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inthealloy · 6 hours ago
As they got closer to the general's office, Sonic began to pick up on familiar energy readings. He immediately came to the conclusion that he knew who's on the other side of this door… But if Shard had been kicking around for 200 years, it made it hard to believe. Could Shadow really live for that long? Yet it certainly wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Shadow was unique in a lot of ways, and he survived things that normal mobians should not.
So when the door opened, Sonic wasn't particularly surprised to see him… But his energy and his appearance did give the cyborg pause.
His green eyes blinked and wavered on his ocular visor, the corners of his mouth twitching downwards. His fur bristled a bit.
Shadow's energy was a much worse version than what he had seen in his own Shadow after their time in white space. Twisted and mutated by the Black Arms, left unchecked and perhaps even embraced to compensate for a broken world. 
Not to mention the third eye!
All the same, he was similar enough Sonic still recognized Shadow underneath all of that.
This didn't keep him locked up for very long; he put on a smile and gave a salute of his own, flicking two fingers off of his forehead, “I'd say, ‘long time no see!’ But. You know! We haven’t actually met!” Sonic said with a low chuckle rumbling in his voice, “Hedgehog Emerald, at your service!”
When the Chaos Emerald was pulled out, he stared at the black rock with pity in his eyes. If there was anything that was unrecognizable here, it was the emerald. It was almost unremarkable; completely lifeless, with no energy twisting or turning around inside of it. Nothing to give it shape or note.
It wasn't like the times that the emeralds had been drained of their power back in his dimension. Even when he reached out to graze his clawtips against it, there was no prickly sensation that made his spines stand on end, of a pained, injured and nearly dead emerald.
It was empty.
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He didn't realize how much he was frowning, so he didn't put a smile back on when he said, “Well, he'll see what he can do!”
Retracting his hand, he pressed one finger against the side of his nose as he fell deep into thought.
“First, I'd like to know a few more things about it--like, do you have any idea what color this one is? I’m embarrassed to say, but I can't tell.” he dropped his hand, “If you have any idea how the Chaos Emeralds got to this state, that'd be great to know, too,” he shrugged, “Anything that you deem important to know, I'd appreciate having!”
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Shard leads the way to the General’s office, knocking on the door.
“Come in.” A familiar voice drawls, deep and brooding in it’s easily recognizable tone. Shard opens the door and on the other side waits the General.
General Shadow, that is. The immortal hedgehog hasn’t aged a day since he was first created, but the lack of Chaos Energy in the world has mutated him, his Black Arms DNA having taken over to preserve him. He sits with his arms folded on his desk, and all three of his eyes narrow at the sight of Sonic.
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Shard salutes, standing at attention. “I’ve recovered the source of the Chaos Energy we’ve detected, sir.”
“I can sense that,” General Shadow replies, the constant glare never leaving his face. Still, he reaches into his desk and pulls out a blacked out hunk of rock in the shape of a chaos emerald. “Is there anything he can do about this?”
The poor thing looks pathetic. It’s completely powerless and doesn’t radiate any energy at all, as dark as the blackened sky outside.
General Shadow himself looks uncomfortable on further inspection, like he wants this over with as soon as possible.
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bornofgamma · 2 months ago
silver-heroes-rp followed gamma.
There is nothing but silence, the ruins of the Egg Carrier remained undisturbed for many a year. Upon the main area on the outside of it lay two long abandoned machines. One being red the other being black there were signs of battle upon both of them. One being shot many times by small energy shots while a massive hole was in the side of another. These were the remains of E101 Beta and E102 Gamma two robots who fought one another in this spot only to both meet their ends at one another's hands. The red machine however had its single hand placed over the hand of the black machine.
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Gamma was a simple machine, powered by a bird like being. Gamma had gone on a mission to save all the birds that lay trapped within each of the E Series in the hope of saving them all. And he had done so always intending to die at the end himself too. They were never meant to exist, their creation had only caused pain to one another.
So, Gamma had accepted his death willing to fade away into nothing along with the brother he had adored yet that love was never returned. Not that it was Beta's fault he simply could never understand. He remained loyal to the end and got nothing for it.
