#sime vrsaljko hc
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hoe-for-vrsaljkoo · 6 years ago
Jealous Šime
pairing: Šime Vrsaljko x reader genre: fluff, cuteness, possessiveness  lenght: short (301 words) warnings: none
-He actually doesn’t get jealous easily bc he trusts you and knows you have a lot of guy friends that are just that
-in fact, there’s a lot of girls from his childhood he’s close to so both of you are very trustful in the relationship
-Šime is not the kind of boyfriend to get angry when he’s jealous
-he’s more of an overly clingy/annoying type
-when you talk to/ pay too much attention to an attractive man he doesn’t know
-he usually does a little something to get your attention back
-kissing ur cheek
-holding ur hand
-if that doesn’t do it, then he gently places a hand on your lower back before bringing it down to your ass giving it a light squeeze
-leaning down to whisper a quiet “mine” in your ear and then kissing your jaw
-if he saw he was annoying you though he’d stop
-but you never really minded, it was actually kind of cute and you were grateful when it was creepy guys hitting on you
-even though he wouldn’t show it very much, when Šime was jealous, it would stay in the back of his mind for a long time bc he’d get scared at the thought of you falling in love with someone else
-so when the two of you were alone after
-he’d get really possessive
-wanting to let you know that you’re his and his only
-lots of hickeys
-making sure he satisfies you all the way and then some
-reminding you who you belong to by grabbing, kissing, biting and just appreciating every inch of your body
-compliments all the time
- always reminding you of how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you
-random I love yous
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ivan-rakitic · 7 years ago
skinny dipping
(a/n: the recent live inspired me to write this! this is a no wives/kids/shaved heads au! tell me what you think about it! i wrote it between 2 am and 5 am so dont be too harsh)
šime opened his eyes, startled, as the loud sound started blaring from his phone. he shut his eyes tightly, trying to gain his consciousness, head still dizzy with sleep. he noticed the lack of his shirt and, even though it was a warm night, he shivered. falling asleep on the balcony of his hotel room was a very bad idea.
looking down at the phone he saw dejan's name.
"wha'?" he mumbled sleepily as he stood up from the chair and stretched.
"let's go skinny dipping." dejan's voice seemed too happy and too hyper for šime's current state of mind.
"are you nuts?" šime entered his bedroom in search for a shirt.
"c'mon, it's like three in the morning so no one will be by the pool. i haven't gone skinny dipping in years." he could see dejan making puppy eyes at him through the phone.
"yeah, i remember your last skinny dipping clearly, saw your bare ass on the front page of the newspapers the day after." šime replied nonchalantly. he wasn't awake enough for a naked dejan lovren, he didn't have as much self control as he should.
"good thing there won't be any hidden paparazzi here, come on."
"but why the pool though? i like the sea better." he really tried to find an excuse.
"forget about the sea, i'll be waiting for you in front of your room in two minutes. be ready." dejan hung up and šime immediately threw his phone on the bed. he could only groan in despair as he put on the first shirt he could find.
he had enough time to brush his teeth and wash his face, to make himself look at least a bit decent. just as he was grabbing a towel, heard a knock on the door.
"usually i'm the one with crazy ideas." he chuckled when he saw dejan.
"well, i decided to switch our roles for a while. by the way, have you been sleeping?"
"no, i was cooking, you dipshit, of course i was sleeping!" šime began raising his voice as he locked the door and turned towards dejan.
"shush, you're gonna wake the whole hotel up." dejan barely managed not to laugh as they walked towards the pool.
"you woke me up, i don't see why they deserve to sleep and i don't." šime pouted.
"i would say i'm sorry but you could have just ignored me and continued sleeping if you really wanted to." dejan said casually and wrapped his arm around šime's shoulders making the smaller man rethink the whole situation. with his luck, he's gonna end up confessing his feelings to dejan.
dejan was right; they had the whole pool for themselves. dejan quickly ran to the pool, taking his shirt off and, before jumping in, his shorts. šime quickly averted his eyes, his cheeks burning already. he hoped that it was too dark to see.
he slowly took off his shirt, his thoughts storming through his head. you can do this, you've survived rooming with him in russia,you can do this.
"c'mon, hurry up! i didn't order a strip tease!" dejan shouted from the pool. šime felt his face heat even more and he realized that the way he was taking his shirt off must've looked like he was making a show.
"fuck off." he grunted and quickly stripped off his pants. not wanting to stand there naked in front of his long term crush, he jumped into pool.
