#sighs dreamily in biromantic
catsockpuppet · 1 month
Reminds me btw I made an opposite alternate genderbent type thing of your wife?? Kinda like that one Skirtzsquad AU on here—here she is tho lol
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And this is Kevin and Rick's alternates—
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kiokodoodles · 3 years
Aster and Cyrus for the ask thingy?
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Y'all want to hear about them?! Okay! also @underfell-crystal since you also asked this
Sexuality Headcanon: Biromantic ace! But he’s a big hopeless romantic
Gender Headcanon: He’s not opposed to using he/they pronouns!
A ship I have with said character: *sighs dreamily as I make yet another Napstasans ship in my fellswap*
A BROTP I have with said character: Ryuko (FS! Alphys) and slightly Metta (FS! Mettaton). Kind of Metta because I think they’d both be one of the few who are actively against violence. Also he and FS! Grillby.
A NOTP I have with said character: He and Tiana (FS! Toriel) for many reasons that involve Tiana and Cyrus not having the greatest relationship with each other.
A random headcanon: Aster takes on a various number of jobs like Sans does. While he does run around as a medic, Aster works a bit as a comedian at Napstaton’s place and actually owns his own store with monster food and armor.
General Opinion over said character: Here comes my little boy <33 I literally made this interpretation, I should be loving him. He’s kind, but not a pushover. But, please let this guy rest. He’s trying to survive every day without getting killed. His relationship with his brother is strained and he doesn’t really like the queen. But he’s a good, nice lad!
Sexuality Headcanon: Pan and demiromantic
Gender Headcanon: He is a dude who doesn’t mind using he/they pronouns
A ship I have with said character: *sighs dreamily as I make a Papgore ship in my fellswap*
A BROTP I have with said character: Also Ignacio (FS! Asgore) and FS! Muffet. He doesn’t have a lot of friends either. His relationship with his ex Metta is complicated to be a BROTP.
A NOTP I have with said character: He and Halia (FS! Undyne) and Ryuko. He and Ryuko are coworkers of sorts and have complicated history. He and Halia definitely do not have a great relationship.
A random headcanon: Do not let this guy make or choose food. He makes and chooses the weirdest and grossest combinations of food.
Anyways I love him. He’s sort of a tease. He’s pretty serious. He loves the supernatural and cryptids. Cyrus feels the need to protecting people. He has a complicated relationship with his brother, Halia, Metta, and Ryuko. He doesn’t like Tiana at all. The only people he trusts is a guy who lives in the ruins and a spider monster who runs a cafe. Cyrus is also tired. He needs some sleep. But I would give him a hundred smooches and give him the love he deserves even though I technically made this dude.
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casper-writes-stuff · 6 years
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17672354
Summary: Ochako laments her crush on Bakugou, Shinsou is incredibly confused, and Sero explains asexuality and its spectrum.
This is a birthday fic for my friend who I call Shinsoup! It's kind of late, but I hope you enjoy it. <3 
Shinsou was busy resting his forehead against the cool wood of his desk and lamenting the fact that he hadn’t gotten more than two hours of sleep the night before when Uraraka had come up to him with a flustered expression he hadn’t seen until he swiveled his head to the side.
“What’s up?” he asked, a groan following when he made himself sit up straight to give his friend his proper attention.
Uraraka hesitated before collapsing dramatically into the desk beside him, flopping forward until her forehead met the desk with a loud thunk!
Shinsou raised a brow, watching her dramatics in amusement as he waited for her to speak up.
“He’s so hooooooot,” she whined, looking over at Shinsou and rubbing at the red spot on her forehead when it was no longer pressed against the desk.
His brows furrowed, “what?” he asked, glancing around the room to see if someone was possibly overheating.
Uraraka sat up again, gesturing wildly towards Bakugou’s desk where the Mina-dubbed “Bakusquad” was gathered while everyone waited for Aizawa to enter the classroom.
Shinsou only grew more confused because everyone looked fine? Then again, Uraraka wasn’t exactly distressed so maybe she didn’t mean hot in a health way? What other way could she mean though?
When he looked back at Uraraka with his confusion clear in his face, she sighed.
“Bakugou. He’s hot. Like seriously attractive it should be illegal I can’t handle that much good looks in one person.”
Oh! She meant aesthetics. Okay, that made more sense.
“...I don’t really see it,” he said, looking back at Bakugou to try and get a grasp on what the girl was talking about.
Uraraka blinked, following his gaze, slumping over again with a whine when she saw Bakugou again.
Sero catches sight of the two of them staring in the squad’s direction and dismisses himself before coming over.
“Uraraka you know you’re sitting in my seat, right?”
She stuck her tongue out at him before promptly not moving, making Shinsou snort.
Sero rolled his eyes, looking over at Shinsou then shrugging and just… sitting on the floor between the two. Uraraka snickered, while Shinsou hid another laugh behind his hand.
“What are you guys talking about anyway? You’re sure looking at Bakugou a lot.”
“That statement alone makes it obvious what we’re talking about,” Shinsou pointed out, looking at his desk and debating whether or not he wanted to try sleeping again now that Uraraka had someone else to talk to about her attraction to Bakugou.
Said girl sighs dreamily. “Yeah, we’re talking about Bakugou. Or, well I’m talking about how hot he is and Shinsou apparently doesn’t see it.”
Sero raised an eyebrow, looking at Shinsou, who had now put his head back on the desk, though his head was positioned to the side so he could watch his friends talk.
“Have you ever found anyone attractive?” he asked curiously, tilting his head.
Shinsou shrugged. “I guess? I think Midoriya’s pretty pleasing to look at, but that’s about it.”
Sero shook his head, “not what I meant man. Have you ever like… wanted to fuck someone? Just by looking at them?”
