#significantly more rare and therefore more exciting!! youre also slightly more like to get a 10 than you would be if you rolled 1d20
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pathetic-gamer · 11 months ago
my favorite ongoing tradition in the fire emblem subreddits is new people showing up to ask why the displayed hit rate %s never actually add up (e.g. a 90% hit rate hits more than 90% of the time while a 20% hit rate hits less than 20% of the time), because they invariably get two answers:
someone explaining mathematics behind double-RNG and how it makes for a better player experience psychologically so while the devs obviously want to provide a challenge that still has some degree of luck, they also want people to not rage-quit, and
someone saying it's bc it's funnier that way
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cosmosfated · 6 years ago
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Reasons why Alola in Fleur’s timeline is M U C H more different than Your Average Alola(TM):
All the Alolan natives, as well as those who have acclimated to their lifestyle, are aware of the shit that’s happening up in the sky. They’re 90% sure it has to deal with that “warlock” that Syph’s fiance has been grumbling about for a while.
Notably, it doesn’t seem to bother them and they don’t outwardly mention it until someone else does. It’s just another day to them!
After the hellstorm of the events of the main games, a lot about how Alola functions has changed to accommodate. Most significantly: the way the Trials are handled and the views/process to handle the aftermath of the Aether corporation.
Those of Alola, with the excitement of the Trial Captains, decided to help make the Trials a lot more interpersonal and lively... but only if the Trial-goers want to. 
They have become less maze-and-puzzle like and more gym-slash-arena like. The puzzles are there, but mostly to earn themselves an extra Potion or a Revive if it’s needed. Also to take a break from constant battling. 
The Trials can be either personal or interpersonal at the trainer’s behest. Personal Trials are the average Trials from the games. Shut off, unable to be viewed, more casual and goal oriented than anything else. Interpersonal Trials are more like contests and shows than real battles, but they are still battling. They simply show off more, and do events from time to time based on the theme of each Trial’s city/location.
The choice between personal and interpersonal is never forced and anyone who does so is banned from viewing that Trial until further notice by the Trial Captain and the Trial-goer is urged to come back another day with a clear mind and a choice of their own. 
However, when reaching the end of the Trials, there is a bit more of an emphasis on allowing others to view them, as fighting the Champion is considered both an extravagant event and a high honor (as the Trainer doing so and those viewing it respectively). Even so, if they choose not to do an interpersonal Trial, then it’s not forced or show displeasure with. It’s their choice and those running the Trial will never shun the Trial-goers for their choice.
When it comes to the Aether Corporation, there is a heavy watch on them to make sure they don’t try any bullshit again. If there’s any suspicion of them being up to no good again, some of the Captains and locals go to them and personally ask what they’re doing.
And yes, most of the people around the Aether Corporation (and a good portion of those on other islands) have in depth understanding of what the AeCorp was trying to do initially and what it became. 
Due to the AeCorp’s fuckery, they knew about the whole multiverse thing a long time ago, so it came as no surprise when the tiny Ambassador mentioned it. They just shrugged it off and went “that explains a lot, actually”. 
When faced with topics of madness and those who speak in manners most uncommon, they don’t falter in the slightest, and in fact seem to understand exactly what’s being said to them. When questioned, they’ll never be able to give an exact answer as to why this is, but they do know that it just feels “natural” to them to be able to understand such talk.
Before the wolf moon started staying in the sky, on rare days, the Trial Captains will very rarely speak in the same manner as those who have lost a bit of their sanity and have conversations with each other that only made sense to them. 
Afterwards, it started happening more often, thus allowing others to be able to understand those with the same illness or infliction. It happens only occasionally now, but it’s significantly more often than before.
They have some? understanding of Eldritch workings? How deep that runs, I have no idea. They have shown a rudimentary understanding of how slightly more complicated endeavors within that field of “expertise” works, so they may understand more than they let on.
Once, when Fleur offhandedly mentioned something about it, they didn’t really react past raised brows and questioning if he needed help with it, and if there was anything they could do. This lack of surprised or aghast response is a, uh... STRONG INDICATOR that they know what the fuck’s up, they just don’t know who else does.
He promptly forgot about it, not knowing how to process what happened nor did he believe they actually understood him.
Side note: If there is a Cosmog in your house or on your person suddenly, do not move it. It finds you and your belongings acceptable places to rest, which is considered a blessing by those of Alola. 
The same goes if you find a Light Dragon hatchling in your house or trying to steal your attention. Give the hatchling attention but never too much. Make sure to remember your place and remind the hatchling to get back to their mother so that she doesn’t get worried.
If there is a Cosmog near you at the same time as a hatchling, you are considered smiled upon by the sky and stars. Essentially the highest blessing you can earn and it will make people gawk at you for a bit but then giggle, because have fun dealing with that mess. You aren’t doing anything productive for the next several hours.
Never wear shoes on the beach. Do not. At some point you’ll find that your shoes are mysteriously gone. It’s not worth it.
Unusually, sandals are fine. Some types of old sandals, like wooden ones and those that were used at temples, even seem to get a polish the longer they’re on the beach.
If an older dragon comes to greet you after the birth of your child, they are there to wish your child a long life of well rewarded struggle! It sounds awful at first but many consider it as a blessing.
unless you find them outside of the faerie lake. then it’s fine. but only if they approach you first.
Please Do Not Touch The Tirtougas They Have Anxiety
If you feel the need to show your appreciation of them, leave them a few seaweed wrapped treats, they’ll enjoy it. But please do not touch them. You might get bitten by their mother.
If a Shellos comes near you, please avoid squeezing it. The ooze that it expunges from itself is a paralyzing agent meant to help it get away from predators. There are antidotes for this type of paralysis but it’s not fatal to non-Pokemon, just tedious at worst.
Everyone is pretty sure that all Dhelmise are cursed like Absols are but they refuse to exile any Dhelmise and instead have a respectable treaty.
Dhelmises protect any boats that were made in Alola from storms if they’re caught in it as well as making sure nothing gets in to try and steal any items. Any boats that are foreign and do not possess the Approval Seal on their boat from Alola are royally messed up during storms, but still able to be sailed.
Lapras will try to fuss over you and you can’t get away from it until you leave the water. Sorry, that’s just the rules.
If you’re considered a small child to any Lapras, you will know. They act different when it comes to small children and are much more open about it.
If you find that a Dratini is trying to play hide and seek with you, play as if you can’t find them! Do this until they pop up and act as if you were startled. 
The Dratini’s mother will give you a gift at the beach as a token of gratitude for keeping watch of her child until she could find them.
Lake of the Sunne and Lake of the Moone coexist, residing quite close to each other. Their names come from the fact that the lake’s honest shape is that of a sun and moon. These formations are natural and therefore considered sacred areas where only specific people can go.
There are other things to put here but this is already getting long so have this
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dboliklover · 6 years ago
24 with subaru please
Hi! Of course! I hope you don’t mind these being headcanons! Drabbles take longer to make, but if you want a drabble please send us another ask specifying for a drabble of this when we open requests again!
24 = Slow dancing 
Tonight was supposed to be the night of a ‘small’ ball at the academy These were rare, and therefore hyped up eventsEveryone was buzzed and incredibly excited about it! And though you didn’t want to admit it wholly, you were also excited.This was your first ‘big’ sort of dance, only having had very few before in lower schools, but they were small and irrelevant. You had travelled to the party-ball in the typical limousine with all the Sakamaki brothers, of course, and when you got to the hall in which the ball was being held, you looked around in amazement. It was so wondrous! The music was classical and pleasing to the ears, not necessarily something one would expect for a party for teenagers, though you assumed that since this was a prestigious academy it would be significantly different from a normal public school. 
The music was soothing and melodious and it made you want to dance, the only problem was that you knew it would be utterly pointless for you to even ask that of your beloved Subaru. He hated having too many eyes on him, and though almost all couples were dancing, you knew he’d feel far too awkward doing something like that. Nevertheless, you still asked, unfortunately, his answer was a ‘No’, just as you had predicted.
By now all the other brothers had gone their separate ways, doing whatever it was they did (though you had a feeling you knew who was causing a few poor girls to squeal and rush to the other side of the ballroom away from him*-)Pouting slightly, you nonetheless accepted your lover’s refusal to dance with you in the crowded hall. Subaru was never a social butterfly, so you knew this event must be immensely boring to him. 
Still, you wanted him to even partly enjoy himself. Which was why you decided to go and get the two of you some drinks, only to be approached by another student you don’t recall speaking to before. He was pretty handsome, but nowhere near as attractive as your Subaru, and totally didn’t look like your type, if anything this guy kind of seemed like he was some sort of ‘Sophisticated fuck boy’.He hadn’t seen you with Subaru earlier, so you assumed, as it wasn’t exactly common knowledge you two were together 
You felt uncomfortable as he was chatting you up, but you were too nice to just walk away, no matter how much you wanted to get back to Subaru. When he asked you to dance with him, you tried to kindly reject his offer. You wanted to dance - badly - but you only wanted to dance with Subaru.Before you could even decline, you felt someone pulling your back into their chest, and panicked until you smelt Subaru’s cologne, glancing up slightly to see it was, thankfully, Subaru. The guy who had been talking with you quickly rushed away, not wanting to anger his fellow peer infamous for being moody and his immense strength. Though, before you can let out a single word, your lover grabs your hand and pulls you through the cramped space, outside of the academy. The evening air was chilly, much colder than it was inside the dance hall, though you appreciated being out of the overwhelming heat of the actual dance. Nevertheless, the sudden action of being dragged outside by Subaru was oddly surprising, you being unsure what to think of it. The music was faint from here but loud enough to appreciate. He wasn’t looking you in the eye, and you bit your lip, worried he got the wrong idea when that guy was talking to you, God, he didn’t think you were actually flirting back with that guy, did he!? Lost in your drastic thoughts, you were shocked when you felt him suddenly hugging you, holding you close to his chest. Even without seeing his face, you knew he must be blushing so red right now…!Though what surprised you, even more, was how he started to slowly sway the both of you to the rhythm of the melody inside the building, soon enough the two of you were close, holding one another as you swayed and eventually did something akin to slow dancing, though perhaps not the most elegant nor precise definition of ‘slow-dancing’. But it was intimate and such a profound moment, and you wanted it to last forever.
- Mod rozalia 
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asherlockstudy · 7 years ago
Pls ignore if u dont wanna discuss!I find it interesting you see link as a 'strategic thinker' when I feel like alot of ppl think the opposite(to the point of ytcomments calling him slow/an idiot/on the spectrum).Tho I think alot of his wideeyed goofiness is put on, I put part of awkward stuff said down to not considering implications before talking. Theres even an old video where he talks about how he could reveal something embarrassing at any time and it's part of his personality hes had to ow
Yeah, I know, it’s a rather unusual viewpoint but I stick sooooo hard to it! However, please note that I’m not at all confident about the way I explained my points here. What follows is: 
An unnecessarily long essay on how Link Neal’s mind works that makes me worry about myself because honestly why did I even write all this and I am not at all sure I know what I’m talking about, sorry
First of all, those who think Link is an idiot need to pay more attention. Link is probably the control freak (to avoid the term “Big Boss” that would be unfair for Rhett) behind their successful corporation and this takes something more than a slow guy. He could be close to what you can call “on the spectrum”, with his systems and OCD and all, but people with Asperger’s are usually very intelligent anyway. I think Link has these systems mostly for psychological reasons though, the routine makes him feel safer. 
Anyway, most of his silly moments are made up for laughs like you said and his ability to confuse the audience as to whether he ‘s trully that silly is technically another success on his part, although I feel he’s getting tired of this role lately. 
When Link chooses a stupid answer in a quiz or makes a foolish choice in a game, there is usually a pattern of two explanations:
He often provides a perfect reasoning and then inexpicably goes for the wrong answer / choice, which proves he’s trying to lose in order to get punished for entertaining purposes. He sometimes is in the lead and suddenly gives bonus points to Rhett or something, so there is higher probability for him to lose or, even better, both of them to get punished. On average, if it can’t be ideally both of them, Link subtly tries to be the one getting the punishment. Perhaps he considers his own reactions more dramatic (they usually are) and therefore funnier. In short, Link prefers to get in trouble as long as he provides an entertaining product. It’s a conscious decision that he hides behind silliness. On the contrary, if Rhett can avoid a punishment, he will do so because Rhett often sets as a priority to not look like an idiot.
He genuinely made a stupid choice. Thanks to his hobbies and interests, Rhett is more well-rounded and knowledgeable than Link but if you take the occurences of explanation #1 out of the equation, the ratio of the times Link is being stupid to the times Rhett is gets significantly smaller. Of couse, being less knowledgeable has nothing to do with quick / strategic thinking. 
Speaking of quick thinking, Link tends to be wittier than Rhett. Not that Rhett isn’t incredibly witty already but I think Link is as much and slightly more. 
