#si ven esto
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apollys · 7 months ago
📍Riberas del río Aar (Aere Riverbank)
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su sonrisa es grande cuando reconoce facciones ajenas, sacude su mano a modo de saludo. "si nos hubiéramos puesto de acuerdo para vernos aquí, no nos habríamos encontrado" comenta soltando risita casual. "¿ibas a un sitio en específico?" pregunta curiosa. "yo quería buscar un sitio donde sentarme y leer pero parece que lloverá pronto ¿no?" alza su palma libre como comprobando que no están cayendo aún ninguna gota de lluvia.
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eloiscs · 5 months ago
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la vida de eloise a través de canciones:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤchapter i. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤchapter ii. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤchapter iii.
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thrwsaby · 9 months ago
estos días hice muchos dibujos de diferentes cosas, porque caí en un espiral y consumí muchos vídeos del lore de los sims 2 ,,, ajá
(btw el michi que retraté es mi gato c:)
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alexxv · 5 months ago
ESCENARIO : una carta a su padre que simplemente quedó guardada entre viejas fotografías. HABILIDAD : observación (3/3)
papá :
el mundo es un poco más cruel, más solitario, más frío desde que no estás. todo ha seguido su curso y yo… siento que no he avanzado ni un solo día realmente. aún tengo problemas para expresar como me siento pero haré un esfuerzo. solías regañarme por eso y últimamente… me resulta difícil recordarlo. poco a poco, he ido olvidando tu voz. de no ser por esas viejas fotografías que aún conservo, creo que tal vez habría olvidado también como lucías. con tu oscuro cabello corto, la piel marcada por el tiempo e incluso esas pequeñas cicatrices que mostrabas con orgullo. cada una con una historia más interesante y valerosa que la anterior. ¿alguna vez llegué a decirte que eras mi héroe? hay muchas cosas que no logro recordar, me molesta pensar en todo lo que he dejado ir sin darme cuenta.
intenté hacer esta carta en varias ocasiones, pero nunca encontré la forma de expresarme bien. quería contarte como ha ido mi vida en estos años, pero tras escribir dos líneas, simplemente desistía. en un día como hoy, que me he acordado de ti y siento que estoy en un mejor lugar, pensé que era la oportunidad perfecta. incluso si tengo que corregir detalles en el camino, o volver a empezar porque no estoy segura de qué debería poner. en ocasiones me pregunto si, donde sea que estés, velas por mí.
lo estoy haciendo bien.
nuestra familia se ha hecho grande, incluso tengo dos hermanes. desearía que pudieras conocerles, estoy segura también les querrías. seguí tus pasos, ¿sabes? nunca esperaste que lo hiciera, tampoco me consideré obligada a hacerlo pero… me enseñaste tanto que era la única decisión que se sentía correcta. en ocasiones fue difícil. logré hacerlo, incluso si pensaba rendirme, porque querías que fuera alguien fuerte. creo… creo que lo soy ahora, o eso espero. de alguna forma, quería mostrarte que aún sin ti, estaría bien.
¿estás orgulloso de la persona en que me convertí?
tengo tantas cosas que quisiera decirte, pero ni siquiera sabría como comenzar con muchas de ellas. lamento no haber hablado tanto contigo de mamá, en el fondo creo que… sabía lo mucho que te dolía, así que prefería no mencionarla. lo siento, fue mi culpa. aún si en varias ocasiones me dijiste que no, aún no soy capaz de festejar mi cumpleaños. ahora, cuando pienso también en ella, me doy cuenta de lo poco que me has contado. lo único que me queda de ambos, son un par de fotografías viejas y algún que otro recuerdo que atesoro. de vez en cuando, me consuela verlas.
creo que he extendido esto demasiado, de todas formas, nunca llegará a ti. guardaré esta carta junto con las cosas que me han quedado, para que tal vez así, sienta que mis palabras te han alcanzado. sé que tampoco lo he dicho mucho, pero gracias por ser un gran padre incluso si la situación era complicada. te volveré a escribir, algún día, cuando necesite el consuelo de hablar contigo.
