#silent peter parker
You know a characther is fucked up and traumatized when they are wearing one of these
Edit: half of this characther were put against my will
Edit 2: i reached the fucking tag limit
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ereborne · 2 months
I'm still thinking about it (this poll) and I think I've come to the conclusion that while they all have their villains/cases of the week, ultimately Neal Caffrey's cons are about his own self-determination, Michael Westen's are self-preservation, and Nate Ford's are to punish/reward those he deems deserving (which process is in turn also sorta about his self-determination). Which means that
--well for one, if they're actually working against each other and not just seeming to for the sake of some terrifying ultimate multi-stage con, something in the world has gone dreadfully wrong. But also--
Nate and Michael could both achieve all their narrative goals without needing to get the metaphorical last word in (though it'd burn them both to hear me say it) but Neal's narrative goals are more about himself and less about any material objective. So maybe Nate gets the guilty party sorted and Michael gets the macguffin, but the episode ends with a nice comedic scan through their apartments to show them arguing family-style with their teams about what side Neal is really really playing, so it still feels in the last seconds of the show like he got one over on everybody, in a purely harmless way. Good for him!
So I did go back and vote for Neal, but also I'm going to be thinking about this a little bit forever.
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hifchn · 1 year
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'nother timeline
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this video has killed every perosn ive showed this to i think theyre overeacting
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pbpsbff · 1 year
mmmm cellist!peter parker au is running laps in my mind i want to write something so bad but what
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silentexplorer18 · 1 year
Silent's Writing Weekend 💙
We're doing it! I'm putting out the prompt list options so folks can request things! Woo hoo!
Normally, I don't do a lot of requests anymore, but I'm itching for some requests to get the creative juices flowing. So, for those interested, please send in a character name, and at least one scenario or piece of dialogue from the lists below. You can choose more than one per ask (or send in more than one ask) if you'd like! HOWEVER, if you send in a dialogue prompt, please either tell me the name of the prompt list (with the number) or type out the dialogue in your request! Thank you!
Requests are: Open
Relationship Pairings (X Female Reader):
Kakashi Hatake
Kiba Inuzuka
Feitan Portor
Eddie Munson
Peter Parker (TASM)
Benny Watts
Prompt Lists:
Touch Starved Scenarios (By @novelbear)
List of Random Dialogue Prompts (By @dumplingsjinson)
Ways to Say 'I love you' (By @did-i-do-this-write)
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marvelous-writer · 2 years
Two Lawyers and a Spider
Summary: In which Peter is struggling with holding the weight of the world on his shoulders, as well as his own problems and winds up having a bad panic attack on a sidewalk in Hell’s Kitchen when he’s hanging out with Matt and Foggy. 
Whumptober Day 7: Shaking Hands & Silent Panic Attack
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,731
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort, fluff
Link to read on AO3
It’s close to noontime when Peter finds himself walking down a crowded, noisy street in Hell’s Kitchen with Matt and Foggy on their way to grab lunch, the two men laughing as they recall a time in college. Peter unfortunately misses what they’re talking about with how spacey he’s feeling today.
That’s probably due to all of the late night’s he’s been pulling lately, getting less than two hours of sleep here and there.
“But, seriously, Peter if you need a reference for college I’d be more than happy to write something up. I could also see if I could namedrop you to one of my professor friends at Columbia to see if you could get in next semester?” Foggy’s voice filters through Peter’s ears, snapping him out of the fog he’s been in.
“I would be happy to as well.” Matt adds.
Peter looks up at them and forces a smile. “Uh, yeah… I’ll think about it. I really haven’t given… the whole college thing thought yet with everything.”
“Yeah, I get it,” Foggy says, nodding. “I took a gap year myself when I was your age. It let me figure out some stuff and what I wanted to do. Nothing wrong with that! Matt, do you remember that time we-“
Foggy’s voice fades out of Peter’s ears as he looks back down at the concrete sidewalk, focusing the front of his beat up sneakers as he walks. For some reason, his chest feels super tight, the familiar feeling of anxiety clawing away at him.
He’s had so much on his plate recently, it’s been hard to even think about college. With May and Happy’s wedding last month, babysitting Morgan up at the cabin now and then, dealing with the fact that MJ and Ned are away at college now living their new lives without him, patrolling, taking photos of himself as Spider-Man and selling them for some extra cash at the Bugle, and not to mention the fact that he’s still recovering from everything that happened with his identity leaking and Dr. Strange trying to reverse it only for Peter to screw it up and dealing with the repercussions that followed, then the whole thing with the multiverse villains going rogue, meeting the two other Peter’s, and May almost dying after Peter destroyed Happy’s old apartment during the fight with the Goblin.
College hasn’t been at the top of his to-do list.
Peter’s chest tightens more as his brows pull together, digging his fingernails into the palms of his hands to focus on something else, other than everything swirling around in his head at rapid speed.
Sometimes it’s all just… too much.
Car horns blare around them from the traffic, hearing people yelling from inside their cars.
Peter winces at the sound. He can hear the sound of all of the people walking on the street, hearing heels clicking against the pavement further up at the intersection, as well as a dog panting, car tires scraping against the road as it takes a turn.
It’s all too much.
Peter grits his teeth and closes his eyes for a brief second, mindful of the fact that he could accidentally bump into anyone on this busy sidewalk. He can feel his heart starting to steadily beat faster, thrumming against his chest and into his throat.
It’s going to choke him.
Peter snaps open his eyes when his spider-sense goes off, just in time for him to avoid bumping his shoulder into someone. His eyes dart around at all of the people around him, smelling a thousand smells all at once.
Everything’s dialed up to eleven.
He goes to take in a deep breath to calm himself… but he can’t. His heart is beating so fast—too fast—and his chest feels way too tight, not allowing anymore air inside. It only seems to be sucking out any air he has in there.
He knows this feeling too well, unfortunately.
A panic attack.
He’s having a panic attack in the middle of a crowded sidewalk in Hell’s Kitchen.
He’s going to die from suffocation and embarrassment.
Peter’s thoughts race as the panic truly starts to set in.
What do I do? What do i do? What do I do? What do I-
“Peter,” He hears Matt say in a firm voice admits all of the loud sounds around them, feeling the man’s hand on his right elbow, gently squeezing. “You need to take a deep breath.”
He can’t.
It’s all too much.
Way too much.
He can’t even get any air in his lungs.
“I-I-“ Peter stutters out, gasping. “C-can’t breathe—“
Before he’s even aware of it, he feels Matt pull him off the sidewalk, everything starting to blur around him. He’s able to notice the change in brightness around them, picking up on a moist, gross smell which could only mean they stepped into an alleyway.
“Whoa—what the hell’s going on?” He hears Foggy ask in a worried voice.
“Peter, you need to try to take a deep breath in for me, okay?” Matt tells him.
Peter tries to tell him that he can’t but all that comes out of his mouth are choked gasps.
Why is this happening?
He can’t breathe.
He can’t breathe.
He can’t freaking breathe.
“Oh my God, Matt!” He hears Foggy exclaim as a wave of dizziness and an odd, cold sensation washes over him.
Peter is distantly aware of himself falling backwards into the alley wall, feeling the bricks scraping his back as he slides to the ground. A pair of hands grab him, saving him from slamming his head on the dirty, concrete ground.
“Peter, I need you to breathe. You’re alright. I promise.”
“Oh my God. That’s it—I’m calling an ambulance.” Foggy says in a panicked voice.
“No,” Matt forcefully says. “No hospitals.”
“But Matt—he’s turning as white as a sheet and he can’t even breathe!”
Peter squeezes his closed eyes more, tightly clenching his fists as he desperately tries to focus on the hands on his shoulders. He feels one of his hands being grabbed by a warm one and brought up to a chest, feeling his knuckles brush up against the smooth fabric of a shirt.
“Peter, focus on my voice, alright? Try to focus on my breathing. Do you understand?” Matt’s voice comes through the sound of Peter’s heart beating away. “Feel my heart beating and me breathing, okay? Try to breathe with me, Pete.”
Peter feels the chest expand and he tries to do the same, letting out a choked gasp.
“It’s okay. You’re alright—just keep trying. Breathe in… breathe out…” Matt tells him in a calm tone.
It take a long time until Peter finally feels air enter his lungs. He takes in a wheezy breath and holds it for a few seconds before he lets it out, repeating the process again. With each inhale and exhale as he tries to follow in sync with Matt, breathing starts to get a little easier.
“That’s it. You’ve got it.” Matt encourages.
When the panic is over, it leaves Peter feeling absolutely drained as he opens his eyes, a little surprised to find that he had been crying when he sees tears sticking to his own eyelashes. Matt is kneeling right in front of him on the ground with a concerned look on his face, partially hidden beneath his glasses, while Foggy is kneeling next to Peter with an equally concerned expression on his face.
“Feeling better?” Matt asks.
Peter looks back at Matt, blinking as he shakily nods. “Y-Yeah,” he says as he lets his head drop back against the wall, letting out a shaky sigh. “S-Sorry… I don’t know where that came from.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.” Matt reassures.
“Yeah,” Foggy agrees. “I’m sorry if it was something I said-“
Peter shakes his head. “N-No it wasn’t. This… this happens sometimes.”
“You get panic attacks like this often?” Foggy asks, his brows pulling closer together in sympathy and deeper concern.
