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kitaguchiakihiro · 2 years ago
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KENNETH FIELD今季のカラーはOLIVEと CHARCOALで製作して頂きました。象徴的なLEAFマークはOLIVEには茶色、CHARCOALにはネイビーで。¥15400/S,M,L,XL/OLIVE,CHARCOAL そして、待ちに待ったMr.Chambray Shirts〜草野健一氏から初のシャンブレー本『My Favorite Volume 1』届いております。¥5500 3/24〜4/9の期間九州日本信販signs,debbyカードキャンペーンを行います。10回払いまで金利手数料無料ポイントは3倍の恒例のキャンペーンです。 是非この機会にご来店ください。 signsは今年の10月で10周年になるのですが、今の店舗より移転リニュアルオープンを予定しております。現在姉妹店debbyの真下101号室へと4月末頃に移る予定です。長年親しんだシャワー通りから離れるのは寂しくもあり、ソワソワとした気分ですが、今よりゆったりとしたスペースでとの考えもあり、お隣の手取神社の良い気を吸って営業したく移転を決めました。 また、詳細は追ってお知らせできればと思います。 #signskumamoto #signs熊本 #debbykumamoto #debby熊本 #kennethfield 〒860-0807 熊本県熊本市中央区下通2-5-18 渡辺ビル2F (接客の為、電話に出ることができませんので、お問い合わせの方ございましたら下記のメールアドレスまで宜しくお願いします。) [email protected] (SIGNS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZzjvVvK-7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wasite · 5 months ago
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New Releace Linen Water in @____mujo/ #KUMANO #熊野 #三重県
WASITEの香りが 熊野の水と出会いました。
LW / リネンウォーター X LW / ローカルウォーター
というアイデアを、 三重県熊野市のセレクトショップ @____mujo/ #mujo 様 とのコラボレーションにより この度、初めて実現しました。
この度は、新作アイテムとして WASITEの香りをご利用くださいまして 誠にありがとうございました!
沖縄で調香した香りを、お客様の地域にローカライズする 特別仕様のリネンウォーターになります。
通常、沖縄で仕上げるお品物は 沖縄の純水が使われますが、
本当にそれはお客様の特性に合っているのか と考えてきました。
リネンウォーターは「水の割合」が高い、 水に左右されるアイテムと言っても過言ではありません。
ご利用になられるお客様に本当に合う香りを表現するのなら その土地の水(Local Water)を使うことが ぴったりなのではないか、 そこで
LW2(二乗) = LW / リネンウォーター X LW / ローカルウォーター
という特別な仕立てで 香りの品をご用意いたしました。
また、沖縄から輸送する際、 水を省くことで荷を軽量化し 輸送にかかるCO2排出量を抑える という環境負荷を軽減する意味も。
こんなWASITEが提案したコンセプトに 快くご参加くださった @____mujo/様に 改めてお礼を申し上げます。
そして ____mujo/様のコンセプトとして掲げる
を雲に例えられているところから 香りのタイトルが(下 ____mujo/様 SNS引用)
「fluffy cloud(フラフィークラウド) 」
ガラス瓶の中にはリネンウォーターの原液が入っていて オーダーが入ってから ____mujo/様の手で 熊野の水を入れることで香りが完成します。
その水を入れる様子は まさに雲がわき立つ様子と重なります。
ぜひ熊野を表現する香りとして たくさんのお客様に香っていただきたいと存じます。
香りに繋がる全ての瞬間に 祝福と発展がありますように。
お問い合わせ ____mujo/ 様
#WASITE #ワシテ #調香 #フレグランス #精油 #リネンウォーター #沖縄 #喜友名
#mujo #三重 #熊野
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nihongoseito · 1 year ago
there’s definitely a dearth of english information on jsl! but for those interested, here are a couple more native japanese resources:
nhk手話CG単語検索サイト (nhk’s computer-generated sign language vocab site): this corpus has a lot of basic jsl vocab you can search for, demonstrated with cgi. there’s a regular-speed version and a slow version of each vocab item, and the search function is easy to use. i personally have found it is lacking in some basic words i thought would be in there, though. there are also sometimes multiple options for a single word and there’s no information about which is used in what context, if one of them is old-fashioned, etc.
こだyoutube手話サークル (koda’s youtube sign language circle): this channel features videos about jsl and what it’s like to use jsl in japan, though i believe koda herself is hearing. all the videos have (japanese) subtitles, which i find helpful, and i think koda is a great teacher. she also shares personal stories, which is fun and interesting. her video on あいさつ is a great starting point.
熊谷市ろう者協会 手話ポスター (the Deaf association of kumagaya’s sign language poster): if you prefer something like a printout to start with, this poster has cute drawings of basic jsl signs, including how to “spell” with kana in jsl (make sure to read the tiny side notes above the kana chart!). i find its depictions of movement somewhat opaque, so you might want to pair this with a video resource like こだyoutube above. also, some of it is a bit specific to kumagaya, but personally i find that interesting!
there’s also a great romance/slice-of-life manga called ゆびさきと恋々 (a sign of affection) whose heroine is a young japanese woman who has been Deaf since birth. i won’t post a link here because i don’t want it to get taken down, but you can probably find scans of it (in english!) online somewhere. 
anyway, i don’t know a lot of jsl myself, but if you feel confident enough in your japanese abilities to use japanese-language resources, there are lots of them out there! 日本でもどこでも、手話���隣人のろう者さん��コミュニケーションをとるようにしましょう!!
Japanese Sign Language
There aren't any sources in English for Japanese Sign Language. At least I haven't found any yet. I found information on Tofugu first. And just went from there. These are just a few books and channels I watch.
1) Deaf in Japan
This is the only book I've found in English. Basically deaf culture in Japan and politics.
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2) 日本手話のしくみ (The structure of Japanese sign language?)
I haven't gotten too far in this one. My nihongo is not that jozu so I'm reading it slowly.
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3) Shuwa dictionary (it comes with a fingerspelling chart)
This dictionary is easier to use than the first one I picked up. It can be searched by the Japanese alphabet instead of by hand signs, so its good for beginner.
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4) Watashi tachi shuwa (dictionary)
This one is a bit advanced. If you don't know part of the sign you're looking for it's a bit tough to use. (I put this one aside for later) So I wouldn't rush to get this one unless you're already familiar.
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Youtube channels I find useful. Only one of them has subtitles, and two use voice over. I'll label them. *These channels have no sounds or background music.*
MakiRafael JSL - Basic JSL, easy to follow, has English subtitles. Other channel
DeafJapan TV - This channel uses both ASL and JSL. There is a voice over on this channel, you might have to use a headset to hear or turn up the speakers because its soft sometimes. No subtitles.
naochannel - She does basic phrases. Subtitles are in Japanese and she does speak but only Japanese.
There is a website in English.
I only put the beginner things here. But if you want anything else, I can try to help, just know that most is in Japanese.
Good luck!
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talk-defi · 2 years ago
【Crypto Assets See Weekly Inflows of $87M But Bearishness Still Grips the Market】
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The report found that the year-to-date crypto inflows surpassed the $500M mark with positive flows,the crypto asset investment products saw inflows of $87 million in the past week even as the market continued to show signs of bearishness. 除以太坊外,本周所有主要资产都有正流量。虽然Algorand的流入量创下历史新高的2000万美元,但以太坊的每周流入量为1160万美元,今年迄今为止的净流出量为2.5亿美元,大量购买以太币和几种Altcoin,这些模式反映了熊市底部和2022年1月当地底部看到的情况。 #defi #crypto
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meimae · 3 years ago
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Time for my November Immersion Overview!
Admittedly, I'm four reviews behind, but I was so much in the immersion zone this month that I kept putting off writing them all. No regrets, since that's four completed reads and a million monthly streak still going strong! I'll try my best to put them out for you guys before the year ends.
As usual, I'm excited for a brand new month of immersion, especially because a bunch of stuff I've been waiting to finish releasing are now ready for me to binge over the holidays.
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I was self assessing a lot recently, and I figured out that I've been quickly gaining speed reading in 横書き but going slowly for 縦書き, which makes sense because I've spent a lot of my time reading visual novels. Can't beat reading horizontally for most of my life I guess.
To combat the problem, I tried reading books again with some success, since I actually finished one that I stalled for months on end. Tried to use pomodoro, but because every chapter is a different length, I find it very easy to break concentration as compared to visual novels that, despite having to make choices, I can just continue reading 'til the point of almost exhaustion before quitting for the day.
Not giving up though, because I discover new interesting reads everyday, and do have the desire to read all of them one fine day. Just have to keep pushing forward.
My reads for the month totalling 103.32k characters: 本好きの下剋上 司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません 第ニ部 兵士の娘II, かがみの孤城, 君の名は, くまクマ熊ベアー 2, and 三日間の幸福 (completed finally! Review soon.)
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Only one drama?! Pathetic, I know. An absolute shame that all of the things I wanted to watch were either hard to find or still airing. I have come prepared for December though!
So happy that what I did watch was pretty good though! 横浜 流星 keeps playing chef characters in the shows I have seen with him as lead, and its so attractive it should be illegal. (.////.)
Really enjoyed this show; it hits my standard for 女性向け dramas - relatable and cool female lead, interesting side characters, and to top it off, the goodest dog you ever did see! Just a bunch of young adults figuring out their lives like normal people without all the unrealistic drama and scandal that's usually in romance shows.
