#sigh this is sooo not dark and mysterious of me but I’m really upset if you couldn’t tell
khalixvitae · 2 months
Literally abt to cry in the bathroom at work bc wym I’m here during a tornado watch and the roads are flooded and idk how I’m getting home AND my hours have been cut in half this pay period
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 6
A/N: Part 6 is here lovelies! I honestly wish it didn’t take me forever to write just one chapter 😭
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, some implications of sex because it’s Lucifer we’re talking about here
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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“Lucifer.” You stood there by the bar trying to get the man’s attention.
The tall man in the suit straightened up once he heard your voice, a glass of alcohol was in his hands as he slowly turning around to face you.
“Well well, if it isn’t my favorite Chthonian, Hekate.” A sly smile broke out on the man’s face. “Surprised to see you here princess, I haven’t seen you in decades.” His dark eyes roamed your frame and the simple clothes you wore while you squinted your eyes at him. “My, you look ravishing as always.”
“Hello Lucifer.” Your voice was firm.
Sam, Bucky, and Zemo had just caught up with you after having to squeeze through everyone, their eyes darting between you and the mysterious, tall, expensive looking man in front of you. Who was this guy and why were you talking to him? And from the way he was looking at you, they began to think he was a previous fling of yours, and though they did not want to admit it, I dare say they were beginning to feel a bit green.
“Well, tell me.” The man finished his drink before pouring himself another glass. “What brings you all the way over here to my little dominion? I’d offer you a drink but I know how much you despise it.”
“I don’t despise it.” You rolled your eyes. “Your liquor collection tastes like piss anyways.”
“I beg your pardon, I always choose the best. You insulting my taste buds now? Truth is, you just can’t get drunk.” He scoffed, turning to you again, swirling the contents of his glass around before taking a sip. “You and your intolerably high tolerance, must be miserable. So tell me, why are you here? Not that I don’t enjoy your company darling.”
“I’m here to collect up on a favor.”
“Oh? Are you now?” The same sly smile retuned to his face as he took a step closer to you. “Does it involve a little you and me? A bit of the ole snog and shag? I’ve always heard how electrifying and intoxicating of an experience it is to be with a Greek deity.”
“Keep that up and I’ll recreate my moment with Julius Caesar.” Your smiled sarcastically, clenching your jaw as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Oh how you hated his smug ass sometimes.
“Well I’d certainly love to tangle with you darling. Oh wait....you meant the stabbing didn’t you. Of course you would.”
Sam stepped up in front of you with his fists clenched, glaring at Lucifer once he heard the little exchange. “Hey man, I don’t like you talking to her like that.”
“Yeah. Neither do I.” Bucky stepped up in front of you as well, squaring up against Lucifer. Even Zemo stood close behind, making you look up at him as he was now right beside you, ready to fight the man if need be. If there was one thing he didn’t like, it was definitely vulgarity.
Lucifer smiled in surprise, scoffing at the three men who had now shielded you behind them. It was now your turn to scoff, rolling your eyes at their defensive behavior before pulling them apart so you can get through. “Chill out you three, for fucks sake, I’m not in danger.”
“But-“ Sam tried to argue but you cut him off.
“Trust me, he’s not a threat. And if he was, you don’t want to fight him.”
“Well who are these three dashing gentlemen?” Lucifer quirked a brow as he eyed them all. “Ohh, what’s this? Terminator, Amenadiel 2.0, and Viktor Krum? Are they your little boy toys Hekate?”
Bucky, Zemo, and Sam were fuming as they all tried to charge again, but you held your arms out, smacking them aside. “Watch your mouth Lucifer. They’re my colleagues.”
“That’s never stopped anyone.” He took another sip.
“What’s your deal man?” Sam scowled.
“Well don’t be rude Hekate. Where’s the proper introduction?” Lucifer gestured as his eyes roamed over them.
You sighed before you started to introduce them to each other. “This is Sam, Bucky, and Zemo. Guys, this is-“
“Lucifer Morningstar.” He boasted, slightly bowing. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Lucifer Morningstar?” Bucky cocked his head back as he did a double take.
“Yes, well I said that just now didn’t I.”
“As in the devil?” Sam smirked as if this was a joke. “Horns, tail, pitchfork, half goat devil?”
“You missed out the red cape and tights, but yes, I am the devil, the one and only, yours truly.” Lucifer replied with sarcasm as he was getting annoyed. “But seriously, what is it with the half goat thing. Is this in your realm as well?”
“Yeah.” You replied blandly.
“Ugh, fuck me. I’m never going to escape it.” He rolled his eyes as he chugged the glass down.
“Wait is he for real or is he just a screw loose?” Sam turned to you.
“Which one is it?”
“She’s kidding right.” Sam muttered to Bucky.
“Don’t ask me Sam. I don’t have a clue about anything at this point.” Bucky shook his head.
“Don’t look at me like that Sam.” You rolled your eyes as Sam glared at you, upset about not knowing firsthand that you were taking them to the damn devil himself. “This isn’t some kind of college lecture where I write things on the board and you just take notes.”
“Well then.” Lucifer turned to you, giving you his full attention. “What exactly is this favor?”
“I need Mazekeen.”
“Desperate now are we?”
You rolled your eyes yet again, you were sure you’d end up cross eyed by the end of the day due to his antics. “I need her to watch over Athena for a while.”
“Ah yes. I forgot you had a little miscreant of your own. But why Maze? Can’t you use one of your own minions?”
“Well I can’t exactly have the empusas or harpies take care of her. Besides, Athena likes Maze.”
“Right. Wouldn’t want a blood sucking demon or a torturous she-bird near your little delinquent.” He turned to the other side of the bar. “Maze! Mazikeen!”
“I heard you once you know.” A dark haired woman stepped up to the bar, glaring at Lucifer before turning to you with surprise. “Hekate? Well hello gorgeous. I didn’t expect you.”
“Hi Maze.” You smiled at her. “How have you been?”
“Unbelievable.” Lucifer muttered. “She scowls at me but smiles at her.”
“Well I’m stuck with this guy so what do you think?” Maze leaned over the counter with a playful roll of her eyes before they landed on the men behind you as she licked her lips. “Ooh. I see you’ve brought dessert.”
Bucky, Sam, and Zemo looked at each other uneasily. Where the hell did you drag them to? Were you literally going to sell them off to Satan himself and leave them there? Was that your master plan all along?
“Uhhh they’re not on the menu. Sorry Maze, they’re my colleagues.”
“Boring isn’t she? Hekate needs you to take care of her little miscreant.” Lucifer interrupted.
“Athena? Really?” Maze’s eyes lit up.
“Just for some time Maze while I go take care of some things.”
“Hell yeah. I’m down. Anything to get away from this place and this asshole.” Maze jumped over the counter with a grin as Lucifer gave her an offended look. “Let me get my things.” You watched as she hurried up the stairs, leaving you and the rest with Lucifer.
“Sooo.” You heard Lucifer speak up, making you groan in annoyance. What now?
“Since we have some lovely time on your hands.” Lucifer slid up to Bucky, Sam, and Zemo with a sly smile and a dark, mischievous glint in his eyes. “Tell me, what is it you truly desire?”
You watched as the men became trapped in his gaze, their stern facial expressions falling as they became vulnerable, opening their mouths to speak of their deepest secret.
“Oh hell no. None of that shit.” You rolled your eyes as you snapped your fingers in their faces, breaking off Lucifer’s spell. Sam, Bucky, and Zemo shook their heads in confusion as they tried to process what the hell just happened.
“Ugh. You are no fun you know that.” Lucifer rolled his eyes at you. “You’re completely and utterly dull. I thought the detective was boring, then there’s you.”
“Hey, what the hell was that?” Sam raised his voice, upset about the weird hypnosis he just experienced.
“Just one of his stupid hoodoo voodoo staring bullshit.” You muttered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bucky asked, getting more confused by the minute.
“Well it’s when I ask you what you desire and you tell me your answer willingly.” Lucifer explained the process before make a snide remark about you. “It’s worked wonders until she ruined my mojo.”
“Bold of you to assume you even had any mojo to begin with.” You snapped back.
“You know, I tried my mojo on her once. Do you know what her answer was?” Lucifer brought up.
“I’m guessing her answer was to your disappointment. Was it ‘go away’?” Zemo answered with a sarcastic tone, which made you look up at him, smirking at his comment.
“Close.” Lucifer grinned at Zemo. “It was actually, in her exact words ‘for you to go play a nice game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself’. How delightful. We became best friends ever since.”
“How unfortunate.” You mumbled with your arms crossed.
“Now I must say.” Lucifer stepped up to Zemo as he touched the fur collar of his coat. “I’m loving this coat. Are you part of the Russian mafia?”
“Please don’t touch me.” Zemo moved Lucifer’s hand away with his gloved one. “I’d rather not have your hands near me, considering the....places they have been.”
“Oh.” Lucifer turned to you with amusement. “I like this one. Now really, what is he, hm?”
“I don’t know. Looks human to me.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“He’s the baron of Sokovia. Lay off will ya?”
“Sokovia? Never heard of it. But a baron? How exciting, looks like we have two royals in the building, including me of course. Now, since we have some time to spare, how about we go upstairs and make it a royal three-“
You scowled at Lucifer, stepping on his foot before he could finish his sentence. This motherfucker.
“Ow! Those are Pradas!”
“Next time it’s your family jewels.”
“Alright then, you win. I’ll keep my mouth shut if that keeps you from tyrannizing me. My word you hit hard.”
You rolled your eyes yet again, praying for Maze to hurry up. You were feeling extremely sorry that the three had to put up with his foolish behavior. You couldn’t help the breath of relief once you saw Maze approaching you with her bag.
“Thank the gods.” You sighed before speaking to Maze. “You ready?”
“Let’s go.” She smiled.
“Well I’ll see you later then Maze, have fun with the little miscreant.” Lucifer commented. “And I hope you’ll return soon Hekate? I always do enjoy your company, no matter how cruel and dreary you are.”
“I wouldn’t count on it.” You waved Lucifer goodbye as you made your way towards the exit. “Say hi to Amenadiel and Chloe for me! I prefer their company any day over yours! Oh also! You better ask Chloe out or I will take her out myself!”
Once you had left the stuffy building, you were able to breathe better as you took in a big breath of the night air, feeling a little more at peace.
“Finally.” Sam spoke up with an irritated scowl on his face. “He was getting on my damn nerves. What a guy.”
“You’re telling me.” Bucky uttered, his posture was more relaxed now, now that he was away from the large crowd and away from Lucifer.
“Did you expect anything different?” Zemo tilted his head. “He is the devil, as y/n briefly mentioned.”
“About that.” Sam turned to you with a scolding look. “We need to talk.”
“Not now Sam.” You silenced him before turning to Maze. “Okay there’s going to be some ground rules. First off, no parties.”
“Yeah I know.” Maze rolled her eyes.
“Hang on. I’m not finished. No drinking, Athena does not need to be seeing that. Absolutely no men over of any kind, because that’s just gross. I have plenty of food in the fridge and in my garden. Also here’s some money for takeout if you want it. And-“
“Hekate, I got it.” Maze stopped you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Chloe lectured the same thing to me when I had to babysit Trixie. I know how this all works. I promise I’ll take good care of her.”
“I know. This is just my first time.” You sighed.
“She’ll be safe with me I promise.”
“I trust you Maze. Oh also, if anyone threatening decides to stop by-“
“Slice em up.”
“Yes.....but no.”
“Awww. That’s no fun.” Maze slumped her shoulders.
“Life is full of disappointments. Just give them a good scare. You know what to do.” You told her as you opened up a portal for her that led to your home. “You got everything?”
“Yup. See you later Hekate.” She gave you one last smile before disappearing into the portal. You watched as it closed behind her, trying your best to wash away all the doubts. You knew Maze would take good care of Athena, that was certain. But life hasn’t been very kind to you lately. And you’ve only been more on edge ever since you lost your planet. But you had hope, because Athena was the last favor of kindness that was offered to you, and you weren’t going to let her go. So with the little bit of faith in you, you sent over a protective spell on Maze, just for the extra precaution, a part of you knowing everything would turn out just fine.
“So.” You spoke up. “Where do we start?”
Tag List: @Little-baby-vixen @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @pollynx
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keyheartsia-dorm · 3 years
I’m bored let’s do a lore dump
It’s a Map~
Oh Yeah I mentioned a Sprinkle of Final Fantasy and KH but I haven’t talked about that Aspect of my Canon At all have I? Well truth be told it’s cause I’m focusing on getting the more Basic Aspects of my Oc’s Before I get into that but Guess who made this Baby on a Whim!
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So this is the Map of the Isle of Light well the Main Island at least there are other Littler Bits of land Yet to surface I̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶A̶d̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶L̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶h̶a̶ oh yeah did I mention it’s a FLOATING ISLAND!! Yeah P Sick right? Okay so I’ll go into the Island’s History and it’s Area’s but it may have some Spoilers I guess you could say but honestly I wouldn’t wait on me making a full fledged...Anything outta the Story I’ve made like I’ll sum it up (not here but like in general) but comics are hard Videos are hard Fics are hard maybe not individually but this is more of a Anime Series then an Anime movie if you feel me without further ado...Stuff
Oh god this was longer then expected
Some General Background
So The Isle of Light was Originally the Black Forest A Place of Freedom and Expression for all who lead lives who Needed to hide Such and Some Such was The Coven of the Black Forest made up of 3 sisters (not biologically also there was a 4th) they all found comfort and love with each other one being the Princess of the Kingdom nearby (The 4th and Littlest one) She had a fiancé who was Mad with a Lust for power and Control over things he Didn’t need power and control over He Treated the Littlest one Cruelly when the other 3 Decided enough was enough when he did...SOMETHING to Part of the Forest so Horrible it turned Dead and Cruel (Subtle Subtle Hint Hint Wink) When all 3 Of them saw the Ruin They went so mad they turned to Darkness and fought him and all his Manmade monstrosities there when the Princess Arrived there was so much Dark energy everywhere it was Bad like Real Bad So with her friends now monsters she Fought them with a heavy heart her heart broke so much she fell afterwards immediately Unintentionally Sending her Kingdom to somewhere nobody knows where she is though...That’s an even bigger question BUT the story would live on as a Weilder of the key blade who slayed 3 evil witches...(Oh yeah did I mention Crowley knows And that’s Why He Let the Girls Attend because he thought they might be the Black Forest Coven Reincarnated And the Prophecy that when they Awakened the “Keys to their Hearts once more” They’d Free The Princess From her Mirror Prison Oh Yeah also the princess DID Die But her Reincarnation Goes inside a Mirror and is trapped there when she turns 17 and Doesn’t leave until she dIES ALSO ITS HIS OLDEST DAUGHTER THIS TIME ALSO YES HE HAS 2 DAUGHTERS...Okay lemme just calm down..Also yeah she thought of the Princess System) but After a Wish got safe haven for all Keyblade Weilders (I have KH Oc’s other then these don’t ask Longer story they live and basically founded Fortana Haven) I guess the Isle of Light Rose from the Shadow Realm to be just that oh yeah also the Isle of light is literally that kingdom if ya didn’t know
Fortana Haven
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(Some Love Nikki BGs for Visualization if I’m Wrong about this from being from Love Nikki Correct me pls and if this is your art sorry and I’ll take it down)
Okay this Place Basically a Modern Fairytale Everything is so Rustic~ but they Have Cafe’s and Stuff~ They’re still very much in Development as a City..or town..or whatever Boss of everything Locket Clover (An OG KH OC) Runs Everything Wonderfully she welcomes everything with open arms and If you wanna run a shop or want a Building for a particular Thing or Activity she’s Pretty open to the idea unless it’s Incredibly Dumb But she will make you get The Wood and Supplies and The Bricks and the Brick Stick Sauce or whatever it’s called she might get give you help constructing but dang is she a firm believer in “DIY” but I like how she’s Determined to Have a Good Balance between Industrial and Rural In fact there is a Mall (God knows how it got there) And that’s pretty much all there is for your Juicy Capitalism Fix She Runs “Hope Stir” Workshop according to Her boyfriend Ephmer It was always Called a workshop but for the longest time she did EVERYTHING Subtle Farmwork And Animal Husbandry ACTUAL Workshop things all cause she wanted to help every Weilder she knew out and made sure they had a place for food and such She is a bit of a Moneyholic but when you’ve been doing what she’s been doing I bet you’d be too overall While it doesn’t have much History yet Fortana Haven (4-Tana is how you say it btw) Is truly well a Haven
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The Crowned Castle
(More Pics for Visuals I don’t think this is from love Nikki but if this is your artwork same applies I’m not gonna be the guy who Claims just cause it’s on google it belongs to everybody or something even though yeah I did find it on google)
The...Crown of the Isle of Light Before We came to the Isle for the first time Apparently Everyone In Fortana thought it was Haunted! Which..Fair enough Before we Placed the Princess Medals (Okay QUICK SUMMARY OF THIS BIT Okay so in the KH Mobile game there’s Medals and I wanted them to be in my story basically They’re Memories formed into powers when all my Oc’s Met the Princess’s Of Heart They Each got a Medal Representing them and then the Medals Restored the Castle I left out some details but basically that’s it) This Castle is the BOMB There’s Cool Pretty Princess Room’s And a Bedroom JUST FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!! And it’s just a good Place to Vibe and Hang out with your friends (I’m sorry I’m about to Lore Dumb all over this place) The Princess’s Fiancé Made a Crown for her before she could put it on he put some of his Subconscious in it poor Eden When she wanted to get stronger for Malleus (Malleus is her adoptive big brother and she was upset cause she felt she wasn’t good enough ran away to get power and found the crown) It really did almost completely overtake her I shudder thinking about it “Kachow”...Ew (The fiancé said that a lot ok) a lotta bad stuff happened here but as selfish as this may sound I feel like I earned my spot here and I wanna keep sharing it with my friends
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The Matteria Deadland
(Also Imagine some Pointy Mountains and some Lite Mech debris)
Man What to say... So Much Happened here as well probably Tragedy I can’t comprehend there is a few good places about this place though Diane likes to Scavange around Here for Interesting Debris Eden doesn’t like the Air around here but she says she finds Interesting Jewels here and Latte says the same thing so there is good to be found here We all come here every so often to try to help..Anything grow but they don’t call this deadland for nothing but still ya can’t give up hope! I wanna grow some beautiful Lillies here one day! Also hey! Also pretty cool name (Matter-RI-a is how you say it btw) All the sadness that happened here it actually did make the land rich in Metal if nothing else there’s even a whole Cavern we found in the mountains...it almost killed us but we found it
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Opal Cove
(also these are Gacha Backgrounds)
Is this Place an Actual Cove? Idk
Is this Place super cool and pretty? Yeah
Is this one of my favorite places in this whole Isle? FRICK YEAH
okay I love a lot about this Isle but Opal Cove!!
Our mermaid friend Mitella I guess “Runs” the Place Our KINDA merman Friend Skye also spends a whole lotta time here Basically it’s a Giant Pool and rumor has it...It’s endless Water...CAUSE IT IS SOMEHOW CAUSE I KNOW weird thing is the Sand it’s at the end of the Isle so there’s not really a beach just...Sand Near Water Odd The Coral Near the Bottom or well “Bottom” Is SO PRETTY it’s like Crystals in the morning the light shines its SO DANG PRETTY I’m glad Mitella is a Sea Witch Or else we couldn’t go so deep underwater it’s SOOO worth it!! She does NOT let a lotta people at once though Heck she doesn’t like Skye that much from what I can tell but she makes an Exception for ~friends~ So...BE NICE TO OUR CUTE MITELLA I’m glad we have a Convient Place for Blitzball practice and also Swimming around with pretty Mermaid Tails (New Nix Mermaid Action Fashion Doll only 25.99! Get it for your Child or they’ll cry!! Also a 5 dollar Boy doll take his Shirt off! That’s it!) Hyde Mi And Skye are kinda an Iconic Trio Mi Also Teaches how to swim with a mermaid tail better for the Weilders who wanna go to Atlantica Hey Mermaids gotta eat so get a Swim Lesson! (And also a transforming Mermaid Doll!)
Bianco Nero Forest
Well tbh I have the least to say because it’s Appeal is simple ADVENTURE AND MYSTERY! Lots can happen in Bianco Nero it’s Basically the Base foundation of the whole Isle! Presumably cause it’s the Black Forest or was at least though it can be dangerous it’s the only place heartless are know to appear in the whole isle (So where you’ll grind In the Video Game that’ll definitely happen :Says the girl who can’t commit to a single comic) They drop all sortsa cool stuff! Heck you can FIND Cool stuff just...Around so..Yeah!!
It’s 2 am maybe I’ll edit this later thanks for reading sorry I got obviously tired by the end goodbye my dearests~ (Seriously y’all deserve like a reward for reading this dumpster fire) I was inspired by those maps in those scholastic books like the Rainbow Fairies I think it was called (Anyone remember those?) that had lil maps in the beginning and also the map’s stickers all on PicsArt
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of  4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on… 
WARNINGS: Semi public sex, light cum play, light spit play, VERY mild daddy kink (it’s mentioned like twice) light dom Tae, overstimulation, Toys (Finger bullet), dirty talk, non-protected sex, oral (F recieving) , Tae is Low key/High key whipped AF, That’s his baby.. 
WARNINGS NON SEXUAL: This chapter get’s a little dark, mentions of HEAVY drugs/ drug use(Cocaine, Heroine), violence, choking (Non-sexual), OD’ing, guns, language as per usual 
There’s a lot of storyline..but you guys learn A LOT in this one! It’s definitely worth the read..this is also a slightly darker chapter..
This is one of the last chapters where I’m...”forshadowing” if you will...so you need all of this!
There is 2 smutty moments within this as well!
You can read this as a stand alone, and not be completely lost but it would help if your familiar with the series ...Luxx/Luxxy is the OC’S nickname if you’re new here…
LOCATION: Somewhere in the skies of China
The last time you saw Kim Taehyung cry was 10 years ago, at his mother's funeral, the last time you saw Kim Taeyung this broken...was ten years ago at his mother's funeral. Now here you are, laying in bed at 2AM on your jet, headed home, for Leo’s viewing, while Kim Taehyung literally wailed into your chest a combination of heartbreak and rage washing over his body. Draining out every ounce of energy he had until all he could do was sleep…
Boston Isle 
Tuesday, 2 PM 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter spoke, apparently it was some random nurse who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the news being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognized the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know the actual reason is because Taehyung puropusly never asked him what his name was, granted he’s not stupid, his men knew, they even had a picture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately deciding to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoing through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The base in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you first.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered. I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even knows how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when Marcp barely knows what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coud’ve been his ally!” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point, so you opted to wait for the invite. 
Once you were in arms reach he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you.
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other on your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. Emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years later but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof rolling off his tongue “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried earlier today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “Over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, “Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,clinging to him almost desperately your actions polar opposite from your words.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeeze on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back, he'd be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Rocking forward slightly, not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, they actually got tighter, dropping your gaze down to your feet. Your right leg starting to patter nervously as you felt your chest swelling, gently taking you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightening even more as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
He did not force you to make eye contact, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before raking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, and stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. 
