#simp for willy wonka
xieren-iy · 11 months
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wonkagifs · 9 months
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silverchainbee · 9 months
Why is it that I just knew the second I saw the trailer for Wonka (2023) I would be simping for Timothée Chalamet? I've never once obsessed over him in any of his movies beyond a passing acknowledgement of his attractiveness. But the second I see his slightly crazed, optimistic, singing self I'm gone.
I think I have a type.
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turtleraccoonsoup · 9 months
I just watched the new Wonka movie where Wonka is played my Timothée Chalamet who also played Elio in call me by your name. Fuck me dude im such a simp for this man. You cannot expect me to sit and watch him look into the camra, and say in a smooth, deep voice "if you want her so sigh..." Glance down, and continue with "show a little thigh~" and be ok after. I almost fell in the hallway leaving the theater bc my legs were weak and i was light headed STILL even though it had been like an hour later. "I dont really like the new Charlie and the chocolate factory movie bc its ruining the books for me" fuck you look at this man and tell me he isnt the most beautiful person you have ever seen.
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lexieriusseriously · 2 months
people are always in disbelief when I say willy wonka is my all time favourite character. people simping and rooting for the morally black, extremely questionable characters and no one bats an eye. but when I say I love willy wonka (who's his canon significant crime is mutilating/disfiguring TWO children) society calls me insane
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verosvault · 9 months
A Compilation of my Favorite Brennan Bits from the New "Make Some Noise" Episode! ;D
Make Some Noise Season 2
Episode 15 "Two Grizzled Fisherman Compare Scar Stories"
Timestamps: I'm putting these at the bottom since I made a compilation and I put multiple scenes together! ;D ;333
Video Length: 3min. & 12sec.
These are just my favorite Brennan Bits from the episode! 😆😆😁😁❤️❤️ (I'm a bit of a Brennan simp. We all know this. 💀✋)
00:18 Brennan Entrance Bit
11:21 Brennan's real feelings about our loosey goosey point system
13:24 Elvish Presley Callback!
13:38 Susan Hamburger Queen callback from Season 1! 😆
13:53 Psychic Pirate
14:08 Tiny Tim at Marti Gras! 😂
14:41 Brennan is Grant O'Brien 😂
27:29 Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory
28:03 Sam gives the point to Brennan :p
29:13 "Mons Prodia" lie about Mensa Taint 💀
29:22 Brennan tells Zac that he made that one up! 😭✋
29:45 "Peanut Butter Swamp!" Fredo Callback from Season 1
35:19 Brennan is winner 😋
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Log Anon here
While some of it might not make sense, I’m gonna roast the hell of outta Valentino dripless ass.
Bro looks like he can’t get within 500 feet of a school, he looks like the type of guy to expose himself to strangers in alleyways, bro so poor he uses his damn wings for a coat, his ass stole the Drip King Sir Pentious top hat and wore it worse, guy got the worlds biggest neck beard and it goes the full 360, he got them red dyed dentures, he’s a moth but he’s just the stick figure I drew in kindergarten, man be literally seeing red with red eyes and rose tinted glasses.
How can someone be a pimp and only have heart glasses, a belt buckle and ONE gold chain, knowing this broke fool I bet that chain is made from aluminium, there’s no bling on his fingers meaning he failed Pimp 101, man such a simp he lost his diamonds to drug addict eboy spider-man, his purple shirt and white trousers looks nice but it makes him look like a rich white boy who still suck on his mama’s tits, bro has a heart shaped belt buckle so large it’s triple his dick size, them shoes so weak he should be in prison.
Valentino so fashionless that an invisible man from The Powerpuff Girls beats him. He got drip so weak that being near the Texas Pimp Hank Hill would kill him. His pimp fit so bad that he needs lectures from The Mask featuring Jim Carry’s legendary yellow pimp fit. His red and white ‘coat’ so basic that the Austin Power’s blue and white fur coat would steal his employees in a damn snap. Imagine wearing red so bad that Willy Wonka looks like the drip king in comparison.
