#simon cannot believe he said and did all of that
Kinktober Day 4 - Lingerie
College!AU - SimonxKyle
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CW: Smut, 18+/MDNI, He/They genderqueer Kyle in lingerie, anal sex, dub-con, forced orgasm, pre-nut insanity, post-nut clarity, gross college boys don't clean up after themselves
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"Oh fuck, Si-imon." 
Kyle is a mess. He can't feel his legs, can barely keep himself up on his elbows as Simon pushes into him again.
His normally stoic boyfriend had come over after rugby practice with Soap and Roach, like usual. Kyle had taken the afternoon for himself, like he did every week. Unlike last week, Kyle had a new lingerie set under his robe when he'd met them in the kitchen, but besides a lingering glance at the almost sheer stockings, Simon had greeted him, the same as he always did, with a soft kiss to his temple.
Dinner had come and gone. Soap had tried to sneak a peak under Kyle's robe, because he's a perv. Roach had stolen his potatoes while he was distracted. Simon had covered Kyle's exposed bra strap with his robe, then set back into his chicken. Normal.
Well, still waters must run deep because as soon as Kyle's bedroom door closed behind them for the night, Simon pounced.
Now, Kyle's arms do give out. He gasps, "Simon, I can't-! I can't come again!"
"'s okay, beautiful," Simon pants against the back of his neck, pace quickening. One big hand gropes past torn lace to pinch at Kyle's nipple. "'ll get you there, I know you can."
"I really can't," Kyle hiccups. "I'm gonna pass out."
"C'mon, pretty," Simon coaxes. "Got all dressed up for me, you c'n take a little more. 'll help you."
Something on the cheap garter belt pops when Simon pulls out and flips Kyle on his back. Through tears of overstimulation, Simon looks wild eyed, desperate, like Kyle's been teasing him. Certainly, he doesn't look like he's already come three times. Kyle had thought he'd have to do some laundry magic when Simon had spilled his cum between the panties and the garter belt with a bitten back shout, but now? There was nothing left worth saving.
A groan is pushed out of Kyle when Simon almost folds him in half and then pushes back in, hissing from his own oversensitivity. He sobs, he can't help it. One of his flailing arms grips the sheets and pulls, trying to get away.
"Where'd'ya think y're goin'?" Simon growls, setting his knee on the bed and yanking Kyle back into himself. He laughs, breathless. "One more, 'n you c'n kick me out."
"D'n't wanna kick you out," Kyle slurs.
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Simon's thrusts become even harder. "No? Wanna let me ruin your pretty things s'more? God, lookit'chu. Pretty stockin's, lace all ripped up. Fuck. Wanted t' bend y'over in the kitchen, almost gave the lads a show, fuck, y're so pretty, baby. C'n feel you workin' up, gonna come for me one more time, gonna come in your pretty panties for me again?"
"Yeah, say my name when you come," he groans. He wraps his hand around Kyle's cock, rough palm tearing the lace even more. He whines, then, hand sliding in Kyle's cum from a previous orgasm. "Oh fuck, Kyle, y're so wet, babe, yeah, come for me, one more time, wanna feel it-"
The roaring in Kyle's ears drowns out whatever else Simon is saying as his whole body locks up. He comes dry, and it feels so good it hurts. He thinks he wheezes some approximation of Simon's name, but he can't even hear himself think at this point, vision going white around the edges as Simon grunts his own release, again.
(When they both come to, half an hour later, Simon goes so red Kyle is worried he'll pass out again. Whatever loosened his brain-to-mouth filter is long gone, and he only gets more consumed by embarrassment when Kyle tells him to just throw the barely held together pieces of lace in the trash.
Kyle puts another set in his online cart before passing out.)
(They both stick to the sheets in the morning.) 
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gaysindistress · 7 months
Things that I feel like would happen when you’re in a relationship with Simon Riley.
Simon Riley masterlist
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1. First off he hates the word ‘boyfriend’.
Maybe it’s because he’s in his mid thirties or something but he can’t stand being called your boyfriend. He’s more than that but also not at the same time. You live together, have access to each other’s bank accounts (which is only because he hates it when you try to fight him about him giving you money), and you’re each others emergency contact. He thinks of himself as your husband. The man wears a silicone ring when he’s home and a necklace with the ring that’s totally not a wedding band when he’s working. Price has seen the chain once or twice and smirks, shooting him a knowing look but never says a word.
Simon cannot stand it when people get nosy and want to know what your relationship status is. You’re together and that’s all that matters. No one needs to know that you’re the beneficiary of his will and life insurance policy or that he’s put you on all of his accounts. No one needs to know that he buys you anything you want but has only ever bought you two rings; a thin gold band with a flower engraved on it and its twin a matching emerald ring. No one needs to know that when he gifted them to you, there were tears and promises of safety, love, and happiness whispered against feverish skin. No one needs to know that he has your name woven into his chest tattoo.
No one needs to know any of that because your relationship is between him and you only.
2. You are not some submissive little house wife. You are a strong independent woman and he prefers it that way.
I know this one goes against what most people say but hear me out on this. Simon has been independent since birth practically. He’s only had himself to count on for years. Even in the military, he’s only been able to rely himself. Sure the others watch out for him but if it came down to it, he’s the only one who’s going to get himself out alive.
The thought of someone else relying on him in that way is terrifying. He can’t even fathom what it would be like to look at another person and fully trust them in that way. Half the time he feels like he can’t even be trusted to take care of himself let alone another human. In theory a sweet docile housewife is great with the meals and clean house but not for him. He needs to know that you can hold your own. He needs to know that you can be independent and carry on without him if something happened while he was working. He needs to know that you will be okay if he doesn’t come back.
You have to be okay without him no matter how much it pains him to think about it.
Like I said before, he’s made you the beneficiary of everything so he knows you’ll be set financially but that’s not enough. He’s made Price promise to keep an eye out for you. He’s made you promise to let Price do that and you agreed because it’s Simon who’s asking but you’d tell anyone else to fuck off.
In addition to all of that, he’s installed the best security system the government has to offer in your house. You have a very expensive and large safe in your shared closet that he’s instructed you to only open if you feel unsafe. While you might not like it, you agree to go shooting with him so he can sleep at night knowing that you could protect yourself if he’s not home. He’s gone as far as to make sure you have all of the licenses and certificates that are needed to legally own firearms in the UK.
He’s not leaving any opportunity for you to be vulnerable or have your ‘safety checks’, as he calls them, taken away.
3. Simon Riley is a godless man…until he meets you.
Now this is entirely my own headcannon with no evidence to support it so bear with me.
Simon had a shitty childhood where his mom would pray to a god who never listened and his dad would shout verses at him when he was drunk. God was a mythical figure that he was told stories off with nothing to show for it. He did believe at one point but then his dad never got better, his mom wore bruises of every shade, and his brother found comfort in drugs.
He found himself praying when he was being tortured by the Mexican cartel. Between the flashbacks of his abusive past, he prayed to a god who had failed him so many times before to help him. He prayed again as he dug himself out of that Texas grave with the major’s jaw bone. He wailed his prayers when he found his family executed after Sparks tried to kill him.
After that he deemed himself a Godless man. Years of praying had passed with nothing. This god had decided that Simon was not worthy of a miracle so why would he continue to worship him?
That was until he met you. He finds himself praying before every mission, every time he has to leave you, every time he’s on his way home, and just about any other time he thinks of you. He doesn’t know what exactly he’s praying for other than for you to be there when he gets back.
He whispers his prayers to an absent god against your skin as he worships your body, soul, and heart. He promises to be devoted to you until his last breath and vows to find you again in whatever afterlife awaits you. He pledges to find solace in you and only you when his haunting nightmares return. He makes an oath to your heart that it will never weather another storm alone again for his will take whatever beating that comes your way. He shows you that he will love you in the same manner as a Hozier song; putting you above all else because you have become his religion, his faith, his beliefs, his life.
You have become all that he is and he thanks the god he once believed in for you. He prays again but to you, his heart, his love, and his beacon through the enteral storm of life.
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lundenloves · 1 year
fatherhood II
*Standing on a soap box, pointing at every one of you.* I will not be responsible for the tears passed in this piece of written emotional catastrophe. It simply had to be done. Simon meeting his daughter for the first time. It's canon. Leave me alone! *Runs away*
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↳ no warnings | f!reader | 1.2k
part one | dad!simon masterlist
i may as well be running from lions at this rate, i cannot believe this. yes i can. no one talk to me or ask me the colour of anything for at least twelve days. sigh.
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Having a baby sleeping on his chest was not on Simon Riley’s bingo cards for this year. His own baby at that.
Ironically, it was like learning to walk all over again. Having a little person who was completely dependent on you was something he couldn’t fathom at all until the time came. And boy, did it come, straight to the deep end he was.
It started when he was stood on the doorstep to his own home, two days late, taking deep breaths and roughing his hair in attempts to alleviate the bubbling anxiety. He was mentally beating himself up for the fucking career he’d chosen, and the hardships that came with time. Time he wouldn’t get back.
“Fuck sake, Simon.” Came a mutter to himself, slapping one hand of motivation to his cheek before reaching to turn the handle. Baby cries were audible from outside, his jaw tightening at the sound. He hadn’t been home in two weeks. Many an argument had passed to get time off although it just simply wasn’t an option. Forcing his wife to give birth alone bar her family. Christ.
He stepped into the house quietly, as if subconsciously on a fucking stakeout. A shaky sigh came when he’d leant against the wall, dropping his bag and shutting the door behind him.
It was a lot and he hadn’t even met her yet.
His daughter.
A rush of guilt panged in his chest and forced the steps he took toward the living-room. His broad shoulders filled the doorframe, in complete contrast to the tiny baby who lay in your arms.
His cold heart attempted to ignite a spark at the sight, kickstarting a warmth that didn’t quite come. Not until you had caught sight of him and instantaneously teared up. It was like all hell had broken loose in his chest, experiencing emotions he hadn’t felt in years. Still, he couldn’t speak, nor move.
You brought her to him, standing up and pressing your forehead against his chest. “You don’t need to say anything.” He nodded quietly, looking down at the baby in your arms. The inner corners of his eyebrows had raised, jaw tensing and loosening between seconds.
You could practically see the thoughts race through his mind. Good and bad.
“Stop worrying, you’re home now.” His shirt had a central wet patch from your silent tears.
You weren’t going to tell him how it was hell, how awful it was that he wasn’t around, and just how much you cried the night you got home with her. Welcomed by an empty house and darkness.
“Simon.” You said weakly, looking up at him and catching the gloss of his dark eyes. He was just as devastated about the whole thing. “Don’t think about it. It’s over. We have her, she’s safe, I'm safe.”
He nodded slowly, eyes unmoved from the baby below him. “Do you want to hold her?” Your voice came as a whisper, aware of his anxieties.
“I don’t know how.” He cleared his throat, looking back up to you. The hardness in his eyes was still there, although exposed by the sheen of upset that threatened to spill. You’d never seen him cry. Not once in the seven years of being together.
You smiled a little at him, a quivering one at best. “You just have to support her head.” Your arms lifted toward his, lightly adjusting his positions before handing your daughter toward her father.
And fuck, did it hit you then.
Stepping back, you made an effort to mentally photograph the scene in front of you. His eyes cast down to the baby in his arms, holding her as if she could break any second. The large palm of his hand was bigger than her whole body, supporting her with his arm although she barely used a forearm's worth of space. Her little hands raised upward, entirely relaxed in his arms as opposed to the crying he had walked in on.
His energy had entirely calmed her down.
“How do you feel?” You sucked your lips inward, both hands on your head to calm the maddening amount of emotion running through your stomach.
His eyes remained fixed on his daughter, still frozen in the position you had put him in. “I don’t know.” He admitted, voice as deep as ever although it had a strain to it.
You nodded. “That’s okay.”
The two of you shared a silence for a minute or two, just entirely in the moment for your daughter and the small babbles she made every now and then. The only consistent sound was her breathing, only audible for the dead silence in the house.
He shifted, “Are you alright?”
You rubbed your arm, looking up at him to find his eyes already on yours. “Mhm.” It was the truth, although he was evidently searching for a different answer. “Just glad you’re home.”
“Have you slept much?”
“Not really. But that’s okay.” The sweet tone of your voice made his shoulders drop, arms relax and his eyes soften. Well, until the baby began to cry and he tensed up all over again, silently panicking while looking to you. “Relax, Si.”
He screwed his face, letting her small hand curl weakly around his finger in hopes she would stop crying. “She’s fine. You’re fine.” A warm laugh escapes you and a slight smile plays on his lips at the sound. “She’s just tired.”
He pushed his arms toward you, gesturing you take her back. He was tired. You could see it in his eyes, “She’s still crying.”
“I couldn’t hear that.” You quip and he tsks, holding his arms out a little further. “Sit with her, it’ll be easier on your arms.” It was a thing for you, wanting him to have her in his arms as often as he could and not scare himself away.
He gave you a predictably unsure look before moving to the sofa. Each step he took was cautious to not stir her even further, sitting down slowly. You leant against the dining table, looking at him from across the room as he mumbled words you couldn’t hear to the baby in his arms.
When he had relaxed, she too calmed down. The steady breathing of his chest created a rise and fall that drifted her to sleep, small fingers still wrapped around his the best they could.
“Are you alright if I shower?”
He looked up in your direction, a flash of a panic appeared across his features. “What do I do if she wakes up?” His glance directed back down to the unthreatening baby in his arms.
“Just talk to her, like you just did.” You walked over, leaning down over the back of the sofa to press a kiss to his cheek. “I know it’s hard, but don’t think about it too much.” Hands placed on his shoulders, massaging into his collarbones.
He hummed in response.
“I’ll be ten minutes.”
Simon only lasted three. Three minutes of staring down at his daughter, alone and full of emotion for her but it wasn’t willing to come out just yet. Fatigue had taken over and by the time you had gotten back, ready to put her down for the night, she was already deep in sleep along with her father.
She was on his chest, arm raised upward to his neck where her tiny fingers touched his skin. His head tilted to the back of the sofa, two hands supporting her while soft snores left him.
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reblogs and comments are very much appreciated! i’ll sit in a hole if no one pats me on the head every now and then.
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favefandomimagines · 6 months
Ocean Away (a.b)
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Summary: a disastrous fight threatens to end your engagement with Anthony
AN: inspired by “Ocean Away” from the Unofficial Bridgerton Musical. I know it’s a song for Daphne and Simon but I thought it would fit so well with Anthony
This was deeeep in my drafts
He hadn’t meant for it to get so out of hand. What started out as a seemingly normal conversation, ended in both you and Anthony shouting at each other.
“Anthony, I need to ask you something.” You said to your fiancé. “Yes, darling?” He questioned. “When was the last time you saw Siena?” You asked.
The question took him aback. You have never spoken of Siena or his past endeavors. Meaning something must have made you ask him. “What has made you wonder such a thing?” Anthony asked. “Lady Whistledown,” You started before a scoff cut you off.
“Lady Whistledown? You are believing this gossip now.” He spoke. “She has never been wrong before, Anthony. She wrote that she saw you leave the opera house the other evening.” You said.
“An evening where you said you were with Benedict.” You added. “You are above believing these lies, Y/N.” He said. “You have not yet denied it once.” You replied.
Anthony had yet to deny any of what Lady Whistledown wrote and that made you fear that what you had read was true. “I should not have to. We are to be husband and wife in a matter of weeks and you question my fidelity to you.” Anthony said.
“Because two weeks before you proposed to me you were with her. Am I wrong for worrying?” You rebutted. “Your insecurities are not my doing, do not put this blame on me.” He snapped. “My insecurities? I have never been insecure in our engagement until you gave me a reason to be.” You spoke. “This is mad. You believe Lady Whistledown over me?” He asked.
“For goodness sake, Anthony, you have not denied it! There is only one side to this currently and it is hers.” You yelled. “Well, forgive me for not wanting to entertain this any longer.” He said, turning away from you. “You cannot even be honest with me, can you?” You asked quietly.
Anthony could hear the way your voice began to break as his back was to you. He never wanted to hurt you.
Hurting you was at the top of a list of things he never wanted to do to you. And by not claiming his innocence because of his pride, he was hurting you.
“I am going to spend the night in Eloise’s room.” You announced. Anthony still made no attempt to move or even apologize.
You wiped a tear from your face quickly as you headed for the door.
“I sincerely hope you know that Lady Whistledown said I was mad for accepting your proposal. That you would always be the naive and self-sabotaging young viscount. Please do not prove her right.” You spoke before leaving the room.
The problem was Anthony was a prideful man and it would be his pride that would prevent him from doing what was right.
The garden party was supposed to be a celebration of your engagement and it was turning quite sour. Luckily, no one knew of the turmoil that was going on because of the facade you had put on all day.
You spoke to guests, entertained their prodding questions into your wedding and tried to carry on with the afternoon. Your eyes often wandered to Anthony, who was standing stoically with Colin and Benedict. He looked as if he had completely forgotten about your argument as if it meant nothing.
It hurt you, seeing him act so blasè about what had occurred the night prior. That made you fearful because what if he ended the engagement? What if he did not want you anymore?
He had yet to apologize for the way he spoke and the words he said, you had hoped he had just forgotten. Or maybe he was not sorry at all.
You found Eloise and Penelope Featherington, both girls trying to help distract you from your own thoughts.
Eloise was one of your favorite people because of simply how she was unapologetically herself. She was a very funny young woman and that was refreshing in society.
Anthony watched you as you smiled and laughed with his sister by the lake. You were happy after all that happened last night. How could you be happy?
“How can she be smiling? It is as if she realized I am not what she wants.” Anthony spoke aloud. Benedict and Colin looked at one another, neither knowing how to approach the topic.
“Brother, maybe she is trying to be brave. Not let people know she is hurting. They all believe you were with Siena the other evening, she is trying to show it is all a lie. Even if she does not believe it herself.” Benedict said.
Anthony continued to watch you, your eyes never once meeting his gaze. He knew he needed to apologize to you. Tell you that he was never with Siena and the moment he realized you were who he wanted, he had not seen her.
There was a moment where he lost you in the crowd of people. He did not know where you went off to and that worried him more so than his pride.
Anthony started frantically looking around the grounds for you, weaving through the crowd until he spotted you sitting on the bench under the willow tree.
You had always loved that spot and often times Anthony would catch you reading there. It was also the spot you were sitting in when the two of you confessed your love for each other for the first time.
He approached you silently and sat down a few inches away from you.
“I remember the first time I saw you. You had just arrived at the Queen’s ball with your mother and it felt as if time stopped. There was nothing, that tempted me to take my eyes off of you. I knew then that I wanted you and only you. You made me believe that marriage could be for love and for nothing else.” Anthony spoke.
