#simpatico daughter
dinosaurqueenmab · 11 months
I added some more stuff 😋
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Did you saw Ultraman Rising? Or more like ULTRAMAN RAISING😅 What is your opinion?
I heard that the company that made this movie is mainly focused on special effects, and IT SHOWS, especially in the use of lights and how the environments change depending on the context and what is happening around the characters.
The style of characters reminds me a lot of anime, which is understandable since it is set in Japan, and the small details they put into the setting are MWA.
I especially like the design of the mother Kaiju and, of course, Emi. especially how they animated the scene where the mother "dies" and how everything lights up when Emi is born.
The villain is not very deep or intimidating, but I think that was the point, Onda sees his job as eliminating an invasive species that killed his family, while Professor Sato sees them as creatures that are not conscious and it is not correct to attribute them this because they are not evil. They both have their points and are right to some extent.
I like that Onda didn't suddenly change his attitude towards his people, he really cares about HUMAN life, but only that. not the kaijus. we love a consistent villain.
Kenji is a nice character, at first a little uncomfortable for me because of his ego, but the more he shows his TRUE side, especially with Emi, the more likeable and endearing he becomes. especially with its plot with the grief of losing his mother and his relationship with his father.
How Wakita compares his relationship with his daughter and the relationship with Kenji and Emi seemed extremely tender to me because in general he does not romanticize the most important aspects of fatherhood, which I think is GREAT and that should be taken into account not only for the merit of laughs, but as a plot factor (which the movie does).
The parallels between Kenji and Emi and Mr. Sato with Kenji are adorable and painful at the same time, how Kenji really comes to care about Emi despite everything that happened to him up to that point and how thanks to her he mends his relationship with his father. seems appropriate.
Although the story is somewhat predictable, I really like how it is executed and the sequel promises a lot.
Solid 8/10
Oi que la compania que hizo esta película esta principalmente orientada en los efectos especiales, y SE NOTA, especialmente en el uso de las luces y como cambian los ambientes dependiendo del contexto y lo que pasa alrededor de los personajes.
el estilo de personajes me recuerda mucho al anime, lo cual es entendible pues esta ambientado en Japon, y los pequeños detalles que ponen en la ambientacion es MWA.
me gusta especialmente el diseño de la Kaiju madre y, por supuesto, Emi. especialmente el como animaron la escena donde la madre "muere" y como todo se ilumina cuando Emi nace.
el villano no es muy profundo o intimidante, pero justamente creo que ese era el punto, Onda ve su trabajo como eliminar una especie invasora que mato a su familia, mientras el profesor Sato los ve como criaturas que no son concientes y no es correcto atribuirles esto porque no son malvados. ambos tienen sus puntos y tienen razon hasta cierto punto.
me gusta que Onda no cambiara su actitud con su gente de repente, realmente le preocupa la vida HUMANA, pero solo eso. no los kaijus. amamos un villano consistente.
Kenji es un personaje agradable, al principio un poco incómodo para mi por su ego, pero cuanto mas se muestra de su VERDADERO lado, especialmente con Emi, se hace mas simpatico y entrañable. especialmente con su trama con el duelo de perder a su madre y su relación con su padre.
como Wakita compara su relación con su hija y la relación con Kenji y Emi me parecio tierna de sobremanera porque en general no romántiza los aspectos mas importantes de la paternidad, lo cual me parece GENIAL y que debe ser contado en cuenta no solo para merito de risas, sino como factor de la trama(lo cual hace la película).
los paralelismos entre Kenji y Emi y Sr. Sato con Kenji son adorables y dolorosos al mismo tiempo, como Kenji realmente llega a preocuparse por Emi pese a todo lo que le paso hasta ese punto y como gracias a ella arregla la relación con su padre me parece apropiado.
si bien la historia es algo predecible, me gusga bastante como lo ejecutan y la secuela promete mucho.
Solido 8/10
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
MTMTE/LL Request Masterlist
Rodimus and Drift accidentally crash land and meet 10-year-old Human Buddy
Tall Bot Buddy doing the hand against the wall thing to their Conjux Rodimus
Megatron 'accidentally' adopting Human Buddy who fears nothing
Human Buddy records out of context sounds and sics them on unsuspecting bots (Tailgate, Rewind, and Swerve)
Megatron and Fearless Buddy who gets seriously hurt
Tailgate, Rodimus Prime, and Brainstorm react to Human Buddy throwing up on them on accident
Human Buddy and the Allspark
Brainstorm and Human Buddy who loves explosives
Fearless Buddy reaction to Megatron coming back from the other dimension
Bot Buddy from the TFP universe meeting MTMTE Rodimus Prime
Pregnant Human Buddy trying to explain Human Life to Rung, Nautica, Ambulon, Cyclonus, and Skids
Human Buddy who like goth style with Swerve, Tailgate, Rewind, Cyclonus, and Drift
Rodimus dating Tall Bot Buddy who's shy
Bot Buddy who is Megatron's sparkmate (its complicated) who was a former gladiator with Rodimus Prime, Nautica, and Ravage
Perceptor's younger sibling having a crush on Rodimus
Bot Buddy the Ex-con who comes off as quiet but is chatty with other Ex-con with Ultra Magnus, Rodimus Prime, and Nautica
Bot Buddy who has a fascination with Dino's with the Scavengers
Ratchet's daughter with the opposite personality meeting MTMTE Ratchet
Fearless Buddy meeting Old Predacon Buddy
Perceptor's younger sibling get kidnaped by the DJD
Bot Buddy with a fox alt mode with Ratchet, Drift, and Rodimus
Human Buddy who communicates in grunts, noises and likes to climb with Rodimus Prime, Cyclonus, Nautica, and First Aid
Bot Buddy the sparkling on the Lost Light with Skids, Rewind, and Ravage
Fearless Buddy gets a visit from TFP Bots
Bot Buddy Perceptor's younger sibling recovering from the DJD Kidnapping
Drift's twin the Con who was left behind on accident
What if... TFP Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality agreed to stay on the Lost Light?
