#sidons avatar
hanakisa · 1 year
Y'all there arnt nearly enough smutty Sidlink fanfics and fanart utilizing Sidon's avatar. All I want is some DIRTY fics to read and some DIRTY fanart to gaze upon!
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mochiobonio · 2 months
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"𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂 𝓉𝑜𝑜, 𝐿𝒾𝓃𝓀?"
i love them so much ya'll have no idea how these two fictional twats are keeping me happy for a whole year right now ;;
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prisiidon · 1 year
Avatar!Sidon headcanon 👀 angst
May I present: Sidon can feel what the Avatar!Sidon companion feels. Avatar!Sidon also being a personification of Sidon’s soul and true feelings. The avatar cannot speak therefore simply shows what Sidon wishes to do through small gestures (and as protector in general). Meanwhile, King Sidon in the Domain feels a strange tingle in his hand as the avatar traces a hand over Link's cheek...
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hyruleairbnb · 4 months
If Aoc was canon they’d grew up together and I can imagine this would be their vibe
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Only line art today
I hope someone will recgonize this lol
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link-is-a-dork · 1 month
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Don't get me wrong, I love the TOTK avatars and they're so unique! Though it does feel like I'm a single dad wrangling a bunch of unruly children sometimes
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puparella · 1 year
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jester-jesper · 1 year
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Colorwheel art challenge! This was very fun to do ^^
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prisiidon · 1 year
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Sidon’s avatar also servin all that cake dghdfshg
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thisisme16 · 6 months
The Sims took over my life again.
But on the bright side, I was thinking up some more story ideas! There were a few Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild crossovers that I was toying with. I mean let's face it, the set up is perfect. Ritos? Airbenders. Zoras? Waterbenders. You get it. The problem was I couldn't decide if I wanted my "Avatar" to be Revali or Sidon. So screw it. I'm doing both! Revali is an airbending Avatar that reincarnates into Sidon in the next cycle. (Yeah, I know!)
I'm working on both stories at the same time, as I tend to do. I did think up a cute introductory scene for Revali's story though. I wrote it out too so it'll probably pop up here once I edit it out.
I'm going to call the two stories as a whole Legend of the Avatars, or maybe Hyrule's Avatars. Part one being Revali's story and part two being Sidon's. Hopefully they'll turn out fun and interesting!
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year
FINALLY doing the rito quest
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verbophobic · 1 year
Fics I do plan to go back to and Finish
No no particular order other than my scrolling of my AO3
What To Even Call This (actively working on this)
Zelda Series; Sidon/OC
To help his people, Sidon begrudgingly agrees to a marriage with a Hylian. All he wants is a woman who can rule at his side, someone that he may one day grow fond of like his sister Mipha had with Champion L-something-or-other. What he does not expect is Kino. A girl who seems almost clueless to the difficulties of the Zoran domain but whose heart will not let her stand by and just watch them struggle. As he learns more about her he finds himself growing fonder and he finds himself wondering, 'just who is this woman that wormed her nervous little way past his tightly guarded walls?'
What Am I Doing
Avatar; Tsu'tey/OC
A soldier is sent with Jake to the Omatikaya. She’s sent in an effort to keep an eye on Jake as Quaritch is beginning to doubt his loyalties. So Quaritch has a soldier he feels he can trust more than Jake reporting back about Jake. She tells Q to the best of her abilities what Jake is up to. Unfortunately as Jake has told the Omatikaya that he and her are both of the same clan Jarhead, they want to try to keep them separated as possible. So while Jake is off learning with Neytiri she is left to meander about and an eye is kept on her. She finds that she's fairly often around Tsu’tey - as he trusts her the least so he keeps the closest eye on her. Now she finds herself begrudgingly learning about the Na’vi’s ways and learning about the giant blue jerk. Still she reports to Q about msot of what she learns. Often asking how much longer her misison is so she can return to the base. Her way of tricking him into thinking she’s not actually having fun or enjoying learning about her friend. This fic is intended to follow the first movie loosely and into the second movie where she differs from Jake. ISO BETA
What A Clusterfuck
TMNT (Bayverse, sue me); Raph/OC
Raphael met a woman by coincidence, if you could call a hydroplaning car coincidence that it. But all the meeting for the next month and a half after that? Coincidence. Mostly. Raph would see this walking talking beacon of bad luck, and help her from the shadows. Until he didn’t. Until he stepped into the light and she was relieved he was a mutant turtle and not a mugger of New York City. Plus he was offering the poor half drowned woman an umbrella to help her starve off the rain. Now though? Now it’s just a clusterfuck of trying to figure out how her apartment ended up burning down. Raph/OC oneshots. Not yet put in order. Soon though!
