#side craquaria
aqpippin · 2 years
pippin!!! hi hello my dear, how are you? i have some more questions for you today <3 if you remember, when did you join drag race tumblr? why did you join, how did you discover the drag race fic community? do you use a sideblog, or is this your main blog? do you use tumblr for anything else?
hello angel! I’m doing well and I hope you’re the same!
I think I first joined drag race tumblr early 2018? I had started watching drag race in 2017 and naturally I started reading fics and then I found AQ! s10 was the first season I watched week by week and I became a craquaria whore and started writing drag race fanfic (I wrote on wattpad before ao3 sjsjs) so I made a tumblr!
this blog was originally a side-blog — my other one had my real name on it — and I wanted somewhere anonymous for posting fics lmao and then I just got too lazy to maintain two drag blogs so now it’s all here ✨
I do have another tumblr blog [here] which is just broader stuff/me posting whatever I like but I’m very inconsistent with posting there lmao
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artificialqueens · 6 years
So Emotional (Sashea) Chapter 3 -MissChimKi
A/N: It’s been a minute. School has started full time for me again and I’m still working, but I’m going to try to update like every other week. I also have a few other projects I’m working on as well. I’m going to try to finish this before I start any other chaptered works though. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!
That wasn’t really the problem though. Sasha could admire the beauty of others without feeling attracted to them. Most of her friend group were beautiful queer girls and she hadn’t even thought about hooking up with them. The problem was her undeniable connection with Shea. In not even a month of knowing her it felt like a lifetime. Even though she didn’t know this huge part of Sasha’s life, she still knew about almost everything else. They related on a personal level that Sasha had never experienced with anyone else before. They could talk for hours on end and Sasha had never had a friend like her. .
In which Sasha and Shea are roommates for their freshman year of college and Sasha is a useless lesbian who doesn’t want Shea to know that and Shea is just trying to live her best Chicago life while being in NYC.
Sasha’s day to day routine was becoming second nature now. Almost a month into school and she finally felt like she had it down pat. It wasn’t necessarily hard, school had never been hard for her, but it was a lot. It required a delicate balance and Sasha could admit she was struggling with it a little. She hadn’t even visited Bob’s since school started.
It felt strange to her to be so close to home but also be completely cut off from it. She texted her dad every day and still sent snaps and memes to all her friends, but it wasn’t the same. She knew they missed her and she missed them, but she had to have her priorities in order if she wanted to be successful, which was definitely something she intended to be.
The way her schedule was set up, she consistently had 8am classes. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world because it meant she had plenty of time after her classes to get stuff done. She had fell into a routine of going to classes, studying and working out.
Spending time with Shea had become a constant as well. They got food and studied together almost every day. Shea understood her dark sense of humor and they could talk for hours on end. Sasha found herself getting less sleep at night because they would just stay up talking for hours. Luck was on her side with getting Shea as a roommate and now friend.
She had also been adopted into Shea’s friend group in a way. They spent a fair amount of time together and would always invite her when they met up for coffee or to study. She got along with all of them well considering they had just met. She even had a class with Trixie. The two of them sat in the back and made snide comments back and forth, trying to hide their obvious laughter.
She’d made friends in her other classes too. Given that she’d taken a lot of her general classes back in high school, she could jump straight into her major classes which had more upperclassmen in them. It was nice to be surrounded by people who cared about what they were majoring in and who probably wouldn’t be switching out anytime soon.
Her professors had been great too. Choosing a smaller, liberal arts college had been the right decision for her. She had professors that cared about their students for both her majors and it showed in how they taught. It was a completely different world from high school and she loved it. Raja, one of her art professors, was her absolute favorite. It was one of her 8am classes but she engaged the class still. Raja wasn’t too thrilled about the time either, always rushing in five minutes late, looking unruly in contrast to all of her pictures online. She made the class fun and Sasha was learning a lot from her even if it was an early class.
All in all, her life was going extremely well, but it could be better. Since coming out, Sasha had no intention of ever going back in the closet. Yet here she was, living her dreams but constantly feeling worried about her secret coming out. She hadn’t really admitted it to herself yet but the main reason she hadn’t gone to Bob’s was because she was embarrassed to admit how insecure she’d been. Those people were her family and she didn’t want to let them down.
So she kept that part of her life to herself and she threw herself into school and her new friends. It was almost too easy to keep it a secret. She tended to keep to herself anyway and was more reserved especially around new people. That meant it wasn’t a problem as long as no one who really knew her saw her.
She had managed to successfully avoid Dusty and Aquaria the whole time she’d been on campus. With both of them being in completely different majors she didn’t have to worry about having classes with them. Every time one of them asked to meet up with her it was easy enough to make an excuse about classes and whatnot. They knew how serious she was about school so it wasn’t that much of a lie, but she knew she could only keep up the rouse for so long. Luckily she knew they both had their own love lives to worry about which kept them fairly occupied for the time being.
Sasha sighed as her class was dismissed early. She hadn’t really been paying attention for most of it but she figured it couldn’t be too important. She could always ask one of her classmates for the notes if she needed to. It was her last class of the day and it was nearing lunchtime. She knew Shea had a break about now so she sent her a text asking if she wanted to meet up for lunch. They ate together pretty much every day sometimes multiple times a day depending on how their schedules lined up. It was nice having a friend she could always meet up with. Not that she minded eating alone but she didn’t mind the company either.
Shea responded quickly, saying that she’d meet her in the dining hall by Sasha’s class in five minutes. Sasha headed into the hall to find seats and grab her food while she waited for Shea. She had already started eating her salad when Shea walked in spotting her quickly, her face lighting up as she made her way over.
“Hey girl,” she greeted, setting her stuff down, “I’m absolutely starving, I’ll be back soon,” she made her way to pile her plate with food before returning to the table and digging in.
They chatted about their days and how much Shea couldn’t stand her mean design professor. “She bullied someone into dropping out the first week of classes. People are only staying in because they have to, and of course she’s supposedly the best teacher in the department. I think that’s bull,” Shea complained.
Sasha frowned, “You’ll have to give her an awful review at the end of the semester then,” she felt bad since she loved all of her professors.
Shea nodded, “I’m sure everyone has but everyone probably does well enough in the class for it to not make a difference.”
Sasha gave her a sympathetic look and they continued on with their meal. Shea telling her about the hot guy from her classes that was now hitting on her. Sasha felt some type of way about it. She knew it was jealousy but she couldn’t tell if she was jealous of the guy or that Shea could talk so openly about her love life. Sasha knew that was her own fault though and not really Shea’s. She kept quiet as Shea talked about it. Focusing a little too much on her food. Shea didn’t seem to pick up on it though, or if she did she didn’t comment on it which Sasha was grateful for.
Sasha changed the subject to Trixie once she was done, “She was texting Katya literally all period. It’s getting hard to watch. The poor girl is so in love that Katya has to know it doesn’t she?”
Shea shrugged, “You’d think but from what I’ve heard she’s either completely oblivious or just doesn’t want to hurt Trixie’s feelings.”
“It’s so sad. I really want to meet her. Trixie talks about her like she’s the whole world but I’d like to see for myself.” Sasha felt for the girl. At least Katya liked girls according to Trixie. Maybe that wasn’t great though because it made Trixie feel like she had more of a chance and Sasha didn’t want to see her hurt.
“Yeah I wouldn’t mind meeting her either so I can give her a piece of my mind,” Shea joked.
“That’s probably why she doesn’t want anyone meeting her. She’s afraid you’ll tell Katya all her secrets,” Sasha said, only half kidding.
Shea looked mock offended, “I would never. Kim on the other hand.”
“I wouldn’t put it past either of you, whether it’s on purpose or not. Clearly it means a lot to Trixie so I’m assuming if we do ever meet her it will be unplanned.”
Shea nodded as they stood up to put their plates away. “Do you want to go to the library to study with me? I have a quiz this afternoon that I need to review for.”
“Yeah, I’ll help you review if you need me to,” she offered, holding the door open for Shea to follow her out.
“You’re honestly the best. I don’t know what I would do without you,” Shea beamed giving her hand a quick squeeze. It was something Sasha had a hard time getting used to at first. Shea was definitely a touchy feely kind of friend. She loved to braid Sasha’s hair when they were talking or rest her head on her shoulder when they were watching Netflix. Sasha didn’t read too much into it though. This was how she was with her other friends too so it didn’t mean anything more than friendship.
They reached their favorite library quickly. It was on a far corner of campus and it was rarely busy. Typically they were the only ones in there which was nice. They never had trouble finding a study room.
They spent about an hour with Sasha quizzing Shea on the content. It was just for a general English class so none of the content was hard necessarily it was just a lot of memorization. At this point Shea pretty much had it down pat and they were just goofing around when Sasha heard her name being called. She turned around to see Aquaria standing there with an awkward smile on her face.
“Oh hey Aqua,” Sasha felt obligated to invite Aquaria to join them since she was one of her oldest friends. She had gone to school with Aquaria since she moved to New York. She had stayed by her side when Aquaria got kicked out of her home for being gay. The two were close friends and at some points in their relationship a little more. Sasha was a little relieved to see her friend but at the same time she didn’t really want her and Shea to interact.
Aquaria looked awkward as she moved to stand at the edge of the table but she smiled at her friend, “I thought you’d dropped off the face of the earth. I haven’t seen you since we’ve been here.”
Sasha felt bad but she plastered a fake smile on her face, “Yeah I know, school’s been kicking my ass. Basically all I do is go to class and study.”
Aquaria seemed to accept her answer, nodding sympathetically.
“Hey,” Shea interjected, “You’re in Miss Del Rio’s class aren’t you?” she asked Aquaria.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “What a bitch honestly,” she giggled, “sorry for not introducing myself, I’m Aquaria,” she had a worried loom on her face probably hoping that she didn’t insult Shea’s favorite teacher.
Shea took her extended hand, “I’m Shea, Sasha’s roommate.”
Aquaria nodded in understanding, still awkwardly standing at the end of their table.
“You can sit if you want, were just pretending to study at this point,” Sasha offered, noticing how she eyed Shea uncomfortably. Aquaria had never been good around strangers. It took forever for her to get comfortable with Sasha and now she never stopped talking but at first she hardly said anything.
Shea seemed to pick up on the tension, “I actually am going to head out. I want to get coffee before my quiz and I know how obnoxious those lines can be. I’ll see you back in the room,” she said goodbye to Sasha, “Nice actually meeting you, I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t stand Miss Del Rio,” she addressed Aquaria before heading out to the coffee shop.
Aquaria took her seat once she had left, “So that’s why you’ve been MIA then?” she raised a perfectly plucked brow.
Sasha rolled her eyes, “I’ve genuinely been busy. Adjusting to college hasn’t been a breeze,” she defended herself.
Aquaria put her hands up, surrendering, “It hasn’t been easy for me either and you’d know that had you been around.”
Sasha looked at the ground, guilt starting to eat at her, “I’m sorry Aqua, I really am. This has been a new beginning for me and I know I’ve been focusing so much on that that I left you and the others behind. I have to do better, I know.”
Aquaria gave her a sympathetic look, “We just miss you is all. It’s not the same there without you.”
Sasha nodded, “I miss everyone so much honestly.”
“You should come Saturday for open mic,” Aquaria pushed excitedly, “There’s a new girl that’s been coming and she’s absolutely amazing I think you’ll like her a lot.”
Sasha smiled back feeling Aquaria’s enthusiasm rubbing off onto her, “That sounds great, I’ll try to be there.”
Aquaria’s eyes narrowed, “You’ll try to be there or you will be there?” she pressed.
Sasha sighed, she really couldn’t put this off for any longer. It was truly shocking that she’d managed to go this long without going to the bar. “I’ll be there,” she decided, reveling in the genuine smile she got from Aquaria. Her friend had been through a lot and seeing her happy always lifted Sasha’s spirits.
“You can bring your roomie if you want,” Aquaria suggested.
Even the thought of doing that terrified Sasha. She was sure Shea and the rest of the girls would enjoy it especially since most of them were queer. It was different with Shea though because Sasha had to share a room with her for the rest of the year and Shea was straight. She didn’t want anything to be uncomfortable. She didn’t fall for straight girls, she knew better, but she would be lying if she said she had no attraction to Shea. Physically she was gorgeous. She pulled off every look she tried and Sasha envied her confidence.
That wasn’t really the problem though. Sasha could admire the beauty of others without feeling attracted to them. Most of her friend group were beautiful queer girls and she hadn’t even thought about hooking up with them. The problem was her undeniable connection with Shea. In not even a month of knowing her it felt like a lifetime. Even though she didn’t know this huge part of Sasha’s life, she still knew about almost everything else. They related on a personal level that Sasha had never experienced with anyone else before. They could talk for hours on end and Sasha had never had a friend like her. Sure she had closer friends but no one she’d ever had this much of a connection with upon first meeting them.
“I’m not sure if it would be her scene,” she decided on saying.
Aquaria frowned, “Is she homophobic or something? You two seemed to get on so well I can’t imagine that she would be.”
Sasha shook her head, “It’s a little complicated. She doesn’t know I’m gay.”
“She is homophobic then?” Aquaria looked confused.
“I don’t think so. She has a lot of gay friends and seems completely okay with them, but it’s different with me because we’re roommates. I just don’t want to make her uncomfortable,” Sasha explained.
Aquaria didn’t look any less confused, “Why would you being gay make her uncomfortable. If it did that would be her problem to deal with. The only issue would be if you’re attracted to her.”
Sasha hated that Aquaria could see right through her, “I’m not like in love with her or anything but she’s stunning it would be hard not to notice that.”
She didn’t miss the eye roll that Aquaria gave her. “That’s not how you are though. There’s plenty of beautiful girls that you don’t feel anything for but with her there’s something else or else you’d have just come out no problem,” Aquaria pointed out.
The thing was both girls were confident in their sexuality no matter how scary it had been. Aquaria came out to her family hoping against all odds that they would accept her or at least try to but they didn’t. Sasha came out to her Russian dad and it wasn’t easy at first but she knew she had to live her life being authentically her. And this, this was not doing that.
“You’re right,” Sasha gave in, “I hate that I don’t know what to do about it,” she sighed.
“I think you should just tell her. It’s only going to get harder the longer you wait,” Aquaria suggested. She was right, Sasha knew this but it didn’t make it easier. “I also think you should come to the bar and talk about it with your closest friends. It’ll help you more than you think.”
That was the truth. Their bar family had taken Aquaria in when no one would. Sharon had essentially taken the role as her mother, letting Aquaria move in with her. Most people though it was a sugar mama type of deal but Sasha knew it wasn’t. It was a woman who had been ostracized by her family for being gay taking in a girl who had been in the same situation. The difference was that Sharon hadn’t had anyone to do that for her when she was young and she didn’t want to see anyone else go through that.
“I know it will. You guys are the best form therapy for me right now,” Sasha agreed. It was time for her to face the music and her fears.
Aquaria beamed at her before getting up, “I need to get to class now but I’m texting everyone that’ll you’ll be there so now they can hold you accountable too.”
Sasha chuckled, “Thanks for having faith in me.”
Aquaria winked before disappearing from Sasha’s view. A sigh escaped Sasha’s lips. It was going to be difficult explaining why she hadn’t been around in a month. Even though she knew that no matter how long she was gone, they’d be there to welcome her back with open arms. There were still some nerves she couldn’t shake, but she knew they would have her best interests in the end and give her good advice.
Saturday came quicker than Sasha was prepared for. As it got later, she got more nervous. She was getting ready in her room. Shea was away somewhere with her friends, they’d invited Sasha, but she told them she had a paper to finish. She was glad to have the room to herself for the time being, it would have been difficult to explain where she was going and why Shea couldn’t come.
She was putting a final coat of lipstick on her lips when Shea, Kim and Trixie stumbled in, laughing loudly. They had clearly already started pregaming. It was evident by the flushes on their faces and them talking over each other even more loudly than usual. Sasha laughed at the sight of them. “It’s not even eight yet. Are you guys even going to be able to make it to wherever you’re going?”
Shea plopped down beside her and plucked the lipstick from her hand, “This shade is seriously the bomb. Do you think it would look good on me?” she held the tube close to her lips and puckered them dramatically.
Sasha rolled her eyes and tried not to let them linger on Shea’s lips, “Girl please you know everything looks good on you,” she snatched the lipstick back without any difficulty given Shea’s reflexes were pretty much non-existent when she was tipsy.
“Don’t compliment her, it’ll just go to her head and then she’ll think she’s somebody when we’re out tonight,” Kim joked to which Trixie let out a scream of laughter.
Shea flipped them both off before turning back to Sasha again, “You’re all dolled up. Did you change your mind about coming out with us?” she asked hopefully.
Sasha shook her head, “I’m actually meeting up with some friends. You remember Aquaria?” Shea nodded. “Well she managed to convince me to meet up with her and a few of our other high school friends tonight,” she explained.
Shea pouted, “Lame, you should totally come out with us instead.”
“Next time,” Sasha promised, giving Shea’s shoulder a squeeze. “I gotta get going, enjoy your night,” she waved bye to the two other girls before leaving the room and heading to the place that had become her second home over the years.
She arrived at the bar a little before it opened. She texted Bob letting her know she was outside and waited to be let in. The first time she had come to Look Queen was in her sophomore year of High School. She, Aquaria and Brianna had managed to sneak in. Though they didn’t really sneak in at all since it was Brianna’s mom that owned the place. They did however sneak drinks. Back then she had no idea how much this place would become home to her. She remembered feeling humiliated when one of the resident queens called her out for being too hairy, that was back in her unibrow days and she was still struggling with accepting her sexuality so having any attention on her terrified her.
