#si: killian
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valentinesparda · 2 months ago
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killian redesign concepts !! while my brownies bake
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crypt1dvan1shed · 3 months ago
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welcome back to round 2 of me having absolutely no clue how to draw cars from any other angle than side and top view 🔥🔥
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incandescentia · 8 months ago
✔ for deirdre!
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 // accepting!
My muse(s): Offering you between Seele / Killian / Renge :>
Do I know your muse(s):  yes (familiar with her myth) | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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cavrnival · 2 months ago
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' no es... ' interrumpe su discurso porque no ve sentido en discutir; sanha tiene algo de razón y, si continúan en eso, kill sabe que saldrá perdiendo. así que cede y descarta lo ocurrido con un movimiento de su mano, pues total no tiene mucha importancia realmente. ya encontrará alguna otra bebida que contenga la misma cantidad de alcohol con la que pidió prepararan la que su compañero bebió. ' todes en esta banda están dementes. ' incluido él mismo. sobre todo él mismo... o así se siente. deja escapar un resoplido y lleva las manos a los bolsillos de su chaqueta, resguardándolas de la ventisca fresca que se levantó. ' no quieres una cita conmigo, te aburrirías a los cinco minutos. ' saben que no es muy hablador y mucho menos cuando requiere que comente algo sobre su persona, así que cualquier intento de cita sería un desastre. ' lo último que necesitamos es un amorío entre miembros que arruine la banda, igualmente. '
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‘ eso no prueba nada, cualquiera pudo haberle dejado una marca de cigarro. ’ mueca es persistente al mantener negativa, aunque cualquier excusa se base en simples patrañas. discretamente deja el vaso de vuelta en la mesa, sin embargo, por poco que le quede prefiere no volver a tomar de sí ahora que sabe le pertenecía a compañero de banda. ‘ ¡claro que los tengo! ’ de forma extraña, parece encontrar una ofensa mayor en la acusación que cambia el rumbo de converso. ‘ pero todos se basan en el consentimiento, tampoco estoy tan demente. ’ consigo, su semblante se menea en negativa que reprocha la misma pregunta. ‘ no me gustaría estar cerca de tu boca, a menos claro que me invites a una cita primero. ’
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snowbellewells · 30 days ago
Halloween ReRuns: Something Spicy & Something Sweet ;P
So, I had started the first of my Autumn Prompt Bingo Card stories and had hoped to be able to post it, but it isn't ready yet. Then, I had the thought that I could post a couple of stories I've written for previous Autumns/Halloweens and maybe some new people would see and enjoy them who hadn't before. The "spicy" one (which, it's me, so for most people probably not actually that spicy) was written for @kmomof4's birthday in mid-October some years back, and the sweet one is totally self-indulgent, prompted by a hilarious post I saw on here once about what Killian would make of the Girl Scouts and their cookie sales, and how he would be a total pushover for them and buy all the cookies.
Anyway, if you're interested, here are a couple of my older Halloween fics for your evening's entertainment!
Spicy: "The Sweetest Treat"
Summary: After Storybrooke’s first Harvest Day Festival winds down, Emma has a sweet and sultry surprise in store for her pirate husband.  (hard T - or maybe an M?)
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Sweet: "Do-Si-Dos and Tagalongs"
Summary: Originally written for a CS Halloweek on Tumblr... featuring lots of fluff and a pirate captain who can't resist adorably mischievous Girl Scouts. ;)
Set somewhere in the vague post-s6 future, assuming everyone had stayed in Storybrooke and they all carried on from the happy beginning we saw in the Season 6 finale.  
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Tagging a few who might enjoy: @jennjenn615 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @anmylica @xarandomdreamx @lfh1226-linda
@xsajx @bluewildcatfanatic @apiratewhopines @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jrob64 @goforlaunchcee
@belovedcreation @myfearless-love @teamhook @revanmeetra87
@stahlop @jonesfandomfanatic @eastwesthomeisbest @spartanguard @ultraluckycatnd
@searchingwardrobes @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @motherkatereloyshipper @bromfieldhall
@everything-person @undercaffinatednightmare @caught-in-the-filter @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook
@shady-swan-jones @let-it-raines @the-darkdragonfly @therooksshiningknight @resident-of-storybrooke
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elaenyah · 2 months ago
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武   ⠀     ────     ⠀   a   forma   como   elaenya   lanyra   sacrania   se   move   —cada   passo   firme,   cada   gesto   medido   —   grita   uma   única   verdade:   ela   é   a   líder   do   quadrante   de   infantaria.   aos   (   trinta   e   seis   anos   ),   sua   autoridade   é   inquestionável.   as   histórias   sobre   elaenya,   porém,   são   complicadas,   envoltas   em   ecos   de   respeito   e   temor.   dizem   que   ela   é   destemida.   dizem   que   é   impiedosa.   dizem   muitas   coisas,   e   todas   parecem   verdade.   mas   o   que   é   um   nome   quando   a   lenda   já   atravessou   fronteiras?   alguns   juram   que   ela   se   parece   com   uma   mulher   chamada   jessica   green.   outros   apenas   evitam   olhar   em   seus   olhos.   afinal,   lendas   têm   seus   próprios   rostos.
⠀     one.  ⠀[  .⠀.⠀.  ]⠀   🗡⠀      ────    ⠀    𝒃𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝒔𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭  .
nome  completo:  elaenya  lanyra  sacrania.
apelidos:  enya  (geral),  nyra  (pai).
pronomes:  ela/dela.  ⠀
sexualidade:  bissexual.  ⠀
idade:  26  anos.  ⠀
árvore  genealógica:  killian  sacrania,  pai  (vivo)  ;  ezayana  sacrania,  mãe  (falecida).
escolaridade:  instituto  wülfhere,  líder  do  quadrante  da  infantaria. 
⠀     two.  ⠀[  .⠀.⠀.  ]⠀  🗡⠀      ────    ⠀    𝒃𝐚𝐜𝐤𝒔𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  .
quando  você  nasce  com  o  sobrenome  sacrania,  seu  destino  está  escrito  no  sangue.  você  terá  tudo  e,  por  isso,  deverá  doar  tudo  de  si  para  se  provar  digno  dessa  benção.  seja  qual  for  seu  quadrante,  sua  função  é  apenas  uma:  ser  o  melhor.  elaenya,  porém,  falhou  em  cumprir  essa  única  exigência.  era  passional  demais  para  ser  escriba,  desajeitada  demais  para  cuidar  de  outra  pessoa,  sua  personalidade  quase  conquistou  um  dragão  de  fogo,  mas  ele  a  recusou  na  última  hora,  e  bem,  enya  era  simplesmente  imprevisível  demais  para  que  a  infantaria  quisesse  alguém  que  não  sabia  dar  e  muito  menos  receber  ordens.  ela  não  era  boa  em  nada,  mas  suas  constantes  falhas  a  moldaram  durante  toda  infância  e  adolescência  para  ser  a  líder  de  quadrante  que  é  hoje. 
veja  bem,  desagradar  o  clã  sacrania  significava  punições  cada  vez  mais  extremas  conforme  a  idade  avançava  e  ela  não  se  destacava  em  nada.  se  seu  pai  estivesse  presente,  talvez  isso  não  acontecesse,  ela  sempre  foi  a  preferida  dele,  mas  sua  mãe  não  conhecia  limites  quando  a  questão  era  tentar  endireitar  a  filha.  as  constantes  humilhações  e  represálias  fizeram  crescer  uma  raiva  que  ela  não  conhecia,  principalmente  quando  voltou  do  sonhār  sem  ter  firmado  um  elo  com  o  dragão.  foi  o  suficiente  para  que  enya  não  derramasse  uma  mísera  lágrima  quando  viu  o  corpo  da  mãe  desfalecido.
o  major  killian  sacrania  era  um  homem  calmo  e  firme  do  tipo  que  mesmo  se  sua  patente  fosse  mais  alta  que  a  dele,  você  se  sentiria  compelido  a  pelo  menos  escutar  o  que  ele  tinha  a  dizer.  quando  ele  deu  um  ultimato  à  filha,  enya  sentiu  que  seu  destino  se  tornou  mais  claro.  nyra,  agora  você  vai  entrar  no  quadrante  da  infantaria.  você  tem  um  ano  para  conseguir  ser  a  melhor  da  turma.  se  você  falhar,  será  deserdada,  não  importa  se  você  é  minha  única  filha  ou  não.  amanhã  vou  para  a  fronteira,  quando  retornar,  quero  que  você  me  dê  orgulho.  eu  confio  em  você.
