy) like a bag of grimm.
The next few days you see Mammon pouting and murmuring things about you.
You felt bad so you left grimm on the floor of his room every time you were near it
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Credits to: The BakeKing
On April 1st, Levi was required to go to the school for academic purposes, so you took this chance to play a lil prank on him.
When Levi was away, you hid all the items that he usually use: computer, consoles, Azuki-tan pillow, and some Ruri-chan figures.
And you took time to make realistic cake that are very similar to those you hid.
When he was almost home, you placed all the realistic cake on his room.
You were supposed to go on a raid with him when he comes home
Cue him coming home and going to his room
You visited the him in his room, panic reflecting off his face.
"Levi, is there something wrong?" you asked
"Ah, it's this computer, it doesn't open! And it seems I'm kind of making a dent on it too. It's so weirdddddd" he said
He got a bit forceful and his finger created a hole on the computer
"Eh? Cake? Mc did you do this? Lmao"
You hand him a note that says "Look for the cakes, the location of the real ones lie at the last treasured cake"
"Oh boy mc a scavenger hunt, its like the new anime I was watching 'My fiancée is a criminal mastermind that kept giving me clues to find the missing items and bodies to make myself famous' " I'm really sorry I really suck at names
So he proceeds with finding all the cakes, and he got all the real things for his room however...
" MC where is my limited edition Ruri-chan that is dressed like a succubus?"
"It's there, it was with the other Ruri-chan figures" you said as you were looking at the figures that he was holding
Turns out Mammon saw all the goods on your room, and took the chance to get one since he knows it wasn't yours.
April fool's? I guess.
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Credits to: SideSurf Cake Studio
You were helping him in his cooking duty today.
You requested that both of you make human food because apparently you "missed the taste" of the cuisine.
So you took care of the usual ingredients of the cuisine: vegetables, onion, garlic, meat and etc.
He didn't know or did he that you secretly placed realistic cake counterparts of it.
When it was cooking time, he selected the cake counterparts (this boi might be smart but you were from the human world so he thought it was correct).
He started cutting an onion, to his dismay he saw a soft chocolate interior.
"Huh? That can't be right, I believe onions should either have violet, yellowish, or whitish hue inside"
"Hmmm yeah, let me try this one" you said as you grabbed another onion and proceed to cut it
"Hm, this one is the right one, I wonder what happened to that" you said
"Hm, anyways I will proceed in cutting the rest"
Bottom-line all he cut was cake and what you cut the real one
"Satan, maybe you were cursed? All the ingredients that you touched turned into cake" you said as you were preparing to take the meal to the dining area.
"I suppose that is the case, however... "
"Hm?" you said as you were supposed to bring the meal outside.
"However I have outsmarted you MC, I knew it was you who made those realistic mini cakes" he said as he took a bite of the onion cake while grinning smugly
Smart boi #2
"I-uhhh No it was not- Hey wait a min! If you knew why did you continue to make me believe you were fooled!" you replied
"April Fool's MC~, if I didn't do that I wouldn't have  extra time to spend with you" he said as he got out patting your head
Satan, you slick son of a bish
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Credits to: Etsy
This guy is late for school
Did you plan to make him late? Yes No
Cue flashback: you ruined his beauty sleep 3 times which resulted in kicking you out of his room and made him wake up late
Well even though he is late, he would still do his morning routine without rush
Priorities ✨
You put a small camera on top of his cabinet to see his reaction
After hours of bathing he sat down to his dresser
He grabbed his toner and when he squeezed it lightly it nothing came out
"Ehhh? That's weird, I could've sworn this is the new toner I bought" he squeezed it more and the toner was destroyed revealing a squished vanilla cake
He sighed and said "MC did it again"
He tried looking and poking all of his makeup just to make sure it's not mini cakes
10/10 are all mini cakes
He saw a note that said "In the drawer lies the real make up hehe April Fool's day!"
When he came to RAD, he was already late for 4 hours
"MC when I said I wanted Makeup mini cakes, I wanted it for my birthday! Not today!"
Is disappointed at you
Will frown and pout when he pass by at you during school
Well you feel bad at pranking him so you treat him at an exclusive spa
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Credits to: The Custom Cake Shop
I mean Bell eats everything, so is there even use?
Beel had the whole day working out
Since he didn't have much money (not that you persuaded him to bring less, no-) his only option is to go home and eat
During the time he was working out, you made different flavored cakes and pastries into dishes. You made a ton of (chocolate-strawberry cake into) cheeseburger, (cheesecake) devildom sushi, cake turned into slushy (the container can be eaten too), plates can also be eaten, etc.
Well you made Beel drool, he didn't waste time so he sat down and took a bite of the cheeseburger
He was slightly shocked because it was sweet rather than savory
But that didn't stop his hunger
It was about 10 mins till he finished what you have created in 12 hours (and more)
"MC all you made was really delicious, now I want something salty to eat...Let's eat dinner!" he said as he dragged you to eat
April fools to you
After that whenever you gave him something to eat/drink (like a glass of slushy or something) he would try to also eat the container
Poor kitchenware and Luci's budget
[No image was available for this]
This boi knows
Smartboi #3
You gave him a pillow that is the same as the pillow he usually carries
He didn't really say anything about it, but he knows for a fact that it is cake
He slept on it
Your hard work in making it realistic,, he slept on it
You came back to his room and you wait for him to wake up
"Mcccccc, this is so fluffy like my favorite pillowww, but it's not really a good way to prank someone, but on the other hand it's really convenient...."he said as he yawns and signals you to come to his bed
He took a bite of the errrr pillow and said" This is really good, like the last time you made a toilet paper, but you know what else is good?"
My love for you jk
" Hm?" you replied
" This!" he said as he began tickling your sides
You fight him back and tickle his sides when you had the chance
It ended of as you two were panting and laughing in bed
Poor cake pillow forgotten
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 4 years ago
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I’ve seen other people do this so I’m going to share one of my short stories from my Dramione Imagines book (on Wattpad and FF.net) I hope you enjoy! Also this is not my image, it helped create the inspiration for this imagine though!
After All This Time?
He knew what day it was, of course he did. Firstly, it was all anyone would talk about and secondly, he couldn't get it out of his mind. He told himself to just forget about it and go on with his life instead of moping about but he couldn't help it.
You see, today was the day the girl he loves is getting married.
And no, not to him.
Draco Malfoy paced the floor, how could he have gotten himself into this mess in the first place? How could he have fallen in love with Hermione Granger of all people? And even worse than that, they let each other go. Both too afraid to take the risk and admit their feelings so they drifted apart, trying to bury it inside them.
Draco knew today was his last chance, but what chance was there? A small fraction but with a bigger possibility of losing her in every way, rather than one, forever. Even if she had loved him, did she still? He found that hard to believe since she was getting married, to Ron Weasley of course.
Hermione and Draco had started getting close a few months after graduating Hogwarts, he had gone out of his way to apologize to everyone he had bullied in his school years. After that they kept bumping into each other, they quickly found they had much in common and before he knew it, he was falling in love with her. Hermione and Ron were "on a break" for awhile so one night Draco almost kissed her, only for her to subtly reject him and inform him that her and Ron were back together.
Though Draco couldn't help but notice the regret in her eyes. After that, neither had the courage to meet up again.
Knock knock knock
His heart pounded, it couldn't be her...could it?
Thoughts swarmed through his head. What if it was her? What would he do? Draco wasn't sure. It wasn't whoever it was knocked again that he realized he hadn't even moved.
The blond walked to the door of his flat and opened the door slowly.
"Jeez, Drake, what took you so long? Been waiting out here for ages," Blaise Zabini said letting himself in.
"Oh," Draco said plainly, "good to see you too, Zabini."
"What's with the tone? Too disappointed that I'm not a certain bride to be?" Blaise said from the couch. Draco turned to look at him quickly, he's never told Blaise about him and Hermione. How did he know? Blaise just smirked, "ha! I knew it! You still fancy the know-it-all!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about.." Draco said unconvincingly. Blaise just gave him a disbelieving look for Draco to lose the act. "How long have you known?" He added.
The Italian smiled, "since Hogwarts."
"I didn't fancy her in Hogwarts," Draco argued sitting down next to his friend.
"Oh yes you did," Blaise said. At Draco's confused look he continued, "drooling over her throughout the Yule Ball? Fretting over her safety during the Black Lake TriWizard Tournament challenge? Staring longingly at her from across the Great Hall? Anything sounding familiar?"
Draco gaped, "I did not!"
"You may not have realized it for yourself, mate, but the rest of us did," he told him.
"'The rest of us'? Draco asked.
"Oh yeah. Me, Daphne, and Theo would joke about it all the time. You've loved her for a long time," Blaise said.
He put his head in his hands, "what do I do, Blaise? She's getting married."
"You stomp off to that wedding, throw open the doors and object! But you can't do it till they say 'if any object come forward now bla bla bla' because it's gotta be dramatic as hell," Blaise said standing up.
"But what if she doesn't feel the same and I make a giant fool out of myself? I don't want to lose her forever," Draco said sadly.
"And what if she does feel the same? What if you two get your happily ever after and ride off in the sunset?Now, are you gonna just sit back and watch that weasel take your girl?" Blaise asked.
"No," he said standing up as well, "no I won't."
"Than go get her!" Blaise said excitedly. Draco then dashed out in a hurry, "hey! Wait for me I gotta get this on video!" Blaise called before going after him.
Draco had managed to slip into the wedding unnoticed with the help of Blaise and his wife, Daphne Greengrass now Zabini, as she had become a close friend of Hermione's since Hogwarts and was now one of her bridesmaids. Before leaving he'd changed into a nice suit and Blaise had grabbed a camera (then proceeded to film everything to "capture the memories"). Now he was sitting with Blaise near the back, trying not to glare at an overly giddy Ronald Weasley, and unable to help bouncing his leg in anxiety. It felt like forever since he's even seen Hermione in person. Not since that night...
Then the music started, all eyes turned so he did as well.
And there she was.
Draco's heart seemed to stop, he had no words. She was simply stunning. Though he recognized the staged smile on her lips.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her the entire time, that was until Blaise nudged him, it was almost time. Draco steeled himself for whatever may happen.
"..if anyone objects please say so now or forever hold your-"
"I object!" Draco said standing from his seat.
It was dead silent for a moment, then there were gasps all around the room.
"Draco?" She said barely loud enough for him to hear. Then the whispering began. "Is that Draco Malfoy?" "What's he doing here?" "Why would he object?" But he didn't care, all Draco cared about was the look on Hermione's face when she saw him.
Her face was confused then it lit up brighter than he's seen so far, and on her wedding day that's saying something.
Draco walked across the aisle towards her and she met him half way.
"Please don't do this," Draco practically begged, holding her arms for emphasis.
"I don't understand, what're you doing here?" Hermione asked, putting her arms on his.
"I love you, Hermione. I've loved you for a long time, I was a fool not to say so sooner," Draco rambled though he meant each word.
"'Mione?" Ron asked not quite hearing anything they're saying, both ignored him.
"You...love me?" She asked with wide, almost teary, eyes, "after all this time?"
