#silvia of the flash
kurayamineko · 7 months
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
Flash Fiction Friday: On the Edge
Silvia gripped Theo’s proffered hand tightly, aware that her claws were digging into her friend’s palm. Theo flinched, but it was her habit to put a brave face on everything, and she was grinning again a moment later. “Don’t worry. I won’t let you fall.”
The deserted town sloped away before them, suspended over the emptiness. Where the town ended, so did the world. At the bottom of the main street, past buildings which leaned towards oblivion, over fissures and rifts, lay the edge. Below the sharp cliff was a yawning drop, and then nothing but eddies of blue mist fluttering over the endless void.
Theodora Vismoore appeared unbothered. She skipped over piles of rubble as though they were only bumps; over cracks as though one misplaced foot wouldn’t send her tumbling to her death. She was even humming as she went. The sunny dress she wore - which she termed as ‘completely horrible’ - was pulled through her legs and tied around her waist, a precaution that Silvia wished she had taken with her own. One hand clutched Silvia’s paw, helping her stay steady, the other pointed her father’s - Lord Vismoore’s - sabre in front of her, though its point wobbled. Her father was a bulky, heavy man, with a sword to match, and Theo was still only eleven.
“Won’t Lord Vismoore notice you took that?” Silvia whined. “I don’t like this, Theo.”
Theo snorted. “That man wouldn’t notice if I stole his trousers. He’s completely out of it these days. Come on. It’s this way.”
That morning Theo had begged her mother incessantly to let them take the carriage out for the day. Silvia felt certain that Lady Vismoore had only agreed to get her nagging daughter out from under her feet. She had nodded over to where Silvia waited by the table, clutching an empty tray to the front of her servants’ dress and said; “Though you should probably bring a leash if you’re taking your dog with you.” She then burst into crowing, staccato laughter.
Lady Vismoore was not a cruel woman by habit. Her servants were well-treated. The people who resided in her demesne lived heartily. Nevertheless, when Silvia was found, a sodden, mangy ball of fur in the woods below Castle Vismoore, Theo had to beg incessantly for days on end until her mother relented and allowed Silvia to be taken in.
Silvia scratched at her neck. She was still mangy. Her cascade of blonde curls had grown back, but the raw splits in her flesh were not healing. She was falling apart, piece by piece. “Who lives here? Is there a doctor or something?”
“Nobody.” Theo stopped, perched on a treacherous fallen wagon, tucking locks of her wavy silver hair behind her ears and peering around at the sprawl of streets. “This place has been abandoned for years, ever since the last big collapse. So-” She dropped her voice low and grinned, waggling her eyebrows. “-I suppose I should say, nobody living.”
“A ghost is going to help me, then?” Silvia rolled her eyes. “Come off it.”
“Or a spirit, or- I’m not sure what she is. Let’s just say she’s a witch.” Theo spotted her target and leapt from her perch with nonchalance that made Silvia’s stomach drop. “It’s this way.”
They made their way through the side-alleys to a crumbling shrine - more ancient than the buildings around it by far, its weathered limestone facings cloaked thickly with dirt. The carvings and engravings were smoothed down to rounded, indistinct clumps. The entire place reeked, a sour and musty stench trickling thickly from every crack. The stone door was inlaid with tarnished silver. Theo hammered the pommel of her sword upon it. “Hullo? You there, Ma’am?”
At first there was nothing but the groaning of the wind and the distant calls of birds, left behind outside the town. Silvia tugged at Theo’s sleeve. “Theo, let’s go h-”
“Aaaah-aaaaaaaa.” The moan shook Silvia’s bones, vibrating sharply from behind the door and she jumped away. Theo reached out to steady her. “Thou hast returned, fool child. Thou shalt not thieve it from me.”
“I know, I know, I shan’t,” Theo grumbled. She braced herself with one foot on the ground, and the other up on the slanted door frame. “Do you remember our deal, lady?”
“I am to heal your sweetheart in exchange for my freedom,” the voice sighed, “I recall.”
Silvia frowned. “Sweetheart?”
“I- I don’t know where she got that from.” Theo’s pale cheeks were turning a bright shade of pink.
The voice grew louder, drew closer, now bubbling through the cracks around the door. “Is this to be the day? Thou hast brought the girl?”
“Yes.” Theo hefted the sword. “And something to try and pry these doors open. Ready?”
Silvia shrieked.
Miasma spewed from the door. Black smog billowed and pooled, reeking and acrid, stinging where it came into contact with her skin. This was the byproduct of magic that had robbed her of her family and even now ate away at her flesh. She remembered falling into the swamp, gasping, suffocating, the mist probing hungrily into her and scorching her lungs.
She ran. Silvia’s claws scrabbled at the flagstones of the street, desperately trying to haul herself away from the danger, breathless. Her foot caught in a crack in the stones and she fell, sliding backwards, past the shrine, careening towards the edge.
Theo’s arms clamped around her, the other girl’s body weight pulling them into a roll. They slid, and bounced, and eventually crashed, slamming into a wonky lamppost that creaked under their weight. They lay there panting, tangled in each other, staring at the distant blue pooling below.
“Okay. We don’t have to do this,” Theo murmured into Silvia’s pointed ear. “I’ll drop it. Let’s go home.”
Blood matted the fur at Silvia’s elbow. A new, stinging wound that would not heal. “Perhaps… another day.”
“Another day.”
@flashfictionfridayofficial :3
Taglist (DM to be added or removed): @indy-gray @sam-glade
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thecasualbookreviewer · 11 months
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Flash review: stuffed, Sylvia morrow
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blorbocedes · 7 months
For the prompt game: woke up in the wrong body? Clonecest? German twincest? They get freaky friday'd? Whatever your heart desires
Lewis doesn't actually notice anything’s wrong until Nico says, “Don’t worry, we’ll be good. Right, Lew?” to Toto at the end of the Wednesday debrief, flashing a sunny smile.
Lewis stiffens immediately. Nico hasn't called him that in years. What angle is he playing at here? And since when does he joke around during debriefs? Thinking back, Nico had been bouncing around the garage, peeking at both their cars’ suspensions and chatting animatedly to the engineers, even on Lewis’ side of the garage.
The meeting ends, with Toto and Paddy dispersing the team and Nico hangs around, lingering.
“What was that back there?”
Nico sways, shifting his weight from one heel to the other. “Just being good teammates. Buddies, friends.”
Before Lewis can react, Sebastian Vettel storms in with his Ferrari race suit unzipped at the waist, snapping in rapid German.
Nico looks guilty in a sheepish way, says something back that Lewis can only make out his name from.
What the fuck is going on?
Lewis turns to Seb because he doesn't want to deal with Nico being weird. “Hey, man, you're not supposed to be here.”
Seb grimaces, it looks all wrong on his mouth. And his hair is… styled? Coiffed, almost. Lewis wasn't aware Sebastian owned a brush. Nico, on the other hand, had completely unstyled hair today, bangs falling over his eyes like he air dried after taking a shower; not his usual put together self. Lewis doesn't think about him or his hair routine to wonder why.
“You are right,” Seb says with none of his usual playfulness. His mouth is flattened into a thin line. “Nico, a word?”
“Am I in trouble?” Nico quips. “I barely even looked at the cars! Seriously, might be better for your championship chances if you're not dangling your balls in the pool.”
It's a pretty nonsensical remark, especially from Nico who uses controlled diplomacy as a double edged sword. Sebastian, on the other hand, frowns – eyebrows scrunching and mouth going in an almost perfect displeased scowl. It doesn't suit Seb, but it's a face he’s seen a million times on Nico, has teased out of him, has put it on every time he misses a pole, a win, a podium. The way Nico’s standing, his hair, the way he's carrying himself – it's all wrong.
Lewis grabs Nico by the arm. “You're not –” Lewis doesn't even finish his accusation because it's absurd.
Nico looks at him, surprised, and then breaks into a shit-eating grin, self possessed and cocky. “He really doesn't give you enough credit. He thought you wouldn't notice.”
“I shouldn't have trusted you to act normal.” Is Sebastian’s sullen reply, eyes narrowed and zeroed in on where Lewis is holding Nico’s arm. Lewis lets go, suddenly self-conscious.
He hates this, being talked over like he's not even there. The mechanics are starting to notice from outside that Sebastian Vettel in red in their conference room, as if Silvia’s going to come chasing after him any minute. Lewis’ curiosity wins over the facade of being cool and not cracking in case Sebastian and Nico woke up and decided to become best friends and pull an orchestrated prank on him.
