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fashionofsparkle · 3 years ago
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Siblings know how to push each other's buttons, but they also know how to mend things faster than anyone.
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dannyyazmehhh · 6 years ago
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Happy National sibling day. As much I love you, I hate you. Our bond is weird though but it’s cool. I’m wit it cause you wit. Ride or die..... literally, that accident one time? Yea cool aight bless up! And all my other brothers. Love till the end! 👌🏽✊🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽 #NationalSiblingDay #RideOrDie #FamilyForLife #Nikon #NikonPhotography #NikonPhotographer #SiblingPhotography #WeAlmostDiedOnce #ForJohnsBirthday #NikonD5000 #TuesdayShootPhotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGZxTDFOWY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11120gbl79796
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ty-bjork · 2 years ago
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Capturing siblings each in there own way. #familyphotography #familyphoto #childphotography #tylerbphotographer #tylerbphotography #familyphotographer #localphotographer #childphotographer #coloradophotographer #photography #auroraphotographer #photographer #coloradophotgrapher #naturallightphotographer #naturallightphotgraphy #photographyservices #siblings #siblingphotography #siblingphotographer #siblingslove #tylerphotographer #portraitphotographer #photographyservice #photoshoot #familyphotos #familyphotosession (at Castle Rock, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklWISWLIiP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lbritzphoto · 7 years ago
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#family #vacation #reunion #photography . Call me to create some beautiful moments. Email [email protected] or call/text 561.853.5399. . Check out our site at https://goo.gl/Ert1dG . . . . #familyphotographer #summerphotoshoots #brandyourfamily #siblingphotography #familyphotography #familyphotographersouthflorida #familyphotographypompanobeach #family #familygoals #siblings #parenting #yourbestfamilyphotographer #familyphotographers #lifestylephotographerflorida #lifestylephotographersoflo #lifestylephotography #familygroupphotographer #extendedfamilyphotography #extendedfamilyphotographer #photographycreativedirection #bestfloridaphotographer #fortlauderdalephotographer #pompanobeachphotographer #bocaratonphotographer #delraybeachphotographer #westpalmbeachphotographer #ilovephotography (at Pompano Beach, Florida)
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edelwis2793 · 4 years ago
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Melihat Mbah Kung menggendong dua cucunya sekaligus dapat membuktikan bahwa bukannya yang motoin ga mau bantu, tapi karena ga ada yang ngalah, maunya sama Mbah Kung semua. Ya Mama, Ya Papa semuanya pernah merasakan nikmatnya menggendong keduanya dalam satu waktu. Pada waktu main dan ga mau pulang, terpaksa gondol sekalian. Yang satu lagi manja, yang satu juga mau dimanja. Pernah juga ga mau berbagi, hanya salah satu yang menang digendong, yang satunya harus mengalah karena hampir kena cakar atau gigit. Inikah yang namanya sibling rivaly? Nampaknya demikian, Sibling rivalry bisa diartikan sebagai kompetisi antar saudara kandung, baik antar saudara kandung yang berjenis kelamin sama ataupun berbeda. Kompetisi ini diwarnai oleh rasa iri, cemburu, dan persaingan. Bersaing untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, seperti perhatian ibu, mainan baru, dan lain-lain. Pada suatu artikel mengatakan bahwa membiarkan mereka bertengkar adalah cara untuk membuat mereka berhenti bersaing, namun jika terus terjadi, pusing lah kitorang. Hal yang orangtua inginkan dari anak-anaknya adalah kerukunan dan kerja sama yang baik antar keduanya kan? Menurut popmama ada 7 tips yang dapat Mama dan Papa lakukan agar anak-anak tidak bertengkar yang bisa kita coba ya 1. Jangan menyaksikan pertengkaran mereka karena terkadang mereka mencari-cari perhatian, jika tidak berbahaya, biarkan mereka menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri tanpa pembelaan dari orangtua pada salah satu pihak 2. Menjadi penengah yang baik, yang memberi solusi terbaik bagi mereka. 3. Ajarkan mereka bernegosiasi 4. Mengalihkan perhatian mereka, misalnya dengan meminta bantuan untuk mengerjakan hal lain 5. Stop membela salah satu dari mereka! 6. Berikan kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kerja sama mereka 7. Buat peraturan yang tegas, jika perlu buatlah peraturan untuk mereka. Agar lebih tegas lagi, buatlah peraturan tertulis. Isi peraturan tersebut adalah tentang larangan bertengkar berikut sanksinya jika peraturan itu dilanggar. salam @rosmalina_edelwis #siblingslove #siblinglove #siblings #siblinggoals #siblingrivalry #siblingphotography #siblingphotography #siblingmemes #siblingday #siblingsbelike #siblinghoodlove #siblingsquad (di Kedungwuni, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJW0pxfBBzn/?igshid=mlzgi8bvef6t
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castaldostudio · 5 years ago
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#christmasmini #mphotography #childrenphotography #mayraphotography #christmasphotoshoot #christmasphotos #siblingphotography #childrenphotographer #siblings #childrenphoto #familyphotoshoot #familyphotography #family #houstonphotography #houstontx #houstonphotographer #maurasphotography #christmasdecor #wintermood #ecodesign #minimalism #koti #sisustus #valokuvaaja #newborn #joulukoti #joulusisustus #joulu #talvifiilis https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rLXRNpN8T/?igshid=1rje2b3os1yv9
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tothemoonandbackimagery · 5 years ago
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New blog post! https://tothemoonandbackimagery.com/blog/2019/9/watching-babies-grow #photography #photographer #familyphotography #familyphotoshoot #greenevillephotographer #greenvillenc #pittcountyncohotographer #farmville c #farmvillencphotographer #siblingphotography #easternncphotographer https://www.instagram.com/p/B2gsDVMFo6q/?igshid=1cra8rxpowcs6
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jerilynnphoto · 6 years ago
