#silvestre cat
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Abuelita: Te ves muy cansado, Silvestre.
Silvestre: Si, estoy muy cansado.
Abuelita: Y más viejo. Y… panzón.
Silvestre: Si, ya me lo habían dicho.
Abuelita: Ay, no es cierto, ¿estás usando pants?
Fuente: Spider-Man: Un Nuevo Universo (2018)
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gofloresgo · 9 months ago
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blackpointgame · 1 year ago
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dogandcatcomics · 1 year ago
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#repost @steveterrydrawing Steve Terry (United Kingdom). From the Wild Cat series, a Canadian Lynx.
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ascendancy-echoes · 5 months ago
Interlude: Inter Silvestres
Zarya left breakfast for Flea on the table and put on her cloak and picked up her messenger bag. She couldn’t believe Flea didn’t know his own birthday. It just wasn’t right. She reasoned that if he didn’t know his own birthday, then she would just pick one for him. She decided she was going to make her way to the town to see if she could get him a birthday gift. Maybe it could be in a day or so, once she found the right ingredients to make a cake for him. After all, he couldn’t have a birthday without cake and presents. As for why this felt important, Zarya figured a birthday celebration might cheer Flea up.
So she gave herself pointed ears for the day and set off towards the town, knowing it would take her probably half a day to reach it. She hadn’t quite got the hang of teleporting or flying long distances just yet so she’d have to walk. As she hummed to herself, Zarya heard a branch snap and she looked in the direction of the sound to see a black wolf carrying a rabbit in its mouth. A perfectly ordinary thing to see in the forest except for a few things Zarya noticed. For one, wolves lived in big families according to the books she had read and secondly, the wolf was a bit larger than the regular wolves she had seen in the area and finally, this wolf had dark sparkles like glittering black sand swirling around it. It was clear to Zarya that this was a Mystic in disguise similar to Flea.
Curious, Zarya decided to follow this Mystic to see where they were going. She thought about calling out to the Mystic but she didn’t want to startle them. So she quietly followed them through the forest northward.
The Mystic-wolf led her right to a cliffside where the landscape was rather steep and rocky. As Zarya got closer, she saw the shimmering illusion that disguised a tunnel in the cliffside as more rocks. She watched the wolf slip through the illusion and disappear down the tunnel.
This new Mystic was interesting and Zarya wanted to introduce herself to them. Zarya figured Flea would be happy to learn there were even more Mystics nearby. The tunnel was very brief, lit by a few lanterns and opened up to a valley of sorts with very high walls, almost like a huge cavern with a ceiling that had collapsed, creating an opening that allowed sunlight, rain, and most importantly, trees and plants to come in. Zarya could see that there was an entire village within the secluded area of this open-air cavern. There were several houses and small garden-sized farms beside many of them. She spied the wolf shift to a human-like silhouette in a swirl of black glittering sand. The glittering sand vanished and in the wolf’s place was a tall Daemon woman with tanned skin and black hair styled in multiple braids, holding the rabbit she had caught in her hand.
Remembering what her parents had taught her, Zarya gave her best smile and said, “Hi, my name is Zarya.”
The Daemon turned around and stared with mismatched eyes of amber and blue. Her eyes looked like a wolf’s eyes, the area around them was slightly darker than the rest of her skin and they stared with the intensity of a wild beast. Her face looked slightly bestial in nature and her ears were more wolf-like than Flea’s whose ears looked like pointed human ears.
Zarya thought this Daemon was the coolest Mystic she had ever seen and she thought Flea was pretty amazing even if he was always grumpy. She couldn’t help but stare in amazement even though her parents and later Flea had explained that staring was rude.
Before the Daemon could respond, Zarya saw a tall wolf-like being with silver-white fur wearing simple black robes hurry over. The Mystic’s wolf-like appearance reminded her of the cat-man she had met moments before being sent to the past. Her head was like a wolf’s but with longer silver fur that looked like braided hair. She shared the same mismatched eyes as the Daemon.
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“Wolf lady,” Zarya marveled, looking at her with awestruck eyes. “So pretty.”
The wolf lady looked at Zarya and asked, “How did you find our village, child? You should not have been able to find this place.”