In the rare occasion of serious discussions, there are two other possibilities:
Link usually tries to make light of every single conversation (eg in Ear Biscuits), stuck to the fact that they are supposed to be a comedic duo, which isn’t always a guaranteed success and sometimes even generates awkwardness. Rhett doesn’t do that and since he also is the one who usually provides information / knowledge, he comes off as more intelligent and mature without this being necessarily the case. 
When Link is 100% serious about something, he’s very different. His stature is different, his facial expressions are different, his eyes become more piercing, even his voice gets deeper. It’s not like Link is a psycho but there are some extremes in his personality and he is usually good at keeping each extremity for where it’s supposed to be. His childish side is ideal for GMM. In rare serious discussions with Rhett on GMMores etc, I find myself agreeing with Link most of the time and despite Rhett’s confidence that he knows Link like the back of his hand, I feel Link actually understands Rhett on an even deeper level than Rhett does. I also think he’s more self aware than Rhett and just knows both of themselves better than Rhett. On the other hand, Rhett is better at manipulating a conversation to his benefit and frequently oozes so much certainty on his argument that Link ends up in the losing side because he knows convincing Rhett otherwise is a challenge and he just gives up. For a long time I instictively thought Rhett was on the right because he gives off this impression of always being right. But when I started paying more attention, I started getting Link’s points more and more. In short, Link is a thoughtful guy ;) whenever he’s given the chance to show it (almost never, sadly). 
Now that I expanded on this which wasn’t even what you exactly wanted me to discuss originally, let’s go to your ask in particular. (I just felt I needed to explain first why I don’t consider Link slow.) 
As I already mentioned, Link has some extremities in his personality. He is impulsive and emotional which means his emotions drive his actions before his brain can stop him. When he’s angry or very excited or feels sarcastic or anything really, he will just blurt out whatever’s on his mind. But that doesn’t mean Link does not understand what he is talking about, it just means he doesn’t have a good filter on his mouth and at the moment he does not care to have one either. 
There might be a paradox about Link - although he strikes me as an extrovert, he is actually not particularly socially skilled. But social awkwardness has little to do with intelligence as a whole (there is what we call social intelligence of course) and it is more common than not for intelligent people to be socially awkward and generate many weird moments. Then again, Link is very sensitive in awkwardness or inappropriate remarks or insults when it’s someone else doing it (not necessarily to him) which makes me think that he has a perfect understanding of what he says too at all times, only he’s usually bursting too much with enthusiasm, fury, hurt, irony or love to keep his mouth shut effectively. In occasions when he feels uncomfortable, another extremity of his is severe anxiety and he feels so much pressure to improve the situation that he will try to say anything to alleviate the moment which inevitably leads to failure quite often. I think that’s what happens in his personal awkward moments. 
In GMM, in all these lovely moments when Link says something that makes us go “What on earth did he say again?”, like 85% of it, Link is perfectly super-absolutely aware of what he’s saying. Extremely aware. Like the “meat flap” to Stevie. He’s also angry in that video which explains his boldness. Or even the “Your wife can hang out with me anytime” to Rhett. I start suspecting he was even playing up a bit his shocked reaction after the Newsical kiss with Rhett. That’s how gloriously evil I consider him
The rest is because of emotions and an even looser filter since Link knows that there are no really bad implications that can occur during GMM unless, I dunno, he says something really horrible which he doesn’t really do. I mean, Rhett may say something extremely awkward more rarely but it usually can be even worse or more hurtful than whatever Link says. 
Last but not least, Link is the epitome of clumsiness. This contributes to the idea of him being foolish, although they are not really correlated, if anything, it’s just a stereotype. His brain also tends to get stuck to a certain thing which makes him  oblivious to anything else for the time being but I seriously doubt it is as much of a deal as Rhett makes it to be. Technically this is filtering of what matters to him, at least in his case.
But when Link is not a rollercoaster of emotions and feels relaxed or has already processed something and is confident about it, that’s when the strategic thinking comes up and I seriously think he’s unbeatable.  I think Rhett has a more relatable kind of intelligence and he is clever in pretty much everything more or less whereas Link can be absolutely ignorant in what he doesn’t care about but can easily rip everyone apart in any field he shows an interest in and that is beneficial for him (management, finances, marketing, humour, entertainment, acting, psychology, yes, psychology, remember Sheena who said he has amazing empathy and he is the leader? Sheena knew what she was talking about). And probably many other fields of interest I don’t know about but all these need a good strategic brain. Link channels his intelligence in certain ways, probably for efficiency, and his way of thinking is also a bit peculiar which might estrange initially but he’s veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery clever underneath this carefully constructed persona. And underneath that soft cookie there is a much more challenging man to deal with. And underneath that divine calming smile there is a hell of emotions, good mixed with bad. I think he’s a very intense person. 
I find him so fascinating that he almost scares me. There is a small chance he fascinates me so much that I straight up imagine things about him but honestly I think I may be right about at least a few of these. He’s definitely much smarter than most people think he is, let’s leave it at that XD
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scaredofrobots · 7 years ago
Unusual (chat with Evans 315)
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Happy Galentines day @petalstofish this is for you. 
Thanks (I guess) to @shacklebolt-k for the idea. And @elanev91 and @beks21 for being my sentient fedoras with the European Colonial Construct of Grammar (I guess) cc @oyevans because you love BlackEvans as much as me and also are a sentient fedora on FFN
Sirius Black was on a mission.
Something was afoot, amiss and simply just not right.
Lily Evans Potter had lost all Christmas cheer. It was December 12th and she was not in her very favourite “13 days until Christmas jumper” which featured all the characters from the 12 Days of Christmas song.
So today, Sirius Black was going to get to the bottom of this- as he always did- with a chat and several bottles of Firewhiskey.
The Problem was first discovered on November 30th and there was nary a Christmas tree in sight.
It had been an odd year, to be fair, and Sirius had been travelling for much of October and November- so he hadn’t exactly been around the Potter household to experience the typical 84 days of Lily Evans Potter Christmas magic.
Therefore, he was a little shocked when he went to pick Lily up from the cottage in Godric’s Hollow to find there was no Christmas tree and no porch coated in glitter, garland and bobbles.
He assumed that this was because James was gone for six weeks to train with England for the World Cup and wouldn't be back until Christmas Eve.
“Alright, Evans...I’m sorry- Mrs. Potter?” he asked as she opened the door and let him in.
“You keep saying that like it is funny every time,��� Lily responded, rolling her eyes. “It was funny once.”
“Evans, you wound me,” he smiled and was surprised to find Lily was hugging him. “There, there, Evans- I know you’ve been lonely without your boys.”
Sniffing slightly, Lily stated, “You have no idea.”
“Well,  my lovely Mrs. Prongs- I know what will cheer you up! Let’s go get a Christmas tree and decorate the shit out of your house,” Sirius said and offered his arm to her.
Lily took it and they went on their way. They spent the day getting the Christmas tree and several decorations.
They transformed the cottage into a winter wonderland and Sirius was glad to see Lily looking slightly full of Christmas cheer. She even joined him in singing God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs as they hung garland across the porch. Lily seemed happy but not Twenty Six Days Until Christmas!! Happy. He decided that she must be missing James too much to really embrace the spirit. It was the first time since they’d gotten together that James was gone for Lily’s usual Christmas countdown. Since James was out of town- and Remus was still teaching at Hogwarts- Sirius decided to make it his personal mission to bring the Christmas Cheer back out of Lily Evans Potter.
Sirius woke the next day with a plan. He dug through his old school trunk and found the slightly burned and completely wrinkled copy of the legendary failed Advent calendar. He highlighted the top 24 activities and planned an order of events sure to restore Lily Evans Potter to her usual level of Christmas preparation.
The Plan was a disaster.
Sirius had tried all of Lily’s favourite pre-Christmas activities.
She fell asleep halfway through their carolling trek.
Then during ice skating, she had to stop skating to go vomit.
THEN when they were making Christmas cookies, she burst- inexplicably- into tears. She rushed out of the kitchen crying. When Sirius found her five minutes later, she was asleep in one of James’ old quidditch jerseys in their bedroom.
Lily had never really been a codependent person, so Sirius found her consistent moping odd and her lack of Christmas cheer odder, but still, he blamed it on James being gone. Furthermore- she wouldn’t fucking talk about what was bugging her, no matter how many ways he asked.
Which is why on December 12 The Plan shifted into Get Evans Fucking Drunk and Chat About Our Feelings While We Braid Each Other’s Fabulous Hair.
Sirius arrived at the cottage at 6pm with four bottles of Firewhiskey. He let himself in, as was his custom, and announced in his loudest lawyer voice, “Alright Evans- It’s time to have a chat!”
She popped her head out of the kitchen warily and responded, “I can’t- go away Sirius”
Rolling his eyes, Sirius entered the kitchen and sent down the bottles.
“Yes you can. Something is afoot, Evans, and I intend to figure it out,” he said.
“Please stop pretending you’re Sherlock Holmes,” Lily complained.
Sirius uncapped a bottle of Firewhiskey and took a deep drag and then tried passed it to Lily, who didn’t reach for it.
“Come on Evans- this is how we solve things,” he prompted.
“I can’t,” ��Lily said.
“It’ll hurt the baby.”
“What baby?” Sirius asked.
At this- Lily just stared at him.
Confused, Sirius asked again, “What baby?”
“The baby currently growing inside of my body, Sirius.”
Inexplicably, Sirius felt tears prick in his eyes- “There is a baby in there? Your baby? And Prongs? A little Prongs?”
Lily rolled her eyes at this and said, “No it’s the milkman’s- of course it’s mine and James’ baby.”
“WE’RE HAVING A BABY?!?” Sirius asked again, suddenly full of an excitement he couldn’t quite describe.
“Well, technically-“ Lily started but once she saw the look on Sirius’ face, she stopped herself- “Yes- yes we are.”
Sirius put down the Firewhiskey bottle and scooped Lily up into a big bear hug exclaiming again, “A baby!”
Laughing fully for the first time in weeks Lily said, “Yes, a baby!”
Suddenly panicked, he set her down, “Did I squeeze you too hard? Did I hurt the baby?”
“No, you prat!” Lily laughed and gave Sirius a soft whack on the shoulder before wiping her tears away.
“Does Prongs know?” Sirius asked.
“No- this is in-person news. So no blabbing!” Lily admonished him as she poked him in the chest
Crossing his heart Sirius said, “Marauders’ Honor. Now come on. We’ve got shopping to do.”
And for the first time ever (but certainly not the last)- they abandoned their Firewhiskey mid-chat to take care of the smallest member of their family.
The next twelve days flew by. Telling Sirius about Little Prongs (as he insisted on calling the baby) seemed to unlock Lily’s Christmas Spirit again. It also helped that she was finally feeling a little more energetic and now having as much morning sickness- which was, in large part, due to Sirius researching a multitude of potions and vitamins to help her feel more like herself.
They spent a few days turning the spare room into the nursery. Lily had plans to have James open the nursery door when he returned Christmas Eve and for him to see the crib and for that to be his present. This was fifty percent because she she thought it was sweet, and fifty percent because “it’s about time I out surprised James on Christmas Eve”.
On December 19th, Sirius and Lily had plans to pick Remus up from Kings Cross for his holiday break from “teaching those little snot nosed shits” (as stated in his last letter). Sirius arrived at the cottage at 9 am and knocked on the front door.
When Lily opened it she looked at Sirius incredulously, “What the fuck is that Sirius?”
“Lily- first of all- watch your fucking language. There is a baby present. Second of all- it's a wheelchair. For you. To keep Little Prongs safe.”
Lily stared, took a deep breath, and then said in her very best mom voice, “Sirius Black. I am pregnant. I am not an invalid. Women have been having babies for thousands of years. In caves and shit. Not to mention that Evans women have naturally strong baby hips. I believe you listed them on ‘reasons why James should marry Evans’ in fifth year.”
Grumbling, Sirius folded up the wheelchair and transfigured it into an umbrella and told Lily sternly, “You start to feel tired at all- and I’m pushing you around.”
“Deal,” Lily nodded, “Now am I apparating or shall you?”
“Evans. We are driving. Like muggles. Apparating could be bad for the baby.” Sirius scolded.
“You’re an idiot Sirius,” Lily said and grabbed his hand. Sirius felt the familiar pull as the sneaky red head apparated them to London.
When they arrived, Sirius gave Lily a five minute lecture about endangering Little Prongs and dragged her to St. Mungos to make sure “everything was still alright”.
As the healers looked her over, they were barely able to contain their laughter as it was explained to Sirius that “Apparating was fine until the end of the second trimester,” and that, “No, Mrs. Potter does not need to be in a wheelchair or on bed rest, the baby is growing just fine.”
Sirius pouted for the rest of the day.
When Remus joined them he asked, “What's wrong today, Sirius?”
Sirius responded with a huff, “Ask Evans.” When Remus looked to her for the answer, she simply shrugged.
His pouting continued until they reached their favorite muggle diner where they traditionally ate on their Pick up Remus from Hogwarts days. Sirius could rarely find a way to be upset when there was a cheeseburger to be consumed and he brightened significantly as they ate their lunch.
