#side by side dual occupancy designs
archinspiree · 10 months
Side by Side Dual Occupancy Designs | Archinspire.com
Experience the perfect balance of space and privacy with Archinspire.com side-by-side dual occupancy designs. Enjoy the convenience of two homes in one without compromising on style and luxury.
Side by Side Dual Occupancy Designs
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spyskrapbook · 4 months
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"Unité d’Habitation / La Cité Radieuse", 280 Boulevard  Michelet, 13008, Marseille, France [1947-52] _ Architect: Le Corbusier _ Photos by: Spyros Kaprinis [25.05.2024].
"The building takes the form of a housing bar 135 metres long, 24 metres wide, 56 metres high and mounted on stilts. Three hundred and thirty apartments, divided into twenty-three different types, can accommodate a population of between 1,500 and 1,700 occupants having at their disposal on the seventh and eighth floors a shopping street and a hotel-restaurant, together with a kindergarten and sports facilities on the roof terrace. The constructive principle adopted, the so-called “bottle rack”, consists in building apartments inside an independent frame of posts and reinforced concrete beams. The apartments are made up of standard elements assembled on the site. All the apartments are dual-aspect, except those on the south side. A sun-break loggia provides an open-air facility at the same time as limiting exposure to sunlight. Protected by double glazing, the apartment interiors are subject to the two basic rules of naval and monastic architecture: rationalism and simplicity. The living room, open on two levels, is the nucleus of the family “home”; upstairs the parents’ room occupies the mezzanine. The kitchen is equipped like a laboratory: electric cooker, refrigerator, rubbish chute and storage racks. The entire apartment is fitted with racks replacing traditional storage. The ventilation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilets is mechanically operated, while the entire apartment is supplied with clean air by an air conditioning system. These facilities were not found in the low-cost collective housing units of the time, and the standard surface areas of the Unité d’Habitation are greater than these by between 40% and 50%. The seventeen-storeys below the terrace are connected by eight interior streets which, given the overlap of the two-storey apartments, each serve three floors. Each street is accessed by a battery of four elevators complemented by a service elevator and three emergency staircases. The entire building and its equipment are designed in terms of the Modulor, the universal measuring unit conceived by Le Corbusier."
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bcrgamvts · 5 months
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FULL  NAME:  danika  chakravarthy
BIRTHDAY:  january  18,  1992
AGE:  thirty2
PRONOUNS:  she/her/hers
SEXUALITY:  bisexual  /  biromantic
OCCUPATION:  ghost  writer  /  video  game  concept  artist
HEIGHT:  5’9”
EYE  COLOR:  dark  brown
HAIR  COLOR:  black
BIRTHPLACE:  upper  west  side,  manhattan,  new  york  city
CURRENTLY  LIVES:  cardinal  hill
SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:  english,  telugu,  hindi,  &  spanish
FACECLAIM:  sobhita  dhulipala
danika  was  born  into  a  family  invested  in  literature  —  her  father  a  longstanding  editor  for  random  house  before  its  big  merger  with  penguin  in  2013,  while  her  mother  is  a  beloved  gothic  and  victorian  literature  professor  at  columbia  university.  it  became  less  a  matter  if  danika  and  her  siblings  would  enjoy  reading  as  a  hobby,  but  when.  especially  since  books  were  oftentimes  scattered  around  the  brownstone  townhouse  the  bustling  family  lived  in,  from  the  novels  being  discussed  in  her  mother’s  courses,  to  the  manuscripts  in  her  father’s  office  that  danika  would  more  often  than  not  sneak  into  to  read.
creativity  was  embraced  in  the  chakravarthy  household,  but  not  to  an  extent  that  should  danika  or  her  siblings  find  more  academic  holding  in  stem  that  it  should  deter  them.  danika  herself  would  discover  her  dual  love  for  art  and  writing  at  an  early  age,  oftentimes  drawing  illustrations  to  work  alongside  the  short  stories  she  would  write.  she  remembers  the  encouragement  of  her  parents,  even  going  to  show  her  how  her  passion  for  her  two  skills  can  be  applied  to  many  creative  forms  whether  that  be  children’s  books,  comics,  or  even  graphic  novels.  to  danika,  her  artistic  ability  shined  brighter  than  her  storytelling  abilities.  for  this  reason  she  would  sharpen  her  focus  on  her  drawing  skills,  practicing  enough  and  enrolling  in  extracurricular  classes  that  would  allow  her  to  hone  in  on  her  craft.  her  parents’  income  allowed  for  danika  to  be  tutored  privately,  keeping  her  grades  up  across  the  board  so  she  could  later  on  apply  to  the  rhode  island  school  of  design  for  drawing.
high  school  fades  into  college  where  danika  does  go  on  to  pursue  an  illustration  degree  from  rhode  island  school.  during  this  time  she  still  writes,  dabbles  in  her  journal  with  short  stories  and  ideas  for  potential  future  writings,  but  that’s  all  she  ever  really  views  it  —  dabbling.  for  as  much  as  danika  would  like  to  write  her  own  book  and  have  a  finished  manuscript,  like  the  ones  that  look  at  home  on  her  father’s  desk  in  his  office,  danika  struggles  putting  the  pieces  together  to  form  a  full  and  cohesive  narrative.  or  so  she  tells  herself.  it’s  with  that  in  mind  that  she  decides  her  future  holds  best  a  career  that  showcases  her  art.  her  undergraduate  years  are  filled  with  hard  work  and  fun,  before  danika  is  walking  across  the  stage  with  her  degree  in  hand.
danika  takes  up  odd  jobs  here  and  there  in  the  first  three  years  post  college  when  she  moves  back  home  to  manhattan,  not  quite  feeling  fulfilled  at  what  she’s  doing  with  her  art  when  she  knows  she’s  capable  of  so  much  more.  it’s  on  a  whim  that  danika  decides  to  apply  at  a  video  game  company  for  their  open  concept  artist  position  despite  not  being  much  of  a  video  game  person  herself.  her  flair  for  details  between  conceptual  character  art  and  landscapes  is  what  earns  her  the  job  and  as  she  settles  in,  danika  comes  to  realize  that  she’s  found  her  place.
as  the  years  progress  and  danika  enters  her  late  twenties,  she  meets  her  partner  where  the  two  would  eventually  go  on  to  become  engaged.  danika  settles  into  her  career  with  a  promotion  and  pay  raise  before  slowly  dipping  her  toes  back  into  writing.  she  may  have  stopped  writing  in  her  journal  as  much,  but  it’s  with  the  insistence  of  her  father  that  she  doesn’t  bury  her  voice  and  somehow  finds  herself  in  the  side  gig  of  a  ghost  writer.  her  parents  both  think  danika  is  more  than  capable  of  fully  devoting  herself  to  writing  her  own  book  and  it  being  successful  on  its  own  merit,  but  for  now,  danika  is  happy  to  write  out  the  inner  machinations  of  someone  else's  mind.  danika  pushes  her  own  self  doubts  regarding  her  creativity  to  the  side  and  enjoys  the  budding  collection  on  her  bookshelf  of  books  she’s  technically  written,  but  have  the  name  of  someone  else.  the  books  act  as  a  physical  reminder  that  her  writing  is  good  enough  to  be  published  even  if  she  hasn’t  ever  taken  the  plunge  with  her  own  ideas.  danika  is  content  with  where  she  is  in  both  her  art  career  and  her  writing  pursuits.
in  terms  of  her  romantic  life,  danika  wishes  she  was  as  thriving  as  she  is  in  her  career.  she  and  her  partner  were  together  for  five  years  and  engaged  for  a  year  and  a  half  when  things  began  to  get  rocky.  her  partner  suggested  moving  to  their  hometown  of  blue  harbor,  illinois  due  to  their  new  job  offer  in  chicago.  both  believed  a  change  of  scenery  and  pace  was  what  their  relationship  needed.  fast  forward  eight  months  and  the  two  come  to  the  mutual  decision  to  end  their  relationship.  each  claim  a  differing  reason  as  to  why  they  grew  apart,  but  the  only  agreeable  bit  of  information  is  that  the  two  are  stuck  together  in  their  lease  for  another  few  months  since  whoever  breaks  it  is  responsible  to  their  share  of  rent  until  the  other  is  able  to  find  a  secondary  roommate  to  takeover,  or  pay  until  the  end  of  the  lease.  as  it’s  a  fairly  pricey  apartment,  neither  want  to  be  the  one  to  waste  their  money.
never  one  to  retreat  with  her  tail  between  her  legs,  danika  keeps  her  complaints  to  the  confines  of  her  family  and  is  sticking  it  out  in  hopes  of  moving  onto  the  next  chapter  of  her  life  soon.  sharing  an  apartment  with  your  now  ex  is  less  than  desirable,  but  danika  is  hoping  that  it  at  least  builds  character.  now  she’s  stuck  in  the  town  of  her  ex  and  his  family,  wishing  she  was  back  in  manhattan  but  also  slowly  growing  to  enjoy  blue  harbor.  to  her,  it  feels  almost  like  a  betrayal  with  how  her  life  flipped  since  arriving  and  she  tells  herself  once  her  lease  comes  due  in  four  months  that  her  bags  will  be  packed  once  again  for  new  york.