Zarya glanced around. She could see the magical bubble high above the village. It shimmered in the sunlight. The village was filled with several Mystics like the wolf-woman. While some of the village’s inhabitants looked like foxes or wolves, she could see many Kotengu and other Mystics that looked like the cat-like Mystic she had met in her time. All of them had stopped to stare at Zarya with a mixture of curiosity and fear.
“I see magic,” Zarya replied. She pointed at the barrier, then at the Daemon beside the wolf-lady. “I followed her through the wall.”
The wolf-woman looked back at the Daemon. “Umbria, I told you to be careful when you leave the village to hunt.”
“I’m sorry, Mother,” Umbria said with a frown.
Umbria’s mother turned her attention back to Zarya. It was only now that she saw that Zarya was human under her disguise. An easy thing to miss considering how powerful the magic disguising her was, but she recognized that sort of magic. It was not unlike her own or her daughter’s. She got the sense that Zarya meant no harm as the young girl fiddled with her pendant and looked all around the area with a calm curiosity in her eyes.
“A human that has magic,” she said quietly. Smiling at Zarya, she asked, “Tell me child, where are you from?”
Zarya thought about how to answer this. Did the wolf-woman mean where she came from originally or did she mean the abandoned keep that she and Flea were staying in? She remembered that Flea said Guardia, at least the Guardia they knew, wasn’t around so she settled on the second answer.
“Small castle,” she finally answered, pointing back towards the direction of the keep. “With Flea.”
The wolf-lady tilted her head slightly, a look of concern on her face. She turned to Umbria and asked her to stay with Zarya while she spoke to the rest of the villagers who had begun to gather. She was immediately approached by a leopard-like Mystic with white fur and black spots and a Kotengu.
“Once again, your daughter has acted recklessly,” the Kotengu snapped. “That Daemon child could reveal the village’s location to others.”
“We should keep her here,” remarked the other Mystic, crossing her arms. “That she can’t lead others here.”
Ylenia looked over at Zarya who was still standing by the entrance to the village making obvious observations about Umbria’s appearance and the villagers she could see. Humans should not have been able to use magic, not since the Fall or so the legends said. Yet they had a human, disguised as a Daemon, standing in their village. Realizing that no one else had seen through Zarya’s disguise, Ylenia decided to not mention the truth for Zarya’s safety. She sighed, “I apologize for Umbria, Ilkay, but the child seems harmless, helpless even.”
Looking at the leopard-like Mystic, she added, “Keeping her doesn’t feel wise, Yemoja. We need to see who this companion of hers is and go from there. If they are dangerous, then I would hate for them to find our home in their efforts to find her.”
“Whoever this child is, she’s apparently staying in that abandoned keep nearby,” Ylenia said to the others. “As for what to do about the girl, I will go with Umbria and take the child back to the keep. We will make sure she doesn’t know the way back.”
Ylenia turned and walked over to Umbria and Zarya. She looked at Zarya then explained to Umbria that after she put the food from her hunt in their home that they should take the young girl back home. While Umbria put the rabbit she had caught in the nearby home, Ylenia knelt down and smiled at Zarya.
“Your friend might be worried about you, so my daughter and I are going to take you back to your home, okay?” she said in a tone that Zarya recognized. Zarya had heard it from plenty of well-meaning adults who thought she was much more childish than she was. Those who didn’t know her like her family.
Zarya scrunched up her nose and pouted. She firmly declared, in a line taught by her mom and practiced so often, “Just because I don’t talk like you doesn’t mean I’m a little kid.”
She pulled out her cards and informed Ylenia that she sometimes had trouble getting words out to speak so she used pictures, but she understood them and hoped they would listen to her. Continuing on, she pointed to more pictures to explain why she had been in the forest in the first place.
“Such an unusual child,” Ylenia thought, unsure of what to make of Zarya’s story. She smiled at Zarya reassuringly, although she didn’t truly understand why a child would speak in pictures rather than words. She explained that the rest of the village was worried about being found by strangers.
“We’ve kept hidden for years,” she explained. “You coming here… It worries the other villagers. They would feel safer if we took you home and you didn’t bring your friend here or anyone else.”
