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Nowadays important topics need strong communication tools, in order to plant the seed of a new idea into people's mind, without losing anything of global messages and purposes. Our sx809 headphone, once again helping Messe Frankfurt to keep the frequency. 聽 #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #silentconference #silentmeeting #meeting #conferemce #headphones #wirelessaudio #wirelessheadphones #silentheadphones #silentsystemheadphones #messefrankfurtitaly #florence #speech #forumtelecontrollo #telecontrollo2019 #sx809 #headphonessx809 #keepthefrequency (at Fortezza da Basso) https://www.instagram.com/p/B39z_pmIZN5/?igshid=6gebaxnp5mx7
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Silent Cinema weekend in #SanSebastian, during the International Film Festival. Cerveza Keler set up two #openair #projections with our system. Viewers enjoyed motion pictures with the best audio enjoyment, on the lovely spot of plaza Okendo. #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #silentcinema #openaircinema #internationalfilmfestival #sx809 #cinema #cinemasilent #headphonessx809 #silentsystemheadphones #silentsystemspain #silentevents #silenteventseurope #silentsystemproaudio #wirelessaudio #spain #headphones (at Plaza De Okendo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zGKA_oYWk/?igshid=m4vy2g02il8i
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Welcoming the new day at Punta Umbr铆a Beach. 400 #headphones #sx809 on their mats. An #unconventional corporate #silentyoga session. Stunning location, great teacher, best silent #technology. #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #yogaheadphones #yoga #yogasession #beach #morningyoga #healt #asana #meditation #silentevents #silenteventseurope #silentsystemheadphones #sensorialyoga #spain #puntaumbrabeach (at Huelva, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2glhmSosh4/?igshid=1ezwy9dox1kau
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When it's time to #party, we will party hard! When it's time to #SilentDiscoParty we will party harder! #silentdisco #silentparty #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #partyheadphones #headphonesparty #silenteventseurope #silentevents #silentdiscoeurope #silentpartyeurope #silentheadphonesparty #silentsystemheadphones #silentsystemeurope #silentdiscoitaly #scuolazooviaggievento #scuolazoo #SX809 #headphonessx809 (at Rimini, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Unnn8I1kl/?igshid=78ctjhkuhtws
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Our #food and #drink experience is going on: #wine tasting paired with 5 different courses in #Vakencia. #Music is the answer! #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #winetasting #foodtasting #silentevents #silentevenetseurope #silentsystemspain #silentsystemeurope #sx809 #headphonessx809 #silentpeople #silentdinner #silentheadphones #silentsystemheadphones #fun #cool (at Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MmcpfIDVW/?igshid=10m5pebum1m47
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#Gastrosense #experience for the first time at SmyHotel in #Malaga. A silent trip into gourmet world. Stay tuned and don't miss the next appointment. #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #winetasting #silentevents #silentevenetseurope #foodandwine #foodtasting #sx809 #headphonessx809 #headphones #silentsystemproaudio #silentsystemheadphones #silentheadphones #music #wineandmusic #tasting #silentdinner #silentsystemspain (at M谩laga, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ys1GpIj7T/?igshid=oegcp02mi1e0
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Wunderbar, over 600 people for the first #SilentWiFiConcert in #Dresden. We look forward for the next date, bis bald! #yamahasilentexperience #silentconcert #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #sx809 #headphonesconcert #pianoconcert #yamahapianos #yamahamusiceurope #silentsystemheadphones #headphonessx809 #classicmusic #yamahapianoconcert #yamahasilentpiano (at Japanisches Palais) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hCo7PIBkN/?igshid=18lbteuzdqdwj