The queen later apologized and snuck Sasha drinks. After that night the trio would go there every weekend. Sometimes they were joined by Brianna’s sister Monet and Dusty but mostly it was just them. They all had a close bond as they were in the same boat with figuring out their sexuality, which had led to some experimentation over the years. While Sasha cared for both girls, she never really had romantic feelings for either of them. Not the way they had for each other, or at least the way Aquaria had for Brianna.
She was greeted at the door by Peppermint, the vibrant woman smiled excitedly and pulled her in for a squeeze. “Sasha, girl it has been too long.”
Sasha knew she’d be in for these reactions the whole night, “I know, I know, school and all,” was all she offered for an explanation.
“We’re gonna talk more later,” Peppermint told her, “But right now you’re gonna go get a drink and apologize to Bob for making her worry.”
Sasha nodded guiltily and followed her inside. It was no surprise that the place hadn’t changed. Still brightly colored with glitter everywhere. Still smelling like booze. The mural she’d painted still covering the far wall. And still feeling like home. Sasha smiled at everyone when she walked in. Most of the people she was closest to would hang out before Bob opened to the public, either talking or preparing for their show. This particular night was open mic night which basically meant everything goes. Sasha frequently did spoken word there, it helped tremendously with her confidence and she enjoyed doing it. She hadn’t yet decided if she wanted to do anything that night, if she did it would just have to be a classic from her repertoire. One she could recite in her sleep.
Bob stood behind the counter of the bar, tidying up and making sure things were in the right place. Brianna was sitting on the counter, chatting animatedly with her sister when she spotted Sasha come in. “Sasha!” She yelled, jumping down from the counter and running to give Sasha a huge hug.
“Hey,” Sasha greeted the armful of blonde hair. Monet walked over to them as well, giving her greeting too.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Alexis glanced up from the magazine she was reading to give Sasha a smile.
Bob seemed to be purposely ignoring her, which she understood. Since she’d been coming there Bob had taken such a motherly role in her life. She had sat and listened to all of Sasha’s worries and helped her come in to herself. She was the first person Sasha told about her acceptance into Charles and she had set up a bar night in celebration, with all the tips they had received that night going into Sasha’s college fund.
Bob meant the world to her and she felt awful that she had let her down. She slowly made her way over to Bob, knowing it was best to just rip off the band aid. “Do you need any help setting up?” she asked, in lieu of a greeting once she’d reached the counter.
“No I’m mostly done with everything,” Bob shrugged, stopping what she was doing to turn to Sasha. “Do you need any help?” she returned the question.
Sasha sighed, “I know I haven’t been around in a while, but the truth is that I’ve just been caught up in the new world at school and the longer I stayed away the more I felt bad about coming back,” she admitted.
Bob’s hard stare softened a little, “Aquaria told me about your roommate thing,” she told Sasha.
“Well there’s that too,” Sasha smiled sheepishly.
“I can’t tell you what to do, but just know that I’ll go rough a bitch up if I need to,” Bob informed her. It was said like a joke but Sasha knew he was completely serious. Sure Bob wouldn’t actually hurt anyone but she would for sure go have an intimidating conversation with anyone who disapproved of Sasha.
“I know that. And I know she wouldn’t disapprove of my sexuality but I’m worried she might pick up on whatever feelings I have towards her,” she explained.
Bob nodded in understanding, “And those feelings are romantic? Or at least more than platonic?” she pressed.
Sasha shrugged, “Yeah I guess. I don’t really know how to categorize them but they’re there and they probably won’t be going anywhere so I’ll just have to learn how to deal with them for this year.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to force yourself back in the closet for a year,” Bob pointed out.
“At least until I figure out how to tell her. She’s such a good friend now that it complicates things more for sure.”
“Maybe if you found yourself a lovely gal it would make it easier. Both in getting over her and coming out to her,” Brianna interrupted their conversation.
It wasn’t a bad idea, but no one had caught Sasha’s eye in a long time. She wasn’t necessarily picky when it came to people, but her personality didn’t jive well with everyone’s and that could cause trouble for her love life.
“Maybe,” Sasha offered. Brianna shrugged and got in position behind the counter. Bob went over to open the doors signifying that the conversation was over, at least for the time being.
People began to file into the bar. Brianna handed her a gin and tonic with a wink before getting to work. Sasha made her way over to where Dusty was chatting with Alexis. She easily slid into conversation with them while slowly sipping on her drink and waiting for the open mic to start. “Are you gonna perform tonight?” Dusty questioned.
“I’m not sure yet,” Sasha told her. The bar was filling up quickly with lots of familiar faces and some new ones. She saw Aquaria at the bar with a girl she didn’t recognize. They were getting drinks from Brianna. She briefly wondered if Aquaria was with the stranger to make Bri jealous, however she didn’t look too phased, chatting happily with them while she shook their drinks.
Once the bar had started buzzing with people Thorgy took to the stage to announce sign-ups for the open mic. Sasha watched as a bunch of eager people rushed to sign up while others stayed behind wanting to get their courage up before signing up, which meant doing shots.
The line would die down in a bit and she would probably sign up whenever that happened. She was deciding on what piece she wanted to do when she was interrupted from her thoughts by someone bumping into her.
“I’m so sorry,” the girl apologized, reaching a hand out to steady her. “Oh hey Sasha, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Of course it was Pearl that had bumped into her.
“Yeah, this place was kind of like my hangout in high school so I’m just visiting with everyone,” she explained. It wasn’t a lie really, just not the whole truth.
“That’s crazy, I’ve been coming here with Vi recently I love it,” Pearl responded in her soothing voice.
“I’m just now realizing that your girlfriend is Violet Chachki.” Sasha didn’t know why it took her so long to put it together. Violet and Fame had been coming there almost as long as she had. She always though there was something between them, but maybe they were just close friend.
“Yeah. You know her? I guess you’ve never been around when she is so I never thought about it,” Pearl shook her head, “That’s weird though,” she lamented.
They talked for a while and Sasha found out that Pearl was originally from New York, but she moved to Chicago after she finished high school early to live with her dad and go to beauty school. Thankfully she hadn’t asked about Sasha’s sexuality yet or mentioned it if she already knew. Hopefully she wouldn’t say anything to Shea. Sasha didn’t want to risk anything by asking her not to so she just kept her mouth shut.
Violet came over to join them and they had a commentary about all of the people on the stage. Some were awful but there was one girl who did a spoken word about having the same parts as the boys who flirted with her. Everyone found it to be hilarious. It was early in the night so most people were lackluster or regulars that Sasha had seen many a times.
One girl, however, caught her eye. It was the girl that had been talking to Aquaria earlier. Sasha recognized her when she stepped out onto the stage but she had no idea what to expect. The girl was confident as she graced the stage. She didn’t even announce her name before she launched into a rap about being an art god. Sasha stood mesmerized the whole time. The girl was articulate and enchanting and Sasha was hooked on her every word. When it was over Sasha clapped loudly along with the rest of the crowd. The girl smiled widely and exited the stage.
“Did you guys catch her name?” She asked Violet and Pearl, eager to know who the mystery girl was.
“Oh, that’s Aja. She’s been coming these past few weeks. She’s a huge hit,” Violet filled her in.
“She’s incredible,” Sasha told them.
“Yeah she’s been really good every time we’ve seen her,” Pearl agreed.
Watching the performance left Sasha feeling inspired, “I’m going to go sign up for a spot. I’ll see you guys later,” Sasha waved at them before going to put her name on the list. After she’d signed up she went to get another drink for good measure. She figured she wouldn’t drink anymore until after she went and she would be fine.
She went to find Aquaria and hopefully find out more about Aja. Aquaria was sitting with Dusty and Yuhua, the latter loudly laughing at something. She greeted them all before taking a seat.
“Have you signed up yet?” Aquaria asked.
Sasha nodded, “I just did,” she told them, “I was feeling really inspired after Aja’s performance. Is that the newbie you were talking about?”
“Yeah,” Aquaria said excitedly, “Wasn’t she amazing? I knew you’d like her.”
“She was great,” Sasha smiled, “Is she around anywhere? I’d like to compliment her.”
“Hm, I think she’s off with her friends somewhere. Probably smoking in the bathroom honestly. I’ll introduce you guys later,” Aquaria promised, “but in the meantime let’s do some shots!” Dusty and Yuhua agreed happily.
“Save mine for after I go please,” Sasha laughed, “I’m not going through that mess again.”
The others laughed, “We would love to see that again though,” Dusty joked.
Sasha rolled her eyes as Aquaria went to get them shots. She cheered for the others while they took them. It wasn’t long before her name was being called to go. The others wished her luck while she took the stage.
She mainly just did spoken word about whatever was on her mind. This particular piece was something she wrote while coming to terms with her sexuality. It was one of her favorites and it related to her just as much now as it did back then. Especially since she’d pretty much entered the closet again. She briefly worried about Pearl hearing it, but it wasn’t too obviously about her being gay. Pearl didn’t seem like the kind of person to care all that much or sell her out, so she decided to go for it.
She always blanked when she performed. She couldn’t really tell how the audience reacted during because she was so in the moment. Once it was over she would come back to her senses but something about performing made her a completely different person. It was good though, she supposed, because back in her stage fright days she was just in a state of fear the whole time.
Once she was done the crowd cheered for her. Her friends shouts being louder than the others and she felt warm and happy. She loved this group of people more than anything else and she had no idea how she managed to stay away from them for so long.
Aquaria greeted her with a shot once she got off the stage, which she took with no hesitation. “C’mon, I think I saw Aja by the bar,” Aquaria tugged her arm, leading her to Aja and her friends.
“Aja,” Aquaria called loudly to get her attention.
“Sis,” Aja smiled turning her attention to them, “And you’re Sasha. I’ve heard so much about you,” she said, eying Sasha up and down before offering her a warm smile.
“You too,” Sasha responded, “Everyone’s been telling me about you.”
“You too. I was starting to think you weren’t real,” Aja joked, “I’m glad you are though. You’re spoken word was brilliant for real. I used to feel exactly the same way it was weird hearing it in someone else’s words,” she complimented.
Sasha blushed, “Thank you so much. You were the amazing one though. Your flow was insane and so natural I have no idea how you do it.”
Aja grinned proudly, “Lots of practice,” she admitted.
“You’re seriously talented. I can’t wait to see more of your work.”
“Yours too. I heard you do art as well?” Aja inquired.
Sasha nodded, “Yeah, it’s actually one of my majors.”
“That’s so cool!” Aja exclaimed, “I’d love to see it sometime.”
Sasha pointed to a mural that took up the back wall of the bar, “That’s actually my work over there,” she explained.
Aja’s eyes went wide, “You did that? It’s always caught my eye when I come in, I had no idea it was yours.”
Sasha nodded sheepishly, “Yeah Bob had me do it once she found out I painted. It was a good project for me, I’m glad I was able to add to the environment of this place.”
“For sure,” Aja agreed, “You want a drink?” she offered.
“Sure, I’d love one,” Sasha agreed. She spent the rest of her night drinking with Aja. They traded stories and compliments. Relating with someone on an artistic level was so refreshing. Sure she had her classmates but it was less intimidating this way. It was nice to have an informal and relaxed artistic conversation without the pressure of grades and being better than everyone else. It was incredibly chill talking to Aja and they shared the same humor. She was disappointed when the bar started to close and they had to leave. She walked out with Aja and her friends, making sure they got in their uber safely before making her way back into the bar.
Luckily she had exchanged numbers with Aja before they got too drunk. She definitely wanted to talk to her more. She made her way over to Bob to talk with her while she closed up.
“You and Aja hit it off then?” Bob asked.
Sasha nodded happily, “Yeah, she’s super chill and very talented like wow I’ve never met anyone like her,” she tried to explain, fumbling over her words a little.
Bob laughed, “Everyone knew you guys would get along, I’m glad you finally met.”
“Me too,” Sasha hummed in agreement. Bob finished cleaning for the night and offered Sasha a ride home which she accepted quickly.
The ride back was fairly quiet, Sasha beginning to get sleepy. Bob dropped her off at her dorm and got out to give her a hug goodbye. “I’m glad you came back,” she told her after letting go.
“Me too. I could never stay away long,” Sasha said. “Text me when you get back.”
“I will,” Bob agreed even though they both knew Sasha would be fast asleep. “Love you kiddo,” Bob told her before getting back in the car.
“Love you too,” Sasha called, watching Bob pull away and then walking into her dorm. She fumbled a little with the key to her room but she managed to get in successfully. She noticed Shea was already asleep when she got in. Her makeup still on her face and she was snoring softly. Sasha chuckled at the sight before climbing into bed and passing out quickly.
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kiheons · 6 years
okay now I’m kinda fixated on Brianna’s nipple piercings so here are some thoughts
She got them pierced with a friend when she was 19. It was a “wow so fun and sexy and freeing” kinda moment and it was whatever for a few years and when she met bob and he was like huh. didn’t peg you to have that pierced she started getting kinda embarrassed about it. 
as she got older, especially with her job, it became something she was very shy about. she considered taking them out but decided against it and just wears simple, plain silver barbells. 
the first few times she fucked Aquaria she didn’t take her bra off because she was scared that Aquaria would laugh at her or something. I mean, Aquaria is young, and sexy and Brianna, according to herself, is 34 and uptight and probably too old to still have these. 
Aquaria definitely questioned why Brianna kept leaving her bra on and at some point she had to show Aquaria. Aquaria, who had really only seen Brianna being a boss ass bitch and very dominant in bed thus far, was a bit thrown off cause Brianna suddenly got very very shy. Turning away from Aquaria to undo her bra and covering herself with the bedsheets the whole time and eventually Aquaria is just like okay what’s your problem. 
The first time Brianna shows Aquaria she’s pretty much preparing herself for Aquaria to make fun of her but Aquaria just kinda stares at her like a fish out over water “Oh fuck that is so hot” and that is not the reaction Brianna expected at all
Aquaria has absolutely bought Brianna jewelry she thinks is cute and will beg Brianna to wear it. 
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the holographic heart ones are Aquaria’s favorite cause she thinks Brianna looks super cute in them. Brianna also has very sensitive breasts and she rarely subs but the few times she does Aquaria knows she can reduce Brianna to a whimpering, begging mess if she plays with Brianna’s nipples. 
Brianna honestly lowkey hates herself for liking it so much when Aquaria calls her cute because she’s literally 12 years older than Aquaria and there’s no reason Aquaria should find her cute but Brianna really likes hearing it
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ao3feed-trixya · 5 years
Mistletoes and Christmas Miracles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Smg1D9
by misschachki
Trixie is invited to a Christmas party and notices the mistletoe keeps disappearing and reappearing at odd places.
Words: 3678, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: RuPaul's Drag Race RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Trixie Mattel, Katya Zamolodchikova, Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Giovanni Palandrani | Aquaria, Miz Cracker, Pearl Liaison, Violet Chachki, Ginger Minj, Kennedy Davenport, Kurtis Dam-Mikkelsen | Miss Fame, Jinkx Monsoon, Detox Icunt, Roxxxy Andrews
Relationships: Trixie Mattel/Katya Zamolodchikova
Additional Tags: Side Pearlet, craquaria is there for a second, famemax if you squint
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Smg1D9
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rpdrshippinggoals · 5 years
Holiday HCs - Craquaria
Hey there!
Yesterday, I answered all of my inbox messages and mentioned that I might write some new HCs. Surprisingly, my brain allowed me yesterday to actually create something with the idea of one of the anons. I really hope that you enjoy them and may get some feedback. 
It was already mid-December and Brianna and Aquaria have slowly finished their Christmas purchases, everything from gifts to decorations.
The Christmas tree was missing but that was a shopping trip for later, to keep the tree as beautiful as possible on Christmas Eve. 
Both Aquaria and Brianna took one day off to spent more with their little daughter Hayley because they had a little surprise planned for her
“Hayley, come to the living room,” Brianna called and the two moms waited for their little princess.
Once Hayley arrived, Aqua said: “Put some warm clothes on, we want to go for a walk.” only to be met with a frustrated look. “I don’t want to go outside, it’s too cold,” she complained and had a pouty look on her face.
Her parents expected this response but sighed anyway. “Come on, you will love it, I promise.” Aquaria low key pleaded, the frustration slightly noticeable. Their daughter was bratty and may have been a bit spoiled thanks to Aquaria. 
After a small discussion, Hayley stomped into her room to put on some clothes. To her parent’s relief, she followed their instruction on putting warm clothes on. 
Brianna checked if she had everything and checked a list in her head, everything from keys to phones. Aquaria and Hayley already walked into the hallway of the apartment complex and waited for the third member of the family to lock the door and made their way outside. 
On their way to the planned surprise, the walked past many stores such as toy stores. Of course, Hayley’s eyes were glued to the window, watching all of the presented toys and already making a list in her head for everything she wants and hoped to unwrap on Christmas. Aquaria couldn’t hold back a chuckle, being remembered by her own childhood, acting similarly to her daughter. 
A few more minutes have passed and their daughter got grumpy again. “When can we finally go back home? I’m hungry and I’m cold.” She complained but her mood quickly changed when she noticed where they were heading, the ice rink with the huge Christmas tree in the middle. “Surprise!” Both Aquaria and Brianna said with a big smile on their face. Hayley’s eyes lit up and practically ran towards the tourist attraction. Thankfully, her parents could get a hold of her soon enough before losing their daughter in the giant mass of people. 