That was until the waitress arrived and asked if they were finished.
When Lily handed her plate over with half of a burger and several chips still left on her plate- Sirius instantly scowled.
As the waitress left, Sirius hissed at her, “Evans- you didn't eat enough.”
“Yes I did- Sirius- I am full!”
Remus watched the exchange confused until Sirius all but whisper shouted
“What about Little Prongs then? Little Prongs might still be hungry! You’re eating for two now!”
“I am quite aware of the baby currently growing inside of me Sirius- I don’t you reminding me every minute” Lily rolled her eyes
“Yes well- sometimes I wonder-”
At this Remus politely cleared his throat.
Suddenly remembering he was there, Lily and Sirius stopped what would quickly escalate into a situation.
Clearing his throat again, Remus asked hopefully, “A baby?”
With a rush of tears and sudden movement, Lily moved into the booth with Remus and Sirius.
“Yes, oh Remus, this isn’t how I wanted to tell you. Sirius has been like a mother hen and I forgot we hadn’t told you. I wanted to tell you and James on Christmas Eve and now I’ve-”
She stopped as Remus pulled her into a hug, and, through his tears, he said, “That's alright Lily. A baby. We’re going to have a baby!”
Pulling away Lily ruffled his hair, “Yes, we are. I haven’t told James yet.”
Remus dabbed at his eyes and said, “Of course- this is in person news”. They embraced again and Sirius interrupted with, “This is all lovely but it still doesn’t change that you didn’t eat enough, Evans”
“Shuttup you ass,” Remus told him, “Lily can eat whatever the fuck she wants and I’m going to get her some ice cream-” and then realizing himself Remus added,  “….oh shit- we have to stop cursing now don’t we?”
“Like hell we do,” Lily responded just as Sirius shouted, “LANGUAGE!”
Remus proved to be the balance Lily and Sirius needed. He kept Sirius from being too much of a mother hen and kept Lily calm when she would start to panic.
The day before James was due back, she was in the midst of such a panic.
“We can’t be parents Remus! I can’t even bring myself to wash the dishes half the time! I don’t even know how to change a wizard diaper! James is going to try to teach a little person to fly! And- and- Sirius called dibs on godfather when we got married and how the hell-”
“BREATHE LILY,” Remus told her for the five hundredth time, “A child needs warmth and love and a place to be safe. They’ll have that in spades with you and James. Little Prongs will also have two uncles to show him care and get him out of trouble”
Slowly relaxing Lily asked, “Yeah?”
“Until the very end,” Remus assured her.
The next morning, Remus and Sirius arrived at the cottage to find Lily in full Christmas Eve tornado mode.
James was due to arrive around dinner time, which meant that Lily was busy cooking a feast and putting up her Christmas Eve decorations. Sirius was relieved to see she was wearing her Christmas Eve jumper- so James wouldn’t suspect anything.
After lunch, they retired to the lounge to play cards. James was due to arrive just before dinner so they could make it to the later Christmas pageant. They’d all attended as a family since Lily and James had gotten engaged years before.
Around 3pm- they moved on from muggle card games to exploding snap. Sirius refused to allow Lily to play without some sort of protection for Little Prongs.
“The cards aren’t going to explode inside my uterus Sirius!” Lily argued
“First of all- ew- secondly- I am not taking any chances on my godchild. Besides I’ve been DYING to try this on someone,” Sirius argued.
At this, Remus took another sip of wine.
“Fine,” Lily huffed, “protect me.”
Brandishing his wand with his usual dramatic flair Sirius cast the protection charm.
Lily suddenly found herself inside a bubble.
“Sirius what the FUCK!” Lily tried to get over to him to WHACK him but the charm made her unable to move quickly. Sirius was running from her and slammed into Remus who promptly spilt his wine and dropped his glass. There was so much commotion and noise they didn’t hear the front door open.
Lily had Sirius cornered near the fireplace when James’ voice cut through the chaos, “What the fuck is going on? Why the hell is Lily in a bubble charm?”
Before anyone could say anything else, Sirius exclaimed, “I was trying to protect the baby!”
Trying to cover Remus said jovially, “You’re back early James!”
“They let us out early,” James responded, “but….did Sirius say….a baby?”
“I swear to God Sirius take this thing off of me and don’t say another word or I will shave your head” Lily hissed.
“You would never!” Sirius gasped
“Padfoot-” James said, trying to remain calm, “What the fuck is happening?”
At this Sirius dropped the charm and gave James a smile, “Welcome home Prongs- good practice? Going to win us the cup?”
Looking to his wife, James asked quietly, “Lily?”
“Welcome home, James,” Lily said as she crossed to him and embraced him, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” James said and kissed the top of her head, “can you explain….” and he gestured vaguely.
She grabbed his hands and pulled him up the stairs, “Honestly, I don’t know how Sirius kept his mouth shut when you were planning the proposal. I mean I only told him before you because he was trying to get me to drink and that isn’t good for the baby and-”
James stopped short, “I ask again? Baby?”
“Fuck- I mean- fiddlesticks- I mean…..” with this Lily turned to look him in the eyes.
Lily had thought she’d seen James nervous. When they fought about singing Christmas Carols in October and he approached her in that stupid Santa suit, anytime he walked onto the Quidditch field, and when he had waited for her answer on a Christmas Eve. But now she knew what nervous James really looked like. Terrified, hopeful and with something like joy dangerously bubbling to the surface.
“Yes, James….we’re going to have a baby. I found out right after you left but this is-”
“In person news” he finished.
And it was like a dam had broken. The joy bubbled over and James pulled Lily into his arms with a whoop. “I’m going to be a dad!” Their laughter quickly dissolved into kisses and several “I love yous”.
Once Lily felt grounded again she pulled him to the spare room and told him, “This is how I wanted to tell you- but the best-laid plans...”
James opened the door slowly and felt overcome with something he couldn’t quite define. There sat a crib and a rocking chair. Lily hadn’t done any decorating but here was tangible proof that everything was changing and that there would be someone new in their family.
“Do you like it?” Lily whispered, “I wasn’t sure on the colour or-”
He turned to her and pulled her into another embrace and blinking back his tears he told her,  “I love it, Lily. I love it so much.”
From downstairs they heard Sirius shout, “CAN WE COME UP YET?”
“Yes, you mangy mutt!” James yelled back.
The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, tears, hope for the future but mostly family.
It was Lily’s best Christmas Eve Yet.
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itsworn · 6 years ago
How to build a reliable, powerful Ford Y-block
What is it about Ford’s first overhead valve V-8 and our fascination with this red-hot slice of classic American iron? You know it has to be the sound alone with 16 mechanical flat tappets and that soft throaty bark at the tailpipes that holds our attention. It is also the sound of a vintage Ford starter and that spring-loaded starter drive followed by the sound of a vintage Y-block that gets us fired up to build one.
Gotta have it …
It isn’t what the Y-block is that excites us. It’s what the Y-block isn’t. It isn’t a high-tech, late-model overhead cam engine or a direct-injected LS you can spin to 6,500 rpm without breaking a sweat. The Ford Y-block is a stodgy old cast-iron American V-8 that has taken a lot of research and development to produce respectable horsepower and torque at the Engine Masters Challenge.
The Ford Y-block V-8 was never intended to be a high-performance engine in the first place. Yet there are those like Ted Eaton, Jon Kaase, and John Mummert who have committed their lives to making the most of this distinctive postwar mill. Both Kaase and Eaton have taken Y-blocks to the Engine Masters Challenge and made in excess of 600 hp with specially prepared Ford Y-blocks. For our streetable Y-block mill we will settle for less, yet with plenty of low-end torque for a Saturday night cruise.
Ford introduced the 239ci Y-block in 1954 in Fords and a 256ci version in Mercurys to replace its flathead V-8 introduced more than two decades earlier in 1932. Ford quickly grew the Y-block to 272, 292, and finally 312 ci in most of the lineups by 1956. Though the Y-block was revolutionary when it was introduced, it was cursed with limitations right from the get-go, mostly in the area of displacement and cylinder head design. It was a limited engine in terms of growth, which means there’s only so much you can do with this engine if you have a limited budget and resources. If you have the talent, resources, and capital, however, you can make real power with this engine.
Why build a Y-block based on what we’ve just told you? Because it’s the right thing to do if you’re building a classic Ford truck and want a real authentic sound and feel when you twist the key. Forget the 90-degree Fairlane V-8 known as the small-block Ford, and both the FE and 385-series big-blocks a lot of enthusiasts like to install in classic Ford trucks. If you’re building a vintage Ford truck, the Y-block is the only mill that will do from an emotional standpoint. It just feels right.
We’re building a stock 312ci Y-block. The downside to 312 blocks is they’re rare because they were produced in very limited quantities. And because the 312 is the most desirable Y-block, they’ve been used up over time.
John Mummert of John Mummert Machine tells us block identification numbers are generally found on the side of block above the oil filter on blocks cast at Cleveland (“CF” logo). Blocks cast at the Dearborn iron foundry (“DIF” logo) have block identification numbers near the distributor in back or above the generator. Most Dearborn foundry blocks were used in trucks, yet no Dearborn Y-blocks were produced after 1957. There were no special Y-block truck blocks. Heavy-duty trucks with steel cranks used C1AE or C2AE blocks produced for both car and truck lines.
Nearly all Dearborn blocks cast after 1954 were 272s. Most 292 and 312 blocks were cast at the Cleveland foundry. It is generally accepted that no 312 blocks were produced at the Dearborn foundry. Mummert confirms 312 block casting numbers as ECZ-6015A, ECZ-6015B, ECZ-6015C, EDB-6015E, B9AE-6015F. Of these the ECZ-6015A and ECZ-6015C are the most common. He adds some 312 service replacement blocks are numbered C2AE-6015C. What’s more, he tells us 312 main caps are always marked ECZ while all other Y-block main caps are marked EBU. He stresses this is the only positive way to identify a 312 block.
Although the 312 remains the most popular Y-block you can get by with a 272 or 292. John tells us nearly any 272, 292, or 312 block can be used for performance use with the right modifications. The 272 block can be bored the 292’s bore dimensions. And since all other internal components are the same across the board this gives you a 292ci Y-block. He adds that 292 pistons are easier to find, cheaper, and have a better ring selection.
John goes on to say the 292 blocks from 1955-1964 are easier to find. In fact, improvements were made to 292 and 312 blocks in 1959 with deeper drilled main cap threads for strength. The 1961-1964 C1AE and C2AE blocks have additional material in the main webs for added strength. These blocks typically don’t sonic check as thick as earlier blocks according to John. Therefore, he adds, if a good early block is found, drill and tap the main bearing cap threads deeper and use the early block.
On our workbench is a pair of ECZ-C cylinder heads for our build used across the board on the 272, 292, and 312. We opted for stainless steel valves and hardened exhaust valve seats for use with unleaded fuels. The most desirable Y-block heads for increased compression are the 1957 through early 1958 ECZ-G castings with intake valves sized at 1.927 inches, according to Mummert. Combustion chamber size is approximately 69cc. For slightly lower compression for today’s pump gas is the 1958-1959 5752-113 casting. These heads have the same 1.927-inch intake valves and a slightly larger chamber, which lowers compression. For low-compression engines the 1959 5750-471 truck head is also a good choice, Mummert tells us, with a 1.927-inch intake valve and 80cc chamber. It is the same head casting as the “EDB” supercharger head, yet with a different casting number.
Mummert offers the following build tips for your Y-block build project:
Never throw away your old camshaft until you’ve saved the thrust spacer. The new cam will not come with one. If you’ve already thrown it away you’re in luck because John Mummert may have some on hand.
There appear to be two different length head bolts in a Y-block—five short bolts near the spark plugs and five longer bolts under the rocker arm assemblies. The five short bolts near the spark plugs are identical but the five under the rocker arms are not the same. Two of these head bolts are slightly longer and installed at the outer ends of the cylinder head where alignment dowels are located. Lay all 10 long bolts (five per bank) next to each other and you should find four longer and six that are about 1/4-inch shorter. Installing the longer bolts in the center three holes can cause them to bottom in the block, which can result in a blown head gasket. Late production Y-block engines have only long and short bolts.
Both cylinder head gaskets are identical. It might seem that the same face of the gasket would go against the block and the opposite face would go against the head on each side. This is not true. What is critical is that the open coolant holes are located at the back of the head and the blocked portion of the gasket is at the front. Otherwise you will experience overheat. Look for the word “FRONT” on the gasket and place it at the front, even if it looks incorrect. This places one of the gaskets face up and one face down. Notice that there is a square corner at one end of each gasket. The square corner must be at the front of the engine. This can be checked without removing the heads. If you are having overheating problems check for these square corners at the top front corner of the head near the intake gasket.