Standing up, she pulled the hood of her cloak over her head. A pearlescent shimmer enveloped her and in her place stood a Daemon with silver hair and tanned skin. She ushered Zarya towards the tunnel once Umbria returned. As they exited the tunnel with Zarya, Ylenia clarified to Zarya that she personally did not find her dangerous but the town as a whole was distrustful of others.
“We Therian have managed to survive by staying hidden,” she noted. “Trust for non-Therian is not something many can spare.”
Zarya had come to learn through Flea that there were many kinds of non-human beings that made up the Mystics she knew to exist. Daemon, like him, and Imps, Gargoyles, Naga and even Ogans and Kotengu, but he had never mentioned Therian before.
“Mystic?” Zarya asked, looking at Ylenia quizzically. She pointed at Umbria, then at Ylenia. “Umbria and Ee-lan-ee-ah are Mystics? Mystics like Flea?”
“Is that what you would call us? That’s certainly a more pleasant sounding name than what we are usually called by you humans,” Umbria remarked.
Zarya touched her pointed ears. “Zarya’s a Mystic.”
“Dear, I can see you are using magic to disguise yourself,” Ylenia said sweetly. “It’s a very good disguise though. The others believed it.”
“Maybe her friend is a human in disguise too,” Umbria said, a worried tone to her voice.
“Noooo, Flea is a Daemon,” Zarya chimed. No sooner had she asserted this fact, then Zarya heard Flea call out her name. She looked up to see him levitating above the trees and looking at her. She smiled and waved at him, greeting him loudly.
Flea suddenly appeared in front of Zarya. He glared at the young girl and said, “You can’t just run off like that! You don’t go to town without me, understand?”
Zarya breathed an apology, sounding rather annoyed with Flea’s scolding. Ylenia stepped forward and looked Flea over. She could see the same magic that surrounded Zarya emanating from Flea and wondered if he had used magic on the young girl for some unknown purpose. She kept a calm appearance despite the growing worry in her heart. She remarked, “So, you must be the Daemon that this girl spoke of.”
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letterstotheuniversepage · 5 months ago
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2024, my first-ever collaborative book with Filipino writers.
I still remember when author Myca Paga slid into my direct messages, inviting me to participate in the largest book collaboration she would ever lead with Filipino writers. I was truly surprised because that was our first interaction, and I’m grateful she noticed my writing page and extended the invitation. Honored by the opportunity, I gladly accepted and became a contributor. Thank you so much, Miss Myca, for trusting my skills and for your generosity in bringing us all together to make this project a success! This book is particularly special to me because I wasn’t just taking a step in my writing journey alone—I also had the chance to bring two of my friends and classmates, Ylisle and Kirck, to be co-authors as well. It’s truly been an incredible experience.
The best part of this project, Whispers of the Heart, is the immense support from each contributor. Though we each contributed only a few literary pieces, we all valued the book deeply and worked hard to promote it. Special mention to our talented co-authors, Kyang and Frenchshield, who also served as the book cover artist and layout designer, respectively. It was a real team effort, all 48 of us contributing in our own ways.
God is truly great. He used my fellow writers, especially Marix Luna, as instruments to bring our book to the 2024 Manila International Book Fair, where it was displayed and sold out! It’s a blessing beyond words. Hopefully, next time, in God’s will, I can attend the book fair and meet my co-authors in person.
It’s a success, and I’m hopeful it will continue to soar higher! I’m so proud to be a part of this beautiful book. To God be all the glory!
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Book Title: Whispers of the Heart A Poetry and Prose Collaboration Tags: Poetry, Poem, Literary, Collaboration Book Cover Artist: Kyang Layout Designer: Frenchshield Shayne
Listen to the whispers of exceptional writers in your heart! This collection takes you on an emotional journey, weaving themes of love, longing, and heartache. We hope it touches your soul as deeply as it did ours while writing it.
