#side benverly
derrypubliclibrary · 6 months
kinda obsessed with ambiguously (to the public ay least) romantic/platonic losers. like, someone, paparazzi probably, see bill kiss stan goodbye & theyre like “famous author bill denbrough, cheating on his wife with Mystery Man???” & bills like “he literally also has a wife.” (patsy’s not phased shes used to it ((she Would be phased at first but. after a few years…))) people start noticing all the losers go to florida together regularly to see… some guy??? that accountant guy who bill kissed that one time is there too??? people see richie & bev kissing one time & theyre like “we’re both gay.” LIKE. idk . IDK.
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l393ndjean · 9 months
so like... AU where instead of Bev getting taken beyond Pennywise and caught in the deadlights it's Stan. Which would really strike a nerve because he was the least willing to fight IT anyway.
So obviously Bill is the one to break the curse and kiss Stan because #stenbroughforlife. Which would mean you could put a better focus on building up young Benverly and making them a stronger foundation for their future relationship.
Anyway so when Stan sees into the future he sees him and Bill married. So we get not one but two young Stenbrough kisses. A bitter-sweet parting for Ben and Bev, and Reddie get to be in all their usual glory. Meanwhile we get to stan Mike, our AroAce king.
Then fast-forward 27 years and when Mike calls Bill and Stan, Bill doesn't remember about Pennywise. I'm imaging they have and interaction like:
Stan: I can't go, Billy.
Bill: We s-swore, Stanley. That we-we'd go back. I do-don't remember why, but we s-sw-swore.
Stan: But I'm scared, Bill. Something bad happened in Derry.
Bill: We'll m-made it Stan. We'll make it a-again. I p-p-promise. I s-swear.
So Stan lives and he also saves Eddie because Stan is fricken smart like that and he realises that they need to move tf away Eddie! Then all the losers roast the shit out of Pennywise.
They go swimming at the quarry, Ben and Bev finally get together after a more developed build up on both sides. Richie and Eddie have a moment. Bill and Stan are just sitting quietly.
Bill: We m-made it.
Stan: We swore we would.
The whole group has a beautiful group hug. Then the epilogue is narrated partly by all the losers. At the kissing Bridge scene Richie re-carves the E and Eddie re-carves the R and they both carve the +.
Mike goes to California, where he has the time of his life. Ben and Bev have their usual scene. Stan finally gets to release his documentary on birds. Bill publishes a new book, IT. Everyone praises the end.
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queerxqueen · 8 months
what are your gut feelings about canon byler in season 5?
oooooof okay these are my gut feelings, not getting into analysis so much as just speculating for funsies:
i'm very much expecting a return to mike's pov and us getting more understanding of his headspace and character, and i kind of think the development of byler hinges on that
like every other byler, i expect the painting to be crucial to byler getting together. (i have a messy draft of an analysis of the painting and how it parallels to benverly and the poem in it chapter 2 and how that informs my expectations of the painting's role in s5. i will... get around to finishing that at some point.)
as much as i'd love to see established byler, i doubt we will see them get together before the third act of the season, probably in the last 2-3 episodes. we might see a flash-forward epilogue at the end where we see them as an established couple, but that's as optimistic as i can get on that front.
that said, i do think their first kiss will be show-stoppingly awesome, and i do think they will have some delightful moments of romantic relationship development throughout the season. i'm not expecting heartstopper vibes or anything, but a few good moments like jancy and lumax have had (or any of the byler heart to hearts in s4, for that matter.)
as far as popular theories, i most subscribe to lettergate (mike has one or more unsent letters to will, signed, love mike) and birthdaygate (everyone forgot will's birthday on the day of rinkomania, it's not just a production error, and will be plot relevant)
i don't think we'll see full-blown evil will but i do think we'll see him tempted to the dark side in a classic luke skywalker kind of way, where ultimately his love of his friends will keep him grounded and make him not just paralleled to henry but a proper foil.
last: i need mike wheeler to cry and have a breakdown :))))) this is very important to me.
thanks for the ask, anon!!!!
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princess-glassred · 13 days
I already have a Reddie Cinderella au but a fuckin Benverly Cinderella au where instead of searching for the girl who fits the slipper, beverly is searching for the boy who wrote the January Embers poem would be sooooo cute.
Poor Bev's just this princess who's being auctioned off by her creepy dad to the highest bidder like she's a hunk of meat. Pretty much every man in her life has given their unfiltered opinion on her and it's made her against marrying anyone (she does want to get married, but the men in the royal court have soured it for her). Her betrothed Tom Rogan is a piece of shit who ""sees her poential"" to be a good queen IF she's got a good man by her side to keep her in check.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, is a poor orphaned servant named Ben hanscom. His daddy died serving for the royal gaurd and his mom passed away from an illness a couple years after, leaving him in the care of his step father Mr. Keene, his (slightly) younger step sister Greta and his older step brother Henry. Mr. Keene has Ben slaving away in his apothecary since he's fat and probably wouldn't be useful in snatching up a spouse anytime soon. He's treated like a black sheep, Greta likes getting him into trouble and being a jerk for no reason, while Henry likes to attack him with physical abuse and make jokes about his weight. Ben happens to like cleaning and working for Mr. Keene though, because he's logically minded and good at figuring out how things tecnically work (although its kinda degrading with Henry around to make fun of him all the time). It's worth noting that if Ben wasn't around Henry would probably be in the same situation, considering he's not actually Mr. Keene's son and was just sold to him by his dad for booze money.
Bev and Ben meet when she's pretending to be a maid to sneak away from her father, the only hint that she's even a princess is the palace key she keeps around her neck. She tells Ben her name is "Bevvie" to hide her identity and he buys it. The two become really fast friends after that, routinely visiting each other whenever they can. Ben even introduces her to his one and only friend, Mike the farm boy, and now all of them are kind of buddies. When the ball comes Ben has no interest in meeting princess Beverly (even though he assumes she's a wonderfully nice gal) he just wants to see bevvie again. Mostly because he wrote her a poem and neglected to give it to her before, so he HAS to give it to her at the ball. His step family ruin it though, because Ben's considered an embarassment and they can't have ANYONE interfering with Henry's attemps at marriage and Greta's wannabe socialite career. They rip up the poem right in front of him and it's quite heart breaking.
Just when all is lost though, Ben finds not one, but TWO fairy god parents here to help him. They introduce themselves as Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak, married couple, business men, and expert fairy god parents. They dress in modern clothes, which Ben finds very confusing, especially since 40 year old man in hawaiin shirt is hardly what comes to mind when you think "fairy god parent" but whatever. They seem well meaning enough, although they can't stop bickering for like 2 seconds to actually help. They bring back the poem to prove they're legit and give him all the cinderella fixings. Eddie is a little paranoid about Ben getting home on time though, so he gives him a midnight curfew so he leaves on time. Also Richie calls Ben haystack cause he sleeps in a barn lol.
