roccinan · 2 years
"Pssh, you worry too much"
Thanks for the prompt! Decided to set this one in an AU of the Bank heist where Andres lives. TW: eye trauma
Injury and Illness Denial Prompts
“Psh, you worry too much.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Andrés set down the tweezers, a little burst of anger knotting itself through the worry, until concern gave way to aggrievement. He pressed forward, until the tip of his nose touched Martín’s, the other man still laid flat on the table and grimacing at the light. 
“I’ll be fine,” Martín said, in a tone he’d never- or rarely- taken with Andrés, as if his beloved was an imbecile. The gall of him.
Andrés watched him, unsure if Martín was able to see his glare through the bloodied haze that now made up the whites of his eyes. Andrés had managed to remove the offending glass in spite of the storm welling up with each pluck (but it was still better he do it than Tokyo, who would have no doubt purposely made the injuries worse). He squinted at Martín’s eyes, stomach turning, but found no discernible glass left behind.
“You misread me,” Andrés told him, “I’m not worried. I am livid.”
His hand found Martín’s palm, squeezing limp fingers. “You could have been blinded. That bullet could have found its way to your heart, or worse yet, your brilliant brain.”
“And?” Martín asked, somehow amused. “Those are hypotheticals. Better me than you.”
Before Andrés could retort, Martín added, “And it’s better than shrapnel getting into my dick, no? Or the ass you love so much?”
“Too bad it didn’t get you in the mouth,” Tokyo’s voice hissed from behind.
Without looking back, Andrés snarled out, “Shut up.”
Then again at Martín, he said, “Palermo, is the pain manageable?”
Martín swam a tongue over the inside of his mouth. His chin tilted up. Then his right eye produced some semblance of a wink. “Barely feel a thing at all. I’ll be up in no time, capitan.”
“Disgusting,” Tokyo muttered.
“But I’ll burst a blood vessel if you don’t throw that bitch out of here, Berlin.”
“Like you have any more vessels to burst, asshole?”
Normally, Andrés would be more than happy to indulge Martín’s request. But this time, Tokyo’s existence was barely a concern at all, not when his mind was still replaying the images of Gandia’s grin and the glass shattering in Palermo’s face. The grin however had unmistakably been aimed at Berlin. The son of a bitch changed his target on purpose, likely because he knew this was the one place it would actually hurt to strike.
Andrés motioned for Helsinki to bring the gauze over. Then he slipped a hand under Martín’s back, pushing up by the waist. When Martín’s head was close to his shoulder, almos pressed to his chest, Andrés stated, with no small flourish, “I’ll cut out Gandia’s eyes and bring his head to you on a pike.”
He felt Martín grin, lips grazing against his jaw. “I’d like that.”
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Made-up fic title ask game:
"Worms waiting for wings"
Hey Enrica! Thank you for asking 🤗
This took me a while and man, what a title 👀 I immediately got religious dark vibes and it was the vibe I couldn't shake anymore. I think the idea I have is super weird, but it just came to life by itself: Andrés and Martín don't know each other. When Andrés finds out he is dying, he starts/founds(?) a cult, and all his followers agree to kill themselves the moment Andrés dies, because he is the chosen one and if they die at the same time as him, they all ascend to heaven together.
Andrés initially just wanted the cult to enjoy his last days, treated like a messenger of god, and to have people that worship him enough to go down with him, but with time, he sort of starts to believe it all himself to cope with the fact that he's dying.
Martín, meanwhile, is either a journalist or a researcher who wants to write a paper on the cult, and he "infiltrates" it to figure out how it works, and obviously he thinks everyone who wants to kill themselves when Andrés dies is stupid, and Andrés is a joke. But then he falls for Andrés and Andrés falls for him too and they lead the cult together, refusing to face the truth of their situation but it's catching up with them – and eventually no one wants to die more than Martín when Andrés dies.
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lavandulacosmos · 2 years
Hola Anna 🐸👑♥️
32, 44, 45 for the fic writer ask game!
