jojolovenotes · 1 year
Hey angel it’s @shxftxng and I was wondering if I could pretty please get a love note from Giorno and/or Mista 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 whichever you feel like doing. I miss doing things with my poly ship and I really want to get back to them 💕
Hey there! Of course!! Aw yeah, poly ships are always nice! I hope this inspires you to focus on them once more! @shxftxng
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Hey how are you doing? I'm supposed to be focused on something else but how can I focus on anything else when your beauty is so distracting? The truth be told I like to write you these little letters, if when you're in the same room as me. You look so cute when I randomly just hand them to you. That little smile you give is so endearing. The pistols think it's kinda corny, but isn't romance supposed to be at least a little bit cheesy? Giorno and I were hoping to be able to plan a trip for the three of us to take together... We've been saving up so we should be able to go somewhere real nice! Is there somewhere you've been wanting to go? Honestly I'm fine with wherever as long as we're together.
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Have you been taking good care of yourself? I certainly hope so. I know you're capable of taking care of yourself, but I worry when I'm not around to look out for you. Mista worries too, even if he tries to hide it. He says that I worry too much, but he does the same he just hides it from you. I'm sure Mista already told you but we want to plan to take a trip together with you... I don't mind where we go as long as we go somewhere together. It would be nice to have a little escape from our daily routine and do something a little different together. Even if it's a quick little trip it would be nice to just spend some quality time together and forget the rest of the world for just a little while.
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
Hello @shxftxng and thank you for choosing the JunoMatchupCalculator™!
Please hold while the JunoMatchupCalculator™ processes your perfect match.
Process Complete!
Your Perfect Match: Caesar Zeppeli
Honorary Mention(s) Include: Lisa Lisa; Foo Fighters
Fast Facts:
Everyone knows he’s a romantic. But when he finds the love of his life? It’s like Cupid himself played target practice. Caesar is showering you with flirtatious compliments, extravagant dates, beautiful arrangements of flowers—anything he can think of to show just how much you mean to him. 
Please talk to him about things you’re interested in. Even if he doesn’t find it interesting, he could listen to you talk for hours about your favorite things. Because all he wants is to see you with a smile on your face, eyes wandering around as you talk avidly about your passions. 
He’s not a great cook, but he’ll try his best to impress you in the kitchen. Sometimes it works. Sometimes you order take out because he used all the noodles to create a heart out of hamon. Like I said, he’s so in love and wants you to know it all the time. 
He thinks you’re adorable when you’re dozing off, and will snuggle up by your side and drape a blanket around the both of you to make sure you’re comfortable before falling asleep beside you.
Every morning he makes sure to grab you coffee from your favorite place and always asks the barista to make little hearts out of the cream. It’s usually gone by the time he gets home, leaving a faint white smudge of what the design once was, but you appreciate it anyway.
A Date Night Includes: cute around-the-town things, museums of all kinds, including art museums, sitting at the park and simply enjoying each others company, visiting the coast and watching the waves, staying in and making it a movie night.
You’re Known As ___ In Their Phone: The Best Girlfriend in the World. He’s a cheesy romantic. 
Let’s Hear a Word From Your Match: “Hey, beautiful. Hope you’re not too terribly lonely without me. Miss me already? I hope to see you soon!” 
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
“To Mend Your Heart, Valentine”
Bully! Haruno Shiobana x Female Reader
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Summary: Takes place around Valentines. Haruno is known around school for being a bully. He’s part of the Yakuza as are his other delinquent buddies. You were childhood friends with him but reuniting with him has been terrible. He no longer treats you as though your childhood friends. You crush on your new friend who happens to be the most popular guy at school. Meanwhile Haruno notices and tries to mend his relationship with you at all costs.
This fic is a bit late but I got a bit busy. It’s also a bit of a comfort fic for me so I hope it’s enjoyable for others too. Thanks for the read, sweethearts 🌹 Pretty please Reblog 💋
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@syntheticseraton1n @shxftxng @noaltbruh @danielle-marie
Special thanks to @strawmariee for giving me some suggestions for this fic. If anyone is interested in being part of my taglist please inform me.
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Due to his title he makes sure he is known as a leader and doesn’t take any ounce of disrespect. He is very feared by everyone on campus, aside from his fan club. They admire him seeing as he holds above standard attractiveness and is covered in tattoos. He isn’t afraid to remove his school uniform jacket to prevent it from getting torn or covered in his enemies blood.
Due to his title he makes sure he is known as a leader and doesn’t take any ounce of disrespect. He is very feared by everyone on campus, aside from his fan club. They admire him seeing as he holds above standard attractiveness and is covered in tattoos. He isn’t afraid to remove his school uniform jacket to prevent it from getting torn or covered in his enemies blood.
Unfortunately the school you attend is filled with violence from gangs of rival schools. Haruno and his gang protect the school grounds but do so in a very less than ethical means. Everyone on campus knows them from all the commotion surrounding them. They make it clear no drugs or violence is allowed. People answer to Haruno if they break his rules. He may mean well but he justifies his own violence with his personal morals. He doesn’t want anyone suffering at the hands of other yakuza.
Some respect him and many fear him for this reason. As for you, you’re association with the yakuza leader is much more personal. You’ve known him since you were children. It was a friendship built from your love of animals. You would play with frogs in a lake and you met Haruno who would do the same. He would closely observe you. His big eyes peering at you from under his bangs to his bowl cut hairstyle. Being the friendly child you were, you invited him to join you and it cemented your friendship with him at the time. It would be a short lived friendship as children and was the best time of your life. You two would play everyday having mini adventures and doing plenty of activities together. You taught each other valuable lessons and your friendship taught you both a bit about love. Unfortunately you had to move to another city and you haven’t seen him until you attended a different high school for your second year.
It was a new setting for you and you grew to understand this school very well. It filled you with curiosity. So many rumors and warnings about the yakuza scared you. Then, one day, Haruno ends up recognizing you. You didn’t know it but to him you looked ever more beautiful. Your smile could still make his heart quiver as it did when he was seven years old.