The ball comes around and the usual stuff happens, Henry and Greta embarrass themselves, Bev hates everything about it, and Ben makes a grand entrance that shocks everyone. Ben is pretty shocked himself, as he realizes he's been friends with the princess all along and freaks tf out. Beverly instantly runs to him to ask where on earth he got that wonderfully designed suit and he mumbles out some bullshit excuse that doesn't really make sense. They fall in love but just as midnight comes around Ben remembers he forgot to give her the poem again! He leaves it behind by accident on the ground when he's running away, and bev's dad picks it up.
He seems interested in knowing who sent it, and for a moment Beverly honestly tells him she doesn't know because she met a lot of suitors last night. He insists they go searching for the guy, comparing hand writing to the post card from house to house. All while Bev just wants to get it over with so she can see Ben again and tell her how she really feels..
Sorry that was so long, i got really into the idea. I know i never make benverly stuff, so i wanted to try it.
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thecrimsondandelion · 2 years
Richie is basically climbing the fucking walls. He’s got half his wardrobe pulled out and scattered over his bed, a mountain of florals, tacky t-shirts, and the few new suits he’s collected thanks to a certain Miss Beverly Marsh.
He’s never had this much trouble trying to pick an outfit in his entire life. Not at prom, or at any award show he somehow managed to get an invite to. He’s gone on talk shows with a ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing.’ t-shirt he found at Goodwill.
“I just don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Did you not hear me before? That me and Eddie are going on a date? Edward fucking Kaspbrak, love of my life since we were kids, know him?”
“How many times have you guys gone out together since he moved in with you? If I have to see another Instagram post where you both argue in the comment section like some weird mix of horny teens and an old married couple, I’m going to go crazy.”
“That’s different!” Richie whines, throwing himself back onto the heap of clothes on his bed, “Those weren’t dates, not like, officially.” They’d decided to take it slow and date first after a semi-heated kiss at the Benverly’s (as Richie lovingly called them, like the teen girl he was put into the body of a hairy middle-aged man) cabin, after a tipsy love confession. A love confession that Richie absolutely did not reply to with ‘That is so fucking neat.’ They’d gone out together plenty, but they both agreed to date like normal people would, like they might have done when they were younger if their lives hadn't been fucked up by the killer-clown-from-Outerspace.
“You sound so lame right now. I hope you know that.” Despite the comment, the layer of fondness was clear in Stan’s tone.
Richie pouts, mumbles a petty little, “No, you.” back.
“Anyway, back to the point. What the fuck am I going to wear?”
“You’re talking to the wrong Loser.”
“You’re so right, I don’t wanna turn up dressed like you, Grandpa. I’ll call Bev.” He pauses, pulls at a piece of skin on his lip with his teeth, trying to soothe his racing heart.
“Hey. You’re gonna be fine, Rich. And if Eddie breaks your heart, I’ll break his entire body, okay?” And fuck does that make Richie tear up a little, after all these years, even 27 of them apart, Stan was still particularly protective of him. Even against another of his best friends. His low self esteem appreciated the safety net of knowing that when if Eddie ever just got fed up with him, Stan would be there on his side. “Not that he’s going to. He’s just as stupid and in love as you are.”
“Aw, Staniel. You big ole softie... Thanks, man. Tell Pats I’m asking for her, yeah?” With that he hangs up.
For a moment Richie feels calm again. Until he looks at the mountain of clothes dumped out onto his bed. Fuck.
Bev answers on the second ring, “Hey, Honey! How’re-”
“Eddie and I are going on a date, what the fuck do I wear, Bev?”
She vetoes most of his wardrobe, Ben shows up for moral support too, like the angel sent from Heaven that he is. The thing is though, Richie feels pretty fucking awful leaving the house without his garish shirts – they're his armour. He can wear something fucking horrendous and it distracts away from everything that is him.
Miss Beverly Marsh knows this, and she simply won’t stand for it.
In the end he’s wearing a nice pair of black jeans, cuffed to show off the bright pink Monty Python socks that had been Okay'd so he could have at least one comfort item. And another compromise, a navy shirt with a subtle floral print. It doesn’t scream ‘Weird Al meets the Muppets.’ but it’s enough that it doesn’t make Richie feel stuffy and unlike himself.
“Lookin’ sharp, Richie!” Fucking Ben, so earnest and nice, Beverly coos at his side in agreement, giving a whistle as he’s forced to give them a turn. He’s not used to that kind of attention; he can feel his face heat up and the way his too-tall body wants to shrink in on itself.
“Have a good night, Sweetie! Remember to use protect-”
Richie cuts her off with a shout, suddenly feeling like a teenager being embarrassed by their parents before a first date, “Oh my god, Bev. Shut up.” She cackles good-naturedly at him, while Ben holds back a smirk.
The call ends and he feels sort of bad that Bill and Mike were left out of his crisis, so he shoots them a text: ‘Got a date with Eddie, literally going to die. See you in hell Billiam. I’ll miss you when you’re chilling up in heaven Mikey.’
He can only let himself be distracted by the other Losers for so long, and how fun it was to have his battle with Bill. But it’s creeping closer and closer to 6pm, he knows that he and Eddie will have to leave soon to make it to their reservation. So, he rubs his sweaty palms against the thighs of his jeans, sniffs his pits to make sure he still smells good, and pushes himself out to go knock on Eddie’s bedroom door – which he couldn’t help but achingly hope would become the guest bedroom again in the nearby future.
And isn’t Eddie just a fucking sight for sore eyes, his hair isn’t gelled back to oblivion, so it looks so soft, it curls around his face prettily. Makes Eddie look younger. He’s dressed up in clothes that cost more than Richie has ever spent on anything for himself, fucking Gucci loafers and everything. He looks hot as fuck, and he smells sweet and earthy.
Eddie also has the most shit-eating grin. “I hear you were having some trouble.”
“What? Which one of those assholes told you?” Richie would, in future, deny how whiny he sounded whenever Eddie brings it up to the Losers, when he brings it up at their wedding.
“Rich.” Eddie has the cutest, most devious fucking look on his face. Richie’s cheeks burn as his face is gently held between Eddie’s hands, he can feel the callouses from Eddie’s car endeavors, he can smell the cologne on Eddie’s wrist. “I could hear you, I’m across the fucking hall and you speak like you have a built in megaphone.” And Jesus God Damn Christ, Eddie says it like it’s a compliment, like it's something he adores about him.
