#sims 2 elder clothes
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moyokeansimblr · 3 months ago
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🎵 On the nineth day of Christmas my moyo gave to me...
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4t2 conversion of @its-adrienpastel's Tyler Shorts, because swimwear in winter makes sense 👍 Hopefully they weren't converted already, I couldn't find them at least.
Teen-Elder, appropriate morphs, swatch included and you can choose if you want to repo. Full disclaimer that this is definitely not my best work... I was having a bad anxiety day and thought working on this would be a nice distraction but if anything I think I was just distracted from this instead 🙃 Apologies in advance for any mistakes.
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🎄 4t2 adrienpastel Tyler Shorts Standalone | Repo
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simsstoryplay · 11 months ago
Sims 2 Clothes TF, AF, EF
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For today, I have a whopping 50 recolors of @kooli-sims SkirtBoatLoafers for teen to elder using @deedee-sims teen and elder meshes. I also converted Kooli's and DeeDee's meshes (credit to @webluepeace for converting the original) to Sally Plump, a lovely bodyshape by @beatricecrumplebottom . Pictures (11 of them) and info beneath the cut. Download Links Up here in case tumblr deletes the blog and I'm inactive. Standalone or teen and elder repo'd to my adult female recolors (for both bodyshapes).
Standalone Alternate
Repo'd Alternate
So, 10 of the pictures show socks but that's only for Sally Plump. I tried to add socks to the ea body but bodyshop kept throwing errors. So know that if you download the EA body, you get outfits without socks. Here is the Ea body modeling FGClover.
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The rest will be modeled by the SallyPlump bodyshape . However, know that the same outfits are also on the EA body-41 recolors by me and the nine (not pictured here) original 4t2 colors by WeBluePeace. SallyPlump has an additional ten colors by Kooli-sims also not picture here.
First is five random Scottish clan tartans in five varieties.
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Next is a plantskirt in a small variety of colors.
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Random Recolors
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Two St. Patrick's Day Themed Colors
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I also had one of the models jump rope and discovered an issue.
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There's also clipping (Which you can see with the sitting sims in the first picture) do to the size of SallyPlump but that's part of the charm of playing with bigger bodyshapes in the Sims 2.
Also included but not pictured are Kooli's recolors for Sally Plump Only. Both SallyPlump and EA have the original 4t2 colors.
Mesh Credits: EA for the original outfit and color. WebluePeace for converting the outfit. Kooli-sims for shoeswapping and making beautiful recolors. DeeDee for converting the mesh to teen and elder. Beatrice Crumplebottom for the SallyPlump bodyshape and her WSOs.
Texture Credits: EA, Kooli-sims, Wikipedia, TitaTips, holisticfoxstudio, OwlsomeArt, Sugamiart, PhoenixOlga, Conceptty, designbundles, and creativefabrica.
Color Actions Used: Aelia's Eco, CuriousB ACYL, Kinuu/Nyren's Vaporwave and Flower Language.
Misc Credits: iakoasims for converting the above actions into curves for GIMP.
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sanneke94 · 1 month ago
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Lucilla-sims 4t2 Dress Long Sleeve with Pixicat Sandals: Download TF - Download AF - Download EF
How gorgeous is this dress that was converted by @lucilla-sims? I did a shoeswap for my own game but maybe someone else will find this usefull as well (even though you can barely see the shoes due to the long skirt :P) I combined the dress with Pixicats platform sandals originally converted by @antkasdefaults and have also added the age conversions by @deedee-sims.
Information: - Original 4t2 conversion of the dress by Lucilla-sims - TF and EF conversion of the dress by Deedee-sims - Original shoes by Pixicat - 3t2 conversion of the shoes by Antka - TF conversion of the shoes by Deedee-sims - Fat morph (TF, AF and EF) and preg morph (AF) included - Categorized as everyday - 12 recolors (swatch by Lucilla-sims included)
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hmcb96 · 1 year ago
Mashup: Flight Jacket Rope Jeans - EM, AM, TM + CM
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A request from anon! Thank you for waiting!
A mashup of EP12 Flight Jacket, converted 4t2 by @lucilla-sims and recoloured by @goatskickin, and Rope Jeans converted 4t2 by @memento-sims. Available for elders, adults, teens and children!
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Categorized as Everyday + Outerwear For Elder, Adult, Teen and Child Males! All appropriate morphs included! 20 colours - 8 from Goat and 12 originals Polycount: 6300 Files are compressorized
You have two download options: Repositoried: the elder, teen and child files are ‘linked’ to the adult files, which makes them a teeny tiny filesize for your downloads folder, but means the adult files are required for the colours to show up.
