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#Act as young as you feel. You’re not getting older#you’re getting more entitled to be your fabulous self”#-Gwen Stephani#Happy Hump Day!! I wear what I want#what I feel good in. It’s all about the attitude!!#Shine on#Sisters!!#Thrifted Necklace & earrings= luckybrand#Jean jumpsuit & tee from Target#universalthreadofficial#iamsilverbeauty#silversisters#silversisterscommunity#freethesilver#itsokaytobegray#greyonpurpose#greytransition#ditchthedye#silverhairdontcare#silverhairtransition#grayhairmovement#ageisjustanumber#womenover50#over50#silvervixen#silverfox#naturallysilver#grayhairdontcare#growingoutthegray#women
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Sometimes aging just needs a little boost. Sure, I can make my own #silverhair but it was more fun to have @janae82 do a #silverhairtransition instead. I’m digging it...hardcore. #glowup (at LE Salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNJN8e0BMxb/?igshid=1mmb515wnu05h
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I cut my own hair. 💇 All hairdressing salons are closed so I took a pair of scissors and two mirrors. It looks anything but high quality, especially at the back of the neck. But what the heck. . . After some time we all will surprise our fellow men with our natural hair colour and wear creative haircuts. 😄 . I am so happy that I have not dyed my hair for a quarter of a year. Meanwhile you can see quite well where the white strands run. They do not scare me anymore. Instead, my eyes light up with joy when I see them getting longer and I can't wait for them to make up my entire hairstyle. . . . . . #greyhairtransition #greyhairmovement #greyhairgrowout #silvermodel #silvermodels #silverhairmodel #bestagermodel #silverhairgoals #ditchthedye #silverhairjourney #embracethegrey #silverhairtransition #proagerevolution #proagechic #loveyourage #artinaging #50newstart #goinggrey #crewlife #flightattendantslife #flightattendantlife #Cabincrewlife #flightattendantlifestyle #flyingbeauties #comeflywithme #stewardesslife #lifeofaflightattendant #lufthansacrew (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-jQdVCCvRy/?igshid=tkktnxqxyf0m
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My final post for tonight and the week, need to get back to designing, please meet Mujer.
Again another wonderful supportive sister.
I reach out to her if I can do something artistic with her portrait. I love the look and the Pose she was making, promoting her silver hair.
It’s amazing on my journey I am meeting inspiring people like Mujer.
Please check out her instagram page and follow another Silver Grey strong woman 👩🦳
If I have tagged you I would love for you to join the Boyce Silver kings and Queens Community.
The brand is for you, inspired by you 🤍👩🦳👨🦳👨🏿🦳🧑🏿🦳
#greyhair #silversisters #greycurls #greyhairtransition #greyhairdontcare👵🏼 #greyhairinfluencer #greyhairisbeautiful #greyhairwomen #silverhairgrowout #silverhairtransition #silverhairmodel #silverhairjourney #silverhairmen #silverhairbeauty #silverhairlady #silverhairlove #silverhairrevolution #greyhairedgoddess #greyhairwomen #greyhairgirl #greyhairmouvement #greysilverhair #greysilverhairpower #greysilverhairrrrr
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Positive aspects of the shutdown • We experience how quickly the nature can reverse the environmental damage and the planet recovers. ⚬ Satellite images from NASA show worldwide drastic drop in pollution and the iconic canals in Venice, Italy, have become crystal clear since the traffic has slowed down. . ⚬ • We can spend more time with our families. . ⚬ • Dedicate ourselves to beautifying our homes. . ⚬ • Spend as much time in our gardens as we want. I bet this summer the gardens around the world will bloom like they haven't in a long time. . ⚬ • We don't run headlong and stressed out from one deadline to the next. Everything is relaxed and decelerated. . ⚬ • We can't numb ourselves with outward appearances and activities, but are thrown back to our inner self and can find more inner peace. ⚬ . . . . . ⚬ As energy follows attention let's focus on the positive aspects of the whole shutdown situation. ⚬ We can't control the things that happen to us but we can control the way we react to them. . . . . . . Picture made by @kasnow.de . . . . . . Clothes by @wolford . . . . . . #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #agingwithattitude #agelessfashion #silversisters #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #openlygrey #flightattendantlifestyle #silverandfree #steampunk #steampunkfashion #steampunkstyle #steampunkstyling #steampunkcosplay #steampunks #silversisterinternational #flightattendantlife #commercialmodel #best_ager_photography #agepositive #proage #50plusmodel #beautyistimeless #artinaging #50newstart https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EgJjxCbGk/?igshid=jic6ma1ub6ld