Richie turns his face to hide it in the palm of one of Eddie’s hands and, again, whines. The part of him that overthinks, that hates every move he makes, tells him that he’s already fucked up. That Eddie is going to realize that he’s an idiot, that he’s a dork and completely and utterly out of Eddie’s league. As if Eddie isn’t the type to say, ‘See you later alligator.’ or ‘Okay-dokey.’ in a serious conversation.
“C’mon, we’ve got reservations and I’m starving my ass off.”
Richie makes a great effort Not to make a comment on how much of a tragedy that would be, because he really does love that little fucker’s ass.
He does let himself show a little vulnerability, “You still wanna go?”
Eddie cocks his head to the side and gives him the sweetest little smile, catches one of Richie’s hands in his own and gives it a squeeze, “Fuck yeah. You look too good not to, Trashmouth.”
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About me!!! Hello there!
My name is Kira
I am 23
I am British
She/her pronouns
I can be very awkward
I like writing, mainly songs but sometimes I have the urge to just write stuff down for a book that will probably never be written.
I am on the waiting list for an autism diagnosis.
I play D&D though currently my party is doing a campaign in pathfinder and it's really fun!
I love musicals however my favourite musical is the Prince of Egypt, I love it more than the film surprisingly.
My favourite film however is how to train your dragon, my parents have gotten me something httyd for Christmas every year since like 2014 because I love it so much
I used to roleplay, especially a lot in like 2019 but it died down and I kind of missed it, it helped with my creative writing.
I am learning to cosplay but as a plus sized woman I find it hard to enjoy it but I'm slowly getting there.
The only people I won't interact with are people who are rude and disrespectful or just like to plain cyberbuly.
My fandoms/Ships
IT chapter one and chapter 2 (I'm very new and it's my new obsession)
Linking with the first one, Reddie, Benverly, Stanpat and Bill/Mike
Genshin impact
Kavetham mainly but I don't mind talking about other ones.
Honkai star rail
Any of the Markiplier interactive works, my favourite is a heist with Markiplier but space is a very close second.
Sanders Sides
I will probably edit this if I think of more, I like making friends, I like talking to people about my interests, I am very friendly just very shy but an open book! So come say hi if you want or like a post I have done.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 2 years
NOTE: This concept is based on Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves. This was always one of my favorite scenes in the movie where the couples talk to each other. Enjoy this Reddie and Benverly piece. Let me know if you’d like to see more from this concept. 
“We have to get the kids to listen to us somehow,” Beverly told the others as they paced the upstairs foyer. The ground shook underneath their feet from the loud music playing on the speakers downstairs. In their time being shrunk, now she knew how an ant felt.
“They hardly listen to us when we’re full size,” Ben groaned. Raising a teenager was hard. Lexi was so different from him when he was a teenager. Outgoing, loud, and even lying that she was texting friends when she was really texting guys. 
“We need to get their attention soon or Georgie is going to develop an abnormal heartbeat, he could pass out, and his muscles could paralyze. If he’s eating he could choke on something or even swallow...”
A large hand fell on his shoulder stopping him from his nervous pacing. Richie looked into his eyes, smiling, though it didn’t travel all the way up to his eyes. Just a few minutes ago their son stumbled up the stairs and fell to the floor in pain, grasping his stomach. 
When Georgie was first diagnosed with a low potassium deficiency, it sent Eddie over the edge. Not just because of their son’s illness but because he was worried that he was going to turn into his mother. But as Richie (and the doctor) assured him, it was real and not fake like Eddie’s mother made him out to think. 
“I got an idea!” Richie snapped his finger getting everyone’s attention. “What if we reconnect the stereo? That way, it’ll project our voices. I’ve seen how sound management does it at my shows!”
“How are we going to get downstairs?”
“Oh, the bubble machine!” Eddie beamed, walking towards his invention. He watched as the bubbles shot out of the bubble sticks and floated downstairs. “We’re light enough so we’d be able to jump into the bubble and we’ll land on the floor!”
“That’s brilliant! Eddie and I can go to the kitchen to get Georgie’s medicine while Ben, you can go with Richie to the stereo.”
Ben was quiet for a moment until slowly nodded his head. “Okay, if you think it will work.” He wrapped his arms around his wife holding her close.
“I’m sure. Lexi is going to have a talk about all of this!”
Richie pulled his husband to the side while Ben and Beverly were talking. “Are you okay with doing this?”
Smiling at the dear man and taking his husband’s hands, Eddie stood up on his toes and kissed his cheek. “Rich, you make me willing to try anything. I’m braver than I think, right?”
“Yeah, I know,” Richie nodded, brushing his along the cheek he had a faded scar on. “You know I worry.”
“Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?”
Giggling, Richie kissed his sweet lips. Even after all these years it still felt like the first time. “Do you think we’re spending too much time together?”
“Watch it, Trashmouth,” Eddie warned, but the smile poked through anyway. “But, I feel like we haven’t been spending as much time together,” he said, frowning. So did Richie. His hands drifted down Eddie’s body, stopping near the line of his pants. 
“Is it my inventions? I know I’ve gone a little crazy with all these inventions ‘cause of this identity crisis for the last ten years but I love you so much. That is never going to change. I’ll stop inventing if it makes you feel better.”
Richie shook his head. “No, Eddie, I want you to be happy.” A thought drifted into his mind. “You’re happy, right?”
“Yes! More than I thought I’d ever be. We have two beautiful kids who are having a party right now, but they’re great! We’ve done a wonderful job. And you make me feel like me. I love that about you. Which is why we should have a date night right after I make us big again.”
They shared another kiss, briefly pressing their foreheads together. “Aren’t you already big?”
“You know, you’re already big,” Richie whispered mischievously so Ben and Beverly wouldn’t hear. “Unless you’ve gotten bigger and want to show me something.”
Once Eddie understood the context of what he was saying, he playfully pushed his husband away. “You are something else!”
“Hey, you married me, babe!”
Ben and Beverly looked up from their conversation, smiling. “Do we even want to know what you’re saying?”
“Not unless you’re up for a challenge, Benny Boy!”
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will80sbyers · 2 years
For me I think the perfect byler kiss would have something to do with the upside down, maybe halfway in it, Will is on one side and Mike is on the other, bc Mike has never been to the upside down(? Right?) and I do think he's the only main character who hadn't, it would make a stunning scene if they kissed to shift reality or bring Will back
that would be so beautiful! ❤️
it reminds me of the love confession between Benverly in IT when they have to get out of that door and save themselves from the nightmares that the clown is making them see
Mike has only been in the tunnels in s2 but not in the real upside down but I bet he will go in s5!!