Boom Roasted.
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booksanddarkchocolate · 8 months
Here we go, episode 7 live reactions:
- Why is Percy alone?
- This was the only trap I genuinely believed they were gonna fall for now, but I guess not
- It would be weird if they did fall for it now I guess so I don’t mind
- He is looking Crusty ngl
- Oh the secret passage is here interesting
- This guy is seriously scary lol
- He gives Willy Wonka vibes lol
- This is the first time I really noticed how much they had to tone it down for Disney
- Leah is amazing
- That was such a sad flashback :(
- Where did Grover go
- Annabeth just petting Cerberus 🥹
- They definitely didn’t have time to negotiate with Charon regarding how many things they have to fit in this episode but I’m kinda sad about it
- Grover is not panicked enough for losing that pearl, the way I’d have a huuuuuge panic attack 😂
- Baby Percy thinking Sally just doesn’t want to homeschool him while she just can’t homeschool him and have an income 😭
- The lost souls are scary 😟
- Would Hazel look like this as well?
- Now they’re making Annabeth look like the traitor but not wanting to be one 😭
- What is she actually regretting tho? Letting Percy send Medusa’s head to the gods? It must be more right?
- Oh good thinking Percy
- Slay Grover
- Sally is gorgeous 😍
- “I would never do this to you” IM CRYING
- I feel so bad for Percy and Sally 😭
- Oh I love Hades
- Why is she just a gold statue like a decor 😂
- “WHY DO THEY ALWAYS THINK THAT HADES IS THE BAD GUY, maybe it’s the decor” - Hades in tlt musical
- I love Hades sm 😂
- Did they mention Kronos this early in the books? It does make sense they do it in the show already
- Hades getting real uncomfortable about his dad lol
- Wait can Sally make it rain
- I liked it better when Poseidon was an absentee dad that just simped for Sally occasionally, yes sometimes I do just want 2 dimensional characters 😂
- I’m so excited for the season finale
I know my take on Poseidon is wild and I’m not 100% on board with it, but at least if they make the gods ‘redeemable’ make Athena ‘redeemable’ as well (redeemable being said very lightly lol)
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I’m surprised there’s no AU based on this since…well, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has some similarities.
William Afton
Wears purple
Runs a corporation that is catered to children
Killed kids and mangled their bodies in furry robot suits.
Fucker will not die no matter what (supernatural)
Has been simped after in their community.
Willy Wonka
Wears purple (okay, so technically the Johnny Depp one didn’t but he did have purple accents)
Runs a corporation that is also catered to children.
Severely fucked up children to the point where they have supernaturally damaging bodily harm that would probably kill them or they would have been killed in the fucking factory.
Is implied by some to be supernatural due to his outrageous factory.
Has been simped after in their community.
My conclusion: Why isn’t there an Au of Charlie and the chocolate factory where it’s basically Fnaf and Willy Wonka is just William Afton but, a much smarter business man with a multi million dollar corporation.
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xieren-iy · 1 year
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yes we do
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saytrrose · 5 months
My biggest flex is I NEVER Simped for the Onceler OR Willy Wonka
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thekingofchocolate · 6 months
Any Willy Wonka Simps
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: Many Partings
Oh, oh oh oh, the chapter title is a mirror to the Fellowship chapter “Many Meetings”, don’t touch me I am cri
Aragorn: “Hello! Don’t ask; I know you want to go back home.” Frodo: “I do. I want to see Bilbo even more. I was sad to see he didn’t come with the others.” Aragorn: “Well, he’s getting really old, dude.” Frodo: “EXACTLY WHY I NEED TO GO.”
In which Arwen gives Frodo her golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s choco—I mean Valinor
Oh and he also gets another necklace
Eeeeyyy resolution to Eomer and Gimli’s little spat!