“Will either of you tell me what the fuck is going on?”
“Lewis, we need to talk. Somewhere private. Your motorhome.” Sebastian’s tone is bossy, standing arms crossed. He doesn't wait, setting off with a determined ease like he knows exactly where it is.
Nico follows suit, adding in a stage whisper, “By that, he means sex.”
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tgmsunmontue · 1 month
Season to Taste - 8/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                “I have a friend in Paris, I want you to go there and work in his kitchen.”
                “You’re too comfortable here. Time to remind you that you never stop learning,” Leandro states and Bradley lets out a slow breath. He’s been here for three years, and he’s learnt so much, and Leandro and Silvia’s hospitality has been amazing. He feels part of their family.
                “I don’t speak French.”
                “It’s okay. You didn’t speak Italian either when you started with me. I will teach you.”
                “You speak French?”
                “Of course. It’s where I trained.”
                “I went to Le Cordon Bleu. Now I teach you,” Leandro says, and he rolls his eyes but he’s grinning. Bradley feels like there must be a joke there that he’s missing.
…            …            …
                He’s never spent so much time with a guy he’s not in a relationship with and also having sex with. Spending time with Jake feels so easy, like they’ve somehow skipped ahead over weeks of dating and awkwardness by simply forging ahead with lots of sex and hanging out. They haven’t had deep or meaningful conversations, other than some quite frank discussions around preferences in bed. They’re wonderfully compatible sexually and Bradley hasn’t had as much sex in the last year as he’s had in the last forty-eight hours.
                Jake has gone home, well, to his sister’s house across town, to where he is apparently babysitting his nieces and nephew so that his sister can have a date night with her husband. And also so he can have a night chatting with Vi before her flight home tomorrow. Although chat might be pushing it, because he’s pretty sure Vi is going to have a brain aneurism with all the muttering she’s been doing under her breath. Every time Jake put sauce on something her nostrils flared just a little and he wonders when she got a bigger bee in her bonnet than him about shit like that. She doesn’t even cook.
                “He puts sauce on pickles…” she mutters, and she’s pouring two glasses of wine, so he guesses he’s drinking wine tonight. Clearly because she doesn’t want to drink alone.
                “He does seem to put sauce on everything.”
                “Oh my god…” Vi says, pulling a face.
                “You would normally flip your shit at someone adding sauce to everything and yet… here you are looking like it’s cute. You actually like this guy.”
                “I mean, I don’t like his taste in sauce. But yeah… he’s pretty… uh… great.”
                “Oh my god. Leandro and Silvia are not going to believe it.”
                “How about we don’t share the details of my sex life with them until it’s something more than just sex?”
                “Oh, I’m calling it now. It is definitely more than sex. You wouldn’t be staying if it was just good sex.”
                “What about mind blowingly great sex?”
                “With a guy that adds sauce to everything?”
                “Well, he hasn’t brought it into the bedroom. Yet.”
                He supposes he deserves the punch to the arm.
…            …            …
                Leo is an active rester. That’s the only thing he can take away from watching him be completely unable to just sit. Even after sex he seems to buzz with energy until Jake wrings another orgasm out of him, which had been a delight to learn. Now he’s making more food and he watches as Leo cuts, his hands, fingers and blade flying and it’s mesmerizing, like watching the flicker of flame but instead it’s the flash of a metal blade.
                “Damn you’re good with that…”
                Leo doesn’t stop but he looks up to smile at Jake.
                “The knife is an extension of my arm… just like when you fly. Muscle memory and training.”
                “Huh. You know a lot about flying huh?”
                “Navy brat remember?”
                “Even after you dad died?” Jake asks.
                “Yeah… my godfather stepped up and he helped my mom raise me. So I know all about the military lifestyle. How I was raised.”
                “So your godfather was also an aviator?”
                “Yep,” Leo says, tone clipped and okay, not touching that subject then.
                “So, raised a Navy brat then. Not how you live now, we do not eat this well.”
                “Well, not for lack of trying. I ran away from home when my godfather pulled my papers for USNA. And you put sauce on everything, so it’d all taste the same anyway,” Leo says, winking at him and Jake grins, reaches over and steals a slice of pepper.
                “Wait. You were going to go to USNA?”
                “That was my plan. Instead I got on the first plane out and ended up in Italy.”
                “Holy shit… you kind of brushed over how young you were when you did that.”
                “Yeah. I got very fucking lucky.”
                “Is Violet actually your cousin?”
                “No,” Leo laughs. “Her family pretty much adopted me though.”
                “Huh. Okay.”
                “Here. Try this.”
                Jake obliges, although he’s not quite sure what Leo is hoping to achieve here. Jake hasn’t ever been able to differentiate different flavors, not like some people seem to. He licks the spoon, grinning a little when he sees Leo’s eyes tracking his lips.
                “Could use a little sauce,” he says, just to be an asshole.
                “Don’t be a dick… Come on, I'm trying to make a new dish...”
                “A new dish. Why not just use a recipe?”
                “I wouldn't be much of a chef if I used other people's recipes...”
                “Huh. Okay. You want to have someone that’ll actually talk about the flavors with you? Because I know I’m just going to think everything needs sauce, because I think everything needs sauce. You know who would be really good at this?”
                “My sister. Well, two of them specifically, but Maria is easiest. She loves all this tasting things over and over stuff.”
                “You’re lucky you’re hot.”
                “Are you saying I have no other redeeming qualities?”
                “Oh, you have plenty of redeeming qualities. Your tastebuds just don’t happen to be one of them.”
                “I’ve got good taste where it’s important…”
                “Smooth, real smooth.”
                “I do alright.”
…            …            …
                “Shit shit shit…”
                “I burnt the rice.”
                “You? You still burn stuff?”
                “Yeah, when there’s a guy in my kitchen naked who decides that fucking me on the dining table is a good decision…”
                “Mmm. Sorry baby. I didn’t think about the food.”
                “Yeah well, the smoke alarm kind of killed the afterglow,” Bradley mutters and Jake snorts against his neck before licking a stripe and he groans again. God. He’s never going to get enough.
…            …            …
                “Hey. I have a favor to ask.”
                “Shovel or money?” Maria asks, clearly distracted by something but Jake is still trying to parse what she’s said.
                “Am I burying a body or am I bailing you out?”
                “Wow. Do you guys have a bet going what will come first?”
                “Yep. So which is it?”
                “Neither actually. Fuck. Maybe this is a terrible idea.”
                “Well, I still don’t know what it is and I’m a little busy so… either piss or get off the pot.”
                God his sisters are all so classy.
                “Do you want to be a taste tester?”
                “What,” Maria asks, and Jake doesn’t hear an inflection, she’s just surprised so he waits. “A taste tester… for a competition or something? Oh god, don’t tell me you’re trying your hand at cooking again, because you’d have to pay me danger money…”
                “Hey! I can make some things! But, no. Leo is a chef and he’s trying to perfect this dish and I’m as useful as tits on a bull.”
                “You’ve got a guy who can cook as well as everything else? How is this fair?”
                “You ain’t even seen him yet Maria, he’s fucking gorgeous.”
                “You get all the luck, I swear. So what… you want me to eat some of his cooking? Oh my god. Let me guess, he asks you and you just keep on adding fucking sauce to it.”
                “Yeah. It kind of makes his eye twitch a little, but he still lets me do it.”
                “Does he now?”
                “Yeah. His cousin uh… actually. Nevermind.”
                “No no, his cousin what?”
                “Just said… well, she said it in Italian, so I could have gotten it wrong, but…” Jake can’t believe he’s sharing this with his sister. “Just that, uh, the dick must be good?”
                “You asked!”
                “Remind me of this conversation next time I ask a question you think I won’t like the answer to.”
                “I’ll try. You never listen to me anyway.”
                “Maybe I’ll start.”
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oficmag · 9 months
Issue #9 submissions are OPEN!
Submissions are open for short fiction and nonfiction until 11:59pm EST on June 30, 2024.
Send us your dead doves, your blorbos, your plinkos, your wretched meow meows yearning to be free; that thing you wrote that made you think, “I don’t know where this belongs”; the stuff you’d never show anyone you know IRL. Give us your shameless, self-indulgent smut; the manuscript to the video essay you dictated to your YouTube subscribers in your head; your thoughtful explorations of trauma and identity; your Pepe Silvia wall; your sci-fi, your fantasy, your romance, your realism. We want anything and everything. As long as you identify as a fan, we want to read your work.