Him recounting the night of your debut made your eyes well up with tears.
“I am afraid. I am afraid that you will want her again and I cannot go through that kind of pain. I love you with everything that I am and if I was not enough for you, it would be the death of me.” You confessed.
Anthony looked at you with slightly wide eyes, never having heard your concerns before. He blamed his past behavior on your fears knowing it was not an easy feat to love someone with his reputation.
He moved closer to you and took your hand in his. “I am also afraid.” He spoke. It was then you looked at him with eyes wide, never having heard the man you love he so vulnerable.
“I am afraid that I will not make you happy. That one day you will wake up and feel like some other man could make you happier.” He continued. “I do not think there is another man in this lifetime who will make me as happy as you do.” You said.
“I have not nor will I ever, see Siena again. You are the woman I love, the woman I cannot stop thinking about. It will always be you.” Anthony said. “She has always had such a strong hold on you, forgive me for being skeptical.” You muttered.
“Now the only woman who has a strong hold on me is you. And that is how it will stay.” He replied. “Do you promise?” You asked. “I promise.” He spoke without hesitation.
Anthony took your hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I love you, Y/N. I always have and I always will.” He said. “I love you too.” You spoke. “And I’m sorry.” You added. “You have nothing to be sorry for, my love.” Anthony replied.
“Your mama might think we have run off and abandoned our own celebration.” You commented. “That does sound rather tempting.” Anthony teased.
You stood up and held your hand out for his, which he took with a smile. If you would have told Anthony Bridgerton that he was about to get married and to the love of his life, he would have called you mad. But here he was, and couldn’t have been happier.
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gothic-thoughts · 28 days
Get What You Ask For
(sry bout the mini hiatus, almost scrapped this shit like twice and had nothin else to post 🙄)
Ghost Riley x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Princess!Reader, Black Knight!Ghost, Bodyguard!Ghost
CW: trying to seduce him but he flips it on you, fingering in bath, not proofread
Word Count: 2182 (give or take)
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Yes, you were the princess but that doesn't mean you didn't have a curfew. It was for your safety but you didn't care. The village was always prettier at night and you can only see the edge of it from your window. It wasn't fair and knowing that, you always managed to escape from the palace. Tonight was supposed to be the same as all the others until you opened your door and jumped back, clutching your chest at the sight of a Black Knight blocking your doorway. Despite his dark metal helmet resting under his arm, you still couldn’t see his face thanks to the black face mask that hid everything but his eyes.
"Princess." He bowed at his waist respectfully.
You stammer in confusion for half a second before composing yourself enough to bow back. “Good evening...?”
"You really like pushing your curfew a little farther every night, don't you?" He said in a low, mocking tone.
“And who, pray tell, are you?”
"I’m Simon Riley; they call me 'Ghost'."
“And what are you doing at my door...?”
"I have been assigned as your new bodyguard. It seems I've come at the perfect time."
You scoff in disbelief. “New? What happened to my old one?”
"Fired.” He said bluntly, sidestepping you as he walked into your room, “I'm afraid it's been decided that he cannot be trusted with your safety."
You groan slightly, shutting the door. “Who decided that!? The maids couldn’t have, they always comment on how good of an influence he was being.”
Simon didn’t answer for a bit, making you rest your hands on your hips and watch as he looked around. You watch his eyes dart about, taking note of everything in your room from the windows to the bathing area. He peeked through the curtains and looked out into the gardens below but little did you know he was envisioning how you escaped every night. He chuckles to himself and when you call his name in annoyance, he pulls the curtains shut before turning to look at you.
“Not a good enough influence it seems, seeing that you’re all dressed up for another secret night out.”
“Tell me who got Brian fired!”
Ghost crossed his arms over his chest, "The King, Princess." He said in a deadpan voice.
“What? You’re joking.”
“I don’t get paid to joke with you, I get paid to watch you.”
“That... That bastard hired a Black Knight to watch me instead of a different palace guard!? I know it might not have mattered, but I am not some criminal! Ugh, I can’t believe him!”
"I'm sure you'll live."
“Hush! You can't stay anyway, I haven't bathed yet so you'll have to go...”
“You have a divider; I’ll stand by the bed.”
“Uh, no. You're supposed to stand outside and guard the door.”
"Maybe your old guard. I've been given permission to remain by your side at all times.”
“I'm sorry, what?”
"Did I stutter?" Ghost starts walking, “Since you managed to sneak out, what, your father told me 15 times? You're stuck with me 24/7 until further notice, Princess, whether you like it or not. Bathing is the least of your worries."
The Black Knight was now standing right in front of you while you tried to play off how intimidating his intensity was with a disinterested groan despite feeling slightly defeated. You had planned to see the fountain in front of the village gates tonight only for it to be ruined by your father and your newly assigned guard dog. You begrudgingly walk over to the bathing area and pull the divider in front of the tub with a huff of frustration before running the bath. You put your hair up in a bun then drop your gown to the floor as a desperate, last-choice idea popped into your head. 
An idea that you've never tried on a knight, or had to try. Once naked, you step into the bubble bath and sit down, leaning back against the porcelain until I was up to my neck in hot water and soap bubbles. Ghost leaned against your bedpost, waiting for you to finish. He was used to staying by princesses and guarding them, but you were more of a pain than the others. He glanced at your discarded gown and then at the frosted glass separating you from him. You clear your throat, ready to put your plan into action.
“What village are you from, Ghost?”
"None that you would recognize, Miss." He called back. 
“I'm guessing you’re betrothed.”
"What makes you say that?"
“Well you're a big, strong knight... a soldier. Women adore feeling protected... So I was thinking one had tried to get you off the market.”
Your comment caught him off guard for a moment but he quickly recomposed himself, looking at the between you two again. 
"I’m not wed, Princess.”
“Mm... no women have captured your heart~? That's a shame...”
He scoffs to himself, rolling his eyes, “You think so?”
“I would think women would be clamoring to see what you look like under your helmet since intensity can be very attractive.”
"Princess, how long do you plan to stay in that tub?"
“I, um... need my towel! I must've left it out there, could you... bring it over?”
His eyes narrowed; it wasn't unusual for princesses to ask him for things, but this just seemed a bit too sketchy. He weighed his options for a moment before sighing to himself. He walked over to the bed and found the towel you had left behind then slowly approached the divider, his eyes narrowed the closer he got all while you smiled at the fact your plan was working.
“You can come around... I'm under the bubbles...”
Simon hesitated for a moment, getting the feeling you were up to something. He steps around the wall of frosted glass and glances at the bubbles that shroud every part of your body except the top of your breasts and up. He sighed before slowly stepping closer to the foot of your tub, his eyes never leaving your obscured body.
"Here's your towel, Princess."
He held out the towel towards the water, his eyes darting to the bubbles for a moment, thinking as you leaned forward, risking exposing more of your breasts to reach for the towel. He knows a princess would never do that— risk their modesty for a towel. Right as your fingers were about to get the soft fabric, Ghost quickly moved the towel just barely out of your reach, eyebrow-raising as your face changed.
“Wha- Ghost—” 
"You didn’t really think I’d fall for that, did you Princess?”
“What are you talking about, I haven't done anything!”
"You think I was born yesterday?" He steps around the bathtub until he squats behind you, whispering, "You and I both know that you were trying to pull.”
You look over your shoulder, “What are you talking about?”
“The old 'accidentally drop the towel' trick."
“I was not!”
"Oh and I'm supposed to believe that?"
“Yes, I may have snuck out but I—”
“You sound extremely defensive for someone who didn't try to pull that stunt."
“Because I didn’t! I would never!”
"If you say so, Princess. Then why did you ask me to bring you your towel?"
You tilt your head to the side to escape the nice feeling of his warm breath on your neck, Even though you tried to move away, you weren't fast enough. When you tilted your head to the side, it only brought his face closer to your neck, his breath grazing over your skin.
“Because I forgot it—“
“Yes.” You snap, “I didn't know forgetting was an issue.”
“No, the issue is you want your bodyguard to see you...” You hear Simon drop the towel, “Covered in nothing but bubbles...” He gently wraps his hand around your neck, “In the hopes that I’d just crumble and let you go live la vida fucking loca...” He tilts your head back until you can see his eyes, “Just like your last guard did. Is that right?”
You tense, trembling slightly as you search for any words to reply with. How was he doing this to you with fear? You were a Princess— the daughter of his king— he wasn’t supposed to talk to you this boldly, much less touch you like this. You knew he was a different type of knight but that always meant he was brutal and such but this was different.
You were now terrified of him since he didn’t care about any rules or regulations regarding touching a princess, that, and the fact that he could break your neck right here with a single grunt. He was terrifying but you were so consumed by curiosity, you didn’t dare say anything to make him think that you wanted him to stop touching you. A low sigh escaped Ghost’s lips as he looked down at you, his cold eyes meeting yours for the first time.
“You very are a difficult person to guard, you know that?” He gently squeezes your throat, his thumb running over your pulse in a slow, taunting manner, “And the worst part of that is you're only difficult because you won't let me."
You gasp as his other hand comes around and slides down into the bubbles to massage your breasts, rough fingers pinching your nipple and rolling it back and forth.
“Mhm? What is it Princess?”
“Y-you can't touch me like th-this...”
He scoffed and tilted your head so you were looking into his eyes again. “So you can try to manipulate me... and now you’re telling me what I can and can’t do?”
“Well, I-I...”
“You’ve been nothing but a nuisance since I arrived, trying to get me to let down my guard. You’ve played your games and now it’s my turn.”
His hands were roaming your body, caressing every inch as he pleased. Eventually, his hand lowers deeper into the water, keeping your head tilted back as his hands slot between your thighs, making you gasp and tense up, looking up at him. He feels you stiffen beneath him but continues to tease your body slowly. He could see that you were having trouble fighting the words on your lips as he explored every inch of your body in the water. Slowly, one of his fingers slips deeper between your legs, gently grazing over your core to test your reaction.
“O-Oh my god...”
He chuckled lowly and gently massaged between your folds, feeling the warmth radiating from your body. He was slowly getting addicted to it and you were getting so needy. He didn’t want this to end. Simon leaned forward a bit more, his lips grazing over the shell of your ear as he spoke.
“Still going to sit there and keep insisting that you didn’t try and trick me?”
Your legs try to close. “I-I wasn't...”
He tsked and shoved your thighs back apart, your knees thudding against the inside of the tub, the fingers slipping inside you.
“Keep 'em open.” His lips lightly brushed over your neck, slowly kissing you before moving back up to continue, "Oh and I don’t believe you.”
He said, gently spreading you open for his fingers to push deeper inside with ease. He could feel every twitch you made as he stroked your walls with slow, circular motions.
“I... I should tell my father about this...
He laughed at your comment and his hand stopped, pulling back from you. He was so close to just giving in and taking you completely.
“You could, Princess." He said bluntly while looking at your flustered face, “Be sure not to leave out the part about you seducing me.”
“You're a Black Knight, you’re not supposed to be seduced...”
He curls his fingers inside you. “And you’re supposed to behave, but that hasn’t stopped either of us from breaking the rules.”
Your head falls back further and rests on the edge of the tub. “Y-you're... a bastard.”
“Mhm.” He said as he gently ran his hand over your clit, pressing a finger into your warmth, “And you’re a spoiled fucking brat.”
You look back down, whimpering at how sexy his muscular arm looked disappearing into the bubbles. His hand moved to grip your cheek so you were looking at him again, loving how flustered and needy you looked as you stared up at him with pleading eyes.
“I wonder what your father would think of this.” His thumb gently grazed over your bottom lip, “He’d be livid wouldn’t he~?”
“Shut it...”
“Or you’ll do what?”
“I'll... I'll get you f-fired...”
His fingers curl, pumping in and out even faster, using his other hand to cover your mouth.
“You won’t.” He hums and gently massages circles on your clit with his thumb, a small smile dancing across his lips, “You’re too busy enjoying this.”
Part 2 right here y'all
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milkteahood · 6 months
a ghost for a knight
medieval au, chapter 1
Simon Riley x fem!reader
Summary: your father, the king, makes his strongest knight keep watch over you due to you constantly disobeying the rules.
slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap (reader is in her 20s while ghost is in his late 30s/ early 40s)
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You thought he was merely a myth. Or at least, sort of. You heard the whispers, the other knights talking, but you never actually saw him.
Your father, the king, wasn’t allowing you to leave the premises of the castle, as you were the only heir. To you, he was just a story, a ghost. And to him, you were the same thing, for you had no idea your father was keeping you a secret. Only the most loyal to the family knew about you. So Simon had no idea why the king summoned him.
“That is a very good idea Your Highness” the advisor spoke.
“I just want her to be safe is all. She… she really inherited my temper” the king closed his eyes and rubbed one of his temples.
The crack from the secret passage was just enough for you to listen to the conversation. Someone was coming. Someone that was supposed to keep you safe. Safe from what? you thought to yourself. It’s not like I’m allowed to go anywhere.
As quiet as a mouse, you tiptoed away from the passageway and back into the labyrinth hidden into the castle. You knew every door, every crack. In case of a war, you could easily escape. Spending your free time hidden within the walls, listening to everyone’s conversations was something you found incredibly amusing. You knew which of the servants liked you and which couldn’t stand you. The only thing you found bothersome is not getting there in time to listen to your father’s whole conversation. You wanted to know who was coming. Is he planning to marry you off?
Exactly two weeks after the initial hearing of your father’s conversation is when the whispers started getting louder. “He is here” “The Ghost” “The Night” “The King’s most trusted” “The Myth” “The Legend”. And it was during one of your latin classes that the servant interrupted to announce that you were supposed by the king.
“Your Highness. The King is summoning you to the throne room” the servant spoke with a bow.
“What is it about?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
“I do not know princess”
“Very well”.
And with that, you stood up, a million thoughts running through your head.
Making your way down to the throne room, beautiful dress dragging behind, you felt a little anxious. After taking a few breaths, you let it known to the guards was alright to open the doors for you.
There stood your father, his advisor and a man. He was dressed like a knight and wore the kingdom’s crest, but you have never seem him before.
Your father’s voice broke your chain of thoughts.
“Y/N. Please step closer. There is something I need to tell you”
“Yes father?” you approached, giving him a small bow. He might’ve been your father, but he was also the king.
“I am aware of your little getaways” his tone was cold, but not angry.
You didn’t dare say more. You knew it was just a matter of time until he found out about your sneaking away from the castle into the forest.
You could feel the man’s eyes on you. He was taking you in.
“I have considered locking you away too” your father continued after a pause “but I know what I raised. You’d eventually escape a cellar too. So, there he is” he gestured towards the man “Sir Simon Riley. The most trustworthy knight and soldier I have. He is from now on in charge of looking after you and keeping you safe”.
“I cannot believe this” you finally spoke once you were far enough the hallway “I have been given a nanny”
“Seems like it, princess” Simon said.
“Don’t get smart with me”
He didn’t respond.
And so there he always was. When you studied, he was in the room. When you slept he was just outside. He only spoke if spoken to and always walked a couple steps behind you. Only when you’d request him to walk by your side did he ever do that.
There was no more sneaking away into the secret passages. That was something your father didn’t know you did, and you didn’t know just how much Simon reported back to him.
Life began to feel increasingly boring. You felt almost trapped, even more than you previously did. So you started to hatch a plan. How could you get away from Simon, even if it was just for a couple hours. The best solutions are always hidden in plain sight. Simon only ever left your side when you wanted to rest. Of course, he was just outside your door, but you had all the room to yourself. All the room and all the ways outside of it.
So that same evening, you told the knight who was worse than a shadow at this point, that you felt incredibly tired and would return to your chambers earlier.
“As you wish, princess” was all he said as he took his place in front of your door.
You changed out of your gown and into something more suited for what you were about to do.
A wave of adrenaline washed over you as you slipped your shoes off, as to not have your footsteps be heard, and very quietly opened your window. The sunset was magnificent, the breeze cool against your skin. Your room wasn’t very high up, making it very easy to decent off its balcony.
The grass was a little wet under your feet, and you took your sweet time to enjoy this little freedom. But, just as you were about to make a run for it through the palace’s garden, a strong hand wrapped itself around arm.
“Did you really think I was that stupid?” he almost hissed at you.
Your whole mood completely deflated in that moment.
“Well… I sure hoped you’d be” you replied.
His grip on you only tightened, enough to tell you he wasn’t in the mood for your games, but not hard enough to actually hurt.
“I just, really wanted to see the sunset”
“You can see it from your balcony” he replied coldly.
“I’m the princess!” you protested.
“And I answer to your father, not you, brat”.
He almost dragged you back inside, marking the first night Simon moved into your room. The king was right, Simon thought. You really were a flight risk. And when his head was on the line, he really wasn’t going to take any shit from a brat half his age.
do not repost my work anywhere. Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated.
pictures were taken from Pinterest. I take no credit for them
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evanescencelovrr · 14 days
Part 9! College!simon x reader. Hope yall enjoy—UGH the slowburn is slowburning 🥺 feel free to leave feedback & like/reblog!! Even more motivation.
Masterlist here ✉️
You’d been working the bar for some time now, four days a week. You’ve had some hiccups along the way, trading shifts with Simon when you needed to stay back to study. First, he was firm about it and looked displeased.
He did that usual thousand mile yard stare into your soul.
“Come on, Simon—I’ll do your assignment as a way to pay you back.” You groaned.
“No.” He stood behind the counter, burly arms crossed and lips pressed thinly. He resumed his stoic face. That was exactly why he pulled you to work at this bar—not to do some illegal shit.
You sighed and rubbed at your nose bridge, desperately needing a plan. Then, you perked up, brows raised and looking at him with that twinkle in your eye.
“I’ll fix your jacket.”
“This bloody lass…wot now?” Simon purses his brows, finger tapping impatiently on his elbow. He stared at you, meanwhile the sunset was setting behind you.
“Your jacket? It looks faded and broken. The one that says Lieutenant.” You slowly egged on, hoping he’d catch on.
He stiffened for a moment, eyelids widening for a split second. Then he cast a side glance at his hanging jacket in the closet. It was indeed ripped, buttons hanging loose. He inwardly cursed. Of course you just had go catch on. But curiosity sparked in him—the idea of your hands on his jacket gave him a rush.
So then, he looked at you.
“Bring it back neat n’ pretty, yea?”
That’s how you won. Now, after a long night of studies all you wanted to do was collapse and sleep. But no, instead your fingers worked deftly to fix the buttons hanging off loosely.
His jacket. Now it lay in your arms, spilling into your lap.