Despite Foggy knowing Matt is Daredevil, he doesn’t know that he’s Spider-Man. It’s not that Peter doesn’t trust him… it’s just that he’s learned that the less people who know his secret are safer that way. Matt knows what he means by that, with Daredevil having almost as big of a target on his back than Spider-Man does but he’s reassured Peter that he could tell Foggy and even Karen if he wanted too and that they’re the most loyal people he could meet. Which Peter knows that’s true from knowing them for such a short amount of time of less than a year.
It’s just a risk he isn’t willing to take… not right now, anyway.
“Not too often,” Peter finally says after a few moments of catching his breath. “I just… my life’s a little stressful, I guess.” He says, not knowing what other excuse to say.
A look of realization washes over Foggy’s face. “Was it about the college thing? Pete, I’m so sorry if I-“
“No, no. You’re good. I don’t really know what triggered it. Sometimes it just.. happens, I guess.”
“Do you feel better now?” Matt asks after being silent for a little bit.
Peter looks at him, nodding. “I think so.” He says as he looks down at his hands, noticing how badly they’re shaking in his lap.
“Why don’t we go into a quiet café and get you some water and something to eat?” Matt suggests as he stands up, extending a hand for Peter.
“That’s a good idea. I know a great place too.” Foggy says as he gets up as well.
Peter feels pretty lightheaded when he stands up with Matt’s help but he shakes his head and tries to fight through it, not wanting to end up fainting on top of that panic attack. He almost did and he’s had enough embarrassment for today, thank you very much.
“Lead the way, Foggy.” Matt say, his hand gripping Peter’s arm, either to reassure him or keep him grounded.
Knowing Matt, it’s probably both.
Foggy ended up bringing them to a little bookstore café a few blocks away. It’s dimly lit inside with warm, golden lights and it’s very cozy. They take a seat at the back of the place, surrounded by bookshelves stuffed with endless books as Foggy goes up to order and grab Peter a water.
Peter melts into a comfy beanbag he found as he looks around the place. He thinks about MJ and how much she would probably love coming to a place like this. He’ll have to remember to bring her on a date when she’s home on break from college next month for Thanksgiving.
“How are you feeling?” Matt’s voice interrupts his thoughts.
Peter looks over at him, seated in a chair. His head is tilted to the side, his round, maroon glasses shimmering in the light.
“A lot better now, thanks to you guys.”
“That’s good,” Matt says, nodding. “But what really triggered it?”
Peter bites on his lower lip, looking down as he bunches his Midtown hoodie in his fists. He’s honestly not sure what truly triggered the panic attack this time around. He hasn’t been sleeping lately, so really it could have been anything with how sensitive he gets from lack of sleep.
“I have a feeling it had something to do with Foggy mentioning college to you, right?” Matt guesses, causing Peter to snap his head up at him. Matt must hear the bones in his neck snap from the movement as he tilts his head to the side slightly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell him, I just want to know.”
Peter bites his lip harder, just enough to draw blood. “I-I don’t know… maybe?” He says with a shrug before he lets out a long sigh. “It’s just… life has been crazy lately and everything’s going so fast. With everything that’s happened and the Blip… I feel like I’m left behind. MJ and Ned are off at MIT a-and… I’m not. I got accepted but… I couldn’t go. And… I know that Tony really wants me to go there, more than anything. I… I just don’t know how to tell him I don’t. ”
Matt leans forward with his arms resting on his legs, nodding for him to continue.
“I couldn’t go… because I didn’t think I was ready. A-And I still don’t think I am. I can’t leave the city or my family behind. I know that everyone my age goes through that and it’s normal but… it’s just different, especially after everything that’s happened.”
“With the whole Dr. Strange situation, right?” Matt asks to clarify.
He had told Matt about what went down that night at the Statue of Liberty, another time when Peter had a panic attack while he had been out on patrol and luckily Matt was there with him. It was just two months after the whole thing happened, so it was fresh on Peter’s mind at the time.
Five months later, here he is, still struggling to cope with it.
“Yeah,” Peter says with a nod. “There’s been so much going on and… I don’t want to go away to college and leave everything and everyone behind. I just… I have too much of a responsibility to the city and my family.” He says, lowering his voice in case anyone were around to listen but the cafe is so dead in here, its highly unlikely.
Matt nods, silently for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face. “I know what you mean. But… I think that you could do both, one day when you’re ready, if you wanted to. You could attend a college around here. I hear online learning is becoming popular these days, so you could be at home and study and be able to do… some extracurricular activities on the side.” He says, lowering his voice at the end.
Peter straightens up at the mention of doing college online. He hadn’t actually thought about that.
“That’s a good idea.” Peter says.
Matt smiles. “Good,” he says as he sits back. “There are options out there. You should look into something like that then if that sounds like it could work out. Think it over and don’t rush into it. Give yourself time. As for Tony, knowing how much he loves and cares about you… I think if you told him the truth he would understand. You just have to be honest with him, Peter.”
Peter nods with a small, grateful smile. “Thanks, Matt. Really… I don’t know what I would have done if I was on the street alone and panicked like that.” He admits.
“Anytime, Peter.” Matt says, the corners of his mouth pulling up into a smile.
Foggy comes around the corner at that moment, carrying two cardboard disposable trays with drinks on one and wrapped up sandwiches on the other.
“I’ve returned with the goods,” Foggy announces dramatically as he walks over and sits down in the chair next to Matt, holding out a coffee cup to him. “For you, Matthew.”
Matt breathes out a laugh at that. “Thank you, Franklin.”
Foggy’s nose wrinkles at the name but he doesn’t say anything about it as he hands Peter a drink as well. “I don’t really know what you usually order and you really shouldn’t have coffee after all of that, so I looked it up and it said chamomile tea is good for people after a panic attack and…” he says as he grabs a paper bag. “I got you a chocolate chip muffin to help raise your sugar levels and stuff.”
Peter smiles as he takes it with a thankful smile. “Thanks, Foggy.”
The three of them settle into a comfortable silence as they enjoy their lunch. Foggy and Matt start telling Peter about some funny legal cases they had when they first opened their practice and how people gave them actual chickens as payment, which makes Peter laugh at that. For once in a long time… Peter finds himself to be relaxed, sipping at his tea on the comfy beanbag chair.
He’s very lucky to have met Matt and Foggy. They’re both very good lawyers and even better friends.
And one of them just happens to be a badass, crime-fighting vigilante, so that makes it even cooler.
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antvnger · 8 months
don’t mind me reading you and @silently-judgingyou thread. having me wondering “what has my boy gotten himself into?” haha
((With Pete, you never know. Hopefully nothing too bad but we’ll see))
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
Miles being a little shit like genuinely and Peter just picks him up and throws him to a random ceiling corner like “AND STAY THERE. DAMN.”
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spicler-man · 1 year
love how i go dead for a year about silent spidey and then shabam. 2 fics in one day. enjoy
Peter On Patrol by oriocookie
Peter heard the mugger first. An alleyway. Why did it always have to be an alleyway?
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lemonlillybee · 2 years
Whumptober Day 7
Title: The Way You Shake and Shiver
Prompts: Shaking Hands | Silent Panic Attack @whumptober
Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU)
Word Count: 840
Read on AO3
A clap of thunder booms and Peter flinches violently, shaking the metal structure around him. 
He’s huddled on a fire escape outside of an apartment that he knows is empty, knees to his chest and arms wrapped tightly around them to make himself as small as possible. He’s mostly out of the rain, but no amount of hunching can get him away from the thunder.
As soon as he lets himself relax, another booming crack of thunder has him tensing up again, and this time he covers his ears, pressing his palms tightly against his head and trying to ignore the way his arms are shaking.
He’d started the day out feeling exhausted, and now it’s early evening and he feels like he could fall asleep perched outside of this abandoned apartment. The only thing stopping him is the loud thunder, which comes in unpredictable intervals with just enough time in between each bang to let his guard down before his whole body goes stiff again at the sound, the exhaustion making his reactions to the thunder happen against his will. It has him completely on edge, and he spends what feels like hours sitting there trying to catch his breath but not fully being able to.
Sometimes, having heightened senses really fucking sucks.
Boom. Another clap of thunder, another increase in his heart rate. His breath is coming up short again, like his chest is being squeezed by some invisible force. He hadn’t planned on staying up here so long, but now that it’s been a while he reaches up and pulls the mask from his face, greedily sucking in cold air and hating how shaky the inhale sounds. 
He doesn’t get a break before the next rumble, and his hands tremble where they’re already held over his ears. His usual fear response is fight, or sometimes flight when he knows he’s up against something he can’t take on by himself, but sitting here now he feels stuck, like the more times he’s engulfed in the startlingly loud noise, the more he feels like he’s frozen in place, as if it’s getting harder and harder to move. When he comes to the realization he maybe can’t move, he’s suddenly overwhelmed with an intense dizzying feeling. His vision blurs. 
“Incoming call from Tony,” Karen tells him, her voice hard to hear over the sound of his own heavy breathing.
“Hey, Pete.” Tony’s voice sounds muffled and faraway. “You out patrolling in this storm?”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut and focuses on trying to breathe. 
“FRI alerted me that your heart rate and blood pressure are through the roof right now. What’s going on?” Tony is trying to sound casual, but even through his panic Peter can hear the worry in his voice. Peter doesn’t answer. It’s been a few minutes since the last crash of thunder, and his whole body is tense waiting for the next one. The rain has stopped, and now there’s a light wind that has him shivering slightly. 
“Peter? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Peter squeaks out a reply, something he hopes is enough to get Tony off his back, and then there’s a long, silent pause. Eventually, Tony sighs heavily. “Karen?” 
For a moment, Peter thinks Karen is going to betray him, but she simply tells Tony that he’s not injured and he isn’t facing any threats, and Peter feels himself sag in relief. His shivers pick up, his body trembling from more than just the cool wind now. 