We are currently looking for:
Short fiction (only 1 piece at a time, max 12k words; if flash [under 1k], you may submit up to 5 pieces in one document)
Nonfiction (personal essays, articles, or meta, max 12k words)
Check out our MSWL!
We can't wait to read your work!
site | subscribe | submit | faq
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jo-harrington · 2 months
Solamen. (An As Above, So Below Story)
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Gratia. Charitas. Solamen. Grace. Charity. Peace. The oath of the Knights of the Holy Order.
Summary: You and Eddie--separated by time and endless suffering--don't realize how many strings keep you connected on the web of fate. What players are there trying to cut those strings? And when will you both find out that they are unbreakable?
Word Count: 8k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!OC (The Knight - Written in 2nd Person POV - You/Your - No Use of Names of Physical Descriptors)
Warnings/Themes: Soulmates, Kas!Eddie, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Minor Character Deaths, Manipulation, Transformation, Corruption, Violence, Gore, Disturbing Imagery, Philosophical Ideas, Supernatural Encounters, Religious Elements, Criticism of Religion, Biblical and Other Literary and Pop Culture References
Note: Special thanks to @somnambulic-thing for listen to me as I tied myself into a knot with all of my Pepe Silvia string and helping me untie it all. Love you so very much.
AND IM NOT GONNA TAG HIM BECAUSE HOW EMBARRASSING but thanks Mike Flanagan for the "a ghost is a wish" line that I absolutely ripped off.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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"That's just the heart talking, you can never trust those. Pick a more stable organ to listen to, like the spleen, or the gallbladder." - Joan Tierney
November 6, 1983
Eddie woke to something tugging at his leg, pinching the flesh between deft fingers, but not piercing the skin.
Then whispers.
Unintelligible whispers that moved about him fluidly, like a wave. Maybe it was a wave because a sudden flood of memories, both good and bad, rushed over him; nightmares perhaps? They almost didn't feel like they were even his, but he knew that they were.
Driving the van for the first time, his first campaign as a DM, your first kiss.
He felt as though he was underwater.
Underwater, something biting him, tear-filled words as he lay dying in the desolate waste of the Upside Down.
“Eddie, wake up,” you whispered frantically in his ear.
He heard his own voice then. Or a memory of it, at least.
I don’t like this Chrissy, wake up! Flashing lights, snapping bones, and a sickening wet crunch.
He gasped as his consciousness slammed into him heavily, the remnants of fear from his past life ripping through the din to bring him back to the waking world.
The memories of falling and crashing soon followed and he observed his surroundings.
A crater.
It was the only way to describe the pit he’d created upon impact. A large divot in the ground with a lip of toxic earth and his body curled at the bottom, and as he forced his body to crawl out of it, he saw the spray of soil that had rained over the surrounding landscape.
And what a strange landscape it was.
There was nothing as far as the eye could see in any direction. Just a flat, silty plain and a roiling, lightning-filled sky.
There were no creatures, no trees...he couldn't even see Hawkins, which he recalled flying over before he'd been struck by, well, whatever that was that knocked him out.
He'd been soaring over treetops, calling out to the bats to join him.
How had he ended up in such a vast emptiness as this?
The whispers returned, a ripple of them that shifted and moved around him, the source invisible. He growled instinctively, hackles raised; was someone or something trying to intimidate him? The rebellious beings that turned against their master? Had they learned a new trick?
Or was this something else? He already had one invisible enemy, one pest that tried to undermine Henry at every turn. Was this trap by your design?
The whispers closed in on him--he could feel them even if he couldn't see them, in numbers immeasurable--and he roared in warning, spittle flying from his mouth as his jaw unhinged, and the chittering blast of sound echoed into the void space.
He startled when your lips caressed his ear and the weight of you settled against his back, arms winding around his neck to hold him back.
"We need to go," you warned him, but he just hissed at you.
The whispers got louder, closer. From the din, he started to make out voices. Familiar voices. More memories. Talking to him, begging him.
Chrissy at the picnic table.
Patrick calling him a freak in the hallway.
Mr. Newby excitedly telling him about a new stereo he saved up for a year to buy.
They all chanted his name, just like you did. It swirled around him.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie help us. Please help us.
"Eddie listen to me," you tried again. "We need to go."
He roared again, and felt triumphant when the whispers went silent.
But there was one last whisper, one more phantom, that was bold. Brave. He felt it walk right up to him. Tall, proud, toe to toe, nose to nose; it stretched to match his height.
He growled to intimidate it but felt it square itself resolutely. You tightened your arms around his neck, almost to hold him back.
"Don't," you told him, but it was too late.
He slashed a claw outwards to try and bat the whispering phantom away. He cut through it and felt the whoosh of air between his talons.
And must have been a trick of the light, a trick of the mind--one of your tricks--but there was a flash of a reflection of his own eyes right before him. Staring into his soul.
He blinked and it was gone.
You tightened your grip, then sighed and sunk through him, into him, back into the pit once more.
He was about to gloat, about to taunt you--he wasn't Eddie Munson anymore, he wasn't going to fall for your little games--but it was cut short as a roar that rivaled his in strength and volume echoed from just beyond the horizon.
Determined, he took to the skies again, ready to put an end to whatever other tricks you orchestrated so he could return to his master, victorious.
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November 14, 1986
When you came to, you were on the ground.
Not tied up or restrained in any way.
In fact, when you finally got a good hold of your senses, you realized you weren't wearing any clothes either.
"What the...what the fuck?" You startled yourself into a sitting position and looked down at your faded Maidenform bra and Hanes Her Way underwear that you got on clearance at K-mart with Eddie oh so long ago.
You jumped as he suddenly appeared before you--the anger at your unconsented state of undress forgotten--ghastly and ghostly, looking like he did when you jumped into the passenger's seat of the van. Smug smile, love in his eyes, hair mussed from too much headbanging.
"Did you get me anything?" his voice echoed. He wiggled his fingers like he had when he tried to peek inside of your plastic shopping bag, where you did indeed have candy for him.
You didn't even have a chance to wrench your eyes shut, so shocked that you were to see him there, before he vanished.
Your heartbeat roared in your ears as your breathing became rapid and shallow. Your eyes darted around to try and find him once again, as though he'd simply transmuted somewhere behind you--you were used to his vanishing acts...his unseen presence, but this? This was different—you knew that immediately—but found yourself alone.
Alone in a cold, dark room with only the moonlight above to illuminate the dirt floor and dead ivy that climbed the stone walls. You could hear the chittering of bugs and flapping wings of bats in the dark; creatures of unknown origin lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike.
You realized where you were rather quickly--
The vision that the boy had shown you. The cell. The Harrowing.
--and knew that you needed to find a way out immediately.
The witches had already gotten some sort of advantage by capturing you; you wouldn't let them kill you too. You would die on your own terms when you were good and ready.
You shifted to a kneeling position and reached down to let your hands scrape along the dirt floor. You cast yourself forward, consciousness seeping into the Earth to try and find a break in the stone. You knew there must be a door here...it was just too dark to see.
"Show me," you demanded.
"Show you?" Another voice rasped from the shadows. "What's the use when you refuse to look?"
It was not Eddie's voice this time, and pain lanced through your chest, directly into your heart as you recognized it.
Your eyes watered as you fought the urge to look up, as a figure leaned into the moonlight in the corner of your eye. Grey hair, weathered skin, a delicate golden crucifix around her neck. You knew your Nonna wasn't there; no, you watched them put her body behind a wall. Felt a part of her soul settle there, to rest, for eternity.
You didn’t look up, steeled yourself for the fact that even though it sounded like her, it couldn’t be her. She was gone. She was dead. As much as it pained you to acknowledge.
Nonna was gone. Eddie was gone. You were alone. And no one was going to save you here unless you saved yourself.
You shook and dug your fingernails into the dirt, demanding the very stone around show you the way out, all while Nonna's phantom spouted chastising words, about how you never listened to her when she told you to pray and repent and thank God for this and that.
"Your eyes can deceive you," you muttered aloud as a reminder. "Don't trust them."
Nonna inched closer and closer to you, and your breath hitched as you felt the softness of her hand as she reached out and cupped your cheek. You shut your eyes and leaned into it for a moment; it felt just like her hand.
