#sickly ff bts
demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ถ๐“ฒ๐“ท ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฐ๐“ฒ, ๐“ณ๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฐ ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ธ๐“ด, ๐“ด๐“ฒ๐“ถ ๐“ท๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ณ๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ท
pt. 5ย 
word count: 2,775
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
tag list: @taezeusโ€‹ย @jooniescupcakes @aesthetically-messed-up @okpokeโ€‹ย  @aysha489โ€‹ @iwannabeanidol (comment under this post to be added, if you comment anywhere else i wonโ€™t see it)ย 
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โžฃmin yoongi
ย  ย  ย  producer, song-writer, and lyricist. 25 years old and enjoys his own personal times as much as he enjoys naps. has dark brown hair and pale skin. (similar to his wings era looks but brown hair)
you locked the door after dropping the boys off. on the journey to the college, you discovered how energetic the trio really was. you figured they would've been as tired as you were to be up at 7 am when you were in college.
checking the paper that was still in your hand, you saw the name Min Yoongi next. walking back to your room, you unlocked the cabinet door with your key and saw a pill bottle with the patient's name on it.
you knocked softly on his door and a grunt was the only response you got. entering the room you took note of how much darker the aesthetic was prior to the previous male. his walls were painted gray and his sheets were gray and black. everything matched a minimalist aesthetic and you appreciated the chill music that was playing from the record player in the corner of the room.
"yoongi?" you called out softly, shutting the door as quiet as possible.
"hng..." was the only response and you smiled softly at his relatable tone. no one in your book enjoyed waking up so early.
"i have your medication you have to take." at your words he slowly, very slowly, sat up with his hand sticking out. you placed the capsule in his hand and looked for water for him to take it with. "ah. sorry. please wait as i get you the water."
he dismissed your worry, swallowing the pill right down, a sigh leaving his lips afterward. "what time is it?" he asked quietly in a meek voice.
"its 08:45." you answered, peaking down at the schedule in your hand. it was really short for this individual. simply turn on his desktop and switch his record playing to a hip hop album. then get him a fresh cup of instant
so you did as it said, not noticing the trailing eyes that were on you the whole time. yoongi watched with a small smile as you diligently worked, even if you only had to shake the mouse awake. he loved the smile on your face when it finally turned on. but your expression faltered at the sight of his lock screen.
"uhm. yoongi? who's your lockscreen?"
his one eye peeked open, trying to hide his panic. he had forgotten to change it before you came. "uhm, no one. i got it off of the internet."
he threw the covers aside, softly moving you aside from the desktop. "just-just could you change the record and get me my coffee..." he smiles weakly, trying to hide his nerves, "i can't function without it. especially in the mornings." he explained to try and cover himself up. you nodded, letting it slide. you probably were the one at fault anyway, why did you even question him? ugh, you were being so stupid.
there was no way that it was actually you as the lockscreen...that's impossible considering you only met the lot yesterday. your eyes were probably just playing a game with you.
you delicately switched the music, hearing the crackly, yet relaxing beat of a rapper you didn't know the name of. you went to the kitchen and came back up to his room a few minutes later with a steeping cup of hot coffee. he smiled thankfully to you, taking the mug from you.
"thank you." he said and you turned away, about to leave. but the light pressure around your wrist made you turn around with a confused expression. the expression on his face looked as if he was hurting as he touched you, like your contact of skin on skin was burning him.
"so-sorry if I offended you earlier. i-you just caught me off guard with that question." he retracted his hand and scratched a spot behind his ear, a habit you assumed was formed out of anxiety.
"oh, don't worry about it. I should've watched my own mouth. it's not my business what your lockscreen is anyway." you said with a light chuckle. he shook his head with a small pout, which was the cutest thing in your opinion.
"don't blame yourself. it really is my fault." he retorted with the shake of his head. almost like he was disappointed in himself.
"why don't we meet in the middle and say it wasn't any of our faults?" you proposed, deeming it useless if you continued arguing about whose fault it was.
he chuckles at the proposition and nodded. "fine." a smile graced your lips and you continued to take your leave from his room.
"have a nice morning, yoongi." you said softly and he returned it with a grateful smile. shutting the door behind you, you didn't hear the breath of relief he let out.
"such an oblivious girl~~" was the tiny mutter he let out as he clicked away on his desktop, getting right to work.
โžฃjung hoseok
ย  ย  ย  choreographer, dancer, and produces and raps occasionally. always working although he does enjoy joking around with the maknae line and being goofy with them. he's a child at heart, beaming with energy and curiosity, although he does get a switch in aura due to his mental disabilities occasionally. has a light tinge of red in his hair although the undertones are true brown color (DNA era). 25 years old.
the giddy dancer was the next to be confronted. upon entering his room, you saw the immediate difference and contrast between the two.
his room was painted a bright, but not obnoxious, yellow. it was dulled down a bit and he had an eccentric colorful poster on his wall, just above the headboard of his bed. reading the color font, you made out the words 'HOPE WORLD.' perhaps it was a movie that you haven't heard of.
as for the male you were supposed to wake up, he was already sitting in front of the large screen of his room.
"good morning hoseok." you said cheerfully, almost like your mood had brightened by the mere sight of his wallpaper.
"ah, good morning!" his eyes didn't leave the screen. "sorry, unfortunately, i can't pause Tetris 99 and i'm ranked pretty high right now..." his voice was fading as he continued to focus on the colorful blocks on his screen.
you maneuvered around him, making sure not to cover his vision from his intense game. you sat at his desk, placing the pills labeled with his name into your hand. you had to wait until he was finished until you could give him his pills.
so you watched and got unreasonably attached to his game as well.
"shit..." he cursed lowly under his breath when it showed he was eliminated. honestly, you were yelling at which directions to put the blocks and how to edit their position, but for the sale of professionalism, you held that urge to yell back.
"better luck next time," you said with an encouraging smile. his annoyed expression was washed away immediately like he had taken off an invisible mask, and a wide smile spread his face.
"yup! thanks for the encouragement. it means a lot!" he took the pills on his desk, swallowing without a problem. "have the others been treating you well? the little ones aren't causing trouble right?"
you chuckled at the reference of the maknae line, shaking your head. "everyone is super sweet and nice~ no one has caused trouble." you pushed away the thought of the minor bump in the road at yoongi's room.
"i'm a good boy too right? i don't act up~~" he put his hand under his chin and pursed his lips cutely. he surely was cute. you held back the urge to pinch his cheeks. so all you could do was laugh with a light blush and nod.
"yes, hoseok. you're a good patient." you ruffled his hair slightly.
"awe, am i only a patient to you?" a cute pout now was on his lips, putting his hand on his sides as an upset child would.
"well, hopefully, we become closer as friends." you said in a sing-song voice stepping towards his door. "would you like me to come back to remind you of your studio opening? or do you think you could manage?"
hoseok thought. he always remembered when his studio opened, he was the owner and couldn't let his students down by being late. usually, he was a good 20 minutes early just to clean up. but that would mean you would come back and see him. so, with the two options, he obviously chose the latter.
"just for safety precaution, please come back around to remind me." you nodded in understanding.
"have a nice morning then, and see you soon hoseok." you were about to shut his door before his voice called out to you.
"wait!" he rushed to the doorway, opening it wider as he smiled, "call me hobi from now on. after all, we are gonna wanna become comfortable if you wanna be close friends! i hear nicknames are good ways of doing so. so call me hobi from now on, okay?"
you couldn't say no, especially when he was beaming with a smile like a little puppy. he was so unreasonably cute, it was unfair.
"alright then, hobi, have a good rest of the morning." you made sure to exaggerate the new nickname, thinking it would make him happy. and it did and it showed through his bright smile.
this time you shut the door without him interrupting, continuing on with your job and going down the hallway a bit more to namjoon's room.
meanwhile, hoseok was on his bed, face down in the pillows. in his arms was one that was suffering from his tight hug that he was enveloping it with. he had to bite back a squeal knowing you were only a few feet away from his room.
'i'm a good boy, she said so herself.' he said with a light blush, kicking his feet in ecstasy. 'i can't let her down now, i'll be good for her and only her.'
โžฃkim namjoon
ย  ย  ย  online college courses so most of his mornings are spent in his office doing work. very smart and excels in most of his classes. occasionally will accompany jin on his out of country trips, just to be a helping hand if needed. blondish, blonde hair, usually exposing his forehead. he's 25 years old and does also confide in his lyrical book to relieve stress.
you stopped a moment in front of the door, leaning your head against the door. your eyes were widened a bit, seeing how long his list was. you soon realized that is was like that because it contained his school schedule (which was several pages long, he didn't keep out details.)
suddenly, the door was swung open, leaving you to fall out of balance. luckily, namjoon acted fast enough to catch you. he was careful with his hands, not wanting to intrude on your personal space. he kept his arms stiff as he caught you from your underarms.
"oh my go-! i'm so sorry namjoon," you bowed profusely, trying to hide the embarrassment in your voice. although, it didn't help much. his familiar chuckle left his lips as he shook his head.
"it's fine," he said with a sweet smile, "i suppose i should apologize too for scaring you. sorry, i had just seen someone's shadow by the door, wanted to see who it was." he explained, keeping the same sweet smile on his face.
you nodded in understanding, digging into your small bag for his dosage. "would you like water?"
"ah, yes. i do need water, unlike the others, i have trouble swallowing these pills down."
rushing to get water, you came back upstairs with a full small glass and a tired smile. "sorry, i should've added that to your notes. i'll be sure to add that on later." he said before swallowing his dose.
"well, i would hate to cut our conversation short but i do need to continue on working. duty does call, unfortunately." he said with a heavy sigh. he didn't want to leave you prescence, but he needed to finish his work before anything else. maybe if he worked hard enough, he would get to spend alone time with you before lunch.
so as you nodded and shut his door, he dashed to his desk and worked as fast. but effectively as possible. without taking a second glance at the click the whole time, he was clicking through pages of pages of articles. at with all this rushing to get finished, he was done at a new record speed of an hour and forty-five minutes.
that was half his time than usual. and he was giddy and excited to have some personal time spent with you. he left his room, shutting the door and bringing his cup of water with him as he walks down the stairs.
however, his rushed feet paused as he heard you laughing. along with a familiar laughter mixed in with yours.
"hobi! stop, i won fair and square!" giu exclaimed as hoseok stomped his feet childishly. he was acting like a child and that was what triggered your laughter. meanwhile, namjoon was scowling at the scene.
of course, he had to ruin the moment. he was supposed to talk to you for some time longer. whatever, he would get his way with you eventually, he told himself.
"what are you two doing?" namjoon voiced, walking closer to you two. in the center of the room there was a giant flat screen TV and it displayed the image of mario kart. "ah, nevermind. i'll let you two have your own time."
hoseok smirked victoriously seeing namjoon's disheartened attitude. "no! come on join us! hoseok had to leave for his studio anyway."
the younger of the two lifted his head hopefully, the cutest smile basking his features.