It even smelled like him. Musky. Maybe you went too far, but you repaired the leather on it. Only with distilled water did you carefully wipe it down, removing the dirt. Then with some saddle soap—rubbing a rag over it—you worked gently in circles over the leather.
“Cannot believe he has me doin this—“ You grumbled under your breath. Although it was your fault—needing to swap a shift again. Twice. You knew he felt irritated, but you hoped to make up for it by restoring his jacket.
After letting it dry for about 15 minutes, to which you nearly dozed off in bed—your alarm went off.
“Goodness Christ—“
You then got to work. Some youtube tutorial you watched years ago on caring for leather got you here. You owned a leather jacket anyway, red and hidden away in your closet.
“Alright…conditioning it is.”
Shortly after finishing, you managed to fall asleep in the chair, his jacket covering your lap.
“Ya done fixed er’?” Simon said, almost at a loss for words when you showed up the next day. His hands that were cleaning the glass now slowed, rag hanging limply. Lips parted in pleasant surprise, brows raised. A scar on his brow shined in the light.
There you were, holding his jacket folded in your arms. The brown leather was as good as new, and shiny. The cracks had faded and the buttons were sewed on.
“There she is. Told ya I’d have it done.” You said with that usual sarcastic tone. Your lip lifted in a smirk.
“Where in the hell d’ya learn t’do sum’ like this?” Simon asked, brow cocked and reaching out to grab his jacket from behind the counter. He sniffed it. It smelled new to which he’d have to drown it in his cologne. Rough fingers traced the soft leather, feeling its weight.
“I just happened to whip it outta my ass when I needed it the most.” You joked, hopping up on the bar stool and perching a hand on your chin.
It was then Simon noticed the bags under your eyes and he hung his jacket on the hook. He returned to glass cleaning, as the bar was quiet for now. It was you and him as Johnny and Price were most likely on the way.
“You didn’t sleep much, did ya?” Simon asked gruffly, eyes flickering to meet your dazed look.
“So you really were busy—aye?” His eyes did this sudden gleam—and you found yourself staring. A rare look. You moved and put your arm in your lap, tearing your gaze away.
You didn’t want to be caught staring.
“Arabic class. You know how that goes.” You mumbled and sighed, shaking your head.
“Lass, since ya swapped the last few shifts, I needed to give ya’ this.” He then held out your tips from the first shift. Simon remembered the few times he’d try to find you to give it to you—but you were always busy. At a table, cutting up lemons, headphones in your ears, or cleaning the ice maker. And then last shift he heard you swapped.
You watched his movement, then eyed him, sliding the cash into your pocket. You shifted on the bar stool.
He had half a mind to ring your ear for leaving it—but the eye bags suggested he hold his tongue.
“Don’ leave it, yea? Some’ will give ya’ tips, so take it.”
“Got it.” You said, momentarily biting your lip.
Simon caught onto the movement and then shifted his gaze away, chest puffing slightly.
He then cocked his head at the window, light illuminating the hook of his nose and strong jaw. Motorcycles pulled up at the front and laughter ensued.
“Look who’s ere’. Troublemakers.”
“Gotta babysit em.” You joked which earned you—and lately—his wider grin.
You liked it.
The bell rung—and suddenly you found yourself spinning around. Another day another shift. Simon stood there, clad in his grey zip up, balaclava, but you recognized his eyes and that gruff tone of his—and boots. A backpack was slung onto his shoulder.
“I need ya’ to cover f’me.” He said lowly, his heavy eyes staring into yours.
Just then, your lip tilted up—amusing how now he was in your position.
Just days ago you begged him, if you remembered correctly.
“Only if ya give me your tips.” You beamed, unable to help to cat like smile.
He furrowed his brows and then leaned in—cologne and musk rising to your nose. His blonde lashes brushed faintly his cheeks, and then lips parted. You could see the scarring from his past so clearly, and now you wondered. What exactly was the training he went under? You knew he was Lieutenant…
But now you hugged your breath in—at his proximity. Your hand stalled from cleaning the glass.
“Lass, you can ave’ my tips. Don’ need em anyway.” He spoke gruffly.
“Don’ want ya strugglin’.”
He then moved away instantly and straightened up, clearing his throat. He left no explanation.
You then resumed cleaning the glass, impossibly faster this time as if you’d turn it into a damned cup. Your neck flushed and it spread to your ears.
Simon thought he saw it, only to see you turn away.
“Is tha’ a yes?” He called out, gruffly.
“You got a yes, Cap.”
He then made his way out, bell jingling and boots thudding against the pavement. You watched his back, curious and slightly flustered from the whole scene.
You finger tapped the counter, “Hate to see you go, love to see you walk away.” You gave out a dreamy sigh.
Lately you’d been thinking about him more—and not necessarily in a friendly way. But more so—the way his cologne smelled, the eyes peeking from the balaclava mask, the flex of his biceps. The way his words rung out teasingly, and then some days—grumpy and stone cold when Johnny questioned him.
My god.
You were really getting sucked into him.
You wondered if he even felt that way for you too. Goddamnit. You’re a 27 year old woman, not a teenager. You knew money was tight ever since you moved apartments. This one was slightly above your pay grade—and then again, the old apartment, broken sink and regular gas leaks just wasn’t cutting it anymore.
Remembering his words, that he didn’t want you struggling something warm fluttered in your chest. You shifted slightly, unable to help the flush that deepened.
Close to the end of your shift, you and Johnny had been cracking a beer. Well, he did. You? You kicked back to some whiskey. Beer wasn’t your type. You know both sat on kitchen tables, all cleaned off. Johnny’s long legs braced the ground, perched at the edge, beer in one large hand.
“Dinnae think ya’ had it in ya’ handlin’ this job.” He muttered, taking a swig.
“Asshat tried to make a move on me earlier—wasn’t having it.”
He barked out a laugh, cheeks raising. They developed a slight flush from the beer now, and it only made his skin glow.
“Gotta’ show em’ what they shouldna’ mess with. Do what ye’ will.”
You grinned, bashfully looked down at your glass. Your finger tapped the side, seeing the whiskey sway a bit form your movement.
“I told him to get a pussy that can take a pounding or two.”
At that, Johnny bursted out laughing. His hand slapped his thigh, and you joined in, chest rumbling. Your head tipped back as you finished the last of your whiskey, hearing him howl.
“Goodness—lass. Remind me t’never bother ya.”
Just then, the door swung open revealing Simon. He went behind the counter, back facing you.
You stiffened up, sensing something wasn’t right. You kept your eyes trained on his back, seeing his shoulders were tense and movements—half a second scurrying to punch numbers in the calculator.
Johnny watched, although not surprised or shocked at all. He’d gotten used to see his mate like this. But you—oh that would be entertaining to watch. So he sat, sipping his beer and eyes wide.
“Simon?” You got up and approached, resting your glass near Johnny who fished it and placed it in the sink. You emerged out the kitchen archway and into the bar. When he turned, your breath caught and your hand involuntarily flew to his arm.
Johnny couldn’t help the long glances as if this were some telenovela.
“What the hell—“ You hissed.
“Is’ nothin.’” He’d say flatly, cutting you off. He was sporting a black eye, lip busted. It looked nasty. The cut looked fresh, although not bleeding anymore. His lip was swollen from the hit, and knuckles grazed red. His clothes were wrinkled and shifted off his broad form slightly.
“You can’t just say that and not explain.” You said stiffly, arms crossed and glaring up at him. You were adamant, and defiant. And if he wanted to play this game of hide and seek—you’d find the truth eventually.
But Simon knew better now than to hide from you. He scratched at his neck with an arm raised. He initially didn’t want to worry you, but now—the plan went to shit.
So his eyes slowly followed yours as you assessed the rest of him. He couldn’t fight the sly grin that pulled on his lips, lips aching and all. He was Lieutenant after all, and after years of combat, training, near death experience, he’d never seen a lass so wound up over a black eye and scratch.
“Ya know I’ve andled’ worse.” He said with less of a bite this time.
You shook your head and out the corner of your eye saw Johnny leaned against the crate, smiling widely.
“You can’t leave it like that. What. Happened.” You repeated again, this time enunciating it. You walked to the back of the bar, past Johnny who sent Simon a wink.
Simon—just in time sent him a glare to shut him up, then returned to you, eyes softened just slightly. He perked up when he saw the first aid kit you brought out and nearly stifled a laugh. He found it endearing in a way—how you got all pissy and frantic over some scratch.
“Aye, the brute fought wih’ sum’ rascals is what.” Johnny said. You glanced at the Scottish man, shaking your head scoldingly at Simon. You dragged him to sit him down on the kitchen table edge, brows furrowed in thought—and irritation.
“Aye, ya’ heard the man. Few rascals were gettin’ feisty with the store manager. One of em pinned me.” Simon muttered, rolling his eyes. He could’ve fought better—but sleep deprivation made him lose his touch.
“One of em? Lieutenant, ya’ losing it?” Johnny said, cocking a brow amused and half concerned. “Is’ all tha’ damned Geek gettin’ to ya’.”
“Greek.” Simon corrected, although not necessarily caring.
Meanwhile, you got an ice pack, and squeezed it. A pop was heard and you grabbed his larger hand, placing it in his hand. Simon glanced where your hands touched, feeling sparks shoot up. He was hunched, the other hand resting on his knee, shoulder angled. He raised the icepack to his eye.
“I ain’t losin’ it. Jus’ went easy on em’ is all.” He gruffly said.
Johnny snickered and you moved to his lips, placing a small bandaid on it. It was a hello kitty one.
When he saw it, he glared at you. Brows slashed down, displeased. A pinch between the brows—and eyes narrowing.
You couldn’t fight the grin. “Sorry. Its all we had.”
“Ahh. Ya see. Knew this woulda’ happened.” Johnny grinned mischievously, so you put two and two together.
You scoffed and then moved back, eyeing Simon who never removed his eyes from you. You held your breath at the sight of his darkened gaze, something dark in them. Why was he staring like that? You thought.
“I look pretty now, is tha’ it?” His voice rung out, deep and smooth.
Johnny finished his beer, washing up your glass. He turned his back to you both.
You shifted, then gave out a quick reply. “You look like you belong in a tea session with hello kitty.”
Johnny bursted out laughing, shaking his head as he scrubbed the glass. “Lassie—you really makin’ me piss my pants tonight.”
Simon then got up, arm brushing yours to walk past. You followed with your head—then walked behind him, leaning on the archway of the kitchen entrance.
Simon began wiping down the bar counter.
You didn’t say a word, but eventually spun to face Johnny who was as red as a tomato. He couldn’t help his massive shit eating grin, standing behind you.
When he muttered you smelled the beer on him. “Dinnae tell Lieutenant, but I may ave’ put the hello kitty bandaids in it.”
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ghostlythunderbird · 2 years
Omegaverse ~ Task Force 141+ Alejandro, Rodolfo, König
Warnings: Mostly SFW with a dash of NSFW (MINORS BEGONE)
Author Notes: These are gonna be short and I apologize for it but YALL THE WRITING JUICE IS DRYING UP, so once again I'm sorry. These are also my own interpretations of these characters but feel free to add on top of them. I also wanna thank @l-lend and @kelpiesummer for helping me with these, your honor I love them both.
Before we begin I would like to go over some baseline stuff to this:
In Military pack dynamics there is a Lead Alpha and a Lead Beta, and if the Alpha isn't present it is the Beta’s duty to oversee the safety of the pack.
Apex Alphas do exist here but they only make up 10% of the population, and are often ridiculed due to them being able to control a vast majority of Alphas. They are also much stronger and much bigger than regular Alphas with much stronger instincts. In modern society it's often damning should one be born an Apex because they often have to wear muzzles in public because of their unpredictability.
An Apex’s muzzle is only taken off when they are alone, mated, or receive immunity by extended military service to prove they are not a danger to anyone.
To add on about an Apex, their Ruts become stronger the longer they don't relieve built up tension over time. It has even been recorded that Apexes with no outlet have often become feral and cannot be helped out of a feral state. All Apexes MUST have a physical outlet to reduce built up tension.
All dynamics are able to become Feral, and in this universe there is not enough data to help an individual out of said feral state and will have to be sent to a designated center for proper care.
Apexes, Alphas, and Omegas are able to control themselves decently should a Rut or Heat arrive. Should one help out with these times, consent must be given beforehand and with a trusted individual. Not everyone here is driven to wackiness because of hormones
In the Military, there are often teams that are used for Ruts and Heats of all calibers, they are made up of trained Betas and are the only ones allowed to handle single Apex, Alpha, and Omega dynamics who are in a Heat or Rut.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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Simon I feel like would be an Alpha, simply because of his size and his ability to lead soldiers like a well oiled machine. He didn't start feeding into his alpha nature until he joined the Royal Army after the attacks on 9/11, mostly because his father would punish him and his family should anyone try to stand up to him. Once Simon completed his training he shows his father what a true Alpha is and acts like, and ends up kicking him out of the house before assuming the role as the protector of his family.
After losing his family and “Simon Riley” being now pronounced dead he started to hide his true nature and his scent. While his scent is practically nonexistent it didn't stop him from the commanding and somewhat protective nature of his inner Alpha. In the Ghost’s mind, no scent and repressing that inner Alpha, is the best way to begin a nonexistent life; to become nothing more but a living shadow.
In a Rut:
To describe Simon in a rut would be a very self protective Alpha, not wanting anyone with a 5 mile radius near him to ensure no one discovers his identity. And in order to safeguard that fact he ends up going to a secluded safehouse far from base to ensure not a single person can find him in such a vulnerable state. During this time he does believe it's better for him to be alone as the worry of losing himself after being pent up for so long could only cause him more trouble on top of someone finding out Simon Riley isn't as dead as they claim.
But to say he's a virgin would be a complete lie, he’s been with omegas before and many were in heat so he understands a little about omegas but nothing really outside a heat. With that being said he often craves an omega during his ruts, but after becoming the Ghost he doesn't actively seek them anymore. But if he did have an omega (maybe even you) helping him out he would definitely be very dominant, constantly on lookout after having sated both his needs and whoever is helping him. If you're close with him, he begins to show a more doting characteristic that he claims isn't there such as getting you what snack you're craving or bringing in more blankets for your heat nest.
John “Soap” MacTavish 
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Now this Scott probably doesn't strike you as an Alpha, but I assure you he is 100% Alpha blood though and through. Johnny is definitely a more playful alpha compared to the rest of his team but that doesn't stop him from trying to get them to loosen up and have fun. He's even been told many didn't think he was an Alpha at their first introduction, with his fun and very caring personality he's been more mistaken as an Omega rather than an Alpha.
But that never once hurt his feelings, and has even offered to show he’s the real deal if you catch my drift. It also means he loves to show off to whoever might be watching whether they are Male, Female, Omega, Alpha, or even a Beta. His only hard NO would be an Apex of any gender, he may not have met any but there is definitely a stereotype amongst Apexes.
In a Rut:
Before anyone starts to make assumptions that he's pretty dominant in bed and during a rut that's only a half truth. While yes his body is telling him to dominate during that time he isn't fully into it, he is actually more of a switch and can be pretty needy during this time. He wants to cuddle about 90% of the time because the skin on skin helps bring his brain back to a safe place where hormones don't dictate his every move.
Johnny definitely isn't a virgin and has actually had many partners of all second genders besides apexes in his bed at least once. He can definitely say he knows his way around anybody that decides to help him in a rut but once he's sated it's straight pampering for his partner. Once you get to know him better he actually wants to play fight with you more after you're both satiated for a bit, Johnny claims it's to help build a bond between the two for you.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
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Before anyone yells at me for making Gaz a Beta hear me out. In a pack like Task Force 141 there needs to be a Lead Alpha and a Lead Beta that takes up for the Lead Alpha should they not be present in a situation. But our sweet Kyle definitely is the voice of reason between the original four, should the Alpha’s hormones and instincts cloud one's judgment Kyle would help set the record straight and see both sides to the coin. He’s definitely the more laid back one of the group but he can get a little wild should he need to, I mean the guy was hanging upside down under a helicopter while going down an active highway.
While he might be the more laid back one, that doesn't exactly mean he isn't a little trickster. He likes to rile Soap up before he gets told to stop which often leads to someone getting sent to the medbay, while he does mess with Ghost and Price he doesn't take it too far because not only are they Alphas they also happen to be higher in the chain of command. Kyle has stated before that it's just easier to pick on Johnny because they are both the same rank, and that Soap is the one who actually wants to up the intensity or stakes to whatever they are doing.
I'm just gonna add this in on this part to say since Betas don’t have Heats or Ruts I won't have a Rut part for Gaz. But that doesn't mean that this man doesn't get any. To anyone who has ever met him, they can say he’s super helpful during those times and has even offered to help should they need it. But that is only to a select few, he mostly just makes sure you don't die from starvation or dehydration and will even run messages and updates back and forth on whatever you want to know or need during that time.
John Price
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Our captain in tight fitting camo is not just an Alpha he's The Alpha of Task Force 141, his presence is calm yet demanding attention from anyone who crosses his path. That being said, he isn't one to outright snap at anyone who gets on his nerves, but rather lets them make a fool of themselves. He will only ever step in if his team or his own safety starts being questioned around an individual or in a certain area. He is always aware of everyone under his charge and does the best he can to ensure they all make it back home safe, although they aren't scratch less sometimes but alive nonetheless.
While John is a leader and an officer he makes sure he has an end time to the mountains of paperwork on his desk. Should he have someone at home waiting for him, he makes sure to keep them updated on his whereabouts but once he's in the security of his own four walls his top priority is only them. John has been known to go off the radar sometimes while at home, but it's mostly because when he's home he doesn't want work knocking at his door when he's got other priorities. Overall this man is sweet as he can be, in his own rough way, and all he ever really wants to do is just love and pamper his mate like it might be the last time.
In a Rut:
Right off the bat he tells you he might be a bit much during this time of the year, but it's much more different than what you'd expect from an Alpha of his standing. While most of the time he's peachy with being the dominant one in bed, if the Rut is strong and he just came home all he wants is for you to take control. He will mostly complain that it's because he's “Getting old as crap” but you set that aside and simply say it's ok to let someone else take control. John just wants to be pampered in his Ruts mostly because every other time he has to be taking care of someone else.
Now if he goes into Rut while he's on extended leave and has the energy of a young buck, better buckle up then honey cause you're just gonna have to ride it out. The easiest way to say what he is in bed would be a switch but personally it isn't that simple. Personally I do believe that John can be dominant but with his line of work and his responsibilities it takes it out of him even with a rut, he wants to be dominant but simply put the man is tired most of the time. So in order to make up for it he is very caring of his partner, he wants to provide and protect his partner. John is by far one of the sweetest Alphas out there but don't tell anyone that, he has a reputation to uphold back on base.