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doriandrifting · 2 years
Hey! I really like your analysis on the gates each of the characters will be going in to fight next season based on the final scene!! I was also thinking about how if byler is going to be at lovers lake next season it would be cool if their first kissed was on the right side up’s lovers lake as they escape the gate on the other side of it! It would complete the benverly parallel imo!! :)
Thanks :) and I need someone to write this it’s so good—I can’t wait two years AGSHDJDKD need the boys on a boat at lovers lake pls 😭
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mikespocket · 2 years
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hello!! i'm a crazed byler shipper if you couldn't tell. long time st fan - circa 2016 - byler kiss in season 5 😭 i beg - 13 - any pronouns
shows/movies/animes I like !!
stranger things (obviously)
I am not okay with this
enola holmes/enola holmes 2
it 2017/it chapter 2 2019
the goldfinch (i like the book too)
the turning
demon slayer
komi can't communicate
toilet bound hanako-kun (manga recommended though too)
hunter x hunter
my hero academia (not that big of a fan though)
don't hug me i'm scared
the promised neverland
hubie halloween
when you finish saving the world
ships from the listed shows/movies/animes
stranger things - lumax (romantic) elmax (I vary between romantic and platonic sometimes) elumax (great ship but im not sure lol maybe) byler (romantic <3) milkdud (platonic) jopper (romantic <3) rockie (romantic) ronance (I vary between romantic and platonic sometimes) steddie (err idk yet idk if I wanna ship it or not) stancy (platonic) jancy (romantic) I can't think of any others
I am not okay with this - sydina (romantic <3) sydley (platonic) dina x brad (platonic but at the end not anymore bc 1. He cheated on her and 2. he went 🤯)
enola holmes/enola holmes 2 - enola x tewksbury (romantic <3) idk what other things people ship that aren't pro-ships
it 2017/it chapter 2 2019 - reddie (romantic <3) billverly (platonic) benverly (romantic) stenbrough (romantic)
abe - no ships
the goldfinch - boreo (for obvious reasons tf)
spree - no ships
the turning - no ships bc kate x miles is weird and disgusting
demon slayer - kanao x tanjiro (romantic??) nezuko x zenitsu (idk though i'm pretty sure zenitsu is slightly older than nezuko) inosuke x zenitsu (platonic) inosuke x tanjiro (platonic) inosuke x zenitsu x tanjiro (platonic)
komi can't communicate - tadano x komi (romantic <3) yamai x komi (platonic just bc i <3 tadano and komi and yamai is like overly obsessed with komi so it would be weird. not saying you can't be obsessed with your partner but it's one sided in this situation) agari x yamai (platonic) agari x komi (platonic agari is her dog /hj)
kakegurui - idk im not that far in
toilet bound hanako-kun - hanako x yashiro (romantic <3) kou x yashiro (platonic) kou x mitsuba (romantic,, sometimes idk which to pick) tsukasa x mitsuba (platonic cuz just no)
hunter x hunter - killugon (romantic they're cuties <3) illumi x hisoka (i see it so sure romantic) meruem x komugi (nah pretty sure shes a child and plus ya he was born out of a chimera ant but came out as a grown man so no I don't ship this) prepare for this one I saw someone ship it the other day and needed bleach I blocked them immediately cause they weren't being satire... drum roll for the worst ship everrrr 🥁🥁🥁🥁
chrollo x gon.
my hero academia (ive watched all of it but kinda forgot bc i havent watched in a while) - bakudeku (i literally don't know sometimes it varys between platonic and romantic dont speak of this) kiribaku (platonic) kirikami (not sure about this one either its a good one though) kamijiro (this one is cute!! I prefer momojiro but this one is adorable) momojiro (like i just said i prefer this but yea) shindeku (platonic) izuocha (this one is so adorable it makes me wanna throw up rainbows) tododeku (no sorry just no theyre besties) kirideku (nope noppity nope theyre good friends) any bowl ships are weird and I don't like them i feel sorry for you if you ship one/multiple or knows someone who ships one/multiple
don't hug me i'm scared - red guy x duck (i think its cute. i'm not exactly sure if it's confirmed though 🤷‍♀️) red guy x yellow guy (i'm not a big fan of it, although I think it's alright.) idk what other ships
the promised neverland - emma x ray (its cute 🤷‍♀️) emma x norman (ok 😚) emma x ray x norman (polyamorous, cute, but I don't really see it.) don x gilda (awww ok i kinda see it) i cant think of anymore
hubie halloween - I honestly don't know like hubie x violet and tommy x megan but I cant think of anything else I'm legitimately so tired rn I can barely keep my eyes open
wednesday - wenclair. (romantic) tyler x wednesday (nono plsplspls no stop this madness) xavier x wednesday (its pretty cute) ajax x enid (mixed feelings) bianca x lucas.. (i could see it happening but idk i think theyre just friends)
when you finish saving the world - no ships
fear street 1, 2, & 3
ghostbusters afterlife
danganronpa - idk I can't think of any i gtg to school bye
if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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i need mental help i need a therapist
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trashmouthdiangelo · 6 months
The Last Ingredient - Chapter 8
Fandom: Stranger Things, IT
Main pairing(s): Henclair
Side pairing(s): Byler, Reddie, Elmax, Stenbranlon, Benverly
Rating: Mature
A/N: So, I'm finally back. This is me trying to finish all my WIPs one by one. Also it pained me to write Byler with one E.
Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19129585/chapters/45461722
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80soleff · 7 years
je t'aime, eddie: one
summary: “pardon my french, eddie spaghetti, but you’re the cutest fucking person i have ever seen.” aka, the foreign exchange fic.
word count: 1,282
pairings: reddie, side stenbrough, side benverly, lots of platonic kaspbrough
a/n: the pennywise incident still happened but in like 2014, this takes place in 2017!