Standalone: they work as is in your downloads folder, but you miss out on the teeny tiny filesize.
Standalone: [DOWNLOAD]
Repositoried: [DOWNLOAD]
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narcysims · 3 months ago
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efbodynaked replaced with 3t2 Silk Lingerie by @phoebe-twiddle 💤 compressed | sleepwear & underwear | barefoot shoe sound efbodypajamasclassic replaced with 4t2 MuuMuus by @rented-space & I Need a Partner by @yandereplumsim & Myshunosun’s Loungewear Add On for EF by @platinumaspiration 💤 compressed | sleepwear | barefoot shoe sound I have done these for myself but decided to share anyway. ➡️DOWNLOAD SFS (efbodynaked) ➡️DOWNLOAD SFS (efbodypajamasclassic)
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rudhira · 2 years ago
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Oops maybe I spent all day meshing this instead of actually doing anything useful
This is a mashup of @pforestsims‘ Blazer with bootcut H&M jeans and edited Bun heels by @serabiet, for teens and adults. I made a bunch of very questionable recolours and even more questionably enabled them for formalwear as well as everyday. Teen files are texture referenced to adults. Hey, maybe you have some slouchy Sims who don’t really dress up anyway.
Download Blazer & Bootcut!
The reason I needed this as a fullbody outfit in the first place was so that I could use it to replace tfbodyhipjacketwideflaredpants and yfbodyhipjacketwideflaredpants. Definitely, uh, a choice. Also enabled for everyday and formal.
Download hipjacketwideflaredpants! - swatch
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creesims · 1 year ago
Has anyone made AF/TF swimsuits using the EF basegame textures? I did one as a test and I think it looks nice, but I figured I should ask if it's already been done before I do the rest. This is what the suit looks like
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asmileforjenna · 1 year ago
AUEU Safari > 4t2 Smuggler
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Hi everyone, today I have AF Safari, AM Safari, EF Safari, & EM Safari replaced with MDP 4t2 Smuggler! Agentcarlos made an adult default replacement already, however it did not have morphs or elders included. I saw that MDP uploaded updated meshes so while I added the elder conversion I decided to add the updated meshes as well. The elders both use the adult bodies since I couldn't find elder conversions of the outfit. Hidden in catalogue. Download @ SFS Download @ MTS
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einhorn-recs-cc · 3 months ago
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royal-octo-cc · 1 year ago
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moyokeansimblr · 3 months ago
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🎵 On the seventh day of Christmas my moyo gave to me...
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4t2 conversion of @its-adrienpastel's Profusion Shirt, I'd been eyeing this shirt since it was posted.
Teen-Elder, appropriate although mildly pouchy morphs, and you can choose if you want to repo. I kept 30 of the original colors, swatch included. I left the t-shirt the default color but adrienpastel included an accessory overlay for the ts4 shirt with other tshirt colors, so it probably wouldn't be that hard to make your own recolors if you want tshirts other than the original.
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Also, the tshirt collars are totally fine - I just can't remember what tattoo overlays my models have on to remove them. Maybe your vision is better than mine and you can tell they're tattoos in my screenshot, but I thought I'd mention just in case it looks like there's black around the collar. 😊
🎄 4t2 adrienpastel Profusion Shirt Standalone | Repo
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simsstoryplay · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas/Eve & Happy Holidays
So it turns out my first upload is Winter themed Clothing Recolors for the Sims 2 on Christmas Eve! Downloads and info are below the cut.
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They are recolors of DeeDee's Santa Dress for female teens, adults, and elders. You need the meshes linked above. I also recolored the boots in black with DeeDee's original colors of blue, green, and red.
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Patterns are by kima-panda at creative fabrica.
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Credits to DeeDee for the outfit and MDP as well. Julie J for the Shoes. kima-panda at creative fabrica for the patterns. All credits to them - I just recolored (except the blue, green, and red - those i just recolored the boots). And now to the download info!
Files are compressed. You have a choice between pick and choose standalone, or you can have the teen and elder files repo'd to the adult files. Edit - Simfileshare links added!