embora  fosse  uma  das  menos  habilidosas,  enya  finalmente  despertou  para  o  fato  que  nada  aconteceria  se  ela  não  lutasse  de  verdade  por  isso.  toda  a  mágoa  que  sentia  da  mãe,  toda  a  raiva  que  nutriu  quando  o  dragão  a  rejeitou,  todos  os  sentimentos  negativos  que  ela  guardava  para  si  transmutaram-se  em  garra.  ela  aprendeu  a  ter  disciplina,  a  ser  forte  física  e  mentalmente.  ela  não  era  mais  uma  rebelde  sem  causa,  e  para  a  surpresa  de  todos,  agora  estava  entre  os  três  melhores  da  turma. 
tudo  começou  com  um  simples  boato,  mas  foi  o  suficiente  para  que  a  situação  escalasse.  enya  e  octavia  yarrow  se  odiavam  desde  que  começaram  no  instituto,  um  ódio  alimentado  por  suas  famílias  que  eram  rivais.  até  então,  elas  competiam  por  coisas  bobas,  mas  agora  enya  estava  ameaçando  a  posição  de  melhor  da  turma  de  octavia.  quando  alguém  disse  para  a  yarrow  que  enya  estava  falando  dela  e  de  sua  família,  a  garota  perdeu  a  cabeça.  octavia  atacou  enya  pelas  costas,  todos  assistiram  as  duas  lutarem  no  dormitório.  só  terminou  quando  enya,  lutando  em  desvantagem  por  não  estar  armada,  usou  as  garras  para  atacar  a  garganta  da  outra.  quando  os  curandeiros  apareceram,  o  corpo  de  octavia  estava  imóvel  e  enya  continuava  perdendo  muito  sangue.
depois  de  verem-na  lutar,  até  os  que  mais  zombavam  dela  por  ter  mudado  de  quadrante,  passaram  a  ter  algum  respeito  pela  garota.  a  partir  disso,  ela  nunca  mais  esteve  em  segundo  lugar.  enya  viu  que  poderia  ser  destemida,  determinada,  obcecada,  ambiciosa  e  isso  eram  qualidades  de  uma  pessoa  que  poderia  ter  tudo  que  quisesse.  e,  honestamente,  ela  só  queria  ganhar.  era  o  suficiente  para  ela:  o  título  de  melhor  –  a  inveja  e  a  admiração  eram  bônus. 
enya  se  formou  no  instituto  e  se  tornou  uma  soldado  mais  que  competente.  no  entanto,  enya  sabia  que  a  guerra  era  mais  do  que  o  campo  de  batalha  tradicional;  as  ameaças  muitas  vezes  surgiam  nas  sombras,  nas  florestas  densas  e  nas  ruínas  de  cidades  devastadas.  decidida  a  se  tornar  uma  guerreira  versátil,  escolheu  um  caminho  menos  convencional  e  fez  seus  estudos  complementares  em  combate  de  guerrilha.  mergulhou  no  conhecimento  das  táticas  de  emboscada,  sabotagem  e  guerra  assimétrica,  treinando  para  sobreviver  e  lutar  em  terrenos  adversos,  onde  poucos  ousavam  entrar.
tinha  34  anos  quando  seu  pai  foi  gravemente  ferido  em  combate.  ele  voltou  para  casa  com  a  mobilidade  reduzida  e  o  orgulho  ferido.  ainda  era  muito  influente,  o  suficiente  para  ser  convidado  diversas  vezes  para  ser  professor  no  instituto,  mas  recusou.  em  pouco  tempo,  conheceu  outra  changeling  aposentada  e  se  casaram.  por  influência  dela,  começou  a  tentar  ser  mais  presente  na  vida  da  filha. 
como  assim  ela  tinha  trinta  e  quatro  anos  e  não  era  casada?  e  se  ela  morresse  sem  dar  um  único  neto  para  ele?  para  onde  iria  o  sobrenome  sacrania?  não,  enya  deveria  casar  com  um  militar  igualmente  prestigiado.  a  mulher  ficou  abismada  com  a  intromissão  do  casal  e  tentou  ao  máximo  evitá-los,  mas  era  impossível  ignorar  o  pai  que  queria  casá-la  e  vê-la  como  uma  líder  de  quadrante  –  provavelmente  para  ter  certeza  que  correria  menos  perigos  antes  de  deixar  um  neto  para  ele.  ela  cedeu  em  partes,  tornou-se  líder  do  quadrante  da  infantaria  no  instituto,  mas  não  queria  de  jeito  nenhum  um  casamento  arranjado.  o  único  problema  é  que  tava  ficando  cada  vez  mais  difícil  fugir  daquele  “compromisso”.  
three.  ⠀[  .⠀.⠀.  ]⠀   🗡⠀      ────    ⠀    𝒆𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬  .
aasvaādya  ⠀  ────  ⠀cada  vez  que  a  espada  de  enya  corta  o  ar,  o  som  se  desdobra,  reverberando  em  ecos  que  não  pertencem  a  este  mundo.  é  como  se  várias  lâminas  estivessem  dançando  ao  redor,  multiplicando-se  em  sombras  afiadas,  confundindo  até  o  mais  experiente  dos  guerreiros.  seus  inimigos  hesitam,  desorientados,  tentando  adivinhar  qual  golpe  é  real  e  quais  são  apenas  ilusões.  e  é  nesse  momento,  no  intervalo  entre  o  medo  e  a  dúvida,  que  enya  age.  ela  sabe  exatamente  como  usar  esses  ecos—não  como  meros  truques,  mas  como  armas  invisíveis—tornando  os  oponentes  vulneráveis  a  um  golpe  que  jamais  veem  chegar.
aparência  ⠀  ────  ⠀enya  tem  olhos  dourados  que  brilham  como  metal  ao  sol,  sempre  atentos,  sempre  observando.  suas  orelhas  são  ligeiramente  pontudas,  herança  de  seu  avô  feérico.  a  pele  tem  um  toque  sutil  de  verde  cintilante,  tão  discreto  que  apenas  os  mais  atentos  percebem.  ela  não  esconde  as  garras  que  manifesta,  afiadas  com  cuidado  e  prontas  para  o  combate.  são  armas  silenciosas,  afiadas  o  suficiente  para  causar  estragos,  mas  não  tão  longas  a  ponto  de  perder  sua  precisão  letal.  com  1,78  de  altura,  sua  presença  é  forte  e  marcante,  alguém  que,  mesmo  em  silêncio,  impõe  respeito.  
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koisplosion · 1 month ago
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Sebastian id pack !
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August, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandro, Alex, Alexis, Alexia, Aiden / Ayden, Auden, Ashton, Asher.
Benjamin, Bastion / Bastien / Bastian, Bastille, Basil, Beckett, Brien / Brian / Bryan.
Casper, Caspian, Cassian, Callum, Callister, Castiel, Cillian, Crispin, Cyprien / Cyprian.
Desmond, Damien / Damian / Damion, Darien / Darion / Darian, Dorien / Dorion / Dorian.
Emiliano, Emilia, Ethan, Evelien / Evelian, Evelin / Eveline / Evelyn, Evelyne.
Felix, Finnian, Finnigan, Fletcher, Felician / Felicien.
Gabriel / Gabrielle, Gabriela / Gabriella, Grayson / Greyson, Gillian, Griffin / Griffon, Griffith.
Hawthorn / Hawthorne, Hector, Hectare, Hadrien / Hadrian, Hasien, Hastien.
Imogen, Irving, Isadore, Isadora, Ien / Ian / Ion, Irine.
Jasper / Jazzper / Jesper, Julian / Julien / Julion, Julius, Jesker, Julio, Julie, Julia.
Kasper, Killian, Kaspian, Kassian, Kasabian, Katrine, Katrina, Katarina / Katerina, Katrien / Katrian.
Lucien / Lucian, Lucifer, Lien / Lian, Leon / Lion, Lillian / Lilian / Lillien / Lilien, Lucianus, Lucio / Luceo.
Matthew / Matthieu, Matthias, Morgen / Morgan, Mien.
Nicholas / Nickolas, Nathaniel, Nyx / Nix, Nyxton / Nixton, Nox.
Obsidian, Onyx, Oren, Orius, Orion, O'Brien / O'Brian, Octavian / Octavien, Orien.
Parker, Preston, Porter, Poet, Poem, Paien, Peregrine / Peregrien.
Russel / Russell, Rien / Rian / Ryan, Racien / Recene, Regien / Ragien.
Savannah, Sterling / Stirling, Sullivan, Sylvester / Sylvestre, Sylvanus, Sylvania, Spencer.
Theodore, Tristan , Tomas / Thomas, Thatcher, Tobias, Terien / Terrien.