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pandebunuelo · 2 years ago
pensando en cómo muy seguramente osito bimbo ha tenido que reprimir todo este tiempo sus sentimientos por roier porque todos saben que a él le gusta spreen solo para que en el instante en que decide dejarlo ir spreen traicione a roier :’)
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clitshit777 · 5 months ago
bro's final challenge is turning into a white butifarra
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mantecol · 1 year ago
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tortademaracuya · 1 year ago
Quiero dejar todo, quién me mandó a ir a la facultad
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klavsb · 1 year ago
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manaosdeuwu · 2 years ago
posteo no porque deje de trabajar voluntariamente sino porque es la TERCERA vuelta al baño. estoy EXPLOTANDO el inodoro pero ni en pedo dejo de tomar mate
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"No me sorprendería que por todo este alboroto, funnas y videos relacionados al tema Ed00chan decida abandonar FNAFHS de manera definitiva y está a todo su derecho, no puedo creer que hay gente que todavía la quiere meter en problemas o que todavía la acusan de temas pasados que no a vuelto a pasar, ella a demostrado ser una artista y influencer ejemplar el cual a madurado atraves del tiempo y a mostrado ser merecedora de seguidores sanos, fuerzas Ed00chan sigue así y si no te sientes con las ganas de seguir con el proyecto abandonarlo pero ya no te fuerces por personas que no te aprecian "
Esta a sido una de mis obras favoritos hasta el momento y me agrada bastante el resultado
#Ed00chan#¡¡¡Dejen en paz a Ed00chan!!!#¡¿No ven que ella ya a sufrido mucho hate y presión por parte de todos?!#Vaya Fandom#...#No diría que el actual está mejor#Almenos una buena parte del Fandom ya es consciente del daño que a sufrió#Pero tampoco es mejor#Pues la mayoría está bastante apegada a la idiologia Lgbt progresista además de los izquierdista#He visto las suficientes publicaciones como para saber que si Ed00chan no hace Cannon alguno de los Ships gays o hace referencias a esto#Además de que apuesto que si hace algo leve chiste negro le caería un montón de Hate señalandola de lo peor Como si hubiese hecho algo malo#He visto una parte del Fandom que es maravillosa... Pero la otra Uffff tienen más actitudes más infantiles; malcriada y berrinchudas#Que haya visto y eso que una buena parte son personas de 18 a 29 años#Chicos esta bien su orientación y gustos pero por factor no de radicadicen#Esta lo blanco y negro pero esta la tabla de grises también#No todos apoyan lo Lgbt pero no todos lo odian le darán igual si conocen una persona de la comunidad problablemente solo le de igual#Aprendan a diferenciar el humor negro del que si es funnable#Del que si es funnable ufff allí si la gente se hacen los ciegos por razones baratamente estúpidas#Ed00chan es la primera mujer que he conocido que mostró libremente lo Lgbt y la admiro por eso y lo natural que fue o lo sentí#Fuerzas Ed00chan tenes seguidores que te admiramos!!!#Art#Dibujo#Adoro cuando el Fandom limpio Lgbt de Ed00chan hace Aus y Cómics son tan geniales!!!#fanart#Fan Art#dibujo a lapiz#lápiz#dibujo a lápiz
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sistersofthesun · 4 months ago
Faaaaaaakkkk going back to the staying single post I really feel so stupid because Idk how to flirt or socialize in general and I just looked so dumb today I wanna krill myself.
There's this guy who is doing a summer exchange program thing idk and he's cute but I only say hi to him on the hallway but nothing more and today I had the chance to at least ask him how he's doing. Idk what's wrong with me I just said hi and bolted and then I realized we were walking in the same direction I wanted to disappear.