Both his and Uraraka’s faces went red, neither of them expecting the conversation to take such a turn.
“Uh… no? Why would you even ask that?”
Sero ignored his question, looking at Uraraka with his eyebrow raised, obviously wanting her to answer the same question.
“Um! I don’t think I want to answer that?”
“Valid, but if you said yes, I wouldn’t have judged you. I’m pretty sure Mina has talked to me about at least three people she’s wanted to fuck in the last week.”
Ochako lifted up her jacket collar and let her hair fall forward in an attempt to try and hide her red face as she glanced back at Bakugou.
“...Maybe a little.”
Sero nodded, humming in thought.
“A-Anyway,” Ochako said, interrupting before Sero could continue on with his chosen topic, “I wanna tell Bakugou how I feel, but I’m kind of afraid of what both he and Deku would say? Considering I’m… literally crushing on his childhood bully.”
Shinsou and Sero looked at each other, Sero rolling his eyes.
“Uraraka-” “Shinsou I told you you can call me Ochako,” “-do you honestly think Midoriya would actually be upset with you for feelings you can’t help?”
Ochako pursed her lips, glancing at Midoriya who was talking to Iida and Todoroki about something.
“I… guess not. Still, I think if I ever do decide to say something I’ll talk to Deku about it first.”
Sero nodded. “Yeah, that’s actually probably a good idea. I mean, I know he’ll be nothing but supportive considering his reaction to finding out I was ace, but still I’m sure it’d be nice to have that support before talking to the most brash person in the entire class.”
Shinsou and Ochako both stared at Sero, one in confusion the other in realization.
“Ohhh so that’s why you avoid truth or dare nights with us,” Uraraka said, sitting back in her seat.
This time it was Sero’s turn to blush a deep red color.
“Okay, first off Bakugou doesn’t participate in those either, and second you guys tend to get really inappropriate with those and it makes me uncomfortable, it has nothing to do with me being ace.”
Before Uraraka could continue that train of thought, Shinsou spoke up.
“Wait, ace? What does that mean?”
Sero and Ochako both looked at him, noting the scrunched eyebrows and mouth hanging open slightly in confusion.
It was Sero who spoke up.
“Means you don’t experience sexual attraction. Like ever, though there’s a spectrum for it too. The whole word is asexual.”
That… would honestly explain some things about Shinsou, if he was being honest. Like how he referred to people as whether or not they were aesthetically pleasing or not instead of “hot” as Ochako had done earlier, though he’d honestly only understood that hot was used to describe looks just recently (like today).
“So… wait… people actually want sex?” Shinsou asked, brows furrowing together further, “that’s not just… some elaborate joke everyone’s in on?”
Sero let out a burst of laughter.
“God, yeah, there are people who actually want sex, it’s wild.”
“I don’t… really understand that?”
Sero hummed again, leaning back on his hands and spreading his long legs out across the floor.
“Okay, here’s a pretty common metaphor. You like cake?”
Shinsou looked at Uraraka at that, who only shrugged.
“I don’t see why that matters?”
Sero sighed. “It’s whatever, the point is, some people like cake, some people don’t. Some people enjoy cake, but don’t actively seek it out or crave it. Others hate cake and won’t ever eat it while still others crave cake all the time. Replace cake with sex, and you basically get the spectrum of sexual attraction and where asexuals stand. Some asexuals hate sex and never want it, others enjoy the action of it but don’t feel the sexual attraction to the person they’re with. Allosexuals are people who enjoy sex and feel sexual attraction to people they barely know, or know very well. Demisexuals, which is what Midoriya is by the way, only feel sexual attraction to people they know very, very, well, someone they trust with their everything.”
Shinsou adopted a thoughtful expression, looking up at the ceiling as he absorbed the information he was just given.
While he thought, Ochako spoke up.
“Wait, I thought everyone only grew sexually attracted to people they knew really well?” she asked, cocking her head to the left and brows furrowing as she looked at Sero.
Sero shook his head. “Nah, you ever see those posts online where people are like… thirsting over heroes or celebrities or whatever? People they barely know?”
Realization dawns on Ochako’s face. “Ohhhh. I’ve… never actually had a celebrity crush before actually, I didn’t really see the point in it considering I’d never thought I’d be able to actually meet them.”
“Then you might be demisexual, though don’t take that for sure from me, It’d probably be better if you did your own research on it before you decide your own sexuality.”
Ochako shrugged. “I’ve already decided I’m bi, and I’m honestly comfortable with the term. I don’t really feel like changing it.”
“You don’t exactly have to change that. There’s the mogai system, where people describe both their romantic and their sexual orientation because there’s asexuals who feel romantic attraction and aromantics who feel sexual attraction. You very well could be biromantic demisexual. Though, again, do your own research on that before deciding, I don’t want to push you into an identity you’re uncomfortable with.”
Ochako nodded, smiling gratefully at Sero. She then looked at Shinsou, wondering what he was thinking.
“Penny for your thoughts?”she asked, making Shinsou blink out of his reverie.
“Oh… I was just thinking about what Sero said,” he turned to the tape boy, “do you think I could be ace?”
Sero shrugged. “That’s up to you. I’m not at all going to tell you what your identity is when that’s for you to decide.”
He started getting up when the classroom door started opening, giving his two friends a grin. “I’ll see you two after class, Deku and Mina both collaborated a classwide game night, and Bakugou has decided he wants to spar with everyone after class to see where everyone stands strength wise.”
Shinsou waved at Uraraka when she left to go sit in her proper seat so Sero could sit in his, and then class started.
Later, after extensive research on Asexuality and talking about everyone sexualities during game night, Shinsou decided that yes, he was asexual.
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