Gentle but calloused from years of labor, you swore you even felt the indentation in her fingers from the beads of the rosary she usually had clutched in her hands.
Maybe if you wished hard enough…
"Tesoro…amore…prayer won't help you here," she tutted.
You grit your teeth in anger and clenched your hands, nails splintering against the hard ground. Your eyes opened to stare straight ahead of you into the darkness.
“My grandmother went and saw Star Wars with me in the theater, you know.” You spoke with as much confidence as you could muster. The softness of Nonna’s hand vanished, as did she. “She was well-versed in the ways of the Force.”
You stared into the darkness, unblinking, and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Finally the darkness broke and a heavy wooden door opened, creaking inwards towards you, until light cascaded into the cell and revealed a man with slicked-back hair and elfin features. His eyes were like fire as he stared down at you, hatred and challenge burned there.
“You’re stronger than you look,” he sneered judgmentally. “Many minds have been broken by this place.”
“What do they say about tv melting your brain?” you spat right back at him. "I've watched too much; my mind is already gone."
He chuckled darkly.
“I wouldn’t know such mortal mechanisms as…teevee.”
“Oh you’re one of those kinds of witches.”
“Warlock,” he corrected. He was one of those kinds of men too. You wondered, disgusted, if he stripped you of your clothes himself to get a kick of your potential humiliation. Or if even that was above him. “And what might you be?”
“I’m a pain in the ass,” you smiled mockingly. “You should have just slit my throat if you wanted to kill me. Or is that too much of a mortal mechanism too?”
He swiftly lowered himself to kneel in front of you, black clothes billowing, and grabbed your face in one hand. His sharp nails dug into your cheeks viciously, drawing blood if the telltale pinch was anything to go by.
You felt him pull truths from you, information ingrained in your blood--Jinette, the Knights, the curse, your mission, Edward Spellman. It might have alarmed you, how easily he was taking it, but it was such a simple trick.
Two could play at that game.
You watched and waited as his eyes became unfocused, as he lost control taking thoughts and memories from you. Then, when he was nice and distracted, you reared back and punched him across that sharp cheekbone and nose, putting all of your heavenly force into it.
He let go of you at the impact and fell to the side, but you got what you needed. A little bit of blood smeared across your knuckles.
And then you saw.
The man--Faustus Blackwood--the Church of Night, the Academy of Unseen Arts, the Witches of Greendale and their historic persecution, the Dark Baptisms. And at the epitome of it all...two figures standing head to head…
A roar outside the door of the cell broke you from your thoughts and you froze, knowing.
Blackwood abruptly got to his feet and spat blood at you as he sneered, "I would kill you for that...but you’re worth more alive than dead, unfortunately.”
He stormed out of the cell without any other hesitation, and you were alone again.
Waiting. Anticipating.
There was no need for intimidation tactics really, but he apparently had an affinity for drama.
He stepped into the light and you saw the cloven hoof on one leg, the very human-like torso draped in a billowing black cloak, and the goat-like head with ears that twitched as he laid his eyes on you.
You had to admit, your emotions spiked a little bit at the sight, and as the door to the cell slammed shut behind him. Fear, confusion, annoyance, and that ever-present feeling of grief.
Maybe those were just the things that made you up as a person. Instead of joy or anything l truly good. He brought them right to the surface; not like you could lie to him.
Well, you were probably not as afraid as you should have been. You knew that. And he did too, as you swore you heard a snort from him.
But it wasn't every day that you faced your fate.
It wasn't every day you found yourself face to face with the Devil.
"Took you long enough," you greeted.
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November 6, 1983
He flew for as long as he could and then pushed himself to fly further, following the massive roar until it became the constant din of roars and chitters and screeches--many beasts voices combined to form one.
He flew until he found something again in the barren void in the outskirts of the Upside Down.
It was surprising to find that there wasn't even a blue tinge to the sky anymore out here, but instead a dingy yellow hue. Glowing and golden, with, what he believed to be, shooting stars soaring across the murky atmosphere. Where he'd gotten used to order and obedience in the mirrored version of Hawkins, this...this...was wild and untamed.
It was full of possibility and promise.
For a brief moment, deep down inside, right next to where you resided in the pit, curiosity bloomed.
Was this the potential that the Upside Down had when it wasn't wrangled and tethered by Henry? Was this the potential that he had?
He snarled at the intrusive thought, sure that you were the cause of it; he needed to focus, to stay loyal to Henry. He had a job to do here; he had to restore order.
He powered onwards and soared over a crowd of creatures on the uneven ground below. They were emaciated and writhing, howling and digging and fighting.
It wasn't like the playful or bored fights he witnessed at the quarry; this was a survival of the fittest. Limbs were ripped off, throats torn, blood shed. And the winner had the explicit honor of absorbing the writhing mass of parts that the loser left behind.
Off in the distance he could see the partially formed behemoth of a creature. No life breathed into it yet, just a lump of meat with one leg here and a malformed head.
Images flashed in his mind, courtesy of Henry, of the Mindflayer forming from citizens of Hawkins. Their flesh melted to form the beast, just like his brethren below melted into one another to form a new Mindflayer.
Just like they'd sacrificed themselves for his new form.
He felt electricity deep within his flesh, his bones, his wings as like called to like.
He couldn't help but feel some sort of betrayal; its origins were unknown and he couldn't quite discern what the feeling meant.
Was it a betrayal of the creatures who used to believe Henry to be their leader, who sacrificed themselves for him?
Or a betrayal within himself? The pieces of him that had been graciously given knew that he was a part of their flock, their swarm...the blood that kept his heart beating and his hunger at bay was the same as theirs...but he'd chosen Henry over them...
"Is that what they feel?" your question echoed within him, radiating from the depths of the pit outwards, to the very tips of his talons and back. It shook him to the core. "Or is that what you feel?"
However, he ignored you as he dropped to the ground, dry earth cracking beneath his feet, and let out a deafening, screeching cry to bring the mass of creatures to order.
The hive mind was still unavailable to him--to all of them, it seemed--but he was still the strongest of them all, the most dangerous predator. They all stilled at his call, like a shockwave radiating outwards from him.
He turned on his heel, glaring at the massive congregation of creatures. Some of the dogs pawed at the ground; the petal-like heads of the demogorgons opened and closed at will, blood dripping from the thousands of teeth embedded in their maws. He didn’t need the hive mind to know what they were thinking, considering; he knew what it looked like when they were gearing up for an attack.
He snarled at them all, chastising them, warning them...
One warning; it was all they got. Just like his uncle used to tell him.
But one stupid creature got the courage to challenge him and it roared, a shrill sound from somewhere beyond his line of sight, and the others soon followed. Until he was surrounded by another cacophony of sound that caused the air to vibrate and the ground to rumble.
There was safety in numbers; he knew. He could overpower them individually without much trouble, but against the sheer mass of them? Could he win? Could he survive?
He dug his heels into the ground, tucked his wings tightly against his body, and hissed, accepting the challenge.
He silently apologized to Henry as he considered that this would be the most fun he would have in the Upside Down since he and Dustin had their…
His thoughts were cut short as one of the dogs raced towards him, mouth snapping, ready to strike. Only for him to strike first, claws cutting it to ribbons, easily tearing through its flesh until it thumped, dead in pieces on the ground around him.
Its comrades were soon to follow, a whole pack of them, and they got their pound of flesh out of him, biting and dragging their teeth into him. They sent his black blood spilling onto the ground with the wounds they inflicted. He powered through the pain, knowing he would heal.
What was pain to him when he was reborn of pain? When Henry had inflicted unimaginable agony onto him only to build him back stronger again?
He picked them off his body one by one, like the vermin that they were, cursing their betrayal—they had been his friends, his family in this new life—as he tore them apart.
More attacked, until it was an endless barrage of bodies and claws and teeth looking to tear into him, which resulted in what could only be described as untethered carnage. When he tired, he stoked his hunger by drinking deeply from the wounds he inflicted on them, taking his fill until he was ready to keep fighting.
He was filled with the determination to keep going until the last creature was dead at his feet, and he would have...he would have done it...
If only he hadn't looked up at the sky.
And saw it looking back down at him.
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November 14, 1986
Your vision blurred and the devil's visage wavered in and out.
From goat, to that of a man with beautiful, sculpted features and dark curls. Back and forth a few times, smiling ever so gently at you. Finally he decided on the image of a man for his temptation of you.