Void, Victor / Viktor, Victoria / Viktoria, Vespian / Vespien / Vaspian / Vaspien, Vien, Vivian / Vivien / Vivienne.
Wilbur, William, Wacien.
Zadrian / Zadrien / Zaydrien.
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1st p prns:
I / me / my / mine / myself.
Ci / cige / ciggy / cigarine / cigaretteswlf
Ei / ege / eggy / eggine / eggself
Fi / fre / froggy / frogine / frogself
Fri / froze /frozy / frozine / frozenself
Mi / me / mounty / mountine / mountainself
Oi / obse / obsidy / obsidine / obsidianself
Pi / pe / pumpky / pumpkine / pumpkinself
Si / se / sebby / sebine / sebself
Si / sebe / sebby / sebastine / Sebastianself
Si / soe / soupy / soupine / soupself
Si / sashe / sashy / sashimine / sashimiself
Si / se / summery / summerine / summerself
Smi / sme / smokey / smokine / smokeself
Ti / te / teary / tearine / tearself
Vi / ve / voide / voidy / voidine / voidself
Wi / wine / wintry / wintine (winterine) / winterself
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2nd p prns:
You / your / yours / yourself
Co / cigar / cigars / cigarself
Eu / egger / Eggers / eggerself
Fro / freezer / freezers / freezerself
Fro / frogger / froggers / froggerself
Mo / mounter / mountaineers / mountaineerself
Ou / obsidianer / obsidianrs / obsidianerself
Po / pumpkiner / pumpkiners / pumpkinerself
So / sebber / sebbers / sebberself
So / Sebastianer / Sebastianers / Sebastianerself
So / souper / soupers / souperself
So / sashimir / sashimirs / sashimirself
So / summer / summers / summerself
Smo / smoker / smokers / smokerself
To / tear / tears / tearself
Vo / voider / voiders / voiderself
Wo / winter / winters / winterself
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3rd p prns:
They / them / theirs / themself
Ci/cig, cig/cigs, cig/arette, cig/ar, cigar/cigars, cigar/ette, cigar/cigarette, cigarette/cigarettes
Eg/egg, Egg/eggs, egg/eggy
Fro/zen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, frozen/tear, Fro/og, frog/frogs, frog/froggy, frog/egg
Mount/ain, mount/mountain, mountain/mountains, mountain/road
Obsi/dian, obs/idian, ob/sidian, obsidian/obsidians
Pum/pkin, pump/kin, pump/pumpkin, pumpkin/pumpkins, pumpkin/soup
Seb/sebby, seb/Sebastian, sebby/sebbys, seb/by, sebby/Sebastian, seb/astiolan, se/bastian, sebas/Tian, Sebastian/sebastians
Sou/p, so/up, sou/soup, soup/soups, soup/soupy, sa/shimi, sash/imi, sash/sashimi, Sashi/mi, sashimi/sashimis
Smo/ke, smo/smoke, smoke/smokes, smoke/smokey, smoke/smoker, su/mmer
sum/mer, sum/summer, summer/summers, summer/summery, summer/summertime
Te/ar, te/ear, tea/er, tear/tears, tear/teary
Vo/oid, vo/id, voi/d, voi/void, void/voids
Win/ter, win/winter, wint/er, won't/winter, winter/winters, winter/wintry, winter/time
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The gamer, the smoker, the mountain dweller
The seasonal smoker, the village smoker
The farmers smoke buddy, the cigarette owner
The void egg admirer, the frog egg fan, the sashimi lover
(prn) who loves sashimi, (prn) who enjoys pumpkin soup
(prn) who treasures obsidian, (prn) who smokes
(prn) who owns frog eggs, (prn) with the cigarette in hand
(prn) who admires void eggs, (prn) and (prns) addicted self
(prn) who plays games with friends, (prn) with the bottled emotions
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Sebastian + romance
Smokerscentstellic - dissomeismoker
Stardewanatomic - stardewgender
Voidchickspritic - obsidiagem
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@the-church-of-strabismus @sanguinaryfreaks and @hewasanamericangirl
Request status on the inbox
Please read the byf linked in fox's pinned post
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hoisthecolors · 2 months ago
𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐌 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐀̃𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐎: um guia básico de como o personagem se veste.
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Killian não é um Deus da Moda, mas com certeza é vaidoso o suficiente para se preocupar como é visto na aparência. Em sua época, jóias, acessórios, adereços e muitas camadas de roupa eram sinônimo de riqueza e beleza. No entanto, conforme os anos passavam, as roupas ficavam em menor quantidade, mostrando o peito em sua maioria do tempo, e a única diferença era que os anéis, colares, acessórios em geral, aumentaram. Este tem uma quantidade exacerbada de itens roubado em sua época de pirataria ativa que também usa, mas, é claro, cada coisa conta sua história. O uso de capas longas que cobrem parcialmente uma lateral de seu corpo ou simplesmente a si todo, é bem raro, exceto nos períodos de frio, só que não compõe o visual-padrão marcante do Capitão. Como seu cabelo é um pouco maior que o usual, e ele prefere manter assim embora o incomode, faz uso de bandanas. Botas são sempre utilizadas, óbvio! No geral, apesar de ser pirata, não é imundo. Suas roupas estão sempre em perfeito estado e é muito normal que encontre Capitão Gancho em uma camisa de linho, pois, de pobre não tem nada, e se tem uma coisa com a qual ele não poupa é com sua vaidade.
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lizzie4iu · 11 months ago
Após a designação da missão que partilharia com Ethan, Lizzie recebeu a profecia do Oráculo com grande preocupação.
"Não haverá percurso dividido. Deverão ir por lados opostos e assistirão o fim de todas as coisas na forma a qual conhecem".
A sentença proferida pelo oráculo pulsava na mente de Elizabeth enquanto preparava a mochila de sua viagem. Ela se negava a aceitar a interpretação que havia criado precipitadamente. Não mais poderiam caminhar em união, não haviam chances de que aquela relação obtivesse frutos bons o suficiente para que aquele sentimento pudesse perdurar por tantos anos conforme o que fora almejado por Elizabeth.
Não aceitaria a solidão tomar cada pedaço de si novamente, não após a compreensão do falecimento de seu pai. A solitude já havia sido substituído por boas companhias e os hábitos de fuga já residiam no passado. Sua vida estava em um marasmo delicioso no qual ela desfrutava o prazer de ser, apesar de tudo, uma "pessoa normal".
Não poderia sentar sobre sua cama e aguardar o horário daquele fim trágico romper com seu sossego. Entre as quedas de suas lágrimas, armazenava dentro da mochila as lembranças de cada pessoa com a qual conviveu durante aquele período no acampamento, deixando para trás qualquer vestígio de Ethan que pudesse lhe fazer repensar sua escolha tão precipitada. As fotos que tiraram juntos, a camiseta a qual usava para dormir, o colar que havia ganhado como presente de aniversário. Tudo fora deixado na gaveta da mesa auxiliar, como se naquele compartimento houvesse um caixão para tudo de positivo que haviam presenciado até ali. Sem a piedade de levar consigo o perfume o qual usava sempre que tinham os encontros românticos no campo.
Antes do amanhecer, fugiu pela fronteira mágica que cercava o acampamento. Desacompanhada. Miz, seu bastão mágico, estava prestes a ser esmagado em sua mão direita, tamanha a pressão que aplicava sobre ela. Chorava ruidosamemente enquanto tentava fugir das lembranças e vislumbres do rosto do amado. Pensava que a sua decisão pouparia a vida de Ethan, que não seria enviado àquela missão e que, consequentemente, não cumpriria a profecia. Acreditava que conseguiria alterar o futuro através de uma mudança drástica de pensamentos.
Refugiou-se na antiga residência do pai, escondendo-se de monstros e de semideuses durante dois anos. Optou por forjar sua morte após descobrir que uma equipe de resgate havia sido enviada para sua recuperação. Através de uma carta de despedida enviada à Quíron, a qual foi lida pelo diretor e entregue a Ethan, anunciou seu suicídio e pediu para que a perdoassem por sua decisão.
No terceiro ano sozinha, Lizzie se mudou para New Orleans, residindo no centro da cidade e atuando como secretária em um escritório de contabilidade.
No quarto ano, Lizzie começou a se relacionar com outras pessoas e, devido ao constante receio de gerar um novo trauma, não dava continuidade aos relacionamentos que começavam já sentenciados ao fracasso.
No quinto e sexto ano, dedicou-se a montar uma pequena loja de objetos de decoração, assinando com o sobrenome da família de sua avó paterna e tornando-se Elizabeth Killian.
