shuvia-lu · 1 month
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— ♡
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theguildawards · 11 months
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Hello guildmates!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the fanart nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here that has the complete list!
You can find the list of all the fanfiction nominations here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin November 15th and end November 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
Best Action/Adventure
“we illuminate the dark” by @flamedork (tumblr)
“Mirajane” by @pencilequipped (tumblr)
“Freed Day” by @moxiepoxart (tumblr/TW)
Best AU/AR
“a quick art for an AU” by @4stralfairy (tumblr)
“erza redesign” by @mousecracker (tumblr)
“Accidental Freed AU/backstory” by @intelligentbiscuit (tumblr/DA)
“Fairytail Next Generation” by @hollie-artz (tumblr)
“Dragon Erza” by @ace-of-fairytail (tumblr)
Best Canon
“Juvia piece” by @pencilequipped (tumblr)
“Happy Nalu Day 2023” by @likubears (tumblr)
Best Angst
“foolish remains of a hyacinth” by @heartonxions (tumblr/IG)
“queen of fairies” by @nalunalu (tumblr)
Best Dark
“Untitled” by @heartserion (tumblr)
“Monster” by @acnologias-ass (tumblr)
“‘You’ve become a beast’ ‘I know’” by @phoenix-before-the-flame (tumblr)
“A Mouth Full of Ridicule” by @firapolemos05 (tumblr)
Best Humor/Parody
“NaLu Winter Wonderland 2022” by @imnothereokuwu (tumblr)
“They’re guilty😔” by @lav3nder-bees (tumblr)
“Why As a Man, Are you Blond” by @butcherza (tumblr)
“Barbie Movie Tickets For Phantom Buddies” by @imyourcoopid (tumblr)
Best Kiss
“Guilty Pleasures” by @bluessom1 (tumblr)
“don’t interrupt the master’s meetings” by @castkorb (tumblr)
“Luvia” by @watcher-ofthe-sky (tumblr)
Best Romance
“A Fairy Tale of our own making” by @nalunalu (tumblr)
'Love and Other Fairy Tales’  by @heartonxions (tumblr)
“Gruvia Week” by @goodnightlover (tumblr)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
“lucy + cana <3” by @heartserion (tumblr)
“Untitled” by @annluvazzel (tumblr)
“fraxus week day 5 - guilty pleasures / indulgences” by @lav3nder-bees (tumblr)
“Shadowlight Week Day 2: Thrill/Undress” by @oryu404 (tumblr)
Best Character
“Juvia piece” by @pencilequipped (tumblr)
“Lucy Heartfilia - Fairy Tail” by @lumen-anima (tumblr)
“when the hard work pays off (Aries)” by @burilingo (tumblr)
“Natsu Dragneel” by @anushpaint (tumblr)
“Thunder Dragon King Laxus Dreyar!!” by @wispzoa (tumblr)
Best Duo/Pairing
“Untitled” by @doubleragnarok (tumblr)
“fairy tails only(?) 2 two card mages” by @ace-of-fairytail (tumblr)
“Summer Fraxus” by @wispzoa (tumblr/TW)
“a quick art for an AU” by @4stralfairy (tumblr)
“Fight!!” by @castkorb (tumblr)
“The Blue-Haired Found Siblings” by @jerzaworms (tumblr)
Best Group Depiction
“Anniversary” by @love---mandy
“some crime sorciere pastels” by @jerzaworms (tumblr)
“Team Thunderstorm Naptime” by @pencilofawesomeness (tumblr)
“hehehe team shadowgear make brain go brrr” by @moonylilies (tumblr)
Best Manga Coloring
“Juvia”  by @shuvia-lu (tumblr)
“Mashima's Twitter doodle" by @zelkams-art (tumblr)
“Sun vs. Moon” by @krn02-12 (tumblr)
Best Redraw 
“I believe in you” by @imnothereokuwu (tumblr)
“Redrawing one of my favorite frames” by @sherlismyfather (tumblr)
“Cryptid Mode” by @pencilofawesomeness (tumblr)
“Jackal” by @misquitz (tumblr)
“Nalu Gruvia Jerza Redraw from Mashima’s Art” by @gymjunkie412 (tumblr)
Best Overall
“Please, accept him” by @phoenix-before-the-flame (tumblr)
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb” by @bluessom1 (tumblr)
“Happy Gajeel Day" by @butcherza (tumblr)
“Night sovereignty” by @crowind1 (tumblr)
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harleiquina · 1 year
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"May siblings be together, for that is the first law. May their union be true in anytime, because if they fight each other they'll be devoured by those outside" (José Hernández, "Martín Fierro").