“Well…let me know if you need anything,” Tony says, and Peter finds himself nodding even though he knows Tony can’t see him, nor does he intend to let Tony know if he needs anything. 
As soon as Tony ends the call, Peter stands. His legs shake like they’re about to give out. He swings between skyscrapers until he arrives at this apartment, clinging to the side of the building just outside of his window for a good minute or two while he catches his breath and listens carefully to see if he can hear May inside. When he’s sure she isn’t there, he lifts his window open and crawls into his room. 
Once inside his room, he peels his suit off and pulls on a warm pair of sweats and a t-shirt, barely registering the fact that he’s shivering hard now or that his skin is cold to the touch. When he climbs into his bed, it’s as if his body recognizes the chance to relax, and he slumps under his covers with a sudden exhaustion that makes him feel weak and sluggish. He pulls the blanket all the way over his head, until he’s enveloped in darkness, and lets the tears that have been threatening to erupt finally spill down his cheeks. 
Peter is sound asleep an hour later when a figure comes into his room, crossing over to the bed and pulling the comforter off his head to smooth his hair back from his forehead and dry the still-wet tears on his face.
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whateveriscatchy · 24 days
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Here are some of my Favorite characters Duos....
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Uhmm pretend not to be that predictable 😅🙃
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velvrei · 2 months
logan dating tony starks daughter !!! like he wants to dislike you soooooo bad because he automatically assumes you’re some spoilt brat who’s always gotten anything and everything that she’s wanted without having to lift a finger but after being forced to spend time with you (probably because of missions) he can’t help but fall head over heels for you!!! that stark charm is definitely something to be in awe of (ur dad and him still despise each other tho)
the other stark
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pairing: older!logan howlett x stark!reader
summary: logan finally meets you, tony starks daughter at an avengers gala. as much as he thinks you are a stuck up brat who has everything handed to her, he couldn’t wait to have his hands on you.
warnings: smut, age gap (legal), somewhat forbidden romance, slight degradation, praise kink, cowgirl position, face riding, oral (f receiving), kinda slow burn, kinda enemies to lovers, really filthy smut, intentional overuse of the word fuck at the end, tony is pissed when he finds out
word count: 5k
a/n: don’t look to closely on the gif cause you’ll find the part where i didn’t try
nsfw below the cut!
logan was not looking forward to attending the avenger’s ‘met gala'. mostly because he knew he would be meeting the folks he was supposed to despise the most.
tony stark invited the x-men as a way of trying to mend the rip between the two groups; it was always avengers vs. the x-men, never avengers and the x-men. tony wanted to change that. logan didn’t.
as everyone arrive, there was a little red carpet where several photographers stood, flashing pictures in the hopes of capturing good shots of each of the visitors.
the x-men limo slowly approached the curb, with spectators surrounding the vehicle as everyone exited.
logan huffed and climbed out the door, disregarding the fangirls that surrounded him, eager to get the night over with.
he walked up to the carpet alongside his team, each member getting a solo shot. when it was logan’s turn, he rested his face and let the camera take pictures of him, stood up straight.
he was wearing dress pants, a button up, with the sleeves rolled up just above his forearms, and a black vest over his button up. the shirt easily displayed his muscles, which he claimed was unintentional, but it was vastly intentional.
the paparazzi turned their cameras as another limo pulled up, and out came peter parker, and logan rolled his eyes knowing it was all the younger avengers.
logan couldn’t help but watch as peter stepped to the side, holding his hand out as he watched a woman get out. he gulped, seeing who the woman was.
it was you, tony starks daughter, or so he heard from his team. he had never actually met you. as much as he wanted to persuade himself he wasn't drawn to you, it would be a complete lie.
you were wearing a long, form fitting dress. it was a dark red, almost maroon. you wore gold heels and chunky gold bangles and necklace along with it, making sure it wasn’t just one color, which was something logan noticed.
peter stood at your side and it made logan a bit curious as to what your relationship with him was, but once he saw you two begin bickering he quickly realized it was more of a sibling relationship.
logan felt like he was going through the five stages of grief as the two of you walked over, followed by some others that exited the limo. you walked in front of peter, walking up to the red carpet.
logan was still stood in the middle, he quickly turned his attention in front of him, looking at the camera for the picture.
“logan! pose with tony’s daughter!” one of the men behind the camera shouted. peter shot you a protective look, however you just shook your head, silently telling him to calm down.
logan almost huffed as you walked up next to him, even though you had never met the man, it would be more embarrassing to turn down the offer in front of millions of people.
“logan.” you say.
logan questions the fact you know him, wondering if he should’ve done his research beforehand.
“y/n.” he responds. he knows your name, and that’s it. he knows nothing else about you, and he is almost sure he doesn’t want to know.
the more he stood next to you, the longer he saw how many times you posed for the camera, wanting to roll his eyes but holding back knowing that would definitely get caught on camera.
you gave a small smile to the camera, turning to logan as you stood next to him. the two of you stood together, nothing more.
logan saw it as awkward, while you thought nothing of it, walking off the red carpet as he followed, quickly finding his team in attempt to avoid speaking to you any longer.
it had been an hour and logan hadn’t seen you again sense the introduction. he knew he was bound to be brought back to you again, but he didn’t want to be the cause of it.
logan finally spotted wade, approaching him, trying to pretend that wade wasn’t his comfort person.
“well hello my second favorite furball! i’ve missed you.” wade’s words make logan roll his eyes.
“missed ya too, bub. i barely know anyone here.” logan admits, quietly. he looks around the room to see if he saw anyone else he was comfortable with, but he just saw you in the corner, casually chatting with thor.
wade gasps, beginning to speak loudly on purpose. “the wolverine doesn’t know people-” wade starts but logan covers his mouth, staring daggers into his eyes.
“shut the fuck up. now is not the time.” logan says rather quiet, seeming a bit panicky as wade furrows his eyebrows.
wade goes to say a muffled remark but catches where logan’s distress is coming from. logan slowly lets go of wade’s mouth, watching as wade’s face brightens as if a light bulb had just been placed over his head.
“is billionaire bitch still your opp?”
“stop fucking talking like that.”
wade couldn’t help but giggle. “is it because of tony? he’s trying to make amends, stud muffin. i don’t know why you’re stressed.”
logan goes to respond, but takes a second, actually processing. “i- i don’t know why i’m stressed either if im being honest.”
wade smiled, appreciating the fact that his friend was actually processing his feelings instead of pushing away. that was something wade had taught logan, which was something wade had learned from his therapist.
“logan, you can’t hate the avengers forever. we’re gonna be forced to work with them. and as much as you may hate the starks, i’ve already looked at the first mission list and you’re partnered up with stark’s daughter.”
logan practically chokes on his champagne as wade speaks his last sentence. logan didn’t know whether to be curious or incredibly annoyed.
“oh, fuck me…��� logan complains, rubbing his forehead.
wade holds back a giggle, “oh, i’m sure she will.”
with a smack to wade’s arm, the two boys noticed you and your father making your way over to them. logan almost cussed out tony in his head.
tony walked up, you not far behind your father, you have wade a side hug and gave logan a hand shake, that was strangely quick. tony smiled his millionaire smile. “thank you guys for joining us tonight. so glad you could make it, and i’m so happy we can finally kill this little rivalry.”
you knew your dad was being fake, but it wasn’t your place to say anything, especially when it was against wolverine and deadpool.
logan spoke the words, “i’m happy to be here,” but his face showed different, which earned him a smack in the arm from wade.
“i bet. we have a lovely spread of finger foods and you’re more than welcome to help yourself to some more champagne. would’ve told you how expensive it was before you decided to chug it all, however that’s okay.”
logan literally bit his tongue to stop himself from retaliating. if it was really okay as tony offered, tony wouldn’t care of the price.
after a few more dreadful minutes of banter between the two, and many side eye looks between you and wade, tony walked away, leaving just you, wade and logan.
which wade quickly saw himself out. “i’m gonna go find the woman with the magic hands, been dying to meet her. you two fartknockers try not to kill each other, okay?” his voice seemed so sarcastic but wasn’t, which made you almost smile.
wade walked away and left the two of you there. logan sighed as you started talking.
“you know, you don’t have to avoid me, logan.”
logan’s eyes shot up into yours. he wasn’t avoiding you. was he? “excuse me?”
you almost huffed, watching as his body tensed up. you stood up straight, even though you were still a bit shorter than him. “logan. i am not my father.”
your words cause logan to scoff. logan knew you weren’t your father. he just saw you as an exact replica of your bloodline. he didn’t want to say that right to your face, but you noticed he was processing a response, so you ignored the awkward silence and let him get his thoughts in order.
“obviously, you’re not him. your father is a 55 year old billionaire with a mustache. however you two are more similar than you think.”
his words make you think for a minute, deciding to keep the conversation a bit flirty, as much as you convinced yourself it wasn’t a good idea.
“listen, my father and i are just like you and wade. one is the caustic, sassy fighter who never knows when to quit. and the other is the hot one who simply follows the other's example.” your remarks force his brow to furrow.
out of the long phrase you just said, logan only processed one thing. “did you just call me hot?”
you smiled, batting your eyelashes before answered. “no, i called myself hot. you just happened to assume we’re similar, proving my point.”
logan hated how self centered you were. key word, hated. logan slowly realized how attractive your confidence was, but covered it up through his grunts and complaints of how stuck up you were. you weren’t wrong at all. you were hot, and there was nothing he could do about it.
logan rolled his eyes, “of course. you evil woman.” his words were half sarcastic, but you smiled, quickly remarking to his comment.
