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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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I find myself attracted to these people. Being around good energy and authentic people with good vibes is the best way to grow. Last night at our covid safe event I spent quality time with creative minds and listening to ideas that can change the world, helping others and making a difference is TRULY the legacy ❤ I want to leave behind. Happy Friday my friends, go out and be that Dope Soul today and watch how energy attracts energy. Get ready as it will become infections in the right way. @gorgeousgeorgiie @screenwriter_lena_murisier #beyourbestalways #beauthenticallyyou #loveoneanotherasihavelovedyou #beablessingnotacurse #loveattractslove #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #stevecederquistdesigns #amarémagazine (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHiQYdGFxzG/?igshid=k0xfwwo24yfb
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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Opening up interior space with outdoor space its crucial you incorporate the same flooring. Look how this room flows. In your design process make sure your floors don't conflict, a good flow makes the room feel larger and less choppy, nobody likes choppy lol Happy Friday!!! Call me for a FREE consultation. #stevecederquistdesigns #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #loveyourdesigners #remodelingtherightway #mikeholmes #Hgtv #hgtvfamilyforlife #homeremodeling (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQVDB1FR3F/?igshid=1uccqm948qkz0
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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We are at it again out with the old and in with whats HOT!!! Please make an appointment to come see our newly remodeled showroom with all new lines and materials. We are by appointment only right now so please reach out Please call Steve at 714-743-8027 to set up a time. Thank you 😊 Stevecederquistdesigns.com #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces #hgtv #letsdothisthing #bathroomremodeling #kitchenremodeling #fightforit #nevergiveup #emsertile #oline #olinanaheim #neolith (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG9Q-hqFkSJ/?igshid=18fkbgw62b1gm
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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Today, right now!! Take all the rocks people are throwing around at each other and take them and use them to build a firm foundation for yourself. Right now we are living in unprecedented times, people are displaying acts never seen in this country, you have a choice, adapt and figure out how you are going to build or let the rocks hit you in the head and take you down, your choice. To me the choice is CLEAR you can either join the haters or rise above and be a builder of your future. Let's do this!! Whatever happens in the election you have to have a plan A and B so be ready. Happy Wednesday 😊 #getbusyliving2020 #haveaplanb #beaccountable #successfulwomen #successfullmen #leadership #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #stevecederquistdesigns #hgtv #tarek #noexcusewednesday #designyourlife (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5AKRxl__b/?igshid=16meithk7fbo3
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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Front doors are such an important element in your design, plus curb appeal. I say set your budget to include a new door system. Prices can range from $200 to $2k or more so check around and see what you like. These doors are from Urban doors in Tustin, Ca. Happy Tuesday!!! #newdoors #remodeling #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #stevecederquistdesigns #bathroomremodeling #gettingitdone (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2mcZ5lm-c/?igshid=1j4pc7je3892j
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
Love when the job starts to take shape. Creating a design then seeing it come to life is what I love. If you have a vision, or planning or want to plan a remodel let's talk. Free consultation Steve Cederquist Construction and Design 714-743-8027 I want to thank my patient clients and my incredible framer Brian #livetocreate #homeremodeling #mikehomes #doitrightthefirsttime #designitbeyondmyexpectations #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces (at Mission Viejo, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvIe9SBiK2/?igshid=xc3ncsduzhi7
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fliporflopcontractor · 4 years ago
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YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!! #greatfultogod #soblessed💕 #imreadytolevelup #personalgrowth #lookatlife #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #hgtv #simplystunningspaces (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtmUIXlOIE/?igshid=nbdwt9a6qq46
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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After doing my affirmations this morning I agree that we need to own our stuff. Always be working to be a better version of yourself. I looked at my biggest critic, and it was my reflection in my mirror, it was trying to bring me down lol, not today!!! Its easy to be hard on yourself, but remember that you are human and you will make mistakes, or get used, its all part of that leaning lesson. Be true to yourself and remain 💯% committed to always doing the right thing!!!! Don't compromise your integrity for anyone. Happy Tuesday!!! #betruetoyourselfalways #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #hgtv #realitytvstar #musicproducers #lifecoach #dotherightthings (at Costa Mesa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFccl9mF5PN/?igshid=1mk7fkp8irs5d