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casteliacityramen · 1 year
Munday Side Stories - Subject 150 Mewtwo
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Disclaimer: Gatekeeper idea made by Weapons Grade Waifus, formatting heavily inspired by SCP Foundation. ~3k Words
Subject 150 Mewtwo is an artificial pokemon created by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. Subject is a replication and/or amalgamation of genetic studies based on Mew (PKMN DEX # 151). Subject Mewtwo has been noted to be of extremely high intelligence and terrifying power, surpassing any known psychic entity in current and past history. Its His psychic abilities break the current known laws of telepathy and telekinesis. It’s He’s able to bypass solid material, such as steel and concrete, unless such material is treated with specific “dark” type coatings.
Subject 150 Mewtwo was created born on ██/██/██████ by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. When released to the rest of the world, Subject 150 Mewtwo fled to Cerulean Cave and stayed until the Subject he was pacified by Pokemon League Champion “Red”. Subject 150 Mewtwo has chosen to live in Cerulean Cave as of 2/18/1999 of his free will and continues to do so as of 5/22/2023 as its main inhabitant and protector.
Security Procedures:
Subject 150 Mewtwo is not to leave the area unless specific permission is granted by the current Secretary of Defense, or Ex-League Champion "Red." A team of high-performance military personnel will surround the inner and outer perimeter in constant combat readiness. Security personnel designation: Gatekeepers.
Gatekeepers will pass psychological evaluation and be re-evaluated every three months. Any abnormalities or severe changes in mental faculties will result in a release of duty from the Gatekeeper profession with full pay until the next fiscal year.
Interceptor Operator Teams with approved psy resistant gear will be on stand-by at all times. Inner ring perimeters will consist of four land-based phalanx weapon systems pointed at each cardinal direction. All stations are to be equipped with seismic recording devices for any underground movement. Pile-driven high-yield explosive charges are to be installed at ████████████, ██████, and ██████████ at minimum depths of 100 meters. All equipment will be inspected daily for wear.
Gatekeepers are to neutralize the Subject in the event of an inner perimeter breach.  Immediately inform the Secretary of Defense in the event of an inner or outer perimeter breach.
Gatekeepers are to provide any reasonable accommodations requested by Mewtwo by any means necessary.
Addendum 150.1: Gatekeeper Briefing
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[Date: 3/15/1999]
To whomever it may concern, 
You have been assigned as a Gatekeeper. Your mission is dual purpose.  One: You are the first and last defense against anything and everything that comes from this cave.  Two: You are to defend the inhabitant of this cave with your life.  This job may seem like the menial day-to-day service required of many others in various military branches, but know that the subject of your occupation is the single most dangerous living being currently occupying the world.  You shall be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. Make your country proud. Commander-in-Chief and Prime Minister of Kanto: Haruka Nagumo
Addendum 150.2: Email Logs between General Takashi Shino and Commander-in-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/12/2001]
Commander,  It has been brought to my attention that Subject 150 has not breached containment for the past three years. It’s always been aware of the surveillance equipment, but this might be the first time it’s acknowledged it. The subject seems to be interested in communication between the surveillance team. It's making motions towards its mouth and towards the cameras. What should be our next course of action? Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/13/2001]
General, After deliberating with Cinnabar’s Gym Leader Blaine, Professor Samuel Oak, and members of the ICSR ethics committee, Subject 150 is to be treated as a sapient with rights. We will be sending specialized communication equipment and appropriate protection equipment for leaving it outside the cave. When Subject 150 makes contact, I want rifle barrels pointed at the heads of the surveillance team. We have no gauge on the capabilities of Subject 150. That includes whether or not the surveillance team can be put under telepathic suggestion via digital communication. You are to report to me every single detail of communication regarding Subject 150. Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander,  We have successfully made contact with Subject 150. No casualties or suggestion of psy tampered personnel or equipment. Its first words with the surveillance team, and I quote, are the following: “I’m bored.” This doesn’t seem said out of defiance or malice, the Subject looks… well... bored out of its mind. I request that we send forms of entertainment via books, magazines, etc. if the science and ethics teams allow it. As always, the surveillance tapes are to follow in a separate file.  Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/14/2001]
General,  You are to give Subject 150 whatever it wants from the list provided, below. - Television with approved pre-programmed channels  - Kantonese Encyclopedia Set and Dictionary  - MP3 Player with non radio functions and pre-installed music  - Children’s coloring book with 64-Crayon set.  - A set of tennis balls - A chess board with all pieces - Silph Co. Technological Magazine Given the history of Subject 150’s mistreatment from humanity, let’s pray to Mother Mew that it decides to spare us if it takes the MP3 player. If it has to listen to the Dugtrio Duds’ latest song, we might all be dead the next day.  Keep me posted, Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander, The Subject has requested “all of the above.” General Takashi Shino
Afterword: Subject 150 has requested more items between the dates noted in Addendum 150.2 and 150.3. Such items include: the highest selling mystery novel written by up-and-coming Unovan author Shauntal; miscellaneous household items: blanket, mattress, pillows; and a grand piano. All items were delivered with no issues.
Addendum 150.3 - Instant Messenger Chat Log between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 5/23/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. Has the portable computer given you any problems?
S-150: None.
AS: How are your accommodations?
S-150: Lacking. The cave is not what I would consider ‘comfortable'. 
AS: I can put a request for more accommodations if you would like. 
S-150: That would be appreciated. Thank you.
[Date: 5/24/2001]
S-150: Hello.
AS: Hello. How are the items we provided you yesterday?
S-150: I broke the lamp. 
AS: Broke the what?
S-150: I was not aware of the fragility of this “lava lamp” that was provided. May I request another one? 
AS: Of course. 
S-150: I am also curious about the slots in this portable computer. It seems that there is room for something to enter this device. 
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The slot is for something called a “computer disk” that contains data on various subjects such as movies, music, and games.
S-150: Games can be played digitally?
AS: Correct. However, the portable computer you possess does not have the capability to “run” anything with limited electricity and processing power. It is a device strictly for communication. 
S-150: I see. May I request electricity and a computer that can run these games?
AS: Stand by.
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The request will need to be sent to a higher staff member. 
S-150: I have nothing but time.
Afterword: A nearby team of electricians were hired to provide electricity to the entrance to Cerulean Cave. Electricians refused to enter further than the entrance to the cave, reporting feelings of "pressure."
[Date: 5/27/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. I apologize for the location of the electrical grid, we hired a civilian contractor that has no formal combat and psychic training. 
S-150: It is acceptable. The instructions and instrumentation provided are very impressive. 
AS: Have you experienced anything of the sort before?
S-150: In a lab.
AS: I apologize. 
S-150: Haha
AS: Haha?
S-150: A laugh.
AS: I didn't realize you had a dark sense of humor.
S-150: I feel insulted. Am I not a sapient being like the rest of you?
AS: You are, but you would be surprised at the amount of sapients that lack a sense of ANY kind of humor.
S-150: They must lead dull and uninteresting lives.
AS: Haha  
Addendum 150.4 - Instant Message Chat Log between General Takashi Shino and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 7/21/2001]
Commander,  All seems to be well over here. The surveillance team is in unusually high spirits. It seems that the monitored conversations have done well to improve the morale of both the team and the subject.  The subject, however, has requested an improvement in the technology provided within Cerulean Cave: heating, cooling, ventilation, electricity, lighting, and most worryingly, internet access. I highly advise against the last option.  Respectfully,  Captain Takashi Shino
[Date 7/22/2001]
Takashi,  For whatever fucking reason, the committee has decided to approve all items including the goddamn internet. Arceus help us all. Nagumo
Addendum 150.5 - IM Chat Logs between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 7/29/2001]
AS: Did you seriously order a pizza party to Cerulean Cave?
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Yes, I did. 
AS: You realize that this area is under constant military surveillance? With top-of-the-line weaponry and security? And that the facilities near Cerulean Cave are designed to be defended with the upmost discretion?
S-150: Yes. May I have them?
AS: Stand by.
*Extended pause for HEAVY deliberation by surveillance team*
AS: We are sending a team of operators to the cave entrance to deliver the pizzas.