Podcasts & Youtube
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I've also come to realize that all the reading I have been doing have actually started to put my listening behind a bit, and because I've been learning to bake a lot of different things recently, I needed something to listen to while waiting for things to rise in the oven. Figured podcasts were the way to go, because I haven't touched them in a while, and they're relatively much harder than watching content, since they have no context aside from maybe a short description per episode.
4989 Shiku Hakku American Life Podcast
Easy to follow and relatable since she talks a lot about her English language learning journey in America.
Probably still my favorite podcast despite only listening to a few episodes since it requires me to concentrate on it a lot more than American Life, but I really love that this is basically two people having a conversation, and their banter and verbal expressions are a really good reference to imitate for future output attempts.
Stumbled upon this on Spotify, and listened to a few episodes. Can't tell if I like it or not yet, but there are so many episodes that she could easily be potential shadowing material for me, so I'm hoping I get into her content more.
Technically, this is not at all a podcast but I like listening to it in the background as if it is, and honestly I've been kind of surprised at the range of non-fiction topics this has.
Visual Novels
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Read 1.02 million characters.
At this point, I've come to accept that I've truly fallen deep into the 乙女ゲーム hole, and that there are no signs of me stopping or finding a way out.
Finished both あやかしごはん おかわり, 紫影のソナーニル -What a beautiful memories-, and I will try my best to write my reviews for them as well. (´v`;)
The tricky one here is エンジェルビーツ!, something I stalled way back in July. For the most part, I agree with the sentiment that if you're not enjoying something drop it and move on (and I technically did for 4 months), but I'm also stubborn, and it upsets me that everyone raves about how good Key VNs are and I have yet to finish even one.
I said earlier that choices in VNs do not break my concentration, but if it is as many, as pointless, and as close to each other like it is for Angel Beats (and for the couple of other Key VNs I did start and stall as well) then it becomes a problem.
Starting this again, I realized that despite following a guide, it just goes all over the place, sometimes choices bringing me to the middle of a different route - I was not ready for that kind of chaos at all. Still, I have goal before the year ends, and I'm going to do my best to beat this game despite it being a skip hell fest and unfortunately only mildly funny for my taste (the jokes in this got old so fast I...٩(๑`^´๑)۶).
Thanks for stopping by and reading! I'll catch you all again next time.
Now to actually go write those four reviews....ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙
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photovsky · 4 years ago
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21 Hinagu, Kumamoto. Friend and I were wondering. We transferred to local train aimlessly. Then suddenly I saw a sign which says Hinagu-onsen. Onsen?! Yay!! We just got off the station. It was like a heaven lol. Beautiful pear, nostalgic street and less ppl. Oh! They have nice Sake;) We really enjoyed all of what occurred to us. Thank you so much for welcoming us. Ppl here were all kind. I love onsen, which is hot spring in English, here and all nostalgic atmosphere. #hotsprings #hinagu #日奈久温泉 #熊本 #オレンジ鉄道 #tripgram #trip #japan #nostalgia #backpacker #travelphotography #otonatabi_japan #cooljapan (at 日奈久温泉) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYIb85HABJ/?igshid=160ijiqeleyap
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sans-limite · 5 years ago
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SH-01B ボックスレギュラー二本針 ; S1901112B - gingham - 2 (XL) PT-012 ユーティリティーデニム  ;  S1803126 - indigo - 1 (L)
☆  期中タイプライターギンガム入荷しました。    SIgns 熊本、上野店、北参道店での扱いとなります。    どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。
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chanoyu-to-wa · 6 years ago
Nampō Roku, Book 2 (49):  (1587) Ninth Month, Second Day, Midday.
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49) Ninth Month, Second Day; Midday¹.
◦ Two-mat room².
◦ [Guests:]  Konishi Setsu [小西攝]³, Sōmu [宗無]⁴.
Sho [初]⁵.
﹆ Yoku-ryō-an [欲了庵]⁶.
◦ Kama arare [釜 アラレ]⁷.
◦ On the tana:  kōgō ・ habōki [香合 ・ 羽帚]⁸.
▵ Shiru ko-kabura [汁 小カフラ]⁹.
▵ Kushi-awabi ・ kuro-me [串アハヒ ・ 黒メ]¹⁰.
▵ Yu-miso [with] sanshō [柚ミソ 山升]¹¹.
▵ Senbei ・ kawa-take [センヘイ ・ 川茸]¹².
Go [後]¹³.
◦ The [scroll] remained hanging in the toko¹⁴; and in front of [it was displayed] the hanaire, a hoso-guchi [細口], [containing] a single chrysanthemum blossom¹⁵.
◦ Chaire kuro [茶入 黒]¹⁶, hankiri [半切]¹⁷.
◦ Chawan Soto-no-hama [茶碗 外濱]¹⁸.
◦ Mizusashi Shigaraki [水指 シカラキ]¹⁹, mimi-guchi [耳口]²⁰.
¹Ku-gatsu futsu-ka, hiru [九月二日、晝].
    The Gregorian date was October 3, 1587.
    It seems that, with this gathering, Rikyū opened the ro for the season -- though apparently without fanfare (nothing indicates that he performed the kuchi-kiri [口切], for example).  Perhaps he decided to open it as early as possible because the beginning of the Tenth month would be extremely busy -- staging Hideyoshi's Kitano ō-cha-no-e [北野大茶の會] (which was originally planned to last at least 10 days*) -- making private chakai to observe the change of the season a near impossibility†.
    It is important to note that, according to their commentaries, both Tanaka Senshō, and Shibayama Fugen, assume that Rikyū continued to use the furo until the end of Book Two of the Nampō Roku -- though from this date onward no mention of a furo is found in any of the remaining kaiki (as it had always been on every occasion when a furo was used previously)‡.  Furthermore, the fact that Rikyū served yu-miso [柚味噌] during this chakai meant that the yuzu [柚子] had already begun to ripen -- and the ripening of the yuzu was held to be the harbinger of the changing of the season, the sign that it was time to open the ro, since the days of Jōō.
    As was mentioned previously, this chakai was not included in Kumakura Isao's modern Japanese Nampō Roku wo Yomu [南方録を読む] -- and perhaps the reason might already be obvious**.
    The manuscripts of this kaiki contain several formatting errors/misreadings that have caused confusion to scholars -- possibly these were the result of deterioration in the original document. __________ *The gathering was closed after just one day because of an uprising in Higo Province (Higo no kuni [肥後國] -- essentially the modern day Kumamoto Prefecture [熊本県], in western Kyūshū).
    Some scholars also claim that Hideyoshi may have been jealous of the attention given to Rikyū on the first day of the Kitano ō-cha-no-e; but since Hideyoshi also seems to have used the occasion to coerce donations to his collection of famous tea utensils, it is just as possible that a number of the participants decided to leave early, rather than risk the loss of their treasures (or, potentially, if they refused to gift their utensils to Hideyoshi, their heads or livelihoods), and the exodus made news of the revolt a face-saving expedient.
†It seems that most, if not all, of the practitioners who took part in the Kitano ō-cha-no-e used the ro in their tea huts.  Perhaps it was informally agreed among the tea communities of Sakai, Kyōto, and Nara, that the opening of the ro should be effected as early as possible that year, so that everyone would already be habituated to its use (there is often a period of time at the beginning of the ro season, when people with less experience confuse the ro-temae with that intended for use with the furo) when it came time to (potentially) perform in front of Hideyoshi.
‡This is another example of personal prejudices interfering with ones interpretation of documents dating from before the Edo period -- when the dates for ro-biraki [爐開き] and sho-buro [初風爐] were as fixed and inflexible as the official dates for changing from winter to summer dress, and back again.  In Rikyū's day, the host opened or closed the ro based on his personal feelings, as well as in response to the changing seasons (rather than the calendar, as now).  As Rikyū notes in his densho, while old people (who are inclined to feel the chill more easily than younger practitioners) might want to open the ro earlier, and then close it later, young people had better delay the opening until its warmth is really needed, and close it again as soon as the weather begins to warm in the spring.
**That it deviates in many ways from modern expectations (especially the teachings of the school with which Kumakura sensei is affiliated -- namely, Urasenke).
²Nijō shiki [二疊敷].
    The two-mat room in Rikyū's official residence.
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³Konishi Setsu [小西攝].
    This was Konishi Yukinaga [小西行長; 1558 ~ 1600], the second son of Konishi Ryūsa [小西隆佐; ? ~ 1592].  He, like his father, was a baptized Christian (taking the name Agostinho [= アウグスティヌス]); his wife was also baptized.
    Yukinaga was appointed Governor of Settsu (Settsu no kami [攝津守]) in 1586, receiving at that time the junior grade of the Fifth Rank.
    He lead the initial expeditionary force that invaded Korea in 1592, and he was also involved in the resolution of the conflict (whereby Hideyoshi was informed that the Ming army had surrendered to the Japanese; while, at the same time, the claim made to the Ming Court was that it was the Japanese who had surrendered).  Hideyoshi only came to understand the deception when a Chinese envoy arrived to offer him the title of King of Japan.  His anger precipitated the second invasion of Korea in 1597:  yet, while he blamed Konishi Yukinaga for the deception, he still appointed Yukinaga co-commander of the expeditionary force for the second time, and during his time in Korea Yukinaga took a Korean Christian woman as his wife.