The Authors: Aerasyne – mistyplenilune – Rose R. Sales – Andrea Nicole Isiderio – Anneyiie – Almira Maruhom – Aubrey Raymundo – Cat Lean – Simplyamorous – Clypeusthetic – elixnebleu – Hannah Redspring – Hiraya Tinatangi – Stranger’s Poetry – Marisstella – Precious Magdaleno – Jenny Grace Patilano – John Mark Gutang – Josa Pimentel – Juli Sandoval – J.Z. Romeo – Kirck Datuin – Kia Jane Pama – Lea Jane Salud – Lolita Rose Petalver – all4faith – Marix Luna – Mark Edison Camacho – Mary Jean Garcia – Jhemar Lagata – Michelle Samson – Myca Paga – Nerel Jean Calunod – Perf Silvestre – Regmesu – SLOWNSTURDY – Rosanna Daep – akarayue – Sandara Antonette Morales – Sharlaine Orines – SleepingSinger – Strangerxd29 – Weirdygurl – EmpressMaire – Windee – Wiz Morrison – Ylisle – seeyouinspain
Written by: Amaranthine Briar / Akahana
Letters to the Universe First Publication: 2024/05/07
Content Copyright © Rose R. Sales All rights reserved.
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praeyrp · 1 year ago
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Wanted ads:
To help you all get a feel for the type of wanted ads, and their faces, we have compiled a list of all current wanted ads on site. Over the coming days some of these ads will be teased in all of their glory. 
If you desire more information on any of the wanted ads please hit us up and we will be glad to give you more information. 
Group & Misc:
Adrian: Furore pack 
Demetrio: The Syndicate 
Malachi: Siviv shifter Pack 
Matthias: The Order; a doomsday NOT cult 
Sarah: SF Black Market
Anyanka: Charlize Theron — FWB — angel 
Ophelia: Cillian Murphy — trauma-bond LI — dragon > open fae 
Talia: open face — slow burn LI — open species 
Adrian: Mädchen Amick — mauled TV personality — shifter 
Adrian: Gustaf Skarsgård — mauled shifter—hater — shifter 
Finley: Charles Michael Davis — baby daddy & murderer — demon
Ophelia: Michiel Huisman — former owner — vampire
Rafael: Jared Leto — ex—bf — hybrid 
Adrian: Famke Janssen — pack lawyer — open species 
Adrian: Mädchen Amick — mauled TV personality — shifter
Eleanor Zach Villa — bar manager — vampire 
Eleanor BIllie Lourd — event planner — witch 
Eleanor Marwan Kenzari — Cartel runner/babysitter — bound jinn
Matthias: Caitriona Balfe — head nun — open species 
Matthias: Anya Taylor—Joy — sunday school teacher — open species 
Matthias: Samara Weaving — sunday school teacher — open species 
Senna: Kwon Ji—yong — BFF & work husband — open species
Mei: Will Yun Lee — BFF/coworker & unrequited love — kitsune 
Ashton: Max Thieriot — Made family/brothers — hybrid
Danica: Don Benjamin — older brother — kitsune (open)
Elijah: Viola Davis — foster mother — open species 
Elijah: Avan Jogia — brother — dryad
Elijah: Natasha Lyonne — adopted sister — unicorn
Elijah: Jason Momoa — adopted brother/mauler — bear shifter 
Evander: Felicity Jones — daughter — witch 
Evander: Dan Stevens — son — wolf shifter 
Finley: Sebastian Stan — brother — unicorn 
Finley: Joe Keery — brother — unicorn 
Finley: Sarah Drew — 1/2 sister — banshee 
Isak: Ryan Hurst — brother — naga
Isak: Halsey — sister — witch 
Isak: Landon Liboiron — brother — naga 
Jake: Tobias Sorenson — brother — shifter
Jake: Barbara palvin — sister — shifter 
Maeve: Stella Maeve — bound spellbinder — spellbinder 
Maeve: Kit Harington — bound jinn — jinn 
Maeve: Natalia Dyer — "dead" daughter — shifter 
Matthias: Elizabeth Debicki — childe & pet — succubus
Rafael: Alice Braga — long lost mother — dead species 
Raphael: Alexander Vlahos — brother — eternal species 
Richard: Christina Hendricks — eventual ex—wife — selkie
Talia: Zach McGowan — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Alberto Ammann — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Miguel Ángel Silvestre — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Diego Luna — adopted brother — cat shifter 
Talia: Salma Hayek — adopted mother — cat shifter
Senna: Lee Pace — brother & crowned prince — ancient
Senna: Maria Brink — brother & crowned princess — ancient 
Senna: Dane DeHaan — 1st born son — faerie 
Senna: Toby Regbo — 2nd born son — faerie