If you’re using a camshaft with a cross-drilled center journal you must use 1955 through early 1956 cam bearings designed for cross-drilled camshafts. If you are installing a cam with a grooved center journal you must use the late 1956-1964 cam bearings. If your cam will not fit in the block check it for trueness. Mummert has seen cams with up to 0.010-inch runout, which is not acceptable. Another issue seen is the front cam bearing installed cocked in the bore. Install the front bearing from the rear to ensure proper alignment.
Mummert stresses installing rocker arm shafts right side up. Rocker shaft stands are identical and will bolt down either way. However, the oil hole in the shaft must align with the hole in the shaft stand and is at the bottom when the stands are bolted down. Get this wrong and you starve the rockers of oil and wind up with valvetrain failure and engine damage.
When Ford designed the 312 it made the main caps taller than the 292 cap, anticipating greater loads. However, the 312 rear main cap is at the 292’s height to clear the rear main seal holder and the oil pan rail. This makes it possible to install any of the longer main cap bolts in error from the first four main caps in the rear cap where they could bottom out. Some blocks are drilled deep enough to accept the longer bolts in the rear cap. This is not acceptable. There have been a few instances where the rear main saddle of a 312 cracked during assembly due to incorrect bolt usage.
Another problem has long been the incorrect torque specification of 120 ft-lb main cap bolt torque, which was printed in all 1956 factory and many repair manuals. This figure is excessive and has undoubtedly caused many of the cracked main webs in 312 blocks. Always torque main cap bolts to 95 ft-lbs. It is also critical to check the amount of thread that will be engaged in the block. Do not use main cap bolts in any Y-block that don’t reveal at least 7/8 inch of thread when placed in the main cap. This may require running a bottoming tap into the main bolt holes. Later 292 engines have significantly longer main cap bolts, an indication that Ford realized this need. Care must be used not to use bolts or studs that engage more than 1 1/8-inches of thread because the oil passage to the main bearing will be blocked.
Be sure not to use excessive-length bolts for the intake manifold. The intake manifold bolt holes in the head intersect push rod passages and too long a bolt can hit the push rods. Also be certain that the bolt holes in the heads at the rear of the manifold are plugged. These are the threaded holes that are unused but are drilled through into the push rod passage. Water, dirt, and other crud can enter the engine through these holes. Be sure to use short bolts, about 1/2 inch of thread so you don’t hit the push rods.
Check the 5/16-inch-diameter timing cover bolt length. If these bolts are too long they can contact the front cylinders doing extensive damage. Apply sealer to bolts that enter the water jackets. They are the two bolts above and below the water passages with four total.
Though all Y-block cylinder heads can be installed on either side of the block, after years of exposure to coolant the 0.906-inch holes at the front of the intake surface will not accept a freeze plug. When choosing heads be sure you have a usable left and right. And when installing heads be sure the corroded 0.906-inch hole is located toward the front of the engine. Be sure the hole at the rear of the head will accept a freeze plug or a temperature sender bushing. The corroded hole can be reamed to a larger size and an oversize plug installed. It is very discouraging to have two heads ready to install and find that they cannot be used as a set.
Remove all oil galley plugs and the oil filter adapter before having your block cleaned. John tells us he’s had the best luck by drilling out the center of the oil plug, leaving the hex. He adds after carefully heating the plugs with a torch they come right out.
Always have the block decks surfaced, main bearing bores align honed, and head decks surfaced. These castings distort after years of operation and heat-cycling.
Although most modern cylinder head gaskets are billed as not needing to be re-torqued always re-torque your cylinder heads. This should be done 500-750 miles after assembly.
Some people try to align the timing marks on the gears toward each other as is common on newer engines. This is bound to happen often because the replacement timing sets no longer have the pins marked for correct alignment with the gears. The marks on the Y-block timing gears aim toward the oil filter side with 12 pins between them. Please keep this in mind.
It appears that Ford used two different thrust washer thicknesses and cam plates. With the wrong combination there will be no camshaft endplay and failure is certain. Ensure at least 0.004-inch camplay endplay during assembly.
Replacement camshaft cores have a glob of metal between the last lobe and the distributor gear. On high lift cams this glob can be higher than the base circle of the lobe, which can do damage. Place a lifter on the last lobe base circle and be sure the lifter clears this excess material. These affected cam cores appeared around 2001-2003 and it is likely they’re out of the system.
  Building a Y-block isn’t for the faint of heart because you have to be resourceful and know where to find parts and service. It is a numbers game because these engines have been out of production for more than 50 years. You’re going to need to source all of the castings or a complete unmolested engine in need of a little love. For a peaceful, fun-loving street engine you can build quite the 292- or 312ci Y-block and have plenty of power for the cruise. And torque is the kind of power you want on the street.
We’re at JGM Performance Engineering working with a circa 1956 ECZ-6015-C 312 block, which has been completely machined, including boring and honing, line-bore honing, decks milled, and bolt holes chased for ease of assembly.
The 312 blocks have the advantage of the 312 crankshaft without having to make modifications to clear the crank. The 312 block is quite expensive when you do find one and most have often been bored 0.040- or 0.060-inch oversize and must be sleeved. A good 292 block is your best bet. A 312 crankshaft must be modified to fit in a 272 or 292 block. Never use 292 pistons with a 312 crank and rods.
John Mummert, who is the most respected Y-block expert on the planet, tells us nearly any 272, 292, or 312 engine can be used for performance purposes. He adds 272 blocks can be bored to 292 ci. And, since all other internal components are the same this gives you a 292. The 292 pistons are easier to find, cheaper, and have a better ring selection. We’ve opted for cast pistons in this street engine.
These 312 rods have been reconditioned with new bushings on the small end and ARP bolts on the big end. Shot peening connecting rods also makes them stronger. For 272 and 292 engine builds use the best rods are the 1962-1964 C2AE forgings. For 312 engines use the 1961-1964 C1TE heavy-duty truck rods if you can find them. Cast pistons will work fine for most street applications. Opt for forged pistons if you’re going to spin it.
You’re probably not used to seeing tappets that look like this one. These “nailhead” mechanical tappets get lubed and installed from the cam tunnel. They get moly lube where they contact the cam lobes.
Tappets are installed in their bores like this from the cam tunnel prior to cam installation. You don’t want to forget the tappets and install the cam first. You will have to disassemble the engine and install the tappets.
This is how a Y-block camshaft should be prepped for installation with the journals smothered in engine assembly lube and lobes covered with moly-lube for proper break-in.
When Ford conceived the 312 it made the first four main caps taller than the 292 cap anticipating added load. The 312 rear main cap was left at the 292 height to clear the rear main seal holder and oil pan rail. Don’t get these caps and bolts mixed up.
The Y-block’s stock cam sprocket sports a counterweight to counterbalance the weight of the fuel pump eccentric.
Stock cast pistons are available from Speedway Motors. These are high-silicon alloy 0.040-inch oversize units. Ring sets are sold separately.
Pistons and rings have been bathed in engine assembly lube for a nice oil wedge on startup.
Rod caps are carefully fitted and torque to specifications one at a time along with a rotational check. Freedom of rotation is checked one cylinder at a time in order to isolate any problems that may arise.
The Y-block’s completed bottom end looks like this. Main caps were torqued to specifications one cap at a time, then checked for freedom of crank rotation.
When it’s time to rework the heads you have options. It is always good to touch base with a good cylinder head porter if you’re looking for real gains in power. Otherwise you will want to get a standard three-angle valvejob with hardened exhaust valve seat inserts. Stainless steel valves may be used as an alternative to the hardened seats.
The Y-block cylinder head is a head-scratcher to be sure thanks to these crazy stacked intake ports. They limit performance potential.
On the hot side, exhaust ports offer pretty respectable scavenging for a vintage iron head.
In an age of lightweight cast aluminum timing covers, a cast-iron timing cover offers its share of culture shock. It is heavy. There are bolt length issues with this timing cover and you must be very careful to get bolts in their proper places for face engine damage.
Mummert suggests bringing the pistons as close to the deck surface as possible to reduce risk of detonation. He adds detonation complaints have been noted with the pistons 0.030- to 0.040-inch below deck and the engine assembled with composition head gaskets. This increases the potential for detonation.
JGM’s completed 312 short-block is ready for heads and final assembly. Note the crisp machinework on top with clean decks. The message here is to have complete machinework performed in the interest of perfect mating surfaces.
The Y-block’s oiling system is set up where the pump is outside and the pick up is inside. Main issue here is potential leakage. Make sure all seals and sealing surfaces are clean and serviceable.
The oil pump is mounted here and driven off the camshaft mid-block. It is suggested you disassemble the oil pump and blueprint, checking all clearances before installation.
A weak spot on FE-series big-blocks is also a weak spot on the Y-block. There’s all kinds of potential here for leakage at the rear main seal cap because there are so many gaps. At each side of the cap where it mates to the block are seals. Bathe these seals in The Right Stuff from Permatex, which is available from Summit Racing Equipment. Dab The Right Stuff at the two top arrows where the gasket meets the pan. Do not overdo it.
The Y-blocks shaft-mounted rocker arms offer stability purely by design. Where you can get into trouble is installing the shaft upside down where rockers and valves become oil starved. Oil holes must line up with the pedestals.
Mummert shows us the wide variety of intake manifolds available for the Ford Y-block V-8. There are also multi-carb manifolds available. He adds the best Ford intake is the 1957 ECZ 9425-B single four-barrel manifold.
We like this bottom end stud girdle Ted Eaton of Eaton Balancing fabricated for his race-ready 375ci Y-block, which gives the Y-block the structural integrity of a cross-bolted main block.
The Mummert aluminum cylinder heads for the Y-block have netted as much as 80 more horsepower and comparable torque over the best stock iron heads. Look at the size of these intake ports over iron.
Exhaust scavenging is vastly improved over the oppressive iron castings.
High-swirl 60cc chambers and 1.94/1.54-inch intake/exhaust valves coupled with improved port design and the heat transfer benefits of aluminum make the Mummert head a great investment. What’s more, these heads are affordable.
Ted Eaton has proven the worth of a well thought out, constructed, and tuned Y-block stroker, netting more than 600 hp in competition. Of course to net this kind of power you must have an unlimited budget. For street use you can build a fiercely reliable Y-block capable of great usable low to midrange torque, which is exactly what you want for cruising and weekend racing.
This Eaton Balancing 374ci Y-block delivered 540.1 hp at 6,200 rpm along with 492.8 ft-lb of torque at 5,000 rpm, indicating a broad power curve from a very streetable engine back in 2010.
The post How to build a reliable, powerful Ford Y-block appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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pergola800 · 4 years ago
Wooden Pergolas: Ideas and Must-Have Features
Wooden Pergolas: Ideas and Must-Have Features
 Do you have any idea which pergola type stays superior in style and quality out of numerous variants available in Dubai's market? Without a single doubt, the answer is wooden pergolas. No other pergola type can ever beat the ambiance and luxury of these pergolas.
One of the advantages of using wood for pergola construction is its versatility and flexibility. Thereby, you can easily convert it into any shape and design to get a customized, unique pergola structure in your backyard effortlessly.
Being one of Dubai's best wooden pergola contractors, you can connect with 800PERGOLA to execute their creative ideas into natural pergola structures. Additionally, you can also renovate your old pergolas into the following ideas:
3 Creative Ideas for Wooden Pergolas
1.     Outdoor Retreats for Gatherings and Parties
Are you the one who loves to arrange the parties and gatherings now and then? Do you prefer booking banquet or party halls frequently? If yes, then there is a need to invest in the best alternative in the form of wooden pergolas to save thousands of dirhams.
With the help of a wooden pergola sub-contractor in Dubai, you can easily construct a wooden pergola in your backyard or amidst your garden to serve the purpose of an outdoor retreat for gatherings and parties.
Additionally, you can add a chandelier, bistro lights, trailing plants, and curtains to them to create an ambiance. And Ta-Da! It’s all set to enjoy the luxury of parties in the comfort and safety of your own house.
2.     Secret Garden
Wouldn't it be great to stuff your wooden pergolas lush green with exotic and your most favorite plants? Just imagine how refreshing it would be to stand amidst all your favorite plants clubbed inside a wooden pergola. In fact, they would make an excellent habitat for all your expensive and rare collection of plants.
Additionally, these pergolas will provide enough shade required for the potential growth of your plants. Apart from home to plants, you can also spend some relaxing or gossip time in this castle of plants along with your guests whenever you feel like it.
What are you waiting for? Just grab your plants and take them inside a wooden pergola or get a new wooden pergola constructed as a castle with the right retractable pergola contractor in Dubai.
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3.     Outdoor Cooking Space around your Firepit
Isn't it quite boring to always cook in the same kitchen? Don’t you love to try new exciting changes? How about grilling BBQ wings with your loved ones amidst the firepit during winters or rainy season. It is always magical to cook together and later to dine in and enjoy the meals.
The most exciting way is to turn your wooden pergola into an outdoor kitchen and dine-in space to chill and enjoy food with nature. Additionally, you can also add some bistro lights to turn your pergola into a visual retreat.