S-150:  :) 
Afterword: Subject 150 ordered the entirety of ‘Cerulean Pizzeria’s’ menu items meant for catering for large events. Such events as birthday parties and company-wide events. The delivery driver was sent back to his employer after signing a non-disclosure agreement drafted in short notice by Kanto Homeland Security.
[Date: 8/2/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Are you somehow cheating at chess?
AS: The surveillance team doesn’t appreciate that you’re reading their minds, so we’re equipping our psy helmets. Commander Nagumo told us that this isn’t a misappropriation of personal protection equipment. 
S-150:  Booooo >:/
Addendum 150.6.1 - Video Transcript 1 of Virtual Meeting Between Subject 150 - (New Designation: Mewtwo) and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/5/2001]
HN: Hello. I was told by my staff that you requested an audience with me? 
MT: Yes, I did. 
HN: May I ask what for?
MT: Perspective. 
HN: I’m sorry?
MT: What are your goals in… all of this? The guards, the provisions, everything?
HN (pauses): Well, you pose an interesting situation for the nation. You are simultaneously the most dangerous entity in the world, and yet the international committee has agreed that you should be treated like any regular Kantonese citizen. 
MT: The accommodations have been appreciated by all of us.
HN: Hold on a second, us?
MT: I have other pokemon who suffered at the hands of Team Rocket Scientists. They are experiments, like me. They live deeper in the cave. 
HN: Was there a reason you kept this hidden from us until now?
MT: I was scared for them.
HN: Scared?
MT: There are claims that I am the strongest on the planet, yet I was humbled by one of your youngest to hold the title of "champion." I am not as strong as I had hoped. I was not sure if I could provide for the ones I call siblings.
HN: They’re not as strong as you?
MT: On the contrary. They’ve been hurt, abused, and tortured at the hands of people like you.
HN: … People like me?
MT: Your records are public, Commander-In-Chief Nagumo. I understand that you took part of the Kanto-Johto war as a commanding officer. 
HN: I did. 
MT: Then you know what humanity is capable of. What you are capable of. You were a part of it, after all.
HN: I like to think that I’ve passed that. 
MT: Oh? And actions like these are supposed to redeem the actions of your subordinates at Blackthorn City?
HN: ...The ones responsible were put on trial and summarily executed. 
MT: Who says you shouldn’t belong there in the grave with them?
HN: Because my nephew died in Blackthorn by the hands of those... excuses for human beings. He was eight years old. Eight. I personally made sure that those responsible were lined up against a wall, shot, and buried so deep that the earth will roll ten times over before their remains ever see the sun again.
Silence fills the room. Mewtwo leans forward, focusing extremely hard at the screen. Review suggests that Mewtwo was able to telepathically deduce that Commander Nagumo was telling the truth.
MT: You're not lying.
HN: The internet doesn’t have all of the answers, unfortunately. Journalists take advantage of topics like this all of the time, especially if their motives are to smear your reputation while you run for office. If you want public access to the documents, beyond the spoon-feeding speculation of a half-wit college undergraduate, I’m afraid that you have to spend more time than that before you have access to the truth.
MT: (silence)
Commander Nagumo stands to leave, knocking her chair back in the process.
HN: If all you wanted to do is anger me, I’m afraid that this conversation is over.
MT: Wait. 
Commander Nagumo stops.
MT: I apologize. I was not aware that I did not have all of the information. 
HN: ... Apology accepted.
Commander Nagumo sits back down.
MT: Clearly not.
HN: It’s a... touchy subject. I know that you are new to this, but incidents like that don’t get discussed in such an accusatory manner, unless one is on trial or under duress.
Silence. Mewtwo looks uncharacteristically uncomfortable.
MT: You say that the documents detailing this event are accessible. May I see them?
Commander Nagumo turns to the rest of the surveillance and science team. All of them are vehemently shaking their heads or making gestures of disapproval.
HN: Sure.
Surveillance Staff Member: Prime Minister-
HN: I don’t want to hear it. He has the right to know.
HN (turning to mewtwo): Against my advice, my cabinet seem to think that talking about our shame makes us weak. Although, their argument has some merit. The full details don’t paint a good picture of our actions during the Kanto-Johto war. You might not like what you see. 
MT: I have been subject to cruelty that you would not imagine. I feel that you will have to put forth tremendous effort to phase me.
HN: You’d be surprised at what I’ve watched soldiers do for the sake of themselves and their country. Human and pokemon alike.
MT: I see. May we continue this conversation after I’ve read the documents?
HN: If you learn how to be polite in conversation, perhaps. 
MT: You will have to be patient with me. I am only six years old, after all.
Addendum 150.6.2 - Video Transcript 2 of Virtual Meeting Between Mewtwo and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/6/2001]
HN: Good morning. 
MT: Hello. Good morning. I would like to apologize for my words the other day. 
Commander Nagumo takes a brief moment to take a sip of her coffee.
HN: I forgive you. I understand why you might be wary of people like me. Talking about Blackthorn is like reopening an old wound, but I should have kept my temper in check. I am also sorry.
MT: I understand and I forgive you. I still harbor resentment towards those who have wronged me. However, you are not one of them. It would be unfair to treat you as such. I let my emotions surface more than I wanted. I would like to continue our conversation, if you would allow it. 
HN: By all means. Before we do...
Commander Nagumo raises a binder to the screen.
HN: Since you had some files on me, I decided to take a deeper look into your time with Team Rocket. It’s all kinds of fucked. 
MT: Fucked?
A science team audibly groans in the background. Commander Nagumo sheepishly lowers the binder and clears her throat. 
HN: It’s an expletive. The science team decided to keep your education material elementary, but given all that’s happened between us, and between you and Team Rocket, I figure we can drop the kindergarten language. 
MT: That... is appreciated. I have to admit, I was beginning to feel that I was being talked down to. I feel that you and I, at the very least, can converse as equals. 
HN: Equals?
MT: The world has not been kind to us, Prime Minister. Given my current circumstance and your position of power, I believe that you and I have a lot in common. We both are responsible for people we care about. We both fought to be where we are and have made grave mistakes in doing so. We are both leaving behind the battlefield, where we thrive, to talk to each other for the sake of cooperation and peace.
HN (visibly surprised): Well, it’s good to see that the strongest pokemon in the world has the capacity of sympathy and empathy. 
MT: I am glad to see that someone in a high position, like yourself, don't see a conversation with a pokemon as beneath you. 
HN: On the contrary. I’m very pleased to let you know that Team Rocket’s views towards pokemon is very, very much out of the ordinary. I’ve see pokemon exhibit more “humanity” than what the best of humanity have to offer.
Commander Nagumo puts the binder away.
HN: Picking up from yesterday, I understand that you have companions in Cerulean Cave?
MT: Yes. In addition to the pokemon who previously inhabited this cave, I have fellow Rocket victims that are seeking refuge. The intent of our initial meeting was to request additional accommodations for them.
Commander Nagumo takes a pen and piece of paper from a nearby surveillance member.
HN: If there is anything that we can do to make your lives comfortable, list them. 
MT: … May I ask what you are drinking?
HN: It’s coffee. 
MT: May I request that, as well?
HN: I don’t know, it might not be palatable for someone with a six-year-old tongue. 
MT: Try me.
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fvlmincre · 10 months
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[  riley  keough,  cis  woman,  she/her  ]  —  whoa!  AUDEN  MONROE  just  stole  my  cab!  not  cool,  but  maybe  they  needed  it  more.  they  have  lived  in  the  city  for  HER  WHOLE  LIFE,  working  as  a  GHOST  WRITER/CONCEPT  ARTIST.  that  can’t  be  easy,  especially  at  only  32  YEARS  OLD.  some  people  say  they  can  be  a  little  bit  MERCURIAL  and  JUDGMENTAL,  but  i  know  them  to  be  GENIAL  and  ASSIDUOUS.  whatever.  i  guess  i’ll  catch  the  next  cab.  hope  they  like  the  ride  back  to  BROOKLYN!
