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jongintricacies · 5 years ago
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Ok this tag is cute as FOCK so I had to do it right away!!!! Ty Jossy @kyungsooslatinagf !!!!!!!
Use ~~~ this avi maker ~~~ to create a you!!!!!! Also for friends that have met me irl........my hair actually kinda looks like this now bc I just chopped it all off half an hour ago 🤪🤪🤪
Tagging @oddmeu @honeybeeloey @boyfriend-nini @peachysuho @pilot-kun @kunxinq @2baekxing @88swife @shyshykai @doyoung to do this if you wanna!!!!!!!!
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baekphia · 6 years ago
hey sophia!!!! i hope ur doing great!! 💗💘 I was wondering if u could rec some of ur fav exo mutuals? i rly wanna follow more exo stans but idk where to start :( ty bb!!! 💞💌
hello !!!!! im doing good thank u !!! hope ur doing good too ummmmmm i love all these blogs 🤧🤧🤧🤧 @ksoosheaux @byeolks @kokosehun @chogisad @ksoo-l @etherealbbh @ky-ung @saintksoo @zkdlin @99minseok @ilovkai @spookysehun @littlepcy @soobadnoonecanstopher @etherealbbh @spoopynini @teapical @nawondeuk @baeksesposa @heartnini @kiwibbh @kiungsoo @yixings2018 @88swife @velvetchen @babyminseok @elyxiun @adminseok @kyungbooo @aerigom @penguinsoo-l @asleepykid @sooing @florayeol @chanshine @tempochanbaek @callmeminseok @petityeol @demondae @eightgramsfatmilk @pumpkinpcy @vampsoo @yeolben @yeolology @ninibears-erigom @runandbyun @mividaxiumin @xiuminscheeks @3ouncesofwhoopass @xingmithefool @bfyixing @kiyra88 @pikachenle @sooeat @smoodkai @taekaistan @thewarsavedmusic @yooyeonseok-l @exoxingtober @sweetjunmyeon @sefuns  @jungwah @cherryblossombaek @bread-jinie @springcbx @ghouldae @valvalvalval-val @oh-beyond @chestnutheadkyungsoo @motchi @kyungsooskhakipants @sophrosynes @whimsical-ness @bkhyunee @ilovsehun @seahoonscheekscar @pcypumpkin @xiuxxvi @cancermoonjongdae @pcys-l @raindyops @uwunini @seokxiu @xiao-baobei @love-seok @misseokkie @minsoek-l  @kjm-l @ksooji @xiudaengerous @shyshykai @minsok @sunsoosoo @wondeuks @ot9riseagain @ohmondyo @umsehun @vampyixing @baekhyunie-l @textsoo @bbhsflor @babydaddypcy @metoo-3 @exoverdosed @baeksesposa @ot9sback @mr-bushido @tellmewhatislove-mp3 @rnbsoo
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intojennie · 6 years ago
Hi Jackie! You've slowly but surely turned me into an exo fan bc you reblog them so often lol No hate though bc I'm happy you do. Can you rec some of your favorite exo blogs? I want more of them on my dash.
OMG DJFJDJKD this is amazing. Here are my fave exo blogs I follow (there are a bunch):
@kyungesoo @blackp7nk @tempogf @4baeksoo @yeoltempo @yeol @bloomingbyun @baekphia @ksooji @sefuns @littlepcy @pcysl @byunberries @tempopcy @milkbyfx @laysoo-l @xiucult @scarletsehun @iyeolie @dmumts @soohyunnie @uwunini @witchyeol @lawlliets @pcyxg @chaichanyeol @gothbfyixing @honeybeeloey @bbhmyg @92byunie @loafsoo @aquariusjongin @88swife @shyshykai @gazpcy @bkhyunee @jongdaekims @wlwxiu @tempoera @spicyeols @bkhyunverse @xosehun @exolgbt @dyomino @jonginssoo @dazzlingkai @ohsehuns
so i know you said some… but there are too many i love tbh you should follow them all!!!