Chat I felt so dumb I bet he also thought I looked dumb. You can laugh at me it's OK 👍
But also what if I'm thinking too much into it. Maybe I should start adopting a lot of cats so I can become my neighborhoods crazy cat lady
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lunimy · 7 months ago
no hay nada peor que una palabra se me pegue y siga en mi vocabulario después de decirla una sola vez
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idon-twannabeperceived · 4 months ago
He's right and he should say it!!!!!
Si bien siempre decimos q la cancha de juego no es escusa para el resultado del partido la verdad es q también llega un punto q parece joda ya.
Es una vergüenza lo q hace esta gente, sabemos q tienen toda la plata del mundo para poder garantizar condiciones de juego decentes y aún así deciden no hacerlo, o sea q claramente les chupa un huevo
Pretenden a venir a hacerse pasar como un país con fútbol para hacer negocio con el deporte pero no tienen ni la decencia mínima de respetar la calidad de las canchas y la seguridad de los hinchas y los jugadores. Ah pero no se les puede decir nada xq son los ✨united states✨
Pero xq no vienen y me chupan bien la poronga
Bielsa acaba de respaldar a Scaloni en conferencia de prensa sobre el mal estado de las canchas: “(…) si vos vas a ver el area chica de Rochet (arquero 🇺🇾) las uniones (del cesped) no cierran”
Dias atras Brasil en fase de grupos dijo exactamente lo mismo.
Es realmente Estados Unidos un país capaz de organizar una Copa del Mundo cuando ya hizo desastres en Copa America?
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bagofbonesmp3 · 1 month ago
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^ estos se caen de culo si ven las parrillas móviles que usa la cgt
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luceracastro · 9 months ago
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors circulate both Enzo and famous singer Aitana, you who is his costar, friend, and also the girl who has the hugest crush on him doesn't take too kindly to the rumors and distances yourself from him and he is beyond clueless as to why his favorite girl doesn't speak to him anymore.
Warnings: Some angst and fluff, little makeout sesh, jealousy on reader's part and Enzo's, slight Blas x reader, no hate towards the beautiful Aitana in this nor to Male (Matia's girlfriend) it's a Spanglish fic!
you must have thought your phone was practically playing tricks on you but it wasn't, there it was in bold letters "¿aitana y enzo?" the huge bold letters and a whole passionate article on the topic were enough to ruin your day.
"Que pasa contigo nena?" Male had asked as she sat down beside you, she and Mati were kind enough to let you stay at their place for a while since you lived in Spain but just found your apartment too saddening and empty especially after filming and being in a full hotel for months and always being around people.
"Nada, la verdad" you smiled with a small look in your eye that she knew way too well "Que pasa?" she asked once more and you flipped your phone down on her leg, she put her cup down to look through it and her eyes widened "Aye linda, por esto estas triste?" her small smile made you frown "Enzo no es nada amor mio, obvio le tengo cariño pero mami tu mereces mejor créeme," she said with a small smile
you chuckled a little and shook your head "Ven vamos por algo de comer," she pulled you up trying to wipe the small frown off your face and it worked, between her and Mati making you laugh and the food set on the table you found yourself laughing and having fun.