Alejandro Vargas
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This FINE Latino man is without a doubt an Alpha, with his ability to be both cunning and devious in his line of work he can make sure the job is done. While he might be unforgiving to his enemies, anyone that is a previous lover or his mate can say that he is a hopeless romantic. He showers and pampers his lovers with anything they could ever desire, Alex wants to show that he is a perfect caregiver and provider to their needs.
While he might not be a stereotypical Alpha, he can still effectively protect his mate and his pack should some catch the wrong side of him. He’s a protector and has even said that he “Will fight to his very last breath as long as it means you are all protected in the end.'' With that it's easy to say Alejandro is a very selfless person to those he trusts and will ensure all are properly protected and provided for should they come under his protection and care as the Lead Alpha.
In a Rut:
Imma say it now, Alejandro actually feeds into that inner Alpha during this time. He wants to release all that built up tension into the form of rough sex should anyone help him out. He only ever has someone with him if he knows it's bad and has no mate or anyone special, but if he does have a mate they are gonna be covered in bruises and love bites and probably bred after it. Also without a doubt he's bound to become more aggressive than normal, but again he is simply acting on instincts. However that aggression will never be used against you that could potentially hurt you.
Maybe after a few rounds Alejandro does feel like he's able enough to check on his partner, he goes to town should they need aftercare, snacks, or a shower. He kisses on deep bruises he's left along your skin, helps wash your hair and body, even makes sure you're properly fed even if he's the one who is in Rut.
Rodolfo Parra
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Once again please no one yell at me for this decision, but I do feel like Rudy would also be a Beta as he works closely with Colonel Vargas as his second in command. After growing up with Alejandro, they both decided to stay together after their basic training and fight for justice in Las Almas. Wherever you see Alejandro, Rodolfo is never far behind updating the Lead Alpha should news come up over the radios from their team.
Rudy is also more alongside the more nurturing nature, he wants his team safe and will do anything to protect them. His team is his Pack and without them Rudy has nothing left, that being said he tries to improve whatever he can as the Lead Beta for Los Vaqueros. I can also say without a doubt Rudy is also the most loving person to whoever is his mate, but this isn't one sided as he also wants all the love and adoration from his mate just as much. He is a lover by nature but he also wants to be bathed and be told that he is doing a good job and a lover and a mate.
And while again Rudy may be a Beta and doesn't have a Rut it doesn't mean he is inexperienced, He chooses to wait and is actually very selective of potential partners that he shares such intimate moments with. But if you ask Alejandro he can tell you Rudy has had some drunken one night stands that makes the Beta beat red at just their mentioning.
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Our lorge Austrian man here is one of the lesser known dynamics that makes up only 10% of the world's population; An Apex. Truly it's no surprise that this man right here would be anything less, but in König’s personal opinion it's nothing but a curse. Ever since he presented he was mocked and shamed for his second gender, it was much worse when the government sent his family a muzzle for him to wear in public. It was nothing short of humiliating, it even was something else for him to be bullied for. The bullying was also the reason why  König has deep scars around his face from the muzzle digging in, some of them because his bullies often pulled on the straps to where it was too tight.
Over the years König became more and more anxious around others, there were very limited times the large man would go out into public because he knew people would turn him away simply for his second gender. And due to the large amount of prejudice it was hard to find both a pack and a mate that would accept him, that was until you barreled into his life (literally) that he felt like someone would love him. He's a very caring Apex that goes above and beyond for his mate, there were often times he would stay on his knees and would hardly make eye contact with you. His worst fear is you realizing you don't want an Apex as a mate and leaving, he honestly thinks his heart would stop beating if you did.
In a Rut:
Now this is where he really fears himself most of all. His ruts were strong and they only continued to grow the longer he kept denying himself release with someone else. But when he was assigned to KorTac they allowed him an alternative way to help him during ruts, by sending him on solo operations to let loose on the supposed targets. But again all this was before you showed up.
After you started to share Ruts and Heats together you realized that an Apex was really just a bigger Alpha, and one who wanted nothing more to provide for you. Now while I love König being an absolute sweetheart, that's not how he is during a Rut. König is demanding and can often be rough the first few times but it's only because he never had someone to spend it with, he does end up becoming much softer and sweeter after a while. You thought König was a big soft boi during this time for your first few couplings, nope his brain is empty besides the words Mate, Breed, and Protect for an entire week (good luck walking after that). And if anyone thinks otherwise y'all meet me in the Burger King parking lot at midnight.
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 1
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Eminem x Reader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Y/N is getting sober and trying to rebuild her life after a hard breakup when she meets Marshall Mathers.
Tags : mention of SA ; Miscarriage ; Addiction
Author’s note : this is my first shot a my writing a fanfiction. Hope you enjoy it x
Chapter 1
- Thank you for having me, you said to Talia.
- No problem, baby. You stay as long as you need to, she answered while giving me a hug.
You looked around, taking everything in. In a matter of days, you had lost nearly everything. It all started when you woke up in the hospital, several tubes attached to your body.
Apparently, you had been in a coma for three days. Simon, your boyfriend of two years was sitting in a chair next to your bed.
- I can’t believe you did it again, Y/N.
- It’s not what you think, Simon.
- It is exactly what I think. You need help. You need to get yourself together. Next time you might not be so lucky. You might actually die, he said.
Dying. To be fair you hadn’t really tried to kill yourself. It was more complicated than that and Simon knew it.
- I’m sorry, you said, trying to hold his hand.
- No, he simply answered, taking his hand off yours.
He looked at you with a piercing gaze, not saying a word for what felt like forever. He didn’t need to, anyway. You already knew it was over.
- I love you, Y/N. I really do. But I can’t go on like this. You need to seek treatment, he said with tears in his eyes.
- I just wanted to sleep, you know, you tried to explain.
- By taking over 100 pills of Xanax ?! Are you fucking kidding me ? He asked, fire coming from his eyes.
- I…
Tears started rolling on your cheeks. As much as you knew you had done something terribly stupid, you wished he wouldn’t break up with you. You wished he would understand.
- Simon, don’t do this, you pleaded.
- I’m sorry, he simply said, getting up and grabbing his jacket. You have a problem and I cannot deal with it.
He walked towards the door and faced you for the last time.
- Your stuff will be packed when you get out of here.
And there it was. Shortly after moving in with your boyfriend, you were homeless.
- Are you ok, Y/N ? Talia asked.
- Yeah. Sorry. I just… I can’t believe it’s over, you said. I really screwed up.
She gave you a big hug again.
- What’s done is done. Now you need to focus on getting better, she said.
- Thank you for being here for me. And allowing me to move in with you. And not judging me.
- What you need now is not judgement. It’s support. I am a bit mad though, she explained. I wish you had come clean to me about all those prescription pills.
- I thought I could manage, you tried to explain.
- Well you thought wrong.
Your best friend was being hard on you, and she had every right to be. For months, you had been lying through your teeth to everyone in your life. You had pretended that you were this happy-go-lucky girl who had it together. On the outside, you had everything : you were successful in your PhD research at university of Michigan, a loving boyfriend you had just moved in with and a tight-knit circle of friends who loved you unconditionally. But deep down, you had been unable to handle the pressure of your studies and, the hardest thing of all, you had lost your baby, going through a miscarriage at 13 weeks of pregnancy.
- You should rest before I take you to your meeting, Talia said. And then, we’ll go to the studio. Jamal invited us.
- Do we have to ? I think I’d rather come back here right after the meeting, you pleaded.
- Meeting new people will be good for you, she said. And I won’t lie : I don’t think you should be alone in here.
She was making it clear that she didn’t trust you. After all, how could you possibly prove that you weren’t going to be popping pills as soon as you were alone ?
- Right, you said.
She left you to your new room. Thank God she and Jamal, her boyfriend, were living in a big house with plenty of room to spare.
Jamal was a beat maker and producer and had made quite a name for himself. He was now starting to work with famous people. One of them was Eminem. You weren’t a big fan, although you did enjoy some of his most well-known music. In fact, this man was to be credited for you learning how to swear in English, as you’d learned the language by watching movies and listening to music. You hadn’t listened to him in a long time though and you were kind of wondering what he was up to, now.
Talia sometimes went to the studio with Jamal and she was getting along with everyone. According to her, “Em” (as she called him) was a great guy and she was pretty sure the two of you would get along.
You had officially made it through your first NA meeting. It had been emotional but you were glad you went. Now was the time you dreaded : meeting everyone at the studio. As much as you appreciated Talia’s efforts to help you clear your head, you weren’t exactly the social type.
As the two of you entered the studio, you were greeted by half a dozen people. As soon as he saw you, Jamal got up and have you the biggest hug.
- How did it go ? He asked.
- Uh… it went well, I guess, you answered.
You weren’t particularly intent on talking about it, especially in front of people. Fortunately, Jamal was wise enough not to elaborate. The two of you were close and he knew better than to embarrass you. Still, you were thankful for his concern. From the moment he learned you’d be moving in with them, he had been nothing but supportive. « I know you’ll get through it », he had said.
Talia introduced you to everyone.
- So, this is Y/N, our new roommate and my very best friend, she said.
- How come we never met you before ? Somebody asked.
- Well, Y/N is a scholar so she doesn’t have a lot of time for people with lesser minds, she said jokingly.
You blushed immediately. Your best friend was the most supportive person of your work and she never stopped telling you how proud she was.
- Nice to meet you all, you said a bit awkwardly.
You shook everyone’s hand and you kind of had a shock as you introduced yourself to Eminem. You remembered him from at least fifteen years ago, blonde hair and clean shaven. He was now sporting brown hair as well as a well-trimmed beard. You would never have recognised him, had the two of you crossed path in the street. You couldn’t help but think to yourself that he was rather good looking. And in pretty good shape for an older dude who was in his early fifties. In fact, he did look at least ten years younger.
- Call me Marshall, he said as soon as he shook your hand.
- Ok, Marshall, you said while looking in his deep blue eyes.
He wasn’t as cheerful and smiling as the others, but he wasn’t distant either. You had always pictured him as a loud person, but the man you had in front of you was far from it. In fact, he seemed like the quiet, rather serious type. He looked like he was staring at you as if he was trying to read into your soul.
You joined Talia and sat on one of the big leather couches while everyone got back to working. You looked around and noticed that the studio seemed like a very comfortable, soothing space. For the first time today, you eased a little.
After some time, the group decided to take a break. Most of them went outside to smoke a cigarette and get some air, but you stayed inside. You did indulge in the occasional cigarette but you had been told it would be easier for you to refrain from taking any substance. You tried to be reasonable and not get tempted by the smell.
At some point, you were left with only Marshall, who was listening to the tune they just recorded in his headphones, pushing buttons on the mixing desk.
- So, how long have you been sober ? He asked as he looked at you.
- How do… how do you know ? You asked in shock.
- I was with Talia and Jamal when they got the call about one of their friends behind in the hospital after an OD. And you playing with your NA chip kind of tipped me off, he shrugged.
- Oh. Right. Actually, today was my first meeting, you said and blushed a little.
- Recovery is hard, he pointed out. Congrats on taking the first step.
You didn’t say more and he got back to mixing, as you stayed silent and watched him being extremely focused. As you studied him, you couldn’t help but notice an AA necklace dangling from his neck.
- So you’re in recovery too ? You asked.
- Yeah. Been sober for fifteen years now, he said with a smile.
- Wow. That’s impressive.
- Doesn’t mean it’s always easy, though, he confessed. But it’s 100% worth it.
There were a hundreds of questions going through your mind, but you clearly did not know him enough to ask them. Instead, you just smiled.
- Want to give me your opinion on the track ? He offered with a smile while handing you the headphones.
- I know nothing about music but sure, why not, you said, taking place in the chair next to his.
You placed the headphones on your ears and he played the song. You closed your eyes, in order to concentrate on what you were hearing. You were amazed at how fast this man was able to rap. Yet, you could hear and understand every single word. You particularly enjoyed the rhyming schemes. And, as ever with Jamal, the music was on point.
- it’s good, you said. It’s really good.
- Good to hear, he said with a smile.
The others came back to the room and Talia seemed extatic at the sight of you and Marshall talking. She knew how shy you were and every time you talked to someone new, she saw it as some sort of victory.
- So, people, Jamal said. How about y’all come to our place after ?
Everyone cheered and agreed. From what you gathered, it was usual for the group to meet at Jamal and Talia’s after a long day at the studio, so that they could kick back and get their mind off work. Talia held your hand in hers.
- I forgot Jamal wanted to have people over, I’m so sorry she said.
- It’s fine, you reassured her. But I’d rather stay in my room, if you don’t mind.
As everyone was arriving at Talia and Jamal’s, you said your goodbyes decided to hide in your room. Not that everyone hadn’t been super nice, but you highly suspected that there would be alcohol involved, if not weed. While you were climbing up the stairs, Talia grabbed your arm.
- Are you going to be ok ? There won’t be any hard liquor or anything like that, Y/N. Just a few beers, she said.
- I know, but… it’s been a long day. Meetings, people… I’d rather rest, you reassured her.
- Sure, she said as she gave you a peck on the cheek. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.
As soon as you entered your room, you changed into some comfier clothes : a cream-colored, cashmere set. You removed your makeup and put your hair up in a bun. You weren’t going to see people anyway so why bother ? You decided to watch Friends (your favorite show on Earth) and snuggle under a throw that reminded you of the place you shared with Simon.
After a couple of episodes, you heard a unfamiliar knock.
- come in ? You said.
The door opened and you saw Marshall standing there.
- So, are you hiding ? He asked with a smile.
- Kind of, you admitted.
- You have nothing to be scared of, he said. It’s very chill, downstairs.
- There’s still booze, right ?
- Just beer.
- I don’t really trust myself, you admitted.
- You had a drinking problem too ? He asked.
- Nope. Just pills. But now that they’re gone, I swear I’d take anything just to feel remotely… whatever.
- I feel you, Marshall said.
- Do you ?
- Yes, he simply said, showing his AA necklace.
- How do you feel so comfortable in a setting like this then ? You asked, wondering if you would ever get to the same point.
- It’s been 15 years, he explained. It gets easier with time. Plus, I’ve come to value the person I’ve become much more than the person I used to be when I was using. No money in the world could convince me to come back to that.
- It’s hard, you know. Hiding here when I know what’s going on down there, I said.
- Talia already gave Jamal so much shit about it, he said with a laugh.
This made you smile. Deep down, you knew Jamal didn’t mean harm, so you were kind of hoping Talia wasn’t giving him too much of a hard time.
- Thank you, you whispered. I don’t want to deprive you of your own fun, though.
- It’s fine. I don’t think I’m gonna stick around for long. I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a drive. You know, change your mind …?
- Uh… sure, I replied. Give me 5 minutes so that I can get dressed ?
He left the room and you quickly put together an outfit with a pair of dark wash jeans, a black turtleneck, a pair of knee-high boots and a blazer. You put your hair in a sleek ponytail and added some mascara for good measure. You weren’y trying too hard, but I definitely wanted to make an effort. After all, you had just met him - and he was extremely attractive.
- Ready to go, you said as you emerged of my room.
- Some sweats would have been enough, you know, he said joking.
- Oh. I started blushing.
- You look great though.
He didn’t say a word more and you got downstairs.
- Y/N and I are going on a drive, Marshall announced.
- Wait a minute, Talia said before you got the chance to get through the door.
She looked at both of you.
- No messing around. No drinking. No smoking. Nothing illicit or illegal. And you’d better be back home before midnight.
- Yes, Marshall noted with a chuckle.
- Yes Mom, you said jokingly while giving her a peck on the cheek.
As you got ouf of the house, you got to an impressive car. You were never good at recognising the brands or models, but this one was huge and it seemed like it was really expensive. It was also a bit contrast with Marshall, who did not look like the over-the-top stereotypical rapper. In fact, he was wearing normal clothes - jeans and a hoodie, no luxury logo to be seen.
- Where are you taking me ? I asked.
- You’ll see, he said with a voice full of mystery.
Normally, you wouldn’t have agreed to a car ride with someone you barely knew, but you were so eager to leave the house that you did not really care.
You took place in the car and Marshall started driving.
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aoioozora · 7 months
Part 6
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost
Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au
Note: Plot twist resolves, Reader and Simon enjoy the rest of their evening, more sneaky Johnny and Lindsey, Alejandro makes an appearance, and a doorframe lean 👀 enjoy!
Tags: @cmbghost @gluttonybiscuits @paintlavillered @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction
“I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby, snap out of it. Snap out of it,” sang Johnny as soon as Lindsey had finished narrating the tale of her best friend's failed relationship. 
“Exactly, he needs to snap out of it and stop bothering her,” agreed Lindsey, by this time used to her new friend's random bouts of singing. 
They were sitting in the same restaurant as their friends, far enough to be undetected and near enough to spy. Lindsey's eyes moved from Johnny's face towards her friend's table and saw that she gave her phone to Simon. 
“I reckon he's playing the boyfriend again,” Johnny spoke, also following her line of vision, “Ain't that no’ nice of him?” 
Lindsey huffed; she didn't like being proved wrong, but she had to admit it, and nodded slowly. Her eyes still remained on the duo they spied. 
____’s face paled and her gut wrenched and writhed when Simon had uttered the name, 
“Uncle John?” 
Simon looked at her with wide eyes, his jaw clenched tight. While it wasn't a look of malice or disgust but of pure shock and horror, she still winced at it and looked away at her trembling hands resting on her lap.
If she had a shovel, she'd already be digging a hole to bury herself alive. 
He raised his hand up to her and stood, indicating that he would return in a few moments and asking for her to wait. Without waiting for her approval, he hastily stepped out of the restaurant to speak to his uncle further. The watching spies saw the agitation and anger on Simon's flushed face as he strode out. 
Johnny let out a low yet solemn whistle as he turned to Lindsey. “This is no’ gonna be pretty,” he said, taking a slow sip of his drink. 
This only worried Lindsey as she looked at her friend, who was now forlorn in her seat, looking embarrassed and helpless. Lindsey longed to run to her and comfort her, but she sat still, not wanting to blow her and Johnny's cover. She anxiously gnawed at her lip and fiddled with her fingers. 
“Hey, dinnae ye worry,” Johnny offered her a reassuring smile, “That might look like a complete disaster right now but it'll all work out.” 
She raised a brow. “You sure are confident.” 
Johnny smiled as he looked out the glass doors of the restaurant, watching Simon face the road with the phone held up to his ear. He remarked, “Simon's the typa guy who wouldn't let anything get in the way of what he wants tae enjoy. He'll deal with it and call it a day.” 
