gebrauchtegedanken · 6 years
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danilopesz · 4 years
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#Os poetas e filósofos que me antecederam, descobriram o inconsciente. Oque eu descobri foi um método científico de estuda-lô! #Sigmund_Freud (em Sigmund Freud Associação Psicanalítica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRB2uosIWU9lLGaDIRgNxekR-oPGDwuK7sK7M0/?igshid=1u5tqe3a2ejuh
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ibalkisai · 7 years
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Time spent with cats is never wasted. #Sigmund_Freud
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jamieroxx · 5 years
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Birthday Remembrances. Today May 6, 1856 – Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist (d. 1939) was born. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud)
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06 de maio: aniversario de Sigmund Freud. Pai da Psicanálise.
“Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) foi um médico neurologista e importante psicólogo austríaco. Foi considerado o pai da psicanálise, que influiu consideravelmente sobre a Psicologia Social contemporânea.
Sigismund Schlomo Freud nasceu em Freiberg, na Morávia, então pertencente ao Império Austríaco, no dia 6 de maio de 1856. Filho de Jacob Freud, pequeno comerciante e de Amalie Nathanson, de origem judaica, foi o primogênito de sete irmãos. Aos quatro anos de idade, sua família muda-se para Viena, onde os judeus tinham melhor aceitação social e melhores perspectivas econômicas.
... Pai da Psicanálise
Em pouco tempo, Freud conseguiu dar um passo decisivo e original que abriu perspectivas para o desenvolvimento da psicanálise ao abandonar a hipnose, substituindo-a pelo método das livres associações, passando então a penetrar nas regiões mais obscuras do inconsciente, sendo o primeiro a descobrir o instrumento capaz de atingi-lo e explorá-lo em sua essência.
Durante dez anos, Freud trabalhou sozinho no desenvolvimento da psicanálise. Em 1906, a ele juntou-se Adler, Jung, Jones e Stekel, que em 1908 se reuniram no primeiro Congresso Internacional de Psicanálise, em Salzburg. O primeiro sinal de aceitação da Psicanálise no meio acadêmico surgiu em 1909, quando foi convidado a dar conferências nos EUA, na Clark University, em Worcester.
Em 1910, por ocasião do segundo congresso internacional de psicanálise, realizado em Nuremberg, o grupo fundou a Associação Psicanalítica Internacional, que consagrou os psicanalistas em vários países. Entre 1911 e 1913, Freud foi vítima de hostilidades, principalmente dos próprios cientistas, que, indignados com as novas ideias, tudo fizeram para desmoralizá-lo. Adler, Jung e toda a chamada escola de Zurique separaram-se de Freud.”
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leyhejuhyunghan · 2 years
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health NIH NCCIH Methodological Approaches for Whole Person Research Workshop, Frederick Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935), Parc Monceaux, Paris, ca. 1888-89 and Sigmund Freud (Austrian, 1856–1939) and his books from 1891 and Louis Valtat (French, 1869-1952), Barques au Bois de Boulogne, 1938 on genome system
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health NIH NCCIH Methodological Approaches for Whole Person Research Workshop, Frederick Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935), Parc Monceaux, Paris, ca. 1888-89 and Sigmund Freud (Austrian, 1856–1939) and his books from 1891 and Louis Valtat (French, 1869-1952), Barques au Bois de Boulogne, 1938 on genome system https://blog.naver.com/artnouveau19/222850778011
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health 
Whole person health involves looking at the whole person—not just separate organs or body systems—and considering multiple factors that promote either health or disease.  
We hosted a #WholePersonResearch Workshop that discussed examples of research studies and explored methodologies potentially appropriate for whole person research. 
https://www.nccih.nih.gov/news/events/methodological-approaches-for-whole-person-research?nav=fb&fbclid=IwAR0nvikAjQiZLKUzx-4FLGSYzqBDXxyCquAOpqTmVJE2pF10N15UTabiBg0 NIH NCCIH
#WholePersonHealth involves looking at the whole person and considering multiple factors that promote either health or disease. 
