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swanclan · 6 months ago
📌SwanClan founders + Intro📌
Marshstar, a former kittypet who left his home over a dream- Is skittish, nervous, jumpy, and never lived with other cats. He has no idea how to run his own clan. Thankfully, with the help of Lynxtail, he will be able to be a good leader figure.. right?
👇 Alliances below 👇
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First Clangen blog lets goo! I dont usually post my art anywhere nor have any socials where I post, so im a tad bit nervous but thats okay :).
Theres a few things I would like to be made clear though-
I am a minor, just to set that basic boundary- I dont want anyone being weird towards me or flirty even in a playful way. That stuff makes me super uncomfortable :') pls be civil basically thats all I ask.
I cant promise updates will be frequent but I'll try my best to not forget about this blog 🙏
A huge ol shoutout to Risingclan, Juniperclan, Circusclan, Ashpaw is Alone and Splinterclan which were my biggest inspos for this blog <3 (Im too nervous to @ them but srsly check them out)
Another shoutout to the Full Genetics mod. Its what I used for this Clangen instead of the OG one; Also practice since im a beginners artist when it comes to cats n bgs
And thats it! I hope you enjoy my stinky boys as much as I do :) Enjoy ur stay and get comfortable.
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kittykanzashi · 5 years ago
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A change to my normal design. Tsumami zaiku grapes on the mini trellis that I made last week. I think I will turn these into brooches. They will also make cute obidome and luckily I have a obidome converter. #tsumamicraft #tsumamizaiku #tsumamikanzashi #tsumami_zaiku #silkart #handmadecrafts #handmadeuk #ukhandmade #grapes #miniature #fruit #silkfruit #葡萄 #ミニチュア #趣味 #手芸 #つまみ細工コンテスト #日本つまみ細工コンテスト #日本文化 #つまみ細工 #つまみ簪 #канзаши #brooch https://www.instagram.com/p/B29OuHBHnoJ/?igshid=kuyrxyay5gd7
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thegravecartel · 5 years ago
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((Some more flora from Hell that I made on a whim.))
((Descriptions under the cut))
Limb Carrot:
Flavor: Bitter, and a bit salty.
Properties: It tastes more bitter than an Earth carrot, and is salty instead of sweet.  It is commonly used in harpy and black noodle soup, and minotaur stew.  When cut, and/or boiled, it secretes a burnt sienna colored liquid that can be used as a thickening agent.
Smokey Garlic:
Flavor: Smokey, and sulfurous.
Properties: Often found in ash piles near volcanic areas of Hell, and don’t require roasting to achieve a smokey taste.  It is recommended to only use small amounts when seasoning due to having a much more sulfurous smell and taste.
Banshee Root:
Flavor: The entire plant is incredibly salty.
Properties: Unlike the mandrake root, it is safe for consumption after a simple process of chopping, curing, and grinding.  Harvesting the root without protection may cause bleeding from the ears, loss of hearing, infectious bouts of grief, and uncontrollable influxes of tears due to the root’s heart-wrenching scream and a defensive gas that is let out through the mouth(?).
Stone Potato:
Flavor: Starchy, and bland.
Properties: Similar to the smokey garlic, these are found buried in ash piles.  They are in far more abundance, but uses camouflage to blend in.  These are not to be eaten raw due to being literally hard as rocks uncooked, so they must be boiled before getting cut up to make food.  Commonly used to make snack foods, stews, and soups.  They have a stale texture even after being softened up.
Flavor: Rotten
Properties: These mushrooms are primarily found in the Third Circle of Hell, and can cause several internal complications if consumed due to the endless amounts of tar-like fluids that are secreted from the gills and cap.  Just don’t eat it, even if it’s washed, it will still taste disgusting.
Flavor: Semi-sweet, but meaty.
Properties: Similar to a jackfruit, these can be suitable for a meat-substitute.  This fruit is commonly harvested from trees, and caves that are home to the various spider species that thrive in the Second Circle and below.  The inner flesh has a texture similar to most meats, and contain a sort of black caviar in the center.  These fruits are hidden inside of a cocoon of silk that can be repurposed.
Flavor: Smokey
Properties: Typically used more for lighting than eating, but can be extinguished in order to be prepared for consumption.  These are found dangerously close to magma pits, and lava lakes, making them harder to obtain.
Flavor: Mildly sweet
Properties:  Commonly found, and harvested from fleshy trees deep in the forests of the Seventh Circle.  They are edible, but require a great deal of cutting in order to remove the exterior petals, the skin, and finally, the pit inside.  The jelly-like flesh makes for a mild sweetener, and can be eaten raw.
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thepubesofgod · 8 years ago
I somehow managed a 7 day streak on Duolingo with French! lol. add me y'all, it might be more fun if it gets competitive. it's "silkfruit" 😚
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figmeat · 9 years ago
silkfruit replied to your post “it’s just SO hard being a lesbian with very cute small eyes and a...”
be my cool lesbian wife?
yes thank you 
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figmeat · 9 years ago
silkfruit replied to your post “silkfruit replied to your post “sarahlaceyann replied to your post...”
i'm going to start learning about crystals we'll be a potent team of pseudoscience
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figmeat · 9 years ago
silkfruit replied to your post “sarahlaceyann replied to your post “sarahlaceyann replied to your...”
jas i think you need to learn palm reading
will my palm tell me why i havent hugged my father in 6 years 
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figmeat · 10 years ago
silkfruit replied to your post “infp’s are so scary and so far removed from reality that u could...”
i've been researching infp's just for u i think u all sound pretty groovy! that's just my judgement tho (lmao get it infj humour)
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