Suddenly feeling like this was all getting a little deeper than you could handle you found yourself feening for a distraction. Letting your hand have free reign to trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” Keeping the same calm tranquil tone he  had moments prior, despite how drastic the setting became. 
“Well ,maybe that’s what I need right now…” A not so subtle pout laid along your lips, earning an amused smirk to curl up his face, as he gazed down at you. 
His hand came up and coming up to grip the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging with just enough force to rip a whine from your throat. “Naughty” slipped past his lips in Korean making your giggle against his skin.
 Tilting your head upwards before pressing his lips to yours, slowly, almost teasingly licking his way into your mouth, which you welcomed effortlessly. Bringing his opposite hand down to cup your ass through your jeans..clawing at the material as you rolled your hips into his. A slight moan escaping your lips as he sucked your tongue back into his mouth,tilting his head a little so he could deepen the kiss.
The sound of footsteps, didn't phase the two of you, you've been caught doing worse, until Hoseok clears his throat, making the two of you finally allow each other to breathe. But in true Kim Taehyung fashion he didn't stop right away, he still let his tongue lingerie in your mouth. You were the one who broke it apart, starting to laugh against his tongue because you knew how close Hoseok was. 
You couldn't help but notice the almost pleased smirk that tugged on Hoseok’s lips, as he waited.
“Yes?” Brow quirked in Hoseok’s direction while his hand soothed up your back, acting as nonchalant as could be.
“I was just sent here to let you two know were flyin’ out of here to head back inwards in about an hour or so..the planes set to take off at around 5:30. That’s all..feel free to continue...there’s actually a spare bathroom down that corner, don’t ask me how I know” Dismissing himself with the cheekies smirk imaginable, before either of you could respond, or pick up on the fact the he said “Were flying out of here in about an hour” 
‘Ya know, I always think we're the definition of shameless, and then I remember there’s Hoseok and Bunny..” Smiling up at him, knowing the two of you were thinking about the same situation right now...
“Come to the bar with me…” Yanking on his arm slightly 
“I’m sorry are you telling me to go?" Brows furrowed at your blatantly demanding tone
“Obviously! Now come to the damn bar with me!!!!” 
Cocking his head to the side slightly, brow arched in slight amusement, as you went to saunter off as if you just knew he’d follow. Which he did, but not before winding his arm backward almost giving your ass whiplash as it landed on your right cheek until your yelped. Hopping off the ground slightly from the sudden impact. Eyes glaring back in his direction as you hissed from the lingering sting.
“Oh please ..” Eyes rolling to the back of his head at your faged annoyance, walking up behind you until his lips were nuzzled into your hair “I bet if I slid my hands down your panties right now, I’d find out you really felt about it.”
Stopping right in front of the door, two hinges are all that separated the two of you from a good 30+ mob affiliates yet it didn't stop you from grabbing his hand in your own. Siding it into your jeans to remind him, your not wearing any after your earlier endeavors. Guiding his hand up and down your heavily saturated lips as they coated his fingers, you couldn't help but smile contently at the sound that left his lips. A soft almost restrained moan ripped from his throat, reacling your neck to lay on his shoulder as you gazed up at at “Yup your right, I really fucking loved it..” The purr teased against his bottom lip, as you brought your hand up to wander through his hair. 
The playful atmosphere was long gone once he seamlessly slid two fingers in, pressing your chest against the wall  grinding his hips into your ass . Effortlessly curling his fingers upward probing the spot that had your knees buckling within seconds.
“Oh fuck…” 
“I really don't get it...do you just not want to be able to walk? Hmm..is that what it is? Is that why you contiously act like such a fuckin brat?” Sinking his teeth into the base of your neck until you knead out..almost pressing your face into the wall in attempts to muzzle yourself. The sound of him moaning out contently against your skin as you fell apart in his arms only added to the haze currently filling your head. 
Your broken cry was rudely interrupted by Tae’s phone ringing both of you instantly recognizing the ringtone as he slid it out of his pocket with his free, clicking it on speaker “You and Luxxy outside! We need to run over a couple things before you leave”
Sliding his fingers out, teasing them up and down your folds, pinching your clit between his fingers.“Okay yeah we're coming..” you could literally feel the smirk in his voice as desperately sink your teeth into your bottom lip. His father started rambling on about something else to Tae took him off speaker, slowly curling his fingers up your lips before freeing them from your jeans. Hissing slightly at the lack of contact as your body slouched against the wall. Trickling his fingers slowly admiring the way your juices coated them thoroughly..
“Oh, yeah of course, I mean it only makes sense..” Continuing casual conversation with his dad as he locked his eyes with yours, slowly lacing his tongue around his fingers before turning to walk away. Making sure to flick him off in the process…..
Turning around slightly once he realized a couple steps in you weren’t following “Ugh, Luxxy, we gotta go our father’s need us…” Purouselys saying it into the phone so his dad could hear a smirk tugged on his lips as he gestured for you to follow with those same two fingers “Come”. Even though he literally meant “Come” the tone he said it in screamed “Cum” and you were so ready to punch him dead in the throat!
The last thing you wanted was sit, cozied up to Kim Taehyung, but more importantly, you don't need to give your fathers any reason to be concerned. Especially over something this..”Minor..so you sucked it up..no matter how badly you wanted to strangle his scrotum. Since he had the nerve to smile over at you fondly. 
“The helicopter should be here in the next half hour….” The two of you observed the way your father kept his eyes on the water, the tide starting to pick up slightly, as the sun was shifted  behind the clouds. Indicating rain was headed back this way sooner than later, the gloomy overcast starting to drape overhead again. 
“We've been wrecking our brains, trying to think of the best way to do this…” Pausing to take a puff on a cigar in his hand… ”Were trying to step back, and not hover so much but it’s hard, in our eyes you’ll always be our babies, and granted the two of you havent fully given as reason to be 100%  feel comfortable doing so either..” Mr.Kim’s eyes glared between the two of you but there was a playful twinge within his voice as he spoke.
A gritty chuckle leaving your father's lips at the current state of confusion plastered along your faces, still not quite sure why the two of you were called out here to begin with. “We just ...wanted to remind you that your...Notoriety sit’s differently out there, in the US, to the masses your Taehyung Khan, and Luxx Severiane the two bratty rich kids of Boston. In China, it suddenly becomes a lot more likely that your known as Blaise and Jae’s Grandchildren, that title comes with a lot of pride, a lot of respect and a lot more enemies.”  
You felt Tae’s thumb stroke your shoulder at that, the shift in conversation suddenly making you forget your petty disposition towards him. ;l
“We know you know this, it’s not your first time there, but it’s been a minute since you've gone together, and the airs just sitting a little thicker now. When it comes to the “Family Business” we prefer to be heard and not seen, but that’s kinda hard to do out there! So just ... be aware of your surroundings, and of the way people look at you, even more so than usual. Were already trying to move in silence as it is, there’s no proof it’s Marco, were just assuming. As we all know the gangs in China have always had a love hate relationship with us!  “ 
There was a conscious nod that left both of your bodies at that, there was really only one ally you all truly trusted and that’s because that bond was damn near 15 years old.
“Which is why were also sending Yoongi and Hoseok with you as well, we pulled Hoseok off the Tokyo drop Hong Joong’s going instead…” 
“How are we flyin in by the way?” It was like the two of you were working on one brain cell, that exact question hovering over your lips before he asked.
“Well, we thought about commercial….” 
Your nose was scrunched into your face at the sound of that earning a chuckle from the 3 men around you.
“You’ll live baby doll…” Your dad piped in as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the mini monster he’s created.
“-But we didn't trust that, that’s 15 hours on a flight with god knows who, either way you still have to clear customs. We've taught you well enough to handle your own so you're flying private . Be careful, be alert, and figure out what the fucks going on at that damn warehouse…” 
Another simultaneous nod left your bodies, to be honest you weren’t nervous just..mentally preparing for what was ahead of the two of you. 
“Last thing, with the time difference once you land it will be 9pm tomorrow, so Wednesday night, you guys are supposed to fly back at 9pm Thursday night. As long as your on that flight, with the time difference and air time, you should get here around 1-2 Am our time on Friday. That gives you guys a couple hours to sleep, and debrief  before the viewing at 12. So again no time for bullshit, no trips to Chanel, just knock this shit out and get home, so we can give Leo the homegoing he deserves!” 
The 7 of you split up in two groups and loaded the helicopters, once you landed your cars took you your separate ways, heading home to shower and pack. Even though you’d be there all of 24 hours you still found a way to over pack your Keepell, placing one firearm in your bag. The weapon was unloaded and properly packed in order to clear any regulations, it was also registered to you but you’d never in a million years shoot from that gun. It was just for show and more so dire emergencies. Short of that your weapon of choice is unmarked, and unregistered  and loaded with ammo that you probably shouldn't have access too but somehow ,ya do! 
Already well aware that nothing sexual would happen on this 15 hour flight, due to the time difference, and the lack of time you’d be there the flight would be spent between strategizing, sleeping and eating. That still didn't stop you from throwing on a lace little something under your T-shirt dress in case he hands wanted to go for a little stroll. 
LOCATION : Somewhere in the skies between Massachusetts and China
Tuesday, 7:30PM
The skies were gloomy as all hell once you took off, a good 2 hours into the flight once everyone munched on the array of fast food, and got in there comfy spot, that’s when it was game time. 
“Alright, sorry if this is all old news for everyone else, but what’s the actual issue? Listen, I’ve been all over Amsterdam for the past month running your drugs around..so I’m a little out of the loop!” Throwing his hands up dramatically, the utter sarcasm dripping from his throat ripped a snort from the rest of you effortlessly. 
Taehyung and yourself glanced at each other and ultimately he decided to respond.
“Around, 5am, one of our trucks from China, was on the road, the driver claims he was at a rest stop for the night, headed to our Anaheim warehouse and the back hatch alarm tripped. He told Jin he didn't physically see anyone just a blacked out van driving off, when he counted his shipment he was down 6 boxes.” 
“The issue is..our routes are soild there always changing, the trucks unmarked, it’s just...real fuckin shady... who takes shit without knowing what it is? I mean fuck what if it’s wallpaper!? Then what? You just risked going to jail for a hunch? Nahhh” Namjoon piped in,he often helped remap out different routes for the drivers go take so it didn't get repetitive . 
“So, I know this has never happened before, but what is the protocol for something like this?” Your eyes drifted over to Jin’s since he’s the one running the shop as of a month ago and he was the one popping in the most when Henry was in charge”
“Kinda the same, shipments flies in on cargo, driver on commercial, he’ll drive the head home tonight, and come back in the morning for the trailer. It’s on lockdown all night with Lay’s men at the port, the main difference is once he gets in and we do an incident report...that’s when I get all the details.” 
There was a constitutional humm...that flooded the room until you thought about that for a second. 
“So wait, that means..he’s technically the only one with his shipment until it gets to the warehouse?” He could sense the concern in your voice instantly. 
“Yes and no, Lay’s men are with it all night, so what;s on the plane is on the plane, plus we can track his-”
“Right, but are they going through and counting the boxes to make sure he has what he says he has? Do they even know he’s supposed to be down six boxes?” Your tone was calm, not trying to come off like you were attacking him but..you need clarification on the protocol.
Another consensual humm came through, once the whole group realized you had a pretty valid question. Even if this was a rarity there still needed to be solid structure, and there seems to be loopholes..
“Honestly, I’m not sure..shipment is usually ONLY exported from China, it’s extremely rare that were receiving freight! Unless it’s coming straight to the warehouse...” 
“When did the freight plane get in ?” 
“Tonight actually, as long as we land on time probably a good 30 minutes to an hour after we get there…”
“I wanna wait around for Lay and his men to unload the plane before we leave...” Taehyung’s palm came up to soothe down the small of your back.
 “Good girl..” There was nothing condensing about his tone , already well aware of where your mind was going. Moments like these are why he just can't get enough of you, no matter how hard he tries. 
If the driver said your missing six boxes than fuck, you better be missing 6 boxes! Needing confirmation before you could even consider going to sleep tonight!
The next couple hours were spent talking in a little more detail , as far as the shop was concerned , clienteel, ETC, Yoongi opting to head in right when you land, wanting to have a go at the system before anyone gets in tomorrow . Well aware that if any funky business is going on, ideally late at night would be the perfect time for someone to back door the system, since the shops technically closed.
A good 4 hours later, talking filtered into sleep that you all desperately needed, as your day was starting in less than 6 hours! Taehyung and yourself were cuddled up in the bedroom that sat at the back of the plane. You found yourself passed out on his chest, while he woke up a good hour or so before landing, re-going over reports with the dimmest light possible so he didn't wake you. Secretly loving and hating how much he was enjoying having you like this, the vulnerability he felt with you was utterly terrifying and liberating all at the same time. Just not sure how long this little road of bliis can go before his inner deamons start to fuck with his head again. 
LOCATION: Shanghai Pudong International Airport
11PM Wednesday night
You were out like a light, not even bothering to wake you until, the cargo plane had also landed, it was pushing almost 11pm at this point. Waking up to the feeling of someone slipping your shirt over your head, in combination with the sound of thunder rumbling against the plane. Eyes slightly hazy as they fluttered open slowly….
“It’s pouring and barley 50 degeress, you’d freeze in that…also..your a little shit for these...” Tugging on your pink lace G-string with a slight smirk.
Gaze dropping down to silently observe the way he delicately slid your body into your oh so subtle Gucci tracksuit. “Eww when did you get so sappy!” The playful tease rolled off your lips and against his tongue, not hesitating to let his hand make a firm imprint on your ass. Holding it in place so you felt the sting against your flesh, forever reminding you how instant his duality could be.
A whimper slipped past your tongue while he smirked into the kiss, “Who the fuck are you calling sappy?” a low growl left his lips as he sunk his teeth into your bottom lip, before shifting your body beanthe him, flipping you over so you were straddling his waist. “I think what you meant to say was “Thank you daddy..” A smirk tugged on his lips as you pulled away from him.
“Oh my god!!” A snort left your lips as you rolled your eyes playfully, smacking him in the chest lightly, mindless rambles were brushed against each others lips as you waited to unload the jet. Jet lag was in full affect that’s for damn sure ,this was NOT a smooth ride at all.
It felt surreal yet so natural..the two of you..not holding your breath with how long it would last, well aware that you both had a lot on your shoulders right now. Emotions are at an all time high so you tried not to over analyze the affection he was giving you, no matter how much you loved it.
Upon stepping off the plane you were greeted by almost terrifyingly dark skies , I swear mother nature tries to drop hints….she tries. Thankfully the mood was brightened slightly by Lay’s deadly dimples noticeable even tucked under a hat making his rounds as he greeted you all one by one. While you all loaded a little car comparable to an oversized golf cart where he drove you all a little further down the lane where the freight plane landed. 
“Okay so I need a favor…” Not even waiting for him to respond prior to continuing “ I need every box, counted and numbered,as you guys load each one onto the truck. I want them loaded in numerical order…tonight!” Smiling up at him doe eyed, his body just slumped at the sound of that. It was wet and cold, and late as all hell, due to the weather they probably weren’t even going to unload until the morning!  But he'd never question, or complain about anything you requested of him. 
“Yes, ma’am” Shooting you another charming smile before  bowing out, to instruct his men to do as you asked.
It took close to an hour to get through every box, stregicially placing them based on weight, size, and  if any of them were marked as “Fragile “  The seven of you waited in anticipation, as they loaded the last 3 boxes into the trailer.
“54!” Lay's voice echoed through the wind...A combination of relief and confusion now danced through the atmosphere. 
‘Does this mean I could actually, possibly leave China for once without killing someone!?”’ Hoseok spoke up for the first time since waking up voice sitting extremely groggy.
A drowsy chuckle filled the space as you all stood under the awning of the building to avoid the rain. Back pressed  firmly against Tae for extra warmth, as you all started walking towards the terminals. According to Lay’s packing sheet the driver  left with 60 boxes...he claims they took six so, so far his “robbery”stories kinda lining up...even if it doesn't make sense.
“I don't know man, I just still don’t get how they got away with six freight boxes before he noticed...has the driver’s plane landed?” Taehyung’s eyes cut over to Jin, as he checked the airports stats on his phone.
“Nope, the rain has him delayed , at least another hour or so…”
It was getting late and none of you had the patience to wait for him, also not wanting to ambush the driver, wanting to wait until you’d collected a little more info. 
“How about this..instead of the normal protocol makeup some bullshit excuse and have Lay drive him home! I want Hoseok to drive it in, tomorrow morning instead, tell the driver he can come in at 8 with all the other shop workers…that way he wave time to scope everything out.” Jin nodded, walking over to give Lay the game plan for the night, before you all descended into the chaos that was the airport.
As you lot trucked through,believe it or not it was still packed..regardless of the fact it was pushing midnight. The line for Customs & Immigrations was ungodly you couldn't help but notice the slight  stairs your group received from bystanders some lingered longer than others. 
A good hour, and lack of patience later you were the last to get verified, you understood enough Chinese to gist that everything documentation wise was all good. Just as the smiling face in front of you handed back your passport a member of TSA steps into frame.
Almost snatching your passport right out of your hand “Rude…” Slipped past your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head without even a second thought.
You could hear him mumbling something in Chinese to the other TSA that  almost sounded like “Back room” 
“Ms. Sever-”
“Severiane’ ” Tone dry as all hell, you could tell he was struggling and you weren’t in the mood, you were tired as hell and already annoyed by this blatant attitude.
“Yes’ we need you to step out of line, and follow me..” First thing you noticed was how clear his accent was, as he spoke to you in English with no hesitation.
“For what!?” The words slipped past all of there lips simultaneously before you even had time to rebuttal, completely ignoring the men to your right as they chimed in. The lack of response clearly wasn’t working in your favor as both guards stepped from behind the counter,and just like clock work, Taehyung and Namjoon were at your side as the men started to invade your personal space.
Both of there faces screamed “Back the fuck up..now!”
“I’m only going to ask you one more time,your coming either way because it’s apart of our protocol, as long as you cooperate this won’t take long.”
You could feel Tae’s grip on your waist get tighter, pulling you into his frame as he locked eyes with the guard in front of you. If looks could kill, this man's head would be on the other side of the airport right now . Neither of you worked well with threats but you were far too exhausted to fight this right now.You swore you could almost hear Taehyung’s teeth grinding together his jaw was clenched so tightly,
“Yeah, okay ,whatever…not like my bags and passport didn't already clear your system but sure..lead the fuckin’ way” Flagging your hand to gesture you were ready to go, nothing subtle about the attitude that dripped from your lips
As you went to walk off, the grip Tae held on the back of your joggers never faltered jerking you back into him. “I got this…” Brushed past your lips and you swore he growled in response, forgetting how possessive this man could get. Leaning up quickly to press your lips to his, the second you pulled away his eyes cut from yours, over to gentleman to your right before nodding tentatively. 
Smiling faintly in Namjoon’s direction as well, knowing he was feeling all the same emotions as Taehyung! Wigging out of his hold, fingertips gracing yours until the last possible second, the final glare that shoot from their eyes into the Tsa was lethal….
Walking down a long hallway before finally being led to a room in the back corner. 
Upon taking a seat the gentleman that walked you in left without saying a single word….
“That’s a beautiful plane you guys have…” Another extremely clear American accent graced through the doors as a different agent walked in to take a seat in front of you. His name tag translating to “Han”.
“Thank you…”
“So what brings you to Shanghai at this time of night…”
You could tell he was just beating around the bush and you really had no patience for it whatsoever, assuming he was just being nosey at this point. “I didn't plan to get here this late, but it’s a long flight and the weather sucked..” Shrugging nonchalantly as you crossed your legs, slouching back in your seat.
“Is it your first time here?”
Just shaking your head “No” in response, the utter lack of enthusiasm earned a chuckle from the gentleman in front of you.
“Ohhhkay..and what brings you here this time?”
“Food..shopping...aesthetically pleasing pics for my Instagram..shall I continue…” Crass nothing but crass…
“So your telling me you flew 16 hours to shop, eat, and take pictures?” Brow arched at the implied question triggering a smirk to crawl up your face.
“Clearly…. you can tell I can afford it” Letting your hand trail up and down your body everything from your tracksuit, to the diamonds that danced along your body screamed affluent. “So yes, that is why I’m here..and if all you wanted was my itinerary can I go?”
“No, I actually called you in because  when your bag got checked.. We noticed your weapon wasn’t stored properly. But instead of just taking it, I decided to be nice and give you a warning,I even brought a pamphlet for the proper protocol when traveling with a concealed weapon.
Bullshit, utter bullshit, there was nothing wrong with your gun and if it was it would've gotten flagged when they checked your bag…They don’t play around when it comes to weapons registered or not, ESPECIALLY considering your technically a foreigner!
“Hmm, well aren't you a gem, thank you, I’ll be more careful next time..” Flashing him an Oscar worthy smile ...to go with his bullshit excuse for why he called you in here
“Anytime, make sure it’s secure when you leave though, we won’t be as generous next time…” Slowly rising from his seat, just nodding in response.
“Enjoy Shanghai Ms. Sunjata…” You felt your spine go ridigit at the sound of that, completely readjusting in your seat. Footsteps rattled behind you, as you heard the door shut. Trying to run through any scenario in your head, that could explain why you were 99.99 percent sure this TSA agent just referred to you by your real surname!
That was all the confirmation he needed...silently observing the obvious shift in body language.. 
And just like clock work you realized he wasn’t actually leaving, the door was never closed when he came in to begin with….
You heard what almost sounded like handcuffs jingle behind you, which had you second guessing yourself for a moment. Currently wondering if you played this out completely wrong in your head, maybe you were under investigation for something else all together! Your reflexes kicked in and you went to jerk away once you sensed how close he’d gotten and in almost a whim of panic his game plan changed. 
 Suddenly you found your airflow get cut off  somewhere between your throat and your lungs as the chain between the cuffs was wrapped around your throat. Pulling you backwards until the front legs of the chair were off the ground, the chair itself rested lightly against his abdomen so he still had control . A sharp breath hiccuped in your chest as you tired to sustain what little airflow you had.
“Is there a reason a Sunjata’s in our territory!?” The words growled against your neck, yet you could sense the uncertainty, as his voice wavered...he was terrified, I don't think he intended for his “Integration”  to go this route.
 Hoisting the chain with enough force to leave an impact but not enough to make you blackout “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, so just answer me! What the fuck dose Sunny want huh?  We already told him,we had nothing to do with your fucking warehouse or Henry, So why are you here!? ” Funny how he was getting impatient with your lack of response, and also saying he doesn't want to hurt you yet..here we are.
He yanked on the chain one more time, snapping you out of your haze,which triggered your instincts to kick back in elbowing dead in the ribs, catching the edge of your elbow against the chair in the process which only pissed you off even more. His frame wider than the back of the chair itself, the slight release on the restraist gave you enough leighway to rock all our weight against him, causing you and the chair to topple over him. Knocking you both to the ground, a lot harder than you expected. A low grown gritted through clenched teeth at the impact once your body met the concrete, the gentleman to your left, however, was far more winded that’s for damn sure. 