    Following Hideyoshi's death, Yukinaga gave his allegiance to the faction lead by Mōri Terumoto [毛利輝元; 1553 ~ 1625], who supported Hideyori.  He participated in the battle of Sekigahara on the side of the heir; and after the defeat of the Western Army he was eventually captured.  As a Christian, Yukinaga refused to commit seppuku, and so was executed.
⁴Sōmu [宗無].
    This was the machi-shū Sumiyoshi-ya Sōmu [住吉屋 宗無; 1534 ~ 1603*], who is also known as Yamaoka Hisanaga [山岡久永].  He was a wealthy townsman from Sakai, and also a highly respected chajin†, and served as one of Hideyoshi’s “Eight Masters of Tea” (sadō hachi-nin-shū [茶頭八人衆]).  At other gatherings described in Rikyu's several kaiki that were attended by Konishi Yukinaga, Sōmu is also present, suggesting that he may have been one of Yukinaga's retainers, or perhaps a tea friend.    
   Sōmu was present at Hideyoshi’s large tea gathering at the Hakozaki Shrine near Hakata (in modern-day Fukuoka City) earlier that year‡, and (along with Tsuda Sōkyū [津田宗及]) also took part in the fusube-no-chanoyu [フスベ茶ノ湯] held in the pine barrens at Hakozaki, also during the Kyūshū campaign**. ___________ *Certain accounts suggest that Sōmu may have died in 1595, at the time when Sakai was razed on Hideyoshi’s orders (as a punishment for the city-state’s opposition to his invasion of Korea).
†Sōmu is said to have first studied chanoyu under Jōō, and then later with Rikyū (though, given his high standing with both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, this latter assertion might be a revisionist opinion popularized by the Sen family during the Edo period; more likely, he was simply a member of the faction that eventually coalesced around Rikyū some years after Jōō's death).
   Sumiyoshi-ya Hisanaga studied Zen under Shunoku Sōen [春屋宗園; ? ~ 1611], from whom he received the name Sōmu [宗無] -- which he used as his professional name later in life.
‡This gathering seems to have been the inspiration for the upcoming Kitano ō-cha-no-e.
**Fusube-no-chanoyu [燻べの茶の湯] means a “smoky” chanoyu.  As the gathering was held in the pine barrens between the Hakozaki-gu [筥崎宮] (Hakozaki Shrine) and the shore, Rikyū and the others used the abundance of pine-needles that had carpeted the ground for centuries to heat their kama, rather than charcoal.  The effect was charming -- and fragrant (the resin in the dried needles making incense unnecessary) -- but also rather smokey, hence the name.  The black pines near the coast were ancient, growing in wonderful and contorted shapes (many having horizontal trunks that made suspending a kama from them both easy and seemingly natural -- portions of the pine barren are still preserved intact to this day), and the fusube-no-chanoyu was a celebration of the setting.
⁵Sho [初].
    The shoza.
    With reference to the kane-wari:
- the toko held the kakemono, and so was han [半];
- the room had the kama in the ro, and so was also han [半];
- and the tana supported the kōgō and habōki, arranged side by side (with each contacting a different kane), and so was chō [調].
    Han + han + chō is chō, which is correct for a chakai held during the daytime.
⁶Yoku-ryō-an [欲了庵].
    Yoku-ryō-an [欲了庵] is the name by which Rikyū referred to this scroll -- which was perhaps one of Rikyū’s most prized possessions*.  It was written by the Yuan period Chán monk Liǎo-ān Qīng-yù [了庵清欲; 1288 ~ 1363].
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    This entry is marked with a red spot, indicating that the bokuseki was the featured utensil at this chakai.  (Its continuing to occupy the toko during the goza confirming its importance.)
⁷Kama arare [釜 アラレ].
    This was the ko-arare uba-guchi kama [小霰姥口釜] often referred to as the “Hyakkai-kama” [百會釜] -- since its association with Rikyū was known, in the Edo period, from that source.
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⁸Tana ni kōgō ・ habōki [棚ニ 香合 ・ 羽帚].
    These would have been Rikyū's ruri-suzume kōgō [瑠璃雀香合] and a go-sun-hane [五寸羽] made of left feathers* -- since this chakai was being conducted with the ro.
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__________ *Feathers widest on the left side of the rachis.
    These feathers, which were 5-sun long, were obtained from the left wing of a bird.
⁹Shiru ko-kabura [汁 小カフラ].
    This was miso-shiru, containing chopped young kabura [蕪] (turnip) -- including the leaves, petioles, and washed root.  The turnips would have been planted just after the end of the rainy season, thus they were still immature and tender.
¹⁰Kushi-awabi ・ kuro-me [串アハヒ ・ 黒メ].
    These two foods were served to accompany sake -- rather as the hassun [八寸] is today*.
    Kushi-awabi [串鮑] is abalone that has been dried on a pair of skewers (to preserve it), and then rehydrated by boiling in broth.  The awabi was sliced into bite-sized pieces before serving.
    Kurome [黒布] is a kind of edible seaweed (which was available both dried and fresh):  dried kurome would have been reconstituted by soaking it in water.  After thoroughly removing the water, the seaweed was cut into bite-sized pieces and dressed with a mixture of rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt, and ginger juice. ___________ *Though both of the foods originated in the ocean -- which contradicts modern practices.
    Rather than a “sea food” and a “mountain food,” Rikyū has chosen to serve a shellfish and a vegetable (seaweed), to give the desired contrast.
¹¹Yu-miso sanshō [柚ミソ 山升].
    Yu-miso [柚味噌] is actually the name of a dipping sauce, that seems to have been one of Rikyū’s personal favorites -- especially during the early winter when the yuzu had just ripened*.
    A small yuzu† is taken and the top end (where the stem was attached) is cut off like a cap.  Then the flesh is carefully removed, leaving the skin intact like a bowl.  This is filled with miso, and then placed beside or below a charcoal fire (the heat should come from the side, or above, rather than from below) until the outside of the yuzu begins to char lightly.  The heat causes the flavor and aroma of the yuzu to permeate the miso.
    This miso, then, was served with various raw vegetables (usually “crunchy things” like cucumbers and carrots, and other vegetables that could be cut into small “spears”).  The guest selected his vegetable and dipped the end into the miso before eating it‡.
    Rikyū either flavored the miso with sanshō [山椒] (“Japanese pepper”) -- perhaps after it had already been heated in the yuzu -- or else offered each guest a small dish of crushed sanshō so that they could spice the miso as they liked. ___________ *Even today, flavored miso is a popular dipping sauce for raw vegetable spears in Korea --  though usually the miso contains crushed garlic, sesame oil, and crushed Korean red pepper paste today, since something like yu-miso is too troublesome to prepare (because it can only be made in small quantities).
†The size is probably not too important, so long as it is not overly large (a large yuzu will begin to char on the outside before the middle of the miso is even hot; and the farther away from the skin the miso is, the less yuzu taste and smell will be imparted).
   In Edo period Japan, the preference was to give each guest his own little yuzu filled with miso, into which he dipped his vegetables.  But there is nothing to indicate that Rikyū served it this way:  the yu-miso could just as easily have been scooped out onto several small dishes from one larger yuzu, with one dish offered to each guest, since it was the flavored miso that was important.
‡It is also possible that a selection of vegetable spears was arranged on a small plate, and the yu-miso was drizzled over them.  A separate dish of crushed sanshō (”Japanese pepper”) would then have been offered together with the vegetables, so that each guest could spice the food to his taste.
¹²Senbei ・ kawa-take [センヘイ ・ 川茸].
    These were the kashi.
    Senbei [煎餅] are rice crackers.  Since they were usually procured from a professional confectioner, these may have been given to Rikyū as a gift of thanks from the guests (Sōmu, as a trained chajin, would have been very sensitive to the correct observation of the proprieties), and he decided to share them with the guests.
    Kawa-take [川茸] is a kind of freshwater seaweed that grows in flowing water.  It can be eaten raw (sometimes with vinegar), or it can be cooked.  It seems Rikyū preferred to serve it raw, since he only served kawa-take during those times of the year when the rivers would be flowing with clean water (during the rainy season; and after the weather had turned cold) -- so as to avoid the danger of enteric diseases that might result from using kawa-take collected from contaminated water.
¹³Go [後].
    The goza.
    With respect to the kane-wari:
- the bokuseki remained hanging in the toko, but with the chabana arranged on the floor of the toko in front of it, and so was chō [調];
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- the room had the kama in the ro, the mizusashi (with the chaire and chawan arranged in front of it, and so counted together with it), and the futaoki* (associated with the central kane, as shown in the sketch, above), making the room han [半].
- the tana was apparently empty, and so would be counted as chō [調].
    Chō + han + chō is han, which is appropriate for the goza of a chakai that is held during the daytime. __________ *Perhaps it was arranged with the hishaku resting on it, as shown below.
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¹⁴Toko kake-nagara [床カケナカラ].
    This means that the kakemono remained hanging in the toko during the goza.  The scroll was the featured utensil -- perhaps the shōkyaku, Konishi Ryūsa, had asked Rikyu to allow him to inspect it (this scroll was one of Rikyū's personal treasures), and so Rikyū left it hanging for the duration of the chakai.