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velvetchen · 7 years ago
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hello!! me n mr sehun are here to send u love since it’s about time for another one of these! it feels like my time on here has gone so fast (i’ve only really been active for a year) but all of u have made every second of it feel wonderful, so here’s a “small” ff/appreciation post for all the lovely people whom i’ve met and had the honor of interacting with 💕 (under the cut bc this is just a gigantic lovepost)
bold: mutuals 💞: ur a cherished friend and i love you a lot! ✨: we may not have interacted much in the past but i admire you! italics: check the bottom for a special message!  normal: we’re not mutuals but you’re one of my favorite blogs!
ily you all so much!! i hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy and happy! if there was a post limit for the number of times i could say ily to u all id exceed it in less than a minute 
@0ksoo​ ♡ @02pcy​ ♡ @04jerk​  ♡ @0pcy​ ♡ @1azydays​ ♡ @1osecontrol​ ♡ @1ovesyeol​  💞 ♡ @2baekxing​ ✨ ♡ @3cbx​​ ✨ ♡ @3kpop2jagi1​​​ 💞   ♡  @4baeksoo​​ ✨ ♡ @5ixing​​​   ♡ @5quad​  ♡  @6v6tmn​ ✨ ♡ @7deer-ofthe-dawn7​​  ♡ @88swife​ ♡ @88x10​ ♡ @8bityeol​​  ♡ @achenlove​ ♡ @aegipcy​ ♡ @ananou59​ ♡ @anderfe1​ ♡ @antiberry​  ♡ @artificialskyway​ ♡ @asmaspeaks​ 💞 ♡ @babesehun​ ✨ ♡ @babybaek-gif​ ♡ @babyboydae​ ♡ @babyjongin-png​ ♡ @baekberrie​  ✨ ♡  @baek-love​ ♡ @baek-hyunies​​ ✨ ♡  @baekhyuns  ✨ ♡ @baekintime​ ♡ @baekphia​  ✨ ♡ @baekthru​ ♡ @balancexing​ ♡ @battaery​ ♡ @bbhmutual​ ♡ @bbhyu​ ✨ ♡ @bias-yixing​  ♡ @bkhyunverse​​  ✨ ♡  @bling-me-up ♡ @bloomingbyun​ ♡ @bloomingchen​ ♡ @bloomingdaes​ 💞 ♡ @byun-l​ ✨ ♡ @byunists​ ♡ @byunrelatable​ 💞 ♡ @byunsbf​​  ✨ ♡  @byuny​
@cancermoonjongdae​ ✨ ♡ @cbxies​ ♡ @chaichanyeol​​  ✨ ♡ @changseobs​  ♡ @chanssoo​​ ♡  @chanyoel​ ✨ ♡ @chenbox​ ♡ @cheninadinoonesie​ ✨ ♡ @chensingmachinee​ ♡ @chenstao​ ♡ @chentlemen-first​ ♡ @chentrbl​​ ♡  @chenxibaek​ ✨ ♡ @chenyeo-l​​  ♡  @cherishbycbx​ ♡ @cherrydae​ ♡ @chnlsehun​ ♡ @cinnaminja​ ♡ @citrusluhan​ ✨ ♡ @coerry​​ ♡  @crownkingzyx​ ♡ @crushxiu​​ ♡  @cyberksoo​ ♡ @dae-d​ ♡ @daetrbl​ ♡ @dejasoo​ ♡ @detectivewillis​ ♡ @dksalbum​ ♡ @dokynugs​​ ♡  @dokyungsu​ ✨ ♡ @dokyungwrites​ ♡ @dropsofletters​  ✨ ♡  @dyontstop​​  ✨ ♡ @ellyoppa​​ ✨ ♡ @elyjeon​ ♡ @elyxiun​ ♡ @emperorzyx​ ✨ ♡ @estupidaugly​ ♡ @ethereallkai​ ♡ @eunkwqng​ ♡ @evalocity​ ✨ ♡ @ex-actlymytype​  ♡ @exidgf​  ✨ ♡ @exo-m​​