Not even giving yourself a chance to catch your breath you grabbed the hand cuffs to your right, clenching them around you first as if they were brass knuckles before decking him dead in the face. Ripping a loud groan from his throat “Fucking bitch!” Rolling to the side as he cradles his nose in his hands, as blood surged from under his palm. Crawling over to flip him onto his back, straddling the upper half of his body, gripping the sides of his jaw between your fingers, purposely digging your nails into his skin.
“You think that’s bitchy!?Your lucky I didint  wrap this chain around your throat and snap your fuckin neck!” Slamming his head backwards into the concrete floor ripping another cry from his throat, you could see in his eyes...how scared he was. Probably new to this life, and genuinely worked at the airport..to keep tabs...here he was thinking he was doing a good deed to score brownie points. Now he’ll be lucky if his leader doesn't kill his ass for pissing off a Sunjata, lord knows the fire you could cause if you really wanted too! Clearly he didn't do his research, you knew he picked you because you were the only girl.  Assuming it would be easy...he could just scream it out of you, little did he know, your fuse was just as short as your men!! 
“And for fuckin what huh? Because I wasn’t on your damn radar!? Listen kid,try that shit again, and I swear to God, I'll cut your dick off and mail part of  it to your fuckin mother….and other to your Lǎobǎn” You had so many questions but right now wasn’t the time, for all you know if you waited another 5 or so minutes an entire gang coulve been waiting outside.
Your body was completely spent, once you willed yourself off the floor and opened the door, trying to pull yourself together, slumping to the ground outside the door because you knew he wasn’t going to try anything else. Your hand was literally throbbing , the bruising already shadowing your knuckles as you slide the array of Cartier off your fingers. Already well aware your hand would swell in your sleep, after a few moments you managed to get your shit together, heading down the hallway and back to the main area.
The minute you cleared the door the all shot up bolting in your direction “Fuck, baby are you-” Stopping himself midsetence the closer you got, neck already starting to welt. You could literally see the anger flashed through his eyes as he gripped the side of your face. “What the hell happened!?” Damn near stripping you in the middle of the airport as his hands scrambled over every inch of your body looking for any other marks. A whine leaving your lips as you winced once he graced your shoulder, eyes almost flushing pitch black at the sound that just left your throat. 
The original agent stepped back out front, and you felt Tae try to bolt to your right, gripping his wrist as hard as you can, no matter how bad it hurts. Pulling him back into you “It wasn’t him...and we can’t do this now...not here...we've already drawn enough attention…will talk later” You watched him open his mouth in rebuttal shaking your head in the process “Stop, take me to the hotel...now…..”  
He was testing your patience at this point the alpha in him, caused Tae to challenge every word that left your lips. Not that it wasn’t for good reason but he needed to trust your judgment calls “Taehyung...Now..” The sudden dominance that laced within your tone made him tentatively comply, it was rare you took this stance with him. Typically the tone was reserved for the men that worked for you! 
 Quickly asking the guys to carry both of your bags, while he picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you outside to the car that was waiting. One of your men stationed in China was the driver, not trusting some random service at this point. 
The car ride was oddly quiet, you were completely spent, and that’s the only reason the 6 men around you didn't bombard you with questions. Sat comfortably on Tae’s lap, face nuzzled into his neck, while his hands tried to soothe over every inch of your body.
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
Damn near 2AM, Thursday morning
The room was dead silent, the two of you debriefed the moment you entered the suite, as there was no way in hell he’d let you even think about sleeping until you told him what happened in that back room! Now the only noise in the background was from the shower. The two of you kept it running, almost as a makeshift dehumidifier, while you both soaked in the oversized jacuzzi. Submerged in mounds of bubbles and warm water. It was peacefully actually Tae sat parallel to you, legs resting over his thighs as his fingers trickled up softly. Your eyes were closed as you let the heat overtake you enjoying the rare feeling of calmness that currently washed over you body. 
“Why haven't you just given up on me?”
The sudden depth behind question pried your eyes apart...fluttering them over in his direction.
“You heard me…were the only two people in this room Luxxy..” 
“Well I mean, our families-”
“No” Not in the slightest mood for your games tonight “You know exactly what I mean, this “Thing” Gesturing between the two of you “Has always been a thing even before it  technically was and you know it. You've always had a soft spot for me, and I just can’t figure out why…” 
You couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by not only the conversation at hand but just the topic...he was never one to doubt or question himself. Also the slight passiveness in his tone felt forigen leaving his throat. 
“All arrogence aside, yes, I’m fan-fucking tastic in bed ...and I’m attractive...but so are a lof of other men, but beaneath all that... I’m so fucked up, and you know that better than anyone so why-”
“Really? So we're gonna sit here and act like we havent been through a lot of the same shit?” Instantly annoyed by him constantly trying to compare the two of you as if you were so holier than thou saint as an excuse!
“ I’ve seen and done thing’s that you don’t even have a clue about Kim Taehyung….For starters look at my fucking hand?” Pointing out how bruised your knuckles were in comparison to the extremely girly pastel pink acrylics that danced along your nails. 
“I fucking used a pair of handcuffs as brass knuckles, and broke a dudes face in 3 places today...do you really think I have any room to judge!? I have a soft spot for you the same reason you do me...because you somehow manage to see more than what everyone else dose……” Voice calming significantly the more you gazed into those dark brown eyes of his..always innocent no matter what he’s been through. 
“But what if there’s not more to me...then what? How do you know you havent mentally created a version of me in retrospect to who I really am?” He was challenging you and he had a valid point, but so did you...
“The reason I keep coming back isn't fictonal…..” Shifting forward in attempts to straddle his waist which he welcomed willingly, gripping your hips so you didn't have to do much. “ It’s the angry, short tempered, assertive, aggressive..version of you...then it’s also the man who carried me out of the airport..and held me the entire car ride...or the man that basically told me he’d take a bullet for me. And to make it even better you fuckin meant it….” 
You watched his eyes start to drift away from yours, bringing your hand up to rest along his jaw, tilting it back in your direction. 
“Yes..this is a busienss..even if we’d never had sex we’d always protect each other..but you look at me in a compeltley differnet light. You always have no matter how much you've tried to hide it...I’m staying around in hopes that I get to see a little more of that..Kim Taehyung…in addition to..the angry, short tempered...daddy dom you are” Pourposly lightening the mood with your ending choice of words..earning a slight smile to tug on the corners of his lips. 
“Such a hard man with an even harder cock, how the hell could I say no to a challenge like that?” Lips hovering over his as you spoke,Taehyung leaned in first a deep exhale released from his lungs into yours. Moaning against his tongue within seconds, as it slipped past the seams of your lips. The kiss was lazy, almost harmless initially, until you raked your nails down his back, ripping a moan from his throat. 
“Do you want it? Or are you too tired?” Pulling back slightly. Letting his lips tease yours as he spoke, nipping at your bottom lip.
“Both..” the words spilled from your lips, chuckling slightly at your own honesty..you were tired..but you wanted him…
A humm left his lips..before leaning over to suck on the hinge of your jaw “I think I can work with that…..” Scooting his back away from the edge of the tub “Wrap your legs around my waist...tight...baby…” Upon feeling you locks your legs around him , he locked one arm around your waist while placing the other on the edge of the tub, lifting you both out of the water, before carefully stepping onto the tile floor. Grabbing a towel off the counter to drape your back so you weren't sopping wet, before waving his tongue into your mouth carrying you back into the bedroom. The kiss was slow, deep, a little more delicate than your use to with him, he even let you take control as you laced your tongue around his. Pulling back slightly to nibble on his bottom lip, sucking it between your own, as he dug his nails even deeper into the curve of your ass. 
Typically he’d throw you on the bed, silently hoping he wouldn't, muscles too sore for that and luckily he knew better. Gently laying you on your back, soothing his hands down your thighs as he spread them apart slowly,kneading his hands higher and higher until they were dancing right beneath your core. Pulling back from you briefly...eyes following him as he reached into one of his bags, not fully able to see what he got as it dispersed within his palm. Before you even had time to question it he was hovering back over you..lips trickling down your jaw, instinaly noticing the way he skipped over your neck.More so on a mental level not sure if you wanted anyone near it, even him...but it was him...and as sad as it sounds that’s nowhere near the worst thing that's happened to you. 
Grabbing his face between your palms, gently placing his head in the crook of you next and he complied instantly. “You still want me to taste you?” The look in his eyes was a lot softer than you’d expect in a moment like this. The typical arrogance gone, almost as if he was honored that you still trusted him with very inch of your body no matter how fragile it currently was.”My pretty baby…” The praise had you shuddering.  
Purposely teasing over the skin with the tip of his nose, making you crave it even more “Yes, everywhere..I want you everywhere...please…”
 Planting  mounds of messy open mouthed kisses against your skin..until every area had been traced into his memory with his tongue. Moaning out in the crook of your neck as you started grinding your hips up into him. His mouth could tear you apart within seconds as your hands roamed down his back, nails grazing his skin as you arched slightly giving him more access. Letting his lips trickle down to your breast, Cupping it in his had as he let his tongue lather over your areola before sucking it into his mouth. 
“Tae…” raking your nails into his hair while you almost edging your breast even deeper into his mouth.
“Always  so sensitive...” Licking sucking, nibbling his way over to your other breast repeating the same acting as he sucked on your nipples until your entire body was grinding into him. The heat already pooling from your stomach, trickling onto the bed. Letting his hand travel down your body, moaning at the way every muscle in your stomach flenched at the contact...letting his figners dance over your clit…”So responsive...fuck ..you dripping for me baby…just relax and let me make you cum..I got you... ” 
Those words alone had your body quaking as he laid his tongue flat against your sternum,, licking his way down, until he reached  your bikini line. Nipping, kissing, and sucking his way around the perimeter of your core until you felt as though your entire being was pulsing for him. Positioning himself between your legs, cradling your thighs on either side of his shoulders as he dove tongue frist between your between your thighs. Clearly not in the mood to tease tonight as his tongue lapped around every crevice of your folds, moaning out against the juices coating every nerve on his tongue.  Brining one hand down to ravage through his hair as an anchor feeling as though you currently had no control over your body at the moment. 
Every inch of your body was set ablaze as he rolled his tongue against your heat, letting the muscle dig deeper and deeper teasing your entrance, before flicking it against the head of your clit, his name fell from your lips repeatedly only adding fuel to the fire. While he massaged your inner thighs in his palms...soothing the tremble that was already radiating through your body as you struggled to keep your legs open.  Pulling back to purse his lips over you clit, letting the natural lubricant fall from his lips onto your clit..not that you needed it Tae just loved it messy. Body jerking at the sudden sensation as he swirled his tongue around the added wetness, using it to unravel your clit nerve by nerve. He licked and sucked his way from top to bottom, living for the taste of you all over his tongue,relishing in how messy you were already dripping down his face..trickling onto the sheets.  Before moving over to sink his tongue even deeper into your entrance..waving it around the premier,teasing your hole as it clenched in anticipation. “Fuck, you want it sooo bad” His voice rumbled agaisnt your folds, as he almost arrogently observed how desperte your body was for him.
“Oh, my god Tae,…” You kneaded out as your body started to morph into a strained arch, ignoring the pressure currently beating on your shoulder, as you rolled your hips into his mouth. Humming out against your folds contently  the way you started to twitch above him. Letting his teeth gently graze your clit with just enough pressure to make you shudder before sucking the sensitive bud between his lips. Suctioning them around it until he could feel the nerve start to tense around his tongue triggering every nerve in your body to do the same.
“Tae, baby fuckk, just like that -” You find yourself almost clawing at his scalp as his name continuously fell from your lips in the form of the neediest whine imagine.
“I’m here baby...I’m right here cum for me.. ….please come for me” The words rumbled against your folds before he sucked you back into his mouth, your thighs desperately trying to clamp down on his face, as you back arched to the point of your head almost elevating off the bed…every muscle in your thighs quivered as you choked out a broken praise of his name. 
“Tae, T-” You came with a moan that stretched from the deepest realms of your chest..voice breaking towards the end .Giving your clit a few more kitten licks before he crawled back on top of you.
“How are you feelin? You wanna stop?” Hand coming up to soothe the outer perimeter of your body, your thighs still trembling against his touch. The concern in his voice had you melting as you shake your head in response almost pouting.
“No, I still want you….” 
“You trust me?” brow quirked slightly , as you reached up to wipe your juices from his chin.
That was all the confirmation he needed before leaning down to slide his tongue into your mouth. Moaning out as the taste of you rolled from his tongue to yours, reaching between the two of you tracing your fingers up your lips. Body shivering in the process, using your own release to stroke his length which was already rock hard, a strained moan broke from his throat as he pulled back from you, resting his forehead against your own, as his jaw laxed at the stimulation. Twisting your wrist up and down his shaft, towing with the precum on his tip .
“God I need to be in you so fuckin bad….your so wet, sooo wet..fuckkkk” letting his fingers reach between the two of you playing in the juices that glazed over your lips. “Slide me in baby…..”  Rocking his hips slightly egging you to position him at your entrance and you did, the minute he felt your warmth against him he started sliding in. Completely slipping your mind that it seems he purposely never stretched you out.
“Oh my fuckk..” Nails digging into his forearms at the sudden stretch and pressure that was building between your thighs.
“Does it hurt? or is it just-”
“No, it just..oh my god..” 
“Just what?” There it was that arrogance you knew and loved as he sunk his bottom lip between his lips rocking his hips forward even more “What? Is it too much dick baby? Too much for you to handle tonight?” Yet he didn't stop because he knew you could take it…
“No! It’s not too much you just-” Interrupting your normal scheduled sarcasm with one deep roll of his hips sliding all the way to the hilt, as you choked out a non existent cry.
“Shhh..just relax..you said it wasn't too much right? So why’s your back arching off the bed if daddy’s cock isnt too much for you to handle..” God if you had the strength your probably choke him...instead you purposely clenched yours walls around him as tight as you could. 
“Fuckk….” Thumb digging into your hips as he tried to regain composure “Brat..” slipped out through clenched teeth.
“Your brat!” Not even aware of the phrase before it rolled off your tongue, before you even had a chance to feel awkward about the statement a coy little smirk tugged on the corner of his lips.
“Fuck yeah you are….”  Smoothly rolling his hips into you, deep, slow thrust,  building up momentum..not even giving you a chance to adjust to the stretch of him. Walls unintentionally pulsing extremely hard around him while he cock also throbbed at the contact. “Fuck how are you always so fuckin perfect? Soo good...you always feel soo good..”
Leaning down propping his elbows on either side of your head sliding his tongue back into your mouth as he tilted his hips upwards slightly, sliding out completely before rolling back in. Bringing his pelvis flesh to yours each time, as he could feel you start to relax around him. 
“Fuck yes…: “ Sinking your nails into his shoulders, while he pulled back to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, sucking down on the skin benath your ear. Tilting your neck back even more to give his tongue more leverage, as he continued thrusting into you , your previous release giving him the traction he needed to speed up his pace without hurting you.
Bringing one hand over to his right, reaching out for the item he grabbed earlier, looping it around his finger before pressing it flesh to your clit. The sudden vibration had your eyes snapping open. Body arching into him as the stimulation surged through your body. “Fuckkkk..” Hands releasing his back , clenching to the sheets instead. He had the bullet right on the tip of your clit, and it was clearly on high, thighs shaking within seconds “Oh my- Tae…..” It was too much but it was so good, as you found yourself rolling your hips up into his hand, as he rolled and grounded his hips into yours, matching his thrust at ever angle..”
“You said you wanted to cum, but you were tired...now all you gotta do is just lay here and take it…..” eyes rolling to the back of your head as your thighs tried to close around him, your warmth still milking his length from base to tip ,”Babyy….yes...god yes...” Taehyung moaned out, his own toes starting to curl as he pounded into you..already feeling how close you were…
“Fuck, that’s it baby..come for me...come all over my cock... ,”
Propping himself up slightly, bringing his opposite hand over to take a deep grip on your ass, allowing him to bury himself even deeper as he snapped his hips into you “Tae!” Tugging on the sheets for dear life as your body arched again every muscle felt like it was convulsing as your eyes screwed shut Your relase ripping through you with such force that it snatched a strained moan from Tae’s throat “ Y/N...baby fuck….”  Gripping your trembling legs one by one  propping them on either side of his shoulders...leaning down to hover over you...tilting his hips..until it felt like he was sitting in your lungs… You couldn't even speak you were so full ... giving you no time to come down your previous release feeling like it was just bulldozing into the next.
He could tell your body was starting to lose all composure ...from how hard you were still shaking.
“Shh… relax...I got you...I got you..” Brushed against your lips… as he slowled down his thrust...clicking the bullet until it was on a calmer speed but it was still wayyy to much right now….Sliding his tounge back into your mouth as he rolled his hips into you, his thrust slightly out of sink and slopper than usual so you knew he was close but fuck it was soo much. Sucking every strangled moan from your throat as supported his weight on one elbow, cupping the side of your face in his hand as he licked his way through your mouth. Hip hips where becoming a rattled mess against your own , as your body started to ease slightly.
‘I can’t, fuck I can’t…” You could hear your juices sliding in and out as he rolled his hips into you, yours inner thighs soaked and sticky..voice strained..
“You can, give me one more, one more baby...I’m not gonna last long…” Pulling his hips back slightly swirling his cock around inside of you loving how wet and warm you were, and it was all for him. “You hear that? Your so wet for me baby you can take it give me one more, give daddy one more..” 
You kissed softly Tae’s thrust a little more ...rational considering how sensitive you were ...your body already starting to unravel within seconds. 
“Tae..” You weren't even sure why you were calling him at this point…
‘Baby..” He countered in a  low moan before sucking on your bottom lip “So good for me...soo good..” Crashing his lips into yours as he sped up his pace...turning the bullet back on high speed..
“Fuckk-”Body jerking against him, the cry was so faint your surprised he heard you 
“I know, baby I know, me too..” His legs were shaking between your hips which were trembling uncontrollably .
Massaging his lips against your as he thrusted harder and faster, ripping your last orgasm from your body as he licked up your throat… coming with a scream of his name..Thank God..your neighbors where Namjoon and Mazda!
“Fuck yes, that’s it…” Finally pulling the bullet away as he shoved his face in the crook of your neck, letting praise unpon praise fall from his lips. Tae’s release swelling in his balls , bringing his hands behind both of your shattered thighs, scoping you up, giving you a couple more deep, steady thrust before he was spilling into you,cock vibrating around your walls. “Fuckkkk” Strained from his throat, ridinging out his release as his hips rolled into yours deep and slow a couple more times before his body laxed on top of yours.
Taehyung was completely spent but he knew you couldn't handle him on top of you like this… propping himself up on one arm, bringing the other down to stroke your cheek “Are you okay?” The words cautiously spilled from his lips in Korean...you don’t even think he realized he did it but you understood him so you just nodded in response. Too exhausted to say much else, while his palm soothed down your body slowly, you were warm..sticky..and and fucking exhausted, your body was litterally buzzing as you nerves started to relax into the matress. Not even wanting to know what time it was right now...eyes drifting asleep ...at some point completely missing how gently he pulled out. Or how he took the time to wipe your entire body down with a damp cloth before moving you from the soiled spot beneath you. 
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
5:00 AM , Thursday morning
He never fell asleep, not that there was much time for it anyway...as he cuddled up behind you, silently observing the little whimpers that left your body as you readjusted in your sleep. The way the bruises along your shoulder, bicep, elbow and hip had finally settled into an ungodly shade of purple. Tae found himself, running circles against your bare skin the entire time you slept, silencing the alarm on his phone before the loud rattle woke up. 
Already having an internal battle with himself, it took every ounce of self control to not just completely shut down and pull away from you then and there. What happened last night, or I guess this morning, isn't uncommon, and he knows you held your own. But it’s you! Fuck it’s YOU, seeing his Luxxy burised and sore just hit..different...it hit real different. He actually almost slept on the damn couch, instantly settling away from your once you dozed off. Then he watched you sleep, and realized how much he needed to be that close to you and that utterly terrified him. 
Hopping up to turn on the shower before he actually woke you, wanting the water to be nice and warm because he knew you'd be sore as hell. Sometimes after something like that happens, your adrilenes still so high that you don’t realize how much pain your really in until hours later! You lot had a solid 14 hours to make heads of this before you had to fly back home for Leo’s viewing. 
Peppering kisses until you work up, in complete whiney, brat mode but this time around he actually found it adorable, carrying  you into the shower so you guys could get ready for whatever  hell this day had in store. Oh did I mention it was also dreary and rainy so...that’s the mood of the day, as the two of you got yourselves sorted in almost complete silence. There wasn't any tension or anything where the two of you were concerned there was just a lot on your minds right now!
It was about half past 6 once the four of you pilled into the car, Jin took Yoongi straight to the warehouse once you guys got to the hotel last night, and Hoseok had to go pick up the semi. They were all awaiting your arrival, and desperately praying you had coffee, which you did..about 2 strays full! 
Location : Sunjata X Kim distribution warehouse
Thursday 7:10 AM.
It was extremely earie how quiet the building was, your heels echoed along the concrete floors, all loading behind the industrial-sized elevator. There was no other drivers currently in China, all the others were on routes throughout the midwest, so the 7 of you didn't  do much to fill up this 3 story warehouse! The building itself was well kept, you didn't run some grimy sweatshop, it was clean, organized , and had one hell of a security system. 
Upon approaching the door to the office you observed it swing open automatically, guessing one of the guys saw you approaching on the surveillance cameras. A consensual sigh richoteced off your bodies as you took in the looks on their faces…..this was going to be a long damn day!
Joon walked over to give Yoongi both of his coffee orders, damn near snatching it out of his hand like a man deprived! You couldn't help but notice the way they all kept gazing over in your direction, the bruises on the side of your neck could be mistaken has love bites if they didn't know better. But the problem is...they all knew better, they couldn't help it, your the only girl in this circle, they all have a soft spot for you.
“Guys, please stop, I’m not a damn porcelain doll, I’m fine...can we actually start going over everything or do you just wanna keep staring at my bruised neck!?” Tone unintentionally snappy, you were just tired, frustrated, and already ready to leave. 
None of them bothered to rebuttal your request as you all settled on the sectional in the center of the room that sat in front of a 60 inch screen, which mirrored Yoongi’s monitor. 
“Okay sooo, to be honest, I didn't find a shit ton of issues, which isn't surprising, this is a business, you can only hide so much before it starts affecting money! But the issues that I did find, are a little concerning..first off it seems as though you only have about 10 clients that order in that large of bulk right?” Yoongi’s eyes drifting from the screen for conformation. 
“Yeah, and those clients have been with us since we practically opened usually orders that large are actually being transported for us to sell directly” Taehyung took it upon himself to answer as he shifted you onto his lap. You couldve sworn he thought if he let you out of his site you’d disappear or something. 
“Right, that’s what I thought, the person that was getting the order in question was relatively new...and it seems like you guys have about 2 more orders close to that size going out within the next 12 days...that’s also new clientele!” 
“Offf course we do!” Your sarcasm was just on autopilot at this point.
“Yeah, I checked into the system to see when they were entered..in, trying to find any email correspondences… and there wasn't much. The odd thing is, they were all added right before Henry left, but the orders were not set to go out for almost a good 60 days or more…” Jin chimed in while scrolling through his own laptop, double checking both work emails in the process. 