He didn’t allow himself to smile on the outside. He has an important reputation to uphold. It’s different now that he became an important part to the gang. He is a leader now. It’s as he has always wanted ever since he was nine years of age. It happened after you left. Months of bullying from other kids until the faithful day he became acquainted with the Yakuza member that aspired him to follow his footsteps.
The brunette had much to think about regarding you. Did you forget about him? What if you didn’t care? Haruno would know it wouldn’t be the truth if he hadn’t still harbored feelings for you. You filled a special place in his heart. It was your friendship that filled the void in his heart. You taught him empathy, loyalty, understanding, and most importantly, love. He wouldn’t be where he is without you. He wouldn’t have such an understanding of friendship. His world would’ve still been a dark place.
As he walked up to you his stride was loud. Many students evacuated the area leaving you by your lonesome. Haruno was used to it but you felt incredibly worried. It felt as if you were being watched in a horror movie. When you finally noticed his presence there was much going through your mind about the stranger. He has short neatly combed dark brown hair with thin messy bangs. His eyes are a piercing turquoise paired with such serious dark eyebrows. They certainly intimidate you. His outfit is a navy blue school uniform but you notice a heart shaped cut to his jacket with his pale skin hinting golden tattoos.
Your legs felt so heavy and your eyes filled with fear. His tattoos and harsh gaze led you to your conclusion. He’s part of the Yakuza. His thick lips are in a straight line while his eyes stare at you with quite a stoic expression. If he wasn’t so intimidating you’d think about how good looking he is.
“There isn’t any need to be frightened of me.” He addressed you by your first name.
You only became more frightened. Haruno thought back to your younger self. He missed you so much. Your fear had saddened him a bit but he knew you’d remember him.
“Your legs are shaking, dear. I won’t harm you. I was hoping you’d remember me.”
His calm voice was so soothing yet lightly playful. His voice suited him well. An attractive voice for a handsome guy such as him was very fitting.
“Remember you?”
“Why yes. Don’t I look familiar?”
Your eyes fill with confusion. You couldn’t link him to your beloved childhood friend. The bowl cut and friendly eyes weren’t the eyes you could pair with right now. Haruno’s eyes didn’t fill with the same light they did when you two last saw each other. His hardships as a Yakuza member were the cause of it. He’s seen death and even killed before. Though he killed in self defense and the worst scum to exist on this planet, it did change him. The light in his eyes went along with him all those years ago.
The stoic expression you’re faced with is that of an average sized yakuza. Not a long time childhood friend you’ve longed to see. You didn’t recognize him. Such a revelation broke his heart. Had he not mattered to you? His turquoise eyes fill with despair and rage. How could you forget him? Was he forgettable? Was he truly the scum of the earth as he believed he was back when you moved? It was without your companionship he was truly at his lowest.
He frowned and his teeth clench from frustration. Betrayal filled his veins until you look closely at him. It was then you figured out who he was however it wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear from you.
“I think I know you now. Yeah everyone has been talking about you. Especially my classmate, Narancia. You’re the leader of the yakuza group aren’t you? I promise not to break your rules and to stay out of your way.”
He became stunned. His eyes widen and his anger boils more. Along with anger was his feeling of dread. You hurt him and he couldn’t let it be. You’ve forgotten him. As he lets you walk away he glares at you. He won’t let you forget so easily.
Later on that same school day you noticed him fighting someone. It was after school and his opponent was no match for him. It was hard watching him punch his opponent so many times. Not far from him you saw his group of fangirls cheering him on.
You felt awkward because he noticed you. He glared at you while wiping blood off his hand onto his dark navy pants. His fan club didn’t like the attention you received but you didn’t mind them. They needn’t fear, for the guy doesn’t seem to care for you. He walked up to you swinging his jacket over his shoulder. His pale muscles on display for you and the others. His tattoos show a golden dragon and some magenta or blue floral designs as well as black vines. Many in his little fan club cheered him on or complimented him.
He ignored them as he had observed you. You didn’t know what to do or say. You’re frozen in fear. You hear him, “tsk” as he passed you with frustration. You realize it might’ve been his opponent to put him in such a bad mood. Unfortunately for you he’s hurt you don’t remember him.
The following week you did your best to avoid him since he looked so angry whenever he was in your presence. You don’t want to be on the bad side of a student such as himself. When you finally did run into him it wasn’t good. In fact it was terrible. It happened before the final bell rang. You were let out twenty minutes before the bell rings. You saw the brunette in the hallway. He was surprised to see you.
“You..” Your eye’s widened.
You gulp walking the other way in a sweat but he grabs your arm. His grip wasn’t rough but enough pressure to stop you. You hope he wasn’t going to stir trouble with you. He said your name firmly.
“Do you remember my name? Or my face?”
You look over to him in wonder. You didn’t get a close look at his face since he intimidates you so much. Your hands feel sweaty as you observe him. His angry expression further confused you. Of course you didn’t see your dear friend Haruno in him.
“How could you not remember me?”
“We’ve met before?”
Your question angered him but it did make his heart shatter. His scowl wasn’t what you expected. Suddenly two of his friends called him over. It was Bruno and Fugo. Two other students with bad reputations you knew very well. They too had modifications to their blue uniform and more so than Haruno.
“We got work to do, Haruno.” Bruno said, addressing him with respect. Though they’re in a gang he’s a close friend to him.
“It’s important too.” Fugo said with an expression twice as intimidating at Haruno.
“Your name is Haruno?” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
He said not a word to you as he knew his friends words meant there was a drug trade in the area. He quickly left with them. Your shock really settled in your mind after he left. You finally understood his words. He was none other than Haruno Shiobana. Though his name is feminine you link it with your childhood friend.
Haruno was your world all those years ago. Of course you’d never forget him. It would be the next day you’d want to rekindle such a friendship with him again. Unfortunately the following day there was a massive fight due to gang violence. The school didn’t care so the students did as they pleased. Haruno fought off so many gang members easily as did his best friend Bruno. It wasn’t like anything you’ve seen before.
All the blood and violence caused you to go elsewhere. As you sat by yourself at lunch you soon noticed Haruno drinking from the water fountain. Eager to talk to him you run up to him. He still looks angry but you try giving him a reassuring smile.