¹⁵Mae ni hanaire, hoso-guchi ni kiku ichi-rin [前ニ花入、細口ニ菊一輪].
    The chabana was arranged in a narrow-mouthed bronze hanaire, displayed on an usu-ita, in the middle of the floor of the tokonoma.
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    The hanaire was most likely the one known originally as Tsuru-no-hashi [鶴ノ波子], shown above*.
    Kiku ichi-rin [菊一輪] means that the flower consisted of a single chrysanthemum -- one flower (and its leaves) at the end of a single stem.  Indeed, the hoso-guchi hanaire would not be able to hold anything larger.
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    The type or color of the flower is not known, but since this chakai took place during the daytime, and at the beginning of the ro season, a white chrysanthemum blushed pink by the cold nights would have been both pleasing and appropriate†. ___________ *It was later renamed as Tsuru-no-hito-koe [鶴ノ一聲] -- in commemoration of the circumstances of a night gathering on one occasion when Rikyū used it:  Rikyū arranged a white giboshi [擬宝珠] (a white, night-blooming species of hosta lily, Hosta plantaginea) in this hanaire, and as the guests approached the toko, one of the buds suddenly open with a faint pop; and just at that moment, a crane, flying overhead, let out a cry (as if answering the call of its chick).  When Rikyū entered to begin his temae, the guests reported this auspicious happenstance to him, and the revision of the name was suggested.
     Tsuru-no-hashi [鶴ノ波子] is a literal description of the hanaire -- the vase is shaped like the body and neck of a crane, with a pattern of waves decorating the foot (suggesting the ripples flowing around the crane’s feet as it wades in the shallows); Tsuru-no-hito-koe [鶴ノ一聲] means “one cry of the crane,” in reference to the episode narrated above.
†Chajin of Rikyu’s day appear to have favored light pink flowers above all others.  And the white chrysanthemum turned pink by the frosts, like the yellowing of the yuzu, was another indicator that the time had come for the ro to be opened.
¹⁶Chaire kuro [茶入 黒].
    This was probably the hiki-dashi-kuro chaire [引き出し黒茶入] that Furuta Sōshitsu had made for Rikyū, and which Rikyū has used before at several chakai (occasionally together with the same chawan that he used here).
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    That said, Shibayama Fugen takes this entry together with the next to read chaire kuro hankiri [茶入 黒 半切], which he says refers to a specific type of classical chaire*.  While there is a meibutsu han-kiri chaire [ 半切 茶入], it is a light orange-brown color, and so could never be described as being “black.”  Fugen avoids this trap by arguing that this referred to a copy of the karamono chaire that was fired at the Seto kiln, with a black glaze.  The problem here, however, is that these copies seem to all date from the Edo period (as does the “kuro Seto” [黒瀬戸] glaze -- which should not be confused with Oribe's hiki-dashi-kuro pieces, though the two usually are).
    Furthermore, if the word “han-kiri” describes the chaire, then the kane-wari is thrown totally out of balance -- as Tanaka Senshō laments (after exploring a number of different possibilities, he throws up his hands in exasperation since, if this is all taken to refer to the chaire, there is no way to make the arrangement han [半], as it should be for the goza of a gathering held in the daytime). __________ *This han-kiri chaire is shaped like a katatsuki, but is half as tall.  A sketch is shown below.
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¹⁷Han-kiri [半切].
    While the Enkaku-ji manuscript seems to associate this word with the chaire, the others have it clearly separated from the words chaire kuro [茶入 黒]:  it seems that the word should be hikkiri [引切], and so would refer to the futaoki being displayed on the utensil mat together with the other things.  The confused reading may have been a result of deterioration of the original manuscript before it came into Tachibana Jitsuzan’s hands, and “han-kiri” may have been his best guess at its meaning.
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    As explained above, the futaoki would have been displayed on the central kane -- perhaps deeply, with the hishaku resting on it.  The idea would seem to be to suggest something like a daisu temae, albeit in the small room setting with a mukō-ro, in deference to the shōkyaku’s nobility (as Governor of Settsu Province, Konishi Yukinaga held the junior grade of the Fifth Rank).
¹⁸Chawan Soto-no-hama [茶碗 外濱].
    This was Rikyū's personal ido-chawan; and the bowl is usually referred to as Soto-ga-hama [外ヵ濱] -- the name of the place (at the northern tip of Honshū) where the chawan was recovered from the site of an old shipwreck -- today.
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    Though nothing is said, Rikyū would also have used an ori-tame [折撓] of his own making as the chashaku.
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¹⁹Mizusashi Shigaraki [水指 シカラキ].
    This was Rikyū's Shigaraki mizusashi.
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²⁰Mimi-guchi [耳口].
    While the formatting of the Enkaku-ji version of the manuscript once again seems to suggest that this word is connected with the entry describing the mizusashi, mimi-guchi [耳口] is separated from it in the other manuscript copies, and actually seems to refer to a type of mizu-koboshi*.
    Mimi-guchi refers to a vessel where the upper attachment of the “ears” (handles or kan-tsuki), rather than being attached to the sides of the body or neck, is attached to the side of the mouth.  The shape was used for drinking cups of various sizes, incense burners, and larger bowls (some of which could have been used as koboshi -- or even mizusashi).  Objects of this type were traditionally made of jade, ceramic, and bronze.  It is primarily an ancient Chinese shape, though pieces of this sort were also made in Edo period Japan.
    A Chinese bronze example of this type of container is shown below†.
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    One of the earliest known examples of a mimi-guchi mizu-koboshi is said to have belonged to the great dōbō Nōami [能阿彌; 1397 ~ 1471].
    In the case of the present gathering, Rikyū seems to have been intent on treating Konishi Ryūsa with a sort of formal deference (even though the chakai was hosted in the small room), so the use of a koboshi of a sort more commonly seen displayed on the daisu would have fit into this concept nicely‡.
    The problems with the manuscript may have obscured the notation indicating that the koboshi was brought out from the katte later, at the beginning of the koicha-temae.  Displaying this piece on the utensil mat along with everything else when the guests returned from the naka-dachi would have seemed grossly overdone. __________ *The parallel issues -- chaire kuro  han-kiri [茶入 黒  半切] and mizusashi Shigaraki  mimi-guchi [水指 シカラキ  耳口] -- suggests that the paper was damaged in a line across this part of the entry,  causing Tachibana Jitsuzan to misread both of the lines.  The word su [ス], indicating that the koboshi was brought out later, may have also been lost to the ravages of time.
†No mimi-guchi mizu-koboshi known to have been associated with Rikyū has ever been discovered.
‡Since the ears might have interfered with the hishaku being rested on the koboshi, this could account for Rikyū displaying these things on the utensil mat -- and in association with the central kane (as they would have been on the daisu).
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kitaguchiakihiro · 2 years ago
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syncogon · 6 years ago
[QZGS TL] Butterfly Blue 2015 Ningbo Q&A
This is a translation of a transcription of a Q&A session with Butterfly Blue from 2015/07/26 at an event in Ningbo. 
Source transcription: http://792690803.lofter.com/post/1ce16a63_7bf1770
A number or “Q:” denote the question; “A:” denotes BB’s answer. (comments) are notes from the transcriber [comments] are translator’s (my) notes Some aren’t super relevant to QZGS, so I’ve omitted those.
As always, please let me know of any errors; there were a few things I was unsure of. This is really long, but I might do some more digging for old BB Q&A things. They’re quite interesting and insightful (and amusing).
1.叶修到底有几个小号? 1. How many side accounts does Ye Xiu actually have?
这不是我知道的,他自己也不太清楚。因为肯定有很多,所以他不会在意这些细节,你也不要在意。 A: This isn’t something I know, he himself isn’t too clear. He definitely has a lot, so he won’t pay too much attention to details like that, and you shouldn’t either.
(虫爹补充:不要问设定的问题。) (BB added: Don’t ask me questions about world setup.)
2.你最喜欢哪对cp? 2. What’s your favorite pairing?
以我的视角会把每对cp当成一个组合,都是很喜欢的。要说的话就是叶修和苏沐橙。 A: I personally treat every pairing as a partnership, and I like them all. If I had to pick, I’d say Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng.
3.最喜欢张新杰,想问有没有打算写第四赛季的番外或者我们家张新杰的番外?(现场一片“你们家”) 3. Zhang Xinjie is my favorite, I wanted to ask, do you have any plans to write a prequel about Season 4 or about our Zhang Xinjie? (live crowd echoes: “your” Zhang Xinjie?)
第四赛季的话会想一下。因为那一赛季如果要写内容比较多。因为那个赛季比较重要,很多正篇里的主要人物都会出场。如果要写张新杰可能会是其中之一,但不会是主角,因为那一赛季主角很多。 A: Season 4… I’d think about it. Because that season, if I were to write about it, there’d be a lot of content. Because that season was relatively important, a lot of important characters in the main novel would make an appearance. If I wrote it, Zhang Xinjie would probably be one of them, but he wouldn’t be the main character, because there were many main characters that season.
那会写霸图夺冠吗? Q: Then will you write about Tyranny winning the championship?