“Is that normal? Because I don't think I've ever heard of us doing that unless we're the ones sold out of something right?” 
“Yes and no, I asked Mrs. Chen (Lay’s grandmother who's been within the family business for almost 20 years) since she was taking over before I got here and she told me where she kept her handwritten notes” The frustration within his voice was comical..he was probably pulling his hair out trying to decipher her old school Mandarin.
“ Apparently, this client was moving locations and wanted it all to come together but couldn't afford it all at once. So technically it was three separate orders..that were paid for individually but they wanted to wait and have them all shipped together.” 
That was ...somewhat believable..the shipping cost for freight that size wasn’t small business friendly so it's not too obscene that they would rather wait and just pay one bulk price!
A consual nod filled the room at that, so far this wasn’t going too bad...
“Part of my concern, and it could just be me over thinking things, after that meeting we just had but when I looked into the shipping locations… and this is what I found….” 
Yoongi opened a separate tab to a spreadsheet that now graced the screen in front of you.
 Tijuana, Baja California,  El paso, and Laredo Texas …it took you guys a moment to put two and two together and then…
“Fuck, why do they alllllll border Mexico….” A deep exhale left your chest at that, sinking back into Taehyung. The question wasn't even legitimate more so just thinking out loud. 
Hoseok and Tae exchanged glares at the sound of that, the two of them have been gunhoe to “Handle” Marco for a solid 3 months now so this new info wasn’t helping!
“Again, maybe I’m overthinking this but..I just find it odd that the first shipment that’s ever gone rouge ..is going to a state bordering Mexico.” Scruffling his fingers through his hair, as he slouched against the desk. Yoongi looked fucking wrecked you could tell he’s been up the entire time!
“Right, but this warehouse is for replica luxury goods...some bulk wholesale items..I highly fucking doubt Carbarno wants a fake Gucci bag so this still makes no sense. We're still not at heads or tails when it comes to the Distribution truck…” You didn’t intend to sound like a bitch you were just getting frustrated! 
“I mean, the driver said they took 6, he left with 60-”
“How do we know he left with 60 though? Why are we solely trusting his word, does shipping and receiving keep logs of how many boxes are used per order!?” The room perked up at the sound of that, no matter how snappy, Taehyung’s request was actually spot on!
“Yeah, they submit it weekly so we know how much is going in and out inventory wise..”
“K, and where would we find that log?”
Jin stepped in since he knew the actual software a little better than Yoongi, typing in the shipment number..which narrowed it down to a month..then a week.. At this moment instantly regretting how good business was and the number of orders that are prepped daily. The 7 of you spread out along the office, going through the mountains of weekly logs!
For starters, shit was all out of order, which was a bitch for another day, but to be fair Jin’s only been here a month and Mrs.Chen as a fill-in until you could maneuver Jin to China!  
8AM rolled around and Jin had to step away, once the workers came in..needing to oversee the daily activities as he would any other time. Not letting them know Tae and yourself were upstairs, and I shit you not..it was pushing 11:30 when Namjoon finally found the log!
“Fuck!” You could sense the frustration in his voice assuming it was just because he still hadn’t found it…“Hey Tae, your Mandarin is a lot better than mine..come read this.”
Hopping off the floor, glancing at a hot pink sticky note on top of the log, there was a long pause before he actually said anything. “FUCK!”
The sudden outburst caused you all to jerk, completely unaware as to what caused it, the batatone rumbled throughout the office as he headed for the door “Hoseok, where’s the tuck ?” 
“Ugh, it’s in the lot it hasn’t been un-” Not even allowing him to finish his sentence before he headed into the hallway
“What the fuck is his deal!?” Hoseok retorted glancing over at you annoyed and confused by Taehyung’s sudden attitude.
“Tae, Tae!! ..” Nothing you knew he heard you as he headed for the staircase not even attempting the elevator. “Kim Taehyung!!!” Elevating your voice slightly and it still did nothing, an exaggerated sigh left you throat as the four of you trucked behind him. Completely unaware of where he was going, while Yoongi stayed behind to still toy with the system a little more. 
Inviting himself into the main factory level where all the workers were currently sprawled out, the immense out of chatter and music grumbled against the loud machinery. Not even attempting to speak instead reaching into his pocket, shooting a single bullet into the air, as a way to get everybody to shut the hell up and look at him!   
“Tae!!!” Gritted from your lips at his almost childish behavior and he still ignored you, while Jin ran over completely wide eyed, telling the workers to calm down and not panic. As they all instantly dropped to the floor at the sound of gunfire. 
“What are yo-” 
“I need, whoever unloades the freight, the driver of the truck, and whoever these two ladies are..” Pointing at the names written in Mandarin of the workers who loaded shipment “Send everybody else home for the day..”
“Send. Every.Body.Else.Home….Now.” There was no elevation in tone but there differently was in delivery, his tenor got dark, demanding wasn't even a strong enough word to describe it. Not even waiting for Jin to respond or ask any additional questions as he pulled away from him, sliding his blazer off his frame in the process. 
You watched him head out the door without even sparing you a single glance,at this point you were done, done chasing him, done arguing and more importantly you were exhausted! Now it’s your turn to be dramatic, pulling your glock out of the inside pocking of your blush pink silk coat. Aiming right at the light hanging from the ceiling, barley centimeters away from where he was headed.  Ignoring the gasps that overflowed from the work room, head whipping in your direction, face contoured out of anger and you could give less than a damn.
“What the fuck is your promblem!?” you watched him storm in your direction the diction in his voice one you've never heard in correlation to you. Yet no matter how angry he was your stance never faltered, crossing your arms over your chest as your eyes burned straight through him.
“What the fucks my problem!?”
“I didn’t stutter, I don't have time for this bullshit Luxx, I have shit to take care of we only have another-”
“Excuse you!?” Strutting closer, minding the space between the two of you until you could almost taste the gum on his tongue. “You have shit to take care of!? See that’s my fuckin problem Tae, what the fuck does this say!?” Storming to the left point to the very faint carving within the bricks that read “Sunjata & Kim” only the spelling was purposely done backwards. But you all knew what it said...and why it was there….
You watched the hinge of his jaw tighten yet he didn't respond “Hello!? Would you prefer I say it in Korean!?” Brow arched at the obviously condescending implied question. 
At this point, Mazda, Hoseok, and Namjoon had made there way to the halway as well, silently observing the soap opera taking place in front of their eyes. 
“You really need to calm the fuck down…” Dropping his voice significantly the octave and tone... was less aggressive yet even more dominant then moments prior……
“Or what!?” Challenging him yet again as you stepped even closer, dropping your voice so the conversation stayed private. “This is a business, sex aside..you can’t go shutting down whever you get angry or upset. This is OUR business and OUR money…you have no problem giving me what I want in bed, so give me what I want in business! Fucking respect me as your partner and talk.To.Me.”
A long sigh left his body as his eyes flutter shut..pearing them open slightly..taking a firm grip on the sides of your face,craddling it between his plams...squezing slighly “God I wanna choke the fuck outta you sometimes…” The words slipped through gritted teeth but there was no actual aggression laced within his words.
“Fucking same….” Keeping your eyes locked on his, as you watched him regain slight composure. 
“You went in shutdown mode barley 3 months ago in regards to this same damn warehouse...it’s not happening again...talk to me Tae” Dropping your voice to an octave that you knew would unravel him and get you what you wanted.
Dropping his forehead down to yours...the hold on your jaw becoming more intimate, as he almost whispered against your lips. Finally brining himself down to a more level headed mindset...
 “The report called for 54 boxes..not 60...that means for some reason, we have 6 more than we should regardless! Either he brought back six..or for some reason, they spaced out the order more than they really needed too. Either way shits off...I want every damn box stripped and checked, because I swear to God, if my guts right, I don’t give a fuck if it’s his father’s fuenral...he’s done!” 
Pulling back from your slightly observing your shift in expression upon finding out what the REAL issue could possibly be ...” Oh fuck…” 
“ Right! I don’t- we don’t have time to argue alright? ...If you wanna come while we sort through these boxes...come”  That damn sure wasn't an apology but you really didn't have time to bitch right now soooo
Unfortunately for the driver, a good 20 minutes in, Mazda found a clear baggie within one of the YSL replica bags…”Shit..Tae…” utter defeat slipped from his lips as he raised the bag,honestly, you weren't expecting it to be this fucked up!  
Body slumping into the floor at the site in front of you..and the more you searched the more, and more, and more..you found…The pile to the far right of the garage was growing like wildfire. 
“FUCK!!” This time the outburst came from you, darkside of the business is you guys moved snow...a gram starts at damn near $100.00. By the time you had every piece of shipment open, there was about 10 grand worth of coke smuggled carelessly between knock off luxury goods and bulk loungewear! 
It was pushing 3 in the afternoon at this point...the air was sitting real thick you could almost smell the fear laced within the 5 employees as they also sat in silence. 
“You know it’s Jimin’s ...it has to be...he gets jumped Monday night ...leaving the party...now suddenly there's 10k of snow here!? That’s not a coincidence…shit’s fuckin stupid!” Hoseok’s added in utter disgust you guys don't move drugs like this, there's a reason you don’t get caught! This was ignorant and careless, and theft, because these are Sunjata drug’s Leo, doesn't move shit this intense! 
There’s always a cleaner on any Drug run...that’s what Yoongi and Hosoke are for, in case someone tries to hit a lick or you get stopped by the police. A delivery driver isn't equipped to handle this kind of shipment, there not trained to kill someone in the blink of an eye! 
“So what would have happened if the police would have come to investigate this so-called robbery...and searched the truck..then what?” Eyes daggering int he driver's direction, lucikly he was smart enough to realize he wasn’t meant to respond. 
“ This is close to 10 thousand dollars worth of coke! We almost lost a mini Birkin!!” You didn't have the skill of sounding collected when angry, your voice was echoing extremely loud off the concrete walls! It was written all over his face that he knew something if you didn't know any better you’d swear he was damn near pissing himself. 
Yet Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, even in a situation like this .. your comparison to losing money is a luxury handbag!
Pulling out your phone to call Jimin knowing he’d be pissed because it was damn near 2 AM, but you didin’t care.
“Yes…” He was wide awake you could even hear some chick complaining in the background that he picked up…
“Am I interrupting?” You couldn't help but tease, and honestly, you needed the slight distraction, the girl in the back managed to sound even brattier than you!
“Nope, your always more important..what do you need love?” Always the flirt Tae rolled his eyes that the sound of that...suddenly soo possessive...
“After Joleane's birthday...what was taken?” 
A low chuckle left his throat which instnatly threw you off “A shit ton of snow that wasnt even fully cured..the mother fuckers gonna fuck around and have a damn stroke if he tries to hit that shit...fuckin stupid! That’s what they get through ...Whatever..I’m already working on a new batch anyway...so don’t worry. I’ll have it ready by next drop night” 
Now you were all laughing, good old jet lag, it was somewhat delirious and cynical actually as if this couldn't get any better, Marco was moving uncured snow. Meaning’s someone’s paying for the good shit and it isn't even fully cooked yet. Any dealer can taste a bad batch especially someone on the level of Carbarno! If this would've gotten sold to the wrong person, kills the wrong person or they just felt like you were trying to rip them off! Suddenly the entire alliance becomes a walking death wish! What makes this even scarier is if you guys wouldn't have flown out here...you wouldn’t have even seen the attack coming..you’d be sitting ducks...AGAIN
‘Welp Park, I found your snow..it traveled to China so I’ll make sure I bring it back to ya!” The sarcastic tinge to your voice had him more than confused as you hung up throwing your phone across the room! 
‘We need to shut this factory down, at least four a couple weeks, because I don't trust what’s coming and going out at this point. Jin...I need a report on what’s supposed to go out within the next 5 days...I need a cargo plane big enough to carry people and freight. I want every order that’s set to go out in that timeframe...on that plane...”
His eyes glanced over at you as if for once he was asking for confirmation, in which you just nodded...you only had another 6 hours here. There wasn’t time to do shit else...except shut it all down until you actually had time to think this through! 
“Get two if we have too and I want Yoongi and Hosoek riding with the pilots..along with the driver and the two women that processed the shipment.I don't know how your gonna do it..but I need them all on a flight or two by midnight, and I want this factory locked down and closed until further notice!” 
Taehyung just spit a lot out all at once, but it appeared both Jin and the employees in the corner picked up on every word..or at least the important parts because they were utterly terrified. 
“Hey guys come look-” Yoongi paused once he notices the moutan of coke to his right “Holyyy shit….ugh..I...fuck really!?” 
“The point Yoongi! Get to the point!” Patience was done at this point..done!
“Damn okay! I tapped into a webcam...there's nobody home I was just curious if any of you recognized the space or not!” 
“With the mood, I’m in you better hope I don't! ” Tae bit back in almost a growl as he helped you off the ground, Namjoon and Mazda stayed in the garage with the workers will Jin set off to try and orchestre what Taehyung instructed. 
The minute you all stepped into the office it appears there was static coming from the TV screen “Oh shit, shit, wait...wait I think...someone's home now….”  Tae, Hoseok and yourself all studied the screen trying to see if the person would get in frame, but it seems Taehyung already had a pretty strong idea who it was. And within a couple minutes so did you….
You all sat in silence for a good 5 or so minutes...until  an extremely doped out Henry slurred into frame, eyes sitting dangerously low, the same way they did when Taehyung found him almost four years ago.
‘“Shit” your heart was damn near beating out of your chest as you observed the way Taehyung studied the video, you’d never seen him look like this, it was actually terrifying, he was fuming. 
You watched Yoongi shift in his seat suddenly feeling real uncomfortable as you all found yourselves studying Taehyung, instead of the video itself. 
“I ugh, I don't know where he is but-”
“I do!” His response was instant, and the smile that settled on his face as he said it was a little more than unsettling “He’s retreated right back to his dope house..a good five hours away…”
You found yourself silently praying that  he would just send his men and the two of you would hop on the flight butttttt…” That’s a long ride, we should probably grab some food and head out for our little road trip yeah?.”  A slight smirk danced along his lips, eyes still studying the video thoroughly as he walked backwards towards the door, nothing was earier than a calm KimTaehyung. . 
Exiting the room without another word leaving Hoseok and yourself to glare over at each other..sharing the same disturbed expression.
“You know if we get there, and Henry’s in that house..there’s a 99 perect chance he’s going to kill him right? 
Location: Henry’s “House” (A good 4 and a half  hours outside of Shanghai )
Thursday 7:10PM
The shift in the atmosphere once you guys got closer to your destination was uncanny, you’d never been to side of China before. Besides visiting Begjin you never ventured too far away form the warehouse technically what you told the TSA was true. When you came here if you weren’t checking on your business you were eating or shopping! Sunny kept your far away from China’s black market dealings and for good reason.
The house itself was pretty small, and dark all the windows practically boarded so you couldn't tell if anyone was even home. Hoseok instructed all of you to stay in the car as he got out, seamlessly breaking his way past the triple deadbolt without any hesitation. Once you noticed the door crack open the three of you followed behind, Hoseok’s gun was drawn the minute he walked through the door because the house was pitch black!! Instantly turning on the flashlight on your phone and getting kiddie corner behind him so he could see. There was suddenly a scurry of footsteps frantically trampling into the room from the right, causing Hoseok to instinctively back you into a wall behind him. 
As if your shoulder needed anymore impact, it took everything in you not to scream, gunfire came from your left strategically grazing the skin of the man's ankle, knocking him to the ground with a high pitched goran. Finally finding a light to your right, you see Henry, in a way you've never in your life seen Henry, and a huge shared piece of glace. Which was apparently his weapon of choice for whoever he could get his hands on…unaware of who was breaking into his home. 
Hoseok, and Tae carried him into the poor excuse of a bedroom as you were all cautiously trying to avoid the mountains of clothes and needles all over the floor. This Was not the man you knew, yes he lived modestly and minimalistic, but he was almost OCD about how organized  he was. Now you could barely recognize the person  standing in front of you,for starters he reaked, wondering when the last time he actually bathed. Hoseok reached down and pulling the  from his leg,  as Henry wheezed at the contact. The metal barley puncturing the skin which was done purposefully.... Can’t get answers from a dead man!
Taehyung instructed Yoongi to confiscate both laptops external hard drives, and anything else he thought Henry may have been using. Knowing it was already after seven and there's no way he’d have time to properly crack into that right now, but he definitely wasn’t leaving it behind!
“Can you guys all go wait outside please…” The words left his lips in such a hushed tone you almost missed it, but you also knew time and place, and this wasn’t one to push buttons. Back facing the group as he stood parallel to Henry, eyes locked on the glossy gaze in front of him. As you all started to walk out of the room the sound of your heels bouncing against the wood caught his attention “Y/n..you can stay if you want..” The request in combination with him actually calling you by your real name had you slightly taken aback. But you knew him, he’d never be the type to say he “needed” someone, so if he was asking it’s because he needed it! 
You didn't respond, just pausing silently observing from where you were, Hoseok’s eyes shifted down to you before he walked out. You could see the concern written within his gaze and for good reason “I got him…” Left your lips silently and he smiled faintly before walking out of the room.
“Tae…”  His name left Henry’s lips in nothing but a slur, as he struggled to keep his eyes open, Taehyung’s eyes cut in his direction, jaw extremely tight as he sunk down to a squat a couple inches from Henry.
“I didn't, I didn't mean too-”
“We just went through this, barely three months ago, but you paid me...well you paid Hoseok, and disappeared like a little bitch, and said you were soooo damn sorry. And again against my better judgement...I let it go...now here I am..” There is goes again speaking in the most tranquil voice possible in the most impractical times… 
“Now it seems you’ve upgraded from stealing my money to irresponsibly stealing and moving my drug trade..” You watched him get off the ground, faltering back slowly, eyes tracing the room clearly looking for something. 
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way...that’s up to you, but I’m not leaving until you finally tell me who...and why..”  His eye caught a plastic bag on the desk, one of those “Keep away from children” ones that probably had some sort of electronic in it at one point.
“Tae I can’t-” His voice was wavering so heavy in his throat you would've sworn his entire body was shaking already a second away from crying.
“Easy..or hard…”
“Tae-” Before either of you could even fathom what was going on the bag was over Henry's head, yanking back by the ends until it was flesh against every feature on his face. While the elder gasped for every once of breath he could, arms coming up in an attempt to stop Taehyung, but his reflexes halted that within seconds..” 
There wasn't an ounce of emotion to be read of Taehyung’s face as he gazed straight through Henry’s eyes, expression completely blank, pupils blown out, jaw tight. He just looked...numb...
“Tae”...Nothing not even a falter…
“Tae!” Fuck..
“Baby..” Tone slightly different not sexual by any means it held a warning but it was still...warm..that made his eyes shift in your direction but he still didn't let go. He actually had the nerve to look over at you like he was annoyed that you were interrupting him!
“Fuck! Stop!!” You couldn't just watch that, yeah you've seen him do worse but you knew in his write state of mind he’d regret this! Actually stepping in this time pushing him off slightly, hastily snatching the bag off Henry’s head as he gasped for air like his life depended on it and it did! 
“You want him dead or do you want answers?” Trying to still keep your tone calm because you knew where his hit for him…
“You realllyyyy don’t wanna ask me that right now…” Eyes glaring over to Henry’s flushed face.
“A couple- months...back…” His airflow was still restricted but he was trying so the two of you waited…
“I was at a convenience store late at night, and I met up with one of the Zhao brothers to buy some….stuff” His voice drifted off not wanting  to actually say what it was, as if he wasn’t already drugged out as we speak!
“Because it was me, he came alone, we actually ended up meeting in some alleyway it was like 2am. Next thing I know he starts asking me a million question,I could tell he was a little off, probably tweaking himself honestly. I ended up willing myself not to buy the drugs,and for some reason that set him off, Wei said someone had told him I was trying to set them up.”
This sudden confession already wasn’t sitting well with the two of you…..what the hell dose Wei have to do with anything right now!?
“So that way you guys would switch your drug  trades from Asia to Mexico... one thing lead to another ...”  It was almost painful to endure this, he was talking in what felt like slow motion but it seemed he was coherent enough to tell the story so you tried to dissect his mumbling!
Both of you had a gut feeling where this was going, you just prayed you were wrong!
“I’m the one that ended up killing Wei…” Both of you damn near choked on your own spit at the sound of that a scoff left Tae lips as he got off the ground. Picking up the first thing he could find which was a coffee mug , chucking it at the wall, while tiny pieces of glass shattered along the floor.AS IF..you guys didn't have enough on your plate as it is...now this…”But trust me I didin’t want too and it was self defense!”
“Your telling me, that your the one that killed one of the brothers ...in probably the only Chiness ally we actually thrust!?” Silence filled the air, as he just nodded slowly in response, eyes swelling in the process.  “That was- That was fuck almost 6 months ago, we all flew over to there little island for the funeral YOU WENT TO THE FUNERAL!!  Tae and Hoseok, were pallbearers you have got to be fucking kidding me right now! “ 
It’s just grimey, disgusted wasn’t even a strong enough word, your skin was almost crawling, yeah you play dirty, real dirty. But not to people that have your back loyalty is so damn important in this line of work, yet 6 months ago your families sat at a funeral that one of your men caused!
“Yeah, and that’s why I didn't say anything ..sometimes it's just better if you didn't know ...He said he knew knew though….” He who the fuck is he Marco!?
“I heard he was in town, but I assumed it was for family business, I don't know if you guys knew this but Wei was allegedly robbed before someone found him, I think that’s part of how he knows.I don;t know if he was following me or what but  I’m almost positive he’s the one who  “robbed him”. Which would mean he has  Wei’s burner, which shows I was the last person he talked too, and there's text between the two of us right before! That alone is enough to have them cut my limbs off one by one.”
It kinda made sense...the motive at least...because all Marco would need to do , is just “Anonymously”  submit the phone to someone within their circle. Then he can rat out Henry, while also not letting them know that he had any affiliation with the situation! It would also leave a very hefty string to linger over Henry’s head as ammo. 
“It started with the money thing...which sucked and I felt like shit...but I knew I could pay you back. So I was just hoping and praying if I did you wouldn't completely hate me…” Eyes drifting up to Tae’s pitifully, you weren’t sure if his high was wearing off, or if it was settling and he was just a functioning drugie! But his speech was getting a little better the more he talked...
“So how do we get here, three months later with you moving our drugs to Mexico?” Tae’s voice was almost winded at this point, I don't think he knew how to process everything that was being thrown at him.
“That’s still new ...or at least where I’m concerned,I'm not even sure if the first official shipment even made it across the border yet or not. Still waiting on confirmation,.he ugh, when you let me go..he tracked me down. He;d reached out for weeks and I tried to ignore him as long as I could until one night….”
“ I woke up about a month or so ago in a drug house about an hour away...with an IV in my arm. Pumping in everything I’d been trying so hard to stay away from ...and ugh…well that’s how addiction works once you get it you need it…So he had me right where he wanted me....” You could hear his voice wavering and it took everything in you not to feel bad for him,this sucked...this wasn’t close to what either of you expected!
