#simon x bax
the-lincyclopedia · 5 years
Okay, here’s the thing: I’m really not a fan of the whole “morosexual” thing flying around in the Carry On fandom. I know it’s not new, but it came up on my dash again tonight, and I just want to say that, as a member of the intellectual and developmental disability community (I’m autistic, in case that’s news to anyone), I find that whole concept really damaging. A lot of nouns that we have to denote people whose intelligence we find lacking are really ableist and used to be medical/psychiatric terms used to diagnose and institutionalize people. “Idiot” was a term for intellectually and developmentally disabled people in general; “imbecile” meant someone with an IQ typical of a five-year-old; “moron” meant an adult with a “mental age” (a really ableist concept in general) of between eight and twelve years old. In my view, all of these terms are on a similar level as the R-word--certainly if you look at their etymologies--and I’m not really sure how they’ve avoided the same kind of scrutiny. 
Since I stopped using words like “idiot,” “imbecile,” “moron,” and even “stupid,” I’ve had to get both more creative and more precise in my phrasing. Am I frustrated with someone’s decisions because they seem poorly considered, or hasty, or immature, or is the problem that the person is willfully ignoring the evidence in front of them? Pinpointing the choice someone is making that’s frustrating me, or recognizing that the problem isn’t a choice that they’re making at all but is instead a natural result of them being the (very young) age that they are, as the case may be, has helped me figure out what to do about the problem beyond just sticking an ableist label on the person who’s frustrating me. Are they trolling and ignoring facts? Probably time to block them, because this discussion isn’t going anywhere. Are they making bad decisions because they’re young and immature? Maybe it’s time to tactfully suggest they change course. 
I know that it’s hard to keep up with all the words that are “in” or “out” these days. I get it, and I’m not perfect either. But jokes about finding someone sexually attractive because they’re a “moron” don’t sit well with me, knowing how tricky consent gets in the intellectual and developmental disability community and knowing the astronomical rates of sexual abuse my community endures, and I really hope the moron!Simon x morosexual!Bax jokes will stop. 
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ficsforfangirls · 7 years
A Carry On Dictionary: Letter E
Letter A     |     Letter B     |      Letter C     |      Letter D     |     Letter E
Letter F (Rated: M)     |     Letter G     |     Letter H     |     Letter I     |     Letter J
Letter K     |      Letter L     |     Letter M     |     Letter N     |     Letter O
Letter P     |     Letter Q     |     Letter R     |     Letter S     |     Letter T    
Letter U     |      Letter V     |     Letter W (Trigger Warnings)     |      Letter X
Letter Y     |     Letter Z
AO3 with the whole collection <3
elope, {ih-lohp}
to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent, approval, or knowledge of a parent/of parents
There are nights that you never forget, and not even because of the things that happened. Some nights the air is so crisp and fresh that it can be left on the tongue for hours. The sky is so dark that the stars don’t seem so far away. Each and every step over the earth and its many decorations has a strong feeling of significance, even if the steps are to nowhere in particular.
  Baz feels this way as he wanders away from the reception hall. Inside the guests were eating and toasting and cheering and those wonderful proper things that humans can do without worry of illness. Lying about his dietary habits is easy enough but it grows tiring, and quickly at events of this size. Instead, he pardoned himself to the restroom. Better they think he’s having a bit of ‘tummy trouble’ than ask him again if he has an eating disorder.
 Penny Bunce, or rather Missus Penelope Monroe…
 Memories of the last day she’d spent overnight in London flood Baz’s brain. On that same day he moved back in with Simon. Not unlike this night, he knew it was something he would never forget the instant he took a deep breath inside the taxi. Returning to this comfortable life with Simon that he’d grown to miss, crave even, was all he could have asked for in the New Year. After Penny left, things began to fall into place a little more quickly, though not necessarily in the traditional ways.
 For example, Simon isn’t as physically motivated as Baz, so they have different ways of communicating their desires. Baz hangs a necktie on the key rack when he’s feeling neglected. Simon will put an upside down glass on the coffee table when he definitely isn’t interested in physical affection, though when he is feeling quite the opposite he’ll move the cactus from the coffee table to the kitchen table. Perhaps it is unconventional but it works. Since then, they’ve become far more open about actually discussing what they want from each other intimately.