So, today I found out that there was going to be a picket to support the WGA strike in my country (Argentina) and relatively close home. I wish I knew it sooner, I would've liked to join... but
I'm not a guild member (reason why I never received any kind of news about it) because...
Technically I'm not a writer (a professional, I mean. The ones that get paid to write) which leads me to...
I have a job that I hate and I can't just skip a random day because...
Even If they pay me very little, I am the breadwinner at home and every little cent counts... since...
My country's economy is a bloody mess that could be solved in over 50 years, if we are lucky.
So, here I am, making a post in solidarity to the Strike while waiting for the calls to start to ring. This might be a lenghty (and personal) one.
My journey into writing:
It was hard to answer the old question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" as a child because I wanted to be everything (except Doctor and Vet. I still don't like the idea of inflicting any kind of pain to heal someone -yes, I do know that anesthesia is a thing but it does wear off, did you know that? And painkillers too!).
At school I absolutely hated writing as homework, however I always ended up telling stories (my grandfather's folk tales) in the schoolbus for a limited audience. It wasn't until 7th grade that I realized that I was able to have original ideas and put them on paper... then I started to love writing and I would put my best effort into it. Yes, those were silly little stories usually prompted by whatever paragraph or sentence our teacher gave us (twice my aunts laughed at something I was proud of and I won't lie, it did hurt back then. Probably I would laugh now too). Still, coming up with something new was exciting.
In my senior year of Highschool I had "Applied writing" a subject that, supposedly, was there to teach us how to make our resumes, formal letters and other stuff that is "useful" in the work place or life itself. But that's not what I've learned.
I had Marcela Bullentini as my teacher. Someone that was quite scary with her desire for us to speak properly (eliminating the 'sh' sound from our bonaerense accent that changes words like "lluvia" -rain- to make it sound "shuvia", or our usual "perdón" -forgive me- instead of "lo siento" -I'm sorry- EVERYTIME she would answer with a mighty "only God forgives" to remind us that we were using the wrong term). After a few months of trying not to get on her bad side, I started to like her because I could tell that she loved writing and reading. And that's why she never gave us those boring lessons the other classroom's teacher (and school Principal, mind you) gave her students. She taught us the basics tools to write news, anecdotes, opinions and scripts for audio-drama (podcasts weren't a thing in 2009) and even TV (we did had to shoot a short film by the end of the year. Yes mine does suck). She is the reason why I considerated making a living out of writing. When the school year was coming to an end and it was time to enroll in College or the University and my classmates would ask "what are you going to study?" I answered them "I would like to be a Movie Director or Script writer". Guess what was their response... "Why?" usually followed by "that's too easy"
Too easy.
Too easy? How come? Why the Arts are "easy"? Why do you think that your dream of becoming a Sport's Journalist is better than mine wanting to tell stories? You'll still have to write something, you idiot!
Still, I did not followed my passion because making a living off the Arts is quite hard in here. You have to know someone who can "get you in" or beeing a professional boot-licker or work in the worst things ever, beeing completely stepped over and then you might ✨️MIGHT✨️ have a chance to do something true to yourself. And I wanted to be the argentinean Tim Burton, I knew nobody would've backed me up. So my aunt gave me an idea "why don't you try with Advertising? Many movie directors and writers began with Ads". So... off I went to Advertising School.
For those of you that don't know, Advertising is divided in 3 major branches: Accounting (the bridge between the Clients and the Agency), Media (the ones in charge of the budget and with the contacts to publish/play the ads everywhere) and Creativity (the ones that make the ads). I belong to the 3rd group and guess what? We're still thought off as an afterthought... as if making or writing for an ads campaing is something that is "easy", something that anybody can do. That we, the creatives, are just lazy people that every now and then receive a task, like anybody else would toss a bone to a dog, to "do something". To be fair, since I've never worked at an Agency I do not know if this kind of behaviour is present in them too... but all my classmates had this attitude and if they were meant to be the future of this profession, then I'm better off doing anything else but working as a Copywriter.
So here I am today, working as an Over the Phone Interpreter with over 20 stories locked in my head (and scribbled across many notepads and documents in my PC), too tired to write after work and trying not to sit on the computer on my free time because I spend the whole day, 5 days a week sitting in front of it. Still, sometimes I do get things done. My brain doesn't stop just because I have no time or because I'm tired. I know I'll get things done... eventually.
But Laurita, what does this have to do with anything?
This is my blog, I write what I want.
Context was needed.
As I said the whole "writing stories isn't serious enough" "it's too easy" "you can do something better" has been plaguing my life since day one. I was even able to see a glimpse of my favourite teacher's hopes and dreams for me crash in his eyes when I told him that I was studying to become an Advertising Creative. (I'm pretty sure all my teachers thought I would become one of them, or a doctor, or a lawyer, maybe even a scientist).