Funny that he wouldn't make himself look like Eddie or Nonna again if he wanted to do that.
The cell door slammed shut and he sat beside you on the ground; he said your name carefully, as though he was tasting a fine wine for the first time.
"You're a funny little creature," he observed with a chuckle, dark undertones accentuating the depth of his accented voice. "My own disciples fear me but you...hmmm...you fear something else, I think."
"You don't spend much time on Earth do you? A Mongolian Death Worm is scarier than a Goat Man," you reasoned.
The corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement.
"You fear yourself." Your expression fell and he held a hand out innocently. "It's ok, I feared myself too for a time. After I was cast out of Heaven. My father and brothers feared me, so I must also fear myself. But I came to find that I was just...willful, and they didn't like that one bit."
You thought of Gabriel and his annoying stoicism, how he tried to keep you aligned with what fate had in store for you.
"Yes, you seem to be exceptionally willful too." He hummed in agreement, as though he could hear your thoughts. Maybe he could. "You and your forebearers. That's why you've found yourselves in the predicament you're in."
He leaned closer to you, his nose practically touching yours. His image wavered once more, and you smelled the brimstone on him. Much heavier than it had with Edward Spellman.
"That's why you've found yourselves doomed to an eternity with me," he smiled amicably and then slowly leaned back. "Why not let it be on your own terms."
Your eyes darted between his, and you questioned whether or not you could trick the Devil, if you could win against him in this game.
And if you did, would he just strike you down in retaliation?
"What do you get in return?" you asked.
"Another soul devoted to me," he said simply. "Instead of one I'm forced to punish. I really like it when mortals pray to me; the power is actually quite nice."
He took a deep breath in, shoulders squaring as he lavished in some unseen dark power. Then he exhaled and squinted at you.
"I'm being merciful, you see, because, I win either way; you're still mine, in the end. But isn't corruption fun? The hellfire tickles when it touches you instead of melting the flesh off your bones like it's currently doing to dear old Dad."
His eyes narrowed further when you didn't react.
"Or to Eddie."
You must have visibly reacted, some kind of shudder or blink that made him relax and smile again.
"See, that got you listening," he nodded self-assuredly. "I can smell the stink of grief on you.”
You gritted your teeth at the pang in your heart; Eddie…he wasn’t in Hell. He couldn’t be.
But how could you be sure?
“And denial,” He continued. “Faustus could too, actually, and he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch. He doesn't have nearly as much power as he likes to pretend he does. He's losing control of his own congregation. They don't want to listen to him. No wonder you didn't fall prey to his torture either. No matter. You're here with me now."
The edges of the cell suddenly became alight with flames, a circle of them that trapped you and the Devil together.
They were not of this earth; you knew it immediately as they licked at your bare skin, but you gritted your teeth to the singe of pain that shot through you, refusing to move closer to him.
"Now, dear girl, what do you want?"
He tilted his head, and the motion felt strange and distorted. Contorted as it seemed to tilt further than a human's range of motion would allow.
"Do you simply want this curse gone? You can continue doing your good deeds on earth if you want, save the innocents. I don't mind. Oh that's a good bargain actually. Innocents slaughtered by darkness go to heaven; if you save them and they live to sin on their own, they'll end up with me. Let them suffer a little less so I can enjoy hearing them scream a little louder."
The longer you stayed near the fire though, the louder you heard screams of the damned from within it.
"Maybe you want revenge on those who put this silly curse on you in the first place. Your bishop friend hmm? Or whatever he is. We both know the dark deeds he's involved in."
Something wicked twinged within you, deep down in the little dark spot inside your soul. Your lips quirked as he projected images of Jinette screaming as you burned him alive.
You shook your head, physically trying to rid yourself of the thoughts.
No. You were good, you could break this curse yourself and you could still save people and you could make it to heaven. To Eddie.
"Ah, see, my mistake. How could I forget? How good is all of that," he asked knowingly. "When I'm forgetting something important? When there's something more delicious I can offer."
The devil's projections changed then. From revenge and damnation...to all of the decadent moments that you had with Eddie and then lost because of this stupid curse.
You whimpered at the thoughts, at the way they plucked at your heartstrings. Kisses and laughter and every secret, sweet moment between the two of you.
"Do you want your little boyfriend back?" he whispered. "The two of you could live forever with red vines and cherry pie and Dr. Pepper until the end of time. Immortality is something I offer all my disciples."
You felt your resolve weaken and tears built up in the corners of your eyes as you saw the two of you frolicking through the world until the end of the earth itself. You and Eddie and forever. You could almost reach out and touch it.
But how could he offer that to you if Eddie was beyond his grasp in Heaven. He had to be in Hell, as much as it destroyed you to believe.
"All you have to do," he held out his hand, "is say yes."
It would have been so easy to reach out and touch his hand, to ignore all of the red flags and to accept this offer. It was easy for all logic to leave you, all rational sense that you had. It was so tempting and you were so...so...tired.
But there was a small bit of movement in the corner of your eye, and you broke eye contact with the devil to see what he might have to show you now...only to find Gabriel there, hands held behind his back. He looked bored, like he usually did, and you almost felt smug at him having caught you like this.
You were tired. You were human. You weren't meant for these grand plans that fate had in store for you, that God seemingly had for you.
"Have you come to scold me?" you asked him wearily. "Or save me?"
"I'm here to prove that you still have much to learn," Gabriel sighed. “Very much to learn, it seems.”
Yes, you did...didn't you.
You snorted and hung your head in shame, finally allowing the tears to fall.
But the devil...the devil narrowed his eyes at you and turned to follow where your line of sight had been.
"Who are you talking to?" he asked with a snarl.
You scoffed and lifted your hand to gesture towards Gabriel.
"Surprise!" you exclaimed with faux excitement. "Family reunion."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, head darting back and forth between you and Gabriel.
Or rather, just left of Gabriel.
You watched as his head turned in confusion, as anger built up inside of him and the fires roared hotter, as his image darted in and out, in and out. Goat then man then something else...just a shadow.
Like the shadow that you'd seen in the woods.
You sniffed and wiped at your tears as you put two and two together. All of the inconsistencies that you ignored in the devil's stories, the misuses of names and symbols in the Academy, and now this...the fact that this so-called Lucifer--an archangel--might not be able to see Gabriel.
Devils lied, demons lied. They tricked and poisoned minds and hearts. They still had power and promises; this one had a whole slew of followers. He was their deity in one way or another, spoke as though he believed himself to be a fallen angel. Maybe he was a prince of Hell in some capacity, some pretending parasite whose ambition was the throne of the damned.
But was he the Devil himself? No.
None of these beliefs were as straightforward as they seemed; the universe was a riddle that you didn't have time or care enough to solve.
You also were a little rusty on your Lesser Key of Solomon.
Had he even known these things about your curse? About Nonna and Eddie? About your father and your knighthood? Or had it just been a simple skimming of your thoughts? Maybe even Blackwood's thoughts when he'd read your memories through your blood.
You thought back to the information you tried to ascertain from Blackwood in return.
A vision of this Dark Lord and Edward Spellman, some sort of disagreement between the two of them. Perhaps this devil was trying to get someone or something on his side to overcome Spellman's challenge.
That's all it took for it to click in your head.
Then you got angry. At this devil for his tricks, at Jinette for putting you in this mess without sufficient warning, and most of all…at yourself for falling for it all.
You looked back at Gabriel, unable to admit that you’d fucked up.
"Ok but you could have just saved me you know," you snarked at him instead.
Gabriel’s mouth quirked in his rendition of a smile. Some pseudo expression that made him seem human for a fraction of a second.
"It'll all make sense one day.” It was said the way a parent would to a curious toddler. Gabriel looked away from you to some middle distance, through the wall of the cell, and then gestured at the devil. "Would you like to take care of this?”
You rolled your eyes at him then pushed yourself to your feet, much to the protest of the devil, who simply conjured more hellfire to try and burn you alive.
You let it singe you, let it touch your skin to ignite the fire of your own. A spiteful, smiting fire, much like you had emitted the day you found out Eddie died.
"And if I told you he was alive?" the devil asked, shrinking away as you raised your hand to banish him. "Eddie. He's alive."
You hesitated but shook off any effect his lies had on you.
"Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue," you quoted and then leant closer to him to whisper. "That's Shakespeare, if you wanna tell your friend Blackwood to experience some mortal things before I come knocking again."