Simon, outdoors by this time, was slapped by the cold wind and the spray of rainwater that it brought along. He turned sideways so that her phone wouldn't get wet. 
“Uncle, you cannot be serious,” he began with some difficulty. 
“First of all, how do you even know her? I never even told you about her… or anyone,” said John, sounding bewildered by this turn of events. 
Simon told him about it in brief. 
“And she told you about our relationship then?” he asked at the end of the account. 
“Just now,” Simon answered, inhaling sharply to keep his composure, “I can't believe you'd date someone so young. You're lucky she wasn't a minor when you dated her.” 
“I know, I know,” John sighed, “Look, when you're thirty-five and still single, it's hard, alright? I'm forty-something now and I still haven't found someone. At this point, I'm desperate.” He was unusually honest, but only because it was his nephew he was speaking to. 
Simon understood the point his uncle was trying to make and did admit that it was a tragedy, but that didn't stop him from snapping. “Desperate to the point that you'd bother your ex who clearly told you she wants nothing to do with you? And even back then, she was young and you were the adult. You should've known better than to date her! The fact that you told no one about this relationship is enough proof that you knew this whole thing was wrong! And who gives a fuck if you're desperate?” Simon inhaled sharply, his voice now sounding both pained and disappointed, “Don't you have morals, uncle?” 
Simon paused, now breathing heavily from his fiery speech, feeling his face burn. John, stunned by his usually quiet nephew's outburst, was silent on the other side, not having anything to say in argument. 
The young man continued, saying with a tone of stern protectiveness, “And besides, she's off limits now.”  
He could hear his uncle's pause even in the silence. He asked after a moment, quietly, “She really is your girlfriend then?” 
Simon's jaw clenched again. It was a lie, but he had to protect her. “Yes,” he said in a quiet growl, his voice resolute and firm. 
“I see,” he sighed, but it came out as a weary groan. “But it's a bit odd that she made no mention of her having a boyfriend when she refused me.” 
Simon paused at that. “I don't know about that but I think she didn't want to use me to get you off her back.”
“Hmm. It didn't even occur to me to ask her if she was taken.” 
Simon had to fight the urge to let out a sigh of relief. John was normally sharp, but occasionally forgetful, and Simon could thank him for that, or else she could've unintentionally blown his cover. He said, “Well, now you know she's taken.” 
John let out another sigh, a defeated one. “Alright, I won't bother her anymore.” 
Simon's lip twitched at this. He asked, “So you'll back off only when her boyfriend tells you to, but not when she tells you to?” 
John sighed the third time; Simon could almost see his uncle pinching the bridge of his nose like he always did when he was desperate or frustrated. “Simon, my boy, it's my mistake and I won't do it again. Look, you're my favourite nephew and I don't want to be on bad terms with you because of this, alright? I promise not to bother her anymore and we'll end it at that.”
Simon exhaled heavily, feeling his anger abate just slightly. “Fine,” he spat. 
“I hope it's not too much to ask but…” John began, but paused, unsure. 
“Since she doesn't want anything to do with me or talk to me, will you just pass one last message from me to her?”
Simon was about to refuse, but with how pathetic his uncle was sounding, he just couldn't. “What is it?” 
“Tell her that I wish her happiness in her relationship with you and that I'm sorry for troubling her so much.” He paused and then addressed him, “I know that you're more the man than I'll ever be, and you'll keep her happier than I have.”
Simon felt his heart melt at those words. “Right,” he said through his teeth. 
The call soon ended and Simon stood watching the rain for a moment, the phone clenched tightly in his hand. 
He felt a knot in his throat. Did his uncle ruin his chances with his crush? It was too much. He was tempted to blame his uncle, but it was partly unreasonable; how would either of them know about a future like this? And besides, if Simon really ended up dating her, how awkward would it be if he had to bring her to family gatherings and the exes met? 
He sighed heavily and ruffled his hair. “Thinking too far into the future,” he reminded himself. He stayed out a little longer to allow the cold weather to cool his warm face and then turned to enter the restaurant. 
He breathed in and out to compose himself, reminding himself to speak calmly, as he didn't want to worry her. When he finally neared the table she was sitting at, he saw the frown on her face and her furrowed brows as she stared at the pouring rain outside the windows. She immediately started when she noticed him approaching. 
“Simon, what happened?” she asked, her eyes eagerly following his every movement. 
“I spoke to him,” he said, sighing as he sat down, “He won't bother you anymore.” 
He might've sounded calm, but she could see the tenseness in his face. 
“He has a message for you. He's sorry for bothering you and he wishes you happiness in your new relationship.”
She nodded to acknowledge the message, and the two sat in brief silence. 
“This is the third time I had to pretend to be your boyfriend,” he began in a matter-of-fact tone, “My uncle had noticed that you didn't mention me when you refused him, but I managed to cover that up.” He paused, allowing her to let that sink in. “Tell you what, darling,” he shifted in his seat, “Let's make this consistent, alright? I'll pretend to be your boyfriend whenever you need me to. If anyone asks, you say my name. Do you understand?”
She nodded, pursing her lips. Simon had hoped that his logical suggestion would ease her worries somehow, but he saw that she still looked sullen with her downcast eyes and thoughtful look. “Are you very close to him?” she asked carefully, pulling Simon's jacket closer to herself. 
“Yeah,” he answered quietly. 
She felt her heart sink. Would her presence sour the good relationship the two had? His shock was enough for her to know that he was probably deeply pained by this. 
She was now also plagued by the same worry as Simon. Would he even consider a possible relationship with her given her past? She always believed that the past never mattered unless it had a lesson to teach, but in this case, it seemed like a vital decisive factor. 
The lady groaned and put her face in her hands. “This is so embarrassing.” The awkwardness of this whole situation cut so deep that she could feel tears threatening to spill. 
Simon truly felt sorry for her. He reached across the table and gently pried her hands off her face. One look at her glossy eyes gave his chest a painful twinge; he discovered that he hated to see this look on her face, and he'd do anything to wipe it off. 
“Yeah, it is, but try not to dwell on it, alright? If you think that I'm going to let your past relationship with my uncle ruin our friendship, then think again, because I won't,” he said firmly, gently holding her hands away from her face so she wouldn't hide again. 
Her interest in him made her hyper-aware of everything he did. The warmth and gentleness of his hands against hers. The intense, determined look in his eyes as he stared at her. Though her body internally reacted with excitement at this, she was also eased by his consolation. 
When he saw how his words had driven away the shadow of doubt from her face and allowed a gleam of hope to shine in her lovely eyes, he gave her a reassuring smile and let her hands go. “There we go.” 
She smiled involuntarily, although it was an embarrassed one. 
“Chicken tandoori pizza?” The waiter appeared by the table at the right time, holding the freshly baked pizza in a tray. 
The savory, spicy, and buttery smell of the pizza filled the air and the two watched eagerly as the waiter placed it on the table along with two plates, a bottle of ketchup, and little bottles of seasonings. Thanks to the sight and smell of the food, the embarrassed smile on the lady's face turned into one of utter, unbridled joy, as if nothing happened at all. Simon was relieved to see this and he smiled to himself, admiring her unintentional cuteness.
They served themselves the pizza slices and she began to eat daintily and carefully so as to not make a mess, but the deliciousness overcame her and she began scarfing it down ravenously like a dog that hasn't eaten for days, all the while singing its praises. Simon was amused to see how much she enjoyed the food, and his relief settled in firmly. Truly, there was nothing good food couldn't fix. 
After eating, Simon footed the bill despite her protesting, but he proposed a compromise where she could pay the next time they hung out. He was very persuasive, and she had to relent. 
They went to the arcade as planned, since Simon wanted to introduce her to his favourite games. And of course, their two spies followed them there swiftly, as Lindsey was keen on seeing this whole thing through. 
He taught her to play Counter Strike, first on single-player before the two tackled multiplayer together. She lamented about it being very hard, but Simon encouraged her and they played a few more times. 
They then played a racing game with actual steering wheels, and the lady bested Simon completely, which came as a surprise to both. 
“How are you so good at this?!” exclaimed Simon, staring at the ‘YOU LOSE’ slapped on his screen just above his crashed car. 
“I'm good at driving.” She winked at him, or rather attempted to; it came out as a blink. 
He chuckled. “Good at driving me crazy.” He thought to himself, finding it cute that she couldn't wink. “Well, I admit that I'm pretty bad at driving.” 
She laughed at this confession. “Really? Then it's ironic that you're a car mechanic.” 
He shrugged, smiling, “That's exactly the reason why I am one.” 
After playing a few more other games, the lady spotted a photobooth and pulled Simon with her to take some photos together. Simon wasn't much of a photo person, but he didn't need pulling; he was more than willing and happy to do what she wanted to do. 
They took four photos, all of them printed on a single strip of photo paper the size of her hand. Two copies were made for each of them, and she looked at them fondly. 
“This commemorates our first time hanging out,” she said with a grin as they stepped out of the booth. 
“We should visit a photobooth every time we hang out,” he jokingly suggested, only half serious about it. 
But she actually took this into consideration. “That's a good idea. I really like having photos like these to look back on, you know.” 
Simon immediately took mental note of that. 
“The only problem though,” he flapped the strip of photo paper to see what sound it made, “If we hang out a lot then we'll have too many photos.” 
“You're right,” she chuckled, “So, how about for special occasions then?” 
“Sounds good,” he smiled.
As they walked around the arcade looking for something else to play, the claw machine caught the lady's attention. Yet again she excitedly dragged Simon to it, and yet again, he didn't mind at all. 
While she looked through the glass box for her target plushie, Simon leaned his shoulder against the machine slightly, gazing and admiring her side profile and the focus in her darting eyes in the soft yellow lights. He watched as she put in a coin and started directing the claw to the farthest corner of the box, trying to pick up a little skeleton plushie. 
“Ugh,” she grumbled when the claw dropped the plushie so close yet so far away from the depositing hole. “I'm so bad at this,” she said with a frown, “I'm not spending another dime.”
“Here, I'll try,” Simon offered. 
She was about to move away to give him space, but he stood behind her before she did, and placed his hands on the joystick and buttons on the machine in front of her, essentially trapping her in between. 
“You want that skeleton doll, right?” he asked, leaning down slightly so that his mouth was just a little above her ear. 
She nodded, feeling her heart pounding in her burning ears. The closeness of his voice instantly reminded her of the “Good night, love” voice message he sent her only earlier that week. She breathed in and out to compose herself and not appear as though she was heavily affected by him. 
She would've watched how he controlled the claw, but she was far too distracted by his hands. They were huge, but that was to be expected of a tall, burly man who went to the gym six times a week. His nerves and blue-green veins popped out over his pale skin as his thick fingers managed the controls. The very controls were on her mid-waist level, and she couldn't help but consider what it would feel like if his hand accidentally brushed her waist as he pulled it away, or better yet, what it would feel like if he actually held her waist, circled it with his arm, trailed down to her hips and- 
“Yes, got it!” Simon exclaimed, interrupting her reverie. 
She blinked away the distant look in her eyes and heard the soft thump of the soft toy falling down the deposit hole. She watched as he brought out the skeleton plushie she wanted and handed it to her. 
“There you go. Got it on my first try,” he said with a proud, boyish grin. 
She accepted the plushie and grinned. “You're good at this.” 
“Yeah, I've always been weirdly good with claw machines,” he bragged. He moved to the machine again to try his luck, and this time, she moved away to avoid another heart attack. 
Another dime in, and out came a Charizard plushie in no time. He smiled a celebratory grin, and then handed the soft, cuddly Pokémon to her. “That's for you.” 
“For me?” she blinked. 
“As thanks for hanging out with me tonight.” He nudged the soft toy to her, urging her to accept it. 
She accepted it, holding both soft toys close to her chest. “Thanks, Simon.”
He smiled gently, feeling his endearment towards her increase. “No problem, darling.” 
The spies watched from a distance. Johnny was pleased; he never saw Simon smile and laugh so much in the presence of a woman or even in general. He was all smiles as he stealthily took his photos. 
Lindsey, on the other hand, seemed a little sullen as she watched her friend give Simon an adoring look as she cuddled her new gifts. Johnny noticed this and nudged her arm. 
“Wit's the matter, lassie?” he asked. 
“Nothing.” She looked away from the sickeningly sweet sight. 
Johnny looked at the two and then back at Lindsey. “If it really was nothing, ye'd be smiling right now.”
Lindsey shot an annoyed glare at Johnny, who was smirking at her. He playfully rolled his eyes. “Ye lassies sure love the word ‘nothing’ like it does ye any favours. It doesnae hurt to be honest for once, ye ken?” 
Lindsey also rolled her eyes, further annoyed by his playful directness. She decided it would be better to spit it out. “They look… Happy.” 
“Aye, they do,” he smiled, “Are ye jealous?” 
“Because ye want something like that?” 
She hated how he read her like an open book. Or maybe she wore her heart on her sleeve. She didn't know which one. “Yeah,” she admitted quietly. 
Johnny saw his chance. “I can give ye that, if you'll let me.” 
She whipped her head towards him, making her long hair slap against his arm. “Uh, what?” She raised a brow. 
“I know ye heard me,” 
She narrowed her eyes at him and scoffed. “You're confident.” 
“Is my confidence a problem for you, wee lassie?” He asked with a smile. 
She looked away, as if considering it. “No… not at all.”
“Then what's stopping you?” 
“You're a stranger,” she said, knowing it was a weak argument. 
He rolled his eyes. “As if strangers can't be friends… or more.”
She shook her head and handed him her phone, the screen displaying the dialer. “Go on.” 
He grinned triumphantly. “Score.” 
Simon took ____ back to her place and offered to walk her to her door. It was late after all, and he didn't want her to go by herself. 
“Thanks for today,” she said as soon as they had stopped by her door. 
“No problem, darling,” he smiled, “So, here's where you live, huh?” His eyes turned to the door number to see what it was. 
“Yeah, you should come over sometime.” 
“Sure, I will.” 
The chime of the elevator echoed in the quiet corridors and out of the open doors emerged a slightly disheveled man in a suit. When he raised his head, he was met with the sight of his neighbor with Simon. 
“Hey, ____,” he greeted with a smile as he approached the two. He motioned with his eyes to Simon. “Your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah, my boyfriend,” she said, remembering their agreement, “Simon.” 
The gentleness on Simon's face was replaced with annoyance at the entrance of her neighbor. He was just a little shorter than Simon, black-haired and brown eyed, and just as muscular as the other. He held out his hand, a cordial and friendly smile on his face as he introduced himself, “Alejandro. Nice to meet you.” 
Simon took his hand and shook it firmly, nearly squeezing it as he narrowed his eyes slightly. “Pleasure,” he lied. 
Alejandro noted Simon's intensity, but only smiled wider. As soon as their hands let go, he gave Simon a pat on the shoulder. “Alright then, you two have fun. Good night.”
“Good night, Alejandro,” the lady returned, blushing a little bit at his last line. 
He walked past them to his apartment two doors away and disappeared behind it. The two looked back at each other. 
“Your neighbour,” he began. 
“My neighbour.” 
“Are you two close?” He glanced at Alejandro's door. 
She shrugged, leaning against her door to support her tired legs. “We're acquaintances at most.” 
“I see.” He raised his arm and leaned against the doorframe, allowing his shadow to fall over her, and for his honey eyes to darken. “If he acts weird with you, you know who to call,” he said in a whisper. 
Simon was naturally tall, but the gesture along with the shadow, his broad chest and shoulders made him appear larger and more dominant. Her stomach took no time to turn into a circus, her legs overcooked noodles, and her face a furnace. If she had any feminism at all in her, she could feel it evaporate. 
“He's fine, I don't think he'll do anything weird,” she finally answered, looking away shyly. 
“Hmm…” he paused, “But still, just in case.” 
There was a brief silence between them, and Simon stood up straight. 
“Also, don't worry about your ex. He won't be calling you anymore. I made sure of that.” 
She sighed, “I'm in your debt.” 
He chuckled, and ruffled her hair. “You don't have to be. I'm just looking out for a friend.”
“That means a lot.”
He shifted awkwardly on his feet, feeling a little fuzzy about what she said. “Now you better get back in and go to bed,” he quickly said. 
“Don't forget your jacket.” She took off his leather jacket, sad that she had to part with its warmth already. 
He took it and jokingly inspected it for any damage. “You've taken good care of it,” he said with a cheeky smirk. 
“Come on,” she rolled her eyes, laughing, “I know how to take care of other people's things.” 
“Good, because if you do,” he slung the jacket over one of his shoulders, “I'll feel like lending you my jacket more often.” 
“That's a win for me,” she now unlocked her door and attempted a wink again, but failed, making him chuckle. 
“Wait, before you go,” he paused and shoved his hand in his pocket, “Do you want a kiss?” 
She had to do a double take. “A what?” 
He pulled out a Hershey's Kiss from his pocket. “A Kiss?” 
She stared at the sweet treat in his hand and then burst out laughing. “Oh yes, sure. Thank you.” she said as she took the Kiss, her face burning with embarrassment for having misunderstood him. 
He smiled, also feeling his cheeks turn pink, thinking of the future possibility of giving her an actual kiss. “Right then,” he finally said, now stepping back, “I'll be off now.” 
“Alright, take care on your way back,” she waved at him, “Text me when you reach.” 
He chuckled at the role reversal. “Sure. Good night, my love.”
Her heart fluttered and a warm but shy smile pulled her lips. “Good night, Simon.” 
She closed the door and he walked away, both feeling more drawn to each other than ever, and relieved that her past relationship was not going to hinder what they already had and what they secretly wanted to have. 
As she entered her bedroom, she first took out the strip of photos from her bag and stared at it. While she was grinning and being goofy, Simon was more tame with his poses and smiles. When she had pinned it to the board over her desk with a magnet, she brought out the Kiss he gave her, unwrapped it, and popped it in her mouth, allowing it to melt on her tongue. It was a sweet way to end the enjoyable evening. An actual kiss would have been amazing, but this sufficed for now. 
She then took out the plushies she received and placed the Charizard on her bed, while the skeleton remained in her hand. She was glad that he didn't ask her why she wanted this particular one, because she wouldn't be able to admit that it reminded her of him. 
“My love, my love, my love.” His endearment echoed in her thoughts repeatedly, causing her another flutter. If his sweet words were a breeze, then she was a tree, ever fluttering and rustling gently, swaying hopelessly in love. 
“Don't take it too seriously,” she ended up reminding herself; he could have meant it cordially. It was only safe to assume that. 