Once they paid for the tickets and rented the ice skates, they waited for the ice rink to be emptier. Luckily, it didn’t take too long.
Because Hayley only went ice skating a few times before, her moms held one of her hands to stabilize her on the slippery surface, one on each side. 
It was an amazing time for both Hayley and her parents, all of them enjoying the music and the atmosphere. 
After what has felt like only a few minutes, they had to make their way back home. To the moms' surprise, Hayley was too exhausted to complain but also, too exhausted to walk on her own, so Aquaria carried her all the way back to their home. 
Two weeks have passed and it was finally Christmas Eve. The day before, Sharon and Alaska arrived to spend the holidays with the small family. “Where’s my little princess?” she asked with a baby voice while walking towards Hayley to pick her up. “I’m here, Mom!” Aquaria joked while first hugging Sharon and then Alaska. Neither of them could hold back a laugh. Brianna greeted Aquaria’s parents quickly but had to make her way back to the kitchen to finish dinner. 
Unfortunately, Brianna’s parents couldn’t make it because of the weather in her home town. It really bumped her but tried to cover it up as best as possible. Aquaria obviously noticed and offered to help her clean up, mostly to talk to her wife in private. “What is going on, baby? You seem sad, what happened?” she asked with a concerned look on her face. Nothing hurt more than seeing her wife upset. Brianna sighed, “My parents can’t make it this year. Stupid weather in Seattle. I was really hoping for a Christmas like two years ago when all of us were together.” She was immediately hugged by her wife. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I was really hoping for it too but unfortunately, we can’t change that. It will happen next year, okay? At least my parents are here, so Hayley will have a great time and next year, it’ll be even better, okay?” Aquaria assured her. A small smile made its way on Brianna's face and she nodded to her wife. She was so happy to have her in her life. Both of them continued to clean up and joined the rest of the family in the living room. 
The next day, the family decorated the tree together that Hayley and her parents purchased. Well, Hayley picked it out and her parents paid for it but nonetheless, everyone enjoyed the activity together and were pleased with the result. 
Brianna took a picture of the tree and a picture of all of them together to send them to her parents, wishing them Happy Holidays. 
Throughout the day, not much has happened. They watched TV together, talked, played some games, etc. In the early evening, Brianna prepared their typical Holiday dinner, Raclette. It was everyone’s favorite because everyone could create their own version of it. While Brianna was boiling the potatoes, Aquaria prepared the slices of cheese and the toppings.
At dinner, they continued their conversations about everything and nothing while waiting for the cheese to melt. Afterward, they all cleaned up together to save time and sat together in the living room when they were done.
“Do you think you behaved well this year for Santa to bring you presents?” Alaska asked her grand-daughter with a smile on her face. “Of course! I was very nice and sent him my Wishlist!” Hayley grinned, earning a chuckle from everyone else. “Then hopefully, Santa agrees with you with some nice presents,” Brianna answered with a smile on her face. She loved her daughter to death and was not only content but happy even though, her parents couldn’t be there.
Throughout the evening, Hayley got tired but like usual, denied any accusation but couldn’t hold back a yawn. Sharon and Alaska did not want to miss the chance to bring their grand-daughter to bed, Aquaria and Brianna not trying to hold them back. Both of them knew how much they loved Hayley and gave them the rare opportunity of taking her to bed. 
A few hours and two bottles of wine later, the rest of the family got ready for bed. Aquaria made her way to the guest bedroom to ask her parents for the presents to put them underneath the Christmas tree. Alaska handed them to her and Aquaria made her way to the living room to put them next to the presents she and Brianna have purchased. Shortly after, they went to bed.
The family got woken up the next morning by Hayley shouting through the whole apartment: “He was here! Santa was here!”. None of them could hold back a laugh at her cute reaction and slowly made their way towards the living room not forgetting to each get a cup of coffee.
They all surrounded the Christmas tree and waited for Hayley to open up her presents before opening their own gifts. She got some new dolls, a few coloring books, and a Nintendo Switch she has wished for so long. Seeing the joy in her eyes as she opened her presents melted everyone’s heart and made their day better.
Throughout the rest of the day, they listened to some music, played a few rounds with Hayley on the new Switch after her convincing them which did not take much and overall enjoyed the rest of the holidays.
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maximumcraquaria · 6 years
Red Cherry, Black Leather
pairing: Craquaria (Miz Cracker x Aquaria) lesbian au
genre: smut ;)) but also fluff if you squint enough
words: 3343
Aquaria met a girl at outside of a club and she couldn’t stop thinking about her for weeks, she couldn’t imagine ever seeing her again but she needed her.
(This is my first Craquaria fic so let me know what you think!!)
Aquaria had waited weeks for someone to come clubbing with her. It was usually a regular thing with her friendship group, especially Jordan, yet the past few week had left Aquaria feeling lonely and too sober for her own liking. Everyone was busy with their lives while Aquaria was itching to forget hers in an alcohol induced hazed in a room with neon lighting and hot girls to go home with. She wanted to feel alive. Her mind often drifted to the last time she felt alive, really alive. The time she met the short girl with long blonde hair and cherry red lips. Love at first sight was too cliche for Aquaria but this, this was pure lust at first sight.
They met after a night of clubbing, Aquaria tipsily stumbled away from the club into the cool night air after Jordan had told her to leave as he planned on going home with someone else. She tripped over herself into an unknown girl leaning against a wall just outside where the harsh music blasted. Aquaria giggled as her hands grasped at the wall beside the girl’s head in an attempt to stop even more damage to both the girl and her own designer heels. The mystery girl chuckled at the situation as her toned arm reached out for Aquaria’s thin wrists. “Oh! I’m sooo sorry about that, everything’s spinning and my feet hurt and I-” Aquaria slurred as she swayed in her spot.
"Do you always talk this much?” the smaller girl quietly laughed.
“Honestly? Yes. Well person I nearly collapsed on, bonjour! My name is Aqu... woah” this was the first time Aquaria had looked up at the girl’s face. It was stunning. More than stunning. Her barbie blonde hair, deep brown eyes and cherry red lips screamed sex. Her simply standing there made Aquaria’s knees weak.
“I’m sure your name isn’t ‘woah’, sweetheart.” Aquaria wanted to be called sweetheart all night by those crimson lips. She held back a groan of want. She had no words. She usually struggled to find her words but it had never been this bad. She wanted to hear more from the girl but she couldn’t blatantly ask for her to speak. She may be drunk but she wasn’t stupid.
“Ha um sorry yeah, my name’s Aquaria.” Aquaria was usually so confident in herself after having a few drinks but this girl was ruining her. Aquaria wanted her to ruin her so much more. She noticed the girl shivering, the adrenaline pumping round her veins made her forget that it was cold outside. “Do you want my jacket?” she quickly asked, blushing a little.
“I shouldn’t take it but my arms might just freeze off in a second.” the girl replied with a small yet seductive smile on her face. “By the way, my name’s Brianna.” Aquaria smiled at that. Such a pretty name.
Aquaria delicately slipped her leather jacket off her shoulders, revealing what little clothes she was wearing underneath. She could feel Brianna’s eyes burning into her skin, this gave her confidence a quick boost as she pushed out her chest and seductively removed her jacket. The red crop top she was wearing was less of a crop top and more like a strip of duct tape. The cold air hit her all at once and she let out a purposeful moan at the breeze, smirking as she looked up to see Brianna biting those perfect cherry red lips.
Brianna wrapped the black leather jacket around her small frame. Aquaria was amazed by how cute and vulnerable yet so hot and perfect she was, she had never wanted something more than she wanted Brianna. She wanted to reach out and touch her in any way, she kept forgetting that they’d just met. She questioned what her idea of perfection was before she saw Brianna. God damn Aquaria was gay. Aquaria was gay for those fucking cherry red lips and the way the black leather surrounded her making her look so attractive leaning against the wall outside the club lit by bright neon signs. Aquaria knew she was staring but Brianna was eating it up, almost like she didn’t expect it and it was a welcome surprise.
“Hey Aqua! Change of plan babe, you’re coming home with me.” Jordan shouted from a distance. Aquaria looked like she had just been wounded. She couldn’t leave Brianna. Not now, not ever. Brianna looked confused by this new person suddenly interrupting their moment of mutual attraction and need.
“He’s my room mate.” Aquaria whispered just louder than the forgotten background music of the club. Brianna laughed uncomfortably and gave a knowing smile towards Aquaria.
“Best friend actually, Aqua. Uber’s here, come on” Jordan said bluntly, clearly bothered by his lack of a hook up. If only he felt what Aquaria was feeling. Without another word to Brianna, Aquaria was dragged away into the uber. Her tipsy brain was confused and she was left frustrated and wanting. “Aqua, I thought you had a jacket?” Jordan absentmindedly questioned. She had left her black leather jacket with the cherry lipped girl. Shit.
Back to Aquaria’s depressing Saturday night loneliness. She wanted to go out and try feel alive again with something or someone. She wanted to feel the breeze on her skin again just like with Brianna. She wanted to feel those feelings again just like with Brianna. She wanted to feel that tipsy happiness that filled her brain again just like with Brianna. She cursed herself for being so obsessive. She didn’t want Brianna. It was a brief moment of lust with a random stranger, a weird drunken encounter. Nothing more.
“I guess I might as well be lonely at a club instead of at home.” Aquaria mumbled to herself as she sat at her vanity putting on her makeup. She was fed up of waiting for Jordan to stop being busy so she decided to take it upon herself and go out alone.
Aquaria came to the conclusion that clubbing on her own was boring, especially when she was already in an awful mood. She sat at the bar and downed shot after shot until she gave up on the club and headed for the exit. She pulled out her phone and was getting ready to order an uber, she wanted nothing more than to be in bed right now. She was so focused on her phone that her drunk brain didn’t realise there were steps outside the club, she shocked herself as she felt herself begin to fall then quickly stop. It took her a second to realise someone had stopped her fall, she told herself that she needed to stop falling into people outside clubs. When she had fully regained her balance she stepped backwards and looked up at the face of her saviour.
“You really do need to be more careful, sweetheart.” a familiar voice spoke softly. Aquaria couldn’t believe it, it was Brianna once again. “It seems like we’re part of some cringey cliche, doesn’t it?” she chuckled.
Aquaria couldn’t stop how wide she was smiling. Her eyes traced patterns all over Brianna’s petite body, stopping frequently on those familiar cherry red lips. Her fuzzy, drunken mind needed Brianna more than ever before. “Hey sexy.” Aquaria slurred in an attempt to be seductive. Brianna began to blush ever so slightly, a soft pink covered her nose and cheeks matching the colour of her tight vinyl dress.
“I was hoping I’d see you again, I’ve still got your jacket remember?” 
“Oh yeah! You haven’t got it on you though, silly.” Aquaria giggled.
“It’s back at my place, want to come get it? You must want it back.” Brianna winked, clearly having other motives. Aquaria began to internally squeal at those ulterior motives however she tried to look cool, she couldn’t have Brianna know how long she’d been waiting for this moment. Fate was really on her side tonight. She simply nodded is response to Brianna, not trusting her own voice to sound calm right now. Brianna smirked at this, she was secretly just as happy as Aquaria. They both needed this. “Thank god my uber just came, I don’t think you can wait much longer, sweetheart.” Brianna chuckled, this time it was Aquaria who’s face was littered with a tinge of light pink as she whimpered. The shorter girl took her thin hand and led her towards the uber, swaying as she walked so her ass looked perfect for Aquaria stumbling behind her as her blonde hair blew in the breeze.
The ride to Brianna’s house was almost unbearable. It felt like Aquaria had been trapped in that car for years, entirely starved of any physical interaction. It felt like there was a wall between her and Brianna and she wanted to do nothing more than break it and climb onto her lap but she was in a car with a stranger. She wasn’t drunk enough to do that. She lent her against the fogged up glass of window, admiring the view outside until she suddenly felt Brianna squeeze her thigh. Aquaria’s head quickly rose to face her and Brianna simply looked forward, ignoring the other girl with a smirk on her face. “This bitch” Aquaria thought to herself with a small smile.
The pain-staking journey finally ended and Aquaria couldn’t have moved faster out of that car. She heard Brianna chuckle behind her as she climbed out of the car too, Aquaria loved her little laugh. Aquaria’s blonde hair moved with the breeze as she stood in the dim light of the night and Brianna couldn’t help but freeze and stare. Aquaria was, to put it simply, hot. To Brianna she was the true definition of sex appeal. Aquaria noticed the familiar eyes burning into her skin and although she lived for the attention she needed to be with Brianna in her apartment. “Brianna, please.” Aquaria quietly begged. Brianna shook her head out of the trance she was in, hypnotised by the other girl’s perfection. 
Thankfully Brianna’s apartment was close to the ground floor so Aquaria didn’t have much time to complain and whine. Brianna led them through the building, dragging Aquaria by her delicate hand. When they reached the apartment door the sexual tension was so thick they could have cut it with a knife. Aquaria’s desperate look on her face and soft whimpers said everything yet contratingly Brianna looked perfectly calm which made Aquaria whine even more. The shorter girl fiddled with her key, still clearly tipsy. “Shablam! Welcome, sweetheart. Your jacket should be in my room.” Brianna winked, waking into her apartment leaving Aquaria to quickly follow behind. Her apartment wasn’t big but Aquaria liked it, it was small and charming just like the little blonde. 
Aquaria followed Brianna into her room, everything in it was pink and black but it was tasteful. The fact that Aquaria even had time to observe her surroundings was annoying her but Brianna knew what she was doing. She was a tease. She wanted Aquaria at her most desperate. She wanted her to submit. As soon as Brianna closed the door of her room Aquaria whined “please, Brianna. I need you.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell.” she joked, her voice seemingly slightly huskier than before. Aquaria couldn’t help but bite her lip over Brianna, it also helped to stop her soft whimpers spilling over her lips.
Brianna made a come here motion with her finger which the other girl immediately reacted to. Her heels clicked along the hard floor as she focused on getting closer to those cherry red lips. When Aquaria reached her, Brianna traced patterns on Aquaria’s arms with her fingers, leaving goosebumps as she went. Although there was a noticeable difference in heights that meant nothing to either of them. An atmosphere of dominance cloaked Brianna which left Aquaria’s knees weak. “You look so hot right now Aquaria.” she whispered, leaning in even closer.
“I know right.” Aquaria replied, being honest to herself. She knew the desire in her eyes, her messy blonde hair and her outfit which hardly covered any skin would drive Brianna wild. Brianna chuckled at her.
Aquaria stared at those cherry red lips which hadn’t left her memory for weeks and decided she couldn’t take it anymore. Suddenly, her head jolted forward as her lips joined with the cherry red ones. Their lips immediately moved in sync, both of them anticipating this. The want and desperation was clear in the kiss, they had both been craving this. The kiss was messy, a mixture of need and alcohol. It was almost chaotic. Aquaria’s hands couldn’t keep still as she felt up every inch of Brianna while the other girl firmly pulled at Aquaria’s hair which caused her to moan into the kiss. Their tongues fought for dominance but Aquaria soon gave in to the power Brianna had over her.
“On the. Bed. Now.” Brianna said between harsh kisses. They begrudgingly pulled away from each other and Aquaria laid herself down on the bed gracefully, spreading herself out looking like an angel. “Fuck.” Brianna groaned. Aquaria wanted to give the other girl a show, she wanted to tease her like payback for Brianna not being in her life for weeks. Looking directly into Brianna’s eyes she slid a slender hand down her mini skirt and rubbed herself through her underwear. She closed her eyes and let her hips roll into her own touch, soft moans leaving her lips. She loudly gasped as she suddenly felt a pair of lips kissing at her sensitive inner thigh under her skirt. “You’re lucky you’re this hot, you’re so naughty.” Brianna mumbled against Aquaria’s skin causing little vibrations which resulted in a long whine from Aquaria.
Brianna pulled Aquaria’s skirt down her thin, long legs which completely revealed her lacy red lingerie. Brianna looked up at the other girl from between her thighs, silently asking her if she wanted this. “Brianna please, I need this. Please.” Aquaria moaned. Brianna smirked at her and slipped Aquaria’s underwear off.
“Even your pussy’s perfect, god damn it.” Brianna admired. Aquaria knew Brianna was right yet she still blushed as the other girl stared at her, Aquaria already being embarrassingly wet. She bucked her hips into the air and Brianna took the hint, holding her hips down with her strong grip as her tongue began to trace patterns over Aquaria’s clit. Aquaria could have screamed. She was usually quite vocal in bed but never this much, she was so desperate for those cherry red lips to completely devour her.
Brianna sucked and licked at Aquaria’s sensitive clit just so she could hear those perfect moans and gasps. She looked up and saw Aquaria’s head thrown back in bliss and her back had a slight arch to it, her hands were rubbing her small, perky breasts through her crop top. Vibrations ran along Aquaria’s wetness as Brianna moaned into her.
“Please give me more. I need it so badly. Brianna, please.” Aquaria whimpered through her constant soft whines. Brianna smirked, she had the human definition of the word sexy begging for her. She couldn’t believe her luck.