"hobi, we can have a rematch mater. you have to go to your studio remember?" you reminded the male, who slouched on defeat. his victorious smile long gone as he stood from his position on the couch.
his bag was already packed for the studio and he hid you two a farewell, not without glaring at namjoon when you weren't paying attention. the other simply smiled innocently, waving bye almost mockingly to hoseok's retreating figure.
"to be honest, i'm kinda scared to go against you. hoseok is second best to jin in this house, so you must be really skilled."
you smiled confidently, "not to toot my own horn, but i've been playing since i was a kid." the newfound fact about yourself made namjoon smile fondly at you.
"well let's hope lady luck is on my side today."
she wasn't. he just all the races you two played, leaving you to pat his shoulder reassuringly even though a prideful smirk was on your lips.
"i demand a rematch, that was not fair!"
tou checked your phone, standing up with a smile. "afraid not at this moment. i've got to get the younger ones from school."
namjoon stood up and followed your walking figure, that was getting closer to the door. "we can send a driver to pick them up, come on just one more."
"sorry, duty calls, like you said earlier." namjoon let out a weak chuckle, not liking how his own words bit him in the butt.
"fine, but i expect a game when you come back."
"we will see namjoon, see you later." you waved and departed, leaving the male to slouch where he stood.
as you drove off to the college, jin sat in his wheelchair as yoongi leaned against the stairwell railing observing Namjoon.
"he's smart, but too selfish." yoongi noted, glaring at namjoon's figure.
"you're one to talk, you maniac."
"oh shut up, poser."
"ah, yoongi, you know I prefer romancer." the eldest winked as the other rolled his eyes at the statement.
| and that's the hyung line! sorry for the long wait =/ maknae line coming up next, apologies for any typos|
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bangtan-only ยท 7 years
BTS: House of Cards (Pt.2 Gang AU)
Character profiles
Chapter 1 /2 /3 /4/5/6/7
Chapter 8 โ€œInsecureโ€
ย  You were dead tired when your alarm rang for the hundredth time. Today was your day off. Never had you thought that those who work in the shadows would have a break. Well. We do. However. Even during time off, one should be careful of their lurking enemies because you never knew when karma decided to hit you back.
ย  Your off day was however quite different from other mafia members. For as long as you lived, your off days were what you would consider a blessing which other normal humans would never appreciate. Itโ€™s until you lose it that people will start appreciating what they had. You took a shower and throw on a oversize stripe long sleeve shirt and a black ripped jeans with your Nike sports shoes. You let your long, raven wavy hair cascade down your shoulders. You monitor yourself in the mirror before grabbing your handheld brick-brown leather bag in your right hand and grabbing your keys off the table, heading out.
ย  Your drive was peaceful and quiet as you put on random music from various radio station. Once you arrived at your destination, you hopped out of your car and head towards the warehouse where Bighit kept all the women. The gatekeeper who recognised you called out.
ย  โ€œLooking good (Y/n)-ah. I see. Here for your sister again.โ€ He smirked before unlocking the door to your sisterโ€™s room.
ย  Thank you was all you say before giving your sister a big hug. She sat on the bed, smiling weakly at you. Your heart would break every time you see her in this state, how you hope you could get used to it. No matter how hard you tried, you still failed.
ย  โ€œ(Y/n)-ah.ย  I missed you.โ€ She spoke, trying to get herself out of the bed. You ran to her side to help her up.
ย  โ€œSis. I miss you too. A lot."ย  You replied, bittersweet smile hanging at your lips.
ย  Since young, you and Jimin has known each other through Bighit. It wasnโ€™t the best place to get a friend yet you both work hard and trained together, just aiming to get out of this hellhole. You and Jimin quickly became the most outstanding children being put through much more than the others just so you guys could be a valuable assets to the mafia. Jimin was known for his ability to trick others and obviously his excellent skills in fighting. You on the other hand were what you would call, jack-of-all trades and master in planning. You donโ€™t know how yet you are able to see through human intentions and emotions which your agree was scary at times and able to spot any single loopholes. The ability to mitigate such problems also came in handy in this world. You sometimes wonder if it was a blessing or a curse from heaven.
ย  Jimin and you were took out of the team and trained elsewhere from the others, making you not able to see or talk to your sister. Your sister however, was not born for this kind of lifestyle and became test for drugs which land her in a sickly state over the years. You swore that you would get her and yourself out of this mess one day. You thought over your conversation with Namjoon earlier, finally that day is near, at least thatโ€™s what you hope.
Sorry for not fulfilling this promise earlier.
ย  Your day spent with your sister quickly came to the end as the sun fades away. You always like darkness but not now. You had to send her back to the warehouse.
Itโ€™s okay right ?
She would be fine soon.
ย  "Iโ€™ll get you out of there real soon okay! Just wait for me.โ€ whispered to her, passing to her the shopping bags from earlier with her favourite snacks and a few clothings for her to change into.
ย  โ€œI am waiting!โ€ She smile faintly. You stayed in her room for a little longer until the clock strike 12 and you have to go.
ย  The door opened exactly when it reach 12. You were soย ย  close to cursing the person out.
ย  โ€œ(Y/n)-ssi. You have to leave.โ€ The guard man spoke.
ย  โ€œI got it so stop repeating this every week.โ€ You glared at him, packed your stuff and gave your sister a tight hug before leaving the room. All the time sending death glare towards the guard.
ย  An unknown caller id was displayed on your screen. you contemplate if you should pick up this phone call. Not being able to tolerate the ringing, you decided to pick it up.
ย  โ€œHello?โ€
ย  โ€œHey. (Y/n). Itโ€™s me.โ€ your eyes widen at his voice.
ย  โ€œJimin. What do you want and how in the world did you get my number?โ€
ย  โ€œI have my ways. But that aside.โ€
ย  โ€œI want to talk with you. Nothing to do with Bighit or BTS itโ€™s just personal stuff.โ€
ย  โ€œI donโ€™t have any personal stuff to speak of, Jimin. My life revolve around the mafia and nothing else. You should know that well enough. Personal issues would only hinder ourselves.โ€ You replied, slightly cold.
ย  โ€œIf you still have a bit of regard for our friendship then Iโ€™ll see you at the usual place.โ€ Jimin paused, before he added.
ย  โ€œIf not, I know your answer.โ€
A/n: I would be pausing this ff due to lack of readership for this story (I may continue this in the future.)
A really big thank you to those who have supported this ff. I really appreciate it.ย 
But, donโ€™t worry and do check out my other upcoming ffs!
Many Loves,
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55 notes ยท View notes
demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“น๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ป ๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ฌ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฎ
pt. 1
word count: 1,273
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
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it was old. but not dingy looking. actually, old but classy old, y'know? the building looked almost like a haunting house, but it was more welcoming than one from a horror movie. you could see the lights were on, so the question of someone being home was now answered, after all, at least 1 of the 7 tenants had to be home. at least, or else you'd have walked up a whole bunch of stairs for no reason.
you pressed the white button which you presumed to be the doorbell.
inside the house, seven heads shot up.
"she's here!" one yelled excitedly, bouncing on his feet.
"shh! she can't know we were waiting!"
"no! you shh! she could hear us right now."
"just go to your rooms idiot and let me handle her. don't even think about coming downstairs while we talk."
you waited patiently, peaking into the glass window of the door trying to catch a glimpse of the inside. as your eyes were finally able to see a peak of the inside, a pair of brown eyes met your own. the way the sun hit it made it look lighter, which made you grin at the male.
in a second, the door was opened and a tall, handsome young man was smiling at you.
"i'm sorry for taking so long, had to get the others in order." he grinned and welcomed you inside. "we can talk in the dining room."
he led you to the large dining area, a long table greeting you with more than enough chairs to feed more than 10 people. "so i take you're interested in our offer?"
you smiled weakly, pulling out the letter in your bag. "before talking about things like that, i would first like to know your name," pointing at the smiley face at the bottom you chuckled, "this doesn't really give me much to know about you, or whoever had written it."
he looked at the smiley face himself, almost like's never seen it before either. suddenly, a deep chuckle left his throat making you blush at the sound. it was so...manly.
"i'm sorry about that, it must've been one of the tenants. rather playful he is. my name is Kim Namjoon, Namjoon or Joon is fine though. i'm sorry for my friend's mistake...can't believe i missed it before mailing it to you." he looked down ashamed of his slip up, scratching behind his ear. "he meant well, i'm sorry if it creeped you out in some way."
how could he have guessed it creeped you out? well, who knows maybe he thought the action of his 'friend' was odd himself.
"ah, no, it's fine. simply curious as to who wrote such a persuasive letter," you took in a deep breath. "i am interested in the job after all. i just want to go through the facts of payment and requirements."
he nodded in understanding. "ah, of course. well, we can pay you well as well as provide food and housing. we do live pretty far from the town and it would be more efficient if you had stayed with us, here. and the specifics of payment would be about $9,000 a month. possibly more."
your eyes had budged. and he noticed. and he let out that manly, attractive chuckle. his shoulders shook slightly with his movement.
"you mean, like a thousand? a month?"
if you were being paid that much in a month you could easily live off this job for the rest of your life!
"yes, ma'am."
"y/n is fine, Namjoon...but you are absolutely sure that i will get paid $9,000 a month, along with housing and food if i choose so?" it seemed too good. it couldn't be real. all due respect, he seemed trustworthy, but that much money seemed suspiciously high. your inner gut was telling you 'no.'
"yes, and we are absolutely sure we can suffice that amount of money for as long as you want. we do not play with the proper treatment of you if you were to stay and work with us." he said, pushing his rimmed glasses higher up his nose. "that is if you choose to stay, which we do hope you do."
"i-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to decide too early. you needed questions answered first.
"how come i've never heard of this place, do you guys simply like privacy? and it seems you are the only one home, where are the other 6?" you inquired, putting out the simple questions first.
"ah, the other 6 are here, they are just shy. it's been a while since we've seen a be- female..." you failed to notice the pink dusting his cheeks, he had caught himself before he said 'beautiful.' that sure would've scared you.
"okay, i understand that."
"as for why we're so isolated from others is simply because we enjoy our privacy. there was a point when we were in high school when we wouldn't have any private life. it really damaged us, so we're living here now. although, i should mention that most of us have our own jobs. some of us even work in the city, including me." he spoke calmly, his words sounding so perfect and smooth. he was reeling you into saying yes to his proposal. and it was working. the word was almost going to roll off your tongue at this point.
"so what do you say?" he questioned after a moment of silence. he was internally yelling for you to accept. but he would have to stay quiet for now.
"i think...i need time to think."
sadness was on his face.
"i need to make sure i am willing to completely dedicate myself to this job. and i thank you for answering my questions and concerns, i am very much leaning towards yes." you assured. "but don't get your hopes up, please. i just need a few days to think this over, Namjoon." with that you stood up from the table, him following your actions.
