Welcome To The Pack
Summary- 6.6k  Steve x Y/N. Your on the run and know of a large protective pack to the North. Will Alpha Steve let you join? Written for @simsadventures​ 3K Challenge. Congrats Babes! After the story is the Moodboard she made to go with the challenge. Warnings- M/F masturbation
A/N- So this is something I have written on and off for years, call it a passion project of mine. The shifter wolves are written in my own personal style, not necessarily matching traditional rules of werewolves or A/B/O rules. Any lines marked <like this> are the wolves personality communicating with the human personality of the shifter. I think thats all I got to really say, feedback is welcome, just letting me know if its a yay or nay. 
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The large silver wolf circled around the downed alpha, his muzzle wrinkled to show red stained canines, a warning to the alpha laying at his feet, whose ears flattened against his skull and tail tucked under to flatten against his belly, even his head was twisted to show his throat, submission. He was giving up his pack to this other wolf, this other alpha. The pack mingled around, ears perked in interest and now that the battle between the two was over, they settled down to wait. Would there be a death or banishment. 
There was a yelp and heavy growls from beyond the pack of wolves, and the victor snorted in disgust at the cries, his gaze turning towards the sound. The downed wolf tried to slide away, but was met with fangs sinking into his ruff and slamming him full force back into the bloodied earth, not having been given permission to move. A split in the pack and a smaller light colored female was herded in, snaps at her haunches leaving her spinning, trying to fight back. But she was outnumbered, and when she saw what was happening, she to dropped her belly to the ground, slithering forward. Her muzzle nuzzled against the victors neck, whining her devotion, but that just resulted in a snap to her neck and a yelp as she scuttled to the old alpha, cowering against him. She no longer had favor here, he was her last hope. 
It was Steves time to make his first decision as Alpha, release Brock and his own personal mate Alana, or would he kill them both. He had the right to, he defeated the old alpha,and his mate broke the code of bonding, with Brock of all choices. But he wasnt a killer, not when it was unnecessary. Instead of mauling the two of them with heavy snaps of his jaw like he was tempted to, he turned away and scraped dirt at the two of them, like a animal burying his waste, and shook out his ruff, shaking off the remnants of aggression that had bristled his fur. The silver toned wolf padded away, two of his pack mates broke away from the group, a equally large white wolf with a limp, and a darker mottled wolf, loping to catch up. The two disgraced were soon snapped and growled at, the remaining members of the pack chasing them down old running trails, and when the disgraced wolves crossed into no mans land, the pack paced the line, howling about there disgrace to any neighboring packs. Brock flashed his canines in anger at his old pack and nudging Alana with his long muzzle, the two sprinted off into the night.  
Couple Years Later- 
With a groan Steve covered his face at the glaring sun, and he rolled out of bed, running a hand through his hair and back over his face. Morning, always glaring yet persistent. He was a creature of habit, so he appreciated it. Stretching his arms over his head and twisting a bit till he got the satisfied pops in his back he was looking for, he got up and made his way to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of sweats on his way in. 
Few minutes later, he was going to make a cup of coffee, stirring it slowly watching the cream he had collected from the fridge swirl around in that tracing way before it melded into a soft syrup color, and he opened his door wide and stepped out onto the covered porch of his cabin, breathing in deeply. For most it would be a breath of fresh air, but for Steve, it was like the morning news. Closing his eyes to the foggy haze stretched among the towering pines before him, the scents hit him, the pack chased down a buck, its blood still a metallic tang in the air that he could taste on his tongue. Border patrol just passed a few minutes ago, Sam took the pups with him this time to start to build there stamina. Further up the mountain, they were logging again, the trees seeping sap a tang in the crisp morning air, soon it will be time to bring a truck up there to collect. And then there... it sidled all sneaking in his senses. A scent he wasnt familiar with, like wild honeysuckle and fresh ferns just unfurling in the light. An earthy scent that made the wolf in him perk up, the large beast pacing in his mind. 
<Must find Steve, does she not smell good?> In which Steve inhaled once more, trying to catch it again, his coffee abandoned on the railing, and he left a barefoot trail through the dew covered grass, his nose still seeking for that scent. 
Stop, Im trying to concentrate. The wolf kept pacing heavily in his mind, wanting to take over. Steve strengthened his resolve to not shift. There! He caught it again, and wandered from dewy grass to cold pine needles, they muffled the sound of his walking, but soon members of the pack weaved after there Alpha, and Sam moved up next to him, keeping even with Steve. “I smell her, did she cross over from the southern border.” Steve inquired Sam, which the mottled wolf growled in response, a soft yes. Howls started up, announcing they were incoming and thats when Steve picked up others streaming from among the trees, the fog still clinging to the ground shifting at the disturbance. 
Thats when he was hit with the outsiders scent for the first time. Honeysuckle and morning ferns? Oh it was more then that, it was dripping warm honeycomb plucked fresh from the hive, the sweetness of wild clover being plucked and sucked on, that fresh freezing stream that runs back of his cabin, always seemed to have a tinge of ice laced through it. Womanly.. Female. He sought out the unfamiliar wolf, and his eyes roamed over the familiar members of his pack till he saw her, lowered slightly next to Bucky, his large muzzle once in a while nudging her forward with a press to her ribs and she would skirt forward. Everything in her language showed her complying. <Ours> Steves wolf paced and started to push harder for control, pushing at the mind block Steve normally maintained, making the Alpha take a deep breath to calm his mind, big mistake as he was hit with her scent all over again, making him growl softly. 
You had arrived at this packs border just before dawn, when the morning was in that phase you could start to see shapes in the darkness, as a human. For your wolf, everything was clearly visible, and you had hit the scent. It was multiple wolves, the pack larger then most. The one you were seeking. You knew this Alpha was one of the better ones, have heard the stories of his pack thriving when others struggled. So you waited, and didnt have to wait for long when yellow eyes burned at you from nearby brush studying you. Scrambling up from where you lay, you gave a light wag of your tail, waiting for an invitation. The large white wolf stepped out, and seemed to continue studying you. Bucky, you recognized his description, mostly white, silver lacing his fur along one side, and he limped slightly. He studied you for a moment before crossing over with a leap, he brushed around you, scenting your fur with heavy huffs burying into your ruff, growling for you to drop, submit. You wouldnt be getting near the alpha if you wouldnt comply to one of his secondsl and you lowered your whole body, flashing your throat to him in submission. Another growl became an invitation to join him and Bucky loped off in his off kilter gate, and you leaped to follow, keeping just behind him. 
All the new wolves that joined you made your senses swarm, so you never scented the Alphas presence, not at first. It was when you broke from the thick trees onto a well worn path you first saw him, standing among others, and what surprised you first was he remained human to greet you. A tall man, sweat pants slung lower around the hips, shirtless, a mat of dark blonde hair swathing his chest and muscled arms folded across it, waiting. You could see he was reading you, his features all male. Beard covered jawline, dark hair brushed back from his face, and his eyes snapped open to narrow in on you, making you sink lower in respect. 
When he stepped forward, thats when he separated for the packs scent, and it hit so hard the fur along your back bristled in surprise, making Bucky growl at you in warning. But it wasnt aggression firing your reaction, and your pupils blew at the sensation. How would you describe it? Virile, Tang of pine and sharp metal, the way a fire burns blue hot and sears when you even go near it, hint of iron blood, he was alpha and even now he towered over you. Bucky gave a warning snap and you looked away, calming yourself. Steve squatted more to your level, an alpha that will come to your level? and held out his hand for you, not touching, but offering. 
“Welcome to the Compound Little Wolf, my name is Steve.” his baritone was deep, but still had a hint of lightness to it. Instead of a harsh demanding look, some of his features softened, and you took the chance, moving to a sit and pressing your nose into his palm, and he cupped around your muzzle and let his hand shift along the side of your head to dig into those long fingers into your ruff. Oh that feels good... <Yes Y/N! Hes meant to touch us> You inhaled his scent again and it washed over you, making your wolf want to rumble with pleasure, but you kept quiet for now. 
“Come on, lets go back to my cabin, and you can tell me your story.” He gave one last brush of his hand and pushed to a stand, and the pack started howling, prancing in place before they all lunged forward to race off, Bucky next to you gave a light wag of his tail and also pounced off, to reach Steve. You sat there for a minute and started to follow after Bucky, the rules here were different, you werent entirely sure how to act. Normally the Alpha would pin you, establish dominance, maybe see what it took to make you show your throat to him. Then he would decide, let you live or take it. But not this man, he never even tried. So instead you brought up the rear, the trees started to thin out more and more, turning to towering shady pines that easily Steve in his over six foot frame walked underneath, Grass started to shoot up among the needles, and soon they led you into a clearing, small cabins littering here and there along the tree line, a large structure at one end and in the middle looked like a large gathering area, a large firepitt. The two didnt pause, and continued onto a nearby cabin set off further from the rest, edging a lake. 
Steve looked down at Bucky. “Go see if you can scrounge up a outfit for our guest Buck. Probably Wanda has something she can spare.” In which the white wolf flicked a ear in response and trotted off without another look back at you, and Steve walked onto a nearby porch, grabbing a coffee cup and tossing the cold coffee into the drive, and he opened the door. “Come on in.” Steve offered and you skirted past him and into his cabin. Steve followed along behind, knowing Bucky would be along soon enough. Inside it was simply set up, wide windows ran along one wall to show the lake that the cabin was edging, along with a long deck that allowed you to go out to the deeper end. The edges of the shoreline showed deep green pines and stone grey beaches, scattering with logs. Steve set his cup in the kitchen sink and turned to watch you.
<Mark her... shes ours. Cant you feel it?> Steves wolf growled, his tail lifted and nose in the air, scenting her again. Steve didnt make the mistake dragging in air to fill his lungs after last time. Having you in this enclosed space was even more noticeable. He wondered if you were having a time like he was, thankfully his control had been honed through the years. “You can shift back whenever your ready. Bucky be back soon with some clothes. I will be out on the deck when your ready to come chat. Help yourself, theres coffee, water, beer... thats about it.” Moving to his back door, he stepped out, letting the clear air cleanse him, shaking his head and his wolf growled at him. <Why are you leaving her unmarked? Another alpha could take her. If you dont I will take her, I have no problem pining that little wolf in my bite.> Fucking hell.... dont make me muzzle you. The wolf snorted in disdain and flashed his canines in warning at his human counterpart. Remember the last mate we took? Didnt end up so well. That left him bristling remembering her, his ears flattening. <Alana is no wolf, shes was a viper in our nest.>
You waited and there was a short knock a few minutes later, and a man entered, his eyes scanning till he saw you. Gruffly he set a pile of clothes on the table, and without a word he let you to pick through, going out onto the porch, snapping the door shut. That must be Bucky, you wrinkled your nose. He was just as silent as a human as wolf. Bracing yourself for the thankfully quick process of shifting forms, you tug on the clothes, they were a size bigger then you would normally wear, but beggers cant be choosers. Running your hands through your hair, you make your way to the glass door and the packs Alpha. You also suspect Bucky was an alpha by nature as well, he was almost the same size as Steve in human form, the two of them standing with there backs to you, just about shoulder to shoulder. You cracked open the door just in time to hear a growling comment. 
“Yea, well dont let her cloud your senses, I saw the change in you.” Bucky heard the door open and looked over his shoulder, his eyes raking over you to see what you looked like, and gave a nod to Steve before walking past you to leave you two alone. Steve remained looking at the lake, but you saw his shoulders stiffen before tilting his head more towards you. You wondered if he was having an inner debate as you were about to. Your little wolf was starting to howl, wanting to give herself over already to the Alpha before her, prance and rub herself up against him, invite him to play. <Oh lets present, touch him, wrap around him.> This was gonna be harder then you anticipated. Youve never had this kind of reaction to anyone. Your hands hugged around your torso for the control. 