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Capturing cute moments like this photo of Alana are some of my favorites. But when you swipe you’ll see why I always tell my clients that photography is all smoke and mirrors! Lol At one point Hannah was there on the sofa, minding her own business🤣🤣🤣 A couple of years ago I did newborn photos for Alana too. There’s nothing I love more than to get called back for a new baby after I already bonded with the first one! You can browse ‘Newborns’ on my website in my bio to see these girls and more! #sistersforlife #girlsquad #siblingphotography #sisterphotography #childrensphotography #infantphotography #newbornphotography #toddlerphotography #candidphotography #southfloridaphotographer #pompanobeachflorida #browardphotographer (at Broward County, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLn7CJgnSO/?igshid=1tfoshk6e7f74
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emmamorrone · 6 years ago
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The final of my newborn photos from this shoot. If you’ve just had a baby and would love to have photos done of your beautiful little person , send me a message! . . . #photo #photography #photographer #emmamorronephotography #colourphoto #colourphotography #colourphotograph #newborn #newbornphotography #newbornphotographer #newbornphotographerbarrie #canon #canonphoto #canonphotographer #siblings #siblingphotography #siblingphotos #siblingphotograph #barrienewbornphotographer #barrienewbornphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhqbUeFyAJ/?igshid=5ry4c7jtvvmb
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ty-bjork · 2 years ago
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“You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, and she needs you…” — George R.R. Martin #timeflieswhenyourehavingfun #familyphoto #familyphotography #childphotography #tylerbphotographer #tylerbphotography #familyphotographer #localphotographer #childphotographer #photography #coloradophotographer #photographer #naturallightphotgraphy #tylerbphoto #photographyservices #familysessions #siblingphotography #siblings #highlandsranchphotographer (at Highlands Ranch, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cih02OCr7JU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itonlycanbejared · 6 years ago
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Watching #whiteboyrick w/ the sibs #siblings #siblingphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRxR_UnimZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=91l3g8k8p2o6
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gyurmafater · 7 years ago
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The KESERŰ siblings!👍🏻✌🏼😍 #siblinggoals #siblings #siblingphotography #siblingstime #sisters #brother #kids #children #forest #germany #birthday #trip #islandofrügen (at Königsstuhl Nationalpark Jasmund)
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edelwis2793 · 4 years ago
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Seringnya mendahulukan kebutuhan adek seperti mimik, ganti popok, maemnya adek daripada ngajak main kakak. Padahal kita tau kebutuhan anak tidak hanya materi, tapi juga perhatian. Nangis-nangis minta keluar kamar, narik-narik baju sudah biasa terjadi. Rasanya kok nyess. Mamah tau kakak mau keluar sama mama, tapi adek lagi haus minta mimi. Bentar ya. Makin keraslah baju mamah ditarik. Pada saat main, adek selalu didahulukan, katanya kakak udah gede kudu ngalah. Padahal kakak main duluan. Dan pada saat adek tidur, kakak pengen main sama adek juga ga boleh, katanya mamah , adek baru tidur, dan mamah capek. Selalu begitu, sampai kapan mah? sampe aku gede? sampe aku main keluar sendiri? Memberikan penjelasan juga tak selamanya mempan dihati, kadang malah jadi trauma , rasa iri dan tindakan fisik ke adek. Lalu bagaimana? Afirmasi tetap dilakukan, terapkan aturan main, tunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pilih kasih dan adakan kerjasama antara suami dan istri. Sibling rivalry bisa saja terjadi, tapi bisa diatasi. salam @rosmalina_edelwis #siblings #siblinglove #siblinggoals #siblingslove #siblingmemes #siblingrivalry #growingupwithsiblings #siblingphotography #parentinghumor ##parentinglife #parentinganak #parentingindonesia #parentingblogger #orangtuahebat #orangtuacermatanakhebat #ayahidaman #ibuidaman https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5xHvoh_Px/?igshid=c1ojm1l4jne1
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thatkiddposes · 4 years ago
The big kiddos are growing up so fast 🌿
📷: @pennylovehart
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lbritzphoto · 6 years ago
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It's the BEST season of the year 🎄 . Join us for ᏌNᏆQᏌᎬ 🅷🅾🅻🅸🅳🅰🆈 🅼🅸🅽🅸'🆂 ~ Limited space ~ BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW 🎅🏼 Link in Bio . Join us for stunning Holiday/Christmas mini-sessions with these beautiful unique giant flower holiday creations by @myfloraldecor See our other posts for additional flower props. . DATES: 🎄Boca Dec 21 🎄Broward Dec 22 🎄Miami Dec 23 Email [email protected] or call/text 561.853.5399 for info. .⠀ Also check out our site at https://www.laurenbritzphotography.com .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #minisession2018 #familyphotographer #fallphotoshoot #brandyourfamily #siblingphotography #familyphotography #familyphotographersouthflorida #familyphotographypompanobeach #family #familygoals #foamflowers #holidayminisession #yourbestfamilyphotographer #familyphotographers #lifestylephotographerflorida #lifestylephotographersoflo #lifestylephotography #familygroupphotographer #extendedfamilyphotography #extendedfamilyphotographer #photographycreativedirection #bestfloridaphotographer #fortlauderdalephotographer #pompanobeachphotographer #bocaratonphotographer #delraybeachphotographer #westpalmbeachphotographer #ilovephotography (at Broward County, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfVIxbFcOT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hq39anjzbkol
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advaitjani · 7 years ago
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Cliffhanger #catsofinstagram #siblingphotography (at Chennai, India)
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