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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This is a rough next couple of months.This election is pitting family against family and friends against friends. No matter your position, BE NICE, BE KIND Its all going to work out. No political responses ok!!! #bekindworkhard #loveoneanother♥️ #lifeisshortliveit #positive #donthate #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #stevecederquistdesigns #getoutalivethebook https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQfM48lmRm/?igshid=1log1fg0c1hyq
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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Common give me your BEST!!! #bestadvice #dontbeshy #gettingitdonetodaymyfriend #life_is_street #beyourbestalways #getoutalivethebookbystevecederquist #changinglivesdaily #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces #stevecederquistdesigns #filmfamily (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHYvujFJI0/?igshid=1px8abvi6j0cv
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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Day 2 We love being involved with creative people #TRUTH #gettingitdone #fightforit #creativeminds #stevecederquist #simplystunningspaces https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4M7syFjR7/?igshid=6hqmlu49n7qv
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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First day of the new show. Love this!!! #filmisalive #reallifequotes #letsfilmitnow #p r #productioncompany #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces (at Mission Viejo, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzK6skFQpO/?igshid=1u2cfozxv4t4q
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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I agree 100% the eyes are a dead giveaway in someone's true thoughts and words. #betruetoyourself #theeyes #youtube #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces #getoutalive #getoutalivethebook (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjPeX9l05L/?igshid=318mgiyn7wqc
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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NEVER! If I had let my past determine my future and pulled the POOR ME card I'd be still stuck in the BLAME everyone else for my circumstances. Here's the bottomline, you get what you work your ass off for. If you have the mindset that the doorbell or knock on the door is going to be a check in hand well let's just say GOOD LUCK with that. YOU and only YOU have the power to get your ass up and decide TODAY IS THE DAY I'm going to get going on creating that dream of a life that I truly want. YES you will hit bumps in the road, yes you will fail at somethings, yes you will have people telling you "you can't" screw that, you CAN AND & WILL with the right mindset and determination. I'm living proof that you can go from 0 to100 real fast, back to 0, but i never gave up, I scratched and clawed my way back up. If you haven't read my book GET OUT ALIVE I strongly recommend you do. YOU GOT THIS!!! Happy Sunday #gettingitdone #fightforit #nevergiveup💪 #mindsetmatters #stevecederquist #thepastisthepast #successmindset #getoverit #usa #itstime #makeithappensunday #melrobbinsshow #briantracey #garyveechallenge #tarekelmoussa #showtheworld #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces #flipping101 #getoutalive #getoutalivethebook (at Costa Mesa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZEGmplKoI/?igshid=87kmq8ljaxcp
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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Be confident in what you bring to the table, don't second guess that whole gut feeling thing. The heart will tell you one thing, but remember that gut instinct is always on point. Have a great weekend and remember to be intentional in all your plans and thoughts. #intentionalliving #stevecederquist #getoutalivethebook #tonyrobins #edits #followyourgut #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces #amarillo #peaceful (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEjT3lF8YL/?igshid=eeb7ihuh2yr0
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fliporflopcontractor · 5 years ago
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I'm so GRATEFUL for the friendship of these two. Tarek has taught me so much about flipping and Darcy about design. Today I'm using those talents and growing my portfolio of bought and sold properties now in three states. Flipping is not what it use to be, today you have to have a great design and be smart on the spend. I've learned the hard way lol I'm always looking for projects or if you need assistance on an upcoming flip I offer consulting or project management. Please feel free to reach out anytime. [email protected] Thank you!!! #stevecederquist #stevecederquistdesigns #Simplystunningspaces #tarekelmoussa #HGTV #houseflippergame #flippingtheoc #investmentproperty (at Costa Mesa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgUnFUl25o/?igshid=sabwpgnp4q0r
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