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We're so self-important. So arrogant. Everybody's going to save something now. Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save the snails. And the supreme arrogance? . . . Save the planet! Are these people kidding? Save the planet? We don't even know how to take care of ourselves; we haven't learned how to care for one another. We're gonna save the fuckin' planet? . . . And, by the way, there's nothing wrong with the planet in the first place. The planet is fine. The people are fucked! . . . Compared with the people, the planet is doin' great. It's been here over four billion years . . . The planet isn't goin' anywhere, folks. . George Carlin . . . . . . Picture made by @kasnow.de . . . . #georgecarlinquote #theplanetisfinethepeoplearefucked #tothecrazyones #changetheworld #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #agingwithattitude #agelessfashion #silversisters #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #openlygrey #flightattendantlifestyle #silverandfree #steampunk #steampunkfashion #steampunkstyle #steampunkstyling #silversisterinternational #flightattendantlife #commercialmodel #best_ager_photography #over50fabulous #proagestyle #50plusmodel #beautyistimeless #artinaging #50newstart https://www.instagram.com/p/B99hWPziQpg/?igshid=1e50oawnpsw68
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Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. . . . They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. . Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. . Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. . Rob Siltanen . . . . . . Picture made by @kasnow.de . . . . #tothecrazyones #changetheworld #robsiltanen #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #agingwithattitude #agelessfashion #silversisters #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #openlygrey #silverandfree #silversisterinternational #commercialmodel #best_ager_photography #over50fabulous #proagestyle #50plusmodel #beautyistimeless #artinaging #50newstart https://www.instagram.com/p/B96Ji1mCCaS/?igshid=1q4hm8g6utchk
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I believe in pink. I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles. . . Audrey Hepburn . . . . Picture made by @hoddel_48 . . . .. . #audreyhapburnquotes #50plusmodel #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #silversisters #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #silverandfree #silversisterinternational #openlygrey #flightattendantlife #Cabincrewlife #flightattendantlifestyle #comeflywithme #commercialmodel #best_ager_photography #beautyistimeless #artinaging #50newstart https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jGDbCIU2y/?igshid=1aip4h8ceo7rp
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Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. . Bill Keane . Wish you all a wonderful sunday ... 💜 . . . . . Picture made by @hoddel_48 . . . . . #billkeanequote #50plusmodel #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #silversisters #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #commercialmodel #best_ager_photography #over50fabulous #proagestyle #50plusmodel #beautyistimeless #artinaging #50newstart https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LmO50I9G2/?igshid=9z3yp13jfab3
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Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself... . George Bernard Shaw . . . Picture made by @kasnow.de . . . . #georgebernardshawquote #openlygrey #silverandfree #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #classicmodel #over50model #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #borntobereal https://www.instagram.com/p/B8a71nbivGP/?igshid=1ljo4dkbtxvqj
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When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. . . . . John Lennon . . . . Picture made by @kasnow.de . . . . #johnlennonquote #justbehappy #over50model #classicmodel #proagerevolution #proagechic #hamburgmodel #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TOncjCD4M/?igshid=1jk7vuib837ml