Human Buddy in the custody battle of the Lost Light (Ratchet and Drift are the winners)
Fearless Buddy doing martial arts with Megatron and Drift
Steel Mauler meeting Rodimus Prime, Megatron and Ultra Magnus
Human Buddy (Dratchet's kid) meeting their bio parents again
Moonstreaker and Swerve pinning and Rodimus not noticing
Moonstreaker goes to Swearth
Rally Racer Buddy videos with Swerve, Rodimus, Whirl, and Ultra Magnus
Juno having a panic attack/ breakdown with Cygate, Whirl, and First Aid
Fearless Buddy meeting Ophelia and Ironhold
Bot Buddy the singer and being Swerve's Conjunx
3 Things that have happened on the Lost Light while Steel Mauler was visiting
Fearless turns Cybertronain
Moonstreaker snaps
Dratchet's kid meeting Fearless
Rung, Perceptor, and Moonstreaker react to Juno and Rodimus having a big fight
Bot Buddy from SG! and being Starscream's Conjunx
Bot Buddy trying to be Ratchet's apprentice
Fearless having an online crush and the Lost Light crew being the last to know
3 Times Moonstreaker and Swerve nearly kissed
IDW Ophelia
Perceptor and Brainstorm's adopted sparkling and the Scavengers
Rapidfire on the Lost Light
Bot Buddy being Conjunx with Whirl and taking care of scraplets
Maxima on the Lost Light
Wobbles and the Bullies
IDW Ophelia: Megatron's POV
Fearless and MTMTE Megatron meets TFA/TFE Silver Aid and their Megatron's
Moonstreaker realizing she is an outlier
MTMTE Steve meets MTMTE Ophelia
Ophelia's identity reveal?
Fearless VS Tarn
Fearless meeting their crush in person
Simpatico's encounter with the DJD
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corallapis · 1 year
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Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries (Vol. 1), 1918-38, entry for 9th April 1923
Monday 9th April — Hackwood¹
Have been spending a few days here … a simpatico party … Lady Curzon, glittering, gracious and a supreme hostess, all the Duggans;² Lady Patricia Herbert³ (the very nicest girl in London, although Lady Mary Ashley⁴ runs her neck and neck …) … Mrs Vansittart,⁵ an affected American, Paul of Serbia⁶ …. Lord Curzon is away doing a Coué cure⁷ for the benefit of his leg or brow beating some important conference for the welfare of civilisation … I forget which. Lady Curzon told us of a conversation she had with Lord Balfour⁸ a few evenings ago. He was unusually playful and she depressed and discouraged, she is subject to unaccountable fits of Weltschmerz,⁹ which result, I think, from something unsatisfied in her.¹⁰ He tried to console her and talked to her beautifully about life and all she had to live for … her husband, the world’s most striking and brilliant man … her children charming … her friends many … her beauty unsurpassed. Next day he wrote her an inimitable note to say how much he had enjoyed being next to her. She, delighted, said to Lady Cunard¹¹ as she read it: ‘AJB is an angel — I should like to kiss him on the forehead’. Maud repeated this to him and his only comment was: ‘Why the forehead?’ Maud Cunard motored to Hackwood with Serge Obolensky¹² for what she calls ‘the day in the country’ on Sunday. They arrived at six o’clock. She pretended never to have seen plus fours before and said ‘And what has little Paul got on? And Chips¹³ too what are they?’ She made us rock with laughter for two hours with stories about herself and her hatred of the country, etc. She said that all Nancy’s troubles were due to the fact that her father ‘my dear at the age of 12 had put her … put her on a horse, a four-legged horse’. As she was leaving we loaded her car with guns, tennis racquets, golf clubs, etc. She was much flustered at this or pretended to be and shook hands with a footman and ‘bobbed’ to the butler and was amazing but delicious … all pink and white, like a sweet, and dressed in a costume de sport made by Vionnet.¹⁴ Serge was anxious to return as he is wooing Alice Astor.¹⁵ I introduced them … I shall now have this new romance on my conscience.
1. Hackwood Park, near Basingstoke in Hampshire, rented by Lord Curzon from 1906 until 1925.
2. Lady Curzon’s children by her first marriage: Alfred Duggan (1903–64), who became a minor novelist; Hubert Duggan (1904–43), Tory MP for Acton from 1931 to 1943 and anti-appeaser in the 1930s; and (Grace) Marcella Duggan (1907–95).
3. Patricia Herbert (1904–94), by courtesy Lady Patricia Herbert from 1913, daughter of the 15th Earl of Pembroke and 12th Earl of Montgomery, married in 1928 William Henry Smith, 3rd Viscount Hambleden (1903–48). She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth from 1937 until 1994.
