#sif and isa def noticed something was up
tealgoat · 4 months
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Isabeau Secret Quest
Writing from @the-bitter-ocean
< “…Why now hm? Why did you wait until now to say anything?” >
< “That’s so typical of you isn’t it, Isabeau?”>
< “You thought it was better to not do anything.”>
<“You’re the kind of person that prefers to watch things happen and hope for the best.“>
<“…And Look where that got us! Blinding nowhere!”>
< You can't stop yourself from talking. >
< The loop is already at its endpoint. >
< Nothing you do will matter. >
< None of the choices you do will change the ending. >
< You press further.>
< “.. But ah.. that’s alright! You tried. You managed to say something for once even if it doesn’t matter! Congratulations!” >
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