#sims 2 residentail lot
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ms-artzy-gurl · 1 year ago
Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers
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-5 Buildings- 1) Eco Waterworks 2) Walk-In Clinic 3) Jail 4) Funeral Home and 5) Atropa Hotel
All lots are cc free. The clinic is based from @deedee-sims 's lot and Atropa Hotel is a recreation that was made for Atropa Coast that was made from @voleste. Please tag my name so I can see my lot in your game. Enjoy! :)
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naday-sims3 · 5 years ago
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The Sims 3
Family house (No CC)
Residentail lot 40x40 Cost - 245 514$ File size - 2 mb 2 floors and fully furnished (3 bedroom, 2 bathroom)
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
simcity 3000 unlimited pc
simcity 3000 unlimited pc
SimCity 3000 Unlimited cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest SimCity 3000 Unlimited cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for SimCity 3000 Unlimited.
Genre: Simulation, Construction / Building Sim Developer: Maxis Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: May 5, 2000
Easy Money
At the end of each year(around Dec. 25)pause the game and raise taxes to 22. Unpause game and after Jan. 1st repause game and lower taxes to normal level. The higher your population, the more money you make. This can be used to keep taxes at zero to make residents happy but still make money.
Aging Power Plants
When a power plant is aging, you have to bulldoze it. Do NOT leave it alone or it will explode. When you bulldoze it just make another one, because it is better than it blowing up.
This is how you should make airpots.
1. NOT near residential areas.2. Make them big.3. On a popular steet.4. It is OK to put them near Commercial and Industry areas.
(Same rules with seaport but with seaport make them near a big body of water.)
Museum Parks
If an area of your city has a low land value, simply build a museum park in the area, who’s land value you want to raise. A museum park is a museum that is surrounded by parks and ponds, (I feel Large Parks work the best.) This is garenteed to raise the land value of the area of your city, but keep a lot of space, museum parks take up a lot of area. Museum Parks work expecially well with zones that are also touching water!
Building Tunnels
To Bulid tunnels, Make a very big hill. Next, build a road up the hill 2 or 3 tiles up. Now do the same number of tiles on the other side and it will say do you want to contruct a tunnel. Click OK.
Richer Apartments
Put a big high residential near the water and put a road to get to it. Give it water and power. Don’t put your residentail area near HUGE comercial or don’t put near industrial at all. That means industry, or garbage centers sims will get mad. Now put it in life your residential area should grow into very nice rich apartments. (Don’t do this as soon as you start a new city.)
Planning A City
While embarking upon the construction of a new City be patient. Draw a rough sketch of a city you want: an ultra modern, medium sized or a small town. Select the terrain accordingly. Then the first thing to do is to build road network. Then provide zones for residential and Commercial adjacent to each other. Donot build an Industrial Zone near these two as it will generate pollution and pull down the land value. Then build suitable power plant(not near to Residential or Commercial Zones). Then Make sure that water system is adequate or your sims will run away. After that connect your city to any one neighbour through highway as this will ensure prosperity in your city. There should be a port (salt water with atleast 58 m deep) and an airport which should not be placed near any zone. Plant trees near airport and sea port and make sure that your city has hospitals, schools and colleges in the vincity of Residential areas. Now start up and be precise in your ordinaces.
All Buildings
Open and close the Power Plants menuOpen and close the Rewards & Opportunities menuOpen and close the Garbage Disposal menuOpen the Landmarks menuEFFECT: When you open the Landmarks menu, you'll find that ALL the buildings in SimCity 3000 Unlimited are now available to you!
When you begin your city, make the police and fire budgets low (since they don’t have as much ground to look over).
Hills And Water
Residential and Commercial zones that are placed next to water or hills will have higher land value.
Business Deals
Whenever you go into the negative, someone might come up to you with a business deal. The Gigamall and the Maximum Security Prison will not provoke any riots from Sims. But the Casino and Toxic Waste Plant will cause a few sparks. Do whatever you choose depending on your financial problems. Toxic Waste Plant:$400 per month Casino:$350 per month Maximum Security Prison:$250 per month Gigamall:$300 per month Total Monthly Contribution:$1300 per month Total Yearly Contribution:$15,600
An ordinance is something you put out in your city that makes water pollution, air pollution, garbage capacity, etc., a little better. But some ordinances cost alot of money per month, and the bigger your city becomes, the more you pay for that ordinance. SO, if you make an ordinance don’t listen to the petitioners, listen to what your adivisors say; they know what they are doing and their opinion is 95% the time right.
