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spadem00n · 6 months ago
You ever just play a video of a gaming youtuber you've been following for years in the background, and then the editor decides to use "I WONT LET YOU GO HOME!" for a funny bit, but hearing it come outta nowhere hits you with the power of 5 suns at once?
yeah that was me not even 5 mins ago.
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kreideprinzalby · 4 years ago
1st post on a new blog, and my mind has never known peace
Since HIM
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I was so mad that I rolled him and now? He’s my main and I love every bit of it.
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alpha-antares · 8 years ago
Tag Games
Tagged by my noob @child-of-scorpio, thanks bruh!
Nickname: Uh..Alpha? I suppose…
Star Sign: Well, s.. OKAY, MY URL SHOULD BE A HINT!
Height: …
Current Time: 20:31
Last Thing Googled: Kittens
Favorite Music/Artist: I.. don’t have a fav, i like most music (that isn’t country, indie, hard metal) But.. I would say.. Sia, Piano Guys um.. okay. Genre wise: movie soundtrack, howard shore, steve jablonsky, HANS ZIMMER.. to name a few. 
Song Stuck in Head: Titanium cover by Piano Guys (atm)
Last Movie Watched: My Neighbor Totoro
Last TV Show Watched: Sleepy Hallow..
Post/Posted Content: HA! um… Puppies and cold snow covered mountains that give you that feeling of eternal lonliness. 
Other Blogs: my art blog @alpha-antares-art, @sibrambles-4life (not that active of a blog but..) yeah, just a couple. 
Get Asks?: Lol nope. 
Why your URL?: Lets just say I was a science nerd in high school and I really loved astronomy/astrology and I really like this one constellation in particular. 
Gender: Neutral. …maybe fluid?… mmm no, neutral. 
Hogwarts House: ..uh last time I took any test to see what hogwarts house I was in (lmao, it was way back when I was like..7) I got Slytherin. (O_O)
Favorite Color(s): Green, Blue, Black and Gray/Grey
Average Hours of Sleep: ah.. 6-7-8?
Lucky Number: 10. 
How Many Blankets do you Sleep With: Four
Dream Job: One that doesn’t leave me stuck in one place for the rest of my goddamn life. 
Following: 160 bloogles. 
If I tag you and you don’t wanna do this, don’t. 
Tagging: @animentality, @sugarsweet20, @kurotsukiau (im-on-fire-tsukki), @tokinya 
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spadem00n · 10 months ago
love it when my brain gets attached to a new piece of media to the point I get an intense hyperfixation, everytime I get the urge to make a sideblog, but also forget that i barely touch this blog and it catches dust.
So I'm trying to do it a little less since hey it's my blog? and who knows maybe more ppl will see it and get into it too :)
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spadem00n · 19 hours ago
Rip for not being more active on her rn a lot going on, but!!! I haven't really been posting about it since i don't really interact with the hanako fandom despite being in it forr *checks hands* five years?
But I have been watching the new season, and like any person whose normal about media they watch / read over and over again, i have thoughts on fun parallels that makes only sense in my head (maybe) So uhh i'm gonna ramble for a while bear with me lol.
Hanako-kun & In Stars and Time Spoilers (Specifically 2hats) under the cut!
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So for no reason at all, been thinking abut how both the Mei Shijimas parallel Siffrin & Loop. Something about another self, another version of you made through a wish, whether it was because you wanted to keep drawing even thought your body was dying from an illness so you wished for an idealized, healthy you that would continue it. (in Mei's case) or because you've been trapped in a time loop for stars knows how long and a desperate cry for someone to help you, so the Universe decides "got it" and puts you in another, naive you's timeloop (in Loop's case)
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Both Shijima & Loop have a deeply bitterness on what happened to them for good reason. The nature of rumors is Hanako-kun means supernaturals can't go against them so when her rumor got twisted from "A girl who loved art so much, but was too sick to continue and died shortly after finishing her last work" is now "this artist's parents HATED that she wanted to be an artist so she killed herself" which is a complete 180 from the truth. So of course Shjima, the "fictional idealized Mei Shijima" would think that fiction is worthless when she couldn't even protect the person who mattered most to her. So in her mind the most logical way to prevent the human Mei's dream is kill her before she finishes the painting with her in it, so she doesn't exist and exist only to hurt her.