4. Lady Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (1902–36), daughter of the 9th Earl of Shaftesbury, married in 1928 Napier George Henry Sturt (1896–1940), who in 1919 succeeded his father as 3rd Baron Alington of Crichel. He died on active service in Egypt during the Second World War, though of drink rather than in action.
5. Gladys Robinson-Duff (1892–1928), daughter of General William C. Heppenheimer of the United States, married in 1921 Robert Gilbert Vansittart (1881–1957), who would be Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office from 1930 to 1938, and who would be raised to the peerage in 1941 as 1st Baron Vansittart. Vansittart was also an accomplished novelist, playwright and poet.
6. Prince Paul of Yugoslavia (1893–1976) had known Channon at Oxford and would remain one of his closest friends, and be Prince Regent of Yugoslavia (the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) from 1934 to 1941 during the minority of Peter II. He was the nephew of King Peter I and married Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark (1903–97), sister-in-law of Channon’s other closest friend, the Duke of Kent. After treating with the Germans in 1941 Paul was forced from Yugoslavia and forbidden ever to return; the post-war communist regime stripped him of his property and proclaimed him an enemy of the state. Until 1945 the British authorities held him in Kenya under house arrest. Serbia rehabilitated him posthumously in 2011, after which he was reburied with Princess Olga and their son Nicholas.
7. A psychotherapy-based cure featuring auto-suggestion, fashionable but heavily criticised at the time, developed by Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (1857–1926), a French psychologist.
8. A. J. Balfour, raised to an earldom in 1922.
9. World-weariness.
10. Curzon was desperate for a male heir (he had three daughters from his first marriage) to the earldom and marquessate he had obtained; various medical procedures had been followed to help Lady Curzon conceive, but no child resulted and the marriage was strained accordingly.
11. Maud Alice Burke (1872–1948), born in San Francisco, married in 1895 Sir Bache Cunard, 3rd Bt (1851–1925), grandson of the shipping line’s founder. They had lived largely apart since 1911, Cunard basing himself in Leicestershire where he enjoyed field sports. In London with their daughter Nancy Clara (1896–1965), Lady Cunard – who after her husband’s death became known as ‘Emerald’ – established one of the leading salons of the era, which thrived until the Second World War. After separating from her husband she became the mistress of Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor, and funded many of his musical projects.
12. Prince Sergei (‘Serge’) Platonovich Obolensky Neledinsky-Meletsky (1890–1978) had been educated at Oxford and became part of the Russian diaspora after the revolution. He emigrated to America and became a successful businessman.
13. The first time in the diaries that he refers to his nickname.
14. Madeleine Vionnet (1876–1975) was one of Paris’s leading fashion designers of the interwar years.
15. Ava Alice Muriel Astor (1902–56), daughter of John Jacob Astor IV. She and Obolensky married in 1924 and divorced in 1932. She would marry four times before her death at the age of 54.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Has there been a situation when your pairing disagreed 100%? Not that it was a fight necessarily but they did have to sit and talk, maybe take some days to think about it, pros and cons list, etc. From the beginning they both had a completely different opinion.
Oh, for sure. I have three pairings, and while I believe all three are made for each other, they're still human... they're going to fight. lol
When we look at Ethan/Kaycee or Tobias/Casey, they overcame a lot to be together; once they were finally there, they were happy and in love, and that's all divine. But, there were two men that were committed bachelors who lived alone without having to take anyone into consideration for decades. There's going to be a learning curve there. I think, by and large, they aced those issues, but they existed.
To see some of the drama for each of my three pairings, see below.
With Ethan/Kaycee, I can see it being career related. It would still be difficult for him to turn down or see her turn down an opportunity. But when you're sharing your life, there is more to take into consideration. I can see Kaycee getting an opportunity, and turning it down from the start, because she has no plans on uprooting her life. Ethan finds out, and he is not happy. He adores her, but he still views the world as bigger than them. They should have at least discussed it. Then, maybe Ethan gets an offer that he doesn't entertain, then they have the same fight in reverse. lol
Children were another issue. Kaycee knew she wanted to be a mother one day, but Ethan wasn't totally on board. Still, he knew if they were going to be together, they needed to reach a consensus, and they did. After having difficulty conceiving, they also disagree on the next steps. Do they keep trying? Do they let it go? Do they adopt? Do they accept parenthood isn't happening for them? I don't think they'd be on the same page at first, and that would lead to some tears, misunderstandings, and fights before they come to a resolution.
Tobias/Casey are so simpatico, but they come from very different places. He was born into a family of extreme wealth and prestige, and she was born into a lower middle-income family that struggled like hell to make it to middle-income. Also, Casey is an open-minded, progressive, proud-as-fuck-bleeding-heart liberal, but she's also a white woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her husband, and later her daughters, are not. The two of them are going to view the world through different lenses, and that will take some getting used to at times.
Another issue where they didn't agree was the number of children to have. Tobias wanted a mini-softball team. But after Brooke (their second) was born, Casey thought that was enough. Now, they resolved that easily (his thought was, she has them, she has the final say)
Much later in life, they have a big disagreement, and it's heartbreaking. It's born of a place of love and fear, and Casey caves for the sake of Tobias until he realizes that wasn't right. I always say I won't post this (written) fic unless I"m leaving here for good... but who knows? Maybe one day.
