#silver surv serv
silver-surv-serv · 3 years
The crescent is hungrier than normal. I think it wants my emeralds but I wanna keep em :/
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
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"Blue. All blue. I'm scared. Help."
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2007) Part Two
Seven movies were released during 2007 that make it on our list! Marvel’s debut of Ghost Rider started us off, followed by the incredible action film, 300! Up next was TMNT, the list’s first animated movie as well as the return of Spider-Man 3, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and Alien vs Predator: Requiem! Also debuting is the horror film 30 Days of Night. Here’s #40 through 21!
40. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
"Now, let's be clear about this, shall we? I hate you."
I roll my eyes every time this guy showed up on the screen. No one else is as entitled as he is, which he proves by still only caring about his rise to power instead of the immediate threat of THE WORLD DYING. He cons and manipulates his way to get his hands on the silver surfboard and even ends up killing Sue before Johnny ends up taking him down. His death is very ambiguous so if a third movie did get approved he probably would've survived but since it didn't, I get to declare that he truly did die.
39. May Parker (Spider-Man 3)
"You start by doing the hardest thing: You forgive yourself."
With Aunt May living in her own tiny apartment now, she seems happier now that she isn't stressing over bills she couldn't pay with the old house. She still gives Peter great advice, especially when it comes to proposing to Mary Jane and forgiving Uncle Ben's killer.
38. Max Winters (TMNT)
"Immortality is a curse!"
Max Winters turned out to be the all-powerful warlord that turned his closest friends into stone. With three thousand years under his belt, it's no wonder he's managed to build himself a fortune and now has all the resources to reverse the curse back to normal. Of course something has to go wrong in the shape of his own generals betraying him so they can stay immortal themselves but luckily he gets the turtles' help at the last minute and puts a stop to the generals and end his curse once and for all.
37. Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man 3)
"I mean who gets kissed by Spider-Man, right?"
Gwen Stacy finally makes her debut as Peter Parker's college lab partner. Jesus that whole scene with the crane almost killing her gave me so much anxiety. There were, like, three separate occasions in that scene alone where she could've died. She also manages to kiss Spider-Man, not knowing that he's Peter OR that he's in a relationship with Mary Jane. You can't blame her, especially when she walks away from Peter during their date once she realizes he was only using her to get back at Mary Jane for dumping him. She even apologizes! That's a girl who understands the sisterhood so I'm glad nothing horrible happens to her.
36. Dallas (Alien vs Predator: Requiem)
"People are dying. We need guns."
The bad boy of town, it's never actually said if Dallas was in jail the past three years but it's assumed that's why he's gone. Of course he returns right as an alien infestation takes over the entire town and now he has to work with others to insure his and his brother's survival. He wasn't the best leader in terms of encouragement, he was a bit of an asshole sometimes, but his respect for Kelly, who was the true hero here, is what got them to survive.
35. Karai (TMNT)
"The Foot Clan are owned by no one."
With Shredder gone, Karai is now the leader of the Foot Clan. There's still animosity with the turtles which makes every run in a "fight on sight" type of deal. I don't know, I liked her. Her clan did what they could for cash but when things got out of hand and New York was in jeopardy, they put their differences aside with the turtles and worked with them to save the day. Her last goodbye message could've been interpreted in a couple ways. Either she's found a way to resurrect the very dead Shredder, or she's taking up the mantle herself, I just don't realize which one is the worse option.
34. Stella Oleson (30 Days of Night)
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"We made it. It's almost dawn."
Stella wasn't even supposed to be in Barrow during the month-long night. But she ends up missing her flight and has to deal with awkward tension with her husband after they separated and also with a horde of blood-sucking vampires. Stella does well surving as authority to the group but is put at risk when she's stuck under a truck with a child while Marlow and the vamps burn down the town. Once everything's done, she holds Eben in her arms as they watch the sunrise, the light eventually killing Eben.
33. Flint Marko/Sandman (Spider-Man 3)
"The only thing left for me now is my daughter."
I get that we need a villain, but I didn't really buy the whole redemption thing they tried to get going for him. Yes, I understand he just wanted to save his daughter, but taking matters into his own hands cost someone their lives, accident or not. And how come at the end of the fight with Spider-Man and New Goblin did he act like he wanted no part in it once Venom was destroyed? He definitely agreed to wanting to kill Spider-Man, and he definitely almost did had it not been for Harry coming to save the day. He wanted to make it seem like he wasn't a bad guy, just was under bad circumstances, but I think he definintely was a bad guy.
32. Xerxes (300)
"I only require that you kneel."
The god-king of Persia, Xerxes is such a tall, bronze man! I'm lowkey living for his very androgynous look. What, with his drawn-on eyebrows, body jewelry AND those piercings. He might not be an actual god but he was definitely serving! As honorable as the Spartans were, there was no way they were going to stop Xerxes and his army of thousands. All he had to do was wait it out and eventually the Spartans were defeated.
31. Harry Osborn/New Goblin (Spider-Man 3)
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"They're my best friends. I'd give my life for them."
Harry sort of redeemed himself for me in this movie. In a perfect world he would've gone through life without getting his memory back but that didn't last long. Both fight scenes with Peter seemed a little childish and I couldn't really take any of it seriously. What I DID appreciate is Peter telling Harry that his father never cared about him, because that's exactly what I've been saying this whole time. Harry finally gets a clue, with the help of his butler that decided to wait until Mary Jane is about to die to reveal how Harry's dad truly died, and flies in just in time to save Peter from death. He does it more than once and ends up dying the same way his father did, getting impaled by the blades in his glider. However he dies knowing he fixed things with both Mary Jane and Peter.
30. Splinter (TMNT) 
"I still got it!"