The two robots only had one another in their silence. Holding onto one another as they slowly faded away.
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badnikbreaker · 23 days ago
@silver-heroes-rp liked! / shard & belle!
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"I've never met another piece of Eggtech like me," she says as she examines the dent she'd left in the other's chest; it's an explanation and an apology both. When she'd seen him, she'd panicked, thinking it was an enemy — whoops. "Sorry. I wasn't expecting to meet anyone else who was — uh — not devoted to Eggman." A subtle wince; he's still her father, at least in some way, and it aches. "I can probably get this dent out no problem, though, if you're okay me using some tools on you!"
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multimusewonderland · 1 month ago
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"Throwing Him Thursday? I can help with that!"
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"Now who's 'him'?"
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timeclipsed · 1 day ago
🎈 [These look funny, I love the ones you've made so far XD]
Send me 🎈 ('balloon' if you can't see the emoji) and I'll make you the worst promo on the planet (status — closed!)
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We reached out to Shard about being in the promo image, unfortunately he was at the DMV at the time of creation.
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fortruechaos · 1 month ago
[Silver AND Shard ^^]
for silver --
Silver has got to get it out of his head that I am his mentor. Regardless of if these two are from some other world or a future version of this one, although I am beginning to suspect they do in fact hail from some other Zone. I don't babysit like that, I don't play favorites. Silver has always been a powerful ally, and that applies to this one too--but his sad puppy-dog eyes are grating just because I am not the 'me' he knows. He expects a version of kindness I cannot offer and do not offer anyone. Hopefully he can accept that I see him as a strong ally worthy of my respect, but as far as friendship and advice goes--that's it. If he has to see me as callous to get to that point, then fine.
for shard --
Shard is annoying. I don't think I'd put up with him if he weren't partnered with this Silver. I respect his abilities a lot and in a way can empathize deeply with him as one who has had more than a fair share of complexes involving a blue hedgehog...but it also makes it embarrassing for me to see it in someone else and remember how much I used to be like that. I think the potential for actual understanding and maybe even a sense of camaraderie is there, but as it is, Shard is too caught up in worrying about the nature of who he is and pushes others away for some self-centered 'I am beneath everyone' reasoning too much to be worth my time. He won't listen. Why should I bother. He'll figure it out one day.
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dreamingofeos · 1 month ago
[hc + 💔 for Manic ^^]
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse. (CLOSED!)
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
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He was briefly hospitalized after the disappearance of his brother. The experience sent him spiraling into a state of such deep stress and depression that he started experiencing intense auditory and visual hallucinations. On top of Sonic going missing, Manic being down and out for such a long time added a lot more trauma onto the family that they're still feeling to this day.
Manic misses his brother very, very much.
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segagrls · 29 days ago
" i hate being alone . "
[Silver to Blaze ^^]
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the sounds of nightmares || ACCEPTING
🔥Blaze looked at the other, pausing at his words. Something passed across her eyes for a moment, her expression unreadable for a moment before she moved back towards where he was; no longer having the intent of leaving. "Alright... I'll stay." She murmured, her tone a bit quieter... almost a bit softer. After all, despite being used to being alone... She doesn't mind being with Silver. It's... nice.
"...Did you... want to talk about it?"
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metallicmadnik · 8 days ago
Bro? Any defective units lose status as protected programs the second they prove disloyal. No, Doctor Robotnik will not be pleased with Shard. But when Metal recovers him--Thill be a different story.
">> Last chance," his beeps fizzle for a second as he tilts his head, looking the other robotic hedgehog up and down with his usual flat, empty expression. If he could emote further, he might look bored. ">> Traitor."
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If Shard makes any movement closer, Metal Sonic ignites his engine, crimson eyes narrowing as they focus in on the older model's weak points. That data, at least, has been stored for him to use--But nothing about who Shard is. Why he exists.
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"Yeah, I know the Doc isn't going to be happy I said no. But my answer still stands. NO."
[Eggtech Assemble and Reservice Protocol -> Request Denied.]
[Report Reason] ["I don't take orders from anyone"] [Report Filed.]