however, what you didn't expect was for there to be a knock on the door and for Enzo to walk in like nothing was wrong, and in reality, nothing was wrong because he was clueless about the whole situation "Hola hermosa," he bent down a small hug which you returned uninterested and he furrowed his brows slightly confused but nonetheless thought nothing of it
him and Mati went into the kitchen and he nodded his head towards the table where you and Male spoke "Que pasa con la nena?" Enzo asked as Mati turned to look at you and he did notice your off attitude but he also was a nosy one who listened to you and Male's conversation and he knew all too well why "Piensa por un Minuto Enzo," he said and Enzo tried to think but to no avail "Dime," he pleaded and Mati laughed
"Que?" Enzo asked and Mati shook his head "Nada, Nada vamos," after that Enzo noticed when he asked you something you answered with short uninterested answers, and when he was talking you were fixed on your phone and it was kinda bothering him, he hated being ignored and by you, it's like a kick to the gut. "Oye casi haces que Enzo llora," Mati said with a small smile as he sat beside you and you shrugged "Pues que vaya con la tal Aitana," you said a small snarky remark which you instantly regretted, the poor girl was sweet like sugar and Enzo didn't even know you liked him
"¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo mal que suenas?" Mati asked "Si, Si ya lo se," you shook your head sighing, "Entonces porque no le dices a Enzo lo que sientes," Mati asked and you laughed a bit too loud "No no, eso seria muy vergonzoso," you shook your head and he sighed "Eres una pelotuda la verdad nena, si no te mueves asi" he snapped his fingers "A lo mejor la Aitana te lo gana" he said a small smirk on his lips making you smack his arm as he laughed "Callate Boludo," you however couldn't help but smile at Mati
"Oye vamos por unas cervesas?, esta preguntando el Pipe," Mati asked with phone in hand and you nodded a small smile on your lips "Pero una cosa linda, Enzo va estar eh," he warned and you rolled you eyes "Sólo porque él esté ahí no significa que no quiera estar con mis amigos" you said and he nodded "Bueno, perdon," he left the doorway of the borrowed room he was allowing you to stay in and you got up getting ready for the night
"Lista, aye nena que linda," Male looked at you a smile on her lips as she reached her hand out for yours "Tu mas, bueno vamos vamos," you both laughed the whole way there Mati following close and as soon as you enter the restaurant/bar you are met with the boys and even Enzo which of course you understood he was obviously going to be there but it would be ten times harder to ignore him now
hugs went all around but reaching Enzo all you did was smile a small hello escaping your lips but he didn't let it slide "Y mi abrazo?" he asked a small smirk displayed on his lips, you gave him a quick side hug but everyone noticed the sort of small tension and you moved to sit beside Blas, "Hola bonita," he rested his arm behind the top of your chair "Hola, que ordenaste tu de tomar?' you asked looking through the small menu of many drinks
Enzo however watched from afar, you and Blas were friends but you always sat beside him what was different now? he subtly rolled his eyes drinking his beer and looking anywhere else while sometimes catching glimpses of you touching Blas's curls or just laughing and joking around with him in general until he was full on staring at you both and even growing an attitude with the others.
"Y tu que?" Fran asked looking at Enzo "Se ve que te vas a tragar al Blas vivo," Juani said a small giggle escaping his lips already slightly tipsy "Nada, Nada para que me molestaria que le habla a T/n?" he said taking another long swig of beer and Fran smiled "Nunca dijimos que eso era la razon," and Enzo looked at Fran "Voy al baño" Enzo got up and left the table "Oye linda, habla con Enzito porque esta amargando la noche con su actitud" Pipe said in your ear his breath smelling like beer and tequila "Yo por que?" you asked with a bit of attitude in your voice and a shrug of your shoulders "porque obviamente está enojado porque le estás dando más atención a Blas que a él" Pipe said as you furrowed your brows "Estas loco," you said shaking your head
"Nena andale, quiero disfrutar no cuidar de un enojon y unos borrachos," Male said with a small frown and you sighed hands on the table trying to balance yourself "Bueno Bueno ya voy," you groaned and left the table but not before apologizing to Blas and walking around looking for Enzo, you checked outside the bathrooms and around the restaurant "Perdon has visto un chico alto, pelo negro y con ojos cafes, tambien tiene el pelo medio largito?" you asked a waiter who shook his head "perdon" he said and you sighed looking around and asking but yet no one had seen him