“you can call me evil, lo, but you can’t call me ugly.” and with that you walked away, leaving him there in his thoughts for the second time that night.
logan huffed. he would be lying if he said your words didn’t get to him. but he couldn’t. he was over half your age, and your father was the one person on this earth he couldn’t stand.
the first mission was the hardest. you and logan didn’t agree on much, the two of you couldn’t even decide on what food the team should get after the mission.
with each mission, logan felt his hatred for you slowly slipping away. as much as he tried to keep it because of who your father was, he couldn’t help but secretly adore you. your confidence, your skills, your remarks.
when you shared missions, logan was always paired with you. wade was sometimes there, but sometimes it was just the two of you. logan was the muscles, while you were the brains.
as much as he hated that, each mission he found it easier and easier to protect you. at first, he almost didn’t want to, so that way you could possibly learn your lesson.
then, by the third mission, he was protecting you like you were his own. you noticed those changes, knowing you were slowly getting to the man.
it was the aftermath of the fifth mission. all the avengers and x-men rented out a hotel through tony’s card. it was a smaller one, but was able to fit everybody. each partner was neighbored, but thankfully for logan not in the same room if opposite genders.
so logan was lucky enough to have a room to himself, however, that meant sleeping on his bed, knowing yours was on the opposite side of the wall. the walls weren’t exactly thick, which made it harder for him to keep himself together.
he felt filthy as he listened to your phone conversation with one of your friends. he refrained his interest and was just laying in his bed, reading a book when something you said striked his interest.
he assumed your friend asked about the person you were partnered up with, because as soon as your name left his mouth he couldn’t help but listen.
“yeah, i’m with logan.” he perked up, placing a book mark into his book before placing it onto his nightstand. he felt creepy listening in on your conversation, but convinced himself he had every right because he heard his name.
he heard nothing but mumbles from your friend, before he heard you speaking again.
“yeah, i can’t even lie, everytime i walk past him i just… there’s just something about him being my dad’s least favorite person that makes me want him even more.”
logan was at a loss for words. you wanted him? no. you couldn’t. he was practically forbidden. he felt like a pervert at the fact that his pants were tightening.
the friend laughed, and logan was not tuned out from your conversation, wondering what should be done from there. he quickly reminded himself that was your private conversation that he wasn’t supposed to hear, so what he knows must remain a secret.
logan usually wasn’t one to get much sleep, especially during the nights during missions, and especially only hours ago he found out you had the hots for him.
it was around two in the morning. he tossed and turned, trying to figure out what he should do.
he paused, throat feeling dry. he stood, throwing on his pajama pants, not bothering to wear a shirt before he left his hotel room, walking down the single set of stairs to the mini den, where there was a small kitchen and some lounge chairs.
he unintentionally scanned the room, catching you sitting in one of the lounge chairs, book in hand and your reading glasses sat low on your nose.
he swallowed his spit, walking over the the cupboard and grabbing a small glass, filling it with clean tap water from the sink.
the noise of the water running through the sink brought you from your reading trance, you took your glasses from your face and set your book down, finally noticing logan’s presence.
you slowly stood up, and logan tried to ignore your actions. looking out the window above the sink and quickly downing his water.
before he could leave the room you stopped him. “got somewhere to be?” your words made him sigh, head falling down as he turned his body to you.
he shook his head, realizing his attempt to avoid you was unsuccessful. you gave him your signature smile, not breaking eye contact even though he was tempted to.
“just tired.” his eyes tell different. he wasn’t tired at all. just couldn’t sleep. he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to now that he was down here with you.
“why are you lying to me? why are you avoiding me?” your words slow down as you mention him avoiding you, making sure your sentence really sinks in to his mind.
you couldn’t help but eye his shirtless figure, noticing how defined his abs we’re and feeling yourself become wet because of how manly he looked.
he notices your eyes and gulps, you watch his adams apple bob, and he suddenly realizes he needs to not look like a fucking pussy, even though he feels like one.
“why do you care?” his voice is back to his usual raspy. there’s your boy. you smile, finally recognizing he was back to the grumpy man you know and forbiddingly wanted.
“am i supposed to not care because my dad doesn’t? because i’ve told you many times. i am not my father.”
logan couldn’t help but search your body up and down. his act of checking you out, which you caught, makes your smile grow. “clearly not.” logan murmurs.
you eyebrows raise, your eyes never leaving his. “is that flirty comment leaving your mouth?” your words make him almost stutter but he takes a deep breath to stop himself from being vulnerable around you.
“no. it’s only flirting if you take it that way. i’m not flirting with you. i can’t.” logan’s last words make you curious. was he not flirting because he didn’t want to, or cause he couldn’t?
“you can’t? cause of my dad? fuck who my dad is. as much as i love him he’s gotten in the way of almost everything i’ve wanted that didn’t follow his path for me. i’m not letting him ruin this for me.” his breath quickened as you continued, “sometimes a girl needs to be taken care of. no matter who it is..”
your words make his eyes widen. he didn’t even know what to say.
we’re you flirting with him? he knew based on your phone call earlier that you wanted him because of the thrill it brought. but was that the only reason? did you actually want him?
“is that right?” his voice is low, trying to hide his desperation, and his words make you realize you’ve got him. he’s slowly letting down his forbidden barrier.
which is exactly what you wanted.
you step closer to him. “exactly right.” you were so close to him, only a few inches from his face, his husky breath fanning your face, you were able to smell his minty toothpaste from when he brushed his teeth just a few hours before.
you smiled, trailing a hand down his arm, watching satisfied as he shivered beneath your touch. “feels good, doesn’t it?”
logan backed up, finally letting his head reprocess what was happening. “no. y/n. we can’t. we can’t.” he repeats, and you can’t tell if he’s convincing you, or himself.
"why not? cause of my dad? don't you want to anger him? make him mad? isn't that what you've always wanted? well his daughter is standing right here, begging you to take care of her, to show her how she deserves to be taken care of."
logan almost moans at the thought. you step closer to him again, hand running down his arm.
you watched as he shivered, but instead of stepping back this time, he leans into your touch.
he sighs, your touch calming his nerves. he looks down at you, jaw clenching. "i'm.. too old for you. you deserve someone younger."
his words almost make you scoff in disagreement, and you couldn't help but disagree more with him.
"younger? all the guys my age are either assholes or taken, logan. i need someone older, to take care of me, to show me what it's like to be treated right, and fucked good. wouldn't you rather that that be you, rather than another man your age?"
it's like you knew just what to say, because he was standing there, as his dick hardened in his pants at your words.
he wanted you so bad. he didn't know what to say. he wanted to protest, for your sake, all he knew is that he wanted you so fucking bad.
your name tumbles from his lips, trying to think of what to say next.
“don’t tell me we can’t. because we can. we can do whatever we fucking want. we’re adults, aren’t we, lo?”
he sighs as the nickname slips from your mouth, he bites his lip, looking down at you, searching your eyes for any hesitation. he found none. just pure lust. he almost moaned as you gazed into his eyes, pupils dilating slightly.
“we are.” is all he says, eyes looking from your pupils, down to your lips. he licked his, eyes sharpening as he perked up.
you smiled up at him, batting your eyelashes, practically daring him to make the first move.
you decided to tease him a bit more, knowing exactly how to irritate him.
“i could always, go find another older guy to take care of me.” your words caused him to growl, slightly, jaw clenching at the thought of you with another boy, let alone an older guy.
“hell no. you’re mine.” his words make you smile, your expression still facing away from him as you turned your head, raising your eyebrows at him.
“i’m yours?” your words slightly questioning him, “prove it.”
at that moment, logan felt all his control slipping away.
the moment he’d been waiting for had finally come, he could finally devour you the way he had dreamed about many nights before.
you started to walk away, but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back in his direction and turning you around.
his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, his other on your waist, bringing you closer and finally connecting your lips with his.
he moaned into the kiss, knowing this was the moment he’d been waiting for. his lips were hungry, he was hungry.
logan let his hands roam along your body, both going down to grab your ass, squeezing and chuckling as you squealed into his mouth, taking that as his chance to slide his tongue into your mouth, touching yours.
he couldn’t help but moan as your lips wrapped around his tongue, sucking on it.
your eyes looked at his. causing his body to tremble at how dirty you were being.
he quickly squeezed your ass again, as the two of you continued to kiss, spreading your legs and picking you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“who knew you were so fucking naughty.” he whispered against your lips, pecking them after speaking then setting you onto the counter.
he stood in between your legs, hands running up your thighs, noticing how short your sleep shorts really were.
he kissed you again, kissing your jaw and continuing down your neck.
he made out with the sensitive skin just below your chin, panting as your head fell back gently against the cupboard.
his hands slowly went under your t-shirt, nails running against your torso, and up to your chest, squeezing, hearing as you moaned, quickly bringing one out and covering your mouth.