The hellfire licked at you again and from it you sparked a pure and holy flame, and with the heat and pressure of a supernova, the Witch's cell was consumed. All the dark corners were illuminated, the evil spirits that lurked there expelled, and you heard the devil scream as he was sent back to the depths of Hell once more.
You were alone when the fire dissipated.
Gabriel was gone.
Even Eddie’s ghost didn’t dare show himself, and you were grateful.
Your footing faltered and you fell against the wall of the cell, grateful for it to be over. You took several deep breaths before the pain and weariness in your body—in your soul—got the best of you.
Then you cried. Deep, gut-wrenching sobs echoed in the stone chamber, as you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and self soothe. This moment was for you. It was full of mourning and self-hatred and fear and relief that you hadn’t given in in that moment of weakness.
Your respite didn't last long, however, because the door to the cell creaked open again. You startled and scrambled to stand tall, confidently, unwilling to let the witches get the best of you again.
Only to find the kind eyes of Edward Spellman on the other side.
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November 6, 1983
He stared in confusion, ignoring the bites and slashes from the masses around him, as the pair of eyes became more tangible in the rolling, smoky clouds up above. A flash of lighting was a blink...or maybe a glint of curiosity in their gold-and-shadowy depths.
Just eyes. Nothing else.
It was a curious thing.
They watched him.
And he watched them back.
It would be easy to blame you for this, just like he'd tried to convince himself to blame you for the whispers. But you were silent; no gloating or even warning.
Actually, if he paid attention, he could hear you hiding in the pit, little prayers being muttered fearfully.
There was a surge of protectiveness that shot through him at the realization that you were afraid. He figured that as annoying as you were to him, he'd really never seen you affect the rest of the world in many more ways than plucking the strings of his guitar. Conversely, the world shouldn't affect you either; your warnings were for him and him alone. If he ceased to exist, so would you, right?
So why did those eyes scare you? And why were they watching him in the first place?
His head fell to the side in a confused tilt and the eyes seemed to blink at him.
He snarled and the eyes blinked again.
Then in the distance, the proto-Mindflayer shuttered to life and squawked. It was a sad and pathetic sound, and he would have laughed; however, in response to the cry, the army of creatures that had taken up arms against him screeched in tandem. They released their holds on him, their jaws becoming loose so they could contribute to the flurry of sounds.
Louder and louder until it was a deafening wail.
Until it brought Eddie to his knees.
He was not meant to kneel.
That was the first thought he had; Henry had made him to tower over his enemies, to intimidate them before he slaughtered them. His servitude to his master was not by force, it was willing.
He'd given up so much for a chance to live.
Given up his soul.
"Heaven," you muttered sadly inside of him before delving back into prayer to your non-existent god. He growled at the thought, at your incessant murmuring deep within him.
Eddie Munson wasn't going to heaven; it was a laughable thought, actually.
He struggled back to his feet, feeling like he was underwater again with the weight of a thousand oceans on his shoulders. He steeled himself against the wails and the screams, the whispers and the feelings they all drummed up inside of him.
He'd chosen this.
This was his path.
And nothing would make him deviate from it.
Not you, not some would-be-usurping monster made from the parts of recalcitrant beasts, and certainly not some eyes in the sky that made him doubt himself.
He closed his own eyes to the world, closed himself off from all of it; he even tried to close himself off from you, but he couldn't escape you no matter how much he tried, so he just ignored your words. He would deal with you later.
If some meddlesome minder thought that tricks could be used to turn him against his master, he could use tricks of his own. A trick Henry himself showed him--whether he intended to or not--through the Hive Mind.
It started as a spark, not in his heart or in his fingers...in his mind. He envisioned it. Red and crackling, like the lightning that illuminated the skies of the Upside Down. The skies of his home. So different than the lightning that crashed up above and made those eyes blink and wink at him.
Red like a glowing ember.
Red like blood.
Red like his guitar, the vibrations twanging through him as he plucked the string.
He harnessed those imagined vibrations, imagined lightning, and then cast it outwards from him.
He felt the devastation before he heard it or saw it; just like the static wave that had cut him off from the collective consciousness, his attack on the beasts stunned them, then shocked them.
Eviscerated them.
Every wave of electricity he cast was full of emotion, as though he was purging every human feeling he didn't think he had anymore. It was retribution and pain and justice; grief and regret and loneliness. And when it all poured out of him, when the wails stopped, he opened his eyes to an empty battlefield.
The bodies had turned to stone and then the stone had weathered into dust.
There was a rumbling overhead and Eddie looked up with a wretched, wicked, victorious grin.
Henry would be proud of him.
The eyes blinked again, and then lightning crashed from the clouds that made them up, right down onto the ground before him.
One bolt after another. Never touching him. Just dotting the ground with craters.
Like teardrops.
Until the skies roiled once again and the eyes disappeared.
All with one last whisper on the wind.
"Help me..."
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November 14, 1986
Mr. Spellman--Edward, he insisted, but you simply refused--escorted you out of the Witch’s Cell and the Academy of Unseen Arts and then took you back to Greendale.
“In a car,” you observed as he led you to his vehicle.
“How else?” He questioned with a furrowed brow and then reached into the backseat to grab a lovingly-crocheted shawl to hand to you. "I'll return your belongings to you once I find their whereabouts; Faustus was only protecting our congregation when..."
He faltered with his words, and you knew that he was trying to find an excuse for something that might otherwise be inexcusable.
"It's alright," you stopped him and took the shawl. You wrapped it around your bare shoulders. You pulled it around you tightly and inhaled; it smelled like aromatic herbs with an undertone of...formaldehyde? "I understand. Maybe, uh, the stripping isn't necessary next time he tries to catch and torture someone huh?"
"Would you believe it if I said that it's a tradition?" he offered apologetically. "Those who make a deal with the Dark Lord often see it...almost as a rite of marriage."
He laughed as you wrinkled your nose in distaste.
"Maybe some traditions need to change," you challenged him.
He gave you space and time, several days actually, to rest and heal and recollect yourself before he invited you to his home--a mortuary, which would explain the formaldehyde--to discuss your visit to Greendale. You shared your story, willingly this time--about the Knights and the Holy Order and about your curse--while he shared stories about the Church of Night and the Academy, about their beliefs and how he constantly pushed to know more, believe more.
Then you both discussed how you might work together to ensure you'd never need to come back again.
"It's a great meeting of the minds," he exclaimed, more enthusiastic than you might ever be. "A meeting of worlds."
You couldn't deny him that enthusiasm, especially when he'd been kind enough to welcome you into his home. His sister Hilda even brought tea and cookies for the two of you. But you knew that Jinette and the Order would probably kill you if things didn't change in Greendale and soon.
"A meeting about the demon you worship or the kids who are dying at the Academy under your watch Mr. Spellman," you policed him.
You weren't even surprised when he agreed with you.
"You mentioned traditions needing to change. The Harrowing isn't even one of our most archaic traditions but it is one of the many traditions that I'm keen to abandon," he explained, scribbling something down in a nearby journal. You didn't ask what some of the other traditions the Church of Knight kept; you knew that you probably wouldn't be too keen on them either.
But he seemed genuine enough.
"As for the Dark Lord," he continued. "I've known for some time that he isn't really Lucifer Morningstar. But it wouldn't do for me to try and convince anyone of it. What else is there to drive our beliefs? I suppose plenty of things but...to change an entire system takes time. Besides...well...it's all relative, isn't it? To us, your deity is The False God. No matter how much hope and comfort he gives you."
You knew that Mr. Spellman was generalizing...but when was the last time God had ever brought you comfort? Had He ever?
"Maybe He is The False God," you agreed. "Maybe neither of them are truly worthy of any worship; they all have their flaws."
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit," he quoted.
"And wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad," you finished for him with a snort. "My boyfriend says that all the time when he and his friends play DnD. He..."
And then you caught yourself, and Mr. Spellman caught you too. He watched you with a knowing gaze.
"He..." you frowned. "He..."
"He came with you to Greendale," Mr. Spellman finished for you. "Even if you don't want to admit that he did. He goes with you everywhere. Doesn't he?"
"He does."
"When did he die?"
"Back in March."
"And do you want him gone?"
"I think," you paused and wrung your hands together.
What a strange question for him to ask...but it still got you thinking. Was it better to carry this grief with you for the rest of your life? To carry his ghost with you everywhere you went? Clearly, if your time in Greendale had been an indicator, Eddie and your grief could be used against you.