"hey!" he heard dejan yell as the water sprayed over him. šime surfaced with a biggest grin to see dejan wipping his eyes.
dejan looked at him for a second before diving and pulling him down by his legs. šime's scream was muffled and he tried to open his eyes under water but the dark of the night made it impossible to see anything.
when he resurfaced, dejan was giggling like a child. šime couldn't help but smile at the adorable human in front of him.
"you little shit!" he didn't waste any time jumping on dejan and sending them both under water again, dejan gripping his biceps firmly.
they messed around in the water for a while, pushing each other and being loud. šime felt bad for other people who were staying at the hotel, but he was having too much fun to care.
in one moment dejan tackled him down and he decided to stay underwater just to be able to jump out and scare the other.
suddenly he felt strong hands pulling him up and saw dejan's worried face. he broke out in giggles, couldn't help himself.
"are you fucking crazy?! i thought you were drowning or something! don't do that to me ever again!" dejan was loud and šime saw fear in his eyes.
"oh please, i'm messing with you! besides, i'm zadarsko dite." šime smiled at him.
"i don't care about you being zadarsko dite, you almost gave me a heart attack! don't mess with me like that!" dejan's hands were still on him, holding him tightly.
he looked so vulnerable and worried in that moment that šime thought he was going to melt. his skin was burning where dejan was holding him and he couldn't not stare in his dark eyes.
"didn't mean to scare you." šime whispered. his gaze slipped to dejan's wet lips but he quickly looked back at his eyes.
his heart was beating so loudly in his chest, he was sure dejan could hear it. he felt his chest getting tighter, his throat closing. please don't do anything stupid, you're his best friend.
dejan suddenly leaned his forehead on šime's, their noses touching. šime felt himself getting weak, his arms finding dejan's waist. please don't do anything stupid, he doesn't like you like that.
one of dejan's hands found its way to šime's jaw, his thumb gently rubbing circles on his cheekbone. time seemed to stop, he couldn't hear anything but his heart. please don't do anything stupid.
"push me away." dejan was so quiet, if he wasn't so close he wouldn't have heard him.
šime gently shook his head, placing his palms on top of dejan's wide shoulders. he couldn't believe dejan wasn't the one pushing him away. please.
dejan closed the distance between, bringing their lips into a passionate kiss. šime felt lightheaded, respoding immediately. he gripped the other's shoulders trying to deepen the kiss.
he pulled away to get some air, his forehead still leaning on dejo's. he took a deep breath.
"i'm sorry." dejan sounded so small and lost šime wanted to hug him and never let him go. "i - i-" he stammered refusing to look in šime's eyes. please don't mess it up.
"i've been in love with you for years." šime interrupted him. dejan looked up so fast, eyes full of hope.
"are you serious?" šime nodded and pulled the man into another kiss.
"can you two please continue doing that in your room? you've already woken up half of the hotel, we don't need them traumatised too!" someone shouted from the door making them pull away. even though they were laughing, šime felt his cheeks burn again. dejan gave the person thumbs up but turned to šime again, smiling like a fool.
"ready for bed, my love?"
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holy-n-evil · 7 years ago
could you write an imagine for being friends with the nt and falling in love with lovren and finally admitting it to vrsaljko and/or vida and they try to help get you two together (with zero tact and subtlety because you know what they’re like)
First request YAS!!!!Sorry it’s so long lol
• you met the team when Dalic asked you to help him be a part of the pr team and keep the boys in check
• that worked in their favour because they got a new friend to mess around with
• Sime, Dejan, Suba, Vida and you became the ultimate trouble making team
• but Dejo
• that boy made your heart pound furiously as soon as spoke to him for more than 20 seconds
• a couple of days went by and you started feeling something, but brushed it off because, honestly, you were confused
• it got worse when you wanted to be around him all the time
• you spent more time with Sime because you KNEW Dejan would be with him too• you interrupted their live streams and stories on Instagram
• you just having all heart eyes for Dejo
• I mean, his eyes drew you in immediately, his jokes? Oh hell yes• and the way he was so sweet towards you just gave you immediate diabetes
• little did you fucking know, Dejan was intrigued by you as soon as he set his eyes on you
• he noticed you hanging out more with Sime at which he became kind of jealous
• so he payed more attention to you• and poor Sime was clueless af about it
• he just thought you two were jealous of one another and were fighting for his attention
• Vida noticed Dejan’s behavior towards you• Suba did too
• everywhere you’d go, Dejan’s eyes followed
• he’d subtly graze his hand against yours
• or touch your shoulders to walk by because ‘there’s no room’
•and frankly, you were doing the same
• one morning Vida, Vrsaljko and you were sitting outside, having your morning coffee, going over the schedule for today and whatnot…
• and then Vida decided to be a little shit
• “So, y/n…” he smiled widely, “anyone on the team you’ve grown close to?”