“Haruno, I didn’t recognize you at first. How come you didn’t tell me?”
“I thought you would recognize me without the need for me to.” He looked over to you.
“You look so different now. I never thought you’d join the yakuza.”
“Many changes have come to my life. If for not my allies and myself this school would be in shambles. As would the streets be more dangerous.”
“I see.. I think I understand. It’s not like anyone else would do anything.”
“You’re correct.” Haruno simply said.
You tried asking him how he came to be part of the yakuza but he didn’t want to talk about it so he became quiet. His glare was so piercing. The thoughts for the hug you wanted to give him disappeared. He doesn’t seem like a touchy guy.
“Haruno...” You said with a forlorn expression.
“Been a while since someone outside my gang addressed me so lightly. Do be careful. I need to continue protecting the streets.” He walked off without another word.
His blue eyes were filled with different emotions you couldn’t read. He was hurt but not showing it to you. His demeanor around you changed so drastically since that conversation. He wouldn’t glare as harshly in your direction but he wouldn’t look happy seeing you either. It would stay this way for a while.
When you would decide to try talking to him he’d become so rude to you. He’d address you in such embarrassing nicknames or would laugh when his fangirls would make fun of your clumsiness however he didn’t look pleased when they’d insult your fashion. Your fashion was different from everyone in the wacky school so you didn’t fit in.
It would now be you who’d become so hurt by Haruno. You held onto your friendship you had with him in the past. You’d forever cherish it. He didn’t seem affected by your hurt expressions. Deep down he would but he couldn’t see you as the same person anymore. He felt as though you didn’t care for him. However he still had feelings for you but displayed it with teasing or playful insults that would make you blush. His favorite line was telling you how your lucky he finds your clumsiness cute or you’d have a hard time finding a boyfriend. Picking on you or continuing with nicknames. Yes he’s a tsundere but you wouldn’t know it yet.
It would be the rest of the first semester you received such treatment from him. You didn’t receive special treatment aside from the nicknames since he was known as the school bully. At the start of the second semester he started wrapping his arm around your shoulder wondering why you’re avoiding him. Of course he knew why but he liked teasing you. He missed his little song bird and wanted you to speak to him.
You grew tired of his treatment and avoided him at all costs. His violent background as a Yakuza also scared you away from him. He didn’t threaten you but he did make jokes about it. So here you are now running to class before he finds you. You managed to avoid him for three weeks now. Thankful you hadn’t seen him much this January.
After class he was waiting for you outside your classroom. His arms crossed with a pleasant smile but his eyes weren’t as pleased with you. He knew you started avoiding him. Your lip quivered lightly but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he always did. He memorized your schedule by now so he walked you to your next class with his arm around you.
“No need to be so scared little songbird. I missed you. After all I don’t get to see that lovely smile of yours.”
“You did?”
He laughs but continues the conversation.
“Yes I do need you. I’m your Haruno, remember? Or did you forget again?”
“No Haruno of course not-”
“I hope not. I’m always reminding you aren’t I?”
“You are?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He said firmly.
You timidly nod.
“Repeating myself is useless. I’m sure you’ll learn eventually. Silly girl.”
He stopped in front of your other class finally removing his arm from you. He gives you a mocking bow before heading off. You sigh with relief. He’s still a Yakuza so you’re too scared of him. You ended up seeing him looking for you at lunch time. It was due to his association with you, you had no friends. Everyone fears the powerful bully, Shiobana. He warns others to leave you alone but he still picks on you a bit.
You decide to eat lunch elsewhere. You soon find a small class of students but you decide to sit outside. Who would want to be your friend? Not with Haruno around you. It would be the student body council who notice you. They understood your circumstances regarding Haruno. The class president took it upon himself to greet you.
“Good day to you. Would you like to eat with us?”
You couldn’t believe who’s speaking to you. Ritsu is the most popular guy at school. He’s a model student but also a good friend to everyone he’s around. It’s no wonder he easily became the school President. He’s so social and kind to everyone. Not to mention he’s incredibly handsome. His blonde hair and bright eyes could make any girl fall for him. It was in those bright hazel green eyes you see such kindness and a welcoming aura to him.
“Yes thank you Ritsu.”
You shyly follow but he makes sure you’re comfortable as he has you seated next to him. He introduced you to rest of the student council. He also expressed to sit with them if you’d like to.
“Thank you so much, President!”
“Please call me Ritsu! I’m only a third year.” He laughed knowing you’re a second year. “I see the others avoid you because of that Shiobana. I know he means well but do be careful with him. There’s a reason the school fears him.”
“Yes I know his title very well..”
“Does he pick on you?”
“He does? Don’t worry I won’t allow any harm come to you. Most importantly that Shiobana can be a bully. I don’t like seeing him pick on others. We often butt heads.”
“You do?”
“All the time. Shiobana doesn’t hurt me but because he understands I don’t like seeing others mistreated unless they’re yakuza.”
“I see. Thank you Ritsu.”
It would be several weeks you’re around the student council and you befriended the secretary, Trish Una. She is also popular due to her lead singing in the school choir. She’s also a beauty many students fawn over.
Haruno hadn’t seen you much but he wanted to change this. He knew he had to mend his relationship with you. You’re so scared of him now. It hurt him seeing you so scared of him. You don’t even look at him. Today he’ll make a first attempt at talking to you.
He found you walking to class with Trish Una. It was surprising for him to see you as you are right now. Your hair and makeup was done so magnificently. It seemed Trish gave you a bit of a makeover, not that you required it to be pretty. You’re always looking so angelic to him. You’re the prettiest without any need for cosmetic products but it did bring out your eyes and lips. He wished he could hug you. Trish left to her choir class and you head off to class. Haruno stepped in front of your path to greet you. You gulp but he’s gentle.
“I haven’t seen you, my songbird. Did you think you could avoid me for so long without seeing me, baka (idiot)?”
“No of course not Haruno.”
“It’s not like I missed you but I did want to make sure you’re okay.”
“You did?” Your eyes widened displaying how long your lashes are to him.
“Yes you’re my songbird..” He replied carefully as he hid his blush easily. Your eyes certainly had an affect on him.