“ They check in twice a week and when they do...they bring that…” Gesturing over to the bag of Heroin on his nightstand. “I really didn't have a choice. I mean fuck at that point..I didin’t know what the fuck else to do-”
“TELL ME! TALK TO ME! I WAS THE ONE WHO PULLED YOU OUT OF THIS SAME FUCKING DOPE HOUSE 4 YEARS AGO AND GOT YOU CLEAN! “ Taehyung’s head whipped in Henry's direction as his voice bounced off every surface in this house. 
“I’VE ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAD YOUR BACK! You didn't even...put in half the effort to try and talk to me about this once you left LA...it was just done. Yet I still looked out for you, little did I know you were silently STILL fucking me the entire time…” You’d never heard Taehyung yell and it was actually heartbreaking, you've always said you feel as though he often lacks emotion when he speaks. Well...there it is,..there it all is, because you felt every single word that ripped from his chest!
“You wouldnt have fuckin listened to me, you told me I was dead to -”
“You never. Even.Tried Henry...you never tried..., you could’ve sent me a damn postcard for fucks sake! Shit man anything! Instead, you turned on the person that’s always had your back. And what’s even more fucked is what you're helping him do could get us arrested or even worse killed, it could get us all killed!! And you wouldn’t even give a fuck, because if you did...you wouldn't have given up on me…” 
His voice was starting to crumble in his chest “I never gave up on you. If I did I would've killed your ass months ago!” 
Instinctively you wanted to go to wrap your arms around him, as he spoke, keeping his eyes locked on the ground, you’d never heard him sound this hurt…..his voice was fluttering so hard in his chest it was painful to listen too..
“But this is the thanks I get huh? For caring about your life...so much that I'm willing to jump through hoops and make exceptions. Yet your so willing to throw mine away,but it’s cool because I’m Kim Taehyung right?” Though he wasn;t yelling every question got more and more aggressive, almost coming out as a grunt. “  I don’t feel shit for anyone or anything, so you fucking me over won’t affect me right!? I’ll be just fine...right!?” His voice completely shattered towards the end, becoming less aggressive and more brittle,you watched a single tear attempt to slide down his cheek. Hastily swatting it away before it even had time to fully leave his tear duct. Dropping his gaze back down to his feet as he fidgeted in his stance, hands resting on his hips. 
You damn sure were;t on his side but you could see how much it hurt Henry to see Tae like this...
‘Tae I-” 
You heard a knock on the door and it was Hoseok, Taehyung more than eager to break out of that room and his emotions!  Damn near jumping at his beck and call with zero hesitation.The three of you stepped outside of Henry’s house ...it was almost 8 at night and you lot were damn near 5 hours away from the airport. So the fantasy of getting home in enough time to sleep and breathe before the viewing seemed to be drifting further and further away! The glaze that washed over Taehyung’s eyes immediately caught Hoseok off guard but he knew better than to ask questions so he just got to the point. 
“So here’s the plan, out of the three employees only one of them has a passport, which is obviously the driver. Even if we make them one..it will take 48 hours, the warehouse itself is being put on shut down mode as we speak. While the planes being “Maintenanced”..there going to smuggle the drugs within the plane...once that’s secured Yoongi will take off with that pilot.”
You took the opportunity to wiggly your way over to Tae, wrapping your arms around his back out of habit, his body stiffened. As you went to pull away and respect his space.he reached back, pulling you back into your initial position.
 “Since those other orders are currently in question and we don’t know what we're getting into, I'll be the one traveling with that shipment on a freight plane.Yoongi leaves at 2AM with the truck driver I’m supposed to leave around 4 in the morning. Lay is set to come out by monday with the two women who actually processed the order...All of the other employee’s will be on very strict watch, granted they've all been with us for 5 or more years but you just..never know at this point. “ 
One thing lead to another and you found yourselves talking for a good 40 minutes or so, which wasn’t too surprising...considering all you had to debrief within the past 15 hours! Ultimately deciding to bring Henry back with you on the jet, Tae would start trying to slowly detox Henry while on this 15 hour flight. He’s done it before...he can do it again…
This time all four of you walked into the house...still dark, the stench seeming even stronger now, instantly picking up on the running water in the bathroom.
“Henry!!” Taehyung called out as he walked towards the door “Cho!!” Voice a little louder this time as he banged on the door.
Nothing, the four of you glarded over at each other, as Tae pressed his ear to the door. “Henry, man open the fucking door before I beak this bitch down! We don’t have time for this shit!”
Nothing, nothing but the sound of running water rattling against the porcelain tub….
 Ramming his shoulder against the door, a  low growl ripping from his chest at every blow, after the third time the flimsy piece of wood ripped from the hinges!
The steam from the shower came pouring flooding into the hallway……The handle still in Taehyung’s hand, as it swung backwards,feeling jerk back into his hold. Almost as if something was hindering it from fully swinging flush against the wall…That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor….
I do base continuing this series on the amount of likes it gets because that’s the only way I know there's still interest...as long as the chapters hover around the same numbers and or increase I will keep writing while I have inspo!  
ALSO YESSSS LOL The beginning “monologue” is actually a part of part 5....it was just foreshadowing the mood, and what was in store for part 4!  BUT it is in reference to the ending of this chapter...so you’ll have to wait and see exactly WHY he’s feeling like that
Love you guys as always,
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krizaland · 5 years
Magnet Chapter 2
Thank you all so much for your support! There’s still more to this story! So I’ll keep you posted! Until then, enjoy
Here’s the song I used btw.   First chapter
You and Zim’s joyful reunion was interrupted by Dib rudely clearing his throat.
“Dib!” Zim spat out his name like it was poison as he turned to face him.
“Wow, Zim you must really want to be on TV.” Dib flashed a smug grin as he folded his arms.
“This conversation doesn’t concern you! Go wallow in your Dib filth elsewhere.” Zim’s voice was an icy growl as he stood in front of you protectively.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to wallow in my ‘Dib filth’ in the Mysterious Mysteries studio!” Dib announced as he pushed past Zim and pulled you away.
Zim tried to pull you back but it was too late, Dib had already dragged you off again.
Tears poured down Zim’s cheeks as he watched Dib force you into the lunch room.
“I know the cryptic way they hide it. I see how they fake their affection.” Zim sang as he slowly rose to his feet.
“I’ve tried to understand everything. But I guess I’m just a hopeless fool.” Zim wiped away his tears.
“Dib thinks we’re nothing. That we weren’t anything. Just a basic test. An experiment.” Zim walked out of Skool and made his way to his base.
“I know it’s pointless. I know it’s worthless.” He went inside and dramatically threw off his disguise.
“But I won’t give up! I won’t surrender!” Zim climbed into his toilet and pulled the flushing cord.
“I won’t let him steal you from me!”  He flushed into his lab and landed on his feet.
“I’ll save you! And then you will love me!” Zim begun to type away at his computer
“I won’t let you do this to yourself!” He put on a pair of goggles and a black body suit.
“I’ll save you! We’re perfect together!” Zim embraced a hologram of you before making his way to Dib’s house.
Once Zim made it to Dib’s house, he found Dib’s bedroom window.
Zim shattered the window, activated his spider legs, and snuck inside.
“I don’t get why they’re not listening. I am fighting an abandoned war.” Zim begun to rummage around Dib’s room.
“I tried showing them the way I feel. But I guess I’m just a hopeless fool.” He wiped away a few more tears.
“Dib thinks we’re nothing! That we weren’t anything! Just a basic test. An experiment.” Zim destroyed all of Dib’s security cameras.
“I know it’s pointless. I know it’s worthless.” He managed to come across a small safe.
“But I won’t give up. I won’t surrender!” Zim pulled out a laser pen from his PAK and zapped a hole into the safe.
“I won’t let him steal you from me!” He rummaged through the safe’s remains.
“I’ll save you! And then you will love me!” Zim had finally found Dib’s camera.
“I won’t let you do this to yourself!” He held the camera up high.
“I’ll save you! We’re perfect together!” Zim smashed the camera into the floor.
“You will see. It will finally be, just you and me! Till the end of the world!” He cackled as he crushed the camera with his spider legs.
“I want you!” Zim threw aside Dib’s chair.
“I deeply need you!” He shredded the wires to Dib’s computer.
“I won’t forget you!” Zim used his spider legs’ lasers to blast Dib’s computer to pieces.
“You’re my sanctuary!” Zim screeched as he punched a hole through Dib’s main computer monitor.
Like dominos, Dib’s other computer monitors followed suit.
Soon Zim found himself standing in a pile of shattered screens and sparking wires.
“I won’t let him steal you from me…” A few more tears trickled down Zim’s cheeks as he took a second to catch his breath.
“I’ll save you! And then you will love me!” Zim cackled as he picked off the shards of glass stuck to his gloves.
“I won’t let you do this to yourself!” Zim crushed the remains of the camera once more for good measure.
“I’ll save you! We’re perfect together!” And with that, Zim climbed out the window and returned to his base.
Back at Skool, you were suffering through the worst lunch of your life.
“Are you ok, Y/N?” Dib asked as he took a bite of his food.
“Yeah…I’m just fine.” You grumbled as you hugged yourself.
“Really? Because you don’t seem fine.” Dib noted as he gave you a sympathetic look.
“I said I was fine! Just leave me alone!” You snapped as you turned your head away from him.
“C’mon, Y/N! Zim literally had you caged in! How could you be upset at me for rescuing you?!” Dib whined as he shot you a glare.
“You just don’t get it…” You sniffled as more tears streamed down your cheeks.
“What is there to get?! Y/N, you were in danger! What was I supposed to do?! Just stand there while that alien monster did..whatever it was he was trying to do to you?!” Dib defended as he failed his arms for a moment.
“I wasn’t in any danger, Dib! Zim is upset because you’re threatening his life! He would never hurt me because he actually loves me! Unlike you!” You sobbed as you got up and tried to walk away.
“Gah! Why do you keep believing his lies?! Zim can’t love you, Y/N! All he knows is hatred and destruction!” Dib growled as he grabbed your shoulders.
“Dib, he’s not lying! Why can’t you get it through that big head of yours that Zim has changed?!” You snarled as you slapped his hands off of you.
“Because he can’t change! Monsters like him can never change, Y/N! Never change! Can’t you see? Zim is manipulating you! He’s trying to twist your mind to make you do his evil bidding! Y/N, I’m trying to save you here!” Dib wailed as he grabbed your hands.
“The only one I need saving from is you!” You seethed as you snatched your hands away and turned to leave.
“So that’s it then? You’re just going to turn your back on my help? Just like that?” Dib’s voice went cold as he clenched your wrist.
You let out a gasp as you felt Dib’s cold hand pull you closer to him.
“Go on then, run back to that alien monster. Enjoy your last moments with Zim because once your dad sees these pictures, the next time you see him his Zim guts will be spewed all over an autopsy table.” Dib’s dark whisper burned the back of your ear.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as your heart skipped a beat. Your breathing grew shaky as more tears poured down your cheeks.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Go to him! If Zim loves you sooo much then he’d probably want to see you before he gets experimented on!” Dib mocked, his words dripped with venom.
“Ok! Ok! I’m sorry! I’ll stay with you!” You caved as you struggled to catch your breath.
“Good. I knew you’d make the right choice.” Dib grinned as he loosened his grip.
You finally managed to catch your breath but your tears continued to fall.
“Now, C’mon. Sit down and eat something. I don’t want you to starve.” Dib urged as he pulled you back down to the table
Some of the other Skool children whispered to each other as they watched watched the show.
You sniffled a bit before taking a bite of your food.
Dib sighed as he noticed how upset you were,
“Look, I know I was harsh back there but you didn’t leave me much of a choice. If you weren’t so stubborn, none of this would’ve happened.” Dib explained as he resumed eating.
You didn’t respond. Instead, you just continued your meal in silence.  
“Trust me, Y/N. You’ll thank me for this!” Dib insisted as he took another bite of his food.
You sighed as you played with your food. You drew a crude picture of Dib’s face in your food and stabbed it with your fork before putting it into your mouth.
The sweet shriek of the Skool’s bell put a temporary end to your nightmare.
“Aw man! Looks like we’re gonna have to get you something to eat later, Y/N.” Dib pouted as he got up.
Before you could respond, Dib grabbed your hand and lead you back to class.
You let out a sigh of relief when you made it too the classroom. You and Dib sat no where near each other, so you knew you could get some time away from him.
However, before Dib released you from his clutches,
He planted a large kiss on your cheek.
You froze up as your face burned redder than a stoplight.
Dib giggled and gave you a wink as he slithered to his desk.
You rapidly shook away the shock and stumbled to your own desk.
After wiping away Dib’s kiss, your mind went on autopilot. You rested your head on one of your hands as you gazed out the window.
Despite the light layer of grime that coated the window, you could still see out of it.
Two butterflies, one F/C and the other Dark pink, begun to flutter around each other. Your eyes followed them as they continued their playful dance.
You let out a sigh as you watched the show. Oh how you envied those butterflies! They got to relish in the sweet release of freedom, while you suffered in captivity.
Soon your eyelids grew heavy and you let out a soft yawn.
Your eyelids popped open as you sat up straighter.
You turned to face the source of the tapping and gasped.
There, standing behind the window without his disguise and F/C butterfly wings was none other than
“YES! IT IS I, ZIM! I have returned for you, sweet Y/N!”  Zim sang as he pointed to the sky.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of your beloved boyfriend.
“Oh Zim! I’ve missed you so much!” You cried as you jumped out of your seat.
“I have missed you too! Which is why I have come to rescue you!” Zim explained as his wings fluttered excitedly.
Before you could say another word, Zim’s hand phased through the window and pulled you through it.
Your body shimmered for a moment as matching Dark pink butterfly wings emerged from your back.
You stretched out your wings and fluttered off the excess shimmer before flying into Zim’s arms.
Zim eagerly caught you and spun you around for a moment before pulling you into a passionate kiss.
Zim let out a growly moan as his tongue playfully wrestled with yours.  
Your eyelids closed as you let him explore every inch of your mouth. Oh how you had missed him!
As much as you wanted the moment to last forever, you and Zim needed to part for air.
“I’ve missed you too, sweet Y/N.” Zim panted as he held you tightly.
You opened your mouth to speak but a loud distorted growl cut you off.
“Don’t think you can escape from me that easily, Y/N!”  
You let out a gasp as a large Dib-shaped shadow burst through the window and grabbed your leg.
“Sweet Y/N, don’t let go!” Zim heaved as he pulled you with all of his might.
Zim managed to free you from the shadow’s clutches.
“Quickly, sweet Y/N! Fly away with me!” Zim urged as he grabbed your hand and flapped his wings.
Zim didn’t have to tell you twice! You quickly followed Zim’s lead as the two of you flew far, far away from the shadow.
The further the two of you flew, the smaller the shadow became. Soon the shadow was no more than a speck as Zim led you into the soft pink clouds.
“There! We’re safe now!” Zim panted as he released your hand
“Really?” Your wings fluttered anxiously as you spoke.
“Yes, really! The Dib-shadow is thousands of miles away from us now!” Zim insisted as he took one last glance behind him.
“Oh thank god! I thought he was gonna drag me away from you again! I thought-” Tears trickled down your cheeks.
“Shhh…It’s alright, sweet Y/N. We’re safe. The Dib-Shadow can’t hurt us anymore.” Zim reassured as he pulled you close.
You sniffled as you held him tight.
“I’m so happy to have you back, Zim.” You whispered as you savored his embrace.
“I’m happy to have you back too.” Zim’s wings fluttered as he gently kissed your forehead.
Just like that Zim was blown away once more.
Your eyelids opened for real as the skool bell rudely interrupted your dream.
“Alright, class dismissed! Go home now!” Ms. Bitters commanded as she pointed to the door.
You groaned as you slowly got up and stretched for a moment before making your way towards the door.
“Had a good nap, Y/N?” Dib chirped as he rushed in front of you.
“Yeah. It was alright.” You grumbled as you rubbed your eyes.
“Well, I’m glad you got some sleep because we’re going to spend all night curing you of whatever alien brainwashing Zim did to you!” Dib smiled as he grabbed your hand.
“Gee, Dib. I would love to but I have so much homework to do. So I can’t hang out with you tonight!” You lied sweetly as you tried to pull your hand away.
“Nice try, Y/N but I already told your dad you’ll be doing your homework at my place! You’re not getting out of this that easily!” Dib chuckled as he tightened his grip.
“Ow! Ok! Just loosen up! You’re hurting me!” You snapped as you tried to pull your hand free.
“Sorry about that. Now, follow me! We’ve got a lot of work to do!” Dib sang dramatically as he dragged you to his house.
When you arrived at Dib’s house, you were greeted by Clembrane.
“Hello, son! Dawww! Is this that special friend you’re always talking so much about?!” Clembrane cooed as he bent down to get a better look at you.
“Quit it! You’re embarrassing me!” Dib whined as he tried to push Clembrane away.
“Aww! I’m sorry, honey! Here! I’ll make you both some special pudding to make up for it!” Clembrane sang as he rushed off to the kitchen.
“Heh. Sorry about Clembrane. He’s one of Zim’s experiments. We only keep him around because…Well, he won’t leave.” Dib explained as he lead you up the stair
“Really? So you’re letting one of Zim’s ‘evil’ experiments live with you and make you pudding?” You asked as you raised an eyebrow.
“Clembrane’s not evil! Anymore anyway! He turned on Zim! The only bad thing about him is his pudding now.” Dib whined as he turned to face you.
“Oh reeeally? How do you know he’s not gonna steal your organs or something?” You mocked as you wiggled your fingers.
“Because he’s too stupid to do anything like that! Look, Y/N! I know you’re still mad at me but leave Clembrane out of this. He’s not gonna hurt anybody because unlike Zim, he doesn’t want to! All he wants to do is make pudding! That’s it!” And with that, Dib opened his bedroom door.
The moment Dib set foot in his room, he let out a yelp and his jaw hit the floor.
His bedroom was in ruins!  It looked like a category 5 hurricane had swept through it! There were sparking wires and shattered glass everywhere!  His beloved computer was damaged beyond repair! There were holes in his chair and even his bed sheets! Even his charging wires had been uprooted!
But worst of all,
His safe had been destroyed
“Woah. What happened in here?” You gasped as you gazed upon the remains of his room.
You had to admit, you almost felt bad for Dib. He had one hell of a mess to clean up.
“Aw man! My camera!” Dib wailed as he cradled the remains of his camera.
Your eyes lit up the moment you heard those words.
“Yes! Now you can’t hold me hostage anymore!” You cheered as you turned to leave.
“Not so fast!” Dib snapped as he dropped the camera’s remains and grabbed your wrist.
“Hey! Let me go! Your camera’s destroyed! You can’t keep me trapped with you any longer!” You  yelped as you tried to free yourself from Dib’s grip.
“You didn’t think I wouldn’t be prepared for something like this did you? I already saved the pictures onto a special flash drive that I carry with me at all times!” Dib explained as he forced you to face him.
“What?! You can’t be serious!” You wailed as you shot him a glare.
“Oh but I am serious! See?! Here’s the proof!” Dib announced as he took the flash drive off from around his neck and waved it in your face.
You tried to snatch it out of his hands but he yanked it away from you.
“Nice try! But you’re not going to get away from me that easily!” Dib chuckled as he put the flash drive back on and hid it in his shirt.
“You jerk! You can’t let me be happy can you?!” You pouted as you folded your arms.
“Open your eyes, Y/N! Can’t you see that Zim probably did this?! He’s too destructive to be trusted!” Dib insisted as he pulled out his laptop.
“Shut up! Even if Zim did do this. he was probably just trying to get those pictures away from you!” You countered.
“Yeah! So he can keep brainwashing you!” Dib huffed as he typed away at his laptop.
You rolled your eyes but when you noticed that Dib was distracted, you decided to make a run for it anyway.
You bolted down the stairs and rushed back to your house.
You slammed the door shut behind you and caught your breath.
“Y/N? What are you doing home so early? I thought you were studying with your boyfriend today!” You dad asked as he fixed his hair in the mirror,
“Boyfriend?! Dib isn’t my boyfriend!” You snapped as you finally caught your breath.
“Aww, honey. You don’t need to deny your feelings. I remember being young and in love once too.” You dad cooed as he put a hand on your shoulder.
“Ugh. Look, Dib got really mad today and destroyed his room. So I had to come home.” You lied.
“What? But why would he do that?” Your dad gasped.
“Because…I wouldn't kiss him! I refused to kiss him so he threatened to hit me! I dodged his hand but he ended up punching a hole into his computers!” You continued to lie and hoped you sounded convincing.
“Dib tried to hit you?! Oh my god! Honey, I’m so sorry! I didn’t think such a nice boy would do such a thing!” You dad gasped as he pulled you into a hug.
“Dib’s not a nice boy! He’s a horrible person, Dad! He’s just horrible!” You sobbed as you returned the hug.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie. Why don’t you go upstairs, and I’ll get this sorted out with him.” Your dad offered as he gently released you.
“Ok but whatever you do, don’t believe anything he tells you! Dib threatened to tell everyone that I was brainwashed by aliens if I didn’t do what he said!” You knew that wasn’t too far from the truth.
“Really? Why would he threaten that?” You dad asked as he raised an eyebrow.
“Because he’s just using me to get on TV!” You blubbered as you struggled to wipe away your tears.
“And here I thought he was truly interested in the paranormal! You think you know a person!” You dad sounded very betrayed as he put his hands on his hips.
“He  doesn’t believe in the paranormal, Dad! He just makes stuff up for attention! He even fabricated fake pictures of an alien to show you! He’s just trying to get famous!” You ranted as you flailed your arms.
“I had no idea he was so devious! Don’t worry, honey. I’ll get this all sorted out.” You dad reassured as he patted your head.
“Please. Please Don’t believe him or his pictures.” You begged as you finally managed to dry your tears.
“Don’t worry, honey. I won’t let that terrible boy get away with this!” You dad insisted as he kissed your forehead.
“Thanks, dad! You’re the best!” You sniffled as you made your way back to your room.
You let out a sigh of relief as you went back to your room.
You flopped onto your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
“Oh thank god that worked. Now maybe I can get back together with Zim.” You smiled as you grabbed your pillow and held it close.
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The Little Peach, Chapter 12
Notes: As always, thanks to my amazing editor, Drucilla!
Felt stupidly proud of a gag I did here. A few more chapters and we'll be done!
Summary: Just when it seem Mickey was at peace, a fateful reunion may put the secret he vowed to keep in terrible danger.
Bright and early the next morning, it was clear that a few changes had taken place. Pete wasn't seen barking orders or shoving around the new guards – in fact, no one could recall seeing him for quite some time. Marsupilami and Maurice hadn't returned until late that night, and now that the sun had risen, they decided to take on the day with vigor knowing the information they held. They knew Mickey would be making his routine patrols around the palace, no doubt still angry and upset over his frustrations. That would be no more! No,  Marsupilami would not let his friend wallow any further! So with sunlight basking over the capital, Marsupilami slammed the front doors of the palace open, Maurice right behind him. “Mickey! I know how you must be feeling, but starting now, things are going to be different, so you better pay attention!”