“gotta stay quiet, sugar. wouldn’t want your father hearing and getting curious.”
you moan into his hand, and he just chuckles at you, enjoying how needy you’re being just for him. he’s grunting against your skin, his hand moving faster than his brain.
he tries to ignore the fact his dick is practically leaking in his pants as his hand runs up your thigh, closer and closer to your core.
his face is still in your neck, as his hand pushes your shorts and underwear aside, his other still around your mouth to silence your sounds.
he quickly slips a finger in your pussy, smiling into your neck as he feels you moan into his hand. he pressed a kiss against your neck, as he wasted no time, thumb rubbing against your clit as his finger penetrated your hole.
he stuck another finger in, loving the fact he had you trembling under him. his two fingers curved inside of you, watching as your thighs shook at his unexpected action.
you whined into his hand, almost biting down onto his fingers.
he noticed that and removed his hand for a brief second before slipping his fingers into your mouth.
his lips moved from your neck to your ear. “god, look at you, letting my fingers stuff two of your holes,” he moaned around your fingers, smiling to himself as he shoves them down your throat.
his fingers leave your mouth after making you gag, his other set of two fingers still inside your pussy.
his other hand went to your neck, holding it as he licked a long stripe up and kissed it, nibbling on your soft skin.
“fuck, if your dad walked down right now and saw how much of a slut you’re being for me. would piss him off so bad, wouldn’t it, sugar.”
his words made you bit your lip, holding back your whimpers and whines as his fingers relentlessly pounded into you.
you finally let out a whimper, causing his smile to grow, his fingers leaving your pussy, leaving you slightly stretched out.
he placed a sweet, quick kiss to your lips before slipping you off the counter and into his arms, carrying you bridal style.
he walked you upstairs to his hotel room, kicking the door open then kicking it closed behind him.
“sweet girl couldn’t handle being quiet, felt too fucking good didn’t it?”
he set you down, forcing you to stand, sitting himself on the bed. he unintentionally manspread, holding himself up on his elbows. “come on sugar. strip for me.”
his words only encouraged you, smiling as you took off your shirt in a teasingly slow manner, leaving you in your lace bra and skimpy pajama shorts.
he bit his lip, eyeing you up and down. normally you’d feel intimidated, but you’d been waiting for this moment for weeks. there was no time to be intimidated by him.
you smiled as you slowly slid your shorts down your legs, revealing the matching panties, causing his head to fall back.
“a matching set? you planned this, didn’t you?”
all the dots connected in his head and he couldn’t help but moan at the thought of you planning to seduce him, and the fact you wanted him that bad to make a whole plan.
he brought his hand up, using his two fingers to signal you closer. without a word you stepped closer to him.
you straddled his body, leg wrapping around his waist, before you move his elbows and push him back onto the bed.
he moaned as you did so, looking up at you with wide eyes. “oh? is that how we feeling, sugar?” his words only made your confidence grow, palms resting on each of his pecks.
you tilted your head slightly, bringing one hand down to his pants, slowly palming the sensitive area you were sitting on.
“yeah, don’t act like it doesn’t turn you on, either. i feel you through your pants. your little friend here’s practically screaming for me to touch him.”
your hand palms him, slowly gaining speed as logan feels his breath hitch, heart skipping a beat. the friction of your hand manipulating his clothed dick only made him harder, head falling back onto the bed, as his back arched like a slut.
the material of his pajama pants stimulating his cock in all the right places.
at this point your cunt was sticky, logan could almost feel it through the two articles of clothing, forgetting the fact yours was extremely thin.
“feels good, doesn’t it? you were already so fucking hard, lo. does it turn you on that i’m so much younger than you? that this is forbidden?” your words only make his hips buck into your hand, mouth falling open.
you smiled grew, biting your lip as you watched his desperate. “god, it does, doesn’t it? you gonna let me ride you?”
logan moaned and nod his head, “if you’re not inside me within the next ten seconds i’m flipping you over and fucking you myself.” his words made you moan, losing your dominance, feeling the sudden need for him to demolish you.
“really, you don’t want me to sit on your face?” logan’s mouth watered at your words, quickly changing his mind.
he moaned, “wait, fuck yes. give it to me. come here and sit on my fucking face.”
you stood off him, slowly taking off your panties, then bracing yourself and climbing back on top of him, slowly making your way up to his face. you smiled, seeing logan’s desperate expression, as if he needed your pussy in order to live. he yearned for you, and it made you wetter at the sight.
you slowly hovered over his face, lowering onto his mouth, moaning as soon as his nose rubbed against your clit.
his tongue immediately went to your hole, tongue fucking you. you couldn’t help but squirm, moaning again as you felt his arms wrap around your thighs, holding you onto his face.
logan is loving the desperate way you try to bite your lip to keep yourself from being too loud, as if anyone was up at this hour.
"eating me so fucking good," you moan out, feeling as logan moans against your cunt, your words were like fuel to him, and he found himself bucking his hips at nothing because of how beautiful and desperate you sounded.
you adored how eager he was for you, causing you to scream as he moved his tongue quicker, eventually moving his entire face after noticing your liking for his nose on your clit.
he was getting so into it, being so messy, pussy clenching around his tongue, but he slowly removed his arms from your legs, lifting you off his face, then down to his abs, uninstall sitting your clit onto his hard abs, causing you both to moan.
“fuck, need you to cum on my dick, you can cum on my face later. i need you now. need you to ride me so good.”
logan moaned out as you quickly moved down, pulling down his pants and boxers, and with no warning, quickly sinking onto his dick.
logan moaned out slightly louder than you, making your smile grow.
you slowly took your hair out from the ponytail it was in, letting it fall down. logan looked up at you in awe, watching as you started to ride his cock.
“i’ve imagined this so many times, and god, nothing is better than it actually happened. you’re so fucking beautiful.”
you smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, cupping his cheek before placing your hands to his v-line, using his hot body to brace yourself as you rode his thick cock.
as you began to bounce, logan was a moaning mess. he started fucking up into you, “come on sugar, ride it.”
his words of encouragement made your moans become louder. he smiled up at you, his hands now holding your hips, holding you in place as he fucked up into you.
“that’s it, baby. take it, take my fucking cock. so fucking tight around me.” he eyes moved from your glowing body, down to your pussy, practically sucking his dick in.
“look at you, sucking me in so good, like she was made for me. fuck.” he looked at your stomach, practically seeing a bulge move in and out of you.
“can see me in your tummy, fuck,” he points out, and you look down and moan. you smiled at him, watching his glistening body, as sweat droplets formed on his forehead.
“god that’s so hot, you’re so fucking big. told you i needed an older guy to take care of me.”
his name tumbles from your lips, he sees you in your desperate state. the two of you both feel your climaxes reaching closer, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer if he kept talking to you like that.
“good fucking girl.” his voice was so low and raspy, you couldn’t help but moan.
logan enjoyed the fact he had tony stark’s daughter currently bouncing on his cock, begging for more. it was forbidden, and the thought alone almost made him cum.
“you keep talking to me like that i’m gonna cum,” your voice is desperate and needy, and that turns him on to the max, slowly feeling himself reach the edge. he grunts, jaw clenching, feeling himself go almost animalistic, he grunts through his teeth.
“come on sugar. that’s it. cum on my fucking cock. riding me so fucking good i’m gonna cum myself. want you to moan so loud tony hears you from the floor below and knows his arch nemesis is fucking his daughter. wanna see my cum spill out of this sweet little pussy of yours.”
his words carry you over the edge, as he continues to talk you through it. “that’s it, bub, i’m so fucking close. this pretty little pussy is sucking me in so good, yeah i feel you clenching. dick so good it has you trembling, huh, sugar?” you cum on his cock, legs shaking as you stop bouncing, but logan grabs your hips and drills into you, chasing his own climax.
you feeling extremely overstimulated, you couldn’t control your whimpers and whines and how loud you were. logan finally came with you, mouth falling open as he grunted, moaned, and even almost whimpered.
your eyes scrunch shut, when you finally are able to open them you see logan under you, body glistening in sweat, his eyes closed shut and his head pushed back into the pillows, holding your hips so tight, like if he lets you go you’ll leave.
you smile as you come down from your high, logan quickly following you, his smile growing as his eyes meet yours again.
“that what you meant when you said take care of you?” his cocky words make you smack his bare chest, slowly pulling off him, your cum and his cum slowly spilling out of you, getting both of your attention.
“fuck, that’s so fucking hot,” logan mumbled under his breath.
you almost moaned again, feeling empty as you pull his cock out of your pussy, the cum dripping onto his v-line and abs, making your smile grow.
“yes, this is what i meant. fucked me so good.” you giggled, going to get up but logan flipped you over gently and pushed you down onto the bed.
“lay here, sugar. i’ll clean you up.”
logan grabs a damp, warm rag from the bathroom of his hotel room, bringing it to you and wiping up the cum, once you’re fully clean he tosses it into the hamper across the room. he goes to his bag, grabbing one of his shirts and walking over to you.
he smiles and carefully brings it over your head, finding your tired state adorable.
once you have the shirt on, you lay down in the bed, pulling the covers over you sleepily, as he puts his pajama pants back on, climbing back into bed next to you.
the next morning, logan isn’t in bed with you, you check the time and it’s about 10am. your mission didn’t start for another few hours, so you decided to go downstairs and get yourself some of the hotel breakfast.
you slipped on some sleep shorts and slowly walked out of your room, down the stairs and into the kitchen where breakfast was being served.
you walked over to the counter, putting waffle batter into the waffle maker and turning around, trying to find your dad within the many avengers and x-men sat around the mini tables, but when you saw almost everyone staring at you, some with their mouths slightly open, you became confused.
you turned to see your dad, tony, sat at a table with steve, thor and bruce.
tony almost gasped as you turned around and continued making your waffle, not caring how loud he was.