FULL NAME: auden grace monroe
BIRTHDAY: february 3rd, 1991
BIRTHPLACE: upper west side, manhattan, new york
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual / biromanitc
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english ( fluent ) & french ( fluent )
HEIGHT: 5'7"
HAIR COLOR: copper red
OCCUPATION: ghost writer / concept artist
auden  was  born  into  a  family  invested  in  literature  —  her  father  a  longstanding  editor  for  random  house  before  its  big  merger  with  penguin  in  2013,  while  her  mother  is  a  beloved  gothic  and  victorian  literature professor  at  columbia  university.  it  came  only  natural  that  the  monroe  children  would  be  born  with  names  to  reflect  such  a  shared  love  for  the  written  word.  atticus  (  named  after  their  parents’  mutual  love  for  to  kill  a  mockingbird,  age  37  ),  emerson  (  named  after  one  of  their  mother’s  favorite  poets,  age  34  ),  auden  (  named  after  her  father’s  favorite  poet,  age  32  ),  and  matilda  (  named  after  the  shared  love  for  the  ronald  dahl  novel  of  the  same  name,  age  28  ).  it  became  less  a  matter  if  auden  and  her  siblings  would  enjoy  reading  as  a  hobby,  but  when.  especially  since  books  were  oftentimes  scattered  around  the  brownstone  townhouse  the  bustling  family  lived  in,  from  the  novels  being  discussed  in  her  mother’s  courses,  to  the  manuscripts  in  her  father’s  office  that  auden  would  more  often  than  not  sneak  into  to  read.
creativity  was  embraced  in  the  monroe  household,  but  not  to  an  extent  that  should  auden  or  her  siblings  find  more  academic  holding  in  stem  that  it  should  deter  them.  auden  herself  would  discover  her  dual  love  for  art  and  writing  at  an  early  age,  oftentimes  drawing  illustrations  to  work  alongside  the  short  stories  she  would  write.  she  remembers  the  encouragement  of  her  parents,  even  going  to  show  her  how  her  passion  for  her  two  skills  can  be  applied  to  many  creative  forms  whether  that  be  children’s  books,  comics,  or  even  graphic  novels.  to  auden,  her  artistic  ability  shined  brighter  than  her  storytelling  abilities.  for  this  reason  she  would  sharpen  her  focus  on  her  drawing  skills,  practicing  enough  and  enrolling  in  extracurricular  classes  that  would  allow  her  to  hone  in  on  her  craft.  her  parents’  income  allowed  for  auden  to  be  tutored  privately,  keeping  her  grades  up  across  the  board  so  she  could  later  on  apply  to  the  rhode  island  school  of  design  for  drawing. 
high  school  fades  into  college  where  auden  does  go  on  to  pursue  an  illustration  degree  from  rhode  island  school.  during  this  time  she  still  writes,  dabbles  in  her  journal  with  short  stories  and  ideas  for  potential  future  writings,  but  that’s  all  she  ever  really  views  it  —  dabbling.  for  as  much  as  auden  would  like  to  write  her  own  book  and  have  a  finished  manuscript,  like  the  ones  that  look  at  home  on  her  father’s  desk  in  his  office,  auden  struggles  putting  the  pieces  together  to  form  a  full  and  cohesive  narrative.  or  so  she  tells  herself.  it’s  with  that  in  mind  that  she  decides  her  future  holds  best  a  career  that  showcases  her  art.  her  undergraduate  years  are  filled  with  hard  work  and  fun,  before  auden  is  walking  across  the  stage  with  her  degree  in  hand.
auden  takes  up  odd  jobs  here  and  there  in  the  first  three  years  post  college  when  she  moves  back  home  to  manhattan,  not  quite  feeling  fulfilled  at  what  she’s  doing  with  her  art  when  she  knows  she’s  capable  of  so  much  more.  it’s  on  a  whim  that  auden  decides  to  apply  at  video  game  company  for  their  open  concept  artist  position  despite  not  being  much  of  a  video  game  person  herself.  her  flair  for  details  between  conceptual  character  art  and  landscapes  is  what  earns  her  the  job  and  as  she  settles  in,  auden  comes  to  realize  that  she’s  found  her  place.
as  the  years  progress  and  auden  enters  her  late  twenties,  she  meets  her  partner  where  the  two  would  eventually  go  on  to  become  engaged.  auden  settles  into  her  career  with  a  promotion  and  pay  raise  before  slowly  dipping  her  toes  back  into  writing.  she  may  have  stopped  writing  in  her  journal  as  much,  but  it’s  with  the  insistence  of  her  father  that  she  doesn’t  bury  her  voice  and  somehow  finds  herself  in  the  side  gig  of  a  ghost  writer.  her  parents  both  think  auden  is  more  than  capable  to  fully  devote  herself  to  writing  her  own  book  and  it  being  successful  on  its  own  merit,  but  for  now,  auden  is  happy  to  write  out  the  inner  machinations  of  someone  else's  mind.  auden  pushes  her  own  self  doubts  regarding  her  creativity  to  the  side  and  enjoys  the  budding  collection  on  her  bookshelf  of  books  she’s  technically  written,  but  have  the  name  of  someone  else.  the  books  act  as  a  physical  reminder  that  her  writing  is  good  enough  to  be  published  even  if  she  hasn’t  ever  taken  the  plunge  with  her  own  ideas.  auden  is  content  with  where  she  is  in  both  her  art  career  and  her  writing  pursuits.
in  terms  of  her  romantic  life,  auden  wishes  she  was  as  thriving  as  she  is  in  her  career.  she  and  her  partner  were  together  for  five  years  and  engaged  for  a  year  and  a  half  when  the  two  made  the  mutual  decision  to  part  ways.  each  claim  a  differing  reason  as  to  why  they  grew  apart,  but  the  only  agreeable  bit  of  information  is  that  the  two  are  stuck  together  in  their  lease  for  another  few  months  since  whoever  breaks  it  is  responsible  to  pay  both  halves  of  the  rent  until  the  end  of  the  lease.  never  one  to  retreat  with  her  tail  between  her  legs,  auden  keeps  her  complaints  to  the  confines  of  her  family  and  is  sticking  it  out  in  hopes  of  moving  onto  the  next  chapter  of  her  life  soon.  sharing  an  apartment  with  your  now  ex  is  less  than  desirable,  but  auden  is  hoping  that  it  at  least  builds  character.
childhood friends pls !!! auden grew up in nyc so perhaps they lived in the same neighborhood or met in the park or any other way !!
general besties
most recent hinge date or blind date ... could have ended horribly or a hook up or even just on friendly terms
someone that auden frequents the dumbo flea market with
bookstore buddy who auden likes to drag w her to buy books bc they have a nice routine of coffee and reading
apartment neighbors !!! tho bear in mind that auden lives in williamsburg, brooklyn
maybe a frequent hookup that auden is seeing as she's trying to get over her ex that she has to continue to live with
someone who frequents the same estate sale listings as auden and the two have the same taste and often have to duke it out for the vintage candelabra
drink buddies bc everyone needs a solid call up when you need a martini
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icingsweet · 2 years
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CAT, 28, GMT;  SHE/THEY. if you’re hearing JUST A GIRL by NO DOUBT playing, you have to know ALICE EVANS (SHE/HER; DEMIGIRL) is near by! the 26 year old BAKER AND INSTAGRAMMER has been in denver for, like, SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite STRESSED, but being GENTLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble BREE KISH. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those ROSY CHEEKS, FAIRY LIGHTS, AND BELIEVING IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.  vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the THE WOODS long enough!
Sweet Encounter, on Old South Gaylord Street, is a small and modern bakery. It’s known for their fresh bread and, more recently, their cupcake bouquets. There is a small seating area for four. Wheelchair accessible. Takeout and gift cards are available.
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NAME: alice evans
NIKNAMES: none (please give her some!)
AGE: twenty-six.
BIRTHDAY: may 14th, 1996.
ETHNICITY: african-american (maternal grandmother) and white.
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: demigirl, she/they.
SEXUALITY: demisexual.
OCCUPATION: baker and co-owner at sweet encounter.
FAMILY: gina evans (mother, alice and her siblings kept her mother’s name) anthony berry (father) barry tills (step-father) rudi gilbert (uncle) and unnamed eight siblings.
OTHER CONNECTIONS: none (please give her some!)
HAIR COLOUR: ginger.
EYE COLOUR: brown.
HEIGHT: 157cm / 5 foot 2 inches.
TATTOOS: a fat roll back piece of two flowers [REFERENCE]
PIERCINGS: lobe piercings on each side and left-side nose piercing.
MISC: has freckles and gapped front teeth.
bakery employees!
crushes (can be unrequited!)
people they’d meet who come to the bakery often!
people she’s met on either instagram (cooking or photography)!
Alice was born and raised in Cambridge, United Kingdom, to an American mother originally from Denver and a British father. Throughout her childhood and teenage years, the family routinely visited their mother’s family and Alice has always had a strong bond with her family members who live there, especially her uncle Rudi who she connected with on a creative level.
Coming from a big family, the middle child of eight, Alice often felt overshadowed and as though more attention goes towards their siblings. She was never the most academic nor the most rebellious so most of the time she felt invisible.
Once finishing high school, Alice decided not to go to college and instead accept the full-time job offer from the local bakery where she had already been working weekends. Despite it being early hours and hard on their feet, she loved it. While her job was going great she couldn’t help but shake the feeling of wanting to be somewhere else. Somewhere where she wanted to feel appreciated and heard. That meant Uncle Rudi. And after confiding in their Uncle, who said there’s a place for her here, that’s all it took to convince Alice to pack her bags. Having dual nationality made it a breeze. Logically. 