“G'morning!” Mickey chirped, one hundred and ten percent pleasant, as he used his needle-sword to take care of some weeds that had popped up around the gates. Pluto was with him, helping paw the dirt to help plant seeds, and his tail wagged, happy to see his master happy. “What can I pay attention to?”
Marsupilami paused, his finger and tail, which had both previously been in the air, starting to droop. “Uh... hang on, weren't you all mad and stuffy and cranky before?”
“What's to be mad about?” Mickey asked, twirling his makeshift weapon around like one would a baton when leading the happiest parade on earth. “It's a beautiful morning, there's peace in the capital, and I've got all my friends here!”
Marsupilami and Maurice exchanged a confused look, with Maurice merely shrugging his shoulders. “Didn't you say you were mad at us for not picking up the slack? Not that I'm complaining about you being all 'zippity doo dah', it's just...you kinda knocked the wind out of my sails here...”
“Aw, how could I ever be mad at my pals?” Mickey put a hand to his chest, sighing deeply. “It's thanks to you all that I'm here, and I can't imagine life being any better than it is now!” Of course his friends had no way of knowing that he'd gotten kinda-sorta-maybe engaged-to-be-engaged to Minnie, and he wasn't going to spill the beans right away. This was a private affair between a boy and a girl, after all! But the more he thought of it, the happier he was, and he made up his own tune as he continued to whack the weeds.
To Marsupilami, Mickey was riding the very fine line of being relieved Mickey was okay and Mickey's utter cheerfulness getting annoying. “Sooo...not feeling too bummed about being so short anymore?” Part of him was tempted to check Mickey's breakfast to see if someone had added something extra – how much booze could a little guy take before he got this plastered?
“Things won't stay the same forever, no sir!” Mickey waved Pluto down so the pup could lower his head and get some well-deserved ear scratches. “I just learned how to be patient, that's all! And the best things in life are worth the wait!” Like a beautiful girl on your arm – and at that point, with the Lucky Hammer as a pseudo-wedding present, he'd actually be able to have her on his arm!
“And the Oni King isn't that big a deal either?”
At that, Mickey's joy did take a minor break. He blinked slowly, startled he'd forgotten something so major. “Huh...well, no, of course he is. But!” He was eager to return to sheer enthusiasm. “One day he'll be gone too, so patience is our friend again!”
“Oh, he's gone all right.”  Marsupilami cut him off, hoping to actually put the first time he ever worked hard into something meaningful. “Mickey, that's what I was all gung-ho to tell you about. The Oni King has gone into hiding!”
Again, this derailed Mickey's seemingly endless train of cheer. He faced Marsupilami, puzzlement clear on his little face. “What are you talking about?”
Finally! Marsupilami cleared his throat. “Well, when you rightfully pointed out how little we do, my esteemed associate and I-” Maurice thumped his chest with both fists, “took it upon ourselves to itch some scratches. Namely, solve a mystery, and rewrite history! We buckled down and did actual work for the first time in our short yet full lives, and-”
“Exactly how long does this go on for?” Mickey interrupted, raising his hand like a child in school.
Marsupilami huffed. “Fine, I'll skip the speech. What am I but the comic relief? Anyway, we found some of the former guards who used to work here and retired...they're still kept in the loop about palace workings, in case they ever need to take up the sword again. They told me that nobody's heard from the Oni King in months! In fact, it's been actual years since anybody in the capital's actually seen the guy – he used to send his minions to do all his dirty work for him, but up until Pete gave a few ones a good thrashing, that stopped too!”
Stranger and stranger! Mickey cupped his chin in his hand, unsure what to do with this new information yet he knew it had to be vital. “Gosh, that's odd...but the Oni are still doing his work all around Japan! They had orders to attack my village straight from him!”
“We sure know it! The Princess is still getting asked to help people across the country, and it sure does sound like they're obeying his word. But no one else has seen him either, none of his lowlife lackeys have! How can they work for him if they don't know where he is?”
Mickey began to pace around in a circle, and Pluto watched him until he got dizzy. “Y'know... some of the Oni I encountered on my journey here? They didn't really want to do what the Oni King said, but felt like they had no choice. If the Oni King has vanished, how would he know if any of his men are slacking off? It's way more than paranoia, they have to be communicating somehow!”
“It's all hush-hush!” With that, Maurice made a zipper motion across his mouth. “The retired samurai told us not to tell any civilians, since they don't want to cause a panic. There has to be a reason the Oni King disappeared... it's not like he took any big losses, and last I checked, the war between us was still at a stalemate when he did vanish.”
“Hmmm...” Mickey crossed his arms, trying to dig through all the guesses in his head. It felt like the world's most complicated puzzle, and none of the pieces he had were fitting together. “Couldn't be an injury or sickness, could it? Pete joined the guards several months ago, he definitely would have healed up by then. So that leaves three big questions – Where is the Oni King? Why is he hiding? And how is he communicating with the other Oni?”
“Too bad we don't have a When, What, or Who, that'd really fill up a literary narrative.” Marsupilami quipped, and as always whenever he joked a little too close to the page, he got nothing but squints in return. “Nobody ever appreciates comedic genius. But if we could find the answers to these questions, maybe we could turn the tide in this war, and once the Oni King is defeated, the Princess wouldn't have a reason to hide the Lucky Hammer!”
“What makes you think we can solve this when no one else in the palace has?” Mickey pointed out.
“Cause they're not us! And we've got...” He counted on his fingers. “A guy who's been sheltered all his life, a mute gorilla, an abandoned dog, a rooster who is as oblivious as my tail is long, and me, a man who has only committed to one day of pure honest work.” That hung in the air for far longer than it should have. “Huh. When you put it out in the open like that, we may have a problem or six.”
It should have been a lot to worry about, and yet Mickey found himself still rather relaxed at the end of it all. “Aw gee, Marsupilami, I appreciate the help but... if there's nothin' we can really do about it, why worry? The Oni King will never get the Lucky Hammer, I can promise you that – especially if he never comes out of hiding, the big coward! And I'm willin' to wait as long as it takes for either him to show up or the Hammer to be in my hands!”
Marsupilami really doubted the Oni King was a coward, but right now, it was a better answer than having nothing at all. “Maybe he really is just a scaredy-cat.” He mused, a playful grin on his face. “Maybe he's hiding under his blankets and trembling in the dark! Just a big baby, whining and wailing about how scared he – OW!”
Maurice had been trying to mime Pete's arrival for a couple of seconds and had gone ignored, which was part of the reason Pete clocked Marsupilami upside the head with a closed fist. He was grinding his teeth so hard Mickey thought he saw bits of tooth falling out of his mouth. “Did we hire a guard or a comedian? GO CLEAN UP THE STABLES WITH YOUR BARE HANDS!”
Marsupilami rubbed his sore head, the bump there feeling so big he thought it'd never heal. “Sheesh, I'd say you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but do you even have a right side?” The answer to that was Pete grabbing Marsupilami by the tail, clutching his shoulder, and then spinning him fast enough that the jokester was tied up with his own tail.
Pete then tossed the tied-up bundle into Maurice's hands. “If I see either of you slouching for a second, I'll have you clean the castle floors with your own tongue! NOW BEAT IT!”
Maurice used one hand to slap it over Marsupilami's mouth to hide a quip, the other hand to carry him, and he ran off to do as he was told before they could land in further trouble. Pete inhaled very loudly through his nostrils, exhaled just the same, but when he turned to Mickey, he had on a gigantic smile. “Hey there, Mickey! How's it going?”
“It's... going... well...?” Mickey answered slowly, knowing the mood whiplash that occurred right in front of him probably didn't mean anything good. “And how are you...?”
“Oh, I'm swell, but more importantly, how were you things and the Princess last night?” Pete aired an elbow nudge and a wink-wink. “You get a little closer? You get a little nicer? You learn a thing or two about a thing or two?”
“Boy, did I ever.” Mickey mumbled a bit shyly, his cheeks reddening. He waved to Pluto again, this time climbing atop the pup's head so he could try to address Pete a bit more evenly. “At first, I thought the plan was crazy, but we got along real well, you could say! So I ought to thank you for it.” For all the embarrassment and mortification, Mickey couldn't say he regretted that night, nor would he have done anything different. He had the heart of the girl he liked, which made him feel ten feet tall, or what he assumed feeling ten feet tall felt like.
“You can do much more than that, old buddy old pal old friend of mine!” Pete got down on one knee, helping the conversation feel more level. “You can tell me where the Lucky Hammer is! So I – you can use it right away!” He then paused, only now realizing something. “Wait... if she told you where it is, how come you're still a pint-sized pipsqueak?”
Mickey found himself surprised as well, if only because of the gall of Pete's response. “Of course I'm not going to use it now! Sure, she told me, but I made a promise not tell anyone else. The only reason she told me is because I might...someday, sorta, might be her...y'know...husband.” Getting to the word had been a difficult hike, and he could feel his face flushing again. Saying it in his head was endless fun, but saying it to another person made him feel awkward. “A-anyway! If I used it now, why, it'd be like stealing from her.”
Pete's eyelid twitched, and a few veins began to rise up underneath his flesh. It was like it was taking every single shred of will-power not to lash out at Mickey, and even then, it was making him tremble with anger. “And...you're...okay with that? What if she doesn't marry you until she's old and gray? What if she meets someone else and changes her mind? YOU GOTTA TELL ME WHERE IT IS!”
Little by little, Mickey was starting to suspect Pete's good intentions towards last night's date. “A samurai never breaks a promise, you should know that better than anyone! I don't mind waiting as long as it takes. I trust the Princess, and she trusts me, and that's all I need.” That, and perhaps an escape route, judging from Pete's violent nose breathing. “I'm not telling anyone! C'mon, Pluto, why don't we patrol around the palace?”
Pluto yipped, and once Mickey had a good hold on his ears started to make a run for it. Pete reached up, grabbing his helmet, and yanking it down so he could scream into it until his lungs ached. He then pushed it back up, not once letting his head be uncovered, and started to chase after pup and master. “Mickey, hang on! I don't think you thought this through! MICKEY, YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO ME!”
There had to be something to make Mickey give up the secret, but for once, Pete was fresh out of ideas.
Panchito had been assigned to polish the armor and sharpen the swords, and he was working through them all very quickly. He wanted to know all about Mickey's progress, and hoped to see the results himself. The plan had been so brilliant, how could it not work? The two made for a very adorable couple, and Panchito wished them nothing but the best. He really did like Mickey, as his honest and earnest attitude was incredibly endearing. He couldn't even imagine Mickey hitting on a bunch of girls without caring about their feelings – unlike a certain parrot who just cared about his own fun. Not that Panchito cared.
Panchito didn't care that Jose loathed commitment and wouldn't even give it a chance, of course not, he thought to himself as he ran the sharpening sword across the length of the sword in his hand. He also didn't care that Jose probably felt the same way about Panchito that he did for every pretty face he came across. He really didn't care that he'd dedicated his life to learning under Jose and Jose didn't even bat an eyelash, look at how little he was caring! Not a single ounce of care to be found here! Jose could do whatever he wanted, it was his life, who was Panchito to want some of it, not that he didn't, because he didn't care, HE DIDN'T CARE ONE ITTY BITTY – crack!
Panchito looked down at the broken sword, wincing as he saw his reflection in the other half on the floor. “Maybe I need a break,” he said out loud, trying to scoot the broken piece under a rug. Yes, he needed some fresh air to clear his mind, to completely empty it of Jose. He wouldn't think of that troublesome man anymore, from here on out!
He left the storage room, turned a corner and -
Ka – An arm suddenly thrust out to his side - be - Panchito's back hit the wall – don! Revealing Jose calmly and casually pinning Panchito in place.
Reasonably enough, Panchito could now think of nothing but Jose, save for maybe why his heart was going into overdrive. If Jose knew what sort of internal fluttering he had caused, he said nothing of it. “Panchito, my good friend and fellow guard, may I have a moment of your time?”
At that moment Jose could have asked Panchito for a kidney and Panchito would have ripped it out. As it was, he mutely nodded, finding words difficult to find.
“Very good!” Jose chirped. “I have thought long and hard about what you said to me before, and how my behavior affected you. You asked me to be your senpai, and that is a very serious thing, one I never should have taken lightly. I offer not only my apologies, but a way to make up for my grievances!”
“Okay,” was all Panchito could get out, half listening and half focusing on how close Jose's face was to his own. Here he had thought he'd gotten over his fainting spells, but consciousness threatened to leave when Jose took both his hands in his own.
“I know exactly what I need to do in order to make you happy, and so, as your senpai, it is time I started behaving like one! Teaching you all that you need to know, and ensuring that my student-  nay, my kouhai, gets the best education I can provide! You'll be the only one I ever teach these things to, and I say we start right away!”
Had the divine heavens opened up, or was the choir of angels only in Panchito's head? “You mean it? You really want to be my senpai, and just mine?”
“Yours and yours alone,” Jose answered, confident that he knew the key to unlocking Panchito's future happiness. “And the first step in doing so, in teaching you all I know... is how to land you a cute girlfriend!”
Nevermind, the divine heavens definitely hadn't opened up – or the angels had fallen into the fiery pity below. “Eh?”
“Every man is satisfied when there's a lovely face around!” Jose said with a laugh, shaking Panchito's hands up and down. “I'll give you all my flirting techniques! With your face and my tricks, you'll have your own share of lords and ladies to last you forever and a half! Maybe we could even go on double dates! Doesn't that sound great?”
There was only so much Panchito could take. Wordlessly, he slipped his hands out of Jose's, and turned to walk off, his body sagging as if he was carrying thirty bags of heavy rich across his back. Jose looked at his empty hands, his mind boggled at what had gone wrong. “Panchito? What's the matter?”
“What's the matter?” Panchito repeated, so lost in his heartbreak that he didn't hear the rapid footsteps approaching from further up in the hallway. “What's the matter?! Oooh, Jose Carioca, you really want to know what's the matter!” He whipped back around, every feather standing on end. “Then you had better listen and listen good, because this is the last time I'm ever going to tell you!”
Jose was very interested to know what it was Panchito had to say, and even more when the chance was denied, seeing as how Pluto, Mickey, and Pete had run him over.
“I'M NOT TELLIN' YOU, PETE!” Mickey hollered, not realizing who Pluto had pushed over.
“YOU SPILL YOUR GUTS OR I'LL DO IT FOR YOU!” Pete yelled right back, knowing full well who he ran over and not caring one iota.
Jose watched the two of them go in and out of several rooms as the chase went on, before quietly approaching the flattened rooster. “Boy, ever since you and your friends came here, things have certainly gotten more lively. By the way, I think it'd do us both a lot of good if you weren't knocked out.” He waited, but alas, Panchito was K.O.'d by something other than his own crazed emotions for once. “Another mystery for another day, I see.” He hoisted Panchito over his shoulder, and gently pat his back. “Okay, so flirting isn't for you. I don't see why, but I'm not going to give up. I'll find some way to be your senpai properly and make you happy.” Of course it would be easier if Panchito had just up and told him, but what was life without some challenges along the way?
Speaking of challenges, what was going on with Pete and Mickey? He decided it would be a fine way to kill some time until Panchito woke up, so at a walking pace, he followed the two around, not letting go of Panchito for a moment. There was an idea of carrying him bridal style, but that came with the risk of Panchito waking up, seeing how he was being held, and fainting. Funny how Jose could guess Panchito's thinking so easily while knowing him for so little. They were certainly two of a kind, weren't they? This was why he felt confident he'd find Panchito's happiness.
Another person came across the great chase, but Goofy wasn't going to add onto the train. “Hey, fellas!” He called out as he watched them all go back and forth across hallways and rooms. “The Princess wants us all in the throne room for a big meetin'! … Fellas?” Not a single one of his words touched the intended, so it appeared he would have to do things the old fashioned way. He waited until Pluto was close enough, and then stuck out his leg.
Pluto tripped over his leg, causing Mickey to go flying onto the floor, with Pete also tripping and landing atop of Pluto. Jose managed to avoid the pile thanks to his leisurely pace. “There we go! Like I was sayin, we all gotta meet up in the throne room, okay?”
Pluto whined, managing to claw his way out from under Pete, his tail now so flat he doubted it would wag for days. Mickey dizzily sat up, unsure who to be mad at first. “A meeting? What for? Has something happened?”
“A retired samurai came to the capital just now,” Goofy answered, offering a hand to help Pete up, but it was slapped away. “And he says he needs help lookin' for someone. So the Princess wants us all to come meet him, so we can help find whoever it is. The more eyes we got searching, the bigger our chances will be, she figures.”
“We gotta waste time lookin' for some dope?” Pete growled, though his eyes remained on Mickey. “I don't have time for this!”
“Orders is orders,” Goofy replied, leading the charge with a one-two step. “C'mon, can't keep her waiting!”
Mickey chose to walk on his own two feet this time, though he could feel Pete's eyes burning holes through his skin. “Knock it off, Pete! No matter what you say or what you do, I will not tell you where the Lucky Hammer is! In fact, there is nothing and no one that could make me want to snatch it!”
Pete muttered a few threats and obscenities under his breath, but it was clear Mickey wasn't going to budge. The group gathered in front of the doors to the throne room, where Marsupilami and Maurice had been waiting and ready to thank whoever this mystery person was from preventing their stable duty. Goofy opened the doors, and all of the samurai automatically bowed. “Here we are, your highness!”
Minnie, all dressed up in her regal robes and with Clarabelle at her side, bowed her head in return, sitting atop the throne with her piercing cold stare. “It's good to see you all. As Goofy has no doubt told you, all of your help is needed for one of our own. Though they have long since stopped serving the royal family, we owe them a debt so great that helping them in return brings us much joy. Sir Mickey, no doubt you know them as Lord and Lady Duck-”
The next few seconds were a blur, as Mickey saw his mother and father, they saw him, Daisy screamed in joy and ran down to catch her son, bowling all of the samurai over, Donald tried to catch his wife and hoist her away, she kicked and hollered to be let go, and everyone was a rightly confused mess.
“What are you two doing here?” Mickey asked, having been seconds away from snatching, his eyes almost popping out at the sight of those he left behind.
“I could very well ask you the same thing!” Donald demanded, trying to keep Daisy from making a scene with his good arm.
“We've been looking all over for you! We thought all kinds of terrible things could've happened! That's why we came here to ask for help finding you!”
“So you better have a good reason for why you upset Daisy all this time! She's nearly molted over what you did!”
It's not like Mickey wasn't happy to see his family, because he was and he had missed them terribly. But he had vowed not to see them again until he was of proper size, so in a way, they were making him break that promise. That... and this was embarrassing on a number of levels, seeing as how everyone in the room was doing their best to avoid looking at the scene Daisy was making, complete with innocent whistling and thumb twiddling.
Mickey cleared his throat, hoping to capture control by any means necessary. “Well...I'm here, so you found me. I'm working as a samurai, protecting the Princess and the people of the capital! I'm here to become the sort of man you both can be proud of, so you can go home now and wait for that to happen.”
“GO HOME?!” Daisy had finally wrestled free of Donald's grip, her face soaked with tears of relief. “Without you? Absolutely not! We're all going home as a family, so things can go back to the way they used to be!”
Donald wasn't sure that exact line of thinking was what Mickey wanted to hear. “Besides, you're too small to be a samurai, you don't even know how to fight.”
“I've been learning!” Mickey countered. “Panchito's been teaching me all about swordsmanship, and...” As he glanced over at the unconscious rooster, he realized this was probably not the best time to introduce his friends. “Wow, this is just bad timing everywhere.”
“We appreciate your help, Princess,” Donald headed over to Mickey, intending to pick him up. “But we'll be going now.”
“No, we won't!” Mickey snapped, growing more irritated the longer this lasted. “A samurai must never leave their master until they're officially dismissed, and I plan on working here for a long time!”
“You are not a samurai!” Donald barked right back. “You're just a little boy with a sewing needle!”
“Stop treating me like a child!”
“You are a child!”
“No, you made it very clear I'm not your child!” Suddenly Mickey was filled with such white-hot anger that it was difficult to think of anything else but this anger, and things he'd held deep in his chest began to spill over, things he wasn't even aware he'd been holding back. “You said so yourself, I'm not part of your family! Ever since I came to your house, you never wanted me, so why should I believe you want me now? You only need me back because of Mother!”
It was impossible to pretend to ignore the conversation now, with all eyes staring accusingly at Donald, who could feel himself shrinking under their gazes. He nervously tugged at his collar, fully aware he had no rebuttal. “Well... um... w-when I said that, I was very angry...”
“I do need you back!” Daisy whined, trying to hold out her hands so Mickey would jump into them as he always did. “I've missed you so much! You have to come home and get out of danger!”
But this time Mickey didn't run into the loving embrace of his mother. “And do what, nothing for the rest of my days? You never let me help, you never let me outside, I might as well just be some stuffed doll to you! Both of you only cared about what you wanted, and never about what I wanted! I'm not going back just to make you both feel better! Like it or not, I'm an adult, and I'm going to make my own decisions! And one of those decisions is doing my job! Pluto!”
Pluto barked, and lowered his head for Mickey to climb on. If these people were enemies of his master, then they were Pluto's enemies too. Donald and Daisy protested loudly, he with angry demands and she with ear-shattering wailing, but the dog was much too quick for their nimble fingers, already bolting down the hallway. No matter how much he heard his name being shouted, Mickey wouldn't turn back for anything.
Donald and Daisy looked at each other, at a loss for what to do – in fact, almost everyone in the room weren't sure what to say in this extremely awkward moment. Even Minnie's usual icy exterior was melting under the heat of this pressure, using her trademark fan to cool herself down instead of hiding herself. This hadn't been how she intended to meet her future in-laws. “Um... well... until this is resolved... I'm sure we can find a place for you two to stay...?” Murmurs of agreement were echoed by all, along with shuffling of toes and clearing of throats.
The only one not so perturbed by the family drama was Pete, who cupped his chin and began to smile darkly. As far as he was concerned, things weren't so hopeless after all.
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jessicakurr · 6 years
A/N: I had a great dream, woke up in the middle of the night, and had this fabulous idea to write a short drabble just for YOU, Melissa! Not much of a plot, just mainly smut, and maybe a tiny little bit of nutritional value. Thought it’d be a nice little break from my novel length Skipper fic, End of Time, that I have been working on for the past 14 months. I don’t even know if I will post it on A03 or ff.net. Just a little exercise. Practice, I suppose. I had some time off…and I’m single…sooo, here ya go chicky! ;)
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything X-Files related, blah blah blah. Now let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?
Spoilers: Nothing past beginning of season 5.
Warning: This is NOT MSR.
Rating: Mature
Fandom: X-Files
Relationship: Alex Krycek/Dana Scully
Categories: Smut, UST, Angst, AU
By: Jessica Kurr
Summary: Dana Scully is done being the reasonable one, and Alex Krycek is looking for redemption. What would happen if their paths were to cross, and they chose to sample each other’s lives for one night? Would it change anything, or just cause more regret?