"ah! okay, we understand. do contact us again if you are sure you want this job." he said kindly, although you could hear and see the disappointment in his eyes and voice. he walked you to the door, waving you off with a kind smile.
you returned to your household, collapsing onto your couch with a stressed look. you really needed this job, but there was a part of you yelling out that it was un-safe. but doesn't everyone feel like that with new, unfamiliar things? especially jobs, yeah?
after mulling over the thought of accepting, you came to a conclusion.
"taehyung, i swear if it's because of your stupid smiley face she doesn't accept this, i will personally mutilate you."
"whatever. it was cute, she seemed to like it." the male blushed at the thought of you liking something of his. "i can't believe how pretty she is in person."
"you should see her up close, so magnificent."
knocking on the door of the familiar door, you fiddled with your thumbs. in a few seconds, the door was opened wide by Namjoon himself.
"ah, you've come back...and with good news, i hope?" his voice was light and happy, which caused you to smile. when you realized your actions, that including some staring on your part, you coughed behind your hand, regaining your stoic expression.
"yes, and i came here to properly tell you..."
a/n- aha, cliffhanger-sorta-kinda-not-really. anyway apologies on to how short this chapter was, i can assure the next one will longer tho!!
220 notes ยท View notes
demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ -ย ๐“น๐“ช๐“ป๐“ด ๐“ณ๐“ฒ๐“ถ๐“ฒ๐“ท, ๐“ด๐“ฒ๐“ถ ๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ฎ๐“ฑ๐”‚๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฐ, ๐“ณ๐“ฎ๐“ธ๐“ท ๐“ณ๐“ฎ๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ด
pt. 6
word count; 4,855
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is aย trigger warningย for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
tag list: @taezeusโ€‹ @jooniescupcakes @aesthetically-messed-up @okpokeโ€‹ ย @aysha489โ€‹ @iwannabeanidol (comment under this post to be added, if you comment anywhere else i wonโ€™t see it)
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โžฃpark jimin
ย  ย  ย  23 years old with blonde hair (dna/mic drop era) and is an ambitious dancer, singer, and all around performer. he has been creative since he was a young child and it's a big part of his life.
you locked the door after telling Namjoon you had to pick up the boys. well, technically, you were picking jimin up for his lunch/co-curricular. then following that would be taehyung, and jungkook. they all had separate break times considering they had different schedules. the rest of the boys even noted to you that jungkook would spend extra hours in the practice room at their university. dancing his heart out, skipping his lunch.
so you had patiently waited outside the entrance of his school, where he said to wait for him. so when you saw a tuffle of blonde hair bounce amongst the other students, you smiled softly knowing that it was jimin.
so you waved to get his attention, successfully achieving it. he came over to you with a bright smile and the first words out of his mouth were, "Let's get tacos!"
you didnt argue, i mean who would. a brightly smiling park jimin is offering to eat tacos, now how does one reject such an offer.
so you drive to a local taco restaurant, jimin baking your ear off as to how good their carne asada is(today he was just craving tacos. so he ordered his food, as you did your own. and while you patiently waited, you began starting up conversation.
"so how were your classes?"
a groan left his lips. "excuse my french, but annoying as hell."
you had to hold in your laughter, he didnt even curse when he said to excuse his french. "and why were they annoying?" you took a sip from your drink as he ran a hand through his hair.
"dont get me wrong, i love dancing and singing and performing, but it's too technical! i dont know if it's just at this school or something, but these classes require me to take more notes than to actually exhibit my skill." you nodded, wishing you could say you could relate but obviously couldnt. you were glad as a college student to just take notes and learn a lesson through the day, work, and go to your dorm to just study more. jimin was the complete opposite. he had a drive of passion and you admired him for that. he had something to live, and you didn't know if it was dancing, nonetheless his love for performing amazedly amzed you.
"well, at least you get to perform at shows right? i mean, i can kinda relate with how boring lessons are, especially with the most boring of teachers. but at least you get to show how really talented you are, right?" you said with a weak smile. "hey, if it makes you feel any better...one time i tripped in front of a thousand people at my orientation."
it took less than a second for him to break out into a wide grin, his childish giggle ringing through your ear. "what does that have to do with anything?" he said through his boisterous laughter.
"absolutely nothing. just wanted you to feel better and cheer up a bit," you said with a shrug and light blush. i mean your plan worked, but he now just had potential blackmail on you.
your statement seemed to make his shoulders shake even more. "you're so amusing, noona~ ah, we're lucky to have you."
i'm lucky to have you
the twinkle in his eye made you smile wider, brushing off your embarrassment. "please, i'm lucky to have you guys. you guys are seriously too generous." his eyes turn into crescents, wordlessly nodding his head.
you ate your food in silence, eating quickly to fill your empty stomach. jimin was talking through the lunch period, filling you in on the past of the boys.
"jin, he's a next-to-be heir of his father's company. he is the main source of money that goes to our house, food, and generally everything. he's well put off, to make it simply." jimin stated when you asked about the eldest brother. "we all met in high school though. i was first friends with jungkook and yoongi, so i'm really the closest to them. but i treat all of them like they're my brothers. but soon after we became all really close, we got a lot of un-needed attention. we didn't like it, especially yoongi, jungkook, and i. our anxiety really kicked in during our highschool years. the attention was too much for us and we barely made it through our last year. so jin bought the house we live in now, which is far away from the town, because we didn't want to have anything to do with the townspeople after that."
your mouth formed into a small 'o', taking in all of that information. learning about how they were treated in highscool made you sympathsize with them. naturally, when there are several attractive, young men going to a school, the females (and males) will do anything for their attention. at least, that's what it's like in the TV shows. it all seems glorious, but hearing how much it affected them now was sadening. you could only think of how they were treated.
jimin's plump lips curled into a small smirk, seeing the flash of emotions cross your face. mostly were pity and sympathy, and it was a great feeling for him. you had trusted them and gotten close them so quickly in the few days you had been acquainted. if it continued up, jin's plan would be working perfectly.
'jin isn't the only proficient liar in the house, dear,' jimin thought, happy you had fallen so easily into the trap. however, it was just the beginning and they had to work even harder for you to become even closer.
"yeah, it was relly terrible. i hate to self-pity myself, but those girls there...were really out of hand. they would give obnoxious gifts, throw themselves onto us like we were zoo animals, and the way they acted surely would've disappointed their mothers and fathers." jimin said, a pout on his lips as he worked up tears. his eyes were glossing as he looked at you with a weak smile, "you aren't like that, right noona?"
your heart broke. the look of absolute sadness on his face was enough for you to grasp his hands into yours. "of course not, i wouldn't dare to even act like that. this is my job and no matter what, i will keep myself in check. i wouldn't want you boys to relapse or anything," a kind smile was on your lips, and jimin couldn't help but mimic your expression.
"thank you so much for agreeing to this job, although it might be a bit more than you bargained for," a light chuckle left his mouth as he wiped his eyes of his almost falling tears. you nodded slowly, looking down at your empty plate. you were ready to pack up and leave, considering you already paid for the bill. but when you looked up, you saw that jimin had barely eaten his burrito bowl.
"jimin, aren't you hungry?"
he looked at his plate, smiling nervously. "no, no. i already had a few bites, that's enough to suffience me for the rest of the day."
you recalled back to when you were reading their documents, remembering the eating disorder that was listed among his other diagnoses. a weak smile trailed your lips, picking up a spoon to scoop up some of his burrito bowl. "come on, just a few more bites. and if you don't want anymore, i'm sure the other boys will appreciate this."
so, when your crush of the longest time is holding out a spoon to you, begging you to eat you food, what're you gonna say? no?
"just one more bite," jimin said with a shy smile, his face a bright red. he had never thought he would be this close to you, you were feeding him food! his brain couldn't take it so he simply leaned forward to have a bite of his own food.
"there ya go," you said happily, glad you were able to get the poor man to eat something.
so you took the burrito bowl in a to-go box, driving jimin back since his lunch period was almost up. you had talked at the restaurant longer than you had expected.
"tae should be waiting in the same spot you picked me up at, but if he isn't you can text him." jimin said as he got out of the car. he was leaned down, arm resting on the top of the car so he could talk to you.
"text me when he comes so i know he doesn't keep you waiting or something."
you both chuckled, until you heard a yell directed towards you two. "ya! jimin i'm not always late to things!"
โžฃkim taehyung
ย  ย  ย  23 years old. dark brown hair, almost black(LY:TEAR era). a photography major, travels far every now and then when he wants to capture the perfect image. treasures art since it has been apart of his life since he could remember.
jimin rolled his eyes, looking up at the new arriving male, "you usually are though." he argued as taehyung closed in on the car. he was now standing next to jimin with his boxy smile, eyes lingering with his for a moment. that is before he whipped his head to look at you.
"hi noona!" his cheerful tone made you smile and wave in greeting. "okay, jimin scadoodle, you got a class to catch." taehyung circled the car, opening up the passenger's seat and settling in.
jimin was reluctant to leave you alone with the hyper male, but he had no choice considering he did need to catch his class. "alright i'll see you at dis-"
"yeah yeah bye!" taehyung leaned over you lap, pulling your window up for you to shut the older one out. when it was sealed shut, taehyung looks at you excitedly. "what do you have in mind for the next 45 minutes noona?"
taehyung hasn't moved from your lap, cuing a blush to arise on your cheeks. "the park?" your tone was shaking out of nerves and because you were so flustered, then taehyung finally got off of your lap.
"sure i don't mind." he calmed down a bit, playing with his thumbs which laid in his lap. "but, would you mind if we stopped for ice cream?"
the familiar boxy smile was on his face as he waited for your response. you couldn't turn down the energetic boy's request even if you wanted to, it has to be illegal to say no to that face. so you exaggeratedly sighed in defeat, although the smile on your face proved to taehyung that you were in fact okay with getting ice cream. i mean ice cream in the park was an even better idea than the original you had proposed.
so you drove a little down the road and to the small ice cream parlor, where a nice old lady was waiting. she greeted you with a smile, but when she saw taehyung's figure her face turned a bit glum. you didn't miss it, but taehyung didn't catch it as he was too busy looking at the assortments of ice cream.
so you told the lady what you wished to order, she gladly taking it and putting the ice cream you wanted in a cup. taehyung looked up at her and her eyes once again turned a bit glum, face falling at the sight of his face. you ignored it and moved to the cashier, missing the deadly glare that taehyung gave her. if looks could kill she surely would've been dead.
another girl had gotten your order rung up at the cashier, what the other lady was doing you didn't care for. so you simply paid for the ice cream, going back to taehyung who was sitting at the table patiently.
"here is your ice cream taehyung, let's go to the park, yeah?" he nodded, smiling widely.
"we can go to the campus park, it's closer than the other one." taehyung informs and you didn't even bother arguing, the faster you could get back to pick jungkook up would be easier and more convenient anyway. so you drove according to his directions, parking in the open lot.
he eagerly hopped out of the vehicle, practically bouncing over to sit on one of the benches. miraculously, his ice cream was fine with all his erratic movement.
you locked the car door, joining him on the bench. you licked your ice cream and observed the scenery. it was a beautiful little park, a blue pond sitting in the corner of the landscape. trees were blooming, little pink buds at the end of several branches.