No sétimo e oitavo ano a loja passou a prosperar, obtendo objetos mágicos como itens decorativos e ofertando cada vez mais lucro para Elizabeth, que estava experienciando uma vida confortável após tantos anos de sofrimento. Propôs a si mesma que daria uma nova oportunidade para o amor e assim o fez. Neste ano conheceu um homem que conseguiu, parcialmente, tê-la nas mãos.
No nono ano havia começado o namoro com o chefe de cozinha que rondava seus caminhos há certo tempo e sua casa vivia perfumada pelo cheiro de temperos e comidas refém saídas do forno, facilitando ainda mais que passasse despercebida pelos monstros. Passaram a dividir a mesma casa e esboçar planos para o possível amanhã, enquanto o fantasma do antigo amor ainda a visitava vez ou outra.
A casa possuía músicas proibidas, apelidos proibidos e limites acerca do passado de Liz. Ela podia jurar que ouvia som da risada de Ethan pela casa, assim como sentia seu cheiro em suas roupas. Sonhava com o possível filho, a possível casa e as possíveis viagens. A mobília do quarto infantil seria linda e iria escolher uma casa de campo distante de tudo para que pudesse viver cada segundo de sua vida junto ao seu amado.
Foram nove anos. Nove anos que passaram em um piscar de olhos.
Ao descer do carro, estacionado em frente ao seu lar, abriu o porta malas para retirar as sacolas de papel recheadas de insumos para a casa. Legumes, leite, farinha e açúcar. Pegou a embalagem nos braços e, ao erguer a cabeça, ouviu o som de passos se aproximando.
Um arrepio percorreu sua coluna e, notando a fragilidade a qual se encontrava, largou rapidamente das embalagens e se virou na direção do passos, buscando seu bastao mágico no bolso traseiro da calça jeans. E ali, das sombras noturnas, o vento trouxe um perfume único de uma pele conhecida.
"Quem está aí?" Exclamou com rispidez "Vamos, diga!"
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indiegossipisms · 6 months ago
I do not know who I want to win the murder party race towards Jedikiah ( @tmrrwppl )
Will it be Ty @badassxbirdy? Killian @nightiingaled ? Jordan @bloodbulletsandbytes ?
Personally kind of hope it’s an older and very much alive @edhellfire out of left field getting one in for his favorite time travelling paranormal hot mess Clari.
That or Mal gets tired of sharing Zeke’s brain with Jed and calls in a favor to his sis Lucille @behindtheireyes
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idk how I missed this one from fucking April but
holy schmoly wat is happening in whoville.
Lemme get this straight with handy dandy numbered points
There's a murder party and I am not even being invited? ... Screw you Ty, Killian, and Jordy!
ALSO when the shit did I miss Clari teleporting into the past again--- Stephen fucking Jameson, nvm. STEVIE STOP YEETING YOUR COUSIN INTO THE PAST. NORMAL COUSINS JUST FIST FIGHT YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT??! Pray for Clari's fashion sense y'all, she's not in danger her clothes are just ugly
... fORGET EVERYTHING I SAID ABOVE, CHILDREN TO THE SIDE THE ADULTS ARE HERE: Mal and Lucille have this in the fucking BAGGGGGGGGGGGG. have you seen those adorable little murders????? I love them.
I need a drink this ask was like six hammers to the chest
@tmrrwppl @badassxbirdy @nightiingaled @bloodbulletsandbytes @edhellfire @behindtheireyes
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non-euclidean-vault · 19 days ago
Hello à qui verra ce message ! Je lance une bouteille à la mer, sans savoir ce que ça va donner. Je suis tombé amoureux de Killian Scott depuis que j'ai regardé KAOS et j'aimerais bien avoir des ressources pour forum RPG avec lui. Malheureusement, je suis nul pour ça et je n'ai rien trouvé sur Tumblr jusque là.
Donc je fais un appel à d'éventuel.les créateur.rices, si certain.es voient ce post et veulent tenter de faire des avatars avec Killian Scott, ce serait formidable 💚💚💚
If some English speakers are around, see below the cut for a translation.
Hello everyone! I want to make some request to whoever will see this message and is a RPG ressources creator. I'm in love with Killian Scott since I've seen KAOS and I'd love to have ressources for RPG forum. Unfortunately, there's nothing on Tumblr.
So I make this request, if anyone around here is a creator of RPG ressources and want to give it a try, it would be awesome! 💚💚💚
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valentinesparda · 3 months ago
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killian redesign part one: nmh1 💙🩷💙🩷
[ insert uses they/them pronouns only ]
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exhaustedpirate · 6 months ago
his greatest trick
a silly tiktok showed up in my fyp and a CS fic was born, isn't that usually how it goes? so enjoy a little merlin matchmaking fic beta'd by the brilliant @belovedcreation
rated G | 3303 words
also on AO3
Killian Jones was new to Storybrooke High School and Merlin was concerned.
He had recently moved from England to live with his brother. The town of Storybrooke had warmly welcomed Liam Jones a few months back, as he found a place by the docks, a job at the sheriff’s department and began to make friends and connections. They would do the same for his younger brother, that was the way of the small town.
Miss Mills spoke of Killian’s quiet intelligence in Science, Miss Bell spoke of his quiet excitement for Arts and Mr. Dakkar spoke of his quiet concentration in History. Emphasis on quiet.
“He knows the answer, I can see it in his eyes, but he doesn’t raise his hand,” Regina would complain. “I really don’t want to fail him for poor class participation.”
“You should see the way his hands just fly off the paper during a project,” Tina would dreamily recount, her eyes bright and smile ever-present. “And I can see where he’s taking this project, can see the final lines but,” Then she would sigh and her smile would drop, her eyes sad. “he never hands it in. I can’t grade him on something I don’t have.”
“I feel for those boys, Merlin,” Nemo would tell him, with compassionate eyes on the window outside. “Liam has been doing such a great job in making a life for himself and taking care of his brother on top of that. Killian is such a bright soul, you can tell he wants to learn, wants to do more but he’s afraid.” Nemo’s sigh was weary and sad, his desire to help the young boy clear in his eyes. “How is he in your class?”
More of the same, if Merlin was honest. He could tell Killian loved to read, had already read most of the books they talked about, but seemed more than happy to re-read them. Like in Regina’s classes, Merlin could see the desire to answer in his eyes, could see the disappointment in them when someone gave the wrong answer, could see his pride when one of his classmates got the answer right. Killian Jones wanted to learn, he wanted to do more. 
When nothing improved a couple of months into the school year, Merlin decided to take matters into his own hands, in any way possible.
Maybe he just needed the right push.
Emma Nolan was Storybrooke’s sweetheart.
Daughter of the beloved sheriff and the esteemed Mayor, everyone knew her and had seen her grow up. She was confident, kind and hardworking. Her name was spoken often in praise in the faculty room, even when she almost blew up the science room in her haste to finish a project. 
It would require cunning, cleverness. He would have to develop a foolproof plan. He looked at the seating chart, memorized it, and strategized. He was meticulous. He…
Well… he got rid of a desk.
Thankfully, Leroy didn’t ask many questions. He just grumbled the usual amount when Merlin asked him to help him move the desk to the faculty room - Mr. Hopper would appreciate the extra space for his files.
Now, he just needed the puzzle pieces to fall in their respective places.
As always, Killian entered the room first, his quiet footsteps almost inaudible as Merlin wrote the theme on the board. When he turned, he had sat down on the last table of the middle row, as usual. Most of the others had filled out the seats out front. 
A minute before the bell, Belle French entered the room along with the others and sat along on one of the few free desks. Merlin had wondered if the clever book lover would have been a better match for Killian but he knew that what he needed was extrovertedness. However…
Predictably, Emma and Ruby Lucas were the last to arrive. Laughing and chatting as usual, they stopped when they noticed the lack of a free desk where they could sit together.
“Mr. Emrys, what happened to the desk that was here?” Emma asked with a frown.
“Yeah, where are we supposed to sit?” Ruby followed.
Fighting back a victorious grin, Merlin turned to them. “Oh, I’m afraid the desk got broken,” He saw Emma’s eyebrow rise as she looked at him and he wondered if she, somehow, knew. “But there are still available seats.”
Merlin looked around, as if he hadn’t memorized where everyone was known to sit. He first pointed to where Belle sat alone. “Ruby, you can sit with Belle, and Emma,” He then pointed to where Killian was decidedly avoiding eye contact. “you can sit with Killian.”
Maybe it’s not exactly responsible or ethical but he gives his students a written assignment, mainly so he can sit behind his desk and covertly observe his genius plan in action. He watches as Killian’s eyes glance over to Emma every now and then, and how hers find him in turn. Surprisingly, he notices how Ruby’s chair is slightly but determinedly turned to face Belle. Did he…?