Alice has general anxiety and a stutter. Some of the things that trigger her anxiety are being in places that they’re not familiar with, in crowded places, and when too many people focus on her talking at once. It made going to America daunting and at one point she thought it was a mistake. Slowly but surely she got used to Denver but still hasn’t explored all the places it has to offer. 
She runs a successful Instagram account where they post the creations she makes at home alongside fashion and general posts which align with her aesthetic  — cake rolls of various colours with iced designs on them, cupcakes the shape of mushrooms, tea parties she’s set, and nature she finds around the city!
Photography is a big passion of hers. She has a side Instagram where she posts the photographs she takes (including that of their pet rabbit, ricecake). They particularly enjoy portraits of other people to celebrate body diversity and acceptance. 
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royalrealty · 12 days
Safety Features to Look for When Renting a Car in India in 2024
When it comes to renting a car in India in 2024, safety should be your top priority. With increasing awareness about road safety, car manufacturers are introducing advanced safety features that can make your driving experience much safer. Here’s a guide to the key safety features to look for when you opt for a car rent service.
Current Safety Standards in India
The automotive landscape in India has seen significant improvements in safety regulations. The government has implemented various standards aimed at enhancing vehicle safety. Some of the critical regulations include:
Bharat New Vehicle Safety Assessment Program (BNVSAP): This program evaluates vehicles based on their crash test performance, providing crucial information about safety levels.
Mandatory Airbags: All new cars must come equipped with dual front airbags to protect drivers and passengers in the event of a collision.
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD): These systems help maintain steering control during braking, preventing accidents.
Speed Alert Systems: Vehicles are required to alert drivers when they exceed 80 km/h, helping to promote safer driving habits.
Essential Safety Features for 2024
As you consider renting a car, keep an eye out for the following advanced safety features:
1. Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
ADAS includes a range of technologies designed to assist drivers, enhancing road safety. Key features include:
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Automatically adjusts the vehicle's speed to maintain a safe distance from the car ahead.
Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR): Detects and displays traffic signs, helping drivers stay informed about speed limits and other important regulations.
Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS): Monitors driver alertness, providing warnings if signs of fatigue or distraction are detected.
2. Lane Departure Warning Systems
These systems alert you if your vehicle unintentionally drifts out of its lane. Some models even feature Lane Keeping Assist (LKA), which gently steers the car back into its lane if necessary.
3. Blind-Spot Detection
Using sensors, this feature monitors areas that are not visible in your mirrors, warning you if another vehicle is in your blind spot, thereby reducing the risk of side collisions.
4. Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)
AEB systems can detect potential collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians and automatically apply the brakes if necessary. This feature can significantly reduce the severity of accidents.
5. Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
ESC helps maintain control during extreme steering maneuvers, applying brakes to individual wheels when needed. This is crucial for preventing skids and losing control.
6. Rear Cross-Traffic Alert
When reversing, this feature alerts you to approaching traffic from the sides, making it easier to navigate out of parking spaces safely.
Recent Advances in Car Safety Technology
The automotive industry is constantly evolving, and several cutting-edge technologies are now being integrated into vehicles:
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication: This technology allows cars to communicate with each other and surrounding infrastructure, improving overall safety by providing real-time traffic information.
Night Vision Systems: These systems enhance visibility in low-light conditions, helping to detect pedestrians or obstacles that may not be easily seen.
Advanced Airbag Systems: New designs adjust deployment based on the severity of the collision, offering better protection for occupants.
As you consider your options for car rent in 2024, prioritize vehicles that come equipped with these advanced safety features. Staying informed about the latest safety technologies can make your driving experience not only safer but also more enjoyable. By choosing a car that meets high safety standards, you contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. Enjoy your journey with peace of mind!
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arcmdesign · 25 days
CDC Duplex Design in Maroubra: Maximizing Coastal Property Potential
Maroubra, a vibrant beachside suburb in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, is becoming an increasingly popular location for property developments, particularly CDC (Complying Development Certificate) duplex designs. As property prices rise and space becomes more limited, duplex developments offer an innovative and practical solution for homeowners and investors looking to maximize the potential of their land. By choosing a CDC duplex design Maroubra, property owners can benefit from a streamlined approval process, modern architectural designs, and flexible living arrangements.
The CDC process allows for a more efficient development path compared to traditional Development Applications (DA). As long as the duplex design complies with state regulations, such as building height restrictions, setbacks, and environmental considerations, approval can be granted without the need for lengthy council involvement. This faster and simpler approval process makes CDC-compliant duplex designs an appealing option for those looking to develop in Maroubra.
Duplex developments offer a range of benefits in Maroubra’s competitive real estate market. These dual-occupancy homes allow for two separate residences on a single block, providing various options for property owners. Whether you choose to live in one side and rent or sell the other, or create multi-generational living arrangements, a duplex offers flexibility and increased property value. With Maroubra’s strong rental demand, investing in a duplex can provide steady income streams or the opportunity for capital growth in the future.
Architecturally, CDC duplex design in Maroubra embrace the coastal lifestyle, often featuring open-plan layouts, large windows for natural light, and seamless indoor-outdoor transitions. These designs take advantage of Maroubra’s beachside setting, incorporating outdoor entertainment spaces like balconies and courtyards that complement the relaxed, coastal vibe of the area. Additionally, many duplex designs now prioritize sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and water-saving features to reduce the environmental impact and long-term costs for homeowners.
Developing a CDC duplex in Maroubra allows homeowners to maximize the potential of their land while maintaining the aesthetic and lifestyle that makes the suburb so desirable. By working with experienced architects and builders familiar with local regulations, homeowners can ensure their duplex design is not only compliant with CDC guidelines but also reflective of the unique character of Maroubra.
For those looking to enhance their property investment or create flexible living solutions, a CDC duplex design Maroubra provides a smart, efficient, and stylish approach. With its coastal appeal, growing property market, and streamlined development process, Maroubra is the ideal location to embark on a duplex project.
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suvcarslover · 2 months
Top 10 Features That Make the Kia Seltos X Line Stand Out
When it comes to SUVs, buyers today want more than rugged capability and utility. They seek standout style, premium features, and an experience that indulges the senses. Understanding this evolving demand, Kia India has introduced the Seltos X Line, which takes this compact SUV to the next level.
It combines the practicality of the Seltos with an extra dose of finesse and sophistication. So, if you're looking for an compact SUV that conquers the terrain and makes a bold statement, read on to understand the ten features that make the Kia Seltos X Line stand apart on the road.
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Here are these extraordinary Kia Seltos features:
A Bold Exterior Presence The Kia Seltos X Line features a Matte Graphite Radiator Grille upfront with a Knurled Glossy Black Surround that gives this SUV a bold and modern look. The intricate knurled pattern on the black surround adds textural depth and sophistication. This premium grille sets the tone for the Seltos X Line variant right from the front.
Enhanced All-Round Visibility The 360-degree camera paired with Blind View Monitor drives awareness to the next level in the Seltos X Line. The four wide-angle cameras provide a bird's eye view of the SUV on the infotainment screen. This helps immensely while parking in tight spots. Further, the Blind View Monitor keeps you alerted to vehicles in your blind spots when changing highway lanes. These technologies provide you with exceptional visibility of your surroundings for confident driving.
Indulgent Interiors The Seltos X Line welcomes you with plush Sage Green Leatherette Seats featuring an intricate Chevron stitching pattern . The dual-tone black and green interior trim looks upscale, while the padded Kia Seltos leather seats offer superior comfort over long journeys. The contrast stitching adds visual depth and textural richness.
Driver-Focused Display The Smart 8-inch Head-up Display is thoughtfully positioned to minimize distraction. It projects essential graphics like speed, navigation prompts, and driver assist warnings right in your line of sight on the windshield glass. This lets you check key data without moving your head away from the road. Overall, it makes driving less taxing while keeping you informed.
Rugged Style Accents True to its SUV roots, the Kia Seltos X Line features sturdy, Glossy Black Skid Plates on both the front and rear bumpers. Strategically wrapped under, these metallic inserts safeguard the lower body from rough terrain. At the same time, the high-gloss black finish elevates the design. The Seltos X Line portrays rugged capability through premium styling.
Panoramic Views Throughout The Dual-Pane Panoramic Sunroof gives the Seltos cabin an airy, expansive feel while allowing all passengers to enjoy views of cloud formations and trees overhead. The single piece curved front glass section tilts open to let fresh air in. While the fixed rear glass ensures abundant ambient light even for rear seat occupants. Whether stargazing on a highway trip or simply winding down on the way back home, the panoramic sunroof makes every drive more relaxing.