"Always," Draco said.
"Oh Draco I love you too," She said, tears now falling down her rosy cheeks. Hermione leaned forward slightly as if to kiss him before looking to her fiancé then back at Draco, "hold on a moment."
Hermione then walked to a dumbfounded Ron, took off her ring and put it in his hand. "I'm so sorry, Ron. I hope one day you can forgive me," she told him before kissing his cheek and rushing back down the aisle. Her and Draco crashed into a passionate and breathtaking kiss (earning a whoop from Blaise and Daphne) before walking hand in hand out of the Church.
Blaise had kept this tape and played it again and again for many occasions. The couple's anniversary, eventually at their own wedding, when they had found out Hermione was pregnant with their first child and even when they had their third. Eventually Ron did forgive Hermione and they became friends again, he even warmed up to Draco and through him Ron found his own happily ever after with Pansy Parkinson. It had been a surprise for everyone.
But now they all watch the tape, joking and laughing with each other as it is nothing but a distant memory.
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yn-dere · 5 years ago
La sorcière • Y!K.TH
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Synopsis: The goddess Ashtoreth seemed to have found her worshipper.
Ship/s: Photographer!Taehyung x Antagonist/seductress!Reader
Warning/s: Angst, Yandere/Dark themes, Manipulation, Mentions of killing, Bored and mean reader.
(Note: this takes place in the late 19th century)
'It is not the quality of the desired object that gives us pleasure, but rather the energy of our appetites'
~ Charles Baudelaire, The end of Don Juan
A dejected summer, that's what it was. The suffocating air that leaves you sweltering in your corset but I am anything but, naked on my cold feet with a cigar between those gentil fingers, sluggishly looking out from my apartment window into the florid affluent streets which were once quite and reserved. The sounds of playful squabbling, the occasional delightful squeals of children, the ecstatic laughter of women did nothing to soothe that covetous feeling throbbing at the pit of my stomach. Nor did the family of stars splattered all across the dark night sky with the dazzling moon nowhere to be seen. They seemed to be mocking me with every sparkle, impersonating my woe by disappearing this second only to come back and laugh at my face. Oh well. It hurts my chest as I exhale out the smog; I forgot that I even took a drag. Not even smoke can replace that void in my lungs now.
This moment is slightly pleasant though, accompanied by the crisp breeze that blows in through the drapes, strong enough to make my locks flutter and trigger my cigar to litter on the window railing (that I'm not bothering to clean anytime soon) but not enough to take the glum away with it. The only thing that found me pleasant enough to return. And... the troubled men that found home in my cosy and welcoming bed. Neither of them were guaranteed.
Thinking about men, I glance back into the dark room to spot the man I chose for the night. Blissfully sound asleep between my covers, with a small but radiant smile adorning his regal face. He really emulated the beautiful night sky, the baby constellation spreading across his portrait in the form of les grains de beauté. The way the light reflected off of his unblemished face puts la lune to shame, almost looking as if it is it's own light source. His beauty truly was bewitching and I would've felt envious of it if I didn't know any better.
If I didn't own an enormous dressing mirror in the corner which kept reflecting the street lights back onto my eyes; it was adorned with pink crystals, fresh roses and myrtles, white feathers and burnt out incense that left behind a soft but strong scent. It truly looked like an altar for venus herself, towering over me to have me take a look at the highly sexual, supremely confident, alluring female that offers endless pleasure and a bit of... danger. At least, that's what people men see. And I agree with it. I know the expression does sound like something that would come out of Narcissus' mouth as he stares into his reflection but can you really blame me?
It's the huge impact left on me by years and years of society misjudging me as just another pretty face in the crowd. No matter how hard I worked on something, it would always be de-emphasized. All the blood, sweat and tears only to be wasted because individuals couldn't see the nimble brain past the pleasant portrait. I wanted to stand out, and I did at times but.. not in the way I wanted to. But soon enough, I began to convince myself that maybe this isn't so bad at all, and wearily...
... I accepted it.
I accepted my place in the stupid community as one of those women, a blood sucking succubus is just how they saw me to be exact. Mind you, I've never stood sturdy in any of my subjects until I slowly started to abuse my power and it made me feel competent and sure enough I felt powerful enough to destroy families, to get someone to chase me so feverishly that they lose control but I guess I was never that valuable to keep nor was I important enough for someone to actually care about me. The only difference between your pompous narrator here and a poor mistress is that I don't have a fickle of hope nor do I really care enough about a particular visitor to be left heartbroken.
It still kills me to feel impotent at the end of the day (or the start of the day, when they leave me with nothing). I feel like THE FOOL, a frail dog chasing a car....
....But as the lonely sun finally decides to set to rest and the family of stars gets more discernable with every shimmer against the dark and misty horizon; I, once again find myself repeating history as if my life's a record on the phonograph. But as one get sick of listening to the same song over and over again, there's a momentary pause... and then an appalling revelation; it's seems as though you've been singing the most important part of the song, the chorus, wrong.
And suddenly I can grasp it all..
You see, lust is what makes one take a glance at you. Temptation is what makes them throw caution in the air, when they know they shouldn't. But is it really enough to keep the attention on you? Is the beauty really enough for the sirens who beckon sailors to their destruction? If that was the case, wouldn't mermaids be able to do the same? Love is-
That deep voice...
Then suddenly, lean icy fingers grabbed my arm and pulled me back into reality just when I started inching through the darkness in my mind.
Oh God. How did I not see him wake up? Especially with the mess he made in an effort to get up from the bed? One of the pillows accompanied with the sheets are on the floor... those velvet covers are really hard to wash. I will never forgive him for that.
But my irritation soon turned into embarrassment when I pondered over how crazy I must have looked, naked while just staring into my mirror with a cigar in hand. Or what was left of it, the soft ash on my fingers, my bare breasts and one of my thighs.
"Is everything a-alright?" He questioned. I looked down to his palm which was still holding my arm with a firm grip. He followed my gaze, his eyes widening slighting as he quickly let it go. "I m-mean, you were kind of dazed off or something. I thought..." he muttered after clearing his throat in a futile attempt at ceasing the stuttering. "Yeah.. I was just thinking about something" I replied as I looked up at his eyes and his orbs that were just suffering with nervousness and uncertainty were now swimming in curiosity. I couldn't help but let a giggle get past my lips. He hummed in response as his brows furrowed. "about.. this." I uttered, feigning a bashful look. His brows furrowed even further, creating small lines on his otherwise smooth forehead. "What do you mean by "this" ?" He seems to have forgotten his tense stance and the risqué side of me wanted to bring it back so I tried. "Our liaison, everything we did and...." if it weren't for the pin drop silence in the room, I would've never heard his breath hitching as he waited for me to continue. "Us." I finished with a whisper...
... After what seemed like an eternity of waiting for him to answer, my patience wore thin so I couldn't help but gently poke his chest. It surely did broke the trance he was in and the cute timid man was back. "Uh- I- uhm" he stuttered, looking at everything but my presence. I slowly started to feel the disappointment building up in the bottom of my stomach. Why do I when I didn't even expected anything else? If this is the only way it can go for me, why not have a little fun? I couldn't help but let out a smirk which I covered in a second, hoping he didn't see it. "I might be quite racy at times but I don't just do this with anyone. I thought I told you in the tavern that if you are to leave, leave already..." as soon as I finished bluffing the sadness in my voice, I casted my eyes downwards at his feet as I anticipated the same white lies but they never came. I awaited the "I will never leave you", "you're the best thing that ever happened" or my personal favorite one " I have a wife and kids that I love very dearly" but he didn't say anything. And just as I was about to look up, the smooth dark honey voice cut me off.
"And I thought I told you that I didn't want to follow you back home for whatever fleshly pleasures you had to offer.." the hint of disappointment was evident. This was a new one to add in the book, eh? "But because my precious cameras are all in vain without your figure and your lively soul.. like an empty canvas to an artist with no references or muse." My ears couldn't help but perk up as he continued, " Sure, they might not be too good at capturing the enigma that is you as the films only render in shades of grey which evidently fails to recognize the different shades of your blush and the undertones, but this is all that I have..."
It's his time to wait as I, for the first time, didn't know what to say. He opened his lips once again "I would be lying if I said I didn't gravely fell in love the second I took my first glance at you months ago. Love at first sight was never my thing but you cleared all my doubts about the idea". I wanted to mock him and tell him about how lust in first sight is a thing, not love but I rather chose to humor him. "That's what they all said..." I slowly look up at his face, looking at each and every feature carefully leaving out his mors than intense eyes. "Who are "they"?" He asked with a slight fury in his voice and the sharp edge of the words spoken almost gashed my already tainted soul. I wish I didn't faked the courage and take a glance into his orbs since I saw the immense anger and hatred through his narrowed eyes as he scrutinized my very existence. I withered uncomfortably under his glare, already regretting opening my mouth without thinking.
"You seriously didn't just compare me to those men, did you? After everything I've done? After I got rid of those hideous women that had nothing else to do but spread nasty rumours about you because the same husbands that couldn't get it up for them were lusting after you? Because they couldn't hold their husbands accountable so they were threatened by you?" He took a sharp but shaky breath before continuing, "Or after I got rid of those men who bonded over their heinous fantasies about violating you?..." I cover my mouth, I feel like throwing up. Not because I don't want to/can't believe it but because this is alot of information to take in in a few minutes. I heard him sigh and his voice suddenly changed from being gruff to soft in a second as he saw my terrified look, "you see these hands, sweetheart?" He said in a slightly coaxing voice as he laid his large hand on top of mine, "They were only used to clicking pictures of everything beautiful and developing them but now, they're stained with shed blood of anyone who dared to lay a finger on you.... You made me this way. You made me so empathetically challenged. You did this."
Me? Me...
I did this. I made him this way.
"How could you have been so blind?"
How could I have been so blind?
Maybe I didn't give myself enough credit.
And as he continued to stare into my frame with such adoration that it reminded me of what I was thinking about before he startled me by waking up...
As I was saying previously, lust is what makes one take a glance at you. Temptation is what makes them throw caution in the air, when they know they shouldn't but it's still not enough to keep the attention on you. Love is. It is the greatest weapon of all. It's the most exceptional power that you can have over someone. Making them do what they never thought they ever would do, act in ways they might've mocked previous to meeting you, taking up any space in their mind that was left for rationality and instead plaguing it with sweet obsession. Not even fear dares to compete with love when it comes to power. If anything, they go hand in hand. It truly turns a mermaid to a siren.
Wow. It's not the family of stars that I envied, who would want to look like some aliens just jizzed all over the sky? I was made to be la lune, who with all her blemishes littering her skin still stood unfazed as her admirers wrote poems about her beauty. It's not the homely women that I envied, I have always been quite sophisticated but I just wanted to belong somewhere.
I wanted power over someone or something.
And the thought of me making this man do the most vile acts of crime that humanity cannot even begin to visualize in their brains flared up the familiar feeling of ascendency and competency but this time? It was about to stay. Why? Because he is to stay.