Eomer and Gimli are the politest, most gentlemanly simps ever
I love how much effort the book puts into acknowledging how honored Theoden was. Eowyn’s fear was that her family would be disgraced and forgotten, with no more dignity than a peasant living in a dirty thatched hut, but all this pomp and circumstance proves that the line of Eorl is still honored and respected and loved.
I got so emotional about the drums, bruh, that’s literally beautiful ;~;
They’re in good hands.
Trothplighted! Now THAT’S a word!!
Aww, Eowyn and Faramir got engaged in Rohan! That’s cute :-3
Well there go all my goofy headcanons about Eomer being a cranky, overprotective brother and giving Faramir the side-eye. Even he just likes him automatically. Bummer. And here I was hoping for some funny family drama!
Eowyn: “Whaddya think of that, former crush? :-3” Aragorn: “Couldn’t be prouder :-D”
Okay yeah so when I read the last chapter, I wrote this thing at 3 AM like “kinda not digging how the book barely mentions what angst Elrond would be feeling over never seeing his daughter again ever; even the movies take the time to explore that (even if they paint Elrond as the bad guy who gets in the way of love)”, but at least here Tolkien gives us a mention of it. That’s nice. Please don’t just ignore Elrond’s feelings, the man’s been through enough.
OOH! A gift?? A gift for Merry??? I’m very interested—!!
Aaaand they all hug! Awww!! TTuTT I’m gonna have so much fun drawing this LOL
“And they drank the stirrup-cup”. Thanks to this line and Google, I have now learned a thing about the traditions of the Scottish Highlanders.
Legolas, upon visiting a cave: “Welp, you beat me. I like caves now.”
In which Treebeard cusses out orcs in Entish
In which Treebeard admits that he bored Saruman nearly to death!!
Oof, that’s not the smartest thing you’ve ever done, King Tree ol’ pal. But I forgive you. I won’t call mercy a weakness.
I love the mental image of Quickbeam bowing “like a tree bending in the wind”. They are not VERY bendable, but they can be a little bit!
There are no Entings :-C
Gimli, begrudgingly: “FINE I’ll visit the forest, I guess.”
Gimli calling them “my hobbits” noooo 😭😖😭😫🤧😭😭
STOP SAYING “I fear we shall never meet again”, IT’S MAKING ME SAD
Bye, Legolas; bye, Gimli! Love ya both, you hilarious nerds.
Merry and Pippin get one last drink with Treebeard! Yaaaay!! 8-D
Bye, King Tree, I love you!
Aragorn threatening to spy on Pippin and call him back in service to Minas Tirith is hilarious and very on-brand
Ooh, red sunset and a green flame…wow.
That’s so evocative and I can’t find the words to express why.
Bye, Aragorn. Love ya, long man.
Well, well, well! Bo and lehold, look what the cat drug in! It’s Saruman!
Me when Saruman chews out Gandalf: LOL
Me when Saruman breathes wrongly in Galadriel’s direction: oh he’s dead 8-.
Y’know, it’s funny. Grima’s fear of leaving Saruman is a lot like the fear people often have of leaving abusive relationships. However, Grima has everything he’d need to actually make a departure, things that other people stuck in abusive relationships might not—a support system, financial freedom, another place to stay, and people who would help and protect him—and yet he chooses none of it, and goes back to his oppressor. Fascinating.
Saruman: “You cruel little urchins. Come to mock an old beggar, have you? I’ll bet you wouldn’t even give me a bit of pipe weed.” Frodo: “I would if I had any.”
That is the KINDEST 1000 IQ gigachad own I have EVER seen. Frodo like, “I have gone through untold hell, but you can’t make me cruel to you, no matter how much you try.” LIFE GOAL: BE LIKE FRODO
And Merry like, “Here, I’ve got some pipeweed, you can have it back.” My favorite hobbits, everyone. The chads. The absolute legends.