• cue your wtf face
• “Like really, really close?”
• Sime not even listening because he and Dejo sang Marica until 2 am and he was half dead
• “This doesn’t leave this table.” you say in mild panic
• “Spit it out, becarko!”
• “I’m just confused about Dejan.” you sigh and look down
• then you decide to look at Vida again who was beaming with happiness•"Told you, Sime!“
•"I thought you were fighting over me!” he teased with a smile
• Suba sat next to you with an expression that said 'I heard it all’
• shit shit shit
• panic again because they’re crazy, who knows what they’ll do now
•"Just go for it, y/n.“ Suba tried to comfort you. "Luka had to listen to Dej talking about for the past few weeks. You have literally nothing to lose!”
• Sime interrupted with:“Do it! Do it!”
• you stood up from the table as all three of them chanted “Do it! Do it!”
• “Poludi!” followed by a whistle was the last thing you heard from Vida before you faced Dejan who had the most gorgeous smile on his face
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gvardiol · 7 years ago
Okay so you know how at games they zoom the camera on the audience? Could you make an šime hc. where the whole team is rewatching the England game and the camera zooms in on you, while Šime says your pretty and stuff and the WHOLE team starts searching for your name on instagram or something? Domo, dejan, Suba are like the captains of the whole searching thing. (I know it was kind of a long request and I hope you understand what I mean but yeahhhh)
yes I got it…hopefully
- so Dalic wanted the team to re-watch the England game so he could point out some mistakes
- but the second Sime saw you in the audience wearing the jersey he suddenly forgot why they were watching it in the first place
- he was staring at the screen like frozen and his mouth was slightly open until Domagoj nudged him “you okay?”
- “she’s gorgeous. and we need to find her.”
- Luka rolling his eyes in the background “I thought we were watching this for improvement”
- “love life improvement counts too”
- within a second half of the squad whipped out their phones and Suba even brought his laptop, the game already forgotten and everyone’s focus on the mysterious girl
- Sime was glowing until he realized it probably won’t be so easy to find a fan among thousands and what if she didn’t even have instagram???
- he started lowkey freaking out and Dejan squeezed his shoulder in reassurance and Sime grinned
- “should I make an instagram to help” - actual sunshine Vida
- Suba was searching the world cup hashtag on instagram while Dejan scrolled through the Croatia tag
- Sime was looking between those two and Domagoj went to get them something to drink
- imagine the excitement when Sime noticed you in one photo standing behind someone but you weren’t tagged or mentioned anywhere…
-  Luka peeked through the door to see why the sudden noise
- but after 15 minutes they realized it could take forever so Sime posted a screenshot of the pic you were in and asked the fandom for help
- you couldn’t believe your eyes when you got a message from actual Sime Vrsaljko
- “finally found you”
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endebar · 5 years ago
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YNWA 20.03.12 UCL-R16HM v ATM Anfield