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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. . It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' . Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. . We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. . And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. . Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" . . . Picture made by @hoddel_48 . . . #acourseinmiracles #hamburgmodel #silverhair #silverandfree #silversisters #silverhairtransition #classicmodel #bestagemodel #silverhairjourney #lawofattraction https://www.instagram.com/p/B8QiQBGCWyd/?igshid=18ttellcjvv5v
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Wear your silver hair with pride, ladies! Nothing is more attractive than confidence. . . . . “I called my brother, who is 10 years older than me, and he said, ‘At last! You accept!’ Accept what? ‘You accept your own beauty!’ He said, ‘I like white hair.’ And I said, “I thought men hate white hair!’ And he said, ‘No! Men hate women who hate themselves.’” . — Sophie Fontanel . . . Picture made by @hoddel_48 . #silverhairrevolution #silverhairgang #silversisters #bestagmodel #classicmodel #silverhairgoals #silverandfree #silverhairtransition #hamburgmodel #daretobeyourself #50newstart #silverhairjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/B8LUM70Imm-/?igshid=wdueewwflhyg
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ᑕᕼIᑎESE ᕼOᖇOSᑕOᑭE 2020 ᖴOᖇ TᕼE 12 ᗩᑎIᗰᗩᒪ SIGᑎS .🍀〰〰〰 ᗰOᑎKEY .🍀〰〰〰 The Monkey sign in 2020 will be very eager to face the new changes in their lives. You will be energetic, social and full of life. Your social life will touch a peak in the year of the White Metal Rat. Health will be stable and so will your financial condition. Your spontaneity in your profession will work in your favor. .🍀〰〰〰 ᖇOOSTEᖇ .🍀〰〰〰 The Chinese zodiac rooster sign will have a successful 2020. You will be very emotional this year which might affect your relationships in a good or bad way. And do not let your impulsive actions spoil your career or business. When it comes to money, remember a little budgeting will help you save money for the future. .🍀〰〰〰 ᗪOG .🍀〰〰〰 2020 is a year of new beginnings for the Chinese dog zodiac sign. The year of the rat forecasts suggest that your flexible and open mind will make your life much easier. Good luck and prosperity will follow you in your job. Keep a lookout for opportunities and make the most out of it. .🍀〰〰〰 ᑭIG .🍀〰〰〰 The Chinese 2020 pig zodiac predictionsforecast a year of freedom for the boars. Those born in the year of the boar will be very productive and focused in 2020. Be it romance or career. Everything will be stable and happy in your life. You need to take care of minor health issues that might trouble you. .🍀〰〰〰 . . . Pictures made by @hoddel_48 . . . #chinesehoroscope #best_ager_photography #classicmodel #silverhairgoals #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #bestagemodel #hamburgmodel #silversisters https://www.instagram.com/p/B8GRAl9Ckgu/?igshid=16jqf6modjsvi
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☘A passionate look, touch or a hug on a plant is enough to open your inner eyes.🌱 . Karthikeyan V . . . . . #monsteradeliciosa #houseplants #houseofplantlovers #plantsmakepeoplehappy #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #greyhairedmodel #greyhairdontcare👵 #greyhairombre #greyhaired #greyhairisbeautiful #silverhairmodels #silverhairstyle #silverhairs #silverhaircolour #greyhairtransition #greyhairmovement #greyhairgrowout #silvermodel #silvermodels #silverhairmodel #bestagermodel #silverhairgoals #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YD3XTq0GN/?igshid=lk7vgrd93cea
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"I don't have gray hair. I have wisdom highlights." . One of the best things about silver highlights is that - unlike colored highlights - you don't have to keep coloring them. You just have to watch them grow. . The transition can be a little bumpy though. . I have been letting my natural hair color grow out for 10 months now and can't wait till all my hair grows out. . . . . . #silversisters #greyhairedmodel #greyhairdontcare👵 #greyhairombre #greyhaired #greyhairisbeautiful #silverhairmodels #silverhairstyle #silverhairs #silverhaircolour #ditchthedye #ditchthedyes #greyhairtransition #greyhairmovement #greyhairgrowout #silvermodel #silvermodels #hamburgmodel #classicmodel #silverhairmodel #silverhairgoals #silverhairjourney #silverhairtransition #proagerevolution #proagechic #loveyourage (hier: Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhYYxAKrQ1/?igshid=182bivj9u401b
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