*mutters to self* “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; and in doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head…”
Merry’s sarcastic “thank you!” to the curse on the Southfarthing tho X’-D
Merry: “Can I have my bag back?” Saruman, a petty wet sock: “NO”
I wonder if the Shire has a thing where you can like. Sue for damages to person or property. ‘Cause that seems to be what Pippin is implying here by “what about our claim for kidnapping us”. In which case, Pippin half-joking about suing a wizard is VERY HECKING FUNNY
Also would like to point out that Sam didn’t say a word until Saruman was gone. I can only imagine he was just sitting in the background glaring at him the whole time.
Aaaand they let him go. Hahaha. Doom.
In which Gandalf, Galadriel, Celeborn, and Elrond speak in telepathy, wooo~
In which Sam still wants to see Elves, even after he’s been riding with Elves this whole time
Just the fact that the hobbits run to find him without taking off their coats or eating or washing up. That’s like charging into a house to see somebody, with your coat and shoes still on, leaving dirt on the carpet but neither of you care. It’s so emotional and full of love and I just aaaaahhhh— 🥹😭🥹🤧😭
Bilbo will never not be competitive, LOL! “I wanna be older than the Old Took!”
“How splendid! How wonderful! But where were we?” Bilbo I love you
“Yeah I was invited to Aragorn’s wedding and all that, but I was busy and I didn’t want to pack.” BILBO I LOVE YOU
“Didn’t go to the wedding because I couldn’t be arsed” is such a HUGE MOOD
Ohh, the melancholy of watching the weather changing and knowing you’ll soon have to leave
Also Frodo and Sam same brain
“Except the Sea.” Stopppp I’m gonna cry—
“To their delight, Gandalf said: ‘I think I shall come too. At least as far as Bree. I want to see Butterbur.’” AND ROAST HIS TOES
Aww Bilbo getting old and forgetful. It hurts, but it’s so sweet ;u;
“May come in useful, if you think of getting married, Sam.” 8-D 8-D 8-D hahaha yesss, tease the boy
Bilbo: “I don’t have gifts for you.” Pippin: “Okay, but consider: what if we sass you?” Bilbo: “Haha, you make me so proud! I lied. Have some pipes.”
Bilbo: “B-T-dubs, where’s my ring?” Frodo: “Er, I kind of threw it into a volcano, Bilbo.” Bilbo: “Oh, yes, that’s right! That’s what the whole thing was about, isn’t it? Silly me.”
Bilbo being just as interested in oliphaunts as Sam ;u;
Just the way they let him nap for a while before talking again. It’s such natural comedy, and also very sweet and warm and full of love and just aaaaahhhh
Also Frodo agreeing to finish Bilbo’s work. There’s something so emotional about that. Makes me think of Christopher and all the work he did to preserve his father’s notes…I wonder if he ever made the connection himself. I wonder if he saw himself as his dad’s Frodo.
And we end with some foooooreshadowing….
Friendly reminder to everyone who complains that the RotK movie has like five different endings and that’s too many: The book is worse. The book is so, SO much worse. 🤣
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writers-ex · 2 years
you know the drill i'm not dead BUT i'm literally dying not writing anything so...screw mental health (jk i am working on it but i need to express my horniess somewhere) hard and soft thoughts open and this is your safe space :,] also accepting music lyrics and mood board asks for any member
mainly for fem!reader x itzy
things i won't write: idol x idol, male reader, abusive relationships, incest, cnc/non-con, body fluid kinks, feet, omegaverse (it’s a hit or miss) and anything i get uncomfortable with
about me: hannie, 01'line, she/her, ryujin and chae simp but yeji ultimate bias, sub lesbian girly that reads and writes
anons welcome and enjoy the circus
also please keep in mind that i am a college student and have fam responsibilities so if i don't answer or do a spam post i either have some time or need a break so posting will be all willy-wonka up in here
anon list
masterlist (updated as of 1/30/23, if you don’t see smt dm or comment somewhere)
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nkatr84 · 2 years
Scrooge: Old Vs New
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There’s a few posts I wanted to make. The new Guardians Of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Disenchanted. Slumberland. Wednesday. That one Moon Knight fan fic sitting in my drafts. But I’ve got to talk about this.