“Such a good girl.” Brianna said as she traced a single finger around Aquaria’s tight hole. Slowly she inserted her finger, Aquaria’s wetness dripping and making a mess all over her thighs. “So wet for me, hm?” Brianna chuckled making Aquaria go an even deeper shade of red. She was so overwhelmed in every sense. She glanced down at the perfect woman between her legs and gasped at the sight, she was so turned on. She hadn’t felt like this in so long. Brianna did things to her.
Brianna’s finger pumped in and out of Aquaria at a torturous pace, getting Aquaria used to the feeling. Her tongue was still massaging the other girl’s sensitive clit, swirling around creating patterns and tasting Aquaria’s wetness like she was starving. She slowly added another finger, Aquaria moaning out a loud “Brianna!” as she did it. Brianna felt herself become wet as she listened to Aquaria’s reactions, it sent jolts of electricity between her thighs. She had a quick moment where she struggled to keep her dominance as her knees felt weak as she heard her own name leave those soft lips. Brianna picked up her pace, pumping her fingers in and out of Aquaria, the only sounds in the room being the girl’s soft moans and wetness. Brianna curled her fingers, aiming to find Aquaria’s G-spot as she fingered her hard while licking and sucking at her pussy. She knew when she found the other girl’s sweet spot as Aquaria let out the loudest moan, her back arching. 
The girl between her legs stopped eating her out to watch the art in front of her. Brianna watched Aquaria’s eyes roll back, her hair spread out across her pillows, her mouth hanging open as whimpers left it, her arched back which brought attention to her covered up tits, her hands gripping the covers.
“I-I’m so close.” Aquaria whispered, her thighs beginning to shake.
“Beg for it.” Brianna said. A look flickered across Aquaria’s face like her pride had just taken a hit, like she always got what she wanted no questions asked. The look soon left when she made eye contact with the shorter girl, the look being replaced with pure submission. She clearly knew not to argue with Brianna.
“Please, Bri. Please let me cum. You’re fingering me so so good, I can’t hold back any longer. Please, please, please.” Aquaria chanted.
“Seen as you asked so nicely.” Brianna said as she sped up the rhythm of her two curled fingers within the girl, her lips and tongue once again attacking her soaked pussy and inner thighs much harder than before. Aquaria attempted to roll her hips but Brianna’s sturdy one-handed grip kept her down.
Aquaria let out a scream of pleasure and a string of Brianna’s name as her whole body shook and tensed up. Her vision went white as she came harder than she ever had before. Brianna continued to fuck her through her orgasm, licking up what leaked from her pretty pussy. Soon Aquaria stopped shaking and her whole body relaxed. Pure bliss was all that filled her mind.
Brianna crawled up the bed to reach her perfect face which held an absolutely wrecked expression. She tapped Aquaria’s soft lips with the two fingers which had just been inside of her. Aquaria lazily parted her full lips and sucked on Brianna’s fingers, tasting herself with a soft moan. Brianna smiled down at the tired girl below her, forgiving her for clearly being too exhausted to give the same pleasure back to her right now.
Brianna pulled Aquaria’s crop top off of her thin frame, Aquaria assisting by simply raising her arms. She wanted Aquaria to be comfortable while she drifted off to sleep, it was hard not to care about her in this moment.
“I’m sorry Bri.” Aquaria mummled into the pillow.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Brianna whispered back, standing up to take her own clothes off finally. 
“Can I ask for something really silly?” Aquaria asked, clearly still tipsy by the tone of her voice, Brianna hummed in response. “Could you kiss me again?”
When Brianna finally pulled off her boots she climbed onto the bed next to Aquaria’s delicate body. Aquaria felt the bed dip next to her and she opened her eyes with a smile. Brianna lightly stroked her face and pulled Aquaria in for a kiss. It was much softer than last time. Less rushed, more caring and loving. Their lips danced together lazily, both so tired. Aquaria pulled away after a while with a grin on her face, a chuckle leaving Brianna’s cherry red lips.
There was clearly more than just lust between them but they mutually decided to leave that for the morning as Aquaria drifted off to sleep, feeling safe with Brianna laying next to her and the black leather jacket long forgotten.
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jaidasessence · 6 years
Home (craquaria)
After months of contemplation, I wrote a fic! I hope you guys like it! (p.s. thx to Betty for giving me anon validation lol)
I replayed the conversation in my head for over a week:
“I just don’t know if I can do this with how much our lives are about to change.”
“You said that we’d be able to survive anything. What made you change your mind?”
“We’re never going to see each other! We’ll be in different cities every day! How do you expect me to be okay with that?”
“Oh, I don’t know Dane, maybe because I thought when you said you loved me you meant it.”
“Max, I do love you, but I mentally cannot fathom how much we’re going to be apart for the next 6 months. I just didn’t realize what I was getting into.”
The last 8 words clung to my throat like a white-knuckled hand. What was he talking about, the relationship or me? My thoughts have never been on my side and he knew that, at least I thought he did. He knew I had a hard time explaining how I felt. My brain wouldn’t let me; my brain still won’t let me forget as I sit in the passenger of my Uber making my way across the Brooklyn bridge. I’m not pulled out of my head until the driver comes to a stop outside the apartment complex.
This is the first time I’ve left my apartment besides a couple shows, but even then I didn’t want to show what was going on.
I thank the driver, close the door, and stare up at the tall building. The early March wind stings my face and brings tears to my eyes as I run up the stairs to get buzzed in.
“Hey stranger.”
The last time I was here was over a year ago, and the memories of broken friendships and breakdowns in this elevator aren’t helping my mood. It jumps when I reach the floor, slowly creaking open as I walk straight to the third door on the right. I knock three times.
He opens the door, leaning against the frame and looking effortless but so much more put together than me.
He backs away to let me into the apartment as I shut the door behind me. It’s cleaner than I imagined.
I would say this is what I was expecting to be doing with my night, but I’d be lying to you. If he didn’t text me, I’d be lying on the couch with wine and pretzels watching Golden Girls on my day off.
Are you doing okay?
I’ve been better
Monet told me she’s worried about you.
She’s always worried about me
I think you need to get out of the house. It’ll help you get your mind off it.
I’ve been working
You know what I mean. Come over later.
If you want.
He pulls me into a hug. I can smell the cologne on his black hoodie.
“I didn’t know you owned a vacuum,” I smirk as we sway back and forth before pulling away.
“I always try to look like I have my shit together for company,” he says smiling, “mostly just for my mom.”
Company. Before I was just a friend that could walk in whenever I wanted, clothes and empty Red Bull cans all over the floor- now I’m distant enough that he has to try to impress me again. It’s weird, but I let it slip from my mind.
“I’m flattered to be associated with Gina any day of the week,” I laugh as I take my jacket off and hang it over the couch.
“Do you want anything to drink?” He asks me.
“I’ll just have a water.”
“Okay, you can go sit on my bed. I want you to be comfy while you vent,” he says, walking into the kitchen.
He plops on the bed next to me, my head resting on the wall when he hands me my drink. I take a sip and set it on the nightstand. There’s a comfortable silence when he finally asks me, “have you talked to Dane at all?”
“Not since the night he left,” I reply. I twiddled my thumbs, avoiding eye contact. He just nods.
“I did,” he tells me, “but he didn’t want to talk about it much. I think he’s trying to get over it.”
“Wish I could say the same,” I just laugh. My stomach twists at the idea of him just ignoring the last 5 months we shared. “I don’t understand how someone can claim to love you then force their way out of your life.”
I never saw the day coming. Dane was my rock during the silent months, and keeping two secrets from the public eye was even more the fun. I don’t want to say I thought he was the one; I’ve been broken too many times for that bullshit, but something about him felt much more secure. Then out of nowhere he decides it’s too much after one secret becomes known. I’m back to square one: the replaceable idiot. Giovanni places his hand on my thigh, his thumb making small circles on the outside.
“Give him some time, Max. He clearly doesn’t realize how special you two were. Once he gets his head out of his ass I’m sure he’ll want you back. How couldn’t he?” I thank him as he gives me a soft smile, but his eyes say otherwise. I see the physical pain that brought him to say that, those big brown eyes never looked so hurt. Where’d that come from?
“I just don’t know what to do at this point,” I shake my head, reliving the memories of the night Dane broke it off to avoid thinking about Giovanni’s warm touch. He just nods again, but now he’s avoiding eye contact.
From the beginning of the night he’s been acting strange- tactile, yet hesitant. I begin to think, then it fades. There’s no way that he’s jealous. Why would he be? This young 21 year old that could have any one at his fingertips should not be looking at me like a lost puppy. More importantly, what am I doing? I’m the one sulking over my ex, ready to take him back at the snap of a finger, yet here I am, body fluttering at the movement of his fingertips.
Why am I okay with it?
I place my hand over his on my thigh, intertwining the fingers to test the waters. He looks down and swallows, focusing on the contact. It seems as though I was correct.
He breaks his stare. “I’m going to grab something else to drink. Do you want a snack or anything?” he asks me, getting ready to slide off the bed. I can’t let him escape this. “Gio can I ask you something?” He turns around, finally returning eye contact.
“Yeah what is it?”
“The night we performed at Straight Acting,” I see him tense, “do you remember what you told me?” I ask him. He’s quiet for a while then lets out a sigh.
“I was obliterated that night,” he tells me, I start having doubts again, “but I told you I was after you since filming ended.” He shrugs at me, admitting defeat. I bite my cheek as it all begins to click: ignoring texts, canceling plans, he was avoiding his own agony.
This can go either of two ways: let him down gently or accept the consequences of egging him on. My brain tells me to go with the former, but I’m feeling cocky and the latter is too fun to skip.
“Interesting,” I smirk, sitting up and off the bed, reaching for his hand as he obliges and stands over me. “Is that why you asked me to come over tonight?”
“No I-“
“It’s okay if it is,” I tell him. “How do you feel now?” My hand traces up his sleeve to the base of his neck, playing with his hair. I wasn’t expecting this to happen.
“Max,” he breathes, clenching his jaw as his arm reaches around my waist.
“What do you want from me, Giovanni?” I ask him, cupping his cheek in my hand. He looks at me as if I’m the only thing in his world, but that escapes as his eyes go dark- lust taking over his body with his focus on my lips.
It all happens so quickly. I’m attacked by his lips on mine, to which I happily oblige. The warmth of his mouth sends shivers down my body, his own pleasure and relief rattling my bones as our tongues dance. I grab his face with both hands as he wraps both arms around to pull me closer, moaning against my lips. He begins to feel the seam of my t-shirt and lift it off my torso until it’s at my chest and I raise my arms to have it flung off my body. I begin to do the same with his hoodie, palming is growing hardness. I begin to forget everything except his touch.
Gio pushes me back on the bed, climbing on top of me and kissing my jawline to my chest as he fumbles with my zipper. We both laugh as he struggles then slides my jeans and underwear off simultaneously. He’s still the dork I met 2 years ago. I tug at his sweatpants. The name Dane becomes foreign to my knowledge with his mouth on my neck.
We lay there chest to chest, exploring each other’s bodies and absorbing the electric touch on our skin. This feels more than lustful, I am worshiped by him; each caress, each feather-like kiss separates me from reality as we grind against each other in soft harmony. Time began to slow down in the busiest city in the world.
I forget why I came here, but I know why I’m not going home.
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aquarrificc · 6 years
please give me some cracker!teacher craquaria content. aqua doesnt even have to be cracker's student gjfdgjkhdfjgkh it's mostly an excuse for cracker to be super dominant
Took me a while but here ya go! Sorry for any mistake, it’s a little bit hard writing porn in English akjdnkajdnka 
Next time ask me for dominant!Aquaria 🤪❤️
Miss Brianna Heller was a good teacher.
She always made it in time for her French classes, even on rainy days. She was kind, respectful and extremely beautiful.
And Aquaria Palandrani knew that very well. From the way her pencil skirt embraced every curve of her wide hips, to the way the fabric of her blouse stretched with every movement because her boobs were too big.
But Ms. Heller wasn’t stupid; she was 34 years old after all. She was aware of Aqua’s gaze most of the time, of how she always looked for extra tutoring sessions with her and constantly failed the subject just to get extra lessons.
Her tiny school skirt was always a source of distraction, revealing her long, slender, pale legs covered in black thighs. Yes, Aqua was gorgeous and she knew it. From her pouty pink lips to her long blonde hair.
They both had this twisted game about who could tease who the most. Until now, none had given in; not Aqua when Ms. Heller leaned in front of her to help her with the grammar of a sentence, letting her tits fall all over Aqua’s face. Not Brianna when Aquaria stayed after school to ask her for tutoring, placing one leg on top of her desk and lifting her skirt so high that her tiny lace panties were visible without much effort.
However, all this changed one summer afternoon. With the current state of her grades, Aquaria was going to have to retake the subject and Ms. Heller was concerned. That could stain the blonde girl’s academic record and jeopardize her chances of applying for college.
That’s why she called Aquaria to her personal office in an attempt to find alternatives to solve the dilemma. Little did Brianna know of the mistake she had just made.
The meeting started in a formal and proper way. Aquaria arrived on time, a little flushed and with a lovely scent of roses. She sat in front of Brianna, her legs painfully clasped together. As Miss Heller explained the situation to her student, the younger one didn’t seem to be listening to her; she even looked more nervous than usual with her dilated pupils, flushed face and heavy breathing.
For a moment, Bri thought the news had upset her and even asked Aqua if she needed to go to the infirmary.
Aquaria’s only answer was “I only need you”, followed by a cracked moan. Brianna was about to reply when the girl spread her legs wide open.
The words died instantly in her throat.
To her surprise, she discovered Aquaria wasn’t wearing any panties under her mini skirt. She was there, wide open with a small oval dildo plunged inside her pussy that throbbed in desire. Her pinkish labia was glistening with fluids pouring lewdly from her vagina; Aqua was so fucking horny.
At that point, Miss Heller’s morality split in two; right and wrong. Her common sense refused to take part in such a shameful act and sensing this, Aquaria’s trembling hands began to masturbate her own clit.
A needy “B-Brianna… Please…” was enough to throw away all her self-control. So there she was, with Aquaria lying on her desk and each of her legs on top of her own shoulders.
She devoured her pussy with impetus, swallowing every drop of her essence and delighting in the sour taste that spread across the tip of her tongue. The dildo was still inside Aquaria and the remote control was handed over to Miss Heller; a sadistic vein flourished inside her, an almost animalistic urge to break and crush little Aqua.
Her pink manicured nails played with the dildo’s speed. When Brianna’s mouth sucked on Aqua’s clitoris, nibbling and pulling at the skin that covered it, she lowered the number of vibrations. Bri loved playing with Aquaria’s reactions, delighting in the way her student’s body tightened and twisted against her will; a victim of over-stimulation.
Suddenly Brianna took Aquaria’s legs off her shoulders and settled between them, leaving the remote control behind. Closing the distance between them, Bri stroked Aqua’s face with tenderness making her sigh contently; but soon the touch became aggressive and Brianna ended up squeezing her neck without really hurting her, she only wanted to deprive Aquaria of oxygen.
“Do you think I’m stupid? This whole damn school year you’ve been doing the same thing. Playing innocent while you teased me all the time.” Brianna muttered in a stiff voice, admiring the way Aqua opened her lips to reply, but falling silent instead.
Her free hand ventured into her student’s crotch, pulling the dildo out of her vagina roughly and placing her index and ring fingers instead. Brianna pressed her fingers hard inside her, smiling victoriously as she felt Aqua’s legs squeeze around her waist.
“How many times have I thought about this, Miss Palandrani. To have your body under mine and make you scream until you lose consciousness. Fuck, if only you could see yourself right now… What would your parents think of you; their pretty little girl playing as the slut of her favorite teacher.”
Miss Heller’s words went directly to Aquaria’s pussy, an electric shock numbing all her senses. Her teacher’s fingers pounded roughly against her, pushing in and out with every thrust Aquaria received.
“B-Bri-… I-I” Aquaria tried to talk but it was useless, the pressure on her neck made her so dizzy that her eyes began to tear up a little bit.
Noticing this, Brianna raised an eyebrow and took Aqua’s face violently into her right hand.
“It’s Miss Heller to you. Do you understand, Aquaria?” she said strictly, squeezing the girl’s cheeks in her grip.
The girl nodded quickly, captivated by her teacher’s beautiful brown eyes.
“Good. Open your mouth, sweetheart.”
Without having to tell her twice, Aqua obeyed the order and even stuck out her tongue. With a half smile, Brianna pulled her face closer and spit a string of thick saliva on the blonde’s tongue. She watched in wonder at the way Aquaria willingly accepted the exchange of fluids, moving her tongue from side to side to avoid spilling it. It was a matter of seconds before both mouths met in a longed-for kiss; their tongues entwined with repressed lust, licking and sucking every hidden part of each other’s mouth.
As the kiss went on, Brianna’s fingers continued to work their magic. Fingering Aquaria was an interesting experience; it was way too wet and sticky, fluids staining the inside of her legs and part of the desk. But still, nothing compared to the sweet sounds her pretty little mouth made. The sound of her heavy breathing was pure music for Brianna’s hungry ego.
Bri’s lips left her student’s mouth, descending down her neck and biting her fiercely in an outburst of possessiveness.
"I-I want to… Touch you t-too…” Those were the young lady’s weak words, her delusional eyes having a hard time focusing on the mature figure that was making her lose her mind.