I softly smiled at that thought and slowly held my small hands up to his face to caress his cheeks. The shyness got to him as he squeezed his eyes shut to relish in the contact without having to look at my amused face. I could feel him slowly shaking under finger tips, his face was warm unlike the rest of his body. The effect that my small gesture had on him is unlike anything I've ever seen or experienced. This isn't vulgar, this is sensual. And sure, what I feel might not be love but it has one thing in common with it. It's a drug. A high we're both on, and not even my cigar, my only companion for so long can compete with it.
Let's see how long this lasts before I drain all life out of him... or maybe, this is forever but I doubt. Then again, he- wait a minute... what's his name, again? This is going to suck. As I was saying, he does like to surprise me so let's hope for the best.
"Okay, let's just forget we met like this... hello, my name's y/n", I reached out for his hand to shake with a small smile on my face. He erupted into giggles as he took my hand, "Nice to meet you y/n, this is taehyung." Taehyung. Oh taehyung. And suddenly the cheerful atmosphere turned into something sinister as I pulled him in.
"Taehyung, I am like a raging flame.. don't be a moth and get too close or I might destroy you" I whispered in my raspy voice, the smirk that played in my rouge lips being incredibly devilish along with that red unnatural glint in my eye.
"I want to be destroyed."
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catcze · 4 years ago
Oh, Catte, my beloved... The bracelet is so beautiful. Goodness, did I cry when I took it out of the envelope. It's almost as beautiful as you are, I love it so much! I'm never ever taking this off. Oh starlight I'm so happy, you may as well have just proposed! I love you so so much, thank you💜💜💜
I'm glad Cyno is doing well for himself these days! It's not really that complex of a spell, simple transmutation really, but I'm sure he didn't want to overwhelm you. He may not talk a lot but trust me; he cares. I should write him sometime, if only so the next time an emergency arises he won't think I only remember he exists when I need his help, hehe... I'm joking of course, he's not the kind of person to care. I do still owe him a favor though. Two, now that he's gone out of his way to teach my girlfriend magic, and specifically for helping you make me this wonderful present. Send along my thanks please, but please don't mention that I said I'd write him, just in case I somehow forget to. You know me, heh..
Also I'm a little surprised to hear that name again! Collei was quite the visitor when she was here a few years ago, it's a long story, and one I doubt very much she'd want me to tell. Suffice to say she and Amber are good friends, but I'm sure she already asked you about her as soon as you mentioned Mondstadt. I'm so relieved to hear she's safe, and studying medicine no less! Tell her I'm proud of her. She'll do great things in her life.
I must admit I'm slightly bothered to hear that so many scholars accosted my poor babygirl to ask if I'd return, I'm so sorry darling. If they give you any more trouble, oh I'll come visit alright. To dispense punishment(although I'd definitely grab some food on the way as we left). Speaking of food, that's so sweet of you to offer to learn the local cuisine just for me~ you're so thoughtful, it's one of the many many things I love about you. My reputation around the school is honestly the only accomplishment you'll find though sweetheart. I wasn't really all that social there, aside from talking to the professors and scholars. I couldn't afford to procrastinate if I wanted to learn everything I could. Funny, that sounds completely unlike me, now doesn't it~ Those lectures can be tiresome at first, did they provide you with the appropriate reading materials, or are you only listening? I still have my copy of the first semester alchemy textbook--it's only about 800 pages, but they're packed to the brim with knowledge. I still reference it sometimes.
Like I mentioned though, most of my time in Sumeru was spent at the Academy or at the local restaurants. If you wanted food recommendations, those I can provide, but unfortunately I won't be of much use otherwise. Sorry cutie~
[the next page of the letter is a list of local restaurants, many with recommended dishes written next to them. There's also a fair number of heart shapes and "I love you"s doodled around the edges of the paper]
I hope you'll try at least some of those and tell me what you think. The more you talk about it honestly, the more it's beginning to grow on me. I do want to go back and visit with you, my love. I miss it, even if I don't want to admit that. It would be so much fun to sight see with you, being able to just meander aimlessly through the city, not a care in the world, and with you by my side... That sounds amazing. I'd want nothing more. Perhaps for our honeymoon~? [the last sentence of the paragraph is crossed out with a single streak of ink cutting through it]
Your photos are all amazing, darling. I just wish I had as many to send you in return, but unfortunately I don't own a camera, nor can I afford to leave the library long enough to travel to Liyue and buy one. That being said, Albedo does have one, and he already took that first photo. Darling, I'm curious, and please, *please* say no if it would bother you even slightly. If I... Perhaps wanted to take some... Pictures, just for your enjoyment~ ...would you mind if I had Albedo continue to serve as the photographer? I want my baby to be thinking of me, especially since I'm not there to pleasure you myself~💜 again, PLEASE say no if you'd have any problem with that. Or I could ask Jean if that would be better. I just want to treat my princess to some candy~
That line is going to have me up all night, I swear. I do wish I was there for you in every sense, but goodness does my heart ache for you. I miss the way you taste so much, my precious little munchkin~ you're not going to sleep at all the first night you're back in my arms, I hope you know that. I'm going to edge you so hard you'll cry for me, hehe~ I'm a little peeved you didn't take notice of my comment about punishing you! There will be ropes involved when you return to me. Just the way you always like it, cutie~ tell me, how bad do you miss me? Miss my tongue you love so much~? Don't worry baby--you'll get everything you could ever want for when you come home. I can't wait to taste you~ goodness, excuse me a moment baby... I need to scratch an itch before I finish writing this letter, hehe...~
Okay, I'm back. That was quite the itch, it just kept coming back~ that picture you sent with this letter may have helped with that... Celestia, you're so so beautiful, my rose..~ I love you so much.
Where was I... Ah yes. I'm very glad you've been eating and sleeping properly. Such a good girl you always are~💜 and don't worry; I'm taking care of myself as well. I've been becoming more adjusted to the late nights lately, since your letters often arrive around this hour(it's 11:30 right now, although up until a page ago it had been 10:15, hehe...). I don't mind it at all, since you know I love to sleep in anyway. I love reading your letters sweetheart. They truly do carry your love across the distance. I'm so happy that you're my partner. I love you so so much. I reread your letters every day, they put such a smile on my face.
Also, what's this about ideas you're having ever since I mentioned the uniform? Tell me!! Pretty please~? 💜
I'm going to call my letter to a close here, before I end up needing a bigger envelope, hehe~ I love you so much, starlight. Please take care, and I hope you're well rested when you read this. Hopefully I can put a smile on your beautiful face. I just wish I was there to see it. I love you so much, take care and write me back when you can, promise~?
Yours Always,
- Lisa 🌺💜
Milddd nsfw here muaH <33
Hi, love, I’m so happy that you like your gift! I love you very much as well— hopefully it can give you comfort on some particularly hard nights where I cannot be with you, dearest. Sort of like a reminder that although I cannot be there with you in person, you always carry a piece of my heart with you, you know?
I’ll be sure to relay your message to Cyno and Collei! They were rather surprised when they found out I was your girlfriend, haha! In a good way, of course— they’ve been great company so far.
And don’t worry about the other scholars, Lisa dear. I can handle them plenty fine. I’m sure they’ll go running if I even so much as imply that you wouldn’t be pleased with them for their behavior, my love. They wouldn’t want to mess with one of the best sorcerers to ever roam those halls, you know?
Regarding the lectures, they offered to loan me some textbooks actually, but I had to turn them down since, well, I am just an observer, and carrying so many books with me to and fro would weigh me down. Still, although I sometimes get confused while I observe, It’s such a fun and interesting experience! I can’t say I’m remembering every bit of knowledge I hear, but I’ve definitely learned at least a thing or two.
Just yesterday, there was a bit of a lull in lectures that I was attending— something about one of the scholars who had agreed to host me taking their class out to fieldwork, and I was unable to accompany them. So I took the time to check out some of the restaurants you listed for me! I went to just one of them for lunch, since I didn’t want to get too full throughout the day, and I enjoyed it very much!! I included a picture of one of the dishes you noted for me (a best seller of theirs, apparently) and I didn’t regret purchasing it at all. It was so good! In my free time, it’s one of the recipes that I hope to familiarize and bring back home to you— I think you’ll rather like it, especially since there’s no meat. Hopefully I’ll get good enough at making it that you’ll be able to savor the flavor too!
Though, I don’t mind either if you’d rather return with me next time, and we can have a dinner date here? I really like the ambiance of the place— its both romantic and private. And the view from the balcony here is absolutely magical. Or we can maybe visit a couple of the other restaurants you’ve recommended to me? I doubt that I’ll be able to try all of them this time, and being able to experience it with you would make the experience a million times better.
Also, regarding the photos you mentioned— well, I’m fine with it if you are. As long as you’re comfortable with whoever is photographing you love, then it’s perfectly alright with me. Besides, I know that we’re devoted to each other, so there’s no cause for me to be uncomfortable 💞 If you so wish to grant me such photos, I eagerly await them, love! They’re not the same as you being here, of course, but I’m sure they could help me with how much I miss you.
And ah, sending such things only makes me miss you more! Perhaps I should take a good, long rest before I come back to Mondstadt, if you plan to keep me up all night. And who says I didn’t notice your comment? Perhaps I was just teasing you by keeping quiet about it, especially if I know what’s awaiting me back home. And yes, I miss you so so much, I miss your tongue and you lips, your touch on my skin, the way you hold me and make me feel so good each and every time— Love, really, if your intention with that letter was to get me all worked up, then safe to say you’ve succeeded. My, I doubt I’m going to be getting any sleep tonight, thinking of you.
And regarding that bit about the Academy uniform… well, I might have found a local seamstress who was willing to make me a version of it, tailored to my measurements. It’s not ready quite yet, but hopefully I can send you some photographs soon 💞
By the way, love, there’s no need to have to wait up for my letters, not if you’re not getting enough sleep! I don’t mind waiting a bit for your reply as long as I know you’re sleeping on time. I worry about you as much as you worry about me, so for both your sake and mine, promise me you’ll get enough sleep? Either way, though, I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, dearest. It makes me happy, knowing that you and the others are doing well. I love you very, very much you know? Please continue to stay safe, dearest, and know that I’m always missing you.
And, well, regarding a proper proposal, though I can’t say I haven’t thought of it before (how could I not? I can fully envision spending the rest of my life with you) I would much prefer if I were able to give you the ring and ask you in person, love. That being said, take the bracelet as a promise that I’ll return to you soon— and hopefully with a ring that I think you’ll like and a question that I plan to ask you.
All the best wishes, dearest. I love you very much 💞
—Catte 💞
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shra-vasti · 4 years ago
MAKES ME WONDER [5/40] The Parting
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→ Synopsis : Your dream to attend a Seventeen concert was finally coming true but you weren't prepared for the events that were going to follow after Joshua made eye contact with you and chose to make you his partner for the mini game and take you out on a date as a winning prize.
→ Genre : fluff with a pinch of angst
→ Type : Idol x fan au
→ Word count : 1.5k
→ Taglist :@mngyuheart @vannie24 @uglyratlmao @rjsmochii @dwcljh @noniesgirl (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist)
→ Pairing : idol!Joshua x fan!reader
→ Main Seventeen Masterlist
→ Makes Me Wonder Masterlist
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"Wow, I never felt so good while doing something so rebellious and troublesome."