如果要写的话总决赛肯定重要一些。 A: If I wrote it, the finals match would definitely be important.
4.张新杰他这么的这么的······呃,那个什么,他每天都这么遵守时间,那他为什么会近视啊?(提问的妹子结巴了很久) 4. Zhang Xinjie, he’s so, so… Hm, that, every day he sticks so closely to his time schedule, then why is he nearsighted? (the girl asking hesitated a lot)
因为平时学习太刻苦了。 A: Because his normal studies are too intense.
5、苏沐秋到底是今年暑假什么���候······死亡的? 5. This year’s summer break, when exactly did Su Muqiu… die?
有没有这么问的。 A: Who asks like that?
你说了是今年暑假,那具体时间呢? Q: You said it was this year’s summer, then when exactly?
具体没写大概就是七八月份。(这里吐槽非常激烈) A: I never said exactly, probably around July or August. (lots of audience complaining/mocking)
6、女神你害怕了吗? 6. Are you scared of the goddesses?
我为什么要害怕。 A: Why would I be scared.
如果你继续写的话第十一赛季会不会是霸图冠军了?毕竟乐乐太哭逼了。 Q: If you continued to write, would Tyranny win in Season 11? After all, Lele is too tragic.
这种其实也算设定上的问题。(后面没有听清等我拿到小伙伴的那份录音会试着补上) A: This counts as a setup question. (didn’t hear the rest clearly)
那想法也没有吗? Q: Then do you have any idea?
我要写才会想。 A: I think about it when I have to write it.
那你觉得霸图会有潜力拿冠军吗?乐乐加盟之后。 Q: Then do you think Tyranny has the strength to get the championship? After Lele joined.
每个队伍都有机会的。 A: Every team has a chance.
7、苏沐秋出场就死的设定是不是太草率了,还会有隐藏设定吗? 7. Having Su Muqiu appear and then die, isn’t that too sloppy/hasty? Are there any hidden designs?
在一本书里有一个人死掉很普通的,这也不算什么有新意的。在我写的时候苏沐秋苏沐橙叶修都是一开始就设定好的,苏沐秋从一开始就是——啊。 A: Having one person die in a novel is very ordinary, this isn’t anything new. When I wrote this, Su Muqiu, Su Mucheng, Ye Xiu, they were all designed from the start, and from the very start Su Muqiu was… ah.
8、(我问哒!)在最后几场重要的季后赛,都是很久才写完的。想问一下,这么重要的比赛你今天的更新写完就先搁笔了,不会有一种很奇怪的感觉吗? 8. (my question!) For the last few important playoffs battles, it took a long time for them to be finished. For such important battles, do you feel weird signing off when you finish the day’s update?
最后的比赛我��前攒了很多本,留到最后就一点一点用掉了,所以没有什么奇怪的。 A: I’d planned out the last battles beforehand, and as I got to the end I slowly used them up, so there was nothing weird.
那你会不会有大致的构思,或者是:今天写到这里了,那���天就接着随便的来吧? Q: Then did you already have a rough idea, or were you like: Today I wrote to here, then tomorrow I’ll just write as it comes?
有些是边写边想的,但最后的比赛很重要都是早就想好的。 A: Some of it I wrote on the fly, but the last battles were very important and I’d planned them out long beforehand.
9、你有减肥的打算吗? 9. Do you have any plans to lose weight?
没有。 Q: No.
10、有写新嘉世的打算吗? 10. Any plans to write about New Excellent Era?
我现在写的都是之前的。以后的正篇没有打算。 A: Anything I’m writing now is all about the past. I don’t have plans to write official things about the future.
11、很多人对黄少的定义很标签化,能不能给黄少一个全面一点的评价? 11. A lot of people’s definitions of Huang Shaotian are just sticking labels on him. Could you give Huang Shao an overall evaluation?
能用词语概括都是标签化的。(中间一段没有听清)就是机会主义吧,毕竟他大比赛时就是这样。至于话比较多是细节上的。 A: Any verbal descriptions are will have a lot of labels. (didn’t hear clearly the middle part) He’s an opportunist [overall], after all he’s like that in major battles. As for his talkativeness, that’s just a detail.
12、我们知道周泽楷和苏沐秋同样是神枪手,苏沐秋提前离开了《荣耀》舞台。那么以十年为一周期,周泽楷所在的战队叫作轮回。就战斗风格周泽楷和苏沐秋很像。以及苏沐橙放在娱乐圈也是一个不可多得的美人那么苏沐秋和苏沐橙是亲兄妹,那么苏沐秋也是一个放在娱乐圈也不可多得的帅哥。那么现在问题来了,虫爹你到底是以怎样的心态来创造周泽楷这个角色?(掌声) 12. We know that Zhou Zekai and Su Muqiu are both Sharpshooters, Su Muqiu left the Glory stage early. Then take a decade as one cycle, Zhou Zekai’s team is called Samsara [reincarnation]. In terms of playstyle, Zhou Zekai and Su Muqiu are very similar. Since Su Mucheng was said to be a rare beauty even if she were in the show business, and Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng were blood siblings, then Su Muqiu was also probably a handsome guy who’d stand out in the show business. Then here’s the question, what kind of mentality were you in when you created the character of Zhou Zekai?
我觉得你前面朗诵的那一段很不错。这两个人没有任何关联,除了神枪手。 A: I feel like that bit you recited at the beginning was really quite impressive. These two people don’t have any relationship, aside from both being Sharpshooters.
13、我旁边的那位要楚云秀娶她你愿不愿意? 13. The person next to me wants Chu Yunxiu to marry her, do you agree?
次元可能很难突破啊。 A: It’s very hard to break the fourth wall!
14、会不会有轮回番外? 14. Will you write Samsara prequel?
番外是按时间来的,第五赛季暂时写不到。如果会写到,轮回会比较多。但不是以周泽楷为主要角色。 A: The prequels are in chronological order, for now I can’t reach Season 5. If I do, then I’ll write a lot about Samsara, but not with Zhou Zekai as the main character.
15、周泽楷和黄少天有强烈反差,黄少天选手对周泽楷怎么看呢? 15. Zhou Zekai and Huang Shaotian are very opposite characters, what does Huang Shaotian think of Zhou Zekai?
其实也没有太大反差,就是一个话多一个话少。周泽楷就是很努力,黄少天更剑走偏锋一点。看法的话就是觉得对方都很优秀,不可能因为在这个方面上很强就看不起对方啊。 A: They’re actually not too opposite, just that one talks a lot while the other talks very little. Zhou Zekai just works very hard, Huang Shaotian’s sword takes a slanting path. In terms of opinion, they both think the other is very outstanding. They wouldn’t look down upon each other because of their own strength.
16、联盟初期的三大神是叶修、韩文清和郭明宇,但是在番外里扫地焚香的操作者叫吕良······郭明宇去哪儿了? 16. At the very beginning of the Alliance, the three top gods were Ye Xiu, Han Wenqing, and Guo Mingyu, but in the prequel, Peaceful Hermit’s controller was called Lu Liang… Where did Guo Mingyu go?
啊我可能是名字写错了吧。写番外以前忘掉了吧。 A: Ah I might have written the wrong name. When I wrote the prequel I probably forgot.
那郭明宇欠了叶修多少钱? Q: Then how much money does Guo Mingyu owe Ye Xiu?
这是番外里的吗?我不记得写过了。有这么一段吗? A: Was this in the prequel? I don’t remember writing it. Was there a passage like that?
17、绕按垂杨的真名?就是蓝溪阁和蓝河一起的那个剑客。 17. Poplar Beach’s real name? That Blade Master that was in Blue Brook with Blue River.
这种小角色有什么关系啊。 A: What does such a minor character have to do with anything?
18、会对第四赛季叶秋打败王杰希做具体描写吗? 18. Will you describe Ye Qiu fighting Wang Jiexi in Season 4?
第四赛季?他在第一赛季里就会遇到啊。为什么要放到第四赛季描写?(这里应该是虫爹口误) A: Season 4? They met in Season 1. Why would I have to describe them in Season 4? (BB probably misspoke here) [probably meant Season 3, not 1]
19、方士谦是什么时候封神的? 19. When did Fang Shiqian become a god?
夺冠的那个赛季吧。第五赛季。会比较后面,因为毕竟第二赛季他还是个新人,那时候还很年轻。 A: Probably the year they won the championship, Season 5. It’d be toward the end, since after all he was still a rookie in Season 2, very young at the time.
他现在被人说很熊孩子,比较真性情,那什么时候会成长起来?和王杰希的关系什么时候会好起来?(大意如此) Q: Right now people are calling him a bad boy, relatively instinctive/impulsive, then when will he mature? When does his relationship with Wang Jiexi improve? (the general meaning of the question was this)
这个主要是场上的搭档,没什么好不好的。还是会一起努力的。 A: They’re mainly partners on the battlefield, nothing good or bad. They’ll still work hard together.
20、全职有点武侠风,你是不是有古龙金庸的武侠情节? 20. QZGS has a bit of a Wuxia vibe, do you have any Gu Long / Jin Yong-esque plots? [two famous wuxia writers]
看的书不多,金庸古龙看得比较完整,印象也比较深刻。这一代写书的都会受金庸古龙的影响,个人偏爱古龙一些。如果说有一些影子的话,可能会受一些影响。 A: I haven’t read many novels, but I did see a lot of Jin Yong and Gu Long, and have strong impressions of them. All of the books written in this era will be influenced by Jin Yong / Gu Long, I personally prefer Gu Long a bit more. If I said there were a few shadows, there was probably some influence.