“I’m your songbird..? Why call me your songbird?”
“Could be because I’ve heard your singing..”
“I thought it was because you think I’m a bird brain.”
He laughed with a light sweat to his face. Could it be he felt guilt? His concern for your well being made you smile bashfully. Such a smile made his heart melt. He calmed his heart but his blush didn’t escape you.
“I appreciate the concern. Haruno I wish you’d talk to me more.”
He looked sad. His eyes drifting up to you in guilt. He placed his hand over his heart.
“Of course.. I believe I have so much more to tell you. I'm sorry.. I was hurt you didn’t remember me. I thought I didn’t matter to you.”
“Of course I do. I’d never forget you. It’s why I’ve forgiven you. You have a lot of making up to do.”
“Promise.” He crosses his heart to his exposed chest.
The heart shaped window displayed such a promise to you with his determined action. His eyes fill with determination as well.
“I Haruno Shiobana intend to earn your forgiveness.”
“Very well Haruno I’m looking forward to it.”
You pass him and he watches with a light smile. It would be later during lunch he looked for you again. He saved his favorite pudding for you. He hopes you two can also have a deep discussion. He goes to the rooftop with the use of his stand, golden wind. The growing tree branches aid in him climbing. As he continues looking for you he noticed you with the student council.
He was happy to see you with Trish Una. A good acquaintance of his. She’s a good friend of Narancia and Mista. Two of his closest friends. However when his eyes landed on you and Ritsu he became angered. You befriended the President? Why him of all people? He’s always attempting to break up fights he has with gang members who happen to be students of other schools. He tends to jump to conclusions about Haruno.
He noticed you hugging Ritsu before he left with a group of students. Ritsu is well liked by the entire school. He’s loved by both teachers and students. There isn’t many he doesn’t get along with. Haruno wondered if his love for you would be enough for you to return his feelings. Could Ritsu be the type of guy you’re into? You looked so happy around him.
He climbed down the building towards you. The pudding given to you after he greeted you. You remembered how much he adored pudding. The smile on your face certainly made his day.
“Thank you Haruno. I remember how much you loved these.”
“You remember?”
“Of course! We used to share them with each other.”
“Means a lot you remember sharing them.”
“Yes Haruno. How I could not? You used to smile so much eating them.”
“Thank you..” It was small but very meaningful to him.
Haruno’s smile surprised you but it was welcomed. He was happy sharing with you. His actions today proving to surprise your further. He thought back to his actions toward you and apologized.
“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have assumed so poorly of you.” He admits with a sad expression.
“I understand you must’ve been through so many hardships. It was a misunderstanding but do remember your promise.”
He laughed crossing his chest with a finger. You nod as you enjoy the pudding cup. He hopes he’s able to repair his relationship with you. It’s times such these he cherishes your company and knows his feelings for you haven’t changed. He knows deep down you’ve always meant the world to him. The teasing and nicknames stemmed from his feelings for you. He may have picked on you but he sees now how his actions have been so unfair to you.
He’s thankful for your understanding. Afterall bullies do stem from insecurity. For Haruno it was because everyone treated him like scum growing up. He had thought the friendship meant nothing to you if you’ve forgotten about him. He understands he has changed so much since then which is why you no longer recognized him.
As the school days passed he noticed your relationship with Ritsu more and more. He was well aware of your crush on the student council President. Your bashfulness made it a bit obvious but Haruno found out from your sketches in your spiral notebook. He noticed doodles of hearts with Ritsu’s name. His ever observant eyes aiding him now than ever before.
Haruno soon passed a group of girls discussing Ritsu. All about how charming they think he is and he’s the most attractive student at school. The yakuza member pondered to himself. Looks don’t matter but he would try to put more effort into his appearance as he tried to earn your love.
The next day Haruno wore a new cologne and had a set of piercings on. He got them pierced the previous day. His earrings are blue studs. They add to his beautiful piercing blue eyes.
He would smile at your compliment to his new piercings. His charm was displayed so effortlessly as he made you blush with his light flirting. A feat he could easily do as he called you angel or darling. He made the extra effort by handing you a single rose. They were different colors each time too.
“Your smile flatters me, darling. I look forward to seeing it at lunch if you don’t mind.”
“Sure Haruno. Thanks for the rose. This one is white. Any reason why?”
“But of course. It reminds me of you. You represent the white rose.”
“How so, Haruno?”
“It’s effortlessly beautiful and pure.”
“Aww Haruno you’re too sweet.” You laughed. “I better head off to class. See you during lunch.”
Unfortunately you wouldn’t see Haruno until your next couple classes after lunch. You have one period with him. During lunch Haruno ran into leaky eyed Luka. The brunette had been bullying Haruno for months on end ever since their fight during the beginning of the school year. Luka is a drug dealer and always butts heads with Haruno. The two are always fighting. Today was no different however he confronted Haruno with a shovel instead of his fists.
A huge fight between the two occurred when Luka knocked out Bruno on the head with his shovel. Haruno wouldn’t allow such treatment to his best friend happen without consequence. Haruno has enough of Luka’s medelling with innocent people and his awful drug dealing. He ended up using his stand on Luka by creating a frog to distract him. Golden wind ensued punches on Luka but after he didn’t hold back when he hit Haruno.
Haruno was badly injured by Luka. His opponent was also part of the yakuza but he was from a different gang. Haruno had no intentions of leaving without giving Luka the proper punishment. Luka ended up falling head first onto his shovel, causing him to faint. Haruno made sure to make an example of him in front of others by kicking his ass in public so no one would sell drugs in his territory.
He showed up to class nearly shirtless with his top torn from his fight. His forehead and abdomen had cuts and bruises. He was bleeding from his head and arms but not too much. You became concerned from what you saw in the back of the class. Everyone can see the tattoo and star shaped birthmark on his shoulder. Everyone was intimidated aside from his fan girls who offered to clean him up or give back rubs. He refused any of their offers.
When you look over to him you notice his handsome smile. It was small and he did so when he knew no one was looking. You smile back awkwardly remembering the compliments he gave you earlier. The teacher said not a word to Haruno as this wasn’t the first time he arrived to class beaten up.