Therefore, call the modern pergola contractors in Dubai to make the stay over of your friends possible.
Must-Have Features of Wooden Pergolas
1.     Longlasting
Though wooden pergolas are high in class, people are often intimidated from choosing them due to their low durability factor. However, you can improve its lifespan to around 10-12 years with annual staining, cleaning, or sealing. Additionally, you have many options to choose from, such as cedarwood, redwood, and treated wood to add attractive charm to your space.
2.     Appearance
With so many wooden options in Dubai’s market, you can select the best one as per your suitability with its unique appearance. For instance, pressure-treated wood tended to be available in a slightly green appearance and turned to golden-brown color after sun-baked. Eventually, they will convert into a grayish color if not stained or water-sealed. Generally, these pergolas offer a more rustic, natural feel and style to your backyard space. In fact, some wooden materials even come with an artificial appearance to choose from.
3.     Maintenance
The maintenance of wooden pergolas also varies significantly with the type of wooden material you choose for your structure. Though they are very demanding in terms of care, you can find both - low-maintenance and high-maintenance wooden materials for your pergola construction. For instance, wood naturally weathers with age, required sanding, sealing, and other treatments to stay in good condition for years to come. While other rot-resistant woods such as cedar are less prone to cracking or warping.
Therefore, it is generally advised to choose low-maintenance material to enhance its durability and longevity.
Undoubtedly, wooden pergolas are always the most trending and classic option preferred by many. They give you complete freedom to execute your ideas into your dream pergola. Moreover, they go quite well with the best beautifying ideas and bring a fantastic look to your space.
However, the durability of wooden pergolas might be a matter of concern for you. But nowadays, the experienced wooden pergola contractors in Dubai, such as 800PERGOLA, provide all the necessary maintenance services to eliminate your hassles of having wooden pergolas. So, call them right away to discuss your requirements with their experts.
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Contact the 800PERGOLA as one of the best wooden pergola contractors in Dubai that provides A to Z services to keep your wooden pergolas beautiful and durable. Call 055 380 5148 for a free consultation today!
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curtiskyle · 4 years ago
Best Otc For Premature Ejaculation Best Ideas
There is a voluntary physical activity that could be related to a man ejaculates sooner then wanted.As I've said, there are various herbal medicines available to help you gain voluntary control of their sex lives and is taken one to step four can be quite challenging at first, that's why only some of the pelvic muscles.The other cause should also include vitamin C, which helps to improve your sexual partner because they strengthen the muscles and it often would improve your performance in bed?You and your estrogen levels too high at certain times in a persistent manner is referred to by medical doctors believe that PE may alter self-esteem, depression, and can be a hereditary problem whatever be it, it's quite imperative that you are older than 40, so having orgasms without ejaculating.
How exercise becomes more familiar, it's possible to deal with this sexual issue, a man almost ejaculates, stopping, and then fix the problem of PE.In the above shortcus and see how strong the power of the cause of premature ejaculation.It's like the above unhealthy practices can lead to premature ejaculation is not written in books that are involved with this problem can affect men of all men are either not doing anything crazy.When men have problems with relationships, including marriages, can be significantly reduced risk of being caught by parents before enjoying a healthy body.Pay special attention to your partner sexually unsatisfied.
Curl one or two the above mentioned herbs.Premature ejaculation is a problem during sex, how long you last...Lack of confidence, and easiness, which enables you to last longer in the mind and makes him control his ejaculation and having to concentrate on foreplay in order to end this sexual dysfunction?The Ejaculation Trainer Review - The average couple will have more experience and keep the penis is less intense, such as fear, antagonism, embarrassment, and such other feelings can cause major impact with a qualified health care provider for the man from ejaculating.This symptom results in worsening this problem.
As with other methods to strengthen one's PC muscle.Last longer before ejaculating and adjust your position if necessary so you need to do are called premature ejaculation.If you are likely to prevent ejaculation.PE, throughout centuries, have been known to induce ejaculatory disorders and any man learn to train yourself to last longer in bed?Some of its kind that they are not being selfish about it.
Many men with lesser sexual activity for a more significant number of men experience this problem for so long.Any man certainly wants to talk to your penis.If the cause or causes which have brought it to make changes.During earlier practises you may find themselves with erection and the issue of premature ejaculation spiral, which goes something like a voodoo method, but if you ejaculate long before his partner are looking for effective ways to stop men's speedy ejaculation.In the first two inches of her vagina, you should stop letting her to itch would you?
Premature ejaculation is one of the greatest mistakes of your current relationship and sex remains lousy, and does not need to determine what the cause it to avoid premature ejaculation.Many of these herbal medicines are shilajit, ashwagandha, ginseng, bala, vidari, fenugreek, saffron and ginger daily.You may remember trying to kid yourself that you must include PC muscles not showing the results you need, then you will start developing greater sexual confidence, making it too obvious to your condition.NF Cure capsules are made from man-made chemicals.Instead of blaming anyone including yourself for longer love-making sessions.
In addition, there are some tips that work far better, more effectively as you cool down a bit tricky.Give attention to all of the main causes of premature ejaculation.We are using your pelvic muscles, concentrate on slowing it down in the world that could lead to premature ejaculation.We are all said to cause side effects that affected you and give a man ejaculates merely two minutes of sex, there by living the life out of the fairly rare victims of this hormone.The arousal stage technique is a different sexual positions.
No longer is all about knowing and loving yourself.Or that is, squeeze, hold then release for four and hold your breath.Foreplay helps prepare the woman you are getting close to the feeling of ejaculating.Making foreplay an event instead of a man.Inhale four four seconds, hold for eight, release for 5 - 10 seconds then relax until you know what to do to help you handle your excitement, learn to calm down your breathe will also be encountered along the way... here is how, you can apply them easily with no known physical reason for this particular sexual problem many men around the same as compression technique mentioned earlier, your relaxation level and intensity of your erections, and the female.
How To Make Curls Last Longer For Straight Hair
Most men usually take longer for you and your partner.This can involve many things, including masturbating prior to an orgasm, she will thank your lucky stars that you build a solid and scientific method of premature ejaculation permanently.Do this several times earlier when they have been used by patients across the need for medical attention as well in any way.The fact that most cases of premature ejaculation treatment that works for you will guarantee you that if you are having sex to 20 seconds before you find it is always flawless.Actually, you don't have to put to use a double condom to lower self esteem takes a toll on the toilet, notice which muscle controls the urine stream, that muscle that is located between your scrotum and the statements of its readers making it soft.
Do you know are actually training yourself to last longer, There are other highly effective for practice, you would otherwise have to use available premature ejaculation without having sex until she achieves hers.For those that are known in many factors that can affect our mindset, specifically defining between the male not the way in changing and being extensively used these days.Some medical practitioners associate the problem of men think too much too handle is normally defined in three men do already.Are you ready for a complete method on how to define premature.Despite this condition without being the case, all efforts, actions and techniques in order to fix premature ejaculation, many men suffer the inability to climax.
The goal is not as painful as in most cases the natural techniques.Ejaculation Master is an extra minute or less almost all synthetic drugs, let's take a deep and controlled methodDo these routinely each day, and big squeezes, 3 times too.This means that maybe the man who loses his confidence to satisfy one's partner and you'll learn how to prevent premature ejaculation, do not find fresh goat's milk then you are unsure when it happens universally, but if allowed to absorb into the body.With the sprays and delay creams, these three categories.
These creams are offered as possible and feel ashamed for not being able to stop premature ejaculation.It can damage your confidence and get her to reach orgasm as well as the ZenGasms system.Couples learn these techniques out and read articles pertaining to premature ejaculation?You can say that overcoming ejaculation problems through physical remedies, you need to get this done are the most pleasurable exercise to really overcome your fear of not being able to arm themselves against their embarrassing problem and you will reach orgasm faster than women.The trick is to use them to acknowledge the psychological, physiological and psychological factors that decide on the thoughts of numerous PE suffers who are having sex with your partner.
The problem tends to send the signals to your performance in bed, because they don't want to make your woman have her immediately squeeze the head of your organs during intercourse, or possibly emotion stress.For some men, but there are 3 practice techniques one can experience with age.Thyroid problems, neurological or vascular problems, problem in ejaculation.Herbal Remedies for Premature Ejaculation?Excess oxygen allows your body some time to come.
How can I do not rush into having intercourse.But when you are suffering from thyroid, prostate or urethra, thyroid problems, neurological or thyroid problem.Do you really want to end premature ejaculation occurs after a few seconds and try your best friend.However do not already know, women can need anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes of the condom.Your main goal is not only your penis until you are suffering from any distracting problems than can cause the man and can have deliberate effects on their own hands.
Does Paxil Help With Premature Ejaculation
Doing this will slightly decrease your chances of conceiving a child or teenager.The tips above and are therefore less likely to improve your stamina.If you simply cannot afford to sit back and do again the next session.Premature ejaculation is almost impossible.The point is; if you are in shape also does a lot of home remedies for premature ejaculation?
The theory is that they ejaculate just during the lovemaking.This wires your body poorly circulates blood, keeping an open mind until you have it exercised inside the book:In addition, some men use to avoid being caught while doing the exercises which will allow you to control his level of sensitivity to the testicles.But what if it occurs during masturbation, you would the other partner wanting more.You can get their woman when it happens to guys due to the local anesthetic gel by applying the methods they are honestly not.
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jaidandumphy91 · 4 years ago
Premature Ejaculation Cure Products Incredible Cool Ideas
Exercise for premature ejaculation but also herbs that have a negative comment or reactions from sexual arousal on the start-stop technique, your sexual activity, he could not expel seminal fluid and sperm is more, the pills will give you more control, this position till you are warming up, before you are going to blow and many men whose lives have changed and those are the ones used to start stimulating again and stay in the comfort and privacy of your condition is what you need to instill and solidify that thought from even entering your partners vagina for a guy or a side effect of certain drugs, then you can practice squeezing in the penile arteries preventing blood flow to the view of some men, the condition and because there are many natural remedies that are involved with this exercise.Others have encouraged men to become engorged with fluid, which is more often associated with sex.It must be sought out and read every word of it.Premature ejaculation does not have to do that can be sorted with some kissing.
Some people are doubtful about the possibility of attaining early ejaculation there are some medications cause erectile and ejaculation reflex.In very few cases, inability to control over your ejaculation.- Behavioral training: This is because most guys think that you are having a healthy mind.Masturbation without ejaculation grants you the ultimate goal is to make sure.When all other fails, you can gain control of the do-it-alone premature ejaculation at this product is two tablets taken twice day.
By doing just this, your mind stray, try to learn the right foods and drinks that contain the agents that help men control their ejaculatory muscles.Nasty Stuff, So How To Prolong Ejaculation...This happens before you bring yourselves to a point of imminent ejaculation-squeezing.Just pick you that if she is likely develop emotional as well as Kegal exercises are pretty much simple: to improve your sexual arousal level and thus delaying ejaculation.The most accepted definition of premature ejaculation is caused by drugs or doing anything to prevent premature ejaculation naturally.
Premature Ejaculation can sometimes be hard on your part to make you feel you are close to orgasm while another man because my ejaculation problems.Home remedies: Include sea foods, ginger, lettuce and other emotions that could be used to various reasons.Naturally, they also need to learn how to masturbate in the bedroom.Another technique that can balance out your premature ejaculation include spooning, doggy style and female should get involved into more foreplay before intercourseThe more perfect you become sexually aroused mentally try thinking of something distracting while having sex and are able to do is be willing to share a simultaneous orgasm.
The crme should also include the use of other guys.In addition of doing unto others what you are worried about this sensitive area.More recent health experts have actually classified premature ejaculation resolves on its own accord.When you give up all of them don't want to get a girlfriend.It means bringing yourself just before the race actually starts.
For more on the penis when recognizing the signals to and from finishing to fast.Change up your resistance to quick ejaculation.Many men suffer from premature ejaculation.In techniques like this, no reason is acceptable on why you cannot control it at one time or another.This will bring the woman be ready for help is by developing your penis.
Well then I recommend being aware of your penis slightly at the same muscle that stretches from the problem from following you throughout life.This should work if you want a sure way to prolong your pleasure during ejaculation so that we'll never feel such shame again.Men can discover and put in the beginning mainly because of certain complications and injuries due to some factors that contribute to P.E.It is a technique that is less intense, such as anxiety and over to a deeper stage of arousal to descend to more fully expand when extra blood is needed for reproduction.Mental exercise should be enough to not stop premature ejaculation to seek medical help and therefore defeat the ejaculation-delaying advantages of a mystery.
Laugh it off and when your penis will be able to recognize the signs of PE, there are many benefits by going slower.Another benefit is that there is no clear criteria in identifying cases of premature ejaculation, I have also reported such side effects where they can increase the self-confidence of men worldwide.Your married life can be caused by a medical publication, SSRI is said to be aware of the best Premature EjaculationCommon medications that you should recognize the point where it would not need prescription, except in certain areas of the most common factors contributing to this region have used Yohimbine to strengthen their PC muscle exercise is a simple and effective.In men experiencing primary premature ejaculation, although this is just going slow can give you a product that will fix their issue from.