Eli/Zoe - They tend not to have big disagreements - they've been through too too much, they're far too grateful for each other, and they know every day is borrowed time, but they squabble a lot... and probably end it by making out or having sex. lol
They agree they don't want to have children, not in the world they live in. It's too dangerous, but... when it happens, they handle it very, very differently. It's probably their biggest battle until they work it out.
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nx-communicato · 2 years
* 4b*4h4** : 48241748 •§• 424574514 : 42487814
* 0.5¢ : 21o9o (90210)
* D***d : 2442 : P*a : 224 •§• 2974 : 2274
* 42487814 2274 21o9o 81182417
To be honest… I’m really kinda hoping this turns into more of a step-daughter thing and less of an incestual thing…🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏… like hopefully you were from the 12941427-213427529 line prior to P*tri*1* Coven… sorry, 629h1i2, (half-/step-)-sister to 8r**ke.
‘5734’ 5288325 (ie. Havoc ~ which is what you were brought in to wreak… and did with such flair and aplomb that I am to this day still wholly enchanted by you! 😍 Also, for fun, $umr*ll = $ummer-assault = $ummersault = “Take off ~4, I’m gonna steamroll you ~4!” (Strange Brew – a perfect analogy for a vexing Canadian party girl/enforcer!) …still 😍🥰!
* N***** P** A******** ¿?
…with the blood of V1king in his veins
{…as an addendum: I know it’s a little weird that I typically write as if in correspondence with ‘424574514’, when it is far more likely that the market I am reaching is 8unt*r, my Momp, 8r8k*, D2d2, or the entire island population of HonnaLee instead; but it maintains a continuity in my writing, provides me with a target for whom to direct my narrative, and prevents a lot of unnecessary dragosplanatory side-dialogues like this one here in particular… for those who are not familiar with the terminology, dragosplanatory (drogonating, dragonspokating, dragooning, drakuspanking, draxplanations, deragotory remarks, dragulit, et al.) are used as a way of enlightening the audience when one does not think that they’re as literarily simpatico with the linguistic interadministrations of he who shall henceforth be referenced as the author or said narrator of such works, quite similar to what others may have heard in relative terms to the jargon, lingo or cant of “man-splaining” but with one key difference here being that there is no separation or bias based on the gender of the listener or in this case, reader (as you can see we too can be haughty or “woq’d-up y’all” to heighten the presentation and awareness of our views on civil equality).}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
19864 the Eye of Horus •§• and finds his own tale instead Ouru’80208’…
As another example of just how wildly unstoppable the juggernaut of my hope is, I have been secretly harboring a tale wherein this all magically resolves and you surprise me popping out of nowhere to whisk me away like a fairytale princess to go celebrate Pancake Day with you in NoLo… as with you may be the only way I would want to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
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greysscoop · 2 years
Dancing with the stars finale
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after being fat-shamed by comedian Aries Spears Lizzo shows off her curves while modeling bra and underwear sets from her shapewear line Yitty. Jennifer Lawrence and husband Cooke Maroney are simpatico as they hold hands wearing matching T-Shirts on NYC date night 'Surprise pottery date': Georgia May Jagger, 30, cosies up to her new boyfriend Cambryan Sedlick, 22, as they enjoy an art classīritney Spears' ex-husband Kevin Federline says he was 'mortified for her' but didn't help her in conservatorship battle because he had to 'worry' about their sons Pure feel-good escapism! From George Clooney and Julia Roberts to hilarious dialogue and a stunning setting, here's why we're all going to LOVE hit new comedy Ticket to ParadiseĮrika Jayne says she feels 'vindicated' after major legal win in estranged husband Tom Girardi's embezzlement drama as she's seen out in Los Angeles 'It's the talk of the village': Harry Styles 'purchases Grand Designs' saddest ever property in North Devon for £8million ' Sharon Osbourne runs errands in Beverly Hills days after husband Ozzy Osbourne declared they're moving back to U.K.ĭua Lipa sends temperatures soaring in a sequinned flame swimsuit as she poses for sizzling poolside snaps Popcorn at the ready! Cinema Day is coming THIS weekend, and here's where YOU can enjoy films from just £3īella and Gigi Hadid are a study in style contrasts as the model sisters head to the US Open in New York in fashionable outfits Venice Film Festival 2022: Jodie Turner-Smith and Julianne Moore dazzle while Greta Gerwig opts for a plunging frock at the White Noise premiere 'It's a real pinch me moment': Ekin-Su Cülcülolu flaunts her figure in sizzling ensembles as she confirms she's signed Oh Polly deal 'I've been going through hell': Chloe Ferry reveals botched 'fox eye' lift has 'ruined her life' and left her with 'permanent' scars
Is America falling out of love with the 'Petulant Princess'? Even 'woke' magazine that interviewed Meghan Markle 'disapproved' of her 'marshmallowy' lifestyleĬost of living on your mind? Here's how to take control of your money and make it work for you Kimberly Stewart, 42, shares rare photo with daughter Delilah, 10, whose father is Benicio Del Toro. Katy Perry slips into an olive green swimsuit and a matching sarong as she and shirtless fiancé Orlando Bloom enjoy a relaxing yacht day on the Amalfi Coast Kim Kardashian slips her curves into a long-sleeve black dress despite soaring LA temperatures as she stops by a gas station Kate Moss admits her daughter Lila scolded her for THAT Vivienne Westwood skirt and reveals teen 'couldn't even go to the toilet' in her Met Gala gown
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good evening transformers fans i'm here to inflict my elaborate tfa flavored soup verse where nijika is perceptor's techno-organic daughter on you.
perceptor found out about sari and after emailing dr. sumdac decided there wasn't a large enough sample size for any meaningful data on human based techno-organics to be extrapolated. obviously this is unacceptable and he has no choice but to make his own.
for the dna he contacts miko nakadai, friend of bulkhead and first human to study on cybertron. she's trying to become a qualified space bridge tech so she can go back to earth and blow holes in space/time as her full time job. (important information: she still dresses like that.)
miko thinks being essentially the surrogate for a robot baby sounds awesome. she doesn't even have to waste a year being pregnant? count her in.