The grin on your face widened when you took a look at his disheveled self, both of you trying your best at catching your breath.
He was not the perfect Joshua everyone sees on camera, you could see the blood in his veins all across his tan skin, glistening in sweat but still managed to take your breath away.
It was truly a sight to behold.
You bend down, holding your knees and watch him do the same before he extends his hand towards you which you gladly took.
"First thing first let's find some accessories to disguise my face, I don't want to take any risk of getting spotted in the streets like this, don't want you to be in trouble because of me."
You would have understood him if he had said he wanted to protect his image while looking for a disguise but you couldn't help the endearing feeling erupting in your chest at his words.
He cared enough to not get you in trouble instead of thinking about himself, his first thought was your safety.
You had to remind yourself that you are his fan, just a fan who managed to be lucky enough to receive a rose from him, dance with him and go on a date with him which led you here, you won't see him after today and the thought made your heart break.
You felt him tug your hand making you look up at him to see him confusingly staring at you.
"What are you thinking? I was calling you from the past 2 minutes, come one take me to a shop so I could get a cap or something."
"I know a shop near this area, let's go."
You unconsciously intertwined your fingers with him as you led him towards the shop which you were talking about, he let you drag him, his eyes trained in yours and his intertwined hands.
A small simple crept up on his face, his hand gripped yours firmly, he was astonished at how perfect your hands fit his.
He wasn't sure if he was allowed to feel the emotion he was currently feeling, you were his fan but he couldn't help but look forward to the rest of his day.
He knew you had something in you which kept him hooked since the time he first laid his eyes on you but what kept him wanting to be closer to you was the fact that you were treating him as a person rather than an idol.
He never once saw you behaving all crazy or too nervous, never heard you gush about how handsome he was or how you could even die for him, heck he was ever more astonished at the fact that you hadn't asked him for his autograph or a selca.
You made sure to maintain your boundaries, you didn't try to ask him about his personal life and didn't really care about anything related to his idol life only caring when he told you how he wish to escape this life for once and here you were granting him his wish knowing that you could be dragged in it too.
He found himself inside a small shop with lots of adorable accessories.
"Here it will suit you."
You put a big pair of sunglasses on his eyes before wrapping up his neck with a thick scarf which covered half of his face.
He looked at the small mirror satisfied with his disguise.
"Don't cover up too much , you'll attract attention."
"You're right."
You smiled at him widely before holding his hand again and taking him out of the shop.
"You see there's this restaurant down there where not many people come but the food there is so tasty and every seat of them is divided by small cabinets like walls for privacy so even if anyone was there inside with us they won't see us."
He just watched you gush about this particular restaurant you were leading him to and with each expression on your face he felt himself getting more drowned by you and his heart filled up with adoration.
Both of you reached the restaurant and made your order.
"Are you happy?"
"More than I could even explain, it feels nice going around walking without worrying if anyone will see me, being able to enjoy myself without being surrounded by fans or cameras or crew."
He leaned on the table, putting his elbow on it as he looked at your face.
"Then I'm happy that I could make you happy."
He laughed and nodded his head before reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Thank You so much for today and everything you had done for me and also for paying for these since I didn't bring anything with me."
You frantically waved your hands in the air dismissing his gratitude.
"Think of them as my gift to you."
Both of you continued to eat in silence, neither of you talked but the silence wasn't awkward, it was rather comforting.
"You know-" you looked at him as he ordered the dessert for both of you and talk when the waiter left, "-I know I have said thank you before this but I can't really express how much greatful I'm feeling that you came in my life, I mean since you are my fan you may know that I wanted to quit if it wasn't for Jeonghan and ever since then even if I felt everything was so overwhelming I still tried my best and I always try to be the best version of me, but sometimes things get suffocating and hard that all I want to do is cry but then again I remember I'm an idol and if it cry it would ruin my makeup, my stylist often says that idols don't have feelings they don't cry."
You could feel your eyes getting filled up with tears as he explained to you and you let him share all of his worries with you, if you share pain it divides after all.
"Joshua, sometimes it's okay to break down, you aren't weak, I can only imagine how hard it may have been for you especially during the time when Seungcheol and Jeonghan were on hiatus but know that we will always be there for you."
You didn't even realize you were crying till he wiped your tears with his hands and he wondered how he was lucky enough to find someone like you even if it was just for a day.
"Don't get me wrong but do you have a boyfriend?"
You were standing in front of the hotel he was staying at as he asked you the said question while both of you waited for your cab to arrive.
"No I don't, I mean I did have one but we didn't end up on good terms."
He nodded his head, stuffing his hands inside his pocket.
"I'll miss you, I hope you'll meet soon somewhere in the future."
Your eyes met his and you weren't sure what he actually wanted to decipher through them.
"I'll miss you too, I was lucky enough to have a date with you let alone be able to spend a whole day with you, I couldn't ask for more, I hope you'll take proper rest and tell others the same too."
It didn't felt right for both of you, Joshua wanted the day to be just a bit more long, he didn't want to leave you yet, he wasn't sure why he was feeling like that but the thought of this being the last time he ever sees your face or be in your presence made his heart feel emotions he never felt, it was almost as if his heart dreaded the thought.
He wasn't sure because it hadn't been much time since he knew you, heck he didn't even know you existed 2 days back and yet here he was aching to hold you back and tell you to not live when you waved him goodbye and got inside of the cab.
You quickly shut the cab's door without giving him a second glance because you knew if you did you would change your mind and hug him tight.
You weren't supposed to feel so strongly for your idol, you weren't allowed to, you were just a fan supporting your idol so you didn't know why the tears were continuously slipping from your eyes at the thought that you wouldn't be able to be that near him ever again.
You didn't understand why you felt like it was your responsibility to take all of his pain away, you didn't understand why your heart was aching.
He would get busy after 2 weeks of vacation and he'll forget about you, you'll just be a vivid memory to be if not a forgotten one, you were just another fan among the sea of many others, there were lots of female idols with more perfect features, it wouldn't require him much time to forget about you but somehow those thoughts managed to hurt you more than it were supposed to console you.
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artsyxloner · 4 years ago
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Not just a monster
Warning: violence, blood
13: Trapped in a spider web
Walking out of the room I saw Eun-Hyun and Ji-Soo. They were coming this way for Hyun-Su specifically. why can't they let the poor boy rest? Passing the two I spoke up.
" why don't you leave him the hell alone!" I heard Eun-Hyuk's heavy footsteps Approach me. " I would but we need something," I rolled my eyes.
" why don't you go get it yourself." That's when Ji-Soo got in. " Hey," she should understand that there just using him for what he is.
" all of you are unbelievable, how about you guys do something instead of–" that's when I felt a warm Stinging sensation on my cheek. I glared up seeing Hyun-Su's hand was raised.
He seemed shocked, "whatever you want Hyun-Su to do I'll do it because you are too fucking weak to do it yourselves!" I snapped. I hated when people touched me.
I soon left heading down to the lower floors where the cars were parked, I and Eun-Hyuk's conversation in my head.
" We have to go outside. There's no guarantee we'll be safe here. Nothing happened when we retrieved the corpses. The situation should've calmed down by now."
" so?" I told him with a Straight face, " It's taken Hyun-Su longer and longer to recover. We don't know when he'll turn into a monster again?"
I followed him, so that's why he was letting me go. " you think he'll harm someone when he finally turns?" I scoffed. " there are monsters that don't harm people." I confront, trying to get him to understand Hyun-Su wasn't like that.
" So?" Never mind, " how can you be sure he's one of them?"  Because I just know myself inculcated.
" A monster is a monster. We don't have time, we have to find a way to survive while he can still resist. I don't expect him to understand just do your job for him."
Back to Reality that was his last words to me while I was holding Hyun-Su spear. I held it tight in my grasp feeling its weight, ready to electrocute some monsters if they were to attack.
Looking around I saw the blinker of a camera going over to it I turned it up I knew they were watching me. As I got down from having to climb to get to it I checked around for whatever I was searching for but I then heard a noise
Like it was Multiple patterns of steps before I could react I was suddenly thrown up in the air, something white and sticky was Attached to one of my feet making my body swing back and forth.
I tried to raise myself but I couldn't, it was hurting my stomach too much. But then I got a glimpse of something up in Ceiling it had long legs about a couple of them on each side.
I some realized it was a spider, it started to crawl down, creating its web around me until I was fully covered. Thinking back to when I saw that spider web with the poor flies stuck to it I knew how they feel now.
The monster soon left saving me for later. It was hard trying to see through all the webbing knowing I was trapped because this was impossible for me to get out.
If only I had Hyun-Su's spear I could cut myself free. It was too hard to escape through it by hand. I wonder if anyone would notice if I didn't come back probably not even if so?
Eun-Hyuk would not even care and w leave me here to die like with that one woman Yi-Kyeong. Knowing there was a monster down there.
Trying to move around again I felt something wet seep in through the webbing I was trapped in. Looking through it I saw green slim traveling down covering everything around me.
Was this monster trying to get to me too? Not that it would cause much harm but still you never know. Feeling myself loosen I Managed to break my hand free creating a small hole enough for me to breathe through.
Just when I thought the monster was going to attack it never did. It slowly moved back up into the ceiling leaving a Gloopy mess. I guess it was just helping me but I didn't know why?
Braking my other hand out, I started to pull at the Webbing able to get my whole head free. Thanks to the slim.  Reaching up there was a bar in front of me. I knew I didn't have much upper body strength but I had to try. Grabbing it I pulled myself up onto the bar my fingers hurting and Turing red and also slippery I manage to pull my interbody out only leaving my legs wrapped up in the silk webbing.
I was tired that was for certain I was finally out but with all of that nasty stuff all over me. My fingers began to cramp not taking it anymore I fell to the concrete floor with a thud.
I landed on my back groaning in pain, but I knew I was going to be okay. It was just gonna leave a bruise. Sitting up I untied my legs. My whole body was tingling feeling numb.
Leaning back I began to see black dots that cloud my vision. It was probably from all the blood that rushed to my head because I felt lightheaded moments after coming down.
Squeezing my eyes shut, they suddenly were heavy, not able to keep them open I fell into the darkness not knowing if they would come for me or not.
I didn't know how long I was out for but I was being dragged my body was limp with my head hanging low. Someone's arms were around me on each side trudging forward.
I knew whoever it was, was trying to keep me uphold. Was I that heavy? But they sure were keeping a tight grip on me though.
I guess I was regaining Consciousness because voices kept talking back and forth. It sounded like Eun-Hyuk and the Jae-Heon. I can't believe he was here? I wondered who else came?
I didn't need long to figure that out because I soon felt someone on my right side let go of me, and they cried out like they were in pain. It was Ji-Soo. Did she get hurt?
Fluttering my eyes open after a couple of tries I saw she was bending over covering her side. She was rather pale looking in the face and her lips were dry.
I wanted to ask if she was alright but I didn't feel too good myself to say anything. My body felt weak even trying to lift my head hurt a lot. But I did it.