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol on Netflix came out this year in 2022. While Critics haven’t been too kind to it (I’ll get to my theory why in a second) y’all on Tik Tok and Tumblr have been losing your minds. You’re falling in love with the music (particularly Later Never Comes). But mostly…many of you have this reaction.
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The surprising hottie in question being this rendition of Ebenezer Scrooge.
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And I get it. As is tradition in animated takes of Dickens immortal classic, the animators clearly took inspiration from their voice actor Mr. Luke Evans. And Mr. Evans is a very handsome man. So I’m right there with you guys simping over an old man with a sexy voice.
But! I would be remiss if I failed to educate my fellow fangirls, fanboys and all between that this movie…is technically a remake.
Directed in 1970 by Ronald Neame, Scrooge was nominated for Four Academy Awards and won a Golden Globe. Quite an achievement in a time when movie musicals were fading in popularity. And it’s composer Leslie Bricusse (who also helped bring Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to life) was an executive producer and helped write the screenplay for this new version. And since he passed away last year, the animated film is dedicated to him.
Of the original eleven songs, five were carried over to the new movie. Happiness. I Like Life (with updated lyrics). Beautiful Day, Thank you Very Much and I Will Begin Again. Yet while the original movie received generally positive reviews from critics, the new movie only holds a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. What’s the difference? I mean the animation is very nice. Sometimes downright gorgeous. Obviously the music works. I’ve heard people praising both the new songs as well as the older ones. And they actually add depth to the original story.
Well if I had to guess, the new version is very much catering to kids versus families. The Ghost of Christmas Present has cute little Minion like critters. They cut the line of Scrooge saying, “If They (the poor) would rather die then they better do it. And decrease the surplus population!” I guess because it’s too mean? Speaking of, they give Scrooge a dog named Prudence. I guess to show the kids that he’s not all bad. He has a cute doggy! He’s kinda indifferent to the dog but hey! Don’t look at the scary imagery of Scrooge watching his own ghost rise from his grave! Look at the puppy! Look at the puppy! I mean Mr. Magoo kept the mean lines in as did the Muppet’s. Plus they trusted kids with the scary stuff.
Yeah as cute as those reindeer antlers on her looked at the end, Prudence was definitely a studio note and serves no purpose. She could be cut and you wouldn’t miss anything. Plus I’m not a fan of the opening number. Too peppy and modern. I wished they had done an update of the song that opens the 1970 movie, “A Christmas Carol “
Plus I love this song from Cratchit. It’s so Christmas… I wish this one made the cut.
But I do like the new version. Later Never Comes goes way harder than “You” and Luke Evans really balances out Scrooge being an old curmudgeon and a man who knows and regrets his choices. Plus the whole thing is animated like a dream. I love Luke Evans singing “I will Begin Again.” It’s a song of hope, passion and joy. And when Albert Finney’s Scrooge sings it …well… he tried…I can’t post it here but trust me. Luke Evans is a major upgrade. They make up for it with the finale in the 1970’s version where they almost reprise every song in the movie. Plus my parents always like how they made Albert Finney up to really look like a miser than doesn’t cut his hair or even clean his nails or his house. And technically Albert Finney was a sex symbol back in the day. Where he played both the old and young versions of Scrooge. So having a sexy Scrooge is technically precedent…
So give the original movie a watch if you like this one. It can be it’s own kind of goofy at times, but it’s definitely worth a yearly viewing. As is the new version on Netflix.
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rknchan · 2 years
am i the only one like… when i watch those edgy youtube conspiracy theories about sErIaL KiLleR WiLlY wOnKa it makes me simp for him even harder… when they try to make wonka sound threatening and terrifying… pronounce his name in a dramatic voice with silly creepy music in the background… im like: okay he can put me in the taffy puller and i’d be glad about it
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