Adult Female Alt Link
Elder and Teen Female Standalone Alt Link
Elder and Teen Female Repo Alt Link
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sanneke94 · 10 days ago
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2000 Followers Gift - Part 7 MissTiikeri Dress as Top: Download TF - Download AF - Download EF
I really struggled with finding a name for this set, but I think this is best resembling how this happened. MissTiikeri has made some really nice recolors of Aelia's H&M dress edit. I wanted to make more use of these recolors so I was planning on creating a new top mesh, but then I discovered that Amaryll had already made a top version of this dress so I only needed to copy the textures! The TF and EF conversion are by Trappingit. I only did a slight adjustment of the alpha's to prevent the top textures from bleeding into the legs.
Information: - AF mesh by Amaryll included - TF and EF mesh by Trappingit included - Original textures from the "Star No Star" and "These Things" sets by MissTiikeri (available here) - Fatmorph (TF, AF and EF) and pregmorph (AF) included - 15 recolors (swatch included)
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hmcb96 · 2 years ago
Darte77 Denim Jacket - EM + TM Conversion
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Something alternative and fashionable for your elders and teens!
The Denim Jacket, created for TS4 by @darte77 and converted 4t2 for AM by @vulrien-sims. Now for EM and TM by me!
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Categorized as Everyday For Elder Male and Teen Male Fat morphs included! Colours: 8 originals, 1 from me Polycount: 16,700 Files are compressorized _________________________
You have two download options: Repositoried: the elder and teen files are ‘linked’ to the adult files by @vulrien-sims, which makes them a teeny tiny filesize for your downloads folder, but means the adult files are required for the colours to show up.
Standalone: they work as is in your downloads folder, but you miss out on the teeny tiny filesize..
Standalone: [DOWNLOAD]
Repositoried: [DOWNLOAD] Get the adult files HERE.
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poyopoyosim · 8 months ago
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 🔴 TEEN - ELDER (only for male sims)
These presets may slightly affect some clothing 
Thanks for your support ♥
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joojconverts · 24 days ago
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4T3 Conversion of HistoricalSimsLife's CC Catalogue
So… here we are, haha! This is the grand project I’ve been working on for about three months now! I made a promise to all of you, so I’m here not only to fulfill that promise and make a bit of a comeback but also to celebrate reaching the incredible milestone of 3,000 FOLLOWERS!!!
I’m so grateful to all of you for everything that has happened since I joined this community, it’s one of the little shining points of my life, lol. So, let me give back by bringing your sims MORE THAN 150 pieces of CC, including clothes, hairstyles, accessories, and buy mode objects!
You’ve probably already guessed that I have A LOT to say about this set, so please, follow me after the cut! 💖
Hope you like it, enjoy!
In this compilation are included sets, mini-sets and standalone pieces that the original creator made! Posepacks, patterns, mods, and pieces categorized as “modern” are not included! HistoricalSimsLife has a lot of 3T4 conversions, and naturally they're also not included EXCEPT for the ones that are mesh edits (e.g. here and here)! TSM to 4 conversions are also not included, as you can find every item converted to TS3 here by votenga! I also re-converted CC that I had previously converted before, such as the printing press set and the dandy suit!
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I'll link the CC just so you know what I'm talking about!
Known Problems:
Most of the time the sleeping animation that comes with the One With Nature mod looks off when making your sim sleep under the prehistoric lean-to shelter. I'm not sure why but instead of sleeping horizontally they sleep vertically, so they clip with the branches that are on the floor. Two times while I was testing they slept horizontally tho, so I'm not sure if I can fix it. Sorry!!
The drawer (chest) of the Kativip Library set doesn't have an animation!
The telescope's eyepiece looks a bit off when a sim is using it. The way the mesh is made is very different from ts3's telescopes, and it would be quite hard to make it looks seamless and also it wouldn't look good, as ts3's telescopes all look kinda silly imo hahah. Hope you don't mind it very much!
The celtic cape might clip depending on the clothes being used and the animation being played!
The round weave rug of the Rustic Living Set generates some white lines when zooming really far out. I thought it was UV map, but I tweaked it and they're still showing up. It's only apparent if you look closely tho!
* Note that teens and elders have neck gaps. This is sadly the price for having them available! For teens, try using this and this slider by gruesim!
Please let me know if you find any problems!
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Buckle up now...
The whole catalogue is quite low-poly and gameplay friendly, so don’t worry about that!
The whole catalogue is categorized into folders once you extract the zip, so you can pick and choose if you're playing in a specific era!
The buy mode items have collection files so you can find them a lot easier (except for the crib, the map painting and the aztek sink)! Just put them inside your "collections" folder in ts3's documents folder!
I highly recommend using the One With Nature mod by @spheresims while using the prehistoric collection!