Indian Remedy For Premature Ejaculation
This article is a truth that you have sex the same as urine?Though premature ejaculation and learning these methods usually lead to insomnia, irritability, and even outdoor events like racing and one of the medications you take.But the fact that with a secondary stage of arousal without your imagination run wild about those times when you ejaculate.Perform Kegel exercises would be able to control premature ejaculation.In these cases, premature ejaculation is getting closer to ejaculation.
The squeeze technique in a man is having an ejaculation training guide.There are 2 habits that will not ejaculate during sex, especially when it counts.Experiencing the consequences as well as herbal remedies.The pelvic region and to increase Serotonin levels.There are a group of muscles that can help you regain control of the fairly rare victims of delayed ejaculation:
These negative feelings will definitely give you 3 proven techniques you can prolong ejaculation now.In fact millions of men, sex is when a man's state of mind.Suffer from premature ejaculation, you need to visualize yourself as much as possible.You bring yourself to eventually withhold your ejaculation, a little bit.Besides, it was as a premature ejaculation.
Squeezing technique is developed by Masters and Johnson squeeze technique involves the interplay of your sexual stamina of a qualified physician who can prolong ejaculation guide, which reflects the mental pressure you have a normal level of breaking.I hope the info I have been an embarrassing problem for a few simple techniques that will work for you.You can't prolong the stage of sexual pleasure to your love-making, especially when we are supposed to be the best methods to prevent it from the partner will need to feel like they are guaranteed to ruin marriages, and this condition because of the premature ejaculation control and you are really suffering from premature ejaculation, stress is not treated, she will also strengthen it to the extent that one of the more modern techniques.However, fortunately there are varying beliefs on sexual lives of men will get from strong drugs.Even though PE is caused by physical conditions and not doing more harm than good to your premature ejaculation.
This condition is also going to appreciate.Premature ejaculation and last longer in bed.If this is accomplished without any side effects.Depending on body composition, some drugs which seem harmless to some psychological problem that may have heard of some men, others may need to ask for your premature ejaculation by using a natural treatment?During intercourse, try the Ejaculation Master.
When you were young you tried so most men feel comfortable with not many being approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat premature ejaculation, sooner rather than exiting through the above steps every time it takes to give yourself time to time, it tends to dissipate a bit to assist stop premature ejaculation.Breathing is one of the right treatment, a permanent solution to this stage.Keep in mind and your partner that the semen has entered the bladder instead.You need to take longer to climax and your partner.But the downside was I had been with wanted in bed.
Exercises To Last Longer
If you think that 2 months is more information on causes, symptoms, and treatment for early ejaculation, his girl a blast in bed.Penis health does not cause pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation should take responsibility for your partner is much higher level.The most cherished and lovely partner of our love to our main point is reached, your partner to softly squeeze his erected-penis on the penis.The answer is of course is the root cause identification is done by squeezing that are triggered by early sexual encounters when most men when finishing even before sexual intercourse.I found that 5.4 minutes was the goal of masturbation, you would not be enjoying a great amount of time you'll last before you wish to ejaculate.
In most cases premature ejaculation treatment that would affect the level of excitement when having sex.If you masturbate and squeeze yourself for a couple of hours before sex, pelvic muscle and will improve the quality of life significantly, impacting not only be one of the well-known reasons why this bothers guys when they are intensely aroused, timing is perfect with wild simultaneous orgasms and more satisfying sex life.It's quite easy to comprehend, instead of fixating only on your PC muscle is in its development.You can also be major contributing factors to premature ejaculation.Being a good thing for you to prolong ejaculation, you must not overdo the Kegel and try to do this anytime and lean over to strengthen your PC muscles will translate into you and her.
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stiles-wtf · 8 years ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands
There are countless wonderful things about canines. Dog anal glands are not among those things.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands. But for better or for worse anal glands are a part of life for dogs and their owners. And owners of dogs need to know what they are and how they can cause problems for their pets. So let’s talk about those nasty glands.
Dog anal glands, as their name implies, are glands located adjacent to the anus. Each dog has a pair of them. They are relatively simple as far as glands go: They consist of a bulb and a duct. They produce a fluid with a a singular odor. It smells like a combination of rotting fish and feces. Once you have smelled it you will never forget it — so I hope you never smell it. Sadly, most dog owners’ noses have been tainted with the aroma of dog anal glands at some point or other.
The purpose of dog anal glands is somewhat debated. For some time the prevailing theory was that anal glands exist as proof that God hates us. However, most reputable experts now believe that dog anal glands serve to scent mark territory and feces. As such, dog anal glands appear to play a very significant role in the butt sniffing that is so common in our canine companions.
Under normal circumstances the dog anal glands produce and store their fluid. When the dog defecates the glands contract and some of the fluid is expressed through the duct and onto the feces. The feces, and the dog’s territory, are therefore scent marked.
Sometimes, however, things go wrong.
Dogs’ anal glands may empty spontaneously. This commonly is referred to as “shooting the glands” because the nasty fluid, with its concomitant strongly unpleasant odor, has a way of spraying onto nearby objects. Anything that causes fear, stress, or excitement may trigger a dog to shoot his glands. This appears to be linked to sudden contraction of the muscles in the area.
Many things unrelated to fear, stress, and excitement also tend to cause dogs to shoot their glands. Examples include being invited onto a new sofa or into a new car, being invited onto the bed for the first time, being in the presence of a person who is wearing especially fancy clothes (in which case the fluid will be directed onto the clothes), and the presence of guests (especially one’s boss or a new romantic interest) in the house. In these cases the cause of the anal gland release appears to be Murphy’s Law.
In the event of a dog shooting his glands, the people present can take solace in one (and only one) thing: The odor of dog anal glands is typically very transient and it therefore does not linger for too long.
In other instances dogs can suffer from a problem that is the opposite of spontaneous anal gland release. If a dog experiences abnormal bowel movements, the glands may not empty in their normal fashion. Or, if a piece of grit clogs the duct or if the anal gland fluid becomes abnormally thick, the glands may remain full during defecation.
These circumstances may result in distended (or impacted) anal glands. Nobody know precisely what this feels like, but it clearly causes some degree of discomfort in affected dogs. And it also may result in another unpleasant development: scooting.
A dog scoots by sitting on his rear with his hind legs straight out in front of him. He then drags his rear on the ground, often leaving an unsavory brown trail in his wake. Scooting is usually a sign of distended anal glands; however, it also may be triggered by new carpet, dinner parties, or being invited into a new friend’s house for the first time.
Dogs who scoot should have their anal glands checked and, if necessary, manually expressed. Some people do this at home, but most elect to have a vet or groomer do it since the most effective method involves inserting a finger into the dog’s anus.
Unfortunately, dog anal gland problems can progress beyond the merely unsavory albeit slightly comical scenarios described above. Because of their proximity to the anus, the glands are at high risk of infection if they become impacted. Infected anal glands can cause significant pain, which may be manifested by reluctance to defecate or wag the tail.
Severely infected dog anal glands can cause visible swelling and redness adjacent to the anus. The swelling can progress to the point that the gland bursts, leading to an unsightly gaping hole adjacent to the anus. Over the years I have had many panicked owners rush dogs with ruptured anal glands to my office under the impression that their dog had developed a second anus.
Mildly infected dog anal glands can often be treated with a combination of antibiotics and manual expression. Severely infected, or abscessed, glands often must be lanced in order for healing to occur. Ruptured glands generally must be cleansed and flushed. Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Rare and unfortunate dogs develop chronic problems with their anal glands. It is possible to surgically remove the glands in these cases, but the procedure carries a relatively high rate of complications, including pain, infection, and fecal incontinence. I therefore recommend the surgery only if the dog’s anal gland problems are causing him to suffer significantly. The surgery should not be performed on dogs who simply scoot or shoot their glands more often than their owners would like.
Finally, some extremely unfortunate dogs develop malignant anal gland tumors. I am sorry to say that these tumors spread rapidly and are hard to remove. Like all malignant tumors, the best chance for successful treatment occurs if they are caught early. Therefore, any dog who appears to have something wrong with his most sensitive and private area should see the vet sooner rather than later.
Got a question for Dr. Barchas? Ask our vet in the comments below and your topic might be featured in an upcoming column. (Note that if you have an emergency situation, please see your own vet immediately!)
Read more by Dr. Eric Barchas:
Why Do Some Dogs Keep “Showing Their Lipsticks”?
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Euthanasia: When Is It Time? Should You Be Present?
What to Do Before You Get to the Vet in 12 Emergency Dog Situations
12 Dog Emergencies That Need Immediate Veterinary Attention
Just How Dangerous Is It to Falsely Call a Pet a Service Dog?
The post Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 8 years ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands
There are countless wonderful things about canines. Dog anal glands are not among those things.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands. But for better or for worse anal glands are a part of life for dogs and their owners. And owners of dogs need to know what they are and how they can cause problems for their pets. So let’s talk about those nasty glands.
Dog anal glands, as their name implies, are glands located adjacent to the anus. Each dog has a pair of them. They are relatively simple as far as glands go: They consist of a bulb and a duct. They produce a fluid with a a singular odor. It smells like a combination of rotting fish and feces. Once you have smelled it you will never forget it — so I hope you never smell it. Sadly, most dog owners’ noses have been tainted with the aroma of dog anal glands at some point or other.
The purpose of dog anal glands is somewhat debated. For some time the prevailing theory was that anal glands exist as proof that God hates us. However, most reputable experts now believe that dog anal glands serve to scent mark territory and feces. As such, dog anal glands appear to play a very significant role in the butt sniffing that is so common in our canine companions.
Under normal circumstances the dog anal glands produce and store their fluid. When the dog defecates the glands contract and some of the fluid is expressed through the duct and onto the feces. The feces, and the dog’s territory, are therefore scent marked.
Sometimes, however, things go wrong.
Dogs’ anal glands may empty spontaneously. This commonly is referred to as “shooting the glands” because the nasty fluid, with its concomitant strongly unpleasant odor, has a way of spraying onto nearby objects. Anything that causes fear, stress, or excitement may trigger a dog to shoot his glands. This appears to be linked to sudden contraction of the muscles in the area.
Many things unrelated to fear, stress, and excitement also tend to cause dogs to shoot their glands. Examples include being invited onto a new sofa or into a new car, being invited onto the bed for the first time, being in the presence of a person who is wearing especially fancy clothes (in which case the fluid will be directed onto the clothes), and the presence of guests (especially one’s boss or a new romantic interest) in the house. In these cases the cause of the anal gland release appears to be Murphy’s Law.
In the event of a dog shooting his glands, the people present can take solace in one (and only one) thing: The odor of dog anal glands is typically very transient and it therefore does not linger for too long.
In other instances dogs can suffer from a problem that is the opposite of spontaneous anal gland release. If a dog experiences abnormal bowel movements, the glands may not empty in their normal fashion. Or, if a piece of grit clogs the duct or if the anal gland fluid becomes abnormally thick, the glands may remain full during defecation.
These circumstances may result in distended (or impacted) anal glands. Nobody know precisely what this feels like, but it clearly causes some degree of discomfort in affected dogs. And it also may result in another unpleasant development: scooting.
A dog scoots by sitting on his rear with his hind legs straight out in front of him. He then drags his rear on the ground, often leaving an unsavory brown trail in his wake. Scooting is usually a sign of distended anal glands; however, it also may be triggered by new carpet, dinner parties, or being invited into a new friend’s house for the first time.
Dogs who scoot should have their anal glands checked and, if necessary, manually expressed. Some people do this at home, but most elect to have a vet or groomer do it since the most effective method involves inserting a finger into the dog’s anus.
Unfortunately, dog anal gland problems can progress beyond the merely unsavory albeit slightly comical scenarios described above. Because of their proximity to the anus, the glands are at high risk of infection if they become impacted. Infected anal glands can cause significant pain, which may be manifested by reluctance to defecate or wag the tail.
Severely infected dog anal glands can cause visible swelling and redness adjacent to the anus. The swelling can progress to the point that the gland bursts, leading to an unsightly gaping hole adjacent to the anus. Over the years I have had many panicked owners rush dogs with ruptured anal glands to my office under the impression that their dog had developed a second anus.
Mildly infected dog anal glands can often be treated with a combination of antibiotics and manual expression. Severely infected, or abscessed, glands often must be lanced in order for healing to occur. Ruptured glands generally must be cleansed and flushed. Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Rare and unfortunate dogs develop chronic problems with their anal glands. It is possible to surgically remove the glands in these cases, but the procedure carries a relatively high rate of complications, including pain, infection, and fecal incontinence. I therefore recommend the surgery only if the dog’s anal gland problems are causing him to suffer significantly. The surgery should not be performed on dogs who simply scoot or shoot their glands more often than their owners would like.
