#shyly tags ppl because pls tell me more about your nerds <3
blakhol · 5 years
Get To Know the Muse Please create a separate post!
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Favorite Tolerated things.
season: autumn
color:  black
pie: pudding
fruit:  unripe pear
ice cream flavor:  mint
breakfast food:  coffee 
alcoholic drink: straight vodka
soda flavor: ginger ale
scent:  smoke
flowers:  sunflower
animal:  angler fish
movie:  tolerates horror films and old godzilla flicks
tv show: The Twilight Zone
book: human anatomy over the ages & architecture books
superhero: disgusting
fairy tale: The Pied Piper of Hamelin is probably the top ranking
genre of music:  ambient, background noise
genre of movies:  horror as background noise, not much of a film person
genre of books:  depends what she is researching
Pick one.
hot or cold
juice or soda
tv or movie
movie or book
late night talk shows or reality tv
twitter or instagram
trees or flowers
philosophy or psychology
ocean or lake
water park or amusement park
cats or dogs
fresh water or sparkling water
sugar or honey
cookies or candy
bath or shower
morning or night
running or walking
piercings or tattoos
frozen yogurt or ice cream
vanilla or chocolate
caramel or butterscotch
art or music
t-shirt or button down
text or call
ghosts or aliens
Have they ever.
ridden a motorcycle:  yes
stolen something:  yes
eaten an entire pizza by themselves:  yes
made a prank call:  no
broken a bone:  yes
fallen asleep during a concert or movie:  yes
walked out of a movie because it was so bad:  yes
been on the phone with someone for longer than 2 hours:  no
dined & dashed:  no
held a gun:  yes
ding dong ditched:  no
gone skinny dipping: yes
cried during a movie:  no
smuggled food into a movie:  yes
lied to get a job:  technically she’s always lying with a false identity :)
practiced lines in front of a mirror:  no
tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: no
been kicked out of somewhere:  yes
been on a blind date: no
ghosted someone:  no, unless surprise death or nonexistence counts
bragged about something they haven’t done: no
said i love you without meaning it:  no - also GROSS
gotten in a fight:  yes
fallen asleep on a bus: yes
how do they take their tea or coffee:  Tea: bitter Coffee: black
what is their ideal date:  no
what are some of their guilty pleasures:  she doesn’t feel guilt so...
longest they’ve stayed up for: half a month & on the brink of death is the norm
greatest talent:  making people disappear out of existence
strange habits: has been known to curl up inside of cabinets, under the kitchen table or in the bathroom (floor or tub)
first job: art commissions 
can they do a handstand:  no
can they cook:  mediocre at best
do they have allergies:  existence
do they believe in love in first sight:  no ew
have any special talents: idk man hating existence as much as she does is a fucking talent at this point imo
Tagged by: @blueaslapis
Tagging: @d-d-disgusting, @diktown, @bloodsexandbrains, @goldwebbed, @kaengeru, @anammxlech, @wildgcd, @deathlydivinity (whoever <3)
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