"so, noona," he started breaking the silence, "why did you become a maid rather than a translator?"
you thought for a moment, humming slightly in thought. "i mean, i would be happy with either jobs. but my friend was telling me about how her grandma had passed because no one was watching over her, it made me re-think my decision." you spoke the truth to taehyung, a soft smile on your face. "i got really lucky with this job, however. you guys are really too generous."
he shook his head and took a lick of his ice cream, "no, we just know how to treat people correctly. jin and yoongi are the heads of the house, unofficially but they are the most responsible, and they both agree that they both don't like it when people arent treated correctly. or aren't paid the amount they should."
your heart warmed at how sweet the two boys were. they were so considerate and kind, it was really heart warming to know there were people still like that.
"oh, i'm glad that they're equal minded. you all seem equal minded and open." he nodded in agreement to your words, an appreciative smile on his lips. you finished your ice cream and stood up to find a nearby trash can to throw the cup away.
"wait, i have another question, don't go yet," he said hurriedly, like he was afraid you were going to leave him at the park. his hand shot out to your wrist, holding you still.
a short chuckle left your lips, "tae, chill. I'm just going to throw this out."
he stared at you for a moment, "you promise?" the tone of seriousness laced in his voice was a bit alarming but you brushed it off. "yes, tae, i promise." he finally let you go, nodding slowly. as you walked to the nearby trashcan you could feel his eyes trail after you.
so when you joined his side, he clasped his hands with yours. "i'm sorry, just feeling a little stressed right now." he emphasized the word 'stressed' and you nodded. remembering on his file, it said too much stress could lead to an episode of his. you held his hand equally as tight, looking at him with a soft smile.
"i'm not gonna ask wh-"
"i thought you were going to leave me here," he said with a ragged breath, "it's a little thing, but i got worried, sorry. i get worried easily."
you nodded in understanding, waving your hand dismissively, "don't apologize. what were you wanting to ask earlier?" your thumb rubbed against the back of his hand and you didn't know how thankful he was for your touch. his worries were dying down already, positively because of your prescence and touch. if he was at home alone, he would've snapped already. you really were a blessing to have. it was a shame he had to share you.
"have you had any other jobs before this one?"
"yes, i did." you answered openly. "i was offered to be a translator for an american company stationed here. they needed a translator, but the way i was treated there made me quit. besides, that place had shut down a few weeks later, so i guess i got really lucky. after that i applied for a job at the nursing home. occasionally, i had side jobs to care for those with mental disorders and such."
he nodded along, already knowing that information. in fact, he felt he knew it too well. he remembered when jin had conveyed that message to him. he snapped that day when he heard you were being mistreated. he was also the one who wanted you to come and join them instead, encouraging the others to send that letter to you.
"i see, well the job must've sucked anyway." he said, beginning to lighten the mood. "we're happy we have you though. you're not the only grateful one~"
his comments made you smile, forgetting about what you were previously talking about.
"why are you so curious anyway?"
he lifted an eyebrow, pouting a bit, "can't be curious about our sweet little maid." your nose scrunched at the comment, not sure if it was a negative or positive.
"i mean, i guess you're right. curiosity did kill the cat though," you winked playfully, chuckling alongside him.
"however, i am satisfied with those answers." he smirked back, taking a bite out of his cone. as he chewed his phone began to ring. his hands were full however, one of his hands holding his cone, the other holding yours. his grip on your hand tightened a bit, telling you he didn't want to let go.
he nodded, saying it was alright to check his phone. so, hesitantly however, you grabbed his phone and your expression eased when you read the name.
"its jungkook."
"oh just answer it," he nods once again, "what does he need now?"
you swiped on the screen if his phone, putting it on speaker so taehyung could talk.
"what do you need kookie?" he spoke casually, biting off another piece of cone.
"i-i need you to come get me, please. i-can't b-breathe."
taehyung was more on guard now, getting up and biting down the last of the ice cream cone. "we gotta go back to the university. quickly." you swallowed harshly, getting up and starting the car. taehyung got in after you, calmly (surprisingly) speaking to jungkook on the other end.
"hey, kook, listen to me. i know it feels suffocating, but listen to me okay," heavy breathing was heard on the other end, "y/n is here, okay? she's here. she is here."
you glanced at taehyung questionably, wondering why it mattered whether or not you were, in fact, here.
"y-y-y/n?" his voice was shaky, hiccupping heard afterwords. "yo-you're there?" a strong wheeze was heard after that. it encouraged you to really race through the streets, no matter how close it was. he needed someone, now.
"yeah, i'm here. where are you jungkook? me and tae are gonna get you, okay? focus for a moment and tell us where you are." your words were rushed and you were afraid he wouldnt be able to comprehend what you were saying.
"eas-east building, floor-r 1, right by econ."
you shut your door, loud enough for a lot of people to stare in confusion. taehyung led you to the building and inside to where jungkook said he was.
you saw the younger boy, knees to his chest, tears streaming down his face, the hand clenching his phone so tightly you swore you almost saw a crack forming.
"kook!" taehyung called out, rushing to kneel by his younger friend's side. "you're okay. i got you, i got you."
โžฃjeon jeongguk
21 years old. medium dark brown hair(wings/ynwa era). takes singing and dancing seriously, passionate about both activities. has terrible anxiety, but still is able to attract all the girls on campus with his seemingly innocent and boyish look. however, jungkook only has his eyes on one girl.
jungkook shook his head 'no,' pushing past him to stumble to his legs. he got up and ran into your arms, sobbing into your shoulder. his grip was tight around you, like he never wished to let go. softly, you could hear your name being muttered over and over. his body shook, the wetness of his tears soaking through your shirt's fabric.
"hey. it's alright, i'm here. i'm here, it's okay."
his body shook even more violently with his sobs, squeezing you even tighter. "do-don't go, st-stay."
"i'm not going anywhere. hey, breathe in and out with me, okay?" you didn't care about your surroundings and brought you two down to the ground. "look at me, listen to me."
he did as told, staring at you with his red, doe eyes. when you made sure he was paying attention, you took in deep breaths for him to mimic. his eyes stayed on your lips, following after you. although he did have hiccups in between some breaths, he managed to steady himself.
taehyung, slightly jealous, stayed silent. jungkook was wrapped in your arms, head resting in the crook of your neck. you looked at taehyung, nodding to him, saying he should go to his class now before he misses it. he hesitantly leaves, waving bye to you as you try to comfort jungkook more.
from your experience with past patients and by what recently happened, you could assume jungkook had a panic attack. you shuffled both of you over to sit on the couch which was in the corner of the room. students had poured into the building, following their schedule. some paid no mind as others didn't bother hiding their stare. even when his sniffles were gone and the tears were long gone, he was still holding tightly onto you. his arm wrapped around your own, making him look like a lost child.
suddenly, there was a man that walked up to you two. "hey, is mr. jeon doing alright?"
with the way he held himself, his speech, and his clothing, you could only think that he was the dean of their school. "yes, he should be alright, now." he nodded and looked at the cowering jungkook.
"jungkook, you can take the day off if you would like. some students were telling me this episode was worse than the ones before." you turned to jungkook, asking if he would like going home. he nods, pushing himself closer to you.
"if it's alright, jungkookie would like to leave with noona," he says in a quiet voice. the dean nods, holding his hand for you to shake which you do briefly. he leaves the building and you turn to jungkook with a soft smile.
"if you have everything on you now, we can go home." speaking softly, you gently squeeze his hand. ever since he had calmed down, he seemed to be a bit aloof. you weren't going to question it, assuming he was just really coming back and calming down.
so you picked the backpack up for him, guiding the straps to his shoulders and walked hand-in-hand with him to the car. you opened his door for him, reminding him to put his seat belt on before you entered through your side of the car.
"noona," his quiet voice started, "jungkookie is sorry for causing trouble. i-i was just really anxious and ever-rything felt too close." there was a tremble in his tone and you shook your head in objection to his apologies.
"hey, you don't need to apologise, there should be no need for you to apologize for something you couldn't control. and don't even call it trouble, you caused me no trouble," although your eyes were trained on the road, the smile on your lips was directed to him.
jungkook chewed on his lip, watching your soft expression. he felt like there were butterflies in his stomach from the sweet, kind smile on your face. he had only dreamt of seeing it up close and have it directed to him before.
"noona, jungkookie thinks you're sooo pretty! this pretty!" he blurted, stretching his arms wide open, almost hitting you with his palm.
you flinched slightly at the sudden outburst, stopping at the red light and taking your time to inspect him. "jungkook, you alright?"
"jungkookie is okay now! now that noona is here! and she's sharing all of her happiness and smiles, so of course jungkookie okay."
his tone, which was lighter and higher than usual, his words, speaking in third person, his sudden switch in action - he had changed to an alter of his. why had it taken you so long to figure that much out? it said on his file he had DID, why couldn't you piece two aand two together?
you also read that same night when you were researching their own disorders, people switch alters or heads when they might be feeling temendously anxious or they were triggered to. some people with DID find it to be a protecting or shielding mechanism. what exactly happened at school with jungkook today?
"well, jungkookie," you started slowly. he had nodded eagerly, loving the sound of his name falling off of your lips.
"yes noona?" you swear, there were hearts twirling around his head as stars filled his eyes.
"how about i drop you off at home, we can watch some shows, and then we can go pick up the two others together?"
"hmm," he hummed thoughtfully, lower lip jutted out, "jungkookie is a little tired. but maybe if i take a nappy, i can be okay!"
the cheerful and childish response made you smile in relief. who knows maybe it would be better if jungkook stayed home when you went to pick up the boys. so you parked the car in their driveway, bouncing over to open jungkook's door for him.
you unlocked the house door with your own key and the ones inside the house immediately padded over.
"the dean called. said jungkookie had a panic attack and was excused from class. he isn't hurt is he?" you shook your head silently, watching the 3 boys, minus yoongi (he was watching carefully from the sidelines though), was inspecting jungkook, asking him all kinds of questions.
"he isn't hurt," you answered for them, "but he changed alters."
there was a silent pause between everyone, except jungkook who was thumping his foot against the floor. "hyungs! can i take y/n upstairs so we can play with my games?" he had bounced around jin's wheel chair, an excited smile on his face.
"hold on a second bunny, why don't you set up while we talk to y/n here?" the youngest settled for that idea, running up the stairs. when all of them made sure it was clear, they heaved a sigh of relief.
"jungkook in his headspace is usually really in control, so i hope he didn't cause too much trouble for you," jin said with an apologetic smile.
"no he was perfectly fine. it just shocked me a bit, i didn't expect to see jungkook in his little mind space for a while." namjoon leaned over, lowering his voice in safety so jungkook could hear, "it means he trusts you enough to become a little."
the rest of them nodded, agreeing with namjoon. they were about to say something when your phone started vibrating. jimin was calling.