1, 2, 3, 4
it was definitely an impulse decision, on his part. he could have said something else when asked what he wanted for christmas that year. something… normal. like a camera, or new art supplies.
but no. the words that came flying out of bill denbrough’s mouth were pretty peculiar. “a person.” he said, as his parents looked at him, confusion clear on their faces. who the hell asks for a person for christmas? well, not a person. a foreign exchange student.
it’s not something he’s thought of before, just something that came to his mind moments before the question was asked. he had the other losers of course, but things around his house got lonely after three years. three years of no georgie and three years of not knowing what to do with himself.
after explaining to them what he actually meant, his parents agreed. in fact, they thought it was a great idea. it would be a “good way for bill to have some exposure to another culture” as they said. he never really viewed it as that kind of opportunity, but he definitely wasn’t opposed to it.
so, gathered around bill’s laptop in the middle of the year, the denbroughs signed up to be a host family. it was a long process, background checks and orientations, signature after signature, but the day finally came where they would get to pick the person to live with them for the next year.
his name was eddie and he was from france. 16 years old, just like bill and the rest of the losers. the biography under his picture tells the story of his family and how he used to live in america until he was six. he spoke english pretty well, but he usually spoke french.
naturally, bill procrastinated so much that he didn’t tell the others that eddie was coming until the day was four days away.
the losers club sat around a bonfire in bill’s backyard, as they usually spent their summer saturdays. stan and bill were sitting on a bench, sharing earbuds and a thick blanket draped over their shoulders. ben and beverly were reading a book together, beverly’s hand holding the right page and ben’s holding the left. richie and mike were looking at something on mike’s phone and laughing.
bill was pretty sure stan knew he liked him. i mean, he has been pining after him ever since the summer before freshman year. he saw bev look up from her book and over at the two of them. she gave bill a knowing smile and went back to reading. beverly was the only one who knew about bills crush on stan, but she found out by accident. it’s actually a really funny story.
beverly was coming over and bill’s hands were shaking. when he told all of the losers his parents would be gone for the weekend, she had asked to come over. mike told him that was code for “dude, she totally wants to make out!” but how were you supposed to make out with a girl? surely it can’t be that hard. he heard a knock at the to snap him out of his worried thoughts.
he practically ran down the stairs and opened the door. “hey b-b-bev.” his stutter came out more than he would have liked it to.
“hey bill! can i come in?” she asked him through a smile.
“y-yeah. i m-mean, yeah.” beverly took off her boots and they walked up to his room.
“i’m not sure if we all tell you enough bill, but you’re an amazing artist.” walking around bill’s room, she ran her fingers over the drawings and doodles hanging on the wall.
“thanks, i t-try.” he said in a nervous tone. beverly then walked over to him and got pretty close. she glanced down at his lips a few times and so did he. she started moving in. oh my god. oh my god. this is it.
one innocent kiss progressed into making out pretty quickly. they were nearing bill’s bed until he disconnected their lips.
“holy shit.”
beverly laughed at his words. “you okay there, denbrough?”
“i’m gay.”
she started jumping up and down in the air and cheering. “oh my god, i knew it! richie totally owes me twenty dollars!” he stared at her in disbelief, watching her celebrate in the middle of his bedroom floor. “kidding, kidding.” she raised her arms in defense.
“w-wait, you knew? h-how…” bill trailed off and sat down on his bed, shock evident on his face.
“bill, you look at stan like he hung the stars. i think we all know. except stan, he’s sooo oblivious.” he slowly processed the information he was given. who couldn’t look at stan like that, he’s gorgeous. was it really that obvious? he always thought the secret glances he stole at stan were when no one else was paying attention. bill just nodded his head in response and beverly came over to engulf him in a hug.
“it’s okay, i think i’m the only one who noticed. i won’t tell, swear.” she extended her pinky out toward bill and he intertwined his with her own.
he came out to the losers at the quarry the next day. he didn’t expect anything but support, but he was still scared. they all shared a big group hug and to say his attention stayed on stan the whole time definitely wasn’t a lie.
smiling at the memory, he watched as mike and ben added various twigs and logs to the growing fire. he really hoped eddie wasn’t homophobic or anything like that.
“guys, i h-have something t-to tell y-you.” everyone shifted their attention to bill.
“what is it, bill?” stan said, nervousness evident in his voice.
“n-no, it’s nothing b-bad.” richie raises his eyebrows, waiting for him to say something. “w-well, basically, i h-have a foreign e-exchange student c-coming to live with us in f-f-four days.”
“four days?! bill, why didn’t you tell us? that’s crazy, man! i mean, how are we gonna understand this fucking kid?” richie looked at bill with shock in his eyes, as did the other losers.
“he s-speaks english, d-dumbass.”
“four days? wow… where is he from? how old is he?” mike asked inquisitively.
“f-france. he used to l-live here when he was l-little but he m-m-moved away. he’s sixteen.” stan has the slightest bit of anger in his voice.
“he’s gonna live here? with you?” bill laughed at him.
“where e-else would he live?” he only huffed in response.
“ooo, eddie? you know me, i love a good french boy.” richie was openly bisexual and proud.
“beep beep, richie!” they all said in unison. “do you have a picture, bill?” beverly asked and bill took his phone out.
“we’ve been t-texting. he seems r-really nice.”
on the screen, richie saw what he thought was the best sight he would ever see. it was a picture of eddie standing in front of the eiffel with a big smile on his face. “hm. very frenchy.” ben said and they laughed at him.
“he’s an adorable frenchy.” beverly said looking at the picture.
“adorable? he’s a smokin’ frenchy.” richie trailed off into the summer night.
“say “frenchy” one more time and i’m-”
“m-my mom talked to h-his mom on the phone. she’s c-c-crazy. he has to t-take like, a j-j-jillion pills a day.” bill told all of them.
“what’s wrong with him? he looks mighty fine to me.” richie said with a smirk plastered to his face. stan elbowed him in the side.
“i th-think he has asthma. not s-sure what the o-others are f-for.” richie looked at the picture again.
“oh, eddie spaghetti, i’m gonna have so much fun with you.”
special thanks to @roses-for-reddie because she’s such a hypeman. should i continue this fic? send me an ask and tell me what you thought!
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thecrimsondandelion · 2 years
how about::: reddie in a secretly dating type situation at a party with the other losers. they’re drunk and keep wandering off together and they keep coming back looking more and more disheveled while simultaneously trying to keep up the act that they’re not dating (because they know their friends will give them shit for at least a solid month because it took them so long to get their shit together) until someone walks in on them like making out or fucking or something in a closet/bathroom/wherever.
It’s 4:30am so this might be incoherent and stuff but!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
I especially love this as middle aged, post-it reddie
They’re two grown ass men, and they’re in a secret relationship bc
1. They think they deserve to have that spicy, exhilarating part that they never got growing up/even in their adult years
2. It’s new and they’re both kinda scared, and they just have to ease their way into eventually telling the losers and then eventually the world
So yeah, the losers all gathered for whatever reason, and they keep sneaking off thinking of excuses like “oh I need another drink” “me too!!!” And they’re just making out every time they can get away. Richie at some point has buttons done up wrong, his hair is sticking out
Stan puts it together before anybody else, Stan is doing a The Office stare into the camera in his own head, bc they’re not subtle. At all. And his idiot best friends still haven’t caught on apparently. Eddie has a hickey that’s Just visible at his collar, and Richie is giving him heated looks when he thinks nobody is looking
But it’s been going on for Months. Bill let’s himself into Richie’s place one day and Eddie had to hide in a closet (cue Richie making endless In The Closet jokes later) for like 45 minutes while Bill rambles about a book plot, and Richie can’t get him to just fuck off. But also the two of them trying to fuck with the other when they Losers all go out for dinner or something, Richie will squeeze Eddie’s thigh, or pinch his ass when nobody is watching. Mutter filthy things in his ear to rile Eddie up. Meanwhile Eddie will say sappy shit bc that’s what gets Richie going/all flustered and goofily happy, like he just has to whisper “you’re funny” or “you’re hot” or “i love you” especially, and Richie is a puddle on the floor. And they probably are ready to come clean to their friends but again!!!!!! The exhilaration of it!!