But what was the alternative? Being alone? You knew he wasn't there...but wasn't he there?
What was a ghost, but a wish...
"I think," you finally continued with your answer. "Eddie is a part of me now in a way that I can never ever...I don't even know if recover from is the right phrase. I don't think I even want to recover from it. He's going to be a part of me until I reunite with him again."
"In Heaven?"
"In Heaven. Or in Hell."
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November 6, 1983
Eddie returned to Henry, triumphant.
It had been a relief once he'd returned to Hawkins and the hive mind seemingly clicked back into place. Henry had been the first to greet him when it did, demanding to see him in the flesh and, hopefully, celebrate such a big victory.
But when he opened his mind to his master, fully intent on letting him see everything--
The self-cannibalism of the unruly creatures, his destruction of them and finally, you deep down in the pit within him, whispering into his ear the whole time.
--Henry, surprisingly, did no such thing.
There was pride, but also boredom. He would see that his request was fulfilled, but beyond that? Well what good was praise when success was the expectation.
"Rest," Henry groaned and then settled back into his own convalescence, without much care to the state of his beast. "You will find battle again soon; for now, rest."
Eddie twitched apprehensively at those words, at the dismissal, as he took to the skies once again to follow his master's orders.
But something was missing. He needed answers, he needed to deliver a full recount of the incident, he needed to ensure that this would never happen again because he knew the consequences would be dire.
He was Henry's right hand; why didn't his master want to ensure he was successful. His reaction had been beyond trust; it had been indifference.
Deep down inside of Eddie, a little voice spoke.
Did it matter whether Henry cared or not? He was successful, that was all that mattered.
But what was the point of being successful if not to receive some sort of praise? He would surely be punished if he had failed.
But if he had failed, he would be dead. And he would have deserved it.
And if he had died? Would Henry have batted an eye?
He was just a thing. Henry's weapon, his sword, his beast...and if he lost...good riddance...if he lost, he was weak anyway...
Eddie roared when he landed at his destination--the trailer--inundated with all of the doubts in the world. Frustrated, because they didn't come from you, they came from himself. That voice...that was his own voice. Not yours.
His doubts in his master were his own.
But where had they come from? Why? Why now?
He was suspicious of their origin, especially since you were practically non-existent in that moment. In fact, he hadn't heard you since his return. Since he'd decided to reveal your existence to Henry.
The feelings of betrayal within him must have been because of you, even inadvertently.
"Come here," he screeched at you, clawing at his own chest almost an attempt to carve you out physically. "Answer me!"
But there was nothing.
Rage stoked, he stormed through the trailer and resumed the rampant destruction that he'd abandoned oh so long ago. Walls demolished, belongings broken. He would move heaven and earth to get you to respond to him, cause as much of a ruckus until you came to bother him once again, insult him.
Then he would...what? Strike? He couldn't strike you, couldn't kill you, couldn't be rid of you, even if he tried.
And then, in the depths of the destroyed trailer, he came to his guitar.
The guitar had started it all, hadn't it? The first time he'd played it was the first time you'd materialized. That was the first time he'd felt like Eddie Munson in an eternity.
But he wasn't Eddie Munson anymore.
He reached out a claw and plucked at a string, hoping that would get you to reveal yourself once again.
There was a ripple.
A disturbance in the pit as you clawed your way out of him once again.
You were silent as you manifested, unseen, beside him.
It was silent for a while, as you both languished in the presence of one another. Eddie in the silent truth of your existence, you in the turbulent rage of his.
Until he finally spoke.
"What did you do to me?" he questioned.
He watched as the guitar sting plucked itself by your invisible hand, that zzzz of your fingertip against the texture of the string before the twang.
"How did you do that?" He didn't need to elaborate, he knew you knew what he meant.
It was easy to put the blame on you, for all of it, even though he knew he felt your fear in the wastes at the outskirts of the Upside Down. You'd been just as in control as he had been.
"We both know," you spoke into his ear, into his heart. "That wasn't me."
"But you are doing something," he rasped. "Trickster, fiend."
"Friend," you corrected him.
There was a pang where his heart should be once again.
But you were more than friend, weren't you. You were a part of his heart, a part of his soul--
He roared at the thought and lashed out, trying to claw at you futility, but you disappeared again and he felt you materialize across the room.
"I don't know why you're angry," you taunted him. "Because big bad Vecna didn't pat you on the head. The Eddie I know wouldn't accept such mediocre prizes."
"I'm not Eddie anymore!" he screeched and this time he didn't lash out at the space where you seemingly existed. Intangible and invulnerable.
No, instead he lunged for the symbol of you, the last symbol of his humanity.
The guitar.
He raked his claws down the metal of the strings, shearing them into pieces. He pulled the neck of it from the body, stomped on it with heavy footsteps.
The more he destroyed his previously beloved instrument, the more he envisioned your destruction. Just like he'd vaporized all of the betraying comrades, he imagined that he'd vaporized you. Each atom turning into dust, into smoke, the more he destroyed this last piece of Eddie Munson in existence here in the Upside Down.
It was quiet when all was said and done, and he let out a victorious wail to celebrate that silence.
He huffed and chuckled and dropped to his knees in relief that he was finally rid of you.
But he felt the phantom weight of your arms circling around his neck, the pressure of your body against his wings. You softly caressed his cheek.
"Are you done? Did that feel good?" you mocked him.
A whimper escaped his throat and you sighed sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry Eddie," you nuzzled against the side of his head, breath caressing his skin and ruffling his hair. Even if you weren't really there. "But you're not getting rid of me that easily. I will always be with you."
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“Real hauntings have nothing to do with ghosts; they have to do with the menace of memory.” — Anne Rice, Queen of the Damned
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winxwiki · 1 year
Maya Fox character art, a cancelled series at Rainbow
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As taken from the Fandom Wiki:
Maya Fox is a series of comics and novels from Rainbow SpA, an Italian studio that is well-known for its cartoon Winx Club. The series was co-created by Silvia Brena and Iginio Straffi (creator of Winx Club). Straffi also designed all of the series' characters, who are always shown in black-and-white.
The franchise was aimed at a "young adult" audience, dealing with murder mysteries and the end of the world, with gothic and emo aesthetics. A movie and a TV series were planned but ended up being quietly cancelled. Despite good comic books sales, the books were slammed critically.
Notice how similar the comic art is to Winx Club's artstyle! This may be Iginio Straffi's only known credited art outside of his Bonelli work.
A live action "trailer" to promote the series was made, narrated by Christian Iansante (who you may know for being RickSanchez's italian voice... and Gantlos). Warning for flashing lights!
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iamjapanese · 1 year
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Marina Marcolin(Italian, b.1975)
from the book Poesie della Notte, del Giorno, di ogni cosa Intorno( Poems of the Night, of the Day, of everything Around)    via
A collection of rare poetic intensity, conducted with measure and wisdom by Silvia Vecchini, here on his debut in poetry for children, and Marina Marcolin, watercolorist extraordinaire. A work of patient, focused excavation which brings to light the secret, prodigious, splendid gems of childhood and adolescence: moments of beauty; dazzling flashes of unknown suffering and awareness. A mysterious and, at the same time, familiar path between ordinary life and the suspended time of the heart: sometimes dull, sometimes hectic, in its unexpected and irregular rhythm. A fearless book, flying high, very high, to affirm the right to nobility of those who belong to an age which does not fear the courage and the worries of the most human of all enterprise: to know yourself.
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Lost Memories: Bang Bravern & Metallic Rouge, Ep 10
“Not all memories are good, you know?” —Ash Stahl
I was watching the 10th episode of Metallic Rouge where one of the Immortals, Eden/Noir, an android, lost his ID (a transparent sphere that contains all their personality, memories, etc. that is part of the immortals’ makeup) and everything became hazy. His memories began to fade away. He knew he had a lover (Jill/Flash Silvia) and a family, his Nean family. He even knew the beginning notes of Debussy’s “Clair de lune” but totally forgot the entirety of the piano piece. Naomi thought it was so unfortunate that she felt sad for the Nean. According to Jaron, once all his memories were gone, he’d die. Eden/Noir’s life connects himself to his memories.
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On the other hand, compared to the future defeated Bravern whose memory was still intact, his remembrance of a particular encounter with the Japanese crew in Hawaii discovering the tonkatsu curry left a mark on his mind. It was a small thing, probably insignificant to some, yet for Lewis/Bravern a big deal that aided Lulu to decide once and for all to rectify the past. The moment she heard Bravern, busloads of reminiscences from both Lewis Smith and Bravern flowed in her mind.
