#sibling day
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mattoidmeerkat · 2 years ago
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Happy Siblings Day! (April 10)
[Image ID: six gifs of 911 sibling pair we have seen on-screen
GIF 1: In Parenthood, Denny gives his foster-sister Nia a plush unicorn.
GIF 2: In Point of Origin, Brook talks to her father while Junior looks at them skeptically.
GIF 3: In Home and Away, Harry responds to May's teasing by threatening to fling ice cream at her. May hold her hands up in surrender.
GIF 4: In Survivors, Chimney double fist bumps Albert after the later passes his firefighter certification.
GIF 5: In The One That Got Away, Maddie pinkie-swears to Buck that he'll never be left beding.
GIF 6: In A Whole New You, Matt listens to Abby talk about her Olympic ambitions as a teenager.
/end ID]
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bookishjules · 11 months ago
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note the sibling who didnt even bother responing smh you try to be cute one time!!
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: this is really about the sibling relationship, see author's note below
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 593
A/N: This is a short one-shot for the spring holiday event at @choicesholidays. Holiday: National Sibling Day, which was on April 10th. I wanted to rewrite coronation night from the perspective of the people who had the trajectory of their lives changed, either by abdicating or by being the one to step up. And I wanted to show the strength of the sibling relationship through that. With that in mind, this is an AU in which the scandal never happens because I want the focus of this piece to be on the coronation itself and not on someone getting dragged out of it.
My other stuff: Master List.
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The grand ballroom was packed. It was coronation night and half of Cordonia had turned out to watch.
The other half would be watching from their television sets. News crews were spread out in strategic places throughout the room.
The former crown prince took his place in the audience. A scant few months ago he thought it would be him on that dais, his head that would be receiving the crown, his life that would be dedicated to duty and sacrifice.
He wondered if he had dumped too much responsibility into his younger sibling’s lap, but he knew that, between the two of them, he was the less prepared to rule, the less willing to make the sacrifices that needed to be made.
He had been prepared to rule, yes. He had been raised to rule, yes. But everything changed when he met her.
He’d given up the crown and abdicated his place in the line of succession for love. He glanced down at the woman next to him, his heart swelling with emotion as she smiled up at him.
It had been worth it. He had no regrets.
He stole a quick glance across the room at his brother’s face, thinking about how much they had in common.
On the dais, Cordonia’s next monarch stood next to their father, eyes scanning the room and lighting up when they landed on him. He smiled back encouragingly, quashing the sliver of guilt that remained even though he was confident he had made the best choice for everyone involved.
He knew his father disapproved but what was done was done.
Constantine stepped up to the microphone and started his speech, “Fellow Cordonians, welcome! I’m so pleased to have you all join us for tonight’s historic event! I appreciate your patience; I know this isn’t the Rys you were originally expecting, but this is exactly why royal couples from time immemorial are encouraged to produce spares!”
There was polite laughter from the audience as the two brothers locked eyes across the room remembering how their father had privately accused his children of playing musical chairs with the monarchy.
But the Rys children had made a pact long ago to stand united in the face of their father’s disapproval and they had never wavered from that alliance even into adulthood. The fact that the youngest sibling was standing on the dais instead of the oldest was proof of that.
Constantine finished his speech and Liam tore his eyes away from Leo to watch as their father placed the crown on Lena’s head.
He had willingly stepped up when Leo abdicated for love, and Lena had willingly stepped up when he’d done the same. He glanced down at Riley as he applauded knowing he had made the right choice. He smiled across the room at Leo who stood next to his new wife, Olivia Nevrakis Rys and he whistled and shouted in approval when his sister made her selection and got engaged to Hana Lee.
Their father had little choice after Lena had threatened to also abdicate if not allowed to make her own choice freely. Leo and Liam had backed her up and both had promised to acquiesce to their father’s wishes for them to stay and support the monarchy if she was given that freedom.
All three Rys children had been able to choose love for themselves because all three had loved and supported each other. Together, they had overcome their father’s attempt to control their lives. Together, they would lead Cordonia into a better future.
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cirqueduroyale · 2 years ago
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Happy National Sibling Day!