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Bodies as canvases for a multiple #sensorial #experience in #Klagenfurt. The world #bodypainting festival, and the Silent WiFi Concert, mixing the Joy of #VisualArt and #Audio delight. #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #SilentWiFiConcert #silentconcert #art #yamahaconcert #YamahaPianos #yamahamusiceurope #silentsystemheadphones #silentsystemaustria #pianoconcert #yamahasilentpiano #headphonessx809 #audiosystems #wirelessaudio #headphonesconcert #classicmusic #classicpiano #Pianolink (at Klagenfurt) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxmgZ4IKtr/?igshid=1sqk0eogoqgrg
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In preparation for tonight, #SilentWiFiConcert #Klagenfurt with #KlavierHaus , #Pianolink, #YamahaPianos, #Silentsystem. It will be stunning. #yamahasilentexperience #yamahaconcert #silentsystemaudio #yamahamusiceurope #sx809 #headphonesconcert #silentsystemheadphones #headphonessx809 #music #pianoconcert #concert #yamahamusiceurope #fun #cool (at Klagenfurt) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzvm9quoOzL/?igshid=neofx84l0xt6
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Feeling #Movement, #Music and #Dance with our #silentsystem #headphones #SX809 Super Power Bass. Feeling #happyness and #joyfulness with #BailaloLoco #SilentDisco Tour. #silentsystemaudio #silentdiscotour #streetdance #headphonessx809 #silentsystemheadphones #silentevents #silenteventseurope #silentsystemeurope #silentstreetparty #event #partyheadphones #headphonesparty #silentheadphoneparty #silentheadphones #silentdiscoparty (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzapAPCItqz/?igshid=1abm7qcmxmfh4
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Last weekend in #Madrid was so #cool! #BailaloLoco #SilentDisco tour is #rocking it up all over #Spain. Try it out! #silentsystem #silentsystemaudio #sx809. #silentsystemheadphones #headphonessx809 #fun #disco #silentparty #streetparty #party #event #love #partyheadphones #partysilent #experience (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/By26089oENy/?igshid=tz9qw7c6svvj
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Countdown for the #SilentWiFiConcert under the #Moon, let's spread the #magic with #YamahaPianos #Pianolink and #Silentsystem. #silentsystemaudio #yamahasilentexperience #silentconcert #pianoconcert #milan #sx809 #yamahapianositaly #silentevents #silenteventseurope #silentsystemheadphones #headphonesconcert (at Piscina Cozzi Milano) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvfAfCoVH5/?igshid=1rlvjfn2g535r
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Have you ever been to a #SilentWiFiConcert under the #Moon ? Tonight, a dream that becomes reality, #MuseumOfTheMoon in #Milan with #Pianolink, #YamahaPianos and #Silentsystem. #silentsystemaudio #silenteventseurope #silentevent #sx809 #silentconcert #yamahasilentexperience #silentpiano #pianoconcert #silentsystemheadphones #silentsystemeurope #silentpianoconcert #love #music #fun #emotions #culture (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuhkGZIK5b/?igshid=1ld49fr1witdi
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Everything is set up, we are looking forward for the #SilentWiFiConcert #piano and #orchestra , tonight, in occasion of #MiAmorFestival at the #PalazzinaLiberty in #Milan. #silentsystem #headphones #sx809. #silentsystemaudio #silentsystemheadphones #concert #silentconcert #pianoconcert #yamahapiano #yamahamusiceurope #yamahapianos #silentpiano #yamahasilentexperience #pianolink #music #classicalmusic #headphonesconcert #HeadphonesSX809 (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaOcHIox8y/?igshid=xfsug9a9z35x
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Today we are experiencing a creative #imagination path with #Spotify , at the #Google Palace in #Milan. With #silentsystem #headphones #sx809 everything is possible. #silentsystemaudio #spotifyitaly #googleitaly #SilentsystemHeadphones #silentsystemitaly #experience #sound #music #perception #imagination #HeadphonesSX809 #silentevents #silenteventeurope (at Google Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXL9CPopXa/?igshid=1rusaq8ztcjpo
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Some pictures from last week during #SPSItalia 2019 with our #silentsystem #headphones #SX809. Many thanks to #MesseFrankfurtItalia to let us be part of it. #silentsystemaudio #silentmeeting #silentconference #meeting #conference #HeadphonesSX809 #audiowireless #silentsystemheadphones #italy #meetingheadphones (at Parma Fiera) https://www.instagram.com/p/BySANJyo5dv/?igshid=1o11737w2fpzx
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