It’s not instant, of course. 
But Killian begins to raise his hand in class and Merlin sees the way Emma smiles encouragingly. Killian’s gaze stops being permanently glued to his desk. He starts answering questions and there is a distinct British murmur mixing with the other familiar voices. 
“He actually answered a question today,” Regina reported back a month later. “And it was correct!”
“He’s handed out his projects every class this past month,” Tina exclaimed excitedly. “Mark my words, Merlin, he’ll be an artist.”
“He’s been sitting next to Miss Swan in classes,” Nemo astutely informs him. “He’s been more talkative and even her grades have improved. Do you have any clue as to what happened?”
Merlin sips his coffee, giving himself time to hide his self-congratulatory smile. “I think Killian found the right motivation, I’m glad to see he’s improved.”
But he should know that Nemo would be impossible to illude; that man had a way to see into one’s soul. Although, he didn’t confront or chastise him. Nemo simply smiled and nodded.
Merlin watched as Killian became more participative in class and as he became more confident. He often saw them sitting together at lunch, accompanied by Ruby and eventually Belle. He was told that they also sat together in other classes and that his participation improved. 
Sometimes, he would run into Liam and he would hear the pride in his voice when he spoke of how his brother was becoming more himself. How, after years of living in foster care due to the courts’ mistaken assessment of Liam’s capacity to care for him, he was turning into the man Liam had hoped he would become. He wondered if Emma had done some magic spell on the young Jones or if she had simply given Killian the opportunity to become who he was always meant to become.
Merlin had become a teacher to help improve people’s lives. He was convinced it all started with something small, the flap of a butterfly’s wing. This was the proof he had been looking for.
Graduation arrived faster than he had expected and he sat with the other teachers as his students crossed the stage to get their diplomas. He was known to tear up every time the black caps filled the sky. But who could blame him? 
He got lost in the sea of students and parents as everyone congratulated one another, made plans for the summer and after. He watched as Miss Bell squeaked in happiness at Miss Rose’s ballet scholarship. As Miss Mills looked on with reluctant pride as Mr Whale bragged about his acceptance to Harvard. 
And then he caught the moment Mr Dakkar embraced the youngest Jones as Liam looked on with pride. A blur of blonde hair caught his attention as Emma stopped in front of him.
“Guess what?”
His smile was involuntary and indulgent at her bright excitement. “What news do you have for me, Miss Nolan?”
“First of all, you’re not my teacher anymore so just Emma from now on.” He grinned at her sass even as his chest pained at the further realization that he wouldn’t have this blonde tornado in his classes anymore. “Second, and most important, I got accepted to the police academy!”
There was no faking his happiness at this news. He had known almost from the beginning of knowing that she wanted to follow her father’s footsteps on a larger scale. Had mentioned time and again how she wanted to find criminals, not break up bar fights. He remembered the pride rising over the fear in her parent’s eyes when she had first made her wishes known when they met. He wasn’t at all surprised that she had achieved her goal.
“That’s fantastic, Emma! You should be proud!” 
Her grin shone brighter if it was even possible, a veritable sun on a cloudy day. “I am! We’re going on a roadtrip to New York over the summer so we can get to know the area and then we’re officially moving there in August.”
“We?” Merlin’s smile was confused. “Are you parents moving too?” He hadn’t heard anything about the sheriff resigning.
“Oh, no.” There was a visible red glow to Emma’s cheeks as she looked away for a moment. “Killian got into college there too, we’re…uh, going to share an apartment.”
Merlin grinned widely and tried to contain his glee. “That’s very smart of you two, saving expenses and keeping something familiar in an unfamiliar world.”
Emma stammered but Merlin pretended not to hear it. “Exactly, that’s what I said!” 
Mary Margaret Nolan’s voice broke their conversation as they turned to where the Mayor stood next to David Nolan and the Joneses. They waved her over with happy smiles.
“Right,” Emma waved back before turning back to him, her expression back to normal. “We’re all going to Granny’s to celebrate but we’ll see you around town this summer, right?”
“Of course!”
“See you, Mr. Emrys.”
Merlin watched as Emma joined the group and he waved as they all left together, lost in conversation. From the corner of his eye, he saw Nemo approaching.
“Looks like your plan worked.” He smirked at his friend without turning his head. “I don’t know what you’re insinuating, Nemo.”
Nemo chuckled with his arms crossed at his chest. “He’s like a new person, Merlin, so confident and expressive. Whatever magic you did, it worked.”
Merlin turned to Nemo and placed a hand on his shoulder. “All he needed was the opportunity, it was all already there.”
Nemo nodded, his eyes shining with pride. “I’m eager to see what will happen next.”
“Me too, me too.”
During the summer, Merlin managed to share a meal with Emma and Killian once before he had to go to England to help a friend of his. He took note of how comfortable they were around each other and how, more often than not, they seemed to be on the same wavelength.
He may have also noticed the way Emma would look at Killian when he spoke, her perpetual smile brightening her face. Or the way Killian turned his body towards Emma when she spoke, nodding his head in agreement. Their future looked bright.
8 Years Later
Another year, another graduation. 
His tears darkened the fabric of his suit but Merlin didn’t care. He didn’t think he would ever stop getting emotional whenever he clapped as loud as he could for the latest batch of graduates.
The usual wave of congratulations and pride flooded him as he observed the crowd. Parents, family and teachers all together to celebrate their achievements.
“Mr. Emrys!”
He turned at the call of his name to see a tall dark-haired man holding a blonde woman’s hand approaching him. It was almost shameful how long it took him to recognise them - no more gangly limbs and shy countenance, no more ponytails and round face.
“Emma! Killian!” Merlin grinned happily, holding out his arms to accept their greeting hugs. “I’m so glad to see you here!”
“Well,” Emma grinned. “My little brother is graduating, of course I was going to be here!”
“What she’s not telling you is that she was hoping he would fall or trip on stage so she could record it-” Killian was interrupted by a half-hearted smack to his arm by an eye-rolling Emma.
“Whatever, he knows I’m proud of him.” 
“And I see you two have grown up,” Merlin gestures towards them, noting their joined hands. “How has New York been treating you?”
“It’s been…” There was no disguising the contented smile on Emma's face. “Great. I made detective.”
“That’s fantastic!”
“Brightest detective in New York City.” The pride in Killian’s face was blinding and Emma’s face grew redder. 
“And Killian just made partner!” Her rushed tone didn’t hide the pride in her voice.
It was the younger Jones’ turn to be bashful. 
“What sort of firm?” Merlin asked.
“Nautical engineering, it’s really no big deal.” Killian explained as he scratched behind his ear.
“Right, he always says that but you should see the ships they design.”
Merlin’s cheeks hurt from the wide smile on his face. “I’m very happy to hear that!”
They shared a smile and then what looked like a silent conversation before Killian nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Actually, Mr. Emrys,” Emma started, licking her lips nervously. “We were hoping to ask you something.”
Merlin nodded promptly. “Anything.”
“Well,” Killian cleared his throat and pulled her that little bit closer to him. “There was another reason we are in Storybrooke this summer.”
“We’re getting married.” Emma finished with a smile.
Merlin thought he wouldn’t be surprised. He knew it was bound to happen - had heard from Liam how well his brother was adjusting to New York and how Emma had been a big reason for it, had seen a million pictures of the couple from Mary Margaret to have deduced their closer connection and had seen David sharing a drink with a nervous Killian at Granny’s a few months ago.
He thought he wouldn’t be surprised but the gasp still escaped his lips. “When? Where?”
Emma laughed. “We, hmm, we wanted to give you the invitation personally.” She evaded the questions as Killian took an envelope from his coat pocket and handed it to him.
“It’s going to be a small affair,” Killian explained as Merlin opened the envelope and read the thick paper invitation inside. “Just family and close friends.”
“We know it’s in short notice,” Emma was right, the ceremony would be in a couple of days. “but we wanted to invite you in person because, well…”
It wasn’t often he saw Emma Nolan nervous. She had always been confident and sure but he guessed this was different from answering a wrong question in Math class. 
“We heard that you officiated your friends’ wedding in England,'' Killian continued and Merlin could feel tears come up in his eyes. “So we were hoping you would officiate ours.”
Their smiles were hopeful and nervous and Merlin knew his answer even before they actually asked. “But me? W-Why?”
The couple shared a smile. “You brought us together, Mr. Emrys.” Killian shrugged.
“Maybe that wasn’t your intention,” Emma explained. “But you sat us together. You knew that we would help each other and maybe you didn’t plan for us to move to New York together or get closer but,” She shrugged with a smile. “That’s what happened.”