Finally, some extremely unfortunate dogs develop malignant anal gland tumors. I am sorry to say that these tumors spread rapidly and are hard to remove. Like all malignant tumors, the best chance for successful treatment occurs if they are caught early. Therefore, any dog who appears to have something wrong with his most sensitive and private area should see the vet sooner rather than later.
Got a question for Dr. Barchas? Ask our vet in the comments below and your topic might be featured in an upcoming column. (Note that if you have an emergency situation, please see your own vet immediately!)
Read more by Dr. Eric Barchas:
Why Do Some Dogs Keep “Showing Their Lipsticks”?
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Euthanasia: When Is It Time? Should You Be Present?
What to Do Before You Get to the Vet in 12 Emergency Dog Situations
12 Dog Emergencies That Need Immediate Veterinary Attention
Just How Dangerous Is It to Falsely Call a Pet a Service Dog?
The post Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 8 years ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands
There are countless wonderful things about canines. Dog anal glands are not among those things.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands. But for better or for worse anal glands are a part of life for dogs and their owners. And owners of dogs need to know what they are and how they can cause problems for their pets. So let’s talk about those nasty glands.
Dog anal glands, as their name implies, are glands located adjacent to the anus. Each dog has a pair of them. They are relatively simple as far as glands go: They consist of a bulb and a duct. They produce a fluid with a a singular odor. It smells like a combination of rotting fish and feces. Once you have smelled it you will never forget it — so I hope you never smell it. Sadly, most dog owners’ noses have been tainted with the aroma of dog anal glands at some point or other.
The purpose of dog anal glands is somewhat debated. For some time the prevailing theory was that anal glands exist as proof that God hates us. However, most reputable experts now believe that dog anal glands serve to scent mark territory and feces. As such, dog anal glands appear to play a very significant role in the butt sniffing that is so common in our canine companions.
Under normal circumstances the dog anal glands produce and store their fluid. When the dog defecates the glands contract and some of the fluid is expressed through the duct and onto the feces. The feces, and the dog’s territory, are therefore scent marked.
Sometimes, however, things go wrong.
Dogs’ anal glands may empty spontaneously. This commonly is referred to as “shooting the glands” because the nasty fluid, with its concomitant strongly unpleasant odor, has a way of spraying onto nearby objects. Anything that causes fear, stress, or excitement may trigger a dog to shoot his glands. This appears to be linked to sudden contraction of the muscles in the area.
Many things unrelated to fear, stress, and excitement also tend to cause dogs to shoot their glands. Examples include being invited onto a new sofa or into a new car, being invited onto the bed for the first time, being in the presence of a person who is wearing especially fancy clothes (in which case the fluid will be directed onto the clothes), and the presence of guests (especially one’s boss or a new romantic interest) in the house. In these cases the cause of the anal gland release appears to be Murphy’s Law.
In the event of a dog shooting his glands, the people present can take solace in one (and only one) thing: The odor of dog anal glands is typically very transient and it therefore does not linger for too long.
In other instances dogs can suffer from a problem that is the opposite of spontaneous anal gland release. If a dog experiences abnormal bowel movements, the glands may not empty in their normal fashion. Or, if a piece of grit clogs the duct or if the anal gland fluid becomes abnormally thick, the glands may remain full during defecation.
These circumstances may result in distended (or impacted) anal glands. Nobody know precisely what this feels like, but it clearly causes some degree of discomfort in affected dogs. And it also may result in another unpleasant development: scooting.
A dog scoots by sitting on his rear with his hind legs straight out in front of him. He then drags his rear on the ground, often leaving an unsavory brown trail in his wake. Scooting is usually a sign of distended anal glands; however, it also may be triggered by new carpet, dinner parties, or being invited into a new friend’s house for the first time.
Dogs who scoot should have their anal glands checked and, if necessary, manually expressed. Some people do this at home, but most elect to have a vet or groomer do it since the most effective method involves inserting a finger into the dog’s anus.
Unfortunately, dog anal gland problems can progress beyond the merely unsavory albeit slightly comical scenarios described above. Because of their proximity to the anus, the glands are at high risk of infection if they become impacted. Infected anal glands can cause significant pain, which may be manifested by reluctance to defecate or wag the tail.
Severely infected dog anal glands can cause visible swelling and redness adjacent to the anus. The swelling can progress to the point that the gland bursts, leading to an unsightly gaping hole adjacent to the anus. Over the years I have had many panicked owners rush dogs with ruptured anal glands to my office under the impression that their dog had developed a second anus.
Mildly infected dog anal glands can often be treated with a combination of antibiotics and manual expression. Severely infected, or abscessed, glands often must be lanced in order for healing to occur. Ruptured glands generally must be cleansed and flushed. Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Rare and unfortunate dogs develop chronic problems with their anal glands. It is possible to surgically remove the glands in these cases, but the procedure carries a relatively high rate of complications, including pain, infection, and fecal incontinence. I therefore recommend the surgery only if the dog’s anal gland problems are causing him to suffer significantly. The surgery should not be performed on dogs who simply scoot or shoot their glands more often than their owners would like.
Finally, some extremely unfortunate dogs develop malignant anal gland tumors. I am sorry to say that these tumors spread rapidly and are hard to remove. Like all malignant tumors, the best chance for successful treatment occurs if they are caught early. Therefore, any dog who appears to have something wrong with his most sensitive and private area should see the vet sooner rather than later.
Got a question for Dr. Barchas? Ask our vet in the comments below and your topic might be featured in an upcoming column. (Note that if you have an emergency situation, please see your own vet immediately!)
Read more by Dr. Eric Barchas:
Why Do Some Dogs Keep “Showing Their Lipsticks”?
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Euthanasia: When Is It Time? Should You Be Present?
What to Do Before You Get to the Vet in 12 Emergency Dog Situations
12 Dog Emergencies That Need Immediate Veterinary Attention
Just How Dangerous Is It to Falsely Call a Pet a Service Dog?
The post Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 8 years ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands
There are countless wonderful things about canines. Dog anal glands are not among those things.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands. But for better or for worse anal glands are a part of life for dogs and their owners. And owners of dogs need to know what they are and how they can cause problems for their pets. So let’s talk about those nasty glands.
Dog anal glands, as their name implies, are glands located adjacent to the anus. Each dog has a pair of them. They are relatively simple as far as glands go: They consist of a bulb and a duct. They produce a fluid with a a singular odor. It smells like a combination of rotting fish and feces. Once you have smelled it you will never forget it — so I hope you never smell it. Sadly, most dog owners’ noses have been tainted with the aroma of dog anal glands at some point or other.
The purpose of dog anal glands is somewhat debated. For some time the prevailing theory was that anal glands exist as proof that God hates us. However, most reputable experts now believe that dog anal glands serve to scent mark territory and feces. As such, dog anal glands appear to play a very significant role in the butt sniffing that is so common in our canine companions.
Under normal circumstances the dog anal glands produce and store their fluid. When the dog defecates the glands contract and some of the fluid is expressed through the duct and onto the feces. The feces, and the dog’s territory, are therefore scent marked.
Sometimes, however, things go wrong.
Dogs’ anal glands may empty spontaneously. This commonly is referred to as “shooting the glands” because the nasty fluid, with its concomitant strongly unpleasant odor, has a way of spraying onto nearby objects. Anything that causes fear, stress, or excitement may trigger a dog to shoot his glands. This appears to be linked to sudden contraction of the muscles in the area.
Many things unrelated to fear, stress, and excitement also tend to cause dogs to shoot their glands. Examples include being invited onto a new sofa or into a new car, being invited onto the bed for the first time, being in the presence of a person who is wearing especially fancy clothes (in which case the fluid will be directed onto the clothes), and the presence of guests (especially one’s boss or a new romantic interest) in the house. In these cases the cause of the anal gland release appears to be Murphy’s Law.
In the event of a dog shooting his glands, the people present can take solace in one (and only one) thing: The odor of dog anal glands is typically very transient and it therefore does not linger for too long.
In other instances dogs can suffer from a problem that is the opposite of spontaneous anal gland release. If a dog experiences abnormal bowel movements, the glands may not empty in their normal fashion. Or, if a piece of grit clogs the duct or if the anal gland fluid becomes abnormally thick, the glands may remain full during defecation.
These circumstances may result in distended (or impacted) anal glands. Nobody know precisely what this feels like, but it clearly causes some degree of discomfort in affected dogs. And it also may result in another unpleasant development: scooting.
A dog scoots by sitting on his rear with his hind legs straight out in front of him. He then drags his rear on the ground, often leaving an unsavory brown trail in his wake. Scooting is usually a sign of distended anal glands; however, it also may be triggered by new carpet, dinner parties, or being invited into a new friend’s house for the first time.
Dogs who scoot should have their anal glands checked and, if necessary, manually expressed. Some people do this at home, but most elect to have a vet or groomer do it since the most effective method involves inserting a finger into the dog’s anus.
Unfortunately, dog anal gland problems can progress beyond the merely unsavory albeit slightly comical scenarios described above. Because of their proximity to the anus, the glands are at high risk of infection if they become impacted. Infected anal glands can cause significant pain, which may be manifested by reluctance to defecate or wag the tail.
Severely infected dog anal glands can cause visible swelling and redness adjacent to the anus. The swelling can progress to the point that the gland bursts, leading to an unsightly gaping hole adjacent to the anus. Over the years I have had many panicked owners rush dogs with ruptured anal glands to my office under the impression that their dog had developed a second anus.
Mildly infected dog anal glands can often be treated with a combination of antibiotics and manual expression. Severely infected, or abscessed, glands often must be lanced in order for healing to occur. Ruptured glands generally must be cleansed and flushed. Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Rare and unfortunate dogs develop chronic problems with their anal glands. It is possible to surgically remove the glands in these cases, but the procedure carries a relatively high rate of complications, including pain, infection, and fecal incontinence. I therefore recommend the surgery only if the dog’s anal gland problems are causing him to suffer significantly. The surgery should not be performed on dogs who simply scoot or shoot their glands more often than their owners would like.
Finally, some extremely unfortunate dogs develop malignant anal gland tumors. I am sorry to say that these tumors spread rapidly and are hard to remove. Like all malignant tumors, the best chance for successful treatment occurs if they are caught early. Therefore, any dog who appears to have something wrong with his most sensitive and private area should see the vet sooner rather than later.
Got a question for Dr. Barchas? Ask our vet in the comments below and your topic might be featured in an upcoming column. (Note that if you have an emergency situation, please see your own vet immediately!)
Read more by Dr. Eric Barchas:
Why Do Some Dogs Keep “Showing Their Lipsticks”?
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Euthanasia: When Is It Time? Should You Be Present?
What to Do Before You Get to the Vet in 12 Emergency Dog Situations
12 Dog Emergencies That Need Immediate Veterinary Attention
Just How Dangerous Is It to Falsely Call a Pet a Service Dog?
The post Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 8 years ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands
There are countless wonderful things about canines. Dog anal glands are not among those things.
There is really nothing to like about dog anal glands. But for better or for worse anal glands are a part of life for dogs and their owners. And owners of dogs need to know what they are and how they can cause problems for their pets. So let’s talk about those nasty glands.
Dog anal glands, as their name implies, are glands located adjacent to the anus. Each dog has a pair of them. They are relatively simple as far as glands go: They consist of a bulb and a duct. They produce a fluid with a a singular odor. It smells like a combination of rotting fish and feces. Once you have smelled it you will never forget it — so I hope you never smell it. Sadly, most dog owners’ noses have been tainted with the aroma of dog anal glands at some point or other.
The purpose of dog anal glands is somewhat debated. For some time the prevailing theory was that anal glands exist as proof that God hates us. However, most reputable experts now believe that dog anal glands serve to scent mark territory and feces. As such, dog anal glands appear to play a very significant role in the butt sniffing that is so common in our canine companions.
Under normal circumstances the dog anal glands produce and store their fluid. When the dog defecates the glands contract and some of the fluid is expressed through the duct and onto the feces. The feces, and the dog’s territory, are therefore scent marked.
Sometimes, however, things go wrong.
Dogs’ anal glands may empty spontaneously. This commonly is referred to as “shooting the glands” because the nasty fluid, with its concomitant strongly unpleasant odor, has a way of spraying onto nearby objects. Anything that causes fear, stress, or excitement may trigger a dog to shoot his glands. This appears to be linked to sudden contraction of the muscles in the area.
Many things unrelated to fear, stress, and excitement also tend to cause dogs to shoot their glands. Examples include being invited onto a new sofa or into a new car, being invited onto the bed for the first time, being in the presence of a person who is wearing especially fancy clothes (in which case the fluid will be directed onto the clothes), and the presence of guests (especially one’s boss or a new romantic interest) in the house. In these cases the cause of the anal gland release appears to be Murphy’s Law.
In the event of a dog shooting his glands, the people present can take solace in one (and only one) thing: The odor of dog anal glands is typically very transient and it therefore does not linger for too long.
