blackhyena · 5 years
It’s My Life - Talk Talk
send me a number from 1-100 and ill give you a song off my 2019 wrapped playlist!
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carpemermaidtales · 7 years
your joggers fic just changed my life
Omg, this is the best news!!! I’m so glad to hear that you were Changed™ by It’s Joggers Season (or so the Muggles say) *throws confetti*
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mssmithlove1 · 7 years
@simonjpg replied to your post “Dear fic authors out there- have you ever gotten a rude comment on...”
i've gotten this before and tbh i cried for hours after getting it i was so damn upset
Oh honey I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience that, I wish I could give you a big hug. The first comment I got like that I cried too and considered deleting all my works and Tumblr for like a week, it was so awful. I’m so so sorry, it’s never fun getting comments like that 
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prongsno · 7 years
hagrid, dobby, and trelawney for the ask meme !
hagrid: i think it’d have to be nifflers, thunderbirds and i love flying seahorses!!
dobby: my family, my church, God ofc
trelawney: hmmmm i dont think so tbh lol
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20, 28, 54 :)
20: Dinosaurs or dragons?
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28: Single or in a relationship? - single
54: What do you do when you're bored? - I’m eating or sleeping :P
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simonjpg replied to your post: just held my cat by the butt to let her kill a...
i mean, the fly swat was right there but she started wailing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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king-of-kaoss · 7 years
i was tagged by @simonjpg​  ~thx gab
name: cecilia star sign: virgo average hours of sleep: uuuhhhh lately like 6-8 with no alarm, generally anywhere from 5-12 depending on how fucked my cycles are lol lucky number: 11 favourite fictional character: how is anyone supposed to have a fave out of Hundreds jfc but i guess genji right now when did you start this blog: fuck i was in like 7th grade? that was uuuhhmmmm... i literally cant count years back anymore because college doesnt have numbers um idk 2009? what do i post: muse and overwatch these days, and whatever else is important/cool to me do i run any more blogs:  i have some hoarded urls from the ol days but the only active sideblog is a shimadacest ( @shimadamadacest​ ) one i started a month ago or so so i could reblog nsfw incest away from anyone who might not be interested lol do i get a lot of asks: not rly and when i do i rarely see them because my computer is too slow to scroll far down so i use the app 98% of the time srryy if i miss yours, i probably answer them months late oops why i chose this URL: cause im muse af forever and im super into genji for like the past 6 months, plug in baby is a song and genji is a cyborg ninja, bam, plug in ninja
tag meme numba 2 ~
name: cecilia nickname: celia, lili, lilia height: 5′9″ ethnicity: german-american favourite fruits: strawberry! star fruit, nectarine, black cherry favourite season: winter favourite book series: gods i havent read much other than fanfic for yrs. can i put asoif if ive only read 1.2 of them lol. septimus heap was good shit back in the day. man i need to read more i do miss it favourite flower: morning glories are cool i havent rly had enough flower exposure tho, subject to change favourite scent: rain/wet soil, fresh bread,  my mom’s speghetti, coffee, fire/woodsmoke favourite colour: blue favourite animal: elephant coffee/tea/cocoa: YES cat or dog person: both are Good number of blankets: used to be 1 but now 1-2 since i bought a handmade muse quilt c: dream trip: japan and then stay there forever holy shit number of followers: 1059
i tag the lazy way and say i tag anyone who wants to do it
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blackhyena · 7 years
nougat, demodog, and bikes c:
nougat: do you have a favorite memory?
i actually already mentioned this the other day on twitter but im feeling very nostalgic for when i was at yours this summer! and that very weird transcendent night we all went out in the thunderstorm and looked over the thames…..something slightly magical about the whole experience, luv it
demodog: name one thing that turned out different than you expected
i think i felt like my MA was going to play out like something from the secret history and that id be in some morally questionable but aesthetically cohesive little clique of intellectuals but its actually fairly down to earth and a lot like my undergrad lmao. you do get some posh wankers though
bikes: if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
i want to go to edinburgh and FRANKLY i dont know why i dont its super nearby and the trains just over an hour. i might go in the new year if my contact hours arent too nuts!!