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Great. Just. Fucking. Great. Mulder was once again asking Scully to finish all his paperwork for him, after he had just dragged her on an unwilling goose chase across three states for a whole week, because he was convinced that Bigfoot was on the run. Would the madness ever end? Scully was tired, and in desperate need of a bubble bath, with a glass of Merlot. Or two. Maybe even three. No, scratch that. Scully was ready to do something reckless. Something that she would never normally do. Like, kill her partner. Or set the office on fire. HIS office. It wasn’t even hers. Not really. Granted, she did appreciate some things that Mulder had to offer…most of the time. But lately, it was as if he was purposely trying to piss her off. And it was definitely putting her off this week. She didn’t need this right now. And to top it off, she hadn’t even been on a date, or out with friends, in probably four years now. Scratch that, also. Scully no longer had any friends. Just Mulder. This was getting…ridiculous. Enough was enough.
“I’m not doing this. Not tonight.” She whispered to herself, as she slammed the folder shut. She then shoved the folder across the table, and the papers went flying in every direction as it hit the floor. “Shit.” She heavily groaned and sighed, while running her hands over her face. It was time to go home now, she decided.
Scully looked at her watch, and almost choked at the time. 7:03PM. Yeah, no, this was not happening tonight. Where the hell was Mulder, anyway? He was supposed to call her two hours ago. This was the last straw. Scully was going home, because it was Friday night, and to hell with doing paperwork on the weekend. Not again. It would have to wait till Monday. Or maybe Mulder could just do his own paperwork his damn self.
Scully quickly gathered her things, and wasted no time leaving that dim drafty basement office. Once she got to her car and put the keys in the ignition, she had a fabulous idea. Something that “normal Scully” wouldn’t do. She was going to the bar. She didn’t care that she would have to leave her car there and take a taxi home. Now, normal Scully would have thought this to be an unreasonable decision. But Dana Scully was done being the reasonable one. At least for tonight, anyways.
Alex Krycek threw back his last shot, and then tossed some money down onto the counter. He knew his limit, and he still had a job to finish tonight. He couldn’t afford to get sloppy, just because he was having a really shitty week. Or more like a really shitty life. This wasn’t exactly what he signed up for. Working for that cigarette smoking bastard. Always doing his dirty work for him. But he had almost paid off all of his debt now, so he would be free within another 6 months. That’s if the creep actually kept his word.
Krycek paid for a taxi to take him to a certain point and figured he would be sober enough to take his own car back home when he was finished in a few hours. He reached Fox Mulder’s apartment in no time and sighed in relief when he noticed that he was not home. This would be a piece of cake. Mulder never put a password on his laptop, so the files would be easily attainable. Dumbass. Krycek smirked to himself, as he picked the lock and entered the darkness. He looked to his right and noticed the bright green glow of the fish tank. Hello, old friend. It’s been a while.
Krycek spent 20 minutes thoroughly searching the apartment, and came up emptyhanded, surprisingly. What the hell? Where was Mulder’s laptop? It couldn’t have just vanished. Krycek ran his hand over his face and heavily sighed, as he paced back and forth. And then it clicked. It was probably at Scully’s apartment. Mulder must have let her borrow it to do his paperwork for him again. Lazy ass. Damn. Well, hopefully she wasn’t home either, because he was not about to go home emptyhanded. Not again.
Scully paid the cab driver and stumbled her way into her apartment building. She wasn’t trashed per say, but she was definitely tipsy. Drunk enough to not care about pissing Mulder off. But sober enough to still be thinking about how pissed off she was at Mulder. Maybe she would top things off with a glass of wine and a bubble bath after all. She made it to her door, after nearly tripping on her neighbor’s newspaper, and struggled for a long moment with her keys.
“Dammit.” She hissed, as she threw her purse down on the ground and leaned up against the door.
This was exactly why she never drank like this. It usually just made her emotional and more upset. Why had she thought this was a good idea again? After another moment, the keys were finally in the lock, and the door was open. Scully quietly shut the door and locked it behind her. Now she just had to make her way to the lamp without falling on her face.
Scully stumbled in the dark, until she finally found the closest lamp. But the moment her hand reached up to turn on the light, she knew something was wrong. Even through the thick haze of liquor that clouded her brain, she realized that someone was standing behind her. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard a heavy sigh, and she quickly reached for her gun, whirling around to train to her gun on the tall figure standing in front of her.
“Don’t move!” She hissed, as she clicked off the safety. The tall figure took a step closer, and Scully realized that there was a gun in her face as well. She couldn’t tell who the intruder was, but she knew that it was definitely a man. “I said DON’T MOVE!” She barked, and the mystery man huskily snickered at her.
“Or what, Agent Scully?”
She knew that voice. Where had she heard that voice from before? It sounded a bit different, deeper, but she definitely recognized it, and she knew that she had met this person before. “Calm down, Scully” echoed in her brain, and she quickly reached back to turn on the lamp.
Scully’s eyes widened in surprise, and then narrowed in fury. “KRYCEK, you—you rat bastard. What the hell are you doing in my fucking apartment?”
“Calm down, Scully.” He rolled his eyes, with his gun still trained on her.
Now this sounded familiar. Too familiar.
“Don’t tell me to---I swear Krycek, I will shoot you, and I won’t think twice about it.” She glared at him, and that seemed to only amuse him even more.
“I was just leaving, after I get the files.” He drawled, while looking down at Mulder’s laptop on the coffee table.
Scully furrowed her brows. “What files?” She slightly swayed, as the dizziness from the liquor began to kick in.
Krycek cocked his head to the side, intensely observing Scully for a moment. Something was different with her. She was struggling to focus on him, and her eyes were glazed over. Scully was drunk. She had been drinking, also. Oh, this was rich. But he didn’t have time to fully enjoy the hilarity of this situation right now. Right now, he needed those files.
“Just hand me the laptop, and I’ll be on my way.” Krycek stepped even closer, expecting Scully to step back away from him, but she stood her ground. Damn. So, they were going to have to do this the hard way then. Things were getting a little boring lately anyways.
“You’re not getting anything from that laptop. I suggest you turn around and leave, or I’m calling you in. I’m being rather generous right now, Krycek. Don’t push your luck, or I’ll have your ass locked up in prison where you belong.” Scully spat heatedly.
Krycek stared down at Scully, as the amusement quickly turned into annoyance. “Look, I don’t want to have to hurt you. I just want the damn files. That’s it.” He tried to explain, but Scully wasn’t having any of it, obviously. Jesus…women.
Scully pursed her lips and took a step closer. Deep down, she was actually afraid. If Krycek could kill her sister, that was meant to be her, she had no doubt that he’d attempt it again. But at the same time, she was tipsy, extremely pissed off at Mulder, and now Krycek, and GOD why did men suck so much?
“Turn around…and leave.” Scully took another step closer, but a much smaller one this time.
Krycek had to admit, he was somewhat impressed right now. Scully was not going to back down. Alright, well then…suit yourself. He took another step, until his gun lightly grazed Scully’s. She was within arm’s length from him now, and damn, those blue eyes were piercing into him with so much fury, that it almost unnerved him. Almost.
“Have you been drinking, Scully?” He gruffly asked, as he hovered over her with a whole extra foot of intimidation.
The height difference was ridiculous right now. And Scully was definitely not the slightly chubby and soft spoken young woman that he had met years ago. She was now toned, and rough around the edges. He already knew this from their last brief encounter, but he hadn’t really gotten a good look at her until now. What has Mulder done to you?
“That’s none of your damn business, Krycek.” She said, as her grip on her gun momentarily faltered.
“Why have you been drinking? You don’t drink like this usually.” He asked with slight curiosity, but also with the intention of creating a distraction.
“And how the hell would you know that?” She paused, and Krycek chuckled and then blinked at her through his thick long eyelashes. “Ah, yes, surveillance. I should have known.” She said through clenched teeth, shaking her head.
Krycek loosened his grip on his gun and shook his head also. “I haven’t done that shit in two years, and frankly never really cared for it. It was just a wild guess.” He shrugged.
Scully raised her head up but narrowed her eyes on him. “Right. Well, like I said, it’s none of your damn business.” Her eyes involuntarily dropped to look at his feet for a moment, and Krycek’s curiosity grew, for whatever reason.
“Mulder ditch you again?”
He didn’t even know why he was asking this right now, or why he should even be the slightest bit interested in their tedious lives. Then again, he really didn’t know as much about Scully as he did about Mulder. In fact, he only knew what he was told, which wasn’t much.
“NO.” Scully cleared her throat, looking away for a moment.
Hmmm. Interesting.
“Bad week?” There he went, prying again, for whatever reason. Eh, what the hell, it was Friday night. Not like he had any other plans set in stone.
Scully opened and closed her mouth a few times before answering. “I---just what the hell are you trying to pull, Krycek?” She was now confused. Maybe she should just give him the damn laptop. She could say that Krycek forced her hand, and Mulder would believe her. She was too tired for this crap right now.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Just simply trying to make conversation.” He sneered down at her.
“Nice try. Get out.”
Krycek looked to his left, shook his head, and then stared back down at Scully. “I can’t do that.”
Scully swallowed, as her blue eyes searched his green ones. And she realized that they were just going in circles. Someone had to give in soon…or die. Maybe it was time to beat Krycek at his own game.
“Yes…Mulder ditched me again.” She softly replied, licking at her lips.
Krycek’s hard stare briefly softened, and Scully knew that she just might be able get him to let his guard down for a brief second, if she kept up the conversation…hopefully.
“I don’t know why you put up with his crap. I could hardly keep up with it when ‘I’ was his partner.” Krycek droned.
“You weren’t his partner. ‘I’ was his partner. You were just using him.” Oops. She was supposed to be pretending to play nice. Maybe this plan wasn’t going to work out.
“Maybe so. But you still deserve better.”
That comment unnerved Scully, and she was now back to feeling more confused than ever. She tried to block the flood of memories from invading her mind, but it wasn’t working. And now her emotions were getting the best of her again.
“Yes, I do. I deserve to have my sister back, alive and well. I deserve to know what happened to me during my abduction, and why. I DESERVE my fertility back, and for all the shitty things that have happened to me the past 5 years to have never occurred. Which is more than I can say for you.”
Calm down, Scully. Calm down, Scully. Calm. Down. Scully.
“I know you think I killed your sister, but I didn’t.”
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true. I was there, but I didn’t pull the trigger.”
“It was supposed to be me.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
“And Mulder’s father?”
“Yes, I did that.”
“Because he wasn’t the person that everyone thought he was.”
“How could I possibly believe a liar, and a—a MURDERER.”
“Believe what you want. But I guarantee that everything Mulder has told you about me was based off of personal assumption and lack of facts.”
Krycek shifted his weight and heavily sighed. “Ask me anything you want, and I’ll be 100% honest with you.”
Scully sarcastically laughed and nodded. “Okay, fine. I’ll bite. Have you ever lied to us?”
Krycek smirked and nodded. “Yes.”
“See? You ‘are’ a LIAR.”
“Only when necessary.”
“OH, that’s rich.” Scully furiously shook her head at him.
“Did you have anything to do with my abductions?”
“I only provided an address. But I didn’t know exactly what they were going to do with you. Believe me, I was kept in the dark with most of everything. I don’t know much more than you.”
“Did you plan to kill me that night?”
“Yes.” Pause. “No.”
“I figured that it was just a test, and that the orders would be terminated at the last minute. I didn’t even expect Luis to pull the trigger. He was a dumbass.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Like I said, Scully…believe what you want.” Krycek sighed with exaggerated boredom. “You’ve apparently already formed a personal opinion about me anyway. So, I don’t think that anything I say is going to change your mind.”
“I’m only going off of all of the shitty things that you have done, Krycek.”
“Here’s an idea…why don’t you ask me ‘why’ I’ve done all of those shitty things.” Krycek replied with slight annoyance, waving his gun around.
“Not like you’d tell me the truth.”
“I’ve been honest so far, haven’t I?”
Scully looked Krycek up and down and heavily sighed. “FINE. What could you possibly say that could justify your actions?”
“Excuse me?”
“It doesn’t justify anything, but I really had no choice.”
“Everybody has a choice.”
“Ha, that’s a good one.” Pause. “No, I was put into this lifestyle at a young age.”
“Because my father owed someone a lot of money. And when he died, I was next of kin, so I was held responsible.”
“Why didn’t you just go to the police?” Scully wasn’t actually believing any of this, was she? Surely not.
“Because they threatened to kill my sister.”
Krycek had a sister?
“Well, why---why didn’t you tell us this from the very beginning? Why are you telling me this now?” She eyed him suspiciously.
Krycek sighed and looked away for a moment. “Because my debt is almost paid off now. It was too risky to say anything then.”
He was lying. There was no way any of this was true. This was just another Krycek trick. It had to be.
Scully realized that she had significantly lowered her gun and began to lift it back up to Krycek’s chest. “Nice story, Krycek. You should tell it at parties.”
Scully was suddenly caught off guard when Krycek’s foot came out and slid under her feet, and down she went. But what shocked her the most, was the fact that she didn’t hit the ground with a loud painful thud. Instead, she fell backwards, and was caught by the waist with Krycek’s right hand. She was able to react rather quickly, and brought her knee up into his groin, and next thing she knew, they were both slowly going down. Krycek landed on top of her, and wasted no time pinning her down with his thighs and hand. Scully looked to her left and saw that both of their guns were now on the ground a few feet away. She then looked to her right and noticed that Krycek wasn’t using his left hand. That’s right. Mulder had told her about Tunguska. About how he almost lost an arm but got lucky. It looked like Krycek hadn’t been so fortunate. Served him right.
“This little game is over, Agent Scully.” He hissed at her through clenched teeth.
Scully turned her head to look back up at Krycek, and tried to move her arms and legs, but he was pinning her down too tightly. His face was too close to hers now, and she couldn’t help but notice some features that she hadn’t noticed before. The few times that she had run into Krycek, it was dark, and she had always kept her distance. She had never actually been this close to Krycek before, alone. And she had to admit, he was an attractive man…for a rat. But a rat was still a rat.
“Get off of me!” She spat, while thrashing about as much as she could.
Krycek clenched his jaw and pulled Scully’s pinned hands up over her head. “Not a chance. Now, you’re going to let me walk out of this apartment, with the laptop. Understand?” He snarled down at her.
“Fuck you, Krycek!” She growled, before spitting in his face.
“You little bitch…” He growled back, wiping his face on his sleeve.
Then he was putting more force on her, until she finally stopped squirming. He was not about to hit a woman if he didn’t really have to. He could handle this, for now.
“I. Can’t. Breathe. You—you—” Scully gasped for air, and Krycek raised up just enough to let her breathe.
“I will let you go if you calm down and do what I say.” He replied, while breathing heavily. Scully shook her head in rebellion, and Krycek laughed in frustration. “Come on, Scully, don’t make this any harder than it really has to be.”
Speaking of hard…Krycek was taken aback by the growing hardness in his pants. Was this really turning him on right now? He tried to shift away so that Scully couldn’t feel it, but the way she was looking up at him told him that she already had. She swallowed, blinked, and swallowed again, but refused to look away. And Krycek suddenly realized how beautiful she was. Pouty lips, flushed face, with those big blue eyes glaring up at him. He always knew it, but never thought much about it until now. But that wasn’t really what was turning him on right now. Her stubbornness was most likely the culprit. He never really could resist a woman with an attitude. They had only been alone in that apartment together for 10 minutes tops, and they were already learning a lot of new things about each other. It could also very well be the alcohol that they had both apparently been consuming earlier, but for some reason he doubted it.
“Mulder is going to be here any minute, and then he is going to kill you.” Scully calmly said with narrowed eyes.
“Mulder ditched you, remember? So, I highly doubt that.” Krycek drawled through a chuckle.
“He—he didn’t ditch me. He just got busy.” Scully quietly replied, looking away.
“Let me guess…he begged you to go on some week long wild goose chase with him, and then asked you to do his paperwork for him, again. And then he didn’t call you like he said he would. Am I right?”
Krycek smirked and nodded. “I am, aren’t I?”
Scully looked back up at Krycek and blinked back the tears that threatened to escape. “He—he got busy.” She repeated.
“He doesn’t fucking appreciate you.” Krycek shook his head.
“And you do?” Scully glared up at him.
Krycek leaned in and shrugged. “I’m not your partner in crime. And I don’t think that you’d ever let me close enough to do so.”
“Well, we agree on one thing.”
Scully was desperately trying to ignore the fact that Krycek was on top of her, with a rapidly growing hard-on digging into her stomach, with his face only a few inches from hers. He was obviously trying to shift away from her to hide his erection, so she doubted that he was going to try to rape her. She wasn’t even sure anymore that he was going to try to kill her either. He would have done it already, right?
“Go. Just take the laptop and GO.” She looked away from him, as a tear slipped down her cheek. She didn’t even know why she was crying right now.
Krycek sat there for a long moment in deep thought. Why was Scully suddenly giving up the laptop to him? And why was she crying? And why did he suddenly not want to leave? He knew he should leave now. He really, really should. But when he looked back down at Scully, watching the tears flow freely now, he couldn’t do it. Dammit. Goddammit.
“I’m sorry.” He quietly replied.
Scully turned her head to look back up at Krycek and furrowed her brows. “What?”
“I—I’m sorry, for—for everything that that black lung bastard has put you through.”
Scully intensely observed Krycek for a long moment. She was suddenly so taken aback by his words, that she couldn’t figure out what to say back. So, she just laid there for a long time, looking up at him with wide wet eyes.
“Don’t.” She finally replied, shaking her head.
Krycek furrowed his brows at her. “What?”
“Just don’t. Don’t do this to me, Krycek.”
“I’m not doing anything.” He shook his head.
“Don’t put me in a position like this.” She pursed her lips at him.
“Scully, I---”
“Stop, just stop it. I’m giving you what you want. Now just take it and go.”
“I—I can’t.”
“Why not?” Scully’s heart was now racing for some reason.
“Because I want more than just the laptop. I want---I---”
Scully’s stomach did a little flip-flop, as Krycek began to stutter.
“What are you saying?” She found herself asking, even though she wasn’t sure that she really wanted to hear the answer.
Krycek suddenly leaned in, lightly grazing his nose against Scully’s for a brief moment.
“You’re right. I should—I should probably go now.” He grumbled.
Scully tried to nod, but she couldn’t. All she could do was stare up at him. Krycek was so close to her now that her eyes were crossing, and a moist warmth began to spread between her legs. Oh, God. Oh no. This was not happening right now. She was not hot for Krycek. FUCK.
And then his mouth was on hers, as his hand completely let go of her wrists and trailed down to her face. She didn’t give in to the kiss for a few seconds, but when his tongue came out to lightly graze her bottom lip, her mouth finally opened, and she kissed him back. It was hot and passionate and sexy as hell. Who knew that Krycek would be a good kisser? What was she doing? What the hell was she doing? And then her hips were involuntarily moving upwards against him, and her hands were in his hair.
“God, Scully.” He groaned into her mouth, as his fingers tangled in her hair as well. “Tell me to stop now, or I’m going to keep going.” He rasped, and Scully shook her head.
“Don’t. Stop.” She moaned.
They both kept at it for several more moments, kissing and moaning and grinding against each other until they couldn’t take it anymore.
“Bed?” Krycek hesitantly asked, and Scully nodded without any reluctance.
“Bed. Now.” She replied with another moan.
And then he was quickly lifting up off of her and helping her to her feet. Scully gasped, as Krycek effortlessly grabbed at her ass and lifted her up off her feet to straddle his waist with her legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they began kissing again, while he impressively made his way to the bedroom without dropping her. She had a feeling that he had done this before. She wondered if he knew that she hadn’t been with a man since before the X-Files. Mulder had thought that she had slept with Ed Jersey, but in reality, she never did. And now she was about to sleep with her partners enemy. Oh, God. What was she doing?
Krycek questioned if Scully knew that he hadn’t been with a woman in well over a year now. And that there were far and few between over the years. He just never had the time or interest for all the drama afterwards, considering his life was such a mess these days. He hadn’t ever really had a serious relationship either, now that he thought about it. Just some quick meaningless fucks. So, why was he feeling different than usual, and why was he dragging Scully into his mess right now? Why couldn’t he stop and just leave? He was determined to remain in control of this situation. It would be over soon, and he would look back on this and laugh, just like all of the other times. He would look at Mulder, and think to himself, “I fucked your partner. The woman that you’re most likely in love with but are too blind to realize or do anything about it.” And he would purposely make Dana Scully squirm, every time that he saw her. If he ever did again. He would make eye contact, but never mention it, and she would look at him nervously, silently begging him to not tell anyone. And he would go to bed every night with a wicked smile on his face. Knowing that he was able to get under “The Ice Queens” skin. It was going to be fucking glorious.
Scully gasped when Krycek threw her on the bed, and then he was crawling up her body, his eyes never leaving hers. Scully had already decided that this was going to be quick, rough, and never talked about ever again after it was over. This was just a momentary lapse in judgement, and she would be sober and back to her old self again by morning. But right now, she needed this. No matter how wrong it was, she couldn’t stop herself.
“If you ever tell anyone about this, I swear to God Krycek, I will deny it. And no one would ever believe you.” Scully hissed into Krycek’s mouth.
Krycek quickly pulled away, looking down at Scully with amusement and intense arousal. “I wouldn’t expect anything different from you.” He smirked, and then kissed her again, so hard, that he was sure that their lips would be swollen and bruised in the morning. Good. That would help remind her that she was fucked by Alex Krycek, and that it wasn’t just a dream. She may deny it, but she won’t ever forget it. He was going to make sure of that.
“Oh, God.” Scully loudly moaned, when Krycek began sucking at her neck with teeth, tongue, and lips, marking her as his for the night.
“What do you want?” He growled into her ear, roughly nibbling on it.
Scully opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling in a lustful daze. “What?”
“Tell me what you like.” He whispered, as his fingers slowly trailed down the left side of her face. Scully closed her eyes again when Krycek’s thumb ran across her bottom lip. “Tell me what you want from me.”
God, why did guys always have to hear a woman say that she wanted to fuck him? It must be an ego thing. As if they weren’t going to have sex if she didn’t verbally tell him exactly what they were about to do.
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Fuck you, Krycek.” She glared up at him.
“Mmmm, tell me more.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Is it not? You don’t want to fuck me?”
Scully remained silent, as she continued to look up at Krycek with pursed lips.
“Do you want me to touch you---” Krycek paused, as he slowly trailed his hand down her throat, until he reached a breast. He lightly grazed his thumb across a hardened nipple, and Scully arched her back into him. “Here?” He then ran his hand down her stomach, her hip, and then over across the top of her pants. His fingers unbuttoned her pants, and then finally slipped inside. It was a snug fit, but he was able to reach his target, as his long fingers lightly brushed her outer lips. “Here?”
Scully moaned and sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. She desperately tried to not move, to not give any indication of her arousal, but it was inevitable. Krycek’s finger slipped in between the folds, and Scully wasn’t sure who moaned louder.
“Jesus, you’re so wet.” He groaned and shivered, as his fingers began to slowly move in tight circles against her little bundle of nerves. “Is this what you want, Dana?”
“Don—Don’t call me that.” Scully hissed through another moan. First names were too personal, and she was determined to remain as detached as possible. But God he was good at this.