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multitudecontainer420 · 3 months ago
pers8nal problems sirk lubitsch frd n ging dancing lady jeanette bysby claire jessie moonlight n ptetzels ophuls lydia (1941) paris-champagne vidalita midsummer nights flamong ears orkamdo carmelo bene praunheim borzage cocteau corridor deset hearts parting glances mari madchwn wheeler woolsey alice white ziegfeld girl wkw rubnitz trecartin moulton grey gardens ciao manhattan women in r3volt vigo renoir von sternberg von stroheim demiille precode barbrsa kay clara giallo masc broadwsy melofy band wagob milie maddin kuchar blore pressburgee chahine welles pomegranates tarkov eisen makaveyev garbo jewel thief ammoru mughal bava ivy gaalight rebecca notoruiis rope shadow doubt carne feuillade assayas franju rene clair fleisxher lotte vampyr phantom varriagw house of usher beloved rougue melies hagsplo picture mommy dead perverse doll bagdad luminoys procuress anger pink narcissus cpckettes thindercrack jack smith thunderbolt pagoda oedipus rex ubu asta hamlet devi l is a woman student prince viva maria silvestre perceval green knight jamaica inn spwllbound suspicion high wind in jamaica cabin boy cgampagne for caesar yorgos dangrs liasons valmont marie antoinette brotherhood wolf bram stokers drac the fall titus jupiter asc valerian conan remakeblade 3 punisher dredd lupin jewel robbery lone wolf the saint the shadiw the phantom rocketeer vidocq bilal snow whote hunstman adele blanc sec holmes 2009 tintin baron munchausen maria m9ntez pabst duviver rififi rosencrantz irma vep marketa hagazussa super inframan captn invincible that man fom rio dybbuk ulmer bunuel chabrol ptushko rou altman popeye images in dreams inserts xarnal onwledge the satin slipper sciamma arzber sylvia scarlett wuxia jennie inocents tourneur danl webster moby dick what a way to go tashlin toto greasers palace christie whodunnits catherine the last toll of the sea marketa golden coach daimajin colonel blimp ladyhawke willow cat returns lupin nausicaa nimh john carter kubo enchanted barry lyndon castle of the living dead gozu 6 string samurai mirror mirror devil is woman northman mylene elm.street remake buraikan actors revenge rollin green knight sjostrom henri plaat schroeter tavernier folly of vanity arsene lupin fantomas thief of paris ridicule out of the blue denis
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jesus-hoyos-hernandez · 3 months ago
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Petunia: ¿Qué te casaste con Rosita una semana después de conocerla?
Speedy: ¡Ah, que la canción! No, fue la segunda vez que salí con ella. Me dijo que quería ser mi “Peores nada”, y se la creí.
Silvestre: Debe haber estado loca.
Petunia: Que aventada para casarse contigo.
Fuente: Dotto! Koni-chan (2000 ~ 2001)
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agendaculturaldelima · 9 months ago
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📣 Kino Cat / Cine Tulipán, presenta:
🎬 “¿QUIÉN ENGAÑÓ A ROGER RABBIT?” [Who framed Roger Rabbit?]
🔎 Género: Animación / Comedia / Infantil / Aventuras / Neo-noir / Cine dentro del cine / Años 40 / Looney Tunes / Película de Culto.
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⌛️ Duración: 103 minutos
✍️ Guion: Jeffrey Price y Peter S. Seaman
🎼 Música: Alan Silvestri
📷 Fotografía: Dean Cundey
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🗯 Argumento: Año 1947 en Hollywood, Eddie Valiant, un detective de poca monta, es contratado para encontrar pruebas que demuestren que Marvin Acme, magnate del negocio de los artículos de broma y dueño de Toontown, está rondando a Jessica Rabbit, mujer fatal y esposa de la superestrella del Marron Cartoon, Roger Rabbit. Cuando Acme aparece asesinado, todas las pruebas apuntan a Roger, y el siniestro y ambicioso Juez Doom está decidido a condenarlo como sea. Roger suplica a Valiant que le ayude a encontrar al verdadero culpable, pero el asunto se irá complicando a medida que Eddie va descubriendo, escándalo tras escándalo, que la propia existencia de Toontown corre peligro.