Nice fight! * LIV * HC Jurgen Klopp 04 Virgil Van Dijk :_#△~45'| __△~90'| #_~120' 05 Wijnaldum :△_(1)~45'| __△~90'| ◇_~120' 09 Roberto Firmino :_△_~45'| △△△~90'| (2)△~120' 10 Sadio Mane :◇△△~45'| ◇△△~90'| ◇△~120' 11 Mohamed Salah :_△△~45'| △△△~90'| △△~120' 12 Joe Gomez :#_#~45'| __#~90'| __~120' 13 Adrian :___~45'| _#_~90'| __~120' 14 Jordan Henderson :__#~45'| _△△~90'| △_~120' 15 Oxlade-Chamberlain :△_△~45'| △△△~90'| __~120' 26 Andy Robertson :_#_~45'| _△△~90'| △_~120' 66 Alexander-Arnold :△△△~45'| △◇◇~90'| △_~120' <<< 07 James Milner :___~45'| __◇~90'| ◇_~120' 03 Fabinho :___~45'| ___~90'| __~120' 27 Divock Origi :___~45'| ___~90'| △_~120' 18 Takumi Minamino :___~45'| ___~90'| _△~120' ↓-------13-------↓ ↓-66--12--04--26-↓ ↓--15---14---05--↓ ↓--11---09---10--↓ (82' 15->07) (106' 14->03) (106' 05->27) (113' 09->18)
* ATM * HC Diego Simeone 05 Thomas Partey :△◇_~45'| _◇_~90'| #_~120' 06 Koke :△◇_~45'| _△_~90'| __~120' 07 Joao Felix :△__~45'| △△△~90'| △_~120' 08 Saul :_◇_~45'| #◇_~90'| __~120' 10 Angel Correa :_△_~45'| _△_~90'| △_~120' 12 Renan Lodi :___~45'| ##△~90'| _#~120' 13 Jan Oblak :##_~45'| ##_~90'| __~120' 15 Stefan Savic :__#~45'| ___~90'| __~120' 18 Felipe :##_~45'| __#~90'| #_~120' 19 Diego Costa :△__~45'| ___~90'| __~120' 23 Kieran Trippier :_△_~45'| _#_~90'| __~120' <<< 14 Marcos Llorente :___~45'| ___~90'| (1,2)△~120' 24 Sime Vrsaljko :___~45'| ___~90'| ##~120' 09 Alvaro Morata :___~45'| ___~90'| △(3)~120' 02 Jose Gimenez :___~45'| ___~90'| _#~120' ↓-------13-------↓ ↓-23--15--18--12-↓ ↓-10--06--05--08-↓ ↓-----19--07-----↓ (56' 19->14) (91' 23->24) (103' 07->09) (106' 10->02)
#uefa champions league #ynwa #liverpool #Atletico de Madrid #Anfield
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hoe-for-vrsaljkoo · 6 years ago
First Date
pairing: Šime Vrsaljko x reader genre: fluff lenght: short (411 words) warnings: none
-You and Šime met through mutual friends from Zadar
-you’ve been hanging around each other ever since
-he’s always nice and a little flirty but nothing more
-one day when you’re at the beach with friends and it’s just the two of you bc the others went swimming
-he asks you out of the blue what you’re doing later tonight
-it took him a while but he gathered the courage to ask you out
-you find it funny how he’s usually always confident but looks so shy right now
-and bc he got all shy and happy, his dimples started showing and it’s honestly the cutest
-later he comes to pick you up with his scooter
-going for dinner at a cute little seafood restaurant close to the water that one of Šime’s friends owns
-fighting over the bill and him telling you “you can pay over his dead body”
-going for a walk in the marina after dinner bc he loves boats for some reason
-you telling him how he actually kinda looks like a pirate
-“I would make a sexy pirate, wouldn’t I?”
-finally ending up by the sea organ where you both listen to the music played by the waves
-sitting down on the steps to watch the sunset with your head resting on his shoulder
-it looks cheesy, but it was one of the best feelings
-him resting his hand on your thigh and his head on yours
-“so why did you decide to only ask me out now, we’ve known each other for months”
-“Why not now?”
-Šime playing nije u šoldima sve on his phone
-him taking out the bottle of wine he had bought in a store close to the marina
-it’s not a real night out with Šime if alcoholic beverages aren’t involved
-forgetting about the glasses so you both drink from the bottle
-talking about everything and anything as he tries to make you laugh by doing his “live” voice
-dying of laughter bc you both are getting tipsy and Šime is being goofy as shit
-him grabbing your chin and finally kissing you while you’re in the middle of laughing at his joke
-resting your forehead on his when you guys break the kiss
-Šime kissing your cheek and pulling away to take a sip from the bottle and then handing it to you
-“we should do this more often”
-“tomorrow night?”