 Aside from that, Simon got a job as a receptionist with an accounting firm. It barely qualifies as full-time job but the hours are nice and the schedule has allowed the pair of them to start going on proper dates and become a more traditional couple. So many positive things have changed that Baz can hardly believe it’s only been eight months since Penny moved to America.
 Sometimes, on rare occasions, Baz considers what his future will look like with Simon. Baz can die. There’s no doubt about it. The unknown variable is more in regard to how long he will live naturally. Simon is still young and he has a few years before aging will set in and create visual distinction between them. However, that time will come. How will it affect them? What will people think or say when Simon is old and grey with a young man in great health fawning over him in what will unmistakably be a romantic way.
 Could Baz ever get married to Simon?
 There had been jokes made and daydreams where the thought had crossed his mind but never in this serious of a manner. Hanging his head low, Baz gloomily kicks small pebbles off of the sidewalk. More than anything, this life with Simon, he wanted it to be his whole story. From beginning to end: Simon Snow and Baz Pitch against the world (and the odds, sometimes). Cliché? Yes. Gay? Definitely. Boring? Perhaps, but that’s what made it so worth living!
 “Who sneaks out of a wedding reception, Basilton?” Simon’s gruff voice erupts the city silence, which is distinctly difference from actual silence. There’s noise everywhere but none of the sounds belong to people. When you are surrounded by the city’s silence, it is a suffocating sense of stillness despite all the things moving so loudly in all directions. Though he went outside to be free of the social structure and obligation of the other guests, he welcomes Simon warmly. Mostly, anyway.
 Hands stuffed in pockets and chin tucked against his chest, Baz replies in a weak tone of just barely enough interest to be convincing. “I only care about one wedding, my good sire, and I am afraid to admit that this simply isn’t the right one.” His laugh is nervous at best. Red hair bouncing and frizzing from the last tendrils of summer’s humidity, Simon not only closes the distance between them but fills it completely. Not even a second passes before Baz forgets that it was every empty to begin with.
 “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but,” Simon’s cocky tone captures Baz’s attention. Well, locks onto it rather. He was already paying attention but this ensures that his mind doesn’t stray to this thought or that one. Every sense is dialed onto Simon Snow and how he plans to finish this thought. “But that sounds like a question pretending to be a statement.”
 It certainly hadn’t been his intention, though the smile that curls his lips without permission betrays the reality of his commentary. “Not at all my aim, I assure you.”
 “So we’re not eloping then?” Raised brows and lips pressed into a straight line across his face, Simon reveals in no way that he’s being serious or hiding the fact that he’s joking. Baz stands there without changing his expression or body language in any way. It remains awkwardly tense until Simon simply repeats the question. “Not going to elope since you don’t like weddings, huh?”
 Baz nudges Simon with the knuckle of his left forefinger, applying a small amount of pressure to his shoulder with each point of contact. Does he ask? Does he wait? Or does he admit that he would like nothing more than to be married to him – right now – yesterday, even! He settles for something less expressive. “It’s not off table, if that’s what you’re trying to get at, Snow.”
 “Then let’s go.”
 “Let’s go do what?” Baz coughs, “Elope?”
 Simon shrugs his shoulders, moving backwards in a wobbly sort of jog. “Yeah, why not? Not chicken are you?”
 “Race you there, then,” Baz says. And he doesn’t really know where he’s going, so they’re most just racing to this unknown place in the future together. Maybe they get married, maybe they don’t, but they both want to and that’s where they are running. Truth be told, though, Baz really wouldn’t be opposed to marrying Simon right there under the night sky… so dark that the stars look close enough to be touched… Kissed even...
 And between those kisses, Simon admits that he knows a place. He’d been looking into it all day just in case he got up the nerve to ask. If Baz had asked, Simon wouldn’t stand to wait for a proper ceremony. As it turns out, though, the fiery young man didn’t even have the patience to wait for his boyfriend to ask.
 Oh yes, this is a night Baz will never forget, and not even because he’s getting married on a whim. This is a night that easily sows itself into the fabrics of the mind. It asked to be special; it came to be significant because it demanded to be so.
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herestoyoumsholly · 6 years
Het Couples I’ve Seen Tagged With “I don’t normally ship hetero couples, but I go so hard for them”
Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye from FMA
Barry Allen/Iris West from The Flash (CW and comics)
Lois Lane/Clark Kent (From everything ever)
Yuna/Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Jessica Cruz and Simon Bax from Green Lanterns
Feel free to add your own!
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