Steve took in the whole demeanor, the way you hugged yourself and hunched your shoulders, your eyes they looked but didnt see, unfocused. You were feeling it just as he was, and last thing he wanted to think that he was gonna manipulate you physically. “You got nothing to worry about... Whats your name?” He moved to one of the alpine chairs nearby, and sat down, one leg crossing over the other and you followed suit, perching on the edge of the seat. “Y/N, and from further south, as im sure you can tell.” 
“Yes, thats the direction I first scented you this morning.” Steve gave a smile, and when you returned one in return, both him and his wolf preened a bit. It was a fitting look from you, your features not so drawn in worry looking. The ache in his gut in how badly he wanted to tug you into his lap, the clothes, he could tell they were Wandas were just slightly to big, the shirt hanging loose, but not enough to him to get a peek at the delicate curve of your shoulder, oh how badly Steve and the wolf wanted to see it. “Why did you travel all this way, and alone? Its dangerous... “ Steve didnt want to point out the obvious. Unmated wolves, drew attention, sometimes not always the kind wanted. 
“Things, are not like this elsewhere Steve.” You started and hesitated a bit, both you and your wolf wanted to hide away, She whined in your head and curled up, her tail flicking over her face at the memory. “The alphas are selling off unmated wolves, to whoever wants them at this point. I was able to escape before I was collared at the monetary exchange.” You didnt go into details about what happened during the process, you pushed that all down to continue with your story. “Its also not in the deep south anymore, its basically on your doorstep.” Your eyes darted at him, and right now he said nothing. An L shape of his fingers pressing along his cheek and jaw, which was clenched as he heard more of what you were saying. 
Steve was well aware of what you were talking of, but never up here. This was a practice that was a barbaric practice the alphas before him had done away with. Brock initially brought it up to return it, that made Steve challenge him in the first place, among other reasons. “How far did you travel?” He asked you now, trying to figure out where the pack was you initially were from.
“2 days of steady travel once I lost the trackers coming for me. I- I honestly dont know if they will continue to track me. My Alpha, he isnt one to give up so easily.” You fold up your legs and tug your shirt over your knees, a sign to Steve of making yourself small, unnoticed. <Oh we see you Little One, you cant hide from us> The wolf in him watched closely, making sure you were safe. Your words, your tone really stirred him, rumbling in Steves mind that you might have come to any kind of harm, Steve felt his own growl roll from his chest, quickly clearing his throat when you seem to perk up at him. 
“Y/N, I dont turn any away that are in trouble, and your Ex- Alpha can try to reclaim you, but unless you decide to leave, he wont have any right to you.” This had the wolf snapping in agitation, and Steve slammed up a wall to block him out, not wanting to deal with the agitated beast. “I have a spare room, today we can show you how everything is set up, go from there. You can decide if you want to join us.” <She cant leave, shes ours. we will protect her.> Ignoring him, Steve continued. “Tomorrow is a full moon run, most the pack will be attending. Its up to you. When your ready, I will have Sam show you around.” His wolf settled down, if they couldnt show her, Sam was the best choice, mated male and his second. Sams mate would probably join them in there travels. 
You rewarded him with another soft smile, and you nodded while loosening your earlier tight grasp around your legs. “Okay Steve, I would like that... “ Again Steve softened for that look and his wolf wagged the tip of his tail. He reached over and gave you a proper shake of hands in greeting. “You got a lot of ground to cover with Sam, lets get that started.” 
Just as Steve predicted, Sams mate Sara, immediately welcomed you with open arms. “Of course we can, we will bring her back to your place afterwards.” she smiled assured at Steve and the two of you disappeared into Sams home. Steve was loathe to let you go off, his wolf even more so. <An unmated alpha will pick up her scent.> The wolf growled while Steve made his way towards the large building, Bucky stood waiting patiently with his hands in his pockets. “What did you tell her?” Bucky asked, not remarking on the agitated walk Steve had at the moment. 
“That she can stay if she wants. She was gonna be sold Buck. They almost collared her.” Steve yanked open a garage door and sighed. “And before you even start about it, yea... I noticed. Hit me like a ton of bricks okay. But im in control.” 
Bucky arched a brow and went inside, going through some keys on a side table before tossing them to Steve. “You sure? Your wolf is just gonna keep pushing until something happens.” 
Yanking open the trucks door, Steve climbed into the 18 wheeler and settled behind the wheel, waiting on Bucky. “Im sure, I cant make a mistake like I did with Alana.” He shoved keys into the ignition and it roared to life. Bucky settled back into the seat and shook his head in disagreement with Steve. 
“Man, you gotta let that go. You sure as hell didnt know and you were what... 20? You got caught up in the moment, and did what you thought was right after you bit her. The bitch had everyone fooled.” 
“I should have known Buck. That it was all hormones and no connection.” He edged the truck forward and started to go up towards the lot to collect the logs for the mill. “Im not gonna put myself, or the pack through that again. Yes, theres something... but nothing is going to come from it right this second or ever. I got to much going on now to think about taking a mate. Whos to even say she is going to stay.” 
Bucky dropped it for now, seeing that Steve wasnt going to admit to himself what was that apparent. Steve went quiet to, thinking back on his years with his ex. He sworn that they were a pair. The moment he met her, he couldnt control himself, and in his haste he marked her as his own that first night. She had been all for it, hanging off his arm for a while. Then she started showing interest in other males, when Steve confronted her about her actions, Alana always brushed it off as his wolf being aggressive, jealous. Many nights of yelling, they would get physical with one another as there wolves raged in battle with one another and after the violence leaving marks, it would turn into angry rutting sex, each trying to out do the other. Forgiveness would come after they were both beaten, exhausted. 
That was until He caught her with Brock. His hand flexed around the wheel, and turned white knuckle. The betrayal still cut. 
Once the two men arrived to the yard, they hopped out and with the rest of the team started loading the logs, making counts, and planning maintenance of the land, where they would replant, and what kind of wood they would start to grow. Since they lived much longer then typical humans, and they needed to maintain there source of income, the connection to the humans. All they knew, they were loggers living with there families in there own little community. They had a few humans employees, but none lived in The Compound. Steve was always able to dissuade them in different ways. 
They worked quickly once they got to the logging yard, and within a few hours Steve was maneuvering the truck with Bucky in the passenger seat down the mountain and to the mill, after getting the load unhooked, another trailer attached and Steve made sure they collected the check, he made his way back to the truck. “Hey, im gonna split and stay in town a bit.” Bucky said as he grabbed his jacket from the trucks cab and hopped down. Steve shrugged a bit, knowing the bachelor frequented after hours at some dames house when he wasnt doing pack duties. Steve never asked who, and Bucky never offered to tell. “Sure... see you tomorrow morning. Dont do anything I wouldnt do.” Steve said joking and Bucky smirked, giving a salute. 
“Well, I always do buddy. Dont get yourself all tongue tied up with that girl.” Whistling, Bucky turned on his heels and walked away, leaving Steve scowling to himself a bit. Starting up, he headed back to The Compound, and his wolf settled in happy. <Lets go home to our mate>
Shes not our mate. 
<Ha, she will be. I know she belongs to us. Just wait till we get hands on her, you will see how she responds.> The wolf smug as always. 
Were not doing anything of the sorts, shes here for protection from a terrible situation. 
<Yea, we will be protecting her while we put our mark on her> The wolf licked his jaws with a swipe of his tongue. 
Steve still didnt know how he could have two such personalities in him, some days he thought he would loose his mind. Soon he was pulling back in, just as night started to fall, and once he had it parked, and locked up the massive garage, he glanced at his cabin, to see it all aglow. At first he was surprised, its always been cold and dark sitting on the lakes edge, but no... this time he was actually going home to someone. 
Sam and Sara returned you a couple hours ago to the Alphas house, you were tired, it was alot to see on your first day. They had driven you on an ATV around some of the property line, it was expansive. Much larger then any territory you had been on before and could see now how Steve was able to maintain such a large pack. They also took you up the mountain to show you there operation. How they kept up there cover with the humans, and also raised funds necessary to survive. 
Once you returned, Sam assuring you that Steve would probably be back in an hour or two, you first waited on the edge of the couch, looking around the mans home. Your wolf pawing and brushing up against your minds wall, wanting to roll in his scent to get it all over. Will you stop. You chide her as you push off the couch, and start to explore a bit. First breezing over his bookshelf, and stepping through the small kitchen, to look around. Yea, you opened cupboards and drawers, looked in his fridge. Then you stepped into the hallway and started towards the three doors all begging to be peaked into. 
<He will like it, smelling us through his house, on his things, we are his after all> Your little wolf hummed happily now that you were looking around, the first door you popped open was his bathroom, small and clean. Stepping in, You popped open the shampoo bottle and inhaled. It did have a hint of his scent, masculine. You set it back down, and back out to the next door. Or maybe not? Just cause theres an attraction doesnt mean anything. 
Your wolf snorted at you <Then why you going through his stuff if you dont crave him?>
Shut up, you know how Alphas can be. Give them a little, you loose everything. Why would we want that? This time the little wolf of your mind didnt say anything to retort back, just wrinkling her muzzle in warning at your words. Next door opened and it showed a bed, dresser, lovely view of the lake. This must be your room for the night. On the end of the bed, there was some folded womens clothes and much to your surprise a large over sized tee, which when you picked it up and pressed it to your face, smelled just like him. It hit you hard, your lower gut clenching and your thighs tightened to control the throb that made you quake. Your fingers curled in the fabric, and left you panting. Dropping the shirt, your little wolfs triumph howl echoed through your mind. and with a drag of your teeth over you lips, you eyed the last door, the final door. 
Steves room.
This is where you smelled him strongest, that masculine scent of fresh pine and fire swept over you and you couldnt stop yourself from sliding inside the room. He had a large bed, it actually took up a majority of the room, and much like yours, it faced the lake. A nightstand, simple dresser and doors to a closet and attached bathroom was all that was left. Your hand runs over the quilt on the bed, and you move to a kneel on it, sitting back on your ankles as you keep getting yourself high on his scent. Your eyes close and your head tips back. A pleasured haze swirls in your mind, and your body responds in the only way it knows how. 
Your little wolf is quiet finally, and you can get lost in your mind, imaging Steves hands rough, and yet gentle on you roaming your body, his nose dragging along your neck like he cant get enough,thinking this you bite your bottom lip to make it plump. Your hand now falls between your thighs at these thoughts, and pressing against your core through the cloth, as your imagination takes a different tone. Laying your body out and his head dropping to your breast, pulling at your nipple between sharp teeth, your fingers press harder at the images in your head, making you whimper and start gyrating your hips into your palm. Soft pants rush out and then you imagine him flipping you over to your stomach, arching your ass into the air and his hot breath flushing against your neck, just behind your ear. “Your gonna be a good girl for me Little Wolf?” Calling you the same name he did this morning, and giving you that bite at the nape of your neck, where any mate would pin you down, and you cry out, as you orgasm and fall against the bed, pressing your face into his pillow. Coming down was slow, you were now on edge and ashamed of your actions. 
Not your wolf though, she was purring and stretching at the satisfying feeling buzzing through you <Just imagine how much better it will be with your Alpha> Your quickly rolling off the bed, and making sure its all straightened out. Your wolf huffs out <Hes gonna smell you in here you know...> You ignore her and rush out, deciding that maybe the best thing to do is just act like you hadnt invaded his private space, and maybe turned yourself on just a bit to much. Dinner... Dinner is a good idea. Lets make him dinner to thank him. With a rush you leave his room, making sure the door is closed behind you and make your way into the kitchen. 