“And we knew we wanted you to be a part of our special day,” Killian continued. “We probably wouldn’t be here today if not for you.”
“What do you say, Mr. Emrys?”
“I say,” Merlin tried to contain his emotions but really, it had been an emotional day already. “That if I’m going to pronounce you husband and wife, you have to start calling me Merlin.”
An emotional day, indeed. They teared up as they hugged each other. They didn’t give him too much notice but had he made any plans, he would gladly cancel. Luckily, he already had a suit.
Despite his secondary role in the ceremony, Merlin had the best seat in the place. 
From where he stood, he could see every happy face in the crowd - some faces he recognised from town, others, he learned, had traveled from New York to watch their friends get married. He could see the beautiful turquoise decoration on the chairs and corsages. The happy tears in Mary Margaret’s face as she sat in the front row. 
Apparently appointed as a tissue assistant, Belle sat next to the Mayor, her gold wedding band shining in the summer sun. Ruby stood to his left side, excited to perform her duties as maid of honor, her matching gold band complimenting her turquoise dress. He had heard from the titular Granny of how Belle and Ruby decided to elope - how they had sequestered herself and Moe French into their car under the guise of a furniture emergency and drove them to the court house. Granny tells him how she should have guessed what they would do by the fact that their children were wearing clothes that didn’t quite suit a trip to the mall.
Liam stood to his left in a matching turquoise tie, with a calm hand at Killian’s shoulder who had none of his brother’s calm. The younger Jones’ leg wouldn’t stop fidgeting and he was sure he had seen him “fix” his tie or hair at least a hundred times.
The ceremony had been set up at the lake near the Nolan’s farm. Aside from the dozen decorated white chairs, the only other piece of decoration was a flower arch happily supplied by “Game of Thorns”. Leo Nolan made his way down the aisle first, a scowl hiding his look of pride as he scattered blue and green petals on the grass. Every flick of his hand earned him a chuckle from his family and boyfriend. The wedding rings, he knew, were safely tucked into Leo’s coat pocket. 
It was simple, peaceful, and beautiful. It was them. 
From where he stood, Merlin watched as everyone turned to the farmhouse when the music began to play. He heard the gasp from the crowd as Emma made her way to the altar with her father by her side. He watched as Killian’s whole demeanor calmed when he set eyes on his bride and the way Belle had to replenish the tissue supply at Mary Margaret’s tears.
And Emma was a vision. 
They had chosen the perfect day - the sun was bright and warm, the breeze from the covered area made the temperature bearable. The short train of the lace dress was stained brown from the walk in the forest but she didn’t seem to care. Her eyes were on Killian as she held her father’s arm with one hand and a turquoise bouquet on the other.
Later, Merlin wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what he had said - had memorized a speech full of meaningful words for the happy couple. All he remembered was the looks of love and pride and pure happiness in front of him. All he remembered was the way the two of them stuttered through their vows, words of devotion, promise and adoration. The way their hands shook as they placed the rings on their lover’s finger. The way they kissed like no one was watching under the loud whoops and clapping from the audience.
His tears weren’t only reserved for graduation day - Merlin wondered how many pictures of the ceremony had his crying face marring the background. The one he chose to frame for his living room wasn’t too bad but his red eyes went unnoticed in the face of such happy smiles.
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amirajones · 2 months ago
The Princess and the runaway Princess pt. 13
I couldn't say how long I slept but it was the best sleep I ever had. Knowing I was in the one place no one would really catch me. Killian held me close which only added to my comfort as I slept. So waking to his devilishly handsome face only brought a smile.
"morning luv." Killian said
"morning." Amira said
Being with him was always good but I was being selfish with him. I knew where he was, where the ship was and the men were kept away for now. So when he kept on the ship I didn't really argue as I looked at my phone seeing two voicemails and nine missed calls from Regina. I put my phone to my ear listening to the voicemails.
"I don't know who you think you are now not showing up but trust me princess you better come in." Regina said on the first one which I deleted
"Ami where are you? Went by your apartment and the pier but I didn't see the ship. Call me as soon as you can sis." Snow said on the 2nd voicemail.
I didn't worry about Regina anymore and put the phone away. Killian came through the door placing a bag by me and I looked at him curiously.
"I talked to one of the men. They went and got you this under my orders so you dont starve. After all you have to eat considering things have changed." Killian said
I smiled knowing that was how things were as I looked in the bag. "You must of talked to Smee, he knows Ruby knows all my favorites." Amira said
"yes well Mr. Smee mentioned you took charge in my absence" Killian said
I merely shrugged as I ate. Truth I couldn't tell you how long I stayed there. I know sometimes I snuck off the ship to check out apartments and well to charge my phone.
After two months going on three and needing new clothes to plan my sister agreed to take me shopping for clothes that would fit. The outside world of Storybrooke suddenly didn't seem an issue to me. Once I had it I returned to the ship as I heard muffling cries and after changing I checked it out seeing Dr. Hopper.
"Archie?" Amira said knowing she just heard Snow say something about him being dead.
I carefully climbed down remembering my extra weight as I removed his gag. He seemed surprised to see me at first and well showing now but it took him time. I had a cup of water I reached for and offered it to him which he took a drink from it.
"Selena what are you doing here?" Archie asked
"I'm a pirate and my boyfriend is the Captain." Amira said "why are you here?"
"Cora, she kidnapped me so your boyfriend could interrogate me." Archie said
"Right the dark one. He's kept me out of the loop of it all." Amira said
I didn't get much time to talk to Archie as I was magically pulled out of there and Archie was gagged again. I looked just as Killian pulled me to him seeing Cora.
"Captain you need to keep this one on a leash." Cora said
"I'm nobody's pet Cora." Amira said
"why were you down there?" Killian asked
"I was offering him some water after all he can't tell you anything if he's dehydrated and starving!" Amira said and I walked away to his Cabin where he insisted I stayed.
Cora watched me walk away seeing the mood swings were setting in. She must of noticed I was at the three month mark maybe a little longer but I didn't care at all what she thought.
"are you making her see a doctor?" Cora asked Killian
"according to Selena the only doctor is Whales and she refuses to go see him. Says he creeps her out." Killian said
I assume in Killian's eyes he was getting everything he wanted. Working on his revenge, watching over me as our child was growing waiting for the day he or she would be here. The only down side was having Cora around.
Another few weeks passed each day Killian bringing in food one of the men bought from the diner. When Killian left me alone with Dr. Hopper I'd share some of it with him so he wasn't starved.
"your boyfriend seems determined." Archie said
"well I wouldn't expect anything less of him. Honestly I can see past the act he puts up. He's hurting inside." Amira said
I put my hand on my stomach sometimes and imagine the gender of the baby. Boy or girl I'd love it either way but I wanted a girl someday. That was my secret though.
"you must be very happy to be this far." Archie said
"I wish it was that easy. My father wouldn't approve of any of it." Amira said as she ate and sighed "he'd disown me for being pregnant let alone in love."
"I see that's why you're here. Your not here against your will but because you love your Captain." Archie said
"he taught me everything I know about being a pirate." Amira said
Archie and I had casual conversations. As much as I wanted to free him my vow of loyalty kept me from untying him. When Killian came in I left the area not leaving a single clue to what was going on. My only request was he leave Archie alive. I knew my time staying on the ship was limited in fact my sister ended up finding me a new apartment that I could get near hers with room to consider for a baby and if Killian didn't want to stay on the ship. I smiled knowing luckily my cursed self saved quite a bit of money aside for a new apartment. So I left the ship going to meet my sister and getting things set up for getting the apartment. I walked with Snow checking it out first to see if I'd like it.
"it's big enough for three people. I know you've been living with him." Snow said
"I can't exactly say no. I'd have everything I would need right here sort of." Amira said
"have you been to whale to check and see if the baby is healthy? Do you know how far along you are?" Snow asked
I didn't answer her more because I wasn't in the mood to argue. Whales was creepy in his own way nothing could change my mind on that. Snow could probably read the answers.
"you need to go see him at least once. I can find you a midwife to help out." Snow said
"No. I refuse to go to him." Amira said
After finalizing the apartment, Snow practically forced me to go see Whales. Even with refusing I could tell I was probably farther along then I thought. Still when we got to the hospital she insisted I be seen for a check up. They took us back to a room and I was more willing to let the nurses do their job than whales. Seeing my discomfort he instructed one of the nurses what to do as they took a look.
"well Selena, seems you have about a little less than four or three months." Dr. Whales said as he was looking "do you want to know the gender?"