We hosted a research workshop that explored methodologies potentially appropriate for #WholePersonResearch. https://twitter.com/NIH_NCCIH/status/1559632088889958403
Methodological Approaches for Whole Person Research Workshop
Date: September 29, 2021 to September 30, 2021
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s new strategic plan defines whole person research as including three components:
Exploring the fundamental science of interconnected systems
Investigating multicomponent interventions or therapeutic systems
Examining the impact of these interventions on multisystem or multiorgan outcomes
The Whole Person Research Workshop will discuss examples of research studies in these three areas from diverse fields and explore methodologies potentially appropriate for whole person research. 
The workshop will be led by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Workshop collaborators include the National Institute on Aging, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Fogarty International Center, Office of Research on Women’s Health, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, Office of Disease Prevention, and the Office of Nutrition Research within the National Institutes of Health Office of the Director. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/news/events/methodological-approaches-for-whole-person-research?nav=fb&fbclid=IwAR0nvikAjQiZLKUzx-4FLGSYzqBDXxyCquAOpqTmVJE2pF10N15UTabiBg0
Frederick Childe Hassam (American, 1859-1935), Parc Monceaux, Paris, ca. 1888-89 on the books of Freud and Louis Valtat (French, 1869-1952), Barques au Bois de Boulogne, 1938 on genome system
Christa Zaat
June 30, 2019
 Frederick Childe Hassam (American painter) 1859 - 1935
Parc Monceaux, Paris, ca. 1888-89
oil on canvas
38.1 x 54.6 cm. (15 x 21.5 in.)
signed Childe Hassam (lower left)
private collection
© photo Sotheby's
Catalogue Note Sotheby's
Painted circa 1888-89, Parc Monceaux belongs to one of the most formative periods of Childe Hassam’s career, coinciding with his three-year stay in Paris beginning in 1886. Hassam left Boston for Paris in 1886 already a well-established artist. Overseas, however, he sought to finish his formal artistic training within the academic system. Hassam enrolled at the Académie Julian in 1886, but quickly discovered that he found greater inspiration on the lively streets of Paris than in the stifling environment of the French Academic system. He began to work independently, roaming the streets of Paris in search of subjects.
Although the American artists’ colony at Giverny was concurrently beginning to flourish, Hassam’s interest remained primarily rooted in scenes of everyday urban living during these first years. His catalogue of subjects represented a cross-section of Parisian life, ranging from shopkeepers and street vendors to the city’s most affluent ladies and gentlemen. 
A charming celebration of life during La Belle Époque, Parc Monceaux perfectly illustrates the evolution in both style and subject matter that Hassam’s oeuvre underwent during his years in Paris. Rendered in a bright palette of greens, Hassam skillfully portrays the effects of brilliant sunlight in what is considered one of the city’s most beautiful parks. The broad expanses of earth, sky, and foliage reveal the increased virtuosity and range of the artist's brushwork, a stylistic development likely evolving from his awareness of and proximity to the modern French painters. Like the majority of his Paris works, Parc Monceaux suggests that Hassam was more inclined to interpret these styles in a personal and vital way than were most of his American compatriots. Here, he maintains an underlying sense of compositional structure and strives to render his forms solidly, despite the loose and vigorous application of the paint.
Not long before his return home to America, Hassam exhibited his recent paintings in his hometown of Boston in March, 1889. Reviewers acknowledged the tremendous progress the artist had made since arriving in Paris: "Hassam’s paintings," one wrote, are “full of gaiety and brightness,” with a “truly Parisian savor…Since he left Boston, he has made a very noticeable gain, especially in color, and he has never painted so well as now” (quoted in Ulrich W. Hiesinger, Childe Hassam: American Impressionist, New York, 1994, p. 56).