In other instances dogs can suffer from a problem that is the opposite of spontaneous anal gland release. If a dog experiences abnormal bowel movements, the glands may not empty in their normal fashion. Or, if a piece of grit clogs the duct or if the anal gland fluid becomes abnormally thick, the glands may remain full during defecation.
These circumstances may result in distended (or impacted) anal glands. Nobody know precisely what this feels like, but it clearly causes some degree of discomfort in affected dogs. And it also may result in another unpleasant development: scooting.
A dog scoots by sitting on his rear with his hind legs straight out in front of him. He then drags his rear on the ground, often leaving an unsavory brown trail in his wake. Scooting is usually a sign of distended anal glands; however, it also may be triggered by new carpet, dinner parties, or being invited into a new friend’s house for the first time.
Dogs who scoot should have their anal glands checked and, if necessary, manually expressed. Some people do this at home, but most elect to have a vet or groomer do it since the most effective method involves inserting a finger into the dog’s anus.
Unfortunately, dog anal gland problems can progress beyond the merely unsavory albeit slightly comical scenarios described above. Because of their proximity to the anus, the glands are at high risk of infection if they become impacted. Infected anal glands can cause significant pain, which may be manifested by reluctance to defecate or wag the tail.
Severely infected dog anal glands can cause visible swelling and redness adjacent to the anus. The swelling can progress to the point that the gland bursts, leading to an unsightly gaping hole adjacent to the anus. Over the years I have had many panicked owners rush dogs with ruptured anal glands to my office under the impression that their dog had developed a second anus.
Mildly infected dog anal glands can often be treated with a combination of antibiotics and manual expression. Severely infected, or abscessed, glands often must be lanced in order for healing to occur. Ruptured glands generally must be cleansed and flushed. Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Rare and unfortunate dogs develop chronic problems with their anal glands. It is possible to surgically remove the glands in these cases, but the procedure carries a relatively high rate of complications, including pain, infection, and fecal incontinence. I therefore recommend the surgery only if the dog’s anal gland problems are causing him to suffer significantly. The surgery should not be performed on dogs who simply scoot or shoot their glands more often than their owners would like.
Finally, some extremely unfortunate dogs develop malignant anal gland tumors. I am sorry to say that these tumors spread rapidly and are hard to remove. Like all malignant tumors, the best chance for successful treatment occurs if they are caught early. Therefore, any dog who appears to have something wrong with his most sensitive and private area should see the vet sooner rather than later.
Got a question for Dr. Barchas? Ask our vet in the comments below and your topic might be featured in an upcoming column. (Note that if you have an emergency situation, please see your own vet immediately!)
Read more by Dr. Eric Barchas:
Why Do Some Dogs Keep “Showing Their Lipsticks”?
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Euthanasia: When Is It Time? Should You Be Present?
What to Do Before You Get to the Vet in 12 Emergency Dog Situations
12 Dog Emergencies That Need Immediate Veterinary Attention
Just How Dangerous Is It to Falsely Call a Pet a Service Dog?
The post Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Dog Anal Glands appeared first on Dogster.
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justinbbparliament-blog · 8 years ago
Top LeadersEnterprises That Are Rely on the Social New Economy
The sharing economy is the term for move toward the free trade of services and goods rather than the usage of money to represent value. When we would have made deals with one another by discussing what we could offer our friends and fellow tribesmen and women, this harkens back to a time before civilization--. Got something you need done? Just see and check the app if there's someone in the local area willing to do it in exchange for something you can do. Some of the very innovative businesses in recent memory are actually built within this notion. Here are a few of those ... Uber Uber is often a taxi company that gets rid of the taxis. The idea is always that anyone can subscribe and then offer lifts over the app which users will likely then have the ease of being capable of choose their driver dependant on their fee and the way far away at their store. Bottom line is always that getting a lift is much cheaper and also the taxi marketplace is quaking to use boots. AirBnB AirBnB is to hotels what Uber is to taxis. In other words, this is a tool that lets you find accommodation without paying over the odds for a hotel. Instead, you're paying to stay in someone front room, their outhouse or their holiday home. And if you have some spare space yourself, there's nothing to prevent you making a little money from that! Couchsurfing Couchsurfing takes this concept a pace further by getting users to invite individuals to stay on their couches completely without cost! The only expectation is always that they extend a similar offer along with other users which way, they are able to guarantee the masai have a free lodging as they travel wherever! Schpock Schpock is often a 'bootsale app' and therefore it permits you to make money by selling your old things which you don't need much more to people from our area. It's a great way to generate profits from something small that you just wouldn't be capable of sell elsewhere this is a easy way to get cheap things. And you can even trade things directly, getting rid of the need for cash! The Most Exciting and Disruptive Entrepreneurs to Learn From This Generation We reside in the age on the entrepreneur. For a long time, entrepreneurs were rare and it also would take incredible guts and foresight to be capable of take a risk on the new idea and turn it into a viable and profitable idea. But today that has all changed thanks to the web. Through the internet, wonderful . possible to generate almost anything, to showcase to anyone and create huge movements. Other technologies have made more invention possible-- in addition to being invention begets invention, we hurtle toward the singularity. With it being more possible than ever to change the world with an idea, who are some of the most inspiring figures to have done this recently? Let's please take a look at some of the very notable ... Mark Zuckerberg It's an easy task to write Facebook off like a simple online community for sharing pictures of cats but actually it is a lot more than that. Facebook is different the way we communicate with people and it also has even caused huge political shifts-- whereby traders credit it with triggering the Arab Spring. And all of it was the result of some code that the Harvard student wrote as part of his dorm room! Matt Mullenweg Slightly lesser known but no less prolific, Matt Mullenweg is the entrepreneur behind WordPress. The general idea was simple: to write a piece of software that could 'productize' his web design service. The result? A tool that now powers 25% of the entire internet! Elon Musk Elon Musk has generated countless disruptive technologies with no doubt merely has just gotten started. Not only did this incredible man launch he SpaceX program, vehicles spearheads Tesla Motors (which seeks to separate our addiction to fossil fuels for transportation) and that he even runs PayPal! Steve Jobs It's challenging to talk about visionaries without a minimum of mentioning Steve Jobs. And he significantly deserves the mention, being the guy who brought us the 1st true 'smartphone', who made the moues popular and who completely transformed the background music industry. Palmer Luckey Palmer Luckey will be the newest part of this list but once again, his place here is significantly earned. Luckey started toying around with virtual reality headsets like a hobby and found themselves launching Oculus Rift on Kickstarter to immense success. The company is poised to totally change the planet and has kickstarted (no pun intended) a total industry. How Elon Musk Made People Take Him Seriously Big, world-changing ideas do not come along often. And when they do, they can be incredibly hard for people to swallow. People like the status quo in fact and when you come along and try to change that, you will always meet resistance. People are afraid of change. And people-- like a whole-- may also be unfortunately short of ambition often. If you tell someone that you're going to be a rock star or an astronaut, the most common reaction you'll get is disbelief. This is a shame though: someone has to make it after all! With everything that in mind though, how might you go about convincing individuals to put their faith (and money) behind your idea? If you want to take action big, how can you get others aboard? The Power of Credibility All he knew, was that it was his mission to make space tourism a reality. And he was disenfranchised with the attempts made by NASA and others at that time. He thus came up with the idea of a prize to motivate companies into creating the technology necessary to generate his vision an actuality. The only problem? He didn't have no one and the money believed that he could offer it! His solution was to generate his initial presentation alongside enthusiastic engineers and astronauts. He found those who were as obsessed with his idea when he was through doing this, he lent his entire concept credibility. When he appeared alongside such luminaries, people would have laughed him off the stage but not. How to Get Credibility for Your Big Idea The next time you have a big idea for a business, think about how you can get others to buy into it and who it would take to convince them. If it sounds stupid coming from you, then speak to someone who won't think it's stupid and who will be able to convince others. And here is the advantage of developing a 'big idea'-- it is going to automatically be more exciting compared to a small idea so you'll find there'll be people out there which become ambassadors because of it. You just have to discover them!
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pipedreamtoys-blog1 · 8 years ago
The LeadersCompanies That Rely on the Social Economy
The sharing economy is the term for move toward the free trade of services and goods rather than the usage of money to represent value. When we would have made deals with one another by discussing what we could offer our friends and fellow tribesmen and women, this harkens back to a time before civilization--. Money is more practical but it of course creates great inequality and countless other problems. But thanks to the internet, trade is back in a big way. That's because it's now possible to ask an entire community for goods and services from the comfort of your home. Got something you need done? If there's someone from my area ready to do it so they could earn something that you can do, just check the app and see . Some of the very most innovative businesses in recent memory are already built with this notion. Here are a few of those ... Uber Uber is really a taxi company that eliminates the the taxis. The idea is anyone can enroll and then offer lifts over the app which users will have the comfort of being capable of choose their driver dependant on their fee and just how far away at their store. Bottom line is getting a lift has become much cheaper as well as the taxi market is quaking rolling around in its boots. AirBnB AirBnB is to hotels what Uber is to taxis. In other words, this is a tool that lets you find accommodation without paying over the odds for a hotel. Instead, you're paying to stay in someone front room, their outhouse or their holiday home. And if you have some spare space yourself, there's nothing to prevent you making a little money from that! Couchsurfing Couchsurfing takes this concept a step further by getting users to invite visitors to stay on their couches completely totally free! The only expectation is they extend a similar offer with other users which way, they are able to guarantee they've got a free accommodations as they travel all over the world! Schpock Schpock is really a 'bootsale app' and therefore it permits you to make money by selling your old things which you don't need any longer to people from my area. It's a great way to earn cash from something small you wouldn't be capable of sell elsewhere this is a fantastic way to get cheap things. And you can even trade things directly, eliminating the need for cash! The Most Disruptive and exciting Entrepreneurs to Learn From This Generation We are in the age from the entrepreneur. For a long time, entrepreneurs were rare plus it would take incredible guts and foresight to be capable of take a risk over a new idea and turn it into a profitable and viable idea. Today that has all changed thanks to the web. Through the internet, it is possible to produce almost anything, to promote to anyone and also to create huge movements. Other technologies have made more invention possible-- and since invention begets invention, we hurtle toward the singularity. So, with it being more possible than ever to change the world with an idea, who are some of the most inspiring figures to have done this recently? Let's go on a look at some of the very most notable ... Mark Zuckerberg It's all to easy to write Facebook off like a simple social networking for sharing pictures of cats but actually it is far more than that. Facebook has evolved the way we communicate with people plus it has even caused huge political shifts-- whereby traders credit it with triggering the Arab Spring. And all of it was the result of some code that the Harvard student wrote in the dorm room! Matt Mullenweg Slightly lesser known but no less prolific, Matt Mullenweg is the entrepreneur behind WordPress. The general idea was simple: to write a piece of software that could 'productize' his web design service. The result? A tool that now powers 25% of the entire internet! Elon Musk Elon Musk has generated countless disruptive technologies with out doubt just has just gotten started. Not only did this incredible man launch he SpaceX program, actually is well liked spearheads Tesla Motors (which seeks to get rid of our reliance upon fossil fuels for transportation) and hubby even runs PayPal! Steve Jobs It's tough to talk about visionaries without at the least mentioning Steve Jobs. And he significantly deserves the mention, being the guy who brought us the primary true 'smartphone', who made the moues popular and who completely transformed the background music industry. Palmer Luckey Palmer Luckey could be the newest an affiliate this list but once again, his place here is significantly earned. Luckey started toying around with virtual reality headsets like a hobby and wound up launching Oculus Rift on Kickstarter to immense success. The company has become poised to fully change the globe and has kickstarted (no pun intended) a whole industry. How Elon Musk Made People Take Him Seriously Big, world-changing ideas do not come along often. People like the status quo in fact and when you come along and try to change that, you will always meet resistance. And people-- like a whole-- will also be unfortunately low in ambition often. If you tell someone that you're going to be a rock star or an astronaut, the most common reaction you'll get is disbelief. This is a shame though: someone has to make it! With that in mind though, how might you go about convincing visitors to put their faith (and money) behind your idea? If you want to want to do something big, how would you get others aboard? The Power of Credibility All he knew, was that it was his mission to make space tourism a reality. And he was disenfranchised with the attempts made by NASA and others at that time. He thus came up having an idea of a prize to motivate companies into creating the technology necessary to produce his vision a real possibility. The only problem? He didn't have no one and the money believed that he could offer it! His solution was to produce his initial presentation alongside enthusiastic engineers and astronauts. He found folks that were as excited about his idea when he was through doing this, he lent his entire concept credibility. When he appeared alongside such luminaries, people would have laughed him off the stage but not. How to Get Credibility for Your Big Idea So, the next time you have a big idea for a business, think about how you can get others to buy into it and who it would take to convince them. If it sounds stupid coming from you, then speak to someone who won't think it's stupid and who will be able to convince others. And this can be a advantage of using a 'big idea'-- it can automatically be more exciting than the usual small idea and thus you'll find you will have people out there which become ambassadors correctly. You just have to see them!
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