Brianna didn’t respond right away, she just stopped moving her fingers. Without warning, Bri grabbed Aquaria by the hair, pulling her without a bit of care. Aquaria moaned in pain, shutting her eyes closed as Brianna bit her right in the middle of her neck; it did hurt, but her pussy only got wetter. She loved the way Brianna was treating her, call her sick or a fucking masochist but it made her so horny it hurt.
"You don’t deserve it, Aquaria. How dare you even ask me such a thing with the horrible grades you have in my class? I don’t know if you think French is a game, but until you improve at least into a B+ I won’t let you touch me one bit. Ç'est clair, ma chérie?”
Shit, did Brianna just fucking speak French? Because that raspy accent went straight to Aquaria’s pussy; forcing her to moan terribly loudly. She didn’t know her body could act in such a whorish way with just Brianna’s voice.
”Ohg-g-god… Yes! Y-Yes it is!”
“Very well.”
And only then did she continue abusing her body in the most delicious way possible. Brianna pulled her hair as she bit onto the blonde’s erect nipples, sucking on those pink buttons like they were the most delicious pieces of candy. Soon Aqua’s body stiffened and she twitched all over, her legs trembling as a broken scream came out of her throat; echoing throughout the room. Brianna smiled with dark pleasure, feeling her fingers being squeezed inside Aquaria’s pussy; such a beautiful orgasm, she thought.
Aquaria ended up looking like a rag doll flat on the table; limp and breathless. Her hair was messy, her body was drenched in sweat, her lips, neck, and boobs were covered in red bruised and her legs were a sticky mess. A few dry tears could be seen staining her face, as well as a smile of utter satisfaction on her lips.
For a moment silence reigned, and clarity came to Miss Heller once again. A strong embarrassment came over her as she looked at her student lying on her desk with her skirt up, legs apart and tits out; completely and utterly fucked up. She coughed slightly and took a handkerchief from one of her drawers and started cleaning her fingers. Once Brianna finished with herself, she walked towards Aquaria so she could do the same to her.
“… Is it true what you said?” Aqua’s sleepy voice brought her out of her thoughts, and only then did she turn her face to look at those beautiful blue eyes that looked at her with great adoration.
“Excuse me?”
“If I improve my grades… May I be able to touch you?”
Oh, that… Oh boy, this was a little awkward. Brianna remained silent and ended up sighing; it was foolish to deny the hopeless attraction between them, as well as the feeling of affection that had grown over the years.Miss Heller continued to gently wipe Aquaria’s body, carefully running the handkerchief over the bruises and hickeys she gave her; placing soft kisses across Aquaria’s pale skin.Aqua sighed at that, a silly smile appearing on her lips.
“You may be able to get into a good college, have good recommendations, get a good job… And yes, you may touch me.” Brianna whispered with a faint blush on her face, finally facing her student.
Aqua’s teary eyes looked at her fondly, and a strong determination filled her body completely. Brianna smiled at Aquaria and placed a small kiss on her lips.
“Come on, I’ll help you get dressed and take you home.”
“All right.”
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aquariusmattel-blog · 6 years
Say You Love Me - Craquaria
Chapter 5: Almost
I finally updated! Sorry it took so long to get to you guys, I just went through the worst patch of writer’s block. 
You can read it on Ao3 if you haven't read the previous chapters yet!
I hope you enjoy it! xx
Gio’s fingers hovered over the key board on the small screen, trying to think of just one thing he could write. He typed something, and then deleted it. He typed a few letters and backspaced. He found a meme that was kind of funny but didn’t know if Max would appreciate it or even get it. He sighed and closed his phone, placing it next to him on the bed.
Gio stared at the ceiling, bored out of his brain. It was his day off. He had been working at Max’s club for just over a month, and everything was going great. Well almost everything. Gio couldn’t seem to get Max into seeing him as anything other than a friend or a friendly co-worker even. It was driving him crazy, usually he could have anyone he wanted, not that he had that many romantic partners in his short life-time.
Gio let the waves of wallowing self-pity crash over him in a tide of despair. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself. He had been pulling all his best moves, and nothing was yet to come of their “friendship”, if you could even call it that. What was a boy to do to just get one ounce of attention-
His phone buzzed beside him and he scrambled to pick it up. Max’s name flashed across the screen. Gio’s heart skipped a beat. That was another thing he had to get used to – older people liked to call, not text, which didn’t coincide well with Gio’s introverted nature. But damn, if it meant he got to hear Max’s voice more often, he could learn to live with it.
“Cracks!” Gio breathed as soon as he picked up the phone, obvious excitement lacing his voice.
A chuckle that melted Gio’s insides sounded from the other end of the line. “Hey Aqua, how’s things?” Max said in his cute voice. Gio’s heart burst at the nickname that only Max used.
“Good!” God, he needed to tone it down. “Good, I-I’m good. How about you?”
Another chuckle. “I’m very good, thank you for asking. Look, Katelyn and I are going out for drink tonight after my set, do you maybe wanna join?”
Gio’s gut twisted. This was a new development that he had yet to wrap his head around. Katelyn and Max. They had practically become glued at the hip since they met, they almost spent every waking moment together. Gio would never admit that he was jealous, but he totally was. He was supposed to be the one that befriended Max and then spend all day with him or on the phone with him, and then after a while Max would realise he had feelings for Gio. He had the fantasy all figured out. But Gio was genuinely happy that Katelyn and Max had found each other, it’s hard to come by friendships like that.
“Ummm, sure, sounds great? I’ll see if I have anything on tonight and I’ll get back to you,” Gio said, scratching at his neck. He had to ask Jordan what his next course of action would be, he was the master at this stuff.
“Yeah! Sounds great, I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?” Max said, his voice chirpy.
“Okay. Bye,” Gio mumbled before hanging up his phone and rolling onto his front, shoving his face in his pillow. He felt like screaming.
Gio rolled back onto his side, grabbing his phone and pulling up his and Jordan’s messages. He began to type.
“hey bitch, I need your worldly advice-”
 Max placed his phone carefully onto the counter, letting out a huge breath. What the fuck was he doing? Why did he just invite Giovanni out? And why did he tell him that Katelyn was going to be there? He looked up at Monet, her eyes sparkling and a cheeky grin adorning her face.
That’s right. He said Katelyn was going to be there because he was too much of a coward to just ask him on a date. Jesus Max, you need to ger your shit together, you’re a grown man for fucks sake.
Monet cupped her cheeks and rested her elbows on the counter. “So… what’d he say?”
“He said he’d see if he has any other plans tonight and get back to me,” Max replied, bracing his hands on the counter. He didn’t even know what to think about that answer, was it a way for Gio to tell him ‘no’ without saying it outright?
“Well, it’s not a ‘no’, so that’s a good start,” Monet said, sipping her tea.
“Why did you make me do this?” Max groaned and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“Because, you’re turning into a hermit, and you like this guy, so why not?”
She had a point. Max had been more introverted than he usually is lately, and he did like Gio, more than he’d like to admit. Maybe this was a good thing, and tricking Gio into thinking that Katelyn would be there isn’t that bad, right?
Katelyn couldn’t even make it to the show, she had meetings all night at the school she worked at. So, she couldn’t save the day even if Max wanted her to. He sighed and slumped further into his chair. Max should have thought this through better.
Maybe he should invite Bob or Juicy to be there too. Just in case.
“What are you doing?” Monet asked, suspicion lining her voice as she watched Max pick up his phone, doubt clouding his features.
“Just texting Juicy, seeing if she’s free tonight,” Max mumbled, thumbing through his contacts.
“Ohhh no. No. Nu-uh, honey. Nope. Not happening,” Monet said, snatching Max’s phone from his hand and holding it above and away from Max.
“Mon, please, don’t be stupid,” Max groaned, too lazy to even try to get his phone back. He reached an arm towards the phone but didn’t make any actual effort to grab it, stretching his fingers out in a ‘gimme’ motion.
“Me? Stupid? No girl, you’re the one being stupid here. You are not inviting Juicy to your date,” Monet replied, her voice stern but kind.
“But what if Gio says he doesn’t want to come, then I’ll have no one to even hang out with tonight then,” Max whined.
“Girl, really? ‘No one’? What am I to you then, chopped liver? I’ll be there,” Monet raised an eyebrow, mock offence pouring from her tone.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Max said, a light sense of embarrassment overcoming him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Monet waved him off. “Do you want coffee?”
Max nodded. “Yeah I’m just going to really quickly go to the bathroom.”
Max winced as the pipes groaned as he flushed his toilet. The faucet shook and sputtered as water struggled to come out, fuck, this apartment was falling apart around him. He really had to get those checked out.
Max returned to the dining table, slumping into his previous spot, where the hot cup of coffee that Monet had made was waiting for him. He hummed his thanks as he took a sip, before picking up his phone. He almost choked on the burning liquid as he saw his most recent notification.
A text from Giovanni.
“drinks sound amazing tonight, I can’t wait to see you ;) x”
Max began to sweat heavily under is collar as his heart pounded in his chest. He read the short sentence about a dozen times, and each time he felt even more breathless.
It was going to be a long night.
It was especially busy, even though it was a Saturday night. Gio was crammed into the corner of the club, but he seemed to have a pretty decent view of the stage and easy access to the bar. He had arrived late, not really interested in anybody else’s performance but Cracker’s.
Gio checked his phone and replied to a couple messages. Some from his mum, some from his sister, and one from Jordan. His eyes flicked back to his conversation with Katelyn, he had sent her a text almost an hour ago asking what time she was getting to the club, but she had yet to reply. Gio huffed and slouched in his seat, taking another swig of his drink. He May have had one too many already tonight, but he just needed something to calm himself down.
“Just play it cool and calm, and he’ll be sucking your dick in no time.”
Jordan’s words from earlier in the day ran on a constant loop in his head. Jordan wasn’t the best at giving motivational talks, but he still got his point across, and that was all Gio needed. As long as he could keep his calm around Max and impress the shit out of him at the same time, then Gio would be fine. But if Monet was right, and Max really did like Gio, then Gio didn’t know what he was going to do. He hadn’t thought that far ahead, he just hoped that at that point Max would take the reigns or something. Gio wasn’t very experienced in relationships.
Gio got up and ordered another drink from the bar. He gulped down half the drink before he even got back to his spot, he knew he should be drinking water or something, but he just needed the alcohol right now. The sensation of the liquid burning as it slid down his throat distracted him from any nerves that fluttered in the it of his stomach. All Gio wanted right now was to see Max, just one glimpse of him would settle him completely.
The lights dimmed, and the stage MC announced Miz Cracker to the stage. A gentle warmth lit up Gio’s chest and a buzz ignited his veins. His stomach twisted as Miz Cracker stepped on stage. He was breathless just looking at her, she was so beautiful.
Gio sat entranced for the whole of Cracker’s set, his eyes never leaving the stage. He felt his phone buzz a few times in his pocket, but he ignored it, too scared to even miss one second of Cracker’s performance. Sure, he had seen her perform a hundred times now that they had started working together, but Cracker moved in a way that Gio couldn’t help but be absolutely captivated every single time.
When Cracker’s full set was over, Gio moved more towards the bar, hoping to see if he could catch a glimpse of Katelyn. Gio’s phone buzzed again in his pocket, he plucked it out to see two new messages from Katelyn. He sighed in relief as he tapped into their conversation.
Gio, sent 8:21pm: “hey what time are you getting to Cracker’s show tonight?”
Katelyn, sent 11:09pm: “oh I can’t come, I’ve got a work thing, it’s running really late and doesn’t show any signs of ending soon. I thought Cracker would have told you I can’t come! I did tell her last week so maybe she forgot… have fun without me though and stay safe! Xx.”
Katelyn, sent 11:20pm: “I think I’m about to die of boredom, someone come and save me, this is going forever!!”
Katelyn, sent 11:32pm: “Have a drink for me G, this meeting is draining the life out of me, lol”
Gio stood dumbfounded in the middle of the busy walk way. Disgruntled bar patrons pushed passed him in obvious contempt, complaining about him blocking the path. But Gio could hear or feel them, his mind was a whirlwind of ‘why?’. His stare at his phone became penetrating, his eyes blurring at the intensity of his gaze. This didn’t make any sense.
Why would Max tell him Katelyn would be there if he knew she would be working? Was Max scared that Gio would say no? Maybe Max got the dates wrong, maybe he thought Katelyn’s meeting was next weekend. Did Max think he needed to trick Gio into coming to the club by saying that Katelyn would be there? Maybe Max did like him.
Gio could have been standing there for hours, but he didn’t even realise, his mind was so hazy from the alcohol and focussed on Max that he couldn’t even function. A girl walking past threw him a concerned glance, walking up to him and leaning in close to be heard over the deafening noise of the club. “Hey, are you okay?” She said, placing a tentative hand on Gio’s arm. Gio’s eyes snapped to hers and he flushed, embarrassed. She smiled warmly.
“Yeah, s-sorry,” He stumbled, his words failing him. “Just a little out of it, I-I think I’ve had t-too much to drink.”
“Do you want me to get you some water?” The girl in front of him said, concern still lining her features. Just as Gio started to shake his head ‘no’, a figure walking to towards him caught his eye. Max.
“No, no. It’s okay,” Gio mumbled before stumbling to Max, but before he could even get anywhere he tripped over his own feet. The girl went to lunge for him, but he was caught by a strong pair of arms.
“Woah, hey Aqua,” Max laughed, his brown eyes twinkling. Gio looked at his gorgeous, de-dragged face in awe. He couldn’t make himself talk, even though his subconscious screamed at him to just say something. Max was standing right in front of him, perfect as always, and the storm that was raging inside of his head seemed to subdue. A sense of calm, almost like euphoria, burst from Gio’s gut and caused him to burrow deeper into Max’s hold.
“Do you know him?” The girl asked, moving closer to Gio as if to protect him. She looked at Max with suspicion, obviously trying to decide if Max was a stranger that was trying to take advantage of Gio or not.
“Yeah, he’s my f-friend,” Gio mumbled. Max smiled down at him, a rare feat considering that the top of Max’s head barely touches Gio’s chin when standing upright. Gio loved it, he could stare up at Max for a life time.
“Oh,” The girl said, glancing between Max and Gio, a small, knowing smile lighting her face. “Take care of him, okay?” She said looking at Max before grinning and walking away, throwing a wave over her shoulder.
“Hey,” Max said, smiling down at Gio, happiness radiating off of every fibre of his being.
“Hi,” Gio breathed back, unable to say or do much more than just stare.
“A little drunk are we Gio? Had a little too much to drink,” Max hummed. The vibrations from his chest thrummed throughout Gio’s body, Max’s voice was like a song that caused hairs to stand up on Gio’s arms and a purr to fill his ears. A drunk passer-by stumbled into the back of Max, causing them to stumble the slightest bit, and ultimately ruining their moment.
“Let’s go get you some water and find a booth, yeah?” Max said, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Gio could only nod.
Max quickly located a small booth crammed into a quieter corner of the bar, gesturing for Gio to slide into his seat before heading to the bar to grab some water. When he came back, he slid in next to Gio. Gio startled when he felt Max’s thigh press up against his, expecting Max to take the seat across from him, but this far better.
Max made Gio drink the whole glass of water and then his own before he could even say anything. Gio’s heart burst at the thought that Max was actually taking care of him. He is perfect boyfriend material, my mum would absolutely love it if I brought him home.
“You were amazing tonight,” Gio said, throwing a glance to his right to garner Max’s reaction. Max smiled wide and ducked his head a little.
“Thank you,” Max said, not looking at Gio. “I knew you’d be watching, so… I tried to, I don’t know, step it up a little.”
Gio smiled lazily at Max, his eyes becoming hooded as he stared at the man next to him. He leaned in closer and placed a hand on Max’s arm, speaking directly into his ear even though Max could hear him just fine. “You’re always amazing on stage, I can never take my eyes off of you,” Gio said, a breathiness overcoming his tone.
He could feel Max’s shudder under his hand and watched as Max screwed his eyes shut for just a second before looking back at Gio. He went to open his mouth and say something, but Gio beat him to it. “Why did you say Katelyn was coming? I know she’s at work,” He blurted, immediately regretting it as he saw Max’s face drop.
“I-I. Um, I don’t kn-know?” Max replied, turning his head away to hide his crimson stained cheeks. He scooted away from Gio a little, breaking what little contact they had to begin with. Gio missed it immediately.
Gio shifted in closer, trying to reconnect the connection that was lost. He tentatively placed his hand on the back of Max’s neck, and felt his whole body stiffen at the contact. This was uncharted territory for the both of them, they had never sat this close before, or touched this much, but they really fucking wanted to. Max turned his head back towards Gio, his eyes going dark.
“Max, if you just wanted to ask me on a date, all you had to do was… well, ask me,” Gio said, a small smile lighting his voice.
“I know,” Max murmured. “But I was scared you would say ‘no’.”
“I’ve been practically begging you to ask me out for ages, without actually saying it,” Gio admitted. Max’s eyes widened, as disbelief ran across his features.
“Really?” He breathed, too stunned to do anything more than just stare at Gio in wonder. Gio moved even closer and angled his body so that their chests were practically touching. The hand on the back of Max’s neck slid up into his hair, scratching lightly. Max let out a small groan. Gio smiled.
“Really, really,” Gio replied, inching his head forward and glancing between Max’s eyes and lips. Max sat with hooded eyes, watching as Gio got closer and closer, licking his lips before tilting his head forward too.