"5th avenue, the corner of that street, right in front of the McDonald's! come quick!!"
it became obvious they needed a ride so you hung up, turning back to the boys.
"he'll be okay with me gone, right?"
they shared a glance before nodding, urging you to get the rest of the boys. so you left, going to the address jimin said in his quick message.
little did you know that while you were gone, jungkook would only get more stubborn and whiney, as the eldest hyungs had to deal with their giant man-baby who had been repeatedly yelling your name after finding out you had left. surprisingly he wasn't crying, just stomping his feet out of frustration.
it didn't matter to jin, the headache he felt was the same from the continuous cry of your name. let's just hope you don't come back home to see how terrible they were at controlling a little jungkook.
YO this chapter literally has double the words than it does with hyung line....I feel bad but i swear i dont have a preference for either line!!
anyway, I apologize for any mistakes and just a side note - its undecided what Jungkook's little age is but I'm gonna range it from 3-5 or smth like that.........(he does have other personalities/ alters - they just haven't been triggered yet ๐Ÿ‘€)
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demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ฏ๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚
word count: 1,660
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
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Namjoon waited impatiently before you told him your response. it was either a yes or a no. and god forbid it be a no. if it were going to be a no, then their whole plan would fall apart. they planned this scheme for as long as they laid eyes on you, and if it were to fall apart now, there would be no way of going back.
"yes!" you said excitedly, seeking a happy response or a smile from the taller male in front of you. and you were granted with it.
"that's great! please, come in and you can meet the rest of us."
thank god he didn't have to take you against your will. he would hate to do that to you. but now he knew for sure you were staying, and by your own will so that made him gushy. you willingly wanted to stay with them. with him.
you stepped into the household, walking to the familiar living room to see 5 males chatting together. they were in a heated conversation, speaking only in whispers to each other. but when they heard Namjoon clear his throat, they all stopped what they were doing and...stared.
"uhm, this is the rest of us." Namjoon said a bit awkwardly, trying to frantically get the guys to stop staring at you. they had been staring longer than 20 seconds, no one saying anything, just staring. and Namjoon could only imagine how uncomfortable you probably were right now.
"ahem! guys, you wanna introduce yourselves to our new...friend." you smiled softly at the word friend, holding your hand out for one of them to shake. there was a bit of delayed reaction, but one of them decided to rush up and shake your hand pretty violently.
"hi! it's a pleasure to meet you! i'm Taehyung, i hope we can become really close! i haven't had a new friend in a while, and besides these guys get boring really quickly. like i've known them my whole life so it's nice to see a new face." as he spoke, his shaking of your limb didn't falter. in fact, his hand only became tighter on your smaller one.
"ah, a pleasure to meet you taehyung. i as well hope we become closer." you said, somehow, pulling your hand away. when you were no longer touching him and stepping forward to greet the others, a pout settled on his lips. he was saddened you had pulled your hand away.
"hello, what is your name?" you said, looking down at a cute man. his face was slim and he looked fairly young. and by the sight of you in front of him, his cheeks were dusted with a heavy pink shade as he shyly outstretched his hand to yours.
"y-yoongi. min yoongi, please to fina-i mean, meet you. pleasure to meet you." you chuckled at his stumbling of words, finding his attitude and behavior adorable. "you can call me yoongi-oppa, or yoongs though...i don't mind."
"oh, okay," you said pulling your hand away after a light shake. "how do you know you're my oppa?"
his eyes met every place that wasn't yours. "lucky guess...i'm older than almost everyone here so i assumed i would be older than you. you do look young, i'm sorry i'm rambling and sound like a creep right now." he fiddled with his right ear, scratching at it, and you internally yelled at how cute his antics were. "i'm 25..."
"i see, i'm 24."
'we know,' the boys thought in unison, although didn't voice their thoughts.
"ah, you're the same age as Hoseok and I. Hoseok is the one with a light tinge of red in his hair." Namjoon pointed at the respected male, who shyly brought his hand out to you. "he's a bit bashful, but really when you get comfortable with him he's much louder."
a chorus of chuckles left everyone's lips, nodding in agreement.
"h-hey y/n, pleasure finally meeting you."
'finally? did Namjoon speak highly of me the other day?' you masked your inner curiosity with a kind smile, shaking his hand firmly.
"he is a bit shy, but so is Jungkook. he's our youngest." a tall, lean male walked up to you. his wide doe eyes looked at you with an emotion you couldn't name, his hand stretching out to you. and you noticed he was shaking a bit
"pleasure meeting you, jungkook."
"pl-pleasure is all m-mine." his cute stutter had you smiling brightly, and his knees buckled a bit at the sight of your smile. he could barely believe he was touching your hand, let alone getting to get such a beautiful expression out of you.
"so you've met, hoseok, jungkook, yoongi, taehyung, and me...leaves jin and jimin." a blonde, chubby cheeked man shot up to his feet, awkwardly waving at you.
"jimin. i'm jimin, nice to meet you." unlike the past two, he wasn't bashful at all. his smile was precious, his eyes turning to little crescents when you shook his hand.
"hello jimin, nice to meet you too," your response made his smile even wider and you could feel the happiness radiating from him. he sure was giddy and friendly, from what you could tell.
"now where is jin-hyung? don't tell me none of you helped him this morning...." silence ensued as you turned to Namjoon with a raised brow. "are you guys serious? and here i thought you were responsible."
"really at this point, you should know that they most definitely aren't."
a honey voice broke out, making you turn around to where the voice came from. there was a young, undeniably handsome man who was grinning at you. "Kim Seokjin, the last and oldest of the 7. pleasure to finally meet you."
with the slight push of a stick attached to his wheeled chair, he was moved over to you and you smiled at his polite and professional tone. "nice to meet you, seokjin."
"ah, jin is fine. no one here calls me seokjin, too formal for my liking," the man said with a hearty laugh. one that comically resembled a windshield wiper, and you couldn't help to laugh yourself.
there was a silence that was among you all until jin opened his mouth to speak, "it's is around lunch time so why don't we eat. first meal with us as official friends, that way we get to know each other more." he shifted to look at you with a charming smile. "unless you prefer to do something else, don't want to pressure you or anything."
"no, a lunch seems fine now. i, unfortunately, had to skip breakfast this morning," you said petting your stomach for effect. some laughed while others stared at you in worry. why would you be skipping meals? thankfully, you hadn't noticed as jin whisked you away into the familiar dining room.
"we will fetch the food, the younger ones can certainly keep you company," Namjoon said, guiding you to your seat.
you took your seat, fixing your outfit with a smile on your face. they were so friendly and nice, it was a relief that they weren't old, bossy, rich men. if they were you wouldn't have been smiling as widely as you were right now.
you took note of how there were 2 brightly smiling males in front of you, as the one who similarized with a bunny was biting his lip and looking to his left.
"so, do you guys attend college or go to school? you three seem to be closest in age and the youngest," you asked to break the ice, all the while presenting a friendly smile. jungkook's head shot up, he still wasn't used to hearing your voice address him. it was like a dream. meanwhile, taehyung and jimin were eager to answer the question.
"i take arts as a major, i juggle between acting and dancing. i like to think i'm good at both." jimin jokingly patted himself on his back, laughing at his own actions making you chuckle softly.
"well, i also take arts, photography to be specfic. i also travel sometimes, for the photos of course. i could show you them sometime? i must say they are quite beautiful" taehyung said with a kind smile, although his eyes lingered with yours at the word 'beautiful.' it made you blush at the thought of him possibly referring to you.
"i mean, if you're interested, i could also show you some clips of my dances and recitals. actually! there was one recently where i got 1st place in the competition." jimin retorted, this time his voice was more boisterous. taehyung and jungkook both saved a hard stare for him. he was obviously showing off, just for you and they weren't gonna let that slide.
fortunately, you hadn't noticed the sudden tension in the room. instead, you were distracted by the sudden opening of the kitchen door. namjoon walked in with refreshments, hoseok with the utensils and napkins, and yoongi and jin both walked in - well jin rolled on in with his chair - with a giant platter of different cooked meats and vegetables.
"that smells delicious! let me!" you said, going in automatic assist mode.
while you helped hoseok hand out the utensils, the youngest 3 were glaring at each other. staring so hard it was like they were holding a conversation in their heads with each other.
"shut up," they mouthed in unison before jin's clearing of his throat was brought to your attention. by this time, everyone was sat down with a plate, water, and needed utensils for future eating.
"y/n, tell us about yourself dear." jin invited with a friendly and welcoming grin. you smiled back, glancing at each male in the room, saving each a thankful grin.
'even if we know everything, keep talking to us. focus on us. your attention all on us.'
211 notes ยท View notes
demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ด๐“ฒ๐“ถ ๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ธ๐“ด๐“ณ๐“ฒ๐“ท
pt. 4
word count: 2,534
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
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โžฃkim seokjin
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heir to the kim corporation being an only child. 26 years old. paralyzed from waist down. light hazel hair, usually parted in the middle in comma style. small and subtle waves are styled into his hair. wears prescribed glasses.
(kind of like his whole 2015 era looks)
hearing your ringing alarm go off, you excitedly got up. yes, excitedly. after all, waking up in a grand master bedroom, with the smell of fresh sheets was enough to wake you. you readied yourself in your bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth to be presentable. even throwing on some light makeup.
as you walked to your desk, you look up at the calendar one of the boys put up in your room. it had your schedule written on it, and the first task was to wake up the eldest in the house. jin.
stepping out of your room, the light filter of the lightly shade of orange was covering the hallway floor and walls from the giant window. walking a few short steps, you made it to jin's room. knocking softly, you opened the door and smiled softly. a little tuffle of brown hair was peaking from the blanket and you glanced at the paper in your hand. there were needed instructions for waking up the male.
shutting the door behind you, you followed the first step and opened up the curtains to his room, hissing softly yourself. you heard shuffling behind you, a loud displeasant groan leaving the room owner's lips.
"please, shut the curtain," he asked politely, in a deep morning voice.
"sorry, Seokjin-ssi, but the instructions clearly say open the curtains...and these were written by you in the first place," you argued back. you could see him nodding slightly, sitting upright.
"please fetch me the water and medication please."
you did as told, a bit surprised seeing the full cup of water by the bed. "Namjoon always fills it up before i sleep...soon enough that wil be your job."
you smile softly, waiting patiently to finish before grabbing the glass from him. "so next thing on the list is, help you onto the chair." he nodded knowingly and lifted his bottom off the bed with his arms, twisting his waist so his legs can hang off the edge of the bed.
you've done thing like this millions of times before, but you supposed that since Jin was much more handsome than any other patient you've dealt with, you suddenly felt even more nervous. call yourself unprofessional, but that is what you thought. you moved him as quickly, yet as safe as possible, and the grunt he let out made you blush even more.