But who I saw next surprised me. He was even one of the people holding me. With his arm around my neck, he gripped my arm. I was leaning against him since I didn't have the strength to keep myself up.
" are you crazy?" Hyun-Su whispered, was I crazy, taking his place? But what would have happened to him if I didn't he would be in the same situation I am in. There then was a fast blur that passed my vision.
And the sound of things knocking over. It did it again and again. Flashing lights were directed across the room trying to Detect what was making the loud noise.
But I knew, only one monster that could go that fast. Before I could say anything Eun-Hyuk was thrown against a car at full speed it was like a flash of lighting there one minute gone the next.Car horns went off as I was pulled back if there were no other monsters here they will be soon for all this noise. Looking at Eun-hyuk he was now on the ground looking for his glasses but I saw the speed monster from the corner of my eye.
He was about to run to where Eun-Hyuk was leaping upon the cars. He had no idea because he was searching for the crossbow. I yelled out getting his attention but Eun-Hyuk was quick to it and grabbed the crossbow and shot speed monster in the eye.
The monster had stopped glowing red, he was quickly Distracted as Eun-Hyuk got pulled under a car by Jae-Heon. While, Hyun-Su, Ji-soo, and Sang-Wook hid behind one of the concrete posts.
More car horns were going off making the monster run up and hit them. To be honest all of this was giving me a headache and I was tired. If it weren't for my body feeling so numb right now I could handle this on my own.
Not that my last two encounters with this guy lead to victory but the third time a charm. We began to move again with me holding on tight to Hyun-Su and Ji-Soo.
But stopped in front of a car when she fell to the floor making us fall too. There was something wrong with her because her face showed pain again.
For the second time, I wanted to ask if she was alright but My eyes went wide once I saw the speed monster. Knowing there was no time to move he came at us running full speed.
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tuancore · 4 years ago
Lost You (Part 11) :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst
Summary- It's your choices and actions which made you miserable.
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Standing outside your apartment's door, you examined the door briefly, every single line and curve, remembering the time when you both first moved to this apartment after coming to Seoul, everything flashing before your eyes, rethinking your each and every decision in life. When you first came to Seoul, you felt like an outcast but with Jinyoung by your side, you had that hope of everything going to be alright, can't believe that same Jinyoung became so unfamiliar to you. Twisting the doorknob, you stepped in, just like the first time you entered with him.
Your eyes were covered with a velvety blindfold, you felt like stumbling every now and then in your heels, not knowing where he was actually taking you. He took you by surprise by picking you up in his arms, your hand naturally flying behind his shoulders. He chuckled seeing that terrified expression on your face, "Easy, angel I'm not going to drop you".
"Jinyoung, I swear if you're taking me to some horror house, you know how horrible they are" But he didn't reply you but kept on chuckling, making your stomach churn with anticipation. A ding sound, perked your ears, it was an elevator. He stepped out of it walking for awhile and then stopping again, "Angel,I found the best place for us, exactly what we were looking for", stepping in he gently placed you on your feet, slipping your blindfold.
"Welcome to our home" He grinned, seeing your shocked reaction. You gasped seeing all the showpieces and furnitures, all were exactly the same what you used to always discuss with him. You faced him with tears of joy in your eyes, smiling adoringly at him, "Everything....is exactly the same...". He nodded, hugging you gently while you melted in his arms,"You're such a crybaby..." Wiping your tears he cupped your face with both of his hands,staring into your eyes, he said,"I promise you angel, as long as I am with you I won't let you shed a single drop of tear. And that I'll keep you forever happy and safe in my arms".
The truth is promises are meant to be broken. You always heard that but never believed it until today. All of his words were nothing but sugar coated sweet talks, none of his promise were meant to keep. Dragging your feet to the middle of the living room, you stared at the large couch, it was Jinyoung's decision to keep it there so that you both could cuddle and watch movies on Sundays in each other's arms.
What was that for if he couldn't trust you enough?
Your gaze shifted towards the wall in the front, which at this point looked like some stalker's wall. Jinyoung out of many of his hobbies he was very much passionate for photography as well, and his all time favourite muse was you. You remember, how he used to budge you night and day to pose for him, most of the time you obliged which made him always run after you with a camera. After some time you got irritated, of his constant clicking, so you strictly ordered him to not to click your pics.
"Okay Okay! I won't ask you anymore to pose for me" He rose his hands in surrender, seeing a huge pout on your face.
He loved clicking your pics but it got irritating for you, since you wanted to enjoy moments with him without phones and cameras while he wanted to capture all the moments to reminisce about. So he found another way to keep on clicking your pics rather asking you to pose for him, he took your candid shots, whenever you fell asleep, or when you watered the plants, or when you cooked, when you jammed to your favorite songs, when you read books, or whenever you did some work on your laptop. He just loved you and only you. The wall was wall less and your face in frames more.
What was that for if he couldn't love you enough?
Out of so many pictures one was your favourite, subconsciously you walked closer to the frame taking out from the wall, caressing the image ever so lightly. It was a photo which was a candid shot clicked by JB, when you all went to the Disneyland in LA while visiting Mark's parents there.
"Why are you grinning like that?" Mark asked seeing your stupid grin, but failed to noticed two cones of ice cream in your hands. So you extended your hands showing him the cones, "My favourite ice cream!".
"Two cones? Each with five scoops?" Jackson commented not believing your childishness, "Ten scoops, are you even a girl?". Glaring at him you muttered 'idiot',"Of course I'm a girl that's why I love ice cream".
"More than Jinyoung?" Youngjae asked, teasing you on purpose. "Obviously!", You tilted the heads of both the cones forming a triangle as they the topmost scoops touched eachother, others mouthing an 'Ugh'. Your sparkly eyes became crescent happily biting on the scoops at once, when all of a sudden Jinyoung appeared out of nowhere back hugging you, his mouth on top of your head making it look as if he was about to bite you. Thats when JB clicked it. It was such an adorable picture and your favourite as well.
Someone really has said the truth, that only pictures last forever. Gripping the huge photogframe harshly in your hands, you threw it with a sudden force making it land at the corner of the room with a loud shattering noise. Everything was already over, so what was the need to keep reminiscing over such petty things.
"Youngjae-ah.....Why?....." Jinyoung whispered in disbelief holding onto Youngjae's shoulder, he couldn't believe that Youngjae whom he thought of his smaller brother would hurt him in the most cruel way possible.
"It's not only Youngjae hyung but your so called friend Jisoo too" BamBam hissed, at the thought of Jisoo. Jinyoung snapped at BamBam with shock, another hard punch in his gut, "What are you saying?....".
"Yes, Youngjae and Jisoo were the ones playing you, noona and Jackson hyung like a puppet without any of your knowledge and if you think I'm lying then why don't you ask Youngjae hyung yourself" BamBam concluded with a stern face. Jinyoung turned around facing Youngjae with a furious eyes.
"Why the fuck would you do this to us?! Why Youngjae!?! Why!!" Jinyoung snarled gritting his teeth, his hands wrapped around Youngjae's throat almost cutting his oxygen, Mark and Jackson pulled him from Youngjae while he coughed his lungs out, his own tears spilling out.
"Because I love her....I always have....It hurt everytime I saw her in your arms smiling and giggling, I—.....I felt that it could've been me instead of you whom she loved more than her life.....and to protect my heart from bleeding anymore. I seperated you both" Youngjae's explanation made everyone beyond shocked. They all never thought the reason behind it was another complication.
"The fuck did you say Youngjae!!" Jinyoung growled breaking from Jackson's and Mark's grasp, landing a harsh punch on Youngjae's face which made him fall on the couch behind him, Jinyoung hovered over him punching him a few more times.
"Stop It Jinyoung! Stop it!!" Jaebeom and Mark shouted trying to get him to stop but he was too mad to pay attention to those words, when Youngjae pushed Jinyoung from him throwing a punch at his face, with blood gushing out of his own nose.
Youngjae got up on his feet, wiping the blood spurting out of his nose from his hoodie's sleeves, his cheeks also scraped from Jinyoung's hard punches.
"Since when?" Jackson asked sternly, glaring at him. Youngjae smiled at the mere thought of you, continuing, "Since University, she was my senior. I fell in love with her over time, she was not only gorgeous but kind as well. She saved me from getting bullied almost for an year and after that everyone stopped bullying me, how could I just not fall for her? I planned to confess her but Jinyoung hyung beat me to it! And my heart shattered when she accepted his love, I was broken......".
"Bullshit! You never told me that you were getting bullied back then!Plus she never told me" Jinyoung asserted. "I was! But whenever I was with you all I saw was you drowning in stress to get your master's degree and your father's constant ranting, so I kept quiet!".
"She never told you because I asked her to promise me to not to let you know about me getting bullied otherwise you'll get another reason to stress over and I didn't want you to!"Youngjae informed with his fists clenched in rage, "When she finally became your girlfriend, I thought of moving on so I tried dating but hell not a single girl I've been with could compare to her, I tried hard to convince myself that she belonged to you, she loves you but no my heart wouldn't listen.....it continued to ache for her, how could I just throw away the love which I had for her for past five years!".
With that Youngjae began to untangle all the strings, how he saw Jisoo working for Jinyoung, and from the way she looked at his with those heart eyes was enough to tell that she was in love with him, so he proposed the idea to Jisoo while as accepted it without any second thoughts. All they were waiting was for a right time and a perfect plan, and they got that exact opportunity when he saw you and Jackson meeting frequently without Jinyoung in range.
Coming to those photographs, he didn't had to do much at all, he simply clicked the pictures of Jackson's bedroom with every minor details, and technology gave him the exact environment Jackson's room had, but the real problem was in finding a boy who had same physique as that of Jackson and vice versa for the girl, so that your faces could be photoshoped accordingly, but that stupid girl forgot to hide her streaked hair.
"If you loved noona so much then why did you slut shame her like this?" Yugyeom snapped. "Jinyoung hyung was always insecure of the boys around her, so I kicked him on his weak spot. I couldn't believe when he believed in those fake photographs more than his own girl, I guess he really didn't deserve her".
"Youngjae......it's not love, it's obsession. Love is when you let the person you love just be happy, you completely shattered her! Jisoo and you both hurt the persons you loved! If you really loved her your heart would've ripped out everytime she suffered! It's not love Youngjae-ah, it's your obsession,it can't be love, it's not love........it's not......." JB croaked out choking on his own tears.
"After what you've done to her, Do you think she'll ever come to you? Do you?" Mark belted angrily. "She won't come to me but atleast she won't go to him either" Youngjae hollered with a sick grin, "And that's enough for me. If she can't be mine then she won't be his either".
"Youngjae fucking get out before we really do something to you which we'll regret for eternity!" JB yelled, motioning towards the door, shooting a last smirking gaze towards Jinyoung, he left without a protest.
Jinyoung dropped to his knees, feeling all the pain you felt through these days, all the tears you've shed for the pain he has given you. Small painful whimpers escaping his lips, everyone watched him crying.
"As much as I want to sympathise with you.....I can't, it's you who have brought this upon yourself" JB commented with a poker face eventhough his heart ached for Jinyoung. JB's remark send him further into the pit of guilt and remorse.