Deep down I did want to know but I shook my head. Killian and I discussed it and he didn't want to know till the day the child arrived. If I found out then I would want to tell him. Snow talked with Whales though as she planned to have a baby shower she called it for me so I'd have things ready. Now that we knew time was limited it was best to make arrangements. After leaving there I didn't say a word to her much except taking the pictures with me to look at.
"it's amazing, isn't it? New life being created by you." Snow said
"yeah it is something." Amira said
Killian didn't have a phone so I went by the Jolly Roger. He was waiting outside it and saw me as he went to me hugging me close. I kissed him as a simple greeting.
"luv what's gotten into you?" Killian asked
"my sister helped me get an apartment. A different one it's closer to her." Amira said but as I watched him I seen it seemed he didn't like the idea of Snow being so close.
"you have me." Killian said
"I know but I'm progressed in my pregnancy. I can't stay on the ship, we need this to stay together. I have just one thing to ask don't get yourself killed." Amira said
Luckily I got Killian to agree to moving in to the apartment. He kept me sheltered from the chaos he was causing in town. Still when we walked in the apartment he looked around clearly not used to such things but I walked him through everything that came with an apartment. He noticed my laptop on the bed which he went over picking it up.
"what is this?" Killian asked
I walked over taking it from him "it's a laptop. It connects to something called the internet." Amira said
I knew he was up to something when he smiled at me. He missed me as he made me look at him.
"stay here." Killian said
He left, if I knew he was up to no good I would of tried to stop him. He knew what he had was important but stopping him from going after The dark one was impossible. I sat there waiting and looked over names but I knew Archie needed freed so I left the apartment going against his words taking my chances with Cora as I went on the ship and went below deck. I opened the place using my sword to free Archie and let him climb up.
"Thank you Selena." Archie said and I smiled at him
"time for you to go home Archie." Amira said
"you set me free. Won't you get in trouble?" Archie asked
"well I need advice. I was going to look over names but there's one name for a boy I was considering. My Captain had a brother." Amira said
"you are considering naming your baby after the brother? It's very sentimental." Archie said
I heard footsteps on the deck knowing there was no way Killian was there. I hesitated going up thinking it could of been Cora but when they came below deck I saw Belle.
"Belle" Amira said
"Hello Amira." Belle said and seen Archie "Archie you're alive?"
"he's been here the whole time. Why what's going on in town?" Amira asked
"well there was a funeral service. No one knew where to find you or we'd of told you." Belle said
I had to think that was why he was tied up with Cora showing up. I recalled that day well as the day Killian held me close till Cora left.
"I'm setting Archie free but I needed his assistance." Amira said
Archie soon left leaving me and Belle below deck. I previously told her about my alliance with the pirates and I didn't regret it one bit. It wasn't long though more movement could be heard and soon we both saw Killian.
"luv, you're supposed to be at the apartment." Killian said
"I had to ask Archie something. He's good with advise and it wasn't like he could tell you anything." Amira said
Belle was looking for something clearly something that was brought here earlier. I saw the Shaw on Killian's hook.
"looking for something?" Killian asked her
"that doesn't belong to you." Belle said
"oh,it does now." Killian said
I seen Belle run for a close Gun I didn't realize Belle had. Killian grabbed it first with a laugh as he pointed it at her but I moved infront of her.
"luv move." Killian said
"she's my friend. No." Amira said "she's the only one I had at the time. The shawl why do you have it?"
"if you must know it belonged to the dark one. He was going to use it to leave town." Killian said
"you could of destroyed it. Why didn't you?" Amira asked
He didn't have an answer for me so I came up with my own.
I shook my head "Milah." Amira said and I took Belle with me leaving the under part of the ship. Killian ran up after us and I didn't look at him.
"luv please." Killian said
"I won't fight with a ghost." Amira said as I let Belle go going off the ship. Belle went to get the shawl leaving with it while he was distracted. I didn't go to my apartment, I went to my sister practically crying as she comforted me. I thought we were past this, but anything when it came to Milah could get under my skin the wrong way when Killian tells me he loves me.
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sealixirfairytales · 4 months ago
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Rachel, main character of a book co-written with my sister ♥
Book foundable in any french library ^^
Here is the speeddraw:
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inkofallure · 4 months ago
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𝒘𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆...
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( book covers by: C3RB3RC en twitter. )
𝓜𝑶͟𝑵͟𝑨͟ 𝓗͟𝑬͟𝑵͟𝑫͟𝑹͟𝑰͟𝑿͟. ༊·˚
Mona Hendrix (neé Penelope Anne Featherington, nombre cambiado justo después por su madre y su padrastro a Mona Roxanne Hendrix), nacida en 10 de Marzo 1995, es hija ilegítima del magnate Archibald Featherington y Shannen Doyle. De procedencia irlandesa e inglesa, Mona fue la tercera de las cuatro hijas del magnate. Prudence, Philipa y Felicity.
Portia, la esposa legitima del magnate, le prometió que se olvidaría de su infidelidad si lograse deshacerse de su amante y de este hijo.
Cosa que él pensó que sí hizo, pagando una enfermera para sacar del mundo a este bebé. De todos modos, la enfermera se apiadadó de la bebé y le dijo la verdad a su mamá que huyó junto a su hija, de vuelta a su patria. Allí, volvió al único hombre que la amó de verdad, Killian Hendrix. Antes había rechazado su oferta de casarse con él, pero esta vez no tuvo de otra. Aceptó, se casaron y la niña cambió directamente de nombre, para proteger su identidad.
Unos años después, el magnate se murió y nadie más volvió a buscar a la niña.
Pero su crecimiento no fue fácil. Su curiosidad, su desinterés por cualquier cosa que no tenga que ver con los libros, la escritura, los mundos en los que ella misma se encerraba, sus... Brotes mágicos, como los llamarían sus padres y al final sus descubrimientos.. Les provocaron muchos problemas.
Desde niña, accidentalmente Mona descubrió su herencia, que no era dinero. Si no poder, libros de magia y hechizos y un retrato de la primera bruja de la familia Doyle. Alexandra Culpepper. Los acontecimientos forzaron a sus padres a llevarse a la niña y mudarse de Irlanda al otro lado del mundo. A Estados Unidos donde ella vivió la mayoría de su vida.
Mona creció y su inclinación hacia la escritura era obvia, cosa que sus padres intentaron reprimir, amenazándola. Cuando cumplió los dieciocho fue la última gota que derramó el vaso. Le prohibieron convertirse en lo que más quería y publicar su primer libro, diciendole que debería estudiar o irse de la casa. Y eso es precisamente lo que hizo.
Irse. De todos modos, sus padres últimamente necesitaban deshacerse de ella, sabiendo que Portia Featherington les estaba respirando en la nuca y deberían desapareces sus rastros.
Gracias a la ayuda de un amigo suyo, David, logró cumplir sus sueños. La única persona a la que se había abierto a aquella tierna edad. La llevó a un editor, le dió su amistad, la alentó y así poco a poco empezó su camino hacia la cima y ella poco a poco empezaba a no ser tan ermitaña y no aborrecer tanto a la gente.
Por desgracia, su amigo David desapareció de su vida, de la forma más trágica.
En una videollamada, en la que se supone que David le pediría matrimonio a su novia y Mona, de veintiún años, les daría su bendición, les vivió perder la vida a ambos, arrastrados por un auto manejado por una pareja borracha que se peleaba.
De eso, no logró recuperarse hasta el día de hoy.
Pasó sus días escribiendo y publicando libro tras libro, sin salir mucho, sin abrirse, sin amigos, solamente enfocada en el mundo que no la podía doler más. El ficticio.
Su única compañera, su pequeña golden retriever, Lisa, que la adoptó cuando tenía apenas unos días, sanándola y manteniéndola en su casa.
Pero su vida cambió el día que conoció a sus dos amigas, Aria y Klelia y al hombre que marcaría cada una de sus vidas.
Pero llegaremos a eso en un ratito.
Como un contraste con su vida personal, como profesional es un ser que con cada paso que da florece. Sus libros, éxitos, cada uno con su historia distinta, marcan. Es autora, guionista y directora y entre sus más grandes éxitos, la trilogía: The Emerald Bridge (que también se convirtió en una de las más vistas peliculas del box office y serie de Netflix), To The bridges we burnt (the sequel) y Through the Cinders, Lies before bedtime, Call it as it is y Stating directly at the sun.
Y hablando de la magia de los libros, y el arte, vamos a hablar también de la magia literal. ¿Qué tiene que ver? Me preguntarán.
Y yo les revelaré que es parte de sus orígenes, como la última reencarnación de Alexandra Culpepper, la antecedente de la familia Doyle. La bruja injusticiada. Así se le conocía y la leyenda viajaba por siglos hasta que la familia la enterró, para evitar la difamación.