The moment his confirmation leaves his mouth, Shard is instantly on the defensive. His own engine begins to rev up in turn. He knows his doppelganger's going to try to drag him back by force, in pieces if he has to.
In turn, Shard's eyes and power gem shift from their green standby mode to their red active mode.
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"Warning you now, Bro. If you try to drag me back by force, you're the one whose going to need a repair job at the end of this."
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badnikbreaker · 30 days ago
@silver-heroes-rp from ——— x.
He hasn't thought too deeply about what it would be like for somebody like Silver — the people and experiences he'd have to miss or forget or both. It hadn't occurred to him to bother. Now that his friend's told him, though, he feels a quiet stab of concern and sadness; Sonic loves easily, despite appearances, and he wishes that the people he loves didn't have to hurt.
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"That's a good way of lookin' at it. That's part of why I'm always trying t'live in the moment — I don't wanna miss something great now because my head's stuck in the past. But..." A shallow laugh. "My memories are pretty scrambled these days. Sorry it's like that for you, too, bud."
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multimusewonderland · 22 days ago
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"... ... ..."
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"... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
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"...First time seeing yourself in mortal peril, huh."
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"He DIED, Shadow!!"
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"Don't worry, it's probably not canon."
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timeclipsed · 1 month ago
[From Silver ^^]
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. (status — accepting!)
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Oh, Silver. You are a beautiful, misunderstood, opalescent tree shark. Is there anyone out there to love you the way you deserve? I'm in awe and envy of your unwavering goldheartedness. If only I were as pure and good inside as you. ...But I'm not, so that's that. Hah! You've got your work cut out for you, it seems. Good luck.
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dive2themellow · 18 days ago
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"I know I just said the yellow paint job is cool and all, but I don't want to be yellow! I want to be blue!"
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Swapper has just swapped your muse's body with the body of the last muse you wrote with!
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fortruechaos · 1 month ago
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Insert joke about like taking candy from a baby (which is fine by him).
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fortruechaos · 16 days ago
Shadow is almost embarrassed by Silver's excitement at being loaned the Dark Rider, leading to a nonplussed shrug and a finger scratching at his cheek. He hadn't considered The General would still have the bike in Silver and Shard's Zone's future too or that it would be of such import to the hedgehog.
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"No. Not quite." Interrupting Shard, again. This is going so great for the two of them. "I have to get the bike first. So we, or I, need to go to Westopolis to get it from the garage." A bit of a detour, sure, but it'll still be faster to go to Westopolis to get it than it will be to go straight to Holoska. "Why don't I meet you two..." he taps his chin thoughtfully, trying to think of a good meeting point, then shrugs again, discarding the thought, having come up with a better one.
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"Actually, come with me. I bet there's some leftover junk from the R&D department we can use to weather proof and maintain some of your weaponry, Shard. Holoska will be rough thanks to the elements." The R&D department were always trying to outfit Omega with new stuff and the scraps and discarded pieces ended up inevitably lying around Shadow's workshop, so this might be a decent way to put some of it to use. And Shadow doesn't doubt that Shard's been maintained well, but time travel and battle had to put some sort of strain on his sensors and robot-things right?
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"You're lending me the Dark Rider?" Silver asks in disbelief. Sure, he's got vehicle experience, but back home the General might kill him if he so much as scuffed the paint on it. Partially because the bike is practically an antique in the future, and partially because the General cares deeply for preserving it despite the times. "I'll be extra careful with it, promise."
A younger Silver would have his eyes sparkling at the thought of getting to finally ride the Dark Rider like he'd asked his mentor multiple times. The older Silver now knows Shadow well enough to know that wrecking it is a very, VERY bad idea.
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"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" Shard declares, revving his own engine with excitement. "We'll report back with what we find, Boss. Should only take a couple seconds your time."
Shard hops into the air, hovering a few feet above the ground. Looks like they're gonna do something interesting after all. Covertly, of course. He's still a badnik, and with the other Shadow's reaction to him already being, not great, it's best to stay out of the public eye.
"Next stop, Holoska!"
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multimusewonderland · 22 days ago
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"I feel..."
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His eyes flicker on his otherwise dark visor, "...WRONG..."
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