Louis Valtat (French, 1869-1952), Barques au Bois de Boulogne, 1938 Christa Zaat
June 30, 2019
 Louis Valtat (French painter) 1869 - 1952
Barques au Bois de Boulogne, 1938
oil on canvas
27.3 x 35.1 cm. (10.75 x 13.87 in.)
signed with the artist's initials 'L.V' (lower right)
private collection
© photo Bonhams
Louis Valtat straddling the stylistic transition from Impressionism to Fauvism. Valtat was born in Dieppe in the Normandy region of France, and moved to Paris at age 17 to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He continued his studies at Academie Julian in Paris, meeting fellow students Albert André (French, 1869–1954), Pierre Bonnard (French, 1867–1947), and Édouard Vuillard (French, 1868–1940), calling themselves Les Nabis. He was awarded the Jauvin d’Attainville prize in 1890, and presented his first show at the Salon of Independent Artists in 1893. His early work consisted mainly of street scenes, painted with classic Impressionist and Pointillist techniques of rapid brush strokes and intense color. In 1894, he collaborated with Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French, 1862–1901) creating set designs for the Parisian theatre L’Œuvre. 
Valtat suffered from tuberculosis, and beginning in 1900, traveled often to the Spanish and French Mediterranean for its favorable climate. There, he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French, 1841–1919) and Paul Signac (French, 1863–1935), famously collaborating on a bust of Paul Cézanne (French, 1839–1906) with Renoir. This time marked increased experimentation in Valtat’s style, and his work was included in the famous Salon d’Automne in 1905, where the term Fauvism was first coined to describe the new artistic trend of bold coloration. Valtat returned to Paris full time in 1914, continuing to paint landscapes and works inspired by his garden. He was awarded the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 1927. His work is included in the collections of the Hermitage Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Musée d’Orsay, among others.
Source: Artnet
Sigmund Freud (Austrian, 1856–1939) and his books from 1891
Sigmund Freud (/frɔɪd/ FROYD,[3] German: [ˈziːkmʊnt ˈfʁɔʏ̯t]; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies in the psyche through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.
1891 On Aphasia
1895 Studies on Hysteria (co-authored with Josef Breuer)
1899 The Interpretation of Dreams
1901 On Dreams (abridged version of The Interpretation of Dreams)
1904 The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
1905 Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
1905 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
1907 Delusion and Dream in Jensen's Gradiva
1910 Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis
1910 Leonardo da Vinci, A Memory of His Childhood
1913 Totem and Taboo: Resemblances between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics
1915–17 Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis
1920 Beyond the Pleasure Principle
1921 Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego
1923 The Ego and the Id
1926 Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety
1926 The Question of Lay Analysis
1927 The Future of an Illusion
1930 Civilization and Its Discontents
1933 New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis
1939 Moses and Monotheism
1940 An Outline of Psychoanalysis
1967 Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study, with William C. Bullit
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janersm · 6 years
"If youth knew; if age could."
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dryeyestodeathbook · 3 years
Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” - Sigmund Freud https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud
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sachdoc · 4 years
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Tâm Lý Đám Đông Và Phân Tích Cái Tôi - Nghiên cứu phân tâm học - Tương lai của một Ảo tưởng - Văn Minh Và Những Bất Mãn Từ Nó - Nguồn Gốc Của Văn Hóa Và Tôn Giáo - Vật Tổ Và Cấm Kỵ - Cái Tôi Và Cái Nó
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Enjoy the best Sigmund Freud Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Sigmund Freud, Austrian Psychologist, Born May 6, 1856. Share with your friends. https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/sigmund_freud
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danilopesz · 4 years
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#Esse cara é o melhor!! #Sigmund_Freud #Mestre https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzj076MZ324O9bpbKUk4KQ7kcUIdxvliaUZSw0/?igshid=5vedxqwxccrs
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fadedgorilla-blog · 5 years
Barker, C 2007, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 218-223.