“why the fuck does the last name on the back of you shirt say howlett.” as soon as your dad reveals that information, you avoid turning back around to face him.
logan smiles from his seat, watching as tony slowly turns to look at him at the table near him.
tony’s eye twitches as he looks over at logan. logan unfortunately cant hide his amused expression, almost giggling at the situation, watching as wade walks into the room, also noticing the back of your shirt.
wade jumps up and down, clapping his hands together. “is that logan’s shirt! omg, they finally fucked!”
bruce and thor can’t help but giggle to each other, as steve holds in his laugh.
tony eyes shoot from wade to logan, practically shaking from how mad he was. it was something logan wanted to take a picture of and remember forever.
“you stuck your dick in my fucking daughter!?” tony’s loud, obviously unhappy voice made you slowly turn around, you and logan making eye contact trying not to break into laughter.
“am i the only one furious at this? why the fuck are you all fucking laughing!?” tony shouts, standing up, almost spilling his coffee all over the table.
a/n: don’t forget to comment and tell me your thoughts ;)
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chlorinecake · 4 months
Thoughts on stalker x stalker??
— 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬.𝐣𝐲
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▹ PAIRING: stalker ex bf ! jake x stalker ex gf ! reader
▹ SUMMARY: You and Jake, exes torn apart, developed a mutual obsession with each other overtime, the lingering romance coming to light with a simple flash of his camera…
▹ WARNINGS: BIG DICK JAKE who records a lil sextape of him fingering you because he's a helpless titty fixated perv, unprotected sex (cowgirl), some crying, a brief handjob and fingering session, kinda angsty
▹ WORD COUNT: 3.5k
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“Do you really see better with those glasses on?”
Jake's chocolate brown eyes peeked at you through his specs, a gentle hum rumbling from his throat before answering.
“No. I mostly wear them for the art student aesthetic I’m going for… now don't smile, pretty.”
You let the small smile on your face relax at his instructions. “And the other reason?” You pressed, watching as he angled the lens a little higher over you this time.
“Hm, dunno... maybe because cute girls always ask about them?”
You hated it whenever he talked about other girls—
Another click of his camera sounded throughout the quiet studio, it’s white flashes lighting up the dim room.
“So you like the attention then?” You teased, watching as his facial expression remained nonchalant.
“Your attention? Yes,” he admitted, narrowing his eyes behind the camera. “Might be one of my favorite things, actually…”
Good answer Jakey, you thought to yourself, trying your best to keep a neutral facial expression before him.
“One of your favorites just like old cameras, apparently...” you went on… “How come you never use the new one I bought you for your birthday last year?”
“Because,” Jake answered while lining his eyes up with the camera lens, “this one is much easier for me to carry around... I like that it’s portable...”
Why would he need a camera on the go, you asked yourself silently… even though, the reality was that Jake had actually dropped the other camera while following you one night—
“Jeez, how many more shots do you need, Peter Parker?”
“You'll know when I'm finished,” the dark eyed boy replied with a foreign rasp to his tone, index finger gently squeezing into the camera button as he continued. “Now stick your tongue out for me.”
“I'm sorry?”
His unusual sentence really caught you off guard this time, a feeling of chills washing over you as he took his lower lip into his teeth.
“Beautiful,” he said almost breathlessly, “just try following my directions next time though, yeah?”
“Jake, I need a break...” You sighed, changing your position on the couch as his vision remained glued behind the camera.
“In a minute, ____…”
He used your first name on purpose because you used his, and he knew you were the type of girl who didn’t like that very much.
“I said that’s enough, alright?”
You slightly raised your voice at him, his demeanor remaining just as calm as before once a prolonged sigh escaped his throat.
“I suppose five minutes of wasted time wouldn’t hurt,” he said sarcastically, placing his red camera on the stool beside him before extending a hand, helping you off the couch.
“Thanks,” you replied half-heartedly, grabbing the large white sheet from the couch arm and wrapping it around your naked body.
“I could never get tired of this honestly,” Jake confessed, watching you intently as you poured yourself a cup of water from the nearby cooler.
“Tired of what?” You asked in between your first sip, his eyes being all over you except your face as you spoke.
“Looking at you,” was all he said for you to roll your eyes at his words, making him chuckle at your reaction.
“I’m serious, y’know that?”
“Mhm… I can tell,” you smirked with a nod, taking the last sip of your water before making your way back over to plop on the couch. “How about you go over your pictures… you’ll never know if we caught the perfect one already if you don’t check…”
He didn’t verbally respond to your suggestion, only nodding in agreement as he reached for the camera, clicking through its film.
To no one’s surprise, Jake, who doubled as your pervy ex-boyfriend and personal neighborhood stalker, felt himself getting hot all over again just from looking at the pictures of you displayed on the grainy screen.
Today's excuse to photograph you? He needed a nude model for his chiaroscuro themed visual project at the fancy art university he attended.
You knew Jake would’ve a hard time finding any other female (or male) to willingly get naked for him, so you obliged… under the small condition that he wouldn’t try to fuck you afterwards.
Simply put, your infatuation with him always made it easier to agree to whatever stupid favors he needed you to do—
“God,” he groaned under his breath, taking a seat as an attempt to hide the boner slowly growing behind his pants.
“Damn, are they really that bad?” You asked with worried brows, misinterpreting his reaction.
“N-no, not at all,” he corrected, eyes still glued to the camera screen.
“Oh... well… okay then,” you sighed with relief, or maybe it was a yawn?
The studio AC was set to such a low temperature that you couldn't help but feel a little sleepy... especially with how mundane this whole model process was getting to be.
“Can I see the pictures?” You asked, making Jake's eyes widen slightly at your request. He knew it'd be suspicious to say no so he instead gave in, reluctantly handing you the camera.
Clicking the left arrow on the circular directional button, the gallery scrolled, picture after picture, with each slide shocking you with how good they came out.
“Lovely, aren't you?” Jake nearly whispered from behind you as he leaned over the couch, his hands pulling your hair out of the tussled bun he previously styled it in for the first part of the photoshoot.
For the next series of shots, he planned to go for a more natural look, taking your hair down to let it hang as the scent of your shampoo ignited him all over again.
Jake couldn’t stop himself from grinding his hard-on against the back of the couch, eager for any sort of friction that would ease the tension building up inside him.
You felt the teeth of the comb meet your scalp as he continued to comb, the simple act somehow making it even harder for him to control himself.
“You're really talented at this,” you said, just before your eyes glazed over the series of pictures following the one's he'd just taken of you.
Some were from recent trips you took to the supermarket, events you don't fully remember, and even a few scandalous shots of you through your apartment window, changing out of your work clothes—
“Thanks, but I prefer giving credit to the actual person I'm shooting,” he added, looking over your shoulder as you turned the camera off, just before he got a chance to see what you were looking at.
Though, from the almost immediate shift in the studio's aura, Jake had developed a pretty good inkling in his chest as to what you might've seen.
Your throat tensed up, chest expanding slightly with each exhale as a smile grew on Jake's face.
“Just let me know if I'm being too rough, alright?” He started, sectioning out your bangs as his hand slid around your neck, gently cradling your chin upward.
“Jake,” you choked out weakly, a shaky moan slipping past your lips as the comb got caught in a particular knot in your hair, “t-take your time, please...”
You stuttered, hoping in your heart that he wouldn't make a big deal about it.
In truth, you often watched Jake from afar yourself, not being able to get over your obsession with him, even months after you two first broke up…
Your eyes had a way of chasing stolen moments—the curve of his lips as he sipped coffee on his way to class, or the way his personal style slowly changed from denim coats and Timberland's to leather jackets and black boots.
You saw it all, seeking after it as often as you could… using it as a means to coax your own lonely desire for him.
Still, you couldn't quite shake how strange it was to see his gallery filled with images of you from every angle and emotion, even though it eventually delighted you to know that he wasn't as interested in other people as he let on—
“I'm in no rush, ____,” he said plainly, trying to redirect the energy in the room, “just relax for me... I'm not trying to hurt you...”
He chose his words wisely, releasing his hold from around your neck before making his way over to the wall where he dimmed the lights even more.
“I know, Jake,” you nearly whispered, wind flowing from the slightly opened windows as your voice flew with its gust…
“But how long have you been watching me?”
His wrists froze at your question, a mix of relief, guilt, and fear rising within every part of his body.
You turned your gaze towards him, eyes locking to reveal a mirror reflecting your similarly twisted desires, the tension screaming with ambivalence…
“Since we broke up...” He confessed, eerily loud footsteps sending shivers down your spine as he paced against the wooden floor, walking towards you, “does that bother you, love?”
You stammered at first, gentle grasp clinging to the white sheet around you. “It doesn't, Jake... not at all,” you finally mustered, watching as he licked his lips because God, he was such an anxious perv for you...
The way you looked before him in this moment, both fear and recognition present in your features as your body remained still as stone, every natural highlight of your skin looking even more gorgeous beneath the dim lights.
This entire moment was all too much for him… You were too much for him…
Slowly creeping towards you, his intense energy did nothing but make your arms sprout with tiny bumps all over.
“Good,” was all he said at first, trying to digest your body language while freeing himself from his jacket, “but I'm guessing there's something you might wanna come clean about, too, hm?”
“I… yes,” you admitted, somehow regaining your initial confidence, “since you wanna hear me say it so badly... I haven't exactly been able to get over you, either...”
He smirked at your honesty, “How bad has it gotten? The withdrawal, I mean... d'you ever think about me when you touch yourself?”
“Cute, but no...,” you scoffed, “I prefer hands-free fantasizing instead... less mess for me to clean up alone,” you smiled teasingly, tracing the arch of his jawline with your index finger.
It almost felt foreign when you did that just then...
You hadn't touched him like that in months... and even though the act was ordinary, it made you feel something intense—
“I need to take a few more shots of you like this,” he said randomly, reaching for his camera but not sitting on the opposite couch this time.