Quick inspection of his fridge proved two things, he was a beer man, as well as a liquor man from the contents on top of the fridge. He also liked to eat. There was an array of food, but what really caught your eye was some steaks he had wrapped in wax paper. Taking them out, you let them sit on the counter, and start making the a salad and toast off some garlic bread. Digging out a cast iron, you drop butter and some dried herbs in the pan. Outside it had turned dark, you flicking on a overhead light and you saw Steve had a small radio up on the kitchen counter. Simply hitting on, the music of an old rock station started to play, and you let yourself just enjoy that moment, forgetting you were a hunted unmated wolf, that this was an Alphas house you didnt know, and yet you felt perfectly at home in. No, right now it was just something as simple as pan frying steaks and making sure you didnt burn the damn bread. 
Coming up the steps, Steve wondered if he should knock on his own door to let you know he was coming, the music drifting to him made him grin, and your shadow flickered through the light falling through the window. <Look at our mate, making herself right to home> His wolf observed. Yes, she does seem to be comfortable in our place... His wolf simply growled with content, still sure that the female on the other side was his. Steve did happen to knock, and letting himself in. You hadnt noticed though as you stood at the stove, swaying your hips one way, your head the opposite and you sang right along
“Pour some sugar on me
C'mon, fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
I can't get enough
I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet, yeah...” This is where you had picked up the beat, arching a bit to your toes, and lifting the fork to your lips to mimic singing in a microphone. Fuck shes damn cute... <Cute? Shes perfect>
Steve cleared his throat loudly, and was grinning while leaning against one of the counters, watching as you swung around with a fork in hand, wide eyed in surprise. Red laced up your neck and into your cheeks, flinching as if you had displeased him, making you stutter a bit to answer and he interrupts you. “It smells really good Y/N, you certainly didnt have to do this, but thank you.” He gave nothing more then a warm smile, and you returned it, relaxing when you saw he wasnt upset with you. 
“It was the least I could do for everything.” You return to the stove and flip the steaks, keeping them on the rare side, you plated them, and set them aside. 
Why in the hell would she think I would be upset about her cooking? Steves mind raced, and his wolf rumbled in anger. <Because someone has probably beat her before.>
“Im just gonna go jump in the shower quickly. Wanna eat out on the deck? Its a nice evening out.” After you nodded in agreement, he turned away, heading towards his bedroom. It surprised Steve how right this felt, it was never this way with Alana in the years they were mated together. Usually when he returned home from a day away, she was either demanding sex from him, or was restless, whining, pacing complaining about being left alone. Steve tried to alleviate her discomfort by trying to balance pack life and his mate, but it never seemed to be enough. This though... there was no tension to him coming home to this female. Even his wolf was calm and settled, just soft brushes in his mind cause he knew she was in the kitchen, and seemed content. Stepping into his bedroom, it hit him full force. 
There was no hiding the growl that ripped from him scenting you in his space. HIs eyes flashed yellow as his hold just about wrenched his door handle off before he released it, allowing the door to swing shut. Fuck if it wasnt the best thing he ever scented, even more then this mornings encounter. Couldnt drag it in enough, heavy huffs as he searched it out, and there, it was strongest on the bed, making him hard at the remnants of your scented arousal. It made him a bit high, and he didnt even realize the low possessive rumbles rolling from him as every nerve along his body strained, partially to go claim you as his. Even his wolf’s fur stood on end, his muzzle lifted in the air, howling for his mate. 
Still in a high, as he laid on the bed and just let himself get under control at the raging wolf in his mind, and his own bodies reaction. “Fucking hell” he cursed as his need ripped a fire through him. When it wasnt going away, he ripped off his clothes while getting up, grabbing a clean pair of jeans and a tee. Stepping in the shower and flipping the water to ice fucking cold, he let the cold water cascade of his shoulders and back. Yet that fire still wasnt going anywhere, it was simmering just as hotly in his lower gut, his erection still pressing against his lower stomach although it felt like ice was pelting him. Giving in to his needs, he wrapped a hand around his erection and started to jerk himself off, letting himself imagine you were with him in the shower, your hands rubbing his cock, while your wide eyes looked up at you, your lips full, beaded with droplets of water that your tongue would flick off. 
The image alone made him jerk faster, bringing himself closer. Picturing your hands sweeping over his chest, nails lightly scratching, soft nips traveling down his body, and your sinking to your knees. Steve fell forward in his ice shower, his hand bracing against the wall, his head dropped forward, and picturing you lowering to your knees before him in his mind, well that sent him over, and heavy ropes of cum sprayed against the shower wall, and he took ragged breaths, just waiting to return back from his unsatisfactory orgasm. Giving himself a light shake to dispel the energy rippling through him, he grabbed his soap and shampoo, making quick work of cleaning himself off. Stepping out, a whisk of a towel of his body and through his hair, he got dressed, sure to be quick going through his room so he wasnt caught up again. 
Coming back out, Steve didnt see you in the kitchen, but there was a soft candle glow outside and you had made you had the food set on the table outside, but you still werent anywhere to be seen. Stepping out onto the deck himself, he leaned against the railing watching you when he finally caught sight of you. The moon, not quite full was silhouetted against your form at the end of the dock, outlining all your curved features, you seem to be studying the water, your foot dipping in before you pull it back out. Then to his surprise you arched your back, hands raised over your head and jumped into the water, diving into the darkness out of sight. 
Steves wolf was howling to you when you disappeared from sight, welcoming you to The Pack. The man let himself get caught in it, tipping his head back and his deep baritone lifted in the barely there night sky, echoing over the lake and behind him, answering calls filled the woods with the cries of pack mates. Lilting in different tones, the pack howl echoing to travel further then usual till all wolves in neighboring territories to there land would pause in hesitation, ears perked and exchanging looks, they to would answer back, establishing there strength against the wolves of the mountain. Two outsiders skirted in the no mans land, the strips of land between borders that was meant to keep wolves from crossing into another, noses to the ground. Following the sweet honeyed unmated scent of the runaway female. They to heard the massive cry, pausing to flick ears back and forth, and promptly, they turned in sync, racing towards the sound, swift and silent in there travels. 
Moodboard Inspiration By Sims 
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tags-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @imanuglywombat​ @simsadventures​
1K notes · View notes
whateveriwant · 4 years
Luck Be a Lady: (1) What Happens in Vegas
Mob AU & Pretty Woman AU
Summary: As a lady of the night, you service many clients on the Strip. But one night, you meet a man who isn’t like your regular customers; a man much more dangerous than normal men. Will his life drag you down, or will luck be on your side?
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Prostitute!Reader
Word Count: ~7.9k
Warnings: language, smoking/drinking, mentions of guns/drugs/death, SMUT 18+ (cunnilingus, vaginal sex), overall gross misrepresentations of mobs/prostitution (this is fanfiction, afterall)
Moodboard: #2 (included at the end)
A/N: UPDATE: THIS SERIES IS NOW DISCONTINUED! SO SORRY! Hello! So, this is my first series. As you can see, it’s inspired by the film Pretty Woman (1990). While this first chapter is the most heavily influenced by the movie, I promise that the story will significantly diverge from the film (what I have planned is a doozy). I was sitting on this series for a while with no idea of where to take it, until I saw the amazing moodboards created by @simsadventures and was hit with sudden inspiration. Thus, this is written for her 3k Challenge! Congrats on your (now 4k) followers! I’ve included a few links in the chapter that I recommend you all check out. To any and everyone who reads this, I hope you enjoy! 
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Bucky sits in Asgard’s dining hall, shoulders tense and jaw clenched. Rolling up his sleeve to check his watch, he sees it’s half past 10. He knew this meeting wasn’t going to be quick – not with the way Pierce likes to run his mouth – but he hadn’t expected to be sitting here for over two-and-a-half hours. He could be doing much better things with his time. They all could be doing much better things with their time. 
Given that Pierce prefaced this sit down with a, “Gentlemen, you know as well as I do, I’d rather be nursing a scotch at this hour on a Friday evening. But... business is business,” one would think he’d have wrapped it up by now. Apparently, listening to the sound of his own voice creates a buzz enough to rival a top-shelf liquor.
Bucky checks his watch again; a whole three minutes have passed since he last checked. He stifles the urge to roll his eyes as Pierce continues to drone on and on. Glancing over at Steve, Bucky can tell he’s similarly disinterested, but Steve is much less obvious with his frustration.
As for Bucky, however, he’s well and truly had enough.
“We almost done here?” Bucky manages to sneak in when Pierce’s spiel momentarily lulls.
Pierce looks stunned for a beat, almost incredulous that someone would dare interrupt him. But Bucky couldn’t give two shits about Pierce’s wounded ego; he just wants to leave the man’s presence and go home for the night.
While meeting in neutral territories is necessary to ensure inter-mob safety, that doesn’t mean Bucky has to particularly like it. Right now, he’d rather be surrounded by his own tastes in decor – something much less gilded and gaudy than Asgard's decorum.
“Eager to leave so soon?” Pierce finally snaps from his daze. “You’re usually quite keen on going over business, Barnes. On more than one occasion, you’ve spoken about how... hands-on you like to be,” he notes, squinting slightly as he regards Bucky.
Bucky’s jaw ticks in annoyance. He opens his mouth to retort, but before he can say something that will undoubtedly stoke the flames, Steve speaks first. 
“Look, Pierce, we’ve been here for hours. We’ve already discussed at length what went wrong with that last deal with Klaue – how we all suffered losses. I’m not sure there’s much more to be said.”
“Perhaps you weren’t listening closely, Rogers,” Pierce shoots him a tight-lipped smile. “Yes, it’s true all three of our groups lost profit. However, I feel as if I’ve gotten the short end of the stick,” he sneers. “Whereas yours and Barnes’ men walked away unscathed, I lost five of my men on that arms run.” He emphasizes his point by holding up five bony fingers.
“Comes with the territory,” Bucky shrugs flippantly.
Pierce clicks his tongue, a scowl just beginning to form on his face. “I’ve never suffered a loss of this magnitude before.” He shakes his head. “At least... not when Rogers or Brock has led runs in the past.”
“Yeah,” Brock chimes in, “everythin’ went tits up when you decided to lead this run on your own, James.”
Bucky’s lip curls at Brock’s attempt at familiarity. “That’s ‘Barnes’ to you, Brock.”
Pierce turns to Brock, raising a hand to stop him from speaking further. Bucky knows Brock has a lot more he’d like to say, but like the loyal dog he is, he obeys his master’s bidding. Pierce turns back to Bucky and Steve, looking between the two men.
“Unless we’re going to retaliate against the Red Skulls for intercepting this run…,” Pierce proposes, seeing Steve and Bucky shift in their seats – both hesitant to agree. He continues, “...I think the only logical move from here is that my men get a larger percentage of this run's profit.”
“What?!” Bucky slams his hand on the table. “Like fuck I’ll give you a bigger part of my cut!”
“It seems only fair,” Pierce’s voice drips with mock sincerity, “given that I now have to devote resources to replacing the men I lost.”
“Lost under your lead, Barnes,” Brock points out, a smug grin plastered on his face.
Bucky grits his teeth, fighting hard to keep his composure. As the tension ripples off of Bucky – obvious to everyone at the table – Steve tries to take lead of the conversation.
“How much are we talking about here? How much do you want from us?”
Pierce purses his lips as he muses for a second, doing the calculations in his head. “I figure 20% from each should suffice.”
“Twenty percent?” Bucky jolts forward in his seat. “Are you out of your fuckin’ mind?”