This was really about to happen. Gio was finally going to kiss Max, he had been wondering what his lips would feel like, what he would taste like-
Before their lips could even touch. Max’s phone buzzed in his pocket, breaking their trance. They stared at each other like deer caught in headlights for a few seconds before either of them moved. Gio shifted back a little bit, fake coughing to cover his awkwardness. Max fumbled for his phone, pulling it out and answering it was a flustered and frustrated, “Hello?”
Gio watched as the frustration melted from Max’s form and he seemed to deflate. Max just stared at the adjacent wall as the person on the other side of the line chatted his ear off, he didn’t respond. By the end of the phone call Max was slouched in his seat, and he offered a small ‘thank you’ before hanging up.
Max didn’t move or say anything for a few moments, obviously lost in his own head. “Hey are you okay?” Gio asked, his concern for Max growing as the older man didn’t move a muscle.
“Yeah,” Max barely responded. “Well no, actually.”
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Gio said, moving closer to Max again to provide some form of comfort.
Max looked at Gio with a small, sad smile. His eyes held no emotion and his face was drained of any colour.
“My apartment flooded and I pretty much lost everything.”
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trixyazamatova · 6 years
Rapunzel - Craquaria
okay so obviously the moment i had this idea i had to write it so... here it is! (the gifs are the outfits i’ve based them off)
‘Mother must have forgotten something.’ She smiled to herself, wiping her hands on her apron and walking towards the window. ‘It’s a bit early for dinner!’ Brianna called out and laughed at her own joke as she threw her hair out of the window, holding tight the section around her scalp as the familiar weight of something climbing her hair soon followed.
It was only as the woman climbing her hair grabbed onto the ledge that Brianna knew it wasn’t her mother. For starters her skin was white as paper and her limbs scrambled awkwardly as she fell through the window.
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Dappled light washed over the wooden floor of a room 100 feet in the air, the top of a tall, stone tower hidden away amongst huge trees. Any sounds from that room were washed away by the rushing noise of a glistening waterfall that separated the tower from the rest of the world, so when Brianna’s delicate singing echoed across the room and out of the window her mother would smile and let her sing; knowing no other soul on earth would hear her.
On a bright, spring day like today Brianna’s mother would journey to find her daughter something beautiful to entertain her, whether it was a bunch of flowers, or an interesting shell she would always find something to make Brianna smile. You might think that trapping a young woman in a tower for 30 years would mean that Bob hated her daughter but there was nothing she wouldn’t do to keep her safe from the horrors of the outside world, even if that did mean keeping her locked away from them. It was worth it to see the beautiful, gleeful smile she would give her mother every time she returned from her journeys, trading her gift for a wonderful meal she would spend hours cooking using the ingredients her mother brought back from the day before.
‘Okay mother, it’s time for dinner!’ Brianna would call down when she heard her mother returning, and as there were no stairs or ladders to reach the tall room Brianna lived in, she would throw her hair out of the window where the golden strands would unravel and skim across the grass below like a waterfall even more beautiful than the one she was hidden behind. Bob would tuck her basket under her arm and climb Brianna’s hair like a rope so they could spend the evening together.
Today, on a warm April morning, Bob told her daughter that she would be gone for longer than her usual few hours. ‘I want to get you something special, for your birthday.’
Brianna smiled that bright, beautiful smile that reached her honey brown eyes and tucked a portion of her lengthy hair behind her ear. ‘I’d like that.’
Kissing her daughter goodbye, Bob lowered herself out of the window using Brianna’s hair and set off on a journey to find her something beautiful for her birthday.
‘Now what?’ Brianna sighed and sat herself down on the window ledge, staring out across the forest through the trees and watching as the birds danced around her tower.
After what felt like hours she turned back to her space, looking around for something to keep her entertained until her mother returned. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the baking ingredients Bob had brought her two days earlier that she was saving to make some sweet crackers for her birthday. Now was the perfect time! She giggled to herself and grabbed the pink apron she kept by the stove and tied it around her small waist to protect the long, purple dress she’d chosen that morning.
In a cheerier mood now she had a task, Brianna started to sing at the top of her lungs, the way she always did when she was baking, dancing around as she mixed ingredients together happily. It was only a few minutes after putting the crackers into the oven that she heard the familiar sound of footsteps coming towards her tower.
‘Mother must have forgotten something.’ She smiled to herself, wiping her hands on her apron and walking towards the window. ‘It’s a bit early for dinner!’ Brianna called out and laughed at her own joke as she threw her hair out of the window and holding tight the section around her scalp as the familiar weight of something climbing her hair soon followed.
It was only as the woman climbing her hair grabbed onto the ledge that Brianna knew it wasn’t her mother. For starters her skin was white as paper and her limbs scrambled awkwardly as she fell through the window.
Brianna just stood and stared as the noticeably young woman righted herself, fixing her dark hair and brushing down her crimson cloak that separated at her waist to show the longest legs Brianna had ever even imagined, and she’d imagined a lot.
‘Girl did I just climb your hair? That’s fucked up.’ The young woman instinctively reached up to touch the top of her head to check her tiara was still in place before giving Brianna a dazzling smile of white teeth between red, painted lips like Brianna had never seen.
Of course, Brianna hadn’t seen many people other than her mother and herself, but she could tell the woman in front of her was a unique specimen. There’s no way her mother could have kept her from a world full of people like this. ‘Was that you singing?’
Finding herself speechless, Brianna simply nodded.
‘Okay Miss… Whatever your name is… I’m Princess Aquaria and I guess I’m gonna save you from this horrible place.’ She looked over the walls that Brianna had spent weeks of her life painting with a disgusted look on her beautiful face. Brianna couldn’t help but feel a bit offended.
‘Thank you Princess Aquafina but I don’t need saving. I’m fine.’ She folded her arms across her chest and tried to not feel intimidated as smirk spread across the princess’s pretty face. Aquaria opened her red lips to retort when Brianna began to smell the tell-tale sign of burning and quickly ran to the oven with a shout of; ‘Crackers!’
Aquaria was laughing as she took her baking out of the oven. Luckily only a couple towards the edge had started to burn.
‘Oh Miss Cracker, that’s what I’m going to call you. That so cute you’re stuck up here in this tower making crackers.’ The princess picked up the worn recipe book from the counter next to where Brianna had dumped the crackers and flipped through it, still grinning. ‘So quaint.’
‘Why are you here?’ Brianna took a step towards Aquaria, regretting it slightly as the closer she got the more she realised how much taller the younger woman was than her. ‘What do you want?’
‘I heard your lovely singing.’ Brianna found her cheeks heating up for some reason. ‘You’re obviously a damsel in distress stuck in a hidden tower; I’m here to rescue you.’ Aquaria flashed Brianna a winning smile, ‘That’s what I do.’
‘You kidnap women from their homes for a living?’
‘Look, do you wanna come with me to my castle or not?’
By this point Aquaria was pouting and folded her arms over her flat chest, tapping her heeled foot impatiently. Brianna considered her options for a moment, looking around the room that had been her home all her life. It suddenly felt very small.
‘I guess mother wouldn’t mind if I left just for a few hours…’
At this, Aquaria’s face lit up again and she took hold of Brianna’s hand, causing the shorter woman to flush bright pink at the contact she had never felt from anyone but her mother. It was nice. ‘Come on then!’
It took a few minutes for them to fashion a rope out of Brianna’s hair that she could use to lower them both down to the ground, Aquaria jumping down a few feet before they reached the grass below.
Brianna found herself hanging from her hair above the ground, the excitement fizzing in her stomach at the thought of being out of her tower turning into panic and anxiety. Aquaria must have seen this on her face because the confident bravado from a few minutes ago seemed to have melted away and the younger woman lifted her arms up to where Brianna was holding herself.
‘I’ll help you, Miss Cracker, just trust me.’ This time when Aquaria smiled it was a warm smile that reached her pale eyes and Brianna found herself lowering into her arms without even thinking about it.
In moments her bare feet had sunk into the cool grass beneath her, the first time in her life she had stepped out of her tower, but she barely even noticed. Aquaria’s arms were still fixed tightly around her waist, her delicate hands gripped the back of Brianna’s dress beneath the sheet of golden hair holding the shorter woman close to her. Brianna found herself having to crane her neck up to make eye contact with the princess, still smiling warmly down to her. ‘How does it feel, Miss Cracker?’
Brianna broke out into an almost hysterical laugh that startled Aquaria, causing her to pull away as Brianna looked down at her feet then threw herself into an enthusiastic cartwheel, landing in a giggling heap on the floor.
‘Girl, if we’re doing gymnastics we’re doing them right!’ Aquaria shrugged off her cloak and followed Brianna’s cartwheel with a much more polished one of her own, ending in the splits. The sight caused a feeling low in Brianna’s stomach that felt similar to the excitement she felt leaving her tower.
Aquaria laughed and rolled out of the splits so she was lying side by side with Brianna, grinning up at the blue sky past the tops of the trees.
‘Is this what it’s always like when you meet someone new?’
Brianna rolled onto her side to watch Aquaria, wanting to keep the warm feeling in her stomach for as long as possible.
‘Like what?’
‘Like you’ve swallowed the sun.’
Aquaria turned to meet Brianna’s eye, half of her face hidden by the grass. ‘No. I think that’s quite a rare thing.’ She sat up and looked down at Brianna, her head blocking out the sun so the rays spilled down over her shoulders.
Brianna was pretty sure that this princess was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen and without thinking she reached out her hand to touch Aquaria’s face, tracing her cheek with her index finger.
‘What are you doing?’ The question was no more than a whisper over the sound of the nearby waterfall and Brianna smiled as the dark haired woman closed her eyes and leant into her touch.
‘My mother always brings home beautiful things for me, and I try and take in as much of their beauty as I can…’ She brushed her thumb across Aquaria’s lips and watched as the princess’s eyes flew open at her touch. ‘She’s never given me anything this beautiful before.’
The sincerity behind Brianna’s words must have meant something to Aquaria because before she knew it the dark haired woman had closed the distance between them and pressed her red lips against Brianna’s bare ones, putting one of her hands beside Brianna’s head to steady herself and using the other to grip a handful of golden hair.
Going purely off instinct and what her body was telling her to do, Brianna leant up into Aquaria’s kiss, parting her lips to deepen the kiss and get closer to the loveliest thing she’d ever seen.
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oddlyprincess · 6 years
Craquaria - things you said under the stars and in the grass ❤️
Aaaa I love it
Aquaria’s blue eyes shone as the stars they were looking at on the sky. She was lied on her girlfriend’s chest, sharing a pink fluff blanket while the oldest girl was stroking her hair softly. That was the reason her eyes was shining on that way: Brianna, and everything about the sweet little moments like that she had with her girlfriend.The grass was still kinda wet because it was raining hours before they lie down here - when it was still day and the stars didn’t were there to please their view. Aquaria complained a little bit about how that would ruin her outfit, but she was easily convinced with Brianna’s soft voice and kisses. Well, she couldn’t deny it was worth it to make her yellow summer dress kinda wet, because Brianna’s affection for her was the most heartwarming thing she could experience. She started to drop little kisses at her forehead, cheeks and jaw. Aquaria could feel so safe at her side, her arms were her safe place, being at them meant she was at home. Aquaria yawned, approaching even more to her girlfriend’s body. Her eyes now were focused at the stars, they were so beautiful at that night. There was an infinity of them, all pretty equally, but they all had their individual magic. She could spend ages thinking about how she loved stars, and why she did it so much. Some people felt good taking a relaxing shower, or a recovering nap, but Aqua felt exactly that good stargazing with her girlfriend. ‘’You know you are exactly like them, don’t you, baby?’’ Brianna whispered softly, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek ‘’you’re pretty, unique, and shine as nobody else does’It was like she just knew how to read her mind. Aquaria loved Brianna’s ability to know her almost as herself did. ‘’Sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve you. Seriously, you’re too precious for this world’’‘’Aqua, you got born and everybody knew you would deserve all the good in the world. You’re a little star, and I love you’’Her eyes almost got full of tears. She knew that was more than just a silly clingy relationship moment, and that her girlfriend’s words were true as the love they felt for each other.‘’Are you okay? Did I said something wrong?’’ Aquaria smirked and kissed her. At the first moment, Brianna was confused, but she got carried away for the moment. ‘’If this is a ‘yes’, I wanna say something bad again to win another kiss’’ She laughed, kissing Brianna again: ‘’you win all the kisses you want, because you’re perfect and I love you!’’ she babbled after the kiss, with blushed cheeks and shining eyes. ‘‘I love you too, my star’‘ Brianna whispered on her ear, stroking her hair again. Nothing could be most pretty and individual than that moment, not even the stars.
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dykequeens · 6 years
can you do a headcanon list of craquaria hatefucking?
- it always starts with brianna making a petty remark about how aquaria didn’t deserve to win this or did that wrong + aquaria needing to always have the last word about everything
-so sometimes the side-eyes turn into mean words and mean words turn into screams and sometimes screams turn into rough kisses and hands pulling clothes
- brianna always bites aquaria everywhere. she leaves sweetly painful bruised on her neck, inner thighs, breasts..
- when in right mood aquaria’s sweet eyes turn dark. she calls brianna names (you fucking loser, can’t even fuck me right, now, can you?) and if she won something she makes sure to remind it to bri, just to piss her off more and make her go harder.
- brianna would choke aquaria just to shut her up, and call her a slut (isn’t that the way you win everything? being a fucking worthless whore?)
- i think they would often hate-fuck against the wall, brianna may be little but she’s a strong motherfucker (karate bitch!) 
- their safeword would be like “monet!” of some shit lmao
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kiheons · 6 years
Yeah to CEO Brianna 🙌🙌🙌 What kind of company is Brianna CEO?
bio engineering! but because of that she has to travel often to set up business deals. bob is still a lawyer tho lmao
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aqrosie · 6 years
sashea, craquaria, bengela (side note i hate their ship name it sounds like a mouth ulcer treatment petition to change it to shangelacreme xo) 💖💖💖
Sashea - LOVE the idea of them, and I absolutely love writing them and their relationship as a minor character/pairing in Tattletale. They were the sweetest on S9 and even afterwards so huge tick of appreciation. Craquaria - *cracks knuckles* alrightttt. I totally loved the idea of them pre-S10, but that idea died in like episode 2. I kept WAITING for something to happen, for them to even GLANCE at each other in the show and thought their content was just getting cut, and then I realised there wasn’t even much content to begin with. The idea of ‘what happened before the race to drive them apart’ definitely intrigued me because my mind was like WAS AQUA IN LOVE BUT CRACKER TURNED HER DOWN BECAUSE HER SOUL MATE IS ACTUALLY MONÉT? (Which I ship 147%) But as time has gone on I don’t care anymore lmao. There is no content or chemistry there, plus I don’t even ship Aqua with anyone? She’s too powerful. Bengela - 😂 their name! I recently watched AS3 again and I shipped them SO hard when I watched it the first time!! Weird that I didn’t really when I rewatched it? I think because I did it quickly and didn’t have those weekly breaks where we’d all discuss their interactions. Ortega that amazing reporter fic you wrote about them whose name I’m forgetting is INCREDIBLE and I always think about it/associate that universe and story with them 😍 I love the idea of them and their dynamic and I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if Ben stayed and they made the top 2!! Can you even imagine a world. Thank you so much for asking! 💖💖
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avadaniels · 6 years
don’t be shy // craquaria
title: don’t be shy
pairing: miz cracker x aquaria
words: 7 096
tags: Youtuber AU, cis women au, Miz Cracker's name is Brianna, Brianna is 29, Aquaria is 24, Smut, brianna tops aquaria bottoms, brianna keeps her nails nice and short
Aquaria is shy. Brianna is apologetic.
"You should do a collab with AgeOfAquaria," Brianna Ackerman read, looking at the camera. The video cut to her laughing, and then to her saying, "What the fuck would I do with Aquaria?"
"Hello everybody! It's Brianna Cracker and it's time for this week's Revieeew with a Jew! Reviewing everything from film to foundation. As you know I never stop talking about the importance of mental health, so today I'm going to be reviewing a new musical on Broadway, Dear Evan Hansen!" She was over halfway through shooting episode #33 of Review with a Jew when the call came in.
"And that brings us to a very important factor in Evan's problems: Heidi. Heidi Hansen is a great mom. You can't deny that. But some of the things that make her great seem to make Evan's problems worse. Or at least, that's what Evan—"
Bzzzz! Bzzzz!
Leaving the camera rolling, Brianna looked down at her phone where it lay on the bookshelf behind her. She was surprised when she read the name on the caller ID. Trixie Mattel was the most popular YouTuber that Brianna had ever met, and the surprise she had felt when Trixie had asked for her phone number returned now, as Trixie actually contacted her for the first time.
Most of Brianna Cracker's YouTube channel happened because she had an idea and thought, "My fans would love this." So Brianna made a face and lifted her phone up in front of the camera.
"This is the life, girl," She said, making sure the camera had focused on the tiny screen before answering it. "Hello?"
"Hey girl, how are you doing? " Trixie said over the phone.
Brianna couldn't help but a laugh a little as she replied, "Oh my goodness, I'm doing good. How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you ," She said, graciously, with the sounds of the streets of New York City playing in the background. She was visiting from L.A., and apparently was having no trouble navigating the streets in her white patent leather pumps. "I just wanted to check in about the party tonight. I invited a few more people. "
When she paused, Brianna said, "Okay," unsure if she was looking for her approval. It was Trixie's party, basically, having started as a dumb idea she'd mentioned to Bob only a couple days ago. Until now, the guest list had been their small clique of New York Youtubers, and Trixie.