He stayed right in front of you, joining you on the couch and slightly caging you beneath his frame.
“Trying a new angle I see... these gonna be for your project or—”
“I'm gonna keep these for myself,” he interrupted, snaking his free hand beneath the sheet and lightly caressing the flesh of your thigh before kneading it, dangerously close to your core. “Just make sure you follow my instructions like I asked...”
You nodded at his words, letting your lower body relax as he gently guided your legs open, the sheet falling from over you boobs and exposing them to the air as he grazed your pussy lips with his fingers.
Jake nearly drooled at the sight of your hard nipples, clicking with his tongue to make you look back at the camera. “Start by squeezing your tits together for me,” he started in a low voice, “wanna see how well they’d suffocate my dick…”
The poor guy was still very much hard right now, and it didn't help him one bit with how wet you felt against his fingers, his skilled touch circling your clit as a feathery moan left your lips.
“C’mon pretty, do as I say…” Jake cooed, pointing the camera to you as you did just that, arching your back over the sofa arm while squeezing your tits together, his fingers quickening against your sensitive bud as he kept recording.
You're not sure what came over you just then, but you were starting to feel more than willing to do whatever Jake asked of you, especially when his fingers worked on teasing your initial tightness.
His digits curved against your g-spot, the pressure he applied only escalating as his stiff cock started leaking in his pants.
This entire moment felt strangely nostalgic, reminding you of the many times Jake would stand over while making you cream with just his fingers—
“Tell me when you're close, baby… beg for me to let you come,” he huffed, voice sounding somewhat labored as he intently watched your chest heave up and down, biting his lower lip to stop himself from kissing you.
Because as badly as he wanted to taste you, he had to capture your bliss on camera first, for the nights that memories become too vague... for the nights when fantasies don't compare to the real deal...
Your whole body was a mix of hot and cold, given the temperature of the room and the sexual energy meddling between your excited bodies.
“J-Jake…” you stuttered with a whine, clinging to the couch as your face flushed a ruddy hue, walls desperately clenching around his fingers, “please...l-let me come for you…”
The poor boy didn't know what to do with himself given how wet you were, his puppy-dog eyes looking almost in awe now that the realization had hit him:
He finally got you where he wanted you… and from your perspective, the likewise…
“You can let go now baby,” is all Jake manages to say before you're coming undone, the knot in you abdomen unraveling throughout every limb of your body as pure pleasure coursed through your starved out veins.
Jake kept the camera on your body the entire time, too, his digits only slowing down slightly to help you ride out your high.
He hadn't even fully slipped from your hole yet before a feeling of emptiness washed over you, lust-ridden eyes following Jake’s every move as his veiny hand retreated from your core.
He caught on to it, too... the way your eyes panned in on him like your own built in set of camera lenses... capturing every movement to store in your favorite mental file.
“Fuck,” Jake groaned around his own fingers suddenly, tasting the milky slick he gathered from your hole, “been missing the taste of you so bad, angel...”
“Then kiss me,” you whispered heavily, a clear sheen of Jake's saliva mixed with your sweet release painting the cupid's bow of his pouty lips.
He didn't hesitate to take heed to your words either, setting the camera down with haste before hovering back over you on the couch, not even guiding your face as he kissed your lips, humming into the contact.
The feeling of Jake's sloppy textured tongue against yours sent shivers down your spine, his hot breath doing nothing but heat up the warmth already present between your legs.
His heart pounded against his ribs as the kiss continued, his glasses eventually fogging up from how intense the contact was, compelling you to push him away for a seconds to remove his glasses, your own heart fluttering at his flushed demeanor.
“I need to touch you... r-right now,” you choked out breathlessly, not even bothering to cover your naked body now that the sheet was slipping to the floor.
It was a bit awkward at first, you'll admit, being completely naked while Jake was fully clothed. You grew tired of undressing him with your eyes and knew you had to do something about the issue throbbing behind his pants.
Before Jake could even respond, you were already pushing him back against the other side of the couch, his head plopping on the sofa arm with a gentle thud, fluffy brown locks framing his face.
The shadow of a smirk meddled over his handsome features as you eagerly yet patiently worked on unzipping his pants, the thick mound from his clothed hardness making your head spin.
There was really no point in taking things slow with him in this moment because its not like you two haven't already fucked each other before... only difference now was that it had been a while, so the nerves had built up—
“It's so red,” you remarked with a whisper, just having shimmed Jake's pants down enough for you to get his cock out, “does it hurt?”
“I'll let you know once you start touching it,” he let out with a relaxed breath, eyes once again focusing on the way you sat before him with your tits out on full display.
You took his comment as some sort of green light, gently taking his length in your grasp and pumping it in long, drawn out strokes.
His thighs were already trembling, hips grinding up into your first to gain a bit more friction.
“Fuck, stop teasing, ____,” he groaned with half-lidded eyes, wrapping his hand around yours to manually control the pace.
You let out a laugh at his neediness, swatting his hand away so you could take over again, “This is all apart of the foreplay, Jake... you know I'll be riding your cock properly before the night's out, anyways...”
Deep down, you were having just a little too much fun toying around with Jake right now, but given the sexually frustrated furrow of his eyebrows, you decided to be nice and just let him have you already.
Still pumping his shaft in your hand, you sat up on your knees to straddle him, lining up his tip with your entrance before letting your weight sink onto him, struggling to adjust to his size given how long its been since you took him.
A quiet curse fell from Jake's lips as he watched you wiggle past his mushroom tip, his veiny hands reaching forward to help you completely reach his pelvis.
You let out a shaky whimper at the sudden feeling of fullness, covering your mouth with the back of your hand to stop yourself from making any more pained sounds.
“There you go, pretty... nice and easy...” Jake cooed while still gripping the flesh of your hips, mostly because if he didn't, he would've started thrusting into you, “do you wanna stop?”
“N-no,” you practically blurted out, thighs still feeling tense despite how badly you wanted this with him, “I want you to make me cum again, Jakey... I can take it...”
Your words were like magic to his ears, his strong hand guiding your body against his as he left a tender kiss to your cheek before holding you in place, his dick moving in and out of you at a steady pace that escalated in a matter of seconds.
To be honest, you were shocked by Jake's adrenaline, your body already shaking beneath his arms as he held onto you tighter, grunting with each time your desperate walls clenched around him.
His balls bounced to the rhythm of his powerful thrusts, the sound of skin slapping against skin making you shut your eyes tightly in pleasure, whining frantically at the mix of sensations.
Your eyes started to sprout with tears, damping Jake's shoulder as he fucked against your g-spot, making it nearly impossible for you to hold in your delighted screams.
Pouring out a string of whiny moans, your body subconsciously moved with his hips, Jake catching on to your reactions rather quickly as he whispered a sultry “You like that, baby?” against your neck, your head nodding lazily as you looked into each other's eyes, right before your lips crashed into his. 
“I missed this so fucking badly, Jake... 'missed being this close to you,” you let out weakly, one of his thumbs going to wipe the tear of moisture sliding down your face as he kept rutting into you.
“I know, angel,” he panted, kissing you on the center of your lips before pulling back, his tip reaching the furthest its ever been inside your pussy as you rocked your hips against his, wobbly pleas of pleasure slipping past both your lips before you felt yourselves reach your peaks.
“Aww, f-f... shit,” you whined, Jake's hips still pivoting against you despite how strong the orgasm was, your thighs trembling as you felt your walls tighten around him.
“That's it, baby,” Jake cooed through heavy breaths, reeling out more of your pretty moans as he rode out your high for the last time, holding you close to him, “let it all out, angel...”
You let your legs relax, just as Jake sat himself up straight, delicate lips kissing along your jawline as he whispered against your skin, “Now you belong to me again…”
And there it was, two twisted souls basking in the very web of obsession the sewed together, a lost love blossoming yet again from a matter of stolen glances and a series of clandestine photographs bringing you back together again.
You internally yawned at the feeling of Jake's lips against you, his possessive words only making your heart sing as you reached down for the sheet, draping it over both your spent bodies...
“I've always been yours, Jake,” you smiled sincerely, ruffling the hair atop his head before falling back into his embrace, letting yourselves snuggle into the plush cushion of the couch, “even when you left me first...”
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▹ Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction and does not intend to romanticize the harmfully obsessive behaviors described between the two characters. Real-life stalking is not okay my guys, so please, don’t be a sasaeng and instead seek healthy relationships !
▹ Perm Taglist ( 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ) : @squoxle @wonbinisbabygurl @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @addictedtohobi @ot7sevenlvr
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marvelfilth · 11 months
Jealous girl (18+)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
Warnings: secret relationship, smut, jealousy, possessiveness, daddy kink, fingering, age gap (reader is in her early 20s, Natasha's in her 30s), praise, pet names, orgasm denial
Summary: your best friend Peter needs help, Natasha's not happy about it at all.
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You're standing in the kitchen when it happens.
Peter barges in, his hair a tangled mess, his sweatshirt inside out. You jump away from Natasha's arms, making her spill her protein shake. She shoots him a dirty look, her lips curling up upon registering his disheveled state.
You try to keep the annoyance from showing on your face, but you know you're doing a terrible job when Peter winces apologetically, throwing a bag full of Ben and Jerry's on the counter.
"Code red," he pants.
You straighten immediately, trying to shoo Natasha away with a look, but, instead of leaving, she makes herself comfortable on the counter with an excited glint in her eyes.