👥 Reparto en Voces: Bob Hoskins (Eddie Valiant), Charles Fleischer (Roger Rabbit, Benny the Cab, Greasy Guard), Christopher Lloyd (Juez Doom), Kathleen Turner (Jessica Rabbit), Joanna Cassidy (Dolores), Peter Westy (Pinocho), Mel Blanc (Pato Lucas, Gato Silvestre, Tweety Bird), Stubby Kaye (Marvin Acme), Cherry Davis (Pájaro Loco), Alan Tilvern (R.K. Maroon) y Amy Irving (Jessica Rabbit).
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📢 Dirección: Robert Zemeckis
© Productoras: Touchstone Pictures & Amblin Entertainment
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 1988
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 02 de Julio
🕖 7:30pm. 
🐈‍ El Gato Tulipán (Bajada de Baños 350 – Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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virtualsonic · 9 months ago
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El S. J. le Da Clases de Dicción a S. el G.
Versión en Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a un dúo de gatos provenientes de dos universos de caricatura diferentes, los cuales se encuentran participando en una clase que sirve para ayudar a las personas con problemas de habla y que se han hecho cada vez más comunes en estos días por como la gente apenas puede socializar sin estar apegada a los aparatos electrónicos, además de que también sirve de terapia para las personas que por razones de enfermedad psicológica o por tener algún trauma tienen problemas para hablar con claridad y que no se haga notar la condición que tiene y eso sin mencionar del hecho de que al intentar hablar uno se ponga escupir generando una situación incómoda que lleve a que esa persona tenga problemas para poder hablar con claridad y que lo haga sin que genere situaciones problemáticas que lo hagan objetos de chiste recurrente, bueno amigos, sin dar más vueltas presento al Señor Jinks le Da Clases de Dicción a Silvestre el Gato para Poder Hablar Mejor
Aquí vemos al joven gato naranja ser el profesor de un curso de dicción que organiza la municipalidad de Jellystone para ayudar a la gente de la ciudad con problemas de habla y que van desde casos leves producto de la creciente adicción a los aparatos electrónicos que genera que las personas hablen muy rápido y que llega a no entenderse lo que mencionan a casos serios producto de tener una discapacidad que afecta al habla, mientras se observa que dentro de los estudiantes que estaban presentes en el lugar está un gato negro y que su principal problema de habla es la costumbre de cuando habla tiende a escupir, cosa que puede generar más de una asquerosidad y que obliga a que la persona que tiene hablar con él, deba llevar un paraguas para no ser víctimas de los escupitajos recurrentes de este gato, mientras se observa que se pone a enseñarle a cómo hablar con más claridad y que lo haga sin que tenga que escupirle en su cara, cosa que no se puede aprender en una clase, sino que en varias clases haciendo que el tiempo pase y que sea invitado para una clase especial que muestra su progreso en el habla y que le ayuda a poder comunicarse con más claridad, mientras vemos que consigue convencer a más gente para unirse al curso y con ello, poder permitir que el curso en cuestión pueda seguir funcionando y más viendo que el mismo recibe dineros del municipio de la ciudad y que la existencia del mismo depende de su efectivdad real y los resultados obtenidos para la gente que lo lleva a cabo
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, al ver que hace tiempo que tenía esta idea para uno de mis dibujos y en que vemos a dos gatos de diferentes universos de las caricaturas animadas y que están dentro de una situación usual para el unvierso de ellos, mientras vemos que se va viendo cierta progresión de personaje que lleva a que uno de ellos pueda corregir una situación usual cuando habla y que puede generar más de una situación incómoda y más viendo que es un defecto de habla usual en él, mientras que el otro personaje puede ir mostrando la efectividad del curso que dirige y que por como es dependiente de un fondo concursable hecho por las autoridades municipales, estos deben dar cuenta de su efectividad y resultados para poder seguir existiendo y que como rol de asistente del alcalde de la ciudad está obligado a tener que dar cuenta del resultado de los cursos para que estos puedan seguir existiendo y que terminan siendo mucho más útiles de lo que parece en primer lugar, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Señor Jinks (C) William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Hanna-Barbera Productions y Warner Brothers Incorporated
Silvestre el Gato (C) Isadore "Friz" Freleng y Warner Brothers Incorporated