People!... Telling stories is important!
I dare to say that ours is the oldest profession (not the other one 😏) because whenever a lesson had to be taught, or something needed explanation, there was someone ready to tell a story about it.
Telling stories was never just entertainment. People seems to forget that even the silliest fairytale was meant to leave something behind with their audience. For ages my family and I wondered about the Magic Fish, a russian folckloric tale (a very lazy young man goes fishing in the ice for once in his life and catches the magic fish that promises that if he lets him go, he'll grant any wish he has. The guy ends up living in a palace made of gold and marrying a princess) and then it hit me: it was not the story itself... but the posibility of making many kids go fishing in the ice hoping to catch the Magical Fish that will grant them any wish. Well done, slavic people, well done 👏🏻👏🏻
I do not understand the constant dissmissal of our craft. Well... yes I do. People think it is easy because we make it easy for them. What's the point of creating something inaccessible? Why would anybody need to have a Post Doctorate in whatever field to understand a comic, a joke or a novel? We turn dozens (if not hundreds) of different concepts that fly through our minds into something understandable to anybody.
I watch Cinema Therapy where both hosts analize the psychology behind stories and characters. It is all in plain sight, we all know that Indiana Jones is resiliant, that Aragorn is a non-toxic man... but do you know how my family reacts when I tell them about any of their videos? "Isn't that reading too much into things? It's just a story, it's fantasy!"
It is a story, it is fantasy... but in order for it to work it has to be grounded in reality. Otherwise no-one would feel a thing for any of them!
And who does the dirty work? We do. We have to come up with real non-existent people so their fantastical escape is a good one. One that will make them forget their worries, one that might break their heart in a thousand pieces but carefully put it back with the warmest and stickyest-sweet glue you can find.
Oh! You know who killed the victim before the detective? That's because we feed you the clues so you can participate too.
Whenever my teammates in college had a "creativity attack" and started shooting ideas for ads, I'd step in to tell them why it would be impossible for us to use them (or at least why they didn't worked at all). They would get angry, of course, so I'd suggest them to do it themselves and what was their answer? "You do it, you are the creative one" So you make up your mind, buddy, either you trust me or not. You cannot have it both ways.
People doesn't realise the power that we hold, they think that we just come up with anything off of thin air. They ignore our investigations, how we observe the world and learn from it. They ignore our minds but get surprised even with the most obvious plot-twist (as it happened to mom, I told her something that was going to happen on her soap opera -so the bar was very low- and when it did happened she was like "how did you know?" I was tempted of answering with a "I'm a writer, I see what they are doing" but I just said "because it was obvious" If I actually tried to explain to her how I came up with that she would've thought that I needed help 😵‍💫). We accumulate knowledge like a dragon hoards gold. Anything is useful, anyone is useful. Don't make us turn you into a villan for our book or movie.
But still... we always get short-handed, stepped on, underappreciated.
We are the weirdos, the ones that live with their heads in the clouds, the "lazy" ones that spend their whole day on the computer "doing nothing" and can't close deals or use brute strenght to do their job. The ones that make up imaginary things hence things that have no value.
We know that it's not true. We know that we deserve better.
We had enough of that.
That's why we strike.
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anshelinasholie · 2 years
Sere la gata bajo la shuvia... y maushare por ti.....
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tratame-suavement3 · 1 month
Welcome back Debby! ✌🏼 shuvia y reblogs??, me agrada, como va todo!!?
todo bien y tú?🦦
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chaulohvimo · 3 months
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Shuvia no te vashas
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Shuvia Headcanons
For @gayshipshit
They love too take baths together
Nothing sexually
They just enjoy it
They go to public bath houses when they visit each other’s towns
Sherry really likes blow bubbles at Juvia
Juvia’s not entirely sure why, and Sherry won’t tell her, but she does
Juvia finds it adorable though
They are just an adorable couple, okay?
Leave them alone?
Let them be happy
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martinoramettas · 6 years
in commemoration of cris' season starting tomorrow, let's hope and pray rizha still has an argentinean accent
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marieleuge-blog · 6 years
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Inserte frase cursi en ingles aquí y deje de escribir shuvia. . . . #shuvia #rayniday #rain #lluvia #laplatacity (en La Plata, Buenos Aires)
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torreblanka · 4 years
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Disfrutando la #shuvia 🌧🌧🌧 (at Acapulco, Guerrero) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCW2OD_JYIVudO9w4HAiyglA1KaZqxN7Ywo_GY0/?igshid=vsn9g5eo446f
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shuvia-lu · 10 months
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— new FT merch 🐉✨
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yuggiooh · 4 years
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hello!! :D my computer has arrived!! im so happy and now im able to draw (≧∇≦)!! for a celebration her is Shuvia annoying (almost choking-) sans uwu
just wanted to say that all of you are so nice and i love you all! have a great day! ❤️❤️
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theguildawards · 11 months
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Congratulations @shuvia-lu!! Your artwork “Juvia” has been nominated by one of your fans for The Guild Awards, Second Term of 2023!