She fell back on the bed, feeling the high she felt now settle down. Holding the skeleton plush high over her head, she stared at it, half wishing it was Simon who was hovering over her. She decided to name the soft toy,
End of Part 6.
Part 7
Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Also, leave a comment if you'd like to be tagged for future updates.
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queenhunter102 · 9 months
Part 7 (PART 6) (Part 8) Lore Page
You walk into the hall noting that everyone has vanished, ‘Guess they don’t get much free time’ you think as you head in a random direction, you have somehow managed to make it to the canteen, and you take a seat at an empty table unsure if anyone would welcome you openly.
As you got comfortable, your eyes lazily going over the crowd, your eyes meet the Alpha you had gotten into a fight with you sigh as you force your eyes to move not wanting him to take you as a threat, nor did you want him to believe that you wanted to go round two on kicking his ass.
“You know, for someone who came from NBOC you sure have shit instincts,” a voice says, making you jump, your head snapping to the end of the table where Simon sat, you roll your shoulders, trying to shift the tension in your shoulders.
“Not shit, just there are bigger threats than you,” you say, as your eyes flick to that pissy Alpha, you freeze when his eyes meet yours, and you shift them away, turning your head to Simon.
“That’s fair, you know that the Alpha you beat down, is walking over,” he says, as he casually pulls out his phone, you give him a panicked look before you forcibly relax your shoulders and turn to him smiling at him.
“You are hiding behind your Commanding Officers, little breeder,” the Alpha says, the fake smile on your face drops, as you disengage from the Alpha, refusing to acknowledge the slur.
“Can the little breeder, not take confrontation?” he says, your shoulders tense a little as you rub a spot on the table, you were used to this, you were used to Alpha’s seeing you as shit they scrapped off their shoe.
The Alpha laughed, turning his head to the table he had come from, “Guys come look at the little Beta-wanna-be” he said, goading you.
You crack your neck, refusing to let him win, you refuse to let get a rise out of you, you did not want to add to your disciplinarian.
You shivered when you heard a low growl come from behind you, “Really? Jenson, You’ve already been to Med-Bay once, do you want to make it Twice” a voice you recognised as Gaz came from the end of the table, you looked up at him smiling at him. “Oh, come on Gaz, they’re an Omega, their breeding holes nothing more” The Alpha you can now identify as Jenson, a shadow grow over Jenson, “Watch how you talk to our new member, you’ve been warned once, by them and twice by Gaz, do you want to make it a third” Simon said, Jenson glared at you his eyes practically laser-like, as he shakes his head “No sir”, you turn your head pretending to rub your nose, hiding your smile.
Jenson, growled as he walked away humiliated for a second time today.
“Man, we cannot leave you alone” Gaz said, as he settled down beside you a tray of food, in front of him, he offered you a fruit stick.
“You want one? I know Omegas have cravings for things all the time” you nod your head as you take the offered fruit stick.
“Yeah, I tend to crave Ice-lollies more than anything, specifically Fabs” Gaz nods his head.
“I’ll let provisions know,” Simon said, as he walked away from the table, “Is just me or is he suspicious” you say as you take a bite out the fruit stick, Gaz snorted beside you trying not to choke on the fruit, “Shit don’t say that around Johnny”
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bluejay757 · 1 year
Everyone keeps saying Simon and Betty are toxic, and I gotta disagree, yes they were both willing to go to great lengths to save one another but you can really take that at face value of "Oh well they went crazy for each other blah blah blah" cause if you pay closer attention you see that Betty was pretty chill in her attempt at curing Simon. Up until she got magic man's powers and went crazy, and you can't really judge her based on any of her actions after that the same way you can't judge Simon based off of Ice King's actions. (Let me say that again since you folks didn't listen the first time, you CANNOT judge Betty for anything she did while she was magic Betty, she was in an altered state of mind and made bad decisions from the influence of magic.) And Simon, now trying to save Betty, makes sense when you remember that she is literally ALIVE AND SUFFERING FOR ETERNITY, is he just supposed to accept that she's gonna live like that forever and never know peace again??? Could you accept that? And yeah he's crazy fucking depressed but his depression is a culmination of things its not solely because of Betty being gone that's made him this way. I whole heartedly believe that had she died fighting Golb he would have grieved over her and moved on, its the fact that she will never die and is gonna be apart of Golb for ever that's driving him mad. Him wanting to save her from a tortuous situation is only rational.
Edit: If people don't stop telling me about how Betty said "there isn't any me left anymore" in temple of Mars I'm gonna loose it, she was under the influence of magic, I'm referring to Simon and Betty's relationship where both of them are completely "sober" from any and all magic, so not Ice King and not Magic Betty
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shmaptainwrites · 2 months
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PAIRINGS — Violet Bridgerton x fem!Reader [Modern!AU]
SUMMARY — More news comes to light about Landon, putting Violet and Reader on damage control.
WARNINGS — some descriptions of panic and anxiety
NOTE — And here's chapter 2! From here on out posts will be weekly, most likely on Fridays, but I hope you enjoy this start to the story and I can't wait to share chapter 3 with all of you!
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A few weeks had now passed since Violet had hired you, and she couldn’t have prayed for a better fit. Even though they were behind on some of the budgeting for the gala, things were running so smoothly Violet was confident that they would catch up. 
“You look like you’re in a good mood.” 
Violet looked up from her tea at her friend who she was visiting, a smile creeping up on her lips. 
“And what if I am?” she asked. 
“I would ask why because you have been so stressed you’ve been giving me grey hair, and now, miraculously, something has changed.” 
Violet chuckled at Agatha’s dramatic flair and placed her tea down in a saucer before speaking. 
“You remember this whole thing with Landon,” she said. “Dealing with the aftermath of it was terrible, but I recently hired someone to fill his position, and she feels like a very good fit. I’m enjoying working with her.” 
“A good fit,” Agatha smiled. She had a feeling there was something else her friend wasn’t sharing, but she knew it would come with time, not wanting to press too hard quite yet. “I suppose that means the gala is raring to go?” 
“Yes, and I would be so grateful if you could attend,” Violet said with a soft look in her eyes. “I’m trying to make sure all the family is back in time for it, but you know my children.” 
“Like herding cats,” Agatha said with a chuckle, and Violet nodded with slight exasperation. “Speaking of, how is everyone?” 
“Alive,” Violet chuckled. “Anthony is still in India, he won’t be back until the gala I believe; Benedict is Lord knows where; Colin and Penelope are on assignment in Indonesia last I heard. You probably already know that Daphne and Simon are settling in with baby number three.” 
Agatha nodded. 
“Eloise is at school taking summer courses because she cannot be without some sort of mental stimulation for too long; Francesca has just started her position at the philharmonic; and Gregory and Hyacinth are at home getting on each other’s nerves as usual.”
“So I gather the house still isn’t quiet?” 
“Not in the least,” Violet shook her head. “Hyacinth is so excited I’ve agreed to let her go to this concert with Benedict. I believe I’ve heard all of the album so many times I could do the concert myself.” 
“But watching one’s mother sing is not nearly as entertaining is it?” Agatha teased and Violet laughed. 
“No, surely not.” 
Once the laughter settled down, Agatha looked at Violet, a curious glimmer in her eyes. 
“Are you sure there isn’t something else you wish to speak with me about?” she asked. “Perhaps something different from the usual?” 
Violet frowned a little, unsure as to what her friend was referring to.
“No, I don’t think there is,” she shook her head. “Why do you ask?” 
“No particular reason,” Agatha shrugged. “But you do know you can tell me anything.” 
“Of course I do,” Violet nodded her head, her lips pressed into a small, thin smile. “You are my closest friend, if there was something to tell, I would tell it to you.” 
“Good,” Agatha nodded, content with that response. 
Violet sipped her tea and thought back to Agatha’s question. Was she reading into something that wasn’t there or did she sense something Violet didn’t? The only really different thing in her life at the moment was you and, in her mind, that was normal. You were an employee who was working well, but then again so was Marianne when Violet had hired her, and she hadn’t necessarily sung her praises in front of Agatha. 
She was about to open her mouth and ask her friend further questions about what she meant, but she was interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. 
Seeing your name flash across the screen, she excused herself for a moment, answering the phone and stepping outside of the room to take the call. 
“Violet, hi,” she heard your voice on the other end, you sounded a little nervous. 
“Is something going on?” she asked. 
“Nothing major,” you assured her. “Just I-I noticed some discrepancies in the accounts…Okay that’s pretty major, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so sorry to cut your tea with your friend short, but I think we have to talk about this.” 
Violet pressed her lips together and nodded her head. 
“Are you at the house?” she asked. 
“No, I’m at my apartment in the city. I can be there in forty minutes.” 
“No need, I’m closer to you, text me your address, I’ll come over,” she said. 
“Alright, call me when you get close, I’ll come down and get you from a side entrance.” 
Violet felt a small flutter in her chest at the reminder that she may be exposing herself to wandering eyes, but your voice quickly reassured her that there were ways to be discreet. 
“I’ll see you soon,” Violet said. “Maybe call the lawyers while you’re waiting for me, I’ll call Anthony on the way.” 
You agreed and exchanged quick goodbyes before Violet entered the room, an apologetic look on her face. 
“Dinner to make up for this?” she asked. 
“Your place, you cook,” Agatha nodded and Violet chuckled. 
“Deal,” she came into the room and gave her friend a tight hug before grabbing her bag and jacket, letting herself out. 
She got into her car and began the drive to the address you had sent, calling Anthony once the GPS was set up. 
“Hey Mum,” the voice of her daughter-in-law rang through the car and Violet smiled. 
“Kate, my darling, it is so good to hear your voice,” she sighed. 
“It's good to hear yours, too,” she could practically hear Kate smile over the phone. “Let me guess, more issues with work?” 
“Unfortunately, yes,” Violet nodded. “It may be good for you to hear this as well, but can you get Anthony?” 
“Of course,” Kate assured her and went to go get her husband, informing her when they were both on the phone together. 
“Mum, what’s going on?” Anthony asked. 
“Our new manager’s just found some discrepancies in the accounts. I thought you said the lawyers didn’t find anything?”
“They didn’t,” Anthony swore quietly. “What was it?” 
“I’m not sure yet, but I would not be surprised if it has anything to do with Landon. I’m heading to her home right now to go over things with her, and she’s calling the lawyers,” Violet explained. “Just, could you maybe go on damage control with your siblings and make sure no one is spending exorbitant amounts of money on anything, not that they would, just try to keep things within limits.” 
“Okay, Kate and I can handle that,” Anthony nodded. 
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come home?” Kate asked. “My family would understand, we can come back another time.”
“Oh no, my dear,” Violet shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t want you to do that. This time is special, Eddie isn’t always going to be this young. Your family should get a chance to enjoy him like this, too.” 
“Alright,” she sighed. “But don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. I feel like we left you alone at such an inconvenient time.” 
“It’s no matter, we have a manager now who I really think we can trust. I’m sure she’ll be able to help me figure whatever this is out.” 
“We love you, Mum,” Anthony said. “Check in soon.” 
“Will do. Kisses.” 
Both Anthony and Kate made a small kiss sound over the phone before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up just before Violet pulled into the area where your apartment was.
It took her a moment to find parking, but she called you while she did and you came down to greet her by the side door, ushering her inside. 
“You found the place okay?” you asked, and Violet nodded her head. 
You could see the stress clearly in her expression, especially as she fiddled with the rings on her finger or played with the ends of her hair while you were waiting in the elevator. 
Once you finally got inside your apartment you quietly excused the mess. 
“I moved in just before I started working for you, I haven’t had the chance to get everything out of boxes yet,” you explained, bringing her over to your office that was more or less set up. “Okay, this is what I found.” 
You showed Violet the papers splayed out and began to explain them. 
“Basically, it’s a money trail,” you said. “At first glance it actually looks quite normal, which is probably why the others missed it, but I didn’t recognize this name,” you pointed to the document, “and decided to do some additional digging. I found out it actually goes all the way to this shell company working out of Seychelles. Unfortunately, I can’t touch it and it looks like there’s a couple hundred million in there.” 
Violet could feel herself growing nauseous. Ironically, she wasn’t worried about the money, but more so what kind of attention this would bring to the family. The kind of attention she was trying so desperately to avoid. 
“V-Violet, are you alright? You look a little pale,” you said softly, gently reaching to place a hand on her back. “Do you want to sit down?” 
She nodded her head, and you helped her into one of the nearby seats, watching as her eyes scanned the papers. 
“We have to call the police, don't we?” she said finally and you nodded your head. “This is my fault,” she whispered and you frowned, kneeling down in front of her. 
“How on earth is this your fault?” you asked. 
“I hired Landon,” she explained. “He worked for us for years, and I didn’t notice a single thing.”
“Violet,” you placed a hand on her knee, and her eyes moved to where you touched her. The contact was not unfamiliar, but she felt herself wanting to lean into it. “These weren’t your actions,” you said quietly. “They’re Landon’s, and it’s not like he made his intentions clear to you. He lied and was manipulative.” 
Violet chewed on the inside of her cheek, holding her forehead in her hands before running her hand through her hair and leaning back into the chair. 
“The money will find its way back-” 
“It’s not about the money,” Violet shook her head. “We have more than enough of that, and even if we didn’t…it wouldn’t be the end of the world.” 
You stayed silent, waiting to see if she would say more, but your mind found itself drifting back to the comment she had made during your interview. 
“It’s the press, isn’t it?” you asked, and she nodded her head. 
You chewed on your lip, trying to think of something, anything that might relieve her worry, but you were afraid nothing would do the trick. 
“You must think it's silly,” Violet said, leaning back in her chair, her body language becoming more closed off as the topic progressed. “That someone who has lived her whole life in the spotlight should probably be used to the press by now.” 
“I never said I think it’s silly,” you spoke softly, still kneeling by her side. “I can't imagine having my whole life available to the public, whether it is the truth or lies fabricated to get more viewership. That is not a life I think anyone sane would long for.” 
Violet pressed her lips together and sighed. 
“Then let’s try and keep this low profile for as long as we can. It will inevitably get out, but maybe by that time, things will have cooled off.” 
You nodded your head, patting her knee and standing up. 
“Of course, then we can focus on lighter things like this gala.” You smiled. “I just got word that they secured the venue you wanted, so that’s good news.” 
Violet couldn’t help but smile at that. It was good news. She’d always had good luck when she’d hosted at this venue, managing to raise more and more money each time, and she would always make sure her own family’s donations would match. 
Edmund had always said that money was a tool, and when it was used properly, it had the opportunity to do good in the world. 
Now that most of her children were able to support themselves, she worried less and less about giving more of the money away. Yes, they had lived a fairly privileged life, but she and Edmund tried to make sure they didn’t focus their spending on luxuries. 
Aside from their home, which had been in the family for eons, they kept things simple. A few people to help around the house due to its large size, security when it was necessary, but that was the extent of it. 
Violet watched as you picked up the phone to call the lead officer on Landon’s case. Eventually they had given their number to Violet in case anything suspicious came up, but she thought they were in the clear and would never have to use it. 
When you were finished talking, telling the officer you would meet him at the Bridgerton’s residence, you grabbed your keys and your purse, but Violet stopped you. 
“We can go together, I’ll bring you back afterwards,” she said. 
“Are you sure? I know today has been hectic already. I don't want to add anything on your plate.” 
“Driving is the only time I get any peace, you’d be doing me a favour,” she assured. “Plus, I just got Gregory to clean the car so it’s spotless,” she teased. 
You chuckled at what she said, still packing your keys in your purse. 
“Okay, let’s go then,” you grabbed the papers and files from your desk that were relevant and headed to Violet’s car. She took a quick look around, before giving you a nod to get inside, and she followed soon after, starting the car. Hearing the quiet hum of the hybrid engine come into the space, she pulled out of her parking spot and began the drive back to her home. 
You wouldn’t lie, you weren’t particularly expecting Violet to drive herself around, but clearly she had proven time and time again her family did not do things the typical way. 
“So you enjoy driving?” you tried to make friendly conversation. 
“I do,” she nodded. “And I find I do so much of it, I may as well get a car that’s decent for the environment.”
“Really, you drive a lot?” you asked. 
“Well, more when all of my kids were still living at home. We used to joke and say I was the family chauffeur, but I loved driving with the kids, it let me spend more time with them when everything around us felt unmanageable.”
“Are you still chauffeuring Hyacinth and Gregory?” 
“Not as much as I used to. Hyacinth definitely, but Gregory gets himself around, much to my dismay,” she chuckled lightly. “But before I know it, Hyacinth will be off to school, and I’ll be alone with a lot of time on my hands.” 
“Maybe I can engage your services, then,” you teased and Violet smiled. 
“Tit for tat, I like that,” she turned off of the highway and went to one of the less crowded offroads that led to the house. “What about yourself, do you have any simple pleasures?” 
“You know, that is a good question,” you sighed and sank back into your seat. “I love art. Even just looking at it, I suppose.”
“And how do you satisfy that need?” Violet inquired further. 
“Museums, mostly. I’ll just go and sit there for hours looking at a particular painting. Well, I used to, I don’t have enough time to do much of that anymore,” you admitted. 
“You’ll enjoy the venue for the gala then,” Violet said. “It’s filled with art, I find it gets people in the right mood to give generously.” 
“You do a lot of that, don’t you?” you asked, turning your head over to her, watching as her eyes were focused on the road ahead, sunglasses tangled in her hair, the ghost of a smile on her lips. 
“Give generously?” she asked. “Yes, I’m afraid there may have been something I failed to mention when I hired you.” 
“Which is?”
“I don’t think this is going to be a permanent position,” she said quietly. 
“And why is that?” you asked curiously. 
“Once Hyacinth is in school, Anthony and I have made plans to…essentially give away most of the money.” 
“As your financial manager, I feel compelled to advise you against that,” you said, “but as a human being. I admire your detachment.” 
“Oh, I assure you there are selfish motives as well,” she said. “Each of the children will be left with a sizable trust, I will have enough to let me have a comfortable retirement, but Anthony and I thought it was time we got rid of the thing that keeps all the cameras constantly on our family.” 
“Do all your children know about this plan?” you asked. 
“More or less,” she nodded. “They’re all capable individuals. They will live happy and comfortable lives, and I know for a fact they won't struggle and neither will any of their children, or their children after that. They just might have a chance at some semblance of normality.” 
You nodded your head, understanding. 
“I’ll obviously need your help with that transition once it happens, but after that I’m afraid I won’t have much of a need for your expertise. Unless you also do taxes, then perhaps I can keep you around,” she looked over at you briefly. 
“I don’t tend to do taxes,” you said. “But I think I’d make an exception for you, Violet.” 