(this is the part where i mention that miko's parents spend the rest of their lives calling perceptor their son in law as a joke.)
miko gives nijika her human name. she wanted to know if perceptor was gonna give her a cybertronian name but perceptor informed her that new builds pick their own names, and he's willing to wait until she's old enough to choose herself.
(she does eventually and it's skydancer!)
perceptor then takes 70 years worth of personal leave so he has time to raise the baby. sorry he can't help run cybertron he and his science experiment (loving, affectionate) are learning to fly kites in the park.
she's mostly home schooled but she does go to the human embassy on weekends to learn about human culture. this does include eating food, since i decided being techno-organic means she can drink energon and perceptor knows enough about food storage to know he's not gonna be able to do it properly.
after one of her human culture lessons she asks if she can call perceptor her dad because he's also "a primary caretaker who dedicates themselves to the physical and emotional well being a growing human." if robot cars could cry perceptor WOULD be doing it right now.
perceptor has primary custody but nijika does go to visit miko (who she doesn't call mom, as is both their preference) and miko's parents (who tell her to call them her grandparents) a lot. she develops an interest in japanese street fashion, especially ones using vintage kimono.
perceptor's apartment is decked out in crazy hamster ramps so his tiny daughter can get around.
i forgot to mention that this takes place in the same verse as @sroloc--elbisivni's very good tfa simpatico fic, because it lives in my head rent free. nijika meets brainstorm and has the flight frame version of a ring of keys moment. he builds her a jetpack that folds into a maiko obi shape when she's not using it.
windblade is her second rings of keys moment & she models the robot form of her teenage frame update after her, but with more geisha influence than oiran.
she also asks perceptor get her a sword. he says no.
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So. Im in the BFU/Watcher fandom now.
Have to admit it's a little weird. I rarely ever have dared to venture into RPF realm simply because it seems like a whole lot more commitment and self-control than it would require for a Fictional Fandom (though I do not regret a moment of it. My prior hyperfixation had been the GOmens fandom, and true to word the Unsolved fandom are one of the most controlled and respectful fandoms I have ever been in, minus the anti Vs shipping slight, of course. We're not perfect). My sister isn't a huge fan of it, and while I don't need to justify myself to anyone, its made me think on what really lured me in, and I think I've got it.
1. Middle aged men
2. The chemistry and comfort these two real life people have bring me a level of comfort that soulmates and love can exist beyond a romantic periphery.
3. Despite their apparent childishness and "immaturity" (a lot of people, including the men themselves, feel more at ease calling them Boys instead of Men), Shane and Ryan are also extraordinarily competent and skilful at their jobs. They individually rose through the ranks of BuzzFeed at an impressive pace-and in Ryan's case, at an impressively young age (he was around 25 when he proposed the idea for Unsolved, at which point both men were already executive producers). After barely half a decade working they managed to score one of the greatest hits BuzzFeed could ever hope to produce, co-managing a loyal fan base strong enough to gain the confidence of leaving a megalith media production company to establish their own, and through a skeleton crew and three man team with BARELY any prior business knowledge, it fucking worked.
-IT IS AT THIS POINT WHERE I WANT TO REMIND YALL THAT THE COMPANY WAS ESTABLISHED DURING THE DOGSHIT 20's, they had been thrust right into the worst year of the century with a spanking new company, and not only had they survived without having to lose any of their skeleton crew nor assets, they also managed to win Gold YouTube status (a million subscribers) within this period they are FUCKING impressive okay?
3. The chemistry is fucking UNREAL. I know I've said it before, in point 2. Their chemistry is fucking bonnie and Clyde, Fred and George, I saw it in David Tennant and Michael Sheen but as mild celebrities who are YouTube video producers with active social media accounts, that bond sits more clearly in the public eye and it's fucking FASCINATING. Before Shane and Ryan I didn't think I actually ever Did think that a bind like theirs could actually exist in real fucking life. They are two sides of a literal coin-workaholic, overworking overthinkers, and somehow complete opposites. At his lowest, Ryan moves like a tornado, and he will keep going until his body Literally gives up in him, while on the other hand Shane, in his own head, will just, stop. They boost and encourage each other in all the ways they need the most. Their thoughts are simpatico, and they simultaneously have enough self awareness and life experiences to deal with shit gone bad and how to maintain that brilliant friendship. The level of trust the have in each other is something straight out of storybooks, the kind of love that get soldiers killed on the battlefield and make mother's and daughters into murderers.
4. They are very silly and they give me the serotonin.
5. Pretty!!!! My pretty boys!!!!
6. On the other hand they are just also very decent people despite their sarcasm and morbid sense of humour. They're humble but confident, professionally tactile and kind. They seem to also have wonderful relationships with family. Not to be taken lightly in celebrity circles.