Splinter is more than just a master to the turtles, he's their father. His lessons are more than just how to be a great warrior, but how to be good soul. It was cool to see him not take the back seat when things got rough. He took down every ninja and other worldly monster that got in his way, proving this old rat had no problem keeping up with his sons.
29. Blackheart (Ghost Rider)
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"Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I have sinned a lot."
The devil's son, a pure demon. He wants all the power his father has and tries to use the power of the San Verganza contract to overthrow him and take over Earth. He also has this unnecessary habit of killing people for no reason? Like, ok, yeah that motorcycle guy started picking on him, but was there any reason to kill everyone in the entire bar? In end all his killings come back to bite him in the ass after he absorbs the evil souls, allowing Ghost Rider to use his Penance Stare, which ends up killing the demon spawn using his own victim's pain.
28. Dilios (300)
"Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans."
The narrator of the story, Dilios proves that he has the right to stand and fight among the 300 Spartans defending their home from the Persians. During one of the battles, he takes a hit to the eye, leaving him unfit to continue. When the Greeks ditch the battle, Leonidas sends Dilios with them, to spread the tale of the 300. He does just that before going back into the battlefield with the Greeks at the end of the film.
27. April O'Neil (TMNT)
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"Be careful."
She's the only girl on the ninja turtle team and probably everyone's favorite member as well. April is not just brain smart, she can also handle herself with a sword, which isn't surprising with the company she keeps. Her and Donnie's brains are the main reason the team is able to figure out what's going on and stop the Immortal Generals from taking over the world.
26. Mack (Ghost Rider)
"We were riding the gravy train on biscuit wheels before you showed up."
Mack is Johnny's manager and loyal best friend. It didn't matter if he thought Johnny was crazy for trying to jump a football field full of helicopters, once he realized Johnny wasn't changing his mind, he was fully supportive and did what he could to make sure his best friend stayed alive. His loyalty made his death hard to watch as Blackheart quickly gave him the death touch, killing him right in front of Roxie.
25. Stelios (300)
"It's an honor to die at your side."
Stelios is a man who loves war and battle and was just made to be a soldier. He treats the entire war with the Persians as sport as he has wagers against Astinos on who can kill the most Persians. He manages to cut off the arm of a Persian general before he gets whipped and is the last soldier to die before Leonidas.
24. Alien-Predator Hybrid (Alien vs Predator: Requiem)
*alien screech*
What could possibly make an alien, designed to destroy all life, more dangerous? Making it a hybrid breed with a Predator, one of the most violent creatures in the universe. Apparently, as far as alliances go, the alien side won over, as the new hybrid attacks the predators on the ship and causes it to crash into a Colorado town. It then begins implanting alien babies into pregnant women, further producing the aliens over taking the town. It's finally brought down by the Predator before being blown up by a military nuke.
23. Mephisto (Ghost Rider)
"After all, a deal's a deal."
The devil himself. Mephisto is all about making deals to take someone's soul and then double crossing them once it's too late. Johnny is his latest victim. He gets Johnny to seal his soul and agree to be his Ghost Rider as long as he cures Johnny's father of cancer. Well he does just that...then he kills him the next day by having him crash in his circus act. His evil is only matched by his son, Blackheart, who wants everything his father controls. To show his son who's boss he sicks Ghost Rider on him while he watches in the shadows. He gets his own karma once Johnny refuses to give up his powers and vows to stop all his future plans.
22. Ben Grimm/The Thing (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
"I'll show you a rockslide!"
Even though Ben took the backseat in this movie as opposed to the last one, I just wanna point one thing out! It's the fact that he had not only accepted his appearance as The Thing but has embraced it in a way where he's not insecure about it anymore. Twice he changed back into his human form and didn't so much as bat an eye when he was changed back. Of course some of the credit goes to the love and support he gets from Alicia and his team, but he's come a long way and is text book definition of confidence as a superhero.
21. Donatello and Michelangelo (TMNT)
"Yeah, it looked like your mom, dude!" "Yeah that would make her your mom too, dufus."
These two make up half of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and they're usually the fan favorites mainly because of their humor throughout the show/comics/films. They both took a backseat from their other brothers when it comes to character growth but the movie would not be the same without Donnie's brains and Mickey's horrible jokes. Plus they're side hustles as an IT and a party host were some of the funniest parts of the film.
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
Lore from the Silver Surv Serv:
Log one:
Must water lapis.
Must feed Crescent.
Obsidian required for Nether, must find lava.
Make altar for lapis, holy relic.
Log two:
More blue, crescent more hungry.
Can't give up emeralds, find another way.
Made fishing rod & caught pufferfish.
Find nametag.
Log three:
Rain today.
Found another pufferfish.
No productivity.
Log four
Almost forgot to sleep last night.
Blue is spreading.
Log five
Stayed in the mine overnight
Log six:
Got gold, gan craft golden apples
more blue
It's spreading
log seven
leep forgetting so sleep
help more blue
log eight
more blue
feed crescent
feed lapis
log nine
staying inside
wants my emeralds
wants my copper
wants me
need to smelt pass time
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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It's coming from the crescent
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
there's more oxidized copper and lapis creeping onto the island. I'm not giving up my emeralds.
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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Would the logs look better stripped?
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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The story is meant to be viewed with SINGLEPLAYER, so no. You may not join the server.
Mod Artichoke goes by he/it/they/spring, C! Artichoke goes by she/it/glow.
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
I keep forgoring to sleep
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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I just don't wanna give up my emeralds lmao, tryna save up for a block :D
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
There's a blue that's been spreading.
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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I have a journal now!
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
Sorry for being out for a day! I had to water my lapis block.
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
I found a whole block of copper!
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
Good news! It took the flower I think it's satisfied
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silver-surv-serv · 3 years
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The rest of the ink must (sadly) be sacrificed, but for now I can enjoy my achievement!
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