Plane Jane
Lost Boys; David/OC
She was just another Plain Jane among a sea of them. In Santa Carla where everyone tried to stand out, those with the barest of differences are the most memorable. So a girl that's working behind a counter in yet another convenience store that looks like just another 'normie' was no one memorable. Dead end job for what seems like forever, no family so to speak of, and an ex who just can't fully let go; that was all just another boring day in a sea of eternal days to her. The most abnormal she'd ever seen up until a single fateful day was the cat that would somehow sneak into the store and just sit on the counter with her some nights. Until those boys came in like ghosts. She never knew how that triggered the events and she didn't care, all she cared about was the guy trying to rob her. Completely edited and beta's as of 11-20-2022 Ya'll are also welcome to suggest chapter titles.
Lost In The Wilderness/Stolen In The Wilderness
Lost- Transformers; Prowl/Sideswipe Stolen- Transformers; Elite Trine/Sideswipe
Lost: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker have had it bad since sparklinghood. Like so many others they were snagged up and put into the pits, chosen for where to end up and where to be a profit. The gladiatorial pits seemed perfect for two mechs whose steps couldn't be more in synch if they tried. But like so many others upon reaching their adulthood it's time to be put up for auction. They have the training, they have experience, they have survived their upbringing and are on their way with others to be put up for auction when unlikely rescue comes. It's not for them of course, but they are along for the ride at this point. Who are those savage black and white barbarians and what do they mean by 'Mine'?! In Search of Beta
Stolen: Spin off of my Lost In The Wilderness fic. What would have happened if it had been some other barbarians that had descended upon the caravan? Barbarians that are nowhere near as 'kind' as those we've come to know In The Wilderness? While Prowl and his group are far more 'civilized' those that rule the skies are seen as demons with wings. And poor little Sideswipe just so happened to be cute and in the wrong place at the wrong time. In this take of the wilderness, Seeker's are not nearly as kind as land mecha. But perhaps there's some charm to Sideswipe that can woo one or two of them~
Sink My Teeth Into You
Little Vampire; Gregory/OC
Rory Murry is a normal teenage. Unfortunately her divorced parents have decided to change their custody agreement and she is forced to move away from the 'big city' to the rural town she had first grown up in. Her memories of back then are blurry due to the young age she left and the few traumatizing events that happened directly prior to leaving. Such as said parental divorce. A teenager that she meets in a graveyard does tug at a few strings of memory though and she is left curious as to just who he is and why he's always hanging out in a graveyard late at night. Her own reasoning for being there? She's not the brightest there is and a tiny bit lonely in this 'new' town. Also- why is there a creepy old guy in a wanna-be ice cream truck haunting this place?
When It Bleeds
Predator Series; Pred/OC
Experimentation is not always okay. But sometimes its necessary. Ta'roga knows and understands this. But when he looks at the other experiment being paraded down the hall in front of him he feels nothing but rage and disgust at these humans. How could they do something like this to- to-Join us on our exploration into hunter territory where we learn about a code of honor that the 2018 movie tossed to the wind. Join me as i make the 2018 move better later in this story. We will be fixing up plot mistakes, and making a proper set up for the movie and not killing off every good character. I will be killing off characters that we will grow to love but saving others that the movies did dirty.
Work In Progress/Metempsychosis
MHA; Bakugo/OC
WIP: Sato Misaki is just your average girl, a young adult who has a semi useless quirk. IT's nothing she's proud of and honestly she would rather be Quirkless. That is until she meets a man in a grocery store. He works in his own way to help her come to terms with her Quirk and accept herself. Bakugo Katsuki is not the same person he was while growing up. He's grown as an individual and learned better how to handle his emotions and mostly reign in his temper. Few understand why he, of all people, would go for a girl who's quirk is so plain. Not to mention someone so oblivious as to not have a clue to the majority of Japan's hero's. This is a series of oneshots, out of order, featuring my OC Misaki and her relationship with Bakugo. One day I'll do a story for them, for now enjoy their life's snipets since meeting.