@fairyyeols​ ✨ ♡ @floweryjeno​ ✨ ♡ @fluffyhunnie​ ♡ @fluffyyeollie​ ♡ @fullsunflower​ 💞 ♡ @furrykyun​ ♡ @fxlunas​ ♡ @gaytaeyongs​​ ♡  @gazpcy​ ♡  @glimmeringclouds​ ♡ @goodevenings​ ♡ @gowonsgf​ ✨ ♡ @gwaenchanhajagiya  ♡  @halfiechen​ ♡ @hanisgf​  ✨♡  @haramluhan​ ♡ @heartzyx​ ♡ @high-on-food​ ✨ ♡ @hongdxbin​  ✨ ♡ @horololbaek​ ✨ ♡ @hosehun​ ♡ @http-sehun​ ♡ @hunniedae​​ ♡ @hweseung​  ♡ @hycks​​ ✨ ♡   @il-hoon ♡ @ilovesehuns ♡ @ilovexiumin ✨ ♡  @ilovkji 💞 ♡ @ilovpcy ♡ @ilujongdae ♡ @iluyeri ♡ @ilywh ✨ ♡  @im-bicurious-yeah ♡ @ineedyixing ✨ ♡ @ireneluvclub ♡ @irenesgf ♡ @itsmeayishaa ✨ ♡ @j0ngs ♡ @jds1andonly 💞 ♡ @jenology ✨ ♡ @jenos ✨ ♡ @jeonheejin  ✨ ♡ @jihoonluv ��� ♡  @jihyo  ✨ ♡ @jiminsglo ♡ @jinki-and-his-angels ♡ @jjonghyung ♡ @jnys ✨ ♡ @jongdaemyangel ♡ @jongdaepeche-mode  ♡  @jongdaeri  ✨ ♡  @jongnpls ♡ @jongtaeluv ♡ @junghansgf ✨  ♡ @junmyeonpng​
@k1mjdae ♡ @kaichouchou ♡ @kiddosaints 💞 ♡  @kimlips ♡ @kingzyx ♡ @kjd-l ♡ @kjds ♡ @kjmsbf  ♡ @kkimingyu  ✨ ♡ @kmjxngins 💞 ♡ @kokokysoo ♡ @kookiie-bear ✨ ♡ @kpopfanfictrash ✨ ♡ @kriswu  ♡  @ksoo-l  ♡ @ksoocafe ✨ ♡  @ksooscheeks ♡ @kuntented  ✨♡ @kyungsohs ✨ ♡  @kyungsooslatinagf ✨ ♡ @laypromise ♡ @leejinks ✨ ♡  @lgbtsuho ♡ @lisarastar  ♡ @littlepcy ✨ ♡ @loafsoo ♡ @loeychateau ♡ @loeycults ♡ @loeyflowers ♡ @loeys  ♡ @lovkibum ♡ @lovjeon ♡ @luckyones ♡ @lunarbaek  ♡ @luvchou  ♡  @lyjunggukie ♡ @m1ns1k  ♡ @merlionmen 💞 ♡ @merseok ✨ ♡ @milkrosea ♡ @milky-waee ♡ @minialbum ✨ ♡ @minijongdae ♡ @minseokcharm  ♡ @minseoksfav ♡ @minsoek-l ✨ ♡ @mintdae ♡ @mondaybluesmp3 ♡ @monsterpcy ♡ @moondks ♡ @mooonsherbet  ♡ @mrleejinki  ✨ ♡ @mysterylover  ✨
@nctfansite​  ✨ ♡ @notsehun​ ♡ @nut4zyx​ 💞 ♡  @nuyra​​ ✨ ♡  @o1un​ ✨ ♡ @oceantaem​ ✨ ♡ @ohhhappydae​ ✨ ♡ @ohsehuns​​  ✨ ♡  @ohunshine​ ♡ @orbitmv​ ♡ @osh--l​​  ♡  @p6y​ ♡ @pcyall​  ♡ @pcys-l​  ♡ @peachykaix​​ ✨ ♡  @pebble-xo​ ✨ ♡ @petitshinee​ ✨ ♡ @pinkjd​  ♡ @pinkys​ ♡ @prince-lee-taemin​ ♡ @pufflejongin​ ✨ ♡ @pyosunshine​ ✨ ♡ @qimei​ ♡ @raindyops​ ♡ @ratbyun​ ♡  @real-pcys​ ♡ @renjun-l​ ♡ @replaysgf​ ✨ ♡ @rissa-is-a-nerd​  💞 ♡ @romantichen​ 💞 ♡ @sapphicshawol​ ✨ ♡ @sechens​ ✨ ♡ @sehuniepeach​ ✨ ♡ @sehunsface​ 💞 ♡ @seok​ ✨ ♡ @shawol-till-the-end​ ♡ @shimmie-shimmie-kokobop​  ♡ @shineeclub​  ♡ @shininmp3​​  ♡  @shyshykai​ ♡ @smartseok​​ ♡  @smileydae​ ♡ @sobrightandshinee​​ ♡ @softboytaem  ✨ ♡   @softkjd​  ♡  @softkso​ ♡ @softleo​ ♡ @songfromthesoul​ ♡ @soohoesgf​  ♡ @sophrosynes​ ✨ ♡ @spicybyun​​ ♡ @springcbx​​ ♡ @squishy-do-ksoo​  ♡  @stanjdae​ ♡ @stanminseok​ ✨ ♡ @starxiu​​  ✨♡  @succ-my-byuns​ ♡ @suchensheaven​ ♡ @suchently​  ♡ @suholeo​  ✨ ♡ @suhosboy​​ ♡ @suhosjaan​  ♡ @suhoslady​  ♡ @suhoswholeasswife​  ✨  ♡  @sunshinebaekh​ ✨ ♡ @sunshineyeols​ ♡ @sweetjunmyeon​ ✨ ♡ @sweetsoo​
@taekaistan ♡ @taeminsbff ♡ @taeminlee ♡ @taeminsmove  ✨ ♡ @taemm  ♡ @taesty-taemin  ♡ @taeyyongs 💞 ♡ @teapical ✨ ♡ @technicallymilkshakes ♡ @tenult ✨ ♡ @textsoo ♡ @thegreatxingmibeyond  ✨ ♡ @thunderkjd ♡ @toboroki  ♡  @twentyep  ♡ @twinksuho ♡ @uminbean  ♡ @umsehun ♡ @up10chen ♡ @vangoghwithaflo  ✨ ♡ @viewgf  ✨ ♡ @vitaminsoek ♡ @vivaoh ♡ @vroomvroombaek ♡ @whatsoodo ♡ @whimsical-ness   💞 ♡ @whoreololo  ✨♡ @wodejongdae ♡ @wonhos-chubbybunny  ♡ @xbacks ♡ @xibaeks  ♡  @xingsus ♡ @xiubloom  ✨♡ @xiudough ✨ ♡ @xiuhnny ♡ @xiuhunsoo  ✨ ♡ @xiumens ♡ @xiuminified ♡ @xiuminscheeks ♡ @xiuxiuflake ♡ @xiuyeoltopia 💞 ♡ @xosehun ♡ @yeolben ♡ @yeolology ✨  ♡  @yeolosaur  ♡ @yeolsbaby ♡ @yeoreum ✨ ♡ @yerimoji  💞 ♡ @yiffxing ✨ ♡ @yijeong-you-little-shit  ♡ @yike-xing  ♡ @yixingminseokjongdae 💞 ♡ @your-woohyunnose ♡ @yukseongjae ♡ @yuqigf​  ✨♡  @yvesluv​ ✨ ♡ @zhangyeol​ ♡ @zyx-1​ ♡  @zyxgf​  ✨ ♡ @zyxjs​