Hi, Enrica~ 🐸👑
Fanfic writer asks ✨
32. Copy and paste your top three favourite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
You gave me an excuse to add another three to the ones I gave Kal, so here goes my WIPs again:
"Fucking insanity was not galloping but speeding in the family, collecting tickets." (Aureate - Ch.3 Ramé)
"By democratic voting, Aníbal chose the car, Mirko picked the colour, Ágata wrestled the keys out of their hands, and Martín called shotgun before any of them could argue. So the four of them came to a stop in front of a grandiose mansion in a red Bentley, tires screeching across the gravel and kicking up dust in a fashion only Ágata could coax out of any and all cars she got her hands on." (Arms of Morpheus - Ch.3)
"The maintenance floor seemed like a slain beast, its great ribs broken as beams and the remains of the vents curled in twisted shapes amidst the smoke. The wounds that killed it were the gaping holes where the ceiling caved in, the cables and pipes, the veins and nerves that got exposed to the other office floor. Desks and monitors and other office supplies, like shrapnels, spilt into the wounds caused by the explosion.  Where the ceiling stayed intact, it was scorched and splintered as the sprinklers washed soot and chalky residue down the cracks, like black and white blood." (Aureate - Ch.21 Moribund)
44. Rant about something writing related.
Now that Aureate is in its last Act, and this long little monster of a series is coming to an end I feel both sad and utterly happy. I didn't think writing could evoke such bittersweet feelings and now I'm in the midst of being both highly motivated to write the last chapters and absolutely dragging my feet to do it at the same time. It's the most peculiar thing I experienced during my short stint as a writer and it's fascinating - alas all things have to come to an end once and it's time to let go of this little universe I built.
45. Fic specific questions - if you have any weird questions about specific works, here’s your shot to ask them!
You didn't pose a question, dear, so I will answer one I received in private and ask the same from you in turn~: What are your honest thoughts on OCs that play just as big of a role in the story as the original characters? Love it, hate it, neutral?
As someone who immediately started of writing with an OC in the mix, I can safely say that I love OCs. I love seeing what other people come up with and bring to an existing canon universe, especially when they are well-written and add to the story and the canon characters they interact with. I enjoy coming up with OCs too, it's fun to figure out their place and roles when the playground is already set by canon. An OC is a great way to spice up a story.
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ao3feed-berlermo · 2 years
Restless blues
Restless blues https://archiveofourown.org/works/43797819 by @signorin-anarchia
Andrés comes back after the Mint Heist. 5 nights they can't sleep together + 1 night they finally can. Or: there's only one bed. But it's angst. ꧁ Written for the Berlermo Secret Santa 2022 ꧂
Words: 6448, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Palermo | Martín Berrote
Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa & Palermo | Martín Berrote
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Romance, Angst and Porn, Anal Fingering, First Time Blow Jobs, Berlermo Secret Santa
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natures-marvel · 1 year
Tagged by @lavandulacosmos
Thanks, worstie! 🥰
Make your own fishbowl/terranium using picrew here :
Tumblr media
Tagging : @delirious-and-slightly-murderous @puduhegepa @wedgeantill @dormarunt @nharidy @roccinan @the--sound--of--rain @signorin-anarchia @maraudersbitchesassemble @budugu @a-really-hot-caterpillar @voiz-iiiixi @misssclumsy @akidev @lakesofdesire and anyone else who I forgot to mention but wants to do it!
I hope y'all have fun!
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I'm back, cabrones!
And I brought a new (old) fic
Thanks to Kal, my bestie as always.
And especially to @signorin-anarchia for her amazing beta work♥️♥️♥️
As was his nature, nothing much could hold his attention for long unless it was a masterpiece of the utmost intellectuality. But, for some reason that Martín had never been able to understand (he refused to entertain the notion that it could have been coincidence or divine intervention), in their small home on the coast of Michoacán, it was the Pacific Hurricane Season that grabbed Andrés' attention. He became obsessed with that one tropical wave that, in its path through Nicaragua and Costa Rica, had turned into a tropical depression and had already left more than 20 people dead.
(Or rainy season was making me sad so I wrote this)
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veterveter · 3 years
Ok, I'll go for brownie & chocolate lime ;)
Hey hey friend thank you for asking!!!!
Brownie: a band/artist you used to like but don't anymore?
Oof, it's gotta be 3 Doors Down. It was never my favourite band but I was really into them for years, and them playing at Trump's inauguration really soured it for me. Is that petty of me? Possibly. But those values are just so against mine, and so many bands and artists declined to play there, and then one of my favourites agrees to?? Because they agree with Trump, apparently?? Since then I've been vehemently skipping their songs on my playlist... except for Believer. That one is still a banger. I have a Believer hoodie somewhere still. I accidentally wore it to church once.