“Japanese curry was really good.”
As for the viewers who watched that scene, it was a painful one. The dying Bravern/Lewis’ last words. The sound of his internal machine whirring in the background, not functioning. The show runners’ attempt to blend humour with death was fascinating. In the end, there was only the impending gloom and hopelessness and a defeated Bravern and Isami’s corpse.
Good news, the whole thing can be reversed.
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kurayamineko · 7 months
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fymo-blogs · 2 months
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Silvia with a color pallete for @thea-lynn
Pallete used:
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Speedpaint below cut, flash warning!
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mythrite · 1 month
Updated Switch Description
This one is just more organised, maybe with a little more info.
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@olibird just use this one for the doc (:
Stuff in red and italics only applies to 19-04/Shadow Company AU Switch
Name: Silvia Mythrite
Aliases: Switchblade, Switch, Myth, Switchie (affectionate or condescending depending on the person), 19-04
Rank: Sergeant, probably just team leader in Shadow Company? Don’t think she’d get to Sergeant there
Nationality: British Ethnicity: British/Filipino
Age: 26 DoB: 01/21/98
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Demiboy Sex: Female
Sexuality: Ace, Demiromantic
Height: 5'4/163cm
Languages: English (knows swears in Spanish and German)
Voice Claim: Edd Gould from Eddsworld
Which CoD Universe: OG and Reboot
Branches of Service: British Army and SAS
Affiliation: TF141, SpecGru, Shadow Company(?)
Specialties: Close Quarters Combat, Dexterity, Harsh Environments. But is trained in pretty much everything
Personality: Reserved, only speaks when spoken to, blunt. OR Chill, throws a joke around sometimes, painfully British. Depends how comfortable she is with the people.
Backstory: Switch was raised in a home that was rather bland. Parents didn’t celebrate holidays, or properly care for their child. By the time she was 13, her father forced her through training for the military. Three years of that. When she was 16, father sent her off to the British Army and cut contact with her. Switch joined the SAS at 18. By the time she was 22, Price selected her to join TF141 (or 24 for SC!Switch). Following the events of MWII and Price learning Graves was still alive, he sent Switch to go spy on Shadow Company with one reminder: don’t get weak.
Issues: Doesn’t cope with the trauma. Hates asking for help, especially with personal stuff. Lives to be useful to people. Constantly overworks and barely cares for self when she does. Hasn’t experienced most childhood things. Gender dysphoria. Hates being seen as weak. Touch deprived.
Habits: Flicks and spins a butterfly knife at given moment. Swears way too much. Occasional smoker. Mumbles HU lyrics to herself.
Scars: Right brow, left shoulder, right upper arm (all blade related incidents). Burn on the whole left arm. Right elbow and right leg bullet wounds. Small cuts on hands from butterfly knife accidents.
Preferred method of showing care/affection/love language: Acts of Service
Preferred way of receiving care/affection: Any but mainly Physical Touch
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair description: Slightly lighter brown, right side is shaved off, leaving the left side. Slightly covers her left eye at times. Hair goes down to armpit length, but is usually in a ponytail
Clothing description:
(Gear): Tactical vest with UK flag over her heart, pistol holster below it. Two mag pouches and a zipper closed bag at bottom.  Metal arm guards strapped on. Above that is another patch with a UK flag and TF141 (or Shadow Company) insignia on the right arm, and a blade strap on the left. Belt pouches for chosen butterfly knife and grenades and flash-bangs. Kneepads. Combat gloves. Headset and goggles, maybe helmet as well.
(Civvies): Would wear some kind of merch from The Neighbourhood or Hollywood Undead when possible. Other than that, it’s just the simple shirt, jeans, maybe a flannel or jacket of sort on top. And a cross bag. Black/grey/navy mask if she wants to wear it.
(SC Uniform): Uniform has a pocket on the left side for her balisong, 19-04 name tag on the right. SC insignia on right sleeve. Dark grey neck gaiter, with messily sewn on blue rim. Goggles.
Body Description: She’s worked on her body to make it as androgynous as possible. As much femininity gone, she prefers it that way. Very lean, not to the point of bulky. She isn’t slim either, in the sweet spot. Flat chest.
Favorite Activities: Staring at the ceiling contemplating her life choices, listening to music, doodling, origami, watching people do weird shit, might get involved with the weird shit if she feels comfortable enough.
Blood Type: AB-
Favorite Colour: Dull blues and purples
Favorite Animal: Doesn’t have one
Favorite Food/Dessert: Doesn’t have one
Favourite Album: “Day Of The Dead” from Hollywood Undead and “I Love You.” from The Neighbourhood
Music Taste: Rock and Metal
Would gladly blast Hollywood Undead in the car, but don’t think anyone else wants that ):
Has a whole collection of knives, and knows how to use all of them
Expert at Five Finger Fillet (The Knife Game).
Was trained to be ambidextrous, born right handed though.
Keeps track of her times and scores like Mactavish does in OG Modern Warfare. This ends up being more pressure for her, though.
Drinks tea very often
Doesn’t drink heavily, but will enjoy a nice glass of bourbon.
When drunk however, she’ll be a lot quieter, maybe say an off handed thing or two. And will do stupid shit if you ask her to. That’s exactly why she doesn’t drink heavily.
Articulated her voice to sound more masculine.
Prefers masc compliments and statements when talking about her.
Being the asexual she is, Switch will make the dirtiest jokes and fuck around with flirting at times (she doesn’t mean any of it). Only to miss the obvious stuff.
Does not know how to sew
Mask and goggles are not out of insecurity.
Doesn’t take her mask and goggles off often while she’s in Shadow Company. It’s for the sake of trying to not be identified.
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oficmag · 3 months
Submissions are now OPEN for Issue #11 and Issue #12!
Issue #11 | General Submissions
Subs are open until 11:59pm EST on December 31, 2024. Issue #11 will be published on April 1, 2025.
Send us your dead doves, your blorbos, your plinkos, your wretched meow meows yearning to be free; that thing you wrote that made you think, “I don’t know where this belongs”; the stuff you’d never show anyone you know IRL. Give us your shameless, self-indulgent smut; the manuscript to the video essay you dictated to your YouTube subscribers in your head; your thoughtful explorations of trauma and identity; your Pepe Silvia wall; your sci-fi, your fantasy, your romance, your realism. We want anything and everything. As long as you identify as a fan, we want to read your work.
We are currently looking for:
Short fiction (only 1 piece at a time, max 12k words; if flash [under 1k], you may submit up to 5 pieces in one document)
Nonfiction (personal essays, articles, or meta, max 12k words)
Check out our MSWL!
SUBMIT HERE (fee waived)!
Issue #12 | Novella Submissions
Subs are open until 11:59pm EST on December 31, 2024. Issue #12, the Doubles Issue, will be published on July 1, 2025.
You know those 20k one-shots that give you a reading hangover for days? Those are the vibes we're looking for in our 2024 novella issue. What we value most is an earnest portrayal of character, interesting relationship dynamics, and well-crafted prose that prioritizes clarity and voice. And if you want to add a truly tasteless amount of smut, that's fine too. 
We are currently looking for:
Novellas between 15,000 and 35,000 words
Thank you for your continued support over the last 2 years. :') We can't wait to read your work!
site | subscribe | submit | faq
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[off screen in Area Zero with @silvia-luna]
[Silvia and Lex appear in Area Zero in a flash of light after Lex teleported the two of them.] "There we go. How you feelin'?"
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enelea · 3 months
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It wasn't that Connor Contender didn't appreciate being in love at all. He himself was smitten and he wanted his brother to be happy, but he really saw red lights flashing with his brother's intended union. He knew his brother found dark hair and brown eyes appealing, but he preferred creative women with logical skills. He also wanted a wholesome wife, whom he could trust. He knew that he had found that in the lovely Silvia Pane. She was a responsible, kind hearted woman who was genuine. Not some fake, snobbish vixen who was out to get everyone around every corner.
Connor was humble but knew that he was a creative and intelligent person. He was active enough, but always enjoyed playful activities with his family and believed in a balanced lifestyle. He knows that some call him lucky, but he is religious and doesn't believe in luck. Connor also understands why some say he is grumpy, but he views it more as being brutally honest.
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