"New York people, you know ," Trixie went on to explain, "Sasha, Pearl, Aquaria. Anyways, I have a food emergency, and Monet say you were the girl to call. TIME FOR DINNERRRR! " Trixie yelled, making Brianna's heart seize for a moment as Trixie's shout dissolved into intense laughter.
Brianna heard herself laugh along, way too starstruck at this point—with Trixie Mattel quoting her jokes candidly—to really process what was happening.
"So, are there any good vegan grocery stores near Bedford and Avenue? "
Throwing a tense look at the camera, Brianna said, "Um, can I call you back in just a little bit? Because I am smack-dab in the middle of shooting Review with a Jew."
"Oh! " Trixie said, and laughed again. "Totally, girl. Hey, you should review those awful jelly shoes Katya loves. "
"Oh my god, I should," Brianna said automatically, idly wondering if Katya had been added to the guest list at this point, or if Trixie was just missing her best friend while she took some time off from YouTube.
"Okay. Call me back. See you ."
Brianna just looked at the camera as the line went dead, eventually tossing her phone back on the shelf. She gave a big sigh, knowing there was a million things to think about there, but unable to pull her mind away from finishing the video. "Heidi!" She announced. "Some of the things that make Heidi great seem to make Evan's problems worse."
Brianna Ackerman knew parties at Bob's apartment. She knew the front door opened to a huge open concept room, with 30th floor floor-to-ceiling windows wrapping around two sides of the kitchen-living-dining room. She knew the vegan food from a bakery Brianna had texted to Trixie would be spread haphazardly over the 10-person glass dining table, and a cheap bartender would be leaning over the breakfast bar, convincing everyone they wanted vodka-crans because he didn't want to go back into the fridge. Bob's four bedrooms would be securely locked, so as to protect the thousands of dollars of wigs, clothes, and camera equipment that had financed her success.
She knew what the elevator would sound like when she arrived at the right floor, though she didn't listen to it. Her thoughts were caught up in all the reasons why Bob and Brianna's clique of New York Youtubers didn't normally hang out with the likes of Sasha, Pearl, and Aquaria—people who’s content focused more on aesthetics than authenticity.
She did not know, however, just what tonight's party had in store for her.
Pushing into the apartment, the music was twice as loud as it normally was, and the dance floor—the entire room—was twice as full. People were screaming and jumping up and down. Bob was next to the mountain of food that was the dining table, halfway through chugging a bottle of clear liquid. When she saw Brianna come in, she didn't stop drinking, but her eyebrows shot up and she danced around a little to show her approval. Brianna made a beeline for her friend.
"That bad, huh?" Brianna said lowly, as Bob finished off the bottle and let out a loud ahhhh .
"I fucking hate all this, fucking, vegan food," She complained, picking up boxes and tossing them around the table. Then, Bob looked out into the crowd and screamed, "FUCK YOU TRIXIE MATTEL!"
When Brianna looked, she realized Bob had been talking directly to Trixie. Trixie didn't seem to care; when she locked eyes with Brianna she smiled brightly and started pushing through the crowd.
"I'm gonna draw stuff on Shae's face," Bob announced, shaking Brianna's shoulder. Brianna didn't know who Shea was. Bob just flipped Trixie off as she approached and disappeared into the fray.
"Cracker!" Trixie shrieked, pulling her into a hug.
"Hey!" Brianna returned, accepting the fruity, pink embrace of the most famous person she knew. When they broke apart Bri gushed, "Great party!"
Trixie tutted. "I didn't lift a finger.”
"You lifted your heels, though, and that's ten times harder," Brianna said, feigning pity.
Trixie threw her head back and scream-laughed.
Brianna chuckled along, feeling good. Maybe she could stand the beauty vloggers for a little while longer if Trixie kept laughing at her jokes.
Once Trixie fell out of her laugh she gasped, and reached ten long nails into Brianna's hair. "Oh my god, loooove," She said.
It was the same style she'd been wearing when she'd met Trixie, but that was months ago now and Brianna was sure Trixie was quite drunk. Straight, her golden blonde hair hung halfway down her back, but in the huge wavy curls Brianna could tease into it, the tips didn't reach the top of her tiny breasts. Trixie traced the big curl crowning Brianna's forehead, and she laughed.
Trixie had way less hair than Brianna, and today it was only in soft waves, with a flower crown circling her brow. "You have to come to L.A. soon so we can talk hair," She pleaded, but her attention was momentarily pulled away as someone called for her. "And bring some of those vegan donuts!"
And Trixie was gone.
Not sure how serious she was, Brianna tried not to dwell on the request too much and looked for Monet. She found Monet, Honey, and LeeLee in a quiet corner. They drank together, complained, and caught up. Lee Lee had just hit 1 million subs.
Eventually Brianna got bored of trying to ignore the crowd of beautiful people in shiny clothes dancing. She wanted a cigarette. She headed for the balcony.
Pearl was out there smoking a joint, and someone else was there too, but Brianna couldn't tell who. She stuck her head out into the cool night. "How long are you going to be?"
Pearl just flicked the joint onto the ground, putting it out with a heel. She stood, the long skirt of her dress swishing around her. Her eyes drooped, but Brianna thought she saw Pearl smirk a little as she pushed back inside. Brianna stepped out and pulled the balcony door shut behind her. The other person looked over.
Shit .
It was Aquaria. AgeOfAquaria Aquaria Needles. More subscribers than Miz Cracker Aquaria.
Brianna was frozen, but Aquaria's red lips turned into a small smile. "Hi," She said, waving as well.
I can't go back. And I have to get out of this weed smell , Brianna decided and took a couple tentative steps towards where Aquaria was leaning against the railing.
"I'm Aquaria. You read me in your video last week," She said.
Can't go back now , Brianna thought, not stopping until she was at Aquaria's side. She hadn't even known if Aquaria had seen Brianna publicly denouncing a collaboration between them, though after hundreds of angry comments on the video and a half-hearted tweet on Brianna's half, she guessed the drama had gotten back to the girl she may have been trying to insult just a little.
Aquaria just looked out at the city, black ponytail swishing around behind her. "Or tried to, at least."
Okay, rude . "I'm really sorry," Brianna said, jumping right in, "I just meant, like, our channels are so different, you know?"
"If you're implying that I wouldn't paint myself pink if my fans wanted me to...you're right," She admitted.
Brianna could tell it was still supposed to be a dig at her, but Aquaria was smiling so she did too. Aquaria raised her drink. Brianna fished a pack of cigarettes out of her clutch and offered one, but Aquaria refused. "Why are you out here anyways?" Brianna asked, as she lit a cigarette for herself. "Trixie Mattel is in there."
Aquaria just shook her head and said, "Parties..."
Brianna had no idea what she meant. But she nodded anyways, breathing smoke off to one side. Behind them, the music was leaking out the windows, and the sound of people laughing roared for a moment. Aquaria and Brianna ignored it expertly, drinking and smoking and listening to the streets below them. Brianna's feet were already starting to ache in her tiny pink pumps, but she didn't regret wearing them since they went so well with the silver elastic tube she was passing off as a dress. She couldn't help but check to see Aquaria wearing flat black platforms. Her short black dress went high up to her neck and flared at the waist in severe pleats, with silver rings drawing lines down her front and around her thighs. Brianna had hardly watched any of Aquaria's content, but she could tell Aquaria had made the dress.
"So, are you from New York?" Brianna asked, figuring she would be civil if they were going to be civil.
"No, I moved here for school," Aquaria said, readjusting her lean on the railing and turning slightly towards Brianna so she could see the makeup to go with the outfit. Red lips, black everything else. Then, she said, "Fashion school," as if Brianna could forget it.
But Aquaria was being cool. She wasn't mad about the Brianna Cracker video. She came to a party at Bob's house and was now willingly conversing with Brianna, who had been expecting a lot less. So Bri just nodded along. "You finished, right?"
Aquaria gave her a weird look. "I'm 24," She clarified, and Brianna guessed that meant she was too old for school.
"Sorry," Brianna said, "Yeah." She kept smoking, sort of wondering if she was standing too close to Aquaria but not really caring. Another chorus of laughs sounded behind them, and Brianna wondered if she should be inside networking. Then, she wondered why Aquaria wasn't saying anything and started to panic. "So, what's next for you?"
It was a question Brianna used to hate, and it looked like Aquaria was in the same boat. She sighed, saying, "I don't know," And took a big sip of her drink. "I'm not going to be a YouTuber forever," She promised Brianna, leaning over and getting as close as she had yet.
Brianna nodded along, finding herself wishing that Aquaria would lean just a little closer so her hair would fall over over Brianna's shoulder, for some reason. "Who are you going to be?"
Aquaria leaned away and stood up tall. The silver on her dress glinted with yellow lights. "I want to be a designer with my own label,” She explained in a clear voice, her determination and pride showing through. But when Aquaria looked down into her drink and grumbled, “Obviously."
Brianna didn't think, just pulled off her cigarette and echoed, "Obviously."
She instantly regretted it. Here she was, almost 30 with two dead end jobs, making fun of a 24-year-old for having a dream.
But Aquaria didn't get mad. She looked over, scandalized but almost laughing and spat, "Shut up!" She pushed Brianna's shoulder, but Brianna didn't go far.
Aquaria gave up after that, slumping back over the railing and looking down at the streets, sipping red liquid.
Brianna looked out as well. She tried to enjoy the sight, find places she knew, relish in the cool but not cold air. But all she could feel was some little happy satisfaction. She smoked and didn't listen or look to a single thing, just felt. Brianna thought about this person she was standing next to, who had dreams and lots of money and didn't mind hanging out with someone like Brianna, apparently.
The music bleeding through behind them changed, and Brianna's head snapped around automatically. As she said, "I love this song!" Brianna saw Aquaria also wore an excited face, and heard her express a similar sentiment.
Along with the happy in her head, Brianna felt a warmth stir in her belly that she ignored in favor of stomping out her cigarette as fast as she could. But once Brianna started back towards the balcony door, she heard Aquaria speak again.
"Brianna?" She said. It was the first time she had said that word. Her eyebrows had fallen to the waysides and she had one arm half stretched out, as if she had reached for Brianna's arm. "Will you dance with me?"
Brianna felt her stomach swoop as she pranced two steps back towards Aquaria to grab her hand. "Of course! Come on!"
It was clear as they re-entered the party that not everyone was as partial to Masseduction by St. Vincent as they were. But they didn't care, as Aquaria freely took Brianna's other hand as well and started dancing. Aquaria swung her ponytail and her hips, twisting around, and Brianna bounced her head and jumped in time. Aquaria wore a relatively serious face as they danced, singing along to the choice words she remembered. But Brianna knew from years of feedback that she was her best self when she was stupid, so stupid she was. She pulled faces and wiggled for Aquaria, eventually making her laugh.
At some point, Monet locked eyes with Brianna and gave her the most judge-y look Monet had ever managed, but Brianna just shrugged and turned back to Aquaria. They knew the words to the bridge. "Oh, what a bore, to be so adored ," Brianna, Aquaria, and anyone else dancing crooned. Aquaria's eyes were closed as she sang and she her now-free hands were drawing random shapes above her head. Brianna felt her mouth form the second line of the same words, but had given up entirely on focusing on dancing, as the tickles in her stomach and sneaking suspicion in her head finally confirmed that, Oh no. I like her.
But the night wasn't over yet.
They finished the song innocently enough, and then three more songs, before Aquaria finally excused herself to get another drink. Brianna took the cue and went to bother Monet.
"Bitch," Her loving New York sister greeted, "I know you're always networking, but that was 15 minutes of eye contact."
LeeLee piped up. "When you fuck her, actually look at her tits because I want to know whose are smaller."
Brianna just shook her head, taking someone's drink. "I was being nice! I said something..…unprofessional in a video," She covered, definitely not thinking about seeing Aquaria's tits.
"So when you hate-fuck her," LeeLee amended, to which Brianna flipped her off and left.
For the rest of the party, Brianna wandered aimlessly, not really feeling like dancing even when Honey and Bob got into it. She smoked, tried to talk to Trixie, tried to compliment the beauty vloggers, and drank.
Around 1:30, people started to filter out in favour of better things, and when Brianna saw Aquaria slip inside from the balcony and head for the door, she made quick goodbyes. She moved as fast as she could in her little shoes and made it out the door behind a long, black ponytail.
Aquaria realized she was there and gave a polite smile as she pressed the elevator button. In a 47-storey building, it was going to take a while for it to arrive. Brianna tried to hold out for a minute but she couldn't just stand there in silence. "So, did you have fun?"
"Yeah," Aquaria said, and then in a quieter voice, "It was nice to see everyone."
The elevator beeped as it arrived. They got on. Brianna waited to see if Aquaria would say anything. She didn't, just leaned against one wall and watched the numbers tick down, fiddling with a ring on her dress. "Hey," Brianna started as she stood against the opposite wall, and Aquaria looked up. "I'm hoping there's no more bad blood between us, going forward. It was really nice to meet you."
This time, Brianna swore she saw Aquaria blush as she looked down for a second and then promised, "Yeah, totally."
Brianna nodded. Aquaria sort of shifted, and crossed her legs. Bri went on, "'Cause we don't have to make a video, but we could still hang out, if you wanted to."
She watched the excitement build in Aquaria's face even though she was really good at hiding it. "Sure, can I have your number?" She asked nonchalantly, already clicking around on her giant iPhone.
Brianna shuffled across the elevator until she was well into Aquaria's personal space. The phone was barely balanced between three fingers, but Brianna still managed to tickle Aquaria's hand as she took it. She typed her name as, 'Bri [cheese emoji] [heart eyes emoji]", and texted herself "Hey it's Aquarius Noodles."
Aquaria smiled, almost laughed, when she took it back and saw what Brianna had done. Brianna didn't move to back away, but Aquaria put a hand on her arm to keep her in place anyways. "I did have fun tonight, thanks to you," Aquaria admitted or lied, probably a mix of both. "And this dress is incredible."
"You like it?" Brianna asked, unable to hide her smile and she glanced down at herself. Not everyone liked it when girls with big hips wore tight clothes, so Brianna was glad that Aquaria could deal with Brianna's ass.
Aquaria nodded and rubbed a thumb over the thin straps.
"Well you look amazing, as always," Brianna said, eyes flickering between Aquaria's eyes and lips, as if they were her only achievements that night.
There. Brianna definitely saw Aquaria blush beneath all the foundation and highlight. Between that and the way Aquaria's nails had settled to press semi-circles into Brianna's shoulder, Brianna felt her stomach warming significantly.
The air was still. The elevator beeped as they descended.
Brianna quelled whatever was rising in her chest to ask, "Can I kiss you?"
Aquaria said, "Okay," and Brianna let it flow up and spill over as she leaned up and pressed her lips against Aquaria's.
She was soft. She was warm. Brianna poured all the emotions that had been building inside of her all night into this kiss, breathing and telling Aquaria she was soft and warm and beautiful. Brianna was frozen in the moment, feeling the way their mouths fit together—and then Aquaria started to really kiss her.
Leaning down and tilting her head, Aquaria only got a second to try and intensify things before Brianna pulled away smiling. Aquaria breathed, and when she realized Brianna seemed happy she smiled a little too.
Brianna breathed and stepped back as the elevator doors slid open. “Um,” She said as she skipped into the lobby, feeling Aquaria follow close behind. Brianna spun around, catching Aquaria by the arms. “Can I walk you home?”
Aquaria’s Brooklyn apartment was actually pretty close to Bob’s, especially compared to Brianna’s haunt in Manhattan, but the short trip was still agonizing with the way Aquaria would shoot half-lidded looks back over her shoulder, or brush up behind Brianna and ghost her hand along Brianna’s back. The wind had picked up in the warm September night, so they huddled close in their sleeveless cocktail dresses. Eventually they came to a posh building where Aquaria waved her keys and the door opened, a security guard exchanging nods with her as they passed.
Aquaria pushed the button for the 21st floor and Brianna pushed Aquaria against the mirrored wall. She could tell Aquaria liked it, by the way she sighed in her throat and accepted Brianna’s kiss when it came. Brianna’s fingers pushed against the tough fabric of her dress as her lips wrapped around Aquaria’s mouth. Aquaria got to work with her tongue, her nails finding Brianna’s scalp.
When Brianna slid one hand around to press over Aquaria’s ass, she heard another small sound come from her mouth, but then almost a gasp, like she was trying to silence it. Brianna broke the kiss and looked up under Aquaria’s false lashes. “Don’t be shy,” Brianna mumbled. She reached down even further to grab Aquaria’s ass properly as her lips attached to Aquaria’s neck.
She moaned .
Brianna swore inside her head. They both felt the elevator slow, and Bri reluctantly peeled herself off.
Aquaria happily led them down plush hallway after plush hallway, before waving into a door with its own security camera. It opened to an amazing apartment that Brianna could barely process with four drinks in her. All she saw was the pile of junk that had started as a couch where Aquaria threw their shoes, and then a dim hallway that led to—oh my god—a gigantic bedroom.
“This is as big as my whole apartment,” Brianna lied, mentally measuring the bed as Aquaria crawled onto it. Bri followed quickly. She re-attached her lips to Aquaria’s neck and went for the side zipper.
But before she even found her purchase, Aquaria reached up to stop her. They looked at each other, and Aquaria looked a little nervous.