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hoe-for-vrsaljkoo · 6 years ago
Zadarska Dica
pairing: Šime Vrsaljko x Luka Modrić genre: fluff, flirting, crush lenght: short (742 words) warnings: none
-It was during their first wc together
-Šime was obviously sitting on the bus with Dejan and Luka was with Ivan
-but their seats were just across from each other and when Dejo and Ivan would talk
-they would share quick glances but Luka would immediately avert his gaze as if he was shy
-which seemed weird to Šime bc he had no problem when it came to talking to Dejan and the others, he was actually very extroverted
-same thing happened during practice
-they would exchange looks but nothing more
-when it was time for supper at the hotel
-Dejo and Šime sat down with Luka, Verdan and Ivan
-Šime was intrigued by Luka’s calm aura
-he decided to sit down next to him
-as time passed, Luka became a little more open and he and Šime ended up having a deep conversation
-as the others all left the table, they were now alone to talk making both of them become more familiar and comfortable with the other
-when it was time for every player to go back to their room
-Šime invited Luka to his room to hang out with Dejan and him
-they played video games for a while
-eating domaćice and just messing around (playing Marica on repeat)
-Luka had become very at ease and started having fun and letting loose which Šime was happy to see
-he liked to know that he could get along with his captain
-after a while Dejo fell asleep
-Luka felt that he should go back to his room but Šime convinced him otherwise
-they ended up talking until 2AM on the balcony about everything and anything
-every time Šime laughed or cracked a joke, it made Luka’s heart skip a beat
-he couldn’t take his eyes off of his perfect lips that were shaped by his neatly trimmed mustache
-what Luka didn’t know was that Šime was actually cracking jokes to make him laugh because he loved the way his eyes lit up when he smiled
-they eventually ended up talking about all of Šime’s tattoos
-they fascinated Luka, especially since he doesn’t have any of his own
-he’s always been scared to get one and feels like it wouldn’t really suit him
-Šime says it’s bullshit and that he would look sexier with one, he’ll go with him to get it
-that of course made Luka blush
-at some point Luka found himself tracing the mermaid on Šime’s arm with his fingertips
-Šime found it relaxing and closed his eyes
-after a while, realizing what he was doing, Luka looked up to see Šime looking down at him with an intrigued expression
-a long eye contact created some sort of tension before Luka pulled his hand away from Šime’s arm
-a short silence was broken by Luka saying he should get back to his room and get some sleep
-but as he got up and reached for the balcony door’s handle, Šime put his hand over it, stopping him from sliding it open
-Luka shot him a confused glance, which Šime ignored
-he instead got his body closer to Luka’s, trapping the much smaller man between the door and himself
-both of their breaths got quicker, as did their heartbeats
-Luka gulped as Šime reached for his lower lip with the tip of his thumb, holding his chin with the rest of his hand
-as Šime was stroking his lower lip, he reached down to Luka’s ear and whispered a “goodnight, captain” in a low voice that sent shivers down Luka’s spine
-he then pulled away and reached down to open the door behind Luka, never breaking eye contact
-the morning after that, the both of them acted as if nothing had happened and were very casual with each other, or at least as casual as Luka could possibly manage
-the poor man was left too shocked to rest last night and was now a bit of a confused mess, but still managed to pull it together
-he reminded himself that he was here to play football and carried on with the day, almost forgetting about the moment Šime and himself shared last night
-that was until Šime came up to him at the end of dinner and asked him to hang out with him and Dejo in their room later, sending a wink his way
-Luka shyly agreed, wondering what was this mess he had gotten himself into
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endebar · 5 years ago
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YNWA 20.02.19 UCL-R16AWAY v ATM Estadio Metropolitano
Nice fight! * LIV * HC Jurgen Klopp 01 Alisson Becker :_◇_~45'| ___~90' 03 Fabinho :#◇△~45'| △##~90' 04 Virgil Van Dijk :__#~45'| ___~90' 05 Wijnaldum :#◇_~45'| △__~90' 09 Roberto Firmino :_△△~45'| ◇_△~90' 10 Sadio Mane :△△△~45'| ___~90' 11 Mohamed Salah :_#△~45'| △#_~90' 12 Joe Gomez :#__~45'| ◇__~90' 14 Jordan Henderson __△~45'| _△△~90' 26 Andy Robertson :_◇△~45'| ___~90' 66 Alexander-Arnold :__△~45'| __△~90' <<< 27 Divock Origi :___~45'| _△_~90' 15 Oxlade-Chamberlain :___~45'| #◇_~90' 07 James Milner :___~45'| ___~90' ↓-------01-------↓ ↓-66--12--04--26-↓ ↓--14---03---05--↓ ↓--11---09---10--↓ (45' 10->27) (72' 11->15) (80' 14->07)
* ATM * HC Diego Simeone 05 Thomas Partey :_△_~45'| _##~90' 06 Koke :◇△_~45'| ___~90' 08 Saul :(1)__~45'| ___~90' 09 Alvaro Morata :___~45'| ___~90' 10 Angel Correa :__#~45'| △__~90' 11 Thomas Lemar :__△~45'| ___~90' 12 Renan Lodi :△△_~45'| _△△~90' 13 Jan Oblak :___~45'| ___~90' 15 Stefan Savic :___~45'| #_△~90' 18 Felipe :_##~45'| #__~90' 24 Sime Vrsaljko :△_#~45'| △_#~90' <<< 14 Marcos Llorente :___~45'| ___~90' 20 Vitolo :___~45'| ___~90' 19 Diego Costa :___~45'| __△~90' ↓-------13-------↓ ↓-24--15--18--12-↓ ↓-06--08--05--11-↓ ↓-----10--09-----↓ (45' 11->14) (70' 09->20) (77' 10->19)
#uefa champions league #ynwa #liverpool #Atletico de Madrid #Estadio Metropolitano
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