Heinrich, K (2018), image, The Potentiality, viewed 27 March 2019, https://thepotentiality.com/six-parenting-lessons-terminator-2-judgment-day/
Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991, motion picture, Tristar Pictures, Culver City CA, directed by James Cameron
Barker, C 2007, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 218-223.
Jacobson, M 2015, image, The Spectrum, viewed 27 March 2019, https://www.thespectrum.com/story/entertainment/2015/08/05/true-story-reunites-jonah-hill-james-franco-true-crime/31154829/
True Story 2015, motion picture, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Century City CA, directed by Rupert Goold
Inception 2010, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Christopher Nolan
Mansfield, N 2000, ‘Freud and the split subject’, in Subjectivity: theories of the self from Freud to Haraway, New York University Press, New York, pp. 25-37.
Towfiq, T 2014, image, Wordpress, viewed 27 March 2019, https://popscifi.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/inception/
The Dark Knight 2008, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Christopher Nolan
Mansfield, N 2000, ‘Freud and the split subject’, in Subjectivity: theories of the self from Freud to Haraway, New York University Press, New York, pp. 25-37.
Nav, K 2014, image, Wordpress, viewed 27 March 2019, http://girloncomicbookworld.com/2014/12/08/joker-character-analysis/
Sensory Knowledge:
Blind Hawkeye, date unknown, image, IMDB, viewed 28 March 2019, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0638377/
Howes, D 2005, ‘Skinscapes: embodiment, culture, and environment’, in C Classen (ed.), The book of touch, Berg, New York, pp. 27-39.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, M*A*S*H 1976, television program, USA, 5 October
Creative Influence:
Harrison, C, Wood, P 2003, Art in theory 1900-2000: an anthology of changing ideas, Blackwell Publishing, Malden.
I am the King GoT, 2014, image, Imgur, viewed 28 March 2019, https://imgur.com/gallery/360axXE
Martin, George R. R. 1996, A Game of Thrones, Bantam Spectra, NYC, NY
Tolkien, J.R.R 1955, Return of the King, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Markovich, T 2012, image, Complex, viewed 28 March 2019, https://www.complex.com/sports/2012/05/a-complex-guide-to-the-cars-in-8-mile/
8 Mile 2002, motion picture, Universal Pictures, Universal City CA, directed by Curtis Hanson
Roberts, I 2004, Introduction, Creative Authenticity: 16 Principles to Clarify and Deepen your Artistic Vision, Atelier Saint-Luc Press
Creative Identity:
Barker, C 2007, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 218-223.
Batman Begins 2005, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Christopher Nolan
Dark Knight Trilogy Poster, date unknown, image, Amazon, viewed 28 March 2019, https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81BXv9uF8JL._SL1334_.jpg
The Dark Knight 2008, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Christopher Nolan
The Dark Knight Rises 2011, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Christopher Nolan
Fractured Identity:
Barker, C 2007, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 218-223.
Fisher, M 2014, image, Public Radio Tulsa, viewed 28 March 2019, https://www.publicradiotulsa.org/sites/kwgs/files/styles/medium/public/201408/les-miserables-picture.jpg
Social Identity:
Barker, C 2007, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, in Cultural studies: theory and practice, 3rd edn, SAGE Publications, London, pp. 218-223.
42 Poster, date unknown, image, Amazon, viewed 28 March 2019, https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81FCZHvB2nL._SL1500_.jpg
42 2013, motion picture, Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank CA, directed by Brian Helgeland
Halberstadt, M c.1921, image, Wikipedia, viewed 28 March 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud
Cooghill Cartooning, 2009, image, Flickr, viewed 28 March 2019, https://www.flickr.com/photos/coghillcartooning/4173184935
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kw-quotes · 5 years
Love Quote of the Day: "We are never so defensless against suffering as when we love."—Sigmund Freud
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jaumeotto · 6 years
0 notes
"If youth knew; if age could."
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chooztobhappy · 6 years
"If youth knew; if age could."
0 notes