maximumcraquaria · 6 years
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she’s a hot woman
credit: @/ageofmattel on twitter
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unhhhhaquaria · 6 years
You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your mp3 player, itunes, spotify, etc, on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
Tagged by @briecracker :))
1. Change -Lana del Rey
2. Like a prayer -Madonna
3. Emperors new clothes - panic! At the disco
4. Till it happens to you- Lady Gaga
5. Primadonna - marina and the diamonds
6. Little lies - fleetwood mac
7. Hotel California - the egales
8. In my feelings - Lana del Rey
9. High by the beach - Lana del Rey
10. When the world was at war we kept dancing -Lana del Rey
Well I think we just found out that I’m one of those Lana del Rey gays
I don’t talk to anybody first cause hello anxiety but I’m just gonna tag random accounts that I like
@ughquaria @rpdrshippinggoals @holyaquaria @maximumcraquaria @ageofaquria
Honestly I’m scared to tag people so we are just gonna leave it there but like talk to me first and we can be friends I’m nice
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maximumcraquaria · 6 years
Judas - Lady Gaga
pairing: Craquaria (Miz Cracker x Aquaria) lesbian au
genre: angst!! kind of smut
words: 720
A small craquaria oneshot inspired by the song Judas by Lady Gaga. Aquaria is deeply in love with Brianna, a married older woman. She knows she’s seen as nothing more than a toy but she’s too in love to care.
(I didn’t plan on writing this but I’ve had a shit few days and I just needed to write something, I also love this song so)
Aquaria laid with her naked back on the uncomfortable motel bed, staring at the blank roof above her. The room was lit with bright red lighting that radiated from the cheap neon signs from outside. She took a deep breath in through her nose and let her eyelids close for a few seconds before letting out a soft sigh. Her brain was screaming at her, how could she do this to herself again? Why does she always come back for her? Why would she do anything for this woman? She would make herself a slave to the older woman’s every need if that’s what she asked for. She forgives every lie and every excuse, she forgives her every time she walks out of the familiar motel door without even a quick glance back at Aquaria.
Her eyes drifted from the plain roof to the open door of the small balcony outside their room. Brianna stood in the red glow of the night seemingly emotionless, leaning over the balcony ever so slightly, bringing her burning cigarette to her plump lips every few seconds. Aquaria knew how little Brianna cared, she knew Brianna struggled to show much emotion at all sometimes. Brianna constantly made Aquaria feet heartbroken, cheated, used. The woman, in theory, was nothing more than cruel to Aquaria. However, no matter how hard Aquaria tried to stop herself, she was still so deeply in love with Brianna.
The way Brianna touched Aquaria left goosebumps on her skin for days. The way Brianna looked into Aquaria’s eyes made her heart race faster than ever before. Just being near Brianna made Aquaria feel like she had been blessed by some kind of God. She had never felt anywhere near this kind of overwhelming love before, Brianna had Aquaria’s entire heart. Her soul. Her life. She could never hate her, never hold a grudge for too long. It was hard to believe anyone would be able to, Brianna just had this certain charm and power to her.
The things Brianna did to Aquaria in that motel room were almost unspeakable. Brianna degraded Aquaria to a whore, a hooker, a useless pretty face but Aquaria loved every single word that left her mouth. She melted into those words as she let Brianna’s fingers feel every single inch of her vulnerable skin. Aquaria wanted her body to belong to Brianna, she wanted to let Brianna be in control of every feeling and emotion and sense. The pleasure Brianna made Aquaria feel as her tongue traced art in between Aquaria’s thighs was indescribable. The orgasms Brianna blessed her with were almost spiritual. 
Aquaria always wondered about what would happen after their moments of bliss. Would Brianna kiss her with passion even after everything had been done? Would Brianna cuddle up with Aquaria and let her feel her body heat for a little longer? Would she even smile at her? Would she even look at her?
Brianna always said to Aquaria that she shouldn’t question the future, she should simply focus on now yet Aquaria’s mind still often drifted to heartbreaking thoughts. Brianna had a husband. She had a happy and successful life all without Aquaria. She didn’t need Aquaria but Aquaria needed Brianna more than anything. Without Brianna it felt like she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t live. There was always going to be that barrier between them and Aquaria couldn’t bare it. Brianna loved her husband and felt close to nothing for Aquaria.
Aquaria’s brain constantly told her to stop all of this. She didn’t deserve to do this to herself. Yet she did and she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to. She was still in love with Brianna. She always would be.
Brianna had finished her 3rd cigarette by the time she stepped back into the motel room. She grabbed her expensive fur jacket and quickly slipped it on, not looking at Aquaria once. She stepped into her black heels and headed directly towards the door. She unlocked it with a click and opened it.
“I love you.” Aquaria whispered as the door slammed shut behind Brianna. She was left on her own on a cheap motel bed, naked and lonely once again. Her heart ached but a smile lingered on her face as she felt the ghost of Brianna’s lips on hers.
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maximumcraquaria · 6 years
hey! I saw you're a new blog!! could you do a craquaria lesbian au where aqua starts crying because she thinks her life with cracker is so perfect bc we all know how much of a crybaby she is
Sorry I’ve only just got round to this!! I love this concept wow
I can imagine Brianna and Aquaria sitting in the living room of the small apartment that they shared in really comfy clothes and no makeup on. They would be watching Aquaria’s favourite reality tv show even though Brianna hated cheesy shows like that. They would be sipping at wine with a blanket shared between them both. The only light in the room would be what shone out from their TV screen as it was late in the evening at this point.
Aquaria would look at Brianna and grin so widely. She realised she didn’t appreciate how perfect her life was enough. She looked around at her perfect girlfriend in their perfect apartment with the perfect cringey tv show on, she had her dream job and an amazing group of friends. Even the wine they were drinking tasted perfect. However nothing could truly beat how much she appreciated Brianna though. Brianna made her feel so comfortable and loved and needed and supported 24/7. She was there for her no matter what. The soft lighting on Brianna’s face lit up her perfect features, Aquaria couldn’t believe she managed to have a goddess sat right next to her. The most gorgeous girl she had ever laid eyes on loved her for who she was. She was forgiving and kind and funny and a little dork that gave Aquaria this perfect life she was living.
“A-Aqua, are you crying? What’s wrong, baby?” Brianna softly questioned, concern covering her face. Her small hand cupped Aquaria’s damp face as she attempted to wipe away the stream of tears leaking from her face. Aquaria had been so distracted by her thoughts that she hadn’t realised she started sobbing.
“I’m sorry, I just love you so much. I’m being silly.” Aquaria said through light sobs. Brianna let out a relieved sigh as she chuckled at her girlfriend, used to Aquaria crying over little things now as it happened so often. Brianna’s thumb kept stroking over Aquaria’s delicate cheeks as she smiled adoringly at her.
“I love you too Aquaria. I’ll never stop loving you.”
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