♡ special messages: 
1ovesyeol: maki i kno we haven’t talked much but every time i see u on my dash or in my notifications or see you tagged me in something i literally go !!!!!!!!! i get so excited! ur so sweet and one of my favorite people 💞
bloomingdaes: kenzie my fellow hard jd stan i love u i love ur moodboards and ur writing and how much u love nature and ur so talented and so funny skjkjsjks i’m really so glad i know you!! u always put a smile on my face thank u for being so great 💞
jds1andonly: bee i really hope we get the chance to talk more in the future because you’re such a wonderful person n a great person to talk to !! we might not have interacted much recently but i really appreciate your presence in my life 💞
kiddosaints: clarisse you absolute seaweed i don’t know how we’ve put up with each other for this long. thank u for always being awake at 3 am when i want to complain and for sending me memes and being my basic goth bff i love u!! you’ve always understood me even tho we argue about everything but i love how easy our friendship is and i don’t think i’ve ever told you how much i appreciate being able to be ur friend 💞
merlionmen: diksha i love your positivity & how knowledgeable u are about things. i always learn something new every time we talk about something and i really appreciate that!! thank you for your insight and your conversations and your creativity 💞
romantichen: anna, it’s been a while since we talked but i really wanted to say thank you for your kindness and your peaceful presence. i think you’re a very gentle person and you always have something sweet to say! i’m thankful i met you. 💞
sehunsface: jui it feels like i just started messaging you but i’ve never been this comfortable with a friend and i think it’s because ur just one of those people who make everyone feel appreciated. i look forward to talking to you about everything and sending u posts about sehun and making u suffer by making u read my thirst posts every day. thank u for everything!! (and for introducing the cats to me of course). i hope we never grow apart. 💞
taeyyongs: sumaya i know we haven’t been talking for that long but ur one of the most interesting people i’ve ever met, ur funny and sweet and really smart and genuine and i really can’t wait to know you even better. thank u for all your kind words and humor. 💞