You've been friends with Peter ever since he ran you over with his bike in kindergarten, leaving you with a tiny scar on your shin, and a fear of any two-wheeled object. Your friendship grew over the years, and soon enough you were joined at hip, going to the same school and college, tagging along on his patrols, mainly to keep him out of the police radars.
"What's wrong?" You ask, fearing the worst. "Is Venom acting up again? Is it Felicia? I swear to God, if it's her again I'm gonna-"
That's when you decided to make a secret code to help you stay under the radar. In hindsight, you could've thought of something more elaborate than code red, code green and code yellow, but neither of you had enough brain power for that.
"It's MJ!" He cuts you off, shifting on his feet.
You stammer, looking at Natasha for help, but she appears equally puzzled. "I didn't think she had it in her, to be honest," she says, taking a sip of her shake.
"What?" Peter yelps, before jumping up, his hands flying up in an X motion. "No! She's not- No! She's not a villain, or a criminal, or anything like that."
You decide you've had enough of his blabbering, so you take hold of his shoulders and corner him against the counter. "What is it, Peter?"
He takes a deep breath, his cheeks painted crimson, and blurts out, "I really need you to kiss me."
You jump away like you've been burned, shooting an alarmed look to Natasha, but she doesn't register it, her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, her knuckles white from the grip she has on her protein shake. You think you can hear it creak.
You turn back to look at your best friend, who's blissfully unaware of your relationship with the most dangerous person in this building, just like everyone else on the team.
Natasha's reluctance to share her love life with her teammates came to bite her in the ass.
"No, wait. That came out wrong." He winces, his eyes darting to Natasha. You can hear him gulp when their eyes meet.
"I think you were pretty clear, Parker," she gritts, jumping off the counter, and comes to stand behind you, hovering over your shoulder.
You send him an encouraging look, taking hold of Natasha's hand behind your back.
"I have a date with MJ-"
"Doesn't explain why you need my- Y/n to kiss you."
You shoot her a warning look. "Let him finish."
Her jaw clenches, but she relents, nodding to the boy to continue.
He looks like he regrets every life choice that led him to this moment.
"Okay, so. I have a date with MJ, and I planned it all out, right? But… um… there's a problem." He clasps his hands, thumbs fiddling. You stay silent in fear of him closing off, and patiently wait for him to continue. "I've never had a girlfriend before, and I've been kissed twice, if you count that one time when Ned fell on top of me and kind of swallowed my face." Natasha snorts, and Peter blushes deep red, his eyes pleading. "I need practice because otherwise I'll just embarrass myself, and she'll hate me forever."
You feel Natasha tense up again, and you're ready to ask her to leave, but she beats you to it, speaking up before you could open your mouth. "I don't think MJ would like you kissing someone else right before your date." Her tone is even, carefully emotionless, but you feel the way her breathing shakes slightly, her grip on your hand tightening.
Peter looks at you, brows set in confusion. "But it's Y/n, she doesn't count as someone!" You huff, indignant. He winces, but goes on. "I could ask Ned, but I don't think he has any experience, so please, please do this for me?"
You turn around to face Natasha. "Can you leave us?"
Her eyes narrow, lips curled. "You're not kissing him." Her hands land on your waist possessively, and you're suddenly turned around. She lowers her chin to your shoulder, lips grazing the shell of your ear as she speaks, "Listen to me very carefully, Parker."
Peter gulps, and takes a step back, his eyes wide and alert.
"You're going to leave and find someone else to help with your little problem. We'll pretend this conversation never took place, and you'll never even think about kissing Y/n again. Am I being clear?" She almost growls, her eyes flashing.
Peter nods dumbly, before hurrying to the door. He stops halfway to shoot you a bewildered look over his shoulder. "Wait… Are you two-"
"Out, Parker," Natasha barks, her face half buried in the crook of your neck. You blush, and wave your friend goodbye, grateful when he disappears behind the door without any further questions.
"Tasha," you whine, turning in her hold. "That wasn't necessary."
She scoffs, and picks you up with practiced ease, settling you on the counter and taking place between your parted thighs. "Yes it was." She sucks at the tender skin just below your collarbone, leaving a stinging bruise. "I can't believe you wanted me to leave." She squeezes your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. Her mouth is all over your neck - sucking, biting and licking, claiming. You're sure no amount of concealer will be enough to hide the marks.
"Natty," you whimper, "he's my friend, I wanted to talk some sense into him."
She hums, the skin on the underside of your jaw pulled between her teeth. "I did the same thing, no?" Her fingers sneak past the waistband of your shorts, but you're quick to catch her wrist.
"What are you doing?" You look around, panting heavily. "What if someone walks in?"
"Daddy," you moan, pushing her face lower. Her fingers feel so heavenly that you don't even care about anyone walking in - you need her tongue, now. "Please."
You're pushed flat against the counter then, your back on the cold marble, your ass hanging right off the edge. Your fingers disappear in her tresses when she bends down to place a kiss on your clothed cunt.
"Let them see who you belong to," she murmurs, entering your aching core. You bite back a moan, arching in her hold, your pussy clenching around her long digits. Fleeting kisses are placed all over your stomach, her fingers curling inside your heat.
She chuckles, gently biting on your hip bone. "So needy already? I barely started." She adjusts the angle, fastening the pace, but your shorts get in the way, making you huff impatiently.
"Take them off, please," you whimper, clenching around her.
"And when someone walks in, and sees you spread wide open, what then? You think I'd allow anyone to see this pretty pussy?" Her fingers scissor inside you, stretching your walls.
"That's right," she hums, "because it belongs to me." She pulls out to land a short slap on your slit. "Perfect little hole for daddy to play with."
She teases your folds, collecting wetness before pushing her fingers into your mouth. You eagerly suck them in, letting her fuck your mouth, tips of her fingers pushing against your throat. "Such an obedient girl," she murmurs, dark eyes fixated on your lips. You squirm, hips rocking against her abdomen with desperate need of release.
She pulls out her fingers, smearing your slick mixed with spit over your chin.
"I need you," you whine, catching her wrist and leading her hand lower, your panties sticking to your drenched cunt.
She takes the fabric in her fist, and tugs it up, making it press against your pulsing clit. You moan loudly, throwing your head back. She kneads your supple breast with her other hand, and you arch into her, pulling her closer to your aching core with your hips.
"We'll tell everyone tonight," she murmurs against your lips. "But right now you need to be a good girl and take everything daddy gives you."
You nod, feeling your pussy clench around nothing, begging for Natasha's fingers to return. She tugs on your lower lip with her teeth and plunges three fingers inside, hitting a spongy spot deep in your heat. You arch off the counter, pressing against her front, your legs clenched hard around her hips. She grunts lowly, setting a slow pace, making sure to explore your pussy with each thrust, collecting your wetness when she pulls out only to push it back inside. You bury your face in her shoulder, your fingers disappear in her hair, tugging at the tresses.
"Good?" She whispers against your ear, spreading her fingers inside, her thumb firm on your clit.
You gasp, and bite down on the muscle of her shoulder, nodding with your eyes clenched shut. "S-so good, daddy."
She hums, her full lips pulling in a smirk, and starts circling your pulsing nub. You throw your head back, moaning loudly, and she takes the opportunity to paint your neck purple, sucking on the tender skin hard enough to leave bruises.
"M'gonna… I'm gonna come," you whimper when she hits your sweet spot, making your toes curl.
"Did I say you could, babygirl?" She chuckles into your neck, making sure to hit the spot with each thrust. You shake your head, closing your eyes and furrowing your brows in effort to stop your approaching orgasm, your body as tense as a drawn bowstring. "That's right, baby," she cooes, kissing the corner of your mouth, "you're not allowed to."
Your heart drops to your stomach, torn between wanting to be Natasha's good girl and giving in to the pleasure. “Please, please let me…” you whine, buckling against her hand.
She pulls away, her eyes level with yours, and you want to sob from how good she feels inside you, your pussy clenching around her slender fingers.
“You’ll hold it for me,” she says, “and I'll make up for it later tonight.” You almost huff in frustration, knowing that you'll have to walk around the Compound painfully wet for the rest of the day.
She grabs your jaw, seemingly reading your thoughts. “And don't even think about touching yourself.”
She pulls away abruptly and tugs you off the counter before fixing your shorts and stepping away. You blink rapidly, disoriented by the sudden change, your pussy aching in the sweetest way.
Sam enters the kitchen a second later.
You subtly wipe your mouth clean, and even out your breathing while he rummages the upper shelves. Natasha's eyes glint with mischief as she slowly wipes her fingers with a paper towel.
"You up for a training session?" She asks Sam, and you shoot her a furious look. Your glare does nothing to the redhead, as she continues watching you silently, a teasing smirk pulling at her mouth.
Sam scoffs, looking between you two. "Like you weren't about to get nasty two seconds ago."
Natasha chuckles, her eyes flashing. "About to? You need to work on your observation skills, Wilson."
Sam stills, his eyes darting between you two, and you look away, knowing that nothing could hide your red cheeks and bruised lips.
He chokes on his water the moment he sees your neck. "Damn, Romanoff," he gasps, coughing. "Right here?! This is a sacred place! I cook here!"
Natasha hums, shrugging carelessly. "I eat here," she retorts, and you can tell by the crinkles near her eyes she's about to say something that's gonna make you want to bury yourself. "Actually, I was about to devour something really delic-"
"Natasha!" You shriek, tugging her away from the kitchen, but not before quietly apologizing to Sam.
She laughs quietly, following you to the bedroom. "I think we're banned from the kitchen now."
She thinks. You scoff, shaking your head. Trust Natasha to go from a full secrecy mode to telling every living soul about your sex life.
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