Sporty Exterior Profile The Kia Seltos X Line dials up the style quotient through Glossy Black ORVMs (Outside Rear-View Mirrors) and Matte Graphite Door Handles . Viewed from the side, they nearly disappear into the window line, giving the sensation of levitating mirrors. Coming around the back, the metallic graphite door handles feel cooler to the touch while adding premium tactility. Their colour neatly matches other elements like the iconic tiger nose grille.
Ergonomic Control Center The D-Cut Steering Wheel is a standout feature in the Seltos X Line’s ergonomic cabin layout. However, the Seltos logo and intricate orange stitching also capture attention. The contrast stitching injects artisan richness and allows customization through the drive mode selector. The D-cut steering wheel lets you rule the road in style.
BOSE Premium Sound System The Kia Seltos X Line lets you enjoy sublime audio quality on the move via its segment-leading BOSE Premium Sound System . BOSE engineers exclusively fine-tuned this audio setup to deliver the signature lifelike, thrilling sound for which the brand is renowned. At its heart are eight custom-engineered speakers strategically placed around the cabin.
This bespoke speaker system uses the Seltos' inherent chassis rigidity to create an immersive acoustic stage. Whether you’re listening to your favourite singer's soaring vocals or an EDM track's intense beats, the BOSE system engages your aural senses.
Stylish Rims with Substance Rolling on R-18 Crystal-Cut Glossy Black Alloy Wheels, the Kia Seltos X Line makes a lasting style statement. With their multi-spoke layout spanning 46.20 cm (18 inches) in diameter, these alloys lend a contemporary edge. But the high-gloss black paint and precision diamond-cut machining make them stand out. The Bottom Line The X-Line model of the Kia Seltos car clearly raises the bar for style, comfort, and technology in the compact SUV segment. Its bold exterior design, surround-view cameras, expansive sunroof, and other premium features indulge the senses, while the practical underpinnings still promise real SUV capability.
It showcases how Kia India continues to push boundaries by combining substance with sophistication. For buyers seeking both practicality and prestige from their SUV, the Seltos X Line hits that sweet spot.
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renaultsindia · 2 months
Unveiling India’s Top 5 Seven-Seater Cars!
In India, buying seven-seater cars isn’t as simple as it may seem. We aren’t necessarily referring to affordability but the choices available! Lately, many automakers, domestic and international, have ventured into India’s seven-seater car market. As a result, consumers have more choices to look at than ever. So, what options do you have when it comes to seven-seater cars in India? Let’s look at the top five.
Note: The features mentioned below may vary with the variant chosen. We recommend visiting the respective vehicle’s website for the latest information.
Renault Triber
Considered one of India’s safest seven-seater cars, Triber is one of Renault’s milestone products that redefines class with every inch of its design.
The vehicle offers class-leading features, including spacious interiors designed ergonomically to deliver optimal comfort, 20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV with Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM, 100+ seating combinations, up to 625-litres of boot space, 17.78 cm TFT instrument cluster, steering wheel mounted controls for handsfree access and much more.
Renault Triber also has numerous security features, including a traction control system, electronic stability program, hill start assist, and tyre pressure monitoring system. Besides, it has earned a 4-star rating for adult occupant safety and a 3-star rating for child occupant safety by GNCAP.
Renault Triber price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Toyota Rumion
Another trustworthy car on our list of top seven-seater cars in India is Toyota Rumion. The vehicle is one of the most revered seven-seaters with a range of features and unmatched reliability. Some features of Rumion premium grille with chrome finish on the front bumper, smartphone connectivity, plush dual tone seat fabric, ample luggage space, and row roof mounted AC with speed control. A few security features of this elegant seven-seater car include dual front airbags, seat side airbags, hill hold assist, ABS with EBD and brake assist and Heartect platform. Toyota Rumion ₹ 10.44 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Mahindra XUV 700
Massive, yet stylish enough to sweep you off your feet, Mahindra XUV 700 is a vehicle you cannot miss out on reviewing while talking about the top seven-seater cars in India. Mahindra XUV 700 is as loaded with features as it is with its stunning looks. Some striking ones include various ADAS-based ones, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, 360-degree surround sound system, Adrenox Connect App, blind view monitoring, electronic stability control, and Smart Pilot Assist. Mahindra XUV 700 price starts at ₹ 13.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Kia Carens
With its phenomenal looks, Kia Carens redefines class and elegance! However, the vehicle isn’t merely about appearance. It is one loaded with numerous resonating features, including premium headlining, Kia signature Tiger Nose grille with silver surround accents, 31.7 cm (12.5”) full segment LCD cluster with advanced 10.6cm (4.2”) colour TFT MID, tilt type power steering adjustable drives seat, etc. 
Not to forget the seamless drives that Carens delivers through hill-start assist control, downhill brake control, ABS, electronic stability control, tyre pressure monitoring system, speed sensing door lock, seat belt reminders and many more safety features. Kia Carens price starts at ₹ 10.51 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Mahindra Scorpio
Mahindra Scorpio is another on our list of seven-seater cars in India. The vehicle follows the legacy of the old Scorpio that turned a hit across the country’s urban and rural segments. The new Mahindra Scorpio has undergone a significant facelift, giving it a sportier and more stylish appearance. 
Some features of Mahindra Scorpio include an intelligent cockpit, powerful rear AC, tall stacked LED tail lamps, rear camera, signature metallic Scorpio tail element and diamond alloy cut wheels. The vehicle also features two robust engine variants, including 2.0L 4-cylinder and 2.2L 4-cylinder. Mahindra Scorpio price starts at ₹ 13.61 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
We hope the above helps. Don’t forget to review a few others like Hyundai Alcazar, Mahindra Bolero, Toyota Innova Crysta and Toyota Fortuner if you have a much higher budget for the seven-seater you’ve always aspired to. If you are looking out for an economical seven-seater car with the latest features and performance that outscores many others in its range, Renault Triber can prove a prudent choice. The vehicle, which is now one of India’s most preferred seven-seaters, is the perfect choice for a seamless, safe, and spacious driving experience.
Visit us https://www.renault.co.in/cars/renault-triber.html 
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archinspiree · 1 year
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Side by Side Dual Occupancy Designs | Archinspire.com
Experience the perfect balance of space and privacy with Archinspire.com side-by-side dual occupancy designs. Enjoy the convenience of two homes in one without compromising on style and luxury.
Side by Side Dual Occupancy Designs
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spyskrapbook · 4 months
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"Unité d’Habitation / La Cité Radieuse", 280 Boulevard  Michelet, 13008, Marseille, France [1947-52] _ Architect: Le Corbusier _ Photos by: Spyros Kaprinis [25.05.2024].
"The building takes the form of a housing bar 135 metres long, 24 metres wide, 56 metres high and mounted on stilts. Three hundred and thirty apartments, divided into twenty-three different types, can accommodate a population of between 1,500 and 1,700 occupants having at their disposal on the seventh and eighth floors a shopping street and a hotel-restaurant, together with a kindergarten and sports facilities on the roof terrace. The constructive principle adopted, the so-called “bottle rack”, consists in building apartments inside an independent frame of posts and reinforced concrete beams. The apartments are made up of standard elements assembled on the site. All the apartments are dual-aspect, except those on the south side. A sun-break loggia provides an open-air facility at the same time as limiting exposure to sunlight. Protected by double glazing, the apartment interiors are subject to the two basic rules of naval and monastic architecture: rationalism and simplicity. The living room, open on two levels, is the nucleus of the family “home”; upstairs the parents’ room occupies the mezzanine. The kitchen is equipped like a laboratory: electric cooker, refrigerator, rubbish chute and storage racks. The entire apartment is fitted with racks replacing traditional storage. The ventilation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilets is mechanically operated, while the entire apartment is supplied with clean air by an air conditioning system. These facilities were not found in the low-cost collective housing units of the time, and the standard surface areas of the Unité d’Habitation are greater than these by between 40% and 50%. The seventeen-storeys below the terrace are connected by eight interior streets which, given the overlap of the two-storey apartments, each serve three floors. Each street is accessed by a battery of four elevators complemented by a service elevator and three emergency staircases. The entire building and its equipment are designed in terms of the Modulor, the universal measuring unit conceived by Le Corbusier."
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autocarindianews · 2 months
Kia Sonet: The Stylish and Versatile Compact SUV Redefining the Segment
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The Kia Sonet has quickly become a standout in the highly competitive compact SUV segment. Combining stylish design, advanced features, and impressive performance, the Sonet is designed to appeal to a wide range of drivers. Whether you’re navigating city streets or hitting the open road, the Kia Sonet offers a versatile and enjoyable driving experience.
Striking Design
One of the first things that catch your eye about the Kia Sonet is its bold and dynamic design. The front fascia features Kia’s signature tiger-nose grille, flanked by sleek LED headlamps with integrated DRLs (Daytime Running Lights). The sporty bumper, prominent skid plates, and aggressive lines give the Sonet a rugged yet refined look.