"thank god, you're not as slow as our last maid. but she was old so i don't blame her too much." you chuckle at his statement, jin laughing as well. and only then did you notice his unique tone, which made you break out into a burst of laughter as well. "i swear she touched things that aren't supposed to be touched. but in the end, she was a good help."
you nodded with a light chuckle, showing you were listening as you buckled the belt around his waist. the next thing was to take him to the bathroom, he said he was as capable of brushing his teeth and using the bathroom himself - something he learned to do to avoid awkward confrontation. he had to go through it once and he was determined to not go through it again.
"it is alright if you wait outside. if i have trouble i'll knock on the door." you nodded, smiling at him as he shut the door.
as you waited, you mulled over the list given to you. next would have to be bring him downstairs and then wake up the rest of the guys. your brows furrowed at the prospect of leaving hin alone. another few minutes past before he opened the door, and you noticed his face was more so glowing and awake.
"okay. i'm ready."
you slowly took in a deep breath, wheeling him out of his room, shutting it quietly.
"the elevator is just down the hall." he advised, a soft smile as he saw your confused expression. you smiled thankfully to him and merely nodded.
you looked like a lost puppy and his face warmed at the prospect of him being your guiding owner...he only had to wait for the right moment until then.
the elevator ride was short, it was only 1 floor down after all, and the comfortable chatter Jin came up with was soothing and relaxing. having a new job, however much experience, will always be nerve wracking for you. especially a job as intimate as house maid/nurse.
"so what are your hobbies?"
"hm, i like studying different languages and works of literature. reading is always good for me to clear my mind, and it pesters my mind to think more than it should. and that's good as well." you said thoughtfully, reading was truly a hobby of yours. time consuming yes. but in the end always worth it.
"ah, kids like you don't know the luxury of time. i can't even imagine spending my days reading anymore." you rolled him out of the elevator, questioning him with a hum. "only because i need to busy myself with other things. i would really love to sit down and read a book, but nowadays i can never get a break."
you nodded knowingly. even though he was referring to himself being old and having no time, you couldn't relate more. time was a harsh concept. if only people had more time.
"straight to the kitchen please." you rolled him that way, stopping him in front of the short stove. you assumed it was custom built for the handicapped male, since he could easily maneuver his way around.
"okay, so i'm good for now. just need to make breakfast and lunch. I think the next task for you would be waking the rest up." his back was turned to you as you slumped your shoulders.
"no." you said definently.
you couldn't see, but his eyes darkened. had you been faking all along and pretended to be close to them...was this your way of leaving them? were you already backing away from this job? he hadn't don't anything wrong, he thought you already knew of his joking manner. were you trying to leave them?
"what?" you almost stepped back at the tone of his voice. "what do you mean 'no'?" he inquired, turning around quickly in his chair. the joint stick in his hand was being clenched tightly under the immense strength he used. he was controlling his anger.
"what do i mean?" you re-quoted, confused yourself. "i mean that i won't do the job..."
he opened his mouth to argue.
"i will stay down here and help you. after all, it's too early to wake the boys and i can spare a few minutes to help." a gracious smile was on your lips as Jin was frozen. unknowingly, he let out a deep breath of relief. your brows furrowed, finally noticing his figure and how tense he seemed. "what did you think i was referring to?"
he got out of his state of shock and relief, shaking his head as a light smile was on his lips. "nothing...nothing to worry for. and, uhm, thank you. you really don't need to tho-"
"i insist!" you exclaimed, bouncing over to his side. "I'm pretty good at culinary myself, so i hope this say i can impress you guys."
'you already have, you perfect being. we have been impressed with you for such a long time. that's why you're ours.' Jin thought silently. his smile grew wider.
"well thank you darling. now let's get ready because we got a breakfast to make for 8 hungry people."
you two worked hand in hand, on perfect harmony. he knew your exact moves and you quickly became accustomed to the kitchen set up. it was perfect. and Jin loved it. he was in his comfortable space, with the woman to whom he adored and the way everything was going great was enough for him to hope you never left. ad if you could.
after a hard working 2 hours of work, you wiped at the light coat of sweat from your forehead. "this smells delicious." you checked the clock on your wrist. "and we ended just in time. i'll go wake them up before all of this gets cold."
you bounced up the stairs, Jin fondly watching you climb the staircase. you were so free and light-hearted. he loved that about you.
it took you a whole to gather all the bits downstairs. but the look in their eyes when they saw the feast of food in front of them made them wake up instantly.
"woah..." they said breathlessly and across the table you and Jin shared a look. he winked at you and you smiled back, something they noticed but didn't voice out.
"hyung, how did you make all of this?" Taehyung took a bit of the food and immediately a groan left his lips. "and it tastes so good. even better than usual!"
you blushed lightly at the indirect compliment, but kept your mouth shut.
"well if it wasn't for y/n's lovely help, this wouldn't have been possible." you waved your hand dismissively at Jin's claim.
"no way, this was all Jin-oppa."
'oppa?!' they, all except the certain one, thought in unison.
"ah-ah, give yourself credit, dear. you did help a lot."
'dear?!' they, all except one, thought in unison once again.
"ahem! when did you two get so friendly with each other?" namjoon inquired, an innocent smile on his face.
"oh this morning, of course." Jim said as if it were nothing. although deep down he knew how badly the boys wanted the relationship you two had. a comfortable, friendly one, but for now they had to settle with the acquaintance relationship. and Jin was having a great time, he knew the boys' desires. and he knew that he already had an advantage of your affection from them.
"yeah, oppa is really sweet." you complimented, turning bashful suddenly. their eyes were locked onto your expression. usually they wouldve loved it, but since the reason was of Jin they were infuriated.
"aw, you don't know. deep down he's an asshole."
"yeah, he's also bossy."
"he purposely burns our food sometimes."
"he's a pig."
the insults were being thrown like a hot potatoe between each member, taking their turns to bring the oldest down. the targeted membernonly rubbed his forehead in stress.
"the young ones go and get ready for school, the rest of you either finish your food or clean around this place." he commanded without hesitation. they paused, taking their time to glare at him before they all left the room leaving you and him. you were stunned at the remarks and Jin seemed at the least bit fazed.
"sorry. they're like that sometimes. they're all children at heart. don't mind them, please." the sincerity in his words made you nod slowly.
"it was out of character for them. i was shocked." you said honestly, standing up to clean the table.
after you cleaned the table, you pushed Jin to the elevator. "so i help you get ready for work and then i drive the young ones to school, yeah?"
he nods with a hum and you closed the door to his room. you rolled him to the walk in closet and you held in the gasp when you flicked the lights on.
the closet was marvelous and you were sure that not even half could be worth all your college tuition. even if they were plain button up shirts, you could clearly see the brand on the tags around the collar.
you let him pick his own clothes and once he was finished you were done examining the room. however, you were curious so you asked your curious question.
"what's that empty space?" you pointed at the several empty racks and shelves.
"oh." he paused, looking over his shoulder to the indicated space. "i plan to keep that empty for a while. i have my eye on something, actually, but I haven't had the opportunity to take it for myself."
you nodded, not noticing the side eye he was giving you. you pushed him out of the closet, shutting the lights off, not taking a second glance or sparring a thought about it. you turned as you let him change from his shirt and tie, before you had to eventually help him with his pants.
"sorry if this makes you uncomfortable...i can manage myself if you'd like." you pondered that, but knowing you would have this job for a while, why wait? I mean, you signed up for this and you've done it before. it's just no one else could possibly atch up to Jin's youthful, handsome features. and that made you flustered.
"no, i can't let you deal with it yourself. i can help." you smiled, trying to hide your actual nervousness.
grabbing the pants, you opened them and started at the foot of his leg. sliding it all the way up until the thigh, you lifted your head to speak to him. except his face was a mere centimeter away from you.
speechless, you couldnt even let out a peep. you both were looking back at each other and you honestly would've thought the whole thing was so awkward and odd, but when Jin's eyes look at you like that, you can't think at all.
suddenly, you're clearing your throat. "o-okay, lift yourself up Jin." he put his palms on the sides of the chair, lifting his lower half. and expertly, you avoided any area that might've made you both uncomfortable and you smiled to yourself, despite the embarrassing event earlier.
"and i trust you can zipper yourself up?" you said teasingly, which helped lighten the mood.
"thank you so much, dear. now i do believe, the boys should be done. so, to avoid them being late, you should drive them now. i can manage for the rest of the morning."
you looked at him hesitantly, but realized you had other jobs to tend to. so you left him, not before bowing respectfully and shutting the door to be sealed.
turning around you saw three pouting college kids, "noona, what took you so long?"
you chuckled at Taehyung, but to answer his question you merely shrugged. "let's get a move on boys, don't wanna be late."
as the car pulled out of the driveway, Jin moved away and sat at his desk
cracking his knuckles and neck, he adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "back to reality." were his words as he opened up his laptop.
he clicked away onto the many files before accepting the Skype call from one of his employers. another day in the life of Kim SeokJin...although he did have to note how his morning was especially better.
>tell me if I should start using the - keep reading - option :) idk if it's becoming too long that it's annoying for u guys to scroll thru/past
163 notes ยท View notes
demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“น๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ผ ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ญ ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ผ
word count: 2,545
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
taglist: @iwannabeanidolย ย @taezeus @jooniescupcakes @aesthetically-messed-up @okepokeย @weirdo-in-the-closet @aysha489โ€‹ @illnevertrustmyselfagainโ€‹ @sessi03โ€‹ (comment under this post that you want to be added to the taglist; commenting anywhere else will not be counted for)ย 
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jungkook was really cute, in general. he captured hearts of many people, unintentionally, of course. it was an obvious fact and everyone knew it. except, all of the atoms in jin, hoseok, namjoon, and yoongi's body wouldve disagreed at this moment.
he was a whining, stomping, stubborn mess right now. tears were streaming down his face as he stomped about in his room, definitely making a big mess. the covers were thrown onto the floor as he kicked the small rug on his floor.
"hey, bun-bun, please stop! do you want noona to see this big mess?" namjoon tried persuading the boy, who stopped momentarily. he shook his head no and namjoon nodded, "exactly. if i tell noona that you made this mess, do you think she'll be happy? who knows she might just leave us if she sees this."
at the prospect of you leaving, his eyes teared up even more. he collapsed onto the ground, grabbing a pillow he had previously thrown onto the ground to cry into.
the wail made all 4 of the guys cringe. finally, yoongi stepped forward running a hand through jungkook's hair.
"hey, bunny, why don't you get into bed and wait there for y/n to come back?"
jungkook shook his head.
"why not buddy?"
"i-i wanna see her when she comes inside, jungkookie doesn't want to wait any longer."
yoongi nodded thoughtfully, helping his fellow friend up, "we can wait downstairs, let's go."
his hand clasped tightly around jungkook's, letting the little sit on the couch which was positioned right in front of the door. yoongi made sure jungkook was preoccupied, turning to namjoon.