Bulid high polution buildings and zones (airports, spaceports, max. security prisons) on your borders as far away from the rest of your town as possible. This way the pollution won’t affect your town too much and the pollution will be shared with your neighbor!
Bridge Building
Fist, select a road, highway, or railroad and start on one side of the river. Then, click and drag until the “road shadow” reaches the other side. Continue to drag until it turns from red to blue, then you have a bridge.
Residential Areas
Do you want to live next to an industrial smoke factory? Neither do sims!
Mass Transit Praise
Start off your town’s transit system with bus stations and roads. After you establish your budget and get a steady flow of income, build in subways and trains.
High Land Value
The more parks you have, the higher your land value will become.
Get All Buildings
Open up the power box. Then close it. Next you go to the rewards box. Open and close it.Then go to the trash box. Open and close it. Finally go to the Landmarks box. You should have all the buildings.
Access Cheat Mode
Press Control+Shift+Alt+c during game play. Then type in one of the codes.
Lots ‘o’ Locust
Type in “Locust Swarm” in the code menu. Then go to disasters. Do the locust disasters and they will be everywhere!
Cheat Codes
While in the simulator, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt box with a flashing cursor in the top left corner of the screen. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:RESULTCHEAT CODE All extra giftspay tribute to your kingAll power plantspower to the massesAll water plantswater in the desertHigh tech industriesnerdz roolStops advicestop forcing adviceTraffic lights reduce pollution, traffic, and increase land valuetraffic lightsRecycling plant, waste to energy incinerator and normal incineratorgarbage in, garbage outConstruction costs set to $0i am weakSimCastle construction, if Vinnie's offer was declinedzyxwvu$100,000 donation offer from Vinniecall cousin vinnieFlock of birds fly over your citythe birdsSet "Disaster" to "UFO" for unlimited UFOsufo swarmChange the sea to salt watersalt onChange the sea to fresh watersalt offRaises the terrain by oneterrain one upLowers the terrain by oneterrain one downRaises the terrain by tenterrain ten upLowers the terrain by tenterrain ten downLoad grayscale picture as terrainload terrain"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli" messagebroccoli"Aha! We Have A Real Pro Here! Try BROCCOLI" messageporntipsguzzardo"Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da BAT-man!" messagebat"If You Build It, They Will Come" messagescurk"The Llama Is A Quadruped" messagellama"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting" messageeaster egg"If You Lived Here, You'd Be A Sim" messagesim"Dozens Of Hidden News Ticker Reveals; Sims Encouraged To Collect Them All And Amaze Friends" messagehelp"What Will He Think Of Next?" messagewill wright"Investment Tip: Buy Low, Sell High" messageerts"Not Just Sports Games Anymore" messageelectronic arts"[city name] Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" messageticker"Money Does NOT Grow On Trees, Study Concludes" messagemoney"Keep Trying And Maybe You'll Figure It Out" messagesimcity"Greetings Mayor, Your Sims Salute You" messagehello"Mayor [mayor name] brings [city name]To News Ticker Highlight" messagemayor"Mayor Suspected Of Attempting Embezzlement; Ends In Failure" messagesc3k"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker" message1234"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" messagemaxis"MOREMONEY Not Cheat Code, Research Concludes" messagemoremoney"Mayor Under Investigation For Possible Embezzlement" messageadvisor"FUND Not A Cheat Code, Do Not Type MOREMONEY, It Is Not A Cheat Code Either" messagefund"Unknown" messagesimon saysDescription of City Hall set to "Miles and Miles of Red Tape"; date set to the year 1900i love red tapeMortimer will say the indicated phraseforce mortimer to say [phrase]Moe will say the indicated phraseforce moe to say [phrase]Constance will say the indicated phraseforce constance to say [phrase]Marla will say the indicated phraseforce maria to say [phrase]Randall will say the indicated phraseforce randall to say [phrase]Gus will say the indicated phraseforce gus to say [phrase]Karen will say the indicated phraseforce karen to say [phrase]The petitioners will say the indicated phraseforce petitioners to sayIf you have connections to your neighbors, they will start trying to make dealslet's make a deal
Currently we have no unlockables for SimCity 3000 Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for SimCity 3000 Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for SimCity 3000 Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for SimCity 3000 Unlimited yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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