#silly little ivor I HATE HIM (affectionate)
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skittyplush · 10 months ago
hee haw…..i saw you saying something about mcsm requests….so maybe some harper and ivor or olivia and petra :3333
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teehee how about both :DDD I REALLY LOVE DRAWING OLIVIA
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lunaraen · 7 years ago
Ivor and Harper
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Harper stays up far later than she should when she’s working, so more than once, she’s ended up being startled and socking Ivor in the face when he just wants to try to get her to go to bed. There’s definitely a lot of apologizing afterwards and it at least successfully takes her mind off work.
who is emotionally stronger?
They’ve both been through a lot of emotional torment, especially guilt and self-hatred, and it’s hard to say sometimes if it’s made things worse or made them stronger in that department. They don’t really know how to deal with emotions, but they’re usually good at taking care of those things when they’re not in danger and are in a relaxed enough place to do it, so they’re about equal.
who is physically stronger?
Ivor spent a lot of time roaming from village to town in what was self enforced exile, given that his desire for revenge kept him from being able to start again somewhere else while knowing the Order was lying to the world, and while he was training to slay a dragon, he’s better at dodging and aiming than full on swordplay. Similarly, Harper spent a lot of time hiding, but she had to be able to knock back mobs and people whenever necessary and quickly, given that she was being hunted down, so she’s physically stronger.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
They both can get a little too wrapped up in adventures sometimes, so they’re both about equally likely to be injured or wounded like that.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
If, for whatever reason they  wanted to hurt each other, whether it was necessary for some reason or things were just really heated, Ivor has a lot of experience being snarky and making sharp, cutting observations. Harper has less experience being around people in general, so if she’s mad, she focuses more on getting what’s making her so frustrated across, which to be fair could hurt, but she doesn’t have it down as well as Ivor does. 
That being said, after everything they’ve been through, arguments almost never go beyond small, petty ones that every couple has, and even in the bigger ones that are bound to happen, they don’t knowingly try to hurt each other.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
Ivor. He’s the more likely of the two to be bitter and nasty in the argument, and he’s also more likely to act on his guilt first because he really doesn’t want to lose Harper and past experiences, for better or worse, have taught him that he loses people when he argues with them.
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Ivor’s much more of the medic, being the one who can and does make healing potions, and while Harper will tend to his, he’s better at hiding his wounds than she is and he’s quicker at spotting hers.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
Pretty much both of them. They’re touch-starved, not to mention affection-starved, and comfort is really nice and something they may ever get enough of, which works out well with how much they both need it and how much they’re both willing to give.
who gets more jealous? 
While it’s not like he doesn’t trust Harper, Ivor does. He knows she can take care of herself, but he’s good at glaring people down and quickly changing the subject and he will if he feels like anybody’s flirting or getting too comfortable with Harper. 
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
If either of them do, it’s because they feel like they’ve done enough damage and have done something completely irreversible, whether or not that’s actually the case. Loyalty means a lot to both of them, and they’ve already been through a lot together and have fought side by side, so I’d honestly say either just because I can’t really see either of them doing it and I’m just as likely to say neither ever would.
who will propose? 
Ivor. It takes far more tries than he’d like it to before there’s finally a chance where they’re not interrupted, and everybody else knows he’s going to do it before he tells anyone, but Harper appreciates it all the same and thinks it’s really cute, not to mention sweet.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
They’re both touch starved, but I imagine Harper would be more likely to try, just to let Ivor know it’s okay and she doesn’t mind being at least a little affectionate in public.
(Ivor is ridiculously over the moon about this and tries to act like he’s not. Harper thinks it’s adorable.)
who comes up for the other all the time? 
They both do. Half the time it’s just to get the other to take a break because they need it, even if they’re always happy to spend time together.
who hogs the blankets? 
Harper is used to a desert world, so while she’s not unused to being cold at night, she’s also used to using as many blankets as possible to stay warm. Ivor figures the compromise is to just cuddle so that he still gets some of the blankets, which works for him.
who gets more sad? 
Neither of them should be allowed to reflect back on their mistakes for too long. It’s easier said than done, especially with Ivor thanks to living in the world he nearly destroyed, and they both have their days when their just remorseful and melancholy and the most they can do sometimes is love the other as much as they can and just try to stay around the people they love.
who is better at cheering the other up? 
They’re both fairly good at it, especially the more they learn about each other’s interests and hobbies. Harper loves getting new parts for her inventions, Ivor enjoys new potion ingredients, they both enjoy cuddling, and once Ivor starts teaching Harper how to knit, it’s just another shared hobby they can try to cheer each other up with.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Neither of them. They just give the earned groans and playful eye rolls.
who is more streetwise?
Neither of them have much experience in Beacontown beyond the main part and the Order’s temple, but Ivor’s better at dealing with people in his world, in part because he’s used to so many hating him and because he spent so long passing through so many towns and cities. 
who is more wise?
This could work for either of them, given their experiences and the good advice they can give, and they both had plenty of time alone to get philosophical.
who’s the shyest? 
Context matters. Ivor’s insanely shy around Harper even when they get more comfortable with each other, while Harper tends to be much shyer than him around crowds and people who don’t happen to be the Order or other people she already knows.
who boasts about the other more? 
Ivor will brag about Harper until the cows come home and for much longer, just because he is so proud of everything she does and pretty much absolutely amazed by everything she knows and can do. There’s a reason he’s so ridiculously enamored and it shows.
who sits on whose lap?
It’s a complete and total mix up and Ivor’s horribly flustered either way.
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