META: Metempsychosis; resurrection, rebirth, reincarnation. It has a definite definition. The being that chose this as their name has a path set before them. One that will change the hero Ground Zero’s bleak future after his lover - or rather soul mate - is murdered before him. Katsuki had met and fallen in love with a normal girl whose quirk was nothing special. But that in itself made her special to him. With having seen her life ripped away before his very eyes he’s on the brink of insanity. Until some being walks up to him with a warning of ‘pivotal moments’ and ‘not changing them’. Whatever that meant. All he knows is Misa has melted in his arms and left him. His own form is liquifying. Yet he’s able to open his eyes once more and finds his hands are small and chubby. Just like his reflection in the mirror - wait, is he five again?!
Penny For Your Thoughts
CW DC verse; Snart/OC
Prue's motto was to not let life get her down, she'd hit rock bottom while young so she couldn't get any further down, right? One would surely hope so. Seeing a penny heads up she can only hope that it means luck, that whatever was going on right now would be for the best. Taking the coin from the ground she hold it up and out to the man with a gun trained on her. She knew she wasn't walking away from here. As queasiness bubbled up in her stomach and she felt like throwing up she forced out a smile and touched her stomach as if to calm it and keep from throwing up in fear. "Penny for your thoughts?" Perhaps she'd been around her snarky boyfriend far too long as saying this to the man with a twitchy trigger finger might not be the best of plans. Snart/Oc (putting this here because as a ready I like to know exactly which ship I'm reading and not be surprised later on.)
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ringedoubliette · 4 months
Can someone please make an animatic of Leaves From the Vine from ATLA but do it of Sidon and Mipha? Like the soldier boy can be both Mipha and Sidon because it’s interchangeable.
Like the soldier boy is Mipha at the start of the song but in the end Mipha is telling Sidon to come home.
This is the version I thought would work best for what I’m taking about. Shout out to Annapantsu for doing justice to an amazing song.
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ladyrijus · 1 year
TOTK where everything is more or less the same except the dragon tears are as giant as the springs that Zelda went to, and Link has to wade through them to experience the vision. On top of that, after he sees the vision in full, he can relive that vision for as long as he stays in those tears.
Now, the reason why I want that is because I want to see Link witness the final memory and turn numb with denial and guilt and grief. It should not have surprised him the way it did; he knew in the previous memories she had planned to do it. But there were still more geoglyphs to search, still more time and hope for her to realize there was a different way, a better one that didn't ask her of so much.
He was wrong, of course. Destinies like theirs were never so generous.
Imagine that he appears expressionless, a stark contrast to his more emotional nature that has come out during gameplay. And yet his eyes are noticeably glazed over and he's frozen to the bed of the spring. The sages watch him through their vows, knowing this to be the last memory, and they feel it, immediately, that something is wrong. They desperately try to talk through their avatars, much to the surprise of their loved ones.
"Link? Link, snap out of it!"
He hears nothing.
And so the scene parallels to the off-screen moment Urbosa had with Zelda -- a careful Sidon wills his avatar to carry Link away from the cursed waters, and is pained when he's met with vehement resistance. Why would his wonderful friend drag himself back there, when whatever he saw tore his heart and shattered his soul? It wasn't good for him, to deal with grief in such a poisonous manner.
But for Link, he would weather the heartbreak in watching that bright, curious, ambitious girl sacrifice everything that made her who she was infinitely if it meant he could commit her face to memory. The Sheikah Slate that he took pictures of her with had been dismantled, and the Purah Pad contains no recollection of Zelda. He would watch his princess lose herself, over and over again, in that damned tear, than forget what she looked like.
He couldn't do that to her. Not again.
In the meantime, Tulin, Riju, and Yunobo have created a circle around him together, blocking the hero from hurting himself any further.
By this point, Link's expression is wavering, brows furrowed and lips pressed to a thin line. They don't get it, do they? All of the closest friends he had from an era past are gone; yes, Impa, Purah and Robbie are still alive, and they belong to that era too, but they didn't know him like the Champions did. Like Zelda did. She fought for him in death as much as he fought for her in life, and now he lost her too.
He finally collapses to the ground, shaking, and cries.