There would be twenty minutes of class left until the bell rings. Ritsu arrived to class so he could make a few announcements. They’re hosting a Valentines dance soon. Everyone wondered about the rose bouquet he held in his arms until he looked directly at you. Haruno became incredibly annoyed at such a confident look Ritsu had given you. He couldn’t hide such an expression. His eyes became incredibly cold. His classmates beside him became scared of his presence. Not Ritsu as he walks up to your desk.
Your eyes widen as he hands you the bouquet. You became speechless at his nexts words. His expression was so tender and his charming smile made every girl in the room very jealous. Their jealousy wouldn’t match Haruno’s as the air around him filled with rage.
“I do hope for Valentines you consider going to the dance with me. I’d be honored.” He held his hand to his chest.
Since Ritsu is so popular he had almost everyone’s support including the teacher. Everyone cheered him on or applauded before he bid everyone a goodbye then a wink your way. Haruno couldn't allow Ritsu to take you away from him. He thought deeply about his next move until he overheard his fangirls talking about Ritsu. They kept talking about his blonde hair and popularity. Haruno had a couple ideas brewing in his mind until class was over.
Ritsu was a crush of yours but ever since you started talking to your childhood friend again you developed a bit of feelings for him too. You've forgiven Haruno but you're unsure how to feel. You would think hard about your decision until the next day at school.
Haruno decided to impress you. Perhaps a new change to his look. He knows you care not for his looks but it would add to his charm. Blondes did have an affect on you from what his observant eyes have seen. At night he looked over his hair and used golden wind to grow his hair longer. He dyes it blonde afterwards. Anything his rival can do, he can do better. He experimented with hairstyles and chose a braid.
At school you noticed everyone crowding a student. It happened to be Haruno's fangirl's but you didn't think much of it until you heard his name getting called by all the dozens of students around him. You heard gossips about it but this was nothing new for him. You froze upon hearing his voice.
"No thank you. I appreciate the invite but go away."
The girls all became so sad as they walked off. You couldn’t believe your eyes. His new hair style suited him very well. He almost looked like a completely new person. He even dyed his eyebrows too. It all really brought out his turquoise eyes. He walks up to you taking note of how bashful and cute you are around him. He greets you with such a charming smile, you feel the temperature in your face heat up.
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“You’re Haruno? No way... you look so handsome with blonde hair. I almost don't recognize you."
"You flatter me, my dear.” He kissed your hand.
You stutter out why he changed his look much to his delight.
“I simply desired a change. I’m happy you like it.”
“I do. You look so cute.”
“Is that so?” He chuckled. “I hadn’t any idea you thought I was cute, darling.” He holds up a small bunch of carnations for you. “I believe these are for you.”
You accept the pink and white carnations with a sweet smile. Haruno knew he would have an upper hand over Ritsu with the chemistry you have with him. Your expression was loving. He knew in his heart your love is meant to be.
“I hope to see you during lunch, my songbird. I’ll miss you.”
“It won’t be long, Haruno. Don’t be silly!” You laugh.
“To me it will.” He chuckles.
Later on at lunch Haruno waited for you outside your class. He greeted you, offering his arm to you. You accept with grace. Walking with Haruno around school. He kept getting you to blush with his effortless charm. He paid for your lunch and wouldn't allow you to hold your own tray. You felt like a princess.
You promised to meet him afterschool but before you did you told Ritsu how you wouldn't be going with him to the dance since you have feelings for someone else. Spending lunch with Haruno cemented your feelings for him. You two could be yourselves around each other and have fun. The school President would understand but be a bit disheartened. You ran into Haruno who offered his arm to you again. He walked you home.
"Fair well, darling. I'll miss you." He bowed as if he were a prince.
"You'll see me tomorrow." You giggled.
"Too long I'm afraid."
"It wouldn't happen to be because it's Valentine's. Am I correct Haruno Shiobana?" You tease him.
"I don't suppose you want me to propose?"
Your eyes widen as you stutter in embarrassment knowing he is teasing you as well. He chuckles, kissing your forehead before leaving.
"You're very cute, darling. Have a good rest of your evening."
"Bye darling.." You repeat bashfully.
It would be his turn to blush a bit but he isn't surprised. You're the only girl who could make such a feeling rise to his handsome face. Your beloved Haruno would surprise you tomorrow with a handwritten haiku and a huge bouquet of pink and red roses he grew using golden wind.
You read it during class. It was a romantic poem about how he’s in love with you. You wished you could speak to him during lunch but he was busy fighting Luka again. Leaky eyed Luka got into a fight with Narancia and Fugo. All three aggressively butting heads maliciously. Narancia ended up taking Fugo to the nurse while Haruno was left to be on the receiving end of Luka’s awful mood. He didn’t like the attention Haruno was receiving from his fangirls. Everyone of them had chocolate for the blonde much to Luka’s chagrin.
“Don’t get cocky because of our last fight, Shiobana. I’ll kill you.”
“One dealing out a death sentence must be prepared to die.” Haruno said without a second thought.
“You don’t scare me. Last time was an accident. You got lucky. Don’t think these girls actually have feelings for you. Once I’m done with you they won’t recognize you.” Luka said with a dark look in his eyes.
Haruno wasn’t affected by his words. He fought off Luka the entire lunch period. You cheered on Haruno much to the annoyance of his fan club. He didn’t respond since he didn’t want Luka to go after you.
“Shut the hell up!” Luka shouted at the crowd of girls who got spooked and gasped.
You’re too busy worrying about Haruno. You knew he must be injured from all the hits he received from Luka’s shovel. The fight lasted a while it ended in a tie. Haruno told you to meet him after school during class.
The entire school was decorated in a Valentines theme since the dance would be today. Many couples and confessions littered the school. It made you wonder what Haruno would tell you. You look forward to seeing Haruno but wonder about his poem he wrote you. It was a romantic side you’ve never seen from him.
So after school you waited and waited until it was taking too long. Half an hour passed so you went looking for Haruno through the hallways. The decorations were so cute especially the red and pink heart shaped balloons. Must be in preparation to the dance. In the baseball field you found him but he was in poor condition this time. Luka had a pocket knife and was about to use his shovel to hit poor Haruno laying on the dirt. You remember a closet nearby and grab a bat.