"Please..... forgive me......please....." Jinyoung stammered out sobbing hard, "I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry", he just kept on pleading to the others, even when they were hurting seeing him before their eyes they were well aware that sooner or later this day will come, and Jinyoung will regret his each and every deed.
"You are sorry? You should be sorry. After whatever you've done to her, Do you think you deserve forgiveness?" Jackson crouched down beside him, his words hitting Jinyoung's heart like a dagger.
"Jackson.....I'm sorry......please forgive me. I was so wrong" He cried hugging Jackson, even if he wanted to hate Jinyoung, he couldn't Jinyoung was not only his friend but more of a brother. Unable to control his tears, Jackson sobbed hugging Jinyoung tightly letting him cry on his shoulder.
"Jinyoung hyung.....at some point we all can forgive you but the question is, Will Noona forgive you?" Yugyeom countered in a mere whisper. Jinyoung clutched onto Jackson's shirt, mumbling a quiet "No....".
"How am I supposed to apologise to her?" Jinyoung stared at Jackson for some assurance but found none, "I....I called my angel.....a slut.....how can I? I am such a monster, I even slapped her......when all she did was telling me the truth.....I hurt her, My angel begged me on her knees still I accused her of something so horrible. How can I be so heartless?....... Jackson, I—I made her feel so inferior......" Jinyoung gulped the knot forming in his throat as realisation hit him, facing BamBam he stammered, "BamBam....you said she is pregnant..... I—I despised my own child....our child.....How monstrous was I to hurt her this bad!!......".
By now everyone's eyes gleamed with tears, it was surely painful for him, but it wasn't anything compared to yours. Jinyoung has completely robbed you of your happiness, your everything, he tossed you away like you never meant anything to him while you continued to prove your innocence stepping on your self respect, self esteem. To be honest, he didn't deserve any forgiveness at all.
"Even if everything was set up by Youngjae and Jisoo, the way the things have degraded to, wouldn't have if you.....you" BamBam pointed out his finger at Jinyoung, "If you had faith on Noona, even a tiny bit, none of this would be happening right now. Instead of you crying here and she there, you both would be laughing and smiling in each other's arms........Loving eachother, accept it or not but you never trusted her enough. The way she was hurt, when you chose Jisoo over her......Gosh I can never forget the look in her eyes, She looked dead......so dead!".
Yugyeom patted BamBam's back with an attempt to calm him down, Yugyeom continued, "You can only pray for noona to forgive you. Everything is in her hands now".
The intense air subsided around everyone as BamBam's phone rang, answering the call immediately, he whispered, "Hello...".
The words from the other end broke BamBam to his soul, the phone slipped through his hands as he stared at Jinyoung completely emotionless.
"Noona had.....she had.....a miscarriage".
Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12
Note: I'm not editing the drafts before posting them, so if you guys spot any errors, please let it slide, thank you so much ~~~
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paradox-psyc-hoe-sis · 5 years ago
Dating Bucky Barnes in secret would include...
Bucky Barnes x reader, avengers x reader (platonic), Steve Roger's x reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: I can't really remember, insecurity, there are a few swears, fluff, general stuff like that. No smut :)
A/n: two posts in one day? Who is she. I was really determined to write these and it was quite enjoyable, hope ya'll like it - Aphrodite :D
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• So. Much. Sneaking. Around.
• However, you and Buck were already really close before you started dating, so you got away with loads of suspicious stuff.
• For example, when it was avengers family movie night and you all decided to watch a film set in ww2, things got a bit too realistic for Bucky, so when he cuddled up next to you and you started playing with his hair, nobody batted an eyelid.
• Additionally, whenever any of the Avengers walked into the living room to see you asleep on the sofa, your head in Bucky's lap, they didn't give it a second thought. But you both knew you had to br careful with how much you let slip.
• Steve would totally know right from the start. He's known Bucky practically his entire life, so there was a definite change in his behaviour after he started dating you. He talked to Steve about you loads, and he caught Buck staring at you way too much. However, Steve only thought that Bucky had a crush on you, not that you were dating.
• You got Bucky a Polaroid camera for his birthday and he has never stopped taking photos of you since; he has photos of you mid-laugh, photos of you singing karaoke, photos of you in action. He keeps all of the Polaroid in a little box that you decorated for him.
• To help him with his anxiety, he keeps a diary. Every night, he records what happened in the day and hoe it made him feel. You knew about the diary, and you always wanted to see what he wrote about, but you understood that it's his privacy and you don't have the right to see it. He knew how badly you wanted to read it, too.
• So when your birthday came around, he didn't get you anything. All of the avengers gave you presents except for Bucky, which made everyone quite suspicious. To get everyone off his back, he claimed that he forgot when your birthday was. You knew that he had something in store for you later on, though.
• When you went to bed in the evening, you didn't go to your room but straight to Buck's. About ten minutes later he arrived, and he wasn't surprised to see you. He said that he had the worlds best present to give you.
• He sat down and handed you a present, wrapped in dark red paper. Once opening it, all you saw was a small, black leather bound notebook. What an awesome gift indeed.
• But it took you a second to realise that the notebook was his diary.
• "I finished it last night, and I've already bought a new one to start tonight. I really have no use for them once I finish them so I thought you-"
• When he looked up he saw you holding the book to your heart, tears streaming down your face. He thought you hated the gift, that you were expecting something so much better. But you reassured him that the diary was the best thing he could've ever given you.
• It took you a month to read, and you definitely had a favourite entry. February 14th, not only valentines day, but the day you both went on your first date. You agreed to go out and get coffee at a little cafe that you like downtown.
• When you first read it, you were watching TV with Steve in the living room.
• "Today Y/N and I had our first date. I met her at a cafe so we could get coffee. I was so scared that she'd realise how undeserving I am of somebody as good as her, but when I saw her walk through the door, it calmed all of my anxiety. She looked the most beautiful that I had ever seen her, and I regret being too scared to tell her that."
• When you read that, you burst into tears right on the spot. Steve had no idea what had happened, but after you put the notebook down, he gave you a big hug to calm you. He recognized the notebook, as he had seen bucky writing in it a lot, but he didn't say anything. He just held you. Steve's a legend.
• Coincidentally, after that happened, you and Bucky seemed to go on a lot more missions where you had to spend time together. [Thanks, Steve]
• A few days after you came back from a really long mission, everyone had a day off, so you both went out for dinner in the evening. It was the fanciest date that you both had been on; you wore a red silk dress, and he wore a suit and tie. After all, it was the fanciest restaurant in New York.
• Everything was going perfectly, until you noticed Tony and Pepper walk through the door. You and Bucky had never run as fast as you did when you saw them. So instead of getting dinner there, you both went to McDonalds.
• One evening, you were all sat in the living room after just finishing a board game. You were sat next to Bucky, and told him that you were going to bed. Forgetting that nobody knew about your relationship, you leaned in an gave him a small kiss on the lips.
• Steve chokEd on his coffee, I swear.
• Everyone stared at you, and you managed to convince them that you had just found out it was national 'kiss your coworker' day. Not wanting to seem biased, all eyes were on you as you walked around the room and gave everyone a tiny kiss. Steve decided he wanted to fuck with Bucky a bit, so when you went into the kitchen to give him a kiss, he grabbed you by the waist and kissed you for like, 10 seconds, you could feel Steve laughing into the kiss towards the end.
• Bucky was pissed, but couldn't bring it up with Steve because he thought he didn't know.
• Honestly, Bucky is a hoe for attention.
• When all of you are in a meeting or sat at the dinner table, he likes to put his hand on your thigh and trace circles with his thumb.
• His hands are always so cold, and you like to sandwich them in between your warm ones.
• Bucky always randomly brought you gifts. After you got back from a mission? Flowers. After he got back from a mission? Chocolates. Some days he'd just walk into your room and nonchalantly hand you a rose.
• You and Natasha hung out a lot in your room, so it was always a surprise to her when she saw a vase of tulips or roses on your desk.
• "Wow, who gave you those flowers?"
• "Uh, I bought them for myself. They just caught my eye when I walked past the florist."
• Intimacy was a special thing for Bucky. It was never just holding hands or hugging, but it was a really important thing for Bucky to be able to share with you. For a while, he was scared to touch you with his metal arm in fear of hurting you, but you loved holding his metal hand. His arm reminded him of the people he murdered and that repulsed him, but you were determined to change that. So you always held his metal hand, and gave it tiny kisses, maybe massaging it every now and again.
• Sometimes you spent the night in Buck's room. Not to do the nasty, or anything like that, but to just fall asleep in each other's arms with the reassurance that you have each other. But whenever you did this, he had to wake you up really early in the morning so you could go back to your room, just in case anybody came to your room to look for you and found you not there.
• Whenever he had a bad nightmare, he'd come to your room straight away. Lots of the time, you didn't wake up when he came in, and he was gone before you got up in the morning. But every now and again, you woke up to find him cuddling you. You loved it.
• Bucky was never too jealous, unless he knew that another guy was a definite threat. So when you and Steve had to go on an undercover mission and pretend you were married, Bucky didn't take it well.
• On the mission, Steve was reluctant to do any PDA. Although it was what you had to do, he couldn't find it in himself to kiss you or hold your hand. This means that you had to initiate all of it, and you really hated it. You'd much rather be doing all of this with Bucky, but Fury didn't trust him enough with an important mission like this.
• There was this one time where all of the avengers were on a really big mission, and you and Buck were the only ones left behind [thanks again, Stevie]. Taking advantage of this rarity, you both decided to take a shower together. You expected it to be really intimate and relaxing, but it was the opposite.
• "Bucky. Did you seriously just use up the only bit of shampoo I had left!?"
"Yeah, my hair is longer than yours and needs a very precise routine to get it's classic shine!"
"What the fuck, y/n!? Why did you throw your bottle of conditioner at me!?"
• You liked to train with Bucky, but it was annoying how he always let you win. Cute, sure, but you wanted to try and get there yourself.
• Bucky was really self conscious of his body. Yeah, the super soldier serum made him really buff, but he worried that you'd see him as a monster or a freak science experiment. You always reassured him about how handsome he was, and it meant a lot to him.
• You decided to tell the others on valentines day. It would be your 1 year anniversary, and you both knew that your relationship was serious. When you woke up on valentines day, Bucky came in and, with a bit of a struggle, blindfolded you.
• He walked you out into the living room and took the blindfold off, where you saw all of the avengers with party hats on.
• They all shouted surprise, and you were SO confused.
• Turns out, Bucky told them all the night before, and they had planned a day full of fun to make up for all of the time you had lost sneaking around.
• You both appreciated each other so much, and that's all that matters. You were madly in love.
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sierraraeck · 4 years ago
Ancient History and Open Wounds (Pt.3)
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: In an effort to save Aundreya, the BAU has to turn to some unlikely allies before it’s too late. Story twenty.
Category: Angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Kidnapping. I don’t explicitly talk about torture, but it happens. Someone gets shot. Quick mention of previous sexual abuse and drug abuse.