your last resorts were to go and look outside in both front and back but you were closer to the back so you exited through the back door looking around and he was there more farther down the side of the backdoor smoking a cigarette "Oye, que te pasa?" you asked arms crossed since the harsh wind hit you and he looked down at you his face blank but you could tell something was bothering him "nada, Vuelve adentro, hace mucho frío" he said as he turned to look away and blew out a puff of smoke and you put all your weight on one foot rolling your eyes "Vamos, todos estan preguntado por ti," he chuckled bitterly "Vuelve adrento con Blas querida, los dos sabemos que eso prefieres aser," he said and you furrowed your brows a hurt look on your face
"Eres una mierda sabes," he turned to see the tears rimming your eyes and he sighed his eyes closing for a moment and the regret was written all over his face "perdon, perdon," but you shook your head "Y no prefieres estar con la Aitana? o sea eso dicen por ahi" you shot back and he shook his head "Tu crees eso? nomas tuvimos un vuelo y una noche con amigos y conocidos juntos, eso era todo no somos nada," he said but you shook your head "Oh pero yo estoy pasandola bien con un amigo y eso significa que quiero con el no seas pendejo Enzo" you yourself laughed bitterly and he sighed grabbing you
"No soy un pendejo, que quieres que yo piensa cuando le haces esos sonrisas, caricias, y juegas con su pelo eh?" he said he was in your face and you both were only inches apart "Eso no significa nada, yo te hice esos cosas tambien" you shrugged "Si eso es lo que me molesta, Solo hacias esas cosas a mi, no a Fran, Mati, Juani, Pipe, ni a Esteban, nomas a mi!" you looked at him like he was crazy but then again it sunk in your brain that he was jealous, Enzo was jealous, you both looked into each others eyes, then his eyes flickered to your lips but you beat him to it as you pulled his face in for a kiss
you both pulled away after a moment and you both looked at each other before he pulled you in once more, bodies pressed together as you both kissed the other with force and need but it didn't last long "Enzo! T/n! Enzo! T/n!" Juani's voice was heard and you both pulled away quickly and Enzo groaned a face of annoyance "Que!" he yelled out "Donde estan?" Juani asked and you grabbed Enzo's hand pulling him with you "Lo encontre, nos distraimos hablando perdon" you laughed nervously but noticed Juani's red eyes which were also watery "Que paso querido?" you asked and he sighed "Pensé que los perdi, y no quiero perder los" he was drunk and it was evident with his slurred words and the scent of beer radiating off of him
Enzo stifled a laugh as you smacked his arm and wrapped your arm around Juani "No ya, ya no llores, aqui estamos amor ya," he dug his face into the crook of your neck as you smiled and you three entered the bar, Enzo watching you both from the back.
at the end of the night you all made it to a food truck that had the best food (According to Fran) and you all ordered your food and ate little by little but you and Enzo took some stolen glances at one another, "¿Tengo que dar un paseo, Enzo?" he knew that was your way of asking him to come along and he stood up walking closer to you, everyone looked either relieved or gave you teasing smiles before returning to their meal
you two at first walked in pure silence, "Debemos de hablar, de el beso" Enzo said and you turned your head to look at him "No te gusto?" you asked with no emotion yet he caught the almost not visible smile on your face "al contrario, me encanto pero quiero saber que significa eso?" he asked his hands dug into the pockets of his jacket and you stopped in your tracks turning to face him "Significa que me gustas Enzo," you told him straight up and he looked down at you "Me gustas y hasta puedo decir que estoy enamorada de ti pero entiendo si no sientes lo miso" you said and he chuckled "Boluda estuve enamorado de ti desde que te conoci" he told you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you in for a hug as you sighed his chin resting on the top of your head and his arms around you engulfing you entirely "Y porque no me dijiste nada?" you asked and he smiled "Porque cuando te conoci pense que eras muy chica para mi, una niña," he said "Enzo tenia 21 años," you told him
"Y yo los 27" he said and you giggled "Eso no es mucho" you smiled up at him "Bueno, si no te da molestia que voy estar usando un baston antes que ti, quieres ser mi novia?" he asked and you froze "En serio?" you asked and he nodded and you grinned "Me encantaria," and the walk was ended, coming back hand in hand Fran smiled "Salieron de malas y regresan de novios, quien los entienden" Fran laughed as did the others
"Aye callate estupido" you smiled sitting down "Tu boluda" that was the end of the night, all of you enjoying a night out and you going back to Enzo's at the end ;)
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