“Buck….,” Steve says under his breath, trying to placate him. He shoots Bucky a look saying ‘don’t push this’ before turning back to Pierce – only his eyes betraying his own irritation. “That can be arranged.”
Pierce nods in acknowledgment. “I’d prefer to receive my payment as soon as possible. Cash, of course.”
“Neither of us carry that much on our person,” Steve explains. “The earliest we could do is... tomorrow morning.”
“Fine, fine,” Pierce waves dismissively. “Eight a.m. tomorrow at The Panther. Does that work for you both?”
Steve agrees with an eager nod. With a sly elbow in the ribs from Steve, Bucky eventually offers his own curt nod, accepting Pierce’s terms.
“Then it’s settled. We’ll meet again tomorrow morning. Have a good rest of your evenings, gentlemen,” Pierce smiles, incredibly pleased with having won this argument.
Bucky springs from his seat and storms away, not even bothering to re-button his suit in the process. As he makes his way towards the casino’s entrance – intent on leaving immediately – he's suddenly stopped by a dainty hand on his bicep. He spins around, meeting the eyes of someone he forgot had been waiting by the bar throughout the meeting.
“Hi, Bucky,” Dot says, voice low and breathy. She bats her eyes, “I’ve missed ya.”
Bucky withholds a groan at her attempt at seduction. He saw her hanging off of Brock’s arm the minute he entered the casino. She’s apparently his ‘girl of the week’. 
While Bucky and Steve deal solely in “safe” sources of income, primarily guns, loans, and bribes, Pierce likes having his finger in every kind of pie – ranging from guns, to women, to occasionally drug-muling. 
Brock especially loves to pride himself on “sampling the merchandise” by having a different one of their girls by his side every other week. “I like knowin’ what the customer pays for, he relayed after one meeting. Seein’ if our girls are any good is the best part of my job.”
Despite knowing her employer – ‘pimp’ being the more appropriate term – Bucky had no qualms in hooking up with Dot once or twice. However, with the shit storm that brewed afterwards, he was quick to drop her and has tried to avoid her ever since.
“Call me James,” he says as he brushes her hand off of him.
“S'not what ya used to like me callin’ ya,” she tries teasing. “Back when we were together.”
“Let’s get this straight,” Bucky’s gives her a sharp look, his tone harsh. “We were never ‘together’, alright? We hooked up a couple’a times but that was months ago. There’s nothin’ between us anymore.”
“But there can be,” she prods, stepping closer to trail a finger along his jaw.
Bucky immediately grabs her hand and removes it from his face. “No,” he speaks with a conviction to show he’s unyielding on this topic. 
He gives her another stern look, making her cower slightly. Once she finally backs down, Bucky turns and makes his exit from the casino.
Finally out on the sidewalk, Bucky takes a deep breath to try calming himself. As he waits for his driver to bring the car around, he runs one hand through his hair and fishes for his cigarette case with the other. Just as he lights one and releases a puff of smoke, Steve also makes his way out of the casino.
“I thought you quit,” Steve remarks, indicating Bucky’s cigarette. “When’d you pick up the habit again?”
“Recent,” he breathes out another puff. “Been on and off. Only do it when I need to cool down; need to relax.”
“Yeah, I could tell you were tense in there. And I saw Dot accost you afterwards. That definitely didn’t help.” Steve shakes his head.
“No, it fuckin’ didn’t,” Bucky exhales sharply. “Dot, Pierce, Brock… God, why does he let that asshat sit at the table? Fuckin’ prick doesn’t know his goddamn place.”
“I hear he’s grooming him to take over soon.” Steve’s comment makes Bucky shoot him a questioning brow, encouraging him to continue. “Well, since his wife and daughter want nothing to do with this side of the business, Pierce has no choice but to look elsewhere for his successor.”
“That means asshat’s gonna be at the table a lot more, doesn’t it?” Bucky sighs, voice laced with contempt.
Steve sucks his teeth in response. “I’m afraid so.”
“Well that’s just fuckin’ great. Guess I’m gonna be burnin’ through these real quick.” Bucky wiggles his cigarette in the air, taking another drag before stamping it out on the pavement.
“I mean, there are other ways to blow off some steam.” Steve gives him a look, knowing Bucky understands what he’s implying. “And you might want to do so since we have another meeting in the morning.”
Bucky checks his watch. It’s just past 11. While the Chicken Ranch is open 24/7, Bucky’s not sure he wants to make the drive out this late at night – especially since he has an early morning tomorrow. 
Deciding against Steve’s suggestion, Bucky shakes his head. “Nah, it’s too late for that.” As his driver finally pulls up, another idea pops into his head. “Think I’ll just go for a drive. Try to clear my head that way. Would you mind havin’ your driver take Bernard home for me?”
“Of course, it’s no problem,” Steve says, his mouth suddenly shifting into a smirk. “But... didn’t you just buy that car?”
“...Yes?” Bucky’s response is hesitant, almost questioning – unsure of Steve’s motives behind his inquiry.
“Have you driven it before?” 
“No... it’s brand new. Just off the lot.” Where is he going with this?
“Can you drive it?” Steve quirks a teasing brow.
Bucky sighs, rolling his eyes. “It’s a stick shift, not rocket science. I’ll figure it out.”
“If you say so, punk.”
Bucky scoffs as he gets into the car, rolling down the window so that Steve can see him past the tint. As he pulls away from the curb, he gets the last playful jibe in. 
“Fuck off, jerk.” 
He peels away in a blur of silver, speeding down the street. While having three pedals is an unusual experience for first time manual drivers, Bucky seems to get the hang of it in no time. He rolls his window back up as he drives, enjoying the smooth ride.
Well... smooth for a few blocks.
Bucky doesn’t even make it to the end of the Strip before something goes wrong. He isn’t sure what exactly happens – he still knows dick-all about driving manual – but he suddenly finds his car stalling. He manages to pull over and stop in the closed-off right lane, utterly relieved for the first time in his life for the constant construction work in Vegas.
“Fuck,” he hisses, punching the steering wheel. This night just keeps getting better and better, he internally remarks. How the fuck am I gonna drive all the way home now? He takes note of his location, knowing he’s dozens of miles away from his house.
Might have to find a closer alternative for spending the night….
You wake up to your six o’clock alarm, the sun ready to set in an hour. Hearing her alarm ring through your paper-thin walls, you know Stephanie is similarly rousing from her sleep in the next room over. You yawn and stretch, feeling your joints click after hours spent on your lumpy mattress. 
Once you drag yourself from bed, you greet Stephanie as you simultaneously emerge from your rooms. You both head into the kitchen, seeing if anything magically appeared in your bare cabinets and refrigerator overnight. Luckily, there’s still some leftover take-out from yesterday. You and Stephanie split the stale Thai food, hurrying as you see the clock nearing 6:45. 
After cleaning up, you both get ready for your long night. You dig through your drawers to choose your outfit for the evening. The early spring weather is finally warm enough that you can comfortably show some skin without worrying about later freezing due to a temperature drop. Settling on mismatched underthings, a short skirt, low-cut top, and ratty heels, you and Stephanie make your way out of the apartment just before seven.
Since your apartment is only a few blocks away, it doesn’t take long to reach your designated section of the Strip. For several hours, you stand on your segment of the sidewalk, looking to entice any willing customers. Unfortunately, it’s a rather slow night for you both.
“We’re gonna hafta pull some big ones soon if we wanna make rent this month,” Stephanie grumbles as the night dwindles on.
“S’not like we’re not tryin’,” you comment. “I’ve been offerin’ the pricier options, but no one’s bitten yet. All they want is the cheap, quick stuff.” 
“Well, we’ve already been here for…,” she pauses to check her phone, “...four hours and we only turned a couple tricks each. S'not gonna cut it, Peanut.”
Having no response to her statement – despite how true it rings – you simply shrug, turning back towards the street. But, in a sudden stroke of luck, a car comes to a stop not far from where you’re standing. Seeing as the lane is closed off by cones, you figure there’s only one reason why the driver pulled over.
“Well shit, looks like our luck might be turnin’ if Mr. Caddy has any say,” Stephanie laughs. “You take this john.”
“What? Why me?” You spin to look at her, confused as to why she would turn down the prospect of making a good deal of money.
“Your tits look better in that shirt, so you’re more likely to score this one,” she says as if it’s obvious. “But be nice,” she gives you a pointed look. “This one trick might be all we need, alright? So keep the claws in, kitten.”
You roll your eyes. “Aye, aye,” you deadpan, giving her a mock salute.
As you start walking towards the car, Stephanie suddenly stops you, turning you around once more. “Wait, wait. Ya got your harlot red lipstick on ya? It came off on that last blowjob.”
“Scarlet red,” you correct her, pulling the tube out of your purse.
“I don’t give a fuck what her name is, Peanut. That shade makes you irresistible.” She helps you apply it before urging you forward again. “Now, go on. Ya got this,” she encourages.
You take a deep breath, push your breasts up, and walk towards the car. Once you reach the passenger’s side window, you’re surprised to see it’s still rolled up; most customers usually have it lowered to talk with you. 
The tint is too dark for you to see through so you knock against the glass, asking the driver to roll it down. They hesitate for a second before the window finally descends. And what a sight you’re met with. 
A gorgeous set of blue eyes belonging to an even more gorgeous face look out at you. He’s certainly the best looking customer you’ve had all month, if not all year. Oh, you definitely need to score this one now. 
Realizing you need to pull out all the stops, you lean forward, resting your arms against the windowsill and putting your breasts on full display. “How ya doin’, baby? Ya need somethin’?” You play up the innocent card as if you don’t know exactly what he wants.
He gives you a once-over, letting his eyes linger for a second on your chest. His reaction makes you think you’ve got this one in the bag, a small smirk pulling at your lips. But he suddenly clears his throat and shakes his head, causing your smile to immediately fall.
“Unless you know how to drive stick,” he laughs slightly, “I’m okay. Thanks.”
His confession makes you grin again; all hope is not yet lost. “Well, it’s your lucky night, baby, ‘cause I do know how to drive stick.”
Sure, it’s been a few years since you last drove one, but you figure it’s just like riding a bike.
“Where ya headed?”
He takes a second to think – almost as if he doesn’t already know his destination. “Umm… The Asset, I guess. Know where that is?”
Do you know where that is? You have to stop yourself from laughing. That casino’s only one or two blocks away from the section of the Strip you work off of. You’ve been brought there by customers more times than you can count; that is, for times you’ve been fortunate enough to actually get a room instead of a back alley or back seat.
“Yeah, I know where that is. S’just down the street.” You nod in the direction of the casino. A sudden idea comes to mind as you look over the man sitting before you – expensive suit and all. “For $20, I’ll drive ya there myself.” If this trick falls through for some reason, at least you can walk away with something.
"Twenty bucks?" He squints slightly, incredulity coloring his tone. "Can't you just tell me how to start my car again, darlin'?"
Darlin'? No. No, no. Mr. Blue Eyes isn't about to smooth talk you into changing your mind.
"Hey, I'm not the one parked in a tow zone, pal." You immediately cringe at the nickname you called him, not meaning to let your ire slip out. ‘Keep the claws in’, you remind yourself of Stephanie’s words.
He doesn't seem to mind, though – instead, chuckling at your statement. "Fair. Alright, you get me there in one piece and the $20's yours." 
He gets out of the driver's seat and holds the door open for you, closing it behind you before making his way into the passenger's seat.
“Better buckle up, baby,” you croon. “You’re in for a ride.” You give him a quick wink before speeding away from the curb, easily merging with the busy Friday night traffic.
The car handles like a beauty as your muscle memory effortlessly takes over. Deciding to push your luck and be a little cheeky, you say matter-of-factly, “Ya gotta ease up on the clutch. Otherwise, you’re gonna find yourself putterin’ on the side of the road again.”