They’re just as happy ofc when they’re public. But they probably have a lot of fun with the secret side of it
But they’ve lost track of time at a party, and they’re in one of Benverlys expensive, lush bathrooms. Richie’s got Eddie lifted onto the counter, Eddie’s got a hand snakes up Richie’s shirt. And then like Bev walks in and is scandalised, she’s fucking delighted bc she’s won a bet against whichever Losers, but also she’s pissed they kept it a secret so long. But ALSO she’s so fucking glad they finally got their shit together after so fucking long
She’s alerted the others from her squeal of delight/“holy shit” moment,
And Eddie rolls his eyes and gently gives Richie a mostly fake shove, “you didn’t think to lock the fucking door?”
“I had more important things on my mind!”
They’re even more obnoxious after the Losers know about them
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lolahood · 7 years
alleyways & payphone calls - reddie glee au
summary: Eddie is a passionate young lad looking for a creative outlet, and he sets his sights on Glee Club. Richie wants to get into a good college and needs extra curriculars. He also thinks Eddie is cute, so Glee Club seems like a double win. main/reddie  side/stenborough  side/benverly
word count: 1.3k
Eddie Kaspbrak wasn’t the kind of person to go halfway on things. The small boy either committed totally to his cause or didn’t participate at all. So when he saw the tattered signup sheet advertising auditions for the school’s new Glee club, Eddie felt a fire light in his stomach. This would be his Thing. Each of the small boy’s friends had already committed to their own thing: Mike, who was popular (obviously, look at him) and he was a star soccer player. Ben was the head of the school newspaper, and Stan starred in most of the school’s theater productions. Eddie had been waiting his entire high school career to discover something that would serve as his passion. He had tried tennis, chess club, even math team. Now they were nearing winter break in their junior year, and Eddie still wasn’t involved in any after school activities. He could hear his mother’s voice in the back of his head: Eddie, you don’t need any of that! You have me! And your schoolwork! You’re simply too fragile, darling. The sweater-clad teen shook his head, as if he could repeal 17 years of his mother’s overbearing ways as easily as shaking off a mosquito. He clenched his fist tight and marched up to the bulletin board where the mostly empty list was stapled. His well-groomed fingernails drove deep into his palms and the boy felt a sharp pain, thought this wasn’t an uncommon action for Eddie. He took a deep breath, grabbed a pen from his shorts’ pocket, and (before he let himself doubt) signed his name. He took a step back. It was done. A wave of relief washed over Eddie as giddiness replaced the anxiety in his throat. This is it, Eddie thought to himself. With a smirk and a brisk turn, Eddie strolled away, more confident than he had been in a while. Now I just need to pick an audition song.
Richie Tozier was the kind of person to go halfway on things. His best friend, Bev, told him this was his biggest flaw, as it made him uncapable of committing to any relationships. Richie viewed it as a lazy spontaneity. Bev always rolled her eyes whenever he said this, because she knew the real reasons behind Richie’s anti-caring philosophy. The two of them had experienced far too many drunk conversations during which a broken-down Richie explained in a whisper that ‘if you don’t let yourself love anything, it will never break your heart.’ Bev suspected the root of the problem was Richie’s parents, but she knew it wasn’t her place to comment. Essentially - Richie just didn’t give a shit. This made seeing the cute boy with the shorts studying the Glee Club sign up sheet so much more difficult. From the moment he had spotted the boy in the library, pouring over a book on the evolution of rock and roll, Richie knew something was different about him. He had a gleam in his eyes that was like nothing Richie had found in their small town so far. Most people in the shitty town of Derry, Maine had already resigned to living their lives there, having two kids and a 9 to 5. They were lifeless; zombies. Richie hated it. He wanted to leave the town more than anything. He wanted to walk out the back door of his shitty house, away from his shitty parents and their shitty fights. He wanted to leave and never come back. Whenever he tried to explain how he felt to Bev, she would laugh and agree with him, but he knew she didn’t take him seriously. Not because she didn’t care for him - Bev cared more about Riche than anyone else in his life - she just didn’t think he was serious. No one left Derry. That’s what made Eddie so special. Richie saw from Eddie’s face that he felt the same way about the town. As Richie watched the small teen quickly scribble his name on the piece of paper and then flounce away, Richie thought about the conversation he had had earlier with Bev and his other friends.
“I love football, but sometimes it’s a lot. I’m kinda glad the season’s over for the year,” Bill said with a chuckle.
“Oh, c’mon Billy Boy,” Richie exclaimed. “Don’t poop on your team! I’m sure Coach Jockstrap would be simply crushed to hear you say that.” Bev giggled next to him, earning her a playful frown from Bill.
“Shut up, Richie, you can’t make any comments on my lack of faithfulness,” Bill quipped. Richie’s brow raised in an expression of fake shock.
“Billiam! How dare thee! I am perrrrrrfect at being faithful!” Richie purred. Bev sighed with another laugh.
“He’s right, Rich, you wouldn’t know commitment if it bit you in the behind.”
“Well, at least it would be eating more ass than Bill has in his life,” Richie smirked. Bill rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide his laughter.
“I’m serious, Richie. Have you ever considered joining an extra-curricular? They’re a blast and they might help you, erm, make more friends!” Richie’s brow furrowed for a moment before reverting back to its regular raised state. Was this some sort of intervention or something?
“Plus, they look really good on college applications,” Bev stated with a pointed look. Richie sighed, knowing the red-haired gal was right. Richie knew that to get into an out-of-state college (as that was his plan) he needed all the help he could get.
“But I don’t wanna do a sport!” Richie whined, flinging his lanky limbs as if demonstrating how uncoordinated his body was.
“You don’t have to do a sport,” Bev pointed out. “There are plenty of clubs and things that aren’t sport-related.” She thought for a moment, curling a strand of hair around her finger as she pondered. Suddenly, her face lit up, and she slammed her hand onto the table in excitement. “You can join Glee Club!” Richie snorted.
“Are you serious? Me, singing? On stage?” Richie tried to play off his sudden nerves as part of his act, but Bev knew better.