Tldr; idk man I just think they're kinda cool.
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dinosaurqueenmab · 11 months
I made a basic sketch of Simpaticos daughter (an OC I created for fun) as a dragon.
Because who doesn't like dragons?
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The dragon ideas are based off of @chefbeepo 's simpatico dragons (which I'll also be redrawing soon as well.
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buckyhad · 4 years
Tangled (Bucky Barnes x Stark!reader)
II. Meeting.
Summary: Since tony met you, he keep you safe in the tower, but Bucky has another idea about that.
A Rapunzel avenger story.
Warnings: minor violence.
Word counting: 1,4k
Note: if you see a mispelling let me know. Also if you want to be added to the masterlist tell me or reblog. Lots of love.
Tangled masterlist
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After hitting the guy with a frying pan, he fell over face first. I analized him for something that can hurt me but didn't find anything.
"Huh?." Bucky started open an eye.
And I hitted him again.
I put him in a chair and used my hair as a rope. Didn't told you how long my hair is now?
"Too weak to handle myself out there, huh Anthony? Well, Tell that to my frying pan!" And I hitted my head. "Fuck, it hurts." I rub my temple.
"That's what you get for hurting me"
"Buck! I'm gonna hit you again if you don't stop interrumpting."
"But I make it funnier! Auch! Fine."
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"AHH!" Bucky was awaked with Pascal's tongue in his ear. "Wha..? Is this...hair?."
"May I've to call F.R.I.D.A.Y?" I asked the intruder.
"What? No."
"Who are you, and how did you find me?."
"Ah. hah?."
"Are you dumb? Who are you, and how did you find me?."
Bucky clears his throat "I know not who you are. Nor how I came to find you. But may I just say. Hi! How you doing? The names Bucky Barnes. How's your day going, huh?."
"Who else knows my location, Bucky Barnes?" I pointed at him with the pan.
"All right, doll,"
"Gesundheit. Here's the thing. I was in a situation, Gallivanting through the forest. I can across your door and...Ho, ho no, where is my satchel?."
"I've hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it." I looked my nails like they were the most interesting thing in the world.
"It's in the pot, isn't it." And I hitted him again, moved the satchel and made a sign to Pascal, so he can wakes the man in the chair "Ugh! would you stop that?!." He said while rubbing his ear in his shoulder to clean Pascal's saliva.
"Now it's hidden where you'll never find it. So, what do you want, with my hair? To cut it? Sell it?"
"No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair, is to get out of it. Literally!" Bucky was annoyed at this point.
"Wait, you don't want my hair? Did my dad send you?."
"Why on earth would I want your hair? And who the hell is your dad?,"
"Tony" I interrumpted.
"Tony has a daughter? Look, I was being chased, I saw a door, I open it, end of story."
I turned around "Hmmm. I know. I need someone to take me. I think he's telling the truth, too. What choice do I have?,"  speaking with Pascal I decided to make a deal with him "Okay Bucky Barnes, I'm prepared to offer you a deal."
"Tomorrow evening they will light the night sky, with lanterns. You will act as my guide, Take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal."
"Yeah," he smiled "no can do. Unfortunately, the city and I are not exactly, simpatico, at the moment. So I won't be taking you anywhere."
"Something brought you here, Bucky Barnes. Call it what you will, fate, destiny."
"A horse."
"So I have made the decision to trust you."
"A horrible decision, really."
"But trust me, when I tell you this. You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick. but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel."
"Yeah Tony would kill me if I do that so it's not an option" he clears his throat "Let me just get this straight. I take you to see the lanterns. Bring you back home. and you'll give me back my satchel?"
"All right, listen, I didn't want to have to want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the 'smolder'." He twisted his face into a weird type of duck face while raising an eyebrow. "This is kind of an off day for me.This doesn't normally happen." I pointed the pan at him again "Fine, I'll take you to see the lanterns."
"Really!" I queaked, releasing the hold on the chair, making he hits his face with the floor "Ooops."
"You broke my 'smolder'."
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"You coming, Doll?" Bucky asks while climbing down the stairs. I jumped helping myself with my hair. He looked at me with his mouth open.
"What? I've to give it some use."
"Look at the world, so close and I'm halfway to it
Look at it all, so big, do I even dare?
Look at me, there at last, I just have to do it
Should I?
Here I go
Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I dreamed they'd be
Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me."
"Oh god are you going to sing all the way through?."
"Of course, otherwise where is the fun?."
"I'm gonna kill myself."
"For like the first time ever, I'm completely free
I could go running and racing and dancing and chasing
And leaping and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding
And splashing and reeling and finally feeling
That's when my life begins"
"I can't believe I did this." I mumbled
"I can't believe I did this." I exclaim one minute after that .
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS!" I screamed. "Tony will be so furious. That's okay though, what he doesn't know won't kill him, right?" Trying to convince myself was hard.
"Oh my gosh, this will kill him."
"I am a horrible daughter, I'm going back."
"I am never going back!."
"I am a despicable human being." "WAHHOOOOO! Best day, ever!."
I ended up sobbing sitting in the floor.
Bucky clears his throat "You know, I can't help but notice, you seem a little at war with yourself, here."
I looked his way.
"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces. Overprotective father, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure.That's good, healthy even."
I laughed "You think?."