21、全职确定要拍电视剧吗? 21. Is QZGS filming a TV adaptation?
版权是很早就售出了,但现在还没有正式启动。 A: The rights were sold early on, but for now there are no official actions. [2018: it’s in the works!]
如果启动会像三叔一样钦点角色吧? Q: If it does go into production, will you handpick actors?
我应该不会吧。我不觉得自己会比专业的人做得更好。(现场嘈杂) A: Probably not. I don’t think I could do a better job than the professionals. (crowd becomes noisy)
22、最开始的叶修和现在已经退役的叶修有什么区别吗? 22. The Ye Xiu at the very beginning and the now-retired Ye Xiu, are there any differences?
年龄变大了。 A: He became older.
性格上的变化呢?比如从浮躁到温柔? Q: Changes in personality then? Such as going from impulsive to warm?
没有吧。他对《荣耀》坚持十年性格上不会有太大的改变。男主嘛。 A: Not really. His personality, maintaining Glory for ten years, wouldn’t have changed that much. He’s the male lead.
23、刘皓如果不是在嘉世,而是在微草爸爸——在微草的环境下性格会不会有什么改变,依旧这么狗屎—— 23. If Liu Hao wasn’t in Excellent Era, but under Tiny Herb’s Dad – under Tiny Herb’s environment, would his personality have any changes, or would he still be this shitty-
如果在微草不太好思考。但他这个人物我写得功利心稍微重一些,很多人是把这个竞技当做理想和目标,刘皓的话理想要差一些。他可能更加注重名气啊或者竞争力啊这些。 A: If he were at Tiny Herb, that’s hard to say. But his character, I wrote him a bit more utilitarian. Lots of people treat this competitive struggle itself as their dreams and goals, but Liu Hao’s dreams aren’t so noble. He might care more about fame or power or things like that.
24、唐柔和她的痴汉会有什么样的结局? 24. Tang Rou and her idiot [Du Ming], will they ever have some sort of ending?
写那一段出于什么考虑,就是为了丰富一下人物吧。毕竟总是打来打去很枯燥。 A: I wrote that bit in order to flesh out the characters a bit more. After all, just fighting back and forth all the time would get very boring.
祝小虫生日快乐。 Q: Happy birthday to Little Bug [BB’s daughter].
谢谢谢谢。 A: Thank you, thank you.
25、全职里除了包子还有谁染发? 25. In QZGS, aside from Steamed Bun, who else has dyed hair?
呃,画手画成那个其实并不是染发,因为是二次元所以要区别人物。 A: Hm, what the artists draw isn’t really dyed hair, it’s more just to differentiate the characters as needed for 2D works [animations/comics/games].
黄少天的头发真的是黄的吗?苏沐橙的头发真的是橙色的吗? Q: Is Huang Shaotian’s hair really yellow? Is Su Mucheng’s hair really orange?
可能是为了区别人物,但以我对世俗的看法大家应该都是黑发而已。 A: Maybe in order to differentiate the characters, but in my view of that world, everyone should have black hair.
那乐乐有小辫子吗? Q: Then does Lele have a little ponytail?
我文里应该没写,画里画了那应该就是那样吧。 A: I never described it in the novel, but he’s drawn like that, so he’s just like that.
26、今天还有更新吗? 26. Will there be an update today?
看签售结束是几点。 A: Depends on when this event ends.
27、孙翔在联盟里是不是智商就比较低啊? 27: Is Sun Xiang’s IQ relatively low in the Alliance?
我觉得书里人没有智商上的问题大家都是性格问题,都是性格决定的。 A: I feel that no one in the novel has a problem of IQ, it’s all a problem of personality, it’s all determined by personality.
28、我是一位孙翔粉,你知道周泽楷是联盟第一脸,孙翔有前三吗? 28. I’m a Sun Xiang fan, you know that Zhou Zekai is the number one face in the Alliance, so is Sun Xiang in the top 3?
这也要排名。这个没有想过。周泽楷就是这样的形象,那孙翔形象应该也会好一点。 A: Rank this too? I haven’t thought about this. Zhou Zekai just has this kind of image, then Sun Xiang’s image should also be pretty good.
29、写完番外会写世邀赛吗? 29. After you write the prequels will you write about the World Championship?
没有想过。 A: I haven’t thought about it.
我微博上有个小号叫今天蝴蝶蓝更新了吗,每天会骚扰你。我发现你之前连续更新了五六天,为什么昨天停更了? Q: On Weibo I have a side account called “did BB update today,” every day I bother you. I discovered that earlier you updated five or six days consecutively, why did you stop yesterday?
因为昨天来宁波了。来了一个新地方要择时嘛。经常出门就会断更。 A: Because yesterday I came to Ningbo. Coming to a new place takes time. Going out often will interrupt updates.
回去会更吗? Q: Will you update when you go back?
昨天其实写了一半,但是太晚就睡了。 A: Yesterday I actually wrote half, but then it was too late and I fell asleep.
30、有一个问题困扰我很久了。蓝雨第六赛季时李远和徐景熙都是不在的,那他们的夺冠阵营应该是黄少喻队郑轩于峰宋晓,蓝雨的奶妈在哪里? 30. There’s a question that’s bothered me for a while now. In Season 6, Li Yuan and Xu Jingxi both weren’t in Blue Rain yet, then their roster when they won the championship would be Huang Shao, Captain Yu, Zheng Xuan, Yu Feng, Song Xiao, where’s Blue Rain’s milk mother [healer]?
这个问题也困扰我很久了。应该是有的,但是没写到。 A: This question has also bothered me for a while. There should be one, but I didn’t write it.
别哥出去买饮料后来回来了吗? Q: After Brother Bie [Liu Xiaobie] left to buy drinks, did he come back?
这个问题以前活动上也回答过很多次了。买到了就回来了。 A: I’ve answered this question many times at previous events. After he bought them he came back.
31、蓝河前期戏份比较多,为什么后面就没有戏份了? 31. Blue River had a lot of scenes in the early parts of the novel, how come he stopped appearing in the later parts?
他的水平只能打打网游。到了职业圈戏份他自然而然就退出了。 A: With his skill, he could only play in-game. Once the novel reached the professional circle, he naturally faded away.
32、孙翔和唐昊比较接近,有什么区别? 32. Sun Xiang and Tang Hao are pretty similar, what are some of their differences?
可能比较接近吧,孙翔可能稍微任性多一点,唐昊拼劲足一些。(这里感谢 @非确定物终点站 指正错误,原先听成了“成熟一些”,很抱歉!) A: They might be close, Sun Xiang might be a bit more willful, Tang Hao might fight a little harder/more aggressive. (thanks to user for correcting my mistake)
33、你到底跟江南是什么关系?(现场起哄) 33. What kind of relationship do you have with Jiang Nan? (jeers)
很多认识的作者中的一个啊。没有什么特别的关系。 A: One of the many authors I know. No special relationship.
34、天醒相比全职更新要慢很多,我们称为转型的阵痛,那这个阵痛过去了吗?能不能一天一更或者两更?都不期待三更了。 34. [asking about why his new novel updates much slower than QZGS]
你要说转型的问题也有。毕竟写玄幻和写游戏有些措辞是不一样的,比如在游戏里可以写秒杀或者瞬移,在玄幻里就不能用。但是很多其他作者好像就是这样写的。我觉得肯定是我太讲究了吧。然后我也不知道更新,继续努力吧。 A: [the so-called “class change” problems are there like you said. After all, writing fantasy and writing gaming are two different things… I’ll keep working hard]
35、全职的人或是事会有原型吗?叶修的原型是? 35. Are the QZGS characters based off real people? Who is Ye Xiu based off of?
应该都没有吧。有时候可能会激发了一下灵感,但具体想不起来了,没有刻意地去写。跟有没有原型没有必然关系,不是有原型就会让人印象深刻,没有原型也可以写出来。因为不是某一个原型,而是好几个原型的。 A: There shouldn’t be. Sometimes there might be a feeling that they’re reminiscent of someone, but I can’t think of any specifics, and I wasn’t purposefully basing them off anyone. That doesn’t have to do with whether or not there was an inspiration, it’s not that if there is a specific inspiration it’ll leave a deep impression on people, if there’s no basis I can still write it out [?]. Because there isn’t one specific inspiration, there are lots of them.
36、在座的99%都是妹子,你有什么看法? 36. 99% of the people here are female, do you have any thoughts on that?
我早就已经习惯了啊。 A: I got used to it long ago.
有什么鼓励吗?因为我们这么喜欢您的书。 Q: Do you have any words of encouragement? Because we all love your novels.