“Yes, Richie. It would be great! Plus, Mr. Alexander is running it and he LOVES you!” Richie wouldn’t use the L-word, but Mr. Alex definitely had a soft spot for the curly haired teen. Richie knew Bev had a lot of valid points, but he just wasn’t sure.
“I don’t know Bev, I’ve never done something like this. What if someth-”
“I’ll do it with you, Richie.” Bev and Richie’s heads snapped to the tall boy staring intently at his sandwich.
“Are you serious, Billy?” Richie giggled thinking about Bill singing.
“Yes, I’m serious!” Bill protested indignantly. “It’ll be fun. Plus, it never hurts to look well-rounded.” A big grin spread across Bev’s face.
“Oh Richie, you have to now!” Bill and Bev high-fived over Richie’s head as Richie laughed nervously.
Was he actually considering this? Richie was frozen, leaning against his locker with his sights set on the slip of paper stapled to the board. Was he, Richie Tozier, actually going to sign up for Glee Club? He knew he wasn’t a great singer, but he could hold a tune and had unbeatable enthusiasm when he wanted to. He knew the points Bev made were reasonable - he needed more after-school stuff to get into the colleges he was looking at, and he wasn’t exactly a popular dude.  Maybe it would be good for him to get some more friends. Richie thought back to the swing of Eddie’s hips as the cute boy sauntered away from the list. And maybe something other than a friend, Richie thought as he made his way over to the bulletin board. He saw that Bill had been there already, with his tiny, neat signature etched at the bottom of the paper. A sincere grin turned up the corners of Richie’s lips. He pulled out a chewed-up pencil and scratched out his name right under Eddie’s. Richie ran his thumb over the immaculate handwriting.
Well, this will be fun.
part 2
thanks for reading! thanks to @80soleff for being the absolute biggest help in the world :)) i might be continuing this depending on how it goes over. let me know what you thought! comments and asks aCtuALLy mAkE mY hEarT buRst so if you want please do those!
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sandcrdriesens · 5 years
i’m sorry but hanbrough au where mike is an actor workin on an adaption of bill’s books n they fall in love.. please
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toziers · 5 years
how about a reddie barn party?
“a barn party?”
“well what is it?”
mike looks at stan. stan looks at bill. bill, wide-eyed, looks back and forth between the two of them. 
“it’s… a party. in a barn.” stan speaks slowly, though the corner of his mouth twitches like he’s trying desperately not to smile. 
“well i nuh-know that,” bill says in exasperation, and mike lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and laughs, relieved. he knows bill is smart, he knows—the good grades and power essays will prove it—but sometimes bill’s brain cells took vacations. sometimes bill would write the coolest shit in creative writing class: the kinda shit that mike and bev and richie (so, by proxy, eddie as well) liked to read. horror stories, like the slasher films the losers stayed up to watch (ben and stan preferred anything but horror), though bill has a habit of adding corny romantic subplots that appealed more to ben than anyone else. bill would write those, would blow the whole loser’s club away with those, and then turn around and introduce himself as dilliam benbrough. 
his braincells took vacations, but they always came back. 
“i meant what is it fuh-for?” 
mike shrugs. “for fun.”
“why, do you have other plans that day, bill?” stan crosses his arms, and bill grins. 
“i’m in. on wuh-one condition.” 
* * *
“are you kidding me?” eddie scowls. “cowboy attire mandatory?”
“i don’t know why you’re complaining, eds; it’s your fantasy come true. i have two words for you, bro.” richie strikes a pose and the sound of his hand slapping against his thigh is too loud in the small space of the clubhouse. “assless. chaps.”
“take it back, bill, please.” eddie looks at bill helplessly, but bill’s too busy flipping through a Sears catalogue to see it. 
“shuh-should i get classic brown leather style boots? or should i g-go for a buh-bold black instead?” 
bev leans over his shoulder and points to an image on the sheet, her nail polish still wet. “these. they’ll match that plaid you got at the thrifty mart today.” 
eddie turns to mike, eyes desperate, but mike just shrugs. 
“i’ve been looking for a reason to wear my cowboy hat. sorry eddie.” 
richie slaps his thigh again and raises his eyebrows suggestively at eddie. “c’mon cowboy. saddle up, eddie, we’re goin’ full gay cowboy. wanna share a tent with m—.” 
eddie, red with fury (and flushed with embarrassment) punches richie’s shoulder. richie cackles, and cackles, until eddie’s pout twists like he’s holding back his own giggles; until stan turns to mike with a flat look and asks if they can be uninvited. 
“we need eight to square dance, stan.” 
eddie stops mid-tousle with richie and squawks. “we have to dance?” 
bill looks up from his magazine and sighs. “it’s a barn party eddie.” 
eddie flips him off, and this time they all laugh. 
* * *
“oh my god.” 
“holy shit, benny boy!” richie puts his hands on his hips and slowly turns in a circle, surveying the empty barn. “you out-fuckin’-did yourself, now!” 
“richie tozier!” calls a warning voice from the corner, and jessica hanlon gives him the stink eye from thirty feet away. “you watch your mouth while i’m around.”
richie holds up an apologetic hand, though his mouth quivers with the shadow of a smile. “you got it, mrs. h!” 
“nice, richie,” bev smirks. she turns to ben. “seriously ben, this place looks incredible.”
the lights were the hardest part: stringing them up in the rafters, wrapping them around the old wood and across the walls… ben had suffered his share of splinters and spider encounters. it’s a big barn too, and ben’s hands were sweaty from the early june heatwaves (and nerves from the spider encounters). but he’d managed, with the help of mike and his uncle, and now the whole barn was strung with fairy lights and chinese lanterns. 
“it’s dreamy,” bev says, looking ben in the eye as she does. “romantic.” 
ben goes as crimson as the barn and looks at his feet.
“thanks bev.” 
“are you guys gonna’ help set-up or just stand there like raisins on a celery stick?” jessica stands behind the group now, a sheen of sweat on her forehead. “your poor friend is struggling over there and you all are looking at the lights like a bunch of moths.” 
mike turns to where bill’s currently putting up the big banner he and bev painted. well, trying to put up the banner. actually, struggling is really the word he’s looking for. every time bill would get one side taped up he’d walk to the other, but just as he’d get that corner taped down the first side would fall again. mike bites his lip and tries not to smile too wide. 
they all stand there for another few seconds, watching bill continue to struggle, before mike shakes his head and jogs over to help. 
“oh!” bill says as mike pressed his palm to the paper to keep it up as bill fought with the tape dispenser. “th-thanks, mikey.” 
“no problem, bill.” mike watches bill attempt to rip the tape with his teeth. “are you going to the barn party with anyone?”
bill pauses, looks up at mike with the strip of tape still in his mouth. “uhh. the rest of yuh-you guys?”