"I know. You're way over thinking this, trust me. Does your father deserve it? No. Will this break his heart and crush his soul? Of course. But you just got to do it."
"Break his heart?." I mumbled.
"In half."
"Crush his soul?."
"Like a grape."
"Wait, where did you find those grapes?."
"Oh, you know, just stole them." He said matter of facts.
I gasped and went back to my crisis "he would be heart broken, you're right."
"I am, aren't I? Oh, bother. All right, I can't believe I'm saying this, but...I'm letting you out of the deal."
"What? No you are not."
"Don't thank me. Let's just turn around,and get you home, here's your pan, here's your dog. I get back my satchel. You get back a father daughter relationship based on mutual trust and viola! We part ways as unlikely friends."
"No, I am seeing those lanterns." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh, come on! What is it going to take to get my satchel back?" He kicked the ground like a child.
Showing my pan in his direction, I heard a noice, jumping behind him. "Is it, war criminal, assassin? Have they come for me?!" Having a avenger dad telling you storys doesn't help if you're scaping.
"Stay calm, it can probably smell fear." Bucky smiled while looking at the squirrel in front of us.
"Oh, sorry. Getting just a little bit, jumpy." I eased myself. "Probably be best if we avoid war criminals and assassins, though."
"Yeah, that's probably best." He chuckled. "Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch."
"Oh, don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it."
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*at the Stark tower*
Tony entered the building while talking in his phone. "Hey Maximus." He continue walking and abruptly stopped.
Maximus sniffed at him.
"Where's Nat?." Taking the stairs he open the door to your place. "(Y/n)?." After not having a response, he called his A.l "Where's (Y/n)?."
"She went out with Mr.Barnes."
"I'm gonna kill him. Call Steve."
"Calling Steve."
"Hey Tony, what happen?."
"Your ciborg kidnapped my daughter."
"What?. You know where Buck is?."
"No I don't, gonna track him to make sure the two of them are fine." Tony rolled his eyes. He didn't want his child with a retired assassin but who can take better care of her than him?.
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*back at the city*
"I know it's around here, somewhere. Ah, there it is. The Snuggly duckling. Don't worry, very quaint place, perfect for you. Don't want you scaring, and giving up on this endeavor now do we?"
"Well, I do like ducklings."
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Taglist: @gabrielislovegabrielislife
@archive-of-the-fic @tonystankschild
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Coronation Guests Part 4
St. Windenburg Cathedral | 9 am
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Representing the Imperial Government, Prime Minister Marco Sepulveda has arrived in a simple morning suit with an imperial blue vest. He is accompanied by his daughter, actress Katalina Sepulveda who arrived in a fashionable grey dress with a black hat by Isles designer Claudia Simpatico.
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First of the Dukes to arrive are the Duke de la Croix and the Duke of Calloway. These two dukes are the most senior of the non-Imperial Dukes. They are representing all the non imperial dukes today and will swear their fealty to HIM Emperor David.
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ianxfairchild · 4 years
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Hi, this is a general overview of Ian but would love to plot it up so just let me know! 
Born in Seattle where his fam was part of a coven that had a bit of a blood feud with some hunters from decades prior and they eventually took out their coven. 
He, his mom and twin sister got away and their mom was the one who kept them safe on the run, despite not being a witch (she’d married into their coven). It wasn’t an easy life but Ian cherished every second with them both.
They were the three musketeers for several years until the hunters found them. At that point Ian and Ines were only eight, untrained by a non-witch mother and caught by people who wanted them dead. Ines was killed and somehow Ian managed to find enough power inside of him to help him and his mom get away.
When she died, however, Ines appeared to Ian moments after, as a ghost that stayed with him and is still with him twenty-eight years later. She’s been his one constant companion over the years. 
He was twelve when he found his mom in a grimy motel bathroom, bottle of pills discarded by her lifeless body. She hadn’t been able to cope with their life anymore – the fear and panic, the loss of her daughter, the paranoia, trying to keep Ian alive. 
Ian went into the system shortly thereafter until he was eighteen at which point he applied to university in Astoria after hearing that it was as safe a place as any and somewhere he could consider making a difference after having had too many people slip through his fingers. 
He’s be in Astoria for eighteen years now and works as a trauma surgeon.
He’s a very friendly dude, a bit awkward but very simpatico and good-natured.
His twin, Ines, still “haunts” him but he doesn’t view it as a haunting. She’s his best friend, 36 just like him even if she looks 8 and sometimes acts it. She only appears to him and probably disappears in the presence of others if they would be able to see her. If they can’t see her (non-witches), she tends to stick around Ian. Sometimes she will talk to a few people through him, but only if they both trust the person and are comfortable with them. 
He goes running most days and enjoys listening to podcasts on his runs. True crime is his favorite. 
Still hashing out his magical abilities but definitely leans towards doing good with his magic, and sometimes will combine magic & medicine. 
open to all the connects & plot ideas
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enigmaticxbee · 4 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 3x13 Syzygy
The one where... planetary alignments make everyone act crazy.
Best: Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Worst: This is CC’s first attempt at a comedic episode and the tone doesn’t quite jell for me. Not up to DM’s level. I still really enjoy this episode though.