怎么鼓励啊?物有所值啊。呃,很谢谢大家这么多年,因为我从第一本开始,不是说99%全是女生,但是女读者相对比其他作者稍微多一些。我要谦虚吗(笑)?女读者这么多年越来越多,我在想是不是因为女读者相对比较活跃一些,存在感比较强烈一些,所以每次活动才会看到这么多。不论男女都要感谢大家。然后我也确实想不起有什么特别原因。就是谢谢,非常谢谢。谢谢。 A: How to encourage? You’re really looking for the value for your money. Hm, thank you everyone for all these years, because starting from my first book, it wasn’t 99% female, but I did have slightly more female readers than other authors did. Should I be humble? (laughs) There are more and more female readers these years, I wonder if it’s because female readers are more active and have a stronger presence that I see so many at every event. But no matter male or female I have to thank everyone. And then I honestly can’t think of any specific reason. I just thank you, thank you very much. Thank you.
37、小虫子周五过生日,然后你周六就离开,你就不觉得愧疚吗? 37. Little Bug celebrated her birthday on Friday, and then you left on Saturday, don’t you feel guilty?
周五过生日啊,周六离开啊,有什么问题吗? A: Friday celebrate birthday, Saturday leave, is there a problem?
过完生日你就走了? Q: After celebrating the birthday you just left?
对啊。 A: Right.
看来你是不觉得愧疚了。 Q: Looks like you don’t feel guilty.
是的。 A: Yeah.
38、番外中叶修公然挖墙脚邀请韩文清,但是韩文清回了一个“滚”。你觉得他们有没有私下思考过他们两个成为队友的场景。 38. In the prequel, Ye Xiu publicly tried to dig through the wall to invite Han Wenqing, but Han Wenqing replied with a “leave.” Do you feel that they’ve ever subconsciously considered what it’d be like to become teammates?
想可能会想。因为不止这个,包括我们平时看足球比赛篮球比赛,也会想象某两个明星会在一起的场景。所以他们也会想,有这个想法非常正常,但现实就是这么残酷啊。 A: They might have thought about this. Because it’s not just this, it’s like how normally when we watch soccer or basketball, we’ll also imagine what it’s like if two stars teamed up. So they’d also think about this, thinking about this is very normal, but reality is just that cruel.  
39、《天醒之路》中大师兄的那个竹椅是什么口感,嘎嘣脆吗?因为你写了好几次那个兔子啃竹椅。 39. [another q about his new novel]
40、叶修在退役前并不知道有世邀赛对吗? 40. Before he retired, Ye Xiu didn’t know about the World Championships, right?
对。 A: Right.
如果他先知道了世邀赛,他还会坚持退役吗? Q: If he knew beforehand, would he still insist on retiring?
退役这个决定和这个是没有关系的,我觉得就算知道了这个消息以他的性格肯定会退役的。比如说不是父亲把他推出来做这个事的话,他可能也会像韩文清一样不参加世邀赛。 A: His decision to retire has nothing to do with that. I feel that even if he knew about this news, with his personality, he would still retire. For example, if his father hadn’t pushed him out to do this thing, he probably would be like Han Wenqing and just wouldn’t participate.
41、全职里矛盾的设定非常多。本来想打一个文件叫《杀死虫爹的n个理由的》(虫爹:只有一个理由吧),比如文中生灵灭的职业名称有机械师和机械专家,分别出现了几十多次和几十多次;百花缭乱有弹药师和弹药专家,分别出现了几百多次和几十多次;还有神枪手和漫游枪手,盗贼和窃贼,大漠孤烟和逐烟霞都曾使用“回旋腿”和“旋风脚”······ 41. There are lots of mistakes in QZGS. I originally wanted to write an article called “N reasons to kill Bug Dad” (BB: There should only be one reason), such as in the text, Life Extinguisher’s class was sometimes called Mechanic sometimes [smth similar], each a few dozen times; Dazzling Hundred Blossoms’ class was Spitfire or [smth similar], one a few hundred and one a few dozen times; and there’s also Sharpshooter versus [mistake], Thief and [mistake], Desert Dust and Chasing Haze have both used [two diff kicking attack names]…
那是两个技能,旋风腿是拳系的(应该是口误),名字搞反了而已。 A: Those are two different attacks, [Tornado Kick?] is Fighter class (BB misspoke), just got the names reversed.
设定整理党表示哭晕在厕所啊虫爹。 Q: The fans organizing the setup/worldbuilding details are crying in the bathroom, Bug Dad.
因为我没有整理过设定。我是有一个技能树,会边写边往里填,但有时候会忘记往里填,后来那个台湾的繁体编辑,他就会问我为什么这个设定和文里不一样啊。(笑) A: Because I never organized the setup. I have a skill tree, I’d fill in it as I wrote, but sometimes I forgot that I put something there, and then that Taiwanese editor editing into traditional Chinese, he’ll ask me why this setup is different from the novel text. (laughs)
42、你对黄少天和秋葵、喻文州和白斩鸡这个谜一样的设定有什么看法? 42. What’s your opinion on Huang Shaotian and okra, Yu Wenzhou and sliced cold chicken, this riddle-like design?
这个也是人设上的问题,是后期补上的,都是无关大题的小细节。 This is also a character design question, it was added later, small details that didn’t have much to do with the big picture.
43、叶秋在番外里还会出场吗?然后在叶修生日时虫爹曾写过“祝叶修生日快乐”,后面写了一个“秋”又打了一个叉,你对叶秋到底有什么偏见? 42. Will Ye Qiu appear in the prequel? And then when Ye Xiu was celebrating his birthday, Bug Dad wrote “Happy Birthday to Ye Xiu”, and there was a “Qiu” afterwards that was crossed off, what bias do you have against Ye Qiu?
是我写的吗?可能是我写的,我忘掉了。 A: Did I write it? I might have written it, I forgot.
叶秋如果是职业赛的话很难写到,可能会闪一下。 A: It’s hard to write about Ye Qiu when writing about the professional matches, he might just make a cameo.
44、戴妍琦真的是个腐女吗? 44. Is Dai Yanqi really a fujoshi?
这个,不是我文里的设定,是你们写着玩的吧。 A: This, isn’t a design I have in the text, it’s something you guys wrote for fun.
她转过“真爱一万年”。 Q: She reblogged a “true love lasts ten thousand years.”
那只是开个玩笑,换我我也会这么转。 A: That was just a joke. If it were me I’d also post that.
45、叶修的家庭背景? 45. Ye Xiu’s family background?
背景没有做过,反正就是比较了不起的背景。 Q: I haven’t established that background. In any case, it’s a rather remarkable background.
46、你知道王不留行的疗效吗? 46. Do you know the healing properties of the Vaccaria plant? [Vaccaria cures period pains]
知道这个词怎么可能不知道这个意思。觉得这个名字很酷嘛。 A: I know that phrase, of course I know the meaning. I just thought the name was really cool.
47、叶修每天抽这么多烟、熬夜晚睡,为什么身体还这么好? 47. Every day, Ye Xiu smokes so much, stays up late, how come his body is still in such good health?
他身体还可以。他虚胖,怎么可能会很好。 A: He’s in okay health. He’s a bit chubby, how could he be very healthy.
48、会有邱非番外吗? 48. Will there be a Qiu Fei prequel?
按我的写法不会太多。 A: By my writing style, probably not too much.
如果苏沐秋没有死的话,他会和叶修一起打联赛,那么叶修第十赛季还会不会退役? Q: If Su Muqiu hadn’t died, and he and Ye Xiu played in the League together, would Ye Xiu still retire in Season 10?
应该还是会退的。年纪大了,差不多了。 A: He probably still would retire. He’s old, it’s about time.
49、虫爹你上B站吗? 49. Bug Dad, are you on Bilibili?
那个视频网站对吧?我在那儿有时候会去看盗版电影。 A: That video-sharing website, right? Sometimes I’ll go there to watch pirated movies.
B站里有起点的《全职》宣传视频,你有看过吗? Q: On Bilibili, there’s an official QZGS promo video from Qidian, have you watched it before?
就是人物一个一个出的那个吗?那个很早了。 A: The one with all the characters one after another? That’s really early.
你看过上面的弹幕吗? Q: Have you seen the scrolling comments at the top?
我上B站一般关掉那个弹幕。 A: When I go on Bilibili, I typically turn off the scrolling comments.
你一定要看弹幕,弹幕里有我们对全职深深的爱。 Q: You have to look at the scrolling comments, they’re filled with our deep love of QZGS.
我会重看一遍的。 A: I’ll rewatch it.
弹幕里有很多刷自己喜爱的角色的。(和上句大意相同) Q: There are lots of comments about everyone’s favorite characters. (basically same as above comment)
对啊,所以我关掉它。 A: Right, so I turn them off.
你要去看的。 Q: You should take a look.
好好好。 A: Yes yes yes.
50、这个问题我没有听清。大概是关于《荣耀》是否会合服,虫爹说没有想过,应该不会,毕竟有神之领域这种设定。 50. (This question I didn’t hear clearly, something about whether Glory would ever combine its servers, Bug Dad said he hadn’t thought about it but probably not, since there’s the design of the Heavenly Domain.)
51、刚才有人问到B站上的宣传视频,那个视频是你们找到御寒呢还是御寒亲自给你们做的? 51. Just now someone asked about the official promo video on Bilibili, for that video, did you find someone to do it for you or did they do it for you personally? [can’t tell if 御寒 is a proper noun or smth]
这个应该是起点去找的,我不是太清楚。 A: I think Qidian went to find someone, I’m not too sure.
这本书关于网游游戏的,现实中虫爹有没有自己喜欢的电子竞技队? Q: This novel is about gaming, does Bug Dad have any esports teams he supports in real life?