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carpemermaidtales · 7 years
drarry + 8 😊
Yay, goofy eyelid kisses!! This was the one I was most excited to do on this list. I’ve done this combo here! :D Thank you so much for sending a request!
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abiaboo · 7 years
i got tag by @isthisklingon & @simonjpg in two different tag things thank you guys!! love you <333 
name: Abigail nickname: Abi (some friends call me Aboo or Abu lmao)  zodiac sign: Capricorn height: 5'3″ ish ?? orientation: Bisexual nationality: British fav fruit: Banana i guess ?? fav season: Spring fav flower: hmm roses  fav scent: um idk  fav color: Yellow! fav animal: Cats!! fav city: idk??? i use to say london but nah not anymore so idk  coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea average hours of sleep: I don’t keep track i guess 7 hours ?? fav fictional character: Luigi # of blankets you sleep with: one dream trip: go to Italy or Japan !!  dream career: Animator !!  blog created: 2011 lmao 
and the one gabby tag me i did before but i did that one with my spotify gonna do this with my itunes instead 
rules: set your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 tracks that pop up! then choose 10 additional friends!
1. Pleads and Postcards - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 
2. I will play.... - Brand New (sorry title too long cant be bother to write it all lmao) 
3. Still Into You - Paramore 
4. Speed of Sound - Coldplay 
5. Living Dead - Marina and the Diamonds 
6. Saturday Night - Kaiser Chiefs 
7. Brother - Funeral For a Friend 
8. Tin - Everything Everything 
9. You Had Me At Hello - A Day To Remember 
10. Cave - Muse 
Ahh im sorry i never know who to tag !!! im better at tagging ppl on twitter than on here sorry ! all my mutuals do it!! 
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and-so-are-you · 7 years
tagged by @the-metal-kettle, @simonjpg and @notconsolation... some time ago... can never forget an ask meme tho ; )
5 things you’ll find in my bag: ipod, lip balm, old sudoku book, spare plastic bags, passport
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: art things, plants, animal skulls, homemade quilts, an old gas mask
5 things i want to do with my life: travel with friends, renovate a wrecked house, publish research, live alone up a mountain for like a month, keep disabled pets
5 things i’m into right now: sewing things, the x files, a skincare routine, the app that tells you stuff about nearby planes, and cracking open a cold one with the boys
5 things you might not know about me: i wanted to be an airline pilot but my eyesight got too bad, so i had to quit that, but i did get to fly a couple of little planes. my favourite meals are big sharing ones, like tapas or meze or cheeseboards. i’ve been down into the middle of the Khafre pyramid at giza. last year, I looked after an aggressively affectionate stray cat named Quiche, who kept climbing into my upstairs flat, and he’s now been properly rehomed. and this summer i’m helping with a sleep paralysis study as a research assistant
i wanna tag @thepeencuisine and @ziynetuleb and @twentyonequasars and @cydoniahype... i know this ask meme is way old... don’t drag me
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eradikeats · 8 years
18 Questions About Music
I was tagged by @and-so-are-you​ who is my husband/soul mate/trash can friend. Follow him for art and soft-goth vibes x
1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by? this question goes two different ways for me because i own whole discographies of many artists/groups and, some of these artists will have longer careers than others so inevitably they will have more albums, you feel. reality is that i own literally everything Maynard James Keenan has recorded and released in an official capacity either with Tool, APC, or Puscifer - plus soundtracks he’s appeared on. The Beatles because i took all of my parents collection and ripped it to my laptop. i own A LOT of Bowie and Prince, all of Muse’s albums, every Joy Division/New Order, The Cure, Deftones, White Lies, IAMX, Elbow. generally, if i get heavy into a band i become a collector. 