Luka didn’t notice you since he was too busy cussing out Haruno about his revenge. You went behind Luka hitting his back. You never imagined you’d stand up to a bully but Haruno meant a lot to you. His strength is one of his admirable traits and from it you’ve learned to defend others as well. He’s earned respect for defending those in the community who can’t do so for themselves from other Yakuza. Luka fell to the ground in pain. When he stood back up to figure out who hit him you struck his head really hard. He fainted thankfully but your worries about Haruno remained.
“Haruno!” You lay his head on your lap after checking over his injuries.
He woke up shortly after but with a large bump to his head. He had a bruises to his chin and body. You noticed a giant bruise on his chest through his chest window. You're sure he had plenty more injuries' under his navy blue school shirt didn’t. Luka had been attacking him with his pocket knife.
Eventually Haruno’s blue eyes open. He is surprised to see you but is concerned about Luka. He can barely sit up but he uses his stand to heal himself as he talks to you.
“I knocked him out with a bat. We need to get you out of here.”
“I appreciate your concern.” He chuckles looking at the huge bump Luka has on his head. “It seems he should be worried about you instead.”
“Haruno...” You say worriedly.
“I didn’t think you would defend me.” His eyes reveal to be thankful for you.
“If not me. Who else? I can’t let him hurt someone so precious to me.”
“I’m precious to you?” His smile became smug but you playfully smack his chest. His holds your hand to his chest.
“Haruno your wounds are gone!”
“It seems they’ve disappeared. Let’s not worry about it. We both better leave.” He stood up but wouldn’t allow you to help him. He didn’t want to burden you.
“Haruno you piece of shit! I’ll kill you!” Luka shouts with blood dripping down his face.
He wasn’t phased by the threat to his life. Haruno simply turned toward his opponent with a glare. He vows to himself to defeat Luka hurriedly so he can finally take you on the date he planned.
“...Muda Muda.” He simply said.
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“What?! You calling me useless?! Fight me Shiobana!!”
Haruno went on to summon his stand to defeat Luka. Golden wind went on to punch Luka several times. You hadn’t any idea how Haruno was defeating Luka but it didn’t matter to you. Golden wind didn’t hold back as he unleashed a flurry of punches as he’s always done to opposing yakuza in his territory.
Your eyes widened at Luka’s body landing across the baseball field. Haruno acted as though nothing happened as he led you back to the front gates of the school. You caught up to him looking over his injuries.
“There isn’t any need. All my wounds are healed.”
“That’s impossible. There’s no need to hide them. I want to help you.”
“Your concern means the world to me, my dear but I assure you they’ve healed. See for yourself.” He unzipped his jacket to show off to you.
You’re stunned for multiple reasons but his bold actions made you bashful. His torso was on full display for you. Tattoos tracing from his back up to his pecs and shoulders. You ignore it in favor of looking for his wounds. It appears he had told you the truth. It didn’t make any sense to you, much like the fight you observed earlier.
“How did they heal? You were bleeding!”
“I suppose it was magic.” He laughed. “You don’t need to be so shy. You can look as you please.”
“Not funny Haruno! I’m truly worried here.”
“I can see for myself. You’re incredibly sweet. It’s no wonder I’ve fallen for you, darling.”
His light eyes show he meant the truth. They’re so caring and fill with an emotion only shown for you. He tried giving you a hug but you get too embarrassed since he’s shirtless. He laughs offering his jacket to you.
“Care to dress me?”
“Not funny Haruno!” Your face turns beet red.
“My apologies. A gentleman offers his jacket to a fair maiden. It was only natural I did.”
“You’re too much at times Haruno Shiobana.” You giggle.
He zips his school jacket back on and offers his arm to you. You accept hooking your own arm with his.
“Where are we going?”
“I have somewhere special to show you. I take it you received the gift I left in your locker.”
“How did you do it?”
“My friends happen to be good at lock picking but I assure you we only use such skills on those who deserve it.”
“I understand Haruno. You and your men do a lot for this town. I hope it’s the same in the city too but right now I want to thank you for such a poem.”
He looks directly into your magnificent eyes. “I meant every word. You mean the world to me.” He admitted.
“Haruno do I really?” You asked with hopeful eyes.
“Yes, darling.” He nods but looks else where. “It’s why I have a date planned for us.”
“I look forward to it.” You lean your head against him.
He takes you behind an abandoned house. The backyard however has a huge garden. It’s so full of life. The rose garden hadn’t been what you expected. You wonder if this is where he picks your daily roses for you. Truth be told he spent the day prior growing such a garden with golden wind. He even set up a beautiful outdoor table and chairs for the both of you.
“Haruno this is so beautiful. I’m speechless.”
“This is how I feel when I’m around you. Endlessly feeling loved and in the presence of beauty.”
“I love you. I’ve been in love with you ever since we were children. It took me a while to realize I harbored such feelings for you. I was unsure about such feelings since I’ve never experienced love before. It’s because your heart is so endlessly beautiful I was able to harbor these feelings for you. I continue to learn so much about my emotions thanks to your compassion and understanding. It’s a beauty to never fail me.” His hand reaches out to your own.
You step closer to him and hold his hand. You didn’t know what to say at first. It wasn’t necessary for Haruno understood your feelings from your loving expression. You’re no doubt his sweetheart. He knows in his heart you are. He lifts his other hand towards your chin to give you a little caress.
“You yourself are enchantingly beautiful. You’re so lovely and I’m so lucky to have met you.” His blue eyes look to you with such emotion you’ve never seen before.
You understand this moment to be so precious with someone such as Haruno. He’s always been closed off from others. It takes time for someone such as him to truly open up. His abuse from his childhood caused him so much pain and neglect. Learning how to love took him several more steps and you know you created such a bridge for him to cross for his love to became so natural to him. Haruno understands he’s in love and expresses it so beautifully to you.
“Haruno I’m so happy you have such feelings for me. I’m honored to have been there for you. My relationship with you has always been meaningful to me.” You seat yourself on a chair while Haruno goes on a knee holding your hand to his cheek while he lays his head against your knee.