From the side, the Sonet’s sculpted body, roof rails, and 16-inch alloy wheels enhance its sporty stance. The rear of the vehicle continues the stylish theme with LED tail lamps connected by a reflective strip, a sporty rear bumper, and a faux skid plate. This combination of elements ensures that the Kia Sonet stands out on the road.
Interior Comfort and Technology
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Step inside the Kia Sonet, and you’ll find a well-appointed cabin that blends comfort with cutting-edge technology. The interior is spacious, with ample headroom and legroom for both front and rear passengers. High-quality materials, such as leatherette upholstery and soft-touch surfaces, add a touch of luxury to the cabin.
The Sonet comes loaded with advanced features to keep you connected and entertained on the go. The centerpiece of the dashboard is a large 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system that supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. Additionally, the system includes navigation, voice recognition, and a premium Bose sound system to enhance your driving experience.
Other notable interior features include a fully digital instrument cluster, automatic climate control, wireless phone charging, ventilated front seats, and a multifunction steering wheel. These features ensure that every journey in the Kia Sonet is comfortable and convenient.
Performance and Efficiency
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Under the hood, the Kia Sonet offers a range of powerful and efficient engine options. Depending on the variant, you can choose between a 1.2-liter naturally aspirated petrol engine, a 1.0-liter turbocharged petrol engine, and a 1.5-liter diesel engine. These engines are paired with various transmission options, including a 5-speed manual, 6-speed manual, 6-speed automatic, and a 7-speed DCT (Dual-Clutch Transmission).
The 1.0-liter turbo petrol engine is particularly noteworthy for its punchy performance and excellent fuel efficiency. It produces 118 bhp and 172 Nm of torque, making it perfect for both city driving and highway cruising. The diesel engine, on the other hand, offers robust torque and impressive fuel economy, making it an ideal choice for long-distance travel.
Safety and Reliability
Safety is a top priority for Kia, and the Sonet is equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features. Standard safety equipment includes dual front airbags, ABS with EBD, rear parking sensors, and ISOFIX child seat anchors. Higher variants add features such as side and curtain airbags, electronic stability control, hill start assist, and a rearview camera.
The Sonet’s robust build quality and Kia’s reputation for reliability further enhance its appeal. The vehicle has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it meets global safety standards and provides peace of mind to its occupants.
The Kia Sonet is a compact SUV that delivers on style, comfort, performance, and safety. Its striking design, feature-rich interior, and versatile engine options make it a compelling choice for those seeking a modern and capable SUV. Whether you’re a city dweller or an adventure seeker, the Kia Sonet is designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With its competitive pricing and Kia’s strong after-sales support, the Sonet is poised to be a popular choice in the compact SUV market.
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mousumi03 · 3 months
The Benefits and Importance of Insulated Fire Doors in Modern Building Safety
Insulated fire doors are critical components in ensuring both fire safety and energy efficiency in modern buildings. These specialized doors are designed to withstand fire, prevent its spread, and provide insulation against temperature changes, making them an essential element in both commercial and residential structures.
Understanding Insulated Fire Doors
Insulated fire doors are engineered to provide dual protection: they prevent the spread of fire and smoke while also offering thermal insulation. This dual functionality makes them indispensable in maintaining the safety and integrity of buildings.
Key Features of Insulated Fire Doors
Fire Resistance: These doors are built to withstand high temperatures and flames for a specified period, usually ranging from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the rating.
Thermal Insulation: Insulated fire doors reduce heat transfer, helping to maintain a stable temperature on the non-fire side, which can be crucial for protecting occupants and sensitive equipment.
Smoke Seals: Equipped with intumescent seals, these doors expand when exposed to heat, sealing gaps and preventing the spread of smoke, which is often more deadly than the flames themselves.
Durable Materials: Typically made from materials like steel, solid wood, or composite materials, insulated fire doors are robust and designed to withstand both fire and daily wear and tear.
Certification and Compliance: These doors are rigorously tested and certified by recognized standards such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories), FM (Factory Mutual), or BS (British Standards), ensuring they meet strict safety and performance criteria.
Benefits of Insulated Fire Doors
Enhanced Safety: By containing fire and smoke, these doors provide vital time for occupants to evacuate safely and for emergency services to respond.
Energy Efficiency: The thermal insulation properties help maintain indoor temperatures, reducing energy costs associated with heating and cooling.
Property Protection: Limiting the spread of fire minimizes damage to the building and its contents, protecting both assets and investments.
Compliance with Regulations: Installing certified insulated fire doors ensures that buildings meet local fire safety regulations, which is essential for legal and insurance purposes.
Noise Reduction: In addition to thermal insulation, these doors can also provide soundproofing benefits, contributing to a quieter indoor environment.
Applications of Insulated Fire Doors
Commercial Buildings: Offices, shopping centers, and hotels use insulated fire doors to protect occupants and property while maintaining energy efficiency.
Residential Buildings: High-rise apartments, dormitories, and homes benefit from the added safety and thermal insulation these doors provide.
Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals and clinics use insulated fire doors to protect patients, staff, and sensitive equipment from fire and to maintain controlled temperatures.
Educational Institutions: Schools and universities install these doors to safeguard students and staff while ensuring energy-efficient buildings.
Maintenance of Insulated Fire Doors
Routine Inspections: Regularly check the doors for any signs of damage or wear, including the seals, hinges, and frames.
Functional Testing: Periodically test the doors to ensure they close properly and the seals expand as expected when exposed to heat.
Repairs and Replacements: Promptly address any issues, such as damaged seals or hinges, to maintain the door’s integrity and functionality.
By providing fire resistance, thermal insulation, and smoke containment, these doors play a crucial role in protecting occupants and property. Choosing certified insulated fire doors and ensuring their proper installation and maintenance are vital steps towards achieving a safer, more energy-efficient building environment.
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zenzeonusa · 4 months
2 Person Computer Desk For Long Term Goals
In the constantly evolving realm of remote employment and domestic workspaces, establishing a conducive environment for collaborative effort and productivity is paramount. This is where 2 person computer deskcomes into play, meticulously crafted to accommodate two individuals within a singular workstation.
Streamlined Collaboration
2 person computer desk facilitates smooth collaboration between two occupants of a shared workspace. Whether it's brainstorming on joint projects, exchanging ideas, or providing instantaneous feedback, the close proximity fosters seamless teamwork and effective communication.
Space Optimization
In the compact confines of a home office, where space is often a premium commodity, dual-user workstations optimize the utilization of available floor space by accommodating two individuals within a compact workstation footprint. This enables the creation of collaborative work zones without sacrificing valuable space in your household.
Personalized Work Environment
Despite the shared nature of these workstations, each occupant is afforded ample space to tailor their personal workspace according to their unique preferences. From arranging personal effects to configuring ergonomic accessories, users can curate a comfortable and customized workspace that caters to their individual needs.
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Enhanced Productivity
Sharing a workstation with a colleague can lead to increased productivity. The close proximity facilitates swift communication, easy access to shared resources, and immediate collaboration, ultimately streamlining workflows and enhancing overall efficiency.
Working in tandem with a partner naturally fosters a heightened sense of accountability. This mutual responsibility encourages occupants to remain focused, motivated, and committed to their respective tasks, resulting in heightened productivity and a greater sense of ownership.
Two person desk home office are available in a variety of designs and configurations to complement various home office layouts and aesthetic preferences. Whether opting for a traditional side-by-side setup, a back-to-back arrangement, or an L-shaped desk, there are versatile options to suit your spatial requirements and design sensibilities. The two person desk home office offers numerous advantages for home offices seeking to bolster collaboration and productivity. From facilitating seamless teamwork and maximizing space efficiency to promoting personalized work spaces and fostering accountability, these innovative workstations allow individuals to explore effective home office environments resulting in long-term success.