whimsical-ness: tara, you’re one of the most talented and beautiful people i know (beautiful inside and out). every time i read ur writing i’m in awe. sometimes i still can’t believe we’re mutuals let alone friends! i cherish every conversations we have. thank you for your stories and being such a wonderful person! 💞
yerimoji: kat i don’t have words for how much i appreciate u and your presence in my life! i still remember all our old conversations and inside jokes i have all our chats saved and i still go through them every now and then. you’re so soft and lovely and i’m so thankful for how you’ve been there for me for so long! ily! 💞
♡ and finally (but most importantly) i want to put in a thank you to every person who’s ever said something nice about my fics, whether in a simple compliment in your tags or an ask - u might not remember, but i definitely do. without you, i wouldn’t be writing. your love and feedback constantly inspires and motivates me and i can’t thank you enough! (i hope you all don’t mind being tagged)
@alisazmn ♡ @anotherscenarioblog ♡ artificialskyway ♡ @baekaix ♡ baekberrie ♡ @baekbunniee ♡ @baekfanapleintemps ♡ @baekmuffin ♡ @bansheeadele ♡ bbhyu ♡ @blamezhang ♡ @bluesficrecs ♡ @bobohuwu ♡ @booksforeverworld ♡ byun-l ♡ @chan-yolo​ ♡ cherrydae ♡ @chogiwhyyynot​ ♡ @choi-fish​ ♡ @distordue ♡ dropsofletters ♡ @f1gs​ ♡ @hansolturnt​ ♡  @hedwigs-quills​ ♡ @high-functioning-sociopathicgeek ♡ hweseung ♡ itsmeayishaa ♡ @killedby3xo  ♡ kookiie-bear ♡ @largepinkdolphin​ ♡ @littlesyasheep​ ♡ @lovestuck-j ♡ @meandmyteatree​ ♡ @miaricky​ ♡  @minoza-loey​ ♡ @monicaexol​ ♡ @noona-clock​ ♡ @parchaaiyaan​ ♡ @pcyungsoo​ ♡ @pixilatedaeries​ ♡ @portietomednalynn​ ♡ @rcsemyg​ ♡ rissa-is-a-nerd ♡ @sereinish​ ♡ @shuirosgarden​ ♡ @simpleejihoon​ ♡ @smoochews​ ♡ @sol-ficrecs​ ♡ @soogirlfriend​ ♡ stanminseok ♡ teapical ♡ @thatssharpilikeit​ ♡ @uwujohnny​ ♡ @very-important-army​ ♡ @where-is-my-llama​ ♡ whoreololo ♡ @yeollieollie​ ♡ @yoongisfire 
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awjonginnie · 6 years ago
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @pikayeollie, thank you!
I have to answer some questions about myself and then tag others ☺️
Recent Selfie :
i’m really shy and not that pretty, so instead of a selfie I’m gonna give you a picture of my cat, sorry guys
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Name : Giulia
Age : 28 next Wednesday!
Hair color : blondish/light brown
Favourite fruit : apricots
Favourite flower : freesia
Favourite season : spring
Favourite animal : cat
Favourite fictional character : I have a lot, but Dean Winchester and Tony Stark are fighting for first place
Favourite tv shows : again, I’ve watched so many tv series in my life i can’t choose! But one that I really love is Vikings
Favourite colour : pink
Dog or cat person : cat, obviously
Tumblr crush : no crushes for me
Biggest dream trip : Japan
tagging @shyshykai @mooninibear @suhoslady and @playboyseho if you want to do it!