“It appears our feelings for each other are mutual. If you would become my Valentine and my beloved girlfriend I’ll forever cherish you.” He looks up to you with hopeful blue eyes. You can see fear as well.
You lift his chin to kiss him. He returns it while holding your hand that lays against his sharp jawline.
“Of course Haruno. I love you too.”
“You’ve made it clear.” He stood up holding your hand with his ever sweet smile your direction. You could look at his charming smile all day long.
He guides you through the garden picking roses for you. You accept them. Smelling the bunch of roses. He appreciates your beauty as you do.
“Would you like ice cream? There’s a shop I'm familiar with in the area.”
“Sounds lovely.” Your eyes light up.
At the ice cream shop he orders two scoops. One chocolate and the other pistachio. You order a scoop of your favorite flavor with one or two toppings. As he was about to pay, the owner laughed and told him they’re on the house. When you asked him why the shop owner did so while you two were outside Haruno explained he protects them from theft.
“I’m not surprised my boyfriend would protect others. That shop keeper was so happy seeing you.”
He was eager to hear such a title bestowed upon him from you. You pointed out ice cream on his nose and cheek. He gets embarrassed but twice as much when you wipe it off for him. His eyes widen noticing your handkerchief you pulled from your skirt pocket. The perfume scented handkerchief made him a bit dizzy. As he’s enjoying himself you caress his jawline then his chin. When he looks directly at you he feels a light peck to his lips. The teasing kiss happened so fast he barely blinked as he realized what happened. His heart melts and the smile given to you is so rewarding.
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“I love you, my dear. Only you can turn me to such a lovesick fool.”
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cammy-mcspammy · 2 years
@shxftxng YOOO I drew your request
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😔😔😔😔 and some sketches too I cannot just draw 1 thing
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jojolustnotes · 2 years
I NEED THE SLASHER JOTARO PLEASE IM SO THIRSTY. He wears gloves and carries a knife and has this smirk IM SCREAMING @shxftxng
Ohoho! Jotaro as a slasher though, yeah... Just stylish and quiet. No one ever sees him coming, he just kinda quietly appears and just has this... intense stare like you’re conflicted should you be scared or aroused? Maybe a little bit of both? Ah, yes, and his smirk. He knows, he knows he’s got you good. 
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morioh-killer · 2 years
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Blog promo for @shxftxng
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
@shxftxng here again 🥺 yesterday was mine and JoJo’s one year wedding anniversary. I know I already asked for a note this week but could I please get something really sweet from him addressed to Star (you used it as a nickname from him for me once and I’ve been using it ever since)? I’ve been thinking of commissioning art of us again but I’m not too sure what I want to get 😩 anyways thanks in advance angel 💕💕💕💕 hope you’re taking care of and being kind to yourself and getting lots of rest and water💕
Hi Vi! Happy belated anniversary! Oh gosh don't even worry about it! I don't mind you asking for notes are anything at all really! Aw! I'm so glad you liked that nickname hehe. Ooh! Commissions are nice to get, but yeah it can be difficult to decide what. Have you checked on pintrest? Sometimes you can find some good poses that might be good to use. Of course you're welcome! Thank you, I definitely am! I hope you are too!
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To the brightest star in my life,
Happy Anniversary. You know it's still surreal to me anytime we celebrate a milestone together. At one point I wasn't sure if we were going to make it... I mean because well, you know how I can be sometimes. I know I've been stubborn and have had a hard time expressing myself but I realized it's so much easier to write these things out to you instead of trying to tell you in person. It's just embarrassing you know? I'm glad you've learned to accept me the way I am, even if it frustrates you sometimes.
We each have our own way of showing each other our love, and I'm just glad we can appreciate each other's ways. I hope I'll always make you as happy as you make me. I love us. Our relationship hasn't been perfect, but we've found a way to make it work and to understand each other... I'm happy you get me. I never thought I'd meet anyone who gets me, but you do and I couldn't be happier. To many more years.
Love always,
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
Hey Berry it’s @shxftxng here after a mild hiatus from the ss community. It’s my birthday!! I was wondering if I could please get something sweet from JoJo? Our wedding anniversary is coming up at the end of the month too and I’m SOOO excited!!!
Hi! It's nice to see you! Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! Aw, of course!! That's super exciting! ♡ Do you have anything planned to celebrate?
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Happy birthday! I'm happy to be able to celebrate another one by your side. I know I might not say it enough, but I'm really glad you're mine. You've really opened up my heart and allowed me to be more honest with myself about my feelings. At times it's just easier to put up a wall... You know how that can be, but, you make me want to break that wall down. Anyway I didn't mean for this to turn too sappy. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you. There's this new restaurant I've been wanting to take you to... but I'm not sure if we should go there for your birthday or if maybe we should save it for our anniversary celebration.
Then again, maybe taking a trip for our anniversary would be best, so maybe that nice restaurant can be first. It's whatever you want to do though. As long as we're spending time together it'll be a wonderful time. I love you, Vi. I hope you never doubt that. Whenever we're apart, you're always on my mind. I've never shown you, but when I've been out of town for research I've jotted down thoughts of you when taking field notes. I was always a bit too embarrassed to admit that, but there's no harm in admitting that to my wife.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, blossom. I’d love to spend the day with you, if you’re feeling up to it. I wanted to take you to this fish market that has plenty of vendors and many different foods we could try together. Afterwards I think it would be lovely to take a stroll in the park together - especially now since there are still sakura’s in bloom. What a better way to spend Valentine’s Day than to take my blossom to take a look at the sakura blossoms? 
I’d love to finish the evening with simply just staying in together... Maybe even sharing some wine together. It’s always just nice to talk with you. You tell the best stories, and your laugh is so intoxicating. Spending time with you never fails to put a smile on my face. I love you with my entire being. I promise that I’ll always love you - no matter what. You’re just so important and special to me. We’ve gone through so much together, and I think that is what is going to keep us bonded for eternity. 