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Name: William “Will” Baker
Alias: S. Killer
Race: Metahuman/Unique Physiology hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birth Day: June 6, 2005
Species: Homo sapiens/Metahuman hybrid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (The Rebel)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hair color: Black (dyed: Red)
Hairstyle: Short and messy
Eye color: Blue (right eye), Gray (left eye) - Heterochromia
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 160 lbs
Personal Data:
• Birthplace: New York City, New York, United States
• Affiliation: Independent
• Occupation: Freelance Hacker, Underground Street Performer, Urban Explorer, Informal Detective, Social Media Influencer, Part-Time Instructor, Occasional Performer, Artist, martial arts, Journalist, musician, singer, Actor, Athlete, Blacksmith, Chess player, anti-hero, Marksman, Screenwriter, Street artist, Weaponsmith, Race driver, Animator, Author, Baker, Boxer, Chef, Cook, Costume designer, Dancer, Designer, Dog walker, Driver, Football player, Fortune teller, Goldsmith, Guitarist, Gunsmith, Illusionist, Karate master, Kickboxer, Locksmith, Printer, Rockstar, Sportsman, Street artist, Street musician, dog walker, Voice actor, Wrestler, Writer, YouTuber
• Base of Operation: Dead Mall (Safe House/Hideout) and Mobile HQ
• Partner: Joan “Jo” Johnson/Jojo/The Stalker
• Pets:
• Father: David Baker (Former Special Forces operative turned tech entrepreneur)
• Mother: Sarah Baker (Archaeologist and historian)
• Uncle: Jonathan Baker (Former intelligence officer turned private investigator)
• Aunt: Rebecca Baker (Environmental scientist)
• Cousin: Lily Baker (Age: 16, Energetic, outgoing, with a rebellious streak)
• Siblings:
• Twin: Gwendolyn “Gwen” Baker
• Brother: Nicholas “Nick” Baker
• Sister: Elizabeth “Liz” Baker
• Step-Siblings:
• Twins: Alex and Emily (Age: 15, Initially distant due to blended family dynamics, but they eventually bond over shared interests and experiences)
Pets: Rebel, the Canine Companion (Chimerism canine), Echo, the Siberian Husky (Giant Animal/Ice Animal/Canine hybrid), Lucifer, the Doberman (Demonic Beast/Giant Animal/Canine hybrid), Queen, the German Shepherd (Earth Animal/Alien Animal/Canine hybrid), King, the Labrador (Cartoon Canine), Blaze, the Majestic Golden Retriever (Fire Animal/Giant Animal/Canine hybrid), Barkley, the Golden Retriever (Electrical Animal/Canine hybrid), Rex, the German Shepherd (Chimerism/Dinosaur Canine hybrid), and Shadow, the Mixed Breed (Black Dog/Warg/Canine hybrid).
Nationality: British American (Ancestry in Anglo-Saxon and Vikings)
In his base/human form, William “Will” Baker possesses a striking presence, standing tall with a lean, athletic build that speaks to his agility and strength. His facial features include an inverted triangle face and a mesomorphic inverted triangle body, emphasizing his rugged charm and athleticism. His hooded eyes, one blue and the other gray due to heterochromia, add an intriguing allure to his gaze, hinting at his mysterious nature. Vibrant red hair, intentionally dyed, serves as a bold contrast against his dark attire, enhancing his rebellious persona. Will’s intentionally messy hairstyle, with tousled locks framing his face, reflects his carefree and adventurous spirit.
In his Toon/Ultimate form, William “Will” Baker undergoes a dramatic transformation, manifesting enhanced physical attributes and a surreal appearance that reflects his heightened abilities. His mesomorphic inverted triangle body becomes more pronounced, exuding power and strength. His facial features retain their inverted triangle shape, with glowing vertical pupils—a mix of blue and gray—emitting an otherworldly radiance. His hair transforms into a fiery display of blue and gray hues, resembling flames dancing atop his head. A skull-like lower jaw emerges, adding a menacing aspect to his appearance, along with demonic horns and a broken halo hovering above. His wings take on a dual nature, with the right side angelic and the left side demonic, symbolizing his internal conflict. His hands and feet morph into claws-like appendages, enhancing his combat prowess, while his elongated ears evoke an elf-like appearance. Fang retraction adds to his predatory aura.
• Rebelliousness
• Adventurous
• Independent
• Curiosity
• Resourcefulness
• Complexity
• Protective
• Charismatic
• Playful and Whimsical
• Serious and Stoic
• Humorous and Mature
• Mysterious and Enigmatic
• Metahuman Physiology, Unique Physiology, Cartoon Physiology, Hybrid Physiology, Energy/Personal Energy Manipulation, Aura Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Fiction Manipulation, Universal Manipulation, Multiversal Manipulation, Crossover Manipulation, Property Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Elemental Manipulation, Periodic Element Manipulation, Teleportation, Force-Field Generation, Physics Manipulation, Flight/Levitation/Gliding, Shapeshifting, Regenerative Healing Factor, Toon Force, Dimensional Manipulation, Absolute Replication, Elasticity, Imagination Manifestation, Size Manipulation, Body Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, 4th Wall Manipulation, Meta Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Character Imitation, Biomorphing, Invisibility, Super Eating, Enhanced Condition, Enhanced Proprioception, Enhanced Motor Skills, Body Part Manipulation, Conditional Transformation/Transformation, Partial Transformation, Mode Switching, Personal Wardrobe/Clothing Generation, and Musical Inducement.
• Jack of All Trades, Mechanical Mastery, Science Mastery, Martial arts Mastery, Psychological Mastery, Archetype:Master Chef, Writer Mastery, Multilingualism, Musicianship Mastery (and/or Musical Mastery), Artistic Mastery, Archetype:Detective, Investigation Mastery, Preternatural Studies Mastery, Performance Art Mastery, Humor Mastery, Prank Mastery, Chess Mastery, Game Mastery, Archetype:Fortune Teller, Weapon Proficiency, Canine Companionship, Weapon Proficiency Touch, Enhanced Parkour (Parkour Mastery), Enhanced Inventing (Genius Inventing), Craftsmanship Mastery, Engineering Mastery, Sport Mastery, Improbable Weapon Proficiency, Combat Merging, Enhanced Memory, Enhanced Accuracy, Enhanced Gunmanship, Enhanced Archery, Enhanced Spearmanship, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Enhanced Flailmanship, Enhanced Clawmanship, Ability Learning, Riddle Mastery, Hacking Mastery, Boarding Mastery, Hybrid Weapon Proficiency, Hypercompetence, Archetype:All-Rounder, Archetype:Anti-Hero, Archetype:Child Prodigy, and Archetype:Comic Relief
Fighting Style
• Fighting Style: Bartitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Kickboxing, Budō/Bujutsu, Aikido, Bajutsu, Bisentōjutsu, Bōjutsu, Bōryaku, Hojutsu, Hojutsu, Iaido, Jujutsu, Judo, Kanabō, Karate, Gōjū-ryū, Kayakujutsu, Kempo, Kendo, Kenjutsu, Kyudo, Kyūjutsu, Kyushojitsu, Naginatajutsu, Sōjutsu, CQC, Defendu, Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, Capoeira, Eskrima, Stick-Fighting, Kobudō, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Drunken Fu, Five Animals, Bajiquan, Sanshou, Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, Fa Jin, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Savate, Silat, Systema, Tricking, Tae Kwon Do, Wrestling, Lucha libre-style Wrestling, Sambo, Pankration, Vale Tudo, Ninjutsu, Intonjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Elemental Martial Arts, Fictional Martial Arts, Gun Kata, Hollywood Martial Arts, Superhuman Martial Arts, and Street fighting.
• Gauntlet and Brass Knuckle (mixed)
• Katana
• Rapier
• Shotgun
• Handgun
• Sniper Rifle
• Assault Rifle
• Dual Handgun
• Machine Gun
• Dual Spear
• Javelin
• Lance
• Multi-Section Spear
• Bayonet
• Short Spear
• Trident
• Yari
• Scythe
• Kama
• Sickle
• Grapnel with hook
• Meteor Hammer
• Kyūdō
• Longbow
• Crossbow
• Chain Axe
• Double-Sided Axe
• oversize Mallet from In his Toon/Ultimate form
• Shield
• Baseball Bat
• Toon Arsenal from In his Toon/Ultimate form
Special Techniques:
• Shadow Dance
• Chaos Fist
• Elemental Harmony
• Toon Transformation
• Utility Belt
• Augmented Reality Glasses
• Throwing Knives
• Smoke Bombs
Musical Instrument:
• Electric Guitar
• Violin
• Ukulele
Dance Style:
• Urban Street Dance
• Contemporary Dance
• Hip-hop
• Breakdancing
• Modern Dance
William “Will” Baker was born in New York City to a family with a diverse background. His upbringing exposed him to various cultures, disciplines, and experiences, shaping him into the multifaceted individual he is today.
From a young age, Will displayed an insatiable curiosity and a rebellious spirit, always seeking adventure and excitement. His natural talents and boundless energy led him to excel in a wide range of activities, from hacking and urban exploring to martial arts and music.
As he grew older, Will’s thirst for knowledge and adventure only intensified, leading him to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Along the way, he encountered a diverse cast of characters, forming deep bonds and alliances that would shape his destiny.
Now, as a young adult, Will continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, using his unique talents and abilities to navigate the complexities of the world around him. With his loyal companions by his side, he faces each new challenge with courage, determination, and an unwavering commitment to his own sense of justice and adventure.
William “Will” Baker/S. Killer (c) Me
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