He had one job: Protect the princess. And he failed her. Twice.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
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𖹭 𓆝 𓆟 Poly Yandere Sage & Sidon 𓆞 𓆝 𖹭
Born of the Hylian race and always drawn to the water. It made you the perfect candidate to be the Hylian ambassador who worked with the Zora. You worked with them when Divine Beast Vah Ruta was pouring rain and flooding the domain. Now you work with Yona to take care of the Zora's due to the massive amounts of sludge suffocating the land and creatures.
You were one of the three Hylians that the Zora allowed to freely walk among them without special permission for each entry. You wished in these moments that it was more than three. Zelda was lost only the goddesses know where. Sage had lost his arm and now seemed to further distance himself from you. You, oh you, the Zora loved Yona but saw you as a stain upon them.
You weren't one of their own, a reincarnation of a goddess, or the hero fated to save Hyrule. You were simply a hylian that was appointed to their waters.
It kept you stuck, doing your best to find as many splash fruits as possible. You'd overwork yourself from dusk till dawn just to find some. You had to find them; it was the only way to gain even a smidgen of their approval. You even went into Lynel territory for them.
Prince Sidon wasn't the least bit pleased when he learned about your being so reckless. You were confined to your room and were only visited by guards and the prince. You recovered your physical health, but not your mental. You became addicted to his presence. He'd always give you the same comforting smile and soothing touch.
Sage was the same way when he finally made his way to you both. It was the first time you were able to leave your room in a handful of months. You practically collapsed into his arms. You didn't notice his stunned silence or the firey blush lighting up his hardened features, but Sidon did.
"Good friend, it's such a shame that Zelda is missing. However, it is good to see that you are no worse for wear. Except for that arm of yours—?" Sidon spoke in an elated tone, an undercurrent of a pleased growl bubbling up from his throat.
Sage did not answer after he explained his predicament. He stuck by the both of you like the sludge that coated Zora's Domain. He mostly communicated through Hylian sign. His Zonai arm, as you learned, was perfect for translating it into an audio version of what he was signing. It would occasionally glitch around the both of you, glowing bright and moving on its own to grasp either you or Sidon.
"My friend!" Sidon gasped as Link's Zonai arm caressed Sidon's midsection.
It was a common occurrence, and it was oddly cute.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
Both of them were needed to save the domain, and you once again were shut out from the outside world. You didn't learn until after Sage and Sidon had defeated the beast within the Water Temple that Yona had been slain by the Sludge Like Like that had attacked near Mipha's statue.
The only oddity of it all is that Yona had the distinct slash of a Zora Longsword across her throat.
You were the only one that seemingly picked up on this detail. This was because Sidon wouldn't allow anyone to look at her dead body except for you or Sage. It was a question that still lingers in your mind, but you don't dare ask it. Sage didn't see anything wrong with it, and he is the hero. 
It was one shock after another.
You were wed to Sidon in the place of Yona, and Link was married to both of you. You had no time to protest. It was seemingly a decision that was controversial among the Zora. However, anyone who voiced their displeasure soon had their gills cut. It wasn't as if you were against it. Both were truly handsome. 
You worried about the differences between Zora and Hylian anatomy.
Both didn't seem to have a care in the world about the finer details. You lay in bed with both your husbands. You are all saddened to know that Link must go to continue his journey of defeating the Demon King. At least he has Sidon's avatar. Sidon is able to feel, see, and hear everything through it.
Only one phrase was left to be said.
"I love you both." You murmur through your sleepy daze.
Both of their hearts almost stopped. They stared at each other in surprise. The same thing was on both their minds.
You love them. They won you.
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littlefreakelio · 7 months
🦈 overprotective sidlink headcanons🗡
being protective is in link's nature as a knight, but after the events of totk (losing zelda, watching sidon marry yona) that man is balls to the walls mental over losing sidon
we know already that sidon is overprotective & has abandonment issues from losing mipha, he's constantly thinking what if something happens if he's not around or not strong enough to keep people safe
sidon loves being reckless w link but he can't bear link doing dangerous things without him
when link comes back wounded sidon always gets so anxious he could cry (and he does)
they def fight over this, sidon wants to go on missions with link but link can't risk anything happening to sidon
none of the royal guards want to spar with either of them in fear of the other's wrath
sometimes sidon looks down at his sage ring and he thinks to his avatar "if you don't keep him safe i don't care if you're me i WILL drown you"
meanwhile link is irrationally protective of sidon's avatar and has more than once dived in front of him to take an electric arrow...
I can't stop thinking about overprotective feral knight/prince....
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