"get him his banana milk."
in a few seconds, the carton of milk was in jungkook's hand as he clutched a pink bunny plush in his other, staring at the door with determination. it was as if he was a runner, you opening the door would be the equivalent to the start of the race, and jungkook would have to run as fast as possible to you - the finish line.
jin sighed dramatically, feeling the weight off of his shoulders as he rolled his chair into the kitchen. hoseok and yoongi followed, letting namjoon stay preoccupied with jungkook.
"gosh, i knew he was reliant on her, but this is the worst episode ever." jin said taking a large gulp of water, he was trying to trick himself by thinking it was vodka. he indeed needed a drink, but right now wasn't an appropriate time.
"you know he has like over," hoseok paused thinking of a reasonable number, "200 photos on his phone, only imagine how many he has on his laptop, tablet, and probably has some on his fucking smart watch. knowing him he probably programmed it differently, just for that."
yoongi chuckled dryly, silently pitying jungkook. "he's so dependent, it's scary." he shook his head as if he was disappointed in jungkook.
hoseok and jin looked at each other, then at yoongi and broke out in laughter.
"coming from the guys who used her as your 'muse'." jin exclaimed, hoseok nodding and laughing along with him.
yoongi's face lit up a light pink, "oh whatever, at least i dont lie to her." his clap back made jin roll his eyes.
"we all agreed to this so don't go on bringing up that. that's just you trying to be a hero." jin's snarky comment made yoongi shut up immediately, although the glare he had directed to jin was clear on how he didn't like his snide comment.
"jungkook is just young, that's why. assured, we all acted that way when we were his age."
"pft, at his age i was kil-"
the excited squeal cut off jin who sighed heavily once again. wordlessly, they all walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. they saw jungkook holding you close by your waist, resting his head on your shoulder, even if you were noticeably shorter than him.
"hey jungkook." you patted his shoulder in greeting, your other hand being occupied by taehyung's hand. jimin watched the two youngest get most of the attention so he stomped into the kitchen. he grabbed one of your favorite drinks, bringing it out to you in a glass cup.
"here noona, drink this. you must be exhausted." you thanked jimin with a smile, pulling away from jungkook. you took a sip from the drink, looking at all of the expecting males. were they just waiting for you to come home? their eyes were wide, a smile on their lips...resembling puppies almost.
their eager eyes suddenly tore away from you, noticing your questioning eyes. "so..."
"noona let's play games upstairs!"
"y/n wanna check out my studio? i was working on some new tracks, if you're curious to hear some."
"noona, i never got around to showing you my dance performances right?"
you blinked slowly, staring at the individuals who were looking at you expectingly. the grip around your arm and you looked down to see jungkook looking at you with his bright, big doe eyes and lips formed into a pout.
"noona~ please?"
your breath hitched, the sight making your heart stop. the same time, your hand was being pulled in the direction of taehyung. you looked at the younger male.
"noona, you haven't spent much time with me. jungkook can wait, can't he?" taehyung's tone dropped and you could see in your peripheral vision jungkook moving towards his hyung.
"what? what are you getting at, taehyung?"
the other boy's eyebrows raised, shocked at the sudden informal tone jungkook had.
"i'm sayin-"
there was a vibration coming from your right pocket. so you took ahold of your ringing device, after un-twining your hand out of taehyung's (with his reluctance, of course), and swiped to answer it. you tried turning your body to the side for some privacy, but jungkook's hold didn't loosen a bit.
so you let out a sigh, saying a greeting to whomever was on the other end.
"good afternoon, ms. y/n."
"uhm, hello. who am i speaking to?"
the boys tried acting like they weren't listening in, except for jungkook who was watching you like a hawk. they were either on their phone, playing games, or just looking out the window.
"this is mr. kim, the secretary of mr. park hyung-sik's company, EyeCandy."
the name was familiar, it was one of the biggest companies regarding technology in South Korea. it was a job you had applied to maybe more than 2 months ago. it was a longshot dream you had. they handled many out of the country project and you simply wanted to become one of their translators. it was stupid of you to think you even had a chance. and it was obvious after the ceo had gotten up on a stage in america and by his side was a girl speaking into a microphone.
"ah," you said, not knowing what to think of it, "and why are you calling? sorry for the rudeness, but i can't wrap my head around it...i mean, i applied months ago."
jin's eyebrow raised in question, definitely paying attention now. applied? as in for a job?
"actually, i'm glad to be the bearer of good news, so we would like to say we have accepted you as mr. park's own personal translator."
you blinked once. twice. and thrice, or the third time.
"i'm sorry but, what?"
"come around at 8 am sharp tomorrow if you're interested."
and the line went dead.
"let's go!" jungkook said tugging your arm to go upstairs. but you wouldn't budge. jungkook began whining slightly, but stopped when you looked concerned with something. it seemed safe for him to assume it was regarding whoever you were on the phone with. ย 
"oh! i remember, hobi," you said looking at the surprised male in question, "your studio. it should be opening in 20 minutes, you asked for me to remind you earlier this morning."
the boys looked at hoseok suspiciously, but he only smiled gratefully. "oh thank you! i really forgot!"
he glanced at the boys, who were staring at him with high suspicion, but he gave no second thought to them, rushing upstairs.
"you know, noona," taehyung looked at you, softness in his eyes and smile, "you can call me tae or taetae if you want."
you smiled at his cute nickname, opening your mouth to respond, but jungkook cut you off.
"goo! kookie! jungkookie! you can call me those names! even bun-bun!"
'really? i would think annoying brat would be more fitting," yoongi thought bitterly, not loving the fact he was still attached to your arm - and the fact you seemed okay with it.
"well, if we're getting familiar with nicknames," yoongi said with a calm voice, "i give you permission to call me yoongs." he already made clear on the first day he wouldn't mind if you called him oppa or yoongs, but he thought restating it would've encouraged you to call him that more often. "oppa is fine too."
jin glared at him for taking the oppa title. "actually, you could call me oppa too, and if you want jinie. seeing as i am the oldest, that title should be reserved for me too." jin threw a glare at yoongi who only rolled his eyes.
you chuckle at the seemingly playful banter, not knowing how competitive they were actually being.
"joonie is cool with me." namjon said casually, walking closer to you. "and actually could i speak to you alone for a moment."
the mention of being alone with namjoon made junkook tighten his grip around you.
"no! noona is going upstairs with me," he declared for what felt like the thousandth time today,
"goo, i swear only 5 minutes. and you can take her upstairs to play overwatch or whatever."
the youngest showed to sign of letting up, until yoongi sighed and walked up to him. "goo, let's go. namjoon needs to talk about someting serious-"
"i am serious!" jungkook said puffing his chest out.
yoongi gritted his teeth, grabbing jungkook by the back of his neck and making him lean down a bit, so he cuold speak very clearly right into his ear.
"jeon, you better stop fucking around and come with me, let namjoon and y/n talk alone - it's something very important. or i swear to god, i'm gonna...beat the shit out of y/n right now, take them away from you, and make sure you never see them again." yoongi's words held no meaning, zero at all, but it got the reaction he wanted. jungkook let go of you, grabbing yoongi by his collar and staring him right into his irises. yoongi could tell how jungkook had switched, snapped, and was angrier than he's ever seen.
"repeat that shit to my face right now." jungkook, rather jeon, was furious. this persona/alter of jungkook was more aggressive than any other alter that jungkook had (at least known by the boys). it was a very, very, very stern rule in the house to not trigger that part of him. it never really ended well, no matter who tried to calm him down. the only way jeon would leave would be if jungkook had gotten sleep or just past out for whatever reason.
"come on," namjoon said, grabbing your wrist to pull you aside. it would be best if you didn't see anything that was about to go down, "there's something important we need to discuss."
you reluctantly let him tug you in the direction of his office. he shut the door behind you, but you flinched when you heard something crash.
"alright, so what i wanted to talk about was regarding your living location..." his voice trailed off, fiddling with some papers in his drawers, "jin and i wanted to know if you would be staying with us or you would be residing back at your apartment?"
this discussion was really supposed to be saved for later, but hearing your phone call and seeing jungkook's unusually clingy attitude, it seemed to be a good time to bring this question upon you. after all, with everything that seems to be happening at this moment, you might even say yes due to the pressure.
you nodded slowly. the decision had to be made, and the pros and cons of your choices were clear. living with the boys would only make your job easier, however it would inconvenience the boys. living by yourself (as you had been living before) would let you not be in anyone's way, however, the commute to the hill would have to happen every day and it sounded tiresome just thinking about it.
"i mean there is no pressure, however, we - as in all 7 of us - want you to know that it would be no problem if you had decided to stay with us. don't think that you would be a burden, you're already helping us so much. it also seems fitting if you're going to be here every day, in the case of an emergency or something," his voice trailed off in the end, noticing how you were in deep thought. he saw the contemplation on your voice and he smirked a bit. he just needed to convince you a little bit...
"and i'm sorry to say this to you - i just need you to know. the youngest ones really do rely on you for a lot of stuff. we need you here on time to be driving them at their designated hours. also...to think about jungkook - he really needs you by his side as well as taehyung. i don't know if you've noticed, but you're one of their calming remedies."
well now you really couldn't say no. to know that you were actually needed, i mean, you knew you were needed but for the sake of the two youngest. being called their remedies. it was like namjoon was planning all of this out only for you to say yes, his wicked and smooth words were very persuading.
and persuaded you were. it was crazy. you had only met the 7 males a mere day ago, but being called one of their calming remedies. if you were needed for an emergency, it would be too late if you were to commute to the hill. so the only option was...
"i guess i should start packing my things up then," you said, almost hesitantly. "i really would hate to burden you guys, but, my job here might be a waste if i would have to commute every day." you smile softly at the pleased man in front of you.
that was step one done and accomplished. everything was going well.
//I called this one pros and cons bc obvs ar the end,,,,but like pros and cons of jungkook is basically why that's the title
bc see hes a cutie wootie patootie, but hes also an annoying lil bitch for his noona โค๐Ÿฅฐ [pros and cons]
[that was a joke lol pls dont take offence]
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[^jk finding out his noona is paying more attention to his hyungs]
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demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ฝ๐“ธ ๐“ด๐“ท๐“ธ๐”€
pt. 3
word count: 1, 802
โ—WARNING: mention of several mental illnesses (eating disorders, depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, OCD, alcohol abuse, and more) I do not go into deep detail of each, more so simply mentioning the names, but if you are easily triggered please don't read. the reason I am mentioning these illnesses is because the boys(in my ff) suffer from several of them. all the mental illnesses mentioned in this chapter and their corresponding member are not based on true facts or actual evidence. this is fictional.โ—
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"ah, well i graduated from college a while ago. majored in world language, i had this crazy dream of being a translator. but i obviously don't do that, although i've recently applied to several companies, i haven't heard from any." you ended with a neutral smile, making eye contact with the oldest who was nodding in understanding. "but i asked Jungkook which classes he took, since he still is a youngling."
you chuckle at your wording, along with the others. Hoseok even ruffling the man's hair teasingly.