2. What was the last song you listened to? The Human League - Seconds
3. What’s in your CD/Record player right now? i was listening to Cocteau Twins Heaven Or Las Vegas while i cooked dinner because you can kind of just yodel along without actually focusing on words
4. What was the last show you attended? white lies at music hall of williamsburg last month
5. What was the greatest show you’ve been to? oh jesus. there’s been a few tbh. elbow at reading 2011 was insane because i was back in the UK and a fucking rainbow erupted over the stage while they performed the birds and i totally lost it. a perfect circle at lollapalooza was the time i became someone Other. IAMX in London last year was emotional as shit cause i was coming down from a stomach flu, was with @simonjpg and @and-so-are-you and they played This Will Make You Love Again and wow. Muse’s War Child gig with fuckin DEAD STAR and the whole of the internet erupted asking me if i was ok which, no i certainly was not. i saw Stevie Wonder for free two summers ago which WOW. funny i’m naming legends but once i saw O’Brother open for Biffy Clyro and they blew me the fuck away. i’ve been a fan ever since and i’m so pleased they’re doing really well now.
 i’ve been blessed with some incredible gigs.
6. What was the worst show you’ve ever been to? yikes. ive never been to a show where the band i’ve paid to see are awful but ive suffered some horrible openers, let me tell you. the worst was when i went to see brian fallon and his opener, i literally do not remember who, was so terrible i got a headache halfway through the set and had to leave the entire gig because i was in agony. 
7. What is the most musically involved you have ever been? uh, in what capacity? well. i play violin and am a singer, i sight read better than i sight sing though. sight reading means im kind of okay at piano although my left hand prowess is non-existent, really. but i mean, if we’re being open and honest, i actually am employed in the music industry, so that’s pretty damn involved if you ask me lol.
8. What show are you looking forward to? SO MANY. ive got some huge festivals this year - Gov’s Ball, Glastonbury, and Lollapalooza (supposing i get tix to the latter). elbow in november, New Power Generation at the start of April. who knows what else will get announced - hoping for some official Franz Ferdinand dates (besides their gov’s ball set) or an APC tour. 
9. What is your favorite band shirt? i have this v-neck black shirt from when i saw The Cure last year. the only size they had was xxl and i got it just because im compelled to get shirts at every gig i attend. its honestly the most comfortable shirt i own and i use it as pajamas. 
10. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? honestly, id love to spend a day with Dan Smith from Bastille. im not even like super, duper heavy into the band (i love them but not how i love many others) i just want to get some sandwiches and talk about movies with him. we’d have so much to discuss. probably would also love to hang with lorde and osmose some of her glamour. 
11. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback? like...from the dead? bowie or prince, full stop. come back and make a new album, Fair To Midland. such a specific, identifiable sound - no one is filling their space now they’re gone. 
12. Who is one band/ artist you’ve never seen live but always wanted to? BOWIE AND PRINCE. im haunted by the time Prince came to NYC when i was in college and i was too fucking poor to see him. rammstein have decided to play an NYC date for the first time in fucking years and i just so happen to be at glastonbury when they’re here (i am bitter). TOOL is on this list but WILL BE REMOVED IN JUNE, CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE. also, recently lady gaga but specifically during her fame monster years. she came round when i was in college and my housemates went - regret it because she seems like an amazing performer. 
13. Flawless albums? shit. wow. ok. ive got many. Radiohead - In Rainbows, Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes, Prince - Purple Rain, NIN - Year Zero, Cocteau Twins - Heaven Or Las Vegas, White Lies - Ritual (i swear to god, you have no fucking idea how far ahead of its time this album was- it’s six years old and it sounds like it was produced yesterday), Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go, elbow - the seldom seen kid, Ghinzu - Blow, and Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain - to name a few. i find when you listen to a lot of music, you wind up discovering how much art is really out there which is probably why my pretentious ass has a longer list than most idk
14. How many concerts have you been to, total? please don’t make me count. a very high number.
15. Who have you seen the most live? Muse
16. What is your favorite movie soundtrack? I have three really. The Fountain, A Single Man, and Pride & Prejudice. Also, not films but Braid, Bastion, and Transistor are some of the best video game soundtracks. I can’t really go a month without listening to them. 