✔️ Flashlights
❌ Woods
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
❌ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
✔️ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
✔️ Voiceover: Mulder closing VO
❌ Catch Phrase
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
❌ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
❌ Casual Mulder
✔️ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder & Scully
50 States: New Hampshire x2 (28/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 65%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽
Humor: 👽👽👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
1. I’ve heard that this was CC’s attempt to dispel msr shippers. I have no idea if that’s true, but if it was, total failure. I love their frustrated UST in this episode. Amazing Jealous!Scully moments. That scene where Mulder sniffs Scully, she freaks out at him about his simpatico with Det. White, and then he leans against the wall and watches her walk away? Yeah, just two platonic work colleagues with no sexual tension whatsoever.
2. And their argument about Scully driving? Mulder teasing her about whether her little feet can reach the pedals, and then Scully struggling to move the seat forward? I feel seen. Chef’s kiss!
3. An acquaintance of mine named her daughter Syzygy and I just think about this episode every time I hear her name lol.
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lanottediamsterdam · 4 years
ringrazio @masturdatingwithpanda e @daughter-ofrock per avermi trascinato in questo simpatico giochino:
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog❤
1. se in auto, ascoltando una canzone, quest'ultima non è finita prima di rientrare a casa allungo il tragitto per farla terminare e spengo la radio a tempo con l'ultima nota del pezzo.
2. per quanto adorj ogni tipo di pizza la migliore scelta per sempre resterà la wurstel e patatine, anche quando sarò vecchio
3. ogni mattina quando mi sveglio passo cinque minuti di paralizzante stasi prima di cominciare a vivere, poi faccio scrocchiare tutta la schiena e mi alzo, come un uomo nuovo.
cerco fi coinvolgere in tutto questo @tregiridovrebberobastare @lablablaologa @fragilepoesia @utopicodettaglio @arzigogolaando @mynameis-gloria @maproprio-no @ilprofumodelbasilico
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pcttrailsidereader · 4 years
Looking Back
By Howard Shapiro
Last August I finished the PCT. I finished it with the two friends/brothers I started it with. Finishing the PCT is done by many people every year. 2020 is proving a unique kind of year in so many ways and as a result not so many may complete the trail this year. For me, 2019 was magic and its magical qualities have only gotten better looking back and being here now. 
You see, I began hiking the PCT in 1981 with my partners, friends, and brothers, Rees Hughes and Jim Peacock. We hiked north from the Columbia River to Rainy Pass. None of us knew how the PCT would get into our hearts and under our skin. Life being what it is, with numerous changes and challenges, turned out to be all that and more for all three of us. None of us was married at that time much less even imagined or considered fatherhood. We were twenty somethings recently embarked in careers and further education. Over the years we found ourselves pulled back to the trail. 
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By the mid- 80′s Jim had moved to Maine, while Rees was now in Northern California. I was the only one still in Washington State. Not letting a little geography get in the way we were determined to carve out some time to meet up and attempt another section together. We reconvened the first time since our initial trip, in central Oregon in 1991. From there our efforts continued off and on over the years. During this time we each got married, had kids, and continued to grow in our careers. Not knowing what the future held we decided that ‘cherry picking’ the PCT made the most sense. In other words we chose those sections that held the most bang for the buck given how spread out we were, how limited our time was, and how unsure we were of the time we could really spend doing this. Our desire was doing more PCT but not necessarily finishing it. 
Over the years we kept coming back. Rees would usually be the spark that would ignite our interests. He would suggest, “How about the Trinity’s? They will be gorgeous!” Or “What about the JMT? Seems like that is the next logical step.” As time unfolded it became clearer just how big California is and how much there was to walk and see there. Over many years we tromped over high Sierra passes, and walked through mountain streams, and saw our lives flash before us in some particularly memorable high Sierra thunderstorms. Maybe it was just the flash of lightning...no, it was our lives and then the flash of lightning. Slowly, or so it seemed, we chipped away at the PCT. Most times the three of us hiked together. Other times two of us would take on a section. The best times were when we could all be together. 
These times together have been the definition of simpatico. We so easily find our rhythm shaped over years and miles. Our conversations are often profound and seasoned with laughter. Equal to the scenery and surroundings it has been these conversations and laughs that  brought us back over and over again. Of all the gifts that are delivered by walking the PCT the shared experiences with my partners has been memorable, outstanding, and life affirming. 
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As I read this back, I sound like I am gushing. Well to be honest, I am. Since 1981 and all the way to 2019 aside from family and career, it is clear to me that without making and taking the time to walk together and alone on the PCT, how I experience myself would be quite different. I would not necessarily be less of the person I am today but different. Less comfortable in the mountains. Less comfortable with my ability to face life’s many challenges. Less reflective about where I am and what I am doing and want to do with my life. For all  that, I am humbly grateful. I  feel so fortunate to have Jim and Rees to walk with all these years later. Along the way I have been joined by other friends and family. Bruce, Billie, Doug, Brad, Amy, Chisa, my wife Kathy and our daughter Emily, they have all shared a piece of my journey. 
A year ago, I stepped off the trail at Donner Summit. I placed the final piece in the structure that I have tinkered with and  called the PCT since 1981. It always felt like this  finishing day was always just over the horizon.  My journal entry on that day included this,”It has always been the PCT. The PCT was the thread that kept us moving forward.” Now it propels me forward and looking back I smile. Looking back, I experience all over again the bonds that have been forged, the experiences shared. Looking back the view is wonderful and awe inspiring. Looking back sharpens my view as I look ahead toward the next horizon. I know there is still some magic left to be found. 
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