With some royal siblings (and a pseudo sib) who never fight nor have they ever bitten or threatened to stab one another :D
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the-ellia-west · 11 months ago
Happy Siblings day!
Twins, Xhaazi and Kasi!
Here's some dialogue for you...
Xhaazi looked up at the stars, trying his best to lose his troubled thoughts in the beauty of the sky. He folded his hands with a soft sigh as he leaned back, sprawling out across the wood of the front porch. It felt good to be able to use all of his limbs again. The outlander brought a hand to his ribs where the poisoned claw marks had left bold scars. He slipped his hand beneath the fabric of his shirt to touch the scars, almost unsure they were real as his fingers brushed across the strangely smooth scar tissue.
The hunter sighed again as he heard a small creak behind him. He closed his eyes, “Kas, you should be inside getting some sleep.”
“So should you, but I don’t see you sleeping.” The outlander leaned against the doorframe, studying her short nails. “Tyv and his mom offered to let us clean up tomorrow. They’re preparing for the Holiday the entirety of the day.”
“Yeah… good for us.” Xhaazi avoided his sister’s eyes as he sat up.
“Hey,” Kasi put her hands on her hips. “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Especially nothing you need to be concerned about. This is a problem for me to handle. I know you want to help me but you can’t. Not with this.” The outlander wrapped his arms around his legs as he pulled his knees up to his chest.
“Are you sure? I’ve helped you many times when you thought I couldn’t. I’m not just a seamstress after all.” Kasi sat down beside her brother.
“I know that. You’re amazing, so much more amazing than anyone I’ve met. You can do so much. You can fight, take care of me and my shenanigans, keep up your relationship with Chrin, and talk to people all at once. I don’t quite know how you do it.” Shady smiled as he rested his chin on his knees.
Kasi paused, a little surprised by his words. “It’s not just me you know. I can’t do it without you and Chrin. You two and Mom and Dad are what keep me going. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you.”
“Yeah sure, you have encouragement. But I’ve also got that and life just seems so… difficult. I can’t find my way through it! It’s like a maze that ensnares you whenever you move. I don’t know what it is but why can’t I just… do things? How is it so easy for you? What do you do?”
Kasi paused as she looked over at her brother, tears sparkling in the corners of his eyes. “Life’s difficult for me too, believe it or not. I can’t always keep my anger to myself, I can’t protect you two, and I can never really seem to do things on my own. It feels like I always need some kind of assistance, whatever I do. I was the first to be defeated in the battle, the first to be injured in both shade attacks, and the first to give up in our encounters with… him.” She shivered.
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the-rat-is-back · 11 months ago
Happy Sibling Day! Ft. the twins Adam and Adora.
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This did not go as planned, I'm not happy with this out come.
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deweydell25 · 11 months ago
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(via GIPHY)
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chloesimaginationthings · 2 months ago
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Michael Afton’s happiest day in FNAF
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jelliclekitty · 11 months ago
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aueua · 1 year ago
people with siblings: how do you feel about them?
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charcoaldustonmyfingers · 1 year ago
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Taco Crimes
Donnie would absolutely blow a fuse if someone ruined their books with how sacred he was to that mint condition comic, and I’m sure Mikey thinks cooking is an art. Cross either of them and it’s hell to pay!
I read a lot of book series that had been handed down to me by my siblings, but you could really tell whose they were before based on their condition. One sibling left foodstains and dog ears, another left spine breaks and ripped paperbacks, and the final would threaten my life if I so much as dented a page. Such is life with shared things
I guess you could say those books were well loved, for better or for worse lol
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ronanlynchbf · 2 years ago
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kunshokunsho · 2 months ago
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vebokki · 10 months ago
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i present to you for your consideration: luo binghe and sha hualing as roommates. also they're both going to be late to their respective dates
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yuki2sksksk · 5 months ago
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Hc that Tanjirou knows how to clean and bury the dead since he helped when it was his grandma and dad. But since this time there are too many bodies to bury, he asks for help from old man Saburo.
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pinetreespants · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween to @stychu-stych
Lol I'll return your worm and car
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