“Sorry,” Bri said, taking her hand off the handmade dress and giving the other girl space. “I don’t want to break it.”
“No, I,” Aquaria said, looking away as she unzipped the dress a couple inches. She looked at the opening so Brianna did too, finding black lace underneath.
Brianna only had to realize it’s lingerie to guess what Aquaria was thinking. “Oh, um, do you want to…strip for me?” She asked, and the other girl’s nerves turned to embarassment—a good embarassment, judging by the light that twinkled in Aquaria’s eyes. “Just, oh my god, do it,” Brianna said, sounding not at all sexy but Aquaria scampered back off the bed anyways. Bri followed quickly, kneeling with her thighs apart so her dress rode up. She breathed, not sure what was about to happen but knowing she wanted it to.
Aquaria looked down over one shoulder and unzipped the rest of her dress—shirt, Brianna now realized, as the bodice fell open and the skirt remained intact. Aquaria turned and leaned down, closer and closer, until her lips almost brushed against Brianna’s. She grabbed Bri’s hand that had subconsciously navigated to her thigh. Aquaria brought the hand up inside her shirt, and as Brianna’s fingertips connected with the rough lace of her bralette, she pressed their lips together.
Brianna could feel everything. The saliva on Aquaria’s mouth, her soft breast beneath her hand, the heat pooling between their bodies. Bri was already started to have trouble breathing. She squeezed, and Aquaria backed up, licking her lips as Brianna leaned after her.
Aquaria stared Bri down as she pulled the shirt off. Fuck , Brianna thought, at the sight of the simple bra made of thick, black lace, and Aquaria’s dark nipples straining beneath it. Aquaria propped one foot on the bed and pulled the elastic out of her ponytail. She shook her hair, then started to draw it back up into a bun as she looked down.
Brianna was suffering. Aquaria was so close, so ready, but still so far and ignoring Brianna .
Once her hair was up, she turned to the side so Brianna was looking at the fateful second zipper keeping the black pleats securely around Aquaria’s waist. She unzipped it all the way down but held it in place. Aquaria spun the long way around to face the girl on the bed while keeping the skirt in front of everything Brianna wanted to see, before pausing and dropping it.
Brianna’s breath caught in her throat. The same severe lace drew a triangle pointing down from Aquaria’s hips, sitting low and hugging her tightly. She couldn’t help it, and Aquaria didn’t stop her: Brianna reached out and wrapped her hands around Aquaria’s ass, feeling the rough lace and imagining Aquaria squirming in it all night as she pulled her closer by it. Aquaria came and perched on her knees in front of Brianna.
Aquaria kissed her, and Brianna’s hands squeezed. Aquaria left no room for romance as she licked into and kissed Brianna. Pushing, breathing, sucking.
Then Aquaria’s nails reached Brianna’s thighs and started to push her dress up even farther. Soft tips ghosting under the fabric and then back along her skin, Brianna was so turned on it was starting to hurt. She kissed back hard, pressing her lips into Aquaria over and over, hungry for more.
But Aquaria didn’t give it to her. She gave Brianna a half-mischevious, half-unsure look before ducking to make-out with Brianna’s neck. Her hand slipped under the silver skirt again to play with the band of Brianna’s underwear.
“Mmm,” Brianna said, “Should I take them off?”
To which Aquaria responded. “Yes. I, yeah.”
Aquaria stood up while Brianna sat to wriggle her underwear off. Now she felt exposed, and a little wet, so Brianna kneeled again with her knees pressed tightly together as she waited for Aquaria to kiss her again. She reached out, but Aquaria just caught her hands in her own, throwing glances at Brianna’s stomach and keeping their lips a few solid feet apart.
“Oh. Do you, want to eat me out?” Brianna asked, voice even, body already reacting to the thought of it.
Aquaria’s eyes were darker even more than usual as she looked at Brianna. “I, um, want. Yes,” She managed, and touched Brianna’s knees so she would open them.
As Brianna adjusted to sit with her calves hanging off, Aquaria kneeled in front of the bed, pulling Bri closer to the edge. Brianna tried to breathe. Aquaria’s nails dug into her thighs, and then her mouth connected with the outside of Brianna’s lips. Bri grabbed at the sheets and felt herself throbbing. Keep it together .
Aquaria kissed, lower, all around the soft, slightly hairy skin between Brianna’s legs. Brianna focused on bringing air into and out of her lungs until Aquaria’s tongue dragged lightly up her clitoris, and she had to breathe out a whine. Aquaria attached her whole mouth around Brianna’s clit as she drew her tongue up and down, saliva going everywhere.
“Oh my god,” Bri said quietly, trying not to rock her hips. Her feet didn’t reach the ground sitting like this so she dug her heels into the bedframe.
Aquaria just moved slower, sucking and pressing her lips, moving them in circles on her clit. She kissed around, chastely, and then licked at Brianna’s sensitive spot again until she twitched. Aquaria took her mouth off for half a second. Brianna longed for it. Her fingers were already aching from clenching the sheets so tightly, and she tried to readjust only to grab right back on when Aquaria drew the flat of her tongue right over Brianna’s opening. Haze and pleasure filled Brianna’s brain. Knowing Aquaria was tasting her and all the stimulation from between her legs made Bri’s stomach tingle more and more.
Then Aquaria moved back to her clit, drawing her tongue in lines and circles around it, until every breath Brianna took was shallow and loud. One of Aquaria’s hands dug into Bri’s thigh while the other reached for Brianna’s hand. Aquaria guided it between her legs and to the opening of her vagina. Bri was quick to slide a finger in, pushing in softly as Aquaria drooled and pressed on her clitoris.
Soon enough, Brianna was uttering ‘oh’ every other press. Then Aquaria’s name. And then her face and neck and brain were full of incredible tingling, which built and built as Aquaria licked all around until it was physically impossible for Brianna to feel anymore pleasure than she was experiencing.
She drew her hand to Aquaria’s face, guiding her up to see Brianna half-lidded and biting at her bottom lip. Aquaria kissed her, leaned over her, and listened to Bri’s soft hums of content. Brianna accepted it and let Aquaria’s mouth push her to lean further and further backwards, until her mouth disappeared and Brianna actually had to look to see what was going on.
Aquaria just hovered an inch away and said, “You, um. Was it good?”
“Fuck, so good,” Brianna admitted, throwing an arm around Aquaria’s neck to kiss her and lay back on the bed. Aquaria was awkwardly hanging half off the bed but she held on for dear life as their mouths slotted together and moved like stillness would kill them.
When Aquaria pushed herself up on her forearms, Brianna wiggled backwards. It broke their kiss but they both moved up the bed until Brianna’s head was on the pillow and Aquaria was bearing down on top of her again. Licking over Bri’s teeth viciously, she pulled Brianna’s dress up and up until they separated again to pull it over her head. Before Aquaria could kiss her again, Brianna pushed at the bralette. Aquaria let her pull it off, and it temporarily snagged on her bun, but that just made Aquaria giggle as they pushed their lips back together.
Brianna was still coming down from her orgasm, but she could tell Aquaria was super turned-on by how she shuddered when Brianna ran her fingers down her bare sides. Brianna relaxed, let her muscles turn to jelly in the soft sheets, let Aquaria kiss her energetically. She felt where the lace panties were soaked through. She pushed them off and down to Aquaria’s knees. The only thing that slowed Aquaria’s lips was when Brianna let one finger tickle where Aquaria’s tailbone gave way to her ass. As she pushed her fingertip slowly between her cheeks, Aquaria froze, breathing hot air over Brianna’s smirk, eyes pressed shut.
Brianna took the opportunity to shimmy down an inch and take Aquaria’s nipple between her lips. She drew her finger up and down shallowly as she ran her tongue over the tough tip of her breast. Aquaria’s thighs were flexing. She pulled Brianna’s other hand off her back and threaded their fingers together. Brianna ran her fingers lightly over Aquaria’s ass and then squeezed, and Aquaria only pushed back into her hand. Brianna teased and licked until Aquaria’s breath was strained in her ear.
Brianna easily rolled them over, Aquaria landing surprised-looking on her back in the dark bedroom. Until Brianna kissed that look away. She put her tongue in Aquaria’s mouth and two fingers over her opening. She spread the wetness around and started working her clit, feeling Aquaria’s hands fist in Brianna’s hair. Brianna just focused on Aquaria, on how her legs slid around and her tongue responded emphatically to everything Brianna was doing. The panties—still around her knees—were getting in the way of her jerks and twitches so Brianna pushed them all the way off. She focused on moving her fingertips in the precise pattern that had little whines coming from Aquaria’s throat. When one hand suddenly yanked softly on Brianna’s hand, Bri broke their kiss and muttered, “You like that?” Immediately repeating what she had just done.
Aquaria’s face was flush with pleasure as she sounded, “Mmm hmm.”
Brianna smiled down at her. “Don’t be shy. Tell me,” She asked, pressing her fingers slowly down Aquaria’s vulva.
Aquaria shut her eyes and let out a quiet, ohhhhhh .
Brianna said, “Yeah,” in a really small voice to encourage her, and moved her fingers back up to Aquaria’s clit. Brianna moved them furiously, trying to get more sounds out of her. Everything between Aquaria’s legs was slippery at this point.
As the pleasure built, Aquaria gave a louder whine and a strangled, “Brianna.”
Lips pressing to her ear, Brianna asked, “Can I finger you?”
“Yes. Yes,” Aquaria repeated.
Brianna laid herself half on top of Aquaria with one leg draped over her thigh, so she didn’t have to concentrate on not falling down. One of Aquaria’s hands fell away to fist in the sheets. “Okay, relax,” Brianna advised, and breathed a soft sigh.
Aquaria copied the breath, and Brianna felt her muscles go lax beneath her. Brianna quickly rubbed her middle finger in the wetness between Aquaria’s legs, and then slipped the finger inside her.
Aquaria gave a nice, full moan.
Brianna wanted the sound on repeat. She moved the finger slowly, out, and then back in, feeling Aquaria’s walls and where they naturally stopped. Brianna gave a couple quicker thrusts before pushing a second finger inside.
“Ohhhh. Fuck,” Aquaria said, back arching against the bed. They were in it now, so Brianna wasted no time pushing in and out of Aquaria, getting faster and faster.
Brianna pressed kisses to her cheek, neck, and chest. She let Aquaria pull her hair and watched her head turn back and forth. The warm feelings had returned in her stomach, and with everything Aquaria did, they spiked and spread.
Aquaria started to whine more and more. “Oh. Ohhh, fuck. Brianna,” She crooned.
She felt Aquaria’s hips still a little as she settled into the motion, so Brianna adjusted the angle and thrusted, even and powerful and finally hitting that spot.
“Yes, fuck,” Aquaria said, holding onto Brianna’s hair for dear life. She didn’t have to say it; Brianna knew Aquaria was almost about to orgasm. Walls swelling around her fingers, Brianna pushed and pushed, feeling and hearing Aquaria’s every reaction.
Then Aquaria’s breath caught. She was clenching, and was Brianna fucking her through it. Up and over the edge. Brianna started to throb watching Aquaria’s face as she processed all the pleasure.
And then Aquaria was breathing, gasping. Relaxing into Brianna. Her heart beat loud over the relative silence as she stroked Bri’s hair softly. She was unable to keep the smudged-lipstick smile off her face, and she was absolutely beautiful to Brianna in that moment.
Brianna took her fingers out and hoped Aquaria wouldn’t mind as she wiped them randomly on the other side of the bed. They lay there like that for a moment, breathing and sprawled out, both staring up at the ceiling. Nice , Brianna thought.
She hiked her leg up a little more and moved to throw her arm over Aquaria’s stomach, but Aquaria caught her arm and rolled them over. It was Brianna’s turn to be surprised as she took in the excited look on Aquaria’s face, like her brain hadn’t just been flooded with oxytocin.
“I, can we, um,” Aquaria said, stuttering through the words before shutting her eyes and stopping in frustration.
Brianna could see it, so she reached one finger up to boop Aquaria’s nose and said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Aquaria breathed as she looked down and said, “One more time?” Plain and simple.
“Yeah, what do you—” Brianna started, but stopped when Aquaria sat up and put a finger between Brianna’s legs. She drew it out and then placed the whole thing in her mouth. She put on a show. She closed her eyes and slowly slid it out, grinding on Brianna’s stomach, and pulling the finger out with a pop . Brianna’s heart skipped a beat as she teased, “You’re a whore.”
But Aquaria just leaned close to Brianna’s ear and whispered: “Can we scissor?”
One orgasm was doing wonders for this girl’s confidence.
Brianna muttered, “Yes, please,” and Aquaria was moving. She kissed Brianna fully as she ran a hand down one leg, tickling and then raising the knee. Her other hand quickly found its place threaded with Brianna’s fingers. Aquaria sat up, sliding her own knee underneath, bracing herself against the headboard, and then throwing her other leg over Brianna’s other hip.
She grinded down in a circle, rubbing their clits together. It was hot and wet and amazing .
Brianna muttered a low, “Yeah,” to encourage her to keep going, and she did. The sensation built slowly, and Brianna was silently begging her to go faster. But Aquaria didn’t. Not, at least, until she grabbed Bri’s other hand and started sucking on two of her fingers.
Brianna shook her head in disbelief for a couple seconds as Aquaria started grinding faster and faster, and suddenly pleasure started possesing Brianna’s body. It came hot and quick, radiating out from where their bodies were pressed together. Little ‘ahh’s escaped Brianna over and over as it built and built inside her. “Fuck, Aquaria,” Brianna muttered, knowing she wouldn’t last long. Her whole body was on fire. Heat was curling up her neck and making her feet spasm. Aquaria just kept thrusting, slick but hard.
And then Brianna was orgasming, with a pained, “ Ohhh .” Aquaria’s hand was white where Brianna was squeezing it. She was frozen under Aquaria’s rocking hips, as pleasure filled her every nerve.
Brianna started to fall out of it, breathing deep and relaxing, but Aquaria kept going. Bri let her grind against her a few more times before stopping her. She fought through the haze that was settling over her brain to push Aquaria over. Brianna rubbed her clit with the flat of three fingers until the other girl came, moaning and shaking beneath her.
Brianna reveled in every second of it. All the wet spots they had left on the bed, every change in Aquaria’s breathing, every red semi-circle in Brianna’s skin.
But then the aches were settling into her muscle. The fatigue was overtaking her brain. She had one word in her head, and it was ‘home’.
She started to force herself to get up, but Aquaria’s hands were grabbing and pulling. Before Brianna knew it, she was wrapped in a duvet burrito with AgeOfAquaria Aquaria Needles, listening to soft, content breaths as they both fell asleep.
+ A few days later
Aquaria’s Q&A was read quickly off her phone. “Please collab with Brianna Cracker.” Her face lit up as she looked at the camera. “I think that would be awesome! I hope we can soon.”
+ The next week
“Thank you so much for watching,” Aquaria gushed quickly as she filmed the end of her third date makeup tutorial. “Like and subscribe down below. Remember, you don’t define beauty, beauty is defined by you!”
She started posing for the last few second of the video, but suddenly her ringtone sounded from where her phone was tossed on a pile of papers. She stood up and grabbed it, answering it as quick as she could, saying, “Hey hon.”
Sasha looked up from where she was lounging behind the camera. She had offered to help Aquaria edit a better outro and was hanging around while she filmed it.
“Hey sweetie ,” Brianna crooned through the phone. Aquaria was already blushing as she paced between her desk and her ring light. “ I watched your Q&A video .”
“Uhhh, did you like it?” Aquaria asked, voice light and teasing. Sasha was waving around and pretending to scream at her, but Aquaria ignored it expertly.
“It was very cute, darling ,” Brianna said, and then paused. Sasha was furiously typing and Aquaria just knew the groupchat would be blowing up on this call ended. Finally, Brianna spoke again: “Do you actually want to do a video? ” She asked.
Aquaria breathed. “I don’t think our channels are that different, not really.”
“Really? ”
Aquaria tried to walk as far from Sasha as she could when she muttered, “Why don’t you come over tonight and we can, um, talk about it.”
The line was quiet for a second. Aquaria turned around, and Sasha’s grin was shit-eating. Then, “Okay. Yes .”
“Yay!” Aquaria exclaimed, unable to stop herself from bouncing around and pumping a fist in the air. “I’ll see you at 8.”
“Okay. Bye baby. ”
“Bye cutie,” Aquaria signed off, and hit the red button as her face turned the same colour. She ditched the phone in her recording chair and ignored it as the buzzing began.
Sasha’s face was in her hands, perched on the arm of the couch. She looked up at Aquaria through thick, natural lashes and thick, black glasses. “‘Cutie’?” Sasha asked.
Aquaria just joined her on the couch and pulled the laptop onto her legs. “Alright,” She said, opening up her video editing software, silently hoping the lifeless light of her screen would balance out the heat in her cheeks. She looked at Sasha. “What do I do?”
Sasha just shook her head for a second, two, three. Eventually she shook herself out of the stupour and said, “Uh, this is gonna take a while, so you should go wash your face.”
“No,” Aquaria sing-songed, dragging the footage she had just filmed into the program, “I have a third date tonight. This is my third date look.”
Sasha just smiled and tilted her head. Aquaria stared back. Sasha announced, “You’re so gone, bitch.”
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artificiallymelody · 5 years
im so here for this au idea !! (also love a lil craquaria on the side lmao)
💗💗💗💗💗  aaaaaaaa thanks
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