我不太清楚电子竞技队的情况,不好意思。《荣耀》的赛制更与NBA相似,角色的关系是参考F1的,我对电子竞技了解的不是特别多。 A: I’m not too sure on the status of various esports teams, I’m sorry. Glory’s competitive scene is similar to the NBA, the character’s relationships reference F1, I don’t understand too much about the competitive esports scene.
52、黄少被树砸死是怎么想到的? 52. How did you think of Huang Shao being killed by a cut tree?
环境啊什么的都是胜利的因素,正好在树林里,这个事情就很合理地发生了。 A: The environment and whatnot is always a core part of victory, they were in a forest, so this thing very naturally happened.
黄少的生日快到了,有什么想说的吗? Q: Huang Shao’s birthday is almost here, do you have anything you want to say?
生日快乐啊,还能说什么。 A: Happy birthday, what else is there to say.
53、DNF上有过虫爹的签名,和你平常的签名不太一样。它是有一个斜方向的,你平常更习惯平着签。 53. [smth about DNF and BB’s autographs; he doesn’t pay much attention when signing]
54、DNF背景比较西幻,角色ID也比较诗意,比如一叶之秋,大漠孤烟,夜雨声烦,然后中间有一个叫索克萨尔的,画风好像会不会有点不���样?取名是根据什么取的? 54. DNF’s background is a bit like western magic, and the character IDs are relatively poetic, like One Autumn Leaf, Desert Dust, Troubling Rain, and then in the middle there’s one called Swoksaar, which seems a bit different? How did you pick names?
是网游啊,网游里面角色取什么ID是没什么考虑的。比如说玩剑三也有不是武侠的名字。这是一个在网游里特别正常的现象,是合理性的表现。 A: It’s an online game, the character IDs in-game weren’t chosen with too much consideration. Such as when playing The Fate of Swordsman 3 they’re not all Wuxia names. This is a very common sight seen in online games, it’s a logical thing.
55、唐昊和孙翔的战术意识谁比较强? 55. Tang Hao and Sun Xiang, who has a better tactical sense?
战术意识他们两个人不相上下,可能都是个人英雄主义色彩要浓一些。 A: In terms of tactics they’re both about the same, they might both be a bit strong on the “individual heroism” thing.
56、番外会不会写义斩啊? 56. Will the prequel talk about Heavenly Swords?
啊?(虫爹这里明显愣了一下!!!他竟然愣了!!!)义斩在正文里比较多了。番外写十赛季以前的,义斩可能不会出现了。 A: Ah? (Bug Dad was noticeably taken aback here!!!) Heavenly Swords already appeared a lot in the main novel. The prequel is covering things before Season 10, Heavenly Swords probably won’t appear.
57、为什么蓝雨和微草是世仇而不是百花?毕竟百花的两次冠军都是被微草拿走的。 57. Why are Blue Rain and Tiny Herb death rivals and not Hundred Blossoms? After all Hundred Blossoms’ two chances at the championship were both taken away by Tiny Herb.
百花也是啊。 A: Hundred Blossoms is too.
58、王杰希给自己的角色取王不留行他心里是怎么想的? 58. What was Wang Jiexi thinking when he named his character Vaccaria?
比较酷而已。 A: It’s just pretty cool.
你是怎么想的? Q: What were you thinking?
酷而已。我跟他的想法是一样的。这个不是他取的吧?是我取的。(笑)这个角色不是王杰希取的,是微草战队的之前就留下来的角色。 A: It’s just cool. I thought the same as him. The name wasn’t given by him, right? I named it. (laughs) This character wasn’t named by Wang Jiexi, it was a character passed on through Team Tiny Herb.
那你是怎么想的? Q: Then what were you thinking?
我就觉得比较好听啊。 A: I just thought it sounded pretty nice.
虫爹关于今天分享会的总结: Bug Dad’s summary of today’s event:
呃·······还是希望大家不要老问设定上的问题,我们可以讨论文学性比较足的,换个方面的。因为五百万字还是会写了前面忘了后面的。有时候我想起来了会去翻前面,但是在我写番外的时候完全没有想到前面竟然已经出现了这个人物。如果我有疑点我会去原文里搜索一下。这种漏洞应该在文里有多少。我的文档不是一个整的文档,全职是一1700多个文档,每个文档3000字左右的散的,所以如果我要去找,要去修的话都不知道它在那个文档、哪一章里。所以一直只能这样将错就错的。但我觉得设定上的问题对于人物性格没有影响,大概就是像前面说的,那样弹药师和弹药专家或者人物名字来回换这样的硬伤吧。其他的我觉得不会影响剧情走向的漏洞没有。大概就这样吧。 Hm… I still hope that people won’t always ask about setup/design questions, we can discuss a lot about more literary things, change the perspective. Because when writing 5 million words, I still might write things and forget what I’ve written. Sometimes I’ll remember to check the beginning, but when I wrote the prequel I completely didn’t realize that there was already such a character appearing in the main novel. If I had doubts, then I’d search in the original text. There were probably a few such holes in the text. My text document isn’t a whole document, QZGS has 1700+ documents, each one with 3000 words scattered, so if I wanted to look, to fix, I wouldn’t even know which document, which chapter. So I could only just let the mistakes go. But I feel that problems in the setup shouldn’t affect the personalities of the characters, it should just be like the previous question said, with Spitfire or character names changing, those sorts of surface injuries. The others, I don’t feel they’d cause any weaknesses in the plot. That’s about it.  
我已经就今天的问题做了总结,大家都是问设定上的,没有其他的。 I just summarized today’s questions, everyone was asking about the setup/design, there’s nothing else. [I can’t tell if this is BB or the transcriber]
【 这次分享会的时间较长,录音有45分钟,整理下来也有将近6000字。因为我在后排,录音也不清楚,况且时间太长,难免有漏下或者错误。希望在场的小天使指出~还有就是每个人的问题都要相应的描述,因为太多了所以后面只挑了问题,没有描述了。非常抱歉啦。】 (transcribers disclaimers; some paraphrases, possibly some mistakes)
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jinishikawa · 3 years ago
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kitaguchiakihiro · 2 years ago
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COMOLIよりリネンドットシャツジャケット到着しました。¥63800/DOT/1,2,3 3/24〜4/9の期間九州日本信販signs,debbyカードキャンペーンを行います。10回払いまで金利手数料無料ポイントは3倍の恒例のキャンペーンです。 是非この機会にご来店ください。 signsは今年の10月で10周年になるのですが、今の店舗より移転リニュアルオープンを予定しております。現在姉妹店debbyの真下101号室へと4月末頃に移る予定です。長年親しんだシャワー通りから離れるのは寂しくもあり、ソワソワとした気分ですが、今よりゆったりとしたスペースでとの考えもあり、お隣の手取神社の良い気を吸って営業したく移転を決めました。 また、詳細は追ってお知らせできればと思います。 #signskumamoto #signs熊本 #debbykumamoto #debby熊本 #comoli 〒860-0807 熊本県熊本市中央区下通2-5-18 渡辺ビル2F (接客の為、電話に出ることができませんので、お問い合わせの方ございましたら下記のメールアドレスまで宜しくお願いします。) [email protected] (SIGNS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAg1qrP4SZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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venerdì viernes 10 luglio julio
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shangrila2016 · 5 years ago
伊勢神宮のお膝元 伊勢のスピリチュアルヒーラー 松本 じゅんこです☺︎
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いま を 生きよう。
いま が 未来 を創り
未来 は いま に向けてやってくる
きっと ほとんどの人が
きっと 本当の自分に繋がったトキ
Have a good night🌝✨
Shangrilaスピリチュアルリーディングセッションでは、あなたのハイヤーセルフやガイドと繋がり、お一人お一人丁寧にあなたへのメッセージや現実に沿ったアドバイスをお伝えしていきます🌝☆ 本当の自分の気持ちや自分自身に触れると様々なことが変化しはじめ、人生が動き出します。
松本 じゅんこ
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bakeshichi · 5 years ago
This taxi company says. "The SOS group is greatly enlivening the world. By the way, our taxi has an emergency SOS sign. When traveling to Japan, if you find a taxi that lights up this mark, the car is not playing to reproduce the contents of the anime, if you can remember even in the corner of your head, it will also protect the life of the crew. We would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us in crime prevention."
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kumamotomusicinfo · 5 years ago
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MAHINA APPLEとMANTISによる2019年リリースの「Sign」と、HIDENKAとMANTISによる2018年リリースの「TEENAGE FANCLUB」。この2つのコラボアルバムのダブルリリースパーティーが12月14日にNAVAROで開催されます。福岡天神親不孝通りを根城とするDJ/ビートメイカーのMANTISによるビートと、同じく福岡を拠点に活動するダンスミュージックバンドMAHINA APPLE BANDを率いる女性ヴォーカリストのMAHINA APPLEの歌と、ラッパーGOUKIとのDOOBEEISとしても活動するBLACK SMOKER RECORDS所属のラッパー/ビートメイカーのHIDENKAによるラップはどちらも相性抜群で、サンプリングを主体としたメロウでファットなビートと、低く伸びやかな歌声、フリーキーなラップが混ざり合いグルービーに響きます。
開場・開演 22時00分
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