Chocolate lime: last person you stayed up past midnight talking to?
Well technically I stayed up past midnight talking to my boyfriend @geobirdi about rival magicians (I'm sorry that bringing up my favourite WIP is currently the best way to reach me, I've been ridiculously busy and tired lately) and then went on to talk to @es-imposible about life. This applies to most of my evenings ✨
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wedgeantill · 2 years
Hey 🌼 For the ask game:
What's on your mind?
I've got dinner on my mind. It's evening, so I'm hungry. It's trite, but if I'm hungry I can't think of anything but food.
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applpapel · 2 years
List 3 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 5 people who reblogged something from you, learn to know your mutuals and followers!! 🌸
thanks for the ask! :)
1. nice weather today
2. saw a fun movie last night
3. sense of accomplishment from finishing a fic recently
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m--bloop · 2 years
Personal tag game
Tagged by: @signorin-anarchia tyy!
Last TV Show: wilty s15 - also rewatching some lcdp bc i wanna make some palermo gifs :)
Last Song: waking by future islands <3<3
Currently Watching: I just finished Flee
Currently Reading: carmilla by sheridan lefanu for a summer class I’m taking
Tagging 9 people whom I would like to know better: no pressure to do it ofc but here it goes @espooky @cliffbooth @soujitrendseta @velvetmeadows @distort-a @teddypickle @gregg-araki @gabacool @malinculia @moldmoldfoldfold @amarakaran @kendallroyssadeyes
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alfredo-kesmann · 2 years
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.
Well, there's quite the list. Uhm, let's see.
@thatcrazymind @dormarunt @veterveter @signorin-anarchia @nharidy @roccinan are the ones that instantly came to mind❤️But there are so many more talented people in this amazing fandom that make me feel good, so please don’t consider this an exhaustive list!
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2022 Writers' Review
It's already two months into the year, but I'm still going to do this, because I think it's such a nice thing. I was tagged by @lavandulacosmos and @natures-marvel thank you! 💕
1. What is your AO3 account?
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
34'481, according to AO3 stats
It's not a lot of words, but I feel like this was the year I've developed most as a writer so far, especially writing the first chapter of Lamb and the last chapter of my spooktober fic and I'm very proud of that ✨
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
12 fics, 3 multichaptered and 9 oneshots (and of the 3 multichaptered ones only one is finished so you can see that this is not where my strength lies agajsks but i'm trying to do it more and i actually love it!)
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
"A Lover in the story" (finished) is the longest at 9987 words but I published 5000 of those in 2023. Otherwise the longest is "A Lamb for Our Love" at 8618 words so far (one of two chapters)
The shortest is "With a smile" at 412 words. The shortness is owed to it being only one scene, more of a picture I imagined after reading Cry Wolf by @roccinan – and since I can't draw, I decide to write it down 🥰
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
I find this so hard to say, because numbers can never really encapsulate this, and every piece of appreciation from anyone for any fic is a gem in itself. But just for simplicity I'll go for Kudos and Hits here:
The one with most Kudos and Hits is funnily one I didn't write for Berlermo, but for "Arcane" as a birthday gift for @stilljustbitten: "Ice blue" got 113 Kudos and 842 Hits, probably owed to the fact that this fandom is just a bit bigger. My most popular Berlermo fic in 2022 in numbers is "Art and Attraction" at 83 Kudos and 755 Hits.
The least popular in numbers is "Love wins" at 16 Kudos and 146 Hits.
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
I didn't expect a specific amount of reaction on any of them, so I'd say none of them. Every interaction with on of my fics just made me go "oh!🥰"
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
I'd say "Like the Painting of a sorrow" because it was this oneshot I came up with, wrote and posted within 24 hours, a random idea after reading Dorian Gray. That being said, I am very proud and fond of it, so it made me so happy that it was appreciated!
And also "Love wins", I struggled getting the first chapter together and was worried it was too chaotic, and I was so happy it got good feedback.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
I'm most proud of and currently most emotionally attached to "A Lover in the story". I'm especially proud of the last chapter, mostly because I managed to write it at all and make something I really like of it.