He chuckles at your snark. “I’ll take that into consideration. How’d you learn to drive stick?”
At his question, a sad smile pulls on your lips – distant memories flashing before your eyes. “Someone taught me a long time ago,” you say softly, mind far away. Before you can get too lost in your thoughts, you change the subject. “I think a better question is: how come ya don’t know how to drive stick? This ain’t your car or somethin’?”
“Nah, it’s mine.” He shrugs in your peripheral vision. “It’s just new. Hasn’t really been driven yet.” He stares absentmindedly out of his window. “Well... apart from my driver.”
“Pfff, figures.” You shake your head slightly, keeping your eyes on the road.
He turns in his seat to look at you. “S'that supposed to mean?”
You’re afraid you’ve offended him and he’s about to kick you out of the car. Peeking a sideways glance at him, you see he’s not angry – just curious. Even though Stephanie told you to be nice, Mr. Blue Eyes seemed to enjoy your earlier snark. Thus, you decide to partially ignore Stephanie’s warning in the hopes of playing to his interests. 
“Ya seemed like the type,” you say earnestly. “Apart from the three-piece, Rolex, and whole ‘I don’t know how to drive my own luxury car’ thing, there’s somethin’ about ya that just screams ‘I have my own driver’.”
He laughs out loud at your statement. The sound makes a smile break across your face. Not only are you relieved that he isn’t offended by your boldness, but his laugh is also just pleasing to your ears – robust, warm, and all-enveloping in the small space between you two.
Wait. What? Why are you thinking about how nice his laugh sounds?
“You really call ‘em like you see ‘em, don’tcha?” He asks, wiping a stray tear from his eye.
You nonchalantly shrug a shoulder. “I'm just good at readin’ people. And a pretty boy like you wanderin’ these parts without your driver? Tsk, I’d hate to see somethin’ happen to ya,” you tease.
“Hey, I can take care of myself, darlin’.” His playful tone mimics yours. “Thank you very much.”
You take your eyes off of the road for a moment, bringing them to meet his. “I think your Caddy’s transmission would beg to differ,” you stage whisper, a faux grimace marking your face.
Once again, he laughs loudly at your assertion – his eyes crinkling at the corners as he shakes his head. He shifts in his seat, turning to face you more directly. “You’re real funny. What’s your name, darlin’?”
Oh, good. This night might end with you earning more than that $20 he promised.
“Whatever ya want it to be, baby.” You give him a saucy wink before turning back to the windshield. From the corner of your eye, you can see him looking you over closely. You resist the urge to smirk, keeping your expression neutral.
Not long after, you pull up to the curved drop-off zone at the front of The Asset. You get out and round the car to the passenger’s side as he similarly exits the vehicle.
Handing him the keys, you proceed to clasp your hands behind your back as you stand before him. You start rocking gently on your heels and mashing your lips together. “So...,” you trail off.
“Oh, right.” He pulls out his wallet, digging around for a second before handing you a crisp $20. “Thank you. For the... ride and whatnot.”
Oh. Well, that’s disappointing. You thought for sure this was going to lead elsewhere.
Regardless, you take the bill graciously. At least this wasn’t a complete bust. “S’no problem. Ya have a good night.”
You turn around, ready to make your way back to Stephanie. Hopefully she got herself a rich john so at least one of you made some good money tonight. You only walk a few steps before a gentle hand pulls at your elbow, stopping you in your tracks. As you turn around, you’re greeted by those piercing azure eyes again.
He lets go of your arm, quickly shoving the hand into his pants pocket. “I, uh, I was wonderin’ if you’d be willin’ to make some more money tonight?” His voice is a bit sheepish as he asks you, brows furrowing slightly. “Y’know, make sure my night does turn out good?” His sheepishness is quickly erased as the corners of his mouth curve upwards.
A genuine smile graces your face. You nod gently in agreement. “Okay, baby. Sounds good.”
“Bucky, please,” he offers you his hand. “Call me Bucky.”
You shake his hand, repeating his name back to him.
“You gotta name, too?” He jokes. “Or should I just keep callin’ you darlin’?”
You snort before offering your own name, adding, “But darlin’ works just fine.”
You both turn towards the casino’s entrance, heading to make your way inside. Bucky hands his keys to the valet as he tells him, “Don’t forget to ease up on the clutch.” The wink he sends you afterwards makes you chuckle, biting the inside of your cheeks to keep from grinning too widely.
Bucky ushers you into the lobby, the familiar gold-flecked obsidian encompassing every surface in sight – trailing from the floor, up the walls, all the way to the high ceiling. He leads you to the check-in desk, greeting the concierge by name.
“Evening, Wanda.”
“Mr. Barnes, we weren’t expecting to see you tonight.” Wanda looks surprised to see him, but her bright smile says his appearance isn’t unwelcome.
“Wanda,” he sighs, “how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Bucky.” He gives her a look of admonishment but without any real irritation behind it.
“Sorry, sorry,” she raises her hands in feigned defeat. “We weren’t expecting to see you tonight, Bucky. Will you be staying overnight?”
“Yeah, I was hopin’ the penthouse was free.”
She checks her computer, typing away for a few minutes. “No, I’m sorry, sir. That room’s still booked until tomorrow afternoon. But the Alb suite below is free, if that would work?”
“Yeah, that works. Thanks, Wanda.” He gives her a smile as she hands over the room key.
“Of course. Have a good night, sir.” She returns his smile, giving you a kind nod in turn.
Bucky leads you to the elevators, pushing the button to call the box down. You stand together in slightly awkward silence as you two wait for the elevator to descend. Getting faintly uncomfortable with the still atmosphere, you decide to break the silence.
“So… ya must be a local.”
“Hmm?” He turns to look at you, a small pinch forming between his brows.
“Or ya must come here pretty often,” you try again.
“What makes you say that?” He narrows his eyes, but you can still see some humor in them; he’s curious to know how you came about making those impressions of him.
“Well, the desk lady knew your name without ya tellin’ her. And y’all seemed pretty chummy – like ya know each other well.”
He hums at your observations, neither confirming nor denying anything.
“Plus,” you continue, “she didn’t ask ya for your card. That means it’s already in the system. Probably gets used often.”
He smirks, raking his eyes over your figure. “You’re very perceptive.”
You shrug, “I try to be. Helps in my line of work.”
Bucky gives you a nod of understanding, ushering you into the newly arrived elevator. You start your ascent before he speaks again, confirming your suspicions.
“Yeah, I’m a local. And I also come here all the time. Me and Wanda have known each other for many years. S’why I wish she’d do away with all that formal ‘Mr. Barnes’ crap and just call me Bucky.”
You purse your lips, nodding along to his statement. But his confession is strange to you – differing greatly from your usual clientele.
“Hmm, my regular customers are usually tourists. Y’know, bachelor parties, business men away for work, shit like that. All just lookin’ to see if ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ is true or not.”
Bucky turns to you, once again letting his eyes drag over the length of your body. He presses closer within the small confines of the elevator, partially caging you against the reflective wall. “I think you’ll find...,” his breath fans against you, “...I’m not like ‘regular’ men.”
Normally, a line like that would cause you to roll your eyes, thinking it cheesy and pretentious. But the way that Bucky says it, coupled with the way he looks at you, almost makes you go weak in the knees – forcing you to calm your racing heart as it threatens to jump out of your chest. Your eyes flit to the floor, unable to hold his penetrating stare any longer.
What the hell is happening to you? Why are you being all awkward and unassertive?
You haven’t behaved like this around a customer in years – back when you were first starting out and trying to find your footing. Usually when you’re with a client, you’re incredibly confident: bold in your flirting and self-assured of your skills. In fact, you haven’t been this passive, this meek, this borderline insecure because of a man since….
No. Stop. Don’t think about that. Don’t do that to yourself.
You push the memories out of your mind. You can’t afford to get caught up in your head and muck up this trick, not when your rent rests on its shoulders. It’ll take a conscious effort to not lose yourself to those weaknesses, but it can be done. You’ve done it before.
Once the elevator arrives at the second highest floor, you swiftly exit into the hallway. You’ve never been up here before. All of the previous times you’ve come to this casino, your johns had smaller, cheaper, lower-level rooms. This floor has only two rooms, Bucky guiding you to the one on the left.
Walking into the suite, your eyes widen at the grandiose sight. The same dark color scheme is reflected in this room as it is throughout the rest of the casino – onyx and black olive with gold embellishments here and there. The living room is separated from the bedroom, but you can see the queen-sized bed through the doorway. Expansive windows line the walls, allowing you to see the neon lights of the Strip shining below.
“Wow,” you mutter, stepping into the center of the room. “This is ginormous.”
“You should see the penthouse,” he chuckles, taking off his jacket as he walks past you. He stops beside the bar cart, gesturing at the various bottles before him. “Want somethin’ to drink?”
“No thanks, I’m good.” That was one of Stephanie’s rules: don’t drink on a job. For one, it’s easier to have your wits about you without alcohol running through your system. And secondly, you can never be too sure someone won’t try to slip something into your drink. Thus, for your safety, you never drink when turning a trick.
“Y’sure? I can have some champagne sent up.”
“Really, I’m okay.” You put your hands up in defense.
You’re not about to be pressured into lowering your inhibitions, no matter how handsome the man trying to convince you is. But he doesn’t push further, understanding your mind is made up. 
“You don’t mind if I drink, do you?” Bucky questions. At the shake of your head, he grabs the whiskey, pouring himself a generous amount. He takes a sip before speaking again. “Wanna eat somethin’?”
You shake your head in response.
“Really? I can have them send up whatever: steak, lobster, maybe some chocolate-covered strawberries,” he quirks a teasing brow.
You huff. What does this guy think this is? You both know you’re just here for sex.
“Look, baby–”
“Bucky,” he interrupts, reminding you of what he asked you to call him.
You continue, “I appreciate the whole ‘romancin’, seduction’ angle you’re tryna play, but it’s not necessary. I’m a guaranteed lay.” You look at him as if to say ‘c’mon, let’s get this show on the road’.
“Alright, if you just wanna get down to the nitty gritty, then I’m game.” He sits on the couch before you, drink still in hand. “So, what do you offer?”
“Anythin’ ya want, baby. But I don’t kiss on the mouth.” That’s another one of Stephanie’s rules – her most important, in fact.
“They can have your body, but don’t pretend like there’s somethin’ more there; don’t mix feelings with a job,” she warned you when you first got into this business.
“Bucky,” he reminds you yet again.
“Sorry,” you mutter. “M’not used to usin’ customer’s real names. They usually like the names I give ‘em. Probably ‘cause it helps ‘em dissociate.”
He chuckles silently. “Told you before, darlin’, I’m not like regular men. So please, call me Bucky.”
Why is he being so stubborn about this? It’s just a damn nickname.
You throw your hands up in submission, starting to get frustrated that this is taking so long. “Whatever ya want, pal. You’re the one payin’.”
He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. “So I’m ‘pal’ again, huh?” He refers to when you heckled him about paying you $20 to drive his car. “‘Pal’. I kinda like that. How ‘bout this: if not ‘Bucky’, then call me ‘pal’.”
He’s right, you think. He really isn’t like your regular customers.
“Whatever floats your boat,” you yield. "Now, are we doin’ this or not?”
“Yeah.” He stands from the couch. “Do I pay you now or–”
“After,” you cut him off. “But can I freshen up first?” You crane your neck, looking for the bathroom.
“Of course,” he raises his hand towards the bedroom, indicating that there must be an en suite. 