Krycek chewed on his bottom lip with a chuckle and slipped a finger inside. Scully clawed at his arm with a loud gasp, as her hips involuntarily jerked up into him again. He slipped in a second finger, pumping in and out, while his thumb rubbed against where she needed it the most. And he watched with amusement, as Scully’s eyes slipped shut and her mouth opened.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He huskily whispered, and Scully’s eyes opened again to look up at him. “I bet Mulder never tells you that, does he?” Scully shook her head and looked away for a moment. “Look at me.” He demanded, and she did, with slight hesitation. “Do you love him?”
“No…I—I don’t know.” Scully answered honestly, as she blinked and swallowed for the millionth time.
“I don’t know how he stands it. All day…next to you…God, he’s such a fucking weirdo.” Krycek rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Scully arched her back up into him again, but he pulled back when they both heard and felt some sort of buzzing vibration underneath one of the pillows. Krycek furrowed his brows and slid his hand under the pillow, pulling out a little pink vibrator. He threw his head back with laughter and waved it in front of Scully’s face, which was now crimson and extremely hot.
“You won’t be needing this tonight.” He purred, as he tossed it aside with a smirk.
Krycek was not only extremely amused by the thought of Dana Scully owning a vibrator, but he wondered why he never caught her using it before during his surveillance work. Maybe she hadn’t owned one back then? Whatever the case, he also wondered if she called out Mulder’s name when she used it. Or if the thing had just been sitting there unused under her pillow for a while now.
Scully blushed as she watched her vibrator hit the other side of the bed. But when she looked back up at Krycek, he was no longer laughing. He was now staring down at her with sensual admiration. She figured that he pegged her for the fingers only type. And he would be right. She hadn’t actually used the thing yet and had only had it for a few weeks now.
“It was a gag gift…for my birthday.” She felt the need to explain.
“I’m more fulfilling.” Krycek leered, and Scully’s stomach did another little flip-flop.
And then he leaned down to kiss at Scully’s neck again. He inserted three fingers this time, and began to pump harder and faster, while his thumb continued to rub at her. Scully loudly moaned and began to squirm and thrash about on the bed. Krycek couldn’t help but grind against her hip every time she jerked up, and next thing he knew, he was moaning and breathing heavily with her. And he knew that if he didn’t get some clothes off soon, that he was going to embarrass himself.
Scully was close, but just as her climax began to build, Krycek pulled his hand out and quickly began to pull her pants and panties down her legs. He effortlessly pulled her shoes off along the way, and the clothing was quickly tossed aside, but he did not attempt to take off her shirt. Instead, he began to crawl down her body, and Scully held her breath in anticipation as he buried his face in between her legs. His tongue began to lap at her, and her climax began to quickly build again. And then she remembered who was doing these glorious things to her, and the panic began to consume her.
“What am I doing? Stop. God, STOP!” Scully yelped, pushing at Krycek’s head, and he quickly pulled back with furrowed brows. “I---I can’t do this.” She wheezed, as she covered her face with both of her hands.
Krycek pulled himself up into a sitting position next to her and ran a hand over his face with a heavy sigh. “I’m not going to hurt you, Scully.”
“It—it’s not that.” She groaned into her hands.
“Then what is it?”
“FUCK Mulder.” Krycek hissed into the darkness. “He doesn’t ever have to know. I’m most certainly not going to tell him. I don’t really feel like dying right now.”
Scully sighed and kept her hands over her face. “But ‘I’ know. ‘I’ know, Krycek. And this is NOT me. I—I don’t do things like this.”
“Like fraternize with the enemy?” Krycek murmured through a chuckle.
“Exactly.” Scully sighed again.
Krycek slowly reached back and pulled Scully’s hands off her face. His previous plans were quickly beginning to sound like a bad idea. Maybe Scully was right. He was already being too gentle, too soft with her, and that wasn’t him. And the fact that he was suddenly somewhat concerned with ruining someone else’s life was enough to stop him as well. He couldn’t afford to let a woman influence him, even for just one night. It looked like this was not going to happen after all. Plus, the earlier buzz that he had was now long gone.
“I should go.” He cleared his throat, slowly standing up.
Krycek reached down to pick up Scully’s panties and turned around to hand them to her. She quickly took them from him and put them back on. And then she pulled her knees up to her chest and stared at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Our little secret, Scully.” He reassured her, running a hand through his hair and turning to leave.
Scully watched him leave the room and sat there for a second in deep thought, listening for the opening and closing of the front door. But she never heard it. And then she remembered…the damn laptop, and the guns.
“Shit!” She opened her bedside table drawer and pulled out her spare gun and ran into the living room.
Sure enough, Krycek had the laptop in his hand, and was ejecting a portable USB from it. She cocked her gun at him as he threw the laptop on the couch and shoved the little object into his pocket. Then his gun was on her as well, while they intensely stared at each other.
“Krycek, you bastard!” She hissed through clenched teeth, and Krycek looked her up and down with lingering arousal.
“You didn’t think I forgot, did you Scully?” He chuckled and began to make his way over to the door with his gun still trained on her.
“You tricked me.”
“Well, maybe some time you can pay me back.” He winked.
Scully huffed with frustration and followed him to the door.
“You’re not leaving with that.”
“Sorry, Scully. Please don’t take it personally.” He narrowed his eyes on her and reached for the knob.
Scully sucked in a sharp breath and fired her gun at him. Luckily, the bullet hit his gun before he had time to fire back, and his gun fell to the floor. Krycek’s eyes widened, as his mouth dropped open in surprise.
“What the fuck was that?!” He yelped and shook his hand a few times.
“That was your payback.” Scully glared at him.
Krycek had to admit, he was oddly impressed. Scully didn’t even think twice about shooting at him, just like she said. And he was even more turned on now, even though she could have killed him. What he didn’t know, was that she had purposely aimed for his hand. He could only hope that she wouldn’t shoot at him again. But he was going to have to take his chances anyways. Good thing he had quick reflexes.
Krycek ducked and quickly lunged at Scully, and her gun reflexively went off into the ceiling. And unfortunately, half the apartment building was being remodeled right now, so she didn’t have any close neighbors that could hear the gunshots, except for Greg, who was out of town for the week.
Krycek was able to get the gun out of Scully’s hand, and she took off running towards her bedroom. Krycek removed the clip and tossed the gun onto the floor, as he ran after her. He knew from the very beginning that he was not going to use his gun on her. Not that she needed to know that.
Scully tried to slam her door shut, but Krycek was faster and blocked it with his hand. He shoved the door open and stood in the door way, heavily breathing. Scully took a few steps back, stumbling into her bed. She looked down at his hand and realized that he no longer had the gun. Why?
“I’m not going to shoot you, Scully.” Krycek barked through clenched teeth.
“What do you want from me, Krycek? You have your files now. Just go.” Scully huffed with frustration.
“You know what I want.” He took a step closer, but she could not take anymore steps back, so she turned and began to walk backwards towards the nearest wall. There was a window close by, and maybe, just maybe she could escape through it.
“Just take the damn files and leave, Krycek.” She half heartedly warned him. Shouldn’t she be more scared than she is right now? Or was she realizing that Krycek was indeed not going to hurt her. The files didn’t even seem important anymore.
“I’m going to ask you one time, Scully. Just once. And if you still say no, then I will leave.”
“What?” Scully hesitantly asked.
Krycek took another step closer, still breathing heavily. “Do you want me to finish what we started before?” He quietly asked, clenching his jaw.
Scully began to shake her head, but then stopped. She didn’t know why she stopped. But for some reason, she suddenly couldn’t say no. Krycek was just hovering over her, with his disheveled hair and wild eyes, and it was sexy as hell. No one had looked at her like that in a very long time.
“Yes.” She found herself saying, as her heart began to wildly pound in her chest.
Krycek looked down at her for a moment, jaw still clenched, and then looked away. He ran his hand across his stubbled jaw and then looked back down at her. And then he was lunging at her again, and roughly grabbing at her arm. Scully loudly gasped, as he shoved her up against the wall. His mouth came crashing down onto hers, and she realized that she was going to completely go through with this now. There was no turning back now.
Scully quickly helped Krycek pull off his shirt, barely paying attention to his extremely realistic prosthetic arm, and then began working on his pants. Krycek bent down to take off his shoes, and then he was back to kissing her with only his boxers on now. He pulled back long enough to yank her panties back off of her, and then she was only wearing her shirt again with her bra.
And then Krycek was lifting Scully up into his arms, as her legs tightly wrapped around his waist. He shoved her back up against the wall and kissed her again, growling when Scully pulled his bottom lip between her teeth. Her tongue ran along his jaw, and up to his hear, as she nibbled and lapped at it. They began to clumsily grind against each other, until Krycek finally whirled her around and dropped her back onto the bed in one long stride. They helped each other remove their last items of clothing, and then stared at each other for a long moment with a lustful hunger. Their trembling hands ran along bare skin, as their lips connected again.
Krycek spread Scully’s legs and positioned himself above her entrance, pulling back to look down at her. “Condom.” He murmured, and Scully pointed at her bedside table, which shocked him to know that she even kept any. She was obviously not that active. Then again, neither was he, or he would have had some on him. They both knew she was infertile, and that they were both probably clean, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Krycek retrieved a condom and tore the package open with his teeth, as Scully watched him. And then she was taking the condom from him and reaching down to slide it on him herself, as he grunted at the touch of her tiny fingers on him.
“Are you ready?” He asked, and Scully nodded.
And then he was slowly entering her with a long groan, pulling out and pushing back in, until he was fully submerged in her wet warmth. Shuddering, he stopped for a moment, until Scully began moving against him. They moved together, as the thrusts became harder and faster. Krycek eventually stopped for a moment, long enough to bend down and take a nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, and then pulled back.
“Turn around.” Krycek softly demanded, and Scully obeyed.
Scully got on her hands and knees and Krycek used a knee to push her legs further apart. Then he bent over her and slowly entered her again from behind. He pushed in and out slowly, until Scully buried her face into her pillow and clutched at it with a loud whimper. He sped up the pace, as the sound of their gasps and moans and bodies slapping together filled the room.
Scully collapsed onto the bed, unable to hold herself up any longer, and Krycek followed, still pumping into her. He knew she was close, so he tucked his hand down between her and the bed and began to rub at where she needed it the most. That was all it took to send Scully over the edge, and Krycek whimpered as he felt her tighten and spasm around him. Scully violently convulsed and cried out, and Krycek’s climax began at the end of hers, as he shuddered against her. And then it was over, and the condom was off, tied up, and carelessly tossed to the ground.
They both collapsed onto their backs, staring up at the ceiling in silence. Yep, that just happened. And Krycek was suddenly feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt about it. He had to make sure that he hadn’t forced any of what just happened onto Scully. He had murdered, bad guys of course. He had lied and stolen. But rape was not something that he could ever do. And luckily, he was never asked to do it. Seduction, yes. But never rape.
Scully closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Yeah?” Then she exhaled.
“I didn’t----you didn’t---this was mutual, right?” He hesitantly asked.
Scully snorted and clicked her tongue. “Unfortunately, yes.” She nodded as if he could see it.
Krycek turned over and held himself up on his prosthetic, looking down at Scully with wide eyes. “Unfortunately?” His voice slightly wavered.
Scully turned to say something sarcastic but was caught off guard by the look on Krycek’s face. “I---” She suddenly couldn’t speak. Krycek was staring at her with the most unusual facial expression. She had never seen him look like this before. There was a hint of concern and tenderness in his face. And it unnerved Scully to see her partners mortal enemy acting like this. As if he might just care, a little bit.
“You can have the USB drive back.” Krycek found himself unexpectedly saying.
Scully rolled her eyes and licked at her lips. “RIGHT.”
“No, I meant it. I can’t take it now. Not after---not after what just happened.”
Scully suspiciously eyed Krycek for a long moment, and then realized that he was being serious. “Won’t you get in trouble for it?”
Krycek nodded. “I can just say that the files were corrupted or something.”
“Why? Why would you do that?”
Krycek searched Scully’s eyes for a long moment, and then slowly leaned down to capture her lips with his, in a soft tender kiss. Scully was now feeling even more unnerved. Just what was his angle?
“I don’t know. Because I’m a fucking idiot, I suppose.” Krycek breathed into her mouth, as his hand grabbed at Scully’s bare hip and pulled her closer to him.
Scully gave in to the confusion for a moment, but then came back to her senses and pulled back. “This can’t ever happen again.” She shook her head.
Krycek immediately nodded and pulled himself up into a sitting position. “I know.” He sighed, as he grabbed for his clothes and began to dress.
Scully pulled her shirt over her head, not even bothering with the bra, and then slipped her panties and pants back on. She than sat there and watched in shock, as Krycek pulled the little object out of his pocket and tossed it into her hands. She caught it and intensely studied it for a moment, before looking back up at Krycek, who was making his way out of the bedroom.
Scully heavily sighed and quickly followed Krycek out into the living room, where he was grabbing his gun off the floor and sticking it into the back of his pants under his shirt. He kept his back turned towards her for a long moment, and then finally turned around. Scully crossed her arms, with the USB still in her hand.
“I’m going to go now.” Krycek murmured, and Scully nodded up at him.
Scully watched as Krycek made his way over to the door, and she found herself inwardly groaning and following him. “Krycek?”
Krycek turned back around and Scully was momentarily distracted by the little crease above his nose. Scully cocked an eyebrow at him and then heavily sighed, shaking her head. She uncrossed her arms and reached out to grab at Krycek’s hand. He looked down at her hand in surprise, as she placed the little object into the palm of his hand and then pulled back.
“Keep it.”
Krycek looked back up at Scully and shook his head. “Why?”
Scully anxiously fidgeted with her hands and shifted her weight. “I don’t know exactly what is in those files, but it’s obviously a lot more important to you than it is to me or Mulder. I’m sure Mulder won’t even notice that they’re gone.” She found herself shrugging.
Krycek chuckled and leered down at Scully, shaking his head, as he put the object back into his pocket. “I only took a copy. The original is still on the laptop.” He sheepishly admitted.
“Oh.” Scully softly replied, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear. They both looked at each other for another long moment, until Scully could no longer take the silence. “Well, I guess this is it.” She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.
Krycek leaned in, so close that Scully could feel his hot breath on her cheek. But their lips never touched. Not this time around, thank God…because she wasn’t sure if she could handle anymore of that right now.
“See you later, Scully.” He rasped, impishly smirking at her as he slowly backed away.
“No, you won’t, Krycek.” Scully crossed her arms and pursed her lips, determined to stand her ground. This couldn’t ever happen again.
Krycek’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin at Scully’s stubbornness. He knew she was only trying to protect herself and her family from the dangers that always followed him. And he knew that she was right. They shouldn’t see each other again. Not like this. It could also possibly ruin her relationship with Mulder. Well, in that case…
“See you later…Dana.” He said it softer this time, his eyes never leaving hers.
Scully blinked, swallowed, and blinked again. They were both doing a lot of that tonight. And this was only just the beginning…she could feel it. Oh, shit. What had she gotten herself into? She watched Krycek slowly turn around and exit her apartment. He exuded confidence with every stride. And before she knew it, she was calling out to him. Willingly inviting the devil to return.
“Goodbye, Krycek.” She murmured, clearing her throat, and clinging onto the door until her knuckles turned white.
Krycek stopped, began to turn around, but then thought better of it. He leered down at his feet instead and kept walking. Scully then quickly shut and locked the door once Krycek was out of sight. Her lips quirked into an uncontainable smile, as she leaned up against the door.
Maybe he wasn’t the devil, after all.
A/N: Hope you liked it! A short sequel of some sort could be possible for Tumblr in the future. But for now, back to End of Time I go…
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jessejackreyes · 7 years
Before It’s Too Late Ch.9 A Walk
(also on ao3)
Walking along the streets with Jack felt oddly domestic. They were dressed like civilians, had just finished dinner like civilians and Jack was taking him somewhere mysterious. He wasn’t sure exactly if that last part was something civilians did frequently, but it was exciting to say the least. The only thing missing from this picture, in his mind, was the two of them holding hands while they walked.
They strode along in companionable silence which suited Gabriel just fine. It was nice not having to worry about what to say and simply join each other’s company. They have not been able to simply relax together in quite some time and he intended to simply enjoy the ride. He trusted that Jack would take them somewhere nice, not lead him on. Despite everything that might have happened he knew the man hated being deceitful.
“Wait here,” Jack called out suddenly, breaking the silence they had developed. They paused briefly on the sidewalk until Jack was satisfied that he was not going to follow him. “Be right back.” Jack disappeared into a nearby shop before Gabriel could respond.
He was at too extreme of an angle to see into the store through the front windows. All he could see was the majority of the sign above the door. It was unfortunate that he didn’t speak German like Jack did, he might be able to at least guess what kind of place Jack was shopping at. The curiosity wasn’t enough to tempt him to move from this spot like he was asked. Seeing Jack excited was worth way more than that.
The soft smile adorning Jack’s face as he returned some ten minutes latter was more than worth any anxiety the mystery might have caused. His hands were hidden behind his back when he finally reached where Gabriel was waiting for him. Jack’s smile only grew wider as Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the display.
“Close your eyes,” He grumbled but did as he was told. “Now open your mouth,”
“This is getting a bit ridiculous Jack,” He complained softly, eyes still shut tight.
“I know, but just trust me Gabe,” Gabriel sighed, but opened his mouth obediently, trusting that nothing untowards would happen. He briefly felt something thin and plastic carefully hit his tongue, followed almost immediately by the sweet creaminess of ice cream, the sweetest strawberry ice cream he had ever tasted. He opened his eyes to Jack smiling softly at him holding an empty spoon, their faces oddly close. Gabriel’s heart skipped a beat.
“Best strawberry ice cream in town apparently,” The blonde explained, pulling a bag out from behind his back.
“My favorite,”
“I know,” The bag held two rather large buckets of ice cream, the first one strawberry, the second one he wasn’t sure of yet, but he could guess. “It’s been forever since we last binged on some ice cream,”
“Haven’t really needed it without those scientists torturing us every week,” Gabriel answered simply, reaching out to take the bucket meant for him.
“No, just dealing with soul crushing greed and politicians who seem to want to kill more people than the damn machines ever did,” His tone is light and joking, but Gabriel doesn’t miss the way his eyes don’t seem in on the joke. Jack opened his own bucket of ice cream with far more force than necessary.
“Don’t tell me you got one of those chocolate monstrosities again,” Gabriel said with a smirk, changing the subject to something more fun.
“I’ve known you for well over a decade and I still can’t get how anyone could hate chocolate,” Jack scooped a spoonful of dark brown frozen goodness and placed it in his mouth, practically moaning at the taste to emphasize his point. “It’s sooo good Gabe,”
Gabriel was grateful at that very moment that it had always been hard to read when he was blushing. He had imagined Jack saying things like that, making noises like that in a very different situation, much more often than he would ever admit to anyone. It was difficult not to picture what he would look like underneath Gabriel when he made sounds like that. He couldn’t trust himself to speak at that very moment, so he stuffed his mouth with ice cream instead.
Perhaps Jack didn’t know what to say either because the two of them made their way back to the car slowly and quietly. Gabriel tried to focus on the ice cream and how it tasted; it was delicious after all. But, he cast sidelong glances at the strike commander as they walked, watching him try to enjoy his own bitter sweet treat.
“Hey Gabe,” Jack broke the silence softly, the slightest hesitation in his voice.
“Whats up?” His attention was drawn to Jack’s face. The man seemed nervous and that was making Gabriel feel nervous.
“Thanks,” The gratitude hung heavily in the air between them.
“It’s no big deal,” He tried to wave it off, sticking more ice cream in his mouth.
“It kind of is,” Jack muttered back softly. “You didn’t have to do any of this,” Gabriel merely shrugged it off, not trusting his voice at the moment. “I’m serious Gabe. You pull me out of bed, sneak me off base, despite the potential consequences, so I can have a dinner I’ve been talking about having for years. I got to escape being the strike commander for a few hours for the first time in I don’t even know how long. I really needed this Gabe. Thank you,”
“You really should get away more often Jackie. You’re working yourself into an early grave,”
“Its the job I signed up for,” Jack sighed, ingesting his own big scoop of ice cream.
“You shouldn’t run yourself ragged like this,” He continued when Jack didn’t respond. “We all worry about you,” Jack stopped mid stride, tensing at the words, his shoulders squaring like he was preparing for a fight. Gabriel stopped, chastising himself, mind racing to find the right thing to say to avert an argument. He came up with nothing, so he simply reminded himself to stay calm and not get upset just because Jack was yelling. Jack opened his mouth and sighed, deflating.
“I’m sorry,”
“About what?”
“A lot of things,” Jack sighed. “But right now, about getting upset while you’re just trying to help.”
“It’s okay Jackie. I know how much stress you’re under,” Gabriel replied, attempting to smile reassuringly. “I’m not gonna get mad because you snapped a little.”
“Thank you,” Jack repeated softly. “For everything.”
“You might not feel the same way when we're cooking. I can be quite the taskmaster,”  Jack grinned weakly back at that.
“The return of commander hardass?” They began walking again, shortly reaching the car.
“Oh he never left. You just don't see it because I'm not your commander anymore,”
“At the very least I should be pretty good by the time I finish, even if the guy in charge is kind of an asshole,’
The ride back was quiet. At some point Jack turned the radio on and the sound of music he didn't recognize filled the car. It wasn't particularly uncomfortable at the very least, but Gabriel was still kicking himself for turning things to such a sour note near the end. They made it back to base without incident, no one was going to stop and bother Gabriel. They made it back to Jack’s quarters with no one apparently having noticed his absence.
“Thank you again for this evening Gabe,” The door opened with a slight whooshing sound as Jack spoke. “It was wonderful.” He stepped inside, turning to face Gabriel with a smile.
“Oh well,” The words he wanted to speak got stuck in his throat. “It was nothing really,” Was all he managed to get out. They stood their, on opposite sides of the doorway awkwardly for several seconds.
“I should probably get some sleep since I have the opportunity right now,” Jack scratched the back of his neck.
“Sounds like a good idea yeah,” Gabriel replied softly. There were so many other things he wanted to say, to do. He froze up, like usual when faced with talking about his feelings with Jack and simply said. “I’ll see ya round,”
“Yeah. Good night Gabe,”
The door closed with another whoosh and instead of Jack’s soft smile and bright blue eyes, he was staring at dull lifeless metal. He buried his head in his hands cursing quietly. This had been just about the perfect time to talk to him about what was going on between them and he had frozen up and missed it. It seemed like they were both trying, if Gabriel wasn’t misreading things. But, they were both hesitating to put any of it into words. He stood there for a few minutes, berating himself and trying to build up enough courage to actually do something for once.
His hands moved quickly, before he could talk himself out of it, putting in the code he had to Jack’s room to talk to him about this, to stop running away. He was not sure exactly what he was going to say, but he was worried that if it wasn’t said now, it would never happen at all. He had not expected the door to open and see Jack standing on the other side staring back at him, as if the blonde had been standing on the other side of the door thinking about what had just happened as well. They stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments before Gabriel found his voice.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah sure,” Jack moved to one side of the door, gesturing for Gabriel to enter. He gathered every ounce of courage he had and walked in. He turned to face Jack as the door closed behind him and he swallowed thickly.
“We need to talk,”
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