A Lamb for our Love stands right next to it though – although it's still not finished. (Not because I neglected it, but just because the second chapter is so hard to write) and I'm so excited for what it will become <3
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
Reducing this to one would be a shame, so I'll list a few 😊
and that was the moment i knew by @alfredo-kesmann
Andrés has Hanahaki disease and coughs up red roses. Whose favourite flowers could those be?
It had started with inconspicuous coughing, a few weeks ago. Soon followed the shaky breaths, the trouble breathing normally at random times. Then, came the shaking fingers, half a week later, creating unavoidable unsteady black lines in the painting he had been working on, the jawline of his self portrait now ruined.
A beautiful take on the trope, with all the drama befitting Berlermo, and overall an extremely romantic and enjoyable read.
Chimera 키메라 by @signorin-anarchia
A sort of crossover of Money Heist Korea and La casa de papel. Andrés is in the concentration camp Korean Berlin was in. Martín joins him there.
His mother's arms are a cradle, a safe haven.
A shelter from all that is evil on earth.
He can remember the faded feeling of bones colliding, rubbing, which nevertheless feels as comfortable as nothing in the world.
Nothing in the whole world.
But there's never much more than anything in the world.
And now his mother's arms are pincers, stealing his life, locking his way.
A very interesting concept with beautiful execution, and very poetic prose that aches just right when you read it.
The Swan's Symphony by @nharidy
Martín plans another and executes heist after the gold heist, and a rescue mission for Andrés on the side – who is alive but asuffering <3. All the old members of the gang are there, and also a lot of new additions.
“Is this true?” Estocolmo asked, turning to El Professor. Mirko, however, was looking at Palermo. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not , he realized. Palermo wasn’t there because one night in the future he might get killed in his bed. 
No, he was there for the one and only reason he's ever done anything since Mirko knew him.
El Profesor sighed.
This genuinely feels like a continuation of lcdp. It gives all the vibes of the show, the characters, their interactions and the action, flashbacks and execution of the heist are spot on. Just overall extremely fun to read.
Remember what your old pal said by @roccinan
La casa de papel Toy Story AU. Andrés is a bullfighter doll, and he finds Martín in the collection he belongs to. But what is Martín really up to?
Andrés is beautiful. And he doesn’t need a mirror to tell him what he already knows. Because he can stare at anything that bounces back light for a wonderful view of himself from head to toe: sunglasses, helmet visors, watches, or even the window on a bright spring day.
He has a slim, well-proportioned frame, a statuesque figure that expertly hides a body of incredible might and power within its wires.
This is genuinely just hilarious, and Andrés is perfectly delusional in it. And the Berlermo romance is so sweet – with an added element of darkness, of course.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
I think everyone has already been tagged and done this agajsks but I'll tag the ones I haven't seen doing it, please just ignore this if you have ✌🏼💕 @dormarunt @liz @signorin-anarchia @oreo @lammaducks ✨
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lavandulacosmos · 1 year
2022 Writers' Review
I was tagged by @carladuquette~ Thanks! 🥰 
1. What is your AO3 account?
LavandulaCosmos, so you can all find me on this hellsite too.
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
Based on Ao3's statistics I wrote 162,144 words. Nice! And that's the published and cleaned-up amount, I don't even want to know how much was left in the drafts.
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
Exactly 2. Both are multi-chaptered, including the monster that is Aureate and the poor, neglected Arms of Morpheus. That one still needs an ending.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
Aureate is easily the longest thing I've ever written. Compared to that one, Arms of Morpheus - at 23k - is the short one.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
Aureate and Amaranthine both hit landmarks in 2022, passing 2500 and 5500 hits respectively. The least popular based on hits is Arms of Morpheus.