You thank him and slink towards the room, making sure to take your purse. Once inside the bathroom, you close the door – not bothering to lock it. You won’t be in here for very long; you’ve gotten quick at doing this. Opening your purse, you grab a condom you always make sure to carry. 
After being in this business for long enough, you learned one important fact: some men are easier to convince to wear protection than others. What’s more, the deciding factor usually comes down to their wealth. Simply put: poor guys wear condoms and rich guys don’t.
Whereas you can usually convince your less wealthy clients to not risk bringing their “business” home to their sweethearts, your rich clients tend to be more in the mindset of ‘I get what I want, how I want’. Thus, after many unsuccessful attempts to convince your wealthy customers to wear condoms, you simply stopped trying – instead, resorting to the method you plan to use tonight.
As you make to tear open the package, Bucky suddenly knocks on the door. You only have enough time to hide the package behind your back as the door opens.
“Y’sure you don’t wanna eat somethin’? I’d hate for you to pass out ‘cause your stomach’s empty,” he teases, mouth curling at the corners.
Why is he in here? You don’t want him to see you doing this.
“M’sure,” you respond quickly. “I’ll be out in a bit.”
“Whadya got there?” He gestures to the hand resting against your back.
“Nothin’,” you try brushing him off.
He easily sees through your ruse. “That’s not nothin’. What is it? Crack? Meth?” He frowns, tone turning rough as anger floods his voice.
“What? No!” You exclaim, his accusation pissing you off. How dare he!
“Know what? I don’t really care what it is. I don’t fuck with drugs. Period.” He grabs your arm with one hand and your purse with the other. “Get your shit and get out.”
“It’s not drugs!” You struggle against him for a second. After a few moments, you relent, revealing what you’ve hidden behind your back.
Seeing what you hold in your hand, Bucky realizes his mistake. “S-sorry,” his hostility immediately drops, all previous anger completely dissipating. “I thought you were…. I’ve been burned in the past, so I kinda…. Sorry.” He releases his hold on your arm and purse.
“Yeah, well, I’m just tryna be safe. Make sure I stay clean, y’know?”
“Yeah, no, I getcha. I actually had the same exact thought.” He grabs his wallet from his pocket, pulling his own condom out to show you.
Well, I’ll be damned, you think. That is a first.
You drag your eyes from the foil packet in his hand up to his face, seeing a sincerity and timidity you wouldn’t expect gleaming in his eyes. What you suggest next completely goes against how you normally operate, but there’s just something about Bucky that you trust – something that makes you believe what he tells you is truthful.
“Well, I got one’a those IUD things a few years ago. So, if I’m clean and you’re clean, we can just skip the rubbers. If ya want?”
A devilish smirk pulls at his lips. “Aren’t you just full of surprises?” He remarks. “Okay, works for me.”
“Alright, then. Whenever you’re ready.” You exit the bathroom and walk into the bedroom, coming to a stop at the end of the bed.
Bucky rounds you, grabs his whiskey from earlier, and sits on the bed – his back against the padded headboard. As he sips, he nods at you expectantly, encouraging you to strip for him.
You start with your heels, removing them as gracefully as possible. Next goes your top, lifting it slowly by the hem until it’s cleared your head. Maintaining eye contact with Bucky, you reach back for your skirt’s zipper – hearing the teeth pull apart at a tortuous pace. As the fabric slips down your legs, Bucky licks his lips. When you go to unclasp your bra, he suddenly stands, placing his empty glass on the nightstand.
He saunters up to you, standing a few inches away. “Let me get that for you, darlin’.” He reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, letting it fall down your arms to bare your chest to him. Bringing his hands up to your breasts, he gives each a gentle squeeze – feeling the weight of them against his palms.
Your nipples pebble at his ministrations. As he rolls the buds between his fingers, you bite your lip, trying to stifle a moan. He chuckles as he notices your expression, seeing how worked up you already are.
Wanting to school your features – will yourself to calm down a little bit – you try joking. “You’re handsy, ain’tcha?”
Bucky laughs lightly, hands still playing with your breasts. “Been told I can be.” He continues to fondle you before leaning forward, whispering in your ear, “Get on the bed.”
You immediately comply, feeling the satin sheets glide against your back as you lie down. Bucky begins removing his own clothing as he stands at the foot of the bed – his vest, tie, shirt, and trousers swiftly discarded. 
When he’s down to just his boxers, you let your eyes scan over him. The man has an impressive physique – planes of hard muscle covering him head to toe. While he has a few random marks and scars littering his body, he’s otherwise pure perfection. His voice disrupts you from your obvious ogling.
“Take off your panties.”
You do as commanded, pulling them down your hips as Bucky climbs onto the bed. He catches your ankle as you slip the fabric off of your foot, pressing his lips against your skin. Crawling up your body, he trails soft kisses along the way – up your leg, hip, chest. When you see he means to connect with your mouth, you suddenly turn your head.
“Uh-uh, ‘member? No kissin’.”
“Sorry,” he smirks, “got ahead of myself.” He starts moving back down your body, continuing to trail kisses in his wake.
This is an unusual experience for you. Most of your customers are just “wham-bam, thank you, ma’am”; not bothering to pay much attention to your body – being solely focused on their own pleasure.
As Bucky’s mouth nears your core, you start to squirm, realizing his intentions.
“Ya don’t hafta do that,” you tell him breathlessly. None of your previous clients have ever attempted to attend to your body in a similar fashion – only wanting to take, not give.
“Oh, but I want to.” Bucky kisses the inside of your thigh, mouth inches away from your throbbing heat. “I like to make a lady feel good first.”
“A lady?” You breathe, body tingling in anticipation. “No one's ever accused me of bein' one of those before.”
“First time for everythin’, darlin’,” he says before his mouth connects with your sex.
A low moan escapes your throat, vibrations ringing through your core as he chuckles against you. Bucky settles his hands on your hips, kneading the flesh as his tongue dances along your pussy. He stiffens his tongue and draws random patterns over your clit, making your excitement drip with every pass of his mouth. 
As he dips his tongue into your entrance, he groans lewdly at the taste of your arousal. He begins a circuit with the wet muscle, moving back and forth between your bundle of nerves and your slit – never lingering on one or the other for too long.
You can’t hold back your moans as ragged noises erupt from your open mouth. Bucky repeats his tongue’s track several times over, working you higher and higher with each pass. Feeling a stirring low in your belly, you fist the sheets – the dark satin bunching between your fingers.
This is a strange night for you. Not only have you never received head from a client before, but rarely do you feel yourself close to cumming while on a job. Despite these unusual circumstances, you’re not about to question anything. You just want to give in to the experience.
“So good,” you breathe. “M’so close, baby.” You close your eyes as you feel yourself nearing the edge.
Suddenly, Bucky stops – completely halting his tongue’s movement. You whine and your eyes fly open to look down at him. He meets your gaze – your arousal shiny on his chin.
“Why’d ya stop?” You all but cry as you ask him.
An annoyed look is plastered on his face. He raises a brow, “What I tell you to call me?”
Ugh, really? He’s going to withhold an orgasm from you over a stupid nickname?
Normally, you’d be a lot more irritated and willing to back-talk him. But being so close to your peak, only to have it ripped away, makes you willing to do just about anything to ensure you reach it – too far gone to care about putting up a front.
“Bucky, please, keep goin’,” you beg.
“Better,” he says with a smug grin. He reattaches his mouth to you, increasing his fervor tenfold.
You cry out – one hand flying down to tangle in his hair, keeping him against you. One of Bucky’s hands trails from your hip up to your chest, rolling your nipple between his fingers before palming your heaving breast.
As he laps at you – focusing his attention on your clit – your moans start to ascend in pitch, getting more and more desperate sounding. You feel the vibrations of his grunts as he works you over – the noise mirroring your own eagerness. Feeling yourself once again closing in on your release, you dig your heels into the bed, grinding against his face. 
With a few more circles of his tongue, you fall over the edge, squeezing Bucky’s head between your thighs and tugging harshly on his hair. Bucky doesn’t seem to mind the headlock, though – instead, continuing to mouth at you as you writhe and gasp. 
Once you come down from your high, Bucky lifts his head and wipes his chin with his forearm. He starts kissing his way up your body again, stopping as he comes face to face with you. “Ready?” He asks, looking deep into your eyes.
You nod, a bit out of breath. “More than ready.”
Bucky sits back on his haunches to pull his boxers down, finally releasing the erection that’s straining against the fabric. The size of his cock makes your eyes go wide – your mouth similarly falling open. He smirks and chuckles slightly, amused by your reaction.
“Close your mouth, darlin’,” he pushes a finger under your chin. “You’ll catch flies that way.”
You shut your mouth as he suggests, still not quite believing the sight before your eyes. Bucky slots his body between your parted thighs, holding himself above you on his forearms. Reaching between you, he grabs hold of his cock. He runs the head over your slit, collecting an abundance of slick and thoroughly coating himself in your arousal.
Lining up with your pussy, he finally presses in – low groans emitting from you both at the incredibly snug fit. Bucky eases his way forward, letting you feel every inch of his length as it fills you. It’s only once his pelvis connects with yours that you truly register the size of him, feeling deliciously stretched and stuffed.
Bucky moves slowly, pulling back at an easy pace before pushing in just as steadily. He repeats the motion several times, dragging his cock in and out of you without hurry. You chew on your lip as he winds you up with every move, fisting the sheets as you climb higher and higher.
On a particularly deep thrust, Bucky’s pelvis brushes against your clit, causing a sharp gasp to leave your lips. He grins at the sound, purposefully repeating the motion again and again to elicit more noises from you. Your gasps quickly turn to whines as he continues to hit your sweet spot over and over.
Despite his leisurely movements, you feel yourself rapidly approaching your peak. You tilt your head back and let your mouth fall open, nearing that blissful release. Bucky watches your expression, seeing that you’re close.
“C’mon,” his voice is husky, “give it to me.”
He speeds up ever so slightly, continuing to brush against your clit with every thrust. His increased tempo does you in, causing you to tighten your grip on the sheets and squeeze your eyes shut as you cum. Your legs tense and walls clamp around him as euphoria washes over you.
“Oh, fuck,” he exhales. “That’s it.”
He sits up a bit, grabbing onto your hips as he further speeds up. His grip on you is tight – fingers pressing deeply into your flesh and creating divots in the skin. Your breasts jostle with every snap of Bucky’s hips – his thrusts coming at a brisk pace as he slams into you.
Sweat glistens your skin as you breathe heavily – Bucky similarly dripping and panting as he pounds you into the mattress. He removes one of his hands from your waist and brings it to your clit, making you whimper as he starts circling his fingers.
“Know you got another one,” he pants. “Wanna feel it. Wanna feel you cum again.”
His brow furrows in concentration as he focuses on bringing you over the edge one more time. He groans when your walls flutter at his words, speeding his hips up just a bit more. You mash your lips between your teeth, trying to dampen the volume of your moans as they grow louder and louder.
The coil in your belly tightens as Bucky continues to snap his hips and circle his fingers. The excessive stimulation pushes you over again – your hands flying up to his shoulders as a squeal spills from your throat. Your fingers digging into his skin and walls tightening around his cock causes Bucky to reach his own end, cursing as he finishes inside of you.
“Shit!” His thrusts stutter, movements growing erratic as he works through his release. His hips slow as he gradually empties himself, only stopping once he finishes completely. 
You wince as Bucky pulls out, feeling the warmth of his cum as it seeps out of you. He slumps face-down beside you in bed, eyes falling shut and panting heavily as exhaustion overtakes him.
Your own breathing is ragged – body completely spent after your third orgasm. Closing your eyes for a second, you even your breaths as you will your racing heart to slow. You resolve to lie there for a few moments until you regain your composure.