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ksooji · 7 years ago
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Bias selfie tag coming at you! Thank you to my fave @ilovkji for tagging me, I really wanted to do this!!💋Also don’t mind my face and just enjoy the black and white aesthetic bc it’s bomb
I’m going to tag: @eyesonxiu @xosehun @heartnini @yeolverse @happyloey @pcymade @detectivewillis @shysehun @shyshykai  @tiny-myeon @suhoslady @zyxng10 @xibaeks  @eclipsekai @briepark and @progamerbyun 
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4baeksoo · 7 years ago
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i was tagged by @cherrybbh for the top 10 biases tag!! thanks 😣💕💕 some of my biases w doggos (and cat) 🐶🐱
tagging : @byun-l @shyshykai @baek-hyunies @thedeviousdo @besitosbbh @ilovkji @sooing @kyungdopa @kyungsooslatinagf @ksooshoe 
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seokjins · 7 years ago
shyshykai(.)tumblr(.)com/post/175498860056/singulaeritysmoving-controversial-hour-whos the tags lmao
i try not to get myself into this kind of drama anymore but the fact that they actually crawled through the tags AND my blog and then proceeded to vague me is so fucking funny???i dont do vagueing anymore just show up at my doorstep and piss on my mailbox or smth @shyshykai. i mean i do have dark energies it’s true, but to me (aka someone who likes bts) anybody who says they dislike bts is so valid lmao yall r braver than any us marine
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untouchabyeolman · 7 years ago
shyshykai replied to your photoset: idk how to selfie but i’m just really happy with...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NICKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK SO FUCKIN CUTE YOUR SHORT HAIR LOOKS AMAZING B I T C H i haven’t seen you or your face since exoluxion 2016 and your hair was already mad long back then, ya hair must have been down to ya knees before ya cut it LOL but omgggggggggggg YOU LOOK SOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTEEEEEEE HOLY SHIT!!!!! ������������ YOUR FACE IS SO CUTE I WANNA DIE NICKA I WANNA DIEEEEE PLSSSSS I WANNA DIEEEEEEEE YOURE SO CUTE SO PRETTY MY SMOL BEAUTIFUL QUEEN ��������
(i wasn’t sure if it was okay to reblog so i screamed in the replies dhkshskshssbhssb SO CUTE ISTG!!!!)
GL E N DA!!!!!!!
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jongintricacies · 6 years ago
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Tagged by the lovely @pilot-kun to post some selfies!! It's been a minute and these are actually pretty recent (from a week ago!).
Keeping with the Disney theme, here's me finding 2 of the hidden Minnies aka lucky emblems at the Pop-Up Disney exhibit in DTD!
@kyungsooslatinagf @oddmeu @honeybeeloey @kunxinq @doyoung @boyfriend-nini @peachysuho @wimbledons @shyshykai feel free to post some pics too! Or not lol your choice 🤗
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4baeksoo · 7 years ago
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I was tagged by @eyesonxiu for the bias selfie tag :) 💗💗 just me and my guys!
 I’m not sure who to tag tbh I never do this but I’ll give it a try djsjshsj um if you’ve already done it or don’t want to do it that’s okay 😥👍🏾
@comehomecharlie @kaibaek-l @besitosbbh @littlechefsoo @nutellabbh @violetnpurple @shyshykai @kyungsooslatinagf @dewykisses @suhosjaan  @ … that’s … sufficient i think
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jongintricacies · 6 years ago
@boyfriend-nini @shyshykai @wimbledons 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
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tempo era just started and he’s being rude already 🙈
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untouchabyeolman · 7 years ago
shyshykai replied to your post: pls recommend me a movie or anime or whatever to...
watch Chewing Gum! (if you haven’t seen it yet shjshsjshs lol) it’s not a movie nor an anime but a british tv show and it’s honestly amazing because it’s SO raunchy but SO funny like…. I love it :) it’s on Netflix~ lol but if that’s not your thing then watch What Happened To Monday cuz it’s a WILD movie and the actress in it is incredible!!!
uhhhhhh i don’t have netflix 😬
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jongintricacies · 6 years ago
tagged by @pilot-kun to post 10 songs that I can’t stop listening to rn and tag 10 people! these are all on heavy rotation in my spotify driving playlist, and i’ve provided links if anyone’s curious of taking a peek into my music taste :3 (trying to keep this non-kpop since yall already know about that lol)
Elastic by Joey Purp Melt by Duke Dumont Are You Tired Too? by Edwin Organ No Strings by Brooklyn Funk Essentials Cigarette by RAYE Hurting by SG Lewis Talk by Two Door Cinema Club My Type by Saweetie Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier Comme si by Christine and the Queens
tagging @oddmeu @kyungsooslatinagf @boyfriend-nini @honeybeeloey @shyshykai @exosvisual @88swife @hisnameisminho @2baekxing @yiikesmin! but as always you don’t have to (also lmk if you hate being tagged in stuff so i can stop slkdfs;ldkf)
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4baeksoo · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @ilovkji to spell my url using only kpop songs! thanks for tagging me 😣😣💗
4: 4 walls by f(x)
B: baby by the rose
A: around you by hyunjin [loona]
E: ents by oohyo
K: kingdom come by red velvet
S: scenery by ashmute
O: odd eye by shinee
O: our younger days by we are the night
tagging: @cosmicrailwaybisexual @kyungsohs @shyshykai @kyungsooslatinagf  @baek-hyunies
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untouchabyeolman · 7 years ago
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