Violet bit her lip and smiled. She had certainly hoped you might say that.
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@paola-carter @madde11 @thesamesweetie @cherrysxuya @philocalistwrites @mako-mermaids2021 @oh-mydarling @courtneyteal @amethyst-bitch @etherynn @lilisdarling
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 7
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warnings- swearing, slow burn, flirting, dirty talk, praise, romance,
words- 4.7k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well. Also you guys are fucking amazing thank you for all the likes on not only All my attention but the hc and request story like it means so much ♡
(hey guys I'm finally back! I'm so so sorry this has taken so fucking long but I've been beyond busy these past few days and I've had no time to even go on my computer but anyways enjoy this- part 8 is about to be crazy thats all ima say, love you all)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I sat in the back of Gustav's dads car with a knocked out Georg and Tom who's eyes didn't leave me for the whole trip, everyone was in small slurring conversation chuckling and yawning struggling to keep themselves awake as it was 3:47am
I turned my body, Georg falling off my shoulder to lean on my back which I had to try not laugh at while facing Tom who had a small grin on his face "what?" I asked in a whisper
"nothing nothing" my eyebrows furrowed eyes scanning him, his fingers toyed with the ring on his other hand
"you sure?" he nodded before turning away to look out the window, leg bouncing "okay" I turned myself back, Georg again falling back onto my shoulder mumbling something "sorry" I whispered patting his arm which rested next to mine, I watched Tom still bounce his leg so with my free hand I placed it on his knee, he didn't look back but a breath fell from his body.
I felt us pull onto the drive and stretched my legs out as much as I could seeing the boy to my left fully wake up and get out the car giving his hand to drag me out to like he hadn't been snoring in my ear the entire ride, Tom grabbed my bag as I saw him swig it over his shoulder making Bill, Simone, Gustav and Bella laugh a lot more than it should leaving David to try shut them all up and get them into the house, I shoved Georg to the group watching him trip on thin air cursing until he hit the bonnet of the car bumping into Gustav
"Tom sweetie go take Y/n back so her mother wont pester me about it later" I laughed seeing the women wave her son to follow me home
"alright" he spoke going back out the house and pulled me with him "come on" his voice wasn't jokey like usual- he sounded pissed off but I decided it was best to shrug it off, he helped me cross the wall and up the steps to the front door
"thanks for today it was actually really fun" I gave a smile having my bag off him "did you hear what I said?" I asked seeing him only nod again "whats wrong? why are you acting like this?" I spoke in a angered whisper "you were fine with me- well more then fine with me until we got into the car then you acted like you didn't want to know me"
"its nothing I-i'm just tired Y/n I promise" his voice was softer but I couldn't believe him
"why was your leg shaking and why did you play with your ring then because you can't have been fine then hm?" he breathed out looking worried
"you saw the ring thing?"
"of course I did because I was worried about you" his eyes flicked to mine, I didn't drop his gaze feeling him get closer "you didn't speak much and then- then" I was hushed by his lips pressing against mine, his strong arms holding my back in a hug, I let my self melt back into him, my hands going across his hips kissing him back tenderly.
"there isn't another girl like you in the world Y/n" Tom pulled back placing his head on mine "not as caring, loving, sweet, cute, beautiful"
"are you proposing again?" I spoke with a tired laugh, he pressed a peck to the corner of my lips
"not yet sweetheart, goodnight" he let go cupping my jaw before walking to his house leaving me stunned 'not yet'?
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"Y/n- sunshine wake up!" I opened my eyes expecting to see my mom stood over me
"morning mo-BILL WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed seeing the boy pull away laughing, I curled my blanket around my shoulders falling back into my nest of pillows seeing the boy give me a look making me move over so he could sit with me. He jumped onto the bed beside me crossing his legs and leaning back onto the wall "what do you want at- 11:24 in the morning then, you're literally never awake at this time" I asked looking back at him from my alarm clock
"I think it's me who should be asking the questions Y/n-" a smile I'd never seen before spread across his face "so... last night" I tried to think back, I remember the meal, going to the night club, dancing, drinking a lot and- fuck
"err, yeah last night what about it?" I spoke trying to hide the nervous laugh from escaping my mouth
"oh come on you're not that stupid- I saw it y/n/n" I wanted the world to swallow me up whole- what did he see? god which part did he see?! "so wanna explain your little kiss with my brother on the door step last night?" I slid further into my bed pulling the sheets over my head whispering a 'no thanks' but Bill didn't take that as an answer ripping the sheets from above me "Hey! I wanna know your little secret with him!"
"its nothing- just like our usual flirting we do and have done since we were like 13!" Bill raised an eyebrow "okay fine maybe there's some little feelings-"
"I KNEW IT!" the boy danced grabbing my hands dragging me from the warmth of my blanket "YOU TWO LOVE EACH OTHER!" I rolled my eyes pulling my hands from the singer
"woah we don't 'love' each other- its just mutual appreciation!" I went to my door pulling a hoodie off the peg and slipping it on to try distract from the fact Bill knew of mine and Tom's little- thing
"well last night I can tell you he didn't describe it as 'mutual appreciation'" I felt my stomach drop- what the fuck had that man said! I looked to his twin who was holding his chest laughing it all up pointing to my face
"oh god what was he saying? was it only to you or did the others hear- oh my god I want to die!" I hid my face again, the red feeling like it was going to make my head pop, Bill pulled my desk chair out setting his legs onto the table in front
"no don't worry only to me- we were having a smoke while everyone was up stairs and he said- from what I remember 'Y/n's awesome right?' I agreed of course and then he went 'she notices everything and genuinely cares you know' and I was nodding along not really caring what he said because I knew he'd drank and shit but then- oh but then he said 'I just fucking love her, like actually love her' and when I say I dropped my fucking jaw-" I felt like I was going to pass out, did he say this all? he was drunk surely he didn't mean it? but what if he did? all the questions spun around my head mixing with the tiredness and hang-over form last night
"I don't know what to say-" my eyes met with Bill who still had that shit eating grin along his lips "fucks sake what now?" I asked seeing him dismiss me "no what is it?"
"he's down stairs" if I didn't feel like jumping from my window and running into the city never to return I did now, I didn't realise how embarrassed I'd be- but nobody was meant to know. Bill stood giving me a 'reassuring' pat on my shoulder and walked out my room down the stairs leaving me to now face Tom on my own.
ten minuets after I managed to pull myself down the stairs seeing my little sister sat with Tom holding her mini guitar she had from Gordon for her birthday (okay Stella playing guitar with Tom was requested and its the cutes mf thing) her small fingers eagerly playing all the strings while he tried to show her how to actually do it while containing his laughs "no-no Stella look watch me, like that boop boop boop" he sang in tune with the strings as he pulled them
"boop boop boop! Boop boo- Baba!" I smiled to the young girl who was no longer interested in the guitar running to me with a gummy grin "Baba you wake!"
"Hi Stell! I'm awake yeah!" I picked her up onto the side of my hip squeezing her tightly, she pointed to Tom who pointed back at her "who's that?" I asked seeing her little eyes work
"Tom!" I spun her around as she clapped to herself for remembering "and momma a-and daddy and Seesee" she did little grabby hands to Simone otherwise known as Seesee by Stella, I placed her to the floor so she could go sit with her, Bill and my parents. Tom had placed the neon pink guitar back and sat leaning into the cushions of the sofa
"she's gonna be a guitarist when she's older and I better get credit" he spoke eyes shut as I sat next to him flicking on the Tv
"no she'll be a singer like me" he laughed shoving me slightly but quickly grabbing my arm so I didn't fall off the end of the sofa...unlike the bed situation "have a voice better than Madonna and P!nk"
"probably I mean she's your sister after all" I looked over to him and caught his eyes already on me "what were you and Bill doing for so long up stairs anyways? he said he was gonna go wake you up then didn't come back down for like half an hour" fuck- the whole conversation came flooding back to my head, I couldn't keep this from him, he deserves to know as much as me... God why is life so annoying like that?
"smoke?" I asked getting up closely followed by him, we went to the front of the house as Stella was now playing mommies and daddies on the deck with Simone, we sat on the steps and he pulled his cigs from his sweatpant pocket "thanks- okay well... you need to not be angry alright" his head shot to mine with a weird look "say swear"
"swear" his voice was unsure sounding but he'd said it now
"right- so do you remember last night? besides the meal and club?" he took a long drag from the end of the cigarette
"yeah if you mean the me and you parts- clearly remember them" a smile replaced his straight face as he thought back to the night
"Bill knows" I spat out seeing his face immediately drop again, head snapping to me "he saw us- on here- last night" I breathed head dropping not being able to confront Tom's looks "and you also told him that you erm- that you love me... I mean you were drunk so it was probably just that mixed with us kissing and stuff" he was still silent, I could only hear his slight puffs as he had his cig
"Only Bill knows right?" I nodded bringing my head back up "Y/n don't worry he wont say anything- I promise you and well what I said I... I didn't not mean it" I finally let my gaze fall back to him. His hand moved from his knee to my thigh calming me instantly "I wish you didn't hear it from him but- I do love you" I was completely taken aback when Tom said it. I didn't expect to hear those three little words from him ever in the way he said them. I felt my heart racing and my palms started to sweat as I tried to process what he had just said again, I thought Bill was just overdramatising things but- no. it was both thrilling and terrifying. I looked into his eyes, and saw the sincerity there. I knew that he truly meant what he said
After a few moments of silence, I finally found my voice and confidence to even speak "I... I love you too" The smile that spread across Tom's face was one of pure joy, my heart soared. I felt adrenaline run through my body mixing with the blood flowing through my body as his hand moved to my face pulling me in gently, pressing his lips to mine for the first time since we really said 'love you' It was a different kiss to the others we'd shared, softer, loving, tender- I knew it wasn't going to lead to anything it was just a kiss to really set in stone our feelings- feelings we knew were more than we ever imagined having
"I've been waiting to say that to you for months- like properly say it to you not just in a friendly way" my head leaned onto his shoulder taking in his warmth as the afternoon breeze blew over my exposed legs, I stepped out my cigaret waiting for Tom to finish his looking up past his jawline that was so effortlessly sharp, skin so soft not a spot or blemish, his lips so perfectly fitted to his face, those eyes that when the sun hit them they went a golden brown "enjoying the view?" his voice rung looking down at me
"your pretty" I say back seeing a hot blush wipe over his cheeks "aww" I pecked his cheek standing up to go back into the house but a grasp on my leg stopped me, looking down I saw the wheels in his head turning
"wanna go on a date tonight?"
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I looked in the mirror one last time, checking the outfit- pulling my skirt down my thighs more and fixing my necklace- then my hair, I tried something different, a spiky bun which took so much time but finally I was done, I grabbed my phone and keys, money and sprayed myself with perfume. I looked to my clock "7:00 okay I have five minuets" I spoke to myself going down the stairs seeing my mom sat with my dad watching a movie "how do I look?" I spoke walking to them and they both smiled
"Beautiful sunshine! absolutely beautiful" she clapped her hand "did you take any photo's of yourself?" she asked getting ready to grab her camera
"of course she has Angelica its Y/n- you look lovely sweet" my dad laugh letting my mom getting comfy again into his chest "remind me what your doing again"
"Oh meeting with some old friends from school for a dinner thing-" I lied, I knew if I said 'oh going on a date with Tom' they'd be asking question after question
"so why is Tom driving you?"
"he's seeing some his mates not far so said he can drop me off " dad hummed and I herd a knock at the door "love you!" I called hearing a faint 'ditto' from the two as I walked out the house "hey!"
"wow-" Tom sounded, I smiled looking to him, red shirt with skulls, matching cap and blue bandana jeans "I feel underdressed by you now"
"come on- you look hot" a laugh escaped his lips as we went to his car, he opened the door for me giving his hand so I could get in "thank you" I grinned
"no problem babe" he climbed in to his side starting the engine making the car shudder awake, we started the drive, his hands between having to move the gear stick held my thigh, pressing the pads of his fingers when he was getting pissed of the the other drivers "your hair looks nice by the way" my heart melted, my eyes falling over to him
"I tried something different- I'm glad you like it" he nodded rubbing my leg before taking his hand away "where are we going by the way?"
"somewhere special- were like 2 seconds away- oh here" we pulled into a small car park which looked quiet empty which was refreshing, especially since the last time we went out- the car was full of flashes of light pulling us from the road, voices screaming and shouting our names as we tried to get the doors open but paparazzi knew we were coming and they wouldn't hold back on two teens. our names were bouncing around the mouths of people and people who wanted clear photos shoving forward making people knock into us. to even get to Tom I had to jump the hood of Tom's car to him, grabbing his arm as he pushed through the sea of lights shouting for them to move while we tripped over peoples feet, microphone cords and what not.
but this time it was silent besides the purrs of the cars that passed, I went to open my door but the dreadhead reached over slamming my door "stop being stupid" I breathed a laugh waiting for him to jog and open my door "m'lady"
"oh why thank you sir" he pressed a kiss to my cheek, not letting go of my hand, we walked into the restaurant named the 'star night lounge' and i nearly screamed "This-this is the one I was talking about like 6 months ago!" the boy nodded chuckling at my face
"I remember these things- come on we need to go in" hurriedly we walked in, the smell was the smell of romance, dark and rose, dimly lit tables placed around, candles hanging from rods on the wall "its better than the pictures" I nodded taking everything in
"welcome to star night lounge- how many?" a women asked with a smile looking to Tom to which he answered 2 "okay, if you'd like to follow me" she grabbed menus and turned away from us walking down a small entry way and turning to the left, we followed her and walked into the one room I remember falling In love with when I first saw it on the website "is this okay- I will say its a bit darker in here than other parts"
"this is amazing" I exhaled looking around
"no this is great, thank you" Tom spoke as the women left us, it was all perfect, the room, the night, Tom. we sat down quickly across from each other, small glances and smiles passed along the way, we weren't the only people in the room so the noise of small chatter and jazz music played in the background
"Tom this is amazing! I-i don't know that to say" my voice slipped "its just" his hand came over the table taking mine "I'm being a baby i'm sorry"
"its okay don't be sorry" his lips pressed against my knuckles "look you deserve a good date Y/n- I don't remember you once going out with Brian, I want to be better than he was"
"you already are" I smiled seeing him press another kiss to my hand "so much better- god there's a list"
"want me to be shocked?" he laughed "...you look so pretty in here babe" I felt like I could pass out there and then and never ever get back up, his thumb drawing over my fingers, eyes watching me and smiles plastered over our faces.
Together we flicked through the menu asking what each other might have, arguing over the same dish until we came to a settlement "Good evening- what can we get you for dinner to night?" a different women walked over with a calm smile pulling her pad and pen out, Tom nodded his head at me to go first
"I'll have the star burger please... with fries" she nodded writing it down and turned to Tom
"I'll have the kabab please- the er.. fuck which one?" his face went red looking over to me a slight panic in his eyes
"chilli kabab please- oh and two playboy bunny cocktails please and thank you" I ended letting the server take our menus and leave to the kitchen
"Y/n I didn't want that stupid cocktail!" he huffed falling back into thseat "it's a girly one" I rolled my eyes seeing him be a actual child, with my foot I rubbed his legs
"its one drink Thomas- grow up" his tongue pressed into his cheek, smirk creeping across his lips "you herd me"
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"Please Tom let me pay for my half at least" I pleaded seeing him shake his head "Tom!"
"Y/n I have it god sake put your money back" he said bluntly, snatching my change from my hand and throwing It back at me. I sat back glaring at him "don't look at me like that"
"like what?" I spoke seeing him roll his eyes but become distracted as the bill came over, he picked it up and his eyes widened the tiniest "lemme see" my hand went to reach over and grab the paper
"no" Tom turned to the other women swiping his card and the payment went through with a 'beep' and I fell back "thank you- Y/n come on"
"I hate you- why couldn't you let me pay?" I asked as he grabbed my hand pulling me from the restaurant "and how much was it?- thank you!" I smiled to the women behind the bar "a lot I bet and thats why you're not telling me huh?" I started again his hand tightened around mine, pushing me against the door of his car, my mouth zipped shut
"stop with the questions- I'd be a arsehole if I let you pay a single penny, so shut your pretty lips before I make you do something to keep you silent-" a red flush painted my body, his hooded eyes scanned me up and down "good" he lent forward pressing a kiss to the corner of my closed lips before opening the door for me to which I sat in and waited for his door to open.
the drive home was different- no words shared but so many things said with out looks, his hand holding my leg in place as he toyed with my skin giving me trails of goosebumps along my thigh, he threatened to push under my skirt, every time making me hold my breath waiting for some sort of friction but he just pulled away making me internally curse. we got home, our street dark, pulling into my drive nobody else was there sending a excited shock through my body.
We walked hand in hand up to my door- the same place as the night before, were we shared a kiss that would lead to us saying we loved each other not just platonically, Tom stood across from me, his hands hidden in his jeans "thank you for tonight Tom- I loved it so much"
"no problem- sorry I was a cunt about the bill, I didn't mean to sound so.. you know?" we shared a laugh as I walked to him wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him to look at me
"I liked it-" our lips met eagerly, I'd been waiting for this since we left the restaurant, the palm of his hand reached down, grabbing my ass, bringing me closer "fuck-" I let go to reach behind me to the door, opening it and pulling Tom in with me a terror washing over him
"Y/n what about your parents-" I turned back to him and smiled
"I forgot they were going out- they aren't here, Stella is at nans- it all okay" I kicked the door closed and his mood swung back, dragging my body back to him and hauling me up over his shoulder "TOM!" I screamed having to push myself up on his lower back as he carried my up the stairs, I felt the coldness of his lip ring as he pressed open kisses to my exposed thighs. we made it to my room where the main light was on and he dropped me onto my bed, crawling above me
"look at you- so beautiful below me hm?" I nodded my head listening to his every word "such a pretty girl"
"your girl-" I added seeing his face brighten slightly before falling dark again as his hand cupped my jaw
"all mine?" I nodded, his hand traveled to my waist sending a warm sensation through me "is this mine?" again I nodded my head, I felt his hand go down to my legs gently rubbing circles around the skin "is this mine?" like before I nodded "mhm.. and how about this?" his fingers drove to the inside of my thigh, involuntarily my legs parted just enough for his hand to palm me through my panties making me gasp "is this mine?"