Just for a minute, you think. And then I’ll get my money and get out of here.
Unbidden, a deep sleep falls over you. Cozy and sated amongst the satin sheets, you rest peacefully for the night.
A/N: And we’re off! So, like I said, this chapter is the most obviously inspired by the film, but don’t worry – I’m taking this story in a whole new direction. As you can see from the moodboard below, some of the images have already come into play (and others will come up later in the series). I’d love to know what you thought so far! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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simsadventures · 4 years
Sim’s 3K Challenge
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No idea how we got here, but I’ve reached the unbelievable 3.000 followers today, and I honestly cannot thank you guys enough. Never in a million years did I think I would get here, and that so many people would care about what I post. 
So... THANK YOU!! From the bottom of my heart. 
And because I want to celebrate this milestone, I thought of a challenge for you guys! 
I created 8 moodboards, and all you have to do is choose the one that inspires you the most, and write something for it.
Here are the rules to participate:
you don’t have to follow me, although it would be very kind if you did
choose one board (multiple people can chose the same board, I did create just 8 of them) 
send me an ask with the number of the board and your preferred character or fandom
you can do whatever fandom/movie you want, just let me know what you wanna do (wanna do some Curtis from Snowpiercer? Awesome, count me in. Wanna do the Punisher? Noice! I honestly don’t mind any movie/series/whatever, just let me know :))
you might not be inspired by the whole board, but only by one or two pictures in it, that’s totally fine, do only what inspires you
use appropriate warnings in the beginning of the story (there are no limits, except I don’t accept anything to do with p*do themes, everything else is I think fine by me) 
you can either download the moodboard and use it in your fic, or at least list the number you chose so that we all know what to associate your story with 
don’t forget to tag me in your stories and use the hashtag #sims3kchallenge . If you don’t hear from me in 48 hours, please message me, because Tumblr tends to hide some things from me
deadline is 30 June 2020, if you need more time, just let me know, I understand that life gets in the way sometimes
if your story is more than 500 words, please use the keep reading thingy, really makes things easier 
there is no words limit, it can be a one shot, drabble, imagine, headcanon, series, anything you want 
most importantly, enjoy! All fics will be listed in a masterlist I will create, so everybody can read your marvellous works! 
So here go the boards! 
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Signed up for number 1: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @holylulusworld​ @buckybarney @shakespeareanqueer​
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Signed up for number 2: @monarchofallisurvey​ 
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Signed up for number 3: @mushyjellybeans​ 
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Signed up for number 4: @wingedcatninja @imanuglywombat​
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Signed up for number 5: @defenderrosetyler @geekandbooknerd @official-and-unstable-satan @nekoannie-chan​ @bookbrothel​
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Signed for number 6: @maggiescarborough​ @bookbrothel​ @amythedvdhoarder​
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Signed up for number 7: @deanwanddamons​ @p8tn0lish​
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Signed up for board number 8: @laphirablack​
Hope you’ll find some inspiration in them, and hope you’ll enjoy it. 
Tagging some people who might be interested (if not, sorry boobies!!)
@waiting4inspiration @kneel-begyourpardon @p8tn0lish @the-soulofdevil @sebbbystaaan @mushyjellybeans @this-kitten-is-smitten @official-and-unstable-satan @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @jtargaryen18 @imanuglywombat @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler @ninjabucky @itsunclebucky @charmed-asylum @geekandbooknerd
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Another dimension
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader (Vampire! Steve Rogers X Nymph! Reader too)
Word count: 1260 words.
Summary: Accidents happen all the time…accidents can send you to another…dimension…
Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood, death of a character.
A/N: This is my entry to the @fanfictionaries‘s Classic Tropes Writing Challenge with the AU trope:
“Magic creature”
Also is my entry to the @simsadventures ‘s 3K Challenge with the Mood board #5.
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And my entry to @jtargaryen18​ ‘s 30 days of Chris.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
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“The place is here, the time is now, and the journey into the shadows that we’re about to watch could be ‘our’ journey” The Twilight Zone, episode 1 “Where is everybody”, season 1.
 Steve took your hand one more time, he didn't want to leave you alone, he was afraid something bad would happen to you if he wasn't by your side.  
He felt guilty that he hadn't been with you at the time of the incident.  
In that incident, you had tried to reassure Rogue and Dagger in the argument they were having, which was getting any good as time went on, you inadvertently received one of Tandy's attacks, which left you in a coma.  
Tandy felt too guilty, kept apologizing to Steve, and you for what happened, at no point did he want to hurt anyone.  
No one knew exactly what damage you had because of what previously happened, they weren't even sure if you were going to wake up.
"Steve, I know it's not a good time, but we need you," Natasha said.  
"I already told them to take over...”
"The parents explicitly asked for you, they think it's more feasible that they want to come back if you ask them to if we just go the others," Blink interrupted.  
"The Parents?" Steve asked strangely.  
"I don't think it takes us much time, they're a group of teenagers who ran away from their parents with the dinosaur from one of them…
"A dinosaur? What kind of parents gives a dinosaur to a teenager?' questioned Steve incredulously.  
Both women raised their shoulders, they couldn't explain it either, at first they didn't believe it until they showed them the pictures.
"I can't leave Y/N...”
"It'll be quick, Steve, it's just finding them, we take them with their parents," Nat said.  
He hesitantly agreed to go, perhaps if you noticed his absence, you would react.  
They started searching the streets, it wouldn't be so difficult if they were carrying a dinosaur, and he could bet they would get attention, Steve kept walking until he found them.
"Come on, guys, you just need to go home, your parents are very worried about you," Steve said, trying to convince them.
"We can't go back," Molly said between our teeth.  
"They're just worried, they won't punish you... why does she have a dinosaur?" he questioned while still seeing her.  
"Is not just a dinosaur, she is...she is A DEINONYCHUS—Gert corrected annoyed.
Old Lace let out a kind of roar to support her owner.
"Come on guys," Steve said exasperated.  
"You'd never understand, Captain," Nico said.
She took firmly the Staff; she knew what to do, for no reason could they return with PRIDE, they would leave the right way or the hard way.
"Nico don't," Karolina asked.
“We don't have a choice," Nico revolved.
"Guys don't...”
“Dream... Uh... Dimension?!” Nico shouted, putting the Staff in front of her.  
Steve fell unconscious to the floor.
"I-Is he alive?" asked Gert fearfully.
Alex and Chase approached, Chase put forward the Fistigons just in case while Alex checked the Captain's condition, not even Nico was sure what she had just done, she simply said the first words she had come up with.
"He's just unconscious," Wilder informed.
"Okay, so... we have to go...”
Steve woke up, he was thirsty, and he remembered he was on a street, but now he had shown up somewhere else, how did he get there?
He was in a kind of forest, he came up to the creek and drank some of the water, but he spat it out, he spat it out, he knew horrible, his body indicated that he needed... blood?  
He turned quickly as he perceived a movement, he seemed to smell the blood of the deer; he went after the animal, caught him, and drank his blood.
"Do you finish?" Clarice asked.  
Steve looked up, had not realized at what point she had appeared.  
"Blink... what's going on?” Steve asked.  
"We have to hurry, the Shadows must not find us... "
And the kids with the dinosaur?” Rogers interrupted.  
"With what? What are you talking about, Count Rogers?”  
"If you want to rescue Y/N, we must hurry," Clarice replied.  
In short, Steve didn't understand what was going on.
“What happens to Y/N? Where is Y/N?”
"In the castle, where else she would be?" Blink replied as if it was obvious.  
What castle did she mean? Steve didn't even know where he'd appeared.  
"If they get here before us, she can die," the mutant warned.  
"Where is that castle?”  
"Count, don't you know where your castle is?”
"My castle? Well anyway, take me to it, use your powers... do you still have powers?”  
"Sure," she replied.
She opened a portal and the two came in appearing outside the castle, Steve was surprised with what he saw, he couldn't understand how he owned that place when you heard a noise, you immediately left the lake where you were playing.
Steve was stunned to see you... you were a nymph, but when he approached the water, he didn't recognize he... he was exaggeratedly pale, the blood from the deer was draining down his chin... Clarice had called him Count... was he a vampire?
"Are you okay...?” He asked.
He immediately crouched down to wash with the lake water, he didn't want you to see him in those conditions.  
"Why wouldn't I be? I have everything you promised me, this lake is very beautiful, but are you sure they won't come for me?”  
"You'll be safe here," Steve said.
Soon the sky began to darken – for no apparent reason – you shuddered, you knew what that meant.  
"The Army of Darkness is approaching," Nat reported, approaching as she flapping her little wings.
Steve looked at her perplexed, Natasha was a little fairy, and she understood less and less, apart what famous Army of Darkness was? And most of all, why did they want you?
Shadows, black Pegasus, and other terrible monsters arrived, they were determined to take you with them, and Steve ordered Natasha to keep you safe.  
The battle began, Steve had tried to keep them away from you, but he didn't expect one of the trolls to get to you, as soon as he realized he went to the place to take him down.  
However, he was late, you were seriously injured, he didn't know what to do until he came up with something maybe that could save you, there was no choice and he had to take a chance.
He drew his teeth even in doubt to your neck, then he bit him, he took some of your blood, he got hurt so you'd take from his and so you'd become, but what Steve did not know was that the wounds had been fatal and before you could drink, you had already died in his arms.
When he realized he started screaming desperately without releasing your body, he feared that in his world you had died too, how could he fix it? How could he get you back? If he came back, what would he expect there?
"Steve! Steve!”  
He opened his eyes, the team was surrounding him, and they were on the street where he had found the teenagers.
"What?" he questioned disoriented.
"What happened to you?" Nat asked.  
"Why were you lying there?" Clint questioned.
"The kids... one of them has a Staff...”  
Meanwhile, at the hospital, you finally opened your eyes, the last thing you remember was one of Tandy's daggers and screaming, everything had been so confusing.
"Well, they run away," Clarice deduced.  
At that moment Steve's mobile phone rang, he immediately answered when he saw he was from the hospital.  
"Y/N has woken up," Caitlin told him.
 “They say a dream takes only a second or so, and yet in that second a man can live a lifetime. He can suffer and die, and who’s to say which is the greater reality: the one we know or the one in dreams, between heaven, the sky, the earth in the Twilight Zone” The Twilight Zone, episode 9 “Perchance to Dream”, season 1. 
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xemthu
by p8tn0lish
A/n- I put *** for a flashback because I suck at differentiating time line stuff. Also will use * for wolf talk. The beginning part was a journal entry that sort of sparked the idea for me as well as the lovely mood board @sims made for #sims3kchallenge Make sure to check her out and show her some love!
This is an ABO shifter fic
Words: 1891, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America, Winter Soldier - Fandom, abo dynamics - Fandom, ABO - Fandom, Steve Rogers - Fandom, Bucky Barnes - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alpha Bucky barnes - Character, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Alpha Steve Rogers - Character, Captain America - Character, Winter Soldier, Natasha
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader, Bucky Barnes/Reader, Alpha Steve Rogers/Reader, alpha Bucky Barnes/reader
Additional Tags: ABO dynamics, Fluff, Smut, future smut, Shifter, Biting, Predator/Prey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xemthu
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simsadventures · 4 years
Sim’s 3K Challenge Masterlist
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Here are listed all the work submitted for the 3K Moodboard Challenge. Enjoy!
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The Long Road by @wingedcatninja​
Summary: Supernatural Fandom. Five years is a long time. Will the Winchesters remember? Are they still alive? It’s a long journey to make for an uncertain outcome.