"uhm, i do programming, computer stuff...yeah, it's nothing interesting like the arts b-but it's what i d-do best." a weak smile was on his lips and you chuckle softly.
"no, that sounds cute. you seem to be like a tech nerd, please take no offense. i mean to compliment you." you said, saving your mistake last second. even if they were younger than you, the level of respect and professionalism still had to be present between all of you.
red was painted across jungkook's face...he was cute to you? taehyung and jimin clenched the utensils on their hands, annoyed with how jungkook unknowingly one upped them. yoongi and hoseok sent glares to jungkook. namjoon and jin simply smiled, although they were fuming internally.
"oh, thank you..."
you nodded, biting into the food present in front of you. the taste was extravagant, even if it was a simple dish.
"my gosh, who made this? it is delicious." you moaned out, wiping your mouth. "this is so good, and home made?"
"that would be me, darling. and of course, home made. i like being able to overlook the food the boys eat, make sure they get their nutrients and stuff. i try to limit the amount of time they eat out,but sometimes i can't control it. especially if i'm in another country." you nodded impressed with the subtle fact he dropped, whether he did it on purpose or not.
"what do you guys do? i'm intrigued now with your professions." you said, resting your heaad on your hand.
"well, i graduated already...but i run my own dance studio. you should stop by sometime! we've won a couple awards, i'm very proud of my students!" hoseok smiles wide, and you could easily tell how much dance meant to him.
"i'm taking online classes for psychology. going to college is such a hassle, online is so much easier." namjoon says with a heavy sigh which you jokingly cheers to. making the males laugh at your humor.
"we, my friend, are on the same page!" you said and he laughed, making you smile widely.
"i produce music. i post my works on soundcloud...i promise i'm not like every other soundcloud rapper. i actually care about what i make, rather than the views it'll give me. i also have interest in photography, but tae is much better than me." yoongi was quiet and fidgeting when he saw the gaze of you on him. but at his last statement, you pouted a bit.
"i'm sure you two have your own styles and qualities in your work. also i've never met a producer before, i look forward to listening to your work as your career prgresses." you smiled kindly at him and he ducked his down to hide his blush. you chuckle before moving your gaze to the eldest at the table.
"oh, my turn. about time~" the boys scoffed and his attitude when you chuckled, at ease in his presence. "i mainly stay at home and do work in my office, but when push comes to shove i do have to leave the country. i'm heir to my father's company, so i have to take responsibility sometimes...and you must be wondering. so i'll answer the question now. the reason why i'm in this wheelchair is because i was in a bad accident when i was young." he nodded solemnly, although he was smiling weakly. there was a silence as you took the words in. "thank God my face was spared though."
he cupped his cheek, initiating a innocent look as everyone broke into a smile, looking over to the man with a wonder.
how could someone be so positive after such a horrific event? which was what you were thinking.
but the rest of the boys simply sighed in relief at their hyung. he was always a good liar. and they were lucky you were completely politely innocent and oblivious to their hyung's lie. he had lied more than once to you already, cheeky person he was
"yes, your face was surely spared." you said joining in with the joke.
the rest of the dinner consisted of you bonding over little things. your love for all kinds of games (including pranks) was shared with jungkook, love for animal life with namjoon, sleep with yoongi, culinary with jin, free expression with hoseok, puppies and dogs with taehyung, and family and friends with jimin. the general direction of every conversation was satisfying as it ended with everyone having a smile on their faces.
you had helped clean up, already beginning your new task as a house maid/nurse. "so what would like me to focus on as my first days?" you asked after everything was cleaned. the youngest had to go to their rooms, to begin getting ready for bed since they had school tomorrow. all their classes were in the morning which was fortunate for you since you would be driving them there from now on...and it didn't seem like fun to constantly drive back to the house and then to the university.
namjoon, who was standing in front of you, moved to the study table in the living room, and took a Manila folders into his hands. it seemed like a thick stack of papers and as you looked closer, there were a total of 7.
"no formal work, but all 7 of us saw it appropriate to give you an introduction to our needs. what exactly is wrong with us, y'know? we trust you're experience enough for this so we are confident you'll do just fine."
you took the stack of papers and thanked him. you walked through the house to find your room, which hoseok had shown you right after dinner was finished, and you still marveled at the sight.
it was a grand gray and white minimalistic bedroom with a huge bed in the center. there was also a large ledge with a window that you could sit on to see the night sky. you maneuvered your way over to the study table, turning the lap on to begin "studying" the males.
โ—๐–๐–Ž๐–’ ๐–˜๐–Š๐–”๐–๐–๐–Ž๐–“ / kim seokjin
disabilities/disorders: unable to move bottom half of body, a light case of schizophrenia, requires special attention on getting ready in the morning (may include dressing and showering)
meds: need daily dose for schizophrenia
your brows furrowed. that existed? you knew schizophrenia existed, but meaning a light case would specifically show what? you just shrugged and decided to what the papers were saying.
โ—๐–’๐–Ž๐–“ ๐–ž๐–”๐–”๐–“๐–Œ๐–Ž / min yoongi
disabilities/disorders: OCD, severe depression, social anxiety, prone to panic and anxiety attacks in a crowd of many people, values his personal space-do not enter his personal bubble unless asked
meds: needs dose for OCD, depression
you nodded slowly, understanding the conditions and seeing the familiar names once again. you've had patients like him before, but everyone is different, so you will still be careful.
โ—๐–๐–š๐–“๐–Œ ๐–๐–”๐–˜๐–Š๐–”๐– / jung hoseok
disabilities/disorders: bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, fits of anger are dangerous, act hostile in any case and alert one of the other tenants immediately
meds: dose for ADHD & OCD
sudden shortness of his list made you a bit hopeful that taking care of 7 males wouldn't be as hard as it seemed. then again, you willingly signed up for this so you shouldn't be complaining in any way.
โ—๐–๐–Ž๐–’ ๐–“๐–†๐–’๐–๐–”๐–”๐–“ / kim namjoon
disabilities/disorders: depression, OCD, past with alcohol abuse (currently in rehab)
meds: dose for depression and OCD
you pouted slightly, only being able to imagine how hard it must be to recover from alcoholism. and it was saddening to see such an intellectual and kind person such as Namjoon suffer from the mental illness, although that could be said about everyone you had previously read.
โ—๐–•๐–†๐–—๐– ๐–๐–Ž๐–’๐–Ž๐–“ / park jimin
disabilities/disorders: ARFID, anxiety, prone to panic and anxiety attacks
meds: none
reading the single line you let yourself think of the moment he introduced himself. he was enthusiastic about meeting you, it made you smile at the memory. you were suddenly thankful for getting such a sweet and honey-like expression out of the man.
โ—๐–๐–Ž๐–’ ๐–™๐–†๐–Š๐–๐–ž๐–š๐–“๐–Œ / kim taehyung
disabilities/disorders: OCD, ADD, brief psychotic disorder - periods are short and caused by stress, not dangerous unless triggered by something you do or say
meds: dose for OCD, ADD, and best if given sleep meds during pyschotic episodes
you nodded slowly, understanding and keeping the directions in the back of your mind.
โ—๐–๐–Š๐–”๐–“ ๐–๐–š๐–“๐–Œ๐–๐–”๐–”๐– / jeon jungkook
disabilities/disorders: DID, psychotic, anxiety
meds: dose to limit psychotic episodes
the 3 things on the list made your eyebrows furrow. the 3 seemed to make a terrible combination and you began thinking of how calm Jungkook was before. You hoped you wouldn't encounter any bad alters of Jungkook, if he had any bad ones. and, honestly, you were a bit uneducated in the DID field, so you were determined to learn more tonight with the help of the internet.
and the last sheet in each file were filed letters to make sure you caught it :
you took the words seriously, seeing the urgency in the message. shutting the folders, you stacked all of them in one pile and moved to freshen up. a shower was needed as you climbed into the steaming bathroom. after washing yourself, you climbed into bed and soon you were falling asleep. you fell asleep thinking about how tomorrow would be your first day of your new job.
a/n- thank you so much for the support of this book!!! I hope you guys stay tuned and enjoy the rest of the journey with yabdere!bts
oooh, curious question
ใ€‹what other times do you think jin lied to you? hmmm?
โ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กSEND ME UR ASK ON WHAT U THINK ABT THATTTTTโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™ก
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demonboidies ยท 5 years
๐“ผ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ด๐“ต๐”‚ - ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
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it's late evening, almost dawn, when you arrive home. the cozy apartment is untouched and the same from how you left it this morning. you threw the mail onto the dinner table, but a sleek, rustic-looking letter was catching your attention. reading the address, you furrow your brows in confusion.
you've never heard of this place.
The House of Healing and Art
you chuckled at the name. not in mockery, but in taste. nowadays, every hospital for those sick are all named after saints or whatever terrible cause keeps whoever is in there, in there. it's almost like they're screaming in your face about, but not this one. it seemed to relieve you to see something so natural. opening the letter slowly, no intrigued, you grazed over the many words in the introduction until you got to the end. the big bold, heavier letters caught your attention:
"We are offering the job of ease and relaxation. We only have 7 tenants that need to be tended to and taken care of. One is disabled and they do need guidance for everyday tasks (i.e. eating their food regularly, taking medication, etc.) Our patients face mental illnesses, rather than physical, except one. If you choose to accept, you get to stay at The House of Healing and Art along with a monthly paycheck. If you are interested and willingly, please visit the sender address and we can discuss more details and answer any questions you may have.
- :) "
you thought the ending smiley face was childish but other than that the letter seemed to be real and not a fake. the hand-writing was written by a real person. sure, the beginning letter was typed out, but the ending that caught your eyes was all ink and pen. you could confirm this by the slight ink smudge the corner of the page had, and if you looked close enough, some letters had a bit of an ink bump at the end, one that could only come from a pen. the only off thing about the letter was there was no name signed. just a smiley face.
๏ฝ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ„ the more you looked at it, the creepier it seemed to become.
you placed the paper down, running a hand through your hair. you really were freaking yourself out, it was just a smiley face! out it was the lack of sleep, you told yourself. it was your current job that was taking away your precious hours of rest. speaking of that job, you were making a low pay. and you did money for food and to pay for your little apartment. perhaps this job that this person (or people) were offering you was going to be of higher pay.
it sounded easy enough too.
just take care of, guide, and tend to 7 tenants. that was easy enough especially when already had enough confidence and experience with your past jobs. you were all too familiar for caring for those who couldn't care for themselves. what's the difference here?
a/n- hello!! this is a new yandere series i plan on starting. im excited to indulge more in this story and i hope you stay tuned for more chapters (this one was really short, but only bc its the intro ;)
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demonboidies ยท 5 years
jus wanted to tease some info ;)
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I was fun to see everyone on wattpad and discuss these so I'd like to see what u guys think :)
(also if ur from wattpad, pls dont spoil or say any info from future chapters)
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