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
None, both babies got more attention than I imagined they would.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
Both, the two fics got a lot of positive feedback, which I'm really grateful for~
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
Aureate - It was a very long and immensely complex project to do, especially when it came to the plot and the structure of it, but I also had a lot of fun with it. 🥰 
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
Ooh, there are hundreds I enjoyed, but it's been a right age since I've betaed anything so I have to nominate The Fatal Drive by @natures-marvel for the sheer amount of chaos we unleashed while it took shape. 💜
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
@natures-marvel, @butternuggets-blog, @the--sound--of--rain , @veterveter, @signorin-anarchia and whoever feels like doing it~
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ao3feed-berlermo · 2 years
Chimera https://archiveofourown.org/works/41406819 by @signorin-anarchia
Andrés is seldom speechless. He finds himself brooding, justifying it to himself, empty phrases as after all, aesthetics have their importance. He hates that. And the man, that fucking moron, seems to guess as he laughs at him, as he grabs the other thumb and with a click he jerks that too. "See what I mean, tío?" the handcuffs fall to the ground in the dust, and the clanging echoes in the tiny cell "freedom is priceless". Andrés, after all, thinks he's wrong. Freedom comes at a high price. Andrés is held in concentration camp. A new prisoner comes. Or: Money Heist Korea - Joint Area AU
Words: 5522, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Palermo | Martín Berrote, Bogotá | Santiago López, Professor | Sergio Marquina, César Gandía
Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa & Palermo | Martín Berrote
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Concentration Camps, Angst, Character Study, Introspection, dark!Martin
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natures-marvel · 1 year
Tagged by @lavandulacosmos : (Thanks worstie! 🥰💜)
End of the Year Fic Review 2022
1. What is your AO3 account?
It's NaturesMarvel over there too! 😊
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
Wow, that's a lot! 😳
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
16 fics in total, out of which 3 are unfinished.
8 oneshots and 8 multichaptered.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
Longest : The Fatal Drive at 41,202 words
Shortest : What the Mind Conjures at Night at 785 words
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
Same order as above! 😂
The Fatal Drive at 1066 hits and 95 kudos.
What the Mind Conjures at Night at 169 hits and 12 kudos
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
Very honestly, The Mockingjay. I had posted it on my birthday so I had some expectations but it didn't the recieve the love it deserved.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
Fucking Obviously Oblivious! It stands at no. 3 right now and I still can't figure out why are people loving it so much!
Also, The Fatal Drive. I thought it wouldn't even get 30 kudos but my readers loved it so much that it has the highest hits of all my fics and stands second in kudos.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
The Fatal Drive, hands down!
9. What was your favourite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
Oh my God! There are so many I loved that it would be a crime not to mention them! 🙈 So, I'll rec all the fics of 2022 I loved :
Arms of Morpheus by @lavandulacosmos. Masterpiece!
The Proxy and The chaos in the storm by @dormarunt. The fics I didn't know I needed until she posted it.
Mirror Versions of the Same Game or How Detective Berrote hates Mondays by my dearest darling soulmate @delirious-and-slightly-murderous 🥰 I saw that Berlermo fandom lacked a Secret Admirer AU so I gave this prompt for my Secret Santa 2022 and not only Manu dearest wrote the most perfect version of this AU but also that lying bitch lied to me for a whole fucking month she didn't get the prompt so it deserves a special mention!
Gran Hotel AU by @roccinan. A crackpot time travel fic with retro shenanigans and a last chap I desperately want updated! But its a 10/10 read!
Love Wins by @the--sound--of--rain.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
*cracks knuckles* here we go :
@delirious-and-slightly-murderous @maraudersbitchesassemble @roccinan @nharidy @dormarunt @the--sound--of--rain @signorin-anarchia
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veterveter · 2 years
Tagged by: @wedgeantill @delirious-and-slightly-murderous @es-imposible @signorin-anarchia thank you for tagging me even though I'm quite slow atm, it means a lot to be in your thoughts (and I do love to be tagged, truly, I love to talk about myself) !!!!
Last TV Show : Just finished Élite season 5 last night, not sure what I'm up to now. Loved Isadora so very much, bebé.
Last song: Eden by Rancore feat. Dardust, I needed to pick a favourite Sanremo 2020 song for my Italian course and this is the chosen one.
Currently Watching: I do Hope to watch some Succession when I see my boyfriend, I miss that. (on the topic, we went to Dundee (derogatory) recently and just talked trash about optics and shares and drank coffee outside V&A, it was great)
Currently reading: I recently finished These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever and I'm still thinking about him. I plan to bring Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend (in Finnish since it's mum's) with me when I go places on Saturday. Hope it'll entertain me, look at me trying to be cultured.
I'm not tagging anyone since this seems to have made its rounds already :D but if you want to do it, I totally did tag you. Hope you've a nice day!!!
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