Warnings: Gender-neutral character. OC POV - the Winchesters only appear in the last few moments, Angst
Moodboard: 4
Welcome to the Pack by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Summary: Steve x Y/N. You’re on the run and know of a large protective pack to the North. Will Alpha Steve let you join?
Warnings: shifter/werewolf AU, M/F masturbation
Moodboard: 1
Imagine with Alfred by @maggiescarborough​
Summary: None provided, Modern!Alfred x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, saudade 
Moodboard: 6
Devour by @p8tn0lish​
Summary: Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader, None Provided
Warnings: a/b/o x shifter dynamics, fighting, cursing
Mooboard: 7
Remembering You by @geekandbooknerd​
Summary: Finan x Reader (The Last Kingdom), None Provided
Warnings: none (fairy-tale setting)
Moodboard: 5
Another Dimension by @nekoannie-chan​
Summary: Steve Rogers X Reader (Vampire! Steve Rogers X Nymph! Reader too) Accidents happen all the time…accidents can send you to another…dimension…
Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood, death of a character
Moodboard: 5
Verdant Light Vermillion Nights by @monarchofallisurvey​
Summary: dark! Stephen Strange x reader, none provided
Warnings: angst, dark! themes, swearing
Moodboard: 2
Solitude by @holylulusworld​
Summary: Nomad!Steve x reader, Two years after the people returned from the blip you find yourself searching for your purpose in life.
Warnings: angst, isolation, touch starvation, loneliness, mentions of infidelity, comforting, fluff, hyperthermia (not really), cuddling & snuggling, almost drowning
Moodboard: 1
Luck Be a Lady (chapter 1) by @whateveriwant​
Summary: Mob Bucky, Pretty Woman AU, As a lady of the night, you service many men on the Strip. But one night, you meet a man who isn’t like your regular customers; a man much more dangerous than normal men. Will his life drag you down, or will luck be on your side?
Warnings: language, smoking/drinking, mentions of guns/drugs/death, SMUT (cunnilingus, vaginal sex), overall gross misrepresentations of mobs/prostitution
Moodboard: 2
Tradition by @amythedvdhoarder​
Summary: Bucky x reader, Bucky whisks you away as a surprise to celebrate
Warnings: little bit of swearing, fluff and a lot of smut. 18+ only please.
Moodboard: 6
Grief by @shakespeareanqueer​
Summary: No pairing, MCU, Everyone grieves differently. How did those around him grieve Tony?
Warnings: Discussions of death, grief, mourning
Moodboard: 1
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Otra dimensión
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora (Vampiro! Steve Rogers X Ninfa! Lectora también).
Palabras: 3294 palabras.
Resumen: Los accidentes ocurren todo el tiempo... accidentes pueden enviarte a otra... dimensión...
Advertencias: Angst, menciones de sangre, muerte de un personaje.
N/A: Esta es mi entrada para Fanfictionaries’ Classic Tropes Writing Challenge con el universo alternativo:
“Criatura mágica”
También es mi entrada para Sim’s 3K Challenge con el Moodboard #5.
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Y mi entrada para 30 days of Chris.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien. DISCLAIMER:Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea. 
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"El lugar es aquí, el momento es ahora, y el viaje a las sombras que estamos a punto de ver podría ser 'nuestro' viaje" La Dimensión Desconocida, episodio 1 "Dónde está todo el mundo", temporada 1.
 Steve tomó tu mano una vez más, no quería dejarte sola, temía que algo malo te fuese a pasar si él no estaba a tu lado.
Se sentía culpable de no haber estado contigo en el momento del incidente.
En ese incidente habías intentado tranquilizar a Rogue y a Daga de la discusión que estaban teniendo, la cual estaba agravándose conforme pasaba el tiempo, sin querer recibiste uno de los ataques de Tandy, el cual te dejó en coma.
Tandy se sentía demasiado culpable, no dejaba de disculparse con Steve y contigo por lo sucedido, en ningún momento quiso dañar a nadie.
Nadie sabía exactamente el daño que tenías debido a lo anteriormente ocurrido, ni siquiera estaban seguros si ibas a despertar.
—Steve, sé que no es un buen momento, pero en verdad te necesitamos —dijo Natasha.
—Ya les dije que ustedes se hagan cargo…
—Pidieron explícitamente que fueras tú, los padres creen que es más factible que quieran regresar si tú se los pides a que si sólo vamos los demás —interrumpió Blink.
— ¿Los padres? —preguntó Steve extrañado.
—Si no creo que nos lleve mucho tiempo, son un grupo de adolescentes que huyeron de sus padres con el dinosaurio de uno de ellos…
— ¿Dinosaurio? ¿Qué clase de padres le da un dinosaurio a un adolecente? —cuestionó Steve incrédulo.
Ambas mujeres alzaron los hombros, ellas tampoco podían explicarlo, al principio no lo creían hasta que les enseñaron las fotos.
—No puedo dejar a T/N…
—Será rápido, Steve, sólo es encontrarlos, nosotras los lleváremos con sus padres —dijo Nat.
Él dubitativo aceptó ir, quizás si notabas su ausencia, reaccionarias.
Comenzaron a buscar por las calles, no sería tan difícil si llevaban un dinosaurio, podía apostar que llamarían la atención, Steve siguió caminando hasta que los encontró.
—Vamos chicos, sólo necesitan volver a casa, están muy preocupados por ustedes —dijo Steve tratando de convencerlos.
—No podemos volver —dijo entre dientes Molly.
—Sólo están preocupados, no los castigaran… ¿Por qué tiene un dinosaurio? —cuestionó sin dejar de verle.
—No es UN dinosaurio, es UNA dinosaurio…UNA DEINONYCHUS —corrigió Gert con molestia.
Compasión soltó una especie de rugido para apoyar a su dueña.
—Vamos chicos —dijo Steve exasperado.
—Nunca lo entendería Capitán —sentenció Nico.
Ella tomó el Báculo más fuerte y firme; sabía lo que debía hacer, bajo ningún motivo podían regresar con ORGULLO, iban a irse por las buenas o por las malas.
—Nico no —pidió Karolina.
—No tenemos opción —rebatió Nico.
—Chicos no…
— ¡Dimensión…eh… ¿Sueño?! —gritó Nico poniendo frente a ella el Báculo.
Steve cayó inconsciente al piso.
— ¿E-está vivo? —preguntó temerosa Gert.
Alex y Chase se acercaron, chace puso adelante los Fistigons por si acaso mientras Alex verificaba el estado del Capitán, ni siquiera Nico estaba segura de lo que acababa de hacer, simplemente dijo las primeras palabras que se le habían ocurrido.
—Sólo está inconsciente —informó Wilder.
—Entonces…hay que irnos…
Steve despertó, tenía sed, recordaba que estaba en una calle, pero ahora había aparecido en otro lugar, ¿cómo había llegado ahí?
Estaba en una especie de bosque, se acercó al riachuelo y bebió un poco del agua, pero la escupió, sabia horrible, su cuerpo le indicaba que necesitaba… ¿sangre?
Volteó rápidamente al percibir un movimiento, le pareció oler la sangre del venado…fue tras el animal, lo atrapó y bebió su sangre.
— ¿Ya terminó? —preguntó Clarice.
Steve alzó la vista, no se había dado cuenta en que momento ella había aparecido.
—Blink… ¿qué pasa? —inquirió Steve.
—Tenemos que apurarnos, las Sombras no deben encontrarnos…
— ¿Y los chicos con el dinosaurio? —interrumpió Rogers.
— ¿Con el qué? ¿De qué habla Conde Rogers?
— ¿Conde?
—Si quiere rescatar a T/N, debemos apurarnos —respondió Clarice.
En definitiva Steve no entendía que era lo que estaba pasando.
— ¿Qué le pasa a T/N? ¿Dónde está?
—En el castillo, ¿dónde más estaría? —respondió Blink como si fuera evidente.
¿A qué castillo se refería ella? Steve ni siquiera sabía en donde había aparecido.
—Si ellos llegan antes que nosotros, ella puede morir —advirtió la mutante.
— ¿Dónde queda ese castillo?
— ¿No sabe dónde queda su propio castillo Conde?
— ¿Mi castillo? Bueno como sea, llévame a él, usa tus poderes… ¿aún tienes poderes?
—Claro —respondió ella.
Abrió un portal y los dos entraron apareciendo afuera del castillo, Steve estaba sorprendido con lo que veía, no lograba entender cómo es que él era el dueño de ese lugar, al escuchar ruido, de inmediato saliste del lago donde estabas jugando.
Steve se quedó estupefacto al verte…eras una ninfa, pero cuando se acercó al agua, no se reconoció…estaba exageradamente pálido, la sangre del venado le escurría por la barbilla…Clarice lo había llamado Conde… ¿acaso era un vampiro?
— ¿Estás bien…? —te preguntó.
De inmediato se agachó para lavarse con el agua del lago, no quería que lo vieras en esas condiciones.
— ¿Por qué no lo estaría? Tengo todo lo que me prometiste, este lago es muy hermoso, pero ¿seguro que no vendrán por mí?
—Estarás segura aquí —afirmó Steve.
Al poco tiempo el cielo comenzó a oscurecerse –sin aparente razón alguna– te estremeciste, sabias lo que eso significaba.
—El Ejército de la Oscuridad se acerca —informó Nat acercándose mientras aleteaba sus pequeñas alas.
Steve la miró perplejo, Natasha era una pequeña hada, cada vez entendía menos, aparte ¿qué era es famoso Ejército de la Oscuridad? Y sobre todo ¿por qué te querían a ti?
Sombras, pegasos negros y otros terribles monstruos más llegaron, estaban decididos a llevarte con ellos, Steve le ordenó a Natasha mantenerte a salvo.
La batalla comenzó, Steve había tratado de mantenerlos lejos de ti, pero no esperaba que uno de los trolls lograra llegar hasta ti, en cuanto se dio cuenta fue al lugar para acabar con él.
Sin embargo llegó tarde, estabas gravemente herida, él no sabía que hacer hasta que se le ocurrió algo, quizás eso podría salvarte, no había opción, tenía que arriesgarse.
Acercó sus dientes aún con duda a tu cuello, luego lo mordió, tomó un poco de tu sangre, se hizo una herida para que tomaras de la de él y así convertirte, pero lo que Steve no sabía era que las heridas habían sido mortales y antes de que pudieras beber, ya había fallecido en sus brazos.
Al darse cuenta empezó a gritar con desesperación sin soltar tu cuerpo, temía que en su mundo también hubieras muerto, ¿cómo podría arreglarlo? ¿Cómo iba a regresar? Si es que regresaba ¿qué le esperaría ahí?
— ¡Steve! ¡Steve!
Abrió los ojos, el equipo lo estaba rodeando, estaban en la calle donde había encontrado a los adolescentes.
— ¿Qué? —cuestionó desorientado.
— ¿Qué te pasó? —preguntó Nat.
— ¿Por qué estabas ahí tirado? —inquirió Clint.
—Los chicos…una de ellas tiene un Báculo…
Mientras tanto en el hospital, finalmente abriste los ojos, lo último que recordabas era una de las dagas de Tandy y gritos, todo había sido tan confuso.
—Pues se escaparon —dedujo Clarice.
En ese momento el celular de Steve sonó, de inmediato contestó al ver que era del hospital.
—T/N ha despertado —le informó Caitlin.
 "Dicen que un sueño toma sólo un segundo más o menos, y sin embargo en ese segundo un hombre puede vivir una vida. Puede sufrir y morir, y quién puede decir cuál es la realidad mayor: la que conocemos o la que soñamos, entre el cielo, el cielo, la tierra en la Dimensión Desconocida" La Dimensión Desconocida, episodio 9 "Tal vez es un sueño", temporada 1.
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