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present a duo of cats from two different cartoon universes, which are participating in a class that serves to help the people with speech problems and which have become increasingly common these days because people can barely socialize without being attached to electronic devices, in addition to the fact that it also serves as therapy for people who, for reasons of psychological illness or due to having some trauma, they have problems speaking clearly and not having the condition they have be noticed, and that is not to mention the fact that when trying to speak one begins to spit, creating an uncomfortable situation that leads to that person having problems being able to speak with clarity and that he does so without generating problematic situations that make him objects of recurring jokes, well friends, without further ado, I present Mr. Jinks Gives Diction Classes to Sylvester the Cat so He Can Speak Better
Here we see the young orange cat being the teacher of a diction course organized by the municipality of Jellystone to help people in the city with speech problems ranging from mild cases resulting from the growing addiction to electronic devices that causes people speak very quickly and it is difficult to understand what they mention about serious cases resulting from having a disability that affects speech, while it is observed that among the students who were present at the place there is a black cat and that its main problem of speech is the habit of tending to spit when speaking, something that can generate more than one disgusting feeling and that forces the person who has to talk to him to carry an umbrella so as not to be victims of the recurrent spitting of this cat, while It is observed that he begins to teach him how to speak more clearly and to do so without having to spit in his face, something that cannot be learned in one class, but in several classes, making time pass and being invited for a special class that shows your progress in speaking and that helps you communicate more clearly, while we see that you manage to convince more people to join the course and with this, be able to allow the course in question to continue functioning and more seeing that it receives money from the city municipality and that its existence depends on its real effectiveness and the results obtained for the people who carry it out
Well friends, I hope you like it, seeing that I had this idea for a long time for one of my drawings and in which we see two cats from different universes of animated cartoons and that they are in a usual situation for their universe, while we see that a certain character progression is being seen that leads to one of them being able to correct a usual situation when he speaks and that can generate more than one uncomfortable situation and more seeing that it is a common speech defect in him, while the other character can show the effectiveness of the course he directs and that because it is dependent on a competitive fund made by the municipal authorities, they must account for its effectiveness and results in order to continue existing and that as an assistant to the mayor of the city is forced to have to account for the results of the courses so that they can continue to exist and that they end up being much more useful than it seems in the first place, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Mister Jinks (C) William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Hanna-Barbera Productions and Warner Brothers Incorporated
Silvester the Cat (C) Isadore "Friz" Freleng and Warner Brothers Incorporated
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centraldenoticiasmx · 11 months ago
Continúa Desarrollo Sustentable monitoreo de fauna silvestre en Sierra Monte Negro
🖊#MedioAmbiente | Continúa Desarrollo Sustentable monitoreo de fauna silvestre en Sierra Monte Negro +INFO:
La Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable (SDS), a través de la Comisión Estatal de Biodiversidad (Coesbio), en colaboración con la Fundación Animal Karma, Ocelot Working Group, Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation (SWCCF) y Big Cat Rescue, informó que continúa el monitoreo de pequeños felinos en el Área Natural Protegida Protegida (ANP) Sierra Monte Negro. La Coesbio dio a conocer que en los…
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dogandcatcomics · 1 year ago
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#repost @antoinecosse Antoine Cossé (France, 1981-).  Snippet of Cossé's comic NWAI (@editions.cornelius). I appreciate this feline representation.
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arloqui · 1 year ago
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Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences: Four Cat Poems, Ursula K. Le Guin.
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Life Sciences: New Poems, 2006-2010, IV. Developmental Ontology, en Finding My Elegy, Ursula K. Le Guin.
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Sixty Odd (1994.1999), en Finding My Elegy, Ursula K. Le Guin.
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Life Sciences: New Poems, 2006-2010, IV. Developmental Ontology, en Finding My Elegy, Ursula K. Le Guin.
Los poemas se encuentran en: Ursula K. Le Guin, Entre las Avenas Silvestres. Ensayos y Poemas, trad. de Andrés González, 2023.
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catluvus · 1 year ago
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