And where the hell do i even begin with Loop??? Being trapped in a timeloop AGAIN, but now to see another Siffrin stumble into it, acting as their guide, "Helpful Loop! Here to help with the loops!!!" All to see him be able the do things you could never do, see him lose himself to the loops like you did, only for him to get OUT!!! Of course Loop lashes out like holy crab. And that only happens if you met the requirements for two hats!!! The last interaction with Loop and Siffrin outside that ends with Sif going "Curse you Loop." and then Loop is just gone!!! And even when you DO do the 2hats encounter, no matter if you lose to Loop or win, Loop can't kill Siffrin because they know how much he went through. They're angry, yes, but no one else wen through the loops besides them. No one else could help them BUT them, and if that's the case why couldn't have been them?
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And in the end, it's those very same people they tried to kill not too long ago that tell them "I needed you as much as you needed me." That they WERE needed. Mei now knowing that she isn't going to live long, but is happy with the knowledge that through Shjima she'll get to live on. It's not what either of them wanted this, but she's happy knowing even if she dies the other her will continue her dream
And if i try to talk about the "It's Thanks to You, Loop!" I will cry and combust into flames, but like. that entire scene, That "of course only A Siffrin could help another Siffrin." Showing yourself grace as a from of self-love. The secret third thing they got going on (that i'll choose to see as queerplatonic teehee /lh) but like. So many layers to it. But Even though Loop doesn't get their happy ending, they got closure. And they did promise to see each other again so who knows!!!
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anyways im very normal about them don't even worry about it /lh. And idk if it breaches containment more ppl to wacth hanako-kun or even read the manga because it's better and the art is very good shhhh but yeah ramble over lol
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spadem00n · 2 months ago
actually y'know what? With how rough today's been, this just means I should make more stuff that's apologetically queer & treasure the small moments. Not gonna let doom & gloom win.
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spadem00n · 7 months ago
Man naps are suppose to be restful, why'd i have to take a 2 hr one right before bed.
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spadem00n · 8 months ago
it's all fun and games until a mutual you followed for years reblogs In stars and time stuff. Another one to the isat hivemind
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spadem00n · 11 months ago
man you know you haven't really touched your blog and the tags are outdated as hell.
but hi hello!! sorry i don't talk all that much and occasionally disappear for weeks and pop back in like a cryptid lmao. it will prob happen again
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spadem00n · 3 years ago
Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers
,So I know that deltarune ch 2 has a secret 'no mercy route' and I've seen some fan art of it, but I can't decide how to tag it. I've seen the Snowgrave Route (reffing a skill one of the character gets), just straight up the Weird Route (cuz it is, plus horrifying), and humorously enough, the pipis route cuz of the pipis holes. Rn I'm debating between weird route & pipis, but it's prob more likely the latter.
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spadem00n · 3 years ago
beep boop new spooky them for spooky month.
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spadem00n · 3 years ago
I’ve been busy with school n’ stuff, but with Psychonauts 2 been released for a few weeks + Deltarune ch 2 recently released I kinda wanna gush about both.
As such, for those who want to avoid spoilers I’m gonna be tagging both games under the general #spoilers tag along with #psychonauts 2 spoilers and #deltarune spoilers. [[EDIT]] Instead of making a seperate tag for psychonuats stuff, I decided to make a blog for it at razberryaquato so give thata look when i start postin' there.
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alpha-antares · 8 years ago
Me: Why is it so fucking cold in here?!
Sis: I don't know. Maybe because you opened the window?
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alpha-antares · 8 years ago
Me: ow! What just poked me?!
Sis: Karma.
Me: ...
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alpha-antares · 9 years ago
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spadem00n · 3 years ago
[[Update Ig?]]
i decided any posr related to the hidden no mercy route in ch 2 will go under #weird route tag. Just as a head's up
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Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers
,So I know that deltarune ch 2 has a secret 'no mercy route' and I've seen some fan art of it, but I can't decide how to tag it. I've seen the Snowgrave Route (reffing a skill one of the character gets), just straight up the Weird Route (cuz it is, plus horrifying), and humorously enough, the pipis route cuz of the pipis holes. Rn I'm debating between weird route & pipis, but it's prob more likely the latter.
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