Pero nadie puede enterrar las reencarnaciones de Alexandra.
Bueno, esto... Casi es mentira.
Les presento la historia y las variantes de la mujer que juró renacer hasta lograr ser feliz para siempre.
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( arte hecho por sagestainsedits en Instagram.)
Primero, Alexandra Culpepper, la bruja original. Rechazada por su familia, vivía en un prostíbulo donde las mujeres la aceptaron con los brazos abiertos y ella a cambio, se aseguraría que con las vendas de sus pociones de amor (que habían casado a toda la sociedad de la epoca) les daría un futuro a cada una, para salir de la profesión y tener sus propias casas. Ella eternamente mejor amiga y enamorada de Arthur Attaway, siempre le mandaba cartas, lo buscaba, pero él solamente al perderla entendió que la amaba. Supo de su secreto y la aceptó pero ya era demasiado tarde. Ella ya se casaba con otro. Él no solo impidió la boda y suplicó los reyes para que les den su bendición, no solo lo lograron, se casaron con honores, pero el prometido enojado de Alexandra que al mismo tiempo era mago viajero del tiempo que la perseguía por el tipo de magia que poseía, logró acabar con su vida. Pero ella, injusticada le maldijo a quedarse atrapado para siempre en este mundo mientras ella nace y renace para volver a encontrarse con su amado.
La primera parte no se logró exactamente, porque el mago siempre atrapaba las reencarnaciones de Alexandra, saliendo de su prisión y acabando con ellas.
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( arte hecho por sagestainsedits on Instagram. )
La segunda era Penelope Bridgerton. No esta de hoy. Hace muchos siglos. Sí, la famosa Lady Whistledown. Ella hechizada con las palabras, ya que nunca llegó a descubrir sus poderes antes de morir.
Amiga eterna de Colin Bridgerton, siempre enamorada de él, logró casarse con él cuando por fin todos los inconvenientes salieron de su camino, pero por desgracia, se murió dando a luz a su primer hijo, que horas después falleció también.
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( arte hecho por sagestainsedits on Instagram. )
La siguiente es Hera Matthews. Viviendo en los setenta, una hippie de corazón libre, plenamente consciente de su magia y el poder de sus hechizos, vivía de país a país, acompañada por su mejor amigo Connor, con el que vivían plenamente la libertad, enamorados y listos para comerse al mundo entero hasta que uno de sus amigos, poseído por el mago que logró escaparse durante una psicofonía con uno de los hechizos de Hera, la tiró de un acantilado en Matala, Creta.
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Y la última y probablemente la última esperanza de Alexandra, porque el hechizo con el tiempo es más y más débil, Mona.
Que conoció a Andrew como su nuevo vecino, poco a poco se acercaron y se convirtieron en amantes. Y por lo que parece aún tienen mucho que enfrentar. El mago, intenta atraparles en un mundo onírico para quitarles la vida, sabiendo que esta es la última oportunidad.
¿Lograrán salir adelante o su historia simplemente se quedará entre los libros de Mona, como un recuerdo distante de un amor que nunca se cumplió?
𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔, 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒏 𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉...
Mona Hendrix (neé Penelope Anne Featherington, name changed later by her mother and stepfather to Mona Roxanne Hendrix), born March 10, 1995, is the illegitimate daughter of tycoon Archibald Featherington and Shannen Doyle. Of Irish and English descent, Mona was the third of the tycoon's four daughters. Prudence, Philipa and Felicity.
Portia, the tycoon's legitimate wife, promised him that she would forget about his infidelity if he managed to get rid of his mistress and this child.
Which he thought he did, paying a nurse to get rid of this baby. Anyway, the nurse took pity on the little one and told the truth to her mother who fled with her daughter, back to her homeland. There, she returned to the only man who truly loved her, Killian Hendrix. She had previously refused his offer to marry him, but this time she had no choice. She accepted, they married and the girl changed her name directly, to protect her identity.
A few years later, the tycoon died and no one else came looking for the girl.
But growing up was not easy. Her curiosity, her disinterest in anything that had nothing to do with books, writing, the worlds in which she locked herself, her... Magic outbursts, as her parents would call them, and in the end her discoveries.... They caused them a lot of trouble.
As a child, Mona accidentally discovered her inheritance, which was not money. But power, books of magic or spells and a portrait of the first witch of the Doyle family.
Alexandra Culpepper. Events forced her parents to take the girl and move from Ireland to the other side of the world. To the United States where she lived most of her life.
Mona grew up and her inclination towards writing was obvious, something her parents tried to repress, threatening her. When she turned eighteen it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. They forbade her to become what she most wanted and publish her first book, telling her she should study or leave home. And that is precisely what she did.
Leave. Anyway, her parents needed to get rid of her lately, knowing that Portia Featherington was breathing down their necks and they should disappear any traces of her.
Thanks to the help of a friend of hers, David, she was able to fulfill her dreams. The only person she had opened up to at that tender age. He took her to a publisher, gave her his friendship, encouraged her and so little by little she started her way to the top and she slowly began to not be such a hermit and not to loathe people so much.
Unfortunately, her friend David disappeared from her life, in a most tragic way.
On a video call, in which David was supposed to propose to his girlfriend and twenty-one year old Mona was supposed to give them her blessing, he lost both of their lives, hit by a car driven by a drunken couple fighting.
From that, she never recovered to this day.
She spent her days writing and publishing book after book, without going out much, without opening up, without friends, only focused on the world that couldn't hurt her anymore. The fictional one.
Her only companion, her little golden retriever, Lisa, who she had dopted when she was just a few days old, healing her and keeping her at home.
But her life changed the day she met her two friends, Aria and Klelia and the man who would mark her life.
But we'll get to that in a little while.
As a contrast to her personal life, as a professional she is a being who blossoms with every step she takes. Her books, successes, each with its own distinct story, make a mark. She is an author, screenwriter and director and among her biggest hits, the trilogy: The Emerald Bridge (which also became one of the most watched box office movies and Netflix series), To The bridges we burnt (the sequel) and Through the Cinders, Lies before bedtime, Call it as it is and Stating directly at the sun.
And speaking of the magic of books, and art, let's also talk about literal magic. What's that got to do with it? you may ask.
And I will reveal that it is part of its origins, as the last reincarnation of Alexandra Culpepper, the ancestor of the Doyle family. The wronged witch. That's how she was known and the legend traveled for centuries until the family buried it, to avoid defamation.
But no one can bury Alexandra's reincarnations.
Well, this... It's almost a lie.
I present to you the story and variants of the woman who swore to be reborn to happily ever after.
First, Alexandra Culpepper, the original witch. Rejected by her family, she lived in a brothel where women accepted her with open arms and in exchange, she would make sure that with the of power her love potions (which had managed to get the whole society of the time betrothed) she would give them a future to each one, to leave the profession and have their own homes. She, eternally best friend and in love with Arthur Attaway, always sent him letters, looked for him, but only when he lost her did he understand that he loved her. He knew about her secret and accepted her, but it was too late. She was already engaged to someone else. He not only prevented the wedding and begged the kings to give them their blessing, not only did they succeed, they were married with honors, but Alexandra's angry fiancé, who at the same time was a time-traveling magician who pursued her because of the kind of magic he possessed, managed to end her life. But she, wronged and angry, cursed him to remain trapped forever in this world while she was born and reborn to meet her beloved again.
The first part was not exactly achieved, because the magician always trapped Alexandra's reincarnations, getting out of his prison and ending them.
The second was Penelope Bridgerton. Not this one from today. Many centuries ago. Yes, the famous Lady Whistledown. She bewitched with words, as she never got to discover her powers before she died.
Eternal friend of Colin Bridgerton, always in love with him, she managed to marry him when finally all the inconveniences were out of her way.
But unfortunately, she died giving birth to her first child, who died a few hours later.
Next up is Hera Matthews. Living in the seventies, a free-hearted hippie, fully aware of her magic and the power of her spells, she lived from country to country, accompanied by her best friend Connor, with whom they lived fully the freedom, in love and ready to eat the whole world until one of her friends, possessed by the magician who managed to escape during a psychophony with one of Hera's spells, threw her off a cliff in Matala, Crete.
And the last and probably the last hope of Alexandra, because the spell with time is weaker and weaker, Mona.
Who met Andrew as her new neighbor, gradually they got closer and became lovers. And from the looks of it they still have a lot to face. The magician, tries to trap them in a dream world to take their lives, knowing that this is the last chance.
Will they make it through or will their story simply remain in Mona's books, as a distant memory of a love that was never fulfilled?
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