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
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@shxftxng here to gush about my first poly ship! It’s Don Giorno, Mista, and I 💕💕💕💕💕💕 (not my art) but this is us basically, I think it’s pretty easy to see who’s who lol
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I’ve been brain rotting over us three for a while and I’m just so in love with them 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I don’t have a ship name for us yet, but I’m working on it. I’ve made a billion of these though. (Not my template)
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Don’t wanna be annoying but I’m so in love with the image of the three of us in a ballroom, taking turns dancing and playing the piano. Just hella romantic and so much love. We balance each other out so well and hshsvvsbab thank you for listening I’m done 💕
Hi there Vi! :) Oh my goodness, lol I love those ship dynamic meme poses haha. It’s great. No no you’re not being annoying dw! I totally get that newfound enthusiam when you discover a new ship that you’ve got so I get that! Awww, that sounds like such a lovely time :) Well, it sounds like y’all are happy together and I’m happy for y’all! :) If you come up with a ship name feel free to let me know what it is! 
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
@shxftxng here ❤️ I originally came here to gush but I think I just wan to request a love letter from my JoJo instead of letting me know that he loves me and that he’ll always be here for me 🥺💕 just something sweet and lovie dovie ❤️💕 tysm in advance
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I just wanted to check in with you. I know I've been a bit busy lately, but I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I know your days have been a little rough lately, so I just wanted to make sure to remind you that I love you so much and I'm so happy to have you in my life. I'll always be here for you. Even when we're apart, I'm always just thinking about getting back home to you. I know sometimes I might not be the best at showing my feelings, but I promise that I won't ever take you for granted or do anything stupid to lose you. I just want you to be the one I spend the rest of my life with. I'm definitely going to give you extra hugs and kisses once I see you again.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, cara. You deserve to be spoiled extra today and showered in even more affection than usual. Every day feels like Valentine’s Day with you as being near you always makes my heart flutter. I hope you always feel how loved you are by me. I would never want to hurt you. I just want to protect you - I just want to be the one to protect your heart. I love you so much, gattina, and I always want to bring you happiness. 
I know showing love and affection isn’t just about receiving gifts, but I couldn’t resist buying you some nice gifts to spoil you. Some flowers, chocolate, and jewelry of course. The classic ways to show love for the special someone in your life. I always want to show you just how much you mean to me, and I promise to never take you for granted. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. I’m looking forward to covering you in kisses, I want you to feel my love for you all over your body.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
JJLN Holiday Letters To: @shxftxng​​ Love: Jotaro
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My star, 
The end of the year is fast approaching... I’m happy to have spent another year with you. I never understood the phrase ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, but now that you’re in my life I get what people mean. Sometimes it feels like time is zooming by. I don’t want it to go by too quickly though. I want to enjoy every moment I have with you. I know sometimes I might be busy, or it seems like maybe I’m being a little distant but to be honest I’m still getting used to this amount of love and affection. It makes me happy, but, sometimes I guess I don’t really know how I should respond to it. You definitely make me want to let my guard down more, but... at times I’m just afraid because I wouldn’t want to get you caught up in something bad. 
Anyway that’s not the point of this letter. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to have you in my life and to tell you how much I appreciate you. I got you a little something to show you my appreciation for our Present Day. I really hope you like it. I took forever in the store trying to pick it out. It’s a bracelet with our initials and a star on it too. That way if we ever have to be apart at least you can still think of me. It’ll kinda be like having me closer... Maybe. I hope you see it that way too. Thank you for being in my life and for loving me, Vi. 
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
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I know we’ve been through a lot ups and downs getting to the point where we’re finally together now. Sometimes I look back and wonder how different things would be if we kept on being stubborn... well, mostly me. I’m glad I finally decided to tell you how I feel. That was no easy feat, especially not for me. I didn’t want to be the one to admit it, but you could always see right through me when I tried to deny my feelings huh? I guess it’s true that some relationships you’ve got to wait until the time is right and I’m glad our time finally came. I promise this time I’m not going to do anything stupid. I want this to be it - I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I think I’ve always known that, but I thought maybe I was the only one who felt that way. I love you so much, Vi. I promise to cherish every moment with you. Forever.
@shxftxng​♡ Tysm for supporting me on ko-fi! ♡ 
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
Good evening my lovely Berry 🍓💕 hope you’re well and taking good care of yourself.
@shxftxng here for some STAND GUSHING 💕💕
(Giving the stands some well-deserved sentience here)
I was thinking about how cute it would be that Star Platinum and Hot Spell would cuddle while Jotaro and I are out in public and can’t touch each other, or Star popping out randomly throughout the day and wanting to see Spell just because he likes her. His little “ora”s while he squeezes her, and Jotaro is just bright red like “good grief” while Spell pets Star’s hair (bc JoJo can feel it too and that’s a weakness of his) and coos little “hot hot hot”s at him ughhhhhh my heart they’re so cute and I just really love Star. Jotaro would pretend to be annoyed when Spell wants to see Star but he also thinks it’s adorable that they like each other as much as him and I do 💕🥺
[ @shxftxng ]
Hi there! Aw, thank you so much. I hope you are too! :) but yes!! Stand gushing!! We love to see it :D ♡
But aaah, that’s really cute. I love the concept of stand cuddling it’s just so sweet... Especially like having the stands being affectionate together in public when most people wouldn’t be able to see what was going on unless they’re stand users too ;w; But aaah, that’s so adorable. Gotta love the stands expressing their user’s love towards each other too. It’s so sweet! ♡
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
@shxftxng here to actually gush for once 😩 I finished the fic I was writing about my OC Anko and her reunion with Jotaro after 18 years and I just really love the two of them together. The fic finally lays out their history between SDC and Stone Ocean. It’s very spicy too but that’s NSFW and I won’t share that here 😩 but I’m so proud of this fic and I never finish anything so I’m just EXTRA pleased
Yesss, gush! Oh!! Aww, that’s great! I’m glad you were able to finish up a fic! That’s honestly so powerful - I always say I’m going to write things for myself and I often don’t end up doing it SOBS so I’m glad you were able to do it!! OHHH! I’d love to read it though, you know my spicy blog if you wanna link me or send it to me privately ;P Proud of you!! :D 
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