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: I hope you enjoy part three and how this “event” comes to an end
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
It was like one big nightmare. I felt like I was constantly in and out of consciousness, and I was having trouble remembering who I’d told what and how much they’d figured out since DeLeon opened his mouth. But the game was still on, and everytime he cut the feed, he recorded me trying to convince him not to shoot one of the members. What that recording consisted of? Me saying as many shitty things about them as I could think of in five minutes. And I had to be convincing, because if he thought that I actually cared, then he’d shoot them. Hell knows what he planned on doing with those recordings (I mean I had a couple ideas, like ruining what was left of those relationships or holding them over me as leverage), but I was able to get Roman, JJ, Hotch, Derek, Deen, Niko, Rossi, and Emily off the hook so far. Luckily, Tara was working on some other case talking to some criminal, so I didn’t have to worry about her. But when it got to Penleope, I guess I just wasn’t convincing enough.
But what bad thing could I possibly say about her? That she was the only person day one that didn’t judge me? That she was the reason I was on the team to begin with because she stood up for me? That even when I went to prison and could have been completely alone, she came to visit me? Even after the rest of the team decided they were done with me?
I tried, I really did try, because I knew her life depended on my cruelty. But I failed. I failed at what I was supposed to be good at. And when I heard the gunshot go off, I felt like it was me who’d been shot. I saw her body crumple to the ground, and Hotch and Deen and Emily rush to her side. I saw them call the ambulance, and rush out of the room onto the street when they arrived so the paramedics didn’t know what else was going on. But I had to look away when they put her on that stretcher, with all of that blood, skillfully pressing on her chest, trying to preserve the life I’d just destroyed.
I hadn’t even noticed the tears streaming down my face or the strangled cries coming from my chest when the little red light of the live feed turned back on.
“Aww, do you have something you’d like to say?” DeLeon mocked. He reached up and unchained my arms which came swinging down like a wrecking ball. “Why don’t you look at the camera and tell the two people who care the most about her what you’ve done?”
I didn’t know exactly who he was talking about, one was most likely Derek and everyone cared a lot about her, but it honestly didn’t matter. They would all be mad at me anyways. I croaked, “She’s been shot. Penelope’s been shot. And I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t prevent it. I’m so sorry.”
“Heartbreaking,” DeLeon deadpanned, “But now we’re down to two. Do you know who those two are?”
I did. I knew he was going down the list, as if he knew exactly how close my connections were with each person, saving the closest two for last. But I didn’t want to admit that.
“I know you do. You’ve been keeping track of them and releasing a sigh of relief every time I don’t say their name. Well, it’s time Aundreya. And you know what, I don’t even want to record these. I want you to look at their faces and tell them everything you hate about them. And then I want you to choose,” his voice was much harsher now, no longer sounding like he was enjoying this game as much as he was.
I looked up at the screens in front of me. The first showed Spencer, the second showed Mateo, and the third showed the room they were standing in with the others. I couldn’t do this. There was no way I could pull off hating them. Even if I did, I was sure he would shoot them anyways, definitely the one I chose, or whatever.
DeLeon was getting impatient with my hesitation, “Start. Talking!”
But I didn’t. I couldn't. I would have to come up with something better. But I was running out of time. DeLeon walked over and unchained my legs, knowing I no longer had the strength to fight him. I didn’t even have the strength to stay standing. I collapsed to the floor, only barely catching myself on my hands and knees.
“Look at you. Some big, fearless leader you are now. Didn’t you tell me that you’d never get on your knees for me?”
“I’m still not. I will never be on my knees for you, DeLeon,” I rasped.
He grabbed me by my hair, forcing me to look up at him, “Now tell them all the things we know you’re really thinking.”
He released my hair and my head hung like a kicked puppy’s, and I knew I had to speak. DeLeon’s whole plan hinged on me being a cruel, heartless monster, who couldn’t care about anyone, and he was determined to keep it that way. So I might as well use that, and beat him at his own game. “If you’re after who I care about the most, or who I love so you can take an eye for an eye, it’s not going to work. I don’t love either of them, and not a single person working to help me right now. You think I’m capable of that? Capable of caring for another person, someone other than myself? Putting someone else’s needs above my own? Capable of loving you? I mean, did you really think we were ever in love?”
“Do not turn this on me,” DeLeon spat.
“Why not? That’s what this is about, right? The fact that you actually cared about me, but I had nothing but hate for you? The fact that the next person you were delusional enough to think loved you is dead because of me?” I pushed.
“I told you, you do not have any right talking about her!” DeLeon screeched. I was getting to him. This might actually work.
“Fine, then let’s keep talking about you. You’re just a sad little boy who’s never experienced love or compassion or empathy and is willing to cling to anyone and anything that shows you the slightest bit of attention. That’s why you went after me, right? Because there was no one else around that gave a damn, and even still you had to force me to-”
“Shut up!” His strength was wavering and it was obvious in his voice. His fist was at my cheek again, but I couldn’t pay attention to that. I was close.
“We’re the same. I’ve never learned any of that either, not from a single person in my life. Think about it! The first real passion of mine was hunting down and killing the man that destroyed my family. Then I went on to join a gang where it was kill or get killed, not an ounce of sympathy and everyone was rock hard. Then I took over a gang and transformed it into a ring at the age of 19, and from then on out, everything revolved around me. I was the center of attention and everyone praised me, no matter how many times I fucked up and how many friends I got killed in the process. Even after I went to prison, which was no cushy experience either and happened twice by the way, people were still willing to scrub my feet. And after all of that, you think I’m in love with not one, but two people?” I thought I had him right where I wanted him, fuming with both Mateo and Spencer off the hook.
But instead, he turned back to talk into his phone and said, “Shoot them both.”
Before I could think, I yelled, “Don’t!”
DeLeon smirked at me as he turned around, “And why shouldn’t I?”
“Turn off the camera,” I commanded. DeLeon just looked at me, and he opened his mouth, probably to remind me that I don’t get to make commands, but I repeated, “Turn. It. Off.”
There must’ve been something in my gaze that compelled him to do what I asked, because he clicked the live feed off.
“You have 30 seconds.”
“You want to take an eye for an eye, right? Get back at me for Xena? Fine. Don’t shoot those two, instead let me carry out my deal with Archer,” I proposed.
“And why is that better than my plan?” Surprisingly, he sounded genuinely interested.
“Because in yours, you kill at least two, maybe three people I care about. In the other, you destroy my relationships with everyone. I pick the BAU over the ring, there goes the ring, and then I carry out my deal with Archer to kill the vice president and pin it on Aaron and there goes my relationship with them. My life is wrecked, my eternal unhappiness is guaranteed, and your goal is achieved.”
He seemed like he was actually contemplating my offer, his face scrunching up in thought. “How am I supposed to believe that you will go through with it this time? You couldn’t last time.”
It was a valid point, but I had to confess, “Because I’d rather my life be destroyed than theirs.”
I could barely look up at him from my position on the floor, trying to retain even a shred of dignity, but when I did, his hand was outstretched in my direction. I was so shocked that I just looked at it.
“It’s now or never,” DeLeon prompted. I shook his hand, sealing my fate as the wrecking ball that finally broke the BAU and the ring I started. He leaned over to whisper, “As long as you can survive until they come and get you.”
I recognized a second too late what was happening, not like I could’ve prevented it in my state. He yanked my shoulder out of my socket, turned me on my stomach, and rammed his foot into my back. It was all I could do not to scream as he dragged a blade across my spine.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
I wasn’t sure how long it’d been. Minutes, hours, days. But they found me.
“Chambers. Chambers!” A male voice called out. I tried to respond, but all that came out was a groan. “Over there. Call the medics.”
I heard footsteps approaching me, and when they squatted down next to me, I tried to look up at them. The pain was so excruciating that I winced.
“Don’t move,” I could now tell it was Hotch who’d found me and he continued, “More help is on the way.”
“I can get up,” I insisted, moving to roll onto my side. It took me a few seconds, but it happened. Hotch gave me a stern look, about to argue but I pleaded, “Please, Aaron. I don’t want to be carried out on a stretcher like that.”
He knew what I was referencing and just gave me a small nod. “Dave, Deen, help me get her up.”
Rossi gave him a look, but Deen was not surprised. “Are you for real, Alionth?”
“Dead serious, Deen. You know me.” He smiled a bit at that, and the three of them helped me up. I could walk better than expected, but that could’ve just been because all three of them were practically carrying me. When we got outside, Niko, Mateo, Spencer, and Emily were all waiting. “Where is everyone else?”
“Morgan and JJ are with Garcia,” Hotch answered.
“And Roman is holding down the fort,” Deen added, “And Dalton and JT are at the hospital standing guard for Garcia.” I gave Deen a look. Usually he would send others, or ask me before doing that. He just shrugged and answered, “I figured you’d want that.” He wasn’t wrong, but neither was I.
My attention was turned back to the four people in front of me when both Mateo and Spencer approached me at the same time. “How are you feel-”
“Are you o-” They both started and then glared at each other. I wondered for a second what was wrong, until I remembered DeLeon making a comment about me having two boyfriends. And then them getting trapped in the same room together. That could’ve worked out better.
I didn’t have the energy to talk to them or figure them out right now, so I just said, “We’ll talk later. But I’m okay, thank you. Both of you.” Clearly that was the wrong thing to say, because I saw their faces scrunch up further.
“Hey, how did you get him to leave and basically let you go?” Mateo asked.
“I can be very persuasive,” I mumbled.
“Aundreya, what did you do?” Spencer asked, concern and slight panic in his eyes.
“I got out alive,” I answer, “And hopefully got everyone else out alive, too.”
“What did you-” he tried again.
“Stop. I did what I had to.” I couldn’t tell him about the deal I’d made and I certainly didn’t want to discuss it now.
There was a fire in Spencer’s eyes, “Why? Whatever you did, why would you? We were going to find you-”
“You would have died. Don’t you understand that? You both would have died,” I glanced over at Mateo who was surprisingly quiet throughout this. I teared up, “I already cost Penelope … god knows what, and I wasn’t about to add more names to that list of mine.”
I cut him off again, “No, Spencer. If you need to know, I did it because you have something to live for. I’m tired of you not being able to see that.” With that, I hobbled over to the ambulance and sat down, waiting for them to shut the doors and take off.
When they didn’t, and everyone was looking at me expectantly, I looked to the nearest paramedic for an answer. She whispered, “If you want someone to accompany you…”
Oh. Great. I love decision making. “Um, Mateo?” The moment his name was halfway out of my mouth, he was sitting next to me. I didn’t look for anyone’s reaction to that, and then the door clicked shut and we were on our way to the hospital.
“Look I just wanted to-” we both started at the same time. I laughed and Mateo said, “Go ahead.”
“I just wanted to apologize to you,” I started. He looked bewildered as to why I’d need to apologize, but I kept going. “I’ve treated you unfairly. You’ve been here for me through everything, and I worry that sometimes you feel like I’m dismissing you.”
“No, Alionth, you could never-”
“I appreciate that, but I want to finish. When we started this, you offered just a little pushback, and I took it to the extreme. It wasn’t fair of me to threaten you like that, especially with that. So I’m sorry. And just so you know, I’d rather go it alone than do that to you. To you and Niko.”