"m-mhm, all yours Tom" I answered trying not to close my thighs around his hand, a sadistic smile painted his lips as he leaned down to me, hand not moving
"you like this don't you? with my hand just there- is there something you want?" I couldn't keep myself from him, crashing my lips onto him with so much want
"I-want-you" I spoke between kisses "please" I begged, Tom pulled off me, standing above looking down at me leaving me cold without his heat on me. he walked over switching the light off leaving us in a dim darkness, only light being from my desk, I watched as his hands went below his shirt pulling it over his head taking the cap and headband off too throwing them to my floor, his abs looked defined in the light, his muscles looking bigger than ever, the feeling between my legs only grew
"take a picture sweetheart" he purred going to his knees, the feeling of him unlacing my boots
"don't tempt me" I smiled leaning up to watch him pull the boots off and chuck them back under the bed and crawled back on top of me "thank you" I whispered into his ear
"no problem darling" he dove down into my neck, peppering kisses all over working down my chest as I struggled to keep myself propped up on the sheets, he stopped at the neck of my shirt looking up at me as I gave him a nod to take it off, he came back pressing another kiss to my lips before his hands pulled the top over my head exposing my bare chest to him, his eyes only became darker staring at me, I felt worried but the adrenaline soon kicked that as his lips pressed against mine pushing me onto the mattress below "god you are beautiful everywhere huh?" I grinned pushing him away giggling, he went down again, letting his lips go around my sensitive nipple, licking the bud until I was holding back a moan, his other free hand needing me, I let my nails dig into his back causing noises to fall from his lips
"shit- Tom Oh" I started feeling myself only get wetter, his teeth grated my skin coming back up to my neck "I- holy shit, i need you" I whimpered as his hands traveled to my thighs
"breath Y/n- I'm getting there sweetheart there's no rush" a sly smile gripped his mouth "relax"
"I am- just bored of waiting" I teased hooking my legs over his waist swapping our positions, him below me staring up in shock "relax" I mimicked
"watch your mouth" my hips rolled against his as his words exited him "Y/n-" Tom warned
"what? can't take it?" my voice was thick of lust, drowning his ears, pressing a kiss to his skin working down to his exposed collar bone "or is it you don't want me?" I whined to him, pushing myself down harder hearing a groan from him
"you're a tease y/n/n" I laughed letting my hands circle his chest
"shame..." I breathed "is this hard for you Tommy?" his eyes closed at the nickname, mouth tightening shut, his hands holding my highs still, squeezing harder than before, his jeans feeling much tighter "hm- I guess it is" as I went to climb off Tom pulled me back, slamming my torso to his
"don't you dare" our eyes met, I grinned at him but he wasn't as happy "I'll wipe that smile away in a second doll"
"yeah?" he nodded "do it Kaulitz"
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kymerawrites · 5 months
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Summary of ep 2: shym goes secretly to a club and needs saving (also on wattpad)
I turned on the showerhead and started with my shower routine. I felt this kind of uneasiness in my whole body, was ghost right? no, it couldn't be.
I am a woman, an independent one, if I wanted to go out even while being shot in my arm I was going to go out, nothing could stop me.
I couldn't understand his worry. Why would he be so worried he's only my lieutenant. I cannot make this more as it is, he's my boss and it shouldn't grow something more than that.
After 10 minutes I was done, showering and putting on one of my favourite dresses. It was a beautiful black dress, yet I felt great and sexy in it. I knew I would get looks and that's what I was going for tonight, I will just go with the flow. Nothing else, as I left my barrack, I saw all my teammates looking at me.
Ghost stood in the back, his back leaning against the wall and his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. He was wearing a plain white shirt, jeans and a leather jacket.
The entire team was stunned by her entrance, their eyes widening in surprise as they took in her form. Their shock was palpable, and a small murmur of whispers and gasps filled the room.
Soap was the first to move, slowly shaking his head and letting out a low whistle. "Bloody hell, she looks gorgeous."
As I walked towards the rest of my team, I thought all the eyes were on me it felt amazing in the back I saw ghost, he looked very reserved, and then I saw Soap and Gaz cheering me on.
It seems everyone was happy with my suggestion for a night out it was needed in the team we were all very tense with the task we were asked to do and I had a feeling; that tonight I would get an answer if the artefacts were retrieved or not, maybe some more information about the other opponents and who they are.
Ghost's eyes widened as the rest of the team began to shower her with compliments, their voices carrying loudly across the room...but he wasn't listening. He was too busy watching her, watching the way she moved, the way her body looked in that dress. He couldn't look away even if he wanted to..but luckily his mask hid his expression.
After a moment, Soap approached him and clapped him on the shoulder, breaking the trance
"Damn, can you believe that?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. "She looks like a bloody damn angel!"
After admiring her for a moment Soap seemed to return to his senses and he put an arm around her shoulder, a mischievous grin on his face. "Looking beautiful, love," he said with a smirk, looking over at the team with a proud expression.
I smiled at  soaps compliment "thank you Johnny, I appreciate that."
"Now then... shall we get going?" Ghost's voice cut through the chatter. He pushed himself off the wall, his eyes scanning over the group as he began heading towards the door. "Let's get a move on." he said firmly, gesturing for them to follow.
I knew their routine they would find a boring bar with nothing else than a pool table and some music. But I wanted to go to this club just a few blocks away, club soleil.
Once I saw that everyone was going in the bar I ran out of sight and when I knew no one could see me I walked towards club soleil.
I found a few girls right outside the club vaping and smoking, it seems they saw me looking and one of them walked towards me.
"What is such a pretty girl doing all alone here! Come join us, the more joy we have tonight!"
I smiled and thanked her for inviting me to their group. Another girl looked shocked at me
"I don't know who you are but your body is amazing!" She exclaimed
I almost started blushing and thanked her for the compliment "thank you, do you mind if I can have a sigaret?"
She smiled back "not a problem at all! What is ur name?"
I was thinking about a name fast, as they couldn't know who I was before questions arises here I did not know if my opponents where here "seraphina"
After that we made our way into the club and I started dancing
They had just stepped into the bar when Ghost suddenly stopped, his head tilting slightly as he scanned the room. Something felt off to him. He could sense that something was wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked around, his eyes narrowing as he tried to figure out what was missing.
Soap let out a low groan, clearly not impressed with the location. "Great." he muttered sarcastically. "The same old boring bar with an even more boring crowd."
Then finally it hit him, his eyes widening in realization. "Where is she?" he muttered under his breath, turning to the rest of the team.
The atmosphere was electric, filled with the sounds of music and laughter echoing throughout the room. The dance music was loud and thumping, the bass booming through the floor and up through their bodies.  She lost herself to the music, her body moving in time with the rhythm, her hips swaying as she let the energy of the crowd wash over her.
And then a man started dancing on her, no name no face just enjoyment
" what is a pretty lady like you doing here?"
My hips swayed even more on his body and as I turned around I told in his ear "I am with a group of girls, I just wanted to dance for a little"
The soldier's hands grasped her hips tightly, his grip like iron as he pulled her closer to him, his breath hot against her neck as he pulled her closer. His mouth found her skin, his teeth nipping and biting as he whispered in her ear. "You look beautiful tonight...I couldn't help but notice you the moment you walked in."
And then she heard his voice, it sounded familiar. And then it hit her, it's the man who was a part of her teams enemy. I tried to keep my cool and started talking "and what are you doing here? Any special occasions being in town?"
The soldier's eyes flashed with recognition at her question, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He spun her around, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her even closer. "No special occasion." he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Just enjoying the company of a gorgeous woman." He leaned closer to her, his mouth close to her ear. "And I must say, you are quite the sight for sore eyes."
"I see.. are you alone?" I looked into his eyes they looked dangerous, and I knew what was going to happen.
The soldier chuckled, a deep, sensuous sound that sent shivers down her spine. "I could ask you the same thing." he said, his voice low and husky. His hand slid up her back, his fingertips tracing small circles along her skin. "But I won't." he added, his thumb brushing against her chin. "Instead, I was hoping you'd allow me to buy you drink?" he offered, his eyes gleaming with desire
"I would love to.." at this moment I felt stupid for leaving my teammates. Will they even know where to find me? I need to get back to Simon and the rest of the team, I didn't know that this soldier was capable of.
I looked on my phone and saw a missed call from my lieutenant. I just sent a sun to let him decipher the message
The soldier's eyes flickered over her phone for a moment, his expression turning unreadable. "Expecting someone?" he inquired casually, his arm still wrapped around her waist, his touch possessive
"You know nameless guy, I think I should make my way back to my friends.. thank you for the drink though" I walked off into the crowd and luckily saw a girl I was with earlier until I felt a hand on my waist.
The soldier's grip tightened on her waist, and she found herself being effortlessly spun around to face him again. His expression was unreadable, but there was a cold edge to his voice as he spoke. "Leaving already? The night is still young, and I was just getting acquainted with you," he declared, a small, almost predatory smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Until I thought I saw the familiar cold and stern look of ghost behind him. I already drank a bit from the cocktail the mystery guy bought for me and already and instantly felt sleepy and ill. "You fucker put something in my drink.. I know who you are.."
The soldier's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing to dangerous slits. Without another word, he let go of her waist and stepped back. His hand reached for something hidden beneath his jacket, pulling out a sleek black handgun, the barrel gleaming in the dim light of the club. "You're smarter than you look." he drawled, the cold smile never leaving his face.
Until I heard my teammates from the back scream "Don't you dare shoot her!" All I heard was commotion while I felt everything spinning around me
The soldier's eyes flicked upwards at the noise coming from behind him, and he slowly turned his head to see the rest of the team closing in on him. "Looks like I got company." he drawled, his thumb cocking the pistol's chamber. "I guess this is where I leave the party." His eyes shifted back to her, his smile sharp as a razor blade. "I was hoping to get to know you better, but that will have to wait."
I felt anger within me, but I felt too heavy to do anything. What was the purpose of that man drugging me? With all my strength I grabbed is shoulder and asked "why did you drug me? Do you know who you are messing with?" He looked at me like he didn't care and put his pistol on my neck. The whole club was running away from the scene all scared of what would happen.
I looked scared and defeated, I didn't bring a knife or a gun to protect me as I thought It wouldn't be dangerous tonight
The soldier smirked and his grip on her tightened, the tip of the pistol digging painfully into her skin. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malicious glee. "But you're in over your head. The Shadows are not someone you want as an enemy, missy."
I closed my eyes like I would let fate do its thing until he fell to the ground and saw soap and ghost infront of me, all the other teammates fighting the other people who where here.
Ghost was a whirlwind of motion, his fists moving fast and furious as he struck out at the soldiers around him. He moved with deadly grace, incapacitating his opponents with a precision that was awe-inspiring to watch. Soap fought alongside him, his own fists a blur of fists and kicks. The chaos was almost unreal, bodies flying through the air and crashing to the ground with brutal force.
Until gaz picked me up "shym what happened to you?" I was developing a blue mark from the gun against my neck and I felt too weak to do anything. "Captivate them all.." I whispered to gaz, "leave me on the couch and make sure the shadow group will be taken into custody."
Gaz nodded, his expression serious. He carefully helped her over to the couch in the lounge area, where she could sit and regain her composure. "You stay here." he instructed her firmly. He turned and made his way back into the fray, helping his team capture the rest of the Shadows soldiers.
I sat on the couch what felt like hours until I heard the sound of a gun loading behind me. I didn't dare to look.
The sound of a gun being cocked sent a chill down my spine. I slowly turned around to see Ghost standing behind me, his weapon trained on me. I could see the anger and frustration in his eyes as he spoke. "What the hell do you think you were doing? I told you not to go out tonight, didn't I? Why can't you just listen for once?"
My eyes started tearing up, I haven't felt this vulnerable since the night that made me the woman I am today. And then I broke down in tears "just shoot me already." I said trying to catch air.
Ghost's expression softened slightly, and he lowered his weapon, taking a step closer to me. He reached out and gently touched my chin, tilting my head up so I had to look at him. "I'm not going to shoot you." he said, his voice softer than before. "I just... I don't want to see you get hurt."
I am not hurt Simon. I wanted to just go out! I started screaming in his face tears still running down my eyes I couldn't stop crying "can't you see I want to enjoy life? You know how I hate choosing to become a soldier for fucking god sake."
Ghost's eyes widened in surprise, clearly taken aback by my sudden outburst. He watched as my tears rolled down my cheeks, my body shaking with sobs. Without a word, he sat down beside me on the couch and gently wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "I'm sorry." he muttered. "I just... I worry about you."
I calmed down little by little "why worry? Do you fancy me Simon Riley?"
He let out a small laugh, a soft chuckle that rumbled in his chest. He reached up to wipe away a tear that had escaped down my cheek. "I've fancied yo-"
somehow couldn't hear what he said and saw all these dark dots form in my eyes, i felt like i was about to pass out. That man did something strong in my drink. And everything went black.
Ghost felt her body go limp in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder. His eyes widened in alarm, and he quickly shook her gently, trying to rouse her. "Hey, hey, wake up." he called out urgently. But it was no use, she was unconscious.
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simp-ly-writes · 11 months
Returning to Home-Base (pt.2, v.1)
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader, & Task Force 141 (+ Laswell)
Summary: You begin to question it all, especially when Simon does not return; yet you have a family around you to support when all the memories come baring down.
Warnings: 1,204 words, death, mourning, panic attack, crying, overall angst yet there is healing by the end.
A/N: decided to flesh out the ending of the last part more in this chapter, here is the more "unhappy" ending; I may have cried while writing this section, ngl. ("more-happy" ending coming soon!).
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Returning to Home-Base Series (pt.1) (pt.2, v.1) (pt.2, v.2) you are here
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You opened the door to black boots staring at your face; head hung as you pitifully predicted the words that would echo down the hallway and into the forefront of memories.
Hello Sir/Ma'am, we regret to inform you that your significant other...
Your ears started to ring as your hands began to shake, your body did your best to never hear the next words, already starting to grieve.
Simon Riley had been fatally wounded while on deployment and he has died...
Your eyes blurred, as nausea began to bile up at the back of your throat; choking down tears as your body began to sway in the doorframe, your hand grasping for the knob.
He was a brilliant solider, a respectable man, who held honour and respect in the eyes of many...
Your world was spinning, your heart was shattering against the tiles as your face moved to catch it.
We cannot provide the full...
You could not process the rest of the speech they undoubtedly practiced together on the car-ride here as you felt the cold brush against your cheeks and the world turned black.
You wake up moments later in your bed, the officers are gone but you notice Soap is by your bedside holding your hand and giving it a squeeze as he notices your eyes adjust to the afternoon sun hanging in the sky. As you see Gaz with his back turned to you; looking out the window with his shoulders hanging low as he grabs for a chair. John guards the door; looking over the scene- picking at the skin of his hand as his chest rises and falls in an uneven manner. Eyes blinking rapidly.
Tears well in your eyes while viewing the state of them all, your chest growing heavy as your breaths begin to become more shallow, Soap squeezes your hand that bit harder while putting his forehead to your shoulder. You feel his sadness meeting your own as he whispers out condolences to the group that fall on dead ears.
You look over and see Gaz facing you, his hand on the chair now hovering over an all too familiar duffle bag that has you latching on to Soaps frame as you both anchor to each other.
You feel the bed dip as John slides in to the other side and Gaz sits at the foot of the bed holding a silver chair with two tags hanging off the bottom, crushing them between his palms as he breaths deeply and begins to explain how Simon only spoke about you in his final breaths as Joh held your other hands in his, looking up towards the ceiling fan; almost if preparing himself.
He said that he was never sorry for doing what be believed as the better action- and that you would always know and understand this. He told me of the strength that you held within yourself, and your sureness that made him feel protected, feel the release of everything, feel at home with you near.
He takes a deep breath in before continuing as Soap shuffles his body more on to the bed.
He told me that he never meant to be so distant in recent days; he...
Gaz hesitates before continuing,
He was planning on marrying you, yet was worried that if he spoke to you for a moment too long he would have asked you to marry him in the bathroom or gas station before he got the chance to go down on one knee in that park you both went on your first date.
Gaz lightly chuckled at the statement, shaking his head as you heard John and Soap do the same. John spoke next while looking into your eyes with kindness flowing through his irises,
We could all see the light in his eyes as he spoke about you no matter the situation, drunk at the bar, waiting in the hangar, or driving to the next checkpoint. He loves you.
Soap hummed in agreement; his eyes flickering between his partners- and then meeting yours in a silent exchange while passing an object into your palm.
You looked at the shimmer through the blinds as it reflected into your eyes; gleaming joyous in an almost mocking reaction. It was a beautiful ring, simple yet elegant in design just as you had dreamed of.
Slipping it on to your ring finger you held it up to your face and smiled sadly at it, at what could have been and took a deep breath in and out.
You thanked each man individually, leaning over the bed to give a proper hug and then offered to put on a kettle; a much needed distraction to settle with your overwhelming thoughts.
Days to weeks and weeks to months, than years; the task force slowly moved themselves in to your apartment as you all helped each other to regain balance.
John would cook breakfast in the morning for the group as the smoke alarm wold go off as Gaz burned the bacon once again, complaining about your stove being too different. Your laughter filled the house as they all stopped and smiled at you- beginning to heal.
You and Soap would go grocery shopping together while making the most horrid dad jokes and skits down the isles. Racing each other to the elevator with bags lining up your arms; enough to feed an army.
Gaz and you would watch reality TV shows together every night, predicting your theories on who would last longer on the show between the two of you in good fun while cooking dinner.
Laswell was coming over a few nights later with her wife for the bi-weekly board games night. This time to celebrate your recent promotion at work; you shake your head- smiling as Gaz paraded the paper around the house and praised the living daylights out of you.
Throughout the night as drinks got served and John had his ass handed to him in UNO as Laswell mocked the captain in fake pity while adding her plus four. Your apartment eventually got a noise complaint from the neighbour as Soap threatened to flip the table during monopoly when Gaz refused to give him the last pink tile.
Laswell and John were bright red in the face, doing their best not to laugh and catch the fury from the two squad members while you snapped pictures of the scene and sent them to print in your office.
The next morning you hung the new pictures in the hall while dusting off the entrance table; placing the keys in the bowl while moving yet another plant Gaz had added to the apartment. As the pot shifted and dirt fell to the floor, you saw a polaroid underneath of a skull masked figure standing beside you, eyes crinkled in a smile as yours did the same while putting it in the corner of the mirror, above the table before you continued to clean.
Your freshly inked tattoo reflected in the mirror as you put the mens boots in the closet; the rest of the boys smiled down the hallway at your interaction and then rapidly returned to their chores before your head turned their way as you laughed at their antics.
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╰┈➤ A/N: Thank you all so much for the support on this fic series so far! Truly means the world to me that people enjoy reading my silly, stupid writing. I have a more HEA (ghost is alive) fic version coming up soon so that everyone is happy!
Returning to Home-Base Series (pt.1) (pt.2, v.1) (pt.2, v.2) you are here
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