17. What was your last musical ‘phase’ before you wisened up? i turned my ‘phase’ into a career, i think we’re shit outta luck on the ‘wisened up’ front. 
18. What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ that you hate to admit liking? i love the shit out of K-Pop. it’s been like a 7 year quiet thing in the back of my mind, but if you want to learn some SHINee/EXO/f(x) moves, i got you!
i forgot im supposed to tag people omg uh ok @zombeesknees because she is my queen and i want to know what she’s into; has @simonjpg done this yet? idk, do this if you want!
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myaudiocommentary · 8 years
Tagged by @thespiritualmultinerd <3 
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Relationship status: Single and mostly happy about it 
Favorite color: Purple  
Pets: Two kitties. The best kitties in the world. they’re my life  
Wake up: i don’t think i know what this means? Like what time to I wake up? Do I like waking up? I wake up between 9 and 10 am usually. I work night shifts. Waking up is ok if i am doing something i want to do.  
Cats or dogs: BOTH but cats only a tiny bit more  
Coke or Pepsi: Coke  
Day or Night: Both I’m really a fan of sunshine AND darkness (libra, duh)  
Chapstick or lipstick: chapstick  
City or country: city  
Last book I read: YES PLEASE!  Last song I listened to: When you were young by The Killers 
Five facts about me:
1. I am becoming obsessed with la Croix sparkling waters (my favs are orange, passionfruit, and cherry lime) 
2. I enjoy journaling and I keep a notebook strictly for lists and doodles relating to said lists  
3. I think I sleep too much. 
4. I’m Pansexual 
5. I take medication for depression and anxiety (lexapro and propranolol if anyone is wondering) and they have honestly saved my life. Remember to take your meds! 
I tagg @whiskey--witch    @superlunarloser    @margotmeanie    @deaflock    @now-im-just-some-sherlock-that    @myemptyheart    @vulcannic     @simonjpg   @acetrainer-sam
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simonjpg replied to your post “i was tagged by @simonjpg thanks gabby!! rules: name 10 songs you’re...”
omg i’ve been listening to so much fleetwood mac recently!!!
same! i was debating over whether to put the chain or tusk on the list bc they’ve been the two on repeat the most but yeah i never knew they had so many bangers!
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king-of-kaoss · 7 years
tagged by @simonjpg ayy gab <3
rules: set your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 tracks that pop up! then choose 10 additional friends!
 Mouth of the Devil :: Mother Mother
 In Time :: The Black Keys
 Waters of Nazareth :: Justice
 Fractal :: mindthings
 Sawakaze :: Tanizawa Tomofumi
 Cave [live at Admiralspalast, Berlin, 2009] :: Muse
Dangerous :: The xx
 High Enough To Carry You Over :: CHVRCHES
 Love Like You :: Rebecca Sugar
 My Boy Builds Coffins :: Florence + the Machine
I don’t think i have 10 who’s urls I can actually think of without looking but i’ll tag @chriswolstenhowdareu and idk anyone else who wants to do it yay music
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blackhyena · 5 years
Tagged by @bironism to list 10 songs im currently obsessed with, thank you honey!!!
1. Come Alive (War of the Roses) - Janelle Monae 2. You Want It Darker - Leonard Cohen 3. Strawberry Blonde - Mitski 4. The Lunatics (Have Taken Over The Asylum) - Fun Boy Three 5. Diplomat’s Son - Vampire Weekend 6. Arabian Knights - Siouxsie and the Banshees 7. Under the Ivy - Kate Bush 8. Big Shot - Pearls 9. In The Hanging Gardens - Pinkshinyultrablast 10. Martyr - Sevdaliza
I tag uhhhhh @halfsavages @skankvampire @bisexualaudreyhorne @ceolfriths@percvshelley @beau--brummell @goblinmarquess @rapidashwiki @simonjpg@vampirelovingvampire !!!
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