“Thank you. I know you would never, but it’s nice to hear you say that,” he said softly, with a smile.
“Okay, your turn,” I prompted.
“I just wanted to tell you that despite everything, I was glad to hear that you still consider us family and the place you belong.” He hesitated for a moment, so I looked up at him. He swallowed, “And I do still love you.”
My heart melted, and I tried to ignore the sound of shattering in my ears, thinking about how I would have to return to the BAU to finish what I started. But, he didn’t have to know that yet. All he had to know was how grateful I was for him. “Can I say it now?”
He laughed, “There’s no one here to stop you.”
“I love you too, Mateo.” For the first time in a long time, I saw tears well up in his eyes.
I reached up to brush them away, and he held my hand to him, “God, I just want to hug you or kiss you right now, but I don’t want to mess anything up.”
I laughed with him, giving myself a once over and realizing just how awful I looked. And felt. So instead, I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he delicately wrapped his arm around me. “Soon.”
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
It’d been a couple weeks, and I was healing quite well, considering everything. Everyone visited me, BAU and ring members alike. It was unfortunate to get a visit from DeLeon in the middle of the night, and I couldn’t believe I had to remind him that before I could get back to my agreement, I would actually have to heal from everything he’d done to me. He accepted this, but reminded me he was keeping an eye on me.
Penelope and I shared a hospital room, and as great as it was to see her, everytime I looked over to all the machines she was hooked up to, I wanted to just curl up and cry. Which I’d done a few times. When she caught me, I profusely apologized for everything and getting her involved in all of this. She reached her hand out to me and squeezed it, letting me know that she was alive and recovering. Sometimes, when I couldn’t sleep, I would just sit there and watch her breathe. It was comforting.
Deen visited the most. He started out sitting next to me, and then gradually moved closer and closer to Penelope each time he came. I tried to hide my amusement, but for as smooth as Deen could be, he was equally as awkward. It was actually funny, to see him floundering whenever she looked at him.
One night, when he thought we were both asleep, he sat at the foot of her bed and was doing what I was often doing, just watching her breathe and hearing the beeping of her heart.
“What’re you doing here?” I asked. It was about 1am, and visiting hours were definitely over.
He looked at me, probably about to make up some excuse, but when he saw the look in my eyes and the smirk on my face, he relented. “You know why. Even after everything that happened to you back there, I knew you knew the moment you looked at me like that.”
“You gave yourself away by putting both JT and Dalton outside her door,” I wiggled my eyebrows. He just sighed. “You really do like her, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do. She’s just so…” he trailed off, gesturing to her general figure.
I offered a small laugh, careful not to wake her, “Don’t I know it.” And I did know how it felt to be around her. Not only was she a literal tech genius, but in the dark line of work she was in, and the usual depressive state of everyone around her, her unfaltering light was enough to keep her as an asset to the team. It was no wonder that a man, used to working in a ring like mine, would be attracted to someone so pretty, and sweet, and smart as Penelope.
“It’s never going to work, though,” Deen said, looking over at me.
“And why shouldn’t it?”
“Are you blind? Look at her. She’s … everything. What do I even have to offer her? More depressing news?” Deen huffed.
“Are you blind? She’s been flirting with you this whole time. She has a unique way of going about that, like teasing you and pretending to ignore you and only every now and then making a passive aggressive, backhanded compliment, but she likes you, too. Trust me. And don’t degrade yourself. Sure, you’re not as smart as she is-”
“She reminds me of that frequently,” Deen said with a smile.
“None of us are. There is no one else like her, but Deen, you are smart, you are handsome, and you work hard. You’re a leader, and you’re the Penelope of our ring. When things get really dark, you do your best to keep it light. The two of you would be good together,” I finished.
“Thank you, Alionth.”
“Always. Now you just have to build up the courage to ask her out when this is over.”
“Are you kidding me? I nearly choked when I saw her in her work attire, I think I’d have a heart attack and die if I saw her in a dress for a date,” Deen said, eyes getting wide.
“I’m sure you would,” I agreed.
After a while, Deen commented, “That was some pretty good acting, by the way.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Back when you were on that feed with DeLeon? All those things you said were all very convincing.”
“That wasn’t acting,” I sighed, and Deen's eyes whipped over to mine, “Actually, that was the first time I haven’t been acting.”
“Why? Why then?” Deen was inspecting me curiously.
“I just decided to stop hiding. It’s exhausting.”
“But you do still love them both, right?”
I contemplated that for a few seconds before responding, “I honestly wish I didn’t.” It’d make all of our lives so much easier.
I didn’t have to expand, because Deen seemed to get the message. Somehow, he and I were always on the same page. For the rest of the night, Deen and I sat there thinking about what was to come and thanking our lucky stars that Penelope Garcia, and everyone else involved, was going to be okay.
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fitmydaydream · 5 years ago
Lazy Mornings
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Prompt: Just some morning fluff about you fancying Shawn while he's asleep.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: Hey fellas! This has been sitting in my drafts since forever so I finally decided to post it. A little nervous about this one but I really hope you guys like it!
You always admired the mornings because you've always been an early hours kind of person. Seeing the sky fill with light filled you with new hope to start the day afresh. Lazy mornings were something which were never on your list but being with Shawn made you feel like you had to prioritize them over the early ones. And why wouldn't you? You would kill to have those few extra minutes of closeness with Shawn which you've always craved for being more frequent because he was on tour for almost seven months of the year. His tour has finally ended and he'd come back home. The way his face beamed of joy when he saw you at the airport and engulfed your body in an almost suffocating embrace the other night was something you couldn't get off your mind.
The alarm clock hits the time and the sound fills up the quiet room amongst the light snores from your man, which were the only audible thing in the room and you loved waking upto that. 
Groaning, you shut the alarm off. Mentally cursing yourself over forgetting it to turn off the last night because when Shawn's home, you prefer not to get woken up by anything else other than Shawn's immaculate morning kisses, one of the little things about him towards which you've developed your love for. Shawn wasn't among one of the cheesiest boyfriends you would categorize him into. He wouldn't bring breakfast for you to bed because he said it would be a total displeasure spending his time cooking rather than investing that time with you in bed, smothering you with kisses and holding you close. But he was one of those kinds who would rather have a takeaway and drive you to the beach in the early hours of the morning because watching sunsets with a picnic basket were too mainstream. That was who your Shawn was. Being the sweet spice in your life.
But today you'd decided against waking him up because he needed rest after finally coming back home after a long stretch of work. 
Pulling the covers off from you, you walk towards the window to pull the blinds off, hissing at the sudden cold hitting your bare legs. Sunlight flooded in once you tucked the blinds away and climbed back to your shuffled bed. A thin ray of sunlight hitting your boyfriend's face as you rested the weight of your body on one arm to take in the beautiful sight. You were so invested in him that it didn't even came into your realisation the moment your free hand was gently tracing his eyebrow. The sunlight spilling on his face, painting his face in a new shade of golden. The lashes forming a shadow beneath, adding to their lushness. The pad of your thumb now moving across the bridge of his nose all the way through the eyelids. Your index finger tracing the depth of his cheekbones bringing a frown upon your face as the sudden increase in their deepness. Meanwhile, a tiny cold wave of air brushed past your arm, making you retreat your hands from Shawn's face and covering your body with the sheets.
The sudden loss of contact might have been noticed by Shawn in his subconscious sleep because the moment you pulled your hand away from him to tug up the blanket of yourself, his hand found his way to yours and putting it back to it's place. A smile plastered on your face as you thought of him having his presence of mind while you were adoring his morning beauty.
"Oh did I just wake someone up?" you asked him in a cooing voice followed by light giggles.
"You might have disturbed my beauty sleep love" Shawn stated in his raspy morning voice.
"Well then I guess I'll have to keep my hands to myself. I sure as hell don't want my boy to sacrifice something which could be a compromise to his beauty right?" you joked in a light tone, dramatically pulling your hands away from him and trying to get out of the bed.
Shawn was quick to respond. To your surprise he wasn't as lost in his sleep as you thought he would be seeing his past sleep schedule. His arms were quick to wrap around your waist and withdraw you back to where you were before. His fingers danced around your tickle spots, as he started to place himself above you. 
"Shawn! S-Stop. I am n-not escaping any-ymore!" you muttered in between your laughs, holding onto his arms in an attempt to stop him. 
"How can I trust you my lady? Huh?" His hands now on both of your sides as he hovered above you.
Your arms found its way behind his bare back, holding onto him, pulling him down in an effort to close the distance as much as possible. Shawn dipped his head, placing his lips at the corner of your lips while a smile played at his. He started placing chaste kissed along your jaw, your hands tugging at his messy curls. 
"Just what I missed" you hummed against his skin. You'd missed his gentle touch, how he would play around with his lips all over your face, kissing each and every spot. 
His lips now connecting to yours, moving in a rhythm. Your hands travelled to the nape of his neck, blandly scratching the area which earned a moan from him. His teeth drew at your bottom lips, mildly pulling at them.
"God Y/N baby I missed you so much. I can't wait to do this all day for a while now." He finished as he pecked your lips.
"I didn't know I can be that irresistible sometimes which is a good thing" you beamed at him. 
"I wasn't finished yet. So I was saying I can't wait to do this all day just so you can play with my hair and put me back to sleep because you messed up my sleep this very morning. No offence meant." he mumbled nestling his head into the crook of your neck. 
"All offence taken." You stated acting like you were hurt, placing a hand over your chest.
"I think I can take care of that." He said as he raised his arm to take something from the side table. You couldn't figure out what it was until it was in his hands. 
Shawn was holding a Polaroid camera in his hands. He sat up and focused on you. You were completely startled at to what he was doing. As an instinct, you had your arms cover up your face.
"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes you better put that camera down. I look like a utter mess and I'm not to be messed with" you warned him jokingly, because you knew when he took your pictures at random moments. According to some plausible theory of his that he feeded in your mind, these pictures made him feel better at anxious times as he was reminded of everything that he shared with you. The closeness he craved to have, the love and the intimacy which he had with you to look forward to at the end of the day, got him through the tougher days. The nights he would come to you, being quieter than usual due to a stressful day at the studio, you would gently lay down with him without putting up any question. His head on your stomach and your hands in his hair, gently scraping his scalp making him doz off to sleep.
"Baby please. You know how much I love taking photos of you." Shawn begged you with his one eye popping from beside the camera and even though you could see his mouth, you were sure it'd turn into a pout. Five seconds and that face was all what took him to convince you.
You removed your hands from your face giggling at his innocence and at yourself over how stupidly you were head over heels in love with him. This was the type of connection and intimacy you've longed since long. 
After snapping a few shots, Shawn pulled you onto his lap, hands on your lower back while placing a sweet and lingering kiss onto your forehead.
"Look at you being all smiley today" he whispered against your skin.
"Yes because I was thinking of you the whole time" you replied, a visible grin spreading across your lips.
Feedback is forever appreciated. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this one! Thank you for reading <3 MASTERLIST 💕
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