The Guild Awards was created by five Fairy Tail enthusiasts who want to spread the love of fandom creators all across the net, and we are very excited to give you this message!
Your work has been nominated into the following category:
Best Manga Colouring
Voting will take place after the nomination period closes, and the link to do so will be found on theguildawards tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via tumblr or reach out to one of the moderators.
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contribution to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
Nominations are open until the end of the day October 31st, PST! Submit your fanfiction/artwork nominations through our page!
For more info, see our Fired Up! post
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jflare205 · 7 years
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I imagined that Shutai would get incredibly uncomfortable if girls were to swarm him like this. Granted, he’s proud of his body, but who likes getting handled like that??? XDDD Another excuse to practice muscles. Enjoy!
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
Do you have any tips about pronunciations/specific sounds to be aware of?
Before I mention things I HIGHLY recommend using https://forvo.com/languages/es/ because you can hear native speakers from all over pronouncing things in Spanish
You'll more clearly hear the differences
It kind of depends on where you are and the accent you're talking about
In Spain you'd want to be more aware of la distinción with S/Z sounds and C sounds, but that's more of a special case; Spain generally pronounces Z and CI and CE differently compared to the rest of the Spanish-speaking world
The most important sounds to be aware of as a non-native speaker are probably LL, the GE and GI sounds vs. GUE and GUI for example, the ü sound which can surprise people, and the B/V sounds
I feel like people are generally aware of H being silent and the general ñ sound so I wouldn't include them but they're also important. Also RR which again, not as big of a deal but some people go hard on the R's.
LL in particular is regional because in some places the sound is pretty distinct, in others it can sound like a Y sound... I know in some places LL comes out sounding like a hard J sound for English, and in Argentina it comes out like a SH sound
...so depending on where you are lluvia "rain" can sound like "yuvia", "juvia", "shuvia" etc and that's always fun
https://forvo.com/word/lluvia/#es - you'll hear it more that Spain's speakers pronounce LL a little harder so it sounds like "lyuvia" a bit. Most of Latin America has it more like "yuvia" or "juvia", and Argentina is a clear SH sound
B/V is one that native speakers know very well, but many times - with the exception of proper nouns and some linguistic cases - the sounds of B and V can sound very similar; to the extent that sometimes people misspell haber as "aver" or mistake it for a ver
B/V is kind of its own fun linguistics topic
There's also a well-known tongue twister involving tuvo and tubo
As for ü (and also many words with a "ue" sound) it tends to sound like a W sound. I typically see it with G, like averiguar in subjunctive is averigüe and it sort of sounds like "gway" rather than the harder G sound. Usually if you're seeing ü it means a weaker U sound that comes out like W
As for what I said about other "ue" sounds, it's not everything but I know people who say bueno like weno.
With the exception of maybe GE and GI [sounding like English H] vs GUE and GUI [which have the harder English G sound]
...most everything I mentioned is a matter of regional pronunciation or sounding more like a native speaker
As in, if you can't roll your RRs, it's not like no one can understand you and don't worry about it, but you can sort of hear it
Same thing with B/V, English speakers have a much clearer distinction in how we pronounce words with B vs. words with V, and it does come across. If anything we sound more formal because we're pronouncing everything more clearly than a native speaker would. That's true of any language though
This is maybe more of a linguistics topic and I can recommend some things, but I feel like videos explain this better because you can hear it more (and because I could use IPA but some people don't understand it)
But definitely explore around Forvo at your leisure. It's really useful for hearing differences in accents for Spanish in particular because there are so many
(but it's also for other languages so use Forvo for all your language needs it's great)
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elbiotipo · 4 years
pregunta de vital importancia. pancho habla con acento de argentino robot, acento neutral robot, o como el mismísimo Loquendo™ ? dice esperá o espera? shuvia o iuvia o juvia?
Como el mismísimo Loquendo™ pero con palabras rioplatenses, aunque la pronunciación sigue siendo neutra... Hay moduladores de voz más ‘realistas’ disponibles y otros delfines los usan, pero Pancho ya se acostumbró al suyo y no lo quiere cambiar. A veces igual lo hace para joder nomás...
En un capítulo voy a escribir sobre que significa eso en su tren de pensamiento, o sea, como piensa tanto en el lenguaje y pensamiento delfín como el de una voz simulada que no es la suya propia.
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