“i meant as a date.” mike’s face is perfectly calm, but the cage of his rib bones shakes noisily with the thumping of his heart. “are you, you know, going with anyone?”
bill starts fighting with the tape again. “uh, n-no.”
“do you want to go with me?”
bill manages to rip off the tape he needs, and finally secures the poster. mike steps back cautiously from the wall, just in case it decides to fall again. nothing moves. mike looks back to bill, who still hasn’t answered. 
“yes. yuh-yeah.” bill smiles, a soft thing, and nods. “that’d be awesome, mikey.” 
“cool,” mike says, feeling very, very cool. “very cool.” 
* * * 
“whoa, eds, slow down—eddie, damn, what’re you running for?” richie’s keeping up pretty easily with his long legs and therefore long strides, but eddie’s practically jogging at this point and soon richie’s going to have to do the same. “what’s goin’ on, cowboy?”
“don’t cowboy me,” eddie grumbles, his boots making a little click click with every step as the fake spurs tapped against the sidewalk. 
richie stops. “eds, are you mad at me?” eddie’s still walking, albeit a little slower now. “eddie.”
“i’m not mad!” eddie says, madly, though he stops walking too. “i’m just. i’m. ugh!” eddie makes a little noise of frustration and richie tries desperately not to feel so fucking fond about it. “why didn’t you ask me to go with you to the barn party?”
if richie wasn’t already frozen to the spot, that would’ve knocked him out cold. “wh… what? whaddya mean? i’m here, with you, right— “
“but you didn’t ask. you just showed up unannounced like you always do.” 
“well yeah that’s just how it is—”
“but why didn’t you ask?” eddie turns, sparks of red on high cheekbones turned orange in the lamplight. he looks like a puppy, ears turned down and big brown eyes hiding sadness under the brow of anger that covered it. the pieces clicked together in richie’s head. 
“oh. ohhh. i get it.” richie shoves his hands in his pockets. “you wanted to be romanced.” 
“that is not what i said.” 
richie takes a few steps forward. “you wanted me to get down on one knee and lend you my kerchief as an invite to the debutante ball.” richie, playing up the western twang he’s taken on, over-pronounces every syllable in debutante. eddie scoffs to hide the beginning of a laugh. 
“shut up richie, i was just saying—“
“well, mistah edward j. kaspbrak— 
“don’t call me that.”
“— would you do me the honor of bein’ my pardner—“
“i hate you.”
“and accompanyin’ me to the hanlon barn party so i don’t haf’ta ride solo tonight?”
richie’s got his hand cupped under eddie’s chin by now, and the other arm curled loosely around eddie’s waist. in the early twilight glow, richie’s eyes shine with amusement and something else; something that’s always wrapped in every glance sent eddie’s way. love, probably, though eddie’s still scared to say it and richie’s no better. sometimes richie knows he’s in love but he also knows he was in love last year, and the year before, and the year before that one, and every year that goes by richie’s love feels deeper and stronger and real-er. richie used to think love was a peak at the top of a mountain of feelings but being with eddie has him thinking that maybe it isn’t, that maybe love is just a mountain and richie never wants to stop climbing. 
“yes, asshole, of course i want to go to the barn party with you.” eddie’s not even trying to look angry anymore. richie wants to kiss him, and he goes to do so, but the oversized rims of their cowboy hats bump together and it makes them both laugh. 
“gay cowboys sure have it rough, huh?” richie asks. “let’s try that again.” then he tilts his hat back, leans down, and kisses Eddie properly. 
* * *
the lights looked good in the day, but they look downright magical in the dark of night. there’s still a purple tint to the sky, leftover from the stretched out sunset, and though there’s no cracks in the roof to see the stars through, they cast a foggy glow on the grass outside. 
the music is loud, but not too loud, and cheerful, but not overtly so. dancing music, is what it is, and most people are inside making the most out of it. stan’s in there with patty, mike knows—he’d seen them spinning circles around everyone else. mike knows for a fact stan doesn’t take dancing lessons, but the way he and patty swing and dance with such ease and grace makes you think it was practiced. mike just thinks that true love shows in the way you move together. you can always see it in the way people dance. it’s about… well, richie and eddie have it too, and richie’s got two left feet and a tragic lack of the “being able to take things seriously” bone. 
it’s in the way they look at each other, though, the way eddie’s face pulls into a joyous adoration when richie spins him around the room obnoxiously even though he’s telling richie to put me down, put me down! it’s in the way bev brushes her fingers against ben’s when he hands her a cup of punch, and the way ben’s knee lingers when bev’s knee rests against his where they sit on the bench; like every touch is infinite, and worth every second. it’s in the way stan holds patty as they dance, like she’s something to be held, and the way patty holds him just the same. 
fuck, mike knows he’s only eighteen, but he knows what love, true love, looks like. 
“the p-party is inside,” bill says. an adjacent thought to mike’s last, suddenly here before him: bill, in all his plaid and leather fringe glory. mike’s heart, a racehorse poised at the startling line, takes off.
“i needed a break from the line dancing. your mom is kicking my ass.” it’s true. ms. denbrough sure knows how to country-shake it. 
“she was muh-more excited for this than i was,” bill jokes, and then walks the rest of the way from the barn to the edge of the field where mike is standing. 
“you look good.” it’s a bit sudden, maybe, but that thought evaporates when bill lights up with a shy smile. “the cowboy look suits you.” 
“thuh-thanks, mikey.” bill’s hand twitches, like he’s going to reach out, but it stays at his side. “your shirt. it’s a g-good shirt.” 
nice one, denbrough. bill makes a face. 
“i mean yuh-you look strong it it. i mean, handsome. and strong, tuh-too.” bill’s bright pink, and mike couldn’t think him any cuter. “yuh-you know what i mean.”
“i wear this shirt all the time,” mike says, just to see if bill will flush darker. he does.
“yuh-yeah, i know.” 
mike’s eyes flick to the barn and back. out here, the music is muffled, but mike can still tell hear andy williams crooning his familiar tune from the speakers inside. 
“do you want to dance with me, bill?” 
bill’s hand twitches again. “out here?” 
mike nods. bill nods, and mike bets his heart is knocking against his ribs just as hard as the one in mike’s chest. mike offers his hand, and bill takes it, and the next moment mike’s got bill denbrough against his chest as they sway to the easy beat of moon river.
it’s in the way bill steps on my feet, mike thinks. it’s in the way he apologizes every time, even when i just laugh and promise him it’s okay. it’s in the way he keeps apologizing, cheeks flushed and hands curled around mike’s arms, until mike kisses him quiet. 
it’s in the way that mike’s only eighteen, but he knows what love, true love, feels like. 
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