The printing press letter plate works as a functional computer, and it's categorized as so!
The printing press desk and chair both have 4 matching presets! They're all different wood presets!
The hollow food storage works as a functional fridge for your prehistoric sims!
The Pile of Rocks cave works as, you guessed it, a cave! Actually no lol, it works as a tent, and your sims can sleep inside! It also has 5 presets, all stone textures, first one is an overlay, the rest is recolorable!
The sleeping underlay works as a sleeping bag! It has 2 recolorable presets!
The Skyrim lean-to has 2 presets! First one has an overlay texture, second one is recolorable!
The prehistoric lean-to shelter has 7 presets. The last one (fur) is recolorable, the others are overlays!
The rustic living set has two bed frames (single and double bed) and two matresses! All you need to do is to put the bed frame first, and then the matress on top of it, now you have two separate objects that can be customized!
The weave rug has 6 recolorable presets!
The round weave rug has 7 presets, and they're all combinations of recolorable and overlayed parts!
Both love seats and both bed frames of the rustic living set have 3 presets, different types of wood! Not recolorable.
The matresses also have 3 presets, they're combinations of overlayed and recolorable parts!
The old map painting has 4 non-recolorable presets!
The aztek sink has 4 presets, and they're combinations of overlayed and recolorables parts except for the last one! It also works as a functional sink!
The two empty boockases of the Katvip library set work as displays, so there are many slots for you to put decor on!
All hats/caps are hat-slider compatible and unissex!
The Dandy Lady hat (renamed it from ts3's hairstyle) has 3 different versions: One with feathers (that I made), one without them, and one without feathers nor decorations (renamed as Gone to Riding Hat)! You need to have V1 installed for the textures of the other two to show up, as they're linked!
The maid dress has 4 different versions (i know the post says 3 but it's 4 lol), as you can see on the preview! They work just like the Dandy Lady hat, above!
The Pirate Dress has an overlay you can find in accessories! Using it with the outfit you can recolor the belt and the buckle! If you don't use the accessory, those parts will just be a usual overlay texture!
You need to use a no feet mesh to use the Boy's 1700s Frock Coat, you can find one here!
The Boy's 1700s Frock Coat has has an overlay accessory, same thing as the Pirate Dress! With it you can recolor the belt, the pockets and the buckle!
The Edwardian Tea In The Garden dress has 6 presets, 5 of them are floral overlays, and the last one is a solid version.
The Regency Morning Dress has 11 presets. First one is a solid version, the last four are patterned overlays, and the rest are recolorable patterns.
The Ester Wedding Dress has 4 recolorable presets, the patterns of the bodice change!
The Simply Rococo Dress has 15 totally recolorable patterned presets!
The Embroided Rococo Dress has 2 presets: the first one is the original texture as an overlay, and the second one is a recolorable version of it (though not as good, since it's a very complicated texture).
The Vintage Men's Exercise Outfit has 6 patterned presets, all recolorable!
The Edwardian Men's underwear and the Edwardian Men's nightgown both have 2 presets, one striped and one solid. Both recolorable!
The Dandy Suit has 9 presets, first one's solid and the rest are patterned, all recolorable!
The Celtic Warrior Outfit has 2 presets. In the first one the plaid is an overlay, original texture. In the second one you can change it however you want using CASt!
The Bodacious Boy Suit has 2 presets! The mask is different, so you can recolour different parts!
The Vintage Girl's Dress With Bows has 8 presets, one of them is a solid version, another one is a recolorable patterned preset, and the rest are patterned overlays!
The Colonial Living Girl's Dress has 5 presets, last one is a solid recolorable version, and the rest are patterned overlays!
The Victorian Tweed Dress Top has 6 presets. The last one is a totally recolorable preset, the other 5 are overlay presets!
The Celtic Dress Top has 2 presets. First one is a long sleeved version, and the second is a vest like top with long sleeved white shirt underneath. Both recolorable!
The Victorian Tweed Dress Skirt has 6 presets, same thing as the top!
The Celtic Dress Skirt has 2 presets. First one has an apron with it, and the second one doesn't! Both recolorable.
I think that’s all haha! Now to the download! <3
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Credits & Special Thanks:
@historicalsimslife, Kativip and EA/Maxis for all the meshes and textures! Check out the full catalogue here!
Thank you @deniisu-sims, @suteflower, @sideshowsnob and @twinsimming for the general support (and help, where needed lol) when creating this collection!
💖 @eternalccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @sisilou @darkccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds @wanderingsimsfinds
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