#silent witness s24 series finale review
frogbeansss · 3 years
Okay so, where to start?
This series finale certainly was a rollercoaster ride. I feel like I went through the five stages of grief twice; especially the first part really messed me up.
Ever since I started watching Silent Witness I shipped Nikki and Jack, both of them also instantly became my two favourite characters. And now FINALLY, finally they got together. The kiss scene was so freaking beautiful. The light in the background, the music and their interaction. The way they hugged, how they just sat there, their foreheads touching, staring at each other before Nikki finally kissed him. It was so SOFT. His happy little smile afterwards? Adorable. Every single time I think about this scene I sit around grinning like a bloody idiot and the amount of times I've rewatched it is probably unhealthy.... oopsie.  
I thought the care home story was brilliant. Jack and Simone taking care of the residents was adorable, particularly Jack's interactions with Beattie and Derek. To see how much Jack felt and cared for them and how he suffered when Derek died and how worried he was when the battery of Beattie's oxygen tank died, it broke my heart. Actually, I just wanted to hug him throughout the whole episode. Also his interactions with his father were so sweet.
Simone is a gem, I already love her so much and I hope she stays for a looong time. I think she is a great addition to the team.
Now on to Nikki. As I said before, Nikki is one of my favourite characters and I love her with all my heart. After seeing episode 9 I was sooo mad, I couldn't believe that they actually had her sleep with one of her students. And tbh that part of the finale still bothers me. It's just so wrong, so inappropriate. And it still feels so out of character to me.
The way they handled it in ep 10 kinda made me wonder if this was it or if there will be consequences for Nikki. Is Ollie going to accept that Nikki put a stop to it or is he going to do something?
I hope we'll never have to see him again, because he gives me the creeps. But then I really loved how Jack got all protective over Nikki and tried to put Ollie in his place.
I'm glad it got sorta resolved and that Nikki finally realised what she really feels for Jack, because I don't know what I would have done if they made me hate her character. I don't think the whole Ollie thing will stop bothering me, but I'll try to focus on Nikki and Jack instead.
How she cared for him when she arrived at the care home, was so adorable. The way she made sure he was warm and swaddled him with blankets, how she fed him, how she asked others to bring the sugar and water, so she could stay by his side,... I could go on forever.
Then came the part that broke me again. When Jack, all happy and smiley, listened to Nikkis voicemail and his face just fell. When they later talk at the Lyell and Simone interrupts them and asks how he feels and answers with 'never been so cold' and looks at Nikki while he says it, i thought that was it. But then came the saving grace that was the phone call and then the scene on the sofa. When she told him that they'll get through anything together and that she'll always be there for him, that was heartbreaking. It was so mean that they didn't show his answer, I wonder what he said to her and if whatever he said prompted her to wait at his place. And then later how he smiled, when he came home and saw her sleeping on the sofa, how he held her hand and stroked her hair, that was so sweet, I damn near lost it. I love these two so much and now I can't wait for s25.
I'll just go and rewatch their scenes together for the millionth time now, while I freak out at their cuteness. Thank you for reading my rambling!
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